NightFell 5e
NightFell 5e
NightFell 5e
Eternal winter laid on the world and many areas are harsh, wind-
WHAT REMAINS swept, and covered in snow. The fauna is also affected by the
sudden climate change and beasts are ravenous and distrustful.
A day came to be engraved in the memory of all peoples, and
that day was thereafter known as the “Last Sun”, the first day
of the Lunar Age. The Earthly World fell into darkness and
the evil that rose in Xivanis reached every corner of Iùrmen.
Over the decades, the world drastically changed, as did
its inhabitants: many races died out under the weight of
shadow, many cities collapsed, and the underground world is
uninhabited and haunted by abominations. Few strongholds
endure as last safe havens in a ghastly world.
The use of magic has radically shifted: during Lunar Age, ar-
cane power sources are hopelessly led astray by darkness, and
the employment of spells is a dangerous practice.
Arcane balance has nearly vanished, and supernatural
powers and sorcery can easily consume the soul of the practi-
tioner. As of today, few have mastery over enchantments, and
most come out of it corrupted.
Days in Iùrmen are swallowed in an unending night. Dawn
and dusk pass unseen. Nights are moonlit, yet frigid and som-
ber. Scholars debate whether the moon mirrors the light of
other celestial bodies or shines of its own.
Days are much gloomier than nights, since there is no
light in the sky, apart from the faint one coming from cold
and aloof stars.
Decades of darkness and death drew the Material Plane clos-
er to the Dark Mirror from a morphological and a climatic
perspective. The sun no longer warms beaches, mountains and
valleys and green plains are infrequent. Most woods died or be-
came spectral, cloaked by mist and silence. The presence of the
last Primes still grants some life, the cultivation of the most re-
sistant plants and the persistence of some woods and meadows.
eyes of these occultists who longed for the knowledge of spir-
OTHER RELIGIONS its and of creatures unknown to the masses.
Some of these covens were the first to deify the moon,
Other than main faiths and paganism, both old and contem- distinctly sensing the radiant energy Mirithlen bestowed to
porary, there are minor cults, hidden to the many or wor- the satellite, becoming one with it and ascending to godhood.
shipped in forgotten areas. They called her the Trifold Goddess, as her threefold vis-
age symbolized her as keeper of the past, the present and the
future, and distinguished her way of living and her ascension
CULT OF THE SERPENT to the Sempiternal.
In other times, when the world was younger and densely pop-
ulated, some cults came into the world quietly. They addressed
Dragons, last sons of an ancient might, tapping into their fe-
rocity to find renewed strength. Men and Satyrs often had different views on the Old
These savage creatures evolved from prehistoric animals Tradition, to the point of enhancing it with their interpreta-
who were accidentally imbibed in sources of primordial pow- tion of divine creatures.
er and stood thereafter as a symbol of evil in Iùrmen. The Cult Throughout history, some peoples favoured worshipping
of the Serpent idolized chaos and the primeval rage of these beings within their grasp, who blessed their actions more
creatures and, for a relatively brief period in the history of palpably.
Iùrmen became a plague for ancient peoples. Many pagan traditions are declinations of faiths hinged on
The Cult disappeared throughout the First Age, when the Primes and are often developing from the Old Tradition.
the Dragons’ numbers decreased, and the First Men estab-
lished their empire. A small number of barrows lies hidden,
scattered through all known lands both over and under the
ground, and keeps the remains of the Priest of the Serpent, The worshipers of Lycanthropy. They are predominantly evil,
ruthless Hierophants of the Cult. brutal, and sometimes even irrational Werebeasts, who follow
the strongest Lycanthropes.
It is not uncommon to find even mortals fascinated by
NECROMANTIC HERETICS the dark gifts of the Moon, who perform ritual sacrifices to
Heliodorus was a mighty sorcerer of the Second Age, feared convince Lupecernos to make them his cursed children.
and revered by the citizenship of Katàn. As far as the legend
goes, he harnessed the necrotic energies of Ènferun, manu-
facturing a grimoire powerful enough to command death and
to summon undead and other hideous creatures.
He disappeared in the year 500 a.L., channeling his soul
into the book, thus making it his phylactery. Necromancers
from everywhere began to invoke him during their seances,
holding him to be the forefather of a heretic doctrine drawing
power from undeath. The Five Hundred Tome, thus the book
was named, became untraceable and some say it has a will
of its own, revealing itself only to the most devout cultists
of Heliodorus and granting great necromantic powers to its
owner, in exchange for souls to sacrifice to the grimoire.
