Warlockgrimoire 1

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Design: Wolfgang Baur, Peter von Bleichert, Lysa Chen, Dan Dillon, Richard Green, Jeff Grubb,
Chris Harris, Brandon Hodge, Robert Fairbanks, James J. Haeck, Jeremy Hochhalter, Sarah
Madsen, Ben McFarland, Shawn Merwin, Kelly Pawlik, Richard Pett, Hannah Rose, Jon
Sawatsky, Brian Suskind, Troy E. Taylor, Ashley Warren, Steve Winter
Development & Editing: Scott Gable
Art Director & Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Cover Art: Dean Spencer
Interior Art: Bruno Balixa, Gabriel Cassata, Jeff Dee, Larry Elmore, Justine Jones, Rich
Longmore, William McAusland, M. Wayne Miller, Pedro Potier, Marc Radle, Addison
Rankin, Melissa Spandri, Dean Spencer, Phil Stone, Karl Waller
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur

Kobold Press, Midgard, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities,
etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, sidebars, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been
designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
Open Game Content: The open content in this book includes the adanisk sidebar, the New Indefinite Madness table, magic items,
monsters, spells, subclasses, and the shade traits. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.

© 2019 Open Design LLC


Other Voices, Distant Planes ....................................................................................................................6
Folkways of the Ironcrags .........................................................................................................................8
Feast Halls of the Northlands................................................................................................................. 14
The Forbidden Mountains of Beldestan................................................................................................ 21
Shifting Seas: New Adventures Along the West Coast Road ........................................................... 27
10 Magnificent Sultans of the Mharoti Empire.................................................................................... 33
Into the Dragon Empire: Marea and the Islands................................................................................. 39
Under the Gullet....................................................................................................................................... 44
Amid the Leaves of Yggdrasil................................................................................................................. 48
Owls, Roses, and Thorns: Lost Courts of the Elves............................................................................. 55
The Dry Lands: The Plane of Mot.......................................................................................................... 59
On the City of Brass and the Hierarchy of the Genies........................................................................ 65
The Curious Places You’ll Find.............................................................................................................. 70
This Way to the City of Brass................................................................................................................. 76
Bazaar of Ineffable Wonders.................................................................................................................. 81
The Wendestal Devil................................................................................................................................ 87
Recollections of the River Court............................................................................................................ 94
Guardians of the Trifles ........................................................................................................................ 102
City of Blue Blocks ................................................................................................................................ 109
Legacy of the Unhinged Gardeners .................................................................................................... 114
The Crimson Oubliette ......................................................................................................................... 119
Phosus, Dread Wyrm of the Falls ....................................................................................................... 124
Dragon Turtles of Midgard................................................................................................................... 129
Variant Undine ...................................................................................................................................... 133
Terrors of the Dragon Empire.............................................................................................................. 137
Yek Demons ........................................................................................................................................... 142
Dread Spawn of the Wasted West ...................................................................................................... 145
Haunted Stone Giant............................................................................................................................. 153
Lesser Golems: It’s Alive!...................................................................................................................... 155
Pech: Servants of Stone.......................................................................................................................... 159

Necrotic Tick.......................................................................................................................................... 163
The Fanged Four..................................................................................................................................... 166
The Silent Council.................................................................................................................................. 172
Thick as Thieves...................................................................................................................................... 177
Planar Voyagers ..................................................................................................................................... 181
The Wondrous Women of Perunalia ................................................................................................. 188
Tintager’s Mounted Mages .................................................................................................................. 195
Legendary Works of Arshin the Enchanter........................................................................................ 203
The Delights of Enkada Pishtuhk......................................................................................................... 212
Blood Mages of Kaa’nesh...................................................................................................................... 216
Bemmea’s Scheming Arcanists............................................................................................................. 218
The Cloven Nine of Zobeck.................................................................................................................. 226
Debris of the Great Mage Wars............................................................................................................ 232
Void-Touched: Warped Flesh and Twisted Minds........................................................................... 239
Fonts of Poison and Power................................................................................................................... 243
Spells from the Fire................................................................................................................................ 247
Arsenal of Villains: Blood Calls to Blood............................................................................................ 254
Shade: Voices Beyond Death................................................................................................................ 257
Enigma: A Mysterious Background..................................................................................................... 264
Skaldholm Shadowsingers ................................................................................................................... 267
On the Hunt............................................................................................................................................ 272
The Order of the Ebon Star................................................................................................................... 279
Rays of the Undying Sun ...................................................................................................................... 286

by Wolfgang Baur

T he Warlock Patreon yielded rich fruit

indeed over its first ten installments: an
opportunity to visit certain topics in depth,
As often happens, I underestimated the
support for good design, good art, and a
darkly twisted view of fantasy. Thanks to each
to flesh out new locations, to offer subclasses and every supporter for making this possible.
tuned into the themes of the Midgard setting I do fully intend to go out into the shadows
but still usable elsewhere. Not to mention a again and bring back new treasures to place
visit to the City of Brass, the warped spells of beside this one. For now though, it is enough
the undead of the Dry Places, and monsters to have all these secrets brimming in the pages
from the fertile imaginings of Midgard ahead. Light a lantern, speak the words, and
regulars and newcomers alike. It’s been one go out into the dark, dear readers. Monstrous
heck of a wild ride. things await you there, and wondrous
The Warlock zine started small, and the treasures and eerie lore torn from the grasp of
goals to publish a Warlock Bestiary and a the dwellers in ancient tombs.
Guide to the Shadow Realm… well, we were Yrs on the Dark Side,
not at all sure we’d ever actually get there,
much less get to this handsome volume. But Wolfgang Baur
secretly, I wanted this compilation very badly: Publisher, Kobold Press
the early volumes of Warlock have been out
of print for a year or more, and part of me
just believes there’s something magical about
flipping through paper and stumbling upon
art by Larry Elmore or Justine Jones or a turn
of phrase by Kelly Pawlik or Jeff Grubb.
For those of you who haven’t seen all the
zines, you are in for a treat, freshly organized
and tuned by imp-master Scott Gable. And
for those who are fortunate enough to have
every single slim booklet, well… there is an
entire extra zine’s worth of material in this,
the Warlock Grimoire, that’s never been seen
before. Can you spot it?


by Wolfgang Baur

T he Ironcrag Mountains are known for

their dwarven halls and rich mines, and
most humans and others who trade with the
The festival culminates with Third Night,
when the Gunnacks dwarves stay up all night
and sing the “Sagas of the Gunnacks Folk,” an
cantonal dwarves tend to think of them as interminable ballad of more than 400 verses
a single nation. However, each canton sees and double and triple refrains and choruses,
itself as a set of halls and mines apart from the which is always followed by “Toast to the
others; they are bound together by custom, Dawn,” marking the beginning of winter and
but to a cantonal dwarf, each set of halls is a new year. Even cantonal dwarves not of
quite distinct. Herewith, then, lie some of the the Gunnacks clan tend to skip Third Night.
distinctive customs, shrines, folkways, and (Traditionally, after “Toast to the Dawn,”
forms of dress of the dwarves of the Ironcrags! the priestesses of Lada give comfort to the
dwarves who have been overzealous in their
Third Night carousing.)
6 Joyous Festivals Twin Cheese Festivals: Held twice a year (in
While many of the festivals of the Crossroads Bundeshausen in the spring and in Kubourg
are celebrated in the cantons, they also in the fall), these are two of the most delicious
have rites and rituals specific to the alpine festivals of the Crossroads, enjoyed by anyone
territories. Here are the most well-known. who eats. The local cheesemongers offer
Gunnacks Rites of Ninkash: With the harvest samples and sell enormous wheels of their
comes beer, ale, and celebration in the cheese to travelers from as far away as Dornig
Gunnacks halls. This harvest festival consists and the Seven Cities, though most visitors
of three days and nights of celebration of are from Zobeck and the Magdar Kingdom.
Ninkash, bread, ale, and fellowship. Enemies The four-day affair is usually accompanied
drink toasts to put aside past enmity, lovers by smaller side festivals devoted to honey
make up any quarrels, and even longstanding and cider. The title of King or Queen of
feuds are suspended for the duration. All are Cheesemakers is awarded at each festival
welcome—though few but dwarves can sing and fiercely contested between Kubourg and
all the songs!—and the arrival of a sacrificial Bundeshausen, though Gunnacks, Bareicks,
cask from Vursalis or Juralt is always greeted and Juralt have won the Great Cheese Crown
by a great cheer and the “Blessing of the in past years. This is a literal crown of copper,
Barrels” by local priestesses. amber, and milky pearls, and is the source of
great pride for past winners.

Juralt Eggfinder Festival: In keeping with the forces or the Templeforge priests. At the same
canton’s reputation for wild and even reckless time, it’s not uncommon for one of the young
disregard for danger, this small festival is a dwarves to be spotted by an adult griffon and
dangerous one. The Eggfinder Festival takes taken as prey.
place in the spring as snows are melting Blessing of the Spears and Axes: Celebrated
and the griffons of the surrounding peaks in both Tijino and Wintersheim (and
are laying eggs—which the young dwarves sometimes in Bareicks and Nordmansch),
of Juralt then attempt to steal from the nest this is the annual blessing of weapons prior
by trickery, by stealth, by rolling decoy eggs to the departure of dwarven mercenaries
down nearby hillsides as distractions. Each for distant battlefields. In Wintersheim, this
year, a half-dozen such eggs are brought into involves both priests and rune mages working
the Juralt hall, there to be hatched and trained together, etching runes on each weapon with
and some to be sold to Zobeck or Magdar magic; in Tijino and Bareicks the blessing

more often takes the form of a simple line of avoid any unfortunate theft. The goldsmiths,
blood on each warrior’s forehead as a form of mithralsmiths, silversmiths, and jewelers of
anointment with the blessing of Thor-Perun. the cantons all bring their best wares to the
The festival itself involves several minor rituals Goldminer’s Fair, and the miners themselves
before the actual blessing: a two-day fast and come to see what works are made of the metal
vigil and a two-hour rite of the battle chants. they have won from the deep earth.
The third of the minor rituals is a ceremony
waggishly called the “Boot Blessing” (more
properly, the Rite of Marchers). This is more
3 Famous Shrines
Everyone knows of Templeforge, the canton
important than some young dwarves realize;
devoted to Volund’s rites and relics. But
the Rite of Marchers ensures all dwarves
many other shrines exist in the cantons, some
have sturdy, functional, well-fitting, and
quite powerful, holy, and beloved by their
divinely blessed footwear. Given how many
neighbors. Here are three of the best known.
hundreds of miles they march, it may be an
underappreciated element of the success Bosom Temple of Gunnacks: While much
of dwarven mercenary companies. Blessed of Gunnacks is devoted to Lada, there is
dwarven boots are marked with the hammer also a strong following for Ninkash here,
rune on the sole, a clear mark for trackers and and the Bosom Temple is the heart of that.
a warning to foes. Built on the surface as a brewery with two
enormous copper tanks embellished with
Kubourg Muleskinner’s Dance: While
images from the many legends and parables
a dance is certainly part of the events,
of Ninkash, the temple itself resembles a feast
the Muleskinner’s Dance is primarily a
hall to outsiders, containing many tables and
celebration of livestock from donkeys and
benches rather than pews; however, it also has
mules to oxen and mining ponies. All such
a prominent pulpit decorated with carvings of
animals are traded, blessed, and judged here.
hopvines and barley.
Each year, the fair’s judges are the leader of
The high priestess is Sylvinda Gunnacks (LG
the Muleskinner’s Guild, the High Priest
female dwarf cleric [Ninkash] 7), one of the
of Volund, and the High Priestess of Lada.
kalath who has heard the voice of Ninkash
Together, they award the golden ribbons to
from the altar. She often warns the dwarves
the finest of each type of animal, called the
of Gunnacks against excessive pride and the
Golden Ribbon mule, donkey, and so forth.
dangers of risking too much in one mule train,
Goldminer’s Fair: Vast treasures—including teaching caution and practical matters to
bars of pure gold, tiny miniatures in mithral, many generations of fire-bellied youngsters.
and gemstones—are found at the Goldminer’s The temple offers food and drink to all
Fair, a celebration of mining, jewelry, and strangers and a place to sleep for the poor or
precious metals in all forms. It is held, the traveler. Each night when the last prayers
perhaps appropriately, in the Black Fortress are said, Sylvinda’s voice calls out from the
of Grisal, which asks of all visitors a small door: “Children and travelers, come to the
donation called the “Coin of Khors.” These Bosom of Ninkash and rest the night. You
funds both help the Grisal dwarves pay their are safe and fed among her children.” Many
ruinously huge costs for steel and soldiers and a weary soul has listened, and sometimes an
are said to curry favor with the sun god so entirely impoverished group of pilgrims of
beloved by them. Mavros or some other faith will rest there.
The festival itself takes place in the Black The temple contains no gold or silver relics,
Fortress halls and is well guarded; those who no ancient anvil or holy ax, but the people of
come and go are always closely watched to Gunnacks love it with all their heart.

Tower of Eternal Light: In Grisal, this temple The Pious Sons are still mercenaries, but
is the one where most couples marry (or part) their old freehold is now a chapel as well
and where funerals are held for the best and as a barracks. One story says that Thor-
brightest lights of the beleaguered canton. The Perun was so entertained by the folly of the
High Priest of Khors is Alix Berahtum (LG Thundershrine’s founding, he has visited
male dwarf cleric (Khors) 11), though on days more than once in human guise and given it
of special import Enzali Hackel, a paladin of an aura of true sanctity.
Khors and the Dwarflord of Grisal, may also
speak a short homily from the pulpit. Its walls
are enchanted to shine with magical light at
Customs & Modes of Dress
all hours, and it is justly famous for its seven Each canton has some element of clothing
bells, all cast of fine bronze and giving a clear that it considers distinctive, a badge of sorts
tone that can be heard for miles. that others may recognize and respect.
While the tower and bells are most famous, Among dwarves, these are often two modes
the complex includes a small commandry of dress: one for women and one for men.
of Khors paladins, an extensive list of Here are both the best known and some of the
famous generals, priests, and martyrs, and a more obscure.
monastery and excellent scriptorium where Bareicks: The dwarves of Bareicks are famous
new copies the Book of the Sun are written out for wearing bear-fur epaulets on their jackets
daily. Its library is said to also contain dozens and bearskin hats in winter.
of volumes dealing in particular with—and Bundeshausen: On holidays and special
in great detail—the tools and tactics useful occasions, the folks of Bundeshausen wear
against the undead and creatures of darkness. richly embroidered dresses and jackets. The
The one best known is called The Hammer of women wear a distinctive headdress like a
Khors, sometimes known by its longer name, feathered crest. The men wear wide-brimmed
The Great and True Treatise to Strengthen the black hats and long stockings together with
Holy and Smite the Wicked. black or red-dyed leather pants.
Thundershrine of Bareicks: The story holds Grisal: The dwarves of Grisal wear a great
that the Thundershrine of Bareicks was once deal of black in their clothing. (The better to
a simple dwarven freehold overlooking the hide blood, they say.) On more festive days,
road between Salzbach and Hirschberg. When however, they are known for their love of
pilgrims there were beset by goblin bandits, golden-thread embroidery on dresses and
they called for aid and were delighted to get jackets, typically in sunbursts, circles, and
some from a dwarven company calling itself flower designs.
the Pious Sons of Thor-Perun. The humans
Gunnacks: The folks of Gunnacks wear
mistook them for priests, gave them rich gifts
striped clothes on special occasions, and
in thanks, and asked whether the Pious Sons
the most elaborate serpentine embroidery
might accept a donation to their temple. Not
decorates their green and tan hats. (Imagine
being fools, the mercenaries said yes and then
a muleskinner’s wide-brimmed cap but
quickly recruited a priest to their number and
festooned with riotous color.) The women
added an altar to their freehold.
also quilt a particular pattern of blue and
Over the years, the side trip into the
white interlocked hammers, somewhat like
Ironcrags has been a popular destination
vair in heraldry.
for humans from Dornig seeking particular
advice, weapons training, or a blessing from Hammerfell: Like Grisal, the folk of
the thunder god, so the lie has become truth. Hammerfell wear black on a day basis. (The

better to hide ash and soot from the forge, Juralt: The folks of Juralt wear furs with
they say.) However, on special occasions they delight, especially ermine and sometimes
wear what they call “fire-dress.” For women, sable. Their finery often accentuates these:
this is a pale-yellow dress with red apron simple white blouses and heavily embroidered
and orange sleeves together with a set of aprons for the women. This is called the
combs and ribbons said to resemble flames. “mountain costume”; an even more elaborate
For men, fire‑dress involves dark-red leather version called “sky dress” adds layers of blue
pants, orange stockings, and a shirt of as cape, white fur half-cape, and a necklace made
fine a linen as can be managed, woven with of flowers (in season) or silver flowers or
a few threads of gold to make it shine. Their snowflake designs (in winter). For the men,
hats resemble miner’s caps, brimless but the “hunting costume” is pleated kilts with
set with pins and badges representing their tight green jackets, sometimes with a necklace
guilds and their status within them (typically of bear claws or gold coins. The more elaborate
apprentice, journeyman, wanderer, master, “sky dress” for them adds a heavy fur cape
grandmaster, elder).

with a hood entirely of a particular leather Templeforge: The priests and common
shaped a bit like a bird’s head with a beak-like dwarves of Templeforge wear a yellow-striped
element sticking out from the forehead and a dress or jacket on holidays. Otherwise, their
ruff of white feathers. dress tends to the plain; their efforts are spent
Kubourg: The wealthy folks of Kubourg on metal items, which show detailed insets,
tend to be among the most straightforward chasings, and engravings.
costumers. The women wear layered Tijino: The men of Tijino are enamored of
grey and black dresses with red ribbons, jaunty caps of grey or green felt. There is no
indicating marital status and childrearing level of puffed-and-slashed sleeves that they
information. For the most formal holidays consider excessive. They compete with one
or occasions, they tend to wear particular another in the extravagance of ribbons and
heirloom necklaces passed down and made in the length of plumes, which amuses the
more glittering each generation. The men women and entertains the children. There’s
wear somewhat-baggy brown pantaloons no standard of holiday dress for them beyond
and narrow-brimmed caps of green set with excess. The women of Tijino are more modest,
feathers and cockades. Their finery is also preferring white skirts and blouses set off with
often accompanied by gold and silver rings emerald green aprons and corsets and a large
and necklaces. bonnet veiled with lace.
Nordmansch: For holidays, the Nordmansch Vursalis: All adult dwarves wear rather
women wear bright-green dresses with red practical holiday dress made of blue-and-
bonnets and white underskirts and blouses, white checkered cloth and distinguished
and they make flower necklaces for one with blue scarves for men and white ones for
another. Many also carry a “holiday knife” on women. White fur hats are traditional as well.
these occasions (often a large dagger or even Wintersheim: The unmarried women of
a shortsword). The Nordmansch men tend Wintersheim wear felt hats with a particular
to wear a “holiday breastplate,” a particular style of red felted flower attached; if they give
piece of parade armor worn over a shirt and this flower to another dwarf, they may be
kept mirror-bright and possessing an edge offering the opportunity to court her. Married
in bright brass or even gold. Those who have women wear a small white dragonwing design
no such item of luxury wear dark-green in felt instead and a necklace of anniversary
forester jackets that have been enlivened with rings given them by their spouses. Men
forest flowers or stitched with the woodsman often prepare elaborate beard braids and
pattern of Nordmansch, showing interlocking decorate their hair in thick braids set with
leaves and axes. chunks of gold or amber. Unmarried men of
St. Mischau: The rarely seen women of St. Wintersheim invariably wear a soft leather
Mischau only appear wrapped in heavy cloaks vest pinned with a sprig of pine needles at
and coverings. Little is known of their festival festivals; a dwarf who plucks the pine from
dress or really of their way of living at all. The his vest is expressing an interest in him as a
men wear deep-blue woolens with bright-red possible suitor. Married men decorate their
jackets for holidays. At some ceremonies, they vests with small anniversary scales given them
also have a particular form of beard rings they by their spouses. A long-married dwarf’s vest
favor, which jingle when their wearer is in may resemble golden scale armor in time; the
vigorous motion. men are usually buried in these vests.

by Wolfgang Baur

A mong all the northern folk, the feast halls

and the long halls are a gathering place
for entire jarldoms, families, and clans. The
that humans would never have thought
to build and that dwarves would mock as
indefensible by anyone other than giants. It
enormous shield-hung rafters, the roaring stands on a mountaintop, built of a perfectly
fire pits, and the long benches and tables are carved foundation of cyclopean stones in a
unlike the more genteel dining and drinking white and pink granite, topped with beams of
halls of Dornig or the south. Beyond their ironwood, ancient pine, and a roof of slate.
warmth and sense of community, they are Within the hall, the fire giant jarl, Isen
places of boasting, song, and gossip—and Brekssen, issues decrees and appoints his jarls
quite frequently of challenges, table dances, and underlings to gather and strengthen the
and wild winter carousing when the snows giant kingdoms. Loki is said to be a frequent
are thick and there is little hope of travel until visitor as is the fire giant wizard Auvindrias
Freyr and Freya bring the spring. and many rune mages (including, perhaps
Now then, a review of four famous halls: surprisingly, some dwarves who are on good
the Golden Sky Hall of the fire giants, the terms with the giants). The fire in the hearth
Great Moss Hall of the trollkin, Järnhall of is a peculiar one, called the First Flame and
the dwarves, and the Ekollon Halle of the said to have been kept burning from the days
ratatosk on the branches of Yggdrasil itself. when the blood and bones of Aurgelmir first
While many claim to have drunk in the halls made the world. This fire grants a powerful
of Asgard with the valkyries, that is a tale for tempering to those who bathe in it, sometimes
those whose travels have taken them beyond hardening their skin, sometimes granting
death to the glories of the afterlife and a visions or power over the runes, sometimes
struggle among the gods—that greatest hall merely restoring health and a clear mind to
deserves discussion another day. the sick and the demented.
Naturally, the fire giants prefer to keep this
fire to themselves, but often they pretend
Golden Sky Hall of the Fire Giants that the central bonfire is the First Flame and
Jotunheim and Thursrike are filled with many laugh uproariously when foolish visitors singe
giantish settlements, from modest steadings their hair and cloak by climbing into it. For
to enormous cities built of stone and ancient the especially gullible, they then offer a quaff
timber. But sacred and beloved among them of a fiery drink, a brandywine infused with
is the Golden Sky Hall, a mountaintop hall flecks of gold to give it a fiery glitter; this,

likewise, provides no
magical benefit, but those
who attempt to swallow
the burning concoction
do entertain the giants.
The First Flame is
guarded at all times by a
pack of hell hounds and
is often protected by an
incinis elemental as well
(see Creature Codex), and
only Jarl Isen the Proud
grants his favored guards
and close friends a fire
bath. Non-giants who
approach it are attacked;
the giants enjoy showing
their bit of primordial
fire, but rarely do they
allow any non-giant to
touch it. Those who bathe
in it for more than a
minute grow reddish hair
and beards and increase
by a size category—in
the most extreme cases,
a humanoid who bathes
in the First Flame is polymorphed into a fire among the trollkin, even those who carry on
giant of roughly similar features. ancient feuds or who have robbed, cheated,
and lied their way into positions of power, for
Great Moss Hall of the Trollkin within the hall, they feel safe.
Originally built by trollkin shamans of
From the outside, the Great Moss Hall Freyr and Freya, the Great Moss Hall is still
resembles an enormous boulder along the a place of occasional ritual summonings,
shore of a great fjord, covered with mosses, bindings, and great magical workings. The
ferns, and a few scattered pines. However, it many shamans of the tribes and clans gather
is also clearly a long hall in its overall shape, at summer solstice and at the spring and
for it has three great pine doors bound with winter equinoxes to share their lore and to
green copper and embellished with runes of induct new members into their mysteries. On
remarkable power; all those who enter are these rare nights, the Moss Hall also shows
profoundly moved to peace and goodwill, and its remarkable acoustics; chants, songs, and
any dueling, berserker rages, or even cutting invocations spoken within its stone walls
insults are extremely rare within the hall (a echo and re-echo, gathering strength and
DC 18 Wisdom save is required to attempt (for those who know its secret workings)
violence or insult within the hall). As a result, making permanent enchantments that might
the moss hall is a popular gathering place otherwise fade with the dawn.

As dawn approaches, a narrow bridge to the a bit of sandstone brought up from beneath
afterlife opens for ghosts, the walls of reality the ocean, which speaks answers to questions
being somewhat thinned by the echoing once each day when it is turned by the
chants. In the course of a night, several ghosts priestess Marda Longfinger. The questions
of famous trollkin may appear if their names themselves reflect all of the aspirations, fears,
are invoked and echoed by their descendants. and hopes of the Stannasgard dwarves: “Does
More frequently, a banquet is laid out for one Igrim still live?” or “Where have the ogres of
or more recently departed trollkin. Sometimes the Greencap band gone?” or even “Why does
these spirits come to bid a final farewell to my journeyman blade never keep its edge?” or
their clan, children, or spouse; sometimes, the “Who put a hole in my longship last winter?”
offering remains undisturbed, and no spirit The other priests and the clan elders are
answers the call. called about as often as the miners, smelters,
Rumor has it that a fourth entrance to the cooks, and bellows‑pumpers; the results are
Great Moss Hall exists, either in the rafters sometimes trite and sometimes momentous,
and out through a hollow tree or down below but in all cases, the feast hall closes as soon as
the pebbled floor, through some trick of light the answer is given, and any recriminations
and illusion into the nearby forests or to a and consequences take place in just a few
narrow slip where a small ship can easily be minutes after midnight.
moored for a quick escape. This is a place of The following day, the dwarves return to
ritual and yearly feasts led by trollkin shaman. work to assist their siblings and their children,
teaching the songs of the dwarves, passing
Järnhall of the Dwarves on the lore of iron and the secrets of gold
and silver, and weaving ring magic to give as
A heaven for the dwarves and a place that
gifts to various friends and cousins and elders
heroes can tunnel to, though the greedy, the
of their halls. They dream of the next feast
lazy, and the foolish will never find their
night, and the mysteries or trivialities that the
way to it. Most days, the Järnhall is a place
Grindstone Oracle may next reveal, and the
of ordinary meals and pleasant company
young dream of adventure while the elderly
among the dwarves of Stannasgard, but that
dream of days long past and the day that the
changes on Volundag, the one day each week
anvil-priest called their name. For the custom
devoted to Volund, god of smiths and fire.
of the Järnhall is that each dwarf who lives
On that feast night, the dwarves summon keg
in Stannasgard is called by the oracle at least
golems and toast their ancestors, sing songs
once in their lifetime, though none know if
of new deeds and old ballads, until midnight
that call comes in youth or old age.
when the priest of Volund strikes the anvil in
the closing rhythm. Then he calls out in the
cadence of the Old High Dwarvish the name Ekollon Halle
of one living person in the hall (almost always Clarahekkarina, the queen of the ratatosk
a full-grown dwarf but on rare occasions a of Yggdrasil, is the hostess and lady of one
child, a human, or even on one memorable of the strangest feast halls of the planes, the
night, a trollkin in deep disguise). That Ekollon Halle, which is literally cradled in
person’s name is echoed by those feasting in the branches of Yggdrasil at the heart of the
the hall, and that person may ask one question Great Branching where five major segments
of the Grindstone Oracle. of the World Tree join together and where
The oracle itself is a stone said to have been the ratatosk have their largest settlement—
brought to the Järnhall by Volund himself, the planar town of Grenstad, home to more

than 4,000 ratatosk and smaller numbers wood or leaves but entirely hot enough to
of aasimar, tieflings, ravenfolk, and planar toast nuts, warm cider, and cook the richly
humans. The feast hall there is a woven flavored gryta (a stew) that the ratatosk eat
one with rafters and roof that use both with such abandon.
living branches of Yggdrasil and bright Most feasts at Ekollon Halle are held
green‑and‑silver leaves in its roof as well as according to a lunar calendar, though seeing
its doors, benches, and some walls of carved the moon through the branches of Yggdrasil
wood. The whole place smells of greenery requires a bit of arcane gift; ratatosk and many
and life, and the fires are enchanted ones druids have no trouble with it, though most
of blue and yellow flames, unable to ignite warriors and certain non-planar creatures

do not find the lunar orb to be at all obvious. novelty can be quite fierce—but their curiosity
In any case, three times per month, the and love of new things is quite short‑lived.
hall resonates with large crowds of ratatosk Any item brought to Ekollon in great
chittering as well as the songs and accents of amounts is seen as interesting but no longer
many friends, allies, merchants, and travelers— worthy of swift pursuit.
for Queen Clarahekkarina permits all creatures The end of a feast at Ekollon arrives when
to attend so long as they fit through the the queen retires to her chambers with a
(relatively modest) eight‑foot‑tall doors. group of favored maidservants and courtiers.
The feasts themselves are festivals of gossip, Other ratatosk take this as a sign that matters
of mercantile excess with chests of gold and are concluded; no more deals or bargains
bolts of fine cloth and spices and jewelry and may be struck. The entire hall usually empties
the finest nut flour all changing hands amid in an eyeblink, and aasimar and tieflings
the crowd. The love of bargaining seems to are sometimes bemused to find themselves
consume some of them, for the ratatosk are suddenly in an empty hall with rattling bowls
nothing if not a gregarious, freewheeling of cold gryta and a scattering of harried
bunch at the feasts. Trading for any item of human servants.


1 Strangers are rarely welcome at this hall; visitors are given shoddy food and weak ale,
snubbed, and ignored unless they can earn respect with a round of poetry or a display of
wit and riddling.
2 A contest of boasting and bragging (see flytting in the Midgard Worldbook) is underway.
Any character of high Status in the party or any bard is invited to join in.
3 An enormous wolf or giant eagle enters the feast hall at speed, steals an huge roast from
the high table, and leaves before anyone can stop it. The lady of the hall offers a reward to
anyone who brings her the animal’s head (but it may be a shapeshifter).
4 All the menfolk of the hall fall asleep as the women of the hall have put a sleeping
draught in their cups. While the men sleep, the women perform a ritual involving a
mystery of Boreas and the Snow Queen, summoning winter’s power to themselves.
5 The lord of the hall proclaims his wish for a display of magic and sorcerous power—
without harm coming to anyone in the hall. Is there an arcane caster who wishes a boon
from the ruler? Then the performance had best be wondrous and memorable.
6 Several of the male warriors of the hall are harassing one of the younger serving
wenches. A shieldmaiden with a single eye calls them pigs, and the whole feast seems
about to turn into a violent brawl. Can a gentle word dissuade the drunken warriors, or
must the heroes find a way to end a full-blown melee?
7 One of the lord’s housecarls is in love with the lady of the hall, and the two are making no
secret of it while the lord himself is away. Several of the lord’s friends in the feast hall are
deeply offended and storm out.
8 Two drunks begin insulting each other and decide to pick on one of the PCs. The more
creatures that get involved, the angrier the lord of the hall becomes; those who wound or
kill another guest are arrested and judged for breaking the laws of hospitality.

9 The food at the feast is suddenly filled with maggots and flies, and the drinks all turn to
foul sludge. A necromancer or void mage has drawn all the life energy from the meal,
infusing the substance with necrotic energies instead. Those who ate of it are sickened
and nauseous, moving half speed and with disadvantage on all checks until they take a
long rest.
10 A tiny eridna comes to the hall with a message, but it can barely be seen or heard among
the larger folk. It asks for one of the PCs to deliver a scroll of very bad news to the lord or
lady at the high table and departs before anyone questions it.
11 A guest at the feast is poisoned; he sat next to one of the PCs, who immediately falls
under suspicion as a stranger and (perhaps) a person of low character, known for
slaughtering monsters and civilized folk alike.
12 The fire in the hearth speaks with an elemental’s voice, delivering a prophecy of doom
and danger to all those in the hall. It speaks Draconic or another language that only one
of the PCs understands; all others are simply frightened and confused.
13 An alehouse drake settles itself on one of the feast hall tables and claims a toll of food
or drink from anyone seating themselves at the same table. This is charming at first, but
the drake seems to grow in size far more quickly than anyone would expect, and in time,
its weight cracks the table beneath it, its color shifts to a flame dragon orange, and it
demands gold and jewels before leaving.
14 A band of trollkin raiders arrives, still bloody and in high spirits from robbing travelers
on a nearby road. They share tales and bits of loot with the lord or lady of the hall in
exchange for food and drink.
15 A valkyrie comes into the feast hall, her saddlebag bulging with chosen souls. She does
not speak to anyone unless she is addressed with respect; the servants and housecarls
give her meat and mead and leave her alone. Anyone pestering her with questions must
pass a DC 15 Charisma check or be given a baleful glare and a warning. Those who do not
heed her warning are struck by her spear and suffer a permanent loss of 1d8 hp as their
fate is darkened by the valkyrie’s dark touch.
16 A ravenfolk doom croaker comes and offers to read the wyrd of anyone who asks for
a modest fee (3 gp). Those who accept gain advantage on their next roll if they are
described as “victorious and blessed,” or they gain a curse that haunts them for a week as
their fate closes in on them in dreams and visions.
17 The lord and lady of the hall seem unusually agitated, and when the feast is half done,
they call for a toast: “To the Immortal Void and all the powers of blood and darkness!
Drink with us or be doomed to die this very night!” Their housecarls are alarmed, their
priest is horrified, and everyone tries to figure out how and why they are possessed.
(Dopplegangers have taken their place.)
18 A hill giant comes to the feast hall with a gift: an enormous salmon the size of a pony.
The giant offers it for sale to the chef in exchange for a barrel of ale.
19 Two elves enter the hall, walk through it, and open a previously invisible doorway or
portal at the far end. They step through and leave the door a tiny bit ajar. Will anyone
dare to follow them to some mysterious road?
20 Loki is a visitor at the hall, and he seeks to convince the adventurers to help him in an act
of mischief or petty thievery.

by Wolfgang Baur

B eldestan is a high, arid land with little

more than goats and pastures—and mines
filled with mithral and steel for those strong
Dark Temples and
Ancient Wisdom
enough to hold them. For long ages, it was Beldestan is known for being one of those
the heart of the dwarven Trakhan Kingdom, rare places that praises dark gods openly and
a place of great industry and dozens of with great gusto. The Beldestanis consider
well‑fortified hill fortresses and clan halls dug their pantheon stronger and more practical
deep into the hills. than the high-minded angels or rapacious
In more recent years, the dwarves’ rule fell dragon gods of nearby kingdoms. Indeed,
to banditry and dark magic, and the clans human sacrifices are part of everyday life in
abandoned the mines for the Towers of Beldestan, for its priesthoods demand blood
Khubara. Several human hill tribes took over and treasure in return for their blessings.
the ruins and kept its mines open, though only Beldestan is fiercely loyal to a range of dark
by allying themselves with forces of darkness. gods and has built temples to a dark Veles of
The Satrapy of Beldestan has become a the Void as well as to Khorsa, to Sabateus, and
place of casual violence and constant feuding. much darker gods still—darakhul monks and
Indeed, the families kill and betray one dhampir priests are rare but not unknown.
another as entertainment, and tribal loyalties Few linger long in Beldestan: the weak are
run deep. The ruling noble houses—Bastun, often bundled off to mine iron or mithral until
Yllomir, Kluchiss, and Plendremin—largely they die, and the strong seize what they can
prefer to make their slaves do the mining, and and leave for more congenial pastures.
all travelers are considered fair game. Mine
owners and petty lordlings often hire gnolls
and dwarves as slavers, many of whom have
Stairs of Beldestan
Beldestan has long been a site of pilgrimage,
settled in the cities and ruins of Beldestan.
a direct route from dusty earth up to the
Slaving, goat-stealing, bride-theft, and
heavens where enormous creatures soar
kidnapping are all common in Beldestan.
and carry sacrifices to the gods. The base of
Those who cannot keep their families safe are
its monumental stairs is well known for the
mocked as weaklings and cowards.
efficacy of the invocations offered there, but
very few other than the most faithful dare
venture up the stairs themselves: enormous

eagles, howling winds, and various inimical of other local races. The city of Khubara is
undead make the stairs a place that few find formed primarily of tall towers, and those
congenial for long. who dwell there take the height of their
Those who climb the full height and return, dwelling as a matter of pride and status.
however, are favored in the eyes of the gods, Bridges and walkways span the gaps between
and certainly, accomplishing such a feat is the towers, and a traveler can walk from one
a daring and worthy endeavor. Many have side of the city to another and never touch
set off for the heights, and but a few have the ground.
returned, somewhat scarred and sometimes The skilled craftsmen here produce many
wiser for the effort. goods for trade with Beldestan and beyond.
The swiftest falcons in the world are bred
True heroes might have several reasons to
climb the stairs:
• To acquire a quiver full of roc
feathers at a mage’s request
• To prove their worthiness to
an order of champions
• To reach the meadow of
stones where a powerful
drake shares prophecies
• To visit a great void
dragon’s citadel at the
edge of the void and
sail the astral winds
• To carry a message to
an archmage who lives
at the top of the stairs,
a member of house

Towers of Khubara
On Beldestan’s northern border,
beyond most of the ruins that
dot its landscape, the dwarf
descendants of Trakhan live
in one small city-state high in
the steppes, flanked by towering
mountain peaks and paying
a nominal tribute to the
Satrapy of Beldestan. The
Towers of Khubara is a
mixed nation of dwarves,
humans, and a scattering

hereabout. Smaller than peregrines, they have helmeted guards are not human but simply
red feathers on their breasts and are famed darakhul, expanding the Hunger God’s power
for their speed and skill. Turquoise is found here. Certainly the bodies of Khan Sardhana’s
in great abundance in these mountains as are enemies often disappear without any trace,
plentiful seams of iron, mithral, and a unique and priests of gods of sun, life, and justice
form of metal called ada, which is used to rarely survive a visit to Bastun.
make wave-washed steel. On a critical hit, Galna: The capital city is home to a dozen
weapons made of this form of steel can shatter sites of great power and great horror: the
an opponent’s shield or armor, reducing their enigmatic Knotted Ley Line of Galna puzzles
AC by 1 until it is repaired. all arcanists, of course, but also of note are
the gambling halls in the Cloud Temple of
Towns and Clanholds Azuran, the Blood Caverns of Vardesain, and
Beldestan is littered with hundreds of tiny the Echoing Cathedral of Veles, often visited
villages, freeholds, and crossroad towns, by emissaries from the Mharoti lands (who
each protective of its special status, its road tend to depart quickly once their offerings
taxes, and its peculiar traditions, from the are made). In addition, the monthly rites of
cultivation of ebon frogs to the trepanation the Goat of the Woods are considered either
of blasphemers to outright slavery. Here horrific or strangely attractive to visitors: they
are a few of its larger steadings and familial take the form of something like a public orgy
strongholds. in the Horned Temple of the Ebon Moon,
though invariably several of the participants
Bastun’s Hold: A family of human mining
are never heard from again.
barons took over the richest of the dwarven
At its heart is the vast palace called the Seat
Al Trakhar mithral mines here and has kept
of Beldes Wisdom, a marble‑halled home
it in their hands for three generations. The
to the Autarch Alestos and his harem of 33
town itself is half on the surface and half in
beautiful men, women, catfolk, gnolls, and
dwarven halls repurposed for human heights
(so it is said) dopplegangers able to take the
and decorations. A dwarven gatehouse called
form of gods or devils with equal ease. Some
the Giant’s Skull has become the seat of
of these are wives with status, others are gifts
power and counting house, where precious
from kingdoms as far away as Sailendra and
metals are stored. The local warlord, the Khan
Nuria Natal, and others still are ambassadors
Jan Sardhana al-Bastun (LE male human
or travelers unfortunate enough to catch
eldritch knight 12) is a follower of Vardesain
Alestos’s eye and retained as little more than
and feeds troublemakers to a deep pit called
the “Pit of Ghouls.” It is said that many of his


Adanisk is a very rare type of steel that has a beautiful weapons. Armor is almost never
unique wave-like pattern and is light, flexible, crafted from adanisk. Other items not
and very strong. primarily of metal are not meaningfully
When crafted from iron, ada metal, and affected by being partially made of adanisk.
natural woods, wave-washed steel becomes (A longsword can be a wave-washed weapon,
a wonderful material from which to create while a staff cannot.)

The Seat of Beldes Wisdom surrounds
and is interpenetrated by the Indigo
Halls of Sabateus, the temple of the
mysterious void‑ridden god of stars
and magic who is much loved
by the autarch and many of the
realm’s wealthiest bandits, dukes,
and archmages. The Indigo Halls
are home to the immensely
powerful Khatun Bibi Kaftar,
sometimes called the
Empress of Beldestan,
and she rules the spiritual
life of the Satrapy with a
stern predilection for law
and order.
The Indigo Halls of
Galna are said to
house more than
four hundred priests
and priestesses of
various degrees of
wisdom, from the
Indigo initiates
to the blind seers
and devoted souls
of the elder ranks. The priesthood makes uninhabited by humanoids. The primary
its way among the Indigo Halls through residents are selang, or “dark satyrs” (see
Living Doorways, hallways, and entire rooms Tome of Beasts) devoted to the worship of
decorated in silver mirrors and studded the Goat of the Woods and similar dark
with star-like ceilings made of gems and gods. The sound of their pipes under the dark
lapis lazuli. A hundred ghosts and phantoms branches keeps most woodcutters at bay, and
of the priests buried in its walls are said the small shrine on the forest’s one good path
to watch over the kingdom, and certainly, is heaped with the hearts of sheep, birds, and
magic mouths and similar spells discourage other animals. The leader of the selang is a
petty thievery of its gems, sacred scrolls, and young and cheerful captain of his forest band,
mummified relics. deeply fond of the dragonpipe and called the
Grove of Silence: Also called the Bleating Devourer of Secrets. He visits Galna once each
Grove or the Grove of Bitter Bliss, this month to lead the revels there, always seeking
forested mountain valley is largely to ensnare priests or priestesses of Sabateus.

Kulchiss & the Kulchiss Pass: A mithral mine Plendress: Home of the Plendremin family
has kept some dwarves occupied in this high of wizards, sorcerers, and oracles, the family
mountain town where snow is common for stronghold is a castle built on a large plateau
eight months of the year and the shepherds accessible only from the air or through tunnels
and miners yet retain a fierce joy in life. The dug into the rock. They keep a stable of
town is known for its talented musicians hippogriffs and a small breeding colony of rocs
as well as for banditry, metalwork, and a (fed on taxes levied in sheep and goats). Their
devotion to raiding “lowlanders”—the town command of the air and their swift passage
has always been on the verge of rebellion, and from one place to another means many are
the arrival of its taxes to the autarch seem believed to be servants of Boreas or Azuran.
perpetually in doubt. However, in years where Red Fields of Yallomena: These fields grow
no wealth is forthcoming, the citizens of poppies in vast swaths, watched carefully by
Kulchiss do not mock or belittle the autarch the priests of Veles by day and by a cadre
but merely claim that the “mountain’s share” of extremely devout gnoll-ragers of Veles
was given to otherworldly creatures on the by night. When harvested and distilled into
peaks of Mount Ashatabar. The Autarch has a gummy resin, the resulting tinctures and
never mounted a punitive expedition against pipesmoke are found throughout Beldestan
Kulchiss Pass, though he has been known in smoker’s dens and thieves’ quarters. The
to be demanding of additional soldiers from addictive, lethargic, dream-inducing material
Kulchiss to serve in the ranks of his armies. is commonly referred to as “dragonsmoke” or
a “dragonpipe.”

Symbol: A blue field set with three Population: 184,000 humans, 20,500
golden eyes. gnolls, 15,000 dwarves, 5,000 goblins, 4,000
Ruler: Autarch and Most Puissant Magus darakhul, 2,000 gnomes.
of the Darkening Heavens, First Speaker of Capital: Galna, population 10,200 (9,000
the Void, Beloved of Veles and Sabateus, humans, 700 gnolls, 500 goblins).
King of the Mountains, Keeper of the Stairs, Towns: Bastun’s Hold, population 8,000
Ozymandrite Alestos the First (NE male (7,000 humans, 1,000 darakhul, 500 gnolls);
human wizard 19). Kulchiss, population 6,000 (4,500 human,
Important Personages: First Counselor 1,000 dwarves, 500 gnolls); Ur-Trakhan,
Yrsinestra the Wise (LE adult female void population 5,000 (2,000 humans, 3,000
dragon); Chamberlain of the Stairs Olessy dwarves)
Plendremin (CE male human wizard 9); Great Gods: Azuran, Goat of the Woods,
Shalena of the Seven Fists (NE female human Sabateus, Vardesain, Veles of the Void
monk 12); High Eclipse-lord Rugansta Yllomir
Trade Goods: Turquoise, lapis lazuli, iron,
(LE male human cleric 9 [Chernobog]);
mithral, ada, poppy juice and resin, indigo,
Tarpin the Black (LE male darakhul priest
barley, sheep, goats, carpets (in order of
11 [Vardesain]); Khatun Bibi Kaftar, Indigo
total output)
Heirophant, Beloved of Sabateus (LN female
human cleric 15 [Sabateus]).

by Brandon Hodge

T he unchaining of Nethus from his

imprisonment promised new fortunes
for the sea god’s former wardens and an
The Southern Stretch
Of all of the coastal communities of the
Western shore, Barsella has benefitted
unforeseen boon to his scattered priesthood.
the most from the shifting seas, enjoying
With the seas once more under Nethus’s
substantially calmer currents. But the
dominion, the ocean currents and navigable
subdued tides have created festering pools of
waterways have finally settled into a
stagnant water near the poorest districts of
somewhat predictable pattern. But this
the city, including Shanty Town, Whore’s Lot,
trade-off has not been without cost, for the
and the Wash. The poor inhabitants of these
geological shudders of this shackled god’s
districts blame the pools for the spread of a
release have caused great tumult along coastal
virulent plague known as the Grey Wasting,
communities with many seaside villages
which has devastated the neighborhoods. One
suddenly finding themselves inundated
prominent merchant family claims to have a
with water as the tides shifted to reflect his
cure for the disease in the form of a strange
unleashed whims. Dangerous currents lash
tonic known as Hubart’s Remedy, which
out in new patterns, churning up unknown
has been in such demand that local vendors
ruins and treasures awaiting discovery along
strap kegs of the elixir to their shoulders
the coastal road of the Western Sea. To those
and dispense it on the streets to long lines of
who live there, it is a generation of unease as
waiting patrons. And while it seems to subdue
Nethus exerts his turbulent will and reshapes
the worst of the plague’s symptoms and stave
the seas in volatile patterns, reflecting his
off certain death, the cost of the preventative
new partnerships upon his release from
medicine is high, and the poor have resorted
human imprisonment. But for those seeking
to an unbalanced system of barter to pay off
to exploit this confusion or those seeking
their debts to the makers of the potion—
adventure, there has never been a better time
including giving up their claims to any near-
to trek the coastal paths between Barsella and
worthless shanty houses or real estate they
Cassadega and see what mysteries have been
may possess. Local authorities have turned
uncovered by the churning of the deep.
a blind eye to what many citizens believe is
a massive land-grab scheme, and riots have
broken out on rumors that the same family
behind the cure is responsible for infecting

the population with the plague in the first of thousands of small, mutated mammals that
place. Official investigations have stalled, so detach and rejoin its horrid deliquescing form
the afflicted communities seek enterprising while chittering horribly. Famous familiar
freelancers to investigate tales of wererat breeder Bixby Barnum of Bemmea theorized
plague couriers, a secretive Ouroboros cult, that the horror was the amalgamation of
wealthy landowners with big plans for cheap the degenerate descendants of the destroyed
land, and a mysterious, highly guarded elixir magocracies’ masterless familiars and that the
brewery in the bogs north of the city. But few central mass was hunting and absorbing other
remain to take the inhabitants up on their magically enhanced creatures and growing
offer since the threat of illness has caused in both size, cunning, and spellcasting
something of an exodus in enterprising ability. This enterprising gnome was last seen
freelancers who instead make their way to traveling to investigate the monstrosity’s last
the more untamed regions to the north in known whereabouts, near a village east of
search of adventures less likely to wrap them Maravahr, in hopes of recovering lost familiar
up in deadly social intrigue that might involve genetic strains from the creature’s detached
the city’s most powerful patrons—or worse, scouts and has not been heard from since.
infection by a deadly plague.
Though the outer edges of the Western
Wastes are removed from the coast by many
leagues, the warped landscape there still
manages to produce threats from hundreds of
miles away as if the parched land instills some
thirst for the waters of the western shore in
some of its most vile occupants. Disturbing
news from Maravahr tells of strangely
mutated creatures skittering along
its streets at night, and the town’s
community of hedge witches reports
their familiars have gone missing. The
sheriff has set a bounty on these new
creatures—small and hairless—and
the few specimens that have been
caught typically resemble bizarre
rodents or some strange
cross of inbred felines and
canines. Rumors persist that the
creatures are advanced scouts for a
horrific beast moving westward
from the wastes, hiding by
day on the southern
border of the Ghostlight
Forest. If the testimony
of crazed survivors of the
creature’s onslaught can be
trusted, it is described as an
immense being composed

The Ghostlight Menace are now open to weary travelers traversing
the coastal road. But many have disappeared
The stretch of coastal road that borders the
from the inn, and others report finding secret
Ghostlight Forest between Maravahr and
panels above their beds that might be used for
the town of Fellmire is perhaps the most
abduction or murder, leading to troubling talk
dangerous of the region. Travelers report
that sleeping victims are dragged from their
that the coastline has shifted farther inland,
beds and toward the Mother’s Grove where
disturbing an ancient landmark of over a
they are sacrificed by the Black Goat’s flock.
dozen gigantic cairns in the pocket of a now-
Rumors persist that the old, heavily trapped
inundated cove. The crashing of high tides has
caves beneath the former headquarters guard a
eroded the stacked stones in recent months,
portion of the Viridian Codex, once recovered
and their huge, fossilized contents have spilled
by the servants of Khors, and both the church
forth and scattered along the rocky shore.
and the aspiring mage-king Anton Valcrist
Subsequent reports have described towering,
of Bemmea have returned their attention to
ghostly figures standing in the waves after
the forgotten secrets buried beneath the small
sunset, their dead eyes staring toward the sea,
village, and great rewards may await those
and their mouths agape in a mournful howl,
who enter the inevitable struggle over the
driving anyone hearing it mad and forcing
recovery of the artifact.
them into involuntary servitude to drag the
The peninsula on the coastal road between
fossils back to their resting places. However,
Goatshead and Fellmire has become more
the labor of lifting the gigantic bones is too
dangerous recently as hill giants and ogres
much for most human hands. Travelers wake
have begun ransacking caravans along a
from their stupor with the rising of the sun
lonely stretch of road that ventures too close
to find themselves exhausted and their hands
to the borders of the Ghostlight Forest. It
torn and bloody from the fruitless task.
may be that the dire reputation of the Pit of
North of these howling giants is the small
Caernath some 50 miles east has begun to
seaside village of Goatshead. The village was
take its toll on adventurers willing to explore
founded at the height of the Great Mage Wars
that corrupt demesne, forcing the followers
by servants of the sun god Khors. They relied
of the giant blood mage Hjiorlech to venture
on the sheltered cove’s protection as they
farther afield to capture sacrificial victims
hunted groves deep in the Ghostlight Forest
for their master. The local bandit chieftain
sacred to the then-emerging Black Goat of the
known only as Crooked Tod is furious
Woods, collecting the town’s high bounties
with the unanticipated competition and is
for the heads of followers of this corruptive
said to have developed a plan to attract the
religion, giving the village its unique moniker.
wandering ghosts of wayward giants to latch
But as homage to the god waned and the
onto the soldiers in the blood mage’s raiding
servants of Khors departed to seek evil
parties. This plan could very well incapacitate
elsewhere, the village was left unprotected, and
the giant raiders and send them homeward
soon the corruption they once combatted took
or toward the Spokes for possible respite,
root in the heart of their former residence. The
but Crooked Tod lacks the resources to
waystation that once served as a headquarters
execute the dangerous plan himself and seeks
for the paladins of Khors now hides a local
adventurers who don’t mind being paid in
cult devoted to the Black Goat herself, and
ill‑gotten wealth to do his dirty work for him.
the rooms that once housed the holy warriors

The Fellmire Dregs returned to receive their payment, and
townsfolk report spying several members of
The coastal road ends at Fellmire, but with the
the party on the outskirts of the community,
shift of currents due to Nethus’s new‑found
now covered with bark, branches, and leaves
freedom, travel around the treacherous swamp
while speaking in a strange, raspy tongue.
via coast-hugging vessels has become safer
Halfway between Fellmire and the crystalline
and more commonplace. This makes the much
spires of the Salt Fortress rests maligned
longer overland journey through Sagefall and
Maillon, and the recent surge of tides has
the Mage Road somewhat less favorable to
done little to upset the precarious balance
those travelers not headed for Maillon, much
of work and habitation that the obsessive
to the consternation of the town’s merchants,
alchemists that make up the bulk of its
hostelers, and elders. But the trek via ship to
population call life. But recently, strange
Cuculla, Bemmea, or even Cassadega is not
humans have begun emerging from the
without its dangers. Lurking in the currents
nearby swamps: confused, ragged, and weary
is a new threat: the wispy, quavering tentacles
from weeks of travel. Speaking in strange,
of some surviving Great Old One previously
ancient dialects that evade translation through
trapped in an undertow since the events of
magical divination, local scholars with
the Great Mage Wars. Though biologically
rudimentary skill in extinct tongues have
frozen in time like the other wasteland walkers,
determined these people originated from
the changing currents have now moved it
the Field of Doors, having literally stepped
closer to the coast where the near-transparent
through time from Midgard’s ancient past
appendages of this forgotten and unnamed
with an inexorable urge to head directly west
threat undulate freely with the tides like some
toward the sea. So far, these time-displaced
enormous dead jellyfish. A mere touch of
refugees seem of common stock—scribes,
only one of the creature’s tendrils can warp
millers, and the like—but since they seem to
the very fabric of sea-going vessels and their
be fleeing from some vague threat, their new
crew, and reports of rapid aging, madness,
hosts carry a growing concern that other,
physical corruption and mutation, and
more powerful beings may also be stepping
outright disappearances are all lent credence
through from the past, and Maillon seek the
by some of the nearby villages’ strange, raving
adventurous to travel to the Field of Doors
inhabitants said to have come into contact
and investigate closing whatever portals may
with the phenomenon. One tentacle washed
be letting them through. Citizens who know
ashore near Fellmire, warping the flora of the
of their presence engage in salty debates about
swamplands and bringing new, sentient life
whether or not the travelers should be sent
to many of the plants there, which thereafter
back through to their own time and possible
attacked the coastal community and managed
doom, given that they seem to originate from
to rapidly overgrow some buildings on the
a period just prior to the Isonade’s destruction
town’s outskirts, covering them in thick vines
of Ankeshel, or whether their knowledge
with footlong thorns. Ongoing efforts continue
should be utilized to decipher some of the
to prune back the threat, and though the
long-standing mysteries of vril technology.
townsfolk believed the overgrowth would cease
For now, the matter is kept quiet, but it is only
if the washed-up tentacle was destroyed, the
a matter of time before the strange guests are
effects have persisted even after adventurers
discovered by those from the outside, seeking
were hired to amputate the appendage at
to exploit whatever knowledge they might
the shore. And while the nearly transparent
have carried from the past.
tentacle is now gone, the adventurers never

and Cuculla, stands ancient and lonely Castle
The Bemmean Peninsula & Beyond Vaelmar. Once an important sanctuary for
North of Maillon, perched at the tip of the survivors of the Great Mage Wars, the castle
peninsula that bears its name, is mighty was slowly abandoned several centuries ago
Bemmea. The city continues as it always when claims of hauntings began to take hold,
has, the spires awash in magical energy, causing travelers to brave the night and
unchallenged even by the increasingly raging quicken their steps to make their way toward
tide around it. But the citizens there feel the towns flanking the castle instead. While
something is changing. And while few know few scholars have given the stronghold’s
of the true threat, the properly trained and reputation much attention, those that have
attuned know that something far out at sea is now maintain that there may have been
tugging at the ley lines anchored by the city’s powerfully cursed wizards in hiding among
sigil-shaped streets, threatening to wrench the refugees whose very presence within
it free from the control and authority of the the walls had some malign influence on the
Ninemage Council. Though the source of the structure. But the stronghold is sturdy and
threat remains unverified, the council is torn intact, and there
on three prevailing theories and suspects that are those
it is either a powerful vril artifact uncovered
and reactivated by unscrupulous Cassadegan
archeologists; a starving, power‑hungry
divine force that has clawed
its way back into this
reality from the edge
of the world; or even
stirrings of the Isonade
itself. Informed wizards
in the community have
temporarily set aside
their personal disputes
and cooperated on
the construction of
a magical craft for
quickly traversing
the Western Sea to
investigate the source
of the threat and
seek experienced
adventurers to protect
an expedition whose
purpose might be the
very preservation of the
mages’ way of life.
Southeast of Bemmea,
toward Cassadega and
looming over the coastal
road between Smolderheim

who would like to see the castle restored to uncovered by the churning tides in what is
viability. Initial reports state that one’s view now the outermost ring of the destroyed city.
of the castle depends on the level of light used Early reports by the team responsible for the
in one’s explorations and that the dimmer the find speculated it would have been a temple
light the further back in time one experiences district or religious center, but the authorities
their surroundings, lending credence to the have since dismissed the find as nothing more
reports of its hauntings. Bright light reveals than a mundane artisan’s quarter. Some claim
the castle in its present-day abandonment, and to have witnessed what lies half-uncovered
the latest reports state that dim light seems beneath the waves for themselves and confirm
to reveal a time when refugees flooded the the original findings of an important holy
castle nearly 500 years ago, and those who domain that seemed defaced in ancient times,
walk in darkness report witnessing scenes speculating what those responsible may be
from the castle’s earliest beginnings some trying to hide. What is known for sure is that
thousand years ago. What riddle this might something stirs in the streets, both above the
pose between these seemingly interconnected waves and below, and reports indicate the
timelines may solve the mystery of the reemergence of two strange, ancient sects
castle’s dire reputation and ultimately lead comprised of archeologists and merfolk who
to its reclamation by those with the power have fallen sway to this mysterious influence
or prestige to dismiss these strange temporal from the past. Most disturbingly, a host of
convergences. minor and seemingly unrelated vril artifacts
On the Northern terminus of the have reportedly gone missing from shops and
magocracy’s border lies disheveled Cassadega, private collections, and there is an increasing
its chaos of enterprise and activity promising call for courageous investigators to take
fortune and fame for those who dare explore the plunge into the depths and investigate
the ruins of drowned Ankeshel. The vril the heavily guarded underwater temples.
boomtown is abuzz over the announcement Another adventure along the ever shifting and
of the ongoing excavation of a newly dangerous coast of the Western Wastes.
discovered spiraling branch of the ancient city

Inspired by the gibbering mouthers that The target must succeed on a Wisdom
frequently emerge from the Western Wastes, saving throw or gain disadvantage on attack
this spell curses the target with an inane rolls and ability checks.
babbling that drives it, and others who hear In addition, any creatures within 10 feet of
it, temporarily mad. the original target that hear the gibbering
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
INFECTIOUS GIBBERING failed save, a creature becomes affected by
4th-level enchantment the spell for the remaining duration, gaining
Casting Time: 1 action disadvantage on attack rolls and ability
Range: 30 feet checks.
Components: V, S, M (a mummified bird’s Affected targets can make another Wisdom
tongue) saving throw at the end of their turns. On a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute success, the effect ends for that creature.
This spell causes the target to break into a fit Creatures with an Intelligence score of 4 or
of uncontrollable and infectious gibbering. less aren’t affected by this spell.

by Wolfgang Baur

F or all of its almost 350 years, the Mharoti

Empire has been home to tremendously
rapacious lords. All its sultans and morza
nascent empire’s raids out of the hills and into
the rich human lands of Parthia, the islands
of Marea, the Free City of Pharos, and other
have pursued a policy of war, plunder, and neighboring territories. As he grew too old
expansion—but not all have been equally and feeble to lead soldiers on long marches
effective. Leading the war and marshalling out of the Khalpostan hills, Xandros took on
the empire’s resources is the work of the new duties as a leader of the Mharoti faith,
sultan or sultana, the human leader who founding the first large temple of Baal and
unites, governs, and leads the empire’s many granting permission for eastern missionaries
factions—work that the dragons don’t trust of Azuran to speak to the scaly folk.
other dragons to do. At the end of his life, Xandros was
Indeed, one of the sultan’s most disagreeable posthumously given the title of “First
tasks is that of ruling on disputes between Sultan of the Mharoti,” and his burial site in
the scaly lords, a task almost certain to make Khalpostan is still a site of pilgrimage and
an enemy. Should we pity the sultan? No, veneration. Called the Tomb of the First
indeed, but learn now the tales of ten of the Servant, it is a place that Mharot himself visits
most famous of these rulers and some of their about once a decade. Its priests make much of
strange magic and ever-glorious deeds. their role and history.

