2021 Eyes - Open - 1 - Students Book
2021 Eyes - Open - 1 - Students Book
2021 Eyes - Open - 1 - Students Book
Eves O pen
Ben Goldstein & Ceri Jones
with David McKeegan
Ш C a m b r id g e iD lS C O V e rv
p4 the alphabet, numbers, time, p5 classroom objects, p5 prepositions of place, this, that, these, those, p6 possessive
рб personal possessions and adjectives, p7 days of the week, adjectives and possessive pronouns, possessive's, p7 be:
months and dates, p8 countries, nationalities and languages affirmative, negative and questions
ЕШМИИ Vocabulary
p14 A conversation
People Explore adjectives О Robot fighters Describing people
2 p21 Daily routines p22 An online forum p23 present simple p24 After school activities
It's your life Explore prepositions of time Say it right! Is/ /z / /iz/ A conversation
О Ali's Day Get it right! activities ending
in -ing
3 P33 Places in a school p34 A magazine article P35 can for ability and p36 A podcast
Schooldays Explore nouns and verbs permission School subjects
Say it right! can/can't
О Kung Fu school
p43 Food p44 A magazine article p45 countable and uncountable p46 A conversation
Explore expressions with nouns, a/an, some and any Meals and courses
have 2 О Fishing in Japan
6 p65 Places in a town 1 p66 An information text p67 was / were, there was/were p68 A report
City life Explore extreme adjectives Get it right! any Places in a town 2
О Rome: ancient and modern
p77 Sports and activities p78 FAQs p79 past simple: yes/no p80 A conversation
Get it right! play or do Explore adverbs questions Clothes
Say it right! sentence stress
О The Palio
p87 Seasons and weather p88 A web page p89 be going to p90 A conversation
Explore collocations Say it right! going to Landscapes
О City of water
p15 Comparative p16 О My family, by Boris Moldanov p18 О Real Talk: What's your p19 A description p99 Grammar reference
adjectives p17 An online interview phone number? What's your of a person p107 Vocabulary bank
Say it right! /б эп/ Explore adjective suffixes -fu l email address? Useful language: p115 CLIL Maths - fractions
On the phone modifiers О The Land Down Under
p28 О Real Talk: What do p29 A blog post p100 Grammar reference
you do after school? Useful language: p108 Vocabulary bank
Asking for information modifiers p116 CLIL Science - the Earth's
О Mars
Z h in Yan: "
gym nast p 2 6
A fte r school
a c tiv itie s p28
V o cab u lary
• Daily routines and tim e I can ... What can you see in the photo
expressions talk about daily routines,
Start thinking
• A fter school activities read and understand a te x t about
• Prepositions of tim e tim e zones.
Where are the children?
Expressions w ith have 1 have a conversation about after school Why are the girls clapping?
activities. Can you play a musical
Lang u ag e focus
ask questions about routines and activities, instrument?
• Present simple:
understand about schools in other
affirm ative and negative
• Adverbs of frequency
ask for and give inform ation about
• Present simple: Yes/No
and W h- questions
w rite a blog post about my typical day.
use basic conjunctions.
:::: < * * * « :: - d o m yh o m e w o rk
9et UP .... go to school
f|> |
Look at the examples, then w rite the he/she/it Read the texts on page 22 again. Correct the
forms of the verbs. sentences below. One of them is correct.
w alk - walks 1 brush 1 R enata’s dad doesn ’t work a t home. He works
go - goes 2 start a t her school.
teach - teaches 3 love 1 Renata's dad works at home.
study - studies 4 sleep 2 Marta walks to school with her friend.
5 watch 3 David has lunch at school.
6 do 4 Michelle does homework at the weekend.
5 David's brother goes to school.
6 Renata likes school.
Listen and complete the table w ith the
words from Exercise 2.
Is / /z / /iz /
walks goes teaches Make a list of things you do and don't do
during the week, at weekends and every day.
+ +
do my
© Complete Murat's blog entry w ith the
correct form of the present simple. Then listen
and check. don’t go to
< ► ft
I 1.... (live) with my family in Istanbul. My father 6 Tell your partner about the things you do
2.... (work) at home, and my m other 3.... (teach) and don't do.
at my school. They 4.... (work) very hard. My
brother Boran is 19. He 5.... (go) to During the week, I do my homework.
university. He 6.... (study)
Spanish and Chinese. He
1.... (speak) very good
Spanish and 8.... (watch) Find o u t about Ali's daily routine in Cairo.
films in Chinese! We When does Ali wake up?
3 .... (do) my Spanish What does Ali do during the day?
homework together. What does he do in the evenings?
He’s great!
1 live
Listening A conversation
Use go fo r activities ending in -ing.
2 ©Ю ЕЗ Listen to Clara and Lucas talking to go swimming, go running
their teacher. W hat activities do Clara and
Lucas do?
3 ©ИЗ Listen again. Choose the correct 4 W hat after school activities do you do?
answers. Complete the sentences.
1 Lucas plays ... On Fridays, I ....
a tennis (b^chess 1.... at the weekend.
2 He plays w ith ... On ...., in the evening, I ....
a his teacher b his friends 1.... in the morning on .....
3 Clara has tennis lessons ...
W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer the
a at school b at the tennis club
questions in Exercise 4.
4 She has lessons on ...
a Mondays and Thursdays
W hat do you do at the weekend?
b Mondays and Wednesdays
5 Clara's dad ...
a is good at tennis b isn't good at tennis A t the weekend, I have dance classes.
play tennis
play chess
Add adverbs of frequency to the sentences
do karate
below to make them true for you.
have dance classes
1 I brush my teeth after breakfast.
play music
I always brush m y te e th a fte r breakfast.
2 I get up early at the weekend.
Do you play tennis? No, I don't 3 I play sports after school.
4 I watch TV in bed.
5 I am late for school.
6 I do my homework in the morning.
Wh- questions
Ask and answer H o w o fte n questions w ith your
4 Look at the grammar table in Exercise 1 and
partner. Use the information in Exercise 6.
complete the questions.
1 W h o .... you live with? How often do you I never watch
2 Where .... your family live? watch TV in bed? TV in bed.
3 W hat tim e .... you get up in the morning?
4 W h a t.... you and your friends do after school?
5 When ....yo u do sport?
Discover Culture ]
1 Look at the pictures of the schoolgirl, Zhin Yan, and
answer the questions.
1 Where is she from?
2 W hat sport do you think it is?
3 Do you think the sport is easy or difficult?
Oiscoveryp m iг ат m м
0 Watch the video up to 0.30 Q m m Watch the second part of the video (from
w ith o u t sound and check your answers to 1.28). Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)? Correct
Exercise 1. the false ones.
1 On Saturday afternoons, Zhin Yan's mother visits her.
Watch the w hole video w ith 2 Zhin Yan loves roller coasters.
sound. Put the events in order.
3 She always walks in the park.
1 Zhin Yan smiles on the roller coaster. 4 She goes back to school on Saturday evening.
2 She runs in the park. 5 She gets up at 8 o'clock on Sunday.
3 She visits the doctor.
4 She shows us her bedroom.
5 She walks into the school.
6 She practises in her room. 6 Make a list of ways that Zhin Yan's life is different
from yours. Use the ideas in Exercise 4 to help you.
Watch the video up to 1.27 and Zhin Yan Me
complete the paragraph about Zhin Yan. She doesn’t live w ith her parents. I live with my parents.