1.2 1.3
The way back to Mairan is long and arduous. If climbing up Running in a snowy forest is dangerous. Time and time again
frozen paths was not hard enough, going the opposite way the characters must dodge sharp branches, vault over pits or
is even harder, as the pale light of the moon comes faint and slide over mounds of snow. However, the sounds of the raid
distant, as a song intended for somebody else. down below grant them the strength to get back on track.
The devils fill the streets, bashing the doors of homes and
• The mountain is a dangerous place. The cliff is steep stables. The screams of children mingle with those of their
and partially frozen, the wind howling in the ears of mothers, together joining the dying choir of the beasts as they
the characters, forcing them to hold fast. But a wrong are brutally butchered. Faint and distant come the sounds of
footing, an unstable rock or an old root are enough for a battle to the south, beyond the lake, most likely a last stand.
somebody to fall into the abyss. It is considered difficult The group reaches the village from the west as the majority
terrain, requiring a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check of the krampus is leaving. They have beaten with their birch
not to lose balance or footing and fall for tens of feet twigs the last of the begging peasants and are falling back,
into mounds of fresh snow. The snow softens the fall cackling with bloodthirsty and maniacal glee. The baskets on
somewhat, but standing up again imposes a level of their back hold one or two screaming children and many are
Exhaustion on the character. If the characters help each dragging goats, calves and lambs, holding them by their legs
other with ropes and other tools, they roll with advantage. or horns, streaking the snow with crimson. Thatch and musk
roofs are now beginning to catch on fire.
After a few initial difficulties, the lights of Mairan dot the scarce
fields of the Innkelch Valley. Now everything rests under a coat • The krampus are gathering tribute for the bonfire of the
of snow, but something quick darts around well lit by the moon. Old Perchta (mostly cattle), kidnapping children for the
At first, it is but a dozen figures running in silence. When as New one to feed upon and have taken all they need to
many come out of the black woods behind them, it comes the celebrate the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
screaming and the hellish clash of bells and drums. Until but a It is a rite that only belongs to them, but it requires blood
moment before, the figures were silent shadows, night predators sacrifices, which is why they will avoid at all cost to kill the
stalking their prey, now they are charging the village headlong. children. As the group reaches the citadel, the last krampus
swarm around them; if the group attempts to stop them or in the dirty rags is a skeletal hand; although with no
advances with weapons drawn, some attack and 5 krampus soft tissues, it seems to be anatomically perfect, as if
join the fight as the others flee in the woods. treated with alchemy or even magic itself. For those
who notice it, see chapter 2 Vorvuk Bonegnawer and
As the fight ends, the character least involved with the skir- the Stolen Relic.
mish notices a figure cloaked in grey leaving the temple of
the Town Protector. It looks like a small humanoid being,
walking hunched in the alleys, its deformed body clutching
something wrapped in a dirty rag under the cloak. Taking their time to descend from the mountains, the group
When it realizes it has been spotted, it hisses and flees safely finds one of the few trails to the town that can be taken
into a scarcely lit alley, as its hood lifts showing a miniature on horseback, almost entirely covered in snow during the day.
krampus. Its fur is pale gray and adorned with all sorts of From there, one can reach the Caldera Lake on which rises
small bones and it seems to feature small horns. However, this the southern neighborhood of Mairan, the wealthier one, the
one does not seem to carry any bells or baskets on its back. houses of the rich facing a perfectly circular pond. On the
western side, below the mansion of the town Lord, opens
• If the group follows it, they find it trapped in a dead an underground cave complex from which lazily rise faint
end. The creature begs them to be spared, speaking in vapors, evidence of the presence of a hot spring that warms
a broken and primitive language made all the harder water. Nothing lives in the lake, but it is the only defence the
by its prominent fangs. It claims it has nothing to locals have against the northern cold.
do with the other krampus and that it has profited The group of adventurers does not meet any krampus but
of the confusion to claim something that belongs now the lake is ruby red.
to it. It wants to leave in peace, but if pressured it The corpses of the improvised militia of the town Lord are
loses its precious treasure in a nervous fit. Wrapped scattered on the shore, drenched in their own blood, as they
cHaPtEr 2 Almost beaten unconscious, the creature lets out a wail, al-
most a chant, that turns into a song. In spite of its condi-
tions, its language becomes unusually rich as its devil eyes
“The hunched man climbs the mountain.
He is as tall as one of her teeth.”