Hetman Xandros (0–41 MDA) Sultan Trebezid, the Shadow

The first sultan was not called a sultan at all of the Dragon (58–79 MDA)
but was styled as the chamberlain and hetman Said to be dragon-blooded and extremely
to Mharot himself, a sort of glorified servant well versed in prophetic arts and arcane
and factotum. This role explains much of the divinations, Sultan Trebezid served as
later development of the title and duties of the Mharot’s first recipient of dreams and indeed
sultan. For Hetman Xandros, over the years the system of “dream commands” originates
his word grew increasingly strict and his duties with Sultan Trebezid. A very private man,
grew more and more martial as Mharot spent he left no heirs, and much of his work was
time counting treasures, accepting fealty, and carried out in secret, bribing lesser lords
raising thousands and tens of thousands of to pledge fealty to Mharot and its legions
kobaldi and dragonborn troops to fight for the (perhaps under magical compulsion—the

records are unclear). Certainly the first
records of the service of ogres and giants
Sultana Petek Rayhana the
in the armies of the empire date from his
Golden (114–127 MDA)
time. He also codified much dragon magic, After Omayed’s heavy taxation and constant
including many of its unique elemental and purges, it seems that the Blessing of Mharot
battle spells (see Midgard Heroes Handbook or took a different direction. Petek Rayhana
Deep Magic: Dragon Magic) and established was a woman raised in Perunalia who came
the first college of war to train officers, wands, to Harkesh as an adult and quickly became
and siege engineers. a wealthy, powerful leader of artisans and
In addition to these contributions to the scholars and with many friends in the
empire’s traditions, Sultan Trebezid is fondly priesthood. Her salons and her tireless
remembered for personally leading the assault work on behalf of the poor and the starving
on the Free City of Pharos, the empire’s restored peace and harmony between scaly
great naval rival on the Ruby Sea. The songs folk and hairy folk—until she was appointed
and tales of his courage are many, though sultana at Omayed’s death.
some always take a more skeptical view; the The title seems to have swiftly given her
assault did provide a victory and an enormous a sense of authority and control, and she
number of human slaves, but the ensuring moved quickly to advance Mharoti interests
city-wide fire left the conquest rather ashen. against the minotaurs, Nurians, Mareans,
Plunder was slim, and what little taken funded and Ishadians. Indeed, she led what is still
an attempt to rebuild the harbor. Pharos called the Dragonfire Crusade against the
never recovered and remains a minor village Nurians, a bold stroke that conquered and
to this day. held the Nurian city of Avaris for a season;
her famous star dagger is said to have been
looted from a Nurian god-queen’s tomb.
Sultan Omayed the Munificent Her conquest of Achillon and the Marea was
(69–113 MDA) more lasting than the occupation of Avaris,
Generous to a fault, Sultan Omayed kept and that province remembers her to this day.
his generals and nobles close to him, even Sultana Petek died rather young in childbirth
as rebellion spread in distant provinces and with her fifth child, though some believe she
assassins made attempts against his life closer was assassinated by zealous cultists of Azuran
to home. The morza loved him because he offended by her refusal to allow gambling
excelled at extracting taxes from the poor and among the palace troops.
the artisans, but the jambuka hated him, for
he preached always of a “golden blood” form
of the Mharoti polity, speaking frequently of
Sultana Gülnur Peteka, the
exterminating the hairy folk that “hold the
Silent Rose (182–201 MDA)
empire back.” The Sultana Gülnur spent time consolidating
In practice, rebellions were brutally the conquests of her predecessors, building
suppressed by his loyal heavy troops, and roads and fortifications, planning new
the kobaldi enjoyed lording it over terrified thrusts against Ishadia and restoring the fleet
ghettos of humans, gnolls, and dwarves. In to chase down Marean pirates. She is best
the end, Omayed died at the ripe age of 75 on remembered, however, not for aqueducts,
the golden silk sheets of his sultan’s bed and castles, and roads, but for her ruling in the
surrounded by generals who had all sworn to matter of the great undead morza Ibbalan and
defend him—and grown rich doing it. the general of the 4th Legion, Regladoross
the Night Flyer. In that dispute, Ibbalan

claimed a larger share of the treasure from Sultan Omayed’s rule. It was a time of great
the conquest of the harbor city of Prezhan prophecies, and the writing of several famous
(taken from the Nurians) than was strictly volumes of prophecy, poetry, and law all date
owing, simply as the morza nearest to the to this period. Four great monastic schools
new land and its presumptive new liege lord. and six large colleges teaching mining,
Regladoross had lost a brother in battle and arcana, and theology were all established in
fought extremely bloody actions against Red this short period.
Portal mages, theurges of Thoth‑Hermes, and In the end, however, Sultan Omayed failed
a group of sun priests who slew Mharoti edjet to provide sufficient new wealth to feed the
and timarli with silent rains of radiant light, temples of Baal and to expand the treasuries
burning armor and puncturing helms and of Mharot, Ibbalan, and Rüzgar (among
leaving roughly half the 4th Legion dead in others), and Omayed was denounced as
the streets of Prezhan. having lost the “mandate of Mharot” by
By Mharoti law, Ibbalan could claim a dozens of prophets of Khespotan, all on the
quarter of the spoils, but he took nearer same day throughout the empire. The Sultan
a third. Kobaldi and other smallfolk were died in his sleep four days later, leading
shocked when he dared to this corruption of to a tumultuous Years without a Sultan
law. However, quoting the Law of Baal and (288–303) when the morza all attempted to
the dream-words of Mharot (“Fair plunder rule independently. This almost led to civil
makes a stronger empire”), the sultana sided war and certainly did lead to the empire’s
with the general and restored the plunder contraction until the morza agreed to restore
from Ibbalan to the legion’s survivors. The a (very weak) sultan to make decisions for the
armies and the other morza all sided with empire as a whole.
the sultana’s ruling, and for the first time,
Mharoti law was seen to apply to even
the strongest and most powerful dragons.
The sultana commissioned an enormous CLAWED SCEPTER
monument to the dead from her own funds. Unique wondrous item
Lest it be thought that all the wrath of Shaped like a set of talons holding a sun
dragons was turned aside, let it be noted sphere, the Clawed Scepter is made of gold
that young, charismatic Regladoross died and set with pearls and rubies in a rather
of a mysterious scale rot some years later; garish, bold style. The holder of the scepter
no connection to Ibbalan was ever proven. is immune to magical fear, cold, and fire,
Gülnur immortalized him on the Prezhan and gains the ability to make all Charisma
monument as “Conqueror of the Harbor, (Persuade) ability checks with advantage.
Lord of Legions, Paragon of Just Plunder.”
Sultan Omayed the Younger Rare weapon

(279–288 MDA) Of Nurian make and star-forged steel and

adamant, the star dagger is a beautiful +3
A great and deeply devout follower of
dagger that glows with a cold, actinic light.
Khespotan, Sultan Omayed, it was said,
All invisible creatures within 60 feet of the
would not leave bed without consulting his unsheathed blade lose their invisibility at
fortune. The priests of the earth god had once and are covered in faerie fire. More
great influence in his reign, and the dragon than one assassin has been foiled by the
Rüzgar was the first and only one of its kind Star Dagger’s clear light.
to be granted a province of its own during

Sultan Zelim the Wastrel Harkesh woke up to find that a rather junior
general, Makbule Khezmir, had been given
(304–308 MDA) the Blessing of Mharot and the Clawed
At first, Zelim was an odd choice for a sultan. Scepter of government. Since then, few have
His prior life had been as a court jeweler, spoken of Zelim the Wastrel, except to spit
providing gemstones for the dragonkin, and curse his foolishness. The Clawed Scepter
taking commissions for necklaces and signet that Zelim commissioned is one of the few
rings, and generally understanding the remaining signs of his reign.
finances of plunder and conquest. However,
his rule began very auspiciously because at the
very least it ended the public feuding of the Sultan Makbule Khezmir the
Years without a Sultan. Caravans within the Wise (309–324 MDA)
empire were no longer plundered, garrisons With military experience and a deep sense
were sent to the borders, and legions marched of how corruption and arrogance can lead
against external foes. a ruler astray, Sultan Makbule Khezmir
And for a time, it seemed that Sultan Zelim is certainly among the most humble and
had found a way to expand the power of the honest to hold the title. His rule is fondly
empire without all the expense of armies. remembered as the time of conquests against
He brought the blood mages of Kaa’nesh Khandiria, a great victory in Ishadia, even
to his court, and they explained things of a explorations down the Corsair Coast and
few of the dark arts and the joys of Malena, steady progress in subduing Marea & the
the Red Goddess, and his armies found it Islands, which is to say, finally rooting out
easy to conquer towns and villages struck several major pirate nests that had held on
down by plagues and mysterious fevers. He for a hundred years. He built roads, regulated
commissioned a Clawed Scepter to show his weights and measures (one common weight
excellent ability to generate streams of gold is still called the Khezmir pint in his honor),
and jewels for the lords of the empire. and strove to improve the lot of all the
This worked well for a decade as Zelim Mharoti people. For this reason, he is rarely
grew ever more withdrawn, fat, and arrogant, disparaged, and his is often referred to as the
thinking himself the lord of the Mharoti, “Good Old Sultan.”
rather than the lord executor and defender
of the faith. In an incautious moment, he Sultana Casmara Azrabahir
spoke of the “strength of human will” and the
“power of the sultan over his enemies” and
(325–342 MDA)
The Sultan Khezmir’s granddaughter and a
“the scepter that denotes my perfect rule of
woman of strong will and endless plans, the
the land,” phrases that his dragonborn and
sultana ruled for many years in prosperity.
kobaldi advisors quickly reported to other
Then the combined misfortunes of the naval
scaled nobles as indicative of great pride and
defeat of Seggotan’s Tears and the defeat by
a confusion over whose will truly ruled the
the Khandirians at the battle of Wheeling
dragon lands. His doom was sealed.
Angels led to the destruction of enough
Unrest among both the fire priesthood
dragonkin that rumors, riots, and anger
and the orders of Azuran, and doom-ridden
against the sultana became a problem. Her
prophecies from Khespotan’s caverns, made
spies were able to warn her of the coming
it clear that Zelim’s reign could not last. The
coup, and she escaped in time, but her fall
priests denounced him daily from the temples
led to the rise of a much crueler and more
as his losses grew, and one fine morning,
rapacious ruler, the Dread Sultan Ozmir.

Dread Sultan Ozmir Al
Stragul (342–347 MDA)
The first dragonborn to ascend to the
position of sultan, Ozmir is a
former general and acts like
it. Every problem is to be
solved by the application
of just a little more force,
and rampant bribery and
corruption flourish among
his court, for he believes
in spoils and plunder as
the right of all dragonfolk.
While the merchants
complain at the taxes
he levies to fund the
army (needed after the
shameful neglects of the
sultana, claims the new
lord), the kobaldi delight
in the new farmlands
of Rumela and the new
opportunities to enslave
humans and gnolls and
other hairy folk.
The empire has seen no
great victories under the
new sultan, but it has suffered
no losses, and the mustering of
troops and construction of fleets
continues at a furious pace.
Sultan Ozmir intends to leave
a mark on the world, clawed
loose with fire and cunning. The
only question for his neighbors is which
direction he will cast his steely eye.

The sultans have ruled sometimes wisely and and full bellies to its people. Its sultans and
sometimes foolishly, have been corrupted and sultanas, though, are much loved among the
have applied the rod of justice to the followers hairy folk and scaled folk alike, and it may be
of dark paths and wicked dealings. Like any that their ability to weave and compromise
government, the Mharoti Empire is prone to among the dragon lords is the mortar that has
fits and starts, errors and injustices, just as held the whole enormous nation together for
often as it brings true justice, rich plunder, so many centuries. Long live the sultan!

by Chris Harris

T he Mharoti Empire’s Province of

Marea and the Islands, also known as
the “Province of Fallen Temples,” became
Dragon Empire, striking at draconic rule
and then disappearing with the aid of sea
creatures who share their devotion.
part of the empire over a century ago. With Eraklion now finds itself the nexus of the
the conquest of neighboring Illyria, many Nethusite priesthood’s covert efforts by virtue
thought the old worries concerning Marea’s of its seaside location and the old priest who
embarrassing “difficulties” with its largely leads the rebellion from hiding in a cave
non-scaled population and their supplanted system among the coastal cliffs nearby. The
faiths would have faded away, bringing ancient temple of Nethus, reluctantly restored
greater stability to the region. On the island of by the Mharoti, keeps itself insulated from
Eraklion, at least, the prediction proved to be these activities and publicly denounces the
an erroneous one. “heretical” deeds of their hidden brethren.
However, this disavowal is largely a charade
to protect both the temple and its adherents
Eraklion from reprisal.
Eraklion, once a sleepy fishing village atop the The relative light touch of the morza who
western seaside cliffs of a small island, teeters rules the region, the silver dragon Yiraz
on the knife’s edge of imperial disfavor. Azah, played into their hands at the outset
The priesthood of Nethus on the island and of the insurgency, but recent days have seen
the surrounding region all but disappeared the morza’s servants patrolling the area, and
over the last century, first due to conquest her wounded pride at the loss of an imperial
by the Mharoti Empire which expelled the legion to Triolan naval power acts as a goad
Nethusites from their temples and rededicated to her efforts.
the holy places to their own sea god, Segottan. Rewards have been posted for the insurgent
Then decades later, their status suffered priesthood, but thus far, none have come
further degradation in the years of the forward to claim any, and the Nethusites
Nethus’s captivity by Kammae Straboli. With themselves keep all but a few residents in the
the freeing of their god, Nethus’s remaining dark about their activities. Several radical
priests and priestesses experienced a renewed devotees of Nethus have been burned alive
vigor and directed their zeal at those who near the steps of the temple, but the practice
drove them from their temples. They now is unlikely to be repeated since it only served
play a deadly cat-and-mouse game with the to intensify the conflict and galvanize some of

the populace in their devotion. Nevertheless, qualifications are met, dragonkin or other
some locals resent the Nethusites over the scaled citizens may purchase the finest silk in
increased imperial scrutiny, particularly quantities of nearly any size; spools as large as
among the seafaring smugglers who use the a horse sometimes make their way in wagons
village as a home port. down the mountain road.
Mistras-Marea’s sole trade commodity is silk
ADVENTURE HOOKS IN ERAKLION of the finest quality. Great spools of silk thread
and rope, silk clothing, and other items, such
Find adventure in distant Eraklion: as barding of any size, can be purchased at
• Hunt a renegade priest of Nethus hiding the barbican from the human thralls there or
either in the cliffside caverns along the constructed to order while the client waits in
coast or beneath the waves below. the small inn just down the road.
• Free a captured Nethusite accused of The weavers of the city also produce a steady
sedition and sacrilege. supply of quilted silk for use in padding for
• Pose as part of a smuggler’s crew in order armor, which provides additional protection
to take command of the ship and sail its against arrows (possessing resistance to
valuable cargo to Kyprion. piercing damage from nonmagical weapons).
• Hunt a ferocious sea serpent who preys on Expensive even for Mharoti of some standing,
local fishing boats. such pieces are most often given as rewards
While some areas in the province grow by the ruling classes of the empire to faithful
restive, others carry on as they have done for servants, primarily as an inner layer to a
a century, all the while remaining shrouded in hauberk or suit of scale mail.
secrecy. One such place, the mountaintop city Steady trade notwithstanding, few who come
called Mistras-Marea holds secrets even from to trade go any further than the barbican,
the dragons it continues to serve faithfully. supposedly in the interest of protecting
well‑kept trade secrets. The interior of the city
remains a mystery to all but the morza who
Mistras-Marea governs the province and a few others.
The steep mountain road which winds The city’s size is deceptive. Much of the
upward to the walled city of Mistras-Marea surface area within the walls skirts around the
begins its climb at a fork in the road near a edges of massive caverns that descend deep
village of mostly human farmers governed by into the mountain. Indeed, these caverns and
a small fort garrisoned by dragonkin officers their occupants give the city its reason for
and kobold troops. Almost all of the traffic existence. Thick, rope-like webs crisscross
up the mountain consists of kobolds driving much of the caves’ interiors for at least 100 feet
cattle to spare their dragonkin superiors below the surface, and their inner walls bear
the indignity. No non-scaled creatures large, pockmarked holes. Within the holes,
ever ascend unless bound as captives and the web’s spinners, all specimens of a fecund
escorted by soldiers from the garrison. What breed of angler worm (see Tome of Beasts)
comes down the mountain does so with less wait for cattle to be dropped into their lines.
regularity due to restrictions on trade. No Known to only a few of the ruling morza of
silk goods leave the Mistras-Marea except in the Empire, Mistras-Marea operates entirely
the hands of scaled imperial citizens of akinji under the guidance of a cartel of Denizens
rank or higher or those bearing a writ from of Leng (see Tome of Beasts). Some of the
a creature of equal prestige. Provided those humanoid prisoners brought to the city

spend the rest of their lives as weavers of Marean Silk Rope
silk, leading hard, frightening lives of forced Marean silk rope comes in a 50-foot coil, has
labor at the hands of monsters. Those captives 4 hit points, and can be burst or detached
not chosen for the work of weavers vanish with a DC 20 Strength check.
down the enormous caverns. The weak and Cost: 75 gp; Weight: 4 lb.
infirm become food for the angler worms,
but the majority march in chains through a Marean Net
portal leading to the Plateau of Leng and an A Marean silk net functions as a mundane
unknown fate. net but weighs less, has greater range, and
The vast wealth that has made its way up the following differences:
the mountain for many years is thought to sit • A Marean net requires a DC 14 Strength
buried in chambers deep in caves, far below check to free oneself or another from it.
the webs of the worms. What dangers might • Inflicting 12 slashing damage to the net
await beneath the webs, none can say, but (AC 12) destroys the net and frees a
for all the worms’ size, on occasion they are creature trapped within, but an attack
found half-eaten, slowly spinning in their made to free a creature which misses
own webbing. Whatever creatures feed on by 5 or more results in the weapon
them do so infrequently, however, and have becoming snared in the net’s sticky
yet to come all the way to the surface. strands, requiring a DC 12 Strength
Here are a few of the goods available to check to free it.
those with the privilege or luck to attain them.
Marean Whip
The silk of angler worms is braided together
with leather to lend these whips an edge
Very fine goods indeed come from Marean when used against unruly thralls. An attack
silk. with a Marean whip that succeeds against
a Medium or smaller creature by 5 or more
Marean Silk Cloak restrains the target.
These full, hooded cloaks exist in a wide
variety of vivid colors, though most serve Silk-Backed Coin Mail
as rewards for faithful service, reflecting the Made of silver coins from conquered
scales of the giver. Marean silk cloaks grants Illyria, backed by a layer of quilted red
the wearer resistance to piercing damage silk spun by the monstrous angler worms
from nonmagical weapons. of Mistras‑Marea, only a few dozen of
Cost: 120 gp; Weight: 3 lb. these hauberks were made and awarded to
dragonkin who acquitted themselves with
conspicuous valor in the campaign that


Marean Silk Net 60 gp — 2 lb. Special, Thrown (range 10/20)
Marean Whip 50 gp 1d4 slashing 3 lb. Special, Finesse, Reach


Silk-Backed — 15 + Dex modifier — Disadvantage 50 lb.
Coin Mail (max 1)

conquered that land. The armor grants the The key to the silk harvesting comes from
wearer resistance to piercing damage from the experimentation the denizens of Leng
nonmagical weapons. Silk-backed coin mail inflicted on some of their human captives.
grants the wearer +2 status when dealing The end result is an ideal instrument for the
with any citizen of the Mharoti Empire, and purpose, though hideous to behold.
−2 status when dealing with exiled Illyrians
or Triolans.

Marean Weaver and holding its gaping maw open with the aid
of another weaver while others harvest nearby
This gruesome many-legged creature has
silk web lines. Accordingly, they are rarely
the body of an enormous centipede, topped
seen in numbers less than three.
by a humanoid torso covered in a chitinous
exoskeleton. The mouth of its armored head
consists of multiple sets of small mandibles,
Large monstrosity, neutral
and its multifaceted eyes bulge out of Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
human‑like sockets. Two long, segmented arms Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
droop from its shoulders, and a third grown Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
from between its shoulders hangs over its head
like a scorpion’s tail. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Once Were Human. These hideous creatures 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 7 (−2) 12 (+1) 5 (−3)

were once human, but through arcane means,

Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +3,
the denizens of Leng have transformed them
Perception +3
beyond recognition. The metamorphosis
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +4
did not leave their minds intact, and they Damage Resistances acid
appear quite dull when not performing Condition Immunities charmed
one of the tasks for which they were made. Senses darkvision 60 ft.; passive Perception 13
Marean weavers may retain some shred of Languages understands Trade Tongue but cannot
memory of their former lives, but their every speak
waking moment is now filled with one task or Challenge 2 (450 XP)
another, all requiring what little concentration
they can muster. Spider Climb. The weaver can climb difficult
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
Designed for Several Purposes. Weavers without needing to make an ability check.
exist for two purposes: harvesting the silk Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the
webs of angler worms by holding off the weaver knows the exact location of any other
worms without killing them to allow others creature in contact with the same web.
to do the harvesting and weaving the silk into Web Walker. The weaver ignores movement
restrictions caused by webbing.
various items. Their altered minds make them
immune to the worms’ ability to lure prey, Actions
and their chitinous skin grants them some Multiattack. The marean weaver makes three
defense against the acid of the worms’ bites. claw attacks.
Everything about them that does not aid those Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10
tasks has been removed if at all possible by the ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage.
denizens of Leng. If two or more claw attacks hit the same target,
the target is grappled (escape DC 13) if it is a
Formidable in Numbers. The weaver’s three Large or smaller creature and the weaver doesn’t
arms were designed primarily to hold off an have another creatures grappled. Two weavers
angler worm’s attack by stopping its charge working in tandem can grapple a Huge creature.

by Peter von Bleichert

Z obeck’s Undercity is vast and varied

and ranges from natural, water-carved
passages to purposeful conduits—such as
Under the Docks
The area west of the River Argent, where
the Gullet now stands, was an ancient flood
infrastructural ones that move water, wares,
plain. This land was once similar to the
and waste—as well as nefarious types, like the
tilled pastureland that lies to the river’s east.
infamous Cartways. Collectively known as the
As Zobeck flourished and grew, and trade
“Sewers,” these different passages comingle
increased at the riverfront, the city built
and intersect beneath all parts of Zobeck,
levees, though the temperamental river
including the Dock District.
frequently topped the earthen works. Zobeck
Zobeck’s Dock District is at the eastern
had to tame the sprawling Argent, so a river
edge of the free city, bounded to the north
wall (or groyne) was constructed.
and west by the Citadel and its District, the
Comprised of crushed rock and clay
Argent River to the east, and the College
sandwiched between wooden piles and
District lies south. Known as the Gullet,
horizontal planks, the groyne created an
Zobeck’s Dock District is the heart of
embarcadero that allowed vessels to dock
Zobeck’s commerce. Hard folk—dwarves,
and moor regardless of the Argent’s mood.
gearforged, humans, and kobolds, among
The construct stretched along the length of
others—work the Gullet’s docks.
the river’s west bank from the Greymark
These folks work hard, drink hard, and fight
Warehouse to the Blackened Fish Tavern,
hard. Goods arrive at the Gullet’s wharves by
and wrapped the small island—called the
barge, dugout, raft, and other shallow-draft
Kobold’s Tail, or simply the Tail—that lies
riverboats. Then dockers (stevedores) get to
within the two forks of the Argent. Behind
work. Using clockwork cranes and conveyors,
the groyne, the land was filled and raised,
the dockers unload vessels, break down loads,
keeping valuable buildings and their contents
and warehouse or transfer cargo to other river
well above the Argent’s flood stage.
boats or to cart and mule trains that traverse
During this expensive and extensive
the Great Northern Road and other land paths
work, old canals were covered or filled,
that cross within Zobeck’s limits and just
and structures that once stood on spindly
outside its walls and gates.
pilings were supported and, in some cases,
stone-lined basements got installed beneath

them. Successive mayors had the foresight to
put in sewer works, including catch basins,
The Swallowed
junctions, pipework, and sump pits. Effluent All Undercity dwellers are prone to thievery
from knacker yards, privies, and tanneries that and brandish daggers or the like if confronted.
once flowed through street gutters now went The Swallowed are likely to know the location
below ground, all the way to Puffing Bridge. of concealed and secret doors and passages
Discharged from outlets beneath the too and make use of them to escape, outflank,
span, the pestilential pong flows into the or steal. All such folk are generally soiled,
Argent, turning the river’s greenish water offending most senses, especially the olfactory,
brown. Caught by the current, the filth is and tend toward, though are not limited to,
carried downstream and toward the Ruby assassin and thief archetypes of the rogue
Sea, though not before offending many a class. Otherwise, the Swallowed generally
Zobeckian nose. These subterranean works engage in one or more of the following roles:
are the domain within which many of
Zobeck’s roughest characters operate. GRUBBERS
Inside the passages beneath the Gullet,
Grubbers tend to congregate around drains,
among carrion and rot, shenanigans and
sewer grates, and sump pits where they
shady deals transpire. To engage in such
scavenge waste materials such as bone, rags,
transactions, a few moments under street
or errant coins. Grubbers are territorial
level is required, but, more often than not, an
and defend their patch of Undercity. They
extended stay: demanded.
recognize a hierarchy, however, and the Bone
Once folks venture beneath the Gullet,
Grubber—the powerful and feared Gommage
they change forever: they are said to be
d’Os—lays claim to any subterranean area he
“Swallowed.” To go Under-Gullet, one may
so wishes.
be seeking back entrances to the Cartways or
When foraging does not produce, grubbers
the Smuggler’s Market or searching for the
lurk near street level and reach out with a
fabled Black Chamber to worship or, more
grubber claw—a pole topped with a sharpened
likely, pillage its treasures. Most, though,
hook that can snag or cut—and empty or
are temporarily underground to lay low
steal pouches or purses from passersby. To
and escape enforcers, nervously watching
accomplish such larceny, there are primitive
through sewer grates as patrols pass, waiting
underground hides with hatches concealed
for the unwelcome attention to wane. Others,
at street-level by cobblestones or false
however, check-in for an extended stay,
puddles. Grubbers use these ambuscades to
disappearing into the wet darkness, joining
escape Black Lock assistants, Vigilant Blades,
the slithering things that call the Under-
watchmen, or other freelance guardsmen and
Gullet home.
investigators and when grubbers and their ilk
Regardless of the time spent there, life soon
get hired to complete deadly deeds these hides
turns from natural cycles (like sunrise and
facilitate stealthy dispatch of targets with
sunset) to an unnatural lineal punctuated
poison weapons like darts, daggers, needles,
only by smallish events, such as, “When I ate
and other hide-penetrating missiles.
that rat,” or “When that shadow appeared
and shoved a blade in my face, demanding
recompense for life spared.” Despite the
length of time spent Under-Gullet, one is
certain to encounter the Swallowed.

MUDLARKS are small beaches and rock piles. These places
are the domain of the mudlarks.
The Gullet’s groyne defines the river’s course Mudlarks emerge from pipes, tunnels, and
within the district, and the dry-docks and water inlets to scour the thick, black muddy
quays it sports are prevalent on the city’s map. riverbank. They poke the soggy suck-muck of
Within the Gullet and along the river, there the shore to find items for barter or sale, or

they strip vessels of their brass, bronze, and
copper fittings, reselling them to members
The Gullet’s Reservoirs
of the Bargeman’s Fellowship or melting The River Argent is part of Midgard’s water
them down into valuable ingots. Such activity cycle. Snow falls in the mountains, melts
can occur at any time and regardless of the in the warmer seasons, and runs toward
Argent’s condition, though it occurs most Midgard’s seas. However, the gods do not
often during moonless nights and when always provide, and snowfall becomes a
the river is low. On days the river is not in rarity. Crops and beasts die. Towns and cities
a giving mood, mudlarks pilfer unattended grow thirsty. As such, Zobeck has come to
cargo, often with the cooperation of the store that precious resource that is water.
dockers, whom ask for a kickback. Initially, during early droughts, the city
built subterranean beehive-shaped cisterns.
TOSHERS Later, as Zobeck grew and droughts became
prolonged—sometimes lasting decades—the
Toshers are both scavengers and hunters. city installed larger reservoirs: vast vaulted
Roaming the Under-Gullet, they take what underground spaces. Many such caches
they may and do not hesitate to kill when exist beneath the Gullet, though most of
necessary. Feeding off rats and, in some cases, these reservoirs are abandoned or partially
the flesh of their own kind (both human and collapsed. With maps incomplete and often
kobold toshers have been known to engage lost, these structures get forgotten. As other
in cannibalism), most toshers are thought Undercity works proceed, the elaborate
to be unbalanced, with a few downright structures are breached and adapted to
insane. The Undercity’s damp dark may other purposes or become inhabited by
drive minds this direction, or it could be the unmentionable creatures and folk.
style of life beneath ground that takes them
there. Regardless, no one wants to run into
these Swallowed as toshers do not negotiate
or reason. When toshers are encountered… The Gullet’s boarding houses, boardwalks,
someone is going to die. bordellos, chandler shops, rickety docks,
half-collapsed warehouses and half-timbered
houses, pungent flophouses, and smoke-filled
The Gullet’s Portals taverns sit atop another world. This world
is one of dark brick-lined or natural water-
Besides known and guarded entrances to the
carved tunnels, a world of underground
Cartways, there are several rumored entrances
spaces that groan and moan under the weight
to the rest of the Under-Gullet, such as in the
of what lies above, though do their job and
buildings of the Bargeman’s Fellowship or
persevere, preserving and perpetuating a
the Blackened Fish Tavern as well as beneath
world beneath that should not otherwise
Puffing Bridge. Some even speak of a doorway
exist. A pale reflection of that which is above
in the Altar of Lorelei. Regardless, only a few
ground, this place is, nonetheless, as much a
of Zobeck’s citizens know their true locations,
part of the fabric of Zobeck as the city’s sun-
and fewer still know the location of them all.
kissed segments. It is the dark reflection, the
Often, after an interloper finds a doorway, an
cloudy mirror image, of Zobeck.
accident occurs with the finder’s fate delivered
by trap or other dark method.

by Richard Green

Author’s Note: Parts of this article are taken from the infamous Nine Chthonic Papyri
of Heknusret the Temerarious, disgraced former member of the Honorable Society of
Portal Wizards. Heknusret traveled to many different times, places, and worlds through
the Red Portals and meticulously recorded what he found there.

M y visit to Yggdrasil, the World Ash,

came about by sheer happenstance.
I had ventured into the Crescent Desert to
As I pondered which way to go, I noticed
a small squirrel-like creature with sleek
reddish fur and a pair of tiny tusks had
visit the ruined donjon of Shabhenti Djalit, appeared—a ratatosk (see Tome of Beasts).
self-styled “Master of Worlds,” to investigate The little fellow regarded me curiously and
rumors of a long-forgotten Red Portal. began chattering rapidly in the tongue of
Unfortunately, the fortress had fallen into the the angels, asking who I was, from whence I
hands of diabolical slavers (see Warlock Lair had come, and whether I had anything tasty
#14: The Infernal Salt Pits), and I was forced to eat. The tiny celestial was named Orrin
to abort my expedition. While relaxing at the Bristletail. Delighted with the succulent dates
lush Mentayni Oasis, which lies at the junction I gave him, he would become my constant
of the Howler’s Road and a much weaker ley companion and guide as I wandered amid
line known as the Path of Salt, my scholarly the leaves of Yggdrasil.
curiosity was piqued by a huge date palm,
clearly over a hundred years old. Sure enough,
divination magic revealed that the tree’s great The World Ash
trunk held a Red Portal, accessible to anyone Ratatosks are insatiable gossips and love
eating its fruit. Taking a bite from a juicy date, causing mischief by twisting the truth
I stepped boldly forward into the trunk . . . or sharing others’ secrets, so what Orrin
I found myself standing on the branch of an Bristletail revealed about Yggdrasil may not
ash tree of indeterminate but truly vast size. be entirely accurate. Nonetheless, much of
Its thick bark was silvery-grey in color and what he told me was borne out by my own
rough to the touch while shimmering blue- observations, so I am recording it here.
green oval-shaped leaves grew from its many Yggdrasil, the World Ash, grew from a
branches. The wide branch I was standing seed stolen from the gods Frey and Freya by
on stretched off into the distance before and Ratatosk, first of his kind, which he buried
behind me as far as my eyes could see. at the very center of the multiverse. The tree

grew so tall and so broad that its branches
and roots reached into all of the Nine Worlds,
in the trunk or branch or as archways formed
including our world of Midgard; Asgard,
by entwined branches, and they are marked
home of the Northern Gods; the Summer
with the Eiwaz rune.
Lands of Alfheim; and the Underworld ruled
The vast network of paths is confusing
by Loki’s daughter, the dark goddess Hel.
enough to inexperienced planar travelers,
but to make matters worse, it is constantly
changing—new branches are discovered while
Navigating the twisting pathways along old ones die and break. Only the ravenfolk
Yggdrasil’s branches is far from easy, and I and the ratatosk seem to be able to keep
was glad to have Orrin as my guide, even if he track of which branch or doorway currently
did sometimes lead us toward trouble, rather leads where, though the elves and valkyries
than away from it . . . know the major routes to the Summer Lands,
The branches of Yggdrasil can be many Valhalla, and the Storm Court. Even with a
miles in length, so reaching a particular guide, it is possible to get turned around and
destination usually takes several days on foot. become lost as the branches twist and bend in
Sometimes a quicker route may exist via a the winds that blow through the tree.
portal connecting two distant branches, but a Different parts of the tree have their own
traveler needs to know how to find it. Portals local gravity, so sometimes a traveler needs
can appear as holes or simple wooden doors to walk along the underside of the branch

or stride vertically up the central trunk. rookeries, harvested from the tree itself and
Some branches are treacherous and slippery scavenged from places across the planes.
underfoot, requiring a successful DC 11 Travelers in the World Ash must also be
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to navigate safely wary of the wilder creatures that make their
and avoid a painful fall of 2d4 damage per homes in its canopy. Giant eagles live in
10 ft. to another branch or, worse, through a the upper part of the tree, offspring of the
portal leading to a dangerous plane. Others great eagle that keeps watch from the crown
seep sticky resin that acts as difficult terrain, (see “The Eyrie” below). Lower down, the
hindering movement. branches are home to giant elk, which nibble
on the tree’s evergreen leaves, and giant boar,
INHABITANTS OF YGGDRASIL which root out the tasty fungi growing on
the bark. Both are dangerous if their meals
Communities of ratatosk and ravenfolk are are disturbed. At the bottom of the tree, fell
scattered throughout the tree. The ratatosk’s creatures gnaw on the roots, including the
larger cousins, the ratatosk warlords (see terrible serpent-wyrm Nidhogg and its spawn,
Creature Codex), build small watchtowers while the goat-legged kallikantzaros (see
and sprawling tree cities among the branches, Creature Codex) try to saw through the trunk.
which provide protection and security for Pathways leading to other realms and worlds
their smaller kin. These offer travelers a safe are often warded by powerful guardians.
place to spend the night as long as the overly
suspicious guards can be persuaded to grant MAGIC ON YGGDRASIL
admittance. The leaders of the ratatosk meet
at the fabled Squirrel Court of Yggdrasil (see Yggdrasil powers certain types of magic.
below) inside the great tree’s trunk; its precise While they are among the branches of the
location is a closely guarded secret. World Ash, druids and clerics of the Northern
The ravenfolk live in rookeries—ramshackle Gods operate as if they were 1 level higher for
collections of individual nests, shops, the purposes of determining spell slots per
shrines, and meeting places connected by spell level and spellcasting proficiency bonus.
bridges, walkways, and ladders. All manner Characters who have learned the Eiwaz
of materials is used in the construction of


Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d6
druid, ranger, or wizard) + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you
This staff of silvery-grey ash has been cut expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
from a branch of Yggdrasil and is carved with the staff loses its properties and becomes a
the Eiwaz rune. Ravenfolk and other dwellers nonmagical quarterstaff.
in the World Ash create these staffs to more Spells. You can use an action to expend one
easily travel its planar pathways. or more of the staff’s charges to cast one of
You can perfectly recall any path you have the following spells: create or destroy water
traveled while holding this staff. (1 charge), freedom of movement (4 charges),
By striking the staff on the ground or against locate Red Portal* (3 charges), purify food and
a branch of Yggdrasil as a bonus action, you drink (1 charge), speak with plants (3 charges).
can transform it into *see Midgard Worldbook
a shillelagh (as the spell) for 1 minute.

rune (see Heroes Handbook) via the Rune god’s eye is said to rest in the well to this day,
Knowledge feat can access its rune powers as alongside the head of the giant Mimir who was
if they were 1 level higher. decapitated by the Vanir but still watches over
the well. PCs who can prove their worth to
Perilous Pathways Tove Mimirsdottir, the jotun giant (see Tome
of Beasts) guarding this mythical location, can
As we wandered the World Ash, Orrin gain the wisdom of the well—as long as they
Bristletail chattered away about the planar are prepared to surrender an eye to Mimir.
pathways formed by its roots and branches
and where each led. He mentioned the “Nine
Worlds” repeatedly but didn’t name the same
nine worlds twice. I came to the conclusion Yggdrasil’s other giant roots both reach into
that this was merely a metaphor used by the different planes. The second root ends at
ratatosk and the Northerners for what we in the Well of Urd in Asgard where the Aesir
Nuria-Natal know to be the infinite planes of gather to consult the Norns, the three wise old
the multiverse. women who oversee the destinies of gods and
men. The Norns mix water from the well with
PATHS TO MIDGARD earth and use the mud to repair any cracks
that appear in the giant root. A company of
Where the branches of Yggdrasil reach into valkyries (see Tome of Beasts) keeps uninvited
Midgard, they manifest as World Trees— mortals away from the well.
great trees that act as nodes of divine power, The third root leads to the dark world
revered by followers of the Northern Gods. of Niflheim where the spring known as
As you travel along a pathway on Yggdrasil Hvergelmir feeds all the rivers of the world.
leading to one of the World Trees, its foliage Here, on the Corpse Shore, the terrible
and bark begin to take on the characteristics of serpent-wyrm Nidhogg feasts on the bodies
its destination. So the bark of a branch leading of murderers, adulterers, and oath breakers
to the enormous Winter Tree at Domovogrod and gnaws at the roots of the tree. The most
(see Midgard Worldbook) gradually changes wicked of these men are spared being eaten
from silvery-grey to a rich, dark brown, and and are cursed by Nidhogg instead. They
its blue-green oval leaves become the needles become the tveirherjar (see Creature Codex)
of a fir. This transformation helps reassure and are sent to Valhalla to fight the valkyries
you that you are on the right path, though and corrupt the einherjar (see Tome of
there is no clear border between Yggdrasil and Beasts). When Ragnarok is at hand, Nidhogg
Midgard. These pathways are often guarded. and his foul spawn will chew through the
The route to the Winter Tree is plagued by roots, and Yggdrasil will fall.
a grove of tree-like children of Yggdrasil The World Ash’s branches extend into
(see Creature Codex) while savage lizardfolk a multitude of other planar locations.
warriors haunt the path to the Black Cypress Klingedesh, Marketplace of the planes, can
(see Midgard Worldbook), hunting for fresh be accessed via the Thorn Gate, an archway
heads to shrink and hang from its boughs. of hundred-foot-tall ivory spines carved
One of Yggdrasil’s three mighty roots with arcane glyphs, which stands on a thick
stretches into Jotunheim, Land of Giants, branch near the trunk. Sounds of eternal
in Midgard’s Northlands where it is fed by battle ring out on the well-trodden path to
the Well of Mimir. Here, Wotan cut out the halls of Valhalla. Brightly colored flowers
his eye and exchanged it for a drink from and ivy grow on the leafy branch leading to
the well in order to gain great wisdom. The the Summer Lands of the elves.

Planar flora (see Creature Codex) is
commonly encountered where the
boughs connect with celestial or
fiendish realms. Thorned sulfurlords
guard the pathways to Muspelheim,
Land of Flame, while alabaster
trees and ecstatic blooms
grow on branches leading to
the heavenly planes, and devil
boughs and execrable shrubs
can be found on highways to
the Eleven Hells.
Hook. A loved one has
died from illness while the
PCs were away adventuring.
Clerical magic has failed to
bring him or her back from
the dead, so the heroes must
travel the undead-haunted
road known as the Helveg
to Gnipa Cave. If they
can sneak past Garm, the
monstrous blood‑stained
hound who guards the
entrance to the Underworld,
they can appeal to the
goddess Hel to release their
loved one’s soul.

SPAWN OF NIDHOGG Condition Immunities poisoned

Huge dragon, chaotic evil Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Perception 15
Hit Points 168 (16d12 + 64) Languages Draconic, Northern Tongue
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Stench of Death. Any creature that starts its turn
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 7 (−2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) within 10 feet of the spawn of Nidhogg must
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or
be poisoned for 1 minute. On a successful saving
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +8, Wis +5, Cha +4
throw, the creature is immune to the stench of
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6
any spawn of Nidhogg for one hour.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Legend’s Scion (1/day). If the spawn of Nidhogg
slashing from nonmagical weapons
fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison instead.

Multiattack. The spawn of Nidhogg makes three
Wondrous Locations
attacks—one with its bite and two with its claws.
During my brief sojourn to Yggdrasil, it was
Bite. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., only possible for Orrin Bristletail to escort
one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage me to a mere handful of its many notable
and the target must make a DC 16 Constitution landmarks. I have recorded details of the
saving throw, taking 13 (3d8) necrotic damage wondrous locations that we visited below.
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Claw. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning At the top of the tree sits an eagle the size of
a roc. No one knows the eagle’s name—he
Breath of Decay (Recharge 5–6). The spawn of
keeps it to himself—but he sees much of what
Nidhogg exhales foul black mist in a 30-foot
cone. Each creature in the area must make a goes on in the Nine Worlds from his vantage
DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 52 point. A smaller giant eagle named Vedfolnir
(15d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half also watches from on top of the great eagle’s
as much damage on a successful one. Plant head so that nothing is missed.
creatures and magical plants make the saving Ratatosk visit the eagles each morning and
throw with disadvantage and take maximum
evening to find out the latest goings-on and
damage. Nonmagical plants that are not
creatures simply wither and die. to relay news from the lower branches and
the roots of Yggdrasil to the two giant birds.
Coiled around the roots of the tree is a sinuous The little creatures enjoy embellishing what
wyrm with greenish-black scales, a pointed they’ve heard in order to stir up trouble, and
tail, and a crocodilian mouth filled with sharp it’s hard to know what the eagle truly saw
teeth. The creature reeks of the rotting corpses without climbing to the top of the tree to ask
it’s been feeding on. him yourself. Sometimes, the great eagle gets
The spawn of Nidhogg the Serpent-Wyrm so annoyed by what the ratatosk tell him others
dwell in the lower reaches of Yggdrasil and are saying about him that he threatens to deal
in the dark realm of Niflheim. Like their with the slanderers first hand and has to be
loathsome father, the spawn feast on the calmed down by Vedfolnir.
bodies of the dead washed up on the Corpse Hook. The ratatosk go too far and succeed
Shore and gnaw at the roots of the World in provoking the great eagle with their
Ash, hoping to bring about the great tree’s tittle-tattle. Furious, he leaves his perch and
death and the end of the Nine Worlds. Their flies down to the Corpse Shore to confront
breath is so foul that it causes plant life to Nidhogg. Vedfolnir wants to go after him and
wither and die. persuade him to come back, but who will keep
watch over the Nine Worlds while both eagles
are gone? The giant eagle is desperate—can
the PCs be trusted to stand in? And if they do,
what interesting things do they witness?