Zhin Yan is ’....years old. She goes to a She sleeps a t her school.
special gym nastics2. .... She lives in Beijing, She g e ts up a t ... I.. .
but she doesn't live w ith h e r 3 .... She studies
gymnastics4 ... days a w e e k ,5.... hours a day. W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer questions
Once a week, the 6 ... visits to check she's using your notes.
Do you live with
your parents? Yes, I do.
Reading a blog
1 Q v m Look at the pictures. Where does the boy come from? W hat do
you think he does in his free time? Read the blog and check your answers.
Hello from „
Bogota! ф
Hi, my name is Paco and I'm from Bogota in Colombia. I’m eleven years
old and I go to San Cristdbal Secondary School. Bogota is the capital of
Colombia, and over 7 million people live there. Colombia has a population
of 47 million. We speak Spanish here.
I get up at 5 .3 0 in the morning and have a shower. Then I have breakfast
with my family. I’ve got one brother and one sister. My brother is sixteen
and he goes to the same school as me. My sister is nineteen. School
starts at 7.30, so I leave my house at 6.30. I always walk to school.
We study in the morning and break time is at 9.30. I love break times! I usually
play football with my friends then.
I don’t have lunch at school because school finishes at 11.30, That’s when I go
to the park with my friends to play football again! My mum comes to the park
and walks home with me.
We have lunch at 1.30 at home. I love Colombian food - my mum cooks really
good arepas - corn bread. We eat them with soup or meat. We have mango juice
too - my favourite!
W hat do you do on a schoolday? Please tell me!
a shower a snack dinner a drink 7 Compare Zhin Yan and Paco's lives.
W rite sentences.
1 I .... at 7.30 then I go to school. Zhin Yan’s schoolday s t a r t s a t . .. b u t
2 I ....w ith my parents at 7 pm. Paco’s . ..
3 My bro th e r.... when he comes out of school.
4 When I'm hot, I .... a ....
U Vocabulary bank • page 108
W e d n e s d a y 5.30-6.45 pm £20
Do you know a b o u t...? How much does it cost?
What days are the classes? Meet me M o n d a y 6.30-7.30 p m £15
What time is the class?
S w im m in g T h u rsd a y 6 . 15-7.15 p m £18
Madison Finsey -
Hi M adison! My question is: W h a t’s
your routine before a com petition?
Hi Chloe
I always get up a t 6 .4 5 and I have a big breakfast.
I s ta r t school a t 8 .0 0 and finish a t 2 .1 5 . I usually
have lunch w ith th e o th e r sw im m e rs. I sw im in
th e pool and do exercises fo r fo u r hours in the
afternoon. I always get hom e about 7 .3 0 . A fte r
I dinner, I do my hom ew ork. I haven’t g o t a lot of
free tim e, but I so m e tim es w atch TV o r ch a t online
w ith my friends. Then I go to bed a t 1 0 .3 0 . A t the Get Writing
weekend, I go to the pool fo r six hours.
2 Cover Madison's blog in Exercise 1. W hat does she
6 Make notes about your daily
do at these times?
routine. Include information from
6.45 am 2.15 pm 10.30 pm
Exercise 2.
8.00 am 7.30 pm
FO lir ATION^-
South African
schoolgirl p38
CLIL Da Vinci's
design p117
What can you see in the photo?
V o cab u lary U n it aim s
Start thinking
• Places in school I can ...
• School subjects • describe my school and school subjects. • W hat country is it?
• Nouns and verbs • talk about w h a t I like and don't like. • Who are the children?
• Adjectives • understand about schools in other • Where are they going?
G ra m m a r countries.
• can fo r ability • talk about things w e can and can't do.
and permission • ask and answer questions about personal
inform ation.
• Object pronouns
• w rite an email about my school.
• lik e /lo v e /h a te /d o n 't
m in d + in g
playing fie ld
main hall
Яш вш
я а м у г*
science lab
IT room
sports hall
classroom canteen
Kung Fu is a ‘martial art’. It’s also a great Chinese
tradition. Chinese children can go to special
schools and study Kung Fu every day!
Reading A m agazine article Find the verbs and nouns in the article. Copy
and complete the table. Then complete the
Look at the title and pictures. Where sentences.
is the school, do you think? W hy do you think
the students are there? How old is the girl in Verb Noun
the picture? study
Read the te x t again. Are the sentences true (7)
or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
Zheng practises Kung Fu w ith other people. T 1 There are a lot of gram m ar.... in this book.
Zheng lives at home. 2 I get up at 6 o'clock every day and .... the piano.
Zheng wants to w ork in a school. 3 After I finish m y ...., I want to go to university.
Zheng doesn't see her parents very often. 4 My sister wants to be a teacher. She's at teacher
.... college.
Answer the questions.
1 W hat does she want to do in the future?
С Vocabulary bank • page 109
Language focus 1
can fo r ability and permission
1 Complete the examples from the te x t on page 34.
3e ,
p a r le .
fr a n c a is
d e
Complete the sentences for you. Then w ork
w ith a partner. Ask and answer questions.
My favourite subjects are M a th s and Science
I don't like ...
I don't study ...
I'm good at ...
1 1
Language focus 2 o b je c t p ro n o u n s
1 Complete the examples from the listening 5 Read the quiz. Choose the correct answers for
on page 36. you. W rite one more example for each section.
1 That's.... in the blue shorts!
2 It's a really good school and I love.... I
Mike.... but I prefer Dance.
I practise w ith .... on Saturday afternoons.
5 Our teachers t e ll.... it's really important to do our
Do our quiz and tell us w h at you
academic schoolwork.
think about these things.
2 Match the object pronouns in the box w ith the
subject pronouns. DO YOU LIKE
•» •• ••
break times? Тир-
me us him it her you them you
doing homework? v
I - me y o u - . . . . i t - . . . . h e - . . . .
she - . . . . we - . . . . they - . . . . you M a th s ? •W *%- Ip
Grammar reference • page 101
(don't) like, don't mind, love, playing tennis? 4- %p
hate + ing watching football? w
1 Look at the map and the picture. W ho is the man in the photo?
W here was he from?
5 ОШ В Watch the video again and 7 ОШ В Watch the video again to check your
complete Tobilay's profile. answers to Exercise 6.
Tobilay is1 years old. She walks 8 W ork w ith a partner. Compare your school day to
2 ... kilometres to school every Tobilay's school day. Use the topics below.
morning. School starts a t3 ... • How I get to school • Activities I do in the
o’clock. Every morning she4. ... the • Time my school starts afternoon
national song with her classmates. In • Activities I do in the • Homework
the afternoon she studies Zulu5. ... morning
and learns traditional South African
Tobilay walks to school but I go
6 ... and7..... She loves8 ... I In the
to school by car. W hat about you?
evening she does her9 ..., writes in
her10. ..., and reads her11.... from
class. This evening she’s got a lot of
12 | W rite a description of your usual day at school.
Compare it to Tobilay's.
I don’t walk to school, I go by bus.
Our school doesn’t s t a r t a t 8am, i t s t a r t s a t 8 . 3 0 am.
. www.frenglish.ru
4 Find the opposites for these Tobilay's school Gareth's school My school
adjectives in Exercise 3. Languages
a) interesting .b o rin g Activities / Clubs
b) brilliant
Likes / Loves
c) fast
^ Vocabulary bank • page 109
6 W rite sentences. Then w ork w ith a partner and compare
your sentences.
In Tobilay’s school th e y speak a lo t o f languages.
In G a re th ’s school th e y s p e a k ... In m y s c h o o l...
