01 Part Xii
01 Part Xii
01 Part Xii
This 12th part of our Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Cellular Automata concludes a
series of three articles devoted to CA local rules having robust ω-limit orbits. Here we
consider only the two rules, 131 and 133 , constituting the third of the six groups in
which we classified the 1D binary Cellular Automata. Among the numerous theoretical
results contained in this article, we emphasize the complete characterization of the ω-
limit orbits, both robust and non-robust, of these two rules and the proof that period-3
and period-6 ω-limit orbits are dense for 131 and 133 , respectively. Furthermore, we
will also introduce the fundamental concepts of perfect period-T orbit sets and riddled
basins, and see how they emerge in rule 131 .
As stated in the title, we also focus on permutive rules, which have been introduced in a
previous installment of our series but never thoroughly studied. Indeed, we will review
some of the well-known properties of such rules, like the surjectivity, examining their
implications for finite and bi-infinite Cellular Automata.
Finally, we propose a new list of the 88 globally-independent local rules, which is slightly
different from the one we have used so far but has the great advantage of being via a
rigorous methodology and not an arbitrary choice. For the sake of completeness, we
display in the appendix the basin tree diagrams and the portraits of the ω-limit orbits of
the rules from this refined table which have not yet been reported in our previous articles.
Keywords: cellular automata; nonlinear dynamics; period-3 rules; period-6 rules; group 3
rules; permutive rules; surjective rules; surjectivity; dense orbits; perfect orbit sets; ω-
limit orbits; attractors; Isles of Eden; gardens of Eden; orbit concatenation; basin tree
diagrams; isomorphic basin trees; riddled basins of attraction; Wolfram.
1. List of the 88 minimal equivalence rules
( )
it is globally equivalent to 60 ; namely, 102 = T † 60 . It is important to emphasize
select as representative of each of the 88 global equivalence classes the rule with the
smallest number of firing patterns [Chua et al., 2003] or, in other words, with fewer red
vertices in the Boolean cube. If two rules have the same number of firing patterns, pick
the smaller rule. From the perspective of training our monkey mascots, as depicted in our
cartoons [Chua, 2006], to raise a red flag whenever he sees a firing pattern, this implies a
minimal learning time: This procedure 1 allows us to include 137 among the 88
‘minimal’ rules, reported in Table 1a. Remarkably, only six rules change number with
respect to the previous list.
In [Chua et al., 2009b] we introduced the concept of quasi-global equivalence
which relates the space-time pattern of non-globally equivalent rules, proving that there
are six pairs of quasi-globally equivalent CA local rules. The list of the 82 minimal quasi-
equivalence rules is displayed in Table 1b. Here, we made two exceptions with respect to
the above selection procedure; namely, we included rule 170 instead of rule 15 , and
rule 204 instead of rule 51 . In both cases the reason has been the particular
importance that 170 and 204 have had throughout our work, specially since 170 is
exactly the Bernoulli shift when L → ∞ . The Boolean cubes of the minimal and quasi-
minimal equivalence rules are displayed in Tables 2a and 2b, respectively. As already
mentioned, only six rules have been renumbered: two of them – rules 131 and 133 –
belong to Group 3 and are the subject of this article; two others – rules 129 and 161 –
belong to Group 5 (Hyper Bernoulli rules) and they are discussed in Appendix A; the last
two – rules 137 and 166 , belong to Group 6 (Complex Bernoulli rules) and they are
discussed in Appendix B.
To conclude this section, we present two tables summarizing the main properties –
such as the complexity index, the group number, the time-reversibility etc. – of the 256
local rules, in Table 3, and the 88 minimal rules, in Table 4.
Observe that a similar approach has been used in other works (see [Li & Packard, 1990]).
2. Basin Tree Diagrams, Omega-Limit Orbits and time-τ
characteristic function of rules from Group 3
In [Chua et al., 2009a] and [Chua et al., 2009b] we presented all basin tree
diagrams and portraits of ω-limit orbits of the local rules belonging to Groups 1 and 2,
respectively. Here, we do the same for the two rules of Group 3; namely, 131 and 133 .
First of all, we recall some fundamental concepts of our Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective
of Cellular Automata.
Each binary bit string is coded by an integer number equal to the decimal equivalent of
an L-bit binary bit string as follows:
[ x0 x1 x2 ... xI ] → n ∑ βi i 2( I −i ) xi (1)
i =0
maps, it is necessary to convert a binary bit string to its associated real number φ ∈ [0, 1)
via the formula [Chua et al., 2005a]:
φ = ∑ 2− (i +1) xi (2)
i =0
where I L −1 .
The 2 L binary strings for 3 ≤ L ≤ 8 along with their decimal number code n and the real
number φ are displayed in Table 7 of [Chua et al., 2009a].
For each rule N and length L, the basin tree diagrams give a complete catalog of the
evolution from all possible 2L initial binary bit strings of length L. In general, they are
organized into several isolated directed graphs. Each of these connected graphs is called
a basin tree in [Chua et al., 2006] for conciseness, even though some of these graphs are
not trees in the graph theoretic sense. Any connected component graph in the basin tree
diagrams that has an empty set as its basin of attraction2 is called an Isle of Eden;
conversely, any connected component graph in the basin tree diagrams that has a non-
empty set as its basin of attraction is called an attractor [Chua et al., 2007a]. We usually
refer to both types of asymptotic orbits as ω-limit orbits [Chua et al., 2009a]. Note that
according to the classical definition [Birkhoff, 1927], an ω-limit orbit is always periodic
for finite L whereas the classical usage of the word orbit allows it to be the entire
trajectory (both transient and steady state). Hence, the ω-limit orbit excludes the transient
part of the orbit and, for finite L, it coincides with the periodic orbit.
two digit number “N−m”, where the left digit N is identified with the local rule N ,
where N ∈ {131,133} , and the right digit m pertains to page m of Gallery N. The first
page (i.e., Gallery N-1) of each Gallery N displays the following relevant information:
1. Rule number N
6. Sample set of time-1 return maps corresponding to different random bit strings
φ0 ∈[0,1) , where the transient components have been deleted to avoid clutter. Each color
codes for an ω-limit orbit.