High in the branches of the tree is the sacred

place where Wotan hung himself from
Yggdrasil, wounded by a spear and without
food or drink, for nine days and nights. At the

end of his ordeal, the god screamed in agony • Gain the ability to cast the speak with dead
as he pulled knowledge of rune magic from spell once per day.
Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void.
A village of ravenfolk has grown up on SQUIRREL COURT OF YGGDRASIL
the branches close to this holy site. Perched
precariously in a crook of the tree, the We reached a small, unobtrusive knothole
rookery is a bewildering mishmash of in the trunk of the tree. Orrin Bristletail
architectural styles and building materials scampered inside, gesturing for me to follow.
and is home to around 100 ravenfolk, many I crawled on my hands and knees after him
of them doom croakers. When the wisest of through the hollowed-out tunnels, taking
these mystics die, their souls will hang from care to keep him in sight. Eventually I heard
Wotan’s Gallows for seven nights after which a great cacophony up ahead as the passage
time an egg will appear in the place where opened out into a large chamber filled with
they died. The departed huginn hatches from chattering ratatosk . . .
the egg, reincarnated into a new body. The In a secret location inside the trunk of the
souls appear as twinkling motes of light. A World Ash, guarded by ratatosk warlords,
dozen or so can usually be seen hanging from the leaders of the ratatosk hold court in a
the branches. chamber large enough to accommodate
Hook. The PCs are hired to escort a pilgrim hundreds of their kinfolk, all excitedly
from the Northlands to Yggdrasil, so she can shouting out their contributions from
hang herself from Wotan’s Gallows and learn balconies overlooking the council floor.
the secrets of the runes. Brave PCs wishing to The nine elders of the Squirrel Court—five
undertake the ordeal themselves must offer a females and four males—sit in a circle,
gift to Dreamwhisper, the high doom croaker, listening to the latest news and gossip from
a venerable huginn with feathers of pure across the planes, so they can determine
white, save for a black ring around one eye – a who needs to know what, who will carry the
sign of Wotan’s favor. Dreamwhisper hops message, and how far the truth should be
excitedly from one foot to the other while bent. Matters before the court vary widely,
waiting to see what the PCs have brought him. ranging from messages from the gods
This should be something shiny or glittery themselves and dire portents witnessed by the
and preferably magic. eagle in the Eyrie to what really happened on
Each day the PC spends hanging from the wedding night of Hosvir the Unlucky and
the tree, they must make a death save with Rosmunda, daughter of Halvar Flat-Nose.
advantage. Achieving three successes means Hook. The PCs have uncovered evidence that
the PC has survived the ordeal and gains one Loki and the Cult of Ragnarok have entered
of the benefits below. Three failures means into a dark alliance with the Night Cauldron
death. Once the ritual has begun, the doom of Chernobog. Warnings need to be issued
croakers will not interrupt it, though the PC’s to the priests of the Northern Gods and the
companions can. PCs travel to Yggdrasil to ask the ratatosk
• Seek the wisdom of Wotan, gaining the to get the word out, preferably without
answers to up to five questions as the embellishment. As payment, the Squirrel
contact other plane spell (no saving throw Court demands nine golden acorns—one for
required). each elder—to be taken from the Splendid
• Gain the Rune Knowledge feat (see Heroes Oak growing in the Summer Lands. A bold
Handbook) and learn two runes, one of raid across the planes lies ahead.
which must be Eiwaz.

by Wolfgang Baur

E lvish courts have always been strange

places—to mortals anyway. They are
somewhat like royal courts among humans,
and many others still remain active in the
Summer Lands and in hidden places on the
branches of Yggdrasil, aloft in airy realms, or
but because of elvish and fey longevity, the in other hidden places of Midgard far from
fey courts are far more dominated by single the Seven Cities and Dornig.
figures and for much longer periods, and these
factors invariably leave their mark across
centuries, setting down quirks, customs,
Court of Owls (Arbonesse)
For a long time, the Court of Owls was
traditions, and arcane and court law. Each
the primary site of elvish pilgrimage for
founder’s interests often become enshrined
druids and followers of the old ways as well
in the magic, architecture, fashions, and even
as worshippers of the forested, shadowed
speech of the courts, most having their own
branches of the elvish pantheon: Holda,
preferred courtly dialect: the Strigian Elvish
Yarila and Porevit, and Sarastra. Its founder
dialect of the Court of Owls used loan words
was the archdruid Illem Quinor, a pious and
from Druidish scriptures and ritual while
stern elf who founded the Circle of Owls and
the Rosy Elvish dialect of the Rose Court was
whose adherents served the elvish empire
known for complex speech and obligatory
throughout their territories as shapeshifting,
rhyme, especially in forms of address.
keen-eyed scouts and (sometimes) saboteurs.
The members of a fey court consist of
While most visitors to the Court of Owls were
vassals, servants, and family of elvish nobles,
pilgrims and priests, hidden among those
invariably major royalty such as dukes,
masses were always a few spies bringing their
princesses, kings and queens, emperors and
reports to the Roost, the small but ornately
imperatrixes—in a few cases, without the title
gilded chamber where the archdruid listened,
but with all the influence. Each court revolves
pondered, and sent further missives to the
around its founders as the moon chases the
emperor or imperatrix on matters that directly
sun. The most balanced tend to be founded
concerned the pantheon or the empire.
married couples but sometimes by single
When the elves retreated to the Summer
rulers of great influence or charm.
Lands and the empire faded away, the
Here are three courts from the list of the
library of the Court of Owls was burned to
famous courts of the Valeran Empire at its
the ground. Most histories say the fire was
height. There were more than two dozen
ordered by Quinor himself, for its libraries
courts known over the imperial years,

contained far too many secrets best kept away fetid moat to the outer courtyards. In some
from grasping dwarves and humans. Others places, the Noctuan Water is lifted by arcane
claim that a vindictive gnomish servant, bitter means to flow into the kitchens and halls; in
at the command to depart and unwilling to other places, it is cleansed by elemental magic.
leave human and elfmarked friends behind, At its final stop, it flows into a large, still pool
set the blaze. Many volumes are said to have in the main courtyard, still lined with reeds
been carried off during the fire by gnomes and lilies, before disappearing underground.
and other servants, and a few were found later An undine or water spirit may still live in a
by scavengers surprised to note their pages cavern below.
were inviolate—legible and whole—despite
a thick coating of ash on their covers. These
“lost books of Quinor” are highly sought after
Court of Roses (Arbonesse)
The Court of Roses was devoted to the young
as they remain one of the very few exemplars
and the poor among the elves. It was a place
of elvish magic available to non-elves. Most
of learning, courtship, carousing, famed for
are believed to have wound up in Bemmea
its poetry and its Silver Shrine of Baccolon
or Maillon, though at least one necromantic
as well as the Great Hall of the Crimson
volume is said to have been carried off by
Queen Othaniel. She was both the wealthiest
nightgaunts winging their way to the Scarlet
patroness of elvish arts and learning and
Citadel. These books can all be authenticated
(so whispers maintained) the most ruthless
by the presence of the Archdruid’s Seal,
keeper of the empire’s records, genealogies,
an inked design of an owl, holly leaves and
and arcane bloodlines—the foundation
branches, together with elvish runes spelling
on which titles, peerage, inheritances, and
out “Eternally Watchful,” with the whole
fiefdoms rose and fell.
rendered as an arcane mark that resists
Queen Othaniel’s public patronage of
erasure and tampering (in a few cases, a lead
Baccolon was largely a boisterous, popular
imprint of the seal attached by a ribbon—
way to hide her devotion to Sarastra and her
these are older but also less secure methods of
teaching of young elvish wizards, sorcerers,
authenticating a lost book of Quinor).
and other arcanists about high magic,
What truly remains of the Court of Owls is a
shadow and illuminated rituals, and rites
matter of some discussion. A few druids and
that strengthened ley lines, that built new
pilgrims still visit in the summer months and
shadow roads, and that even moved ley lines
refer to themselves as the New Court of Owls,
miles across the empire to thwart enemies or
but this is draping themselves in lost glories.
reward the emperor’s chosen. Her titles ran as
Structurally, the fine wooden buildings are
Her Sanguine and Ethereal Majesty, Othaniel
all fallen into decay, the stone foundations
Qivaressa, the Red Queen of Baccolon,
remain true but overgrown with moss and
Countess of the Lower Arbonesse, Baroness of
even cavelight moss, and some dark and
Steinhafen, Mistress of the Arcane Roads, and
hungry spirit inhabits the court’s groves and
Keeper of the Key of Seven Stars, Beloved of
streams. Many visitors return missing a horse,
the Poets and Immortal in Song.
ox, or dog, and a few complain that “lustful,
The Rose Court is now a place of ghosts, as
beguiling music” can be heard from the
well as dusty arcane workshops filled with
famous court’s stream.
animated oozes burning with cold light, and
This stream is the Noctuan Water, a fresh,
a few other horrors such as clockwork poets,
babbling bit of a stream, rarely more than a
animated undead cats with particularly fluffy
foot deep in most places, which still runs from
and luminous fur, and rats of unseemly
a hillside and then crosses mid-air over the

intelligence. Its famous stained-glass windows and dusk. Gardeners who have attempted to
were all removed and conjured away during take a cutting or transplant from among the
the Retreat: tall vacant windows and at least talking roses have, thus far, been prevented
two enormous round ones remain as the by children of the briar and other floral
frames where enormous glass once filled the guardians. But such a bloom would surely
air with light and pleasing shadows. Smaller, bring a smile to the face of any of the elves
stained-glass windows were said to have who remember the Rose Court at its height.
remained but have all been looted as well;
a few have been set into new temples and
taverns as far afield as Reywald and Salzbach.
Griffon Court (Margreve)
By elvish noble standards, the Griffon Court
Somewhere within its ruins are likely some
was a backwater of little consequence: a
arcane treasures, and (if some of the human
summer camp to learn griffon riding, to hunt
histories are true) somewhere beneath
deer in the Margreve, to ponder a few of the
the court should be the Crimson Queen’s
mysteries of the deep forest, and perhaps
dungeons and workshops. Several “true and
to dally with the shadow fey if they showed
authentic” maps of these workshops exist,
themselves at all. The territory is surrounded
though the two best known disagree with
by marshy woodlands and thickets of thorn
one another on such simple matters as where
and briar so ancient that they require axes to
the entrance to the chambers is; most agree
clear—most visitors come by ley roads or on
these maps are all dated long after the Retreat.
griffon wing if they come at all.
Banshees, phantoms, and occasionally
And there are still reasons to visit. For
pilgrims of Sarastra’s darker traditions can
the elvish armies, the Griffon Court was an
be found in the buildings, though most of
important breeding and nesting ground for
these are purely nocturnal visitors, so the
two-headed eagles, hippogriffs, wyverns,
merely curious are advised to visit by daylight
and griffons, as well as (at one time) for
when the ruins are at their best and the odds
occasional fey drakes or moon drakes given
of a violent attack by undead or alchemical
as gifts among the nobles. It was also a crucial
horrors are minimal.
training grounds for knights and captains,
One item of especial interest can still be
not the glamorous nobles but the well-trained
found quite easily: the talking roses of the
leaders who made sure that elvish armies
court still grow wild and rambling in what
could handle any rebellion and expand their
was once the famous Prickling Maze where
rule over patient centuries. So it was a martial
young elves played and older, perhaps
court from the beginning, but it also retained
inebriated elves sought to question the foliage
pride in its messenger services, flying couriers
in pursuit of green wisdom or amusing
and making deliveries by air from Thorn to
anecdotes. The talking roses speak the Rosy
Gennecka and to Liadmura and Velersh.
dialect of Elvish and may be the last to do
And despite the retreat of the elves, it is
so; they are widely versed in weather lore,
still at least somewhat inhabited. Four elves,
botany, and the distinct cries of any bird or
twenty elfmarked, and a scattering of gnomes
animal inhabiting the ruins, but they are also
and halflings keep the place in running order
quite melancholy still at having no sparkling
and maintain a stable of six to ten trained
courtiers to speak with. A few wilder legends
Margreve griffons at all times for the use of
claim that old blood rituals once turned the
the imperatrix on her rounds and hunts. Since
white roses red and summoned forth a dark
her health has declined, these choice beasts
goddess from the woods or that void pipes can
are more often given to her various favorites
still be heard in the Prickling Maze at dawn

at court, but they are still trained at the of the esteemed homes of the elvish legions
hunting lodge that was once home to several of old. Tunnels, armories, and barracks of
hundred of the empire’s brightest knights, the old Flying Fifth Legion (also called the
young squires of the martial orders, and a Griffon Guard) are said to have been sealed
famed school of rangers and archers. off and are largely inaccessible to visitors.
Rumor has it that some elements of the Only the court’s commander, the Griffon
Griffon Court’s armor, weapons, and training Knight-Commander Alluvar of Rothenheim,
methods remain available to worthy elves and Marshall of the Margreve and at least
elf-blooded humans, but on the whole, the honorary general of the 5th legion, is believed
court is not welcoming place. Built on a stony to know the command words and to hold
crag above much of the forest canopy and the arcane keys to the tunnels of the Flying
with three large clearings to handle training, Fifth. His wife Xendra, his son Ollivary (or
flying, and a modest orchard and viticulture, more correctly, Alluvar the Younger), and his
it more resembles a woodland village than one squire, young Fillibera of Liadmura, round
out the garrison.

by Wolfgang Baur

M ost branches of the great World Tree

are noisy and full of powerful spirits:
the battle cries of Valhalla, the shrieking
of vampires in Morgau or the god-kings of
Nuria-Natal in their deep and hidden crypts
where their prayers and invocations echo year
of various hells and planes of torment, the upon year through the centuries, offering
fulsome chorus of celestial planes devoted praise to Mot and staving off true death for
to the harmonious celebration of the divine. but a little longer.
By comparison, Evermaw, the plane of the
dark god Mot (and the equally notorious
Vardesain and Anu-Akma, fellow gods of
Entering the Dry Lands
The plane of Mot itself is easy to reach for
the dead), is notable for its silence—a plane
the undead; spells such as skull road open
of enormous deserts of bones, dunes of dust,
the pathway between any tomb and the Dry
and rivers of blood and tears. These are the
Lands. Gnolls and the priests of Anu-Akma
Dry Lands, the plane where life extends
are familiar with this path, said to be a ley line
past its appointed span, where fate itself is
that was corrupted millennia ago, perhaps
thwarted with regularity, and where liches,
at the founding of Nuria itself, to lead not to
vampires, and ghouls gather in enormous
other planes or to shadow but directly into the
numbers to praise their patron and the font
River of Tears and thus to the Eternal Palace.
of vileness, to cheat death, to praise their
The dry lands are home to several varieties
protection against a certain voyage into the
of extremely strange terrain, rarely found
hells and the joy and strength of the god of
elsewhere other than sometimes in particular
the undead and his near-infinite legions.
hells. These are described below for the
possible warning of future travelers.
Cheating Death Bone Deserts: The most common terrain
and Praising Unlife within the Dry Place is bone desert; its sand
While most gods depend on the prayers is powdered bone and pebbles of bone not yet
and offerings of the living, Mot derives his worn quite so small. Dunes, ramparts, and
power from the praise of the undead and pebbled stretches of bone extend for miles.
the animated—from skeletons and zombies In some places, the bone itself is transformed
compelled to ape out thousands of near- by magic or the blood of the living into a
meaningless (yet still efficacious) masses and cement-like material, suitable for building
sermons and from the much richer work towers, castles, and walls. As undead require

very little in the way of rest or
nourishment, most buildings
are built for reasons of
status, display, or trade.
Caverns of Unmaking:
Tunnels and passages within
the Dry Lands are often
filled with raw necrotic
energy that pulses through
narrow spaces in waves. These
inflict a body-wracking 3d12
hp necrotic damage (DC 16
Constitution for half). Undead
find these caverns welcoming
and healing; the necrotic
damage restores both their
energy and their sense of
purpose. So many such
caverns are inhabited by
intelligent undead.
Cliffs of Gathered Memory:
Undead who have fallen
into a state of minimal
energy are often brought
to this famous orange
stone, carved to resemble
a sort of honeycomb, miles
wide and over 500 feet tall.
Each small, hermetic chamber
of the cliffs gathers memories from the
undead and preserves their spirit, keeping Wisdom saving throw, they become immobile
it from advancing (or more to the point, for 1 hour and take 2d12 hp psychic damage,
descending) to other planes of being. The their minds filled with visions of decay
voices of millions can be heard within the and death. Affected creatures must make
cliffs. Distinguishing any particular voice or another saving throw after 1 hour if still in
speaking with a particular undead spirit is the chamber or suffer the same effects again.
impossible without speak with dead, ancient Creatures that make a successful saving throw
shade, or similar magic. are permanently immune to the psychic
Living creatures that enter the small attacks of that particular chamber.
chambers suffer a powerful psychic attack Crackling Forests: The forests of the Dry
that can both paralyze and weaken them. The Lands are not green but rather cartilaginous
white and orange walls within are soothing masses of splintered bones and dry, leathery
to undead, but living creatures find them leaves covered with fine black hair. These
stultifying, mind numbing, and oppressive. conglomerate into enormous, fernlike and
Unless a living creature makes a DC 14 treelike structures that the undead find

impossibly beautiful and stirring and that at night, and the air itself is rank; undead do
living creatures find quite revolting or at least not trouble to heat the palace nor to ventilate
disturbing. Entering such a crackling forest it properly.
requires a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw; those River of Blood: This peculiar river reeks of
who succeed overcome their revulsion while iron and decay, like old blood or a butcher’s
those who fail must either be blindfolded or abattoir. Undead are the only creatures able
must take a long rest and try again—the place to enter its waters without risk; all other
is simply hideously repellant. creatures suffer 2d6 necrotic damage for each
When cut or broken, the trees themselves round spent touching or immersed in it. The
bleed a black milk that undead find river itself is a muddy red tone, and undead
nourishing and pleasant. Ghouls, vampires, often cluster along its banks. Small sections of
and other corporeal undead delight in congealed, scab-like material line the edges of
cracking open the hairy bark and gorging the river. Undead from the plane of Evermaw
themselves on this thick syrup. For such call it Mother River or just the River. Its
creatures, devouring 1 pint of black milk is as course meanders through hundreds of miles
restorative as devouring a living creature. and ends in an enormous cataract said to lead
Eyes of Mot: While all gods have servants, directly to the Hell of Blood.
those of Mot are especially obvious: flocks of Some vampires and other blood drinkers
undead vultures circle his realm at all times find it very difficult to leave the River of
and are occasionally sent into the mortal Blood. They continue to feed over hours and
world to see the success or failure of some plot days, growing to enormous, swollen sizes
or scheme that might further the dark god’s and attaining a distended appearance similar
goals. These undead can be treated as hawks, to an engorged tick. Their limbs and body
though they rarely enter combat. Their ragged often take on a bruised hue, and their hands,
feathers keep them above the fray, and their feet, and belly are often so round as to make
keen vision allows them to see and report on mobility difficult. In some cases, these “deep
events anywhere in the realms of Undeath. drinkers” float along the river until reaching
Eternal Palace of Mot: The Eternal Palace is the planar cataract mentioned previously.
a maze within a tomb, boxed into a labyrinth Most undead believe that these undead are
and hidden under miles of bone and dust. The reborn as devils in the Hell of Blood.
entrance is a rather plain cavern guarded by River of Tears: Flowing around the roots
two enormous, hulking gnolls with skeletal of the World Tree as well as through many
grins and halos of dark green runes (treat planes leading from the mortal world to the
as void giants from Creature Codex). The outer realms of gods and afterlife, the River
interior is made of various rich materials, of Tears does wind through the plane of
all supposedly taken from tombs, including Evermaw and does abut the Eternal Palace
golden couches and rich carpets, ebony tables and its various fortifications and temples.
and a throne of pure silver chased with a Indeed, it is one of the best ways out of the
smell of dust and decay and embossed with plane, as the River of Tears is trafficked
shadows and motes of pure necrotic fire. The by ferry demons and angelic guides, both
rooms are all quite grim under their gilding, eager to win souls to their own destinations.
reminiscent of tombs and mausoleums. A few Boarding their craft requires the customary
bedchambers and kitchens are provided for 2 copper pennies, though the destination
those guests who require food and sleep, but is not always an improvement. A number
most of the halls are kept bone-chillingly cold of ferry demons have (it is said) become

adept at spinning various celestial‑seeming Skull Ziggurats: Piled as much as 50 or 60
illusions; these disguises only fall away when feet high, the skull ziggurats are places of
the demon arrives at some place outside sacrifice, though in many cases the creatures
Evermaw—this might be Yggdrasil or Asgard being offered to the gods are skeletons or
but more often is one of the hells or some zombies or other lesser undead, rather than
hideous demonic demi-plane. living creatures or people (both quite rare
Entering the waters of the River of Tears in Evermaw as one might expect). These
without powerful magical protection strips ziggurats are usually claimed for either
away memories and the fuss and ambitions Mot, Vardesain, or Anu-Akma, but they
of a mortal life from any non‑planar are often abandoned except during unholy
creature. Each round that a creature begins conjunctions or ancient festivals that are
while within or touching the waters of the obscure enough that even most liches and
River of Tears, they must make a DC 12 specters do not know what their original
Charisma saving throw; each failed saving purpose was. These include the Festival of
throw reduces their level by 1 and removes a the Third Voyager (Anu-Akma), the Feast
year’s worth of its memories and character. of the Greater Cages (Vardesain), and the
After five failed saving throws, it is always Transference of the Ebon Idol (Mot).
reduced to a “new planar”
state, remembering only its
name, its former profession
and some basic skills, and
either 1) its patron god if
it was a priest or especially
devout worshipper or
2) a single great goal,
secret, or ambition
of its former life (if it
was unconcerned by
divine matters).

Spells of the Undead ETERNAL ECHO

While necromancy is practiced heavily in 3rd-level necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action
the Dry Lands, some spells seem especially
Range: 60 feet
common there. These spells are usually
Components: V
available to wizards and priests (but not bards
Duration: Concentration
or druids).
You gain a portentous voice of compelling
ANCIENT SHADE power, commanding all undead within 60
5th-level necromancy feet that fail a Wisdom saving throw. This
Casting Time: 1 action overrides any prior loyalty to spellcasters
Range: 10 feet such as necromancers or evil priests, and it
Components: V, S, M (burning candles of can nullify the effect of a Turn Undead result
planar origin, 500 gp) from a cleric.
Duration: 10 minutes
You grant the semblance of life and
intelligence to a pile of bones or even bone 5th-level necromancy
dust of your choice within range, allowing Casting Time: 1 hour
the ancient spirit to answer the questions you Range: Touch
pose. These remains can be the remnants of Components: V, S, M (1 gallon of black milk
undead, including animated but unintelligent of Evermaw; consumed)
Duration: Instantaneous
undead such as skeletons and zombies
(intelligent undead are not affected). It can You touch an undead creature (dust and
have died centuries ago, though the older bones suffice) destroyed not more than 10
the spirit called, the less it remembers of its hours ago; the creature is surrounded by
mortal life. purple fire for 1 round and is returned to life
Until the spell ends, you can ask the ancient with full hit points. This spell has no effect on
spirit up to five questions if it died within the any creatures except undead, and it cannot
past year, four questions within ten years, restore a lich whose phylactery has been
three questions within one hundred years, destroyed, a vampire destroyed by sunlight,
two questions within one thousand years, and any undead whose remains are destroyed
but a single question for spirits more than by fire, acid, or holy water, or any remains
one thousand years dead. The ancient shade affected by a bless or gentle repose spell.
knows only what it knew in life, including the This spell doesn’t remove magical effects.
languages it knew. Answers are usually brief, If they aren’t removed prior to casting, they
cryptic, or repetitive, and the corpse is under return when the undead creature comes back
no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if to life.
you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an This spell closes all mortal wounds but
enemy. This spell doesn’t return the creature’s doesn’t restore missing body parts. If the
soul to its body, only its animating spirit. creature doesn’t have body parts or organs
Thus, the corpse can’t learn new information, necessary for survival, the spell fails.
doesn’t comprehend anything that has Sudden reassembly is an ordeal involving
happened since it died, and can’t speculate enormous expenditure of necrotic energy; ley
about future events. line casters within 5 miles are aware that some
great shift in life forces has occurred and a
sense of its direction. The target takes a −4
penalty to all attacks, saves, and ability checks.

Every time it finishes a long rest, the penalty is Undead casters can use this spell in the
reduced by 1 until it disappears. reverse direction, opening a portal from
Evermaw to the mortal world, though with
SKULL ROAD similar restrictions. At 5th level, the portal
5th-level conjuration opens in a dark forest, cavern, or ruins far
Casting Time: 1 action from habitation. At 7th level, the skull road
Range: 60 feet leads directly to a tomb, cemetery, or mass
Components: V, S, M (ivory worth at grave near a humanoid settlement of some
least 500 gp) kind.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You conjure a portal linking an unoccupied STAFF OF VIOLET FIRE
space you can see within range to an 4th-level evocation
imprecise location on the plane of Evermaw. Casting Time: 1 bonus action
The portal is a circular opening, which you Range: Self
can make 5–20 feet in diameter. You can Components: V, S, M (mummy dust)
orient the portal in any direction you choose. Duration: Concentration, but see description
The portal lasts for the duration. You create a quarterstaff of pure necrotic
If your casting is at 5th level, this opens a energy that blazes with intense purple light; it
pathway to the River of Tears, to the Vitreous appears in your chosen hand. If you let it go,
Mire, or to the Plains of Bone—travel to a it disappears, though you can evoke it again as
settlement can take up to 7 days (1d6+1). If a bonus action.
cast at 7th level, the skull road spell opens a This staff is an extremely unstable and
portal to a small settlement of gnolls, ghouls, impermanent magic item; it has 10 charges
or shadows on the plane near the Eternal and does not require attunement. The wielder
Palace of Mot or a similar settlement. can use one of three effects:
• By using your action to make a melee
attack and expending 1 charge, you can
attack with it. On a hit, the target takes 27
(5d10) necrotic damage.
• By expending 2 charges, you can release
bolts of necrotic fire against up to 3 targets
as ranged attacks for 8 (1d8+4) necrotic
damage each.
• By expending 3 charges, you can negate
any radiant spell as a reaction or dispel
an angelic ward as an action (see Midgard
Heroes Handbook or Deep Magic: Angelic
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
melee damage increases by 1d10 for every
two slot levels above 4th, or you add one
additional ranged bolt for every two slots
above 4th.

by Jeff Grubb

O f all the settlements and all the citadels to

be found within the Elemental Planes, the
best known by far and the most visited is the
petty godlings, and merchants of all stripes,
confident of their (relative) protection.
The City of Brass is also a place of exile
City of Brass, located in the Plane of Elemental and refuge. Demon lords who have lost their
Fire. There are other such cities, mighty home planes, archdukes on the outs with the
metropolises in the other Inner Planes, but the Infernal Hierarchy, and powerful wizards who
Burnished City sees the greatest number of have crossed one too many patrons all can be
visitors—elemental, infernal, and otherwise. found within its walls. Some enjoy their exile
The chief reason for this is the ruling while others continually plot and plan for their
inhabitants of the city: the efreeti, a powerful inevitable return to power. The grand sultan—
genie race. The efreeti are black-hearted and who like a wise father allows his children their
cruel but are bound both by honor and their own futures—permits such conspiring as long
own legal codes, and this lawful tendency as it does not threaten the Charcoal Throne.
makes their domain an ideal meeting ground The confluence of so many peoples from so
for different species from all the planes. many planes makes the city a great trading
Under the wise oversight of Grand Sultan hub where merchants from half a hundred
Ixingaltrix—may his name ever be praised— empires, planar layers, and demiplanes come
the city is a crossroad and marketplace, a to seek out the unique and the expensive.
prison, a refuge, and a neutral ground for Dreams are for sale here as are hopes and
all who are willing to bend a knee and tug a futures and birthrights. If it cannot be
forelock in obeisance to its master’s rule. found here, someone may be located in its
The power of the grand sultan—be he ever bathhouses and gambling dens who can find it
powerful—keeps the more malignant nature for a very affordable price.
of their fiery native plane at bay and provides Magic, in particular, is a currency in the
a safe haven where even a water‑dwelling City of Brass, and trade is brisk. The grand
marid can find comfort (though they complain sultan—his wisdom be unquestioned—often
mightily about the dryness of the air). His Most punishes those who violate his considerate
Wise Majesty rules with an iron hand, and rule by imprisonment in enchanted iron
justice for those who do not act in accordance flasks for a century or two, and there are
with his wishes is both swift and often fatal. said to be huge vaults of them beneath his
As a result, the City of Brass is a location that palace. Given the large number of prisoners,
can host devils and archons, demons and it is little wonder that sometimes a flask or

ten are forgotten or fall into the hands of The jann themselves have servants, and these
others or are even removed and cast out into include both powerful creatures—elemental
the Material Plane, so the creatures within and mortal—as well as those whose primordial
cannot be found and freed at the end of blood is mixed with those of the mortal planes.
their sentence. Trade in such matters, and These are the jinnborn, mortal beings in whose
everything else, is common here. blood flows the elemental power of the genies
The City of Brass is organized, and all within and other such creatures. Within the hierarchy
know their place. The grand sultan—who hears of the City of Brass, the jinnborn are the
when you speak his name—rules wisely from workers, team bosses, clerks, guard captains,
his Charcoal Throne. He is well served by six and major domos who make sure all works
great pashas, also efreeti, who serve as advisors like clockwork within the Burnished Citadel.
and commanders of his armies. The pashas, The jinnborn are both mortal and primordial,
in turn, are the leading lights of all the great and serving them are the mortals themselves.
and powerful noble genies of the city, which Most of these are slaves, for within the city,
are the mightiest of their species, including slavery is a recognized fact. Easily identified by
sage djinni, dour dao, and cunning marids. All a copper band around the neck, creatures of
these beings, while powerful, are considered all mortal species find their way there as slaves.
less trustworthy than an efreeti who gives their Some are voluntary, rescued from death by
word (though the exact wording should always jann traders who offer salvation in exchange
be checked). The efreeti consider themselves for servitude. Some are victims, taken in raids
the most honest of the genie peoples. led by efreeti hunting parties. Some are merely
Beneath the most noble of the genies are the unfortunate, allowed to work off a debt or
collection known to mortals simply as genies a bet with servitude. Slavery is recognized
(do not call them “common” or “ordinary” and protected within the city, and the grand
at peril of one’s life). Within the Burnished sultan—may his protection always extend over
City, it is primarily efreeti, of course, but also us all—deals harshly with those who seek to
a number of the other known races who form overturn the established order. Rebellious or
a sort of gentry to the more powerful nobles. untrustworthy slaves may be sold to clients in
They have their own bases of power and areas other planes or merely cast out of the city into
of expertise, and many hold domains far from the seething chaos that surrounds it.
the city itself and merely maintain villas within Mortal visitors are treated better than slaves,
its walls or come simply to conduct business. and in general, within the social pecking order,
Beneath the genies themselves—sentient they are at the same level as jinnborn; the most
creatures of pure elemental fury—are the jann powerful are equivalent in status to jann or
who, like the genies, are made of elemental run-of-the-mill genies. Those visitors with a
power but, unlike the genies, have a muddled fire-based background (some dragons, some
heritage, which consists of a mix of primal devils, some giants) are particularly welcome.
elements. These beings are responsible for Travelers with magical abilities are more highly
the day-to-day work within the city and are valued and respected than those without, and
often seen as merchants, magical researchers, those with the ability to create—be it in song,
overseers, instructors, entertainers, and dance, or story—have the greatest value of all.
captains of the great planar dromons. They Indeed, such individuals risk being spirited
maintain among themselves the Para- away and bound with a copper torc by a more
Elemental Parliament for sorting out their powerful genie who finds them appealing.
own matters in the service of the greater genies Visitors to the City of Brass are hereby
that they are dedicated to. warned: this is a place of great order, but it

is an order quite alien to many from other in its bazaars, browse the iron-shod books of
planes. The law of the grand sultan—may his its great libraries, sup with devils and demons
years be eternal—is absolute, shaded only by and exiled princes, but watch your step lest
the mercy of his court. Come to the city, trade you be fitted for a copper torc or an iron flask.

Jann of the Burnished City A Para-Elemental Parliament. The jann
within the City of Brass and in other
The genies of the Elemental Planes keep slaves,
great genie domains operate as a second
but they also need servants—individuals
government, a bureaucracy that keeps
powerful enough to run their petty citadels
matters on an even keel and keeps any one
and elemental empires but not rise to become
faction or personality from upsetting the
rivals to their power. These are the jann,
status quo and demanding the attention
beings made of multiple primal elements. A
of the great sultan—may his people always
beautiful people of striking appearance and
prosper. This Para-Elemental Parliament does
demeanor, they suffer the egos of their masters
not seek power for itself but will balance one
and keep such great metropolises as the City
group against the others to keep the peace.
of Brass in some sense of order.
Free People of the Desert. Not all jann are
Made of Many Elements. While the genies
pleased with the serving of more powerful
represent a purity of their elemental types, the
genies, and some flee to form their own
jann are the grand sultan’s middlemen:
societies in the barren and arid places of the
• The House of Ooze is made up of those
world. Gathering mortals in their wake, they
jann for whom primordial water and earth
form large caravans and dominate desert
are dominant. Its people have oily, supple
oases with their opulent tent cities. Some go
skin and tend toward green eyes. They
further, encouraging rebellion against their
rarely speak in certitudes and serve as the
former masters and freeing slaves that have
dealers, healers, and alchemists for their
been unjustly captured. Their ability to shift
genie masters.
among the elemental planes makes them hard
• The House of Smoke is made up of those to catch, and their relationship (familial or
jann for whom primordial fire and air are social) with members of the Para-Elemental
dominant. Its members have dry skin and Parliament makes the city‑bound jann
hair, which breaks up as a cloud behind sympathetic to their cause.
them. They tend toward grey eyes, and
their changeable nature makes them JANN
skilled diplomats and entertainers. Medium elemental, neutral
• The House of Magma is made up of those Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
jann for whom primordial fire and earth Hit Points 95 (10d8 + 50)
are dominant. They have red eyes and Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
often a shock of red hair among the dark
strands. They are the soldiers and raiders STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
of domains, such as the City of Brass, and 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)

often venture into the Prime Material with

slave-catching parties. Saving Throws Int +5 Wis +5 Cha +7
Condition Immunities See Para-elemental
• The House of Ice is made up of those Nature below.
jann for whom primordial water and air Senses Darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 13
are dominant. They have blue eyes and Languages Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran
white hair, sometimes only a few strands Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
but often their entire head is covered
with ivory locks. They are considered Breathless. Jann have no need to breathe, though
patient and serve as guards, jailors, and do so out of courtesy or in order to speak. They
collectors. cannot drown or be victims of poisonous gas or
other attacks that require breathing.

Elemental Demise. If the jann dies, their body
disintegrates into its elemental parts (a
puddle of ooze, a wisp of smoke, the
embers of magma, or melting
shards of ice), leaving behind
only the equipment the jann was
wearing or carrying.
Innate Spellcasting. The jann’s
innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 16,
+ 8 to hit with spell attacks).
They can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no
material components:
3/day: invisibility
2/day each: enlarge/reduce,
speak with animals
1/day each: create food/
water, etherealness, planeshift
(Material and Elemental
Planes only)
Para-Elemental Nature. Jann
are made of a mixture of
all primordial elements but
fall into one of four houses
or kingdoms, each with
differing abilities:
House of Ooze—Damage
resistance to piercing
House of Smoke—Damage
resistance to slashing weapons.
House of Magma—Immunity to fire.
House of Ice—Immunity to cold.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
Multiattack. The jann makes two great scimitar
ft., one target. Hit: 7 damage (1d6 + 4) slashing
attacks or two longbow attacks. If armed with
damage. The bonus attack, if it hits, deals only 3
two scimitars, they may make two scimitar
(1d6) slashing damage.
attacks and one bonus scimitar attack.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Great Scimitar (Treat as Greatsword).
range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 damage (1d8
Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
+ 3) piercing damage.
one target. Hit: 11 damage (2d6 + 4) slashing
damage. REACTION
Parry. The jann adds +3 to their AC against one
melee attack that would hit them. To do so, the
jann must see the attacker and be wielding a
melee weapon.

by Richard Pett

T he boiling, seething mass of the City of

Brass defies any attempt but the broadest
to catalogue her. Her teeming, steaming maze
they see the buildings said to be inside her—
great impossible cliffs of worked stone and
strange metal sometimes glimpsed deep within
of streets and sinners and curious locales her jowls.”
seems endless with new places born from
the streets by the hour—a cycle of growing Lurking in the deepest reaches of the Sea of
and withering akin to the countless lives of Fire, the Gulping Maw is a vast whirlpool of
her inhabitants. Some places are quickly lost, molten lava said to have a soul and anger all
some die, some are mysteriously found after its own. So deep, she is said to reach into the
disappearing, and others are to be avoided if heart of the world and to have her soul buried
possible, but even these have a nasty habit of there—the Gulper is part creature, part god
turning up somehow when wanderers find of the city. A marriage of a dozen conjoined,
themselves on the very path they most wanted schizophrenic fire elementals of the greatest
to avoid. size occasionally seen dancing in the sea, the
Here is a small selection of curious locations Gulper is tended by a cabal of salamanders
that may (or may not) be encountered on a that lurk in the buildings that are occasionally
trip down her streets. Our intention is to give glimpsed when the whirlpool is formed, an
you inspiration to stage adventures here and occasional event linked to the passing and
also, hopefully, to inspire you to create your alignment of heavenly bodies. So far, the
own crooked corners of the magnificent City beast has only ever been partially awoken by
of Brass! such events, raising it into a short-lived storm
of fury and lava. The salamanders seek to
The Gulping Orifice change that.
Calling themselves the Heralds of the Fiery
(aka Queen Maw, The Mad Jig Bride, the score or so of salamanders—all
at the Fall of All Flames) paragons of their own race—work tirelessly
“The Gulper? Yes, I’ve seen her once, and once to permanently awaken their living god
was enough. To be truthful, you more feel her in the hope of bringing her to terrible life.
and hear her than see her—looking into her Hoping, of course, that she will be grateful
soul too deep scorches the eyes, you see. I’ve for their “gift” and assist them in their
heard tell of mariners that catch a glimpse of secret goal of dominating the City of Brass.
her, and it’s the last thing they ever see. Unless We mentioned that each of the heralds is a

paragon, which is true of itself, but they are walked across the lava in the first place when
not physical paragons—indeed, in this regard, he was but a child, an act taken by those who
they are the very opposite, struck down by saw it as madness but which brought the gnoll
some malignant, terrible affliction that has to this peculiar shrine. Perhaps, some say, it
changed their bodies, turning each into an was he who birthed or caused the place to rise
abomination. The leader of the heralds, the in the beginning. The Visionary is a fearsome
appalling Scalded Queen, is herself the most yet just figure, his words echoing the moods
disfigured of all the salamanders. Dragging of the fire below and about him in tone only,
her distended, bloated, serpentine form about for he is always measured in what he says and
their temple, she commands a small army of does. His wisdom is sought by many, but the
terrified henchmen, worshippers, and slaves means to reach it keep the less devout at bay,
throughout the city, always with the aim of as we shall see shortly.
unravelling the mystery of the connection All worshippers of Baal are welcome here,
between Queen Maw and the stars. but the presence of the Visionary draws many
gnolls to the transient shrine. Many have
The Ephemeral Gyre Temple stayed. A core of monks of Baal tend and
collect holy relics here, and the now-ancient
of Baal and the Penance of Visionary has a lifetime of gifts and objects of
the Faithless great and holy power, many given in return
Swelling like some dreadful lesion from the for his vision and advice and blessings. The
surface of the Sea of Fire, a bloated mass place glows with them, gold winks from
of blackened stone floats upon the lava. every corner, jewels from every shadow. The
Impossibly, this stone has been worked or shrine is now the size of a church, yet its
forced into a structure—you can see walkways growing continues, and recently, stretching
and archways and rooms within its terrible from atop the structure, a great twisting spire
mass as it slowly, spastically slithers across rises—said by some to be the spine of a great
the surface of the Sea of Fire with the speed dragon being birthed from the sea itself. In
of hands upon a clock. A great, glowering recent days, the Visionary and his monks
doorway, which appears to be a horned have been seeking a dragonkin said to bear
dragon’s head leering from the flames, gazes a special mark that will signify them as the
outward from this strange place whilst above new Visionary. Is the spire a herald of joy or
rises a crooked spire. portent of woe?
Slithering atop a slumbering corner of The fickle temple slowly dances across the
the Sea of Fire, the Ephemeral Temple is a surface of the great and terrible Sea of Fire,
curiously twisted structure—if structure is the sometimes shedding her parts (often with
right word—born of the lava of the sea itself deadly result). Worse awaits the faithful than
and growing upward and outward. It is a a mere fickle structure, however. The truly
place birthed by fire and fury and has become faithful do not seek to fly or find magical
a shrine for those who worship Baal, Lord of means of crossing to the place of most holy
Fire and Master of Noble Sacrifice, King of worship—they walk there. To assist in this
All Dragons. seemingly impossible journey of stepping
The founder and leader of the temple is the across the surface of a sea of molten magma,
Visionary, a gnoll whose eyes were removed a small but redoubtable group of djinni and
by heartless slavers when he was but a child efreeti guides are on hand to offer the faithful
but who can see—or perhaps more correctly advice on the best paths to tread, where no
feel and hear—the temple. It was he who paths exist. Some are said to be ascetics who

seek to slay and rob the faithful. Such villains The thieves’ guilds in particular are always
meet awful fiery ends if the monks find them. seeking to gather more knowledge about the
Yet many still take the walk across lava and Ways and her anger.
live and are blessed. The Ways are not simply passages, however.
The nearest shore houses a series of ghats They are indeed living things tended like
where the faithful to Baal are burned and cast children by their doting and fierce mother
into the sea itself. Some fanatical worshippers who lurks at the edges of sight in an
of Baal have cast themselves into the sea in the abandoned place deep in the very bowels of
vain hope that they will be reborn as dragons. the city. The mother does not have a name,
A series of festivals culminates in the Day of but her children sometimes cry out for her
Stepping, the annual date when the Visionary help if strangers invade their home and being.
first stepped across the Sea of Fire and entered The various children are linkages made of
the temple, a place he has rumored never to both flesh, bone, and stone—intertwined—
have left since. This festival is opulent; the their moods reflected in the way the corridors
streets dance with the aroma of incense and that make up their bodies appear. Sometimes
the finery of gold holy objects. Monks of they sing, their flanks hiding angelic faces
the shrine go into the city with gifts of great and statues that, of course, come to life to
wealth for anyone deemed to be holy by them, draw invaders into the walls, bolstering their
guided by their fiery god’s hand. own number with trapped souls of intruders.
Sometimes they play, become things that trap
and tear. Sometimes they cry aloud in terror,
The Vent, the Myriad, and then their mother arrives in a scalding
and the Ways of Steam scream of boiling steam and fury.
Rumors persist of a series of secret, possibly Occasionally, one of the children goes mad,
interdimensional passages said to crawl their her crooked form twisting into the realms of
way across the city, linking its more outré the outer city and corrupting them.
and repellent parts—as well as providing easy The minotaurs who dare these Ways often
access between. know the children by name, can speak with
The tales are, as so often occurs in the them, appeal to them, and ask them to guide
fabulous City of Brass, true. The passages are their journey. Many go to great lengths to
extremely fickle and dangerous, however, as protect and help the Ways, treating them like
they host an equally erratic series of fearful their own kin. These guides see themselves
vents, lurking in the shadows and cracks often as more than simple guides though:
of the city, that occasionally boil outward, they view themselves as guardians of a special
cooking anything within the corridors, maze that deserves their love and respect.
stripping flesh and boiling bones. A small, However, others and some of their own kin
some might say untrustworthy, group of use the Ways to move across the city, carrying
minotaur guides first found the Ways and out assassinations, spying, theft. These villains
claim knowledge of her moods. cross the Ways furtively, quickly, on routes
Did we say her moods? Well, yes, because that can never be mapped but that are known
this maze is alive. to them. Mastery of the Ways brings power
These guides are paranoid about their own to the few who know them if they can avoid
security and can be impossible to locate—as the attentions of the minotaurs who seek to
everyone with power wants to know where protect them.
the Ways go and how they can be navigated. And the Ways themselves.

those who have mastered the arts know every
The Secret Souk secret ever given voice, every oath or curse
of Utterances or joy or whisper of love. What might be the
Lurking within the city—and somehow temptations of those with such power?
encountered when least expected or unlooked And what might be revealed.
for—are a cabal of insular djinni known as the
Uttering, and they run a secret souk. They do ADVENTURES IN THESE LOCATIONS
not sell to those they do not know, for they
deal in a curious commodity: they sell voices These locations are given to add even more
and the words those voices speak. Those of the curiosity to the streets of the City of Brass
Uttering are a group of wizards who specialize and to enable you to spin a few adventures or
in magic that draws and keeps words and encounters—or simply color—to the setting.
secrets from the lips of those who utter them, Each enables you to weave plots and tales into
even if they are separated by time and space. adventures or base those adventures on the
Words are power, the members of the locales above:
Uttering know, and many take great personal • The Heralds of the Fiery Bride offer a
risks to become masters of their art, taking more overt danger, possibly spanning an
words, sometimes even before they are adventure path, seeking out clues to bring
uttered, and selling them. This group is feared, their god to life. The PCs may be drawn in
loathed, and admired in equal measure, and initially by encountering those who serve
they take great pains to hide their secrets and the salamanders or even salamanders
rarely if ever sell—and only to those they who fear their own kin. What lurks in the
trust. Gaining their trust can be the work of temples beneath the Maw? If you like your
many years. adventures a little Lovecraftian, the link
No signs litter the souk, no clue that between stars and Maw could bring your
anything is for sale in the unremarkable corner PCs into contact with occult references,
of the City of Brass this market calls home. A scalded or burnt libraries that give up
bare score of these wizards know the secrets of terrible secrets in the binding of the great
Utterance Arcana, their number kept low by marriage of elementals. The Scalded
fear of discovery, fear of weakening their own Queen seeks ever more obscure secrets,
power. They have no leader, simply forming her agents attacking the great libraries
themselves into friendships or associations of of the city. Perhaps, at first, her agents’
convenience amongst their number, each sure actions are deemed as mad vandalism,
in their own mind that the fewer they are, the arsonists bent on the destruction of arcane
better—both for safety and price. Only if one power for all time. Yet soon, the selective
of their number is threatened—and bearing in and peculiar nature of these attacks is
mind their abilities, this is indeed very rare— deduced as something darker. The stars
do they come together fleetingly to protect are aligning and some dark ritual said to
their kind. have birthed the Maw in the first place is
It is remarkable—or perhaps unsettling—to whispered of again.
note that even with such potential power, the • The Temple of Baal offers a great focus
Uttering do not seek dominance. This curious for a campaign, a much loathed yet much
fact, if it could be proved, might lead some, as visited location in the City of Brass.
it has in the wise, to conjecture that with true Presently, the oddly benevolent Visionary
knowledge comes either absolute contentment seeks a dragonkin as his heir, yet that heir
or unending and relentless despair. Surely cannot be found by his followers. Could

it be that eyes less given to worshipping the thieves’ guilds would pay dearly to
Baal might be more successful in finding have a guide or someone who understands
the chosen one? An adventure or even the Ways. Are the PCs asked to release
an adventure path where an innocent is a prisoner only to find as they near the
trapped by their own fate gives you an end of the adventure the entire area
interesting option. The dragonkin might about them unravelling into the knotted
not want to be the chosen one, but those madness of the Ways as the prisoner
who seek them know better. They are makes good their escape anyway? Is the
pivotal in a terrible coming event that mission simpler? Perhaps minotaurs face
threatens not only the City of Brass but some dread attack that is poisoning the
perhaps the fabric of creation. Possibly mother of the Ways against her children
this dragonkin child harnesses arcane with the PCs facing adventure in the
strength that will be needed to defeat twisting madness that would drive any
whatever calamity approaches? Maybe minotaur insane.
there is a race against time against those • Finally, our Uttering. What power would
also bent upon the destruction of the city. such magic hold? Surely its secrets must
The monks lack the numbers and wit to attract envy. Suppose one of its order was
secure the child, so agents (the PCs) are under the power of someone (or thing)
sent out to seek them out, but of course, wicked. To even think of such an event,
the child doesn’t want to be found. Do trickery or the ability to mask such magic
the PCs look the part of villains in what would be needed. Our villain, therefore,
they seek to achieve? Finally, what event may be a powerful wizard once rejected by
comes? Is the peculiar temple the focus the group or thrown out due to some foul
of the ultimate events? Is the reason for transgression. Can this caster manipulate
its formation explained as it becomes the the magic to make the words false or to
center of the adventure path where a final infest the minds of those linked to the
battle occurs? Does the eventual death of curious arcana, thus making them turn
the Visionary herald some celestial event to strangers for help? Surely associating
that unravels the fiery city? (Perhaps our with such terrible power would bring dire
first two locations have more in common warnings from the PCs’ friends and allies,
than even we thought? Could the one exist and what power might the end villain
to destroy the other?) have if they can hear all words? Might
• The Ways could make a great single they not seemingly be able to thwart and
use location in your adventures, passed menace the PCs at every turn, knowing
through by necessity perhaps or maybe almost everything they know?
the only way to reach a certain desired
We hope you find these settings are useful
locale or dungeon complex. Who would
or at least give you a few little morsels for
hide in such a place, or who would use
thought in planning your own adventures and
the fickle children to move about the city,
locations. The City of Brass is almost endless,
perhaps risking all by doing so? Certainly
as are its possibilities.

by Steve Winter

O f all the infinite locations outside the

Material Plane, the most iconic may
well be the City of Brass. It’s the type of place
2. The City of Brass is protected against the
searing heat of the Plane of Elemental
Fire, so it’s more hospitable to creatures
where any GM would love to set an adventure not native to the plane than are the
and where most adventurers would love to surrounding environs. The characters’
wander. Still, they need a good reason to go patron wants to know how that
there; bold adventurers don’t travel as tourists. astounding feat is accomplished.
Any of these hooks can be used to push, 3. The characters were put in charge of
pull, or drop characters into the Plane of safeguarding an especially valuable item
Elemental Fire and the legendary City of or location while its owner was away.
Brass. Here, they’re grouped into three An efreeti showed up, caused all sorts
categories based on which approach they take: of havoc and destruction, stole the item,
pushing, pulling, or dropping. and fled with it back to the Plane of
Elemental Fire. To fulfill their obligation,
the characters need to get it back.
4. A powerful individual or consortium
A push-type hook is one that has its roots
wants to know more about the defenses
outside the Plane of Elemental Fire, but for one
and military strength of the grand
or more reasons, characters can’t accomplish
sultan. The characters are sent to the
their objective without visiting the City of
City of Brass under cover of being
Brass. Many of these involve the characters
traders or diplomats to scout the city’s
being hired or otherwise employed to visit the
defenses. They must get into areas that
City of Brass for some specific reason:
outsiders are barred from entering
1. The characters’ patron has a message and assess the strength of the grand
or an item that must be delivered to a sultan’s preparations. Alternatively, the
specific creature in the City of Brass. characters could be sent to learn the ins
The recipient is either difficult to find and outs of efreeti customs and etiquette
or difficult to get an audience with. As in preparation for a major diplomatic
a variant, the “package” for delivery is mission from the Material Plane.
another sentient creature who doesn’t
want to be handed over.

5. Someone is stirring up trouble answer can be found in the back alleys
between efreeti and mortals, breaking and discontented underbelly of the City
generations-old agreements in ways of Brass. Characters may be able to call
that offend or harm both sides. No one on limited aid from the grand sultan to
knows who’s behind these outrages or uncover the culprits, but the pashas can’t
why, but unless they’re stopped, war may be seen taking sides with mortals against
result. The characters’ patron believes the their own subjects.

6. Emissaries of the efreeti contacted the 5. Love survives across dimensions! The
characters’ patron with a message that NPC spouse or lover of one of the
they have a delicate task for a group characters disappears into the City
of mortals who broadly fit the party’s of Brass. The NPC might have been
description. When characters arrive kidnapped by an efreeti who’s in love
in the City of Brass, efreeti emissaries with the same person, for revenge against
“recognize” the characters as the subjects the characters, or the NPC might have
of an ancient efreeti prophecy on which left voluntarily to escape from what he or
the fate of the city depends. she now sees as a dead-end relationship.
6. A portal to the Plane of Elemental Fire
has opened in town and fire elementals
Pulls are coming through, causing raging
A pull-type hook is one that has its roots conflagrations. Characters must deal
in the City of Brass. The adventure doesn’t with the elementals, travel through the
necessarily start there, but that’s where it’s portal to the City of Brass, find a way to
likely to end: close it from other side, and then find a
1. Characters are on the trail of an way back home without the portal.
infamous and powerful criminal, and
indications point to him having fled
to the City of Brass. Characters must Drops
bring him back to the material world for A drop-type hook is one that doesn’t give the
justice and smooth over any uproar he characters much choice. They’re going to the
causes in the Plane of Elemental Fire. City of Brass whether or not they want to:
2. A vital ritual can be completed only with 1. A magic portal, a teleportation spell,
flame from the Burning Palace of the or some other means of instantaneous
Grand Sultan. The grand sultan doesn’t travel goes haywire. Instead of arriving at
normally allow this flame to be taken out their expected destination, the characters
of his palace, so characters must infiltrate suddenly find themselves in the City of
and steal it and then escape back to their Brass without the means to turn around
own realm with the flame still lit. and jaunt back home.
3. At the end of a long adventure to capture 2. A large building the characters are
a dangerous artifact, characters learn that staying in—an aristocrat’s palace or a
it can be destroyed only in a sacred pillar major inn, for example—catches fire
of flame in the City of Brass—but doing during the night. Try as they might to
so will also extinguish the flame. escape, the characters find themselves
4. A request for help has been received completely hemmed in by roaring
across dimensions. The grand sultan flames. As the flames and heat wash
wants one of his own kind eliminated over them, the characters expect only a
or punished, but for inscrutable legal horrible death, but when they open their
or political reasons, the dirty deed can’t eyes, they find themselves alive by some
be done by other efreet. The characters’ miracle and in the City of Brass.
patron is a longtime ally of the efreeti, so 3. The characters just pulled off a
he offers the job to them. tremendously successful tomb-looting
expedition. As they sift through the heap

of well-earned treasure, they find a sealed
crystal bottle that contains an efreeti.
What a Twist!
Any hook can be spiced up with an
After a tough negotiation for their three
unexpected twist. To add a peculiarity to any
wishes, they unstopper the vial and
hook, roll 1d6:
release its prisoner—who immediately
reneges on all his promises and magically 1. The characters are somehow stuck with a
transports everyone to the City of Brass. demon as an ally.
4. The characters are passengers on a 2. Characters must accomplish their
sailing ship, looking forward to an objective without killing anyone.
uneventful crossing. Another passenger, 3. The patron who brought them in on this
however, has brought an efreeti bottle mission actually wants them to fail.
aboard and, at some point, opens it. The
4. If the mission succeeds, innocent people
efreeti kills the bottle’s owner and attacks
will be hurt by it.
whoever else it finds aboard. When
characters and other passengers finally 5. While in the City of Brass, characters
have the enraged efreeti cornered and at are mistaken for another, similar group
death’s door, it triggers a failsafe magical of mortals who caused a lot of trouble
effect that hijacks the ship and all its recently.
contents to the City of Brass. 6. The actual goal is very different from
5. Characters find themselves sharing an what characters were told. Their patron
inn’s common room with an efreeti concocted an elaborate story to get
disguised as a dragonkin. Without them to bring a specific item into the
realizing their companion’s true nature, Burning Palace where it will magically
the characters say or do something that transform into a powerful killer bent on
offends its rigorous sense of honor or assassinating the grand sultan. Unless
etiquette. No efreeti would put up with characters stop it, they’ll wind up with
such an affront, so it transports them to the blame.
the City of Brass and locks them in the
dungeon of its fiery home.
6. Someone or something in the City of
Brass casts the efreeti’s version of a
conjure mortals spell, and the player
characters were the unlucky creatures
pulled through the ether to perform
a short term of service in the Plane of
Elemental Fire.

by Richard Green

Author’s Note. Parts of this article are taken from the Nine Chthonic Papyri of Heknusret the
Temerarious, former member of the Honorable Society of Portal Wizards, a secretive order of
Nurian mages based in the city of Per-Anu who seek to control the mysterious Red Portals.

H eknusret travelled through dozens of

Red Portals to many different times,
places, and worlds, often with little regard for
east from the Plaza of the Aeromancer along
the Street of Amphorae until you come to a
small temple with a cobalt dome. There is a
his own safety, meticulously recording his brass plate on its wooden door depicting an
discoveries in a collection of scrolls known armored knight mounted on a war camel. Rub
as the Chthonic Papyri which he kept in a the nail set in the rider’s navel twelve times to
leather scroll case embossed with the symbols open the portal.
of Anu-Akma, Lord of the Underworld—a Step through the glowing red doorway, and
golden ankh and scythe. you will find yourself on the bustling streets of
Heknusret was expelled from the society one of the greatest cities in the multiverse—
for his failure to safeguard the secrets of the the City of Brass, home to the efreeti and
portal wizards when his scroll case was stolen their powerful grand sultan. The city is rightly
during a visit to the River King’s Court in the famed across the planes for its markets,
Arbonesse. Copies of the Chthonic Papyri bazaars, and souks. Here, a visitor can find
have since appeared for sale in markets of many wondrous things available for sale. The
cities such as Bemmea and Mhalmet and trick is knowing where to look.
always fetch astronomical prices. But owning One promising spot where I have made a
these scrolls is dangerous—the portal wizards number of worthwhile purchases over the
actively hunt and eliminate anyone in years is the Bazaar of Ineffable Wonders, a
possession of their lore who is not a member splendid covered market on the banks of the
of the society. Incandescent Canal, not far from the Blazing
Mosque. The bazaar is built from basalt in the
shape of a giant cross—each section is over
A Visit to the Bazaar 300 yards long and can be entered through
A number of Red Portals lead to the fabled one of four impressive gates.
City of Brass, but I have always found the The bazaar’s roof is topped with a series of
most reliable to be the one located in Kel copper domes adorned with gold filigree, and
Azjer, the hidden city of the Tamasheq. Head rectangular windows high in the walls bath

the interior in the eerie, red light of the Plane monkey, acts as his assistant, fetching tools,
of Elemental Fire. At the central point, where gears, and screws from a cabinet with many
the four arms of the cross meet, is a much small drawers. Occasionally he produces the
larger dome; the inside of this impressive wrong item, prompting a frustrated Mubarak
cupola is decorated with a spectacular mosaic to swear colorfully at him in Ignan.
of gold and glass tesserae of dazzling colors, Mubarak greets new customers with
depicting the Grand Sultan Ixingaltrix suspicion and a scowl but is the most
holding court in his throne room as the other talented clockworker I have ever met, and he
genie lords prostrate themselves before him. talks animatedly with those who know and
The Bazaar of Ineffable Wonders holds over appreciate clockwork magic and automata.
500 shops, selling all manner of marvelous If you are looking for a mechanical helper or
things, many of which I have only ever seen clockwork gadget, this is the place to come.
for sale here. As they are in the Southlands,
shops selling similar goods are often clustered MUBARAK AL-HARIQ
together, making it hard to find the particular (Azer Clockwork Mage)
establishment you seek. As you wander Medium elemental, neutral evil
through the bazaar, the heady smells of Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
incense, tobacco, and roasting meats merge Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
Speed 30 ft.
with the pungent aromas of exotic spices,
herbs, and oils. There are magical items to
buy here, of course, but there are mechanical
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
wonders too, and a visitor in search of a
beautiful carpet, a finely wrought weapon, or
Saving Throws Con +6, Int +9, Wis +5
a rare tome will not leave disappointed. Skills Arcana +9, Religion +9
Damage Immunities fire, poison
MUBARAK’S EMPORIUM Condition Immunities poisoned
OF MECHANICAL MARVELS Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Ignan
Whenever I visit the bazaar, I make a point
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
of stopping at Mubarak’s Emporium to see
his newest clockwork inventions. Like most
Clockworker’s Charm. Whenever Mubarak casts
shops in the bazaar, Mubarak’s is packed with animate construct, the duration of the spell is
merchandise, its contents spilling out into increased by 4 minutes.
the walkway. Larger mechanicals, including a Golem Form. Mubarak can transform himself into
clockwork steed and a bronze scorpion, stand a golem or clockwork creature of CR 10 or less
outside while the shelves and display cases for up to 10 minutes. He retains his Intelligence,
inside are filled with all manner of smaller, Wisdom, and Charisma and the ability to speak
more intricate items. and cast spells. Otherwise, this functions as the
druid’s Wild Shape ability.
Mubarak al-Hariq, an irascible azer
Heated Body. A creature that touches Mubarak or
clockwork mage, runs the emporium and
hits him with a melee attack while within 5 feet
crafts everything for sale here himself. He of him takes 5 (1d10) fire damage.
makes his bigger pieces in a workshop Heated Weapons. When Mubarak hits with a
elsewhere in the city but builds the smaller metal melee weapon, he deals an extra 3 (1d6)
clockworks right in the shop, and I usually fire damage (included in the attack).
find him tinkering with some kind of Illumination: Mubarak sheds bright light in a
mechanism or other on his workbench 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional
whenever I visit. Abdul, a mechanical 10 feet.