% Writing An em ail
Hi, 12Ш
Please send me an email with information about
your school for my school project. Thanks!
Hey Giinter,
Here’s some info about my school for your project. I go to Humphrey
Davy School in Penzance, England. It’s a big school! It’s got about
50 teachers and 900 pupils, from 11 to 16 years old. We have six
classes in each year, with about 30 pupils in each class. We have
a school uniform A .You can see it in the photo (we can’t wear
jeans or trainers). The school day starts at 9 o’clock and finishes
at 3.30 pm.
In my year, we study a lot of subjects -1 2!!! a . My favourite
subject’s Maths. Every teacher’s got a different room, so we go to a
different classroom every lesson. All the classrooms are big and we
have posters on the walls with our projects A .
That’s all for now. Write back if you need more info! Bye!
In fo rm a l la n g u a g e
W rite an email to Gunter. Use your
In an email to a friend, use informal language
notes and the language below.
• to start: Hi......
to end: That's all for now. Bye!.... I go to ...
• contractions: Here's. . . . , ....................... It's a ... school w ith ...
abbreviations: info The pupils a r e ...
We have / haven't g o t ...
The school day ...
4 Complete the Useful language box w ith the phrases The classrooms are ...
Hello! Bye fo r now! How are you? How's it going?
Can you say YES to these
Have you got information from
5 Make these sentences informal. Use the Useful language
Exercise 6 in your email?
box to help you.
Have you got informal language?
1 Dear Anna, 4 We have got a new
Are your spelling, grammar and
2 My class teacher is great. teacher.
punctuation correct?
3 My school is very big - it 5 Best wishes, GGnter
has got 1,500 pupils.
Fishing in
Japan p 45
CLIL Mountains
of rice p 11 8
V o cab u lary U n it aim s W hat can you see in the photo
• Food I can ... Start thinking
• Snacks and takeaw ays • identify d ifferen t kinds o f food.
How many o f the foods in
• Meals and courses • use simple expressions w ith have.
the picture can you name?
• Expressions w ith have 2 • talk about meals and courses.
• International words • talk about countable and uncountable
Which are healthy?
nouns. Which ones do you like/
L an g u ag e focus
• understand about food in the UK and dislike?
• Countable and
other countries.
uncountable nouns
• order food and drink in a restaurant.
• a/an, som e /a ny
• w rite a report about a celebration.
• There is/are
• use basic tim e connectors.
• m uch /m a ny/a lo t o f
Vocabulary Food
1 © И Ш Look at the picture. Match the pictures w ith the food and drink words
in the box. Then listen, check and repeat.
■* v f o g r- '
Copy and complete the table. Which food in the pictures is healthy?
Which is not very healthy?
3 Ask and answer questions about the food you like and don't like.
W rite your partner's answers.
countable uncountable
banana \ce cream
I sometimes have
2 Circle the correct option. Are the sentences How much How many a lo t o f (x2)
true for your to w n and school? many much
1 There is / are a supermarket in my town.
2 There isn 't / a re n 't any pizza places.
3 There is / are a sports centre in my town.
4 There isn 't / a re n 't a cafe in my school.
3 Look at the picture of Arvind (1) and answer 6 О b q Watch the video again and
the questions. complete the paragraph about Arvind.
1 W hat is his job? Arvind is Aruna's \ cousin . He is a dabbawalla in
2 W hat food do you think he delivers? Mumbai. He takes 2. ... to people. The food goes in a
3 ... lunch box. There a re 4 ... thousand dabbawallas
3 How does he do it?
in Mumbai, and they take lunches to 5. ... thousand
4 Is his job easy or difficult? Is it safe or dangerous?
people. It is a dangerous job because there is always a
lot o f 6 ... in the city.
Find out about lunches in Mumbai.
Test your memory. Which of these places do
you see in the video?
People all over the world say that
English food is bad. Thirteen-year- Well, my dad is French and my mum is Indian. They are both chefs
old Rupa Remy doesn't agree. in different restaurants in tow n. They are very good at cooking.
She cooks traditional Indian food. We eat a lot o f rice, and some
lovely meat w ith sauces. Oh, and she makes great sweets.
No, it's good for the same reason. People from all over the w orld
live in England and they bring the ir food w ith them . There are a
lo t o f different restaurants here.
Yes! Here in Bristol is Za Za Bazaar. It's the biggest restaurant in
the UK.They serve Mexican tacos, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza,
American burgers - everything, really. Even typical British food.
My favourite is fish and chips, o f course. I'm English!
m m
FACT! In 1847 Joseph Fry made the world's first chocolate bar in Bristol.
Redding A m agazine in te rv ie w
Look at the pictures. W hat do you think I
'typical English food' is? Who are the
4 Find the words below in the text.
people in the picture? Read the text and
check your answers.
sushi pizza taco burger
Speaking O rd e rin g fo o d
Real Talk: W hat do you usually have for lunch?
O ks Watch the teenagers in the
video. How many of the teenagers talk a b o u t...
a) chicken d) vegetables
b) pasta e) fruit? p. J
c) rice
3 C D * k o Listen to the conversation. W hat does Change the words in bold in the
Katy choose? conversation in Exercise 4. Use the information
below. Practise the conversation.
4 Complete the conversation w ith the useful
I'd like ...
Can I have ..., please? l-iof o r cold So.rvdwicMi.S; 2,25
How much is that? cheese. a.r\d ha.rr\, Spicy chicker»,
What can I get you? ba-сол, Spicy I+a.lia.r\ ScuSc^e,
Here you are. r-oa_s+ b e e -f
^ Writing
1 Look at the photo. W hat is Eva's celebration? Find examples of tim e connectors in Eva's
I Get Writing
Can you say YES to these questions?
Have you got information from Exercise 5
in your report?
Have you got tim e connectors from the
Useful language box?
Are your spelling, grammar and
vocabulary correct?
1 с hee_ se 2b r 3 m _ I_ Down
fruit 1 W hat you do at school.
4 _ ppl _ 5 b_ n __ a 2 The verb of practice.
4 The opposite of interesting.
6 b _ _ ns 7 С__ 7 Match the sentences.
meat and fish 1 I always have
8 _h k_n 9 sh Ю b__g_r 2 After dinner, I like to have a
other 3 I don't have a
11 b d 12 _ gg 13 . zz. 4 12 o'clock is very early
14 p _ s t _ 15 г с 16 t с a) walk on the beach.
17 s sh b) to have lunch.
c) fun when I meet my friends in the park.
4 Which of the words in Exercise 3 are the same d) problem w ith these Maths exercises - they're easy!
in your language?
1 he / ride a bike (?) 4 Victor / play the guitar (X) 2 .... cheese (X) 5 .... chips (X)
3 w e /g o h o m e (? ) 6 they / do kung fu ( / )
Choose the correct options.
2 Complete the te x t w ith the correct object 1 How m uch / m any meat is there?
pronouns. 2 I haven't got m uch / m any biscuits.
3 There are a lo t o f / much eggs. Let's make a tortilla.
4 There isn't much / m any milk in the fridge.
5 How m uch / m any potatoes do we need?
6 I've got a lo t o f / m any bread. Do you w ant some?
© Language builder
8 Complete the te x t w ith the correct w ord below.
Zara's my best friend. I like 1 her and she likes2 .... I Michelle doesn't e a t1.... fruit. She never has 2 ....
We're in the same class. Our teacher is M r Stevens. apple o r 3.... banana at lunch, but she loves 4 ....