We define here the basin of attraction of a basin tree diagram as the collection of all “transient” (non-
recurring) bit strings which converge to an attractor.
The basin tree diagrams for all 256 CA local rules are also available on the webpage
Each Gallery N−m of rule N is composed of attractors and their basins of attraction,
coded in magenta, and Isles of Eden, coded in blue (a mnemonic for islands surrounded
by the blue sea). To estimate the robustness of each distinct attractor and each distinct
Isle of Eden, we simply calculate the ratio of the total number of bit strings, for each bit
length L, over the total number 2L of bit strings:
No. of bit strings in attractor " m " or Isle of Eden " m "
ρm (3)
We will henceforth call the number ρ m the robustness coefficient of the attractor “m”, or
as n → ∞. For finite L, the evolution must converge to a period-T orbit, where T < 2 L .
For ease of future reference, all relevant qualitative properties of the ω-limit orbits
of rules 131 and 133 have been extracted, organized, and exhibited in two portraits in
Tables 5b and 6b, respectively. For each bit string length L, identified in column 1, only
distinct isomorphic4 attractors and Isles of Eden are displayed: they are identified in
column 2 by a red integer i. The information extracted from Tables 5a and 6a as
described above are collected in the columns 3 to 9. In addition, column 7 (Bernoulli
Parameters) shows the three relevant Bernoulli parameters (β, σ, τ) [Chua et al., 2005a]
for each rule N . Column 8 specifies the integer δmax defined as the distance from the
farthest Garden of Eden to the attractor of each basin tree diagram. Clearly, δmax = 0 for
A thorough discussion about isomorphic ω-limit orbits can be found in [Chua et al., 2009a].
all Isles of Eden. The last column 9 is devoted to the robustness coefficient for each
isomorphic attractor, or Isle of Eden. The robustness coefficient ρ m for each orbit is
great percentage of the 2L bit strings belongs to period-3 ω-limit orbits for rule 131 even
for low values of L, such as L ≥ 15 .
Similarly, the first page of Table 6a displays the time-1 characteristic function of
rule 133 , also extracted from Table 2 of [Chua et al., 2005a]. For this rule, it is much
more relevant analyzing its time-6 characteristic function, since 133 has robust period-6
ω-limit orbits. Figure 3 is an empirical evidence of this phenomenon, since most of the
points of the time-6 characteristic function lie on the diagonal, and hence they correspond
to period-6 ω-limit orbits, whereas only a few do not lie on the diagonal, and hence they
A genotype characterizes a set of isomorphic basin trees; if non-isomorphic basin trees have the same
diagraph representation, then they are said to have the same phenotype [Chua et al., 2009a].
correspond to transients and non-robust ω-limit orbits. The existence of robust period-6
ω-limit orbits is even more evident is Fig. 4, in which we focused on a smaller portion of
the axis φ ∈ [ 0.5,1) and with an higher value of L. From Fig. 5, we observe that a great
percentage of the 2L bit strings belongs to period-6 ω-limit orbits for rule 133 even for
low values of L, such as L ≥ 27 .
Rule 131 and rule 133 have been included in Group 3 because they have robust
period-3 and period-6 orbits, respectively, as found numerically in [Chua et al., 2007b].
We proposed this classification after verifying that several dozens of randomly-chosen
long (400 bits) bit strings indeed belonged to period-T ω-limit orbits, where T is equal to
3 for rule 131 and 6 for rule 133 . This empirical approach has in fact a mathematical
justification: if we let q denote the fraction of non-robust period-T orbits for a rule from
Group 3 (either rule 131 or rule 133 ) then the probability p that m randomly-chosen bit
strings belong to a non-robust orbit is p=qm; for instance, for q=0.01 (which means that
only one bit string out of 100 belongs to a non-robust orbit) and m=50 (we choose
randomly 50 bit strings), the probability that all of these iterates converge to a non-robust
orbit p = q m = 10−100 . Therefore, the probability that 131 or 133 are misclassified is
extremely low.
Even though this methodology is effective, our ‘Nonlinear dynamics perspective
of Cellular Automata’ is based on rigorous proofs and firm results, and hence we cannot
rely exclusively on computer simulations. For this reason, we will present in Sec. 3.2 the
formal proofs concerning the robust ω-limit orbits for rules 131 and 133 , after
reviewing in Sec. 3.1 some basic definitions. We recall that a similar rigorous approach
was used in [Chua et al., 2009a] to prove that Group 1 rules have robust period-1 ω-limit
orbits, and in [Chua et al., 2009b] to prove that Group 2 rules have robust period-2 ω-
limit orbits.
3.1. Definitions and notation
We start our analysis by formalizing the concept of period-T robustness as
A local rule has robust period-T ω-limit orbits if the probability for a random bit string of
finite length L to coverge to a period-T ω-limit orbit6 tends to 1 when L → ∞ .
This definition does not exclude a period-T rule from having other ω-limit orbits
(attractors and Isles of Eden) with period different from T; however, if such ω-limit
orbits exist, they are non-robust, in the sense that they appear only for some values of L
and their basins of attraction are composed of a limited number of bit strings satisfying
very specific conditions. Note that this definition extends those given in [Chua et al.,
2009a] and [Chua et al., 2009b] for period-1 and period-2 rules, respectively. Definition
3.1.1 implies that a period-T rule is characterized by the fact that for a given L most of
the 2L bit strings belong to the basin of attraction of period-T ω-limit orbits (attractors
and Isles of Eden).
Also, we would like to recall a definition and a fundamental theorem about the
periodicity of the single bits of a generic bit string x n [Chua et al., 2009b]:
In other words, a bit has period T if it repeats in the same position after every T iterations.
Recursively, we find that if a bit has period T, then xin + kT = xin , ∀k ∈ .
For finite L, the ω-limit orbit coincides with the periodic orbit associated with either an attractor, or an
isle of Eden. However, for L = ∞ , a ω-limit orbit need not be periodic.
