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María Alicia Maldonado

Student’s Book and Workbook

›› Six units + a LIGHTING UP unit ›› Go for it! section presenting the unit final Project

›› Pronunciation alerts ›› My learning record for self-assessment at the end of

each unit
›› Pay attention boxes ›› CLIL section every two units
›› Grammar boxes ›› Round-off section every two units

›› Your turn! ›› Workbook aligned with the Student’s Book – provides

additional practice on grammar, vocabulary, and skills
›› Games section to consolidate what was taught in each unit


›› Rationale for the selected teaching approach ›› Reference to ways to make the classroom inclusive (IC)
›› Ideas and suggestions to approach ESI

›› View of language (Comprehensive Sexuality Education)

›› Planificación anual ›› Ideas and suggestions to approach SEL (Social and

so Emotional Learning)
›› Detailed teaching notes for every lesson, including
ideas for further practice and cultural references to ›› Ideas and suggestions to help Ss to develop 21st
favour a better use of the images in the units Century Skills

›› Pronunciation boxes with varied ideas to integrate ›› Attainment targets (AT) to cater for diversity and
phonology into the lesson different learning rhythms

›› Workbook answer key ›› Photocopiable Unit Tests, Progress Tests and a

Diagnostic Test
›› Audio scripts


›› FREE Digital Book: the complete Student’s Book ›› MEL (MyEnglishLab): interactive Workbook activities
section with audios embedded with instant correction and free writing activities, which
can be corrected by the teacher


›› Extra Grammar and Vocabulary activities (one ›› Extra Reading and Writing activities (one
downloadable worksheet per unit) downloadable worksheet per unit)


›› Photocopiable Unit tests A & B (one per unit)

›› Photocopiable Progress tests A & B (one every two units)

›› Photocopiable Diagnostic test (one per level)

Overview of the Student’s Book
Lighting Up!

In this introductory unit, we intend to help Ss to build can develop critical thinking skills. Any teacher can help
confidence in what they already know and to make the them to develop self-awareness and self-confidence by
necessary associations and connections that will enable encouraging Ss’ risk-taking.
them to learn a foreign language. This is a stage where Ss

The structure of a unit

Each unit starts with a double spread Activate section This page is devoted to working systematically on
where the unit goals are listed for Ss’ reference. A set of vocabulary. The lexical items, which have been introduced
images and some textual references will be the starting in context in the Reading section, are focused to aid
point for class discussions and / or self-reflection upon the memorisation and internalisation. Ss will develop
main topic presented. Ss will face the challenge to look in awareness of lexical categories which, in turn, are closely
detail and identify certain features, to establish connections related to grammatical categories, intonation, stress and
or to categorise elements by resorting to the previous rhythm.

knowledge they bring into the classroom.
Teachers are not expected to be controllers / transmitters ›› GRAMMAR
of knowledge in the teaching and learning process, but This section has been designed to introduce and practise
to be facilitators / enablers responding to Ss’ needs. All main grammar points. Ss will be asked to observe,
challenges are meant to make Ss aware of what they need compare, contrast and make connections. This is why the
to learn and therefore to trigger motivation. Ss will start by Grammar boxes offer blank spaces for them to complete.
activating what they already know, which might help them Ss will always be encouraged to work out the presented
to acquire new knowledge. Then, they will spot the new structures by analysing the hints provided in each section.
lexis, grammar and phonology, and learn to incorporate They will also be prompted to discover the hidden
these. Through interactions with the content and help from patterns and then use them in contextualised exercises.
their teacher and peers, Ss will design their own way to Further explanation of ‘how’ and ‘when’ the structures
approach new concepts. are used is given to support Ss’ discovery. Some Pay

Closing this section, a preview of the final project is attention! boxes will warn Ss about issues that might lead
introduced in the Think it up! box. It will lead Ss to prepare them to making mistakes.
for the final project. This way, Ss will know in advance
what they are expected to do by the end of the unit. As the ›› LISTENING AND SPEAKING
unit develops, they will also find suggested instructions to This section presents situations that enhance lexis,
advance their projects in the In action! boxes. grammar and phonology in preparation for the listening
task. Ss look for details which serve as hints to interpret the
›› READING contexts in which conversations or speech take place. Ss
There is a wide range of interesting and up-to-date content will always be exposed to authentic speech, but adapted
presented in varied text types, such as: blog entries, to their pace according to the level of proficiency. The
social networks, magazine and newspaper online articles, series follows a spiral approach, so all topics presented in
interviews and diaries. Ss will identify different genres by the audios are closely related to the target vocabulary and
analysing the format of the realia presented. They will also grammar introduced in each unit.
be encouraged to draw meaning from context in order After solving each listening task, Ss are asked to interact
to grasp content as well as to select different reading in pair or groups. Clear communication goals involve Ss in
strategies, e.g. skimming and scanning to anticipate or
real communication activities by resorting to the linguistic
predict ideas presented in the text.
content introduced in the unit, and also by reusing content
Analogy and opposition are some hints that will help Ss to from previous units.
develop both learning and productive strategies which will
The selection of topics based on Ss’ interests
enhance autonomy in the teaching and learning process.
provides the necessary motivation to engage them
All the texts introduce topics that offer opportunities to in communication activities. It also helps them to
reflect upon values and beliefs, helping Ss to develop their develop their language proficiency while taking part in
social and emotional skills. meaningful communication tasks.

›› WRITING Once the text has been read, Ss are encouraged to reflect
Our view of writing is not constrained to teaching how on how they deal with the issues presented in their
to write ‘end products’. We consider writing as a means everyday life.
to learning, and this perspective is present in all sections
of the book. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that in every ›› ROUND OFF
Writing section there are boxes which provide Ss with Every two units, Ss will be provided with an assessment
useful tips to approach or achieve accurate writing. A page to self-assess their proficiency in the use of
model text is always provided for Ss to start by trying language as meaningful communication in context. This
parallel writing. Both formal and informal pieces are page offers exercises by which Ss will test their skills to
presented and analysed. The communicative purpose use the linguistic content practised in the units. Ss will
is never left behind. Ss are expected to write for real use vocabulary they have learned but, since the topics
communication. presented are not exactly the same as the ones introduced
Ss approach writing from a process writing perspective as in the units, they will also be able to approach the language
a step towards autonomy. They are provided with feedback experimentally. They will perceive themselves as capable
to enable them to edit their work either on their own or of using language in context to express what they actually
working through peer assessment. The final product is want to say.
presented to the class or corrected by the teacher. Since most of the exercises are contextualised, Ss will
reinforce their knowledge of the linguistic contents while
›› GO FOR IT! they make authentic use of language.
As mentioned before, the final project is presented in the

Think it up! box at the end of the Activate section for Ss to ›› GAMES
know what they are expected to do by the end of the unit. In order to add some fun to the learning process, there are
This anticipates Ss how the linguistic content of the unit four pages with games at the end of the Student’s Book.
will help them to achieve their final aim. The first two pages present games to practise contents
Every final project’s aim is to pose a challenge to the introduced in the different units. The other two pages have
student and focuses their attention on real communication board games to round off the first three units with the
rather than on accuracy. Ss will be learning linguistic former and the second three units with the latter. These
activities can be used by pairs or small groups, helping
content while communicating in real-life contexts.
teachers to focus on Ss who need more attention while the
The projects also give Ss a chance to use ICT (Information fast-finishers go on practising using enjoyable material.
and Communication Technology), because the ability to use
technology is a prerequisite in today’s world. Ss will find a Your turn! box at the end of some tasks which
will help them to reflect on some special issues and to

The oral presentations in front of their classmates and personalise learned content.
teacher help Ss to become self-aware and develop self-
control, essential for their social and emotional learning. A pair-work icon invites Ss to work on authentic interaction
since they will be exchanging real information while they
personalise the new knowledge they acquire.
This section helps Ss to work on self-assessment. It Remember boxes highlight some features of English that might
presents a grid with the expected outcomes and the lead to confusion or to mistakes which could be prevented.
possibility to grade their advance as ‘Very well’, ‘I can
manage’ or ‘I need to revise’. These categories imply that ›› WORKBOOK
Ss’ results are not numerical. They are self-evaluating their The integrated Workbook at the end of the Student’s
performance from a qualitative perspective. This practice Book provides further intensive and discrete point practice
aims at empowering Ss in their learning process until they which helps Ss to reinforce the linguistic content presented
are able to learn on their own. In order to achieve this aim, in each unit. Therefore, classroom time can be used to
Ss need to be critical about their efforts and outcomes. focus mostly on comprehension and interaction tasks.
Nevertheless, even though all the activities are suitable
›› CLIL for self-study, they could also be used in class. This is
Even though we follow a cross-curricular approach – and possible because the Workbook follows the same order as
all units develop topics that can be associated with other the Student’s Book, so the activities can be intermingled
school subjects – every two units, a CLIL section has through the teaching process.
been integrated to offer Ss the opportunity to work on The listening comprehension section can be given as
extensive reading. Topics have been carefully selected homework because Ss can access the audio files from the
to fit Ss’ interests. They are updated and appealing to MyEnglishLab platform. In this way, each S will have the
promote reading for pleasure while reinforcing reading possibility of working at their own pace. The correction of the
comprehension skills. exercises can be used as a rounding-off activity in class.

Overview of the Teacher’s Book
The Teacher’s Book introduces the rationale which underlies the series. It provides plenty of suggestions to improve and vary
classroom activities. A description of the teaching intention of each lesson is developed in all units. In this way, it is a real
teacher companion in the process of teaching and learning. Besides, the book presents cultural information which facilitates
discussion of the images in the Activate section. It also provides answers to the exercises in the order they appear in the
Student’s Book.
The Teacher’s Book also offers teaching tips on classroom management, warm-up activities and further extra practice for
most lessons. There are also Pronunciation tips to integrate phonology in the Language lesson as a way to help teachers to
implement a cognitive-functional teaching perspective.

ATTAINMENT TARGET (AT) Culture awareness (CA)

We know that each S is unique and learns at their own Language and culture are tied together. Understanding
pace. Not all Ss will achieve the same level of proficiency a language demands our understanding of the culture
at the same time. Ss should be encouraged to understand in which it develops. This section aims at highlighting
that errors are not a bad thing but steps towards better similarities and / or differences between Ss’ own
learning. In this section basic attainment targets, as well as culture and that of English-speaking people for a better
possible errors, are presented to accompany the teaching comprehension of the language under study. Reflecting
and learning process. on these issues will help Ss perceive different views of the
world and to respect them.

Comprehensive Sexuality
Education (ESI)

so Language awareness (LA)

This section offers some hints to help learners to reflect and Part of Ss’ construction of knowledge demands reflection
finally make informed decisions as regards issues related to about how English and Spanish compare. The identification
human development, identity, relationships, gender diversity, of the similarities and differences between the native
society and individual rights. Every unit deals with topics
language (Spanish) and the language they are studying
which can serve as a basis for the discussion of these issues. (English) will help them incorporate the new linguistic
concepts and lessen the risk of interference of their mother
tongue in their use of English. On certain occasions,
discussions will help Ss understand that there are different

kinds of English and Spanish used by native and non-

native speakers and that they are all to be respected.

21st Century Skills

›› Information and Communication Technology Literacy

(ICT Literacy)
The units present a project which can be completed using
ICT. Ss are guided to surf the internet safely and use
different applications to prepare their presentations and
to display their productions. This practice will eventually
enable Ss to make use of ICT to carry out surveys, fill in
forms, create and interpret infographics, design slideshows
and videos, and to insert audio files.

›› Critical Thinking
Ss need to develop critical thinking to be able to understand
the world and their interlocutor’s second thoughts. The
units present challenges for Ss to solve by reading contexts,
observing images, finding hints in texts and pictures,
interpreting intonation and body language. They will have to
solve the tasks individually, then exchange ideas in pairs or
small groups and finally discuss their answers with the whole

class. This progressive approach to general discussions will Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
give them the opportunity to develop their own thinking. As
they exchange ideas with more peers, they will become aware
of how much they have to think before taking a decision Teachers are not instructors who transmit knowledge.
because they will have to support their own views. We are educators. This implies that we address the
whole person when we teach. It is important we help Ss
to acquire academic knowledge, but it is not enough. If
›› Creativity
Ss do not know how to establish positive relationships
The 21st century presents individuals with new challenges, in society, they are bound to fail no matter how
which are the result of new developments. Many tasks Ss knowledgeable they are. On the other side, a person who
are presented with pose the kinds of challenges whose may have difficulties in learning something can succeed if
answers or solutions will not be found in books or videos. he / she knows who to join, how to ask for help and when
This will help Ss to find their own way out by using their he / she needs to do so. These are skills that our Ss will
creativity. be able to develop if we understand that education goes
beyond the transmission of information in the classroom.
›› Individual and Social Responsibility The Teacher’s Book gives many tips on how to include
Ss have to work on projects throughout the units. They will social and emotional learning in everyday interactions. Ss
divide and share responsibilities. This experience will help will develop their self-awareness and awareness of others
them to develop awareness of how individual responsibility which, together with empathy, will facilitate their enriching
impacts on group results. At the same time, they will interaction with the world.
perceive how working together provides individual Ss the

necessary help for everybody to reach the outcome together
›› Communication
Communication implies not only speaking but also listening,
reading and writing. By means of tasks presented in the
course, Ss will learn to communicate meaningfully and to
respect each other’s points of view. They will understand
that we have to accept other people’s opinions even when
we disagree with them. They will learn turn-taking and
register, among other communication features that will help
them get their messages across.

›› Collaboration
Ss will collaborate to complete projects and to achieve
aims. They will experience success and failure together and
will learn not to blame others when the results might not be
as expected.

Inclusive Classroom (IC)

Individuals see reality according to their own experiences.

It is only natural that different perspectives are expressed
in classroom discussions. This section offers some hints as
regards how to help Ss to respect other classmates’ views.
They should see differences as a possibility to grow. They
don’t need to share perspectives but to respect differences.
A relevant difference that can be noticed among Ss is the
degree of difficulty that each S has to learn English. Some
tips are offered to help slower Ss, to avoid their feeling
embarrassed in front of their classmates.

Our view of language

Light Up is a five-level series conceived to help Ss to learn Communication is the primary function of language,
English from a cognitive-functional view of language, which has an impact in the form that language takes, and
integrating syntax, lexis and prosodic features (stress, grammar is important as long as it serves this purpose. We
intonation and rhythm) to build meaning in context. logically think of language in use.
Any change in meaning implies a change in grammar, and When we understand a language, we also understand our
prosodic features add to the communicative intention of the conceptual world. The notion of concept refers to a person’s
speaker in a particular context, i.e. a particular intonation idea of the world around. Conceptualization is dynamic
can express different meanings according to the context in because we reconstruct our concepts as we interact with
which it is used. other people’s views.

Our view of the teaching and learning process

The series proposes a learning-centred stance, in which Ss considered a means to develop memorable learning,
are guided to discover how much of their learning they are so tasks enhance Ss’ skills for making connections and
able to construe by themselves. drawing conclusions. The possibility to reflect upon their
own experiences and to review their own beliefs about

It focuses on meaningful use of language. Thus, the aim of
everyday issues is also encouraged. Ss will be able to
the series goes beyond the idea of teaching rules of use.
acknowledge how much they are doing well, how much
From a reflective approach to learning, it aims at educating
they might change and how much they will have to
learners, providing them opportunities to think critically,
accept as different choices to interact with other people.
reflect and develop self-awareness and empathy.
This practice allows social and emotional learning to be
The guiding principle is to help Ss to develop interwoven with contents. Even though language study in
communication and collaboration skills. This demands, each unit provides Ss with the necessary tools to develop
first of all, that they clearly understand what they want accuracy, the focus is placed on enhancing Ss’ participation
to express. Secondly, that they are aware of the possible in authentic and meaningful discussion.
impact of what they want to say on others, as well as that
Following a spiral approach towards learning, the series
they are able to put their ideas into words so that people
facilitates Ss’ recycling of linguistic contents and the
understand exactly what they mean.
acquisition of new knowledge. Ss will practise linguistic

From the very beginning, the units present a wide variety content systematically while they get engaged in
of images to activate Ss’ recall of concepts they are significant tasks.
already acquainted with. Some of these concepts will be
The final projects introduced as a goal at the beginning of
transferred to the second language context and others will
each unit facilitate the negotiation between teachers and
just serve as a trigger for reflection.
Ss as regards planning details and assessment methods.
Ss’ interests, learning styles and stages of cognitive At the same time, they aid Ss in taking responsibility
development are paramount to decide on the tasks set for their own learning process while group cohesion is
for them. The process of discovering on their own is developed by working together to achieve a common aim.

Pedagogical proposal
21st Century Skills

We are aware of the fact that nobody ‘owns’ knowledge lesson by lesson, to achieve a common aim. These projects are
because it develops so fast that we need to update information slide shows, poster or poem presentations, drama activities,
every day. Companies hire workers who are ready to work in videos etc., which demand digital literacy and multimodal
collaboration with others, who are good at communicating and communication skills.
who have their minds open to discard knowledge they thought
Ss will also gain proficiency at using ICT, which is important
was right and to incorporate new knowledge instead. Even
for their future development. However, if Ss don’t have access
though we cannot deny the value of acquired information, we
to technological devices or connectivity, they can produce their
have to accept that knowing how to access information might
Project resorting to poster presentations, cards, dramatizations
sometimes be more useful than having information ourselves.
and the like. The aim of this stage is to help learners perceive
Every unit has a final project which Ss will have to complete in how they can communicate their own ideas in the new
groups and every member of the group has to work in order language.
to achieve the final goal. This practice enhances collaboration,
There are many problem-solving situations in the units so that
creativity, communication, critical thinking, and individual and
Ss develop their critical thinking while they discover correlations,
social responsibility.
make connections and find core issues working individually, in
Ss will develop group cohesion while they work together, pairs or groups.

Social and Emotional Learning

Teaching in this 21st century poses a serious demand on developed at very early stages of our cognitive development.
teachers: we have to educate. We are not only transmitting The upper layer shows the everyday attitudes and behaviour
knowledge. As stated above, we would not be able to that can be easily modified by instructions and decisions taken
‘own’ knowledge as it develops so fast. We should focus on at the moment we act. The middle layer is the one we address.1
helping Ss to become successful citizens of this world, which It is the area ruled by emotional intelligence and which can be
demands the development of self-awareness and interpersonal modified on the basis of experiences. Here we can help Ss to
awareness as well as individual and social responsibility. reflect and take informed decisions. They can learn to know
Light Up is meant to help teachers and learners to work on themselves in depth and thus establish a better relationship
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). with others.

The topics and tasks presented aim at enhancing experiential There are many instances in which Ss can develop social

learning. Our identity has been described as a three-layered awareness, and relationship skills which will guide them into
cake: the bottom is formed by personality characteristics self-management and responsible decision-making.2 There is
that have been genetically transferred, or which have been advice on how to deal with this in every unit.

Comprehensive sexuality education (ESI)

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (ESI) emphasizes a skills and develop positive attitudes and values. ESI is an
holistic approach to human development and sexuality. approach that recognises and promotes: human rights;
According to UNESCO documents, sexuality education knowledge, values and skills necessary for HIV prevention;
provides young people with the knowledge, skills and efficacy and gender equality.
to make informed decisions about their sexuality and lifestyle.3
This section offers some hints to help learners to reflect and
This issue is considered as part of the context of emotional finally make informed decisions as regards issues related to
and social development. We understand that the provision human development, identity, relationships, gender diversity,
of information alone is not enough so we will try to give society and individual rights. Every unit deals with topics that
adolescents the opportunity to acquire essential life can serve as a basis for the discussion of these matters.

SPARROW and KNIGHT (2006) Applied EI. The Importance of Attitudes in Developing Emotional Intelligence. TJ International Ltd, Padstow,
Cornwall, UK
BOWKET and PERCIVAL (2011) Coaching Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom. Routledge New York, NY.
3 [accessed 2019-05-07].

Inclusive Classroom (IC)

There are many instances in which Ss discuss issues that Another issue we care about is the lower level of proficiency
might be perceived differently. They are used to help Ss to some Ss might have. Ss will work on peer assessment and
develop empathy and respect for others’ points of view. They small-group assessment before sharing with the whole class.
will understand that we do not need to share perspectives This practice grants weaker Ss the opportunity to understand
to accept them. We can go on thinking the same and the topic and solve tasks individually first, with the help of a
acknowledge others’ right to have a different opinion. peer later and within a small-group sharing after that.

Attainment TargetS (AT)

The aim of a lesson will always be to enable Ss to become Not all Ss will reach the highest standard, but they will be
proficient and effective at using the English language. considered to have achieved the aim if their performance is
Nevertheless, some priorities are established so that comprehensible in interaction. This is clearly stated in the
teachers can consider proficiency degrees to assess Ss. Teacher’s Book.


We try to help Ss to become independent learners, so that some grammatical inaccuracies. It also includes social and
they go on learning when they come to the end of their school emotional skills, which adds an instance of reflection about
careers. This requires that they can be critical about their personal growth.
achievements. To aid this process, Ss have the possibility to
Besides, there is a Self-check page at the end of every unit in
work on peer assessment.
the Workbook. Ss can confirm what they have learned. Doing
Ss are also encouraged to carry out self-assessment. There is all the tasks will help Ss to review what they have learned
a My learning record grid at the end of each unit where they before they do the end of unit test.
can check what they can do with the contents learned.
This grid is not based only on grammar points, but it also
pinpoints functions of language, which may allow for

How and why to use MyEnglishLab
Light Up believes in the potential Ss have to learn and, at the MyEnglishLab (MEL) platform. Ss will be able to complete
same time, acknowledges that each S is an individual with activities and self-assess their performance interactively. The
their own learning needs. We try to cater for their individual audios are embedded, so Ss will be able to listen to them as
needs but if we did that in the classroom only, we would have many times as they need to. This reinforces the idea of having
limited results. We believe that Ss should be granted the an inclusive classroom, because all Ss will have the possibility
opportunity to learn at their own pace in their own time. This is to achieve their learning aims.
made possible by the implementation of blended learning. We foster the idea that education should not be constrained
The 21 century has put ICT at the core of education. We
st to the four walls of a classroom. If Ss work independently on
need to help Ss to become digital citizens who can access some theory or vocabulary in their own time, their classroom
information autonomously and be prepared to meet the time will be enriched. Ss will come to the classroom prepared
demands of their future working career. They need to to interact more proficiently and teachers will be able to
learn to discriminate between reliable and unreliable online focus on developing them further. Teachers can present Ss
information. A great way to start is by giving Ss some with problem-solving tasks, which will enhance authentic
homework in which they have to interact with technology communication.
and handle information. These tasks will either be the kick- If teachers opt for working with the MEL platform, they can
off of their learning or the summarising instance of learning follow the Ss’ progress and see how they are learning, which
that has started in the classroom. We claim that Ss need difficulties they cannot overcome or how they improve their
to move forward at their own pace. Working at home with performance, as they work on the platform. Teachers can also
extra material guarantees this process. Ss have access to keep a track of Ss progress and add extra material for those
systematic practice and immediate feedback by using the who need more or differentiated practice.

Guide to access MyEnglishLab

›› Registration Step 1: Creating a course
To use MyEnglishLab as an instructor, you will need to 1. Go to and enter your
register an instructor access code. This will allow you to Username and Password.
review course content, create a course, assign work to Ss
and monitor Ss’ performance. 2. Click on Light Up.

Step 1: Creating an account or signing in 3. Click on the Settings tab.

1. G
 o to Sign in or create an 4. Under Course management, click on Create a new

account in the Pearson English Portal. course.

2. Y
 ou can either create a new account or sign-in if you 5. Click on New course and then click on Next.
already have a Pearson English Portal account. 6. Enter the Course name and Course end date, and then
A. Click on Create an account to set up a new account. select the product and level from the Product drop-
down list.
 nter your existing Username and Password and then
B. E
click on Sign in. 7. Click on Submit.

 hen creating a new account, choose An Adult

3. W 8. The course summary page shows the Course name,
Account, click on Get started and enter your Personal Course ID, Product, and Course end date. Share the
information Course ID with your Ss wishing to join your course. Click
on Print to generate a PDF with the course information.
4. Enter your Account information. You can save the PDF in your computer so as to have the
 eview your information and then click on Create
5. R information at hand whenever you need it.
account. Step 2: Customizing a course
Step 2: Entering your access code. You can change gradebook settings, the default settings
1. Enter your Access code. published with your course or add resources to your course
(PDF, Word documents, etc.).
›› Creating and customizing a course 1. Click on the Settings tab.
To assign activities and monitor the performance of your 2. Under Course Management, click on Manage for the
Ss, they must be part of your course. course you would like to customize.

›› Enrolling Students 4. Under Register single student, enter the student's
1. Click on the Settings tab. information.

2. Under Course management, click on Manage for the course. 5. Click on Submit.

3. Under Manage students, click on Register new



Light Up follows a continuous assessment perspective. At the end of each unit, Ss have the My Learning Record
Every activity presented is thought for Ss to receive grid in which they have the possibility to reflect on their
immediate feedback. Even though Ss start on some tasks progress. The grid is prepared in terms of functions of
on their own, they are invited to share their answers with the language because Ss are expected to reflect on
a classmate to work on peer correction. After sharing what they can actually do with language and not to
with one or two classmates, there is a whole classroom enumerate the structures and vocabulary items they have
checking session led by the teacher. In this way, no one memorised. There are also some items referring to social
is left behind. Ss will have an opportunity to receive and emotional learning aspects for Ss to develop self-
immediate feedback and explanations they need to keep awareness.
up with the pace of the lessons.
There is also an instance of summative evaluation every
On occasions, Ss may work orally in the classroom to then two units, in the Round off section, as it is important to
complete the writing activity as homework. This practice will help Ss to meet the standards established by the Ministries
enable Ss to work on self-assessment and identify the points of Education.
in which they need further explanation and / or extra practice.

Summative and formative assessment

We have different reasons to assess our Ss, but our main have learned.
aim is to help them to learn, and to help them to learn

But all this is only part of the assessment. Ss have to
independently. These aims can be fulfilled through systematic
meet some standards that enable them to go on studying
work and formative assessment in the classroom. Teaching
anywhere they might go. Light up offers summative
should be organised in the following ways:
so assessment based on the Global Scale of English (GSE),
›› Assessment is part of the teaching and learning routine the first truly global English language standard, which
so that it does not stress Ss. They will understand allows teachers to measure learners’ progress more
assessment as an essential part of their learning accurately and easily. It extends the Common European
process. Framework of Reference (CEFR) by pinpointing on a scale
›› Form the beginning, Ss know what they are going to from 10 to 90 what needs to be mastered for the four skills
be assessed on, how and when the assessment will of speaking, listening, reading and writing within a CEFR
take place, and what they are expected to do. This is level. It gives teachers the possibility to select the right
possible if teachers and Ss go through the goals of the learning objectives, grammar and vocabulary required for
units and agree on ways and times of assessment from their learners to move onto the next level.

the start. Besides, the Think it up! box introduces the

In Light Up you will find:
final project and Ss are given guidelines to work on it in
the In action! boxes throughout the unit. Ss complete ›› A self-check page on every unit of the Workbook,
tasks which will be part of the final presentation. In where Ss will work on self-assessment from a
the writing section, Ss are given a model to follow to quantitative perspective.
produce their own writing. All exercises are checked in ›› A set of tests organised in a graded way:
pairs and as whole class peer assessment. Even the ›› A diagnostic test, which gives teachers and Ss a
Games section provides an instance of assessment, starting point for the teaching and learning process.
which is quite relaxed. Ss are assessed on their previous knowledge and
›› Ss receive immediate feedback. We should remember / or their potential to learn. This test does not have
that, in order to motivate our Ss, we need to help them a feedback in scores. Moreover, Ss can self-assess
to perceive themselves as capable of learning. We their performance based on learning objectives
have to give them positive feedback and a message of from the GSE.
belief in their potential to learn. ›› Unit tests (version A in the Teacher’s Book and
›› When it is possible, we should help Ss to construe version B on the Teacher’s website) to assess Ss’s
their own concepts, so that they memorise them and progress after each unit.
make them theirs. ›› Three progress tests (A and B), one every two
›› The feedback we give our Ss should enable them to units. They are progress tests, since they assess
understand and correct their errors. contents in a cumulative way. The first test
›› Ss become aware of their achievements. At the end of assesses units 1 and 2; the second test assesses
each unit, Ss will complete the My learning record grid units 1 to 4 and the last test assesses all the units.
where they can self-assess their knowledge in terms
of what they can actually do with the language they

We aim at educating the whole person and to enable Ss classroom. Light Up aims at giving Ss opportunities to grow
to become autonomous citizens in the 21st century world. as individuals who can understand and accept both their
They need to learn how to evaluate their potential day by strengths and weaknesses. Getting used to working with
day. A steady work on self-assessment will enable them to summative and formative assessment grants them the chance
do so. At the same time, they will need to accept feedback of learning to know themselves and to know others, and to
and suggestions from their work partners. They will understand the value of acknowledging our weaknesses
develop this capacity by working on peer assessment in the which, ultimately, makes us grow as whole people.