I d o n't like 3 .... because he gives 4 .... all lots of vegetables. There 5.... always a lot of snacks in her
homework! Zara loves Art, but I hate 5..... Our lunch box, too. Tina has lunch at the same time as
friends like football and we often play w ith 6.... after Michelle, so they 6 .... sit together. Tina usually has a
school. cheese sandwich and a yoghurt. There 7.... usually
8 .... fru it in her lunch box too. She doesn't e a t9....
3 Complete the sentences w ith the -ing form of snacks. How 10.... fru it do you eat every day? Do you
the verbs in the box. e a t11 ....vegetables?
Animal world
Animals in
the city p60
Going to
museums p62
What are the animals doing?
What are these
giraffes doing?
They re fighting.
Animals do different things for different reasons.
They’re dancing.
They’re playing.
Elephants move their ears backwards and forwards when they are hot and they
at's this
want to stay cool.
It’s smiling. Horses open their mouths and curl their lips when they want to sm ell something.
It’s laughing. Frogs have a vocal sac' under their chins. Male frogs produce sounds from this
It’s smelling sac and sing' to female frogs.
something. Giraffes use their long necks and their heads during fights over territory.
Monkeys often take insects and dirt out of each other's fur.
Reading a quiz Complete the sentences w ith the adverbs from the
te x t and in the box below.
1 Look at the photos in the quiz. W hat
animals can you see? up left round (x2) rig h t down
2 Q *J3 Read the quiz and answer the 1 Elephants move their ears.... and .... to keep cool.
questions. Use the clues to help you. 2 Look.... and .... before you cross the road.
3 Horses move their heads.... and .... when they're bored.
3 Q) W B Listen and check your answers to 4 Dogs run .... and .... when they play.
the quiz.
■ft Vocabulary bank • page 111
He / She / It W e/Y o u /T h ey
I am watching the animals. The frog is The monkeys a re .....
I'm not eating. The frog isn't eating. The monkeys aren't fighting.
Am I looking at the mother W hy.... the elephant.... its ears? W hat.... the monkeys....?
elephant? Is the horse smiling? Are the monkeys fighting?
Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
2 Q m m Complete the text w ith the correct W rite questions and answers w ith the
form of the present continuous. Use the verbs present continuous form of the verbs. Then
in brackets. practise w ith a partner.
1 where / you / go go / to the zoo
Where are you going ? I’m going to th e zoo.
2 w h a t/th e sharks/do e a t/fis h
Hello, friends! Welcome to Animal W orld! Where
am I? I'm in Vancouver, Canada! And, no, I 3 Jen / feed / the horses no
\ ’.™n.c? t talkinq (not talk) to you from a swamp! 4 the cats/sleep yes
Today, 12 (visit) the Vancouver Aquarium w ith my 5 w h a t/th e b ird /d o in g smell / a flower
sister. Right now, we 3.... (listen) to a guide. She 4 .... 6 y o u /w a lk /y o u r dog no
(talk) to some students about crocodiles. Oh, now the
crocodiles5.... (get) very excited! It's lunchtime and
our guide 6 ... (give) them some fish. She 7. ... (not go)
very close to them , of course! The crocodiles are really 4 W rite three questions about what's happening
hungry - th e y 8 ... (not share)! T h ey9 ... (show) their in your class at the moment.
big teeth, and they 10.... (eat) the fish very quickly! W hat i s ... doing?
is M aria ...ing?
Listening A conversation
Do you go to the zoo? W hat animals do you see?
W hat are your favourite zoo animals?
© EED Complete the sentences w ith the correct form of frogs fly? No, they don't.
the verbs in Exercise 4. Listen, check and repeat.
1 The snake is h iding..... 5 The kangaroo is .....
2 The turtle is . . . . . 6 The parrots a re .....
3 The lion is ..... 7 The bears are
4 The monkeys are .....
V ocabulary bank • page 111
Reading An article FACT! A team of huskies with a sledge can travel over 150 km in one day.
Ground Floor
The hippo in the photo is sleeping in the water. Hippos often sleep in water during the
day because the water is cool. Hippos usually come out of the water at night and eat.
They only eat plants. They can eat up to 40 kg of grass in one night, and they can travel
up to 10 km to find food. Hippos can be very dangerous. Every year they kill hundreds
of people!
Useful language
Position of adjectives 7 W rite a description of your
Use adjectives ... animal. Use your notes and the
• after is or are: They're big and fat.
language below.
• before a noun: They have small eyes.
• after very: Hippos can be very dangerous. [M y animals] live in ...
They're ...
They have ...
They e a t ...
4 Find examples of adjectives in the description in Exercise 1.
Activities with
friends p72
V o cab u la ry Unit aims
• Places in a to w n I can ...
• Transport • talk about places in a to w n .
• Extreme adjectives • read and understand an article about
• Collocations Pompeii.
• talk about the past.
Lan g u ag e focus
• Past simple of be • ask questions about routines and
• There was/were
• Past simple regular and • understand a presentation about a town,
irregular affirm ative / • talk about methods o f transport.
negative • understand an article about transport
in big cities.
• use sequencing devices.
• w rite a description o f a place.
Vocabulary Places in a to w n 1
1 © ESQ Match the pictures w ith the places in the
box. Then listen, check and repeat. Which place
isn't in the photos?
Me My partner
What's your favourite place in town? s p o rts centre
How often do you go there?
Who do you go with?
What do you do there?
4 Ask and answer the questions w ith a partner and complete the table w ith your
partner's information.
Pompeii.... a very busy town. The shops and markets were always busy.
There .... an enormous amphitheatre. There .... shops and markets.
I t .... a safe place to go. The people.... rich.
There wasn't a swimming pool. There weren't any shops.
Was the amphitheatre in the centre? Were the people rich?
Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't. Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.
Was there a swimming pool? Were there any shops?
Yes, there was. / No, there wasn't Yes, there were. / No, there weren't.
2 Complete the sentences w ith was(n't) or 5 W rite sentences about Pompeii in AD 79.
w e ref n't). Use there w as(n't)/w ere(n't) and the words
1 The amphitheatre was very popular in ancient in the box.
2 There .... shops and schools in Pompeii. sports stadium X an amphitheatre / houses /
3 Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama .... an open-air museum X m a rk e ts / carp arks /
famous explorers. schools/ cinemas/
4 There .... any cars in ancient Pompeii, (not)
There wasn’t a s p o rts stadium in Pompeii in AD 79.
5 Neil Armstrong .... an American astronaut.
6 The population of Rome.... 2 million in AD 79. (not)
3 Rewrite the sentences w ith the inform ation in 6 Complete the questions and answer them.
1 W ho was the first person in class today?
1 Nelson Mandela wasn’t Chinese. He was S outh
2 Which day of the week .... your last birthday on?
3 W h o .... your best friends at primary school?
1 Nelson Mandela was Chinese. (South African) 4 W here.... you and your friends on Saturday?
2 Tolstoy and Chekov were painters, (writers) 5 W here.... you at 11 o'clock last night?
3 Mustafa Ataturk was from Poland. (Turkey)
4 Lasar Segall and Lygia Clark were singers, (artists) Ask and answer w ith your partner.
O iscovery EDUCATION
1 Match the pictures 1-6 w ith the words. 5 © Ш Complete the sentences w ith the
correct numbers. Then watch again and
underground bullet tra in aeroplane check your answers.
tra ffic jam zebra crossing tuk-tuk/rickshaw 1 Mumbai and Beijing have a population o f more
th a n .... million.