Theorem 3.1.1.
The period of a bit string x n = ( x0n x1n … xIn ) is equal to the least common multiple of the
As a corollary, if all bits of a bit string have the same minimal periodicity T, then also the
bit string has period T; however, the converse is not true, because the fact that a bit string
has period T does not imply that all its bits have period T. Indeed, some bits may have
shorter periods in view of some local symmetry within the bit string.
We would like to conclude this section by giving a few details about the notation
used here for consistency with [Chua et al., 2009a] and [Chua et al., 2009b], and hence
already familiar to the readers of our previous works.
In the following, we use the expression ‘isolated 0’ (resp., ‘isolated 1’) to indicate a bit 0
(resp., 1) whose left and right neighbors are 1 (resp., 0), and the expression ‘runs of k 0’
(resp., ‘runs of k 1’) to indicate k consecutive bits 0 (resp., 1). Moreover, the next section
contains numerous figures showing the predecessors of a given pattern under rule N .
Such pattern is always on the last row – labeled Pattern – whereas its possible
predecessors are on the other rows, labeled Case I, Case II, etc. These bit strings are
created bit by bit starting from the left and trying all possible valid possibilities; we
employ the symbol X when no bit in that position is possible under rule N . These
figures allow us to prove that some sequences cannot appear in the periodic orbits of
131 and 133 . As an example, we give a detailed and thorough explanation of Fig. 7, in
order to help the readers to follow our proofs.
hence, x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ⎯⎯→
101101 , where the symbol ⎯⎯→
means ‘generated in
one iteration under rule 131 ’. Consequently, we would like to find { x0 , x1 ,… , x7 } such
x0 x1 x2 →1 (6.1)
x1 x2 x3 →0 (6.2)
x2 x3 x4 →1 (6.3)
x3 x4 x5 →1 (6.4)
x4 x5 x6 →0 (6.5)
x5 x6 x7 →1 (6.6)
From Table 7, we can also observe that the only firing patterns of 131 are 000 ,
001 , and 111 . Since x0 x1 x2 must be a firing pattern (see Eq. 6.1), it is sufficient to
( x0 x1 x2 ) = ( 000 ) .
In Case I, depicted in the first row of Fig. 7, we suppose that in the first three
meet the condition of Eq. (6.3) since both 100 and 101 are quenching patterns; hence,
( x0 x1 x2 ) ≠ (111) . We will henceforth denote a disallowed case with a red X.
Let us suppose next that ( x0 x1 x2 ) = ( 001) , i.e., 001x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ⎯⎯→
101101 . We
focus on x3 : since x1 = 0 and x2 = 1 , the condition of Eq. (6.2) is always met, because
both 010 and 011 are quenching patterns. We analyze the case x3 = 1 in Case II, and the
have obtained a contradiction, because neither x7 = 0 nor x7 = 1 can meet the condition
of Eq. (6.6), because both 100 and 101 are quenching patterns.
Case III is depicted in the third row of Fig. 7, and, according to the assumptions
contradiction, because neither x4 = 0 nor x4 = 1 can meet the condition of Eq. (6.3) since
The last case to analyze, Case IV depicted in the fourth row of Fig. 7, is the one in
contradiction, because neither x3 = 0 nor x3 = 1 can meet the condition of Eq. (6.2) since
A similar approach is repeated for all figures of this section. Clearly, a thorough
description of all of them would be impractical, but the reader can try to repeat the proofs
in order to get familiar with this reductio ad absurdum methodology.
3.2. Rigorous results about the robust ω-limit orbits of rules 131 and 133
In this section, we prove that rule 131 and rule 133 have robust period-3 and
period-6 ω-limit orbits, respectively. The behavior of these two local rules, both
belonging to Group 3, is more complex than those of the first two groups; for example,
they have very long transients and many non-robust ω-limit orbits. Consequently, the
proofs are also more complicated, even though they require only the knowledge of the
truth tables of rules 131 and 133 , which are shown in Table 7.
We start with the theorem concerning rule 131 and its globally-equivalent local rules.
Rule 131 and its globally-equivalent local rules have robust period-3 ω-limit orbits.
This proof is particularly complex and hence, for the reader’s convenience, we
divided it into three parts: in the first part, we prove that the bit strings belonging to the
ω-limit orbits of rule 131 cannot contain an arbitrary number of consecutive 0s or 1s; in
the second part, we demonstrate that all ω-limit orbits are either period-3 or στ-Bernoulli
shift with σ=-1 and τ=2; in the third part, we show that only period-3 ω-limit orbits are
Part 1 – Form of the bit strings belonging to the ω-limit orbits of rule 131
The final aim of this part is finding the maximum number of consecutive 0s or 1s
that can be contained in the bit strings belonging to ω-limit orbits. For the moment, we do
not consider the bit strings 00...0 and 11..1 which will be analyzed in the second part of
the proof.
As for the runs of 0s, we observe that a bit string belonging to a periodic orbit
cannot include a run of seven or more 0s because all its valid predecessors have to
contain either the bit string 101101 or the bit string 10101, as proved in Fig. 6. However,
these two bit strings can appear only in some Gardens of Eden, as proved in Figs. 7 and 8,
respectively. Similarly, a run of six 0s cannot be part of a bit string of a periodic orbit
since it is transformed, after four iterations, into the bit string 001100 (see Figs. 9) which
belongs either to a bit string of the transient regime or to a στ-Bernoulli shift ω-limit orbit
with σ=-1 and τ=2, as proved later in this section (refer also to Fig. 14a). Therefore, the
bit strings of the ω-limit orbits of rule 131 cannot contain more than five consecutive 0s.
As for the runs of 1s, Fig. 5 shows that a run of five or more 1s has two possible
valid predecessors: either a run of k+1 0s or a run of k+2 1s. Therefore, the longest run of
1s that can belong to a bit string of an ω-limit orbits is 1111, because of the restriction of
the consecutive number of 0s. Consequently, the bit strings belonging to ω-limit orbits of
rule 131 cannot contain more than four consecutive 1s.