Spellcasting. Mubarak is a 14th-level spellcaster. ACTIONS
His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save Command Construct. One construct that
DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). He has the Mubarak can see within 60 feet must succeed
following wizard spells prepared: on a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw or become
Cantrips (at will): fist of iron*, light, mage hand, friendly to the mage and obey his commands.
mending, tick stop* This effect lasts for 1 hour, until the mage uses
1st level (4 slots): animate construct*, burning this ability again, or until the construct takes
hands, gear shield* machine speech* damage from Mubarak or his allies. If the saving
2nd level (3 slots): gear barrage*, shatter, throw is failed by 5 or more, the duration is
winding key* extended to 6 hours or until one of the other
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, overclock*, conditions is fulfilled. When the effect ends, the
thousand darts* construct is aware it was controlled by Mubarak.
4th level (3 slots): absolute command*, Hammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
dimension door, grinding gears*, steam blast* 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning
5th level (2 slots): animate objects, mechanical damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage
union* if used with two hands to make a melee attack,
6th level (1 slot): catapult*, chain lightning plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.
7th level (1 slot): reverse gravity
Mubarak al-Hariq has lived in the City of
*Clockwork spell (see Midgard Heroes Handbook)
Brass for over a century. Like most azer, he

dislikes the efreeti who make up the majority the PCs put an end to the killings and
of his customers, but he doesn’t much care for confront Mubarak who has several more
humans either, preferring the company of his of these devices for sale?
clockwork “friends.”
Already a master of his craft, Mubarak
spends his time constantly inventing new
Other Notable Shops
clockwork devices and automata. Some of In my visits to the bazaar over the years, a lot
these constructs and gizmos are dangerous of establishments have come and gone, but
or unpredictable, but this doesn’t concern these have stood the test of time, becoming
Mubarak. The azer can call upon several beloved institutions with a loyal clientele.
clockwork creatures, including clockwork Char and Scorch are a pair of dim-witted
hounds and myrmidons (see Tome of Beasts), magma mephits that run the Big Grill, a
to defend his shop from robbers or other place selling a wide variety of smoked and
troublemakers. barbecued meats—everything from auroch
and giant elk to roasted gorgon and purple
worm steaks. The meat is generally served very
Adventure Hooks well done and is coated with a nearly inedible
There’s always a lot happening in the bazaar: spicy glaze made with very hot infernal chilies
• Mubarak sold an ornithopter for a huge (DC 18 Constitution saving throw or become
price to Mushir Faruq Mutakabbir, an poisoned for one minute, save ends).
influential efreeti noble, but regrettably Hook—A regular efreeti customer
he has not yet received payment. The azer has demanded a unicorn steak pita for
plans to visit the great duke to raise the tomorrow’s lunch and the two mephits have
matter and is looking to hire a group of no idea where to source the meat from. Are
impressive bodyguards to accompany him. the PCs willing to help?
• Irfan al-Zarqa, wealthy sybarite and friend Bel’shun’s Smoker’s Paradise is a shop
of the Sultan of Siwal, solved an ancient, selling all manner of sweet‑smelling tobaccos
bronze puzzle box said to open a portal and exotic incense, many of which have
to a “realm of ultimate sensation.” Irfan is magical properties, as well as beautifully made
now trapped in this other dimension and water pipes sized for humans, efreeti, and
the sultan would like his friend back. Can fire giants. Bel’shun is a fire jinnborn whose
Mubarak reopen the puzzle box, so the powerful jinn patron lives in an opulent
PCs can mount a rescue mission? mansion in the smartest part of the city.
• An elderly fire jinnborn named Saffiyah Bel’shun has brick red skin, golden hair, and
al-Razzaq purchased a clockwork device a long aquiline nose; he dresses in a djellaba
from Mubarak designed to slow the aging of crimson silk adorned with gold coins and
process. When she took the spider-shaped other trinkets. His deep black eyes flicker with
contraption home, it attached itself to her a blue flame when he is nervous.
arm, piercing her skin with its needle-like Hook—One of Bel’shun’s customers
legs. She immediately felt healthier and experienced a strange vision in which the PCs
stronger, and the wrinkles on her face appeared, battling an angry genie whom they
faded away. The drawback is that she must had inadvertently freed from a copper urn.
drain the vitality of the young every night The Shackle Shop specializes in unbreakable
to power the device. Now she is stalking chains, iron slave collars, bronze manacles,
innocent victims throughout the city, and branding irons marked with the sigils
leaving shriveled husks in her wake. Can of efreeti noble houses—everything a cruel

overseer needs to keep their slaves in line.
Lysandrix, a salamander and former efreeti
Marvelous Mechanicals
slave, was given his freedom by his master
and Other Wonders
after three decades of loyal service. He set PCs visiting the bazaar in search of unusual
up this shop in the bazaar and made money items should not be disappointed. Here is a
off the misery of his kin and wretched sample of the merchandise available.
humanoids. Lysandrix’s forge work is of
superior quality: the DC to break one of his
chains or pick the lock of his manacles is 10 Wondrous item, rare
higher than normal. Built by Mubarak al-Hariq—who uses one
Hook—Lysandrix’s sister is still a slave, and of these mechanical monkeys as a helper in
the salamander’s former master has ignored his workshop—it is fashioned from copper
his pleas to grant her freedom. Lysandrix and stands about a foot tall, wearing a little
offers the PCs a set of magical dimensional felt fez atop its metal head. The monkey is
shackles as a reward for sneaking into the friendly to you and your companions and
efreeti’s estate and unlocking his sister’s obeys your spoken commands. If you issue
manacles with the key he provides. no commands, the monkey amuses itself by
Pyramids of Spice is an aptly named shop dancing and capering on the spot or hanging
near the Brimstone Gate, one of the bazaar’s from a lamp fitting with its tail.
four entrances. Dozens of brightly colored
mounds of different spices, herbs, and teas
Tiny construct, unaligned
sit in wooden trays on the tables filling this
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
shop. The owner is a red-scaled, fire-breathing
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
dragonkin named Ansa Khetek, a spice
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
merchant originally from the Southlands of
Midgard who came to the City of Brass twelve STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
years ago to trade in exotic chili peppers, saw 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 9 (−1) 8 (−1) 8 (−1)
an opportunity, and never left. Ansa sells her
wares to some of the city’s finest restaurants Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +2, Sleight of
and wealthiest efreeti nobles, including the Hand +5
grand sultan himself. She has an incredible Damage Immunities poison, psychic
sense of smell and ironclad (but also very Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
refined) taste buds. Senses passive Perception 9
Hook—The last batch of infernal chilies Languages understands Ignan
Ansa purchased from her supplier was not hot Challenge 0 (10 XP)
enough, and her customers are complaining.
Expert Lockpicker. The clockwork monkey has
She needs a fresh batch urgently and is willing
expertise with thieves’ tools (+7).
to pay the PCs a hefty fee if they will fetch her Immutable Form. The clockwork monkey is
some from the Eleven Hells. immune to any spell or effect that would alter
its form.
Magic Resistance. The clockwork monkey has
advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.

CLOCKWORK MYNAH BIRD current quest or a significant event in your
Wondrous item, rare near future. The GM will describe your vision
to you.
Another Mubarak al-Hariq creation, this
Using the sheeshah of revelations is physically
mechanical brass bird is nine inches long
taxing. You emerge from the dreamlike state
from the tip of its beak to the end of its
with a level of exhaustion. You cannot use the
tail. If you use your action to speak the first
sheeshah again until the events hinted at in
command word (“listen” in Ignan), it cocks
your vision have come to pass.
its head and listen intently to what is being
said for up to 10 minutes. When you give
the second command word (“speak”), it will
repeat back what it has heard in a metallic- Wondrous item, very rare
sounding—though reasonably accurate— This small, square wooden box is carved with
portrayal of the speakers’ voices. scenes of life in the City of Brass. Inside, the
You can use the clockwork mynah bird to box is divided into six compartments, each
relay conversations it has heard to others. You holding a different magical spice. A small
can command the mynah to fly to a location wooden spoon is also stored inside the box
it has previously visited, where your friend or for measuring. A spice box of zest contains six
contact can use the command word to get it spoonfuls of each spice when full.
to repeat back what it has heard. The mynah You can add one spoonful of a single spice
bird returns to you as soon as it has carried per person to a meal that you or someone else
out this task. is cooking. If you add two or more spices, a
The clockwork mynah bird has AC 14, 1 hp, culinary mishap may ensue.
and a fly speed of 50 ft. The spices have the following effects on
those consuming the meal and last for one
INCENSE OF RECOVERY hour unless otherwise indicated:
Wondrous item, rare Baharat—Your Strength score increases to 21.
This block of perfumed incense appears to Cassia—You are no longer suffering the
be normal, nonmagical incense until lit. The effects of exhaustion.
incense burns for one hour and gives off a Cloves—You cannot become frightened.
lavender-like scent, accompanied by pale Fiery Chilies—You can use a bonus action
mauve smoke. If you are a spellcaster, you can to exhale fire in a 15-foot cone. The target
recover a single expended spell slot following must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
a short rest that takes place while the incense or take 3d6 fire damage on a failed save or
is burning. half damage on a successful one. The effect
ends after you have used your fiery breath
SHEESHAH OF REVELATIONS or after one hour, whichever comes first.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) • Saffron—You become charmed by the
This finely crafted water pipe is made from next creature you see 10 minutes after
silver and glass. Its vase is etched with arcane eating the meal. If the creature is of a
symbols. When you use the sheeshah to species and gender you are normally
smoke normal or flavored tobacco, you enter attracted to, you regard it as your true
a dreamlike state and are granted a cryptic love while you are charmed.
or surreal vision giving you insight into your • Turmeric—You have advantage on
saving throws against spells.

by Chris Harris

T he principalities of Morgau and Doresh

fell under the control of the vampiric
Prince Lucan some three hundred years ago,
A Long History of Vampirism
Yet Lucan cannot be blamed for every
condemning the people of those lands to lives nightmare in the region. Indeed, the lands
of horror so constant that most have grown between the Cloudwall Mountains, the
numb to the mundane fears which plague Black Hills, and Grisal were no stranger
ordinary people elsewhere. Since taking to vampirism prior to his usurpation of
power, Lucan, now styling himself a king, has power in Morgau and the spreading of his
tripled the lands under his sway, spreading Shroud-Eaters across these lands. Though no
the undead nightmare of his reign north to one could conceive of the possibility of his
the shores of the Reaver Coast and the Bay of terrible reign until it happened, the people
Ghed. of these lands were known for folklore and
Though the armies of Morgau and Doresh, customs concerning the undead going back
now called the Blood Kingdom, spend little as far as history records, and the charms now
effort expanding eastward, few see the point proscribed by Lucan’s edicts, which once
in doing so. No permanent settlements of protected them against those of the vampire’s
any real size stand to be conquered on the kind, were handed down from generation to
Rothenian Plain unless one counts Demon generation for hundreds of years, if not longer.
Mountain—which no one does. What wealth Some 350 years ago, at least one band of
exists on the plains and steppes rests either vampires, possibly more, haunted the edge of
in the hands of Khazzaki warriors who move the farmland surrounding the Krakovan city
constantly and live to make war, Kariv bands of Lodezig, frustrating efforts to put an end to
who offer little in the way of plunder but their predation by retreating to the foothills
much in the way of sorcerous consequences, of the Cloudwall Mountains at the first sign
and wandering bands of centaurs willing of organized pursuit. The dark reputation of
to fight anything at all, sometimes for no the mountain range usually wore down the
discernible gain. courage of their pursuers long before their
horses grew tired, and the few times courage
won out, the mountains delivered on their
dark promises. The first the Krakovars knew
of the outcome of such hunts came at dawn

in the following days when the rising sun his way free of the melee with his dead father’s
revealed the scarecrows guarding their crops sword, and made for the darkness at the edge
had lost their hats in the night and acquired of camp, hoping to circle around outside the
blood-spattered Krakovar helmets in their firelight to reach his horse.
places. Unbeknownst to the khan’s son, many pairs
As the years passed, reports of vampiric of cold and ravenous eyes kept watch on the
attacks spread south from that region to camp from the shadows on the plain, their
include points all along the eastern foothills bloodlust rising as the slaughter escalated
of the Cloudwalls. The southernmost remote before them. In Matvei’s haste, he stumbled
communities to experience such predation right into the waiting arms of one of the
were almost completely helpless to defend creatures who seized him in a steely grip and
themselves, and the grisly process of insuring whirled him away from the others of its kind
those who died from such attacks would coming closer. The creature which grappled
not rise again became almost as routine as him hissed like a cat at its fellows and spoke,
herding their cattle out to graze. “The horse-princeling wishes to join our little
The Khazzaki people of the grass-covered family. Go and take his pursuers as you will,
expanse stretching from the Margreve Forest but let us not be rude to our new brother.” A
and the Cloudwalls to the fabled lands of sharp pain in his throat, and his old life ended
Leng roiled like an angry hive of bees while to the sound of war cries giving way to shrieks
Achaz the Horned attempted to consolidate of surprise and terror.
his control over the Khazzaki khans 112 years The following night, Matvei awoke in an
ago. Those who chafed the most at the notion earthen burrow surrounded by his new,
of a “Khan of Khans” took their warriors terrifying family, and the freedom he’d once
and families to the farthest edges of the lands known on the plains and steppes was lost to
that their people traditionally roamed, either him for 50 years.
to await the outcome or plot their own bids
for power. One such khan made the fateful
decision to winter with his people on the
grasslands within sight of the Cloudwalls.
There, he and his three sons debated amongst
themselves and their lieutenants whether
or not to swear loyalty to Achaz or to keep
their distance. Over the cold, windy months,
divided opinions led to sharp words, and one
night the talk deteriorated into violence.
The khan met his death at his own
fireside, slain by his own trusted
hetman, whose followers murdered
the khan’s most loyal warriors and
spread throughout the camp to
assert their control over their people.
They met with sharp resistance led by
two of the khan’s sons, who had escaped
the initial round of killings. The
eldest remaining son fell soon after,
but the youngest son, Matvei, fought

After picking off many of the survivors of of “cleaning up,” and the constant movement
the Khazzaki conflict over the next month, that kept them whole for so long had also
Matvei’s new master returned to taking his kept them unaware of the extent of the danger
coterie of vampires back and forth across coming their way.
the Cloudwalls according to whims he never
bothered to explain. Those decades remain a
painful blur of slaughter and dwindling hope The Rise of a Monster
as everything he once held dear, even his Once Matvei escaped pursuit thoroughly
devotion to Svarog and the other gods of his enough to grant him time to think, he became
people, proved lost to him or of no help. As outraged. His degenerate family, even though
time passed, he began to hate these things he he bore them no love, died not for their
once loved, his people and his gods, and as crimes but because some greater monster
he and his companions fed on their prey, his would tolerate no competition even leagues
resentment toward his own past devotions from his home.
made those of all people seem fruitless and A combination of indignation and curiosity
hateful. What good did these things do these drove Matvei to spy on this kingdom of
hapless peasants when their lives were fated which he’d barely been aware. He took to
to end in order to extend his own pointless stalking the wild places near the outskirts of
existence? Such people prayed at their country civilization not simply to feed but to observe.
shrines and wove their charms against him, What he saw only made him angrier. He
but neither of these things did more than saw the grotesque aping these horrors made
prove a nuisance, and the gods lifted nary a of the lifestyles of the soft nobles his Khazzaki
finger to save them when their final moments forebears made such short work of, and
came at his hands. though he had learned their capabilities the
When those years of monotonous horror hard way, he could not shake his disgust at
came to an end, he wasn’t surprised. He’d what he saw as a pretense. He watched the
long expected some trap would catch them worship of Marena spread across the land
overconfident and unaware. Neither was he and the barely concealed terror on the faces
shocked to find himself once again the sole of expectant mothers visiting her temples,
survivor of a family, even one as wretched as knowing as they must that one day the child
his undead companions. What did surprise they bore stood a fair chance of being drained
him, and so much so that he was nearly caught to a husk by the very priestesses who ushered
and destroyed several times soon after, was them into the world. He saw all of these
what killed his fellows and the reason why. things, and Matvei hated all of it.
Matvei’s master so rarely consulted his To be sure, he had no real sympathy left in
spawn beyond immediate tactical matters him for the peasant folk on whom he’d fed
that whatever he knew of the world around for so many years, and he continues to feed
them he kept largely to himself. Whatever on them as he must to this day. However, his
awareness the old vampire had of Prince tastes have long since run to things he knows
Lucan’s reign and the expansion of his will cause panic and outrage, not among the
demesne he kept to himself. And whenever simple folk but among their undead masters,
Lucan became aware of others like himself and he kills far more often than necessary
but independent and free of his own Tree for his continued unlife. He prefers to feed
of Chains, he sent hunters to track them on what mortal clergy he can find. Matvei
down and destroy them. The destruction of also preys on the attendants and underlings
Matvei’s coterie was simply part of a last bit of undead nobles whose habits leave them

vulnerable. When opportunity has presented detection and location and a suit of +2 studded
itself, he has destroyed a handful of vampiric leather armor.
nobles less powerful than himself, and he isn’t Shapechanger. If Matvei isn’t in sunlight
or running water, he can use his action to
above setting the odd fire on the off-chance of
polymorph into a Tiny bat or a Medium cloud of
such a result. mist or back into his true form.
Matvei also creates his own spawn only to While in bat form, Matvei can’t speak, his
abandon them immediately, hiding them in walking speed is 5 feet, and he has a flying
places where they rise confused and ravenous, speed of 40 feet. His statistics, other than his
and he revels in the chaos they cause before size and speed, are unchanged. Anything he is
their destruction. wearing transforms with him, but nothing he is
carrying does. Matvei reverts to his true form if
When hunted, he hides himself in places few
he dies.
would think to look, like the catacombs or the While in mist form, Matvei can’t take any
earth itself beneath the temples he has just actions, speak, or manipulate objects. He is
offended or the hollow trees of abandoned weightless, has a flying speed of 20 feet, can
sacred groves destroyed by Marena’s devotees. hover, and can enter a hostile creature’s space
While most active in the Wendestal Forest, and stop there. In addition, if air can pass
through a space, the mist can do so without
he maintains no permanent lair, viewing
squeezing, and it can’t pass through water.
the notion as a death trap. His attacks have It has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and
taken place as far east as Lengrove, north to Constitution saving throws, and it is immune to
the farmlands near the Commandery of Lost all nonmagical damage, except the damage it
Souls, and south near the Blood Vaults. takes from sunlight.
Though speaking of his crimes is forbidden Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Matvei fails a
to the mortal peasantry, those west of the saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Cloudwalls whisper tales of the Wendestal Misty Escape. When he drops to 0 hit points
outside his resting place, Matvei transforms into
Devil, named for the vast forest from which
a cloud of mist (as in the Shapechanger trait)
he often strikes. In the eastern foothills of that instead of falling unconscious, provided that
range, he is called the Lengrove Butcher after he isn’t in sunlight or running water. If he can’t
a series of grisly attacks close by. transform, he is destroyed.
While he has 0 hit points in mist form, he
MATVEI, THE WENDESTAL DEVIL can’t revert to his vampire form, and he must
Medium undead (shapechanger), chaotic evil reach his resting place within 2 hours or be
Armor Class 18 (+2 studded leather armor) destroyed. Once in his resting place, he reverts
Hit Points 187 (22d8 + 88) to his vampire form. He is then paralyzed until
he regains at least 1 hit point. After spending
Speed 40 ft.
1 hour in his resting place with 0 hit points, he
regains 1 hit point.
Regeneration. Matvei regains 20 hp at the start
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
of his turn if he has at least 1 hp and isn’t in
running water. If he takes radiant damage or
Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +9, Cha +8 damage from holy water, this trait doesn’t
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +9 function at the start of Matvei’s next turn.
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, Spider Climb. Matvei can climb difficult surfaces,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks including upside down on ceilings, without
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14 needing to make an ability check.
Languages Kariv, Khazzaki, Trade Tongue Vampire Weaknesses. Matvei has the following
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) flaws:
• Forbiddance. Matvei can’t enter a residence
Special Equipment. Matvei wields a shashka of without an invitation from one of the
wounding. He wears an amulet of proof against occupants.

• Harmed by Running Water. Matvei takes ACTIONS
20 acid damage if he ends his turn in running Multiattack (Vampire Form Only). Matvei makes
water. three attacks, only one of which can be a bite
• Stake to the Heart. If a piercing weapon made attack.
of wood is driven into Matvei’s heart while Shashka of Wounding (Vampire Form Only).
he is incapacitated in his resting place, he is Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
paralyzed until the stake is removed. creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) slashing damage or 10
(1d12+4) slashing damage when used with two
hands or while mounted.

Unarmed Strike (Vampire Form Only). Melee it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts
creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. 24 hours or until the vampire is destroyed, is on
Instead of dealing damage, Matvei can grapple a different plane of existence than the target or
the target (escape DC 18). takes a bonus action to end the effect.
Bite (Bat or Vampire Form Only). Melee Children of the Night (1/Day). Matvei magically
Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one calls 2d4 swarms of bats or rats, provided that
willing creature, or a creature that is grappled the sun isn’t up. While outdoors, Matvei can call
by Matvei, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 3d6 wolves instead. The called creatures arrive in
(1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic 1d4 rounds, acting as Matvei’s allies and obeying
damage. The target’s hit point maximum is his spoken commands. The beasts remain for 1
reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic hour, until Matvei dies, or until Matvei dismisses
damage taken, and Matvei regains hit points them as a bonus action.
equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until
the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if LEGENDARY ACTIONS
this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Matvei can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
A humanoid slain in this way and then buried in
the ground rises the following night as a vampire from the options below. Only one legendary
spawn under Matvei’s control. action option can be used at a time and only
Charm. Matvei targets one humanoid he can see at the end of another creature’s turn. Matvei
within 30 feet of it. If the target can see Matvei, regains spent legendary actions at the start of
the target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom his turn.
saving throw against this magic or be charmed
by him. The charmed target regards Matvei as Move. Matvei moves up to its speed without
a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. provoking opportunity attacks.
Although the target isn’t under Matvei’s control, Attack. Matvei makes one weapon attack, not
it takes his requests or actions in the most
including his bite attack.
favorable way it can, and it is a willing target for
Matvei’s bite attack. Bite (Costs 2 Actions). Matvei makes one bite
Each time the vampire or the vampire’s attack.
companions do anything harmful to the target,

Cost: 20 gp; Damage: 1d8 slashing; Weight: unpredictability as the horse warriors may
4 lb.; Properties: versatile (1d10), special suddenly break to one side or the other in
(1d10 when wielded one-handed while layered waves, the first chopping away at the
mounted or two-handed on foot). spears meant to break their charge, and the
A cavalry saber employed to great effect by following waves chopping into the enemies
mounted Khazzaki warriors, the shashka can behind them, to be followed by a direct
be swung while on horseback in a repeated, charge as the first waves clear the line. One
looping downward arc. When riding through observer described such a Khazzaki charge
enemy ranks, a Khazzaki employs a one- that turned near the last second and raced
handed, whirling swing, crisscrossing the across instead of through the enemy line
rider’s pommel to strike at enemies on during hostilities with the tsar of Vidim 140
foot on both sides in a downward double years ago as, “like a smith’s grinding wheel
arc. This method of mounted strike has applied to a block of cheese.”
made Khazzaki charges infamous for their

by Chris Harris

Yes, it’s true! I have travelled far up the rivers that flow through the Arbonesse—all the way to the
River Court. There I was taken on a tour of the place before being seated for dinner with the king
himself, that secret keeper, Ulorian the First! Here, sit, I will recall my time there for you so that
you might decide if such a trip is in your interest..
—Nenmaas Goodloaf (halfling of House Aunun)

T he River Court is the last foothold of The farms around Ulorian’s castle are simple
the elves in Midgard. Tucked away in affairs and serve as home to most of the court’s
the great forest of Arbonesse, the court’s halflings as well as a number of elfmarked.
population comprises a few elves, many The fields are well irrigated, and it’s common
elfmarked, halflings, and a growing number for small aquatic fey to travel up the canals
of aquatic humanoids of various types. It is and make their homes in their banks—even
this last contingent of the court that makes assisting with the harvest when time.
it unique among the kingdoms of Midgard, Darker things also dwell in the court.
for nowhere else are the waterborne fey so Creatures whose natural abilities lie in the
welcome as in King Ulorian’s Court. domain of subterfuge and spying. King
Ulorian welcomes these creatures as subjects,
and it’s through them that he maintains
advantage over his enemies and allies alike.
The River Court is built both within the river The Five Spires
Neurabon and on its saturated banks. The
castle, with its towers and water gates, is
of the River Court
The spires of the court are simply stunning.
built in the middle of the river, and a thick
They are surprisingly hard to see from the
foam builds at the base of its walls where
the swift water meets the stone. Entrance
nearby forest, a fact I must attribute to the
to the castle is made either through a gate magic of the place. Though why his majesty
facing upstream or via a heavily guarded would wish to hide these splendors is beyond
walkway from shore. me! Alabaster white with golden trim, they rise
The spires of the River Court are built near
like majestic fingers pointing to the stars. Each
the castle. All, save for the Spire of Baccho, is built upon some important edifice, and I’m
can be reached by water—even the library in told there are chambers at the tops—though no
the Spire of Memory is partially submerged. one would tell me what is kept there…

The interiors of the buildings of the River wood crafting techniques. To be invited to sit
Court are designed to offer comfort to those with the broken prow is a high honor.
aquatic fey who live there. Many chambers
are partially submerged, and their walls drip SPIRE OF MEMORY
with cool condensation. Despite being lavishly
decorated with polished river stones, gilded The River Court’s principal library is built
archways, and beautiful hanging water plants near the castle and is commonly referred to
(that bloom eternally in the presence of King as the Spire of Memory. It consists of three
Ulorian), the buildings of the River Court are main chambers connected by short, highly
cold and wet and uncomfortable to those not decorated corridors. The chambers are well
suited to the water. lit by beautiful and magical stained-glass
windows whose animated scenes depict the
SPIRE OF CURRENTS history of the court. The library is managed by
three elven scholars (Nilia, Sarion, and Fenn)
The Spire of Currents is built upon the elves’ who oversee a small staff of elfmarked and
main woodworking shop. Though the crafters halfling workers.
produce mundane goods such as furniture The library has representatives who travel
and tableware, the workshop is chiefly known throughout Midgard searching for books to
for its production of river barges. The crafters add to the spire’s impressive collection. These
are led by Uynitia Boughbender, an elfmarked are mostly elfmarked scholars accompanied
woman whose arms were maimed in battle by well-paid mercenaries. The scholars of the
and replaced with magical wooden facsimiles River Court are often found combing through
that move at her command. old ruins in pursuit of lost knowledge.
The workshop at the base of the spire opens The three chambers of the spire are heavily
onto the river where old and damaged barges guarded, and access to the stairs leading to its
are delivered and new ones set afloat. Despite top is restricted to the three head librarians.
the labor transpiring in the shop, a meditative A spiraling staircase leads from one of the
silence is all that is heard, though occasionally library’s chambers to the top of the spire.
songs or laughter drift from the gate. The spire rises two hundred feet, and the
The spire is accessible via the workshop, walls along this staircase are covered in elvish
but its doors are locked and warded against writing: poems, ballads, expressions—all
simple magic. Only Uynitia has the key to written in the same steady silver script.
the spire, which she keeps on a silver chain The topmost chamber of the Spire of
around her neck at all times. The spire reaches Memories contains a simple bookshelf filled
three hundred feet into the air and has a with the rarest and most magical tomes kept
single windowless staircase that rises from the by the River Court. Only those who have
workshop to its peak. earned the favor of the court may hope to
The topmost chamber of the spire is a small open these rarest of books.
room painted in gold. It has a round window
that faces south and is framed in rough-cut SPIRE OF UNITY
pieces of wood from the forest. In the center
of the room is the broken prow of the first Though the River Court’s population is small
riverboat built by the Court. Broken and (estimated around 3,800), it’s surprisingly
splintered, the boat yet contains powerful varied. Elves, elfmarked, halflings, and all
elvish magic. Several simple pillows sit on manner of fey (especially aquatic) all live
the floor around the prow, and those who sit together peacefully. Though the court’s
there are filled with visions depicting elvish reputation suggests it is the home of exiles and

outsiders, those who dwell within its limits are stone and finely carved wood. The temple
far from hermits living lives of solitude. The resembles a river barge with its primary
Spire of Unity consists of a grand feast hall. entrance in the aft section and the altar placed
Half the hall is submerged in the cold water near the prow. Wooden benches, carved with
of the river while the other half sits on sturdy depictions of the Boatman ushering the elves
stone. A wooden common table runs through to and from the heavens, form rows along the
the hall—one end dips into the water. Chairs length of the main chamber. Windows, shaped
made from curved driftwood line the tables. like ornate lanterns, line the walls allowing
For those subjects of the court who prefer muted light into the space.
their meals cooked, as opposed to raw and The spire is accessed behind the altar via a
fresh from the river, a stone stove sits at the spiraling staircase lit with sacred lanterns.
dry end of the hall. It is said that the bones It rises two hundred feet above the temple
from fish cooked on the stove regrow their to a worshipping space reserved for special
flesh when cast in the river, so it is common to ceremonies. Few have been allowed to enter
see piles of such bones in the watery portion the top of the spire, and those who have do
of the hall after a large feast. not speak of it. Rumors that it contains a
portal capable of accessing every plane of
SPIRE OF BACCHO existence are unsubstantiated.

This spire is built upon a large wine-storage

vault dug deep under the riverbank’s wet,
The Alabaster Gates
clay-filled soil. The vault has two dimly lit It was on my tour of the castle proper that I
chambers connected by a short corridor and saw the twin gates said to offer direct passage
tasting room. Ornately carved wooden storage to Elfheim itself! Though the gates appeared
racks form aisles and line the walls of both only to lead to the other side of the room when
chambers. One chamber is for wines that have I spied them. Still, I could sense the magic in
aged up to sixty years while the other chamber those snow-white frames as I was hurried on.
is reserved for vintages bottled as far back Last of the true elfroads in Midgard, the
as two hundred years. The entrance to the Alabaster Gates of the River Court allow
wine vault is heavily guarded due to the large accepted travelers to step from the middle
amount of enchanted wine stored inside. world to the luminous land of the elves:
The spire is accessed via a spiraling staircase Elfheim. The King of the River Court alone
built atop the entrance to the vault. It rises has the ability to activate the gates, which sit
for a hundred feet above the ground and is in well-guarded buildings inside the castle’s
topped by a small chamber magically locked courtyard. Though the mode through which
and warded. Inside the top chamber, which is the gates are activated is a well-kept secret,
windowless and kept cool by permanent spells, many scholars suspect the king’s crown is the
is a glass display case containing a few grapes key; its observed properties suggest that the
from the very first harvest by the elves of the crown exists in both Midgard and Elfheim at
River Court. The grapes are said to be blessed the same time and that its magic is the source
by Baccho and possess powerful magic. of some of the king’s more powerful abilities.
The gates themselves are made from purest
white stone interwoven with pale wood set to
give the appearance of water flowing upward
This tallest spire in the River Court is the Spire from the ground. The gates are fifteen feet
of Charun. It sits upon the temple of Charun, a tall and ten feet wide, and emit a constant
large boat-shaped building made from dressed warmth—like stone heated in the sun.

The Wineries of the River Court The Theatre of Drowned Stars
Of all the secrets revealed to me in my time in My eyes widened when I was escorted to the
the River Court, it was the wineries that stroked edge of a great whirlpool near the castle. The
my sense of wonder the most. Though I must water of the Neurabon swirled and frothed,
admit, there is also something inexplicably and I admit to terror as it was suggested I
dreadful about those strange groves whose ebon simply throw myself into the vortex. Not
grapes grow on vines that strangle the trees. wanting to appear rude and with uncertainty
The Neurabon river winds through the over the cleanliness of my drawers afterward,
Arbonesse, feeding streams, lakes, and ponds I leapt into the whirlpool. Against my
along the way. The land along its banks is expectations, I emerged in a stone and clay
rich and fertile, and the members of the River chamber under the river. The walls of the place
Court have taken advantage of this fact. The were lit with beautiful glowing blooms, and I
variety of grape grown under the dense canopy was led then into the Theatre of Drowned Stars
requires little sunlight; a trait which defies the where I had a delightful night.
natural world and is a product of the king’s Below the castle and accessed by a magical
magic. The vines of these plump grapes, whose whirlpool on the banks of the river is the
midnight flesh is sweet and overwhelming, River Court’s amphitheater. Named for the
grow around the trees and shrubs of the forest; magical blooms that illuminate the walls and
they wind tightly around their hosts, making ceiling of the theater, the Theater of Drowned
deep impressions in the bark. Stars hosts weekly performances by a rotating
The grapes are harvested by halflings who cast of poets, actors, singers, and orators.
climb here and there to collect the grapes. The theater is built in the round and is oval
These workers pride themselves in the careful shaped. Stone benches form rows around the
manner with which they pluck the grapes— central stage, which is made from enchanted
rarely is one piece of fruit wasted. clay. There is never a need for sets to be built
The wine is produced in two sturdy stone for the theater’s performances as the clay can
and wood buildings built near the groves. be molded, carved, and magically commanded
As with all the structures of the River Court, to change its shape.
the buildings are accessible by both land and The principal master of ceremonies for these
water. Inside, the grapes are crushed and performances is a boloti (Tome of Beasts)
stomped by mischievous water spirits and named Prince Suss who travels on a magical
small aquatic fey who dance and sing old songs wave of water that occasionally topples.
together, washing themselves in the river when Prince Suss is an impressive speaker and
their appendages becomes too stained. charming host who loves to cast fog cloud
The River Court produces two wines. One, before making an appearance.
which they export to Dornig and beyond, is
strong and sweet and best drunk with a hearty
meal. The other, which is bottled and stored
Celebrities of the Court
in racks deep underneath the Neurabon, Enetha Senbloom, High Priest of Charun.
is enchanted with the king’s magic and is Enetha (N elf female, 8th-level Storm Domain
reserved for members of the court. Cleric) is a tall, pale woman whose robe is
made of undulating river plants. The cowl
of her robe is made entirely of shaped, black
water, which shadows her face and lends a
trickling quality to her speech. The high priest
spends most of her time in the Spire of Charun

where she gives sermons and counsels the DINNER WITH KING ULORIAN
court’s membership. She travels the Neurabon
on a riverboat made from the bones of those Though the feasting hall of the River Court
enemies of the court who drowned. is a cold and watery place where the walls
themselves are made from the Neurabon
Gibbers Crane, Master of the Pluckers. and the guests are half-submerged, it is still
Master Crane (NG halfling male scout), a wondrous and oddly inviting place. Those
or “Gibbers” to those who know him, is a glowing blooms which appear so often to light
severe and hard-working halfling who leads the dark places of the court lend a soft and
the Pluckers—a union of halfling laborers admittedly maudlin ambience. The strange
responsible for harvesting the grapes from little spirits carrying plates of fish and cold
the wineries of the River Court. Gibbers soups are as filled with charm as they are
wears patched overalls and a wide‑brimmed razor‑sharp teeth.
hat decorated with a single crane feather.
His hands are permanently stained dark
purple from a lifetime of plucking the
magical grapes.
Halliath Moro, Marshal of the
Knights of the Deluge. Marshal
Moro (LE elf male knight) is the
leader of the River Court’s small
unit of elite king’s guards, the Knights
of the Deluge. He is rarely more than
twenty feet from the king and,
thanks to Ulorian’s magic, has
not slept is over seventy
years. Moro is a
devastating opponent
whose armor is made
entirely from hardened
hydra scales. His helm
is made from the skull of
a particularly large
hydra that he slew
single-handedly when
it threatened the
spires. He wields
a sentient glaive
named Torrent with
the power to control
water and summon
elemental guardians.

Being Seated. Guests are brought into the accolade is exceptionally well articulated,
feasting hall under the river’s muddy banks the king may offer his favor in the form of a
through a dripping tunnel whose entrance is valuable curio or a promise to act.
guarded by several water elementals. Before
The King Departs. When he decides dinner is
being seated at the king’s long, stone table,
over, the king rises and leaves. Occasionally,
guests who require it are targeted by spells
the king stops to acknowledge a guest whose
to keep them dry despite being partially
company he has particularly enjoyed. Most
submerged in the cold water of the Neurabon.
of the time, the king simply exits, flanked by
Welcome. After taking their seat at the table, several guards.
the guests are welcomed by the River Court’s The Guests Depart. The guests are ushered
most famous orator, Prince Suss, who retells from the feasting hall. With the effects of the
the founding of the court before enumerating wine activated, they often end the evening with
the many victories of King Ulorian. a swim in the shallows of the river. Each guest
First Wine. Each guest is served wine from is given a smooth river stone with the sigil
the River Court’s reserves. This magical drink of the king engraved on one side. The stone
allows all creatures to speak and understand is magical and can be squeezed to produce a
the Aquan tongue. half‑gallon of drinkable water each day.

The King is Seated. King Ulorian is

announced and arrives to sit at the head of the Knights of the Deluge
table. The king prefers simple robes that drape Led by Marshal Moro, the Knights of the
and flow. The water that he passes through Deluge are a small unit of elite guards
rises and forms small decorative shapes—the dedicated to protecting King Ulorian. They
king’s wake is a reminder of his immense wear enchanted chainmail whose interlocking
power and connection with the river in which chains appear to flow like waves across their
he has built his castle. chests. The glaive is the official weapon of the
knights who defend the court from the wild
Second Wine and Tales. The guests are
things of the Arbonesse and enact the will of
served a second glass of enchanted wine that
their king in Midgard. Some of these knights
allows them to breathe underwater for the
have trained in elemental magic and can wield
duration of the dinner. At the king’s request,
it to assure their victory in combat. These rare
Prince Suss recounts the stories of the court.
warriors call themselves Extinguishers.
Dinner. Dinner, consisting mostly of steamed
fish and root vegetables, is served first to the KNIGHT OF THE DELUGE
king and then to each guest. The servants Medium humanoid (elf), lawful neutral
at the meal are small water sprites who cart Armor Class 16 (chainmail)
the plates to and from the table with a gentle Hit Points 71 (13d8+13)
rippling sound. Speed 30 ft.

Cases and Accolades. After dinner, and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
provided King Ulorian is in the mood, guests 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)
may both plead their case for the king to
intervene in some matter and praise the king Saving Throws Con +3
for his actions and hospitality. The king rarely Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
speaks during this part of dinner, reserving Languages Aquan, Elvish
his judgement for later. Sometimes, if an Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Blessing of the Neurabon. The knight gains a doing an additional 4 (1d8) force damage
swim speed equal to its speed and can breathe for every five feet it moves using this ability.
air or water whenever it is in the River Neurabon. Creatures struck by this attack are knocked prone.

Multiattack. The knight makes two glaive attacks. Magical Wines
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 of the River Court
ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.
Kept in cool, dark underground chambers
Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
below the Neurabon river, the wine reserved
The knight is carried forward by a magical wave
for magical enchantment is aged at least
of water. It moves its speed in a straight line
toward one target and makes a glaive attack,
twenty years before being removed. The
doing an additional 3 (1d6) force damage brackish cellars, filled with racks of dark wine,
for every five feet it moves using this ability. are kept clean by a variety of snail loyal to
Creatures struck by this attack are knocked prone. King Ulorian.


Medium humanoid (elf), lawful neutral
Wondrous item (wine), common
Armor Class 16 (chainmail)
Hit Points 130 (20d8+40) The white glass of this bottle of sweet, dark
Speed 30 ft. red wine is made from the sand found along
the banks of the Neurabon river. It contains
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA enough for six servings and bears the sigil of
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) Ulorian the First, King of the River Court.
A creature who drinks a serving of this wine
Saving Throws Con +4 may speak and understand Aquan for 1 hour.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Creatures who drink more than one serving
Languages Aquan, Elvish within 24 hours must make a successful DC
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) 12 Constitution saving throw or become
incapacitated for 1d4 hours.
Blessing of the Neurabon. The Extinguisher gains
a swim speed equal to its speed and can breathe
air or water whenever it is in the River Neurabon.
Innate Spellcasting. The Extinguisher’s spellcasting
Wondrous item (wine), uncommon
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15). The Kept in ebon-colored bottles, this sweet, aged
extinguisher can innately cast the following wine tastes of citrus and a delicate flower that
spells, requiring only verbal components. grows only on at the edge of the Neurabon
At will: chill touch, light, ray of frost river. The bottle contains four servings and
2/day each: fog cloud, thunderwave is embossed with the oar-shaped symbol of
1/day: misty step
Charun. A creature who drinks a serving of
Actions this wine may breathe both air and water
Multiattack. The extinguisher makes three glaive for 1 hour. Additionally, the imbiber is
attacks. filled with knowledge about the Arbonesse
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 forest and gains advantage on Intelligence
ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage. (history) checks about the forest for 1 hour.
Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Creatures who drink more than one serving
The Extinguisher is carried forward by a magical within 24 hours must make a successful DC
wave of water. It moves its speed in a straight
14 Constitution saving throw or become
line toward one target and makes a glaive attack,
incapacitated for 1d4 hours.


by Troy E. Taylor

I n this 10th-level adventure, the player

characters embark on an exploration of the
Arbonesse, the last bastion of the elves. They
white breeches. All is still and tranquil. At the
far end of the break, you see the White Hart!
The great antlered deer of Arbonesse legend
find themselves enmeshed in the intrigues stands regally in the light of day. The creature is
of the River Court, sending them off to the majestic and takes your breath away.
realm of the Wild Hunt on a quest for a magic “There is a rustling and a flock of birds erupts
item desired by no less a personage than his from the tree line. The White Hart’s head
Implacable Majesty, Ulorian the First. swivels toward the sound. Breaking through is
This adventure features many creatures from a hunting party of shadow elves.”
Tome of Beasts (TOB). The hunting party includes an enchantress
(TOB) who is in the process of casting hold
PC Hooks monster at the White Hart. A forest hunter
There are many ways to hook an adventurer, (TOB) leads the hunting party and has his
but here’s a couple possible reasons to visit longbow nocked but is waiting on the release
the Arbonesse: of the spell. The other four archers are also
• The Old Cities of the Arbonesse were shadow elf scouts.
abandoned and overtaken by wilderness, Read aloud:
but it’s a good bet magic items and “The enchantress’s spell is cast but has no
treasures were left behind. effect. The White Hart bounds away, heading
straight at the adventurers. The shadow elves
• The PCs’ desire to visit the River Court
unleash their first volley, but none find their
where exiled elves and their allies reside.
The PCs may take any actions they desire.
Part 1: Trespassing into The White Hart will race past them with a
the Arbonesse supernatural speed and agility. This brings
The PCs have traveled through the forest for the PCs into a direct confrontation with the
several days when they come upon this scene, shadow elf hunters who attack them without
which can be read aloud to the players: provocation.
“There is a break in the forest, a stretch of Should combat ensue, it is interrupted
chest-high grasses, dotted with bluebells and before its conclusion by the piercing sound
of a hunting horn. On all sides, a large patrol

numbering twenty or more guardian elves courtiers are colorfully garbed. In addition
appear. All wear a patch depicting the sun to elf and elfmarked attendants, there are
and river crest of the River Court. Captain many wondrous fey creatures. After a herald’s
Elynwyd, an elvish veteran archer (TOB), introduction, Elynwyd presents the company.”
leads them. Against such odds, the shadow If the GM has the adventure Wrath of the
elves put down their arms and surrender. River King, it contains a map of Ulorian’s
The enchantress introduces herself to
palace. The map is not necessary, however.
Elynwyd. “I am Cavatina, and we are
Those at court have their own objectives:
emissaries of the Black Prince. We beg mercy
• Cavatina was caught red-handed
of the Lord of Exiles, for we were unable to
attempting to poach the White Hart in an
stop these outsiders!”
effort to please the Black Prince. To avoid
Elynwyd then addresses the PCs. “You have
the headman’s axe, Cavatina grovels and
done a great service in fighting these poachers.
begs Ulorian’s forgiveness. She makes any
Please accompany us back to the River Court,
pledge he requires.
so we can present you to Lord Ulorian.”
If the PCs balk at the request, the captain • Ulorian is the River King (TOB). He has
will insist. little interest in this episode except he has
If the PCs go their own way, the GM may no wish to antagonize the Black Prince
consider these options: until he has decided whether to ally the
• Bring in an even larger patrol and force River Court with his ascendant power. He
the PCs to comply. is inclined to mercy to salvage relations.
His other concern is more pressing:
• Skip the next encounter and have the PCs
Gaining the upper hand on the Lord of
discover the glade in Part 3.
the Hunt. Ulorian wants to exert some
• Possibly, the PCs will join forces with the
leverage over him—tweak his pride or test
shadow elves. In this case, the shadow
his power.
elves serve as “guides” to the glade.
• Elynwyd is aware of Ulorian’s dilemma
and would use the PCs (and possibly the
Part 2: Court of the River King enchantress Cavatina, if the GM is inclined
The PCs arrive at River Court. Read the to boost the party) to infiltrate the Lord of
following to the players: the Hunt’s realm so that Ulorian retains
“The company arrives at the city of white deniability if anything goes wrong.
stone citadels erected along the Neurabon While in Elynwyd’s custody—in the
River. The city is a bustling, vibrant trading courtyard and again in Ulorian’s presence—
hub. The city has a cheerful buzz about it PCs should have the opportunity to discern
with merchants hawking goods to exuberant the mood and overriding concerns of those
shoppers while lively, chime-filled music assembled. As needed, the GM can call for DC
fills the air. A swan boat of no discernable 10 ability checks of Intelligence, Wisdom, or
propulsion ferries the company to the island Charisma for the PCs to gain this information.
palace, which features towers of water, pearl, Above all, successful checks should reveal
and ice. The company pauses in the courtyard Ulorian’s concerns with both the Lord of the
to mingle with courtiers. Then it is permitted Hunt and the Black Prince.
to enter the lesser court, a hall with an The GM should encourage interaction
elegant driftwood decor. Ulorian, in a cloak between the PCs and Ulorian. If the PCs hope
of shimmering, flowing water, is in the midst to persuade Ulorian or any of his courtiers on
of receiving petitions from his vassals. The a point, make opposed ability checks.

Ulorian makes two declarations as the
audience ends:
Part 3: Sacred Glade
The PCs come upon the sacred glade. The PCs’
• To Cavatina. “We should deal with you objective is to gain a chain of orichalcum then
much more harshly. But we wish to foster dive into the whirlpool and be transported to
good relations between our kingdom and the lands of the Wild Hunt.
the domain of the shadow fey, and your As they arrive, read this description:
trespasses did no actual harm. Return to
“The glade is the very picture of sylvan
the Black Prince with the understanding
serenity. The air is filled with sweet fragrance
that we of the River Court do not
of wildflowers. A bubbling brook tumbles over
take kindly to unannounced ‘hunting
a stairstep waterfall and flows into the pond.
expeditions,’ even when the hunters are
The surrounding trees cover half the glade in
of close kinship. Arranged in advance,
shade. Three elves in diaphanous woodland
you will find us receptive hosts, though attire, accompanied by a small fey creature
we limit our sport to game that is in with butterfly-like wings, are stringing together
abundance. Understand our resolve. Until dandelions and using magic to transform them
we escort you from our borders, you will into a golden chain. They are giggling as they
be our guests but under the watchful eyes work. A trio of fluttering pixies are plucking
of our beloved captain Elynwyd. We invite seeds from a wild stand of sunflowers near the
you to stay and witness as we exercise our shore. The pixies zip about, playing tag before
good judgement in this other matter.” depositing the seeds in a sachet. At the center
• To the PCs. “We are gravely concerned of the pool, four water nymphs are swimming
by your intrusion from outside our with synchronized precision, a clockwise
sheltering forest. Are no borders sacred whirlpool developing in their wake. Four
in your sight? Do you follow your own winged sprites with bows and wearing dour
whims rather than good sense? Are you expressions flit about the glade’s perimeter,
like those for whom nature is simply a keeping watch. All the fey creatures have
resource to be exploited? But perhaps expressions of expectation.”
the inclinations of trespassers such as The creature helping fashion the orichalcum
yourselves can be employed to a more chain is a dau (TOB) named Seriathe. The
fruitful outcome. Elynwyd would employ aquatic nymphs are fey akin to merfolk.
you, but we are not so sure it is within The “guide” for this encounter—either
our writ to command subjects of another Elynwyd, Cavatina, or Seriathe—explains the
prince. Suffice to say, we would take it situation if Ulorian’s intimations at court are
kindly if you would perform a small task. not understood. There is more to this than
I would dine on sunflower seeds from collecting sunflower seeds.
the sacred glade. They are a delicacy we “We do not know what trials await you,” the
find to our liking. Elynwyd will show the guide says, indicating the vortex in the pool,
way. Accomplish this task and earn our “except you will transported to the realm of
loyalty.” the Lord of the Hunt. Seek out the doila, which
is elvish for ‘fate speaker.’ The doila knows
your true destiny. You will recognize it as a
catfolk creature wearing stoles embroidered
with arcane symbols. But the doila must be
coerced or compelled. Bind the dolia in these
orichalcum chains, and it will do your bidding.

Even so, beware. When it prophesies, two also one false trial that has a monster intended
utterances will be true and one will be false.” to be the PCs’ doom.
Seriathe then speaks. “You may ask of me Here are the five. The quoted response is
one boon. If it is in my power, I will grant it.” how the doila describes it. The changing tense
The dau has some spellcasting and an extensive depends on whether the prophecy answers a
knowledge of the intrigues of the River Court question about the past, present, or future—
but is a stickler for etiquette. The dau will keeping in mind that the PCs’ perception of
respond only if the PCs are polite. A DC 10 time is distorted in fey realms.
Charisma (Persuasion) check is required. • A covey of hags guards a mirror of life
The guide then says: “Pixies, cast some seeds trapping: “The drapery is removed. I see
upon the waters, and if they are carried to the six, a reflection, three pair? Avert your
‘other side,’ our guests can be on their way!” eyes, lest the visage be too painful to
The PCs need to swim out to and dive into behold. Your prison was/is/will be made
the vortex. It is a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) of glass and silver. Your doom was/is/will
check to swim against the magical current be ugliness and despair.”
and enter the vortex. It transports them to the • Malphas duelists guard an oathbow:
realm of the Wild Hunt. “Woe be unto you. Did you/are you/will
you heed(ing) the storm crow’s warning?
Part 4: Fatespinning Doila What do the duelists care for the twig and
the twine? They carry flashing blades.”
The PCs emerge on the “other side” in the
• A weeping treant wears a ring of shooting
center of a pond. The glade is nearly identical
stars upon a fingerlike branch guarded
to the one they left, except it is night. There
by a selang companion: “Two they are,
is an ominous, oppressive feeling. A swarm
made alike and unlike by the same twisted
of fireflies moves across the pond and into
devotion. One revels in the distortion
the surrounding trees but momentarily
but cannot abide to hold the void; the
illuminates a footpath through the green. A
other weeps, a ringbearer without hands.
hare darts out and hops down the footpath.
Compassion was/is/will be misplaced
The dark forest path leads several hundred
yards to the lair of the doila. It is an ancient
ruin of stonework. There is an obelisk carved • A brood of kikimora guard a spell scroll of
with arcane symbols. The doila looks like a prismatic spray in an abandoned wizard’s
medium-sized catfolk of black fur wearing hut: “Hateful bird. Hateful woman.
stoles embroidered with arcane symbols. Hateful bird-woman, clutching a rainbow.
The doila is an ancient entity known as a From hidey-hole diminutive, it fouled/
nichny (TOB). It is up to the GM to decide if fouls/will foul the whole.”
the doila will willingly answer three questions • A duskthorn dryad and its vine troll
about their past, present, or future or if it skeleton guard a staff of the woodlands
must first be captured with the orichalcum in its grove: “A grove of wood, dark and
chain. Either way, the creature and the chains twisted, save one. There is allure in bark,
disappear once its third answer is given. leaf and branch, much to fear from a heart
There are five “Guardians of Trifles” in the of thorns. They commanded/commands/
immediate area. These are fey creatures tasked will command bones to walk.”
with protecting a magical item. The GM The false trial is a swarm of wolf spirits that
selects or randomly determines which of two chase the unworthy into the cave lair of a
genuine trials the doila will reference. There is savager.