2 Tokyo's bullet train travels a t .... kilometres per
2 Match the transport words in Exercise 1 w ith the hour.
cities. 3 Every day,.... new cars travel the streets of
Mumbai (India) Tokyo (Japan) Beijing (China)
4 Tokyo's population is a b o u t.... million.
5 .... million people travel every day by train in
Find out about methods o f transport Mumbai.
around the w orld.
6 Match the sentences to the three different
Reading a blog
Look at the map and the pictures. How Copy and complete the chart about journeys to
do people travel to w ork and to school in school so it's true for you.
this city? Is it easy? Read David's blog and
check your answers. David Wong You Your partner
fo o t, underground,
2 Look at the map of Hong Kong. Read
ferry, tram ,
the te x t again and draw David's route to
esca la to r
school in the mornings.
4 5 m inutes
3 © E S S Read the text again. Choose the
correct answers.
1 Yesterday, David travelled on fo o t / on th e Tell your partner how you travelled to
u n d e rg ro u n d first. school yesterday. W rite your partner's
2 David's favourite method of transport is th e answers in the chart.
fe rry / th e tram .
3 David to o k / d id n 't ta k e the bus up to the w ent to school by bus. It took ...
Mid-Levels yesterday.
4 David prefers the escalator because it's quick / fun.
plore collocations
4 Look at the highlighted words in the text.
Complete the paragraph below w ith the
correct words.
When I was at primary school, I always went to school
\ ... foot. Now that I am at secondary school, I usually
travel to school2.... bus because it's a long way away.
Some of my friends3 ... the tram to school
and others come by bike. I want a bike for
my birthday, because I don't like going 4 ...
bus every morning.
{Jp Vocabulary bank • page 112
I I 1 П \Л Щ Ш щт AROUND
« n v U l l U 1IN
on jj Kong
Today we’re looking at unusual journeys to
school. Twelve-year-old David Wong tells us
about his journey to school in Hong Kong.
I live in Mong Kok in Kowloon, Hong Kong. A lot of people live in Mong
Kok and everybody uses public transport. In the rush hour, it’s very busy.
My school’s a long way away, on the other side of the city. I travel on all the
city’s public transport to get to school. I don’t take any money because I’ve
got an Octopus Card. It’s called the Octopus Card because an octopus has
eight legs and eight is a lucky number in China.
Yesterday was a normal school day. I went on foot from my flat
to the underground station in Mong Kok. Then I took the ferry
across Victoria Harbour. I arrived on the island side, and I took FACT! People i
the tram. I like travelling by tram best because you get a great Kong make 12 million
view from the top! Finally, I went on foot up the escalator to journeys on public
my school in the Mid-Levels. Some students go by bus, but the transport every day.
escalator is more fun. The whole journey was only 45 minutes!
Speaking Sequencing
3 ©ЕШ Listen to the conversation. W hat did 5 ®шт Listen again and check your answers.
Charlie and David do at the weekend?
6 ^ W ork w ith a partner. Practise the
4 Complete the conversation w ith the useful conversation in Exercise 4.
7 ^ W ork w ith a partner. Change the
Useful language helicopter ride in Exercise 4 to another exciting
activity and practise the conversation. Use the
ideas below or your ow n ideas.
A fte r th at So y o u ... First Really? Then
Hi Nicole
Here’s some info about my town for your visit next term.
1 ....
Tavistock is a small town with a population of about 11,000. It’s in
a place in England called Devon.
It has an interesting history. Sir Francis Drake was from Tavistock.
He was a famous English explorer in the 16th century. He was also
the second person to sail all the way around the world.
3 ....
There are a lot of historical buildings in Tavistock and a museum,
too. In May, there’s a music and arts festival, so we can go to
some free concerts. We can also visit Dartmoor National Park! It’s
beautiful. There are lots of shops, parks and sports facilities, too.
See you in May!
Kirstie Kirstie
6 Make notes about your tow n.
3 Put the paragraph headings in the correct place in
Include information from
Kirstie's email.
Exercise 3.
• Things to do and places to visit
• History and interesting facts
• Size and location
W rite your email. Use your
Useful language notes from Exercise 6, and the
language below.
Adding information
Size and lo ca tio n
Use also and too to add more information. They have the same
meaning, but are in different positions in the sentence. It's a big / sm all/ tow n / city in ...
• also goes after the verb be and before other main verbs H istory / in te re s tin g facts
We can also visit Dartmoor National Park. It’s famous f o r ...
• too goes at the end of a sentence We've g o t ...
There are lots o f shops, parks and sports facilities, too.
Things to do / places to visit
There is / are ... also ... too
1 b ik e /b ik e s ta n d
4 * ж
4 gg § p - # j| J
Yes, she . . . .
.... you at home last weekend?
No, w e ....
О Speaking
3 A: Where .... Mike last week?
6 Complete the conversation w ith the words in
the box.
B: H e .... on holiday.
4 A: The b u s .... late this morning.
You're welcome take After that
B: .... you late fo r school?
How do I get to turn it's on First
5 A: .... there a lot o f hom ework yesterday?
B: No, th e re .....
6 A: There .... a lot o f children at the shopping Susan: Excuse m e .1.... the cinema?
centre. Police officer: That's easy.2 ..., walk to the end
B: It's the summer holidays. of this street.
7 A: There .... a bottle of lemonade in the fridge Susan: OK.
yesterday. Police officer: Then 3 ... left and walk about 200
B: I drank it, sorry! metres.
8 A: .... there any football matches last weekend? Susan: Then what?
B: No, th e re ..... Police officer: 4 ... go into the shopping centre
and 5....th e stairs.
Susan: Is the cinema at the top of the
Police officer: Yes, 6,...th e left.
Susan: Thanks very much.
Police officer:
Grammar reference Л
98 Grammar reference
Grammar reference
Unit 1 Comparative adjectives
Have got affirmative and negative 1 syllable dark darker M y hair is darker than
his hair.
I've got nice nicer Jam es is nicer than
You've got Megan.
He/She/It's got big bigger M y b ro th e r is bigger
a sister. than yo u r brother.
We've got
tall taller She’s ta lle r than me.
You've got
2 or more intelligent M y a v a ta r is more
They've got syllables more intelligent in te llig e n t than yours.
I haven't got beautiful M y c a t ’s more
You haven't got more beautiful be a u tifu l than yours.
good-looking M y b ro th e rs more
He/She/It hasn't got
a brother. more good-looking good-looking than
We haven't got R obert Fattinson.
You haven't got Ending in funny funnier This film ’s funnier than
They haven't got consonant th a t film.
+ -y happy happier Lara is happier than
• We use have (not/n't) g o t to talk about possession. Sara.
I’ve got a brother.
Irregular good better Ahm ed’s phone’s
I haven’t got a sister.
b e tte r than m y phone.
bad 4 worse M y phone’s worse than
Have got questions and short answers his phone.
far further Am erica is fu rth e r
Have l/we/you/they got from th e UK than
a skateboard?
Has he/she/it got France.
Yes, l/we/you/they have.
• We use comparative adjectives to show how tw o
Yes, he/she/it has.
things are different from each other.
No, l/we/you/they haven't.
No, he/she/it hasn't. W rite sentences w ith comparative adjectives.
1 Bella / old / her sister.
We use have + subject + g o t + o b je c t to make
Bella is oider than her sister.
2 Mark / t a l l / Ben.
Have you got a skateboard?
We use short answers when we speak. 3 My h a ir/c u rly /m y mum's hair.
A: Have you got a skateboard? 4 O liver/handso m e/his brother.