These considerations limit the number of consecutive 0s and 1s that can appear in
periodic orbits (no more than five consecutive 0s or four consecutive 1s), and hence we
can perform a thorough case-by-case study. Moreover, since runs of k 0s generate runs of
k-1 1s in one iteration, we can restrict our analysis to only four cases; namely, the
patterns 011110, 01110, 0110, and 010. The only possibility left out is the pattern 101,
which will be analyzed separately in Part 2 below.
Second, we analyze a run of three 1s (i.e., pattern 01110). Also in this case we
have to analyze eight different situations, corresponding to all possible combinations of
the three bits on the left of the pattern 01110. It is possible to observe that there are five
possible outcomes: a) if the three bits are 000 then the only ω-limit orbit to which the
resulting pattern can belong to must be period-3, as shown in Fig. 13a; b) when the three
bits are 010, 110 or 100, after three iterations we obtain either the bit string 01110 again
(see Fig. 13b) or the bit string 011110 (see Fig. 13c) which, if belonging to an ω-limit
orbit, is period-3, as proved before; c) if the three bits are 001 then we obtain after three
iterations the pattern 001100 (see Figs. 13d) which belongs either to a transient regime or
to a στ-Bernoulli shift ω-limit orbit with σ=-1 and τ=2, as proved later in this section
(refer also to Fig. 14a); d) if the three bits are either 011 or 111 then the resulting bit
string would contain the pattern 10111, which cannot be included in any bit string of a
periodic orbit (refer to Fig. 12); e) when the three bits are 101 the resulting bit string
would contain the pattern 10101, which cannot be included in any bit string of a periodic
orbit (refer to Fig. 8).
Third, we analyze a run of two 1s (i.e., pattern 0110) which are tackled by
considering the nearest neighbors (one on the left and one on the right) of the pattern
0110 and examining the three possible outcomes: a) if both the left and the right neighbor
are 0, then we obtain a στ-Bernoulli shift ω-limit orbit with σ=-1 and τ=2, as shown in
Fig. 14a; b) when only one of the two neighbors is 1, as in Figs. 14b and 14c, after two
iterations we obtain a run of four 1s (observe that, as shown in Fig. 14d, it is not possible
to obtain only three consecutive 1s) which belongs either to a transient or to a period-3 ω-
limit orbit, as proved earlier in this section; c) the case in which both neighbors are 1,
corresponding to the pattern 101101, can occur only in a Garden of Eden (refer to Fig. 7).
Fourth, we analyze what happens to isolated 1s – pattern 010 – through the usual
method, i.e., by considering all possible combinations of the three bits on the left of the
pattern 010 and examining the four possible outcomes: a) when the three bits are 000,
010, 110, 001 or 111 (see Figs. 15a, 15b, 15c and 15d), the pattern can only belong to a
period-3 ω-limit orbit (or, of course, to a transient); b) if the three bits are 100 (see Fig.
15e) then we obtain after one iteration the pattern 001100 which belongs either to a
transient regime or to a period-3 ω-limit orbit, as proved earlier in this section; c) when
the three bits are 011 (see Fig. 15f) we obtain a run of four 1s which belongs either to a
transient regime or to a period-3 ω-limit orbit, as proved earlier in this section; d) when
the three bits are 101 the resulting bit string would contain the pattern 10101 which
cannot be included in any bit string of a periodic orbit (refer to Fig. 8).
Fifth, in Fig. 16 we show that the pattern 101 is transformed in two iterations into
one of the patterns already studied.
We conclude this part with an important observation. At the beginning of Part 1
above, we specified that we were not considering the bit strings 00...0 and 11...1: the
reason is that they converge to a period-1 ω-limit orbit (11...1→11...1) which has a
reduced basin of attraction since it includes only bit strings having some very special
spatial symmetry. Moreover, such orbit is at the same time period-1, period-3 and στ-
Bernoulli shift ω-limit orbit with σ=-1 and τ=2, and hence we do not consider it as a
separate case.
This proves all bit strings for any finite L belong to two kinds of orbits: either
period-3 or στ-Bernoulli shift with σ=-1 and τ=2.
In the previous part, we proved that all ω-limit orbits of rule 131 are either
period-3 or στ-Bernoulli shift. Now, we will show that only the former are robust.
Looking carefully at the case study performed in Part 2, we find that there are two
possible period-3 patterns: the first one, which we indicate with the symbol P1, consists of
a run of three 1s (see Fig. 13a) and its space-time pattern is depicted in Fig. 17; the
second one, which we indicate with the symbol P2, consists of a run of four 1s (see Figs.
11a and 11b) and its space-time pattern is depicted in Fig. 18. Also, there is only one στ-
Bernoulli shift pattern, which we indicate with the symbol B, consisting of a run of two
1s and whose space-time pattern is depicted in Fig. 19. Observe that patterns containing
isolated 1s can be period-3 (see Figs. 15c and 15d), στ-Bernoulli with σ=-1 and τ=2 (see
Fig. 15e), or even both period-3 and στ-Bernoulli shift at the same time (see Figs. 15a and
Now, we need to see how the στ-Bernoulli shift pattern B interacts with the
period-3 patterns P1 and P2. Through an exhaustive case study, not reported here to avoid
numerous and tedious examples, we found that there are only two possible scenarios,
illustrated in Figs. 20 and 21. In the first case, the Bernoulli shift pattern B ‘hits’ the
period-3 pattern P1, generating a period-3 pattern P2. In the second case, the Bernoulli
shift pattern B ‘hits’ the period-3 pattern P2, generating another Bernoulli shift pattern B.
Thanks to this observation, we can draw a fundamental conclusion: if the number of
patterns B generated in the transient regime is greater that the one of patterns P1, then the
resulting ω-limit orbit is a στ-Bernoulli shift with σ=-1 and τ=2; otherwise, the ω-limit
orbit is period-3. Therefore, we need to focus now on what happens in the transient
regimes of rule 131 .
