This document discusses the differences between inductive and deductive reasoning and where each type of reasoning can go wrong. It explains that both types of reasoning are needed and neither contradicts the other. The scientific method uses both, with induction to form hypotheses and deduction to test hypotheses against facts. Common mistakes in deduction include thinking "all" means "only" and that something is exclusive just because it is certain. Both induction and deduction, used together, are needed for strong critical thinking.
This document discusses the differences between inductive and deductive reasoning and where each type of reasoning can go wrong. It explains that both types of reasoning are needed and neither contradicts the other. The scientific method uses both, with induction to form hypotheses and deduction to test hypotheses against facts. Common mistakes in deduction include thinking "all" means "only" and that something is exclusive just because it is certain. Both induction and deduction, used together, are needed for strong critical thinking.
This document discusses the differences between inductive and deductive reasoning and where each type of reasoning can go wrong. It explains that both types of reasoning are needed and neither contradicts the other. The scientific method uses both, with induction to form hypotheses and deduction to test hypotheses against facts. Common mistakes in deduction include thinking "all" means "only" and that something is exclusive just because it is certain. Both induction and deduction, used together, are needed for strong critical thinking.
This document discusses the differences between inductive and deductive reasoning and where each type of reasoning can go wrong. It explains that both types of reasoning are needed and neither contradicts the other. The scientific method uses both, with induction to form hypotheses and deduction to test hypotheses against facts. Common mistakes in deduction include thinking "all" means "only" and that something is exclusive just because it is certain. Both induction and deduction, used together, are needed for strong critical thinking.
• While the standard for an inductive statement is whether or
not it is sound, the standard for a deductive statement can be more rigorous. Deductive arguments give us conclusions that follow of necessity if the premises are true. Sometimes, however, we make mistakes about what is or is not necessarily true! We draw conclusions that may (coincidentally) be right, but which are not warranted by the premises. This kind of mistaken reasoning is called invalid. This is the standard for deductive arguments: they are valid or invalid. • Sometimes we think we are using good deductive reasoning, but we have mixed up our formulae. Looking again at both syllogisms and hypothetical chains, here are the two errors we can fall into. • How Syllogisms Can Go Wrong • a. "All" is not the same as "Only": • Here is a perfectly good bit of deduction: • • All cats eat meat. • Mister is a cat. • Therefore, Mister eats meat. • If it's true that all cats eat meat, and if it's true that Mister is a cat, we know one thing about Mister for sure: we know he must eat meat. This argument makes sense. • But what about this? • • All cats eat meat. • Mister eats meat. • Therefore, Mister is a cat. • Not so good! • This sounds very similar. But the line of logic is quite different. It may be true that all cats eat meat, and it may be true that Mister also eats meat. But nowhere have we said that only cats eat meat. In fact, lots of creatures eat meat--cats, dogs, pigs, accountants, rock stars and certain kinds of plant. The logical mistake here is thinking that because two things share the same quality, they must belong to the same group. Unless this is the only group that has the quality you're talking about, this conclusion isn't warranted. • Here are some more of this kind of mistake. In each case, the speaker slips by thinking that because two things share the same quality, they must belong to the same group: • • Lions eat a huge meal at one sitting. • My brother John eats a huge meal at one sitting. • Therefore, my brother John is a lion. • [Are lions the only creatures that eat huge meals at once?] • • People with shaved heads and swastika tattoos are racists. • Ron does not have a shaved head or a swastika tattoo. • Therefore, Ron is not a racist. • [Is there only one kind of racist?] • • Hard workers do well in their studies. • Frank does well in his studies. • Therefore, Frank is a hard worker. • [How do we know Frank isn't just lucky?] • • All the cool people will be at the Castro Halloween festival. • Marco will be at the Castro Halloween festival. • Therefore, Marco is one of the cool people. • [Are the cool people the only ones who are going?] • • Teens who go on to commit violent acts often dye their hair, wear black clothes, play video games, argue with their parents and listen to depressing music. • Joey dyes his hair, wears black clothes, plays video games, argues with his parents and listens to depressing rock music. • Therefore, Joey is going to commit violent acts. • So keep your premises clear in your mind: • • If a group has a quality and something belongs to that group, it is valid to assume that it, too, shares the quality. • • BUT if a group has a quality and something else has that quality, it is not valid to assume that it too must belong to the group--unless we know that this group is the only one that possesses the quality. "All" does not equal "only." • b. "Always" is not the Same as "Only": • How Hypothetical Chains Go Wrong • Consider the following reasonable inference: • • If you drink milk, you get sick. • You aren't sick. • Therefore, you didn't drink milk. • If