Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking: The Cleverest Man of The World
Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking: The Cleverest Man of The World
Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking: The Cleverest Man of The World
The Universe in a nutshell, recently in 2001
A Briefer History of Time, recently in 2005.
His studies
Her parents lived in London, and was in that city where his
father was devoted to medical research. During World War II
London was a dangerous place, and Stephen's mother was
sent to the city of Oxford, where he was born. The family
soon returned to High gate, north London, where Stephen
began his studies.
Since 1970, Hawking began to apply his ideas prior to the study of
black holes and discovered a remarkable property: using the
quantum theory and general relativity was able to show that black
holes can emit radiation. To confirm the success made him work
from that time on the unification of both general relativity and
quantum theory. In 1971 Hawking investigated the creation of the
universe and predicted that, after the Big Bang, created many
supermassive objects (about 109 ton) the size of a proton. These
mini-black holes possess a controlled gravitational general
relativity also governed by laws of quantum mechanics that would
apply to small items.
Sites Webs
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This work is done by: Sergio Ramos Díaz.