Unfortunately, this rule has particularly long transients, which are impractical to
analyze case by case (especially because their lengths depend on L); this makes it
difficult to find rigorous conclusions. However, we can here give an intuitive argument
that explains the results found experimentally, and hence helps us to prove the theorem.
Let us consider a bit string of length L, where L is possibly very long, belonging to a
period-3 ω-limit orbit; consequently, the number of patterns P1 generated in the transient
regime is greater than or equal to that of patterns B. Now, we add three arbitrary bits on
the right, as shown in Fig. 22, and we analyze what the possible outcomes are. If the bit
string is long enough, the number of P1 and B patterns generated in the ‘central part’ of
the bit string, shown in dark grey in Fig. 22, will not change (or change slightly), whereas
new B and P1 patterns will be generate by the three added bits and their two neighbors (in
light grey in Fig. 22). If we make an exhaustive analysis of the behavior of the 25=32
possible 5-bit patterns, shown in Fig. 23, we find that in 22 cases out of 32 the new
pattern is also period-3 while only in 14 cases out of 22 the patterns generated are στ-
Bernoulli shifts. Therefore, if the initial bit string belongs to a period-3 orbit, then in the
majority of cases we still obtain a period-3 orbit when we increase such bit strings by
three bits; however, if the original bit string belongs to a στ-Bernoulli shift orbits, a new
equilibrium between B and P1 patterns can be created, and a new period-3 bit string may
still be generated as a result.
Summary and Conclusion
In the first part of the proof, we focused on the form of the bit strings belonging to
the ω-limit orbits of 131 , finding that they cannot contain more than five consecutive 0s
or four consecutive 1s. Thanks to this result, which allowed us to perform an exhaustive
case analysis on the different situations that can arise, we proved, in the second part, that
all ω-limit orbits of 131 are either period-3 or στ-Bernoulli shifts. Moreover, as shown
in the third part, the percentage of period-3 ω-limit orbits of rule 131 is always
increasing over the total as L tends to infinity, which is exactly the definition of robust ω-
limit orbits.
In conclusion, rule 131 has robust period-3 ω-limit orbits.
The robustness of the period-3 ω-limit orbits can be observed even better in Fig.
24, in which we analyze separately the three cases for L = m + 3k , k ∈ : i)
m ≡ 0 mod1 ; ii) m ≡ 0 mod 2 ; iii) m ≡ 0 mod 3 .
We can now focus on rule 133 and its globally-equivalent local rules.
Rule 133 and its globally-equivalent local rules have robust period-6 ω-limit orbits.
Also this proof is very complex and we divided it into three parts: in the first part,
we prove that the bit strings belonging to ω-limit orbits for rule 133 cannot contain an
arbitrary number of consecutive 0s or 1s; in the second part, we observe that all robust ω-
limit orbits have a common feature (i.e., they have what we will dub ‘walls’); in the third
part, we demonstrate that all bits of the bit strings belonging to robust ω-limit orbits can
be exclusively period-1, period-2, or period-3. The conclusion that all robust ω-limit
orbits of rule 133 have period-6 follows from Theorem 3.1.1.
Part 1 – Form of the bit strings belonging to the ω-limit orbits of rule 133
The final aim of this part is finding the maximum number of consecutive 0s or 1s
that can be contained in the bit strings belonging to ω-limit orbits.
As for the runs of 0s, we observe that a run of three 0s is transformed, in one
iteration, into a stable pattern (i.e., not disrupted during the evolution of the Cellular
Automaton) containing an isolated 1 (see Fig. 25); hence, it cannot be part of a bit string
belonging to an ω-limit orbit. A similar argument can lead to the conclusion that all
patterns of k consecutive 0s, k odd, cannot be part of a bit string belonging to an ω-limit
orbit, as shown in Fig. 26 for k=5.
As for the runs of 1s, if k is odd, k greater than or equal to 3, then the only valid
predecessor is a run of k+2 1s (see Fig. 27), but this implies that we are in a transient
regime and not in an ω-limit orbit.
We conclude this first part of the proof by emphasizing the two main results
obtained so far: first, the bit strings belonging to ω-limit orbits cannot contain runs of k
consecutive 0s or 1s, where k is odd and greater than 1; second, isolated 1s (i.e., the
pattern 010) are stable (i.e., period-1), which means that the ‘walls’ formed by an isolated
1 cannot be disrupted during the evolution of the Cellular Automaton.
thoroughly what dynamics arise between two ‘walls’ and combine them through
Theorem 3.1.1.
An important observation is that rule 133 is bilateral; i.e., 133 = T † 133 . )
Consequently, we can analyze only what happens at the right side of a ‘wall’, because the
same behavior occurs on the left side too.
regime, a period-2 ω-limit orbit, or a period-3 ω-limit orbit. Figure 32a analyzes a run of
two consecutive 0s which evolves, in one iteration, in a pattern containing at least two
consecutive 0s. This implies that such pattern is either period-2, as depicted in Fig. 32b,
or is transformed in a run of four 0s.
In conclusion, all patterns on the right (and consequently on the left, due to the
bilateral property of rule 133 ) of a ‘wall’ can be only period-1 (Fig. 32b), period-2 (Fig.
30b) or period-3 (Fig. 29b).
Finally, we have to check what happens on the right of these patterns. If we find
that only the three patterns mentioned before can arise, then our proof is concluded.
Through an exhaustive study of all possible cases, we found that the only way in which
the pattern in Fig. 29b can be in an ω-limit orbit is through the scheme of Fig. 33 (and the
resulting pattern is still period-3), whereas for the pattern in Fig. 30b there are two
possible cases, in Figs. 34 and 35 (and the resulting pattern is still period-2 in both cases).
This proves that all bit strings belonging to ω-limit orbit and having at least one isolated
1s, corresponding to the robust case, are period-6.
As mentioned in the proof, this statement is certainly true for strings containing
the pattern 010 (which we called the ‘wall’) and hence for the robust case; however, non-
robust orbits may, or may not, be period-6. As an example, we show in Fig. 36 the case
of a period-6 ω-limit orbit for L=10, and in Fig. 37 the case of a period-14 ω-limit orbit
for L=14.
Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 follow a series of rigorous results concerning the
classification of CA local rules: Group 1 rules were analyzed in [Chua et al., 2009a],
Group 2 rules in [Chua et al., 2009b], Group 5 rules in [Chua et al., 2007a], and Group 6
rules in [Chua et al., 2007b]. We will conclude this discourse in our next paper, in which
we will focus on the rules belonging to Group 4 (Bernoulli στ-shift rules).
It is a direct consequence of Theorem 3.3.1 (ω-Limit orbits generation algorithm) proved
in [Chua et al., 2009a], when L′ = L′′ and Γ′ ( L′ ) ≡ Γ′′ ( L′′ ) .
Note that our definition of orbit does not require that it is periodic. This is consistent with standard usage
in dynamical systems [Hasselblatt and Katek, 2003]. An orbit is just the trajectory from any initial
condition, and is not periodic unless the initial state falls on a periodic orbit.
Given a bit string x = ( x0 x1 … xL −1 ) of length L belonging to an period-T ω-limit orbit of
m times
by concatenating the bit string x m times is also a period-T ω-limit orbit of rule N .
The application of this corollary is evident in the examples of Figs. 38 and 39 for rules
131 and 133 , respectively.
In order to present some fundamental definitions and theorems, we need to introduce the
following notation: Σ ( L ) denotes the bit string space of all 2 L bit strings of length L;
multiples, where p is an integer. Now, we can give the definition of dense period-T
another bit string y T (mL) must be closer than ε to xT (mL) is equivalent to saying that
the first t bits of y T (mL) and xT (mL) are the same, where t = − ⎡⎢ log 2 ε ⎤⎥ . Those bits
beyond xt and yt can be considered as a ‘noise tail’. This concept is expressed in the
following Proposition:
We follow the notation in [Chua et al., 2009a] where Γ ( L ) denotes any ω-limit orbit of rule N , of
length L.
Proposition 3.3.1 Noise-tail bounding estimate
The distance between any two bit strings whose first n bits are identical is less that .
Example 3.3.1
Let x and y be two strings with L = 20 such that x = (11011010111010010101) and
between this two bits is less than 2−12 = 0.000244141 . Indeed, by using formula (2), we
find that φx − φ y = 0.000173569 < 2−12 .
Therefore, Definition 3.3.1 implies that for any ε > 0 (and hence for any position t ),
given any period-T orbit xT ( L) and concatenating it m times to generate the bit string
xT (mL) , where mL > t , we can create another period-T bit string y T (mL) where the first
If all period-T ω-limit orbits of rule N are dense for all possible periods, then
such set of ω-limit orbits is said to be perfect, according to the following definition:
Observe that for the limit when L → ∞ , this definition is similar to the notion of a perfect
metric space [Hasselblatt and Katok, 2003].
Now, we can analyze whether the robust orbits for rules 131 and 133 are dense.
Rule 131 has a dense set of period-3 orbits.
In Theorem 3.2.1 it was proved that a bit string xT ( L) is period-3 under rule 131
if, and only if, the number nP1 of patterns P1 generated in the transient regime is greater
than or equal to the number nB of patterns B. Therefore, we need to analyze how these
numbers change when we concatenate strings.
Let us suppose that x3 ( L) is a period-3 bit string; Theorem 3.2.1 implies that
nP1 ≥ nB . As we explained above and shown in Fig. 40, the value of ε determines the
position of the bit xt +1 , which is the starting point of the noise tail. According to
Definition 3.3.1, we want to find a period-T bit string y (mL) of length mL in which the
first t + 1 bits coincide with those of x3 (mL) , obtained by concatenating m times x3 ( L) ;
however, this implies that y (mL) has a noise tail of length mL − t − 1 , where m is
arbitrary. Moreover, since all bits of the noise tail of y (mL) are also arbitrary, we can
always set them in such a way that the number nP1 of patterns P1 is greater than or equal
to the number nB of patterns B, and hence the bit string y (mL) has also period-3,
y (mL) ≡ y 3 (mL) .
Since rule 131 has only two types of periodic orbits, period-3 and στ-Bernoulli
shift orbits with σ=-1 and τ=2 (see Theorem 3.2.1), and we have already proved in
Theorem 3.3.2 that period-3 orbits are dense, we only need to prove that also the στ-
Bernoulli shift orbits, which are periodic with period T ≤ σ L , are dense. But this can be
done by using the same procedure as for Theorem 3.3.2, in which we swap the role of nB
and nP1 . In practice, we can easily prove that given a στ-Bernoulli shift bit string xT ( L)
for rule 131 , there exists an integer m such that nB > nP1 in the noise tail of y (mL) .
Consequently, all periodic orbits of rule 131 are dense, and hence rule 131 is
There is an important observation to make about the ω-limit orbits of rule 131 , which
was already mentioned at the end of Part 2 of Theorem 3.2.1. For ∀L, L ∈ , the bit
string 11…1 is a period-1 attractor for rule9 131 . However, according to the definition
of period-T and στ-Bernoulli shift orbits we gave in [Chua et al., 2005a], such attractor
can also be considered as a period-T orbit, ∀T , and as a στ-Bernoulli shift orbit, ∀σ ,τ .
Here, our choice is considering it either as period-3 or as στ-Bernoulli shift with σ=1 and
τ=1, according to our convenience, so that we do not have to analyze further cases in
Theorem 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Observe that in Tables 5b and 6b we indicate such orbit as
Now, we can focus on the density of the robust ω-limit orbits of rule 133 .
According to what we proved in Theorem 3.2.2, any finite length periodic bit
string containing at least one ‘wall’ can be only period-1, period-2, period-3, or period-6.
Moreover, we proved that the two ‘walls’ isolate the dynamic behavior of the bit
sequence within such ‘walls’.
Table 14(B) of [Chua et al., 2008] shows a list of all rules endowed with Type B perod-1 orbits, which
includes rules 131 and 133 .