The Global Scale of English (GSE) is a standardised, The Teacher’s toolkit

granular scale that measures English language proficiency.
The GSE Teacher Toolkit is a free tool which contains a
Using the Global Scale of English, students and teachers global standard of reference developed by Pearson over a
can now answer three questions accurately: Exactly how number of years in collaboration with teachers, ELT authors
good is my English? What progress have I made towards and language experts from around the world. It is an online,
my learning goal? What do I need to do next if I want to searchable database. Teachers can select the range that
improve? corresponds to the coursebook they are teaching, and filter
it by skill. This list can be downloaded and can be used as
Unlike some other frameworks that measure English a personal checklist. It can also be shared with learners for

proficiency in broad bands, the Global Scale of English them to be able to see their progress. This can tap into their
identifies what a learner can do at each point on a scale motivation for they may feel it is worth making an effort to
from 10 to 90, across each of the four skills (listening, advance in their learning process.
reading, speaking and writing) as well as the enabling
skills of grammar and vocabulary. This allows learners and Visit to
teachers to understand a learner’s exact level of proficiency, access the Teacher Toolkit.
what progress they have made and what they need to
learn next.
The Global Scale of English is designed to motivate
learners by making it easier to demonstrate granular
progress in their language ability. Teachers can use their
knowledge of their students’ GSE levels to choose course

materials that are precisely matched to their ability and

learning goals. The Global Scale of English serves as a
standard against which English language courses and
assessment worldwide can be benchmarked, offering
a truly global and shared understanding of language
proficiency levels.
Visit for more information about the
Global Scale of English.
to download the GSE syllabus and descriptors.

Planificación anual
Producto Expectativas
Unidad final de logro Uso de la lengua

Habilidades del Articulación de

Estilos textuales contenidos con
y géneros siglo 21
otras áreas

Unidad de inicio • Email informal • Comunicación y

Los alumnos podrán: colaboración

• Intercambiar información personal • Trabajo de a pares
• Pedir y dar consejos • Trabajo en grupos
• Hablar sobre anécdotas pequeños
• Hablar sobre experiencias • Presentaciones
• Hablar sobre normas y obligaciones frente a pares
Lighting • Expresar predicciones, posibilidades • Manejo de TICs
y probabilidades
Up! • Expresar opinión y deseo Procesador de texto
• Utilizar los condicionales de tipo 0 y 1
• Hablar sobre ambiciones personales Lectura y redacción
de emails
Representación Los alumnos podrán: • Guión de obra • Literatura: Guión
de una obra de • Hablar sobre establecerse en un nuevo de teatro Búsqueda de de una obra de teatro
teatro de un hogar información
acto, escrita por • Hablar sobre caracteres y personalidad • Ciencias sociales:
los alumnos. • Hablar sobre ropa, materiales y diseños • Pensamiento Negocios y compras

• Utilizar cláusulas para dar más crítico:

1 información sobre personas, animales Evaluación de la Características de

y lugares Información la personalidad
• Hablar sobre hechos que suceden
todos los días y los que suceden en el • Software para • Arte: Decorado y
Settling momento de hablar crear: vestuario de la
collage, video
Down • Identificar prefijos y sufijos en adjetivos
y sustantivos presentaciones,
obra de teatro

• Leer e interpretar obras de teatro de encuestas en

una escena línea, póster
• Utilizar pistas para identificar dónde se multimedial,
lleva a cabo una conversación audio, blogs y
• Actuar en una obra de teatro páginas web

Día de contar Los alumnos podrán: • Noticia • Pensamiento • Ciencias sociales:

historias en la • Revisar el uso de tiempos narrativos periodística en creativo: El significado de
escuela • Combinar los tiempos narrativos para una revista collage, video Notre-Dame

contar historias • Artículo presentaciones,

• Utilizar elementos secuenciadores para periodístico en póster, • Lengua:

2 organizar una historia un diario en multimedial, Organización de

• Reportar hechos pasados línea audio, blogs y un cuento
• Decir cómo los hechos pasados • Relato corto páginas web
influyen en el presente anécdota • Arte: Lectura
• Responsabilidad
Notre- • Reforzar el significado de adjetivos y
adverbios individual
dramatizada de
un cuento
Dame on • Utilizar la entonación para guiar a quien Intervención en
escucha proyectos
Fire • Involucrar a la audiencia
• Responsabilidad
Encuestas, reporte
de resultados

Presentación Los alumnos podrán: • Página de • Ciencias sociales:

con diapositivas • Hablar acerca de hechos pasados opinión de una Estilos de vida
sobre cómo • Describir una secuencia de hechos revista para
algunas • Resaltar hechos importantes en una turistas • Arte:

personas línea de tiempo • Anécdotas Presentación con
se volvieron • Hablar sobre viajes • Línea de tiempo diapositivas
famosas • Hablar sobre problemas en los viajes • Descripción de
• Usar pronombres reflexivos eventos en una
• Relatar cómo los viajes cambiaron la línea de tiempo
A Hard vida de algunas personas
Day's Life

14 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education

Reflexión Contenidos

Aprendizaje socio- ESI

(Educación Intercultural Lexicales Gramaticales Fonológicos
sexual integral)

• Autoconocimiento • Las reglas del • Normas en • Información personal • Verbo to be – • Entonación de oraciones
Reflexión aula incluyen los viajes • Viajes Presente Simple y y preguntas
sobre actitudes respeto de • Planes de viaje Pasado Simple • Entonación como
personales elecciones • Problemas domésticos • Presente Simple organizadora del discurso
personales. • Gente a cargo de • Presente Contínuo
• Auto-control • Los roles en reparaciones • Pasado Simple
Participación la familia no • Consejos • Presente Perfecto
respetuosa en dependen del • Propósitos para el año Simple
discusiones género. • Futuro con will
• Futuro con going to
• Motivación • Oraciones condicionales
Estímulo a través del tipo 0 y 1
de solución de
problemas y juego • Los desafíos • Cómo • Trabajo y hobbies • Presente Simple • Pronunciación de los
de roles de vivir solos viven los • Gustos y preferencias: like / • Presente Continuo ítems lexicales
• La ropa y el estudiantes enjoy / love / don’t mind / hate • Presente Simple y • Uso de foco para resaltar
Juegos didácticos sexismo lejos de su + -ing Presente Continuo información.
hogar • Ropa: diseños y materiales • Proposiciones • Entonación de preguntas

• Empatía • La Let me introduce my family relativas con who, para confirmación
Respeto por vestimenta • Expresiones: they are dressed which, where • Entonación de preguntas
opiniones ajenas de acuerdo a up in my honour • Sustantivos relativos para información
la región y el I miss him so much! a la personalidad • Entonación como
• Conciencia social clima
soPoor thing! • Adjetivos relativos a expresión de emociones
Valoración del • Negocios y It takes me back to my old la personalidad y sus • Entonación como
esfuerzo individual hábitos de good times! opuestos. Prefijos: organizadora del discurso
en función del bien compras You’re kidding! in-, un-, dis-
común Parts of a script
Title, setting, scene, props,
• Habilidades para characters, costumes, stage
relacionarse directions
Trabajo de a pares
y grupal
• No hay • El valor de • Adjetivos que describen • Pasado Simple y • Pronunciación de los ítems
• Toma de distinción de Notre-Dame experiencias personales Pasado Continuo lexicales
decisiones género en la • Las • Colocaciones- experiencias • Presente Perfecto • Pronunciación de forma

responsable elección de expresiones • Intensificadores Simple y Pasado fuerte y débil de /hæv/

Planificación de ocupaciones idiomáticas • Expresiones: Simple /həv/ /əv/ /v/ /hæz/ /həz/
tareas para el son reflejo de Telling anecdotes and stories • Been / gone /əz/ /z/
proyecto final la cultura. from the past • So – Such • Entonación de oraciones
• Usamos I finally gave in • So / Such … that … afirmativas, negativas y
Ensayo previo a las entonación I couldn’t help shouting out preguntas
presentaciones ascendente of fear • Cambio de foco para
para all of a sudden enfatizar.
Diferencia involucrar a We were helping the • Entonación como
entre realidad y la audiencia orphanage after all. organizadora del discurso
percepción en historias I couldn’t believe my eyes
que vamos a I don’t understand your jokes!
contar. Take it easy! It’s just material
It’s just a joke!

• Todos • Personas • Medios de transporte: • Tiempos pasados: • Pronunciación de vocales,

tenemos resilientes del ferrocarril, tierra, aire, mar • Pasado Simple y grupos consonantes
oportunidades mundo • Categorías de pasajes Pasado Continuo iniciales con /st/ y
para superar • Problemas de viaje - • Pasado Perfecto y consonantes finales
nuestros colocaciones Pasado Simple • Pronunciación del
problemas • Expresiones: • Pasado Simple y Pasado Participio
Travelling anecdotes Presente Perfecto • Pronunciación de formas
... was getting on a carriage. Simple fuertes y débiles de
... to give passengers a better • Pronombres /hæv/ /həv/ /əv/ /v/ y
flying experience. reflexivos /hæz/ /həz/ /əz/ /z/
... who has lived on a cruise • Each other / one • Pronunciación de /h/ en
ship ... another oposición a /x/
• Entonación como signo
de marcación
• Entonación como
organizadora del discurso

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education 15

Planificación anual
Producto Expectativas
Unidad final de logro Uso de la lengua

Habilidades del Articulación de

Estilos textuales contenidos con
y géneros siglo 21
otras áreas

Un museo Los alumnos podrán: • Quiz • Comunicación y • TICs:

virtual de • Hablar sobre hábitos en el pasado • Artículo en una colaboración Avances

tecnología • Contrastar hábitos pasados y revista en línea • Trabajo de a pares tecnológicos
presentes • Texto de • Trabajo en grupos
• Hablar sobre ambiciones opinión pequeños • Ciencias sociales:
• Hablar sobre situaciones hipotéticas • Presentaciones Nuevas
• Valorar el desarrollo tecnológico frente a pares generaciones
• Manejo de TICs
Memory Procesador de texto

Lane Lectura y redacción

de emails

Búsqueda de
Explicar las Los alumnos podrán: • Artículo en una información • TICs:
invenciones, • Hablar sobre algunos problemas que página científica Diseño de modelos
su utilidad y su afectan al medio ambiente • Titulares • Pensamiento en 3D

funcionamiento • Hablar de cómo evitar dañar el periodísticos crítico:
en una feria de medio ambiente Evaluación de la
• Publicación en la
ciencias • Explicar cómo afectamos al Información
página del curso

medio ambiente con nuestro
so • Software para
crear: • Biología:
• Utilizar la voz pasiva para cambiar el
collage, video Los problemas
foco de atención
presentaciones, ambientales y cómo
• Reportar instrucciones, solicitudes y
encuestas en combatirlos
Environmental • Describir adminículos y sus usos línea, póster
Issues • Hablar sobre diversos materiales multimedial,
• Identificar materiales ecológicos audio, blogs y
• Reformular y crear nuevos titulares páginas web
• Diseñar adminículos ideales para
combatir la contaminación • Pensamiento
collage, video

Presentaciones Los alumnos podrán: • Artículo en una multimedial, • TICs:
individuales • Hablar sobre la organización de un revista escolar audio, blogs y Presentación con
de canciones espectáculo cultural en línea páginas web diapositivas o

favoritas que • Valorar sus antepasados y su cultura • Diálogo póster en línea
contienen un • Reportar lo que la gente dice • Informe policial • Responsabilidad
mensaje • Hablar acerca del crimen y los sobre un crimen individual • Ciencias sociales:
criminales Intervención en Mensaje de las
• Escribir un informe de un incidente proyectos letras de canciones
• Usar la entonación para expresar
Tell me sentimientos • Responsabilidad • Arte:
Everything • Identificar el origen de ciertas social Selección de
reacciones imágenes para
about It! • Identificar el mensaje dado por la
Encuestas, reporte
de resultados representar ideas
letra de canciones
• Decir por qué les gusta una canción

16 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education

Reflexión Contenidos

Aprendizaje socio- ESI

(Educación Intercultural Lexicales Gramaticales Fonológicos
sexual integral)

• Autoconocimiento • No hay • Baby • Ambiciones • Used to • Pronunciación de /wʊd/

Reflexión ambiciones boomers, • Desarrollo tecnológico • Would like • Pronunciación de ítems
sobre actitudes puramente millennials y • Expresiones: • Condicional tipo 2 lexicales
personales femeninas o generación Z Baby boomers • Condicionales tipo 0, • Entonación como
masculinas Millennials 1 and 2 comparados organizadora del discurso
• Auto-control Centennials – Generation Z
Participación Dialogue with Grandpa
respetuosa en And not only that!
discusiones We didn’t have television of
any kind ...
• Motivación Let’s play a game!
Estímulo a través Who asks?
de solución de And I’d fall in love with you!
problemas y juego Don’t bet on it!
de roles
• Conductas • Medio ambiente – • Voz pasiva • Pronunciación de ítems
Juegos didácticos que afectan colocaciones • Lenguaje indirecto: lexicales
al medio • Descripción de adminículos instrucciones, pedidos • Entonación para marcar

• Empatía ambiente en • Materiales y consejo focos diferentes
Respeto por el mundo • Usos Tell, ask, advise • Entonación como marca
opiniones ajenas • Expresiones: de actitud
rule out, be warned, diminish, • Entonación como
• Conciencia social
sosustainable development organizadora del discurso
Valoración del • Expresiones:
esfuerzo individual Preparing for the Science
en función del bien Fair
común It certainly is!
Half way done!
• Habilidades para At the Science Fair
relacionarse I’ll vote you!
Trabajo de a pares
y grupal

• Toma de

Planificación de
tareas para el • Changes • Tradiciones • Festivales y actuaciones – • Lenguaje indirecto: • Entonación de preguntas
proyecto final in words to familiares colocaciones Cambios de tiempos para confirmación e
avoid sexism derivadas de • Crimen verbales y frases información
Ensayo previo a las los ancestros • Expresiones: adverbiales de tiempo • Entonación como
presentaciones • Mensajes en Take place, the icing on the organizadora del discurso
las letras de cake, it goes without saying • Entonación como
Diferencia canciones People commenting on the expresión de emociones
entre realidad y boss’s instructions after the
percepción burglary
Don’t you see what
Tell me all about it!
I trust them!
I suppose I don’t.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education 17

Reading & Vocabulary Grammar
Lighting Up! • Asking for and giving advice
page 4 • Talking about anecdotes
• Talking about experiences
• Talking about rules and duties
• Expressing predictions, possibilities
and probabilities
• Expressing opinion and hope
• Talking about ambitions

Settling Down Getting to know each • Likes and dislikes • Present Simple and Present

other • People’s character Continuous
page 6
A play • Clothes – Patterns and materials • Defining relative clauses: who,
which, where
• Adjectives describing character and
their opposites – prefixes: in-, un-, dis-
• Nouns and adjectives related to
Workbook page 76

Notre-Dame on Where there's a will, • Adjectives describing personal • Narrative tenses: Past Simple, Past

there's a way experiences Continuous, when / while
Fire An online news article • Collocations - Experiences • Present Perfect Simple
page 16
• Intensifiers • been and gone
• so and such
Workbook page 82


A Hard Day’s Life!
Travel mishaps • Means of transport • Past tenses: Past Simple and

A magazine opinion • Ticket categories Past Continuous, Past Simple
page 28
section • Travel problems and Present Perfect Simple, Past
Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple
and Past Simple
• Reflexive pronouns
• each other / one another
Workbook page 88

Down Memory Three coexisting • Ambitions: Would like + to infinitive • Used to

generations • Technology development • Conditional Type 2
Lane Which group do you • Conditional Types 0, 1 and 2
page 38
belong in? compared

An online article
Workbook page 94


Environmental Intelligence might be • Environment – collocations • Passive voice

affected by pollution • Environmental issues • Reported speech - Instructions,
Issues An online scientific • Describing devices - Materials requests and advice: tell, ask and
page 50
article advise

Workbook page 100

Tell Me Everything Students' positive • Festival / Performance – Collocations • Reported speech

review • Crime • Tense changes in Reported speech
about It! A review • Other changes in Reported speech
page 60
- Words of time and place
• Reporting questions
Workbook page 106


Games page 72

Listening & Speaking Writing Project

Let me introduce my family A play script Drama Day

• Who's this ... ? • Writing a play script • A performance
Where are they?
• This is the place where ...

Telling anecdotes and stories from the past Telling a story A storytelling event
• That was an unforgettable and really rewarding experience. • Sequencing • Telling unexpected endings
• That was the most embarrassing experience ...
I don’t understand your jokes!
• I don’t like them at all!

ROUND OFF page 27

Travelling anecdotes
so Describe a timeline Persistent lives
• ... was getting on a carriage. • Sequential order How these people became
• ... to give passengers a better flying experience. famous.
• The story chronicles a real-life journey across the world ... • A timeline presentation
• ... who has lived on a cruise ship ...

Dialogue with Grandpa Stating our point Presentation on a

• We didn’t have television of any kind ... • Using linking words comparison of devices
Let’s play a game! • A virtual museum of
• Let’s start our game. technology

ROUND OFF page 49

Preparing for the Science Fair Newspaper headlines Science Fair - class
• ... our design is quite original ... inventions
• What is the name of this device? • A presentation
At the Science Fair
• What’s this ...?
• What is it used for?
• How does it work?

People commenting on the boss’s instructions after the burglary Write a police report 'Songs with a message' Day
• The boss told us to ... • What happened to the old lady?
Tell me all about it!
• The policeman is asking ...
• The boss tells him that ...

ROUND OFF page 71

›› pages 4–5

Before we start on the bb so that everybody copies them.

Welcome Ss and introduce yourself. Tell them how you ›› Ss’ own answers.
are planning to work with them. Ask them what they
expect to do and learn in the English lessons. Emphasise 5 Write 5 things you must do and 5 things you mustn’t
the relevance of asking for clarification when they do not do in class. You could prepare a poster and put it on the
understand and of practising as much as they can in class. wall as a reminder for you all.

1 Read Francisco’s email from Egypt. SEL

21st Century Skills Ask Ss to work in small groups and to complete the
ten sentences. Then, ask them to share the rules with
Ask Ss to look at the text and ask them to identify it to the whole class. The result could be a poster with the
elicit that it is an informal email. Ask them Who writes rules that can be stuck on the wall as a peripheral to
the email? Who is it for? What is it about? be considered when necessary.
Ask Ss to read the email and tell you, in general terms,
what they have learnt about Francisco and Fiona. This ›› Ss’ own answers.
first reading aims at checking Ss’ general comprehension

of the text. 6 You have to face these situations. Join a classmate and
ask for advice. Then change roles and give advice to
your friend.
›› Answers: 1 I’m writing from Cairo. / We’re having the time of our
lives! 2 You know I love travelling. / I’m never at home on holiday. Try to elicit from the Ss the meaning of the idioms or explain
3 We arrived last month … 4 I have ridden on a camel and my them to the Ss. Once you are sure everybody understands
brother, Alex, has visited an archaeological excavation. 5 When the sentences, ask Ss to work in pairs. You could elicit the
people spend the day there, they find good bargains. 6 If we first exchange from volunteers so that everybody can go on
don’t get up very early, we won’t have time to have breakfast. working. Ss can choose different ways of giving advice. Write
7 Tomorrow we are going to the pyramids. 8 The guide is
the examples on the bb so that weaker Ss can interact fluently
coming for us at 6 a.m. 9 I think I’ll buy some sandwiches just
and reinforce their speaking skills.
in case. 10 I’ll write to you soon. 11 I hope we won’t be the
exception! 12 The trip might be long and tiring. 13 I must go ›› Answers may vary: 1 I have a Maths exam and I don’t
down for dinner now. 14 We would like to visit the market. understand anything. What should I do? / You should
ask a classmate to explain the topic to you. 2 I have a

2 Join a classmate. Imagine he / she is doing Francisco’s headache. What should I do? / You should take an aspirin.
trip. Which questions would you ask him / her? Write 3 I’m under the weather. What should I do? / You should call
them down. Check that you are using the correct some friends and go cycling in the park. 4 I think Wendy and
I are not friends anymore. What should I do? / You should talk
tenses. Play the roles. Then change roles.
with her. 5 My workload is increasing exponentially. What
Ask Ss to work in pairs. Tell them to think of all the information should I do? / You should ask for an assistant.
that they would like to know. Guide Ss into organising the
questions in some logical order. Call volunteers to read and
check with the whole class. Encourage everybody to participate.
›› Answers may vary: What are you doing? How are you doing?
What do you like doing? When did you arrive? What have
you done? What will happen if you don’t get up very early? Give this task as homework so that Ss can work
What are you doing tomorrow? When are you going to the at their own pace. They are going to personalise
pyramids? Where are you going tomorrow? What will you do their learning and reflect on what they would
just in case? What will you do soon? What do you hope will like to achieve this year and what they should or
happen? What must you do now? What would you like to do? shouldn’t do to write their resolutions.

3 You’ve just arrived home and this is what you find.

What will you do? Match the problem to the solution.
There are 2 extra solutions. 7 Share your New Year's resolutions with a classmate.
Give Ss some minutes to work. Ask Ss which problems
could be solved by the other people (the roofer, the roof SEL
leaking and the exterminator, cockroaches in the attic) to
make sure Ss revise the occupations. Ask Ss to share their resolutions and discuss the
›› Answers: 1 c 2 e 3 b
questions. They will reflect on the priorities they
establish for their decisions and get to know each
4 What were you doing … other better.
This exercise aims at helping Ss to revise the Past
Continuous. Give them the words they need and write them


1 Settling Down
›› pages 6–7

Goals Final project

›› Talk about settling down in a new home ›› Drama Day
›› Read and interpret one-scene play scripts
›› Describe people’s character
›› Describe clothes, patterns and material
›› Talk about events that happen every day and events
that happen at the moment we are speaking
›› Listen and learn about families and places
›› Write a one-scene play script

Go over the goals with the Ss. This practice will help you to come to agreements as regards your demands,
timing, ways of assessment, etc. Ss will be more committed if they are part of the negotiations.
Go to the Think it up! box to read together what Ss are expected to do by the end of the unit. Ss are going to
write a one-scene play script and they are going to perform it in a ‘Drama Day’ at school. They will understand
the relevance of the language they have to learn to do the final task. They will also have time to ask their Art

teacher for help to prepare the prompts for the play.
1 Discuss with a classmate what you see. 2 Match the columns to describe the pictures.

SEL / ESI / IC 21st Century Skills

It is possible that Ss do not know the meaning of the Tell Ss to work individually to complete this task. They
title. Ask them to look at the pictures and to infer the already know some of the items and they have been
meaning. Ss will develop critical thinking connecting learning how to infer meaning from context. If they
the different concepts. Tell Ss to discuss what they see use the pictures for help, they will find it easier to do
in the pictures in pairs and how they associate them to the matching. They will use critical thinking. Give Ss
the title of the unit. Give them some minutes to discuss some minutes to work on their own. Call a volunteer

all the pictures. Then, discuss with the whole class to read a matching and another to identify the picture
their perspectives. In this discussion many issues might it describes. Do this until you check all the matchings.
appear. Whether it is exciting, stressful, scary to move In this way, more Ss will be involved in this stage of
alone to another city; whether to live in a dorm or to rent the lesson.
an apartment; whether it is possible or not for the Ss;
whether there is a difference between girls and boys at
the moment of choosing. This gives Ss the opportunity ›› Answers: 1 c 2 a 3 k 4 b 5 d 6 f 7 e 8 h 9 i 10 l
to reflect on some beliefs that might be right or wrong. 11 j 12 g
Sharing opinions helps Ss to know each other better
and to learn to respect different points of view. They can
develop empathy when they understand that not all
families can grant Ss the possibility to rent an apartment SEL
to study and that there are no differences in positive and
negative issues for girls and boys. Tell Ss to discuss the questions in pairs. They
will be using the new collocations learnt and
will express their point of view. They will make
inferences according to their own life experience.

The ROOMMATE WANTED notice helps Ss to reflect

on how many Ss who go to study to a different city
need to find roommates to live with. This implies
adapting to each other and, sometimes, to many
others. It is possible that some Ss live in a big group
in a small house. There are other ways in which Ss
can live out of their houses: dorms, hostels, a rented
bedroom in a family house, etc.

3 Listen and check your guesses. Did you think of similar


Ss ideas will be contrasted to Brenda’s voice. This will

help them to notice the difference between facts and
perceptions. The first ones are real, the second ones
are the result of our interpretation and many times
they are not the same.

Starting a new life away from home is exciting. But
it is also stressful. I’m settling down in the flat I’m
renting. The rent is a bit high, so I’m looking for a
roommate. Right now the flat is untidy because I’m
still unpacking my things. And I’m attending lessons
every day. Sometimes I don’t have breakfast because
mum is not here to wake me up and I oversleep. I hate
the alarm clock ringing early in the morning!

I’m getting used to this big city. Luckily, the university
is very near my flat and I can walk there.
I love living on my own, and I like doing the shopping,
but I hate cooking or washing the dishes. On the other
hand, I don’t mind doing the laundry because there is
a washing machine in the flat.

›› Answers: 1 Doing the housework, getting used to the big

city, looking for a roommate, renting a flat. 2 She does the
housework, tidies the bedroom, washes the clothes, washes
the dishes, makes the beds, unpacks her things. 3 She meets
other students, makes friends, borrows books from the library,
attends lessons. 4 She likes living on her own and doing the
shopping. 5 She doesn’t mind washing the clothes. 6 She
hates cooking or washing the dishes.

4 Listen again and number the pictures as you hear the

This exercise aims at helping Ss to reinforce the new
concepts learnt by listening to them and identifying the
pictures that represent them.
›› Answers: 1 e 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 c 6 g 7 h

5 Which picture is not mentioned?

21st Century Skills / SEL

This question aims at helping Ss to develop lateral

thinking, identifying what is not said. It can trigger
a discussion: Why doesn’t Brenda mention fast
food? (Because she has healthy eating habits?; is a
vegetarian?; is on a low budget?; likes cooking?) Ss will
develop creative thinking and empathy because they
will be putting themselves in someone else’s shoes.

›› Answer: f

reading ›› page 8

Getting to know each other
You can invite Ss to play the games on page 72. They will
1 Look at the picture and underline the best option. practice the vocabulary items learned so far. If there are fast
finishers they can enjoy some fun time in class. If the whole
group moves ahead together, you can give them some
21st Century Skills minutes to practise and enjoy at the same time.
Tell Ss to look at the picture. They are expected to use
their critical thinking to identify the stage and the
curtain as hints to decide that the girls are actresses. Workbook Answers
Page 76
›› Answer: b 1
›› 1 b 2 a 3 b
2 Read the text and confirm your guesses.
Tell Ss to look at the text. Elicit from them that it is a play ›› 2 1st May, 2019 3 Emily Goodard 4 Trevor’s academic history,
scene script. This confirms that the girls are actresses athletic achievements and volunteer work. 5 The university
performing on stage. is known for accepting only the best students. 6 Submit
enrollment forms.
3 Read the text and choose the correct option.
›› 1 Apply for accommodation. 2 On-campus, off-campus,
21 Century Skills
individual or shared. 3 On the Student Housing section of the

university’s website. 4 15th August. 5 Meal plans.
Tell Ss that they have to read the text, choose the 6 Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
correct option to complete the sentences and, in the
last question, they will have to decide which title fits
the context. This task enhances the use of critical
thinking. Give Ss some minutes to read the text
carefully an answer individually. Then, let them join
one to three classmates to discuss their answers.
This practice helps Ss to develop communication and
collaboration skills. They learn to respect each other’s
opinions and to accept some ideas. Call volunteers to
read the answers to check with the whole class.