Whoever sees the relic of the Saint is granted a brief vision. Another stick strikes it square in the face, breaking its lip. The
A handful of sensations, a sequence of images and the over- crowd, seeing the creature does not react, grows bolder and
whelming emotion that felt who was living that memory, more violent.
making it clear it was a moment that belonged to the live of
the Saint himself. “The hunched man dares the mountain.
From the high peak, howling he hears her.”
• The character closest to the relic must roll 1D6 and
receive their vision from the following lists. The other Large stones are thrown on the scene. The mob must be
visions are assigned clockwise. calmed down, before they injure anybody.
1 Your tired steps crunch in the snow of a mountain pass. All “The hunched man silences the mountain.
of a sudden, the rock beneath you trembles. Dread, followed All are saved from quakes and storms.”
by a rising sense of guilt.
2 You see the gorge of the Holy Spirit below you. In the void, A large man grabs a torch from the hands of another villager
something enormous and pale stirs. Alienation, followed by
the feeling of never being alone. and shouts words of hatred, as everybody closes in to kill the
krampus. The words of the monsters, spat alongside blood, now
3 Three opaque eyes, carved stones, crying. The enormous tears
crash on jagged rocks right beside you. Anguish, followed by return to the stuttering, desperate plea of a dying creature.
the fear of no return.
4 Drums, fire, bells echo along the vale. Children scream “I beg. No kill. I b-beg.
and cry in the woods. Anger, followed by a sensation of Bonegnawer tells where children cry.
impending, inescapable doom.
Bonegnawer wish no harm...”
5 You rise a knotted staff in the snow storm. A star-like light
shines bright.
A last hope, followed by divine recognition, falls onto you And yet harm is wrought upon it.
along a sense of belonging.
6 An enormous female mouth opens in front of you. It is the end. Here, the group are faced with a choice. The krampus looks
Victory, followed by a bitter sense of emptiness, as if weak and defenseless, but can it, really? Who will ever bear
plunging into the void depths. the responsibility of sparing it, aware it could be like every
other krampus? Above all else, does it really know where the
children of the village have been brought?
Shaking their heads, the group returns to reality, to the beg- What does the group do?
ging, frail krampus and the furious crowd. They want the
monster’s head. A few of the town’s notable folk, emissaries CHOICE:
of the local Lord, intervene to calm the mob and capture the • If the group does not act immediately, move on to the
creature; however, there are not enough living guards to do so. paragraph 2.2.
As everybody attempts to strike it down with sticks, torches • If the group protects the krampus, they will have to
or stones, the krampus seeks shelter among the group, clutch- engage in a fight to calm the fury of the crowd. Then
ing its relic as if it was the most important thing of its life. It move on to the paragraph 2.3.
is clear it stole it from somewhere, but the people of Mairan
seems too focused on hitting the krampus to have noticed.
• If the group did not save Bonegnawer, head to
paragraph 3.2.
• If the groups has saved Bonegnawer from the mob, head
to paragraph 3.3.
3.2 visited by a figure encouraging them to keep going.
Looking for a path or stream of water around them, the group In the specific case of the adventure, they could meet
realizes they are on a trail used by the krampus, as if they were a voiceless traveler who points at the peaks, trying to
following the tracks the devils left after the raid. Every now tell them something. They could see far away ghosts
and then they spot footprints, broken twigs, blood stains and of children staring angrily at them from the bushes
small, gnawed upon human bones. Did any of the kidnapped or, in alternative, the very relic could be needed for
children survive? something. The character who claimed it might have
lost it, secretly stolen by another member of the
Everything seems to be hinting at the snow-capped group. These events of which the characters have no
mountains. memory should be enough to prove the players the
relic is not to be trusted.
• Where to go? Here the characters are faced with • If they did not save Vorvuk Bonegnawer the group
a dead end. Should they attempt to return to the takes the easiest way to the body of the Perchta, the
village, going against the sense of this epic adventure, one with footprints. If the group takes the narrow
they are taken again by sleep. The Saint exerts his rocky pass with their guard down, they are ambushed
influence with more vigor, bringing them back on by a small krampus group waiting for prey in a cave
track. For all intents and purpose, it is as if they were in the side of the mountain. Fight.
cursed and haunted by this incorporeal entity about
whom nobody knows anything yet. This forest seg- The path, after the battle, leads the group to chapter 4
ment can present numerous archetypes from movies Perchta’s Den.
like A Nightmare on Elm Street, where the protag-
onists fight against slumber and in their dreams are
“If they set winter fire on, be his salvation and only the power contained within
they want to burn whole mountain. those bones can defeat the new Perchta. This shall be
Old mother will burn, Ordeile’s vengeance.
we quick or dead.”