B: Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. 5 Our avatar / bad / her avatar.
W rite affirm ative ( / ) or negative (X) sentences 4 W rite sentences. Compare these things.
w ith have got. Your country and the USA.
1 She / tw o cousins. ( / ) M y country is smaller than the USA.
She’s got two cousins. You and your friend.
2 I / blue eyes. ( / ) Your hair and your teacher's hair.
Your family and your friend's family.
3 H a rry/a pencil. ( / )
Your tow n and another town.
4 Y o u /a bike. (X)
5 W e /a big garden. (X)
6 My grandparents / mobile phones. ( / )
Grammar reference 99
Grammar reference
Unit 2 Adverbs of frequency
Present simple: affirmative and negative always usually often sometimes never
1ЛЛ/е/УоиЯ1аеу 100% 0%
don't live
in Ankara.
lives • We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do
He/She/It something. They go after the verb be but before the
doesn't live
main verb.
• We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits She’s always happy. He never smiles.
and routines.
She doesn’t speak French. Put the adverb of frequency in the correct place.
He goes to football on Mondays. 1 They always listen to music at weekends, always
• We form the negative of the present simple w ith
2 Liz and Dave are late, often
subject + d o n 't/d o e s n 't + in fin itiv e
3 We watch TV in the morning, never
They don’t speak English. She doesn’t eat eggs.
4 My dog is happy, always
Complete the sentences w ith the affirm ative 5 You work hard at school, usually
( / ) or negative (X) form of the verbs in
Present simple: Yes/No questions and short
1 I .d o n ’t live . (/) in Paris. I J M . ( / ) in New York,
(live) Do l/we/you/they
live in Ankara?
2 H e .... (X) lunch at school. H e .... ( / ) lunch at Does he/she/it
home, (have) l/we/you/they do.
3 \ . . . . { / ) early on week days, but I .... (X) early at the Yes,
he/she/it/ does.
weekend, (get up)
l/we/you/they don't.
4 Sarah .... (X) skateboarding in her garden. She.... No,
( / ) skateboarding in the park, (go) he/she/it doesn't.
5 You .... (X) basketball on Tuesday. You . . . . ( / ) on
• We form present simple yes/no questions with
Thursday, (play)
Do/Does + subject + in fin itiv e .
A: Do you live in Turkey? 3: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Spelling: third person
• The third person form of the present simple ends in -s. Present simple: Wh- questions
eat - he eats read - she reads live - it lives тшвашашаимаая штшяшшшггт-~г, -
• When the verb ends in consona nt + y, we change
the у and add -ie s in the third person. Who do I/you know?
carry - he carries fly - she flies What time the party start?
When the verb ends in -ss, -sh, -ch, - x a nd -o , we
Where does she live?
a d d -es.
she finishes he relaxes it goes What he do?
Some verbs have an irregular third person: When do we/you/they have supper?
have - has be - is
We form Wh- questions with q uestion w o rd + do/does
W rite the third person form of the follow ing + subject + verb.
verbs. W hat tim e do you g e t up?
w rite .... fix
marry .... do Complete the questions w ith the correct question
watch .... be w ord and do/does.
1 ....you go to dance class?
2 .... Mari live?
3 ....yo u r little sisters go to bed?
4 .... you walk to school with?
Grammar reference
Unit 3 love, (don't) like, don't mind, hate + -ing
• We use the -ing form of the verb after love, (don't)
can for ability and permission
like and hate.
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They can She loves playing w ith her little sister.
sing. I don’t mind doing homework.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They can't
Grammar reference
Unit 4 • We use there is (there's) w ith singular countable and
uncountable nouns.
Countable and uncountable nouns There s a cinema. There’s some cheese.
• Most nouns are countable. They have singular and • We use there are with plural countable nouns.
plural forms. There are four pizzas.
one girl - two girls one car - two cars • In questions and negatives we use any w ith plural and
• Some nouns are uncountable. They d on't have a uncountable nouns.
plural form. Is there any milk? There aren’t any books.
bread, milk, homework, music
Use the information to w rite questions and
a/an, some and any short answers about the tw o places.
Grammar reference
U nit5 Present continuous: questions and short
Present continuous: affirmative and negative
am I
I am
(What) is he/she/it writing?
He/She/It is
are we/you/they
We/YouYThey are
running. I am.
I 'm not
Yes, he/she/it is.
He/She/It isn't
we/you/they are.
W e/You^iey aren't
I'm not.
• We use the present continuous to talk about actions he/she/it isn't.
in progress at the time of speaking. we/you/they
We’re learning English. I’m reading this book. aren't.
• We form the present continuous w ith subject + be
(n o t/n 't) + verb + ing. • To form yes/no questions, we use be + -ing. To give a
He’s laughing. He isn’t crying. short answer, we don't use the verb + -ing.
Are you listening? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Spelling: -ing form • For Wh- questions, we put the question word before be.
• W ith most verbs, we add -ing to the verb. Where are you going ? What are you doing ?
eat - eating
• Verbs that end in -e, remove the -e and add -ing. Present simple and present continuous
write - writing • We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits
• Verbs that end in a vowel and a consonant, double and routines.
the final consonant and add -ing. • We use the present continuous to talk about actions in
stop - stopping progress at the time of speaking.
I read a lot o f comics. A t the moment, I’m reading
W rite the -ing form of the verbs. Superman!
1 run ...running... 4 play • We use adverbs of frequency w ith the present simple.
We use at the moment and now w ith the present
2 help .... 5 write
3 stop .... 6 swim
Grammar reference
Unit 6 Singular I Plural
waslwere\ affirmative, negative, questions f Was there a cinema here in Were there any shops?
and short answers В the 1950s?
+ Yes, there was. Yes, there were.
I/He/She/It was
И \Л/е/УоиЯ11еу
No, there wasn't. No, there weren't.
There was and there were are the past simple forms of
В \Л/е/УоиЯ1пеу weren't
there is and there are.
There was a park and there were houses next to it.
Were 1/Уои/Не/Б1пе/11ЯЛ/еЯЬеу played football yesterday.
l/he/she/it was.
^ои/Не/БЬе/ИЯЛ/еЖпеу didn't play football yesterday.
Yes, we/you/they were,
l/he/she/it wasn't, • We use the past simple to talk about completed
No, we/you/they weren't. events and actions in the past.
I tidied my room yesterday.
• We add -ed to regular verbs to form the past tense.
• Was and were are the past simple forms of be.
walk - walked
The door was red and the windows were green. • When a verb ends in -y, we take off the у and add ied.
• To form yes/no questions, we use was/were before the
tidy - tidied
subject. We don't use do.
Was the door Ыие? Were the windows red? Past simple irregular verbs: affirmative and
• To form Wh- questions, we put the question word
before was/were.
• Some verbs are irregular in the past simple. They don't
What colour was the car? Where were you yesterday?
follow any pattern. (See page 126)
• We form the negative of the past simple with subject
Choose the correct words.
+ didn't + infinitive
1 She w a s /w e re here at 8 am.
2 We w a s n 't/w e re n 't at the cinema. Complete the sentences w ith the past simple
3 Why was / w ere Javier and Daniel late? form of the verbs in the box.
4 I was / w ere at school yesterday.
5 Where w e re /w a s you at 9.30? escape w a lk start live stay
W rite questions w ith w as/w ere. Answer them 1 We walked to school this morning.
w ith short answers. 2 The class.... at 4.30.
1 your d a d /w ith you? (X) 3 Twenty years ago, my parents.... in Spain.