›› Answers: 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 c

4 Read again and find words or expressions meaning the

same as:
Ask Ss to read the text in detail. This time they will have to
find words or expressions meaning the same as the ones
given in the exercise. This demand will have Ss read in detail
and interact with the content of the text. They will have to
infer meaning from the context. Call volunteers to read the
answers and check with the whole class. Encourage Ss to
ask for clarification if they do not understand something.
›› Answers: 1 5 2 2 3 4 4 1 5 8 6 10 7 6 8 3 9 9 10 7

5 Read once more and answer.

Ask Ss to answer the questions orally in class and to
complete the written answers as homework. This will help
them reinforce what they have learnt and to identify the
difficulties they might have to solve.
›› Answers: 1 She wants to share the flat with Brenda. 2 No,
she isn’t. She’s sitting the entrance exam tomorrow. 3 She’s
got a friend who lives there. 4 She loves cooking. 5 Because
Heidy hates cooking. 6 They can wash the clothes in the
washing machine which is in the basement. 7 She’s looking
for a part-time job. For the time being, her parents are backing
her. 8 Heidy is moving to the flat. The girls are sharing rent
and responsibility half and half.

vocabulary ›› page 9

People’s character 4
Use words from the descriptions in Exercise 3 to
complete the lists.
Tell Ss to work in small groups of three or four to complete
1 Match the opposites. the chart. Then, draw the chart on the bb and call volunteers
Tell Ss to work individually to solve the task. Tell them to to write the words in the corresponding categories.
solve the matching they know first and leave the unknown ›› Answers:
to the end. They can also look up words in the dictionary,
if necessary. Encourage them to risk and check instead of Shoes Materials Patterns Accessories
looking up every word. Call individual Ss to read and check
skirt ballet flats wool plain clutch bag
with the whole class.
blouse high-heeled cotton flowery socks
›› Answers: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 g 5 d 6 e 7 f 8 I 9 j 10 h sandals
blazer corduroy spotted backpack
socks combat crepe embroidered
2 Order the letters to form the adjectives from Exercise 1 boots
to complete the paragraph. evening denim striped
dress leather
Tell Ss to order the letters to complete the paragraph. Since baggy nylon
they have the words in Ex. 1, tell Ss to work alone. This trousers
is a simple task, so encourage weaker Ss to volunteer to jumper
read the paragraph. Then, call other Ss to say the words
and write them on the bb so that everybody can have the
correct answers.
›› Answers: 1 tense 2 nice 3 friendly 4 relaxed 5 cheerful

6 optimistic 7 honest 8 reliable SEL / IC
This section aims at helping Ss to personalise their
learning. They will reflect on the clothes they wear
so on different occasions. They will understand that
SEL / 21st Century Skills nobody’s value depends on the clothes they wear
and that we dress according to our choice. They will
Tell Ss to discuss the questions in small groups.
develop self-awareness and awareness of others.
They will be discussing personality characteristics
they consider relevant for a roommate and
exchange ideas and feelings towards different
kind of people. They will develop self-awareness
and awareness of others, as well as individual
and social responsibility.
Remind Ss that this box provides ideas to help them
fulfil their final project. It is also an alert for them to go

on working steadily to complete it. Ss already have a

model of the final task. They already have a possible
Clothes – patterns and materials plot. They can start deciding on the title, the setting,
the characters and the costumes.

3 Read the descriptions and identify the person.

Tell Ss to read the instructions and do the exercise. They
might not know all the vocabulary, but they can find some
hints in the vocabulary they already know. Let Ss work
in pairs to solve the task. Give them some minutes to
complete it. Call volunteers to read the answers to check
with the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 c 2 a 3 b

More teaching ideas

When you check the answers, help Ss to notice
the order of adjectives. Show them that the order is
opinion-shape-colour-nationality-material+noun. Tell
them that we put more than one adjective before the
noun, but we don’t usually add and. The adjectives
describing material are always next to the noun.

GRAMMAR ›› pages 10–11

›› Answers: 1 Sam works for a company which makes

Present Simple and Present Continuous computers. 2 The woman who works at the baker’s has twin
daughters. 3 The man owns a horse which won many races.
Ss already know the structures and uses of these two 4 Santa Fe is a city where there are important museums.
5 Gandhi was a pacifist who lived in India.
tenses. Now they are going to reinforce and enlarge that
knowledge. Tell Ss to read the chart with the comparison of
3 Circle the correct option.
the two tenses. Ask them to give 2 or 3 examples and write
them on the bb. Use them to revise the structures in case Tell Ss to do the exercise individually. Call volunteers to read
some Ss might not feel sure about them. and check with the whole class.
Ask Ss to read the box with the rule about not using certain ›› Answers: 1 who 2 where 3 which 4 which 5 who
verbs in the Present Continuous.

LA Adjectives describing character and their

opposites – prefixes
Help Ss to notice that in Spanish we also say ¡Amo
las mañanas soleadas! ¡Odio levantarme temprano!
Creo que estás en lo cierto. 4 Write the opposites in the corresponding column. Use a
dictionary if necessary
Ask Ss to work in small groups of three or four to complete
Draw Ss’ attention to the Pay attention! box to help the chart. Tell them they can find some of the words on
them to become aware of how meaning changes if we page 9. Encourage them to take risks and say the opposites.
use these verbs in the Present Continuous. Ask them Then, they can check against the dictionary. Call volunteers

to give some examples, write them on the bb and have to say the opposites and write them on the bb to make sure
everybody copy them. everybody has the correct answers in the end.
›› Answers:
1 Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the
Present Continuous. in- inflexible, insensitive

Tell Ss to read the instruction and solve the task. Give them un- unkind, unambitious, unpleasant, unreliable, unfriendly
some minutes to work individually. Call volunteers to read dis- dishonest
and check with the whole class.

›› Answers: 1 1 are moving 2 is fetching 3 are driving
4 is 5 lives 6 teaches 2 7 ’m packing 8 is taking 9 leaves
10 hate 11 prefer 12 feel
While Ss read the words, check that they pronounce
AT sounds and stresses correctly.

Ss will understand the difference in use of the Simple

Present and the Present Continuous. 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective from
Exercise 4.
Now that Ss have completed Ex. 4, they can use the
ɑː corresponding adjectives to complete the sentences. Ask
them to work orally in class and to complete the written
When Ss read the paragraph, check that they use sentences as homework. Ss will be able to become aware
intonation to organise the discourse. of what they have learnt and what they still need to clarify.
›› Answers: 1 unreliable 2 Flexible 3 dishonest 4 sensitive
5 unfriendly

Defining relative clauses

Nouns and adjectives related to character

Go over the box with the Ss. Help them to notice that
we use the pronouns who, which and where to refer to 6 Match the adjectives to the nouns.
people, objects and places. Ask them to go to page 8 to find Ask Ss to work individually to do the matching. Help them
examples of clauses. Call volunteers to read them. to notice that this time they have to find the roots and notice
the change in the endings. Tell them that we call those
2 Join the 2 sentences into 1 using who, where or which. endings suffixes. Check the matching with the whole class.
Have Ss work individually to solve the exercise. Then call Help Ss notice the change in word stress.
volunteers to read the sentences to check with the whole ›› Answers: 1 h 2 f 3 d 4 g 5 l 6 j 7 a 8 k 9 b 10 e
class. Write the relative pronouns in order on the bb so that 11 c 12 i
everybody can complete their tasks correctly. Encourage Ss
who have doubts to ask for clarification.

7 Which suffixes were added? 8
Call Ss to underline the suffixes in the words. This time,
call weaker Ss to check that they have learnt. They will feel To talk To talk about
To talk
good at being able to work correctly. about
future events
things that are on a
›› Answers: -ity, -th, -ness, -ion, -ism permanent
we do timetable or
regularly programme
8 Circle the correct options.
1 He lives downtown. ✓
Ask Ss to work individually to choose the correct option.
Call volunteers to read the sentences and correct with the 2 The flight arrives at ✓
5:30 a.m.
whole class.
›› Answers: 1 confidentiality / laziness 2 generous / optimism 3 He plays football
3 Punctuality / reliable 4 strength / sensitive / difficult with his friends every ✓

ɑː 4 He never cooks

When Ss read, check that they use the correct rhythm 5 The class starts at ✓
and tone. 9:00 a.m.
6 Where does he ✓
7 They don’t have ✓
a car.

8 I take a holiday
Workbook Answers once a year.

Page 77 Page 79
1 9
›› 2 Tidy up 3 Wash the dishes 4 Make the bed ›› 2 ✓ 3 ✓ 4 ✗ 5 ✓ 6 ✗
5 Wash the clothes / do the laundry 6 Unpack things
›› 1 b think c thinks d are / thinking 2 a see b see c see
›› 2 tidy up the room 3 do the shopping 4 make the bed d is seeing 3 a is having b have c is having d are having
5 wash the clothes 6 wash the dishes
›› 2 where 3 who 4 which 5 who 6 where
›› 1 d 2 c 3 f 4 a 5 b 6 e
4 12

›› 2 cold and unfriendly 3 optmistic 4 dishonest 5 miserable ›› 2 The girl who is in the cafeteria is my roommate. 3 I am
6 reliable selling my car which has only ten thousand miles on it. 4 I am
moving into the house where my friends live. 5 She lives in the
5 building where her friends live. 6 I use the computer which is
›› 2 flowery blouse 3 polka-dotted socks 4 plain jumper on the table.
5 crepe evening dress 6 plain tuxedo
Page 78 ›› 2 inflexible 3 insensitive 4 unpleasant 5 dishonest
6 unreliable
›› 1 a No b Yes 14
›› 2 a Yes b No ›› 2 confidentiality 3 flexibility 4 reliable 5 shyness
›› 3 a No b Yes 6 strength
›› 4 a No b Yes
›› 5 a Yes b No
›› 6 a No b Yes

›› 2 do the laundry 3 tidy 4 eat fast food 5 used to the big
city 6 half and half 7 cheerful 8 honest

listening and speaking ›› pages 12–13

Let me introduce my family 04

Glen: Come, Jannice. I’ll show you my family.
1 Jannice is Glen’s new roommate. Look at the pictures Jannice: Oh, great! Who’s this girl?
and answer. Glen:  She’s my sister Sophie. She’s wearing a
tracksuit because she loves jogging.
Have Ss look at the picture in detail to answer the
questions. Draw their attention to context. Help them Jannice: Look how elegant these two are! Are they
notice that the girls in the picture in the middle are the ones your parents?
who are talking. Elicit from Ss that Glen is introducing her Glen:  Yes! They are wearing evening attire because
family to Janice by showing them in photos. Then, ask Ss to they are going to my graduation ceremony.
go over the pictures to answer the questions. Help them by Mum loves wearing evening dresses and
asking them how many photos they are looking at. high-heeled sandals. Dad doesn’t enjoy
wearing a tuxedo so much. But they are
dressed up in my honour. Ha-ha.
Jannice: And this girl with the dog? Is she your
When Ss discuss the photos, they will draw younger sister?
conclusions about what Glen's family is like. They Glen:  Yes, this is Antonia. She is my best friend in
might disagree on certain points. Show them that we the family. I miss her so much!
make inferences based on our life experience and we Jannice: Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to make you sad.
have to respect everyone’s opinions Glen:  No. it’s OK. I’m going home this weekend.
We’ll spend a lot of time together.
Jannice: And is this the dog which sleeps under your

›› Answers: 1 She’s showing her some photos. 2 No. They
are 5 in all (Ss could say 6 because they might not guess that bed?
Glen is the girl in picture d). 3 She is the eldest child. Glen: Yes! Bonny is my adorable pet.
Jannice: And this girl? She looks very much like you.
2 Listen and write the names. Who ...
Glen:  It’s me! I like having a photo of myself in my
Ask Ss to describe the people’s attire so that they get ready school uniform. It takes me back to the good
to do the exercise. Tell them to read the prompts and try old days!
to guess who each person in the pictures is. Tell them to Jannice: You’re kidding! Don’t tell me you feel old!
get ready and play the audio file. Give Ss some minutes Ha-ha.
to check. First, they will check individually. Then, in pairs.
Finally, with the whole class. Ask them if their guesses
were right and make sure all Ss can follow.
›› Answers: 1 Sophie 2 Glen’s mother 3 Antonia 4 Bonny
5 Glen 6 Glen SEL

Ss will personalise their learning. This time they

3 Listen again and answer.
are going to reflect on their relationship with the
Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the audio file once members of their families. They will discuss their
more. This time they will have to listen more in detail to way of dressing for special occasions. Remind them
complete the task. Ask them to read the questions and to to be respectful to each other because choices can
try to anticipate the answers. They can write some notes in differ and nobody is right or wrong.
pencil to get ready for the listening. Play the audio file and
let Ss work in pairs or small groups to complete the task.
Then, check with the whole class. Make sure all Ss get the
answers complete.
›› Answers: 1 She’s Glen’s sister. 2 She’s jogging. Where are they?
3 Because they are going to Glen’s graduation
ceremony. 4 She thinks that she is adorable.
5 Because Glen speaks of ‘her good old days’. 4 Listen to these people speaking and identify where
they are. There is an extra picture.

CA Workbook Answers
Ask Ss to describe what they see in the pictures. Help Page 80
them to notice that shops have a similar appearance
everywhere in the world. 1
›› 1 b 2 a 3 a
Ask Ss what people do in the different shops in
the pictures. Then, tell them to read the instruction
and get ready to do the task. Play the audio file and 30 31 32
give Ss some minutes to work. Let them share their Transcript
answers with a classmate before listening to the Woman: Hello?
audio file once more. Play the audio file and check the
Boy: Hi Mum? It’s Bobby. I got an acceptance letter from City
answers with the whole class. University!!!
Woman: Congratulations, son!!! I am so proud of you!!!
›› Answers: 1 e 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 c Boy: I am so relieved! And excited! And scared!!! I have so
much to do to prepare!!!
5 Listen again and complete the sentences. Woman: Yes, you’re right. There is a lot to do. First, you need
to make a list of everything that needs to be done
Tell Ss to read the incomplete definitions and try to and everything you need to buy. Then, we need to go
complete them. Then, play the audio file for Ss to check shopping.
if their answers are correct. Call volunteers to read and Boy: Wait, wait!! First step is to enroll and apply for
check with the whole class. accommodation.
›› Answers: 1 who 2 where 3 which 4 who 5 which Woman: See … lots to do. Have you thought about which type

of accommodation you would prefer? On campus or off
07 Boy: I think on campus is better, at least in the first year.
1 I want to buy a present for the person who always Woman: Ok. And I think it’s better to share a room. It’s so
helps me and cares about me. It’s Mother’s Day. expensive to get an individual room. Do you know how
2 This is the place where I study to become a much it costs?
professional. Boy: I have no idea. Mum!! I just got the news.
3 I shouldn’t come here so often. I always buy things Woman: Okay. I am getting ahead of myself! I guess I am excited
which make me fat. too! Let’s start our list over dinner?
4 I feel under the weather. I’m waiting for the person Boy: Good idea. See you later, Mum.
who tells me what medicine I should take. Woman: See you later, kiddo.
5 I want to buy a corduroy blazer which matches my
pleated blue skirt. 2
›› 1 To share the news that he got into university. 2 City

University. 3 Relieved, excited and scared. 4 Proud. 5 That

GAMES he makes a list of things to do and things to buy. 6 Enroll and
apply for accommodation.
You can invite Ss to play the games on page 72. They will
practice the vocabulary items learned so far. If there are fast 3
finishers they can enjoy some fun time in class. If the whole ›› 1 on campus 2 share 3 it is expensive to live alone 4 No
group moves ahead together, you can give them some 5 They will start making a list. 6 Dinner time
minutes to practise and enjoy at the same time.

writing ›› page 14

A play script Workbook Answers

Page 80
1 Read the rules in the box and write the headings on the
play script. 1
›› Answers may vary: 1 Gym application 2 School club
Read the information in the box with the Ss to check that 3 Opening a bank account 4 Applying for a credit card /
they understand it. Then, ask Ss to complete the play store card
script with the corresponding headings. Call volunteers to
read and check with the whole class. 2
›› Answers may vary: 1 Emergency contact information
›› Answers: 1 Title 2 Setting 3 Characters 4 Costumes
2 Payment information 3 Health concerns 4 Dietary
5 Stage directions
2 Read again and describe. 3
Tell Ss to read the script once more and complete the task. ›› Ss’ own answers.
Encourage them to work individually and check with the
whole class.
›› Answers: 1 A girl who is miserable visits a cheerful girl in her
flat. 2 The cheerful girl is looking for a roommate and the
miserable girl wants to share the flat. 3 Ruth is a cheerful and
friendly girl who lives in a flat. She is looking for a roommate.
Martha is a miserable and shy girl who wants to share the
flat. She visits Ruth. 4 The stage directions show that Ruth

is lively, friendly and cheerful and Martha is a miserable,
pessimistic girl. Their body language, which is described in the
stage directions, show their character and personality. 5 Ruth
gently invites Martha to leave the flat. They are not going to
share the flat.

Ss have two models of play scripts. Now they

are going to write their own script. They have the
questions as a guide.

Remind Ss that this box provides ideas to help them

fulfil their final project. It is also an alert for them to
go on working steadily to complete it. They will share
their scripts to work on cooperative writing.

go for it! ›› page 15

Drama Day Workbook Answers

Ask Ss to go over the instructions and to use them to Page 81

complete their task. Fix a date for the presentations. 1
Ss have written their own scripts. They will submit them to ›› 1 do the housework 2 meet other students 3 attend lessons
their group for voting the best one to be performed. They 4 look for a roommate 5 making friends 6 rent a flat
are going to prepare props, costumes and choreography.
They are going to distribute roles and all the members will
rehearse their parts to lower their anxiety at the moment of ›› 1 Make yourself comfortable 2 getting into university 3 For
the time being 4 It’s not my cup of tea 5 is a must 6 It’s a
the presentation.
They are going to prepare sound equipment.
Enjoy the plays! ›› 3 kind a untidy
›› 5 optimistic b tense
My learning record d horrible and unpleasant
f mean
This section has been designed to help Ss to
reflect upon all the lexical, grammatical and
conceptual contents they have been working on ›› 1 is starting 2 is preparing 3 needs 4 is working
5 volunteers 6 enjoys
throughout the unit. Alternatively, values, which

have been previously presented in class, are also 5
included. ›› a unkind b inflexible c insensitive d unambitious
Encourage Ss to go over the listed items and e unpleasant f dishonest g unrealiable
self-evaluate whether they have been able to
achieve them or not. Encourage them to ask about
concepts that might not be clear enough, yet. ›› a flexibility b generosity c laziness d optimism
e sensitivity f stupidity
Help Ss to become aware that, in order to confirm
that they can actually produce the language
functions, they have to think of examples. If they
still have difficulties, they should ask the teacher to
plan a repairing teaching session to reinforce the
contents at which they still feel weak.


2 Notre-Dame on Fire
›› pages 16–17

Goals Final project

›› Talk about a major event and people’s reactions ›› A storytelling event
›› Read and learn about someone who didn’t give up
›› Describe personal experiences
›› Use intensifiers to show emphasis
›› Listen and learn about past events
›› Write a story using sequencing

Go over the goals with the Ss. This practice will help you to come to agreements as regards your demands,
timing, ways of assessment, etc. Ss will be more committed if they are part of the negotiations.
Go to the Think it up! box to read together what Ss are expected to do by the end of the unit. They will have
to write a story and share it with the class. They will have to think of a special ending and chain ideas in an
engaging way and express feelings and emotions. They will use intonation to engage the audience. They will
understand the relevance of the language they have to learn to do the final task.

Before we start

Notre-Dame de Paris, also called Notre-Dame Cathedral,
in Paris, is the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the While Ss read, help them to use rising and falling
Middle Ages and is distinguished for its size, antiquity, and intonation to connect actions on course and actions that
architectural interest. interrupt them. Show Ss that they use falling intonation to
enumerate actions.
During a restoration campaign in 2019, a fire broke out in
the cathedral’s attic, and the massive blaze destroyed most
of the roof, Viollet-le-Duc’s 19th-century spire, and some of
the rib vaulting. 2 Read the text and tick the correct information. Correct
the wrong information.
1 Look at the pictures and match them to the descriptions.
21st Century Skills

Ask Ss to read the instructions and do the exercise
Ask Ss if they identify the building in the picture. If they individually. In order to help weaker Ss to understand
do, ask them to comment what they know about the what they have to do, call a volunteer to say what
cathedral. If they do not know it, tell them some details the exercise demands. Ss will have to use critical
about the building and its meaning. You can tell them thinking to identify which prompts are not true.
that the meaning of this cathedral for French people is Give them some minutes to work. Move about the
very important, similar to the meaning of Luján Basilica classroom providing the help Ss need. Call volunteers
for Argentine people. Ss will understand that they are to read the answers and check with the whole class.
going to read and work about real facts and places.
Ask Ss to read the text to understand the context. ›› Answers: Correct: 2 – 4 – 5 Incorrect: 1 They were repairing
Call volunteers to retell what they have read. the building. 3 The flames were destroying the cathedral
Encourage them to use their own words and
guide them with questions: What happened to the
cathedral? When was that? Why is the cathedral
important? How old is it?
Ss will personalise their learning while trying to
Tell Ss to look at the pictures and read the
recall what they were doing the day Notre-Dame
descriptions to do the matching. Have them work
caught fire. Provide them with the necessary
individually for some minutes. Call volunteers to read
vocabulary so that they can communicate
the descriptions and say the number of the picture
authentic facts.
matching it to check with the whole class.
Help Ss to notice that the descriptions talk about
interrupted actions in the past.

›› Answers: 1 e 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 g 6 f 7 i 8 h 9 d

3 Listen to these people and identify where they are. They
are in scenes from Exercise 1. Discuss with a classmate
the hints you considered.

21st Century Skills

Tell Ss they are going to listen to people talking at

the moment of the disaster. They are part of the
situations shown in the pictures. They will have to
identify the pictures corresponding to each speaker.
Tell them to look carefully at the pictures. Help them
to notice that the bus driver is a woman. They cannot
see whether the firefighters are men or women.
There is no special gender to choose an occupation.
Play the audio file and give Ss some minutes to work
individually. Discuss the answers with the whole
class. Ask Ss to say which hints helped them to make
the connections between speakers and pictures. This
task helps Ss to develop critical thinking.


Listen everybody! I’m going to turn round here
because the street is blocked.
Throw more water on the left side. I’m going to throw
more water here. Don’t stop trying! We must save it!
Can you hear that? They seem to be ambulance
sirens. And there are many!
I’m going to arrive a bit late. You can’t imagine what is
happening here!

›› Answers: 1 i 2 e 3 h 4 b

reading ›› page 18

›› Answers: 1 He was born in Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 2 He was doing his second year at university. 3 His dream
was to be an architect. 4 He sold them while he was
Ask Ss to identify the discourse genre. Elicit from them travelling to and from university. 5 They worked hard and
spent little money. 6 He has graduated as an architect.
that it is an online newspaper. Ask them what helps them
7 He sat his last subject a week ago. 8 He was celebrating
to identify it (the URL, the search bar, the columns, the
the reward for his effort.
heading, etc.). This task will help Ss to develop ICT literacy.
Ask Ss if they know of online newspapers from Argentina or
other countries in the world. If they do, ask them to mention
them. If they do not, tell them to surf the internet and find Workbook Answers
out names of online newspapers. Reflect on the advantages
of having online newspapers. How fast we can get news Page 82
from all over the world. This will also help Ss to become 1
aware of how useful knowing English can be. ›› 1 a 2 b 3 a

1 Read the text and discuss the meaning of the title with 2
a classmate. ›› 1 19 years old 2 No, just a partial scholarship 3 He has
been selling popcorn, teaching private lessons and started a
GoFundMe page. 4 He raised a lot of money in a few hours.
5 He will donate the extra money to another student in need.
Ask Ss to read the heading and discuss its meaning. 3
Help them to notice that it is an idiomatic expression. ›› 1 Jafar’s SAT score 2 The maximum SAT score 3 The value
Ask them if they know the expression in Spanish. We

of his scholarship 4 How much money he needed to raise.
do not say Cuando hay una intención, hay un camino. 5 How much money he had on his GoFundMe page before
Our expression is Querer es poder. Show Ss how his story came out. 6 How much money was raised on his
idioms depend on cultural factors. GoFundMe page after his story came out.
Help Ss to reflect on the meaning of the title. Work on
a brainstorming moment. Let them speak their minds
and give examples. This will help Ss to reflect on
different situations in which effort pays off. They will
reflect on how much of their achievement depends on
their effort. They will develop individual responsibility.

›› Answers: A will = to be an architect. Had money limitations. A

way = selling disposable handkerchiefs

2 Read again and find words and phrases meaning ...

Tell Ss to read the text and find the equivalents to the prompts
among the numbered phrases in the text. Ss will develop a
skill to draw meaning from context. They will use their critical
thinking to associate ideas. Ask Ss to read the answers and
check with the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 11 2 4 3 2 4 9 5 12 6 5 7 6 8 10 9 7
10 3 11 1 12 8

3 Read once more and answer.

21st Century Skills / SEL

Give this task as homework so that Ss work at their

own pace. They can use dictionaries or even ask
some classmate for help. Ask Ss to read the text in
detail. They will have to answer questions about the
article. Ask volunteers to read aloud to check with the
whole class. Use this instance to help Ss to reflect on
how we can achieve our aims if we are determined to
do so and make the necessary effort. Everybody can
study and succeed. They will develop self-awareness
and individual and social responsibility.

vocabulary ›› page 19

Adjectives describing personal experiences Collocations – experiences

1 Write the adjectives in the box in the corresponding 3 Match the columns.
Read the adjective in the box with the Ss. Use this instance LA
to model the pronunciation of individual items. Tell Ss to
categorise the adjectives in pairs. They can use a dictionary, Help Ss to notice that we often use some words
if necessary. Write three columns on the bb and call combined together. They are called collocations and
volunteers to read one adjective at a time and write it in we should learn them by chunks. Ask them if they
the corresponding column on the bb so that everybody can know of any collocations in Spanish (graduarse en la
complete the task without errors. universidad, aprobar un examen, asistir a clases, etc.)
›› Answers: to help them to become aware that we also use them.
enjoyable bad commonplace Tell Ss to work in pairs to complete the matching. Call
fantastic humiliating formative individual Ss to read the matchings and check with
funny hurtful memorable the whole class.
interesting negative new
good painful religious
›› Answers: 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 f 5 m 6 o /g 7 n 8 b 9 i 10 h
magic scary unforgettable 11 l 12 g /o 13 e 14 j 15 k
pleasant traumatic

This section is meant to personalise Ss’ learning and

ɑː make the practice more meaningful. Tell them to

so complete it orally and do the exercise as homework.
This practice will help learners to become aware
While Ss read to check, help them to pronounce of how much they have learned and whether they
the adjectives correctly. Draw their attention to need some extra help.
the pronunciation of final cluster /bl/ in enjoyable,
memorable, unforgettable. Make Ss aware that they
should not pronounce an intrusive /ə/ between the
consonants. Help Ss to pronounce /dʒ/ correctly in
magic and religious. Intensifiers



It is possible that Ss pronounce /x/ instead of /h/ in Have Ss read the box and help them to notice that
humiliating and hurtful. Show them the difference we use intensifiers to modify the meaning of some
but bear in mind that it does not interfere with expressions. Show them that we stress them to add
intelligibility. emphasis. Go over the examples and highlight the
intensifiers by means of stress.

2 Circle the correct options.

4 Choose the correct options.
21 Century Skills
Tell Ss to do the task individually. Call volunteers to read the
sentences and check with the whole class. Check that they
Ask Ss to do the exercise on their own with the help produce the correct intonation. Make sure they understand
of the categories in Ex. 1. This task will help Ss to the positive or negative connotation of the different
develop critical thinking because they will have to intensifiers.
identify the kind of experience in order to choose ›› Answers: 1 utterly 2 rather 3 at all 4 absolutely 5 so
the correct adjective. Call volunteers to read the
sentences and check with the whole class.

›› Answers: 1 memorable 2 religious 3 traumatic

4 humiliating / rewarding

GRAMMAR ›› pages 20–21

Narrative tenses - Past Simple Present Perfect Simple

Draw Ss’ attention to the box. Explain them that we use the Read the boxes together with the Ss so that they revise
Past Simple to talk about finished actions in the past and the use of the Present Perfect Simple. Revise the structure
repeated actions in the past, in which cases an adverb of with them. Elicit from Ss that we use has with the 3rd person
time in the past is mandatory. Tell Ss that we also use the singular and have with all the other persons. Write two or
Past Simple to talk about a sequence of events in the past. three examples in the affirmative, negative and interrogative
Write examples on the bb and ask Ss to repeat them. on the bb.
Show Ss how we highlight special experiences using
the Present Perfect Simple combined with superlative
Narrative tenses - Past Continuous adjectives

Draw Ss’ attention to the box. Explain them that we use

the Past Continuous to describe a scene in the past and an been and gone
action that was interrupted by another. Write examples on
the bb and ask Ss to repeat them. Help Ss to notice the difference in use of these two
verbs. Read the examples with them to reinforce their
when / while
3 Circle the correct options.

Tell Ss to read the boxes to revise the use of the tenses. Tell Ss to complete the task individually. They will have to
Help them to notice that we do not use the Past Continuous understand the story to decide which option to choose.
with some verbs (see the Pay attention! box) and draw They will develop critical thinking skills. Call volunteers to
their attention to the use of while and when. Ask Ss to read one sentence each to check with the whole group.
give some examples and encourage them to ask for any ›› Answers: 1 were living 2 loved 3 went 4 was fishing
clarification they might need. 5 saw 6 was running 7 didn’t jump 8 got 9 took 10 have
always been
1 Match sentences 1 and 2 to A and B.
This exercise aims at helping Ss to develop awareness ɑː
of how the order of clauses and the connector used aid
meaning. Ask Ss to work individually. Invite Ss to join a When Ss read, help them to notice that they can
classmate to work on peer correction before sharing with use low rising intonation to gather their audience’s
the whole class. Call volunteers to read one matching attention when they start telling the story. It creates
each to check with the whole class. Encourage Ss to ask expectancy as regards what follows. Help them to

for clarification, if necessary, to make sure everybody notice that we also use this intonation when telling
understands. stories in Spanish.
›› Answers: 1 1 b / 2a 2 1 a / 2 b 3 1 a / 2 b

2 Circle the correct options.

Tell Ss to read the instructions and work individually. By this so and such
time they should be used to understanding instructions. Do
not explain instructions unless Ss ask you for clarification.
Read the boxes together with the Ss to help them to
Give Ss some minutes to complete the task and tell them
understand the use of so and such. Have them notice
to share their answers with a classmate. After they work
the difference in the structures. Encourage Ss to ask
together for some minutes, check with the whole class. Call
for clarification, if necessary, to make sure everybody
volunteers to read one sentence each until the paragraph is
›› Answers: 1 were running 2 when 3 stopped 4 looked 4 Complete the sentences with so, such or such a, such an.
5 went 6 saw 7 felt

ɑː ɑː
Have Ss work individually to complete the task.
When Ss read, check that they use rising and falling Call volunteers to read the answers and check with
intonation to organise discourse. the whole class. Remind Ss that such and so are
intensifiers so they have to stress them.