The Hag of the Path, if treated with kindness, leads the group
Proceeding along the path, the group meets a figure standing at a brisk pace to the entrance of a cave surrounded by bones
on a rock, an old woman with ashen skin and dressed in badly and fir twigs. The body of the giantess, the beacon of light in
kept furs. She does not look hostile, but it does not take a her chest and the crows larger than eagles are much closer, now.
mystic to realize her appearance is probably a ruse as no hu- It is with surprise that she old woman shows the group a gash
man being would last long in those temperatures. in the side of the mountain, a breach in the skin of the Perchta,
the point where Ordeile’s owl form claws have torn the giant-
• Whether the group has saved Vorvuk or not, this is the ess’ flesh to shreds. Same must the adventurers do; enter the
moment of truth. The old traveler introduces herself corpse and recover the body of the Saint. However, the Strix
using her own name, believing nobody could ever gives them a final warning.
recognize her. She is Ordeile, there to stop Ablapia
the Younger, the new Lady of Beasts. Ordeile warns “Be careful, but swift.
the adventurers, telling them of the plot they have Only the chosen of the relic can complete this deed.
been dragged into and revealing anything that Vorvuk Do you not hear, too, the chants and hymns of the devils
has not revealed yet. She tells the character the tale of of the mountain?
the Saint and the old Perchta, Ablapia’s and the other They are marching here, with their new Lady.
Truden’s betrayal. She tells them how the krampus The newly crowned Perchta, Lady of Beasts, she who bears
have been manipulated and why she chose to help the Winter Fire.
Vorvuk. Recovering the Saint’s mortal remains would She shall burn the body of her predecessor.
Once they have made it past the tunnel network, the group
4.2 enters larger halls, almost completely hollowed out by the
Entering the fleshy folds of the body is not yet as unnerving maggots. Once, there were internal organs, now reduced to
as one would imagine, the giantess being so large it is hard to detritus. The cold, bluish starlight emanated by the body
tell whether she is made of flesh or snow-covered rock. The of the Saint is strong enough to filter through any wall
entrance is partially frozen and for a few hundred feet the and guide the characters, who would otherwise wander
tunnel is but a dark cave filled with snow and detritus. There aimlessly in the dark. Such power must be located in the
are tracks left by paws, hooves and feet, the group not the first center of the giantess’ chest, where once was the stomach
to explore the innards of the mountain. and now is the epicenter of a luminous storm. As they fol-
However, as minutes pass and light fades away, every- low the light, the characters feel as if there was always a
thing becomes sticky and humid. The walls, lit by torches and cloaked hermit a few steps ahead of them, a silent guide
lanterns, are black with slimy blood and the stench grows and mentor to lead them in the right direction, sometimes
stronger the further inside the group proceeds, forcing the even almost seeing him lean on his staff as he advances
use handkerchiefs in an attempt to fend it off. The wound toward the blue light.
left by Ordeile has turned into a maze of flesh dotted with Those with magical talent could even discern his fea-
fluid-leaking tunnels large enough to fit a crouching man… tures, a young man, his head shaved clean and a blue sym-
if there ever was one brave enough to attempt. In time, those bol painted on his forehead. He seems to be hunched, like
drains have caused large, knee-high puddles in the tunnel, an old man.
forcing the group to wade them.
chamber. Amidst a sea of digestive fluids, blood and other liq- The skeletal remains tremble, the booming voice addressing
uids rises a small isle of blackened bones, the last meals of the who talked.
Perchta condensed together. Right above it, the pristine bones
of the Saint hover in the air. His remains are engulfed in a “Is this what is sung of me?
blinding whirl of spiritual energy, so bright it hurts the eyes of Have I really saved the vale from quake and storm?”
those staring into it for too long, and form into the form of the
hermit as soon as the group enters the room. His lost hand, the • Now is time to remind the group the funeral pyre
missing piece, floats to take its place in its former body, causing is still burning. The body of the Perchta is too large
the light to become a warm, radiant splendor that for a mo- to be burned all at the same time, so the whole vale
ment seems to erase the pain, the stench of the carcass and the has been set ablaze with Winter Fire. Ignoring this
horror of that unholy place. In the following scene, the Saint warning to speak to the ghost of the Saint is therefore
looks like as if he was in the cave of legends, just awakened quite dangerous, as the narrator should gradually let
from his slumber. the smoke in. Vorvuk itself, if present, could feel the
incoming threat in the decisive moments of the ending.