With a procedure similar to the one discussed in the proof of Theorem 3.3.3, we
can affirm that the noise tail of the bit string y (mL) , which we use to ‘test’ the density of
rule 131 , can be arbitrarily long; hence, we can always create a noise tail delimited by
‘walls’ and containing a period-6 bit string, so that the whole bit string is period-6,
y (mL) ≡ y 6 (mL) as a consequence of Theorem 3.1.1.
We cannot give any definitive result on whether rule 133 is perfect, because our
empirical analysis shows that this rule has an unbounded number of ω-limit orbits of
distinct periods.
Before concluding this section, we would like to introduce yet another
fundamental concept:
Rule N is said to have riddled basins of attraction iff for any ε > 0 and any period- T
orbit xT ( L) ∈ Σ ( L ) , for all possible periods T , ∃ an integer m such that for all p ≥ m
there is a period- T ′ orbit y T ′ ( pL) ∈ Σ( pL) , y T ′ ( pL) ≠ xT ( pL ) , for all possible periods
This definition implies that for any ε > 0 (and hence for any position t , as defined in
Fig. 40), given any period-T orbit xT ( L) and concatenating it m times to generate the bit
string xT (mL) , where mL > t , we can create another period-T bit string y T ′ (mL) where
the first t bits of xT (mL) and y T ′ (mL) coincide. Our definition of riddled basins is
inspired by the one given in [Alexander et al., 1992] for continuous systems.
A simple example can illustrate the meaning of the notion of riddled basins.
Example 3.3.2
Let us consider the bit string xT ( L ) = xT (12 ) = ( 001001111001) , which is period-
3 for rule 131 , as shown in Fig. 41, and let us fix ε = 2−25 ≈ 3 ⋅10−8 . Since 131 has
either στ-Bernoulli shift orbits or period-3 orbits (see Theorem 3.2.1), if we suppose that
131 has riddled basins of attraction (as it will indeed be proved in Theorem 3.3.5) then
the expression of ε reported above, we find easily that the position of the bit xt (see Fig.
binary and the decimal representations of the bit strings xT ( L ) and xT ( 3L ) , whereas
their space-time patterns are in Figs. 41 and 42, respectively. Now, we need to find a bit
string y T ′ ( 3L ) belonging to a στ-Bernoulli shift orbit which has the first 25 bits of
whose space-time pattern is in Fig. 43, meets these conditions. A visual representation of
this example is given in Fig. 44.
It is not by chance that two bit strings belonging to different kind of ω-limit orbits were
arbitrarily close, because for rule 131 the following theorem holds:
It follows directly from the proofs of Theorems 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. From the arbitrariness of
the noise tail in y T ′ ( mL ) , we conclude that we can change the proportion of patterns nP1
We will see in our forthcoming articles that 131 is not the only rule having riddled
basins of attraction.
4. Permutive rules
particular, we say that a local rule N is: 1) Left-Permutive iff the vertical symmetry
plane is parallel to the paper; 2) Right-Permutive iff the vertical symmetry plane is
perpendicular to the paper; 3) Bi-Permutive, iff it is both Left- and Right-Permutive.
An examination of the 256 Boolean cubes in Table 1 of [Chua et al., 2008] shows that
there are only 16 Left-Permutive rules, 16 Right-Permutive rules, and 4 Bi-Permutive
rules, as displayed in Tables 9, 10, and 11, respectively.
The symmetry in the Boolean Cubes of Permutive rules is a consequence of the
symmetry of their truth tables (see Appendix C of [Chua et al., 2008]). We recall that if
N is left-permutive then
or, alternatively
N = β 3 β 2 β1 β 0 β3 β 2 β1β 0 ) (7b)
or, alternatively
N = β6 β6 β4 β4 β 2 β 2 β0 β0 ) (8b)
In fact, the original definition of Permutive rules [Hedlund, 1929] was given through the
property of the truth tables of the local rules.
Not all the permutive rules are globally-independent, as already observed in
[Chua et al., 2008]. The following theorem allows us to find the relation among left- and
right-permutive rules:
Theorem 4.1 can be proved by inspection of the respective Boolean cubes of Figs. 8(a),
8(b), and 8(c), respectively.
We proved in [Chua et al., 2008] that all rules, except for the six lossless rules
15 , 51 , 85 , 170 , 204 , and 240 , have Gardens of Eden for finite L. Therefore, for
L finite, only the lossless rules are surjective. This is not true when L is infinite, since the
following theorem holds:
Theorem 4.2
For L = ∞ , all permutive rules are surjective.
It is sufficient to prove that all bit strings have at least one predecessor, or, in other words,
there are no Gardens of Eden.
Here, we give the proof for a right-permutive rule N ; the proof for left-permutive rules
follows easily, mutatis mutandis. We consider an arbitrary bi-infinite bit string x n , and
we try to find its predecessor starting with two generic bits xin−1 and xin : our task is to
show that it is always possible to find xin−−21 , xin−−11 , xin −1 , xin+−11 which generate the two generic
bits xin−1 and xin . From Eq. (8b), it follows that10 ∀ xin−−11 , xin −1 ∈ {0,1} , ∃! xin+−11 ∈ {0,1} such
that T N ( xin−−11 xin −1 xin+−11 ) = xin ; consequently, xin+−11 depends only on xin and it always exists.
As for xin−−21 , from Eq. (8b) we find that if ∃ xin−−21 such that T N ( xin−−21 00 ) = xin−1 then either
( ) ( )
T N xin−−21 00 = xin−1 or T N xin−−21 01 = xin−1 ; if ∃ xin−−21 such that T N ( xin−−21 00 ) = xin−1 , then both
T N ( 001) = xin−1 and T N (101) = xin−1 . This means that for any xin−1 , ∃ xin−−21 ∈ {0,1} such that
T N ( xin−−21 xin−−11 xin −1 ) = xin−1 if ( xin−−11 xin −1 ) = ( 00 ) , or ( xin−−11 xin −1 ) = ( 01) . Similar considerations
lead to the conclusion that for any xin−1 , ∃ xin−−21 ∈ {0,1} such that T N ( xin−−21 xin−−11 xin −1 ) = xin−1 if
(x n −1 n −1
i −1 ix ) = (11) , or ( x
n −1 n −1
i −1 i ) = (10 ) . Therefore, ∀ x n −1
i −1 , xin −1 ∈ {0,1} , ∃ xin−−21 ∈ {0,1} such
that T N ( xin−−21 xin−−11 xin −1 ) = xin−1 . This proves that there is always a predecessor of x n
∀ xin−1 , xin . Since xin−1 and xin are arbitrary, the proposition holds in general.