• Supposedly they guard their lord’s sheltering pine trees. They are wary warriors.
scimitar of speed, but in truth, it is an Their charge is to keep safe their master’s
empty scabbard: “A blade of speed and oathbow, which is on a stand in the tent.
precision, was/is/will be intended for the
master of the Wild Hunt. Trusted canines WILDFIRE RUIN
show the way. Do not disturb the bear’s
peaceful slumber.” A clump of twisted, charred trees is the
remnant of a wildfire. Sitting in the crook of
one of the trees is a selang (TOB), singing an
Part 5: Guardians of the Trifles off-key rendition of a song of battle, pain, and
Each of the trials is detailed here. In the land bloodshed, ready to switch to its Alien Piping
of the Wild Hunt, game trails are the norm, ability. The selang’s tree is a weeping treant
foot and cart paths rarer. The circumstances (TOB), and it wears a ring of shooting stars.
of how the PCs crossed over and the magical
nature of their quests allows “shortcuts” ABANDONED WIZARD’S HUT
through the realm, short journeys to the trial
sites. Not all the guardians will fight to the From tiny hidey-holes, three kikimora (TOB)
death; they will yield or flee if it appears their infest this former wizard’s hut. The kikimora
lives are in jeopardy. are accidental guardians. When the hut’s
The Way Back. The players still hold onto former occupant hastily fled, she left behind a
a magical connection to the sacred glade. case with a scroll of prismatic spray in a desk.
Diving into the pond on this side will
transport the PCs back to where the aquatic DUSKTHORN GROVE
fey are maintaining the vortex.
The grove of thorny trees is tightly packed,
any movement in this area requires a DC
OLD HUNTING LODGE 10 Dexterity save to avoid taking 1d10
A coven of hags resides in this two-story, piercing damage. The staff of the woodlands
former hunting lodge. The first is a mirror is camouflaged to look like one of the trees. A
hag (TOB), Sister Amie, who sits in a rocking duskthorn dryad (TOB), Lanie, can command
chair clutching a lap blanket and greeting a vine troll skeleton (TOB) to defend the staff.
visitors in the main room. Sister Amie invites
visitors to gaze into her mirror. Covered by a FALSE TRIAL
drapery, the mirror of life trapping hangs over
The game trail turns into a series of sharp
the fireplace. The other two are green hags.
turns and grows narrower from surrounding
Sister Belle comes from the upstairs wearing a
dark woods. A swarm of wolf spirits (TOB)
sleeping gown and possessing a bad attitude.
begins a howling pursuit of the PCs, herding
Sister Christine comes in from a side door
them down the path toward the lair of the
from the kitchen carrying a ladle, insisting
savager (TOB). A single empty scabbard is all
visitors taste her foul-smelling concoction.
they find.
Part 6: A Theft Discovered
A malphas (TOB) mercenary captain erected The PCs return to court. Ulorian receives
a campaign tent and his company of three the PCs. “We sent you for sunflower seeds.
ravenfolk warriors (TOB) are gathered Hardly a taxing endeavor. We dined without
around a campfire beneath a stand of you. What took you so long?”

If the PCs present
their trifle, Ulorian
accepts it gladly.
“Well, this most
definitely is not
sunflower seeds but a
suitable substitute.”
Once the prize is delivered,
the Lord of the Hunt (TOB)
storms in. If the GM believes the
fey lord is too powerful, substitute
his dullahan (TOB) servant.
The Lord of the Hunt’s voice
resonates. “There are thieves in this
fish‑loving, soggy court! My honor
demands justice!”
Ulorian looks to the PCs. “You didn’t steal
this trifle from the realm of the Wild Hunt, jeopardy (such as two failed death saves), the
did you? Tsk, tsk. What does my lord’s honor River King will intercede, using his personal
require?” authority to command the fighting to cease.
“Trial by combat!” the Lord of the Hunt His Grasping Whirlpool ability can restrain
cries. the aggressors. Clerics provide healing.
“So be it,” says Ulorian. The combat satisfies Ulorian’s desire to
Unless the PCs can find a noncombative test his peer. The PCs gain a powerful ally in
resolution, the Lord of the Hunt will engage Ulorian, the third-ranking fey lord. The PCs
them. The River King will not let the combat are now free to explore the Arbonesse with
turn lethal. Once someone appears in true Ulorian’s blessing.

by Richard Green

“As the dust goblin rowed us across the waters, the City of Blue Blocks hove into view through
the mists. Ten colossal pillars of unearthly blue stone towered above the small rocky island in the
center of the lake. In their shadow stood a ramshackle trading town and docks. Amazingly, yet
more buildings had been constructed 200 feet up atop the pillars, reachable from the ground by
stone stairs and by bridges from the other columns. Stepping onto the island, I wondered who or
what had built these strange pillars and for what purpose?”
—Marvels and Curiosities of the Wasted West: An Almanack, by Tavareen Windrider

C enturies ago, war raged across the former

magocracies of what became the Wasted
West as the mages vied for control of the ley
But the arrogant archmage had
overestimated his own capabilities and
botched the spell. Not only was he off-target
lines, wielding dangerous and unpredictable by nearly 50 miles, erroneously centering the
magic. Acid rains and vampiric fog were effects on Lake Leukos, but when he opened
called down on rival towns and cities and, the portal to the Realms Beyond, the ritual
worse still, terrifying alien monstrosities—the caused a group of alien structures to manifest
Great Walkers—were summoned from the in Midgard. These are the ten blue stone
Realms Beyond to wipe out their enemies. pillars that stand in the City of Blue Blocks to
As the Mage Wars grew to a terrible climax, this day. As for the hapless Diagur, a voidling
Diagur the Untiring, archmage of Vael Turog summoned by his nemesis Tulomeck made
and erstwhile pupil of the future Master short work of him before turning on its
of Demon Mountain, sought the means master, and the Halaaz Tablets were scattered.
to eliminate his rival Tulomeck of Allain.
He turned to the Halaaz Tablets, thirteen
plaques of strange blue crystal inscribed with
Visiting the City of Blue Blocks
The strange square pillars of the City of Blue
mysterious glyphs. Diagur believed he had
Blocks are 400 feet wide and 200 feet high and
correctly deciphered a ritual on the sixth
are made from a translucent blue stone not
tablet that would banish Tulomeck, his tower,
seen anywhere else in Midgard. The columns
and the surrounding area to the cold reaches
are without seams or joins and have proved
of the Yawning Void with no hope of return
impervious to damage.
to Midgard.

Ever since the pillars appeared on the island the Great Mage Wars, he shares his ancestor’s
in the middle of Lake Leukos, they have been penchant for mayhem.
a source of great interest to the wizards of Leruva believes (rightly) that there is
Bemmea. Expeditions were dispatched from a connection between the dread Halaaz
the Academies Arcana to study the stone Tablets and the blue pillars. He has four of
blocks, and a small community and trading the tablets and has been studying them in an
hub has grown up around the pillars, which attempt to interpret the inscriptions on the
continue to fascinate arcanists to this day. Pillar of Glyphs. So far, he has been stymied
Recently, rumors that several of the in his researches, but past expeditions have
infamous Halaaz Tablets are perhaps hidden determined that the pillars run down into
here have drawn adventurers and would-be the earth for at least 50 feet and Leruva is
treasure hunters to the city. convinced that manipulating the glyphs
correctly will provide access to the interior. If
The most notable features of the city are
he had all of the Halaaz Tablets, things would
described below:
be easier. Leruva has heard stories that one of
1. The Block Scramblers: Visitors to the the missing tablets is in the possession of the
City of Blue Blocks usually make landfall Black Goat’s Flock and that the shadow fey
at the docks on the southwest tip of the may have hidden one or more on top of the
island, where dust goblins from the Block Pillar of Shadow. Perhaps he can convince the
Scramblers tribe will attempt to rent them a PCs to retrieve them?
room or sell them whatever interesting knick- Leruva is tall and thin with long, lank
knacks they’ve manage to scavenge from the black hair and a pale complexion from
half-ruined empty buildings that make up spending most of his youth inside the
most of the town crowded around the base Librarium Caelmarath. He wears black robes
of the pillars. The best place to stay is the embroidered with the ancient sigil of Vael
Muddy Boot, an overpriced but comfortable Turog and carries an ebony staff topped with
goblin-run inn. The Boot serves a tasty eel a cube of alien blue stone. He talks in a soft,
pie, cooked by the clumsy but jolly Marri measured voice, which makes it all the more
Threefingers. Marri’s son recently ran off to terrifying when he switches to Void Speech.
join the Black Goat’s Flock (area 3).
3. The Central Pillars: The six central
2. Blue Haven: Apprentice mages from pillars are sparsely inhabited now but when
Bemmea’s Academies Arcana visiting the visiting expeditions to the city were at their
city to study the blue pillars stay in the height, stairs were built to the top of these
community of Blue Haven—several dozen pyramids and bridges constructed between
well-constructed one and two-story buildings them. Today, an oddball collection of dust
situated on top of this pillar, reached by a set goblins, explorers, and others still live on top
of stairs leading up from its own docks. A of these pillars. Most notably, cultists of the
number of secret societies and fraternities are Black Goat’s Flock have moved into the step
represented here, including the Obscured and pyramid on the easternmost column. Led by
the Sons of Vael Turog, a group dedicated to a dust goblin cult fanatic named Azzran who
uncovering lost (and dangerous) magics of the was initiated into the cult by First Speaker
fallen magocracies. Tivishta Trikinta herself, the cultists have
Leruva Ramek, a Bemmean void wizard, so far succeeded in luring a dozen Block
heads up the Sons of Vael Turog expedition. Scramblers to swell their ranks. The cult’s
A descendent of Dar Ramek, the infamous treasure hoard includes one of the Halaaz
mage who rained acid down on Cuculla in Tablets.



4. Pillar of Shadow: This pillar was once wall of the building located on top of this
home to a shadow fey enchantress and her pillar conceals two of the Halaaz Tablets.
entourage from the Court of Scandal in the
Arbonesse. The shadow fey were driven out 5. Feywardens’ Fortress: Marriot Splitleaf,
of the City of Blue Blocks by the arrival of the Feywarden of Tintager, ordered a small
Feywardens but left an eye golem (see Tome fortress to be constructed on top of this pillar
of Beasts) behind as a guard in case they ever as a base for his warmages in case the elves of
need to return. A secret compartment in the the Arbonesse decide to mount a raid across

the lake. Since driving away the shadow fey, from building on top of the pillar. These
things have remained quiet for the garrison symbols can be decoded by studying the seven
and the Feywardens stationed here spend surviving Halaaz Tablets.
most of their time hunting the eel hounds
Halaaz Tablets: Written in Void Speech by a
living in the lake. Recent rumours of the
sorcerer from the Realms Beyond eons ago,
appearance of a new Walker in the forest has
there were originally thirteen of these blue
put Feywarden Skythra (CN female tiefling
crystal tablets. Six are lost, including the tablet
knight) and her men on a state of high alert.
containing the ritual which brought the City
6. Pillar of Glyphs: This pillar stands of Blue Blocks to Midgard, but seven can be
apart from the others on the northwest found in the city, and these are sufficient to
corner of the island. The eastern side of the interpret the glyphs.
column is carved with strange glyphs— Reading Void Speech is dangerous. A PC
raised and inverted dots, interspersed with studying the tablets must make a DC 13
non‑Euclidian symbols. The presence of these Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effects of
unsettling markings have deterred anyone short-term madness for 1d10 minutes. If the

saving throw is failed by 5 or more, long-term The doorway slides open, revealing a set of
madness ensues for 1d10 × 10 hours. smooth blue stone steps leading down to an
Once a PC has studied the tablets, they can underground complex of the same blue stone
attempt a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check situated beneath the pillars of the city and
with advantage to determine which symbols inhabited by gibbering mouthers and other
must be traced in what sequence to activate aberrant monsters.
the pillar. Thirteen symbols in all must be Eventually, the PCs can find their way to a
traced with a finger with each one inflicting 3 central vault guarded by a powerful voidling
(1d6) necrotic damage on the person tracing (see Tome of Beasts) with 150 hit points.
them as their fingers start to blacken and Once the aberration is destroyed, they can
shrivel. If Leruva attempts to activate the recover the treasure it is guarding: several
pillar, he will use captured dust goblins to thousand coins of alien design forged from
trace the symbols for him. other-worldly star metal (worth 2,000 gp),
Once the symbols have been traced, there a rift orb and a voidskin cloak (see Shades of
is a great rumbling as the pillar slowly slides Magic: Gifts from the Void by Dan Dillon on
upward for 60 feet, exposing a hidden door. the Kobold Press blog).


Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil 2nd level (3 slots): destructive resonance*,
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) maddening whispers*, misty step
Hit Points 71 (12d8 + 12) 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, hypnotic pattern,
Speed 30 ft. void strike*
4th level (3 slots): black tentacles, blight,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA confusion, stoneskin
9 (−1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, living shadows*
6th level (1 slot): life drain*
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +5 * Void spell (see Deep Magic: Void Magic)
Skills Arcana +8, Deception +6, History +8, Void Focus. Leruva has advantage on Constitution
Religion +8 saving throws made to maintain concentration
Senses passive Perception 11 on void spells.
Languages Common, Goblin, Void Speech ACTIONS
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
Spellcasting. The void wizard is a 12th-level
2 (1d4) piercing damage.
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). REACTIONS
The void wizard has the following wizard spells
Rebuke from Beyond (4/day). When damaged
by an attack from a creature within 60 ft., the
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, crushing curse*, void wizard barks a destructive word of Void
dancing lights, mage hand, word of misfortune* Speech. If the creature can hear the wizard, it
1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, takes 10 points of necrotic damage.
protection from the void*

by Richard Green

“Nine days into the trip upriver, I could tell we were getting close to our destination. The vegetation
along both banks grew more and more dense and . . . odd. The trees soared high into the sky, their
branches overgrown with great tangles of vines, orchids, and bromeliads. Beneath the towering
giants grew strange plants with unwholesomely large flowers in a variety of sickly colors that gave off
an overpowering, almost intoxicating, perfume. On the tenth day, I caught a glimpse of something
glinting in the sunlight through the trees. Slashing our way through the dense foliage, we could see
ancient, marble paving stones here and there amidst the undergrowth and came across enormous
basalt troughs, overflowing with plant life. Ahead was the source of the glinting—an enormous
glasshouse filled with unfamiliar plants bearing pendulous, bloated fruits of virulent purple. We had
arrived in the fabled Gardens of Carnessa . . .”
—Tavareen Windrider, Marvels and Curiosities of the Wasted West: An Almanack

S everal hundred years ago, a group of

mages from the now-vanished Empire
of Caelmarath came south to the peninsula
places located in the Realms Beyond. An
obscure volume held in the libraries of the
Academies Arcana suggests that Melgrys fell
beyond the lands of the giants. Here, they under the influence of “disturbing insect-like
built the splendid and magical Gardens creatures from beyond time and space” and
of Carnessa: a wondrous place filled with that these malevolent beings began to direct
fountains, pergolas, gazebos, summer houses, the archmage’s botanical research.
and all manner of exotic plant specimens Melgrys and the other wizards started
that flourished in the region’s warm and creating a plant army to defeat Caelmarath’s
humid climate. The wizards conducted enemies, but this bold new strategy was to
dozens of botanical experiments to enrich lead to their downfall. Many of their newly
and add color to the gardens, which scholars created plant specimens were intelligent,
believe were intended as a summer retreat for aggressive, mobile, and resistant to magic, and
Caelmarath’s wealthiest elite. Whether or not they proved unwilling to remain confined to
that is true, things took a dark turn when the the glasshouses. The deadly mutant plants
archmage Melgrys the Etiolated, leader of the broke free and turned on their creators,
cabal, ordered his apprentices to cross-breed seizing control of the gardens before spreading
their creations with rare specimens harvested throughout the jungles of the peninsula.
from the jungles of Kled and Chag-Hai, alien

Exploring the Gardens Great Glasshouse: Constructed from
magical glass as tough as steel and magically
Despite the remote location, the sweltering
treated iron, this ornate greenhouse is the
jungle heat, and the dangerous inhabitants,
biggest structure in the gardens. Measuring
bold explorers and curious arcane scholars
two hundred feet by seventy-five feet, the
still travel to the ruined gardens to uncover
glasshouse has a curved roof reaching fifty
their lost secrets. It’s hard to determine where
feet in height. The wizards grew their most
the gardens stop and the jungle begins, but
unusual and dangerous specimens in this
the ruined structures built by the mages are
large building.
spread over three hundred acres. Some of the
Today, the spells that reinforced the
most important features are described below.
glass and prevented the metal framework
Basalt Planters: These thirty-foot-long from rusting have long since faded and the
planters are scattered throughout the gardens. glasshouse has fallen into disrepair. Most of
Constructed from grey volcanic rock, they the glass is gone, and the rusty iron skeleton
were used to grow new specimens and are is overgrown with vines and creepers. Thick
overflowing with alien-looking plants. If the plant growth chokes much of the interior—
PCs come too close to a planter, roll a d4 and PCs wishing to enter must spend four feet
consult the table on the next page. of movement for every one foot they move.
The plants can repeat their attacks on In the center of the building where the plant
subsequent rounds (initiative 10) and can be growth is less dense, explorers can uncover
attacked by the PCs—treat them as objects the circle of tarnished silver runes inlaid into
with AC 9, 30 hp, vulnerable to fire, and the stone floor where the mages opened a
resistant to piercing damage. Disturbing portal to the Realms Beyond.
the planters is likely to draw the attention
Summer Palace: Once an impressive marble
of other inhabitants of the gardens. These
building where Melgrys and his wizards lived
include warlock’s trumpetblooms, shambling
and worked, this structure is overgrown with
mounds, awakened shrubs and trees, violet
unnatural vegetation. Vine-choked trees
fungi, and other plant monsters.
bearing pale, poisonous‑looking fruits have
Dread Gazebo: situated on top of a small grown inside the courtyard, causing great
hill, this white marble ornamental building cracks in the palace walls. Their roots have
is fifty feet in diameter with a domed roof. splintered the paving slabs, and a colony of
Octagonal in shape and open on four sides, giant ants (see Tome of Beasts) has made its
it was designed to take advantage of the home in the earth beneath.
magnificent views across the gardens in their If the PCs can get past the insects, they may
heyday. Now, it is home to a large warlock’s encounter Vos-Trobarr, a ravenala (see Tome
trumpetbloom with maximum hit points. PCs of Beasts) who lives in the ruined great hall.
searching the gazebo can find a leatherbound This twenty-foot-tall anthropomorphic palm
journal wrapped in oilcloth with a DC 15 tree serves as the self-styled Chief Gardener.
Intelligence (Investigation) check. This Vos-Trobarr seeks to minimize the spread of
belonged to one of the mages and contains alien plant life in the jungles at the expense
copious notes on their botanical experiments of indigenous, natural plants and trees. He is
as well as cryptic instructions on how to concerned by tales of the so-called “Emerald
activate the portal in the Great Glasshouse. Walker” (see Midgard Campaign Setting) and
will urge the PCs to uncover whatever they
can about this newly‑discovered alien threat.

1 A hail of thorns is unleashed from the plants, raining down in a 15-foot-radius sphere
centered on a point within 30 feet. Each creature caught in the area must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) piercing damage on a failed saving throw or
half damage on a success.
2 The plants spray a cloud of deadly spores in a 30-foot cone, emanating from the planter.
Each creature caught in the cloud must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a
failed saving throw, targets take 10 (3d6) poison damage and become poisoned for one
hour; on a success, they take half damage and are not poisoned.
3 Long, vine-like tendrils covered in vicious thorns lash out from the planter. The tendrils
make one attack on each PC within 30 feet with a +7 bonus, inflicting 2d10 piercing
damage on a successful hit.
4 As a roll of 3, but the tendrils are sticky and inflict no damage. Instead, if the attack hits,
the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained
and has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Each round,
grappled creatures are pulled 20 feet closer to the planter. A creature pulled into the
planter takes 10 (3d6) acid damage and is engulfed (escape DC 15). Engulfed creatures
take 21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of their turns, are restrained, and cannot breathe.


Large plant, neutral evil Multiattack. The trumpetbloom makes a stinger
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) attack and two tendril attacks.
Hit Points 171 (18d10 +72) Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
Speed 20 ft. 15 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d12 + 4) piercing
damage, and the target must succeed on a
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become
poisoned for one minute. The poisoned target is
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 6 (−2)
paralyzed, and it can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7 a success.
Skills Stealth +3, Perception +3 Tendrils. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Damage Resistances fire 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison damage and the target is grappled (escape DC
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, 15).
exhaustion, poisoned
This plant creature looks like something from
Senses blindsight 60 ft.; passive Perception 13
a disquieting dream. Standing over ten feet
Languages None, but understand Void Speech
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
tall, it has a long slender stem that grows out
of the thick mass of tangled roots that it uses to
shuffle forward. Its stem is topped with a huge
Alien Mind If a character casts speak with plants
trumpet-like orange flower while two twisting
to communicate with a trumpetbloom, he or
she must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw tendrils grow from its base, just above the root
or become frightened of the trumpetbloom for ball. A wicked-looking stinger, glistening with
one minute. venom, flicks out of its “mouth” on the end of
Magic Resistance The trumpetbloom has a whip-like tongue. The trumpetbloom clacks
advantage on saving throws against and croaks ominously as it advances.
spells and other magical effects.

Warlock’s trumpetblooms were created in Carnessa (and beyond if they can find a way
the Gardens of Carnessa by Melgrys and his to break through or bypass the giants’ Wall).
cabal through a series of bizarre experiments Trumpetblooms are carnivores, feeding on
that involved cross‑breeding native jungle the small deer, giant insects, and snakes
orchids and giant carnivorous plants with that live in the jungle, but they will happily
alien seed pods harvested in the jungles of devour humanoid flesh when available, using
Kled. Melgrys supervised the experiments their roots to soak up the nutrients from a
personally, frequently consulting a living decomposing corpse.
brain he kept in a glass cylinder. When
the first trumpetblooms were propagated
from seedlings, the mages were astounded
at how quickly they grew and
subsequently reproduced. An
unstoppable army to fight
for Carnessa in the Mage
Wars was within their
grasp, they believed. Their
optimism proved misguided
as the trumpetblooms broke
free of the glasshouses and
attacked their masters.
trumpetblooms are
aggressive and
intelligent plant
creatures that seek to
spread their seed pods
throughout the jungles of

by Brian Suskind

D own a forgotten passage of the Undercity,

behind a partially cleared rockfall, lies
the arched chamber containing the Crimson
the twisted denizens that make their home
there, risking death to delve to the bottom of
the Crimson Oubliette.
Oubliette. Once known as the Depths,
this wretched prison of narrow‑cell doors
dotting the curving walls of a 500-foot‑deep
The PCs arrive at the entrance to the
cylindrical shaft housed those who society
Crimson Oubliette and interrupt a group of
wished to forget (including an entire tribe of
kobolds dumping an offering of silver into
scrags). Then a ground tremor collapsed the
the opening of the pit. After dealing with
passages leading to the entrance and emptied
the draconic worshippers, the PCs descend
an underground lake into the Depths. Those
into the oubliette either via potions or by
on the surface simply abandoned the guards,
carrying fire to keep the ooze at bay. With
prisoners, and staff alike and, in time, the
glittering treasure lurking below, the PCs
prison itself was forgotten.
make their way down and soon encounter the
Merging with the murky water flooding the
degenerated ancestors of the original guards
prison, the prison’s semi-sentient ooze waste
and traps designed to thwart prison breaks.
disposal system fed off of the imprisoned
Unfortunately, the arrival of the PCs also
and perpetually regenerating scrags and
attracts the Deepclaw Scrags who now act as
grew to fill the entire oubliette. Tribes of
extensions of the ooze’s will. At the bottom
underground dwellers worship the ooze as a
of the Oubliette, the heroes must overcome a
god and throw treasure into it as offerings.
pair of constructs guarding the resting place
Others have also used the oubliette to dispose
of the Jade Tome.
of dangerous items. For as the legend goes,
the Jade Tome rests at the very bottom of
the ooze-filled oubliette, thrown there by a Conditions in the Oubliette
dying paladin convinced it was too dangerous Entering the ooze subjects a creature to
for mortal men. The Crimson Oubliette has the acidic nature of the ooze’s innards. An
claimed hundreds of would-be adventurers. immersed creature takes 7 (2d6) acid damage
Protected by potions of acid resistance or at the start of each turn. Any item or effect
using fire to hold the ooze at bay, adventurers that offers acid resistance or immunity
continue to descend into the ooze, combating negates this effect. Metal, stone, and items of

similar hardness are not dissolved by the acid. KOBOLDS (5)
Additionally, the ooze is vulnerable to and Challenge 1/8 (25 XP each)
afraid of fire. A simple torch forces the ooze Hit Points 5 each (Monster Manual)
to withdraw or pull back to a 30-foot radius. Treasure: A half-empty sack containing
This allows would-be explorers to descend 2d20 silver pieces
into the oubliette. Once below 30 feet, the
presence of a torch creates a 30-foot-radius 2. THE CURVING STAIRS
bubble around the source of fire. Luckily, the
ooze is permeable to air so breathing within A 10-foot-wide, rail-less stairway curves
the pocket is not an issue. downward along the inside wall of the Oubliette
The reddish liquid of the ooze acts in with barred cell doors every 20 feet or so.
most respects like normal water in terms
of movement. It is very dark once the PCs The ancient prison was well guarded against
descend beyond 30 feet. escape attempts and the stairs are trapped.
Every 100 feet of stairs the following trap can
be found:
Adventure Hooks Magic Missile Trap
• The PCs are hired by Magister Varna, a
Magic trap
noted archeologist, to recover the Jade
When an intruder steps on a hidden pressure
Tome from the Oubliette.
plate (20+ lb. of weight to activate), 1d4
• A foe of the PCs has stolen one of their
magic missiles fire from a nearby hole in
prized possessions and thrown it into the
the wall, each targeting a random creature
within 30 feet. The missiles function normally
• To join an elite adventuring guild the PCs in water. Each creature struck takes 1d4+1
must descend into the ooze and bring force damage. Detect magic reveals an aura of
back a prize. evocation around the opening (DC 13 dispel
magic to destroy the trap). A DC 15 Wisdom
1. INTERRUPTED OFFERING (Perception) check spots the pressure plate.
The GM can, of course, adjust the number of
The entrance to the Crimson Oubliette appears traps as desired.
to be a 100-foot-wide shaft filled to the rim
with a viscous red liquid.
The PCs arrive at the Crimson Oubliette
The doorway to each 15-foot-by-10-foot
just in time to see a small group of kobolds
chamber is blocked by a cell door of steel bars.
dumping two sacks of silver coin into the
reddish liquid. The kobolds are distracted, Most of the cell doors are either locked (DC
giving the PCs advantage in terms of 15 Dexterity check) or simply stuck (DC 10
surprising them. Strength check). To see what an individual
A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check spots cell holds, roll a d6 on the following table:
a lit torch lying on its side at the rim of the
1. Empty
oubliette. The presence of the flame has
caused the ooze to pull back from it. This 2. Lurking Tribesman: 1 scrag (see below)
gives the PCs a hint about needing fire to 3. Guardians: 1d3 former guards, now just
descend. This can also be determined by a DC animated armor (Monster Manual)
15 Intelligence check.

4. Sad Remains: skeleton chained to the wall 4. SCUFFLE WITH SCRAGS
5. False Storage Locker: mimic
(Monster Manual) This encounter can occur at the GM’s
discretion. It can happen once or repeatedly
6. Odd Pool: 1d2 gray oozes as needed. Though it is best placed after the
(Monster Manual) PCs have investigated one or two cells.
There is a 30% chance that a cell door is
either open or unlocked. These creatures will Suddenly, a pair of emaciated humanoids with
attack on sight and fight to the death. greenish, rubbery hides, wicked looking claws,
Treasure: At GM’s discretion. and enlarged lower jaws burst out of the side of
the air pocket.

(The description assumes the PCs are using

fire to hold off the ooze. If they are exploring
via a different method, adjust the text

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 110 (Tome of Beasts)
Hit Points 45 (6d10+12)
Left to guard the Jade Tome, these clockwork
Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft.
huntsmen will fight until destroyed.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Treasure: A DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
18(+4) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 9 (−1) check reveals that the huntsmen’s eyes are fire
garnets (worth 50 gp each).
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Abyssal, Aquan 6. THE TREASURE OF THE OUBLIETTE
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Just below the metal grate at the center of the
Amphibious: The scrag can breathe air and water room is a glittering pile of gold and silver. A
Regeneration: The lesser scrag regains 5 hit strange glowing light emanates from a green
points at the start of its turn if it is in contact book resting in the middle of the treasure
with water (or the Crimson Ooze). If the scrag hoard.
takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn’t
function at the start of the scrag’s next turn. Opening the grating requires a DC 20
The scrag dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit
Strength check (though PCs can work
points and doesn’t regenerate.
together to make it easier)
Treasure: Years and years of offerings from
Multiattack: The lesser scrag makes two attacks: tribesmen and the loot from fallen explorers,
one with its bite and one with its claws.
the hoard includes:
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) • 800 gp
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., • 10,210 sp
one target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4) • 25,300 cp
The scrags make use of their swim speed to • 15 assorted gems (worth a total of 500 gp)
gain an advantageous attack on the PCs. They • +1 vicious longsword
fight to the death. • Metal cap of disguise
Treasure: Each scrag has 1d20 gp. • The Jade Tome
The Jade Tome is a thick book with pages
5. GUARDIANS AT THE BOTTOM made entirely of carved jade plates bound
Revealed by a glowing radiance from with mithril wire. The exact nature of the
somewhere toward the middle of the area, forbidden knowledge inscribed within the
the stairway ends on a 15-feet-wide, level tome is beyond the scope of this adventure,
platform that hugs the wall all the way around but GMs are encouraged to use the Jade Tome
the circumference of the oubliette. The center as a launching point for further quests.
of the chamber slopes downward toward a
massive steel grating that must have once
acted as drainage.
A pair of mechanical soldiers clad in acid
pitted armor turn in your direction. Beneath
their breastplate, gears tick and whir.


by Jon Sawatsky

I n the belly of the Dragoncoil Mountains lies

an ancient and spectacular set of magma
falls. The falls have many names but are most
up residence in Ghoss’s fortress. The dragon
found the focus and wrapped its fiery length
around the stone and crystals, feeding on the
commonly known as the Firefalls of Ghoss. stored magic.
The story tells of a young dragonfolk sorcerer As for the sorcerer, his life was spared,
who, fleeing through the mountains from an and he made a bargain with the wyrm. In
angered nest of wyverns, discovered a wide exchange for five great magical treasures
tunnel leading to the falls. After descending stolen from the temples of the gods, Ghoss
into the mountain, he spied a ledge that could have access to the smoldering focus
looked out over the great flow of magma and, that Phosus now coveted. The dragon smiled
walking upon it, discovered a thinning of the and agreed, but upon the delivery of the final
veil between Midgard and the Eleven Hells. treasure, Phosus turned the sorcerer to ash.
The sorcerer began to plot immediately. The tunnel that leads to the Firefalls
Near the ledge in the heated stone walls of Ghoss lies hidden somewhere in the
around the magma flows, Ghoss built Dragoncoil Mountains. Fiery creatures stalk
himself a fortress—hiring all manner of its length, and the flames of Phosus itself
mercenaries, builders, and madmen to await those who descend toward the fortress
assist in its construction. The fortress and that strange thinning between worlds that
housed Ghoss’s greatest hope—a magical shimmers on the ledge.
focus built to harness the raw elemental
energy that emanated from the falls and the PHOSUS, DREAD WYRM OF THE FALLS
infernal magic cast by the gateway on the Huge dragon, chaotic evil
ledge. But unbeknownst to the sorcerer, a Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
great malevolence slumbered in the deep Hit Points 306 (17d12 + 102)
places below where the firefalls flowed into Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
darkness. On the eve of the celebration of the
fortress’s completion, a great wyrm imbued
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 23 (+6) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 29 (+5)
with magma and flame awoke to the sound
of carousing and victory. Phosus, the dread
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +11, Wis +7,
wyrm of the falls arose and incinerated most Cha +10
of the celebrants in a single breath. “IT IS Skills Deception +10, Insight +7, Perception +12,
MINE,” the beast roared and with that took Persuasion +10, Stealth +7

Damage Immunities fire for 1 minute. A rampaging creature must attack
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, the nearest living creature or smash some object
piercing, slashing damage from nonmagical smaller than itself if no creature can be reached
sources with a single move. A rampaging creature
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Perception 22 Shifting Flames. The dragon magically
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Ignan, polymorphs into a creature that has immunity
Infernal, Orc to fire damage and a size and challenge rating
no higher than its own, or back into its true
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)
form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any
equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed
Fire Incarnate. All fire damage dealt by the
or borne by the new form (the dragon’s
dragon ignores fire resistance but not fire
choice). In a new form, the dragon retains its
alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak,
Keeper of the Gateway (Recharge Special, see proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions,
Legendary Actions). When Phosus reduces a and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores,
creature to 0 hit points, it may summon one as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities
devil or demon of CR 6 or less to assist it in are otherwise replaced by those of the new form,
combat. The summoned creature spawns atop except any class features or legendary actions of
the body of the fallen creature and obeys Phosus that form.
until it is destroyed or combat ends.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails Legendary Actions
a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. The dragon can take three legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one
legendary action option can be used at a time
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Presence. It then makes one bite attack and two The dragon regains spent legendary actions at
claw attacks. the start of its turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception)
one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage
plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.
Devour Infernal. Phosus devours any creature
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
it summoned using its Keeper of the Gateway
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
trait. It’s Keeper of the Gateway trait recharges.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15
The devoured creature must have at least 1 hit
ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning
point remaining or this action fails.
Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon
choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and
beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of
aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
the dragon must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
saving throw or take 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning
A frightened creature repeats the saving throw
damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
then fly up to half its flying speed.
on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature Lair Actions
is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for
The lair of Phosus is fully described in the Firefalls
the next 24 hours.
of Ghoss.
Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the
fire in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area
dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the
takes 63 (18d6) fire damage, or half damage with
following effects, but the dragon can’t use the
a successful DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. Each
same effect two rounds in a row.
creature in that area must also succeed on a DC
18 Wisdom saving throw or go on a rampage

Ignite the Focus. Phosus draws upon the magical Each of the blades is a +2 weapon. The
focus at the heart of its lair, unleashing a wielder may freely choose to have the swords
billowing cloud of sulfuring smoke which fills
do cold damage instead of their normal
the lair and chokes living creatures within it. Any
creature within 200 feet of Phosus must make
damage type. Once each day, as a bonus
a DC 15 Constitution save or be blinded and action, the wielder may invoke the following:
unable to speak until the end of their next turn. Frozen Wrath of Boreas. For 1 minute,
The smoke heals Phosus for 20 (3d10 +3) hit creatures who take damage from both blades
points. in the same round must make a DC 14
Magma Rain. Phosus causes the firefalls to spew
Constitution save or be restrained until the
magma, which rains down around him in a
30-ft. radius. Creatures caught in the rain must
end of their next turn.
succeed a DC 15 Dexterity check, taking 21 (6d6)
fire damage on a failed save or half as much on VISIOS, THE BLINDFOLD OF CHARUN
a successful one.
Rock the Rock. Phosus smashes his great tail upon Helm, very rare (requires attunement)
the stones of his fortress, sending a shockwave This length of shimmering black silk is
in a 60-foot cone in any direction he chooses. adorned with small skulls embroidered in
Creatures caught in the shockwave must succeed
silver thread and tiny pearls. Unless wrapped
a DC 15 Strength check or fall prone.
around the eyes of an attuned creature, Visios
whispers incoherently to creatures within 60
Ghoss’s Offerings feet of it. The whispers are both menacing and
Phosus prizes the following treasures above all soothing. The first time a creature hears the
others in its horde. Each was brought to the whispers, it must make a DC 10 Wisdom save
dragon by Ghoss, who acquired them through or be frightened for 1d4 hours, after which it
treachery, gall, and murder. The elders and is immune to this effect.
high priests from whom the items were stolen A creature who is attuned to Visios and
are eager to have them returned. Fortunes wraps the blindfold around its eyes gains
await adventurers willing to risk the magma, Devil’s Sight (as per the warlock’s Eldritch
smoke, and teeth of Phosus’s lair. Invocation). Once each day, as a reaction
to the death of a creature within 60 feet, the
bearer of Visios may open their spirit to the
Weapons (Is [rapier], Suw [shortsword]), Truth in Death. Learn one secret about the
very rare (require attunement) dying creature from its spirit as it dies. The
These twin swords are made from iced steel GM determines the nature of the secret
in the cold forges of the Northlands. Their learned.
blades are pale blue and translucent and when
unsheathed shed dim white light in a 20-foot ALES, THE MIGHTY STEIN
radius around their wielder. Their pommels OF NINKASH
are freezing to the touch to any save those Wondrous item (beer stein), very rare
who are attuned to them. The blades become (requires attunement)
shrouded in strange runes when exposed to
Made from lacquered sandstone and cherry
temperatures below freezing; the runes float
wood, this festive-looking drinking stein fills
away from the swords and fade from sight
the space its bearer occupies with pungent
after a few feet.
alcoholic mist. Anyone adjacent to the bearer
can smell the aroma. The handle of Ales is

carved wood and portrays a dwarven fertility recover one HD up to their maximum. Once
symbol with lustrous yellow hair. The cap each day as a bonus action, the bearer of
is made from sandstone and gold and does Merci may use the following:
not flip open for any save Ales’s bearer. The Rise Against Shadow. Magical darkness
stein is ever-filled with high-quality beer, within 120 feet of the bearer is dispelled. All
and provided they drink from the stein each creatures of the bearer’s choosing within 120
midday, the bearer gains +1 to Strength. The feet must succeed a DC 14 Dexterity save or
bearer of Ales may drain the stein once each be affected by faerie fire for 1 minute. This
day as a bonus action to gain the following: effect does not require concentration or the
Might of Nakash. For 1 minute, the bearer ability to cast spells.
gains advantage on all Strength and Charisma
ability checks. Additionally, creatures who EBOS, SHADOW GLOVES
take damage from a weapon attack of the OF CHERNOBOG
bearer must succeed a DC 14 Strength save
Wondrous item (gloves), very rare
or be pushed 10 feet away from the bearer or
(requires attunement)
knocked prone—bearer’s choice.
Unworn, Ebos are an oily pair of leather work
MERCI, THE CHARMS OF LADA gloves that smell faintly of wood smoke and
sulfur. They are stiff and cracked and entirely
Wondrous item (belt), very rare unattractive to the casual looker. When the
(requires attunement) bearer slides the gloves on for the first time
Twelve platinum charms hung upon a golden during attunement, they are paralyzed for
chain represent the sacred number of Lada, 1d4 hours as they experience visions of a
goddess of dawn love and mercy. Each twisted, shadowy landscape through which
charm is a repetition of the sacred eye of horrible creatures walk. Upon recovering,
Lada, varying in size and color. The charms the bearer’s maximum HD are reduced by 1.
jingle softly as they move, though they can be Becoming unattuned to the gloves restores
silenced with a thought by their bearer. Worn the lost HD. While worn, the gloves appear
at the waist, Merci glows brilliantly when as miasmic shadow in the vaguest hand-like
exposed to the light of dawn and casts bright shapes. While wearing the gloves, the bearer
light in a 40-foot radius around its bearer for gains advantage to stealth checks. Once each
an hour after such an exposure. The bearer day, as a bonus action, the bearer may cast
may cancel this effect at any time. Creatures vampiric touch upon themselves (3d6) using
touched by the light (including the bearer) their proficiency and Charisma bonuses for
the spell attack.


by Brian Suskind

“I tell you, mate. Our blades and ballista just bounced off the beast’s shell! It’s maw
opened like the abyss itself, and with a single chomp, our rudder was bit clean away!”
—overheard at the Drunken Sail Tavern

Greetings Good Readers! managed to survive the experience. The first

thing you notice is their shell. And a massive
It is I, Jacopo de Zagora, professor, thing is it. Rough and studded with three
investigator and student of all that is. In this rows of spiked plates, the shell is nearly the
missive, I shall relate a fascinating discussion same greenish color as deep water making it
on dragon turtles, which I undertook in a very hard to see while below. Dragon turtles
port tavern along the windy docks of Triolo have taloned flippers for feet that propel them
with K’abuleck, a sahuagin scholar of my through the water at a speed that belies their
acquaintance. great size. Their heads are more like dragons
than turtles, a mouth of razor sharp teeth in
The Beginning an armored head complete with a crest of
Ship’s bane. Sailor’s horror. You surfacers spines. And they have a long powerful tail for
have many names for them. My people have swimming and smashing.
different ones. Shelltooth, we call them. Or
greatmaws. Call them what you will, dragon On Their Nature and Habits
turtles are respected, feared and revered by all In general, dragon turtles are fiercely
those who make their lives under or upon the territorial and solitary creatures. They abide
water. And why wouldn’t they be? With their the company of their own race or other
nearly impervious shell, breath weapon, claws, dragons begrudgingly and the presence of
and tail, the dragon turtle is surely one of the other races hardly at all. Now this does not
greatest aquatic foes. include their own kin. A dragon turtle matron
sometimes has one or two younger members
A Description of her clutch to boss around, but she will drive
Have you never seen one? Then count them away by the time they reach adulthood.
yourself lucky not to relive the nightmare Really the only time a dragon turtle allows
when you close your eyes at night. I have seen another dragon turtle to enter their domain is
them both above and below the water and during mating season. Lucky we are that this

only happens once a decade or so, else we’d be
in some greatmaw’s belly!
On Their Life Cycle
Much like other dragons, dragon turtles
A single dragon turtle claims vast tracks
vary in size and strength, growing ever more
of open ocean as their domain, and pity any
powerful as they slowly age. Their hatchlings
creature who dares intrude. Sometimes this
can be over 50 square miles and includes start off small, about the size of a dog, and
above and below the waves, which is why your are actually sort of cute. Born in clutches
sailing ships occasionally run afoul of one every decade or so, the newborns are left to
of the shelltooths. Luckily for you surfacers, their own devices, their mother having laid
most of the dragon turtles in this part of the her eggs and moved on long ago. Most of the
world reside in the Western Ocean. hatchlings do not survive to reach adulthood.
Their lifespan is longer than any in the This is lucky, for at the other end of the
ocean, longer even than their draconic current, the oldest, most ancient greatmaws
cousins. Some greatmaws are eons old. This are gargantuan or larger. Their jaws snap
gives them a strange perspective on life. They wood or bone as easily as kindling, and the
may hold a grudge against a country for scalding steam of their breath boils blood
some slight centuries in the past or defend a and sloughs skin. It can take centuries for a
coastline due to an ancient treaty with a king dragon turtle to reach adulthood and longer
long since gone to dust. The dragon turtles to become ancient. And all that time they
speak an oddly formal language melding are getting bigger, stronger and gaining new
words of both draconic and aquatic. abilities, even picking up divine or arcane
Much like the dragons, shelltooths collect skills. I’ve even heard tell of one old shell who
valuables and tokens from their domains, has taken to pretending to be a small island.
usually items from interlopers they have killed Apparently, he enjoys the flavor of sea birds.
or the wrecks of ships they have sunk, that
sort of thing. They hoard these treasures in
their lairs deep below the surface. What . . .
Notable Individuals
? No. No, the dragon turtles breathe both air
and Groups
and water, so typically their lairs are sea caves Storros the Sea Sage: The ancient one
near the bottom of the sea. Now I’ve been himself. Armada’s Bane. Deep Oracle. Shelled
inside a lair a time or two. The greatmaws can Father. He has many names. Storros (N
be reasoned with if you approach them right. male dragon turtle wizard 12) is a massive,
The lairs that I have seen are decorated with moss‑green turtle with eldritch glyphs
their captured wealth and the shattered hulls engraved into his shell. Though not normally
of ships. Quite tasteful if you appreciate that known to attack ships, Storros has been
sort of thing. known to intercept vessels to set matters
As I said, the dragon turtles will aggressively along certain foretold paths. This may include
attack any interloper who dares enter their imparting cryptic prophesies or demanding
domain. But they can be convinced to allow specific passengers be handed over to him.
you passage with a bit of bribe or tribute. The domain of Storros the Sea Sage extends
Anyhow, folk like you and me are not the along the Eastern coast of Harkesh.
main part of their diet. While they eat Jubaila, Priestess of the Waves: Though
anything that strikes their fancy, usually this
young for a dragon turtle, Jubaila (NG adult
is the biggest of the fish, like tuna, shark,
female dragon turtle cleric [Nethus] 7) earned
sturgeon, and whales, but they also eat
great honor and respect for her dedication
seaweed or other plants.
to her faith. During the sea god’s recent

imprisonment, Jubaila prayed and fasted, and sentry duties. The current leader of the
ritually disfiguring her noble face with coral Deep Legion is Commander Agaha (N adult
and stones until her features became twisted dragon turtle cleric [Seggotan] 6).
and scarred. At first, she believed her sacrifice
was rewarded when Nethus was freed, but
this initial impression has soured. Jubaila now
An Ending
So that is what I know about the greatmaws,
believes that her beloved god has fallen under
the sway of Hecate. She has vowed to find a my friend. If you wish to know more, you can
“cure” for what ails the sea god. enter the embrace of the sea and ask them
yourself but I . . . I shall remain here and enjoy
Commander Agaha and the Deep Legion: some more of this swill you surfacers call ale!
This cadre of perhaps a dozen young and So was my conversation with K’abuleck, a
adult dragon turtles serves at the pleasure of sahuagin scholar in the Drunken Sail Tavern
the Imperial throne. Their mandate extends to and what I have related to you is the truth! Or
vessel interception, coastal raids, and scouting my name is not Jacopo de Zagora!

Some Hidden Lore about the of Storros the Sea Sage himself, and the area is
strewn with guardians, traps, and fell magic.
Dragon Turtles of Midgard Even if someone were to learn the correct
Around 2,000 years ago, the Haizhu clan of key, bypass all the obstacles, evade Storros,
dragon turtles exiled themselves from the and activate the portal, it is more than likely
Realm of the Jade Throne in Far Cathay. that they would be met with guards from the
Where the other dragons of the Celestial Celestial Dragons of Cathay on the other side.
Court saw wisdom in the new policy of
Shard Cay: Located far off in the Western
cohabitation and cooperation with humans,
Ocean, this circular stretch of sandy beach
the Haizhu saw only capitulation to lesser
provides a vital link in the lifecycle of the
beings. Lead by Storros the Wise, as he was
dragon turtles. The cay has few trees and
then called, the clan passed through a massive
no surface water and presents a barren and
undersea portal and arrived in the Middle Sea.
utterly uninteresting picture. The only item
For 1,700 years, the dragon turtles of the
of note is the exceptionally wide beaches. Yet
Middle Sea slowly grew in number, expanding
once a decade or so, a female dragon turtle
out into the endless reaches of the Western
emerges from the waves to lay and bury her
Ocean. From one clan, the Haizhu eventually
eggs. A closer inspection of the beach reveals
became a dozen or so competing clans of
thousands of broken egg shells, creating a
dragon turtles. Most live far out at sea and
hazardous terrain for non‑dragon turtles.
have little to no contact with the land-based
civilizations of Midgard. The extended
family of the original Haizhu still hold vast Story Hooks
dominions in the Middle Sea and continue to Find adventure on the waves:
be led by Storros. Honored for his divinations • Word has reached the PCs of a dragon
and wisdom, it was the Sea Sage who advised turtle’s body washed ashore on a beach a
the great wyrm, Mharot the Founder, few days from their location. Further, the
foretelling how the dragons might create their shell of this great beast is studded with
own kingdom. gemstones, some glowing with magical
radiance. Unfortunately, the PCs are not
Important Locations the only ones to get this news, and a race
is on to plunder the corpse.
The Eastward Arch: Far below the surface of
the Middle Sea, a stone and crystal span rises • While sailing or walking along the coast,
up from the ocean floor forming a perfect the PCs are confronted with Storros
arch. Of ancient age and unknown origin, the Sea Sage. He has foreseen their
the Eastward Arch is a portal connecting to involvement with a delicate situation
an identical archway along the shore of Far and offers to pay them handsomely for
Cathay. The activation of the arch is a closely interfering with the forbidden courtship
guarded secret known only to only a handful between a sahuagin princess and a sea elf.
(many of whom are dragons or dragon • The PCs ship is waylaid by a distraught
turtles). Those who even know of the arch dragon turtle who blames them for
suspect that the triggering component (or key) intruding on Shard Cay and stealing her
to activate the relic changes every 50 years. eggs. The PCs have only a limited time
Even possessing the correct key is by far the to track down the true thieves (a band of
easiest aspect of making use of the Eastward piratical rakshasas) and return the eggs
Arch. For the arch lies within sight of the lair before they start hatching.

by Shawn Merwin

T he beautiful, destructive nature of water

is represented by a tremendous variety
of water creatures in Midgard. Some capture
harmoniously with nearby mortals. Lake
undines, for example, have been known
to rescue drowning children or animals
the tranquil elegance of a placid pond. that wander into the water from nearby
Others encapsulate the terrible destruction settlements. Of course, when the mood
of the hurricane. Somewhere between strikes, they are equally likely to sell those
those two extremes are the undines, the fey rescued children to a fey lord or lady.
manifestation of water in the form of waves, The weakest and most timid of the undines
currents, and ripples. are the pond and river varieties. They keep
Daughters of Nethus. Undines are to themselves, interacting with the mortal
considered the daughters of the chained god population only if forced by more powerful
Nethus, Master of the Waves. While they may creatures that they might serve. They are likely
have originated in his demesne, the undines to hide from passing strangers, relying on
have spread far and wide, some moving from their guardians for protection.
the oceans into the seas, to the bays, to the Undine Lairs. Undine lairs are fully
lakes, and finally to the ponds and rivers of submerged, ranging from wide-open
Midgard. The further the undines travel from expanses on the ocean floor to small riverside
the oceans into less volatile waters, the weaker caves. Most undines use water creatures as
and more placid they become. guards or pets: from vicious sharks for the
The Undinal Hierarchy. The most powerful ocean undines down to giant crayfish for the
of the undines are the ocean and sea undines smaller river or pond undines. Undines favor
whose personalities and powers are as precious gems such as diamonds and pearls
forceful as the waves and who threaten even as their wealth.
large sailing vessels. They jealously guard When are not patrolling their homes and
their homes at the bottom of the largest seas tending their pets, they love to make art,
and oceans, treating most mortals who sail or especially music and sculpture. Undine songs,
swim above them as intruders. Such powerful unlike the deadly ones of their siren cousins,
undines are a force to be reckoned with. are said to soothe the soul and leave the
The bay or lake undines are both smaller in listener refreshed. Undine sculpture, created
stature and weaker in destructive power. They by the power of eroding water, is rarely
still use force to protect their underwater spotted by mortal eyes but is said to be of
homes, but they are more likely to live surpassing beauty.

IN RIVERS AND PONDS creature must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving
throw or become incapacitated. The creature can
The least of the undines, those of rivers and attempt a saving throw at the end of each of its
ponds, rarely grow more than three feet tall. turns to remove the effect.
Their forms are draped in flowing sheets of
water that act as clothing. They sport blue- IN BAYS AND LAKES
green hair that ranges from short and mossy
Undines of lakes and bays are more powerful
to long and stringy, like ropy seaweed.
than their pond-dwelling sisters, growing
These undines often rely on the local wildlife
to five feet or more. And in temperament,
to protect them when creatures of the mortal
they are much more fickle and volatile. Their
realm threaten them and their lairs. Giant
expressive faces run the range from calm
crabs and crayfish are their main protectors
contemplation to twisted anger, sometimes at
although sometimes river- or lake-dwelling
a moment’s notice.
mammals might also serve the undines.
Undines of bays and lakes have grown used
Beavers or muskrats often make their homes
to their mortal neighbors, and some even make
near a friendly undine.
deals of trade or protection with locals. It is
Where these undines live, the natural world
not unusual for an undine living in a lake near
seems to flourish. Part of it is the magical
a farmstead to trade with the farming families.
nature of the fey creatures, but it also results
Raiding parties trying to get to a settlement by
from their active stewardship of the land.
boat can run afoul of undines who agreed to
RIVER/POND UNDINE guard the settlement’s water route.
Small fey, chaotic neutral Undines of the lake or bay might call upon
Armor Class 13 larger water creatures to protect them:
Hit Points 27 (8d6 + 6) dolphins, alligators, and the like. They are
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. fiercely protective of their homes, rarely
allowing a land-dwelling mortal to get near it.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The few who have seen undine lairs and lived
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) to tell the tale speak of it as if it’s a dream:
beautiful sculptures, mournful aquatic songs,
Skills Nature +3, Perception +4, Persuasion +5, and hollows of glittering gems.
Stealth +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 BAY/LAKE UNDINE
Languages Common, Aquan, Sylvan Medium fey, chaotic neutral
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Amphibious. An undine can breathe air and water. Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Chill Spray. The undine sprays a 10-foot cone
of frigid water. Each creature in the cone must Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5, Stealth +5
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking Damage Resistances cold, fire
7 (2d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half as Condition Immunities petrified, prone
much on a successful one. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Soothing Song. The undine target one living Languages Common, Aquan, Sylvan
creature she can see within 30 feet of her. That Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Amphibious. An undine can breathe air and Only priestess Qorette Mardefon of Nethus
knows for sure if this is true or not.
Innate Spellcasting. The undine’s innate
spellcasting ability is Intelligence. It can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no
components. Large fey, chaotic neutral
At will: friends, resistance Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
3/day each: acid arrow, blur, misty step Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48)
1/day each: hypnotic pattern Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft.


Multiattack. The undine makes two slam attacks 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
or two water plume attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach Skills Athletics +7, Perception +5
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning Damage Immunities acid, cold, fire
damage. Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed,
Water Plume. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to petrified, prone
hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
bludgeoning damage. The target must succeed
Languages Common, Aquan, Sylvan
on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Amphibious. An undine can breathe air and

Innate Spellcasting. The undine’s innate
The largest and most powerful undines in spellcasting ability is Intelligence. It can
Midgard are those of the oceans and seas, innately cast the following spells, requiring no
carrying the power of the crashing waves components.
within them—a threat to entire vessels. When At will: create/destroy water, fog cloud,
they appear above the surface, they stand thunderwave
eight feet tall with rippling muscles under 3/day each: call lightning, enthrall, shatter
watery skin, and their features resemble 1/day: cone of cold, conjure elemental, mislead
beautiful women clothed in patches of Actions
seaweed. Multiattack. The undine makes three slam
These undines are quick to anger. The mere attacks.
presence of mortals in the waters around their Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
homes drives them into a rage that is hard to ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning
quell. Without quick talking and persuasive damage.
reasoning, they are quick to smash vessels. Acid Geyser (Recharge 5-6). The undine sprays a
30-foot cone of corrosive water. Each creature in
Very few mortal sailors have encountered
the cone must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
undine and lived to tell. throw, taking 35 (10d6) acid damage on a failed
Rumors speak that these powerful undines save and being pushed 20 feet. On a successful
are gathering forces and preparing to attack saving throw, a target takes half damage and is
the Oracle of Kammae where their sire Nethas not pushed.
has been chained as a prisoner for decades.

by James J. Haeck

T he Mharoti Dragon Empire is the scourge

of Midgard and the Southlands alike.
The vast armies of the Dragon Empire march
of these fellowships report to Korsiq Vraal,
High Commander of the Legion. This way,
the 1st Legion can act as a complete unit
relentlessly across the known world in their under Vraal’s orders to overwhelm an enemy
endless wars of conquest, spreading fear and force or easily divide to attack with greater
chaos wherever they go. The creatures that precision.
make up the Mharoti forces are powerful
and frightful, ranging from deadly kobold COMPOSITION
ambushers mounted atop camouflaged drakes
to elite companies of the finest dragonborn Baal’s 1st Legion is one thousand soldiers
warriors Midgard has ever seen. Feared by the strong—its ranks filled with kobolds,
Mharoti and their enemies alike, these are the dragonborn, and a few assorted jambuka
terrors of the Dragon Empire. (“unscaled folk”) who have gained favor
in battle. The legion is composed of the
Baal’s 1st Legion • 250 kobold light infantry
The fires must be fed. So says the creed of (veterans with kobold racial traits).
Baal, lord of fire, master of sacrifice, and king • 200 kobold archers (veterans with kobold
of dragons. Few feed the flames of war as racial traits).
expertly as the triumphant soldiers of Baal’s • 150 dragonborn cavalry (knights with red
1st Legion. Where most Mharoti imperial dragonborn racial traits riding warhorses).
legions number close to ten thousand troops
• 100 dragonborn elementalists (mages with
strong, Baal’s 1st is a unit of one thousand of
blue dragonborn racial traits).
the empire’s best soldiers, reserved only for
strategic deployment against crucial military • 100 dragonborn sky cavalry (wyvern
objectives. knights with dragonborn racial traits
Many of the soldiers in Baal’s 1st were riding war wyverns).
once members of adventuring parties or • 75 desert giant heavy infantry
high‑profile mercenary companies and are (see Tome of Beasts).
used to working in small units. The 1st Legion • 75 kobold alchemists
comprises one hundred “fellowships,” each (see Tome of Beasts).
composed of ten soldiers. The commanders • 25 naina spies (see Tome of Beasts).