both of these premises are true, then this argument makes perfect sense. If drinking milk must result in sickness, then the fact that the person is not sick must mean that she hasn't drunk any milk. If a cause must have a certain effect, then the absence of that effect must imply the absence of that cause. So far, so good. • You can generalize this pattern using A and B to stand for "cause" and "effect": • • If you drink milk [A,] then you will get sick [B] If A, then B. • You aren't sick. [Not B.] • Therefore, you didn't drink milk. Therefore, not A. • But what of this? • • If you drink milk [A], you will get sick [B]. If A, then B. • You aren't drinking milk. [Not A.] • Therefore, you won't get sick. Therefore, not B. • Here, you've switched around; you've inferred that because Cause A has the certain effect of Effect B, then the absence of Cause A must mean that Effect B can't happen either. This isn't logical. • What makes it illogical is clearer with a more concrete example: • • If I shoot my cat, he'll die. • I didn't shoot my cat. • Therefore, he must be alive. • You see the problem? The cat could have died for any number of reasons: he could have leaped from the window, fallen ill, or accidentally eaten a pound of bad meat. • It's logical to infer that where the effect of a cause is certain, then the absence of the effect means the absence of the cause. If I shoot my cat, he'll certainly die; so if he's alive, I can't possibly have shot him. • However, it isn't logical to infer that where a cause-effect link is certain, it must also be exclusive. That is to say, just because Cause A must result in Effect B, it may be that many other causes would produce Effect B equally well--just as there are many ways to kill a cat! • If I shoot my cat, he'll die. But just because I didn't shoot him doesn't mean he's alive; this cause may have a sure effect, but it's not the only cause. It's certain, but not exclusive. • Did you note the pattern of these illogical arguments? • If A, then B. • B, therefore A. • OR • If A, then B • Not A, therefore not B. • Both patterns make the same mistake: both assume that because Cause A certainly leads to Effect B, it is also the only thing that leads to Effect B. Thus when Effect B does or doesn't happens, the speaker infers that Cause A must or must not have happened. • So keep your premises clear in your mind: • • If a cause always leads to an effect, we can reasonably conclude that if the cause is there, the effect must be there. If shooting my cat will kill him and I have shot him, it is valid to conclude that he will die. • • But one effect may have many causes. If shooting my cat will kill him and he is dead, it is not valid to conclude that I must have shot him. Many things might kill my poor cat. • "Always" does not mean "only." • The Scientific Method • So: which generates better conclusions? Which is better--inductive or deductive reasoning? • By now, you probably realize that this is a meaningless question. Neither method excludes the other. Indeed, it's clear from looking at arguments that neither method can exist in isolation. • Induction gives us general statements. It is the natural turn of human thought, the essence of learning, to make patterns and draw abstract principles. "All the grilled liver I've ever eaten has tasted like fish, so I guess that grilled liver generally tastes like fish." • Deduction lets us use those statements to make sense of the world. "Grilled liver? No thanks—it tastes like fish." • Without induction: • • there is no learning--every plate of liver is like the first. • • there is no deduction. You cannot make deductions about specifics unless you have some general principle to apply. • Good critical thinking requires both inductive and deductive reasoning. Induction permits us to learn; deduction puts our learning to use, and also keeps it honest, by forcing us always to test what we think we've learned against reality. Neither method contradicts or is better than the other • This is the essence of the scientific method. Scientists observe facts and make a speculative inference (induction). Armed with this hypothesis, they get to work creating specific experiments that will help determine whether the hypothesis is true or not. They try to identify grounds, which can disprove, rather than prove, their ideas. • We do this all the time in our own lives. For instance, let's say you develop a rash and start sneezing, and your doctor tells you it's an allergic reaction. How do you know what you are reacting to? • • Induction. Is there something you've been eating a lot of recently? Something that commonly provokes allergies? You realize that you have: only last week you ate an entire crate of strawberries. This leads you to your tentative generalization: • I ate lots of strawberries. • Strawberries often provoke allergies. • THEREFORE, I have developed an allergy to strawberries. • Deduction. Now, you need to see if this is true. So you stop eating strawberries. But your rash and your sneezing don't go away. Deduction has now helped you test your inductive generalization, and indeed, reject it. It was reasonable; but deduction now shows that it was wrong. • The only thing that gives me a rash is eating strawberries. • I didn't eat strawberries. • THEREFORE, I won't get a rash. • [But you did. So since this is a valid deduction, this means that one of your premises must be untrue.] • Ifyou only remember 3 things from your logic work a year from now, you should remember these: • • A lot of the things we think we "know," we don't really know at all--we have only guessed at. •• We must keep testing and re-testing our guesses, opinions and ideas against reality. •• If we are not able or ready to do this, our opinions are trivial.