›› Answers: 1 such 2 so 3 such a 4 so / such 5 such an

5 Match the columns. Page 85

Ask Ss to work individually to do the matching. Call 9

volunteers to read and check with the whole class. ›› 2 tried out 3 arrived / had / started 4 went 5 ate 6 texted
Encourage weaker Ss to read because by this time 10
they are likely to work correctly. Seeing that they can ›› 2 Past Continuous 3 Past Simple 4 Past Continuous 5 Past
answer correctly will motivate them to go on working Simple 6 Past Simple
›› Answers: 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 e 5 a
›› 2 was studying / called 3 were … speaking / came 4 went /
were visiting 5 got / were interrupting 6 was snowing / left
Workbook Answers
›› 2 have / been 3 have painted 4 has not studied 5 has been
6 have finished
Page 83
›› 2 was working 3 heard 4 logged 5 were doing 6 were
›› 1 3–5–7
7 knew 8 was happening
2 14
›› 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 a 5 g 6 h 7 b 8 e ›› 3 so 4 such 5 so 6 such
›› Down ›› Across


Page 84
›› 2 pleasant 3 negative 4 pleasant 5 interesting 6 religious

›› 2 They graduated from university. 3 They are going on a
family holiday. 4 She passed the exam. 5 I will be travelling
abroad alone for the first time. 6 Gina is opening her own
business in June.
›› 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 f 6 d

›› 2 at all 3 so 4 rather 5 completely 6 absolutely

repeated a sequence
actions in of events in
actions in
the past the past
the past

1 Yesterday she went to

the shopping centre to ✓
buy new shoes.
2 I went to the bank ✓
several times last week.
3 I ate all my vegetables. ✓
4 She parked the car, got
out and took the kids ✓
inside the house.
5 I called him every day ✓
last week.
6 She made dinner,
washed the dishes and ✓
cleaned the floors.

listening and speaking ›› pages 22–23

Telling anecdotes and stories from the past 4

That was the most positive and rewarding experience
I’ve ever had. I was training for months but I still didn’t
SEL feel well prepared. However, in the end, I did enter in
the marathon. We were helping the orphanage after all.
Ask Ss to discuss the pictures in pairs or small groups I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw myself arriving
of three or four. Encourage them to decide whether the first at the finish! I won a cup and felt really proud.
experiences are positive or negative. They will use their
critical thinking to draw meaning from context. Reading ›› Answers: 1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b
body language and facial expressions will help them to
develop awareness of others. 2 Listen again and tick the adjectives describing the
Have a whole class discussion of their perceptions. They experiences you hear.
will share their visions of the different pictures. Ask Ss if
Tell Ss to read the instructions and to get ready for the
they have had similar experiences and encourage them
listening task. They might try to anticipate some of the
to share them with the class. They will develop self-
answers with the information they remember from the
awareness and awareness of others when they speak
previous listening. Play the audio file and let Ss work for
about their feelings in front of experiences in their lives.
some minutes. Call volunteers to read the adjectives they
Help Ss with the vocabulary they need and write the
have ticked. Ask them to mention the experience each one
words on the bb. This practice will serve as brainstorming
to help Ss to get ready for the listening task.
›› Answers: 1– 2 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 7

3 Join a classmate and try to complete the stories. Then

1 Listen and match the anecdotes to the pictures. listen once more and check.

21st Century Skills This task aims at helping Ss to reconstruct the stories. They
so have listened to the audio file already so they can work
Tell Ss to get ready to do the listening task. Play the in pairs trying to complete the stories. Give them some
audio file and give them some minutes to discuss the minutes to discuss their answers in pairs. Tell them to get
answers in pairs or small groups of three or four. Play ready and play the recording once more. Give them some
the audio file a second time if Ss are not sure about the more minutes to complete the task. Call volunteers to read
answers. You can stop after each speaker for them to to check with the whole class.
decide which picture corresponds. When you check, ›› Answers: 1 've never felt 2 was visiting 3 decided
call volunteers to say the answers and ask them to say 4 were 5 most embarrassing 6 kept insisting 7 were riding
which hints made them decide on their choice. They will 8 was having 9 shouting out of 10 never accepted
use their critical thinking skills to fulfil the task. 11 hurtful 12 was playing 13 kicked 14 broke 15 got
16 told 17 have never forgotten 18 positive and rewarding

19 was training 20 enter 21 were helping 22 won

09 CA
11 Not all Ss will understand the whole listening the first
I've never felt so happy. That was an unforgettable
and really rewarding experience. I was visiting an time they work on it. Listening to the audio file several
orphanage once a week and we decided to take the times with different purposes helps the Ss with more
children to the neighbourhood youth club. I started difficulty in learning to end up understanding the
coaching them to play football. They were so excited whole speech.
and thankful. I will never forget their faces. Use the last checking to revise the meaning of the
new expressions included in the audio file. I finally
gave in; I couldn’t help shouting out of fear; all of a
That was the most embarrassing experience I’ve ever
sudden; We were helping the orphanage after all.
had. I have always been afraid of roller coasters, but
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Micaela kept insisting that I go with her, so I finally
gave in. We were riding on the roller coaster and
while Micaela was laughing and having fun, I couldn’t
help shouting out of fear. She has never accepted
another invitation to hang out with me.
I don’t understand your jokes!
That was such a hurtful experience. I was playing
football with my friends when I kicked the ball and 4 Look at the picture and discuss with a classmate.
it broke a glass of my neighbour’s window. The Ask Ss to look at the picture and to describe what they see.
lady got so angry that she told me off in front of my Use the question to elicit some reasons why one of the
friends.I have never forgotten the feeling. boys is disappointed and the other one is laughing. This will
be a great brainstorming to help Ss to get the necessary
vocabulary to get ready for the listening task. Write new
words on the bb.

5 Listen and confirm or correct your opinion.
Tell Ss to get ready to listen to the recording and check their
guesses. Play the audio file and give Ss some minutes to Remind Ss that this box gives them some hints to
check and discuss their answers. Check with the whole complete their final project. Tell them it means they
class. should work on the project to complete it in due time.
They already have some examples of different kinds of
12 stories. They have to choose what kind of story they
13 want to tell their classmates and start working at it.
Nahuel: Hi, Maxi. How are you?
Maxi: Not very well. Do you know what happened?
Nahuel: No. Where? When?
Maxi: Well. Take it easy! It’s just material stuff. Workbook Answers
Nahuel: What do you mean?
Page 86
Maxi: Remember the book you lent me last week?
Nahuel: Yes. What happened? 1
›› 1 a 2 a 3 b
Maxi: I was walking over the bridge while I was
reading it. All of a sudden, a dog came 2
running and jumped at me. I got utterly
›› 1 Julia is worried because she doesn’t have money for the
scared and dropped the book. It fell into the school trip. 2 She doesn’t ask her parents for money because
river. they are already working hard to make ends meet. She doesn’t
Nahuel: Oh no! And we have a test tomorrow! What

want to pressure them even more. 3 Marco suggests that
will I do?! Julia could sell something or offer a service to make extra
money. 4 It isn’t a good idea to sell lemonade because it is
Maxi: Hahaha. It’s just a joke!
winter. 5 Marco suggests selling cupcakes or brownies.
Nahuel: I don’t understand your jokes! I don’t like 6 Julia thinks this is a great idea.
them at all!
›› 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 T
6 Listen and find ...
Tell Ss they will have to listen in detail to solve the task. 33 34 35
Ask them to read the prompts and try to complete the Julia: 
Hi Marco. Can you chat for a minute?
information they remember from the previous listening. Let Marco: 
Sure. What’s up?
them join a classmate so that they work in collaboration. Julia: 
You know the school trip that is coming up? I’m really
Give them some minutes and play the audio file. Grant Ss worried that I won’t have the money to go. My parents
some more minutes to complete the task. Call volunteers to are working so hard just to make ends meet and I don't

read and check with the whole class. want to put more pressure on them by asking for more
›› Answers: 1 I was walking over the bridge while I was money.
I see. Why don’t you raise the money yourself?
reading it. (the book) 2 A dog came running (and
What do you mean?
jumped at me). 3 I got utterly scared and dropped the Marco: 
You could sell something or offer a service to make extra
book. 4 utterly, at all money.
Do you mean like a lemonade stand?
Sort of. I don’t think you would make a lot of money
selling lemonade in the winter! But maybe you could sell
cupcakes or brownies.
SEL Julia: 
What a great idea!!! The only problem is that I am a
Ss will personalise their learning while they discuss terrible baker. hmmmm. But my sister makes the most
the attitude of the people in the story. It will give divine cakes. Maybe she can help me!!
them the possibility to reflect on the difference Marco: 
Yes. And you can take orders and bring them to school
between humour and bullying. They will develop the next day. You can sell to the teachers as well. People
awareness of how our attitudes can impact on love to eat and cupcakes are all the rage now.
others. They will then read the Remember! box to Julia: 
Yes … I can make different flavours, colours and designs.
And you can take orders for birthday parties too. You
keep the idea in mind.
could even set up a website!
Whoa!! Too much. I still have to study remember! And
my sister hasn’t agreed to help me yet! I still need to
discuss this idea with her.
True! I was getting ahead of myself!! Well, discuss it with
her tonight and tell me what she says. I’ll be happy to
help you sell them. You can’t miss the trip.
Thanks, Marco. You’re the best.

writing ›› page 24

Telling a story ɑː
When Ss read, help them to use intonation to create
1 Read the following story and underline the words that
expectancy and to add emotion to the story.
help place the events in order.
Ask Ss to read the instructions and complete the task. Give
them some time to work individually to underline the words 3 Think of an anecdote, or a fictitious or real story to write
that help to give the events an order. Then, let Ss work on about. Use the rules from the box and the examples to
peer assessment with a classmate. Ask volunteers to read help you.
the answers to check with the whole class.
Tell Ss to do this exercise as homework so that Ss can work
›› Answers: Last week, I visited New York to attend a
at their own pace and can resort to dictionaries and the
conference. While I was there, I decided to visit the MoMA.
To start off, my flight was delayed. Next, the airline lost my internet for help.
luggage, so I had to wait over an hour at the airport while they ›› Ss’ own answers.
tracked it down. Suddenly, they found my luggage in a corner
of the hall. As soon as they found my luggage, I took a taxi
to the hotel. During the ride, the driver told me that the MoMA
was closed. After I arrived at the hotel, everything was OK
again. The conference was very interesting, but I couldn’t visit In the following lesson, ask Ss to swap stories to
the museum. Finally, I caught my flight back to Los Angeles. work on peer correction. They are almost ready to
Eventually, I arrived home just in time to kiss my daughter complete the final task.


Read the box with the rules with the Ss and make Workbook Answers
sure everybody follows. Encourage Ss to ask for
clarification if necessary. Page 86
›› 2 Pianist 3 Guitar player 4 Composer
2 Fill in the blanks with words and phrases from the box.
Tell Ss to complete the story individually. After some 2
minutes, call volunteers to read one sentence each and ›› Ss’ own answers.
correct with the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 First of all / To start off / To begin with 2 As soon
›› Ss’ own answers.
as / When 3 immediately 4 Then / After that / Next

5 Suddenly / All of a sudden / Unexpectedly 6 Then / After 4

that / Next 7 During 8 while / as 9 Finally / Eventually
›› Ss’ own answers.

go for it! ›› page 25

A storytelling event! Workbook Answers

Ask Ss to go over the instructions and to use them to Page 87

complete their task. Fix a date for the presentations. 1
Ss have already written and swapped their stories for ›› 1 going in for 2 cried out of happiness 3 make his dream
peer correction. Now they have to rehearse to read it with come true. 4 scholarship 5 backing 6 scraping by
appropriate intonation to create expectancy and engage the
audience. They are going to add emotion as well. They can
record themselves to self-assess their performance. It might ›› 1 She said very hurtful things to me. 2 They were a positive
influence on my life. 3 It was a memorable trip. 4 She was
also help them to memorise the story. It is more engaging to
there during the formative years of his life. 5 The play was
have eye contact with the audience while telling the story.
fantastic. 6 The injury was painful.
Ss will specially reinforce the way to produce the ending of
the story to make a stronger impact on the audience.
Ss will share their stories in a storytelling session at school. ›› 1 to be promoted 2 start his own business 3 go on a family
holiday 4 pass the exam 5 graduate from university 6 lost
an important object
Ss will present individually in front of their classmates ›› 1 when 2 while 3 when 4 while 5 While 6 when
and teacher. They will feel how practice helps them 5
to feel less anxious at their presentations. They will

›› 1 Incorrect (met) 2 correct 3 incorrect (was approached)
also listen to their peers and they will have to show
4 correct 5 correct 6 incorrect (preparing)
respect towards the others. They will perceive the
situation from both perspectives. This will help them 6
to develop empathy.
so ›› 1 I have already done my homework 2 We have just
prepared dinner 3 They have not completed the project
4 She has not received any news. 5 Have you ever visited
Barbados? 6 Has she handed in the report yet? 7 What
My learning record have you done? 8 Where have you travelled to?
This section has been designed to help Ss to
reflect upon all the lexical, grammatical and
conceptual contents they have been working on
throughout the unit. Alternatively, values, which
have been previously presented in class, are also

Encourage Ss to go over the listed items and
self-evaluate whether they have been able to
achieve them or not. Encourage them to ask about
concepts that might not be clear enough, yet.
Help Ss to become aware that, in order to confirm
that they can actually produce the language
functions, they have to think of examples. If they
still have difficulties, they should ask the teacher
to plan a repairing teaching session to reinforce
the contents at which they still feel weak.

CLIL ›› page 26


To introduce the timeline of European history, highlight the last sentence of the introductory text. Ask Ss what they think
this means. Write down their ideas on the bb. List the words Prehistoric, Ancient, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Early Modern
and Modern on the bb, in random order. Have Ss work in pairs to list these different eras in the correct order. Explain to Ss
that they will learn about these different eras in Europe.
Divide the class up into six groups. Each group will read about a different era and present it to the class, explaining (1) the
time period of the era, (2) the characteristics of the era, and (3) the importance and impact of the era.

1 Which era is each word / phrase associated with? Do some research and use a dictionary to help you.
›› Answers:
1 rebirth Renaissance 5 serf Middle Ages 9 hunter-gatherer Prehistoric
2 industrialism Modern 6 Shakespeare Renaissance 10 Atlantic slave trade Early Modern
3 stone age Prehistoric 7 natural rights Modern 11 vassal Middle Ages
4 Aristotle Ancient 8 colony Early Modern 12 Athens Ancient

2 Each era was marked by specific movements, changes, and actions. Do research and fill in the table with the relevant

information in each column.
›› Answers may vary: Be sure to highlight the most important features of each era.
Government took different
Architecture: e.g. Parthenon
forms as the Ancient Greeks
Sculpture: Stone and metal. Local, regional and
sought ways to govern Polytheistic - the belief in multiple deities
Ancient times Pottery: Terra cotta figures international trade. Use of
themselves or gods.
were painted with religious or coins.
Democracy, Monarchy,
mythological scenes.
Oligarchy, Tyranny
Byzantine, Romanesque and Weekly markets in towns,
Middle Ages Feudalism Gothic Art. Focused mainly on Catholicism increasing international trade
Christianity and religion. with other countries in Europe.
Prolific production of paintings,

Three main forms of The invention of the printing. Martin

sculpture, music and literature. A money-based economy,
government: Luther led the Reformation, which
Renaissance Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci with bankers, merchants and
Princedoms; Monarchies and caused a split from the Catholic Church.
and Rafael are artists of this greater social mobility.
Oligarchies; Republics Protestantism was born.
Several different Protestant Churches
Political power remained Paintings became more ornate.
appeared mainly in Northern Europe,
Early Modern concentrated in the hands of At the same time, a dark realism Early capitalism sprung up.
while Southern Europe remained mainly
the nobility and the church. also emerged.
The Industrial Revolution
Artists started exploring their Industrial revolution and huge
prompted a shift to democratic
personal experiences and population growth, increasing
governments which provided
Modern views of the world in their art. Separation of church and state. demand for goods and
services such as mass
Art shifted away from realistic services and increasing need
education, border and military
representation. to generate income.

3 Research one major event that occurred from the 1700s until today. Present your findings to the class.


Page 27 3
›› 1 came 2 applied 3 became 4 have gone 5 wasn’t
working 6 went 7 have never been 8 don’t miss
›› 1 painful 2 unforgettable 3 cheerful 4 high-heeled
5 at all 9 live 10 are coming

2 4
›› 1 who 2 such 3 so 4 gone 5 such
›› 1 f 2 h 3 d 4 j 5 a 6 e 7 c 8 i 9 b 10 g



›› pages 28–29

Goals Final project

›› Talk about past events ›› Persistent lives. How these people became
›› Read and learn about travel problems famous
›› Describe means of transport
›› Describe travel problems
›› Highlight events in a timeline
›› Listen and learn about how travel influenced
people’s lives
›› Write a timeline about someone’s life

Go over the goals with the Ss. This practice will help you to come to an agreement as regards your demands,
timing, ways of assessment, etc. Ss will be more committed if they are part of the negotiations.
Go to the Think it up! box to read together what Ss are expected to do by the end of the unit. Ss will do some
research to find out about resilient people who succeeded after having overcome some kind of failure. They
are going to prepare a slide show presentation. They will understand the relevance of the language they have

to learn to do the final task.
1 L ook at the pictures and describe what was happening 14
in each of them.
At 9 a.m. I got back home and while I was opening
21 Century Skills
st the door, I saw dark smoke coming from the kitchen.
I had forgotten to turn off the stove before I went
Tell Ss to read the instructions and solve the task. Tell to the supermarket. The problem was that I hadn’t
them they can join two or three classmates to work filled the car tank, so I ran out of petrol while I was
collaboratively. After some minutes, call volunteers to driving back home. I had to ask for help and I was
read the answers and check with the whole class. To waiting for half an hour until the Automobile Club
make sure all Ss have the correct answers, name a Service arrived. When I went to my bedroom, I

problem and call Ss to identify the picture. This time try found a broken glass and liquid spread on the floor.
to call Ss who usually have more difficulty in learning so The cat had jumped on my bedside table and had
that they also get engaged in the lesson and feel they pushed the glass to the floor.
can learn. I also don't like doing the laundry. I had washed the
pile of clothes which was in the laundry and I had
just finished hanging the washed clothes on the
2 Listen to Marissa’s account and number the pictures. clothesline when it started to rain.
I went to work. Of course, I was late. I had just got into
Ask Ss to go on working in small groups to solve this task. the lift when the lights went off and we got trapped in
They already have the vocabulary they need to understand the carriage for more than half an hour.
the listening. Tell them to read the instructions and to get
ready for the listening task. Play the audio file and give I can’t believe I’m at home and the day is coming to an
Ss some minutes to complete the task. Play the audio file end. I need a warm shower and to dive into bed!
a second time, if necessary. Call volunteers to read the
answers and check with the whole class. This time, since Ss
will read the same sentences they worked on in Ex.1, try to
call Ss who have more difficulty in learning so that they feel
they can answer and feel more motivated to go on making
an effort to keep the pace of the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 d 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 c

3 Cross out the verbs not mentioned in the account.


Tell Ss to go on working in groups. This time, they

will focus attention on the verbs used. They will
have to cross out the verbs not mentioned. This task
aims at helping Ss develop their lateral thinking.
They will change the response and they will have
to process the information twice to complete the
task: listen to the verbs mentioned to cross out the
verbs not mentioned. Call volunteers to read the
verbs mentioned. Again, the demand will change
and Ss will have to focus the task from a different
perspective. Then, ask Ss to share the verbs they
crossed out to check with the whole class. This time,
try to call Ss who have more difficulty in learning. If
they have paid attention, they are likely to have the
answers correctly. They will feel they can answer well
and feel more motivated to go on making an effort to
keep the pace of the whole class.

›› Answers: answer, get away, go into, stay

While Ss share the answers, check that they pronounce
the verbs correctly. Pay special attention to vowels, initial
clusters, e.g. /st/, and final consonants.
4 Write the verbs used next to the corresponding pictures.
Tell Ss to work individually to do this task. Check with the
whole class.

›› Answers: a wash, hang, start b fill, run out, drive, wait, arrive
c go, get into, go off, get trapped d get back, open, see,
forget, go e go, find, jump, push

This section aims at helping Ss to personalise

their learning. They will use the new vocabulary to
reconstruct the story collaboratively. They have help
in the verbs they have added to the pictures. Give Ss
some time to complete the task and play the audio
file for them to check their writing. When you check,
encourage participation of all Ss.

reading ›› page 30

Travel mishaps

1 Read the problems and identify the means of transport. IC

This exercise aims at helping Ss to personalise
21 Century Skills
st their learning. They will be telling about problems
they have had. The fact that they will speak about
Tell Ss to read the instructions and do the exercise. They real events is highly motivating for Ss to use the
will have to match the problems described to the means language. If they lack the necessary vocabulary,
of transport shown in the pictures. They will use critical let them express the idea in Spanish, provide them
thinking to make the necessary associations. Tell Ss the English version and ask them to repeat it.
they do not need to read the text in detail or know the Write the new words and expressions on the bb
meaning of each individual word. Call volunteers to read so that everybody can keep a record of the new
the answers to check with the whole class. Make sure vocabulary.
everybody notes down the matches.

›› Answers: 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e
Workbook Answers
2 Read again and find words and phrases meaning ... Page 88
LA / 21st Century Skills ›› 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b

In this second reading, Ss will have to infer meaning 2
from the context. Tell them to risk answering without ›› 2 5th January 2019 3 The writer was flying from Toronto.
looking up words. They should only use the dictionary 4 The writer was flying to London. 5 The writer was
so connecting in New York. 6 The delay was eighteen hours.
if they cannot make sense of the sentences. This
practice will help Ss to develop language awareness.
They will identify the meaning of the words and ›› 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F
phrases in bold with the help of the context and the
prompts given. They will use their previous knowledge
and critical thinking to solve this task. Call volunteers
to read the answers to check with the whole class.

›› Answers: a 9 b 2 c 7 d 12 e 5 f 1 g 3 h 11 i 8
j 6 k 4 l 10

3 Read again and say who …

Tell Ss they will have to read the text once more. This time,
they will identify who states each problem. They will use
previous knowledge and the vocabulary they are learning.
Call volunteers to read the answers and check with the
whole class. Make sure everybody can follow.
›› Answers: 1 Phillip 2 Marianne 3 Jason 4 Alison 5 Phillip
6 Jason

vocabulary ›› page 31

Means of transport Travel problems

1 Use the words in the box to complete the table. Use a 4 Match the columns.
dictionary if necessary.
Tell Ss that we use some collocations when we speak about
Tell Ss to complete the table with the words from the travel problems. Ask them to solve the task individually.
box. Encourage them to infer the meaning of words to Remind them they have some help in the reading text. Tell
complete the task, but tell them they can use a dictionary, if them to match the words they know first and to leave the
necessary. Draw the table on the bb and ask individual Ss to ones they do not know to the end. They will be a few and
read the answers and complete the table to check with the Ss will be able to risk identifying the matchings. Let them
whole class. Writing the words on the bb helps Ss who find share their answers in small groups of three or four before
more difficulty in learning to follow the pace of the other Ss. checking with the whole class. Call volunteers to read the
›› Answers: answers.
›› Answers: 1 b 2 f 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 e
rail land air sea
station bus terminal airport port 5 Put the letters in order to form the corresponding words.
ship / cruise
train / carriage bus / coach plane
ship 21st Century Skills / SEL
get on
Tell Ss to read the instructions and solve the task.
get off They have some help in the reading, so they can
platform gate gate dock / quay work individually. Let them share their answers with a

classmate before checking with the whole class. Call
journey journey flight / journey voyage
volunteers to read and make sure everybody can follow.
depart / leave / depart / leave /
depart / leave depart / leave
take off
›› Answers: 1 potholes 2 ticket barrier 3 overweight 4 fined
arrive arrive arrive / land arrive / dock
5 delayed 6 carousel

You can invite Ss to play the games on page 72. They will
Since Ss will be reading a word at a time, check
pronunciation of individual sounds. If Ss mispronounce practice the vocabulary items learned so far. If there are fast
a sound, repeat the correct word after them to finishers, they can enjoy some fun time in class. If the whole
correct gently. group moves ahead together, you can give them some
minutes to practise and enjoy at the same time.

2 Complete the sentences with words from the table in

Exercise 1.
Tell Ss to work individually to complete the sentences. Call
volunteers to read to check with the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 Platform 2 takes off / lands 3 ship / [quay /
dock] 4 bus 5 cruise ship

Ticket categories

3 Circle the correct options.

Ask Ss to read the sentences and to work in pairs to
complete the task. They will have to choose the correct
option. They will have to infer the meaning of some words.
Tell them to use the dictionary only if necessary. Encourage
them to work out meanings. Call volunteers to read the
answers to check with the whole class. Use the checking
instance to explain the meaning of the words and make sure
all Ss can follow.
›› Answers: 1 return 2 single 3 season 4 valid 5 travel

GRAMMAR ›› pages 32–33

Past Simple and Past Continuous AT

Ss will understand how the use of different tenses

Tell Ss to read the examples. They are revising the uses of organises events in the past.
the past tenses. They can go to page 20 to re-read the rules
and they have some infographics to aid their recall.

2 Which action is first in each sentence? Write 1 – 2 or

2 – 1 at the end of the line.
Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple
21st Century Skills
Tell Ss they can revise the structure of the Present Perfect
Simple going to page 21. Ask them to read the box with the Tell Ss to read the instructions and complete the task.
rules of use and make sure they understand the difference Ss will have to identify which action is first in each
between the two tenses. Give them a few examples on the sentence. They will make use of their critical thinking
bb for them to identify what is more important, either the while they practise the theory just learnt. In order to
event or the time. check, ask Ss to say the two sentences starting First, …
Then, … to reinforce the consolidation of the concepts.

Past Perfect Simple ›› Answers: 2 2 – 1 3 1 – 2 4 2 – 1 5 1 – 2 6 2 – 1

Read the table with the Ss and elicit from them that the 3C
 omplete the text with the correct form of the verbs in

auxiliary is the past of the verb have and that we use the brackets.
same auxiliary for all persons. Draw their attention to the Tell Ss to read the text and put the verbs in the correct form.
word order in the affirmative, negative and interrogative They can use the text in Ex.1 as a guide and the rules on
forms. Study the infographic representing the use of the page 32 for help. Let them share their answers in small
Past Perfect Simple with the Ss and make sure everybody groups to work on peer correction. Then, call volunteers to
can follow. read and check with the whole class. Have some Ss write
the verbs on the bb to make sure everybody gets the correct
answers in the end. Encourage Ss to ask what they don’t
Past Perfect Simple and Past Simple understand.
›› Answers: 1 arrived 2 saw 3 was flickering 4 had left
5 hurried 6 was crying 7 worried 8 finished 9 was
Have Ss read the box with the uses of the Past Simple
10 was 11 had come 12 was crying
and the Past Perfect Simple for them to understand the
difference. Explain to them that, when we speak about two

actions occurring in the past, we give them an order by

using these tenses. Read the examples with the Ss and ask
them which action is first and which one is second in each While Ss read to share the answers, check that they
sentence to check that they understand. use the correct intonation to chain ideas.
Help Ss notice, in the last example, that we use the Past
Perfect Simple to refer to a past experience in the past.

1 Circle the correct options.

Reflexive pronouns
Tell Ss to work individually to complete the task. Give them
some minutes and call volunteers to read and check with
the whole class. Ask them to give reasons for their choice so Have Ss study the box. Elicit from them that the suffix for
that everybody can understand the answers. Encourage Ss the singular reflexive pronouns is -self and the plural one is
to ask what they don’t understand. -selves.
›› Answers: 1 was 2 had ever taken 3 had sat 4 gave Read the two boxes together with the Ss and make sure
5 had dreamt 6 was 7 cried 8 had cried they understand the meaning and use of them. In order to
do so, ask Ss to give two or three examples after reading

ɑː the one in the book.

While Ss read to share the answers, check that they ɑː

use the correct intonation to chain ideas.
Help Ss to notice that we stress the suffixes -self
and -selves in the pronouns.

Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive Page 90
pronouns. 6
›› 2 the train 3 your flight 4 your passport 5 your ticket
IC 6 your boarding card
Ask Ss to work orally in class and give the written
›› 1 the bus 2 passport 3 feel dizzy 4 traffic jam
exercises as homework. This practice will enable Ss 5 overweight luggage 6 have a delay
to become aware of how much they have learnt and
if they need to ask for clarification of any point. The
following lesson, call volunteers to check with the ›› 1 had had 2 had cleaned / came 3 had eaten / got
4 arrived / had done 5 had recorded / found out
whole class. Call some volunteers to write the answers
on the bb to make sure all Ss have them correct. 9
Encourage Ss to ask for clarification if necessary. ›› 3 had started 4 noticed 5 had seen 6 registered

Page 91
›› Answers: 1 yourself 2 themselves 3 ourselves 10
4 yourselves 5 himself
›› 2 was / have bought 3 arrived / have made 4 drove / have
stopped 5 felt / have eaten 6 cooked / have / eaten
each other / one another ›› 2 themselves 3 himself 4 ourselves 5 themselves
6 myself
Read the box with the Ss and help them to understand 12

the use of both phrases. Ask them to give some examples ›› 2 have not / gone 3 missed 4 were doing 5 caused
to check they have understood. Write them on the bb and 6 made
have Ss take notes in their notebooks.
Remind Ss that this box gives them some hints to
complete their final project. This time they should
practise the use of the different past tenses by telling
anecdotes to each other.

Workbook Answers

Page 89
›› 1 d 2 f 3 b 4 e 5 a 6 c
›› 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b
›› 2 gate 3 port 4 coach 5 platform 6 depart
›› 1 platform 2 gate 3 coach 4 railway station 5 port
›› 2 valid 3 travel card 4 single 5 season

listening and speaking ›› pages 34–35

the person each anecdote refers to. Also, help Ss to learn

Travelling anecdotes
about the life of the different people to understand better
what they have in common.
1 Which of the words in the cloud do you associate with ›› Answers: 1 was boarding / took off / threw 2 had thrown
the title? 3 flew / had rented / caused 4 had done

Ask Ss to look at the title and the words in the cloud. They
can work in small groups finding associations between some 15
of the words and the meaning of the title. Let them discuss 16
for a short time and have a whole class discussion. Have all One day, Mahatma Gandhi was getting on a carriage.
groups chosen the same words? Which one do they have in While he was going inside, one of his shoes slipped
common? How do they give reasons for their choices? How off and got caught on the track. After he had failed
many words have they looked up? Which ones? to pull the shoe from the track, he took off the other
Use this discussion as a brainstorming session and write all shoe as well and threw it onto the track right at the
the new words on the bb for Ss to copy them at the end of spot where the first one was stuck. The astonished
the activity. passengers couldn’t understand why he had thrown
the shoe and asked, “Why are you throwing the other
2 Look at the pictures and discuss with a classmate. shoe onto the track?” Gandhi replied, “The poor man
who finds the shoe lying on the track will now have a
21st Century Skills pair he can use.”
Tell Ss to go over the pictures. Ask them if they Richard Branson launched Virgin Atlantic Airlines in
identify any of the people in them. Have Ss read 1984 to give passengers a better flying experience.

the instructions and do the task. In this task, there Many of the ideas Branson implemented were to
are many possible answers to question 3 that will solve problems he had experienced with other
depend on Ss’ perspective and experience. We airlines. During the initial test flight of a Boeing 747
should listen to them and let them state their point.
so he had rented, a flock of birds flew into an engine,
This enhances critical thinking, risk-taking and causing extensive damage. As a result, he failed to
responsibility. get permission to start carrying passengers. Instead
of panicking or giving up, Branson committed himself
›› Answers: 1 a Mahatma Gandhi; b Elizabeth Gilbert;
to get the money to repair the plane as soon as
c Richard Branson. 2 No, they aren’t. 3 Resilience, because possible. His airline got the certification it needed,
they overcame difficulties and went on being strong and and Virgin’s inaugural flight from Gatwick to Newark
determined (determination); patience to overcome difficulties; was a success.
success, because they achieved their aim in the end 3
(achievement); power, because they were powerful enough Elizabeth Gilbert shot into the limelight when her
to persist. memoir Eat, Pray, Love became an international

bestseller in 2006. The story chronicles a real-life

3 The people in Exercise 2 are associated with travelling. journey across the world she had done to heal from
Listen to their anecdotes and identify the means of a painful divorce. She changed her life after she had
transport corresponding to each of them. found pleasure in Italy, devotion in India, and balance
Tell Ss to read the instructions and get ready to do the in Bali. The book was made into a film that starred
listening task. Remind them that they do not need to Julia Roberts, and was a great success too.
understand every single word. This time they will need
to get the gist in order to identify the means of transport
corresponding to each anecdote. Play the audio file and give
them some minutes to complete the task. Tell them they can IC
discuss the answers with a classmate next to them. Give
Not all Ss will understand the audio file at the same
them some minutes to exchange opinions and help each
time. Having Ss listen to it several times with various
other, and play the audio file for them to double-check their
purposes helps them to end up understanding it and
answers. Call volunteers to read the matchings and check
to develop their listening skills.
with the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 a train 2 an aeroplane 3 various means of

4 Listen again and complete the sentences.

Once again, tell Ss to read the instructions and try to
complete the task in pairs with what they remember from
the previous listening. They will work collaboratively.
Ask them to get ready and play the audio file for Ss to
complete the task. Have volunteers read the anecdotes
to check with the whole class. Once Ss have completed
the anecdotes, play the audio file once more for every
S to be able to follow it. Make sure everybody identifies

›› 1 b 2 b 3 a

This section is meant to personalise Ss’ learning 2

and make the practice more meaningful. Tell ›› 2 The price of a ticket for September 30th. 3 The price of a
them to complete it orally and do the exercise ticket for September 28th. 4 The return date. 5 The date the
caller will travel. 6 Flights are more expensive on Fridays.
as homework. This practice will help learners to
become aware of how much they have learnt and 3
whether they need some extra clarification. While ›› 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T
Ss work orally in class, monitor their interaction
and provide any help they might need.

Remind Ss that this box provides ideas to help them
fulfil their final project. It is also an alert for them to
go on working steadily to complete it. They should
decide whose anecdote they would like to share
and start looking for more information about it. They

should think of what makes the anecdote relevant to
give their reasons in the presentation.
Workbook Answers

Page 92
36 37 38

Travel agent: Good morning. Yes, Travel Agency. How may I help
Robert: Good morning. I would like to book a flight to

Travel agent: OK. I will need some details. When would you like
to travel?
Robert: On or around September 30th. And I would like to
return three weeks later.
Travel agent: And are you looking for hotel accommodation as
Robert: No. I’ll be staying with friends.
Travel agent: OK. Let me see what we have available. … Flights
from Bueno Aires to London on September 30th
will cost $759.
Robert: Wow. That’s much more expensive than I expected.
Travel agent: Yes, travel on Fridays is always more expensive.
If you move your trip to Wednesday the 28th, the
price will go down to $579.
Robert: That sounds more like it. Yes, I can move the trip up
to the Wednesday before. When is the return date?
Travel agent: The return date at this price is on the eighteenth of
October. Does that work for you?
Robert: Yes. That works. Do you offer travel insurance as
Travel agent: Yes we do. We have several options. May I send
you the details by email?
Robert: Yes. My email address is …

writing ›› page 36

Describe a timeline 4 Choose a person you want to write about. Write a

timeline. Decide which events you want to highlight
and organise your writing. Remember, you can organise
1 Read the text and follow the information in the timeline. events by using different tenses.
Ask Ss to look at the timeline and elicit from them that it Have Ss read the instructions and do the task. They can do
shows events in the order they occurred. Tell Ss to read the it as homework to be able to work at each individual’s pace.
text and follow the information in the timeline. Then, have Remind them that, if they draw the timeline, they are likely
them read the box with information about timelines. to remember all the events at the moment of writing about
the person they have chosen. They can also decide which
 ead again and check the use of tenses to organise event they consider the most relevant to organise their
events. See page 32. writing. They can go to page 32 if they need to reinforce
the use of tenses to organise events in the past.
Have Ss go to page 32 to revise the use of tenses to
organise events in the past. Tell them to ask for any
clarification they might need. Workbook Answers
3 Answer the questions
Page 92

21 Century Skills
st 1
›› Ss’ own answers.
Tell Ss to answer the questions in pairs so that they
can discuss their ideas and help each other. They will
›› Ss’ own answers.

be developing their communication and collaboration
skills. Call volunteers to read the answers and check 3
with the whole class. Make sure everybody can follow.
›› Ss’ own answers.
›› Answers: 1 A journey on horseback from Mongolia to
Hungary. 2 He wanted to recreate the trail of Genghis Khan.
3 Because the author wants to highlight it. It is how Tim
became famous. 4 He presents his personal discoveries at
schools, organisations and community groups.

go for it! ›› page 37

Persistent lives. How these people Workbook Answers

became famous.
Page 93
Ask Ss to go over the instructions and to use them to 1
complete their task. Fix a date for the presentations.
›› 1 c 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 f 6 b
Ss have learnt how to organise events in the past. They
will write about people whose lives have been changed in
or by a trip. They will choose the anecdote and a picture ›› 1 bus terminal 2 platform 3 depart 4 coach 5 gate 6 land
that represents the person and the event that changed
his / her life. They will draw a timeline of the life, or part
›› 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 a 6 b
of the life of the person they want to write about. They
will include the events they consider relevant. They 4
will organise the text. They can prepare some slides
›› 1 myself 2 himself 3 herself 4 themselves 5 yourself
with pictures that represent each moment they want to 6 itself
highlight. They can include key words that will help them
to remember what they have to say. 5

Remind Ss to rehearse speaking in a loud voice to be able ›› 1 Past Simple 2 Present Perfect 3 Past Continuous 4 Past
Perfect 5 Past Simple 6 Past Perfect
to use adequate sounds and intonation and to avoid feeling
too anxious when presenting in front of their classmates 6
and teacher.
›› 1 had planned 2 got 3 had / wanted 4 called
Enjoy the presentation! 5 postponed 6 went 7 was 8 had / made

My learning record

This section has been designed to help Ss to
reflect upon all the lexical, grammatical and
conceptual contents they have been working on
throughout the unit. Alternatively, values, which
have been previously presented in class, are also
Encourage Ss to go over the listed items and
self-evaluate whether they have been able to
achieve them or not. Encourage them to ask about
concepts that might not be clear enough, yet.

Help Ss to become aware that, in order to confirm

that they can actually produce the language
functions, they have to think of examples. If they
still have difficulties, they should ask the teacher
to plan a repairing teaching session to reinforce
the contents at which they still feel weak.


4 Down Memory Lane

›› pages 38–39

Goals Final project

›› Talk about technology from the past ›› Presentation on a comparison of devices
›› Read and learn about three coexisting
›› Talk about ambition
›› Describe the development of technology
›› Talk about hypothetical situations
›› Listen and learn about the past
›› Write a paragraph using linking words

Go over the goals with the Ss. This practice will help you to come to an agreement as regards your demands,
timing, ways of assessment, etc. Ss will be more committed if they are part of the negotiations.
Go to the Think it up! box to read together what Ss are expected to do by the end of the unit. Ss are going
to create a video representing a virtual museum of technology. They will understand the relevance of the
language they have to learn to do the final task. They will have time to ask their older relatives for information

and the ICT and Art teachers for help.
QUIZ ›› Answers: 1 e 2 g 3 h 4 f 5 a 6 i 7 b 8 c 9 d

SEL / 21st Century Skills 2 Label the pictures with words from the box. There are
Ask Ss if they know what a quiz is. Elicit that it is a sort 2 extra words.
of test. Tell them they are going to solve the quiz. Ask
Tell Ss to use the words in the box to label the pictures.
them to read the questions and to try to answer them.
Encourage them to take risks at choosing the words. If they
Do they know the answers? Have they ever seen these
cannot work out the meanings, they can use a dictionary to
devices? Is there any of them at home? Give Ss some
look up the words they do not know.
time to discuss the questions in small groups of three
or four. Then, have a discussion with the whole class. ›› Answers: a a mimeograph b a dial telephone c a typewriter

Draw Ss’ attention to the closing comment in the quiz. d a portable radio e a tape recorder f a map g a camera
h a floppy disk i a television set
Who’s over 60 at home? Ss will value the possibility to
›› Extra words: CD player – hi-fi
talk with their grandparents about the past.
This task will help Ss to understand how fast technology
is developing. Tell them to ask their grandparents about More teaching ideas
these devices. They can also ask at school if they still When Ss finish labelling the pictures, in order to
have any of them. Another possibility is to surf the do the checking, write on the bb This is a … People
internet in search of information. used to … with it as prompt for Ss to describe each
device. Have Ss naming each device and describing
its use until they go over all of them. Ss will be using
1 Look at the pictures and identify their use. Write the the language structure they are going to learn in a
corresponding letter. meaningful way, so they will learn its function before
they learn its structure. They will be learning to use
21st Century Skills the language and not about the language.

Tell Ss to see if they can match the devices and their

use. Tell them they can surf the internet, if there is
access at school. If not, give this task as homework
so that they can find out information on the net or
ask their grandparents. They can start by working
out the different uses just looking at the devices’
characteristics. Let them draw their own conclusions
and discuss in groups. They will develop critical
thinking skills and they will also learn to state their
point and support it.

Ss will personalise their learning by using the
new language to speak about things they know
or they think to be true. They will be comparing
the devices in the past and the ones they use
nowadays. Each S will speak according to his /
her own experience. Not all Ss will have the most
modern devices. It is a great opportunity to reflect
on the issue that having and being are not the
same. We are not better because we have the
best device.


Discuss with Ss how some people discard devices

more often than others due to the influence of
consumerism. We sometimes do not know all we can
do with some devices and end up replacing them for

a newer one.

reading ›› page 40

Three coexisting generations 4 Read the text once more and complete the sentences.
Ss will have to read the text in detail to complete this task.
Have them work individually to solve it. They might also
1 Look at the text and choose the correct option. do it as homework to have enough time to process the
information. Call volunteers to read the answers. Write them
21st Century Skills on the bb so that everybody has the correct answers to the
task at the end.
Ask Ss to read the question and to observe the text
›› Answers: 1 baby boomers / work 2 millennials / the
so that they can answer. Ss will learn how to infer workplace / the economy 3 ‘digital natives’ / an average
discourse genre by interpreting the form and the
general idea of the text. Discuss the answer with the
whole class. Ask Ss to give reasons for their answer.
Ss will develop their critical thinking.
Ss will personalise their learning and will gather
2 Read the text and check your answers. more vocabulary to complete the final task. Since
Tell Ss to read the text to complete the task. They do not they will be discussing their own ideas, they will
need to understand every single word. It is enough to get surely describe different realities. Not all parents or
the general gist. Call a volunteer to answer and check with grandparents are well acquainted with technology.
the whole class. Ask Ss to give reasons for their answer. On the other hand, there are many elderly people
who enjoy working online. Monitor Ss’ interactions
›› Answers: 1 c 2 b
and provide them with the vocabulary they might

3 Read the text again and find words or phrases need. Write on the bb all the words you teach so
meaning ... that Ss copy them at the end of the lesson. Make
sure they understand their meaning.
You can give this task as homework so that Ss work
at their own pace. Some of them will need to look up Workbook Answers
words and some others will enjoy risking meanings.
Tell Ss to try to gather meaning from context and use Page 94
a dictionary only if necessary. Call volunteers to read
the answers to check with the whole class. Make sure
everybody can follow. ›› 1 a 2 a 3 b


›› Answers: 1 9 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 8 6 7 7 2 8 3 9 10 10 1 ›› 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 T

More teaching ideas ›› 2 the size and shape of a brick. 3 using an online streaming
Tell Ss to write the new words on strips of paper. Keep service. 4 on a YouTube channel. 5 he is proof that age is
them in a box and use them as warm-up or rounding- just a number.
off the following lesson. Ask Ss to make sentences
with the words showing that they remember their
Since these Ss have studied English for some time,
you can add practice by asking them which words
they like best or which ones they find most difficult
to remember, and they can start categorising them
and keeping them in different boxes or envelopes.
Later, you can organise spelling contests or meaning
contests to go on practising them. These activities are
good time fillers when you have 5 minutes to spare.

vocabulary ›› page 41

Ambitions ɑː
When Ss read, check that they pronounce the new
Would like + to infinitive items correctly. Besides, help Ss to use rising and
falling intonation to organise discourse.
1 Look at the pictures of Alicia and Luis and complete the
SEL / 21 Century Skills
Help Ss to notice how many English words we use
Have Ss look at the picture and ask them what the in Spanish. Have them reflect on why we use them
bubbles mean. Elicit that they represent each of (we borrow new words because technology is mostly
the person’s ambitions. Tell them to complete the developed in English speaking countries).
sentences using the hints provided by the picture.
They will use critical thinking.
Help them to reflect on how we are never happy with
our reality. In this case, the older man would like to
be younger and the girl would like to be older. Ask
Ss if that happens to them. They will develop self-
awareness and, listening to their classmates, they will Ss will personalise their learning while they speak
develop awareness of others. about their experience with old and new devices.
They will develop awareness of how they use ICT.

They will also develop speaking skills.
›› Answers: 2 would like to work 3 would like to live 4 would
like to have 6 would like to study 7 would like to play
You can invite Ss to play the games on page 73. They
SEL will practise the vocabulary items learned so far playing
Ss will personalise their learning speaking about Devices bingo. If there are fast finishers, they can enjoy
their own ambitions. Have Ss share their ideas with some fun time in class. If the whole group moves ahead
the whole class. How many have similar ambitions? together, you can give them some minutes to practise and
Remind them that they have to respect everybody’s enjoy at the same time.
opinion even though they might disagree with them.
They will develop communication skills.

Remind Ss that this box provides ideas to help them

ESI fulfil their final project. It is also an alert for them to
go on working steadily to complete it. Ss will start
Discuss with Ss that our ambitions should not be collecting pictures of ICT devices and recording their
determined by our gender. Nobody is right or wrong use to prepare their virtual museum videos.
about individual choices.

Technology development

2 Circle the correct options.

Tell Ss to work individually to complete the task. Give them
some minutes to make their choices and check with the
whole class.
›› Answers: 1 letters 2 text 3 photocopies 4 scanned
5 smartphones 6 thumb drive 7 e-readers 8 smartphone
9 home office 10 video conferences

GRAMMAR ›› pages 42–43

Used to ɑː
Read the table with the Ss. Help them to notice that we When Ss read, check that they use the correct
use the same form of used to + infinitive with all persons. falling intonation for information questions.
Draw their attention to the rules of use to help them to avoid
making mistakes. Show Ss that we use the auxiliary did for
the negative and interrogative forms. Write two or three
examples on the bb. Elicit some examples from the Ss to
check that they have understood the form and use.
1 Jannet has changed her lifestyle. Read and write sentences Ss will personalise their learning using the new
about her using used to and didn’t use to. structures to speak about habits they have changed.

Have Ss work individually to write the sentences based

on the prompts. Call volunteers to read and to write the
sentences on the bb. Everybody will have the possibility to
complete the task correctly. Conditional Type 2
›› Answers: 2 Jannet used to prepare posters. She didn’t use
to prepare slide-show presentations. 3 Jannet used to send
letters. She didn’t use to text. 4 Jannet used to develop
Study the box with the Ss and help them to notice the
photographs. She didn’t use to take digital photographs. form of the verbs. Read the box with the uses of the
conditional sentence type 2. Highlight the fact that we

ɑː express probable conditions. Focus Ss’ attention on the after

thoughts between brackets to aid comprehension.

When Ss read, help them to notice that we use the 5 Complete the following conditions.
form /juːst tu/ before vowels and /juːst tə/ before
consonants Tell Ss to complete the conditions chain. Show Ss that they
express hypothetical conditions. Ask them to work orally
in class and complete the writing task as homework. They
will reinforce what they have learnt and will become aware
2 Which generation does Jannet belong in? of what they do not understand. The following lesson,
ask Ss to read their sentences and ask for clarification, if
21st Century Skills necessary.
›› Answers: 2 If I had a lot of money, I’d travel a lot. 3 If I travelled
Have Ss read the sentences in Ex. 1 and refer to the a lot, I’d go to Europe. 4 If I went to Europe, I’d visit museums.
Reading on page 40 to answer this question. They 5 If I visited museums, I’d learn a lot about Fine Arts. 6 If
will use critical thinking skills to solve the task.

I learned a lot about Fine Arts, I’d give lectures. 7 If I gave

lectures, I’d become famous.

›› Answers: Baby boomers

 omplete the text with used to / didn’t use to and a
verb from the box to learn about Peter’s past. When Ss read the sentences, help them to notice
that we use referring (rising) intonation in the first
Tell Ss to work individually to do the task. Give them some clause and proclaiming (falling) intonation in the
minutes to complete it. Call volunteers to read and check second one.
with the whole class. If some Ss cannot follow, write the
verbs on the bb and help them to understand why you use
the different forms of the verbs.
›› Answers: 1 used to be 2 used to cry 3 didn’t use to play
4 used to spend 5 didn’t use to enjoy 6 used to get Conditional Types 0, 1 and 2 compared

4 Ask questions about Peter.

Ask Ss to read the chart to understand the difference
Tell Ss to work in pairs writing the questions and answers between the conditional types.
about Peter. In order to check, ask different pairs to read a
question and its answer each. Call other volunteers to write AT
them on the bb to make sure everybody completes the task
correctly. Ss will understand the difference in the meaning
›› Answers: 1 When did he use to be really shy? 2 What did he stated by the three conditional types seen so far.
use to do a lot? 3 How did he use to spend breaks? 4 Where
did he use to get carsick?

6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the 7
same as the first. Use Conditional Types 0, 1 or 2. ››

This exercise aims at reinforcing the comprehension of the D G V L C X T X N E X F G A A

meanings stated by the different conditionals. Ask Ss to
do the task orally in class and to write the sentences as
homework. They will reinforce what they have learned and N Z T X M Y W O L V R Y H Q I
will become aware of what they do not understand. The H P S J P T H M K E T F L K E
following lesson, ask Ss to read their sentences and ask for
clarification, if necessary. U F L D U P X A R K P Q T Y W

›› Answers: 1 press this key 2 go on talking 3 didn’t have A L K A T H V E E B Z H S L K

4 would try 5 studied hard enough 6 wait
You can invite Ss to play the games on page 73. They will S Z D F E M K H W V W M O W V
practice the conditionals learnt so far playing Conditions
chain game. If there are fast finishers, they can enjoy some
fun time in class. If the whole group moves ahead together, S R T E I W P Y P U H Z T R H
you can give them some minutes to practise and enjoy at H E G F L O P P Y D I S K H G
the same time.

Workbook Answers
Page 95
so ›› Answers may vary: 2 He used to fight with his brother.
3 When Alan was younger, he didn’t use to eat a lot of fruits
1 and vegetables. 4 He didn’t use to study a lot. 5 Alan used
›› 2 dial telephone 3 CD player 4 floppy disk 5 maps to play football. 6 He used to score a lot of goals.
6 typewriters
2 ›› Answers may vary: 2 Both Ana and Peter used to be in a
›› 2 nevertheless 3 Even though 4 Even though
theatre group. 3 Peter didn’t use to do dance classes.
5 nevertheless 6 Would / rather 4 Ana used to study a lot. 5 Ana didn’t use to help her mum
3 prepare dinner. 6 Peter didn’t use to watch a lot of TV.
›› 1 c 2 f 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 d
Page 97

›› Ss’ own answers. ›› Answers may vary: 2 She never used to do research in
5 the library. 3 My parents never used to go dancing.
›› 4 I sometimes used to go roller skating. 5 They used to go
to the beach once a week. 6 We sometimes used to listen
Old technology New technology to the radio. 7 Our friends never play video games. 8 They
used to take the bus to school every day.
dial telephone smartphone
floppy disk thumb drive
›› 2 Did Maria use to go camping? 3 Did Elena use to
typewriter computer volunteer? 4 Did Ben use to go to music festivals?

letter text messages 12

›› 2 How did you use to get around? 3 What did you use to like
map GPS to do at weekends? 4 Where did you use to go to school?
5 How much did you use to spend on clothes? 6 Where did
Page 96 you use to shop?
6 13
›› 2 dial telephone 3 map 4 typewriter 5 thumb drive 6 GPS ›› Answers may vary: 2 If Paula were rich, she would have a
big house. 3 If Paula won the lottery, she would go on a
shopping spree. 4 If Paula were tall, she would play volleyball
professionally. 5 If Paula won Argentina’s Got Talent, she
would be famous. 6 If Paula got all As at school, her parents
would be very happy.
›› Answers may vary: 2 If I were you, I would talk things over
with my parents. 3 If I were you, I would play a sport at
school. 4 If I were you, I would get involved in school

listening and speaking ›› pages 44–45

Dialogue with Grandpa Alicia: You said ‘typewriters’? What’s that?

Grandpa: We didn’t have personal computers
1 Look at the picture and describe what you see. so we used to type documents on our
typewriters. There were manual and
electric typewriters. But if we made a
SEL / 21st Century Skills
mistake, we had to erase it manually. Most
of the time, we had to type the whole
Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions.
page again when we wanted a clean copy.
Encourage Ss to read the context. They will interpret
the hints given in the picture. Use this opportunity to Alicia: Gosh! That must have been time
brainstorm ideas that will help Ss to understand the consuming!
context and, eventually, the audio file. Accept all the Grandpa: You could say that!
opinions. Everybody has the right to be heard and
respected. Ask Ss to try to explain which hints make
them draw their conclusions.
More teaching ideas
In order to practise the vocabulary, ask Ss to describe
2 Listen and check your answers. what the devices not mentioned are used for.
Encourage weaker Ss to participate.
Tell Ss they are going to listen to an audio file to check if
their answers were correct. Play the audio file and give
Ss time to complete the task. Call volunteers to read the 4 Listen again and write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t
answers and check with the whole class. say).

›› Answers: 1 Alicia and her grandfather. 2 She is interviewing
him for the school magazine. 3 They are talking about some Ask Ss to read the sentences to get ready to listen to
of the many changes that have taken place in the 20th century. the recording again. Tell them to try to complete what
so they can based on the information they remember from
3 Listen again and tick the devices they mention. previous listening. Play the audio file and allow Ss to work
in pairs to complete the task. Call volunteers to read the
Tell Ss to read the list of devices and get ready to do
answers and check that everybody can have the correct
the task. Play the audio file and give Ss some minutes
answers in the end.
to complete the ticks. Play the recording once more, if
necessary. Check with the whole class. ›› Answers: 1 T 2 DS 3 F 4 F 5 T
›› Answers: 2–4–5–6–7–9

18 SEL
Alicia is interviewing her grandfather, who is 64 years

19 Ss will personalise their learning. This time, they will

old, for the school magazine. They reflect on some of the
many changes that have taken place in the 20th century. reflect on hypothetical situations: Would they like to
live a week in the past? When exactly? It will give
Alicia: Hi Grandpa! Is it true that there wasn’t them the possibility of practising the new vocabulary
colour television when you were a child? and structures and to develop self-awareness and
Grandpa: Absolutely true! And not only that! We awareness of others.
didn’t have television of any kind at home.
Alicia: No! What did you do in the evening?
Grandpa: Well, we used to read a lot. And we also
used to listen to the radio. I used to listen
to King Arthur’s stories. Let’s play a game!
Alicia: And … what is better? The radio or the
television? 5
Look at the picture and say which game they are
Grandpa: Each media has its own positive points. playing. Why do you think so?
We see everything ready-made on
television and we enjoy the pictures. 21st Century Skills
When we listen to the radio, we have to
use our imagination and we create part of Have Ss read the questions and look at the picture in
the story ourselves. detail. Let them try to answer the questions drawing
Alicia: Is it true that you didn’t have photocopiers their own conclusions. They will use critical and
at school? How did teachers prepare the creative thinking to discover the name of the game.
copies for you?
Grandpa: Oh, they used a mimeograph. They used
special paper and their typewriters to
prepare the original document. Then they
moved a handle and the papers passed
through a slit in the machine and came
out already printed.
6 Listen and check your guesses. Workbook Answers
Tell Ss to listen to the recording to check if their answers are
right. Play the audio file once. Page 98
›› Answer: Suppositions game
›› 1 a 2 b 3 a
7 Listen again and answer.
Tell Ss to read the questions and get ready to work 2
individually to listen to the audio file and answer them. Let ›› 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 F
them join a classmate to discuss the answers. Call volunteers
to read the answers and check with the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 Because he has never thought about it. 2 He
›› 1 Spiderman, Captain America, Hulk and Wolverine. 2 are
would like to be a tortoise because he doesn’t run fast.
very good. 3 he used to have art lessons. 4 bring some of
3 He ends the conversation talking about his grandpa's
his drawings 5 work in the arts 6 Clara
favourite song. 4 The song his grandparents used to dance
to at parties. (‘Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree’)
39 40 41

20 Teacher: Benjamin, why don’t you tell us about yourself?

21 Benjamin: Sure. I’m 16 years old. I live in Buenos Aires, but
Pablo: OK, Esteban. Let’s start our game.
I was born in Mendoza. I enjoy playing video
Esteban: Great! Who asks? games, but when I was a child, I used to love
Pablo: I’ll do it. If you didn’t live here, where would comics. I am still a big fan of Spiderman, Captain
you like to live? America, Hulk and Wolverine. And of course, I

have seen all of the films. One of my hobbies is
Esteban: Mmm … I’ve never thought of it … Córdoba
drawing, so I draw my favourite superheroes and
maybe. I make up my own as well.
Pablo: Good. If you were a celebrity, who would
so Teacher: That’s very interesting. Do you have any of your
you like to be? drawings with you?
Esteban: I’d like to be Daniel DiMaggio ... Benjamin: Yes, I do. These are my drawings of the Marvel
Pablo: Ok. Ha-ha. If you were an animal, which superheroes.
animal would you be? Teacher: Wow! They are actually very good.
Esteban: I think I might be a tortoise. I’m not a fast Benjamin: 
Thank you! When I was a kid, I used to have art
runner, am I? lessons and since I’m interested in the Marvel
comics, I started drawing superheroes.
Pablo: Oh! But you are not that slow!
Teacher: Do you have any of your other drawings with you?
Esteban: Don’t bet on it!
Benjamin: Not here, but I can bring some tomorrow.
Pablo: Last question. If you were a plant, which

Teacher: That would be nice. Tell us what you would like

plant would you be?
to do when you grow up.
Esteban: A big oak tree. Maybe someone ties a Benjamin: I would like to work in the arts, maybe as a comic
yellow ribbon around me! artist, as a graphic designer or as an artist for a
Pablo: Ha-ha. What do you mean? big studio.
Esteban: ‘Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Teacher: Well that’s very interesting. Nice to meet you
Tree’ is an old song my grandpa used to Benjamin. Class, give him a round of applause.
listen to when he was young. He and Now, Clara, can you tell us about yourself …
grandma used to dance to it at parties.