• 25 half-red dragon veterans. KORSIQ VRAAL
• Command Company (ten elite members Medium humanoid (silver dragonborn), lawful
of the 1st Legion, see below). neutral
Armor Class 21 (+1 mithral plate, spellguard
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64)
Baal’s 1st Legion is led by High Commander Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
Korsiq Vraal, but Vraal is also the head of a
fellowship of his own. The members of this
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 18 (+4)
elite force are heroes of the Dragon Empire,
and their appearance on the battlefield can
Saving Throws Wis +8, Cha +9
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, not Skills Perception +8
least of all because Vraal commands the Damage Resistances cold
incredible might of a fully grown flame Condition Immunities charmed
dragon. Its members include the following: Senses passive Perception 18
• General Korsiq Vraal, LN male silver Languages Common, Draconic
winged dragonborn (see below), Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
fellowship commander. Keeps a crimson
drake perched on his shoulder (see Tome Aura of Devotion. Korsiq Vraal and friendly
of Beasts). creatures within 10 feet of him cannot be
charmed while he is conscious.
• Teryth, LN female adult flame dragon
Blazing Smite. When Korsiq Vraal hits a creature
(see Tome of Beasts), artillery. Owes Vraal with a melee weapon attack, he may expend one
a mysterious life-debt. of his spell slots to deal additional fire damage.
• Blind-Eye, N male ravenfolk doom The extra damage is 3d8 for a 1st-level spell slot,
croaker (see Tome of Beasts), tactician. plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a
maximum of 6d8. The damage increases by 1d8
Claims to see the future.
if the target is an undead or a fiend.
• “The Blackscale Triplets,” Kree, Lail, and Dragonbreath Torque. Korsiq Vraal wears a
Blim, CN female kobold alchemists (see silver torque that doubles the damage of his
Tome of Beasts), demolitionists. breath weapon (already included). It requires
• Haddad of the Forge, LN male efreeti, attunement by a dragonborn.
armorer and priest of Baal. Cremates Spellguard Shield. While holding this shield,
Korsiq Vraal has advantage on saving throws
fallen foes.
against spells and other magical effects, and
• Nimyu, CE female naina (see Tome of spell attacks have disadvantage against him.
Beasts), spy/counterspy. Prefers to remain Spellcasting. Korsiq Vraal is a 16th-level
in her guise as an elderly human woman. spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). He
• Lord Wasim al-Gizmiri, LG male red
has the following paladin spells prepared:
dragonborn wyvern knight, scout. Vain
1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, heroism,
but dutiful; scion of Ateshah, great wyrm shield of faith
of flame. 2nd level (3 slots): branding smite, lesser
• Amirah of the Blade, CN female restoration, locate object
human assassin with 120 hit points, 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, remove curse,
peerless swordswoman. Mysterious revivify
desert wanderer, became famous as an 4th level (2 slots): banishment, death ward
undefeatable prize fighter. Wields an Actions
enchanted scimitar of speed. Multiattack. Korsiq Vraal makes 3 melee attacks.

Flame Tongue Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: Kobold ambushers also employ stealth to
+10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + deadly effect, preferring to lay in wait for
5) slashing damage, or 10 (1d10 + 5) slashing
hours or days at a time. Ambushers also
damage if wielded with both hands, plus 11 (2d6
+ 1d8) fire damage.
typically operate in units of ten or more,
Cleansing Touch. Korsiq Vraal ends one spell on using their numbers and their pack tactics to
himself or a willing creature that he touches. He devastate their targets even after the initial
can use this action 4 times, regaining expended ambush. While these advantages make them
uses when he finishes a long rest. formidable combatants even without the
Cold Breath (Recharges after a Short or Long element of surprise, these kobolds rarely
Rest). Korsiq Vraal exhales an icy blast in a 15- try to salvage a failed ambush, preferring
foot cone. Each creature in that area must make
to scatter in all directions and meet up at a
a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 35
(10d6) cold damage on a failed save or half as predetermined rendezvous point.
much on a successful one. Camouflage drakes are squat, sand-colored
quadrupeds with tiny, vestigial wings
incapable of lifting their muscular forms.
Protection. When a creature Korsiq Vraal can see Despite lacking the ability to fly, these drakes
attacks a target that is within 5 feet of it, he can
can change color to blend in with their
use a reaction to impose disadvantage on the
attack roll. He must be holding a shield. environment and can run as fast as a horse at
its top speed. These bestial creatures lack the
shrewd cunning of true dragons but are still
Mharoti Kobolds intelligent enough to work in perfect tandem
with their kobold rider.
Kobolds are the largest single racial group in
the Mharoti army, and just as wild kobolds
unquestioningly serve mighty dragons, so too
do these civilized kobolds serve the mighty
Dragon Empire. Most kobolds legionnaires
are mere infantry, using kobold stats—with
kobolds in especially well-supplied corps
wearing scale armor (AC 16) and wielding
spears: +4 to hit, Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
More specialized kobold regiments employ
kobold scouts and kobold ambushers,
both of which are trained to operate with a
camouflage drake. Kobold scouts are trained
in the art of moving unseen on drakeback
over large stretches of land. When stealth
fails, these scouts are adept at fighting on the
run. Unlike typical kobold warriors, these
scouts are trained to operate individually or
in very small groups. As such, they aren’t used
to fighting in packs like other kobolds. Even
without their drake mounts, most kobold
scouts are blessed with the gift of flight, and
can use their wings to travel great distances.

KOBOLD SCOUT Assassinate. During its first turn, the kobold
Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil ambusher has advantage on attack rolls against
Armor Class 16 (studded leather) any creature that hasn’t taken a turn. Any hit the
ambusher scores against a surprised creature is
Hit Points 22 (4d6 + 8)
a critical hit.
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
Camouflage. The kobold ambusher has
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to
avoid being seen on a turn in which it has not
9 (−1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 9 (−1) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) moved. If it does not move for at least 1 minute,
it cannot be seen unless directly interacted with.
Saving Throws Dex +6 This effect ends if the ambusher moves.
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +6 Pack Tactics. The kobold ambusher has
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18 advantage on an attack roll against a creature
Languages Common, Draconic if at least one of the ambusher’s allies is
Challenge 2 (450 XP) within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the kobold Sneak Attack. The kobold ambusher deals an
scout can use a bonus action to take the Dash, extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target with
Disengage, or Hide action. a weapon attack and has advantage on the
Skirmishing. The kobold scout deals an extra attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet
14 (4d6) damage whenever it hits a target with of an ally of the spy that isn’t incapacitated and
a weapon attack on its turn, and has moved at the ambusher doesn’t have disadvantage on the
least 30 feet that turn. This includes movement attack roll.
made while mounted. Actions
Stealthy Traveler. The kobold scout can move
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
stealthily at a normal pace while traveling
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, CAMOUFLAGE DRAKE
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing Medium dragon, neutral evil
damage. Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Hit Points 38 (5d8 + 15)
range 80/360 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) Speed 50 ft., burrow 20 ft.
piercing damage.
KOBOLD AMBUSHER 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 5 (−3) 12 (+1) 5 (−3)
Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil
Armor Class 12 Skills Stealth +6
Hit Points 7 (3d6 − 3) Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
Speed 30 ft. Senses tremorsense 20 ft., passive
Perception 11
7 (−2) 16 (+3) 9 (−1) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +7 Camouflage. The camouflage drake has

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made
Languages Common, Draconic to avoid being seen on a turn in which it has
Challenge 1 (200 XP) not moved. If it does not move for at least
1 minute, it cannot be seen unless directly
interacted with. This effect ends if the drake

Multiattack. The camouflage drake makes two
attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.

by Jeremy Hochhalter

With flattened, lupine faces and skin pulled DEMON, YEK

taught over skeletal frames, the bulging bellies Small fiend, chaotic evil
of yek seem to churn as though their prey still Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
lives inside them. Wearing entrails and bones Hit Points 99 (18d6 + 36)
of previous victims over their dark red fur, Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
black spikes jutting from their spines, yek are
terrible to behold. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

Y ek are loathsome fiends, hated by other

demons because of their cannibalistic
tendencies. They are creatures that do not
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +8
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +7
care what flesh they feed upon but prefer it to Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-
be raw and wriggling. Though vicious fighters
magical damage
alone, they are rarely encountered without
Damage Immunities poison
their pack. Even the most powerful of fiends Condition Immunities poisoned
can be brought down by a pack of yek. Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
In a controversial move, the armies of the Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.
Dragon Empire have begun using yek as Challenge Rating 9 (5,000 XP)
shock troops, summoning the fiends behind
enemy lines and letting them do their dirty Devouring Swarm. If a creature has three or more
work. yek attached to it from a bite attack at the end
of its turn, the creature must succeed on a DC
17 Constitution saving throw or suffer from 1d4
Constitution damage as the demons feast upon
the creature’s flesh.
Magic Resistance. The yek has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical
Pack Tactics. The yek has advantage on an attack
roll against a creature if at least one of the yek’s
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally
isn’t incapacitated.

Actions Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Multiattack. The yek makes one bite attack and one target. Hit: 10 (3d4 + 3) slashing damage.
two claw attacks. It may make a bone shard Bone Shard. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
attack in place of a claw attack if it chooses and reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 3) piering
has a bone shard available. damage. On a successful hit, the bone breaks into
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., splinters in the target’s wound. The target takes
one target. Hit: 20 (5d6 + 3) piercing damage. 5 (2d4) piercing damage at the end of its turn as
On a successful hit, the demon latches on and long as the bone remains lodged in its wound.
begins to gnaw on the target (escape DC 17). A successful DC 15 Medicine (Wisdom) check or
The yek cannot make a bite attack if already magical healing halts the ongoing damage.
attached but automatically deals bite damage at A yek typically carries 3 (1d6+1) of these
the end of its turn if it is latched on to a target. weapons, which are destroyed on a successful
attack. It may use its action to tear a bone from
a nearby corpse.

by Kelly Pawlik

T he Wasted West is host to myriad

dangers, from the tribes of dust goblins
to vicious sentient plants to the ravening
A jagged shard of smoky translucent crystal,
approximately the size and mass of a housecat,
undead that seem to be everywhere. Best
hovers before you. Despite its seeming lack
known of this region’s hazards, however, are
of interest in anything that lies around
the Dread Walkers, the alien Great Old Ones
it, something about the creature’s non-
summoned in the final days of the Great Mage
symmetrical appearance feels offensive to the
Wars by wizards unaware of the ruin their
natural order.
hubris would bring. The Walkers sleepwalk
now, time-trapped for the time being, largely Born of the Void. Grimmlets arrive in
unable to affect Midgard directly, but their the Mortal Realm from the same portion
legacy remains, and some of them have of the Far Reaches that spawned the Waste
spawned new horrors upon the Mortal Realm. Walker Kb’r’ck of Crystal. Grimmlets were
The dread spawn presented here are just a named in honor of the unfortunate tracker
few examples of the enduring ruin the Dread who discovered them, Aleksei Grimmczyk,
Walkers have wrought upon Midgard. These who did not survive this initial meeting but
creatures are not all malicious, and they are whose demise was recounted by his friend, the
rarely clever, but like their progenitors, their elfmarked mage Alethrie
existence is an affront to nature itself, and Strange Families. A grimmlet’s method
they must be expunged by any stout-hearted of reproduction, creating near clones of
person who values freedom and sanity. itself when injured by arcane energy, can
cause them to quickly gather in large familial


It is unknown by mortals if grimmlets have to their crystalline progenitor. What the
any relationship at all to Kb’r’ck, or if they inscrutable Kb’r’ck does with the information
communicate with the Walker in any fashion. being transmitted while it is time-trapped is
In truth, all grimmlets are a type of sensor impossible to know.
that project everything they experience back

swarms. Strangely, a grimmlet can only swarm using innate spellcasting, the number of new
with other grimmlets created from the same grimmlets created is equal to the level of the
progenitor grimmlet and with the progenitor spell cast. Grimmlets injured by cantrips or at-will
innate spells create one new grimmlet.
itself, and after about an hour, these swarms
Sixteen or more grimmlets within 30 feet of
disperse and move away from each other to each other become a grimmlet swarm.
create new swarms through magic injury.
Whispering Menace. Grimmlets do not
Crystal Edge. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
speak. In fact, they never communicate
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing
with other creatures via any known form damage and an additional 1 psychic damage.
of language or telepathy. The air around a
grimmlet, however, mutters and whispers at all
times in a foul-sounding invocation. When the Self Destruct. When the grimmlet is reduced to
0 hit points, it explodes in a spray of void-
creature uses its innate magic, these whispers
infused crystal shards that deals 3 (1d6) slashing
rise in volume slightly, giving canny listeners damage and 3 (1d6) psychic damage to all
a split-second warning that something, likely creatures within 5 feet of it. Creatures that make
unpleasant, is about to occur. a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw avoid taking the
slashing damage.
Tiny monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 52 (15d4 + 15) Flowing over the landscape like a glass carpet,
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) this mass of smoky crystalline shards moves
in a manner most unnatural. Occasionally,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a bolt of black or purple energy arcs between
8 (−1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) two or more of the shards in the swarm.

Damage Immunities psychic GRIMMLET SWARM

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and Large swarm of Tiny monstrosities, unaligned
slashing from nonmagical weapons. Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, Hit Points 199 (21d10 + 84)
deafened, petrified, poisoned, stunned, Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
Senses blindsense 60 ft., passive Perception 10 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Languages — 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Damage Immunities psychic
Innate Spellcasting. The grimmlet’s innate Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). slashing from nonmagical weapons.
It can innately cast the following spells, requiring Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
no material components: deafened, petrified, poisoned, stunned,
3/day each: maddening whispers* unconscious
At will: crushing curse*, minor illusion Senses blindsense 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Reproduce. If the grimmlet is dealt damage by Languages —
a spell that does not reduce it to 0 hit points, a Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
number of new grimmlets equal to the level of
the spell slot used to cast the spell are created Innate Spellcasting. The grimmlet swarm’s
in the nearest empty spaces to the injured innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
grimmlet. If the grimmlet is injured by a spell cast save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). It can

innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components:
1/day each: hallucinatory terrain A clumsy-looking flightless bird with a short
3/day each: hypnotic pattern, major image, void conical beak, no feathers or skin stares blankly
strike* with its single eye. Its organs are held in place
At will: crushing curse (as 11th-level cantrip)*, by a slimy transparent membrane.
maddening whispers*, minor illusion
Nearly Mindless. Orniraptors are creatures
Reproduce. If the grimmlet swarm is dealt
damage by a spell that does not reduce it to 0 of pure instinct and share many traits in
hit points, a number of new grimmlets equal to common with the basest vermin rather than
the level of the spell slot used to cast the spell beasts. They attack anything that moves and
are created in the nearest empty spaces to the attempt to peck off pieces small enough to fit
injured grimmlet swarm. If the grimmlet swarm is into their too-small beaks.
injured by a spell cast using innate spellcasting,
the number of new grimmlets created is equal Troublesome Pests. Unlike some of the
to the level of the spell cast. Grimmlet swarms other dread spawn, orniraptors tend to be
injured by cantrips or at-will innate spells create more troublesome than dangerous due to
one new grimmlet. their persistence in striking at anything that
New grimmlets created by the grimmlet swarm
moves. They can become deadly, however, if
are not subsumed into the swarm. They instead
form a new swarm once sixteen or more new
a large number of them start moving in the
grimmlets have been created. same direction.
Maze of Edges. A creature that attempts to move Quiet Yet Loud. Orniraptors have no vocal
out of or through the grimmlet swarm must organs and simply squawk soundlessly as
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 19
they move about. Their movements tend to
(3d10 + 3) slashing damage.
be jerky and clumsy however, so the creatures
Shroud of Whispers. As a bonus action, the
grimmlet swarm can cast crushing curse* or tend to be quite audible as they move about.
maddening whispers* on all creatures that share
its space. ORNIRAPTOR
Swarm. The grimmlet swarm can occupy another Small monstrosity, unaligned
creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm Armor Class 13
can move through any opening large enough
Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12)
for a single grimmlet. The swarm can’t regain hit
Speed 30 ft.
points or gain temporary hit points.


Multiattack. The grimmlet swarm makes three 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 2 (−4) 7 (−2) 8 (−1)
attacks with its crystal edges.
Crystal Edges. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to Senses passive Perception 8
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d10 + 3) Language —
slashing damage and 20 (3d10 + 4) psychic
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

REACTIONS Collective Perception. An orniraptor is aware

Enervating Maelstrom. When the grimmlet of everything for which every other orniraptor
swarm is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes in within 20 feet of it is aware of.
a plume of ennui that deals 42 (12d6) psychic Poor Vision. An orniraptor’s visual acuity is based
damage and 1d3 levels of exhaustion to all on movement, so creatures that don’t move
creatures within 20 feet of it. Creatures that make or act on their turn are invisible to them. Their
a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw take only half of collective perception can negate this penalty.
the psychic damage and one level of exhaustion.
*See also Deep Magic: Void Magic.

Peck. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Six legs, ending in massive, three-fingered
Spit Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, humanoid hands, support a headless horse‑like
reach 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) torso. The front of this creature’s mass opens
bludgeoning damage. into a huge tripartite maw filled with jagged,
web-shrouded ridges, dripping a caustic
Blood Spurt. A creature that deals piercing or
slashing damage to an orniraptor must make Failed Experiments. Parzz’vals are
a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or take 3 (1d6) created by the treacherous wizard enkada
points of acid damage as it is struck by the pishtuhk in his efforts to recreate a version
creature’s caustic blood.

of pah’draguusthlai the devourer in a form Languages Void Speech
beholden to and controlled by him. Thus Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
far, his attempts have failed. No matter what
form or features his creations take at their Caustic Web (Recharge 5–6). As a bonus action,
the parzz’val can carpet a 10-foot square with
birth, they twist into a parzz’val over the
sticky, acidic webbing to a height of 3 feet. The
course of a week or less. To date, enkada has webbing is considered difficult terrain. A creature
been unable to even create a form of parzz’val standing in the webbing at the start of its turn
controllable by his magic and has sent each of takes 18 (4d8) acid damage or half that if it
these failed creations out into the wasted west succeeds at a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. The
to wreak havoc. webs persist for 1 minute before collapsing. The
parzz’val’s movement is unaffected by the webs
Bottomless Hunger. A parzz’val it or other parzz’vals create.
has enough intelligence to reason and Pummel. If the parzz’val deals damage to a
problem‑solve, but they are largely guided by creature with four melee attacks in one round,
their monstrous appetites. Witnesses to the it has advantage on all melee attacks it makes
aftermath of a parzz’val attack claim to have against that creature in the next round.
seen one of the gluttonous creatures consume Regeneration. The parzz’val regains 10 hit points
at the start of its turn. If the parzz’val takes
two horses and at least a dozen adult men in
thundering damage, this trait doesn’t function at
the space of an hour. Parzz’vals prefer live the start of its next turn. The parzz’val only dies
prey but are not above eating carrion if their if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and does not
preferred meal isn’t available. regenerate.
Ambush Hunters. Despite, or perhaps ACTIONS
because of, their enormous hunger, parzz’vals Multiattack. The parzz’val makes four oversized
are excellent at taking their prey by surprise. fist attacks.
Coloration between parzz’vals varies slightly, Oversized Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
but they trend toward sandy browns and hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5)
stony greys. A parzz’val can wait patiently bludgeoning damage.
for hours for the ideal time to strike if they Oversized Maw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5)
anticipate a meal awaits as a reward.
piercing damage.
Large aberration, chaotic evil Swallow Whole. If the parzz’val deals damage to
Armor Class 15 a Medium or smaller creature with its oversized
Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85) maw attack, the creature must succeed on a
Speed 50 ft. DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw or be
swallowed by the parzz’val.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA While swallowed, the creature is blinded and
21 (+5) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 7 (−2) restrained, it has total cover against attacks and
effects outside the parzz’val, and it takes 36
(8d8) acid damage at the start of the parzz’val’s
Saving Throws Con +7
turns. If the parzz’val takes 30 damage or more
Skills Stealth +6 from a creature inside it, the parzz’val must
Damage Vulnerabilities thundering succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at
Damage Immunities acid; bludgeoning, piercing, the end of that turn or regurgitate the swallowed
and slashing from nonmagical weapons. creature, which falls prone into a space within
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, 10 feet of the parzz’val. If the parzz’val dies, the
unconscious swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it
Senses blindsense 120 ft., passive Perception 10 and can escape from the corpse by using 15 feet
of movement, falling prone.

Medium aberration, chaotic evil
A writhing mass of hundreds of rubbery, blue-
Armor Class 13
grey tentacles rises from a human‑sized pair of
Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52)
legs ending in elephantine feet. Each tentacle
Speed 30 ft.
ends in an eerily human looking mouth.
Apocalypse Children. Creatures STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
maddened in the shadow of 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Uthul‑Vangslagish eventually transform into
vangsluagh, the doom‑singing, wandering Damage Immunities thundering
heralds of their dread parent. Vangsluagh Condition Immunities deafened
wander the lands of the Wasted West, Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
spreading discord whenever they come into Languages Void Speech
contact with mortals. Some sages contend that Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Uthul-Vangslagish will call all of its children
Cacophony. The vangsluagh constantly emits
home when it is time to end the world with
a din of bleats, trills, and trumpets. A creature
its song. that casts a spell while it is within 30 feet of the
Damned Pipers. Vangsluagh create a din vangsluagh must make a DC 13 Intelligence,
everywhere they go; the mouths on their Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw. (The type
tentacles perpetually scream, whistle, bleat, of saving throw required is dependent on the
spellcasting creature’s spellcasting ability score.)
growl, and cry. Even in instances where a
On a failed save, the spell is not cast, and the
vangsluagh may want a quiet entrance or spell slot used is not expended. Additionally, a
stealthy ambush, their own bodies betray creature within 30 feet of the vangsluagh that
them. Stories have emerged from the wastes, is maintaining concentration on a spell must
however, of vangsluagh that are capable of make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. Failing
silencing the noise surrounding them. the saving throw prevents the creature from
maintaining concentration.
Defilers of Beauty. Vangsluagh despise Constant Racket. The vangsluagh has
pretty things, be they creature, object, disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
or structure. Given the opportunity, a
vangsluagh prefers spending its time
Multiattack. The vangsluagh makes two tentacle
smashing beautiful things to bits. The absence
lash attacks.
of beauty doesn’t necessarily calm these
Tentacle Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
creatures however; they target living creatures hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3)
as a priority in these occurrences. bludgeoning damage.


Vangsluagh are created from their parent, their alignment, vangsluagh can be found in
Uthul-Vangslagish, in some inscrutable and the shadow of the Dread Walker, violently
horrid biological fashion. These creatures protecting it from creatures that would
feel something for their parent, and despite approach it.

Sonic Bullet. Ranged Magic Attack: +5
to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 17
(4d6 + 3) thundering damage, and the
target must make a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or be deafened until the
beginning of the vangsluagh’s next turn.
Agonizing Trill (Recharge After a
Short or Long Rest). The vangsluagh
increases the pitch of its cacophony
to deadly levels. All creatures
within 30 feet of the vangsluagh
take 35 (10d6) points of
thundering damage and are
stunned for 1 minute. A creature
that makes a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw halves the amount
of thundering damage it takes and
negates the stunned condition. A
stunned creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end
of each of its turns and
negates the condition on
a success.

by Richard Green

This stone giant appears dead-eyed and HAUNTED STONE GIANT

sullen, trudging along as if the weight of the Huge giant, chaotic neutral
entire world rests on his shoulders. Three Armor Class 20 (natural armor, ancestral spirits)
huge ghostly figures swirl around the giant Hit Points 126 (11d12 + 55)
who looks at them with a mixture of fear and Speed 40 ft.

B y adolescence, most male hill and stone

giants of the Haunted Lands are plagued
by the spirits of their ancestors. The ghosts’
23 (+6) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +8, Wis +4

12 (+1) 6 (−2)

incessant whispers drive them off alone or in Skills Athletics +12, Perception +4
small familial groups to lay their ancestors’ Condition Immunities charmed, frightened (see
remains to rest. This can consume their
Senses darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility (see
lives to the extent that even breeding isn’t a
below); passive Perception 14
priority, so the giants’ own ancestors drive Languages Giant
their race toward extinction. The more who Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
die, the more ghosts return to burden the
living, leading many tribes to cremate their Ancestral Spirits. Three ghostly spirits haunt
dead—though this is considered a vile act of the giant. The spirits are incorporeal, remain
desecration by many giants. within 10 ft. of the giant at all times, and cannot
This ghostly harassment manifests as a type take actions. Each uses the giant’s AC and
saving throws, has 15 hit points and can only
of phantom known as an ancestral spirit.
be harmed by radiant damage. If an ancestral
These spirits are anchored to the souls of spirit is reduced to 0 hit points, it disappears
their descendants and appear near their temporarily. Reduce the giant’s AC by 1 and
host either as dark, flickering shades or as remove one trait granted by the spirits for each
looming, spectral apparitions. The giant will spirit that is driven off. Ancestral spirits cannot
take steps to defend its ancestral spirits if be turned.
they are attacked but will likely be glad at the Reckless. At the start of its turn, the giant can
gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls
temporary respite if the spirits are driven off.
during that turn, but attack rolls against it have
Spirits return to plague their briefly relieved advantage until the start of its next turn. This
ancestors at the rate of one spirit per hour. trait is granted by the ancestral spirits.
They cannot be destroyed permanently unless See Invisibility. The giant can see invisible
their bones are found and laid to rest. creatures and objects as if they were visible

and can see into the Ethereal Plane. This trait is Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range
granted by the ancestral spirits. 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6)
Steadfast. The giant is immune to the charmed bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature,
and frightened conditions. This trait is granted it must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving
by the ancestral spirits. throw or be knocked prone.
Stone Camouflage. The giant has advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky
terrain. Rock Catching. If a rock or similar object is hurled
at the giant, the giant can, with a successful DC
Actions 10 Dexterity saving throw, catch the missile and
Multiattack. The giant makes two greatclub take no bludgeoning damage from it.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon
Attack: +9 to hit, reach
15 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6)

by Shawn Merwin

T he small creatures emerging from the alley

first looked like dogs, but as they crept
into the lamplight, their awkward, lurching
The bodies of lesser golems need not be
created with the same precision and expertise
as other golems, which reduces the cost
movements showed they were animated of making them. In fact, they are usually
constructs of hair, bone, glass, and other fragile even in the best of circumstances, so
common materials found throughout the city. practitioners of lesser golem creation generally
While their larger and more dangerous spend little time crafting the physical forms.
cousins are made of clay, flesh, iron, or stone,
the smaller members of the lesser golem
varieties are made of more common and less
Manual of the Lesser Golem
Wondrous item, rare
expensive materials. The magic that gives
them power is less monumental than their A manual of the lesser golem could be found in
more exotic brethren, but they still contain a book, on a scroll, etched into a piece of stone
enough arcane energy to pose a threat to or metal, or scribed on any other medium that
inexperienced adventurers. holds words, runes, and arcane inscriptions.
Each manual of the lesser golem describes
An Arcane Blueprint. Like other golems,
the materials needed and the process to be
the lesser golems cannot be created without
followed to create one type of lesser golem.
a magical blueprint, typically found in an
The GM chooses the type of lesser golem
arcane tomb known as a manual of golems.
detailed in the manual, or determines the
Because lesser golems are less powerful and
golem type randomly.
require less time, gold, and material than their
To decipher and use the manual, you must
larger counterparts, a manual of the lesser
be a spellcaster with at least one 2nd-level
golem is easier to find and might be held in a
spell slot. You must also succeed on a DC
scroll or other writing medium rather than an
10 Intelligence (Arcana) check at the start
ornate and treasured tome.
of the first day of golem creation. If you fail
Spirit-Driven Trash. After building the body the check, you must wait at least 24 hours
of the lesser golem in accordance with the to restart the creation process, and you also
instructions provided in the manual of the take 3d6 psychic damage that can only be
lesser golem, the creator must perform the recovered through natural means (hit dice
extensive (and sometimes costly) rituals to expended or after a long rest).
animate their creation.

The lesser golems created via a manual of GOLEM, HAIR
the lesser golem are not immortal. The magic Small construct, unaligned
that keeps them intact weakens until the lesser Armor Class 13
golems finally fall apart. Lesser golems last Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3)
twice the number of days it takes to create Speed 30 ft.
them (see below) before losing their power.
Once the golem is created, the power held STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
within the manual is expended, making the 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 8 (−1) 1 (−5)
writing worthless and incapable of creating
Damage Vulnerabilities slashing
Damage Resistances piercing
D20 GOLEM TIME COST Damage Immunities bludgeoning, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
1–7 Hair 2 days 100 gp frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
8–13 Mud 5 days 500 gp Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
14–17 Glass 10 days 2,000 gp Languages understands the language of its
creator but can’t speak
18–20 Wood 15 days 20,000 gp Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any

GOLEM, GLASS spell or effect that would alter its form.
Small construct, unaligned Actions
Armor Class 12
Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit Points 40 (10d6 + 10) one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage. The
Speed 20 ft. target must succeed on a DC 9 Dexterity saving
throw or be tripped prone.
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 8 (−1) 1 (−5)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning Small construct, unaligned
Damage Resistances piercing and slashing Armor Class 10
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Speed 20 ft.
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Languages understands the language of its 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 8 (−1) 1 (−5)
creator but can’t speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical weapons
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any Damage Immunities poison, psychic
spell or effect that would alter its form. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Actions Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Shard. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Languages understands the language of its
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage. creator but can’t speak
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Shatter. When a glass golem takes bludgeoning Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any
damage, it can make a shard attack against all spell or effect that would alter its form.
adjacent creatures that it chooses.

Actions Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Multiattack. The mud golem makes two slam frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
attacks. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach Languages understands the language of its
5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning creator but can’t speak
damage. Challenge 4 (1100 XP)
Mud Ball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
range 50 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any
damage, and the target is blinded until the start spell or effect that would alter its form.
of its turn. Magic Resistance. The wood golem has
advantage on saving throws against spells and
GOLEM, WOOD other magical effects.
Medium construct, unaligned Actions
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Multiattack. The wood golem makes two slam
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) attacks.
Speed 20 ft. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA bludgeoning damage.
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

Damage Resistances bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
weapons that aren’t adamantine
Damage Immunities poison,

by Shawn Merwin

N atives to the Elemental Plane of Earth,

the stalwart and humble pech often cross
to the Prime Material Planes to escape threats
Pech society is built around the notion
that pure enlightenment can be attained by
communing with the stone that surrounds
in their homeland, seek valuable gems and them. The more one works the stone, the
ore, or serve masters in the formation of great closer one gets to becoming one with it:
stone creations. They also trade with topsiders eternal, immovable, and ever-present.
to obtain new stoneworking equipment, and Pech mine the valuable substances provided
they have a strong affinity for the ale that they by the stone and train their minds to
cannot brew themselves. harmonize with the rock until they master
Physical Features. Pech are small in size, certain techniques and become stonemasters.
slightly taller and stronger than deep gnomes. Stonemasters often lead a clan of pech. Truly
Their long arms and legs are made of knotted talented and dedicated stonemasters that
muscles that appear chiseled from stone. reach a higher level of enlightenment with
Slate grey eyes bulge from their angular the stone might become lithlords, who travel
heads. They rarely have hair on their heads or from clan to clan and teach the young pech
bodies. Those pech that do grow hair sprout the way of the stone.
thick strands as sharp and rigid as a metal Servants of the Giants. The pech sometimes
brush. come to the surface world to act as servants of
A pech’s fingers and toes are long and thin, the stone giants. Pech are sometimes tasked
topped with long, sharp nails as hard as stone. to bring enormous stone monoliths to the
These nails allow them to climb sheer rock heathers and moors of otherwise stone-free
walls, acting as pitons that a climber might land, which the stone giants can then use as
use. places for their strange mystical ceremonies.
One with the Stone. Pech are born to work Years later, humans walking through the
stone, live their lives with a pickaxe in one flat fields can only wonder how these huge
hand and a hammer in the other, and die stone monoliths seemingly appeared out of
with the understanding that their spirits will nowhere.
merge with the stone for eternity, forever
surrounding their progeny.

PECH One with the Stone. As a bonus action, the pech
Small elemental, neutral good can draw on the power of unworked stone, as
long as it is in contact with the stone. Until the
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
end of the pech’s next turn, it gains resistance
Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12)
to piercing and slashing damage. This power
Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft. recharges after the pech completes a short or
long rest.
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) Actions
Multiattack. The pech makes one melee attack
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3 with the pick and one melee or ranged attack
Condition Immunities petrified with the hammer. If the pech hits the same
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 target with both attacks, the target must
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or
Languages Common, Terran, Undercommon
be incapacitated until the start of its next turn.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +3) piercing damage.
Light Sensitivity. While in bright light, the pech
Hammer. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
6 (1d6 +3) bludgeoning damage.

Small elemental, neutral good Small elemental, neutral good
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 65 (10d6 + 30) Hit Points 104 (16d6 + 48)
Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

18 (+4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 13 (+1)

Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5 Skills Athletics +7, Perception +7

Condition Immunities petrified Condition Immunities petrified
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15 Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Terran, Undercommon Languages Common, Terran, Undercommon
Challenge 4 (1100 XP) Challenge 7 (2900 XP)

Light Sensitivity. While in bright light, the pech Light Sensitivity. While in bright light, the pech
stonemaster has disadvantage on attack rolls, as lithlord has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well
well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
on sight. sight.
One with the Stone. As a bonus action, the pech One with the Stone. As a bonus action, the pech
can draw on the power of unworked stone, as lithlord can draw on the power of unworked
long as it is in contact with the stone. Until the stone, as long as it is in contact with the stone.
end of the pech stonemaster’s next turn, it gains Until the end of the pech lithlord’s next turn,
resistance to all damage. This power recharges it gains immunity to all damage. This power
after the pech stonemaster completes a short or recharges after the pech lithlord completes a
long rest. short or long rest.
Innate Spellcasting. The pech stonemaster’s Innate Spellcasting. The pech lithlord’s innate
innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15).
DC 13). The pech stonemaster can innately The pech lithlord can innately cast the following
cast the following spells, requiring no material spells, requiring no material components:
components: At will: mending, thunderwave (cast as a 3rd-
At will: thunderwave level slot)
3/day: shatter 3/day: shatter (cast as a 3rd-level slot)
1/day: meld into stone, stone shape
Multiattack. The pech stonemaster makes one Actions
melee attack with the pick and one melee or Multiattack. The pech lithlord makes one melee
ranged attack with the hammer. If the pech attack with the pick and one melee or ranged
stonemaster hits the same target with both attack with the hammer. If the pech lithlord hits
attacks, the target must succeed on a DC 13 the same target with both attacks, the target
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
the start of its next turn. throw or be stunned for one minute. The target
Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., can attempt a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) piercing damage. at the end of each turn to remove the stunned
Hammer. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to condition.
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
7 (1d6 +4) bludgeoning damage. one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +3) piercing damage.
Hammer. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
6 (1d6 +3) bludgeoning damage.

Communal Spellcasting 15 pech: Fifteen pech (including at least one
pech stonemaster) can each use an action in
Given the pechs’ affinity for and reliance on
the same round to cast conjure elemental. If
stone, as well as the magic they use to work
even one of the pech maintains concentration,
with it, groups of pech can come together to
the spell remains in effect. Any pech who is no
perform greater feats of magic as a group.
longer concentrating can take part in another
Even the lowliest pech miners, when in a large
communal spellcasting.
enough group, can bend the stone to their
will. 20 pech: Twenty pech (including at least one
Below is a list of powers that can be harness pech stonemaster) can each use an action
by a group of pech. All of the spells, powers, in the same round to cast move earth. This
or abilities below use a 13 DC for spell saves casting can effect stone as well as the other
and a +5 to any attack rolls. materials. If even one of the pech maintains
concentration, the spell remains in effect. Any
4 pech: Four pech can each use an action in pech who is no longer concentrating can take
the same round to cast thunderwave. The part in another communal spellcasting.
damage on this spell is maximized. These
pech cannot take part in any communal 30 pech: Thirty pech (including at least one
spellcasting until they finish a long rest. pech lithlord) can each use an action in the
same round to cast earthquake. If even one
6 pech: Six pech can each use an action in the of the pech maintains concentration, the
same round to cast shatter. The damage on spell remains in effect. Any pech who is no
this spell is maximized. These pech cannot longer concentrating can take part in another
take part in any communal spellcasting until communal spellcasting.
they finish a long rest.
The Great Stone. Any community of pech
8 pech: Eight pech can each use an action
that has a stonemaster overseeing it also has
in the same round to cast sanctuary on
a powerful magic item at its center, referred
themselves. In addition to the other effects of
to as the Great Stone. This stone can be
the spell, any creature failing a saving throw
made of anything from precious gemstone to
against the spell takes 5 (1d10) force damage.
simple granite. This stone is revered by the
These pech cannot take part in any communal
community, and in return, it offers its power
spellcasting until they finish a long rest.
and protection to the pech.
10 pech: Ten pech (including at least one The Great Stone conveys the following
pech stonemaster) can each use an action benefits to the pech:
in the same round to cast conjure minor • Any pech adjacent to the Great Stone of
elementals. If even one of the pech maintains its community has advantage on all saving
concentration, the spell remains in effect. Any throws.
pech who is no longer concentrating can take • Any pech adjacent to the Great Stone of
part in another communal spellcasting. its community scores a critical hit on a
12 pech: Twelve pech (including at least one weapon attack roll of 18–20.
pech stonemaster) can each use an action in • The one with the stone ability of pech
the same round to cast stone shape. These becomes a Recharge 6 power when they
pech cannot take part in any communal start their turn adjacent to the Great Stone
spellcasting until they finish a long rest. of their community.

by Richard Green

A tick, bloated to the size of a child’s head, NECROTIC TICK

buries its head deep in the armpit of its victim. Tiny beast, unaligned
Circles of necrotic flesh bubble around the bite Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
wound. Hit Points 3 (1d4 + 1)
Speed 5 ft., climb 5 ft.

N ecrotic ticks are normal ticks that have

gorged themselves on blood rich with
negative energy. They grow unnaturally
2 (−4)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
1 (−5)
12 (+1)
8 (−1)
large as they feed, weighing in excess of 4
pounds when fully engorged. Most begin their Saving Throws Con +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
voracious lives attached to the backs of animal
Languages —
zombies, and it is not uncommon to find a
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
cluster of them on a single animal.
When the blood of a necrotic tick’s undead Necrotic Regeneration. While attached to a
host runs dry, the parasite rides its victim to living host, a necrotic tick leaks negative energy
a new host—usually an unfortunate living into the host’s bloodstream, so its wounds
creature. As it sucks the living creature’s quickly heal over with scabrous, necrotic flesh. If
blood, it leaks negative energy into the bite the host does not already have regeneration, it
wound and starts a process that slowly turns regains 2 hit points at the start of its turn if it has
at least 1 hit point.
the hapless victim into a zombie one pound
Track how many “necrotic hit points” a host
of flesh at a time. If no potential hosts are recovers via necrotic regeneration. Magical
available, ridden hosts hide in dark crevices or healing reverses the necrosis and subtracts an
in trees, where they wait to pounce on the next equal number of necrotic hit points from those
passerby and deliver their crawling passengers. accumulated. Once the necrotic hit points equal
The disgusting Lord Rodyan of Hengksburg the host’s total hit points, the host becomes a
in the Blood Kingdom breeds necrotic ticks
Ride Host. Once a tick’s living host has lost
in the laboratory beneath his mansion. He is three quarters of its maximum hit points from
using the foul creatures to create zombies to blood drain, the tick’s toxins fill the host with an
fight for him in the city’s gladiatorial arena. unnatural desire to approach other living beings.
When a suitable creature is within 5 feet, the tick

incites a sudden rage in the host, who attempts At the start of each of the tick’s turns, the
to grapple the nearby creature so the tick can try target loses 5 (1d4 + 3) hit points due to blood
to attach itself to the new victim. loss.
The tick can detach itself by spending its
Actions movement. It does so when seeking a new host
Blood Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, or if the target dies. A creature, including the
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage, target, can use its action to detach the tick.
and the tick attaches to the target. The target When a necrotic tick detaches, voluntarily or
must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. If it otherwise, its host takes 1 hit point damage
fails, it is affected by the tick’s toxins and does
not attempt to remove it. The host will even
replace a dislodged tick unless prevented from
doing so for a full minute, after which the tick’s
influence fades.


by James J. Haeck

T he underworld of the Crossroads

trembles at the mention of the Fanged
Four. For the right price, Embline the Wolf
that bit her on a hunting trip two weeks
earlier and cried out in sorrow. The pain of
mercilessly killing everyone she had ever
can slay anyone, Rizto the Rat can fool known broke her.
anyone, Valtane the Boar can hunt down any As the feral young woman wandered the
mark, and Lashkan the Tiger can disintegrate wilderness of Midgard, Embline came to learn
anyone with a single word. These four that the only trade she found pleasure in was
lycanthropes—a werewolf, wererat, wereboar, murder. Over the next few years, Embline
and weretiger—have recently gathered in sought out other lycanthropes like herself
the Crossroads, creating one of the deadliest and cultivated the legend of the Fanged Four:
band of mercenaries ever known. They follow four natural-born lycanthrope assassins who
no law but their own and will do nearly would hunt down anyone for the right price.
anything for enough gold, making them For a time, Embline herself was the only
enemies of both the lawful and unlawful member of the Fanged Four and personally
factions of the Crossroads. killed all manner of politicians, soldiers, spies,
and merchants. No one ever realized her
deception, and in time, the reputation of her
Embline the Wolf so-called league of assassins spread across
“You’ve erred gravely, brave pup, and though Midgard, and other lycanthropes flocked to
your foolhardy boldness earns you my her, seeking to become one of the Fangs.
sympathy... it does not win you my mercy. I do Embline’s once-noble human persona has
not need the light of the full moon to slay you. been completely subsumed by her cruel and
The wolf within me is not my enemy but my megalomaniacal wolfish identity. She now
faithful servant, and my transformation will relishes taunting her prey, monologuing at
only take an instant. Feel free to flee; you will length about how she intends to kill them.
not get far.” Ten years have passed since Embline founded
Embline is a human werewolf born in a tiny the Fanged Four. Now she and her three
village in the Northlands. No record of her fellow assassins live in an impressive mansion
village remains, for she slaughtered every in Zobeck known as Brier House, so called for
last man, woman, and child on a full moon the thick but well-cultivated brier hedges that
just after her nineteenth birthday. After she surround its grounds. As leader of the Fanged
returned to her senses, she recalled the wolf Four, Embline is the only member that can
accept a contract on their behalf.

A powerful warrior in her own right, Keen Hearing and Smell. Embline has advantage
Embline’s lycanthropic powers only enhance on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
hearing or smell.
her impressive martial prowess. Embline has
Vicious Mauler (1/Turn). Embline deals an extra
one deep weakness that she fears above all
17 (5d6) damage when she hits a target with a
else: she is not a natural‑born lycanthrope, melee attack and has advantage on the attack
meaning that a well-placed remove curse spell roll.
could cleanse her lycanthropy in the middle of
a battle. Worse still, she fears that her animal
instincts are the only thing keeping her from Multiattack. Embline makes two bite attacks
and two claw attacks, or she makes two light
going mad from all the blood she has spilled
crossbow attacks.
and that being cleansed could destroy her
Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
utterly. Not even the other members of the Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Fanged Four know that their leader is not a 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. If the target
natural-born werewolf, though Rizto the Rat is is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 16
close to uncovering the truth. Constitution saving throw or be cursed with
werewolf lycanthropy.
EMBLINE THE WOLF Claws (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger),
Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) slashing damage. If the target is
chaotic evil
a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength
Armor Class 15 in human form, 16 (natural
saving throw or be knocked prone.
armor) in wolf or hybrid form
Light Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid Form
Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
Speed 30 ft. (50 ft. in wolf form) 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing
16 (+3) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+3)
Rizto the Rat
Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +5, Wis +7 “Don’t doubt my snout, boss. I smelled our
Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +7, Stealth +8 mark on the breeze three days ago. I could
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and track him with my eyes closed.”
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Rizto has lived in the sewers of Zobeck
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and
his entire life, committing petty crimes and
slashing from attacks not made with silvered
weapons cavorting with the ratfolk that live below the
Senses passive Perception 17 Crossroads City. Before joining the Fanged
Languages Common (can’t speak in wolf form) Four, Rizto spent almost every waking hour in
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) his hybrid wererat form to blend in with the
ratfolk in the sewers. He earned a reputation
Opportunistic Shapechanger. Embline can use for himself as a burglar and spy-for-hire in the
her action to polymorph into a wolf‑humanoid sewers and earned a sizeable personal fortune
hybrid or into a wolf or back into her true form, playing both sides of the fence, smuggling
which is human. Her statistics, other than her
information between rival ratfolk gangs.
AC, are the same in each form. Any equipment
she is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. She Rizto was the second lycanthrope to join
reverts to her true form if she dies. the Fanged Four and is Embline’s second-in-
While in wolf or hybrid form, Embline has command. Drawn to the streets of Zobeck
advantage on attack rolls against a creature if by legends of the Fanged Four, he used his
at least one of her allies is within 5 feet of the prodigious skills as an information‑seeker to
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
track rumors back to Brier House—where

he was caught snooping by Embline herself. RIZTO THE RAT
Rather than killing him where he stood, Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), lawful
Embline was impressed by his skills and evil
offered him the chance to join her growing Armor Class 14
company of bounty hunters. Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. in rat form)


10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 21 (+5)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Wis +5, Cha +8

Skills Deception +11, Insight +8, Perception +8,
Persuasion +8, Stealth +10

Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 11
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks (2d10) poison damage.
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and Hand Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid Form
slashing from attacks not made with silvered Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
weapons 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
Condition Immunities poisoned damage plus 11 (2d10) poison damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft. (rat form only), passive Reactions
Perception 18
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker Rizto can see
Languages Common, Ratfolk (can’t speak
hits him with an attack, he can choose to take
Common in rat form)
half damage.
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Deceitful Shapechanger. Rizto can use his action

to polymorph into a rat-humanoid hybrid or into
Valtane the Boar
a giant rat or back into his true form, which is “You don’t touch Embline. You so much as
human. His statistics, other than his size, are the touch her, you lose that hand. You look at her
same in each form. Any equipment he is wearing wrong, you lose the eyes. You speak bad of her,
or carrying isn’t transformed. He reverts to his and I’ll carve out your forked tongue.”
true form if he dies.
Valtane is a natural-born lycanthrope, but
Once per turn while in hybrid form, Rizto can
she prefers to live life in her dwarf body. Her
make a Charisma (Deception) check and use
its result instead of making an attack roll when face may be wrinkled, but she is one of the
making a melee attack against a creature that Fanged Four’s newest members, having joined
can see him. only two years ago. Before then, she was a
Evasion. If Rizto is subjected to an effect that dirt-poor fur trader that trapped animals in
allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw the Old Margreve Forest and sold pelts in
to take only half damage, he instead takes no
cities across Midgard. She crossed paths with
damage if he succeeds on the saving throw and
only half damage if he fails.
Embline and Rizto as they pursued a former
Keen Smell. Rizto has advantage on Wisdom
member of the Fanged Four down the length
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. of the River Argent. (Valtane hadn’t known a
Sewerborn. Rizto has advantage on saving throws member of the Fanged Four betrayed her, and
against poison and disease. Embline has never told her.)
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Rizto deals an extra 14 Valtane got caught up in the skirmish and
(4d6) damage either when he hits a target with watched as the rogue werewolf plunged a
a weapon and has advantage on the attack roll silver dagger into Embline’s side. Without
or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of
thinking, the Valtane leapt to Embline’s side,
his that isn’t incapacitated and he doesn’t have
disadvantage on the attack roll. drew the dagger, and plunged it straight
between the traitor’s eyes. Even she couldn’t
Actions tell you why she aided Embline on that day,
Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). but she suspects that she was destined to
Rizto makes three attacks, only one of which can protect her.
be a bite.
Embline survived, and Valtane’s heroism
Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9
earned her not just Embline’s respect but an
(2d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) poison offer to join the Fanged Four in the place of
damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must the betrayer she had killed. Valtane agreed on
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or the spot. She is fiercely loyal to Embline, and
be cursed with wererat lycanthropy. while she is greedy and overconfident, she
Shortsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). treats her fellow Fangs like family.
Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

VALTANE THE BOAR Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long
Rest). If Valtane takes damage that would reduce
Medium humanoid (dwarf, shapechanger),
her to 0 hit points, she is reduced to 1 hit point
chaotic neutral
instead. This trait also recharges immediately if
Armor Class 14 (hide, shield) in humanoid form,
a friendly creature Valtane can see is reduced to
18 (natural armor) in boar or hybrid form
0 hit points.
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64)
Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. in boar form) Actions
Multiattack. Valtane makes three attacks, only
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one of which can be with her tusks.
21 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) Warhammer (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +4, Con +8 target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +7, Tusks (Boar or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
Intimidation +7 Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, target. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) slashing damage. If the
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks target is humanoid, it must succeed on a DC
16 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and
wereboar lycanthropy.
slashing from attacks not made with silvered
weapons Reactions
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Selfless Defense. When a friendly creature is
Languages Common, Dwarven (can’t speak in attacked by a creature Valtane can see, she
boar form) can move up to her speed toward the friendly
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) creature. If she ends her movement adjacent to
the friendly creature, she can choose to become
Resilient Shapechanger. Valtane can use her the new target of the attack. If the attack hits
action to polymorph into a boar-humanoid her, she can make a melee attack against the
hybrid or into a boar or back into her true form attacker as part of this reaction.
as a dwarf. Her statistics, other than her AC,
are the same in each form. Any equipment she
is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. She Lashkan the Tiger
reverts to her true form if she dies. “I have traveled on ships swarming with rats
Valtane has advantage on saving throws
and biting fleas. I have been chained in bonds
against spells and other magical effects while in
hybrid or in boar form.
of silver, each second searing my flesh. When
Charge (Boar or Hybrid Form Only). If Valtane
I reached Triolo, I knew I had to change my
moves at least 15 feet straight toward a target fate. I escaped my bonds and tracked down the
and then hits it with her tusks on the same man who had thought himself powerful enough
turn, the target takes an extra 14 (4d6) slashing to purchase me and display me as an oddity
damage. If the target is a creature, it must of the savage south. I came to Zobeck and tore
succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be
his throat out, and I burned his mansion down
knocked prone.
with a thought.”
Dwarven Resilience. Valtane has advantage on
saving throws against poison. Lashkan is a human weretiger captured
Goading Defender (1/Turn). When Valtane hits as a child by slavers decades ago near the
with a melee attack, she can make a Charisma Southlands’ Corsair Coast. He managed to
(Intimidation) check opposed by her target’s escape bondage in the Seven Cities and swore
Wisdom (Insight) check. If she succeeds, the vengeance on the slavers’ master, a depraved
target has disadvantage on attack rolls against collector of curiosities in Zobeck. After
creatures other than Valtane until the end of its
traveling thousands of miles for vengeance,
next turn.
Lashkan found himself adrift after finally

slaying the man who had destroyed his life. Keen Hearing and Smell. Lashkan has advantage
He was found by Rizto several weeks later. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
hearing or smell.
The fire that Lashkan had set after killing the
Pounce (Tiger or Hybrid Form Only). If Lashkan
collector may have burned down the mansion,
moves at least 15 feet straight toward a creature
but it did not completely purge the weretiger’s and then hits it with a claw attack on the same
scent from the wreckage—at least, not to a turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14
nose as keen as Rizto’s. Embline was wary Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If
of the weretiger’s unpredictable temper but the target is prone, Lashkan can make one bite
longed to add his magic to her arsenal. attack against it as a bonus action.
Lashkan is the least loyal of the Fanged Spellcasting. Lashkan is an 11th-level spellcaster.
His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
Four, and Embline knows it. The weretiger is
DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). He has the
content to serve the Fanged Four for the time following sorcerer spells prepared:
being, but he is wary of anyone who would Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, fire bolt,
hold power over him. He seeks constantly message, poison spray, shocking grasp, true
to undermine his leader and supplant her as strike
master of the Fanged Four. 1st level (4 slots): magic missile, feather fall
2nd level (3 slots): knock, mirror image
LASHKAN THE TIGER 3rd level (3 slots): fireball, fly, water breathing
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), 4th level (3 slots): banishment, dimension door
chaotic evil 5th level (2 slots): dominate person, insect
Armor Class 12 in human form, 14 (natural plague
armor) in tiger or hybrid form 6th level (1 slot): disintegrate
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48)
Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. in tiger form)
Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
In humanoid form, Lashkan makes two scimitar
attacks. In hybrid form, he can make two scimitar
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 21 (+5)
or claw attacks.
Bite (Tiger or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +4, Wis +5 Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6 Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage. If the target
Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 17
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Constitution saving throw or be cursed with
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and weretiger lycanthropy.
slashing from attacks not made with silvered Claw (Tiger or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
weapons Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
Languages Common Scimitar (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach # ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Arcane Shapechanger. Lashkan can use his
action to polymorph into a tiger-humanoid
hybrid or into a tiger or back into his true form,
which is human. His statistics, other than his size,
are the same in each form. Any equipment he is
wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. He reverts
to his true form if he dies.
Lashkan can cast spells while in tiger form,
requiring no somatic components. His claws
count as an arcane focus.

by Shawn Merwin

O ne of the most enduring elements of

fantasy cities is the guild. Guilds present
player characters with allies who can pay for
No matter the details of your city, the Silent
Council (presented here) is a useful tool.
The Silent Council is a secret organization
services rendered, potential foes looking to that handles the interactions between a city’s
wield economic or political power, or just various thieves’ guilds, making sure that none
good fodder for intriguing and rich stories. oversteps its bounds, keeping the level of
And among all of the guilds one might crime in the city acceptable.
imagine, none has more potential than your
friendly neighborhood thieves’ guild.
Thieves’ guilds may not seem to make sense
The Silent Council’s
at first glance. Why would a city suffer the
existence of a group inherently conceived The Silent Council operates independently
to perform illegal activities? The answer is of the various thieves’ guilds. It is overseen
simple: crime is bad but uncontrolled crime by a commander who answers only to the
is worse. A guild of thieves ensures that the governing bodies within the city. Beneath
crime is organized and controlled, and if a her are two lieutenants, each handling
reckoning is necessary, a hierarchy is in place approximately five units of specially
to carry out any needed punishment. trained investigators that spy on the guilds,
More than one thieves’ guild might come to intervene when necessary, and even perform
power at the same time. Wars between hostile assassinations on guild members that cross
trade guilds could turn bloody and devastating the line.
if enough wealth and power is at stake. Strife The individual units contain 4–6 operatives,
between thieves’ guilds is triply deadly. each led by a captain who reports to the
When war between two or more rival thieves’ lieutenants. Captains attain their rank after
guilds spills into the lives of a city’s innocent serving successfully as an operative for at least
citizens, the civil leaders are often forced to 4 years, having not only survived the rigors of
intervene. Putting down the offending guilds the job but also proven themselves immune to
with physical force is an option although it the bribery and other temptations that come
rarely ends well for anyone involved. A more with it.
reasonable solution is to create a council Operatives are often recruited from the
with the power and authority to regulate and ranks of the City Watch. Watch members
arbitrate the activities of all guilds. who show inherent honesty, an affinity for

stealth and persuasion, and a knack for and the leader of that guild paid the ultimate
getting out of tight spots through guile might price for the treachery.
be groomed to become operatives in the Silent Stiletto’s first lieutenant is a forest gnome
Council’s employ. Operatives from a unit, or who calls himself Brill. He appears mad to
sometimes full units, are often called upon those observing him, talking to himself and
to go undercover to catch guild members to unseen creatures. His unruly white hair
breaking the unwritten rules overseeing and disheveled appearance are carefully
thieves’ guild operations and interactions. crafted to reinforce this image. In reality,
An antagonistic relationship exists, Brill is a practiced illusionist and strategist
surprisingly, between other law enforcement who commands the fierce loyalty of those he
agencies and the Silent Council. The Silent supervises. He is guarded by three trained
Council is not concerned with stopping wild boars that are under the effects of a
crime, except in the most extreme cases: perpetual greater invisibility spell.
treason, murder of a noble, and so on. The The second lieutenant holding Stiletto’s trust
thieves’ guilds bristle at the existence of the is the hill dwarf Connica Ironshard. Originally
Silent Council, but they are willing to accept an adept in the service of the deity of locks
the oversight—with the understanding and spies, Connica’s ingenuity brought her to
that the Silent Council does not police the Stiletto’s attention. While Connica has none
“sanctioned criminal activity” of the guilds. of the stealth of a rogue, her understanding
And so, Silent Council operatives might have of engineering, both mechanical and social,
evidence of crimes they witness, but they do makes her invaluable to the Silent Council.
not share that evidence with the City Watch, Connica keeps her long red hair under a
which leads to conflicts. thick leather cap, and her perpetual scowl is
The heads of each of the thieves’ guilds meet indicative of her obsession with her job.
at regular intervals with the commander
of the Silent Council, though her identity
is guarded through magic (see below). In
The Silent Council
addition to these scheduled meetings, a guild
in your Game
leader with a grievance or concern can also The Silent Council can be ported into your
call a special meeting with the commander. ongoing campaign in a variety of ways:
• The adventurers should generally be on
the same side of the battle as the members
Members of the Silent Council of the Silent Council since they are a force
The head of the Silent Council, appointed and of law and order in the city. Operatives
paid by the leaders of the city, is a elfmarked of the group might show up and assist or
called Stiletto. She has proven to be wise, save the adventurers when a member of
just, incorruptible, and totally ruthless in one of the thieves’ guilds attacks them.
carrying out her duties. One of the things
• While the Silent Council might be the
that has made Stiletto so effective in her job is
“good guys,” they are still an espionage
the fact that she’s a doppelganger. No one is
organization. Such organizations are
aware of this except for the city leaders—even
generally not above using deception
her lieutenants are unaware. This helps her
to obtain and work assets toward their
keep tabs on not only the guilds but also on
cause, even putting those assets in harm’s
her operatives. More than once, a guild has
way. The adventurers might be recruited
infiltrated a Silent Council team only to be
to perform surveillance on behalf of
ferreted out quickly and quietly by Stiletto—
the Silent Council while not really

understanding the true nature of their for that misinformation, they might
work. The danger caused by the mission quickly find themselves at war with a
could come back to haunt them later— very irate and vengeful Silent Council.
whether or not the Silent Council responds Stiletto would, most likely, investigate the
to that danger is always a question. situation herself before doing permanent
• Thieves’ guild leaders could try to damage to the adventurers.
trick adventurers into attacking Silent • If any adventurers are stepping on the
Council operatives or even leaders. The toes of a thieves’ guild, the Silent Council
guild leaders would provide misleading might warn them off, describing the tense
information, saying that the operatives relationship among the guilds in the city.
were a threat. If the adventurers fell

STILETTO (DOPPELGANGER) Read Thoughts. Stiletto magically reads the
surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet
Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral good
of her. The effect can penetrate barriers, but 3
Armor Class 18 (studded leather, shield)
feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inches of
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. While the
Speed 30 ft. target is in range, Stiletto can continue reading
its thoughts as long as Stiletto’s concentration
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA isn’t broken (as if concentrating on a spell).
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) While reading the target’s mind, Stiletto has
advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma
Skills Deception +12, Insight +6, Perception +6, (Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks
Persuasion +8, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8 against the target.
Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Dodge. When an attacker she can see hits Stiletto
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish,
with an attack, she can use a reaction to halve
that attack’s damage.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Cunning. As a bonus action, Stiletto can Dash,
Disengage, or Hide on each of her turns in Small humanoid (gnome), neutral good
combat. Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
Shapechanger. Stiletto can use a bonus action to Hit Points 66 (12d6 + 24)
polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid Speed 25 ft.
she has seen or back into her true form. Her
statistics, other than size, are the same in each STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying 8 (−1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
isn’t transformed. She reverts to her true
form if she dies. Stiletto does not register as a Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Nature +7
shapechanger under the scrutiny of magic that
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
would normally detect that.
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Stiletto deals an extra 21
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
(6d6) damage either when she hits a target with
a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
roll or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally Gnome Cunning. Brill has advantage on all
of Stiletto that isn’t incapacitated and Stiletto Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. throws against magic.
Surprise Attack. Stiletto has advantage on attack Master of Illusions. When Brill casts an illusion
rolls against any creature she has surprised. If spell of 1st level or higher, he is surrounded by a
Stiletto surprises a creature and hits it with an hazy mist of magical energy until the start of his
attack during the first round of combat, the next turn. While surrounded by the mist, which
target takes an extra 14 (4d6) damage from the travels with him, ranged attacks against Brill are
attack. made at disadvantage.
Spellcasting. Brill is a 9th-level spellcaster. His
Actions spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
Multiattack. Stiletto makes two melee or ranged DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Brill has the
attacks. following wizard spells prepared:
Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, poison
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing spray, prestidigitation
damage. 1st level (4 slots): color spray, disguise self,
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, mage armor, magic missile
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) 2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, mirror image,
piercing damage. phantasmal force

3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, major image, fly +7 to hit with spell attacks). She can innately
4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, cast the following spells as a 7th-level caster,
phantasmal killer requiring no material components:
5th level (1 slot): mislead At will: mending, sacred flame
3/day: bless, command, find traps, healing word
2/day: hold person, protection from energy,
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to spiritual weapon
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1/day: revivify
5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
CONNICA IRONSHARD Multiattack. Connica makes two melee attacks.
Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) damage.
Speed 25 ft.