Theorem 4.3
For L = ∞ , all bit strings of bi-permutive rules have exactly four predecessors.
We consider an arbitrary bi-infinite bit string x n , and we try to find its predecessor
starting with two generic bits xin−1 and xin : our task is to show that it is always possible to
find xin−−21 , xin−−11 , xin −1 , xin+−11 which generate the two generic bits xin−1 and xin . From Eq. (8b), it
We recall that the notation ∃! means “there exists only one”.
follows that ∀ xin−−11 , xin −1 ∈ {0,1} , ∃! xin+−11 ∈ {0,1} such that T N ( xin−−11 xin −1 xin+−11 ) = xin ;
consequently, xin+−11 depends only on xin and it always exists. From Eq. (8b), it follows
that ∀ xin−−11 , xin −1 ∈ {0,1} , ∃! xin−−21 ∈ {0,1} such that T N ( xin−−21 xin−−11 xin −1 ) = xin−1 ; consequently,
xin−−21 depends only on xin−1 and it always exists. From the uniqueness of xin+−11 and xin−−11 , and
The results of Theorems 4.2 and 4.3 are not new, since they can be found also in the
classical works of the CA literature, such as [Hedlund, 1929] and [Wolfram, 2002].
However, here we presented compact and straightforward proofs for them.
5. Concluding remarks
In this paper, we have introduced several fundamental notions of our ‘Nonlinear
Dynamics Perspective of Cellular Automata’. For example, we have presented a new
criterion for selecting 88 globally-independent local rules (and the 82 quasi globally-
independent local rules) as our prototype, which has the great advantage of being the
result of a rigorous choice. Our choice also allows us to train our monkey mascot to learn
only the smallest number of firing patterns for each prototype rule. In this new listing, the
“universal Turing machine” rule 137 , which was extensively cited in our last two papers,
is listed as one of the 88 globally-independent local rules.
The main part of this paper is concerned with the two rules of Group 3; namely,
131 and 133 . Their dynamical behaviors are unique among the 88 globally-
independent local rules: rule 131 has robust period-3 ω-limit orbits and non-robust στ-
Bernoulli shift ω-limit orbits, whereas rule 133 has robust period-6 ω-limit orbits and
non-robust period-T ω-limit orbits with T ≠ 6 . Here, for the first time, we found these
results through a rigorous procedure and not by means of computer experiments. We also
defined the notion of dense set of period-T orbits, which is the starting point to introduce
more complex concepts such as the perfect period-T orbit sets and the riddled basins of
attractions. For instance, we proved that all ω-limit orbits of 131 are dense and hence
131 is perfect, in this precise sense, and that the basins of attraction of 131 are riddled.
We conjecture that similar results can be found for many of the rules of Groups 1 and 2
as well. We emphasize the importance of the Noise-tail Bounding Estimate (Proposition
3.3.1) in our discourse, since it allows us to introduce a metric for binary bit strings.
Finally, we have given a few results on permutive rules, which were defined in
our previous papers but never studied thoroughly. There are only 10 globally-independent
permutive rules: 7 of them are right- / left- permutive, and 3 of them are bi-permutive.
Observe that in Theorem 4.1 we have proved that the distinction between right- and left-
permutive rules is fictitious, since every right-permutive has a globally-equivalent left-
permutive rule, and vice versa. Also, we have shown a straightforward proof of two well-
known results regarding the predecessors of permutive rules.
This paper can be considered as a sort of ‘bridge’ between our previous works and
our future ones: the table of the 88 globally-independent rules is now cast in stone and
properly justified, both from our scientific and neural perspective; for the first time, we
were able to characterize completely the ω-limit orbits, robust and non-robust, of one
local rule, 131 ; our results on the surjectivity of permutive rules show how different the
same rule can behave for finite or bi-infinite bit strings. All these elements are the
cornerstones of our future discourse.
This work is supported in part by the Hungarian Academy of Science and the USA Office
of Naval Research under grant no. N000 14-09-1-0411. The authors thank Dr. J. Shin for
drawing the basin tree diagrams and the phase portraits.
Appendix A
Group 5 (Hyper Bernoulli rules) contains ten globally-independent local rules.
Two of them have been renumbered according to the criterion illustrated in Sec. 1:
namely, 129 substitutes 126 and 161 substitutes 122 . The basin tree diagrams and
the portraits of the ω-limit orbits of these two rules are displayed in Tables A1, A2, A3,
and A4, respectively.
Appendix B
Group 6 (Complex Bernoulli rules) contains eight globally-independent local
rules. Two of them have been renumbered according to the criterion illustrated in Sec. 1:
namely, 137 substitutes 110 and 166 substitutes 154 . The basin tree diagrams and
the portraits of the ω-limit orbits of these two rules are displayed in Tables B1, B2, B3,
and B4, respectively.
Appendix C
The basin tree diagrams of the rules belonging to Group 5 (Hyper Bernoulli rules)
were displayed in [Chua et al., 2007a]. In Tables C1-C8, we display the portraits of the
ω-limit orbits of such rules, except for 129 and 161 , which can be found in Appendix
Appendix D
The basin tree diagrams of the rules belonging to Group 6 (Complex Bernoulli
rules) were displayed in [Chua et al., 2007a]. In Tables D1-D6, we display the portraits
of the ω-limit orbits of such rules, except for 137 and 166 , which can be found in
Appendix B.