Ss will personalise their learning using
the vocabulary and structures to play the
Suppositions game. They will say which animal,
plant, etc. they would like to be if they could
choose. They will also learn a bit more about
themselves and their classmates.

writing ›› page 46

Stating our point Workbook Answers

Page 98
Tell Ss that when we state our point, we usually give various
reasons. These reasons are connected by linking words 1
which help to add cohesion to discourse. Read the box ›› 1 Now we don't need an operator to make a phone call.
with the Ss and help them to understand the difference in 2 Flip phones were much smaller than rotary phones.
3 With flip phones 95% calls were completed.
meaning of the linking words.
4 Smartphones have a much bigger storage capability.
1 Circle the words that give extra information, frame the 5 Smartphones allow us to watch videos besides talking to
people. 6 Now we can surf the internet on a smartphone.
words that introduce a difference and underline the
words that introduce a result. 2
Tell Ss to do the task individually with the help of the ›› Ss’ own answers.
information in the box. Call volunteers to read one kind of
linking words at a time to check with the whole class.
›› Ss’ own answers.
›› Answers: besides Even though For this reason

2 Fill in the blanks with the correct linking words.

21st Century Skills / IC

Have Ss work individually to complete the paragraph.

Tell them to use the information in the box and Ex.1
for help. Let them discuss their answers in small
groups before sharing with the whole class. They will
develop communication and collaboration skills, and
weaker Ss will get some help from their peers.

›› Answers: 1 However / Nevertheless 2 Moreover /

Furthermore / Besides 3 For this reason / As a result
 rite a paragraph about ICT development and its
result in education. Use at least one linking word to
add extra information, one linking word to introduce a
difference and one linking word to introduce a result.
Remember, we generally use a comma after the

linking words.

21st Century Skills / IC

Ss have already seen some models they can imitate.

Now they have to write their own paragraph. Tell
them to use the questions as a guide. They should
remember to use at least one linking word of each
kind. You could assign this task as homework so that
Ss can work at their own pace. Moreover, you could
encourage them to work on collaborative writing,
sharing their works via email and working on peer
correction before sharing with the whole class. The
following lesson, call volunteers to read.

›› Ss’ own answers.

go for it! ›› page 47

Presentation on a comparison of devices Workbook Answers

Ask Ss to go over the instructions and to use them to Page 99

complete their task. Fix a date for the presentations. 1
Ss have had plenty of practice and have lists of old and ›› 1 smartphone 2 camera 3 typewriter 4 computer
new devices. Each S will prepare a description of the 5 thumb drive 6 maps
evolution of a different ICT device. In order to be fair, Ss will
draw lots to distribute responsibilities. They are going to
surf the net or look for photos of the devices and how they ›› 1 even though 2 would rather 3 nevertheless 4 Even
though 5 would / rather 6 nevertheless
have changed over time. When they have the illustrations,
Ss will prepare their descriptions of the evolution. They are 3
going to prepare slides with the pictures. Once all the slides
›› 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 b
are ready, they are going to make the video. They can ask
their ICT and Art teachers for help to prepare the front and 4
last slide to introduce and close the ‘visit’ to their virtual ›› Ss’ own answers.
museum. Ss will record their descriptions and insert them in
the video as well as some background music. They will join 5
all the videos into one and get ready to ‘visit’ their virtual ›› Ss’ own answers.
museum together.
Enjoy the visit! ›› Ss’ own answers.

My learning record

This section has been designed to help Ss to
reflect upon all the lexical, grammatical and
conceptual contents they have been working on
throughout the unit. Alternatively, values, which
have been previously presented in class, are also
Encourage Ss to go over the listed items and
self-evaluate whether they have been able to
achieve them or not. Encourage them to ask about
concepts that might not be clear enough, yet.

Help Ss to become aware that, in order to confirm

that they can actually produce the language
functions, they have to think of examples. If they
still have difficulties, they should ask the teacher
to plan a repairing teaching session to reinforce
the contents at which they still feel weak.

CLIL ›› page 48


Pre-reading: Ask Ss to brainstorm some of the things they use in everyday life that they can’t live without. Write Ss
contributions on the board. Ask Ss if they know when these things were invented and who invented them. Ask Ss to
discuss what life might have been like before the invention of some of the things on the board. Introduce the vocabulary and
pronunciation of key vocabulary from the texts.
Have Ss work in pairs to read one of the texts – half the class will read the text ‘Life before electricity’ in pairs and half the
class will read the text ‘Life before the telephone’ in pairs. Each pair will make notes of life before each invention and come
up with how life changed after each invention. After ten minutes, have all the pairs for each invention join up (now you will
have two large groups) to share their ideas. After ten minutes, have two people from each invention group present life before
and life after each invention.
Introduce invention-related vocabulary. Go over pronunciation.

1 Complete the sentences with words from the vocabulary list above.
›› Answers: 1 inventor / patent 2 copyright 3 prototype 4 trade secret 5 innovation

2 Do some research and match the inventors to their inventions and the year in which they were invented.
›› Answers: 1 f / III 2 d / V 3 b / IV 4 a / II 5 e / I 6 c / VI

3 Do some research and complete the same information (inventor and year invented) for the following inventions
›› Answers: Bluetooth technology: Jaap Haartsen / 1994 Bicycle: Pierre Michaux and Pierre Lallemen / 1864
4 Inventions usually happen when the inventor seeks to solve a problem. Work in a group. Identify a problem and invent
a solution or product to solve the problem.


Page 49 drive in case you need to access any files. 5 If your
grandparents had a smartphone when they were young,
would they share their life on social media?
›› 1 had 2 used to be 3 saved 4 had never been
5 became 6 used to wear 7 were 8 used to be 9 used 3
to watch 10 ourselves ›› 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 b
2 4
›› 1 Scanning documents used to be very slow and boring in ›› 1 had blamed 2 didn’t know 3 had disappeared
the past. 2 When was the last time you wrote a letter to 4 accessed 5 used to backup 6 deleted 7 had forgotten
someone? 3 I am so glad I had made photocopies of my 8 have just found out 9 erased 10 was playing
documents before I lost them. 4 Travel with your thumb


›› pages 50–51

Goals Final project

›› Talk about some problems that affect the ›› Science fair – class inventions
›› Talk about how to avoid damaging the
›› Read and learn about how pollution can affect
›› Describe devices and their uses
›› Identify materials
›› Report instructions, requests and advice
›› Listen and learn about devices to help the
›› Write and rephrase news headlines

Go over the goals with the Ss. This practice will help you to come to an agreement as regards your demands,

timing, ways of assessment, etc. Ss will be more committed if they are part of the negotiations.
Go to the Think it up! box to read together what Ss are expected to do by the end of the unit. Ss are going to
design devices to protect the environment and present them at the school Science Fair. They will understand
the relevance of the language they have to learn to do the final task.

Before we start 21st Century Skills

Read with the Ss the box that explains what environmental
issues are. Make sure they understand the meaning of Tell Ss to read the instruction and do the task. Let them
developed countries. Ask Ss to give examples to check their work in small groups of 3 or 4 Ss and encourage them to
comprehension. Explain the meaning of pollution. Tell Ss try to find the matchings using their previous knowledge
that it can be of many different kinds. and to use the dictionary to look up the words whose

meaning they cannot work out. Have a whole class

1 L ook at the pictures and try to explain what issue each sharing to check. Help Ss with the pronunciation of new
of them represents. words. Make sure everybody can follow.

21st Century Skills

›› Answers: 1 h 2 c 3 d 4 a – b 5 d – j – k 6 g 7 no
matching 8 d 9 d – f – k 10 d – e – j – k 11 i 12 no
Tell Ss to look at the pictures and to describe
matching 13 no matching 14 e 15 no matching 16 k
what they see in them. Ss will use their previous
knowledge and critical thinking skills to solve the
task. When Ss try to do so, they will ask you to 3 Join 2 or 3 classmates, discuss and make notes.
provide the vocabulary they do not know. Let them
use Spanish and give them the English equivalent. 21st Century Skills / CA
Write the new words on the bb and pronounce
them so that Ss start getting used to working with Tell Ss to work in small groups to solve this task.
the new vocabulary. They will have to use their previous knowledge and
critical thinking to identify the causes of different
kinds of pollution. Check with the whole class and
 ick the environmental issues represented by the write the answers on the bb to make sure everybody
pictures. has the correct answers.
While Ss discuss these issues, they will become
aware of how human behaviour can damage the
environment and harm people. (e.g. you could help
Ss notice how sound pollution harms people who
suffer autism.) They will develop individual and
social responsibility.

›› Answers may vary: 1 Air pollution is caused by smoke from
cars and factories, fumigation, and deforestation 2 Sea
pollution is caused by ships’ waste and oil spills. 3 Sound
pollution is caused by drivers blowing their car horns, and
loudspeakers placed in the street. 4 Industrial pollution
is caused by the smoke coming out of the chimneys, and
toxic waste in the river. 5 Global warming is caused by air

More teaching ideas

A follow-up activity could be to surf the internet to
find out how people fight pollution in other countries
in the world. Then, Ss might have a sharing session to
discuss their findings.

4 Which items have not been ticked? Why?

21st Century Skills

Have Ss go over the options in Ex.2 and think

critically why some options have not been ticked.

They will identify some options as possible ways to
fight pollution.
›› Answers: 7 – 12 – 13 – 15. They are possible solutions to the
environmental issues.
21st Century Skills / SEL / CA
Ss will personalise their learning because they
will speak about their personal experience. This
discussion is useful to make a point about how

we could change some behaviours which might

damage the environment. They can discuss
some ways to replace those behaviours in an
eco-friendly way.

You can invite Ss to go to page 73 and play the
Constructing a word puzzle game in pairs. They will
practice the vocabulary items learned so far. If there are fast
finishers they can enjoy some fun time in class. If the whole
group moves ahead together, you can give them some
minutes to practise and enjoy at the same time.

reading ›› page 52

Intelligence might be affected by pollution Workbook Answers

Page 100
1 Look at the text and answer the questions.
›› 1 c 2 b 3 c
21st Century Skills / SEL
Tell Ss to read the instruction and do the task. In ›› 2 The number of ports in the city 3 The number of hospital
question 1, they will identify the text as a scientific visits in 2011 for respiratory complaints. 4 The number of
publication. It seems to be a web page on Biology. hospital visits in 2018 for respiratory complaints. 5 The
(Ss can infer this from the banner at the top. They are number of hospital visits in 2018 by children and newborns
acquainted with the internet formats.) You can help for respiratory complaints. 6 The reduction of harmful
them notice that there are links for articles, authors pollutants in the air.
and to submit an article. These links tell us that 3
researchers can publish in this web page. ›› 2 56% 3 150 km 4 73% 5 550 6 13%
When Ss discuss question 2, they will come up with
many different opinions. Accept their ideas as far as
they support them. They will learn to think before
speaking and to support their ideas with information
or sound reflection. They should also respect
everyone’s opinion and wait until they read the article
to find out who is right.

›› Answers: 1 c 2 Ss will state their individual point of view. What

really matters is that they support whatever they state.

2 Read the text and find words or phrases meaning the

same as ...

Ask Ss to read the text and find the words that
correspond to the meanings given. Tell Ss they can
pay attention to the meaning of the whole sentence or
paragraph to gather meaning from context. Encourage
Ss to try to solve the task without resorting to a

dictionary. Explain to them that that is the way in

which we have to interpret meaning when we travel
and interact with people in English. We cannot look
up every word we do not know. Ss will develop their
critical thinking. Call volunteers to read the answers to
check with the whole class. Ask Ss to read the hints
that helped them to get the meaning.

›› Answers: 1 2 2 6 3 3 4 8 5 5 6 9 7 10 8 7 9 1 10 4

3 Read once more and answer.

Have Ss read the text in detail to find the answers to the
questions. Tell them to work individually and, after some
minutes, allow them to share answers with a classmate before
checking with the whole class.
›› Answers: 1 It was done in China. 2 It showed that notable
falls in student test scores for languages and arithmetic
were caused by air pollution. 3 People living in big cities are
warned that they should take some measures to diminish
the effects of air pollution 4 They equated the impact of air
pollution to the loss of education during a year. 5 Because
choosing that course of action “may benefit human capital,
which is one of the most important driving forces of economic
growth”. 6 It means that we anticipate and prevent future
pollution sources in order to protect the environment and
public health.

vocabulary ›› page 53

to identify the material things are made of. Some of the

Environment – Collocations
materials will be known to them because of the tags that
some imported clothes and objects bring. Some others have
1 Write + (positive) or – (negative) next to each verb already been seen in previous books. Tell them to try to
associated with the environment. match as many objects and materials as possible and to look
up words only after having tried hard to work out meanings.
They will recycle previous knowledge and will feel rewarded
21st Century Skills / CA to see how many matchings they can solve. Call volunteers
to read the matches and check with the whole class.
Tell Ss that there are some verbs which are used with
certain nouns and not with others. When we learn ›› Answers: 1 b 2 i 3 j 4 a 5 l 6 h 7 e 8 f 9 c 10 g
11 d 12 k
them in our language (e.g. dar un paseo, dar la lección,
tomar la lección), we learn them as chunks. When we
think of the first word, the second immediately comes
to our mind. These combinations of words are called
collocations. Ss have already seen some in the Activate When Ss read to check, since they will be reading
and Reading sections. Some verbs are transparent individual words, pay attention to how they
and they will not have any problem in understanding pronounce discrete sounds
their meaning. Have them work individually for some
minutes to decide whether the verbs express positive
or negative ideas. Then, tell them to join a classmate to 5 What are they used for? Write the name of the object.
share the answers. Call volunteers to read the answers
and check with the whole class. Make sure everybody Tell Ss to go on working in pairs to solve this task. They will
be recycling used to and incorporating the Passive voice in

can follow.
the present in a meaningful way. Call volunteers to read the
sentences and the name of the objects used for that. They
›› Answers: 1 + / - 2 + 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 + 7 + will make conceptual associations and this process will turn
their learning more memorable.
2 Put the letters in the correct order to form words to ›› Answers: 1 cup 2 jar 3 T-shirt 4 statue 5 cap 6 shoes
complete the sentences. 7 paper plane 8 trumpet 9 kettle 10 vase 11 rubber
Tell Ss to read the sentences and try to put the letters in order band 12 chair
to find the words that complete them. Remind them they have
to get used to using their previous knowledge to solve new GAMES
problems. Let them work individually. Call volunteers to read
the answers and correct with the whole class. You can invite Ss to play the Written brainstorming and
Guess the device games on page 73. They will practise the
›› Answers: 1 preserve 2 cleaned up / pollution 3 damages
4 affected vocabulary items learned so far. If there are fast finishers,
they can enjoy some fun time in class. If the whole group

moves ahead together, you can give them some minutes to

practise and enjoy at the same time.
Environmental issues

3 Circle the correct options.

Have Ss work individually to solve the task. They will be 21st Century Skills
reading about environmental issues. Call volunteers to read Remind Ss that this box provides ideas to help them
the answers to check with the whole class. fulfil their final project. It is also an alert for them to go
›› Answers: 1 recycle 2 Sound 3 preserved / air 4 ban on working steadily to complete it. Ss should choose
5 global warming 6 toxic waste an environmental issue they want to fight and they
have plenty of examples of materials, devices and uses
ɑː to use to describe the device they want to create. They
will be using creative thinking.
When Ss read to check, pay attention to how they
pronounce individual sounds and to their use of
rising and falling intonation to chain ideas.

Describing devices - Materials

4 What are these objects made of? Match the objects to

the materials.
Tell Ss to work in pairs to solve the task. They will have

GRAMMAR ›› pages 54–55

Passive voice IC

Tell Ss to work individually to make the questions.

IC Remind them they can use the box at the top of page
54 for help. Call volunteers to read and check with
Go over the boxes with the Ss to analise the meaning the whole class. Ask some Ss to write the questions
and form of the Passive Voice. Help them to notice on the bb. so that all Ss have the possibility to
how it is formed and how word order is modified when keep a record of their classmates’ correct versions.
we turn a sentence in the active voice into the passive Encourage Ss to ask what they might not understand.
voice. Elicit examples from the Ss to see that they follow.
Encourage Ss to ask what they don’t understand.
›› Answers: 1 When was the smartphone invented? 2 Why is
Peter called? 3 How long were these books kept here?
4 Why is toxic waste thrown in the river? 5 When was the
Tell Ss to read the Pay attention! boxes and help them to new computer bought?
notice how the object and subject of sentences change
according to whether they are in the active or the passive
voice. Focus their attention on the use of by to introduce the ɑː
agent when it is relevant.
While Ss read, check that they use the correct
Draw Ss’s attention to the uses and tell them they have to falling intonation to ask information questions.
keep them in mind because the passive voice is very often

4 Write questions and answer them. You must use the
LA Present or Past passive.

Ss will notice that the passive voice has the same

so IC
uses both in English and Spanish.
Now Ss will have to ask confirmation questions,
correct the information and give the corresponding
1 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same answer. Ask Ss to do this exercise orally in class and to
meaning as the first sentence. complete the written part at home. This practice will
help learners to become aware of how much they have
IC learned and whether they need some extra help. The
following lesson, call volunteers to read and write the
Ask Ss to do this exercise orally in class and to questions and answers on the bb so that everybody
complete the written part at home. This practice will has the opportunity to complete the task. See that

help learners to become aware of how much they everybody has the correct answers. Encourage Ss to
have learned and whether they need some extra ask if they do not understand something.
help. The following lesson, call volunteers to read
and write the sentences on the bb so that everybody
has the opportunity to complete the task. See that ›› Answers: 2 Is the Eiffel Tour placed in Spain? No, it isn’t.
everybody has the correct answers. Encourage Ss to It’s placed in France. 3 Was Romeo and Juliet written by
ask if they do not understand something. Cervantes? No, it wasn’t. It was written by Shakespeare.
4 Was “Guernica” painted by Van Gogh? No, it wasn’t. It was
painted by Picasso. 5 Was “El David” sculpted by Botero? No,
›› Answers: 1 was broken 2 are not followed 3 are planted it wasn’t. It was sculpted by Michelangelo. 6 Was “La Pedrera”
4 was blamed for the fire 5 were told to keep silent built by Niemeyer? No, it wasn’t. It was built by Gaudi.

2 Circle the correct options.

IC When Ss read to check, have them use the correct
rising intonation to ask confirmation questions. Tell
Tell Ss to complete the activity. Give them some them to use fall-rise intonation for corrections. And
minutes to work individually. Call volunteers to read falling intonation to give the new information.
and check with the whole class so that everybody
has the possibility to complete the task correctly.

›› Answers: 1 was 2 by 3 was 4 is 5 are 6 are 7 was
8 were 9 were Ss will understand the structure and use of the
Passive Voice in its Present and Past forms.
 sk questions in the passive voice. Use the Present
Simple or the Past Simple.

Page 102
Reported speech - Instructions, requests and
advice - Tell, ask and advise 6
›› 1 took concrete measures 2 cut down 3 notable 4 acid rain
5 urban sprawl 6 visual pollution
Study the box together with the Ss and help them to 7
notice the changes in the structure. Also have them focus
›› 1 Active 2 Active 3 Passive 4 Active 5 Passive
on the difference between instructions, requests and
6 Passive
advice as regards the attitude of the speaker. Help them
to understand that we make the difference by using (or 8
not) please in the direct sentence and the corresponding ›› 2 The neighbourhood park was cleaned up by the volunteer
reporting verbs in the indirect ones. Remind them that group. 3 The city is polluted by industrial emissions. 4 The
intonation is also important to express attitude. endangered animals are protected by the NGO. 5 Extreme
measures were ruled out by the government. 6 Industrial
waste coming from the surrounding factories was banned by
the city.
Have Ss read the Pay attention! box to help them to 9
notice the way we organise words when reporting
›› Answers may vary: 2 The building’s glass and aluminium are
affirmative and negative sentences. This information
recycled weekly. 3 Only recyclable packaging is used at our
will avoid unnecessary mistakes.
company. 4 Use of plastics was reduced drastically last year.
5 In the past, endangered species were not protected.

5 When Ms Ronson came into the classroom, students Page 103

were talking and playing. Look at what she told them

and report the sentences using tell, ask, or advise in the
›› 2 were polluted 3 were littered 4 were emitted
corresponding form.
5 is recognised 6 is preserved
›› 1 b Our teacher told us to work with a partner. 2 a My
husband asked me to give the baby a bath. b My husband
Ask Ss to work individually and to use the information
asked me to turn up the heat. 3 a My grandmother advised
in the boxes for help. Give them some time to do the me to read good books. b My grandmother advised me to eat
exercise and check with the whole class to make sure healthy foods.
everybody understands. Focus attention on the Ss 12
who have more difficulty in learning. Ask them to say
›› 2 Julieta advised me to recycle. 3 Martin asked me to take
which hints they use to answer.
the bottles to the recycling plant. 4 Sara asked us not to use
plastic cups and straws. 5 The doctor told us to cut down on
meat. 6 Lucia told me to clean up after myself.
›› Answers: 1 She asked them to sit down. 2 She told them to
look at the blackboard. 3 She told them not to forget to copy 13

the sentences. 4 She advised them to study for the exam. ›› 1 Benjamin said that he would bring the drinks. 2 Andrea
5 She advised them not to arrive late. 6 She asked them not said that she would bring meat. 3 Juan said that he would
to throw papers on the floor. not be able to make it. 4 Laura said that she and Nadia would
bring snacks. 5 Flavia said that Valentina had promised to
bring cups and plates. 6 Daniel asked if I could bring some
Workbook Answers

Page 101
›› 1 a sound pollution b air pollution 2 a visual pollution b -
3 a industrial pollution b chemical pollution
4 a urban sprawl b -
›› 2 marine pollution 3 sustainable development
4 deforestation 5 Fumigation 6 global warming
›› 1 e 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 f 6 d
›› 2 plate 3 jeans 4 shirt 5 belt 6 gloves
›› 1 paper plates 2 Cotton shirts 3 leather belt 4 rubber
gloves 5 plastic cups 6 denim jeans

listening and speaking ›› pages 56–57

Preparing for the Science Fair Adela: OK. Let’s say it is made of aluminium. We
won’t have to paint it. And it is quite light.
The buttons are made of plastic because
1 Look at Marcos and Adela and discuss. they mustn’t conduct electricity.
Marcos: Good! Halfway done! And … What is it used
21st Century Skills / SEL for?
Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions. Adela: Well … Eco-friendly … protects the
Encourage them to read the context. They will interpret environment. Umbrella… covers …
the hints given in the picture. Remind Ss everybody has Marcos: Yes! It covers the land and keeps acid rain
the right to express their opinion and that they must out of the area!
respect all ideas. Adela: And if we press this green button, we let the
toxic gases out of the area.
Marcos: Brilliant! Let’s start writing everything on the
2 Listen to the dialogue and check your guesses. poster!
Tell Ss they are going to listen to an audio file to check if
their inferences were right. Play the audio file and give Ss
time to complete the task. Discuss the answers with the
whole class.
›› Answers: 1 They are at her or his home. 2 A poster with the 21st Century Skills / SEL
design of a device. 3 It's for the school Science Fair. This section is meant to personalise Ss’ learning

and make the practice more meaningful. They
3 Listen again and answer the questions. will start getting some ideas of which device
Tell Ss to complete the answers with the information they they can design. They will develop their creative
can remember and to get ready to listen to the audio file a thinking.
second time. Let Ss discuss their answers in pairs. Play the
audio file. Give some minutes to complete the task.
›› Answers: 1 The prize. 2 No, she just wants to enjoy the
project. 3 It’s the super-parabolic eco-friendly umbrella. It
covers the land and acid rain is kept out of the area. At the Science Fair
4 Listen once more and write the name. Who says ...
5 Look at the pictures. Pay attention to the designs.
Tell Ss to read the quotes and to try to identify who says Discuss with a classmate which name you would give
them according to what they remember from the previous them and what you think they are used for.
listening. Ask them to get ready and play the audio file once
Tell Ss to work in pairs looking at the designs in the picture.

more. Give them some minutes to complete the task. Check

that everybody has the task correct. Give them some minutes to discuss the names they would
give each device. Have Ss describe the use they think each
›› Answers: 1 The teacher 2 The teacher 3 Marcos 4 Adela
device might have. There is no correct / incorrect option.
5 Marcos
6 Listen to the conversations. Number the pictures and
22 write the names of the devices.
Marcos: Do you think we’ll win the prize? Tell Ss to read the question and get ready. Play the audio
Adela: Don’t think about it, Marcos. Just enjoy the file. Give Ss some minutes to answer. Help them to notice
work. I think our design is quite original, isn’t it? the different attitudes of the speakers.
Marcos: It certainly is! But do you think it could be ›› Answers: 1 the magic noise hoover 2 the super-parabolic
constructed? eco-friendly umbrella 3 the extra-long ozone layer repairing
Adela: The teacher didn’t mention building it. She
advised us to be creative. 7 Which materials are mentioned?
Marcos: You’re right. And she asked us not to copy
Ask Ss to get ready for another listening. Tell them to
each other’s projects. And we are working
prepare paper and pencil to write down notes. Play the
on our own.
audio file and give Ss some time to work in pairs and
Adela: Now ... what's the name of this device? complete the answer.
Marcos: It’s the super-parabolic eco-friendly ›› Answers: crystal, aluminium, plastic
Adela: And what is it made of?
Marcos: Well, tell me. I’ve already invented the name.
Adela: Oops! Ehhhh … metal? Or is it too heavy?
Marcos: It depends. But it must be silver.

Bruce: What’s this, Mabel? Remind Ss that this box gives them some hints to
Mabel: Hi, Bruce! It’s the magic noise hoover. All complete their final project. Tell them it means they
made of unbreakable crystal. should work on the project to complete it in due time.
Bruce: What is it used for?
Mabel: It absorbs all the deafening noises in the
Workbook Answers
Bruce: How does it work?
Mabel: It is placed on the roof of the house. It is Page 104
directed to the street corner and when this
button is pressed, it absorbs all the sound 1
waves over 70 decibels. ›› 1 a 2 a 3 b

Bruce: Interesting! But you’ll never hear a rock

concert! They produce over 120 decibels! 2
Ha-ha. ›› 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T

Mabel: If I’m interested in the concert, I might not

turn it on! 3
›› 2 a clean up affected air and waterways. 2 b protect the
2 native flora and fauna in the surrounding countryside.
Jennice: What’s this, guys? It looks brilliantly

3 plant 100 trees a year each, over the next ten years.
attractive! 4 tackle deforestation. 5 a positive effect on the quality of air
Adela: It’s the super-parabolic eco-friendly umbrella. and the health and satisfaction of the population.
It’s made of aluminium. That is why it shines. 6 statistics which support the city’s claim on improvements
so over the last five years.
Jennice: What is it used for?
Marcos: It keeps acid rain out of the area. 42 43 44
Jennice: Wow! And what about dirty air?
Good evening and welcome to City News. Tonight, we look at the
Adela: If this button is pressed, the toxic air gets out city’s efforts to improve air quality and reduce air pollution.
through that hole.
To improve air quality, all of the city’s buses have been replaced
Jennice: I’ll vote for you! by new vehicles which have lower emissions of harmful gases.
Bicycle lanes have been renovated and extended, adding an
3 additional 40 km this year alone. The city has seen more people
Willy: Hi, Freddie! What do we have here? walking and taking their bikes to work and to school. The city
Freddie: It’s the extra-long ozone layer repairing council is continuing discussions started last year about the

ladder. possibility of banning all motor vehicles in the city centre, but this
has not yet been approved.
Willy: The name’s longer than the ladder! Ha-ha.
Two years ago, the city began fining factories which were found
Freddie: Well … I’m not really creative. But I had to to be polluting the air and water above the permitted levels. The
prepare something. medium-term goal is to reduce industrial pollution to minimum
Willy: And what is this ladder used for? levels. The fines are used directly in environmental actions to clean
Freddie: Well … It carries the plastic buckets with up affected air and water ways and to protect the native flora
and fauna in the surrounding countryside. Companies have also
sponges to close the ozone layer hole.
pledged to plant 100 trees a year each, over the next ten years.
Willy: And how long will it take you to get to the This is one way the city is tackling deforestation – by protecting
hole in the ozone layer? what is left and replanting what has been lost.
Freddie: Oops! I haven’t thought of that! So far, the city’s efforts have been having a positive effect on the
quality of air and the health and satisfaction of the population. In
tomorrow’s report we will outline the statistics which support the
city’s claim on improvements over the last five years.
For City News, this is Gabriela Fernandez reporting from City Hall.