16 (+3) 10 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 11 (+2)

Skills Religion +3, Perception +7

Damage Resistances poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 17
Languages Common, Dwarf
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Dwarven Resilience. Connica

has advantage on saving
throws against poison and
resistance against poison
Innate Spellcasting. Connica’s
innate spellcasting ability is
Wisdom (spell save DC 15,

by Richard Pett

R ogues—and particularly groups or gangs

of them—make great NPCs. Do you trust
them or not? Are they heroes or villains?
leader for a ghoul, drow, or other race more
appropriate to your home campaign.
Use a d20 at each of the following stages, and
What shades of gray do they encompass? at the end of the tables, we’ll suggest a couple
Their very nature lends them to readily of examples to flesh out these groups into
allying with one side or another and then something worthy of friends at your table.
casually moving on, drawn by a fabulous
hustle or heist to betray the very people that
last week they rescued from the town prison,
1. A pipe-smoking, female minotaur with
only to use the skills of those they released for
a penchant for poetry and known as
their own greedy ends and then betray them.
Here is a trio of tables to help busy GMs
define or give a spark to such groups, which 2. The Round Man, a vast rogue with a
might be useful as a focus for an adventure or reputation for eating his enemies at
simply as a story, rumor, or flavor on the side elaborate banquets
depending upon your needs. The tables set 3. A one-eyed elf pirate known as the
out a gang or guild or mob in simple terms Monocle, who has a pet sheep called
with a quirky or readily memorable leader, Capstan
together with the predominant members 4. An elfmarked clockwork-maker called
of the gang identified by race or incentive, Abrash who uses her machines to aid her
and finally a motivation for their activities, burglaries
many of which indicate why they are where 5. A colorfully dressed kobold called Mister
they are right now. You can then add any Rainbow who rides a white pig and is a
finishing touches you wish. The tables come master lock-breaker
without any crunch for levels, alignments,
6. A wizard known simply as the Collector
or other specifics, so you can tailor them
who goes from place to place stealing
to fit you campaign at a specific time. This
obscure arcane texts
particular set of random tables has its soul in
7. The outrageously charming merchant
the Midgard Campaign Setting. However, you
Aquim all-Asfar, who wanders the lands
can adjust the campaign-specific quirks easily.
procuring the unique and lovely for his
For example, substitute the minotaur gang
client friends

8. The beautiful Esemlie, the tallest lady with
the harshest voice and deadliest blade in
1. Steal religious artefacts, but the gang has
the kingdom
been infiltrated by the religious group
9. The Sough Man, a revolting and diseased they are stealing from
thing some say is an ooze or monster that
2. Revenge—steal the greatest treasures off
lurks in the sewers of larger settlements
five sisters of the same noble family living
and steals wicked objects or unholy texts
10. A schizophrenic dragonkin called M’kash
3. Rob from the rich and give to the poor
who distrusts everyone and who is
obsessed with disguise 4. Carry out elaborate and complex cons on
the rich and arrogant, including stealing
11. Conjoined twins known as the Brothers
everything off a vile and local corrupt lord
Kinsman who rule their followers through
by infiltrating and ultimately removing his
magic and use magic to aid their thefts
entire staff
12. The Golden Eagle, a master archer and
5. Charged with stealing the wedding cake
thief said to be a gargoyle although others
of some local dignitary about to wed, and
swear it is simply a guise he uses while
return with it intact to a settlement across
wandering the gables of places he has
the hills/forests/mountains
come to rob
6. Target slavers and their associates,
13. A legless dwarf called Mistress Cremp
customers, and friends in the settlement
who loves fine art and who is carried by
as a lesson from a former slave and now
her loyal gearforged companion Lord
gang master
7. Steal from passing adventurers
14. The fearful Gremp who rules with an iron
fist and his pair of helpers, Mister Terror 8. Spread anarchy to bring down the present
and Master Hurt rulers with a view to removing their
guards from keeps onto the streets, thus
15. A gnoll slaver known as Tobb who has a
weakening their defense and ultimately
talking camel
robbing a huge castle
16. The cultured and magnificent Angelica
9. Move from one town to the next to
Hyme, lover of poets, darling of
ensure they remain anonymous, establish
aristocrats, and stealer of fortunes
a suitable base, and tyrannize the
17. A crooked mite rogue that rides a vulture population for a month or two before
and who always has a trio of kin with moving on
him (their specialty, using rat holes to
10. Specifically in this location to steal a
infiltrate and rob the rich—rat friends are
priceless silver and gold life-size elephant
never far away)
from the local ruler
18. A wily but quite mad kobold crimelord
11. Empty the local prison of villains as
known as Lord Spider, who plots with his
cover for removing the notorious Count
many strange puppets—some of whom
Grande, an infamous rogue accomplice of
have begun to come alive
theirs due to hang next week
19. A crooked vampire who obsesses over fine
12. Have operated in this settlement for four
centuries but recently split into three
20. A dispossessed aristocrat known to all as competing thieves’ guilds, all anxious to
the Gray Fist, renowned for his daring betray one another to ensure they are the
escapades and wooing of local royalty only guild left

13. Here to steal the recipe for the greatest 3. A group of lay about nobles with nothing
salami sausages in the kingdom from the better to do
Royal Sausage Makers Guild headquarters 4. An honest and decent group of likeable
by kidnapping the four cooks who each dwarf rogues with hearts of gold
know a constituent part of the recipe 5. A tough bunch of miners who cover
14. Vengeance upon another group of thieves their true colors with religious piety and
also operating in this area (perhaps rolling beautiful hymn singing
again for the second group) who are 6. A group of rogues disguised as nuns
pretending to be local priests and stealing
7. Dark-hearted swordsmen who share little
gold religious objects
love for each other
15. Steal a talking holy oracle pig called the
8. Commoners with extraordinary abilities
Opulent One for a clerical group who
who lurk in societies’ underbelly to carry
believes she is theirs by divine prophecy
out thefts of church artefacts and religious
16. Rob local merchants objects
17. In the area to take advantage of the 9. A group of gnomes disguised as lepers
imminent carnival at which hordes of rich
10. A gang of human and goblin rogues that
wives and widows arrive to show off their
lurk in the undercity (or undertown)
jewels and strut about trying to impress
their neighbors 11. A group of kobolds disguised as children
in contemporary festival costumes
18. Here to steal plans for a new clockwork
war machine off a cabal of gearforged 12. Multi-raced adventuring troupe who see
inventors the presence of other adventurers as great
scapegoats for their own crimes
19. Attempting to get back a huge tapestry
depicting miracles—The Panoramica 13. A group of nasty former mercenaries who
Magnificence (that was stolen from stoop to any lengths to achieve their aims
them in the first place and now hangs in 14. A trio of kobold dandies infamous for
the local cathedral)—by emptying the wenching and games that risk death
cathedral of its investigative clerical class 15. A troupe of gnome acrobats and circus
with a wave of petty thefts from chapels performers that have the help of several
and churches across the settlement first awakened monkey rogues accomplices
20. Steal an outstanding local stallion and 16. A clan of extremely agile mites
racehorse called the Shade 17. A group of arrogant dragonkin aristocrats
who use their charm and intelligence to
Gang dupe humans out of their fortunes
1. A bunch of surly dwarf former miners who 18. A pack of awakened rats
were ripped off by their previous boss and 19. A group of kobold street urchins able to
intend to dig their way to fortune climb and balance on practically anything
2. A group who operate disguised as 20. A bunch of minotaur laborers of
beggars and tramps to gain confidence incredible strength but little subtlety
and information from the lower classes,
This basic trio of points works as a starting
spreading hope among them by minor
place for your group, but they need tweaking
acts of rebellion to disguise their true
into a coherent story. Are they potential
villains or friends? Perhaps they’re little more
than a red herring or a group the PCs interact

with as part of a wider adventure. Decide who by reputation and action are pretty
their role accordingly, and then move on to nasty. Here you have an adventure or side
building up their tale. trek that effectively has villains at each end
Let’s generate an example, using one good with the PCs in the center, free to take what
gang and one evil gang. Using the tables actions they wish.
above, I’ve randomly generated leader #6, In the second case, the presence of dwarves
The outrageously charming merchant Aquim with hearts of gold suggests Aquim might
all-Asfar, who wanders the lands procuring be a decent sort—though of course you
the unique and lovely for his client friends. could decide he’s duping the dwarves and
The motivation is also #6, Target slavers and have an extra twist. Here, the slaver (again
their associates, customers, and friends in the we’ll use Lady Quorai) approaches the PCs
settlement as a lesson from a former slave and to protect her from assassins; her trade is
now gang master. I’ll pick two options for again a closely guarded secret. Only through
the gang, so we can move this encounter to roleplay do the PCs discover their enemies
friend or foe: they are #13, a group of nasty are thoroughly decent, something that may
former mercenaries who stoop to any lengths lead to a complete U-turn in the adventure
to achieve their aims and #4, an honest and as the PCs join the “assassins” in seeking
decent group of likeable dwarf rogues with vengeance. Perhaps here Aquim is seeking
hearts of gold. to free the daughter of one of his sponsors or
For the first option as our backstory, has another motive?
perhaps Aquim is in town looking for brutal As a simple rumor, the presence of the
vengeance on a local slaver known as Lady trouble above in your campaign fleshes it out,
Quorai who has hired the PCs to protect her, adding realism to your core adventures.
having heard Aquim is working for an old And finally, does the gang have a name?
enemy of hers. Quorai’s slaving trade could Names strike fear into the hearts of people;
be a secret the PCs may not learn of until reputations precede those who are part of
further into the adventure if you wish, to give such groups and are useful publicity. It would
the PCs interesting choices later. This story be easy to create a further table of memorable
develops with the PCs working for someone names like the Grim Street Colliers or the
who herself—they may find—has a dark past. Crooked Blinders, but the joy of a really good
As the plot develops, Quorai pushes the PCs name is making it simple and pertinent.
to seek out Aquim and his vile mercenaries

by Kelly Pawlik

T he head of a fierce basilisk stares off to

the horizon, carved upon the front of this
wooden seagoing vessel, long and narrow.
other goods safely without compromising the
limited deck space.
Without the use of the Helm of Loki, the
From serpentine snout to the ship’s stern Magnificent Muck requires a crew of 25–35
measures 54 feet, making it shorter than many people to properly operate.
other long ships. Its shallow draft allows it to
navigate waters only three feet deep. THE PLUNDERER’S SEA CHEST
Wondrous item, rare
Magnificent Muck This oak chest, measuring 3 feet by 5 feet by
Overlapping oak planks, riveted together with 3 feet, is secured with iron bands depicting
iron fastenings, create the hull of the long ship. naval combat and scenes of piracy. The sea
The decking is comprised of removable planks. chest opens into an extradimensional space
An assortment of shields is fastened along that can hold up to 3,500 cubic feet or 15,000
the length of the vessel, providing protection pounds of material. The chest always weighs
from the harsh wind and wild waves as well as 200 pounds, regardless of its contents.
physical attacks by individuals looking to lay Placing an item in the sea chest follows the
siege to those onboard. normal rules for interacting with objects.
A green sail with golden depictions of two Retrieving an item from the chest requires
serpents twined around a lightning bolt is you to use an action. When you open the
fastened to the large, rectangular‑shaped mast. chest to access a specific item, that item is
Oar ports with rotating covers allowing them always magically on top.
to seal out water line the length of the boat. If the chest is destroyed, its contents are lost
Each member of the crew possesses a sea chest,
which also acts as a rowing bench. The narrow
bladed wooden oars are usually stowed,
however, as the crew aboard this ship prefer to MUCK?
rely on a more magical means of transport. In gambling, “muck” most often refers
Most ships this size would encounter an to the pile of discarded cards into which
issue with storing their booty, but a non- players may throw their folded hands,
descript wooden chest allows the captain but it can also refer to a form of sleight of
to hoard a decent number of treasures and hand used to win a card game.

forever, though an artifact always turns up
again, somewhere. If a bag of holding, portable
Ship’s History
hole, or similar object is placed within the sea The exact origin of the Magnificent Muck is
chest, that item and the contents of the chest difficult to determine. Before it was won by
are immediately destroyed, and the magic of Captain Ibisrix, it was under the command
the chest is disrupted for one day after which of Captain Kogen Blackmaw, who took it by
the sea chest resumes functioning as normal. force from Captain Tilllera Cloudhaven, a
graceful and capable elven woman who led
HELM OF LOKI her crew on a great many adventures.
Wondrous item, legendary Captain Tillera possessed the ship for many
(requires attunement) decades and most of the crew currently
aboard the ship joined up to serve under her.
This unassuming ship’s wheel is made of
While Captain Tillera commanded the ship,
weathered birch with two narrow bands of
she made some modifications to it, including
unidentifiable red stone at each point one of
the spokes meets the wheel. The true power the addition of a new helm.
of the helm is its ability to, when attached to The adventurous elf was as devout a
a boat or similar vehicle, randomly plane shift worshipper of Loki as one can be, given the
anywhere in the Mortal Realm or across the nature of the god himself. One day, when
planes, taking the vessel it is attached to and plundering the wreckage of a ship washed
everything located inside it, willing or not. ashore, she discovered the helm and, recalling
When attuned to the helm, you can a description she had read long ago, knew it
immediately locate the closest tributary of instantly for what it was, despite the lack of
the Ever River, and while boating on that magical aura. At the time, the helm looked
waterway, you have advantage on Wisdom like a ship’s wheel but Tillera took it, despite
(Survival) checks to navigate it. When the it appearing to be incompatible with her own
Helm plane shifts, you are alerted four hours vessel, and brought it to the Magnificent Muck
prior to its departure and can make a DC where it transformed into the rudder it now
20 Wisdom (Survival) check to guide it to appears to be.
one of two locations of your choice with a
50% chance of arrival at either destination. FORMER CAPTAIN
Regardless of where you are in the planes, you KOGEN BLACKMAW
can transport yourself to a space within 5 feet
The former captain of the Magnificent Muck is
of the helm as an action when it plane shifts.
an angry-faced dwarf named Kogen Blackmaw
No mortal magic can identify the helm as
(thief lord, see Creature Codex, with
anything other than a mundane device. When
Darkvision 60 ft., advantage on saving throws
attached to a vessel that does not use a wheel,
against being poisoned, and Intimidation
the helm transforms itself into an unassuming
rather than Persuasion). A capable fighter with
example of that vessel’s steering mechanism,
a mouth full of black teeth, he led his pirate
though it will always have two bands of red
crew on many successful conquests over the
stone wrapped about its narrowest point.
years. One day, seemingly out of nowhere,
Kogen and his crew spotted the Magnificent
Muck. They quickly pushed in on the ship, and
a fierce battle raged. Kogen thought the fight
might be lost, but he persevered and managed
to slay the captain herself. The battle raged

only seconds longer; his crew was bolstered One day, sometime after its last plane shift,
and quickly overcame the rival crew. the Magnificent Muck traveled into the plane
Kogen soon realized his ship was too of Casino. It was the first plane shift since
damaged to sail, and he did not have enough Tillera’s death, and Kogen, not attuned to
crew to man a ship. After confiscating their the Helm of Loki, was surprised. Most of the
weapons to avoid mutiny, Kogen allowed crew had no idea how it had happened, and
what remained of Tillera’s crew to live. those who knew the secret of the Helm of Loki
Delighting in the possibilities of the new feigned ignorance. Despite the confusion, the
shallow-bottom vessel, Captain Kogen set off. crew disembarked and spent many months
The crew mourned their fair former captain, enjoying the pleasures and excitement of this
but they knew they did not have the ability to entertaining location.
rise against the ship’s new master. It was here, amidst the exquisite halls and
For some years, the Magnificent Muck gardens, Kogen found himself at a Dark Table
travelled the waterways of the mortal plane. in a dingy back pantry of a tavern kitchen,
One or two of Tillera’s crew disappeared at playing poker with an incubus. Unlike every
various ports, always when Captain Kogen other game in Casino, those played at a
was too drunk to care (but too well defended Dark Table are played in “real” coin, and the
to mutiny against). Others remained on games are not monitored. Kogen, a canny
board, almost as if they were waiting for the card shark with some skill in sleight of hand,
tide to turn. was certain of his win, and thus he bet the

Magnificent Muck; in a strange twist of fate, they had covered their trail and fled from
the incubus laid the winning hand. While the their would-be-pursuers.
others present swore they could not hear it, Word came Ibisrix was to return to
the dwarf was certain he heard a mischievous the Abyss with his findings. The incubus
chuckle as the final hand was laid. panicked. He knew his punishment would
What remained of Kogen’s original crew, be swift and extreme and had hoped his
with the exception of a single halfling, superior’s fickle nature meant the assignment,
refused to abandon their captain. The and Ibisrix himself, had been forgotten, in
incubus, seemingly eager to leave in a hurry, favor of something else. While Ibisrix knew
let them stay in Casino with their outraged he was safe in Casino itself, he was certain
leader. Here they have remained for some he could not out maneuver those who
time, impatiently awaiting a way out of the came to collect him for long. After briefly
gambling halls and back to the ship. contemplating challenging an emperor
for power, Ibisrix decided to avoid the
CAPTAIN IBISRIX responsibilities that came with the roll in
favor of another risky option.
Some decades ago, an incubus was sent on
a task to Casino. Here, he was meant to
gather information and report back to
his superiors. Somewhere amidst
the cheerful noises, the bright
lights, and the picturesque
landscape, the incubus
forgot his task; waging
bets, winning hands of
cards, and entertaining
himself with other
visitors proved
a much better
use of his time
than gathering
information on
one or two sad
souls, and nearly
a decade went by.
By this time, those
souls had long since
fled Casino, hopeful

Ibisrix had some experience with Dark of the high seas, and the various planes they
Tables in his time in Casino, always with could visit once the new helm had been
mixed results; with few options left, he fastened to the ship; Lania respected her
settled into a high stakes card game. Some wishes. And so for decades, the two traveled
of his opponents proved to be no challenge together, gathering an assorted crew of
at all, and quickly the game was down to interesting individuals, seeing amazing sights,
himself and a black-toothed dwarf. Certain and encountering all manner of adventures.
his opponent was cheating but knowing little One day, the Magnificent Muck came to
could be done, Ibisrix called out to the only be on the River Lethe in the Shadow Realm.
god who might help an incubus trying to Here, while overnighting near the river with
escape his return to the Abyss through a game a ship full of crew and nary an extra inch
of cards: Loki. on board, Lania encountered a family who
By some miracle, Ibisrix won the hand and had come to find themselves stranded in
all the winnings, including the Magnificent the Shadow Realm. They were terrified and
Muck. Quick as could be, the incubus set off wished to return to the Mortal Realm. Lania
to board the ship and escape Casino. He cared insisted on helping them and, after some back
little of the small band of pirates who wished and forth with Tillera, secured them passage
to stay with the former captain; Ibisrix saw on the Magnificent Muck in her place.
the ship as a means of escape, not a long‑term Tillera and the crew came back for Lania
commitment. He set off with what crew as soon as they were able, but she had been
wished to remain aboard and sailed off down forced to move on from the location. As
the River Lethe. agreed, Lania had headed toward Corremal,
The ship’s first stop ended up being a popular trade city and the safest place for
Corremal, the City of Lanterns, in the mortals in the Shadow Realm; Tillera and the
Shadow Realm. Here, Ibisrix ran into a crew braved the dangerous waters of the River
demon eager to report his location. With Lethe to search the City of Lanterns for the
the help of a returning crewmember grateful ship’s first mate, but the timing was off, and
for rescue, the incubus discovered the secret the ship’s peculiar nature made it impossible
of the Magnificent Muck and once again to wait.
outmaneuvered those who sought his return Eventually, Lania did make it to Corremal,
to the abyss. but her time spent in the Shadow Realm and
Captain Ibisrix is an incubus with the the encounters she had along the way left
following changes: chaotic neutral alignment, her permanently shadow-tainted. For some
Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15), CR 5 (1,800 XP), years, Lania awaited Tillera’s return until one
and the following feature: Better Lucky Than fateful day she heard rumor the Magnificent
Good (Recharge 6). Captain Ibisrix can have Muck had returned. She hurried to the ship,
advantage on any attack roll, saving throw, or eager to lay her eyes upon her friend, only
skill check. to discover the ship was now captained by
Ibisrix. Saddened, but eager to leave behind
FIRST MATE LANIA TRADEWINDS the shadows, Lania rejoined the crew and
imparted the knowledge of the helm to Ibisrix.
Lania Tradewinds was exceptionally close to Lania is a shadow of her former self, affected
Captain Tillera Cloudhaven. A faithful right both by her stay in the Shadow Realm and by
hand to the beloved captain, Lania wished to the loss of her dearest companion. Her former
be more than friends with her companion, but crewmates have been known to tell tales of the
Tillera preferred to focus on the adventure energetic and happy woman she was before

her stay in the Shadow Realm, and she seems respect all of the current crew, especially
to serve as a warning against departing the Captain Ibisrix. She is often a bit standoffish
crew for nary a member has chosen to leave to newcomers and always prefers the
the Magnificent Muck since her return. company of her gull companion. While she
She is grateful to Ibisrix for allowing her is best known for her healing prowess aboard
to return to the Magnificent Muck and for the ship, Tavika is also a capable combatant.
bringing it, even unknowingly, to collect her Songbird. This androgynous human is
from Corremal. Despite all she lost for her actually a disguised fallen deva. As their
benevolent act, Lania remains a generous punishment for slipping into neutrality,
individual, giving away much of the treasure Songbird was cast from heaven and told
she acquires in her travels to those who are that they could not return to Paradise until
down on their luck. they could sing the Celebration of Fourteen
Lania is a war priest (see Creature Codex) Dooms. They seek this lost song still. They
with darkvision 120 feet. Her Imbued have been crew of the Magnificent Muck far
Warhammer attack deals thunder damage longer than anyone else and precede the ship’s
rather than radiant or necrotic damage. She association with the Helm of Loki. Songbird
has the following feature: Storm Bolt (3/ is perpetually silent and has lost their healing
Day). Lania can throw her warhammer to a touch and ability to cast raise dead.
range of 60 feet When she does so, it becomes
Kror and Klar Ironwulf (wolf reaver dwarf,
a line of lightning 5 feet wide, beginning at
see Tome of Beasts). These brothers are two of
her and extending straight toward her target.
the most recent additions to the Magnificent
If the target is less than 60 feet away from
Muck. Hired on by Ibisrix shortly after his
her, the line of lightning extends beyond
acquisition of the ship, the brothers were
it. Each creature in the line takes 19 (2d10
found stranded in Beruthea, Kingdom of
+8) lightning damage or half damage with a
Cats, after using the House of Infinite Doors
successful Dexterity saving throw. Lania has
to escape a particularly nasty encounter with
two levels of shadow corruption (see Midgard
a band of magma mephits. They have proven
Worldbook), which have not been cured
themselves to be capable in battle, and their
despite her exit from the Shadow Realm.
teamwork is inspiring. The Brothers Ironwulf
look almost indistinguishable from each other.
Ship’s Crew Erasmus. This clockwork watchman (see
There are currently twenty-five crewmembers Tome of Beasts) has been with the ship for
aboard the Magnificent Muck, including several years. The recent addition of the
Captain Ibisrix. The crew is an assorted clockwork soldier (see Creature Codex)
bunch; originally from various cultures, Number 76 to the crew initially excited
races, and even planes, what the crew of the Erasmus who longs to make friends with his
Magnificent Muck has in common is their love aloof new companion. For its part, Number
of the ship and their desire to explore. 76 feels that Erasmus is always staring creepily
at it and feels uncomfortable around the other
Some of the notable crew include:
clockwork. Number 76 does not understand
Tavika Wolfbane. (Winterfolk halfling that Erasmus, as a watchman, has been
druid). Originally press-ganged to join designed to stare at everything and that he
Captain Kogen’s crew, Tavika found herself merely wishes to make conversation.
aboard the Magnificent Muck after attacking
it. She despises Kogen and has come to

A Sonnet to Indigo, Far Wanderer (CC) Court of Whispers to herself
Ship’s Mage Countless Stars
Ahlis Aasimar (acolyte) Plane of Radiance Sheds dim blue light
Bleak Dark Folk (CC) Mortal Realm Grinds her teeth while
Chitters Ratatosk (ToB) The Loom Constantly interrupts
Clara Vulksdottir Human (scout) Mortal Realm Sings in battle
Corrack Cueyatl Warrior (CC) Plane of Water Flicks tongue out
Dhornvig Axeclaw Bearfolk (ToB) Mortal Realm Rubs his poorly healed
right knee often
Ennis Priory Human (bandit) Mortal Realm Absently pats his
Erasmus Clockwork Watchman* Plane of Gears Watches Number 76
Giltis Lesshaven Shadow Fey (ToB) Shadow Realm Swears in Goblin
Ibisrix, Captain Incubus* Abyss Flips a coin to
make decisions
Ick Tavers, Cook Shadow Goblin (CC) Shadow Realm Giggles when
Klar Ironwulf Dwarf* Mortal Realm Scratches his head
Kror Ironwulf Dwarf* Mortal Realm Strokes his beard
Lania Tradewinds, Shadow-Tainted Elf* Mortal Realm Gives coin to those
1st mate down on their luck
Number 76 Clockwork Soldier* Plane of Gears Tries to avoid being
watched by Erasmus
Pia Belittsdottir Human (berserker) Mortal Realm Wears a string of
decaying fingers
Redfeather Aaracokra Plane of Air Molts when excited
Salistree Sunhild Elfmarked (guard) Mortal Realm Squints and frowns
Songbird Deva Heaven Never speaks
Sten Fiendborn Human (gladiator) Eleven Hells Smirks lecherously
at males
Tavika Wolfbane, Winterfolk Halfling* Mortal Realm Talks to her gull
Ship Chirurgeon companion
Tyche Holland Human (guard) Mortal Realm Smells faintly of
Yaniq Ut’Maru Human (guard) Mortal Realm Bites his nails
Yorn Pettersen Neverborn Human Underworld Smells of grave rot
* See description CC = Creature Codex ToB = Tome of Beasts

by Lysa Chen

S itting on the edge of the Crossroads along

the shores of the Argent River is the Duchy
of Perun’s Daughter, a flourishing center of
Despite the duchy’s famed aptitude
for war, Duchess Vasilka values culture,
learning, art, and music above battle. Those
wisdom and learning distinguished in the who can afford an education at Perunalia’s
region by its matriarchal and matrilineal esteemed academies send their daughters
culture. Perunalia is ruled by the demigod from throughout the Crossroads to study
Duchess Vasilka Soulay, and women hold mathematics, botany, agronomy, and
leadership roles in their households and in architecture. The duchy also boasts the
society as warriors, traders, scholars, and more. famous Perunalian Palatial Library in the
Perunalia—named for the god of war royal palace. This treasure trove of ancient
and thunder—is perhaps best known for lore and knowledge reflects the level of
its amazon armies, which are called upon education and literacy valued among
often to defend the duchy against raiding Perunalia’s women.
centaurs, dragon legions, and bandits of the The brilliant, strong, and confident women
Ruby Despotate. There is a strong tradition of of Perunalia are wondrous indeed.
archery among Perunalian women with girls
enrolling in archery academies at the age of 14 PERUNALIAN ARCHER
or sometimes younger. Archers display their Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
rank by adorning their bows with colorful Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
feathers earned at the annual Duchess’s Fair. Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
A warrior bearing the red feather has mastered Speed 30 ft.
her weapon. More esteemed yet is the title of
Grand Maiden earned by the champion of the
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Duchess’s Fair.
Although Perun’s Daughters are known for
Saving Throws Str +2, Dex +6
their skill with the bow, Perunalia’s soldiers
Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +5
also are led by a society of female paladins
Senses passive Perception 15
known as the Order of the White Lions. These Languages Common
fierce and tactical generals and marshals excel Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
at fighting in packs and combatting armies of
humanoids, often men. Fast Draw. The archer has advantage on initiative

Longbow Adept. The archer has a +2 bonus to hit RED FEATHER ARCHER
when she attacks with her longbow and deals
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
one extra die of damage when she hits with it
Armor Class 17 (studded leather)
(included in the attack).
Hit Points 204 (24d8 + 96)
Actions Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. The archer makes two attacks with
her longbow. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
damage. Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +9
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +8
range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) Senses passive Perception 18
piercing damage.

Languages Common Fast Draw. The archer has advantage on initiative
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) rolls.
Leader of Archers (3/Day). As a bonus action,
Fast Draw. The archer has advantage on initiative the archer can direct other friendly archers within
rolls. 10 feet to strike. The archers must be able to see
Longbow Expert. The archer has a +3 bonus to and hear the grand maiden archer. The archers
hit when she attacks with her longbow and deals can immediately use their reactions to make one
two extra dice of damage when she hits with it weapon attack.
(included in the attack). Longbow Expert. The archer has a +3 bonus to
hit when she attacks with her longbow and deals
Actions two extra dice of damage when she hits with it
Multiattack. The archer makes two attacks with (included in the attack).
her longbow and one attack with her trick shot. Magical Weapons. The archer’s weapon attacks
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, are magical.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, Multiattack. The archer makes three attacks with
range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) her longbow.
piercing damage. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
Trick Shot. The archer makes an attack with her reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing
longbow and chooses one of the following damage.
effects if she hits: Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit,
• The target must make a DC 17 Dexterity range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6)
saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) piercing piercing damage. If the archer hits her target,
damage on a failed save or half as much she can choose one of the following effects:
damage on a successful one. • The target must make a DC 19 Dexterity
• Creatures within 5 feet of the target must saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) thunder
succeed a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or damage on a failed save or half as much
take 4 (1d8) piercing damage. damage on a successful one. On a failed
save, the target is also deafened until the
• The archer can forgo damaging the target to
end of its next turn.
use a special arrow that lassos the creature
instead. The creature is restrained. It can use • Creatures within 5 feet of the target must
its action to attempt to break its bonds with succeed a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or
a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check. take 9 (d8) piercing damage.
• The archer uses a special arrow laced with
a potent herbal substance. The target must
GRAND MAIDEN ARCHER succeed a DC 19 Constitution saving throw
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral or be stunned until the end of its next turn.
Armor Class 18 (studded leather)
Hit Points 340 (40d8 + 160) Legendary Actions
Speed 30 ft. The archer can take three legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
11 (+0) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)
The archer regains spent legendary actions at the
start of their turn.
Saving Throws Str +6, Dex +12
Skills Acrobatics +12, Perception +10 Attack. The archer makes a ranged weapon attack
Senses passive Perception 20 with her longbow.
Languages Common Move. The archer moves up to 30 feet without
provoking opportunity attacks.
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

Lightning Arrow (2 Actions). The archer shoots WHITE LION GENERAL OF PERUN
a Perun-blessed arrow that creates a stroke of
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
lightning 5 feet wide and 60 feet long. Each
Armor Class 18 (plate)
creature in the line must make a DC 19 Dexterity
Hit Points 270 (36d8 + 108)
saving throw. A creature takes 28 (8d6) lightning
damage on a failed save or half as much damage Speed 30 ft.
on a successful one.
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +8
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +8
Hit Points 143 (22d8 + 44)
Senses passive Perception 12
Speed 30 ft.
Languages Common
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Improved White Lion’s Smite. Once per turn,
when the paladin hits a creature with a melee
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +6
weapon attack, she can deal 22 (5d8) radiant
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +6
damage to the target. This damage is increased
Senses passive Perception 12 to 27 (6d8) radiant damage if the target is an
Languages Common undead, fiend, or evil humanoid.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Lion’s Roar (1/Day). As a bonus action, the
paladin can unleash a mighty lion’s roar that
Pack Tactics. The paladin has advantage on an bolsters her allies. Creatures the paladin chooses
attack roll against a creature if at least one of the who can hear the paladin and within 30 feet gain
paladin’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and 7 (2d6) temporary hit points.
the ally isn’t incapacitated. Pack Tactics. The paladin has advantage on an
White Lion’s Smite. Once per turn, when the attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
paladin hits a creature with a melee weapon paladin’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
attack, she can deal 13 (3d8) radiant damage to the ally isn’t incapacitated.
the target. This damage is increased to 18 (4d8)
radiant damage if the target is an undead, fiend, Actions
or evil humanoid. Multiattack. The paladin makes three melee
Perun-Blessed Greatsword. Melee Weapon
Multiattack. The paladin makes three melee Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12
attacks. (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 5 (1d10) thunder
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach damage.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.


Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
Riposte. When a creature misses the paladin with
a melee attack, the paladin can use her reaction Armor Class 12
to make a melee weapon attack against the Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15)
creature. Speed 30 ft.


9 (−1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 9 (−1)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4

Skills Arcana +6, History +6, Perception +4

Senses passive Perception 14 Saving Throws Int +2, Wis +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish Skills Medicine +6, Nature +2, Perception +6
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Common
Master Logician. The mathematician has Challenge 3 (700 XP)
advantage on ability checks that involve solving
puzzles. Master Gardener. The botanist has advantage on
Smarty Pants (3/Day). The mathematician excels Intelligence (Nature) checks in regards to plants.
at telling others how they can be more effective. Spellcasting. The botanist is a 5th-level
If the mathematician can see a creature and spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom
the creature can hear the mathematician, the (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
mathematician can use her reaction to add 1d6 She knows the following druid spells:
to that creature’s attack roll, ability check, or Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, guidance,
saving throw. thorn whip
Actions 1st level (4 slots): detect poison and disease,
entangle, goodberry, purify food and drink
Abacus. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach
2nd level (3 slots): barkskin, protection from
5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 − 1) bludgeoning
poison, spike growth
3rd level (2 slots): plant growth, speak with
Eureka (1/Day). The mathematician discovers a
breakthrough that aids her allies. She can choose
one of the following: Actions
• The mathematician solves a puzzle.
Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
• The mathematician shares three facts about ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
a society, territory, or creature.
Horrible Herbs. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4
• The mathematician predicts whether a to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
specific course of action taken within the poison damage. The target must succeed a DC
next 24 hours will have good results, bad 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
results, both, or neither. for 1 minute. The botanist can choose one of
Number Babble. The mathematician rambles the following effects for the creature while it is
about her latest mathematical query, possibly poisoned:
exhausting the minds of those around her. • The creature is distracted by swirling
Creatures that can hear the mathematician and hallucinations. It is incapacitated and has a
within 20 feet of her must succeed a DC 13 speed of 0. This effect ends if the creature
Intelligence saving throw or gain one level of takes any damage or if someone else uses an
exhaustion as their minds strain to make sense action to shake the creature out of its stupor.
of the mathematician’s jabber. If a creature’s
• The creature begins babbling and is incapable
saving throw is successful, they are immune to
of normal speech or spellcasting. The creature
the mathematician’s Number Babble for the
can repeat the saving throw at the start of its
next 24 hours.
turn, ending the effect on a success.
• The creature takes 1 poison damage at the
PERUNALIAN BOTANIST start of its turn.
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral Spores, Spores, Everywhere (1/Day). The
Armor Class 12 botanist causes spores to erupt from a point it
Hit Points 110 (20d8 + 20) can see within 60 feet. Creatures in a 10-feet
Speed 30 ft. radius of that point must succeed a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or be overtaken by
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the spores. A creature controlled by the spores
must use its action on its next turn to attack the
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10(+0) 18 (+4) 9 (−1)
nearest creature other than itself.

PRIESTESS OF PERUN 5th level (2 slots): greater restoration, mass
cure wounds
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
6th level (1 slot): divine word
Armor Class 18 (plate)
7th level (1 slot): resurrection
Hit Points 195 (30d8 + 60)
Speed 30 ft. Actions
Multiattack. The priestess makes two melee
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) Perun-Blessed Warhammer. Melee Weapon
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8
Saving Throws Cha +4, Wis +9 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 21 (3d10 +
Skills History +9, Insight +9, Religion +9 5) thunder damage.
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Spellcasting. The priestess is a 13th-level

spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks).
She knows the following cleric spells:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, sacred flame,
1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds,
healing word, protect from evil and good,
shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): calm emotions,
hold person, lesser restoration,
spiritual weapon
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic,
mass healing word, remove curse,
spiritual guardians
4th level (3 slots): death ward

Reactions 3/day each: call lightning, detect thoughts,
Perun’s Fury. When a creature within 5 feet of the sleet storm
priestess hits her with an attack, the priestess can 1/day each: fire storm, storm of vengeance
deal 9 (2d8) thunder damage. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Vasilka fails a
saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Legendary Actions Magic Resistance. Vasilka has advantage on
The priestess can take three legendary actions, saving throws against spells and other magical
choosing from the options below. Only one effects.
legendary action option can be used at a time Thunderous Weapons. Vasilka’s weapon attacks
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The are magical. When she hits with any weapon, the
priestess regains spent legendary actions at the weapon deals an extra 36 (8d8) thunder damage
start of her turn. (included in the weapon attacks below).
Attack. The priestess makes a melee weapon Actions
attack with her warhammer.
Multiattack. Vasilka attacks twice with her
Move. The priestess moves up to 30 feet without
shortsword or her longbow and uses her Ancient
provoking opportunity attacks.
Healing Rain (2 Actions). The priestess creates a
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit,
10-foot-radius rain cloud, hovering 20 feet above
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6 + 9) piercing
the ground at a point she can see within 60 feet.
damage plus 36 (8d8) thunder damage.
Creatures underneath the cloud regain 14 (2d8 +
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit,
5) hit points.
range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9)
piercing damage plus 36 (8d8) thunder damage.
Ancient Lullaby. Vasilka chooses one creature
Medium celestial, lawful neutral she can see within 100 feet and fills its head
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) with a soothing Elvish lullaby. The creature must
Hit Points 630 (60d8 + 360) succeed a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or fall
Speed 30 ft. unconscious for 1 minute. The effect ends if
the creature takes any damage or if someone
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA else uses an action to shake the creature awake.
16 (+3) 29 (+9) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 26 (+8) 22 (+6) Creatures immune to being charmed aren’t
Saving Throws Dex +17, Int +13, Wis +16, Legendary Actions
Cha +14
Vasilka can take two legendary actions choosing
Skills Acrobatics +17, History, +16, Insight +16,
from the options below. Only one legendary
Perception +16
action option can be used at a time and only at
Damage Resistances lightning, thunder the end of another creature’s turn. Vasilka regains
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
slashing from nonmagical weapons
Storm Song. Vasilka chooses a creature within 150
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
feet that she can see and strikes it with lightning.
The target takes 10d8 lightning damage on
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 26
a failed save or half as much damage on a
Languages Celestial, Common, Elvish
successful one.
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP)
Song of Flight. Vasilka sings a literally uplifting
tune. A creature of Vasilka’s choosing that can
Innate Spellcasting. Vasilka’s innate spellcasting hear her, including herself, gains the power
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 24, +16 to hit of flight as if under a fly spell until the end of
with spell attacks). She can cast the following Vasilka’s next turn.
spells, requiring no material components:
At will: comprehend languages, detect magic,
identify, thunderwave

by Troy E. Taylor

T he perceived threat of fey invasion has

long concerned Allain. For those residing
within the Iron Metropolis of Tintager, the
Theirs is not a solitary existence. Members
share a strong fraternal bond. They encourage
one another to be steadfast and true, aid in
concern is obsessive. each other’s training and development, and
Prominent among the city’s Feywarden celebrate demonstrations of valor.
defenders are war mages who belong to The Ninemage Council allows the orders
cavalry-focused martial orders. The mounted to govern themselves and operate with a
war mages inspire awe: not only do they semblance of independence. But the council
charge across the battlefield in a thundering places a singular check on their activities: each
of hooves, they have destructive magic at order must maintain a fortification along the
their command. boundary with the Arbonesse.
Rivalries between the orders are legendary. The council believes the forts are a deterrent
But when there is a call to defend Allain, petty against elvish invasion. Decades without an
disputes are set aside. incursion has reinforced that belief.
The unstated reason, however, is to keep
the orders from acquiring too much wealth
Part 1: Generalities or political influence. The construction,
About the Orders staffing, and upkeep of these castles require
Members of the orders devote themselves considerable sums. Coin that can’t be spent
to prowess in the saddle and to study of the currying favor and influence. Each castle also
arcane. These spellcasting knights live austere serves as a headquarters, keeping the leaders
lives—something akin to monasticism. No occupied and away from the capital politics.
vow binds them to chastity or poverty, but Having to defend fixed positions runs
common cause, hard work, and their devotion contrary to the basic strategy of mounted
to the homeland is enough for most to adopt units using their mobility and spells to
such trappings. control areas on the battlefield. Those tasked
Race and gender are generally no barrier with formulating military strategy for the
to recruitment with elves being an obvious orders are fully aware of conundrum. It is
exception. understood by all that the fortifications would
be expendable in an invasion.

Part 2: Existing Orders CASSILON BRIGADE
of Mounted Feywardens The Cassilon Brigade claims to be an ancient
Here are some of the mounted orders of war order. Stretching back to a misty past, the
mages in Tintager. order traces its origins to monks from the
Sun Kingdom of Cassilon. For reasons not
BOOKBINDERS completely understood, these monks served
in old Caelmarath, the kingdom along
The Bookbinders formed when women and the Arbonesse border that predated the
men of Tintager’s bookbinding guild took up magocracies.
arms when ordinary citizenry were mustered Historians are admittedly confused about
for the common defense. the brigade’s allegiances, noting that Cassilon
Many who answered the call could cast and Andarre were allied against Caelmarath
spells, even if their aptitude was limited during the Great Mage Wars.
to cantrips. A large segment of this guild Rigorous students of history have suggested
remained in armed service after the that the Cassilon Brigade was not an order
emergency ended. of mage knights as it now purports. Rather,
At first, the Bookbinders tried to find a it was a mercenary company that lost a
place among existing orders. But they met sultan’s protection in the Sun Kingdom.
resistance wherever they applied. Unwelcome, the band became sellswords to
Unwanted, the members forged their own rival magocracies.
order and assumed the responsibility of During the Great Mage Wars, the Cassilon
serving as long-range scouts. But even taking Brigade fractured into a number of martial
up this task seemed to irritate many of the groups and honorific societies, some of which
other Feywardens. The mages of Tintager did not even have military responsibilities.
didn’t want to admit that their diviners For a time, remnant chapters in Carnessa,
couldn’t provide military intelligence. Uxloon, and Cassilon all considered
They thought the Bookbinder scouts were themselves heirs to the original brigade. Only
superfluous. the chapter in Allain survived. Even so, the
The Bookbinders won over the doubters. Allain chapter did not resemble the current
There were instances when Tintager scrying brigade. Barely a handful of spellcasters
could not pierce the veil of elf glamour. served at one time. It was clearly an infantry
Bookbinder patrols filled the gap, providing unit that fought mostly in skirmishes and on
news of enemy movements when diviners the sidelines of great battles.
in high towers could not. In skirmishes, the Yet perhaps because of that, the Allain
Bookbinders made strategic assessments chapter avoided being wiped out. Over time,
about terrain and enemy force configurations the Cassilon Brigade embraced some of its
and then conveyed that information with a heritage, adding rituals and trappings to its
martial context that was unmatched. deeds and horsemanship to its repertoire.
The Bookbinders are presently without two Today, the Cassilon Brigade always looks the
of its top leaders. The human grand master, part of an elite cavalry unit: its commanders
Mika “Ol’ Stitcher” Sardanels, died during wear plumed helmets, sit tall in saddles
the winter. The human seneschal, Kendra adorned with jewels, and standard bearers
Sveldendauttir, feels she was too old to proudly wave the nine-star pennant of Allain.
assume the mantle and has resigned, so the Nearly half of its members are spellcasters.
order can appoint two younger leaders. It is supported by an elite corps of minotaur

Thaumaturgist-Chevalier Hadriana
Dioclenatus is the order’s grand master.
She is a woman of imperious bearing
who boasts of her troops’ invincibility.
She is outwardly human but is believed
to have more than a portion of
demonmarked heritage. It is no secret
she was adopted into the household of
Allain warlock Fabricia Dioclenatus.
Hadriana has long been rumored
to be an illegitimate child from the
household of Erramun the Sleepless,
the much respected tiefling
wizard-cleric of Hecate.


Seen on the field of battle, the line of

Cold Iron Defenders is unmistakable.
War mages in gray tabards
emblazoned with
a crimson star sit
astride mounts with
roan coats. Their
lances are tipped in
cold iron and adorned with pennants of that
same gray and crimson.


Fey monsters that have immunity or weapon or ten pieces of metal ammunition
resistance to nonmagical weapons are for twice the cost of a normal weapon. This
ofttimes susceptible to cold iron weapons, cost represents not only the price of the
so cautious adventurers should invest extra cold iron but the time and expertise needed
coin to plate their weapons with cold iron. to add cold iron to the weapons without
You can plate cold iron onto a single metal making it less effective.

About 300 years ago, the most prominent
military order was the Keyholders of Hecate.
The Keyholders were famed for courage and
tenacity, fighting even when outnumbered
three-to-one. The order had an exemplary
record of chivalry.
The Keyholders were originally
lancers tasked with escorting
spellcasters as conditions deteriorated
in the western lands. After admitting
spellcasters, the order expanded to
securing trade between the cities of the
magocracies. The order, acting fully as
a mage-protection service tied to trade,
effectively became a bank. It acquired
riches—and influence—rapidly.
Two personalities then came into conflict: elves were presented as “evidence” of this
the Bemmean architect of the magocracy, betrayal. Under duress, members signed
Exarch Vermes II, and grand mistress of the confessions stating that “raids” into
Keyholders, Chassiopeia Pyrah. The dispute enemy territory were really meetings with
crystalized once Pyrah demanded seats on elf paramours.
the council for both herself and the order’s At her execution, Pyrah recanted her
seneschal, Varanar Thane. signed confession. She underestimated
At the time, the Keyholders seemed Vermes, she said. She thought the arrest
unassailable. The order’s riders had a was a personal vendetta. By assuming all
reputation for personal integrity. Compared blame, she hoped to spare the other knights
with Vermes’s “less virtuous” approach to and preserve the Keyholders. She failed to
governance, there was a sharp contrast. see that Vermes wanted the entire order
Vermes did not tolerate the Keyholders’ dissolved, leaving no doubt as to who was in
demands. A group of demonmarked charge of the magocracy.
warriors and casters personally loyal to the “I lied and am undone by that lie,” she
exarch raided the Keyholders’ compound. said to the crowd. “But the greatest lie is
They arrested all the knights and confiscated that Keyholders aided the nation’s enemy.
the property. Under interrogation, Pyrah On the contrary, we faltered in the face of it
confessed to a series of crimes. The most and failed you, the people of Allain, by our
grievous admission was that the order’s inaction.”
good deeds were a cover for collusion with The other orders fell in line quickly.
the enemy. That included worshipping elven Vermes’s demonmarked patrol became a
gods, such as Charon, Yarila and Porevit, new military order known as the Dedicated,
and Sarastra. War trophies the order had the only Feywarden group devoted to
acquired in battle against the Arbonesse internal security.