Was your dad with you? No, he wasn’t. 4 Last summer, w e .... at my grandparents' house.
2 the film / good? ( / ) 5 Last week, a lion ....fro m the zoo.
3 you / a t home / a t 8 pm? (X)
4 the city centre / busy / on Saturday? ( / ) ago
5 they / at the bowling alley / last night? (✓) • We use ago w ith the past simple and a period of time
to talk about when something happened in the past.
there was/were : affirmative, negative, I went to the USA a year ago. He arrived an hour ago.
questions and short answers
Singular 4 Put the words in the correct order to make
There was a cinema here There were three shops sentences.
| in the 1950s. here. 1 saw /tw o weeks/1 /h im /a g o
There wasn't a cinema There weren't any shops 2 tw o years / stayed / aunt / at my house / ago / my
here in the 1950s. here. 3 the cup / ago / My team /w o n /te n years
4 ago / my homework / did / half an hour / 1
5 our class project / finished / We / ago / four days
Grammar reference
Unit 7 W rite past simple questions.
Past simple: questions and short answers 1 Why / give him / my comic ?
Why d id you give him my comic?
Did l/he/she/it/we/you/they walk to school? 2 y o u /g o o u t/la s t night ?
Yes, l/he/she/it/we/you/they did. 3 W h a t/th e y / have for dinner ?
No, l/he/she/it/we/you/they didn't. 4 When /J a c k /s ta rt school ?
5 Where / she / go on holiday ?
• We form past simple questions w ith did + subject +
6 you / have / a good weekend ?
Did she enjoy the party?
Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
4 Match the answers to the questions in
Exercise 3.
• We form Wh- questions in the past simple with
question word + did + subject + infinitive a) I don't know. He didn't tell me.
What did you do at the weekend? b) She w ent to Peru.
c) They had fish and chips.
This is w h a t Alan, Hannah and Zoe did last d) Yes. I w ent to the cinema.
weekend. W rite answers for you, then use e) Yes, it was wonderful. We w ent skydiving.
the information to w rite questions and short f) Because it was interesting.
W rite the questions for these answers.
play computer x / 1 I got up at 7 am.
games What tim e did you g e t up?
Grammar reference
U n it8 W rite the sentences in the negative.
1 Josh is going to tidy his bedroom.
be going to: affirmative and negative
Josh is n ’t going to tid y his bedroom.
.. I am ('m) 2 I'm going to study Maths.
He/She/lt is ('s) 3 Rebecca's going to get up early tomorrow.
We/You/They are ('re) 4 Carl and Simon are going to wear shorts.
I am not 5 We're going to take our MP3 players.
have lunch,
('m not) going to . , ... 6 You're going to buy a new mobile phone.
watch a film.
He/She/It is not
(isn't) W rite questions w ith (be) going to.
We/YoiWhey are not 1 W hat tim e /L ily /a rriv e ?
(aren't) W hat tim e is Lily going to arrive?
2 Where /th e y /g e t married?
• We use be going to to talk about future plans and 3 How lo n g /y o u /b e on holiday?
intentions. 4 W h y/A id e n / buy a new camera?
She's going to ta ke her camera on holiday b u t she
5 W h a t/y o u /w e a r to the party?
isn ’t going to ta ke her laptop.
6 W h e n /it/s to p raining?
• To form the be going to future, use be + g o in g to +
in fin itiv e .
Were going to have dinner in a re s ta u ra n t, b u t we
will/won't for future prediction
aren’t going t o s ta y late. l/You/He/She/lt/We/They will
l/You/He/She/lt/WeAhey won't
be going to: questions and short answers
Am I Will l/you/he/she/it/we/they sing?
(What) Is he/she/it going to win? Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they will.
Are we/you/they No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they won't.
I am.
• We use w ill (w ill n o t / w o n 't) + in fin itiv e w ith o u t to
Yes, he/she/it is. to talk about a future prediction.
we/you/they are. I’m sure I’ll have a lovely tim e.
I'm not. • To form yes/no questions, put will before the subject.
Will i t be cold in th e m ountains?
No, he/she/it isn't.
• To form Wh- questions, put a question word
we/you/they aren't.
before will.
W hat will you do on holiday?
• We form yes/no questions w ith be before the subject.
Is he going to te ll us th e answers ?
• To form Wh- questions, put a question word before be.
4 W rite sentences about your future using the
W hat are you going to wear to th e p a rty ? prompts in the box and the future w ith w ill/
W rite sentences using (be) going to.
go to university travel round the w orld
1 T h e y /g o shopping on Saturday.
get an interesting job learn another language
They’re going to go shopping on S aturday.
2 Andrew / phone me tonight. I th in k I’ll go to university, b u t I won’t tra v e l round
3 I / play my favourite song. th e world f i r s t ...
4 Y o u /w a tch a film on DVD.
5 My mum / help me. W rite questions w ith w ill then answer them
6 We / ride our bikes. for you.
1 W h e n /y o u r lesson finish?
2 W ho / you see after school?
3 W hat / you watch on the TV this evening?
4 W hat / you eat for supper tonight?
Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Look at the picture. Cover the rest
of the page. H ow many fam ily and
friends words can you remember?
un- -ful
be au tifu l
^Q d s M ld fa m jiy
5gscribin^ p&rpl,~
Study tip hair - brown, curly, spiky
Start a vocabulary notebook or a vocabulary box w ith cards. Keep a record of all your
new words. Add the words on this page under the headings Friends and family and
Describing people.
W ork w ith a partner. Look at the words Look at the words in the box. W hat is your
in the box. Choose a room. Don't tell your perfect school day? Complete the timechart.
partner. Say three things you can find in
8.30-9.45 9.45-11 11-11.15 11.15-12.15
the room. Can your partner guess which
room it is? PE
A: You find books, com puters and pens in th is 12.15-1.15 1.15-2.15 2.15-2.30 2.30-3
3: Is i t th e IT room ?
A: Yes, i t is!
Complete the chart w ith words from the list. 1 Look again at page 34. Can you find three
more adjectives in the Kung-Fu text?
I verb noun I
exercise Think of a w ord for each adjective.
boring - shopping
© Study tip
Write the part of speech next to new words in your vocabulary notebook.
^ It helps you to use them correctly in your work.
£ # i
$ Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest
of the page. How many animals can
you find in one minute?
movement (page56)
clean have study want
/ -----“ • — ...
dance paint teach write
backwards left round forwards
drive sing
down right up
Study tip
W rite an example sentence next to the new words in your vocabulary book. This will
remind you how to use the new words and it w ill help you to remember them.
Study tip
Draw pictures next to words in your vocabulary book to help you remember the
meaning. Some people prefer pictures to help them remember new words. Some
people prefer definitions. Which do you prefer?
М Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Pk i t i n „ , .
Study tip
Make vocabulary flashcards to help you revise your vocabulary. W rite a definition or
draw a picture, whatever is best fo r you.
• •
Jog your memory!
& < 3 * V ::
О A 3
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest of the page. *** *
How many w eather words can you remember?
* C C * * ± '
1 11 •
3 The w eather words are all adjectives. W rite the 3 Describe your picture to your partner. He/She
noun for each word. listens and draws it. Check your partner's
sunny - sun picture. Is it the same as yours?
Look at the chart. Add the follow ing words to 1 Can you think of tw o nouns for each of the
the correct column. Sometimes a word can go adjectives below?
in more than one column.
popular person
perfect day___________________
a break a train time
at home in a bus photos special
I Stay spend take ! luxury
in a hostel a day a bike excellent
in a hotel a week a camera
in a cabin
in a treehouse W ork w ith a partner. Read your lists of
nouns. Your partner guesses which adjective
describes them.