Ss will personalise their learning using the new
vocabulary and structures to speak about the designs.
Move about the classroom to help Ss to discuss.
After Ss discuss in pairs for some minutes, have a
whole class sharing. While Ss speak, write the new
vocabulary that comes up on the bb.

writing ›› page 58

Newspaper headlines Workbook Answers

Go over the writing tips in the box with the Ss for them to Page 104
understand how headlines are written. Tell them that it is 1
said that headlines are the shortest summary of a piece of ›› Ss’ own answers.
news. Help them to notice that headlines are written in big
letters to attract the readers’ attention.
1 Read the following headlines and choose the correct ›› Ss’ own answers.
IC ›› Ss’ own answers.

Ask Ss to read the headlines, interpret them and

choose the corresponding option. They will learn
to read headlines critically. There are quite a few
headlines so ask more advanced Ss to read their
answers first and encourage weaker Ss to read
theirs after that. They are likely to have their answers
correct and being aware of that will be highly
motivating for them.

›› Answers: 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b

 ead the following headlines and write the piece of
news they head.


This exercise aims at helping Ss to learn how to

interpret headlines. Ask Ss to do this exercise orally
in class and to complete the written part at home.
This practice will help learners to become aware of
how much they have learned and whether they need
some extra help. Call volunteers to read and write the

questions and answers on the bb so that everybody

has the opportunity to complete the task. See that
everybody has the correct answers. Encourage Ss to
ask if they do not understand something.

›› Answers: 1 Robbers are / will be judged at the Big Trial

tomorrow 2 Count Radicht was blamed for the deforestation
campaign 3 3000 questions a day are asked at the
university platform 4 The name of a new Star Wars film was
announced 5 Strange deep-sea creatures were found near

3 Read the following piece of news and write a headline.

Remember to use the rules stated in the box above.
Ss will now have the opportunity to write their own
headline. They will learn to summarise the content of the
article and to use the structures and rules learnt. Have them
work individually and then ask them to share their answers
with the whole class. There is not ONLY ONE possible
answer, but all possibilities must follow the rules.
›› Answers may vary: A possible headline would be “New
project to plant trees in Santa Fe”.

go for it! ›› page 59

Science Fair – class inventions Workbook Answers

Ask Ss to go over the instructions and to use them to Page 105

complete their task. Fix a date for the presentations. 1
This will be a group presentation. By this time, Ss must ›› 1 air pollution 2 marine pollution 3 sound pollution 4 urban
have gathered enough information and language to sprawl 5 deforestation 6 recycling
prepare their presentations. They must have discussed
environmental issues they want to fight. They have
had time to work at home on 3D designs or on a poster ›› 1 b 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c
presentation. They have to think of a device that can fight 3
the issue chosen. They have to design it and think of
›› 1 notable 2 pollution 3 to clean up 4 recycle 5 to cut
materials, ways to use it and the effect it will have.
down on 6 likely
Each member will rehearse his / her part to introduce their
device to the class without being too anxious.
›› 1 The company we hired does the recycling. 2 My mother
Ss will display their designs to have a Science Fair at planted the garden. 3 A special chef prepares the food.
school. 4 The NGO which my aunt supports protected the animals.
5 Someone dumped the waste illegally. 6 Factories in the
Ss might choose to vote for the most useful, most industrial park emitted pollutants.
original, etc. design and, eventually, they can upload their
prototypes to their classroom page. 5

Ss will learn that individual efforts contribute to the final ›› 1 Is rubbish recycled in your city? 2 Were industrial pollutants
banned? 3 Was the number of billboards in the city reduced?
achievement of their goal in common. They will develop
4 Were new measures to control urban sprawl ruled out by
individual and social responsibility and they will value what
the government?
individual Ss can do to help the group.
Enjoy the fair!

My learning record
This section has been designed to help Ss to
reflect upon all the lexical, grammatical and
conceptual contents they have been working on
throughout the unit. Alternatively, values, which
have been previously presented in class, are also

Encourage Ss to go over the listed items and
self-evaluate whether they have been able to
achieve them or not. Encourage them to ask about
concepts that might not be clear enough, yet.
Help Ss to become aware that, in order to confirm
that they can actually produce the language
functions, they have to think of examples. If they
still have difficulties, they should ask the teacher
to plan a repairing teaching session to reinforce
the contents at which they still feel weak.


6 Tell me everything about it!

›› pages 60–61

Goals Final project

›› Talk about organising a cultural festival ›› ‘Songs with a message’ Day
›› Read and learn about a cultural festival
›› Describe a festival or performance
›› Talk about crimes and criminals
›› Report what people say
›› Listen and learn about a past crime
›› Write a police report

Go over the goals with the Ss. This practice will help you to come to an agreement as regards your demands,
timing, ways of assessment, etc. Ss will be more committed if they are part of the negotiations.
Go to the Think it up! box to read together what Ss are expected to do by the end of the unit. Ss are going to
present their favourite song with a message. They are going to explain the meaning of the song, who it is written by
and for, tell if there is a real story behind the lyrics. They will understand the relevance of the language they have to
learn to do the final task.

Before we start
so ›› Answers: 1 b 2 a 3 e 4 f 5 c 6 d
Tell Ss about your ancestors’ origin. E.g. My grandmother
was / is Italian and my grandfather was / is German. Ask
them about their ancestors. What’s your surname’s origin? More teaching ideas
This discussion will give ground to introduce the unit. As a follow-up activity, you could ask Ss which
traditions they keep at home and if any of them
1 Students are organising a cultural festival at school. derive from very old ancestry. They might share
Each student will bring or do something associated
interesting stories.
with their ancestors’ culture. Look at the picture and
guess what they are saying.


SEL / 21st Century Skills

Ss will become aware of how many things they
Tell Ss to read the instructions and go over the pictures
do at home because they are family traditions.
to discuss in small groups of three or four what each
Sometimes those traditions have been kept since
teenage is saying. Ss will use their critical and creative
their ancestors’ times.
thinking skills to link the concepts to the pictures and
the speakers’ messages. They will infer the messages
from the pictures. They will develop communication and
collaboration skills, accepting individual ideas and agreeing 3 Look at the picture and the quotes and answer. Who …
or disagreeing respectfully with other members of the group. Ask Ss to read the instruction and do the task. When they
read the prompts, Ss will start incorporating reported
speech in their conceptual frame. They will focus on
2 Match the quotes to the pictures. meaning rather than on form. Nevertheless, the form
of indirect speech will start to become entrenched. Call
SEL / 21st Century Skills volunteers to read the answers and check with the whole
Ss go on working in small groups of four or five to
›› Answers: 1 Matthew 2 Anna 3 Mary 4 Frankie 5 Javier
solve this task. Now Ss have the quotes to match the 6 Viktor
pictures they have analised together. Tell them to do the
matching and to think of which hints help them in their
decisions. They will be developing their critical thinking
and communication and collaboration skills.
Call volunteers to read the answers and check with the
whole class. When Ss read their answers, have them say
which hints they used to do the matching. Have they all
noticed the same hints? Discuss with the class to help Ss
who find it more difficult to identify connections. They will
learn how to observe images in detail.

More teaching ideas
When Ss read to check, tell them to say the
complete sentences, choosing the corresponding
pronouns and adjectives. E.g. Mathew said he
wanted to play the role of Saint Patrick’s. Ss will be
practising the structure of the reported speech and
revising the correct use of pronouns and adjectives.
Besides, they will be actually speaking English.


Ask Ss if they can identify different origins. Help them

to become aware that bagpipes are of Scottish origin;
Saint Patrick is the Irish patron saint; apple crumble is a
traditional English recipe; etc.
Ss are not likely to agree on the origin of the song, the
story and the walking stick. This will give them the
opportunity to discuss their suppositions creatively.
There is no right or wrong answer, so they will be able
to vote the most likely answer. Or they might admit

that there are many possibilities to be accepted.
Ss will develop respect for other people's opinion and
will understand that reality sometimes depends on the
perspective we take.
More teaching ideas
To reinforce the practice of reported speech, name
one of the characters out loud for Ss to read what
the character said. You can add motivation dividing
the class into two groups and giving a point to
the group whose member is the first to read the
sentence in the indirect speech correctly.

reading ›› page 62

Our festival was a success! 3 Read again and match. One speaker repeats.

Before you read
Tell Ss to look at the text. Guide them by asking what they Tell Ss to work individually. They will have to read the
see as regards format. Help them to identify the discourse text in detail to do the matching. You could give this
genre. Have Ss identify details that help them to decide this task as homework so that Ss can work at their own
is an online school magazine. You could help Ss to notice pace and use dictionaries if necessary. They will make
the header, links, the navigation bar, etc. connections between direct speech and reported
speech. The following lesson, when Ss share the
Read the review and find out if the festival was answers, draw their attention to positive comments.
successful or not. Ask them to identify them in the text. They can infer
the feelings the whole text expresses.
Tell Ss to read the instructions and answer. They do not
need to understand every single word. It is enough for
them to get the gist. If they know the meaning of success, ›› Answers: 1 e 2 f 3 a, g 4 d 5 b 6 c
reading the headline will be enough. They can also
understand the use of the exclamation mark as a hint. Let
them work out the general meaning individually. Have them Workbook Answers
share their impressions to check.
›› Answers: Yes, it was successful because all the comments are Page 106

›› 1 a 2 b 3 a
2 Read the review and find words or phrases meaning ...
21st Century Skills ›› 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T
Have Ss read the text in detail to find the phrases
›› 2 Sofia Garcia & Thiago Ruiz 3 A Violin Solo (Violin Concerto
or words meaning the same as the prompts. Tell
No. 2) 4 A Christmas Medley and secular Christmas carols
them to work individually and, after some minutes, 5 Sacred Christmas music and secular Christmas carols
allow them to share answers with a classmate 6 Secular Christmas Carols / 3 & 4
before checking with the whole class. Drawing
meaning from context will enable Ss to develop real
communication skills. We usually gather meaning
from context when we do not know the meaning
of a word while we interact with English speaking
people. We do not have time to look up words to

go on talking. Help Ss to become aware of this.

›› Answers: 1 3 2 9 3 5 4 2 5 10 6 8 7 6 8 7 9 1 10 4

vocabulary ›› page 63

Festival / Performance – Collocations AT

Ss will learn different kinds of crimes and the name of

1 Circle the correct options. the criminals.

LA / 21st Century Skills

Tell Ss to work individually. They will notice that GAMES

some words collocate in the context and others do You can invite Ss to play the Definitions tic-tac-toe game
not. They will understand that this is the way the on page 73. They will practise the vocabulary items learned
‘feel’ ideas should be expressed. Call volunteers to so far. If there are fast finishers they can enjoy some fun
read the answers and check with the whole class. time in class. If the whole group moves ahead together, you
Help them to notice that this is the way in which we can give them some minutes to practise and enjoy at the
also learn our mother tongue, some words seem to same time.
be used as chunks.

›› Answers: 1 local 2 be held 3 important 4 culture

5 organisers 6 programme 7 performing 8 solo 9 live Remind Ss that this box gives them some hints to
10 spotlight complete their final project. Tell them it means they
should work on the project to complete it in due time.
2 Write + / ++ / - next to the adjectives that qualify Now they will start choosing songs they like because
performances and festivals. of the message their lyrics give. They will find out if

This exercise aims at helping Ss to identify the connotation there is a real story behind the songs.
of the different adjectives describing performances.
Learning the degrees of positive or negative comments
helps them to express their opinion more accurately. Ask Ss
to work individually and check with the whole class. Ask Ss
to give examples using the adjectives in the list to qualify
performances they have watched or participated in.
›› Answers: 1 – 2 ++ 3 – 4 – 5 ++ 6 + 7 + 8 ++ 9 ++
10 ++ 11 – 12 ++ 13 + 14 ++ 15 ++


3 Look at the list of crimes and put the letters in order to

name the criminals.

21st Century Skills / IC

Tell Ss they are going to learn vocabulary about

crime. They have their definitions next to them so
that they understand their meaning. They will have
to put the letters in order to write the names of the
criminals involved in each crime. They will use the
hints given by the name of the crimes and their
previous knowledge about word formation. Have Ss
work individually. Then, let them share their answers
with a classmate next to them. Call volunteers to
read and write the name of the criminals on the
bb to make sure everybody can follow and has the
correct answers in the end.

›› Answers: 1 arsonist 2 assassin 3 briber 4 burglar

5 hacker 6 phisher 7 forger 8 hijacker 9 mugger
10 murderer 11 pickpocket 12 robber 13 shoplifter
14 vandal

GRAMMAR ›› pages 64–65

Reported speech Other changes in reported speech


Read the information in the box with the Ss. Have Ss read the table to learn about other changes
Discuss the use of reported speech. Ask Ss if they we make when we report phrases. Help them to notice
generally use reported speech in their everyday that they are similar to the changes we make in Spanish.
life. They will become aware that they do. This will Remind them that we are usually reporting things
help them notice the similarities between English people say on past occasions. To check understanding,
and Spanish. give an expression in direct speech and ask Ss to say
the corresponding one used in reported speech, and
the other way around. Make sure even weaker Ss
participate so that they understand the changes.
Tense changes in reported speech
2 Read the dialogue and write it in the reported speech.
Study the box with the Ss and help them to notice
the tense changes in reported speech. Again, have Ask Ss to read the instructions and do the task.
them compare English and Spanish. Help Ss to It would be advisable that you give this task as

understand that we report what people have said homework so that Ss work at their own pace and
after the moment when the interaction took place see what they can really do on their own. Tell them
and that is why we change the tense of the verbs. to use the table for help. The following lesson, call
so volunteers to read the answers. You could call other
Have Ss read the Remember! box to learn when
we keep the same verb tense. Tell them to bear this volunteers to write them on the bb so that everybody
in mind when they work on reported speech. gets the answers correct. Encourage Ss to ask what
they don’t understand.

1 Tell your friends what Lucas told you. He said:

›› Answers: Juan said he was not going to be there the day
Tell Ss to use the information in the boxes to complete after. He couldn’t receive Marta’s package. Marta told him not
to worry. She would tell Fiona to fetch it. Juan said he hadn’t
the task. Ask Ss to do this exercise orally in class and
seen her because she had arrived the day before and he had
to complete the written part at home. This practice will
been working. Marta said Fiona was very happy with her trip.
help learners to become aware of how much they have

learned and whether they need some extra help. The

following lesson, call volunteers to read and write the
questions and answers on the bb so that everybody has Reporting questions
the opportunity to complete the task. See that everybody
has the correct answers. Encourage Ss to ask if they do Read the information in the box with the Ss. Insist on the
not understand something. changes and go to the table with the examples to highlight
›› Answers: 1 He said he was from Córdoba. / He said he is the features stated in the first box.
from Córdoba. 2 He said he lived in Carlos Paz. / He said he
lives in Carlos Paz. 3 He said he was studying History. / He
Have Ss read the Pay attention! box to see how to
said he is studying History. 4 He said he wasn’t at home at introduce the different kinds of questions.
8 a.m. 5 He said he didn’t watch the film. / He said he hadn’t
watched the film. 6 He said he hadn’t been to Europe. / He 3 Alex is very curious. Report what he wanted to know.
said he hasn't been to Europe. 7 He said he was having Tell Ss to read the instructions and work individually.
a shower when I phoned him. 8 He said he was going to
Suggest they should use the boxes for help. It would be
visit me soon. 9 He said he can speak English and French. /
advisable that you give this task as homework so that Ss
He said he could speak English and French. 10 He said he
thought I would succeed.
work at their own pace and see what they can really do on
their own. Tell them to use the table for help. The following
lesson, call volunteers to read the answers. You could call
other volunteers to write them on the bb so that everybody
gets the answers correct. Encourage Ss to ask what they
don’t understand.
›› Answers: 1 Alex asked if Mary was coming the following day.
2 He wanted to know how long she was going to stay. 3 He
asked me if I had booked a hotel room for her. 4 He wanted
to know what time her plane landed. 5 He asked who she
wanted to interview.

GAMES Page 109

You can invite Ss to play the Chained reports game on page 10

73. They will practise reported speech in an enjoyable way. If ››
there are fast finishers they can enjoy some fun time in class. Used in direct speech Used in reported speech
If the whole group moves ahead together, you can give them 1 today that day
some minutes to practise and enjoy at the same time.
2 tomorrow the following day
3 yesterday the day before
4 here there
5 now then
Remind Ss that this box provides ideas to help them 6 next week the next week
fulfil their final project. It is also an alert for them to
go on working steadily to complete it. Now they 11
have to look for pictures that illustrate the message
›› 2 “I haven’t started the project yet, but I am getting to it now.”
of their song. They will have to decide which sort of 3 “I played the guitar for friends last week.” 4 “Will you be
presentation they choose to give. here on time?” 5 “You can pick up the donations now.”
6 “I will be working on the house today”
›› 2 She asked if I / we played any musical instruments.
Workbook Answers 3 Isabella inquired if they were in that class. 4 The director
asked if she had been a dancer. 5 The interviewer asked
Page 107 where I / we had studied. 6 The kids kept asking when they

were arriving.
›› 2 delighted 3 proud 4 bagpipes 5 big enough
›› 2 “When was your last visit to a doctor?” asked the doctor.
6 dressed up
3 “Can we meet up for coffee?” asked my sister. 4 “Are you
interested in seeing more houses?” asked the agent.
›› 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 b 5 “Do you want to get any extra accessories?” inquired the
3 salesman. 6 “Do you have any further transactions?” asked
›› poor – disappointing – dull – fine – satisfying – good – the bank teller.
excellent 14
4 ›› Ss’ own answers.
›› 2 good 3 brilliant 4 disappointing 5 fine 6 disappointing
7 dull

1 arson
2 burglar
3 forgery
4 mugger
5 robbery
6 shoplifter
7 vandalism
8 hijacker

Page 108
›› 2 forger 3 shoplifting 4 muggings 5 vandalism 6 arsonist
›› 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 f 6 e
›› 2 cybercrime 3 cybercriminals 4 Muggings 5 muggers
6 vandals
›› 2 He / She said he / she was studying for his / her finals.
3 They said they had danced at the concert. 4 He / she said
they hadn’t practised for the show. 5 He / She said he / she
was going to take pictures. 6 He / She said she would edit
the video. 7 They said they could wait for him.

listening and speaking ›› pages 66–67

People commenting on the boss’s instructions 26

after the burglary 27
Albert: Why is the policeman with the boss?
Marina: Look at the office! Don’t you see what
1 Look at the picture and answer. happened?
Gregory: He must still be sleeping.
21st Century Skills Albert: Well … I didn’t sleep well last night.
A burglar broke into the office and has
Tell Ss to read the instruction and answer the
made a mess of the papers.
questions. Use this instance as brainstorming. Ss will
develop their skills to read contexts. Have Ss discuss Marina: The boss told us to tidy up everything
the answers with the whole class and write on the before the cleaners arrive.
bb any new item or expression that is used in the Albert: Why aren’t you doing so?
description. This practice will help Ss to gather more Marina: Because we were waiting for you!
vocabulary that will help them to understand the audio
file and to develop their speaking skills. Albert: Well. What do I have to do?
Help Ss to notice the disorder and guide them into Gregory: Start sorting your files.
elaborating on its source. The presence of a policeman Albert: Can you help me?
can give them one more hint. Elicit from Ss that the Gregory: And who’s going to help me?
people are at their working place. This will give them Marina: Don’t get angry. We will finish by midday.
some help to decide on the different people’s roles. Let’s have lunch at the restaurant down
the street.

›› Answers: 1 There are 3 / 5 persons (the answer will depend
on each S’s perspective) 2 They work there. 3 The boss and
a policeman. 4 They might be talking about the burglary. AT
2 Listen to the conversation and check your guesses. Ss will identify word change in the dialogue.
Tell Ss that they are going to listen to an audio file to check
whether their inferences were right. Play the recording and
give Ss some minutes to check their answers. Have a whole
class discussion to check. Tell me all about it!
3 L isten to the conversation and correct the mistakes in
the dialogue. 4 Listen to Albert and take down some notes. Then join a
classmate and try to reconstruct the dialogue between
21st Century Skills / SEL the boss and the policeman. After that, join another pair

to share your dialogues.

Tell Ss to read the instruction and get ready. They are Tell Ss to read the instructions and get ready with paper
going to listen to the audio file once more to focus on and pencil at hand to listen to an audio file. Play the
details. Tell them to risk some answers in pairs, using recording and tell Ss to join a classmate to do the task.
what they remember from the first listening. Play the Give them some minutes to work. After they check in
recording and give Ss time to complete the task. They pairs, ask them to join another pair to complete their
will have to identify the words that have been changed dialogues. Ss will work collaboratively to complete
in the written version of the conversation. They can use the task. They will value what each individual Ss can
what they have actually heard and their understanding contribute to the fulfilment of the task.
of the context to complete the task. They will develop
critical thinking. Let them discuss their answers in pairs
before checking with the whole class. IC / SEL / 21st Century Skills
Checking with a classmate before sharing with the When Ss read the context for the listening, help them to
whole class gives some Ss more assertiveness at reflect on the fact that having some kind of impairment
the moment they have to speak in front of all their does not prevent them from getting a good job. In this
classmates. They have already discussed their point context, Marina is hearing-impaired and still works in
of view with someone closer to them. an office without any inconvenient. This is also possible
because her co-workers are aware of her needs
and they are ready to help her. Ss can think about
themselves and decide if they do something similar in
their everyday life.

5 Listen to Albert once more and check your dialogues.
Workbook Answers
Play the audio file a second time. Ss will check that they
have written the correct direct speech version of the Page 110
dialogue reported by Albert.
45 46 47
In today’s lecture, we will look at why studying music and doing
Albert: The policeman is asking if we have the dance are important for physical health and mental development.
office keys. The boss tells him that he is the Many, if not most parents can afford put their children into music
only person who has them. He adds that and dance classes. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself
he trusts us. why? In fact, researchers are finding that playing music and
dancing are good not just in themselves for the pleasure they give,
The policeman is asking whether the boss but also for the cognitive and physical benefits.
has any enemies. And he says he doesn’t First, let’s talk about dancing. Researchers have found that
know, but he supposes he doesn’t. dance provides cognitive and physical health benefits. Dancing
The policeman is asking for permission to helps fight memory loss. It fights weakness by improving muscle
ask us some questions. Get ready! strength and balance. Dancing is especially good for the elderly as
it helps improve flexibility and prevent falls which are common and
They are coming. can even be fatal. Of course, it is also an excellent form of exercise,
and dancers tend to have a physical grace which is almost always
easily identifiable as that of a dancer.
ɑː Music also has many benefits. It has been shown that music
education supports students’ academic development as it develops
abstract reasoning, necessary for higher level thinking. Studying

While Ss read, they will use intonation to express the
music also contributes to success in life by building on teamwork,
individuals’ feelings
communication skills, self-discipline, confidence and creativity.
Considering the information from research, it is understandable
so why so many parents invest in music and dance for their children.
IC Next week we will look at different styles of dance and the benefits
of each one.
Not all Ss will understand the whole listening the
first time they work on it. Listening to the audio 1
›› 1 b 2 a 3 a
file several times with different purposes helps
the Ss with more difficulty in learning to end up 2
understanding the whole dialogue and to develop ›› 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 f 6 b
their receptive skills.
›› 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T

Tell Ss to role-play the dialogue. Draw their

attention to the correct intonation to express
feelings and remind them they have to change
verb tenses when reporting someone’s speech.

writing ›› page 68

Write a police report 4 L ook at the police officer. Why does he have that
expression on his face?

ESI 21st Century Skills

Read the information in the box with the Ss for them This exercise aims at challenging Ss’ critical thinking.
to learn about police reports as discourse genre. When They will have to read the facial expression and
you read, help Ss to become aware of the words police decide the reason for that reaction. They will have to
officer. Ask them if they know why that is written and understand the context and the fact that the whole
not policeman. Elicit that we do not know whether dialogue is a joke.
the officer is a man or a woman and the words police
officer are gender-neutral.
›› Answer: Because of the ridiculous pretension of the elderly
1 Read the report and tick the lady’s actual words.
Tell Ss to read the instructions and go over the report to GAMES
do the task. While Ss read the report, ask them if there is
anything that calls their attention to elicit that it refers to You can invite Ss to play the Chained reports game on page
men and women as a female person, a male. Call volunteers 73. They will practise reported speech. If there are fast
to read the quote and the way it is expressed in the report finishers they can enjoy some fun time in class. If the whole
group moves ahead together, you can give them some
for everybody to understand and get the correct answers.
minutes to practise and enjoy at the same time.

›› Answers: 1 – 4 – 6 – 9

2 Read again and write who says …

Have Ss work individually. Then, let them share their
so Workbook Answers
answers with a classmate to work on peer correction. After
that, call volunteers to read the answers. Page 110
›› Answers: 1 The elderly lady 2 The people in the street 1
3 The elderly lady 4 The young girl 5 The elderly lady ›› Ss’ own answers.
›› Ss’ own answers.
More teaching ideas
In order to add more practice, when Ss check, you can
›› Ss’ own answers.
ask them to report the phrases when they identify the
persons who said the different quotes. 4

›› Ss’ own answers.

3 Read the dialogue and write the police report.

Give this task as homework so that Ss work at their own
pace and see what they can really do on their own. Tell
them to use the information on the page. The following
lesson, call volunteers to read the answers. You could call
other volunteers to write them on the bb, so that everybody
gets the answers correct. Encourage Ss to ask what they
don’t understand.
›› Answers may vary: A male person reports a burglary in his
house. Asked if the burglar had stolen anything, he answers
that he hadn’t. And he says that the burglar had left his house
in complete disorder. Asked if he had checked that he had
everything, he said he had everything. The officer asked why he
was reporting the burglary, he said he had reported it because
he wanted the burglar to tidy up the mess he had left.

While Ss read, they will use intonation to express
the individuals’ feelings

go for it! ›› page 69

‘Songs with a message’ Day Workbook Answers

Ask Ss to go over the instructions and to use them to Page 111

complete their task. Fix a date for the presentations. 1
Ss have chosen their favourite song. They have also chosen ›› 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 a
pictures that represent the message of the song. They have
found out whether there is a real story that gave origin to
the song. They will prepare a few lines to explain why the ›› 1 d 2 f 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 e
song is relevant to them and when and where they usually 3
listen to it.
›› 1 bad 2 impressive 3 remarkable 4 disappointing
They are going to prepare the kind of presentation they 5 outstanding 6 satisfactory
have chosen to make (slide show, poster or any other ICT
presentation) They will prepare a way to play the audio file
(inserted in the presentation or a sound device to use in the ›› 1 He said that he had played football the day before.
poster presentation) 2 He said that he has / had never played at Lincoln Football
Field”. 3 He asked if Anthony had registered for the
They have to rehearse before the presentation because tournament. 4 He inquired about where we were last
their speech must be clear for their classmates to week / we had been the previous week. 5 He asked if we
understand. had homework for the following day. 6 He said that he was
studying and asked if he could call me / us back.
Enjoy the “Songs with a message” day!

›› 1 My mother asked how the concert was / had been. 2 My
My learning record father asked me which performance I thought was / had been
the best. 3 The teacher asked if I had enjoyed myself. 4 My
so cousin asked what I had done in the show. 5 My aunt asked
This section has been designed to help Ss to
when the next concert would be. 6 My uncle inquired if I had
reflect upon all the lexical, grammatical and rehearsed for a long time.
conceptual contents they have been working on
throughout the unit. Alternatively, values, which
have been previously presented in class, are also
Encourage Ss to go over the listed items and
self-evaluate whether they have been able to
achieve them or not. Encourage them to ask about
concepts that might not be clear enough, yet.

Help Ss to become aware that, in order to confirm

that they can actually produce the language
functions, they have to think of examples. If they
still have difficulties, they should ask the teacher
to plan a repairing teaching session to reinforce
the contents at which they still feel weak.

CLIL ›› page 70


Show Ss pictures of the Amazon rainforest, the people who live there and the fauna which belong in this region. Ask
students if they can identify this place / ecosystem (Amazon / rainforest). Ask Ss if they know of any other major rainforests.
Show a picture of deforestation / logging in a forested region and introduce the text. Have Ss read silently or out loud. Ask
comprehension questions to ensure students understand the text.