The Saint feels the urge to tell the group of his sacrifice, the
The characters can sense the presence of the Abhorrent
Entities that inhabit this place, corroding it with their wick-
STAFF OF THE HERMIT edness. Exposure to these impure auras can wear down the
Quarterstaff +1, rare (requires attunement) spirits of those present. Make a successful DC 13 Charisma
As long as the character holds the quarterstaff, he can use a saving throw or lose 5 (2d4) Soul Points and be frightened.
bonus action to awaken the aura of the Saint, the previous
owner. If he does so, the stick inflicts 1d4 extra radiant dam-
age until the end of the turn.
The environment seems to exude the horror of death, and
chilling images of spirits torn apart by torment upset the
ENCOUNTERS minds of the characters. Make a successful DC 13 Wisdom
AFTER THE ADVENTURE saving throw or lose 5 (2d4) Soul Points.
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium fiend, lawful evil
1 (-5) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points 36 (8d8) Hit Points 22 (3d8+9)
Speed 0 feet, fly 50 feet (hover) Speed 30 feet
Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +3 Skills Deception +1, Perception +2
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, Senses darkvision 60 feet, passive perception 12
piercing, and slashing from weapons that aren’t magical Languages Common, Whisper of the Echoes
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, grappled, paralyzed, Bless of the Mask. When they wear their mask, the Krampus has
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained advantage on their attack rolls and on saving throws against being
Senses darkvision 60 feet, passive Perception 11 charmed and frightened.
Languages understands all languages it knew in life, but can’t speak Favored Terrain. The Krampus’s favored terrain is snowy.
Perchta’s Gift. The Krampus’s darkvision operates both in magical
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
and non-magical darkness.
Favored Terrain. The Encaged One’s favored terrain is graveyards/ Poisonous Whispers. As a bonus action, the Krampus can mutter foul
mounds. words that corrupt body and soul.
Incorporeal Movement. The Encaged One can move through other Each creature that can hear the Krampus within 30 feet must make
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, that creature is
force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. poisoned until the start of the Krampus’s next turn.
Vile Foe. When a living creature that isn’t blinded is in front of the Shame of the Mask. A creature within 5 feet of the Krampus
Encaged One within 60 feet, that creature must make a DC 11 can remove the mask if it uses its action to succeed on a DC 11
Wisdom saving throw, losing 1 Soul Points on a failed save. If that Dexterity (Sleight) Check. When the mask is removed, the Krampus
creature sees again the same or other Encaged Ones, it’s immune to only uses their Attack action to attack who holds the mask, but the
the Vile Foe effect for the next 24 hours. Krampus has disadvantage on attack rolls while attack rolls against
them have advantage.
ACTIONS Vile Foe. When a living creature that isn’t blinded is in front of the
Krampus within 60 feet, that creature must make a DC 10 Wisdom
Favored Terrain. The Encaged One’s favored terrain is graveyards/ saving throw, losing 1 Soul Points on a failed save. If that creature
mounds. sees again the same or other Krampus, it’s immune to the Vile Foe
Incorporeal Movement. The Encaged One can move through other effect for the next 24 hours.
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10)
force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 feet, one target. Hit: 7
(1d8+3) bludgeoning damage.
Branch. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: + 5 to hit, reach 5 feet or
Range 20/60. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
Small fey, neutral evil
9 (-1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 27 (8d6)
Speed 0 feet, fly 20 feet (hover)
Saving Throws Des +4
Skills Deception +5, Perception +4
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing and
slashing from weapons that aren’t magical
Senses darkvision 60 feet, passive perception 14
Languages Common, Whisper of the Echoes
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Favored Terrain. The Munaciello’s favored terrain is unholy site.
Innate Spellcasting. The Munaciello's spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 13, +5 to spell attacks). The Munaciello can innately
cast the following spells, requiring only verbal components:
At will: chill touch, fire bolt
2/day each: bane, inflict wounds
1/day each: hold person, spiritual weapon
Magic Resistance. The Munaciello’s has advantage on saving throws
against magic or magical effects.
Mimicry. The Munaciello can mimic the voice of a little sound.
A creature that hears the voice can tell they are imitations with a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check.
Necrotic Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 feet, one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3) necrotic damage.