W ork w ith a partner. A, say a w ord from the
box. B, guess which verb you use it w ith.
A: A camera. 3: Take.
Study tip
Study w ith a friend - test yourself and each other. Use your vocabulary notebook or cards.
Maths Fractions
Read the definition. Match the pictures w ith 5 Read the quiz. Choose the correct options.
the fractions.
B e n e a t s two p ie c e s . H e e a t s ...
'A '/2 3A o f th e pizza.
O iscovery EDUCATION
ЙрТ - --г . 1.4 The Land Down Under
The Earth's axis
North Pole
H o w m a n y p la n e ts re v o lv e a ro u n d th e
S un? The Earth revolves around the Sun and it also rotates on its
axis. Imagine a line from the North Pole to the South Pole;
a) seven b) e ig h t c) nine
that's the Earth's axis.The Earth makes one complete rotation
T h e S un is a ... every 24 hours. 24 hours is one complete day and one
a) star, b) p la n e t, c) s o la r syste m . complete night. When a part of the Earth faces the Sun, it's day.
When a part of the Earth faces away from the Sun, it's night.
4 T he Earth re v o lv e s a ro u n d th e S un a t ...
a) 52,000 km pe r hour.
1 The Earth's axis is a a) faces away from
b) 108,000 km p e r hour.
line ... the Sun.
c) 143,000 km p er hour.
2 The Earth rotates on b) faces the Sun.
T he E arth re v o lv e s a ro u n d th e S un in ... its axis... c) every 24 hours.
a) 24 h o u rs , b) 365.25 days, c) 7 days. 3 It's day when part of d) from the North Pole
the Earth ... to the South Pole.
T he E arth has g o t a s a te llite . It's ca lle d ...
4 It's night when part of
a) th e M o o n , b) th e S un. c) J u p ite r. the Earth ...
T he M o o n re v o lv e s a ro u n d th e Earth.
It ta k e s ...
a) 24 h o u rs , b) 7 days. 27 days.
4 Choose a planet. Use the Internet, books or
magazines to find out information about it.
Think a b o u t...
2 Q H 9 Listen and check your answers. * distance from the Sun.
• number of moons.
• time of rotation around the Sun in days.
• duration of a day.
P1! 1
2.4 Mars
1 se tsquare
Complete the table about the drawing tools Look at the shapes. Copy them. W hat drawing
w ith the words in the box. tools do you need?
1 paper
Saudi Arabia and Egypt have a desert clim ate. Polar climate none m eat,
D aytim e te m p e ra tu re s are high all year but it fish
can be cold at nig ht. It doesn ’t rain very often Mediterranean
and not m any plants grow in these areas. Date climate
palm s grow near oases. Dates are n u tritio u s Desert climate
and they are an im p o rta n t part of the desert
Tropical climate
nom ads’ diet.
------- ‘Щ .
«Discovery EDUCATION^-
Science V ertebrates
Look at the pictures in the text. W hat animals Read the te x t again. W rite the correct
can you see? vertebrate group(s) for each statement.
They can usually fly. birds
О E 3 Read the text. Think of another Their young are born from eggs.
example for each animal group. Their young form inside their bodies.
bird: flamingo They haven't got lungs.
They haven't got arms or legs.
They've got skin, fur or feathers.
They don't live on land.
They can live in water and on land.
5 Amphibians
4 R e p tile s
Baby frogs, or tadpoles, are
All reptiles, except snakes, b o rn in w ater from eggs
have got four legs. They’ve and b reathe with gills. Adult
also got scales, and som e, like am phibians have got lungs
cham eleons, can change colour. and they can live on land
Baby reptiles are or in water. They’ve
bo rn from got smooth skin.
«Discovery c n n r АТ1ЛМ
^ 5.4 Chameleons
of images in towns and cities inform us about things, for example maps,
signs, shop logos and posters. These images are usually simple and give us
very clear messages.
images tell us to do something. You can see lots of these images in
advertisements in the street. They usually want to sell us something, for
example a drink, clothes or a ticket to the cinema.
These images entertain us, for example images from films,
comics or even street art and graffiti. These images attract our
because they are beautiful, strange or surprising,
make the town or city more interesting or attractive.
paragliding canoeing
© к а Read the text. Check your ideas in Check the meaning of the words in the box.
Exercise 1.
helmet goggles gloves wetsuit
waterproof clothes lifejacket
Outdoor sports and activities
© К З Listen and w rite the sports for each
We often do sports and activities at a gym or
piece of equipm ent in Exercise 3.
a sports centre, but sometimes we do them
heim et: m ountain biking, canoeing, climbing
outdoors, in a natural environment. Outdoor
sports and activities are sometimes competitive.
This means that we do them in a race or a
competition because we want to win a prize.
Work w ith a partner. Choose an outdoor sport
Recreational means that we do them because
or activity. Find out information about it and
they are fun.
make a poster. Use the ideas below.
We usually do outdoor sports and activities in • Is it a land, air or water activity?
three different places: on land, in the air or
• Where can you do it in your country?
in the water. Horse riding, mountain biking
• What special clothes or protection do you need?
and clim bing are land activities. We often go
• Is it a competitive or recreational activity or both?
clim bing on mountains or large rocks. Bungee
jumping, parachuting and paragliding are air
activities. We jump from a high place like a
bridge when we do bungee jumping. Canoeing, Find o u t about extrem e fishing in th e USA.
waterskiing and windsurfing are water activities.
We go canoeing in rivers and waterskiing and
windsurfing in the sea.
A%i «Discovery EDUCATION^-
'Data total' is the total 'Frequency' is how often 1 W hat is the data total for Class 1B's
am ount o f inform ation in something appears in favourite sports?
a mathematical study. mathematical data. 2 W hat is the frequency of tennis?
Favourite sports
A class survey
C U f f Survey: f a v o u r i t e gadget
1 W h a t ’f y o u r
f a v o u r i t e gadget? M P 3 p la ye r
g a m e s console
2 W h o ’i i t f r o m ? d ig ita l cam era
2 When do y o u ufe i t ?
m o b ile p h o n e
Where do y ou ufe i t ?
Project 123
Project 2
A wildlife poster
1 Read the text. Match the
descriptions w ith the photos.
Project 3
Where if i t ? M ufic
Budva is a city on the Adriatic Coast in It’s also a great place for music and concerts.
Montenegro in south-eastern Europe. Not A lot of famous musicians go to play
many people know it but it’s very popular with concerts there - the Rolling Stones played in
millionaires! Budva has a long history - it’s 3,500 2007. 35,000 people came to see them and
years old. It was a small fishing village 50 years the town has only got 16,000 residents!
ago, but now rich people from Italy, Austria and Madonna and David Guetta also played
Russia have houses in the town. in Budva.
A historical town Kelax!
It’s very old and beautiful. There’s an Old Town. There are lots of local beaches. Mogren Beach is
Some people think this part of Budva was an very popular and is only 500 metres from the Old
island in the past. Now it’s part of the town. Town. The town’s got a Mediterranean
The Venetians (people from Venice) ruled the town climate so it’s usually warm and sunny.
from 1420 to 1797 and they built walls to defend
How to tlet there
the town from their enemies. These walls are now
You can fly to Tivat or Podgorica
popular with tourists.
airport or come by car along the
Adriatic Highway.
Project 125