1 Match the words or expressions to their meaning.

›› Answers: 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 f 6 d

2 Work with a partner to complete the table with the environmental and social impacts of deforestation.
›› Answers may vary: 
Environmental impacts Social iImpacts

2 Soil erosion when trees are removed and rainwater washes 2 Loss of jobs due to decrease in local agricultural exploitation
away nutrients in the topsoil 3 Loss of culture when indigenous communities are replaced
3 Desertification 4 Economic uncertainty
4 Increased water and air pollution

3 Consider the reasons why deforestation occurs and its impacts. In what ways can we reduce deforestation?
›› Answers may vary: 1 Eat less meat. Reduce demand for red meat and thus cattle ranching. 2 Support / buy from companies which
have strong, positive environmental policies which support reforestation and defend the rainforest. 3 Support indigenous communities.


Page 71 3
1 ›› 1 to use 2 to take 3 not to buy 4 was 5 not to use
›› 1 respect 2 protecting 3 environment 4 preserve 4
5 sustainable 6 conservation 7 exploitation 8 murdered ›› 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 a
9 knowledge 10 climate change
›› 1 rechargeable 2 waste 3 reduce 4 conserve 5 pollute

Light Up


1 1
›› Answers will vary. Make sure the student is capable of ›› Across ›› Down
using correct vocabulary and grammar structures as ›› 2 SCARY ›› 1 HUMILIATING
seen in Light Up 3. ›› 7 HURTFUL ›› 3 COMMONPLACE
›› Answers should include: ›› 5 PAINFUL
Learning styles and Accidents at home, Weather & ›› 6 FORMATIVE
activities how we feel experiences 2
sell crafts and artisan ›› a religious / enjoyable / ›› b Pleasant / unforgettable
boring, broke my arm,
got an electric shock, hit
works, earn your own traumatic ›› c magic / new / funny
solving puzzles living, escape from
my head, tired
drizzle and thunder 3
›› 1 make ›› 3 attend ›› 5 open
Feelings, common Household problems, World problems, ›› 2 graduate ›› 4 be
health problems repairs things you can donate
heartbroken, raging, the lights don’t go on, donate blood, famine, ›› 1 d ›› 3 c ›› 5 b
sore throat, stiff neck the tap drips illiteracy, poverty
›› 2 g ›› 4 f
3 5

›› 1 Expect the correct use of the Present Continuous. ›› 1 been ›› 4 absolutely ›› 8 Have you
›› 2 E
 xpect the correct use of going to to express future ›› 2 w
 as ›› 5 need tried
plans. studying ›› 6 really ›› 9 at all
›› 3 E
 xpect the correct use of the Present Continuous and ›› 3 remembered ›› 7 such ›› 10 called
›› 4 Expect the correct use of the Present Perfect Simple.
›› 5 E
 xpect the correct use of the Present Perfect Simple
or the Past Simple.
›› 6 Expect the correct use of should / shouldn’t. 1
›› 7 Expect the correct use of the future with will or going to. ›› 1 depart ›› 5 gate ›› 9 dock
›› 8 Expect the correct use of the Conditional Type 1. ›› 2 get on ›› 6 flight ›› 10 cruise
›› 9 E
 xpect the correct use of Present Perfect or Past ›› 3 carriage ›› 7 sail
Simple. ›› 4 take off ›› 8 port
›› 10 Expect the correct use of Present Perfect or Past 2
Simple. ›› a single / return ›› d travel card

›› b season ticket ›› e boarding pass / quay

›› c valid / get on
›› 1 i ›› 3 j ›› 5 b ›› 7 d
1 ›› 2 h ›› 4 a ›› 6 c ›› 8 e
›› a unkind ›› d unambitious ›› g unreliable
›› b inflexible ›› e cheerful ›› h unfriendly
›› 1 studied ›› 5 arrived ›› 9 saw
›› c insensitive ›› f dishonest
›› 2 was cooking ›› 6 had left ›› 10 hadn’t
2 ›› 3 didn’t get up ›› 7 had seen
›› a unreliable / reliable ›› d cheerful / friendly ›› 4 got ›› 8 were waiting
›› b dishonest ›› e ambitious / unkind
›› c adaptable
›› 1 yourself ›› 5 each other ›› 9 them
3 ›› 2 have studied ›› 6 was ›› 10 saw
›› a a woollen striped jumper ›› c baggy jeans ›› 3 you ›› 7 had said
›› b a flowery cotton blouse ›› d leather flats ›› 4 ourselves ›› 8 one another
›› 1 h ›› 3 i ›› 5 c ›› 7 e UNIT 4 – TEST A
›› 2 j ›› 4 g ›› 6 d ›› 8 f
5 1
›› 1 am seeing ›› 5 punctuality ›› 9 have ›› 1 j (camera) ›› 5 g (smartphone)
›› 2 who ›› 6 don’t like ›› 10 study ›› 2 i (floppy disk) ›› 6 c (hi-fi)
›› 3 think ›› 7 who ›› 3 b (dial phone) ›› 7 h (tape recorder)
›› 4 sensitive ›› 8 un- ›› 4 e (photocopier) ›› 8 f (radio)
›› 1 file ›› 4 send ›› 7 e-readers
›› 2 thumb drive ›› 5 smartphones ›› 8 typewriters
›› 3 print ›› 6 scan

›› 1 f ›› 3 g ›› 5 b PROGRESS TEST 1A (Units 1–2)
›› 2 d ›› 4 a
4 1
›› 1 used to be ›› 3 did you use to / have ›› Clothes: what you wear reflects your personality and
›› 2 visited / entered / had seen who you are
left ›› 4 didn’t use to / gave 2
5 ›› 1 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
›› 1 have broken ›› 5 didn’t use ›› 8 would break ›› 2 Meghan Markle
›› 2 had taken to be ›› 9 did ›› 3 Prince Harry
›› 3 ’ll ask ›› 6 has changed ›› 10 Has she ›› 4 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
›› 4 her ›› 7 gave come ›› 5 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s clothes
UNIT 5 – TEST A ›› 1 such ›› 3 such ›› 5 so
›› 2 such ›› 4 so
1 4
›› a a brass vase ›› d leather boots ›› g a wooden ›› Personal answers. Make sure the S uses the Past
›› b a paper hat ›› e a steel plate table Simple, Past Continuous, and Present Perfect tenses
›› c a brass kettle ›› f a denim hat ›› h a glass jar correctly, as well as the vocabulary related to patterns
2 and materials.
›› 1 sound pollution ›› 5 ozone friendly
›› 2 visual pollution ›› 6 recycling
PROGRESS TEST 2A (Units 1–4)

›› 3 urban sprawl ›› 7 dump
›› 4 carbon dioxide ›› 8 deforestation
3 1
›› A trip by ship to another country
›› 1 protect ›› 4 affect
›› 7 damage
›› 2 preserve ›› 5 emit ›› 8 cause 2
›› 3 clean up ›› 6 pollute ›› 1 admit ›› 3 tedious ›› 5 lasted
›› 2 attributed ›› 4 dragged
›› 1 to study ›› 4 wear ›› 7 was affected 3
›› 2 not to watch ›› 5 are protected ›› 8 plant ›› 1 will arrive ›› 3 didn’t ›› 4 eat
›› 2 were socialize ›› 5 is
›› 3 are caused ›› 6 were cut down
5 4
›› 1 look ›› 5 advised ›› 9 are caused ›› Personal answers. Make sure the S uses the past
›› 2 was leaving ›› 6 to take ›› 10 has seen tenses correctly, as well as the vocabulary related to
›› 3 was crashed ›› 7 been travelling.

›› 4 phoned ›› 8 was told

PROGRESS TEST 3A (Units 1–6)
›› 1 F ›› 3 F ›› 5 T
1 ›› 2 T ›› 4 T
›› Across ›› Down
›› 1 1990 ›› 3 1960
›› 2 plastic ›› 4 metal
›› Danielle
›› 7 BURGLAR 4
›› Answers may vary but could include:
Danielle asked Kyle if he had put a milk carton in the
›› 1 d ›› 3 b ›› 5 f
trash the day before. Kyle apologized and said he
›› 2 c ›› 4 a
wasn’t good at recycling things.
3 Danielle pointed out that he wasn’t good at recycling
›› 1 he didn’t want to go. ›› 5 he had seen her the because he didn’t care. She told him that if he did his
›› 2 if I had seen Mary. day before. part, this would change. Kyle explained that it had been
›› 3 that her mother is / ›› 6 me they would arrive just one carton. Danielle explained that if one soda can
was a nurse. the following day at 6. was recycled, it would save enough energy to power a
›› 4 where the children ›› 7 we mustn’t open that television for three hours!
were going. door. Kyle said that if they paid him, he would recycle.
4 Danielle said the thinks we have a responsibility to
›› 1 Should ›› 5 hadn’t seen ›› 9 I had done recycle as much as we can.
›› 2 didn’t tell ›› 6 told ›› 10 didn’t say
›› 3 was walking ›› 7 is
›› 4 saw ›› 8 was visiting

Light Up

1 Write a short paragraph.

Talk about an accident you had or saw and how you felt about it.

2 Classify these words and phrases under each of the following categories.
boring broke my arm donate blood earn your own living escape from drizzle and thunder famine
got an electric shock heartbroken hit my head illiteracy memorising poverty raging sell crafts and artisan works
solving puzzles sore throat stiff neck the lights don’t go on the tap drips tired

Learning styles and activities Accidents at home, how we feel Weather & experiences

Feelings, common health problems Household problems, repairs World problems, things you can donate

3 Answer these questions. If possible, write full sentences.


1 Which activities are you doing twice a week nowadays?

2 Are you going to a friend’s house at the weekend?
3 Is your next Sunday going to be busier than the previous one?
4 What objects have you collected?
5 Have you had a frightening experience during a trip?
6 What should we do if we get angry?
7 Will you lose your temper if you don’t succeed in doing something?
8 Do you think you’ll be OK if the internet is not working at home?
9 Have you ever done voluntary work? If so, when did you do it?
10 What have you donated in the past?

ME Tick

Exercise 1: Writing personal information

Exercise 2: Identifying word groups

Exercise 3: Verb tenses

86 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education

Light Up

1 Write the opposites.

a kind e miserable
b flexible f honest
c sensitive g reliable
d ambitious h friendly 20

2 Complete with one of the words in Exercise 1, positive or negative.

a You cannot trust some people, they’re  . Archie is just the opposite, he’s a very person.
b People who never tell the truth are  .
c Megan can adapt easily. She’s very  .
d It’s fantastic to go out with Jeremy, he’s and  .
e She always wants more and more, she’s very  . She’s usually nice, but sometimes she becomes

3 Describe the clothes. Refer to materials and patterns.
a b c d


4 Match A and B. There are two extra parts in B.


A  1 I need to borrow B a which won the competition.

2 That’s the student b which I live.
3 I love the house c used to early dinners.
4 At online universities you d which you have just bought.
5 I can’t get e my bed before I leave.
6 I’ve read the book f the housework before I leave.
7 I must make g attend virtual lessons.
8 I must do h two books from the library.
i where I live.
j who won the prize.

5 Circle the correct options.

Ella: Why are you worried?
Will: Because I 1see / am seeing Angie this afternoon. She’s the student 2who / which started last month.
Ella: Oh, I know her. I 3think / am thinking she’s very 4sensitive / sensitivity. But she has a problem with
punctual / punctuality.
Will: Oh, I 6don’t like / am not liking people 7which / who are 8un- / im- punctual. What can I do?
Ella: I don’t know. Oh! I 9have / am having an idea. You can tell her to send you a WhatsApp message when she leaves.
Will: Great! I 10study / am studying at the library in the afternoon, so I can wait there.


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education 87

Light Up

1 Do the crossword puzzle. 1 2 3 4


2 a frightening experience 5 6
7 an experience that makes you suffer
8 an experience you will always remember


1 an experience that makes you feel humiliation 7

3 an ordinary, normal experience

4 an experience that is satisfying
5 an experience that makes you feel pain
6 an experience that is constructive 8

2 Complete the blanks with the words from the box. There’s an extra word.

enjoyable funny humiliating magic new pleasant religious traumatic unforgettable
a I hate my excursion to the countryside. I’m not very . They are always in your mind and in
, but we went with our community. your heart.
We thought it would be , but it was c The show is ! I’ve never seen acrobats
to me. like these ones, it’s a experience. And
b experiences in general are the clowns are .
3 Complete the blanks with the words from the box. There are two extra words.
attend be care graduate make open pass

It’s important to 1 friends at school. These friends will be with you when you 2 from school.
They can help you when you 3
difficult subjects and they will always 4 there for you. And
if you 5 your own business, they will be the first clients!

4 Match A and B. There are two extra parts in B.
A  1 I was watching TV B a while he arrived.
2 Kate phoned b good friends that they will always be there for us.
3 Tom is so c hardworking that he passes all the tests.
4 Tom is such d when he arrived.
5 They’re such e absolutely tired.
f a nice boy that he helps everybody.
g while I was out.
5 Circle the correct options.
Ella: Will! Where have you 1gone / been? Will: I am. But the test tomorrow is 7so / such a difficult test
Will: To the shopping centre. I 2studied / was studying when that I need to go on studying.
I 3remembered / was remembering I needed two books. Ella: 8Have you tried / Did you try yoga? It helps you relax.
Ella: But you could wait. Will: No, I don’t like it 9really / at all.
Will: Oh, no, they’re too / absolutely necessary.
Ella: OK. Anyway, Laura 10called / was calling.
I 5am needing / need them for my homework. Will: Oh, I’ll call her back.
Ella: Oh, I see. But you look 6such / really tired.

88 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education

Light Up

1 Complete the blanks with the words from the box. There are two extra words.

carriage coach cruise depart dock flight gate get on land port sail take off

The train will 1 at 6, so we must 2 the train one hour before. Our 3 is
number 6.
The plane from Moscow will 4 at 7 from 5 4B. It’s 6 BA1215.
Our ship will 7 tomorrow at 6. We have to be at the 8 three hours in advance. It will
at Puerto Madryn on Wednesday. The 10
is going to be fantastic!

2 Choose the correct options.

a Two single / singular tickets are more expensive than a d In many places, you cannot buy a ticket on the bus, you
double / return ticket. have to use a ticket card / travel card.
b In some clubs, you need to buy a season ticket / summer e You need a boarding pass / boarding card for a ship.
ticket to use the outdoors swimming pool in summer. You need to show it at the quay / station.
c Check if you’ve got a valid / usable ticket before you

enter / get on the bus.

3 Match A and B. There are two extra parts in B.

A  1 Paul usually feels B a in a traffic jam, he will be late.
2 Hurry up! You’re going to miss b potholes in the road.
3 Be careful, and don’t lose c overweight, you have to pay extra money.
4 Paul is stuck d is delayed.
5 Watch out! There are lots of e bumper to bumper.
6 If your luggage is f fined.
7 We can’t leave on time because the bus g a delay.
8 We will be late because the traffic is h the train.

i dizzy when he flies.

j your passport. 20

4 Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense.

John 1 (study) yesterday while I 2 (cook).
We 3 (not get up) early last Sunday, and we 4 (get) stuck in traffic. When we
(arrive) at the station, the train 6
(leave) and we 7 (have) to wait for another
one. While we 8 (wait) for the next train, John 9 (see) an old friend from school.
He 10 (not see) this friend for a long time!
5 Circle the correct options.
Ella: Will! Why are you looking at 1you / yourself in the Will: No. The teacher 6was / had been absent last week, so
mirror? no test.
Will: I’m not feeling well. I 2studied / have studied a lot Ella: Oh, was she sick?
since yesterday. Will: No, she 7was saying / had said she had to travel with
Ella: I can help you / yourself.
her two children. They love 8themselves / one another
Will: Oh, no, thanks! John is coming later, and we will a lot!
manage 4ourselves / each other. We have to write Ella: Do you know 9them / themselves?
stories, and we can correct 5each other / one another. Will: Yes! I 10saw / had seen them at a celebration at school.
Ella: Oh, I see. What about Physics? Do you have an


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education 89

Light Up

1 Look at the images and complete the blanks. There are two extra images.
a b c d e

f g h i j

1 We use a to get instant photos. 6 People used a to listen to music at

2 People used a to keep information. home.
3 People used a to talk with friends. 7 People used a to keep audio files.
4 We use a to make copies of a 8 People use a to listen to news at
document. home.

5 We use a to listen to music outside. 20

2 Complete the blanks with the words from the box. There are two extra words.
e-readers file letter PC print scan send smartphones thumb drive typewriters

Please, 1 all the information on a 2 . You don’t need to 3 anything.

We can 4 the documents in pdf format, and people can read them with their 5 .
When we go to the library, we can 6 some pages onto our 7 . It’s very
easy. Before, this was not possible and people used 8 . 20

3 Match A and B. There are two extra parts in B.


A  1 If you do not study, B a if it rains.

2 If I were you, b he’d be very happy.
3 If I were a bird, c if he would practise.
4 John won’t come home d I’d borrow books from the library.
5 If Susan phoned John, e we’ll go to the cinema.
f you fail exams.
g I would fly.
4 Choose the correct options.
1 I had been / used to be afraid of dogs. Now I love them.
2 Last summer I visited / used to visit a friend who has a terrible dog. Luckily I entered / used to enter the house when he
was leaving / had left the dog in the garden.
3 Grandma, did you / did you use to use floppy disks? I had seen / have seen some in your house.
4 I didn’t use to like / hadn’t liked chocolate when I was a young girl. When mum used to give / gave me some,
I started crying!
5 Circle the correct options.
Ella: Will! You 1broke / have broken my favourite vase! you 7gave / would give her a glass for a minute, she
Will: It was not me! Susan 2had taken / used to take it to broke / would break it.

the kitchen when I left for school. Ella: Oh, I see. If she 9did / does it, I’d be very angry.
Ella: I 3ask / ‘ll ask 4her / herself. 10
Did she come / Has she come back?
Will: She hasn’t been / didn’t use to be careless, but she
Will: I don’t know.
changes / has changed. She breaks everything! If

90 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education

Light Up

1 Look at the images and write the name of the object and the material.
a b c d

e f g h

a c e g
b d f h

2 Read the definition and write the environmental situation.
1 People in cars blowing their horns

2 Lots of posters and billboards in the street
3 Unrestricted growth of urban areas
4 A gas which can cause death and pollution
5 Products that preserve the atmosphere
6 The process of converting waste into usable material
7 A place for depositing waste and rubbish
8 The destruction of forests
3 Complete the blanks with the words from the box. There’s an extra word.
affect cause clean up damage emit pollute preserve protect recycle

We need to 1 the environment. One good action is to 2 forests and to

Pollution can negatively 4 people, animals and plants. Some cars 5 gases which
the atmosphere. Some gases are so bad that they can really 7
the environment.
Global warming, for example, can 8 climate change.
4 Write the verbs in the correct form.
The teacher told me 1 (study) and 2 (not watch) TV during the week.
Some illnesses 3
(cause) by pollution. Some people 4
(wear) masks in the street. In
this way, they 5 (protect) from pollution.
Last summer, trees 6 (cut down) in the north of our country. As a result, the environment
(affect). The government can 8 (plant) new trees, but that cannot solve the problem.

5 Circle the correct options.
Ella: Will! You 1look / are looked terrible! Will: No, later today.
Will: I feel terrible. When I have left / was leaving, I saw
Ella: I’m so sorry …
my car. It 3crashed / was crashed. Will: I 8told / was told that many accidents 9cause / are
Ella: Oh! caused by careless drivers. I’ll post the photos online,
Will: I 4phoned / was phoned the company and they maybe somebody 10was seen / has seen the crash
asked / advised me 6taking / to take photos. and they can help me.
Ella: Have you 7been / gone to the police station?


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education 91

Light Up

1 Do the crossword puzzle.

Across 1

5 a person who kills a famous person
6 a person who kills another one 3

8 tricking people online to get

4 5
information from them
9 person who copies documents, art, 6

etc. illegally 7

1 giving money to influence a person's

2 doing something illegal including computers 8

3 person who takes control of a plane,

train, bus, etc.
4 person who attacks others to steal something
from them
5 person who sets fires to property

7 a thief 30

2 Match the words and the person who said them. There’s an extra person.
1 I stole this small bag, but they caught me. a A briber
2 I have a gun. I want to talk to the bank manager! b A pickpocket
3 I got this credit card in the train station. c A robber
4 I offered money to the manager to get permission more quickly. d A shoplifter
5 I can easily get the password, don’t worry. e A vandal
f A hacker 20

3 Report the following. Use the given words.


1 I don’t want to go. Tom said

2 Have you seen Mary? Susan asked me
3 My mother is a nurse. Susan said
4 Where are the children going? The teacher asked the principal
5 I saw her yesterday. Dan said
6 We will arrive tomorrow at 6. My friends told
7 We mustn’t open that door. The teacher said


4 Circle the correct option.

Ella: Why are you worried? old friend. I 5haven’t seen / hadn’t seen her for a long
Will: Because I have a problem. 1Should / Must I phone time. She 6said / told me she 7is / was an accountant
Mags? She’s angry with me because I didn’t tell /
and 8is visiting / was visiting the city.
hadn’t told her the truth. Ella: There’s nothing wrong about it.
Ella: That’s awful. Will: No, I know. I invited her to have a coffee. When
Will: I know. But it was not serious. I 3had walked / was Mags asked me what 9did I do / I had done that day,
walking out of the office when I saw / was seeing an
I 10didn’t say / haven’t said anything about Mary.



92 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education

4 Units 1–2 Class

1 Read this article about a celebrity couple and choose the most appropriate title.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who is now the Duchess of Sussex, are one of the most famous couple in the world.
Celebrities have always influenced fashion and this couple is not an exception. Prince Harry has been on Vanity Fair’s
International Best Dressed List several times and the world has been absolutely obsessed with Meghan Markle’s fashion
style before she joined the British Monarchy, when she was an actress on American television.
But a few weeks before she gave birth to their son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, she was seen wearing
something extremely different. Instead of high heels and couture dresses, which is her usual style, she was wearing her
husband’s clothing. Meghan Markle wore sneakers, skinny jeans, a T-shirt, and a jacket which belongs to Prince Harry.
Maybe it was because of her pregnancy: her formal clothes didn’t really fit anymore so she probably decided to wear her
husband’s old clothes instead of buying new ones. But, of course, this does not mean she can’t buy new clothes at all. After
giving birth, Markle has spent more than $500,000 on her new clothes, just for the maternity leave period.
But their clothes are not only an expression of their royal status. They also say a lot about their personalities. Prince Harry,
for example, is a confident young man who likes to wear clothes that are conservative but trendy. Meghan has a friendly
personality that is a little unconventional and not traditional. She prefers large bags instead of clutch bags, which is the
tradition among British royal women.

( ) The life of a royal couple ( ) Clothes: what you wear reflects your personality and
( ) The fashion style of the royal family who you are
( ) Fashion changes after pregnancy

/ 10

2 Read the text again and identify which people or objects are being referred to in these sentences.
1 Celebrities have always influenced fashion and this couple is not an exception.
2 But a few weeks before she gave birth to their son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, she was seen wearing
something extremely different.
3 Instead of high heels and couture dresses, which is her usual style, she was wearing her husband’s clothing.
4 But their clothes are not only an expression of their royal status.
5 They also say a lot about their personalities. / 10

3 Choose the correct option.


1 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are so / such fashion icons these days.
2 Meghan Markle made so / such a simple wedding dress look so stunning.
3 That flowery dress is so / such a different look for the duchess, it is a totally unexpected look!
4 Kate always looks so tidy and her clothes fit so / such nicely.
5 She usually wears dotted dresses, which are not typical for royalty, and that's what makes it so / such memorable.

/ 10

4 Write a short paragraph about a party that you have attended. Describe the occasion and what the people were wearing.

/ 20

Total / 50

ME Tick
Exercise 1: Text comprehension

Exercise 2: Subject identification

Exercise 3: So / such

Exercise 4: Describing past events

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education 93

4 Units 1–4 Class

1 Read this letter and answer: What is it about?

12th November, 1850

Dear mother,
Since I last wrote we have had bad weather. Last Saturday the rain began to increase gradually till on Sunday we had all the
hatches completely closed except a small one which was left open to admit the air. The cabins in the centre were flooded
by the end of the day. This lasted till Tuesday, when the sun came out. We hope to see land in about two weeks’ time. It’s
been only a week at sea, but the monotony makes it feel longer. Every day brings a tedious routine of making the bed in the
morning, cooking, eating, sleeping, reading, eating again, socializing, making the bed at night. Some passengers suffer from
motion sickness as the ship rocks back and forth on the waves. I am used to it, but I can’t read my books.
The days have literally dragged. Last night all the passengers came on deck to enjoy the refreshing breeze after the hot day.
There are some excellent singers on board and some hours were devoted to singing. The moon was lovely, and everybody
was enjoying the clear sky, the gentle breeze, the placid and quiet waters of the Atlantic, a thousand miles from any land.
Our health, as well as that of all the passengers has been excellent. We haven’t had a single case of severe illness. The captain
has attributed it to the good ventilation and the small number of passengers: we are 110, out of which there are about 30 young
children. There is plenty of fresh water and beverages, including our beloved black tea. The food is bad, but I certainly didn’t
expect any luxuries on a ship. We receive a pound of flour every week and out of this I have made some excellent bread and
cake. We regret not bringing any spices with us though. Unfortunately, we cannot eat the preserved meats they offer. They make
us ill because they are of a very inferior quality. Thank God there is preserved salmon once a week.

(based on the letters written by John Harman Eamer to his mother in England, describing his trip to Adelaide in 1850.
Found at
/ 10

2 Read the text again and find a word that has the same meaning as:
1 give access to: 4 moved very slowly:
2 associated: 5 continued:
3 monotonous, boring:
/ 10
3 Complete these sentences based on the information in the letter. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 If the weather continues good, we (arrive) in Australia on the 16th.
2 If we (be) in England, we would add spices to the cake and bread.

3 The trip would be very boring if we (not socialize) on the deck at night.
4 If we (eat) the preserved meats, we will get sick.
5 I can read books if the sea (be) calm. / 10

4 Write a short paragraph about a trip you made by train, car, plane or ship.

/ 20

Total / 50

ME Tick
Exercise 1: Text comprehension

Exercise 2: Vocabulary skills

Exercise 3: Conditional clauses

Exercise 4: Writing personal information

94 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education

4 Units 1–6 Class

1 Read this bar chart and write T (true) or F (false).

1( )T
 he chart compares American
recycling rates for select materials
per weight.
2( )T
 he chart compares recycling rates
for paper, glass, metal and plastics
in percentage.
3( )T
 hey didn’t recycle plastic before
4( )T
 he chart covers a period of fifty
5( )T
 he chart is divided in intervals of
ten years.

/ 10 Source: Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. December 2011.

2 Read the text again and complete the sentences.

 ince the 1980s, there has been an increase in the use of glass, metal and plastic to produce containers for drinks. That
explains the increase of these materials in  .

a 2010   b 1990   c 2000
2 Before 1980, there was very little recycling of  .
a paper   b plastic   c glass
3 was the only year when the recycling of glass surpassed metal.
a 1980   b 1970   c 1960
 ince the 1990s, electrical and electronic equipment has been more present in every house in the USA. This explains the
huge increase in recycling in just ten years.
a metal   b paper   c glass / 10
3 Read this dialogue and answer: who has a positive view on recycling?
( ) Danielle ( ) Kyle
Danielle: Kyle, did you put a milk carton in the trash do your part, this will change.

yesterday? You know we have a paper recycling Kyle: But it was just one carton!
bin, right?
Danielle: Do you know how much energy is necessary to
Oh, I’m sorry. I’m not good at recycling things. I produce new things? I’ll give you an example: if
have tried to sort out the trash for a week, but it one soda can is recycled, it saves enough energy
was just too difficult. to power a television for three hours!
That’s the problem. You are not good at recycling Kyle: Well, if they paid me, I would recycle.
because you don’t care. Did you know that 75%
I think we have a responsibility to recycle as
of trash could be recycled but only 30% is? If you
much as we can.
/ 10

4 Write a short paragraph reporting some of the things Danielle and Kyle discussed.

/ 20

Total / 50

ME Tick
Exercise 1: Chart reading skills

Exercise 2: Information check

Exercise 3: Text comprehension

Exercise 4: Writing skills – reported speech

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education 95

Maldonado, María Alicia

Light Up 4: Teacher’s Book / María Alicia Maldonado.

1a ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Pearson Education,

96 p.; 30 x 22 cm.

ISBN 978-987-615-508-3

1. Inglés. I. Título.

CDD 420

Pearson Education S.A.

Humboldt 1509 piso 6°
C1414CTM Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Printed in Argentina by Gráfica Offset 08/2019
ISBN 978-987-615-508-3 Teacher’s Book

This edition published by

Pearson Education S.A. 2019

Publisher Silvia Kosaruk

Content producer Regina Tedesco
Edition and design The Content Station
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Manuel López

The publisher would like to acknowledge Mauricio Shiroma for the
development of the Diagnostic Test and the Progress Tests, and Leonor
Corradi for the development of the Unit Tests, the Extra Reading and Writing
pages, and Extra Grammar and Vocabulary pages.

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Gordnan Sermek 87, Horiyan 91, HSNphotography 90, igor.stevanovic 90,
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