When the Long Steel Line charges, observers LORESWORN LANCES
say it cuts through the enemy as clean as a
breeze on a crisp autumn morning. If any For purposes of guarding the Arbonesse,
order puts a premium on horsemanship over the Lances are considered a reserve unit. It
magic, it is most certainly the Defenders. maintains fresh horses and a rested brigade at
The order was founded by squire‑adepts in all times at its castle south of Tintager.
service to knights of the Keyholders. When The Lances are mostly concerned with
their masters were felled by a volley from missions into the goblin wastes. They have
elven archers, the youths jumped in the a reputation for fearlessness. In the past, the
empty saddles and charged as one across a Lancers were commissioned by archmages
muddy field. By the time they reached the to provide security while they investigated
line, their once‑white tabards were caked gray Dread Walker locations.
by the mud of the black soil. They
turned the tide of battle with their
courage and ferocity.
Despite their heroics, the
Keyholder’s seneschal refused to
promote the squire‑adepts. He
said their magical training was
incomplete. In protest, the
squires quit the order and
formed their own.
The Defenders’ current
grand master is the black-
eyed tiefling incantrix
Wahlburga, often called
the Unyielding. Unlike
the grand masters of
other orders who delegate
the task of battlefield
commander, she takes the
field. Her only concession
to field command is
to bear a staff of frost
instead of a lance. Her
personal crest—a
black horse
upon the
crimson star
of her tabard.

The Lances’ newfound purpose is also in In truth, the grand master is a halfling
the Wastes, devoted to tracking down and spellcaster, Toscas the Nightweaver, who
apprehending the renegade cleric Batzas hasn’t left the fortress in five decades.
Anthemius, fighting the forces of the goblin Instead of commanding armies in the field,
spiritual leader Tivishta Trinkinta, or tracking Toscas is preoccupied with personally
forces of the goblin warlord Braagezz. training war mages in combating the dark
The Lances employ a host of rangers and a mysteries of the void.
handful of druids. As anyone who has ridden The order is focused on void-spawned
on a Lances’ expedition can attest, the rangers threats, such as the Dread Walker
occupy the position of rugged, war-wise Y’gurdraketh. The order makes many
sergeants to the more refined and educated secret forays across the border to study this
war-mage officers. 100-foot-tall tentacled monstrosity.
War mages in the order are expected to The Starchargers have a curious standard,
cultivate their intellects. This reputation for fashioned after the Shield of Allain. However,
scholarship has produced some of the best only one star in the circle of nine on the
histories of the Great Mage Wars. The other midnight blue field is gold, the other eight
orders dislike the Loresworn Lances because are a dark gray.
their objective conclusions usually poke holes
in the more romantic histories the various SUCCOR OF IBIS
orders maintain about themselves.
Reasoner Grist, a human with Bourglund The Succor of Ibis is different in that it
roots, is the group’s grand master. Grist is promotes divine spellcasters within its ranks,
encouraging war mages to take spouses and an acknowledgement of the role clerics of
to start families. Grist believes that spousal Thoth-Hermes played in its founding.
bonds make for more determined knights. It is also different because the order only
initiates members who have been infected
LUMINOUS ORDER OF with a disease.
STARCHARGERS Calling themselves the Afflicted, these
warrior mages are also indoctrinated into the
Few orders are shrouded in secrecy to worship of Thoth-Hermes. In a strict sense,
the extent of the Luminous Order of all the warrior-mages thus become apostles
Starchargers. No visitors from outside of the Master of the Arcane Realms.
the order are permitted within the sleek They vow to assist any who require healing
stone walls of its fortress, situated on a ley for any diseases of the mind or body. Many
line northwest of Tintager, adjacent to the of their missions are those of hospitality.
Arbonesse Court of Roses. Clerics of any faith (not just Thoth-Hermes)
The one exception to this rule, apparently, who take vows to serve as battlefield healers
is the cantankerous human archmage Malkot are cherished.
Ebonstaff, who visits whenever “the stars are Sebni, a craggy-faced veteran campaigner,
in alignment.” Speculation has run rampant is the grand master. He is the grandson
that he is the grand master of the order, of Southlands immigrants, possessing an
the only leader of a martial order to have aptitude for abjuration magic. Influenced
a place on the Ninemage Council. Malkot by tales of his family’s homeland, he
makes vociferous his denials, which to the has introduced the use of camels as
conspiracy-minded of Allain only seems to supplementary mounts and is training
confirm their wild speculations. aerialists in the use of griffons and pegasi.

Part 3: Magic of
Most of its members are demonmarked. Each the War Mages
swears a personal oath of loyalty to Exarch A few examples of magic used by the war
Vermes II. mages:
All the other orders are united in their
loathing for members of the Dedicated, who COMMANDER’S PAVILION
enforce the tangled legal code that governs 3rd-level conjuration (ritual)
the magocracy. The Dedicated are not a police Casting Time: 1 action
force that regulates ordinary citizens however. Range: Touch
It is tasked with investigating infractions Components: V, S, M (a tassel from a tent and
among the martial orders. In particular, the a strip of cloth matching the commander’s
Dedicated takes note of the activities of the banner or uniform)
various grand masters. Duration: 24 hours
Dedicated soldiers reputedly receive Creates a command tent 30 feet by 30 feet
substandard training. The other orders with a peak height of 20 feet. It is filled with
consider it a nuisance, but one that cannot be items a military commander might require
underestimated. The fate of the Keyholders of a headquarters tent on a campaign, such
has never been forgotten. Still, most would as maps of the area, a spyglass, a sandglass,
prefer the Dedicated direct its considerable materials for correspondence, references
resources toward policing the border instead for coding and decoding messages, books
of other orders. on history and strategy relevant to the area,
Destrier Doyen Nybachus Fozreh is the banners, spare uniforms, and badges of rank.
order’s grand master. Fozreh’s title to the Such minor mundane items dissipate once the
contrary, the demonmarked warlock has spell’s effect ends.
never actually been seen astride a horse. His Recasting the spell on subsequent days
spellcasting range is not great, but the spells he maintains the existing tent for another 24
does cast are delivered with great potency. hours.

FEATHER FIELD The spell creates a cloud of words in the
1st-level abjuration caster’s mind, assigning relevance to them.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take Selecting the correct word or phrase is not
when you are hit by a ranged attack by a foolproof, but you can make an educated
magical weapon or targeted by an Elvish guess.
Veteran Archer’s Volley You make a Wisdom (Perception) check
Range: Self against the target person’s Wisdom score (DC
Components: V, S, M (fletching from an 10, if not specified) to successfully pick the
arrow) key word or phrase.
Duration: 1 round
A magical barrier of chaff in the form of Ley Line Fuse Trap
feathers appears and protects you. Until the Simple trap (level 5 to 10), dangerous threat
start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus A mage who can cast a ley energy bolt at 4th
to AC against ranged attacks by magical level or higher can set a booby trap of knotted
weapons or weapons whose ranged attacks are ley line energy along a known ley line.
considered magical, such as volley attacks by Trigger. Any spellcaster who attempts to tap
an elvish veteran archers or deathsworn elves*. or harness a ley line’s energy within 6 miles of
At Higher Levels. When you cast feather field the trap triggers the fuse, which comes back in
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the 1d6 rounds.
duration is increased by 1 round for each Effect. A 60-foot cube of ley energy erupts
level. around the original caster. Each creature in
*The elvish veteran archer is an NPC creature the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
from Tome of Beasts; the deathsworn elf is a throw, taking 6d8 damage on a failed save or
creature from Creature Codex. half as much on a successful save.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a
5th-level conjuration
disruption in the ley field. A successful DC
Casting Time: 10 minutes
15 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the
Range: 60 feet
magical nature of the trap. A successful dispel
Components: V, S, M (a flour sifter)
magic (DC 15) or successful ley disruption
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
spell cast on the ley line destroys the trap.
You sift the surrounding air for sound wave
Special. Casting ley sense does not reveal the
remnants of recent conversations to discern
fuse trap, only the presence of a ley line.
passwords or other important information
gleaned from a conversation, such as by
Author’s Note: Special thanks to Ben
guards on a picket line.
McFarland, who served as a sounding board
for discussing war mage magic.

by Jon Sawatsky

I nfernist, madman, binder, crackpot, genius,

saint: all these titles and more were set
upon the shoulders of Arshin, legendary
far from cold and rooty; instead, cheery vistas
spring into being as one travels from chamber
to chamber. The enchanted pigments Arshin
enchanter of the Winewood. Here, in your created to construct these living paintings
hands, is a tome containing information on are the prized possession of any artist lucky
the man, his followers, and his great works enough to find them.
of magic. Though we concern ourselves here The woods around the enchanter’s residence
with his most famous creations, the prolific have been transformed by the constant
magic tamer produced countless strange and exposure to magic. The night flowers cast
wondrous treasures throughout his lifetime. a dim light when they bloom, illuminating
Your adventurers might unknowingly possess the trees in blue and violet hues. Insects
one of his works at this very moment! Best with sparking wings flit audibly through the
to bargain in good faith with the enigmatic undergrowth and rare beetles capable of
Seekers should they come to claim it . . . telekinesis weave living branches into nests
high in the canopy. Fey creatures are drawn
Arshin of Winewood to the Winewood, a fact that the keepers of
Arshin’s estate use to their advantage as their
The old enchanter is dead, his remains
master did before them.
entombed at the site of his workshop and
Though the man has passed on, his works
home in the fantastical forest known as the
persist, plotting their own courses through the
Winewood. While his followers, the obsessive
world. Some of his objects serve as heirlooms
Devotees of Arshin, remember the man for
and status symbols while others remain lost
his wisdom and humor, his true legacy is the
in the shadowy places of the world. A lucky
assortment of magical objects he created over
few have even found his creations in markets,
his lifetime. A few of these Devotees have
hiding in plain sight beside mundane urns
taken up residence in his workshop, keeping it
and pitted blades.
clean and preserved—precisely as Arshin left
it when he died.
The entrance to the workshop is built Devotees of Arshin
into the base of a mammoth tree stump Devotees of Arshin are best described as
surrounded by a labyrinthine, stone maze. ardent fans of the enchanter’s work. Why
The underground rooms of his residence are some women and men become so obsessed is

unknown. Some claim it’s a kind of madness,
a prospector’s fever that sets in and doesn’t
As Villains
Devotees of Arshin can be presented as a
let go. Devotees are loosely divided into two
nefarious organization willing to do anything
factions: those who tend his estate, protecting
to recover its patron’s powerful objects. The
its walls and contents, and those who scour
Winewood is a twisting and perilous place,
the world in search of his lost works. The
filled with sharp-toothed fey and beasts
former call themselves the Keepers, and like
bristling with dangerous magic. Neutral
monks in a monastery, their travels beyond
evil devotees dislike outsiders, who they
the Winewood are few. They live among the
believe come to steal their treasure and delay
magic-infused trees and commune with the
their ultimate end: to resurrect Arshin as a
fey things that dwell in the forest. The latter
powerful lich. The Seekers act as burglars,
are known as the Seekers, and they travel to
assassins, and extortionists, hunting down
the ends of the world and beyond to reclaim
their lost treasures with no regard for the lives
the enchanter’s treasures. They believe their
of those in their way. As villains, devotees
task is above most laws and employ whatever
are a cunning cult whose stronghold is the
tactic necessary to secure Arshin’s works.
workshop and estate of their late master.
The Seekers bring their recovered items back
to the Keepers, who stash them away in vaults
hidden throughout the Winewood. These
NE or NG humanoid (any race, size varies)
troves draw greedy explorers and curious
Armor Class 13 (studded leather)
adventurers alike into the forest, most of Hit Points 55 (11d8)
whom are never heard from again. Speed 30 ft. (varies by race)


14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
10 (+0) 11 (+0)
Devotees of Arshin can be molded into a
neutral good organization that is obsessively
Skills Arcana +5
dedicated to the enchanter, his workshop, Senses varies by race, passive Perception 12
and his works. They may welcome travelers to Languages Common, Draconic or Sylvan (see
small outposts in the Winewood where they below)
trade the non-Arshin-made wondrous items Challenge 1 (200 XP)
the Seekers have collected in their travels.
They may lend or even grant one of Arshin’s Focus Bearer. The devotee carries and is attuned
magical items to those opposing great evil. to an enchanted focus which grants the devotee
access to three cantrips. The chosen cantrips
They might hire stalwart adventurers to
can come from a single spell list or a mix of any
deal with threats to the forest or to embark
three. The spells are cast innately (spell save DC
on a dangerous quest to recover one of the 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks), requiring only
enchanter’s treasures. As allies and pro- verbal components. The focus can be any small
social NPCs, devotees behave like a high- object such as a ring, carved figurine, or polished
functioning cult—dedicated to their dead stone. Only the devotee can attune to the focus
patron but not outwardly violent as they carry and use its power.
We Serve in Different Ways. Each devotee
out their business. As allies to the good folk
represents one of two archetypes. Choose one of
of the world, devotees venerate Arshin and the following traits:
believe that his magic brings light and wonder • Keeper. Three times per day when making a
to the world. spell attack, the devotee gains advantage on
the attack . Additionally, the devotee receives

a +4 bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and The Dirgeblade is an exquisitely crafted
gains Sylvan as a bonus language. rapier set in a silver and leather scabbard.
• Seeker. The devotee gains +10 ft. to its speed, The blade glows a faint stormy blue and is
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and
encircled by swirling wisps of clouds.
a +4 bonus on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
The devotee also gains Draconic as a bonus
language. DIRGEBLADE
Weapon (rapier), legendary
(requires attunement by a bard)
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+3) slashing You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage
damage. rolls made with this magic weapon.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, This weapon, when unsheathed, sheds
range 100/400, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+2) dim blue light in a 20-ft. radius around you.
piercing damage.
When you hit a creature with it, you may use
your bardic inspiration to impart a sense of
Ten Legendary Magical Items overwhelming grief in the target. A creature
Arshin kept very busy making magic items, affected by this grief must succeed on a DC
and a few are described below. 15 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone and
become incapacitated by sadness until the
WEAPONS end of its next turn. Once a month under an
open sky, you can use a bonus action to speak
Nothing was requested of Arshin more than this magic sword’s command word, causing
weapons. it to sing the “Dirge of Maethan Mar.” This
dirge conjures heavy rain (or snow in freezing
Dirgeblade temperatures) in the region for 2d6 hours.
When the elven poet and singer Maethan The precipitation falls in an X-mile radius
Mar died, the forest he called home sang around you, where X is equal to your level.
a sonorous song. The trees, animals, and
undergrowth all joined to mark the passing Ruby Crusher
of a legend. The strange song, resonating The Peak Walkers lived on a mountain above
for hundreds of miles, burned itself into a heavily populated valley for generations. In
the memories of all who heard it. Arshin of that time, their warriors repelled orc hordes,
Winewood was among those moved by the foreign armies, and all manner of beasts. They
melody and set out to create a blade inspired never demanded payment, despite the history
by its notes. of losses the clan experienced as the valley’s
Upon completion of his work, Arshin unofficial protectors.
brought the blade to the elves of the forest When word of the barbarians’ battles against
who still mourned for Maethan. He presented a force of invading stone giants reached the
the blade to them as a gift and demonstrated valley, the villages pooled their meager coin
its unique property: the forest’s song could and commissioned a gift for Chieftain Yellow
be summoned from within the blade. When Wolf: a massive warclub made from small, cut
the elves heard the blade sing, they wept, rubies by the powerful enchanter Arshin of
collecting their tears in clay vessels. Arshin Winewood. Yellow Wolf invoked the magic
then reforged the sword and cooled it with of the club in a massive bonfire and led her
the tears, adding the elves’ sadness to the warriors to victory against the giants. It is said
blade’s power. the club struck with such force that the limbs

of its victims flew off the mountain and rained Venika Harc, the young daughter of a noble
on the valley below. house of Ollomar planned an expedition
The Ruby Crusher is a greatclub made into the city. She knew it crawled with the
entirely of fused rubies with a grip wrapped in unsettled spirits of slain citizens and the
manticore hide. A roaring fire burns behind heartless ghouls from the nearby dusty plains.
its smooth facets. So the rich and brave Venika commissioned
Arshin of Winewood to craft her a magical
RUBY CRUSHER suit of armor to protect her from the cries and
Weapon (greatclub), legendary claws of the undead.
(requires attunement by a creature with 16 or He made her a glittering suit of chainmail
higher Strength) imbued with the restorative magic of a healing
spring. Venika wore the Fountmail as she
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage
led her expedition into her lost homeland—
rolls made with this magic weapon.
though in the end, she and her men never
You can use a bonus action to speak this
greatclub’s command word, causing it to be
The Fountmail is a dazzling white suit of
engulfed in flame, casting bright light in a
chainmail with an alabaster-colored steel
30-ft. radius and dim light for an additional
collar that covers part of the face.
30 ft. While aflame, it deals fire damage. You
may end this effect at any time. When you hit
a creature of Large size or greater with this
greatclub, the creature must succeed on a DC Armor (chainmail), legendary
16 Constitution saving throw or be knocked (requires attunement)
30 ft. away from you. If the creature strikes an You gain a +3 bonus to AC while you wear
obstacle during this movement, it takes 1d6 this armor. Additionally, you gain the
bludgeoning damage for each 10 ft. traveled following benefits:
before hitting the obstacle. • You add your Strength and Wisdom
modifiers in addition to your Constitution
ARMOR modifier on all rolls when spending HD to
recover hit points.
Wherever weapons are valued, a need for • You have immunity to the frightened
armor arises. condition.
• You have resistance to necrotic damage.
The once great human city of Ollomar The Smoking Plate of Heithmir
fell to darkness and ruin in the wake of a Heithmir the Red built a stronghold in a
difficult war. The city was abandoned by the frozen hell where a howling wind carried
survivors—replaced by shadows that crept the mad gibbering of the damned. Its stone
in from the nearby wastes. The communities walls, doubly thick, served his champions
around the city also shrank as the wicked well as they waged war against a frigid evil.
things that called the city’s ruins home sought A magical doorway whose limits bridged the
to expand their terrible territory. The region infernal world and his own sat in the heart of
tumbled into evil, and all good-natured the stronghold.
creatures fled. Years passed, and no one Heated by magical fire, Heithmir’s armor
ventured into that place. protected him from the deadly cold of his
enemy’s domain. A fierce dwarf visage, its

beard made from rising smoke, was carved WONDROUS ITEMS
in relief on the pauldrons. This smoldering
plate was crafted by none other than Arshin It was wondrous items, though, whose
of Winewood. creation Arshin found most fulfilling.
It is said that Arshin learned much of Arshin’s Buckle of Blasting
elemental magic in the frozen planes of Hell
The famous halfling bard Nels Lowhill was
assisting Heithmir during the dwarf warlord’s
well known for his obscene limericks and
campaign. Though Heithmir’s fortress fell
bawdy songs featuring the relatives of elected
in the end, the dwarves, aided by the great
officials, bureaucrats, tyrants, and priests. He
enchanter, dealt heavy blows to the armies of
was well-loved by common folk and roundly
Hell. The armor and its bearer disappeared in
despised by most institutions and nobilities.
the final battle, and the Smoking Plate was not
Nels often found himself in prison cells
seen again. or dungeons because of his commentary
The Smoking Plate of Heithmir is a suit of and required a surefire means of escape. He
soot‑colored plate armor with grim dwarf turned to Arshin of Winewood for a solution.
visages on the pauldrons. The pauldrons emit The enchanter set to work on a magical belt
curling smoke and are hot to touch. buckle that could detonate in a focused wave,
shattering restraints and bending bars.
The Buckle of Blasting is a soot-colored steel
Armor (platemail), legendary buckle with an exploding flame etched into its
(requires attunement) surface. It can be affixed to any common belt.
You gain a +3 bonus to AC and are resistant
to cold damage while wearing this armor. BUCKLE OF BLASTING
Additionally, when you are struck by an Wondrous item (belt), legendary
attack, you may use your reaction to fill a (requires attunement)
20-ft. cone in front of you with heavy smoke. While wearing this belt, you gain resistance
In addition to the normal penalties applied to force damage. In addition, the buckle has
from being in a heavily obscured area, 5 charges and it regains 1d3 charges daily
creatures that start or end their turn in the at dusk. As an action, you may spend 1 or 2
smoke must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution charges to cause one of the following effects:
saving throw or be poisoned for 1d4 rounds. Illuminate (1 charge). The buckle sheds
The cloud disperses after 2d4 minutes. A warm, bright light in a 10-ft. radius and
moderate wind (11–20 miles per hour) can dim light for an additional 10 ft. centered
also disperse the smoke after 1 minute, and on you. The light lasts for 1 hour, though
a strong wind (21 or more miles per hour) you may extinguish it at any time.
can do so after 1 round. Once expended, this Blast (2 charges). Each creature in a 20-ft.
property of the armor cannot be used again cone in front of you must make a DC 15
until the next dawn. Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
a creature takes 4d6 force damage and is
pushed 10 ft. away from you, taking 1d6
bludgeoning damage if it strikes a solid
object. On a successful save, a creature
takes half damage and is not pushed.
The blast deals triple damage to objects
and structures and ignores damage
thresholds of 10 or lower.

Flask of Epiphanies The Grasping Cap
It is no secret that Arshin of Winewood The Sorcerers of Foull were nearly wiped
enjoyed his drink. The enchanter kept a large out by their feud with a vicious mercenary
cellar of wines, spirits, and kegs of ale. He company known as the Tossed Flail. The
had custom racks made for the strange and mercenaries excelled at luring the sorcerers
exotic bottles gathered on his wanderings into challenging tactical positions where
across the planes. the grinning wardogs pinned their magic-
Arshin crafted several magical flasks in wielding nemeses with crossbow bolts. The
which he stored some of the rare and exotic leader of the sorcerers, Lonius Foull, was as
spirits from his collection. After selling and mean as he was cunning. However, his temper
gifting several enchanted flasks, Arshin led him and his followers through a series of
discovered that the alcohol and the magic rash decisions as he refused to let the Tossed
sometimes interacted in surprising ways. One Flail’s taunts go unanswered.
such flask caused him to spend an evening With morale falling faster than his minions,
lost in the Winewood, blinded by magical the master sorcerer turned to Arshin of
epiphanies. Winewood to devise some object that
The Flask of Epiphanies is a silver and cherry might protect the sorcerers from the Tossed
wood flask with finely cut garnets on its faces. Flail’s crossbows without hindering their
spellcasting. Arshin was nearly roasted
FLASK OF EPIPHANIES alive when he jokingly suggested Lonius try
Wondrous item, legendary “restraint” but ceased his jokes after Lonius
(requires attunement) offered him a large sum of gold to solve the
This ornate flask contains 5 ounces of
Arshin experimented with all kinds of
powerful alcoholic spirits. As an action,
clothing but in the end settled on a simple
you can drink up to 5 ounces of the flask’s
hat. The unassuming cap left Lonius skeptical.
contents. You can drink 1 ounce without risk
of intoxication. When you drink more than
1 ounce of the spirits in 1 action, you must
make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
(this DC increases by 1 for each ounce you
imbibe after the second to a maximum
of DC 15). On a failed save, you are
incapacitated for 1d4 hours and
gain no benefits from consuming
the alcohol. For each ounce
consumed, you gain 1
Intelligence or 1 Wisdom
(your choice). You lose 1
Dexterity for each ability
point gained this way.
The effect lasts for one hour.
During this time, you gain advantage
on all Intelligence (Arcana) and Wisdom
(Religion) checks. The flask replenishes 1d2
ounces of spirits daily at dawn.

Standing by the strength of his craft, Arshin enchanted lens from the recovered treasures
agreed to fight the Tossed Flail alongside the in the ruins.
Sorcerers of Foull. The cap proved its worth The lenses are rainbow-hued and protected
tenfold when it caught dozens of bolts and by a leather case.
illuminated the attackers for the sorcerers
to easily dispatch. Lonius accepted the cap MOONFIELD LENS
after the first battle and, with it, prevented the Wondrous item, legendary
destruction of his band of sorcerers. (requires attunement)
The Grasping Cap is a simple blue silk hat This lens has 4 charges and it regains 1d3
with a goose feather trim. expended charges daily at dawn. As an action,
you can hold the lens to your eye, speak its
command word and expend 2 charges to
Wondrous item (cap), legendary cause one of the following effects:
(requires attunement) • Find Loved One (2 charges). You know
While wearing this cap, you gain advantage the precise location of one creature you
on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to love (platonic, familial, or romantic). This
climb, and the cap deflects the first ranged knowledge extends into other planes.
attack or ranged spell attack made against • True Path (2 charges). For 1 hour, you
you each round. Additionally, the attacking automatically succeed on all Wisdom
creature sheds dim red-hued light in a 50-ft. (Survival) checks to navigate in the
radius until the end of its next turn. Attacks wild. If you are underground, you
made against the illuminated creature have automatically know the most direct route
advantage. to reach the surface.

Moonfield Lens Scorpion Feet

Untin and Yeoma were lovers. They lived in In the far South, a great desert birthed a
different villages, separated by a great open divine queen, Joisi of Sothe, who united the
plain known as the Moonfields. One night wandering tribes in the Hall of Blue Scarabs
during the bi-annual meeting of the two and grew Lake Tuo from a weedy oasis. She
villages, the young men stole away to be alone drove the Ancient Crawler into the sea and
in the old ruins in the sandy region of the built spires of brilliant sandstone that shone
fields. Yeoma wanted to show Untin an intact, like the sun. Her descendants ruled the desert
underground chamber he had discovered that for hundreds of years, and its people knew
was filled with colored lenses of all shapes prosperity, light, and knowledge to rival the
and sizes. As the pair traversed the precarious greatest empires of history. What brought
passages into the undamaged chamber, Untin the dynasty to an end is not known, but the
set off an ancient trap, collapsing the hall magic, people, and stories of the Hall of Blue
behind them and sealing them in the ruins. Scarabs were all but lost.
Above, their families scoured the ruins, Arshin of Winewood once led an expedition
knowing Yeoma frequented the place, but into the black sands of Morneed, where the
failed to find them. The grieving families tombs of the forgotten queens lay waiting, in
returned to their villages and sent for Arshin, search of the legendary blue scarab carapaces
whose scrying skills were second only to his from Queen Joisi’s famed hall. For each brave
enchanting. He managed to locate Yeoma and soul who joined him, Arshin made a magical
Untin and a large excavation took place to pair of sandals—Scorpion Feet, he called
free them. Arshin made each young man an them. Arshin spoke little of his time in that

desert, but before his death, he was often seen INTERPLANAR PAINT
speaking quietly to a small scarab figurine.
Potion, legendary
The Scorpion Feet are thick-soled, leather
sandals coated in magical wax. They can form This tarry unguent can be used to paint a single
to any humanoid foot. black doorway. While painting, you must
concentrate on a plane of existence other than
SCORPION FEET the one you currently occupy. If you are not
Wondrous item (sandals), legendary (requires interrupted, the doorway can be painted in 5
attunement) minutes. Once completed, the painting opens
a two-way portal to the plane you imagined.
These leather sandals offer comfortable and The doorway is mirrored on the other plane,
safe passage across shifting sands. While you often appearing on a rocky face or the wall of a
wear them, you gain the following benefits: building. The doorway lasts for 1 week or until
• You ignore difficult terrain created by 5 gallons of silvered water (2,000 gp worth of
sand. silver) is applied to one side of the door.
• You gain advantage on all ability checks
against natural hazards where sand is a
threatening element. ARTIFACT
• You gain resistance to poison damage
And then there are those items—artifacts—
and advantage on saving throws against
that would keep Arshin cloistered away for
being poisoned.
many months at a time.
• Your steps made in sandy terrain do not
leave tracks. Arshin’s Calipers
Forged by secret smiths in the Erngard
MISCELLANEOUS Mountains and coated with pure diamond
dust, these magical calipers were one of
Many of Arshin’s creations grew from a Arshin’s primary enchanting tools. Equally
specific need. able to measure the quality of magic and the
convictions of a sentient being, the calipers
Arshin’s Interplanar Paint
were used to imbue countless objects with
The Winewood houses a variety of hidden focused magic. The great enchanter carried the
doors: mundane, magical, and a few that are calipers on his person at all times and was even
something a little more. In the deep woods, rumored to have bathed with them hanging
doors are painted onto the rocky faces of from a thick platinum and adamantium chain
sheltered outcroppings—doors to places around his waist.
beyond the trees. Upon his death, the calipers were taken
Arshin’s Interplanar Paint is a black, tarry and hidden by his most devout Keepers,
substance that can be brushed onto a flat who buried them deep in the caves beneath
surface. A pot contains enough paint to the Winewood. There, they are guarded
create one doorway. by fearsome beasts, bound to the task of
protecting the powerful calipers, for if they
fell into the wrong hands, the world would be
altered forever.
Arshin’s Calipers are a small measuring tool
made from silver and steel and coated with
diamond dust.

ARSHIN’S CALIPERS Static. The calipers emit a low level of
Wondrous item (tool), artifact magical static that may, over time, affect
(requires attunement by a creature with your spells. When preparing spells for
the ability to prepare and cast non-cantrip the day, you must succeed on a DC 10
arcane spells) Intelligence saving throw or have 1d4 of
your prepared spells switched with other
Brilliance. Your Intelligence score become
spells you know. The switched spells are
20 unless it is already 20 or higher.
chosen randomly or by the GM. Each
Secrets of the Arcane. You gain advantage time you succeed on this saving throw,
on all Intelligence (Arcana) checks. the DC increases by 2 the next time you
Additionally, you can sense the presence prepare spells. Failing the saving throw
of magic within 30 feet of you. This resets the save DC to 10.
functions like detect magic.
Destroying the Calipers. The only way
Measure Magic. You may examine any to destroy Arshin’s Calipers is to bathe
magical item or object for one minute them in the blood of a freshly slain,
to fully apprehend its magical abilities, 200-year-old beholder’s central eye.
powers, and nature. When using the
calipers in this way, you do not need
to attune yourself to a magical item to
learn its properties; however, you must
take a physical reading of the object
with the calipers.
Measure Soul. You may observe any
creature, uninterrupted, for 1 minute
to learn their alignment and their true
feelings toward you. The observation
must take place within 100 ft. of the
Arshin Weaving. You may use the
calipers to affect nearby spells.
As a reaction to a spell being
cast within 60 ft. of you, you
may choose to have that
spell’s caster gain advantage
or disadvantage if the
spell requires an attack
roll. As a reaction to
a creature making a
saving throw against
a spell being cast
within 60 ft. of you,
you may choose to
have that saving throw
made with advantage or

by Troy E. Taylor with Ben McFarland

F inding the archmage Enkada Pishtuhk

is not the difficult part. Discovering his
peculiar desires, however, is fraught with
like this one who barter in information. Then,
my master Pishtuhk might entreat with you.
Come to Pah’draguushlai in the Wasted West.
danger and mystery. But don’t come empty handed. And mind
Adventurers often make their first inquiry your manners.”
at key locations throughout Midgard, say at a The shadow evaporates with a menacing
market stall behind the red door in Bemmea, laugh.
deep within a vault of the Great Library
of Friula, or at an open-air booth during
Zobeck’s midsummer fair.
An Appetite for the Exotic
“We seek a powerful boon. How can I appease Enkada Pishtuhk’s tastes in food and fashion
the wizard, Enkada Pishtuhk, the one they call are unusual. Offering such is one of the
Treachery’s Rider?” few ways aspiring adventurers might be
Sometimes the adventurer uses the word permitted within the archmage’s presence.
“impress,” sometimes it’s “bargain with,” Here are a few.
“coerce,” or “ingratiate.” The question varies, Jellied Eyeballs of Bemmea: Fishing boats
but the reaction is nearly always the same. venturing into the vast Western Ocean often
The person, be it merchant, sage, or mystic, return to Bemmea with tuna whose eyeballs
shudders and winces, squeezing his or her are boiled for the discerning diner. The
eyes shut at the utterance of the mage’s name. wizard always accepts tuna eyeballs, but he
They glance furtively aside or tentatively prefers those of goblin sharks (see Midgard
down at their feet, not daring to breathe. Just Bestiary) instead. The aquatic shark-shaped
when they think it’s safe to exhale a sigh of goblins hunt among the ruins of the sunken
relief, they see it, just out of the corner of their Arcane Armada in the shallows off Bemmea.
eye. The shadow of the mage! Clawed hands Taking the eyeballs while they are in shark
rise menacingly from the ethereal form and form is best.
yellowed eyes dart about, fixed on the identity To truly tempt Enkada, adventurers might
of the speaker. gift him with a lesser wizard’s oculo swarm
“Appease my master?” says the shadow in (see Tome of Beasts). Bemmean wizards
a voice deep like an underground river and employ these creatures as truth detectors
smooth like bourbon. “You must satisfy one during intense negotiations. Enkada,
of his appetites. They are well-known to folk however, relishes the thought of depriving

another, lesser wizard of their eyeball Triolo’s Twin Offerings: Enkada’s links to
servants, especially when it is served on a the shore city of Triolo are shrouded in a
platter with noodles. shadowy past, but there is no denying his
Scented Cones of the Southlands: It is affection for two of its particular attractions.
the fashion of high-born lords and ladies In the Quays district, they proudly proclaim
of Nuria Natal in the Southlands to adorn they don’t keep goats nor do they make goat
themselves with scented cones of wax or cheese, like their rivals in Savoyne. Rather,
resin—as they melt in the tropical clime, they they take Savoyne cheese and make it better.
emit a pleasing fragrance. As both wizard and
alchemist, the making of scented cones is no
secret to Enkada.
But having cones that are filled with the
heady scents of the river kingdom are prized.
Most of all, though, Enkada wants those
crafted by priests of Bastet, the Queen of
Perfumes, for they carry the pleasing and
unique fragrance of wild desert flowers.
While Enkada doesn’t intend to wear them
as a deodorant, the cones can be employed as
air fresheners in his sanctuary, to counteract
the ancient and
mold-like stench
of the Walker.
The cones can
be obtained from
any market in Per-Bastet’s
Perfume District. The trick is transporting
them all the way into the Wasted
West without them melting.
Strangely, Enkada cares
nothing for the perfumes of
Bourgund, which is closer
and would be easier to obtain.
In fact, he will outright
refuse any perfumes that are
manufactured there. Nor does he want
a magical effect mimicking the scent.
The wizard believes the authentic
cones superior to any magic,
and thus far, he has been
able to spot forgeries.

The cheese is imported from Gold Coast Honey Mead of Bjeornshafen: Enkada rarely
ports or from merchant trains that cross partakes in strong drink, but he finds the
the highlands that bisect the peninsula. The honey mead of the Bear Kingdom agreeable to
process is not for the fainthearted, however. his palate. Though many trade routes lead to
The cheese is laid out so that flies will lay the city ruled by the werebear druid Yohana
their eggs upon it. In time, those maggots will Honeyhair, the journey across the North Sea
make it their home, secreting fats and oils can be treacherous and time-consuming.
and fermenting the cheese until it gains its Despite its reputation as an excellent portage
distinctive flavor. ale, keeping the mead from spoiling during a
And from the Spider’s Shrine of Archae are journey across the Wastes still requires some
“fate scarves” woven of the finest spider’s silk. inventiveness on the part of the adventurers
These items, embroidered with the words of a as it is quite sensitive to heat and extraplanar
foretelling are made especially for Enkada as storage gives it a spoiled flavor. Adventurers
if there were a spiritual connection between will know if Enkada finds the gift to his liking
the priestess of the spinning goddess Ariadne should he offer a round to all in attendance.
and the renegade wizard. Strangely, the silk House Kot: Enkada would not be satisfied
scarves will be bundled for transport when with a simple house cat as a pet. But getting
adventurers arrive as if they were expected. a kot bayun would fulfill many longstanding
Lorebooks of the Elves and the Elfmarked: desires beyond companionship. Obtaining a
For reasons unknown, Enkada is ravenous for kot bayun from the Arbonesse or Tomierran
lorebooks of history and magic concerning forests well‑versed in elven folk poems
Elfheim, the Archon’s Court, and the lands and fey‑inspired epics would exceed even
governed by the Grand Duchy of Dornig. Enkada’s expectations, perhaps aiding his
He also is fascinated by songbooks, the few research into elf lore. In this case, he might
that exist, from the elfmarked lands. Not even express a feeling of indebtedness to the
surprisingly, the inward-looking inhabitants aspiring adventurers. Enkada’s inscrutable
of Dornig follow the imperatrix’s example nature rivals even Baba Yaga and makes it
and jealously guard such repositories of difficult to know whether his sincerity is
knowledge and are loathe to see them leave genuine, though.
the duchy. Any such items smuggled out are
viewed by Enkada with a deep appreciation.
He has no qualms about copies made in his
The Boons of
presence by those willing to risk staying in a
Enkada Pishtuhk
remote, isolated cavern scriptorium hidden Adventurers have sought out Enkada—he
deep in the Wastes. Such supplicants are has lived for several centuries—for both
responsible for their own food and drink information and powerful magic items. Even
while copying the texts and must submit to if most of his time upon Midgard has been
magical geas ensuring their true and accurate spent as a pariah in the aftermath of the
transcription. They are also responsible for Great Mage Wars, there is no denying his
returning the originals, which may carry its intelligence, arcane power, and command of
own risks. He prefers to keep the originals as ancient lore.
they occasionally contain hidden messages or Only a few items are actually kept in
elements. Enkada’s sanctuary. Most are stored in caches
across the Wasted West. Even obtaining them
with Enkada’s blessing might entail some risk

as he seldom remembers to mention where he Despite his intimidating magical shadow
placed particular wards, traps, and monstrous and his reputation for treachery, the part of
guardians to protect the items. his personality that demands proper etiquette
For those seeking particular answers, requires him to prepare his sanctuary for
locations, or other intangible benefits, Enkada visitors. That means crafting an appearance
often provides very precise answers, which that matches their expectations or at least
leave out details or answer the very letter of satisfies his obligation as host to offer a space
the question. This can be frustrating, but he visually pleasing and welcoming.
is willing to entertain multiple questions if Adventurers variously describe the cozy
the gift is sufficient and often allows a single cluttered laboratory one might expect of an
exception to a particularly polite solicitor. archmage, a starkly clean (antiseptic even)
room of white with sharp lines, a hammock
1 Poison: Midnight Tears
constructed of spidery webbing stretching out
2 Poison: Wyvern in all directions from a central throne in the
3 Poison: Purple worm center, a library of shelves stuffed full of books
4 Periapt of Health extending out beyond the range of vision and
far larger on the inside than it could possibly
5 Portable Hole
be, to even a rickety treehouse of a structure
6 Arrow of Slaying of thin slatted boards adorned with luxury
7 Wand of Web items from across Midgard that creaks, sags,
and shifts in the winds of the waste.
8 Wand of Wonder
Through the veil of illusion there might
9 Cloak of Arachnida be hints, however, to the distasteful, even
10 Gloves of Missile Snaring ominous, aspects of the actual surroundings.
11 Ring of Free Action Is that curtain cord a webbing strand of
some aspect of Pah’draguushlai? Is that soft
12 Slippers of Spider Climbing
cushion somehow pulsing and throbbing as
13 Shield of Missile Attraction if it were alive? Are those sparkling, magical
14 Decanter of endless water motes actually a swarm of red-banded line
spiders skittering across the room (see Tome
15 Scroll of Guards and Wards
of Beasts)? That frigid yet invisible caress that
16 Scroll of Web brought about a deep sense of mindbending
17 Rod of Alertness unease—was it a figment of your imagination
18 Periapt of Proof against Poison or were the tendrils of a voidling hovering
hungrily nearby (see Tome of Beasts)?
19 Figurine of Wondrous Power Regardless, meeting Enkada comes with its
(Marble Elephant) own share of anxieties and nervous moments.
20 Staff of the Magi Yet as a stickler for good manners, his diction
is perfect and his own actions impeccable.
Sanctuary of Expectations “Now, what can I tempt you with, my good
friends? Wine? Tea? Perhaps a nice cup of cool
Few know the true form of Enkada’s
crystal water from this decanter? Be at ease . . .”
sanctuary that hangs from the Walker, save
He pauses and offers a half-smile, a knowing
for the most powerful wizards capable of
expression with a hint of menace behind it.
piercing the veil of his illusions.
“And tell me what brings you to my
sanctuary in the waste.”

by Wolfgang Baur

B lood magic is widespread in Midgard

and quite difficult to root out once its
adherents gain positions of power. All those
Reth-Sal and to the elf city of Sephaya and its
surrounding fragrant gardens. It was long an
independent city on the Ruby Sea, home to
who oppose them tend to die of hideous ogres, gnolls, and human slaves and devoted
diseases or swift-acting poisons. Of the many to the praise of the Hunter, the blood goddess
cults that use blood magic, the best known Marena, V’ashra the Tormentor, and similar
might be the followers of the Sanguine Path, dark gods.
and among wizards, many follow in the vile While many cults use blood magic, the city
footsteps of Taergash the Bloodpurger. makes a public display of its allegiance to
However, two places in Midgard always these powers with daily offerings of fine oxen
spring to mind when blood magic is and cattle and monthly displays of human,
discussed: the vampire-ruled lands of Morgau goblin, and gnoll sacrifices, overseen by one
and the ogre stronghold of Kaa’nesh on the or another of the blood mages. The hunt and
Ruby Sea (a holding of the Mharoti Empire the kill are present in most of the sacrifices
that provides the dragon folk with dependably in abbreviated form with the animal briefly
strong and dependably stupid ogres for its “chased” by a priest and a humanoid victim
armies). Their Red Hand ogres make excellent freed from their bonds for a moment, the
shock troops—and their tactical sense and better to please the Hunter and fulfill his
arcane power are quite sharp, directed by the mission of winnowing out the weakest and
Scarlet Heirophant Galusid and the members strengthening the strong.
of the alliance of blood mages of Kaa’nesh
called the Hunter’s Chosen. Variant: Red Hand Ogres (+1 CR)
Ogres of Kaa’nesh are often tattooed in
The Hunter and Blood Magic red swirling patterns, enchanted with what
The origins of Kaa’nesh are thought to date the ogres call the Red Hands. When they
to a time when the Ebon Flame of Beldestan strike a foe with a melee attack, they gain hit
burned bright, before the rise of Mharot’s points equal to half the damage they cause
children to their great empire. It may have as they drain strength from their foes. A
been a colony of Beldestani merchants, creature struck by a Red Hand ogre cannot be
providing a port to the west connected to magically healed until after a short rest.

Galusid, the Scarlet Heirophant commands the Hunter’s Company, a group of
50 blood mages. This thoroughly blood-soaked
The Scarlet Heirophant Galusid (LE male
company of humans, gnolls, and goblins, with
human wizard [blood mage] 12) is the arcane
a handful of kobolds, constantly enhances
and spiritual leader of the blood mages of
their magic by drawing poison and disease
Kaa’nesh, and he commands complete loyalty
from the blood of victims and spreading it
and obedience from the city’s inhabitants.
to others. All members of the Company are
Physically, he is not deeply imposing:
sworn to serve Mharot and the timarli of
Galusid is a short man of about 40 years with
Kalpostan directly, rather than the Dread
tattooed forearms and a quick way with a
Sultan in distant Kalpostan. They often go
knife or wand. Black hair and sharp eyes, his
raiding on the Rothenian Plain for centaurs to
somewhat bulging potbelly belies speed and a
drag as sacrifices to the Hunter’s altar.
high degree of toughness and cruelty.
In arcane terms, Galusid is a terror, for he

by Troy E. Taylor

I’ve watched Gispara Ravensbark cast spells on several occasions, and I’ve never ceased to
be amazed. The ancient gnome is almost nonchalant as she assumes a well-practiced stance,
platinum ankh gently cradled in her left hand, her arm swinging loosely at her side.
There’s a devilish twinkle in her eyes as she begins the incantation. The fingers of her free hand
are a blur of motion, precision befitting a maestro. Then comes the somatic component: her
utterances of ancient Elvish violating more than a hundred magocratic ordinances.
But as with all spellcasting in Bemmea, mastery of the art is its own loophole.
—Hortensia Athon

M ost archmages contemplate the

machinations of old rivals and take
elaborate measures as a precaution against
Here then is a listing of some of the capital
city’s most masterful mages, who are as often
the pawns as they are the architects of some
them. Wizards of the middle ranks contend grand design.
with peers whose meddling undermines
ambition’s aims.
Even as they keenly watch for rivals’
Gelasien Kuskoom
Gelasien loves a room with a view. She’s not
schemes, most arcanists are laying out their
powerful enough to yet obtain a living space
own plans. Like puppeteers who never
in the famed Kallimachus Spire, but she does
reveal how they string a marionette, the real
have an apartment in the spire’s adjoining
satisfaction comes from how one masks the
northwest support tower, connected by a
connecting lines, maintaining the illusion that
an adversary is dancing of their own accord.
The apartment is stylish and fashionable.
Bemmea is a cauldron of intrigue. It is a city
Gelasien patronizes the arts. Even if
of secrets and secret societies, of fraternities
Bemmea’s offerings pale in comparison to
and guilds, of institutions of learning, and of
the high realism of the Seven Cities’ masters
apprenticeships with their own allegiances
in sculpture and painting, they do reflect the
and vows.
city’s fascination with the fantastic: abstract
There are plots and plotters aplenty.
representations of the elements make for a
stunning mural.

If Gelasien continues to hone her skill, the especially old trees with thick, course bark.
Barsella-born illusionist might even attain a Like him, they endure.
spot in the city’s most illustrious property, the Glerung frequently takes contemplative
ocean-front High Spires. Oh, to dream. walks among the cluster of trees in the
For someone who defines success by small park that contains the Nefarious
elevation, her ascended path is grounded Fountain. Despite the park’s size, it most
in the trenches. By proxy and by favor, she closely resembles the sheltering boughs of
has the allegiance of more than a dozen his birthplace, the Old Margreve hamlet of
Feywarden officers. Many who patrol the Whistlehallow Village.
Arbonesse border around Tintager depend Unlike his Margreve kinfolk, Glerung no
on her patronage, which in the currency longer abides superstition. To him, magic
of Allain, compounding the influence she is a formula as definitive as mathematics.
commands in Bemmea. As enchanting as old wives’ tales and folk
Gelasien’s “interest” in the Feywardens has wisdom may sound, they can never be taken
not gone unnoticed. Malcot Ebonstaff and at face value. The hokum must be peeled away
Feywarden Cothwidden have both called on to get at the concrete truth beneath.
her to assess her motivations and intentions. That is why Glerung has no romantic
Both left her presence convinced the auburn- notions about elvish magic. It is a commodity
haired woman with a dusky complexion was to be acquired and used; no more dangerous
a true patriot of Allain. They came warded than any other brand of magic. Of course, so
against her enchantments, but they saw what long as the magocracy’s authorities continue
she wished them to see. to use propaganda and laws to discourage
She knows she may have to demonstrate (and in many cases, outright ban) the use or
her “patriotism” soon. Mages more powerful possession of anything elvish in origin, the
than that pair will be watching her carefully. appetite for it grows more ravenous.
Sometimes, the most powerful illusion is to Glerung feeds that appetite. He provides that
undertake an action without magic. which is forbidden, a lucrative and dangerous
Friends and Rivals: As a patron of the occupation. When he gets wind of an item “in
arts, Gelasien is enraptured with Imalian the open” (as he describes elvish artifacts on
Jaskvitze’s style of storytelling. Imalian the cusp of discovery), he assembles teams of
is not privy to Gelasien’s true designs on adventurers to make forays across the border.
power, which is just as well for both, given Glerung always sends two teams. The first
their predilections. Gelasien has already is of trusted confidantes, mostly rogues,
picked a target to prove her trustworthiness. druids, and rangers who have more loyalty
Prentervuul Ulst entrusted her with to a freshly minted coin than to the nine‑star
knowledge of his illicit activities. But she is banner of Allain. This first team is fully aware
willing to betray him. Glerung will have other agents on the case.
The second is through an assumed identity,
Signature Spells: dark dementing (MHH),
an approach that produces interesting results.
hallucinatory terrain, hypnotic pattern.
Glerung poses as Adrastes Fochetto, the
ascended chamberlain of the ninth level of
Glerung Ulberhast the Order of the Sunrise Shadow. The society,
Broad‑shouldered and dressed in woodland which has a charter to study ley lines, is
greens, Glerung Ulberhast looks more like a headquartered just west of the White Citadel.
forester than a conjurer. From the earliest age, Robed in white with a brilliant gold stole,
he was taught to appreciate growing things, Fochetto cuts an imposing authoritative

figure. Relying on the society’s veil of secrecy, Imalian performed in all of the city’s
he assembles parties of inexperienced finest inns and taverns. But the stage she
adventurers. considers her own is the Toppled Tower
Friends and Rivals: As Fochetto, he depends in the northwest quadrant. To her, there
on the tiefling wizard Lol’usoth Tashuz for isn’t a better spot. The open archways of
information on potential buyers. The bard the building’s arcade serve as an amazing
Imalian Jaskvitze is a constant thorn in backdrop to her performance, the lightning
Glerung’s side; she has tried to horn in on blue of the Outermost Sea visible beyond.
many deals, always waiting until an artifact (Plus, local lore claims that the ley line called
has been brought into the city before bringing Leviathan’s Road passes through the tavern;
the pressure of blackmail to get a cut. always a plus should push ever come to
shove in a magical showdown.)
Signature Spells: black tentacles, shadow
realm gateway (MHH), stinking cloud.

Imalian Jaskvitze
Imalian is a female human bard whose
grandfather was a troubadour back in old
Illyria. She has the same fine features as him,
an alluring beauty shared by many folks born
of the Winewood.
Her father, who had the same vagabond
yearnings, was content to stay on the move.
The family lived in a mule-drawn wagon
that made a circuit of the Seven Cities.
They performed in coaching inns along the
way, were street-corner musicians in the
larger cities, and played supporting roles
for established theater companies. Only
later did the Seven Cities’ war with
the Mharoti Empire force them
from their homeland.
Her mother insisted they settle
down, preferably in a place where their
daughter might yet receive proper
instruction as a spellcaster. They put
their trust in their team’s lead mule,
Adagio, who guided them on a seemingly
impossible trek. They braved rickety paths
through the Pytonne Mountains and
navigated the dangers of the Mage Road until
at last Adagio clop‑clopped into Bemmea.
The family opened a shop in the city’s
northeast quadrant that made and repaired
musical instruments. Imalian was enrolled in
the Academies Arcana.

It took a long time for the family to gain matchstick destined to burn out quickly.
acceptance. Imalian endured taunts, jeers, and There was naught but a pile of ash to say
accusations because of her elvish‑sounding farewell to, no possessions left as keepsakes.
name and delicate appearance. The family Lol’usoth’s plight is understandable; he has
eventually won over their neighbors with only memories of intimacy left to mourn.
good cheer and delightful music. A master evoker in his own right, Lol’usoth
Imalian hasn’t always used a smile and a has dedicated himself to bringing Kasidra’s
jest to see her way through. Magical charms killers to justice. He’s traced his beloved’s
and social leverage are in her repertoire; she final steps from the Elves in Irons tavern to
gets what she wants with influence peddling the Skull Bowl. He’s questioned masters in the
and by playing off others’ desires. She has yet Academies Arcana to the point of rudeness.
to penetrate the tight social circle of Allain’s He’s called on favors from the Guild of Honest
most powerful mages, but she’s angled closer Inkers and Sanctioned Sigilists. But the clues
and closer with every gambit. always circle back, the killers’ tracks covered
Friends and Rivals: She was delighted too cleverly, leaving him in a spiral of despair.
when the illusionist Gelasien Kuskoom Desperate, he has begun reaching out to
became her patron and her friend (without adventurers to help him find the truth. The
resorting to charms to be enamored of her). real culprit had best pray for redemption
Her enchantments haven’t endeared her to because Lol’usoth’s wrath will be unleashed in
everyone. The calculating Glerung Ulberhast a torrent of elemental magic.
finds the practice distasteful, and he thinks Friends and Rivals: Glerung Ulberhast relies
many of her accolades are unwarranted. She on Lol’usoth’s unerring desire for the truth to
thinks that Glerung is hiding many secrets. provide reliable information, an arrangement
Signature Spells: compulsion, dominate that has been mutually beneficial. The scribe
person, fear. Prentervuul Ulst has been a most steadfast
friend, encouraging the tiefling’s investigation
even when others say it is hopeless.
Lol’usoth Tashuz Prentervuul, though, has played Lol’usoth for
Lol’usoth Tashuz desires revenge. The despair false. Kasidra’s singular thirst for adventure
in the tiefling’s heart is unquenchable, was too great an inner fire for a necromancer
not unlike the arcane flames that ravage of Prentervuul’s abilities to ignore. He
Bemmea’s Smoldering Library. arranged for her death. Then armed with
Some say Lol’usoth is a sentimental fool. In a cold iron mask of demonic origin and
Bemmea, where pursuit of magical mysteries incantations once cast by the lord of
is a paramount concern, one must learn to shadows and the goddess of the underworld,
get beyond such losses. When the deceased Prentervuul trapped Kasidra’s soul and
is a spellcaster, one must prepare for such an forged her into his own mask wight (see
outcome: eldritch manipulation is inherently Tome of Beasts). Hidden in a vault beneath
dangerous. the Librarium Caelmarath, Kasidra is now an
In Lol’usoth’s case, it was almost a undead knight who will serve Prentervuul’s
foregone conclusion. Lol’usoth loved the bidding when his own plans come to fruition.
demonmarked evoker Kasidra Entripee, a
Signature Spells: doom of the earthen maw
sorceress who loosed fire from her fingertips
(MWB), flameweave (MHH), wall of force,
and whose eyes smoldered with passion
winter’s radiance (MHH).
for the next great adventure. She was a

Mulith Ashagol Prentervuul Ulst
For years, adventure took Mulith to ports The shingle over Prentervuul’s modest
around the Middle Sea. She served captains storefront shop reads, “Sage: Research 10
both honest and pirate. Dark haired, bright sp per Candle.” The unassuming human
eyed, and with a complexion kissed by the native of Allain supplements his business by
sun, Mulith was seeking her destiny. scribing for the Guild of Honest Inkers and
She found it on a journey up the River Nurai, Sanctioned Sigilists.
just as her inner magic became manifest. A Prentervuul is known as a diligent researcher
sorceress, she sought guidance at a temple whose asking rate is far less than his true
devoted to Thoth-Hermes. After years of value. He has little free time, but there are a
study, likeminded custodians initiated her into handful of mages in Bemmea who call him
a secret society, the Emerald Order. friend, who invite him into their homes and
The order’s leader, Dromdel Re, personally share meals.
gave her a new task. Embedding her into a In dark corners of the Red Door Market and
trade mission to Allain, she was instructed the Librarium Caelmarath, however, there
to steer society according to the tenets of the are rumors about the mage exchanged only
Emerald Tablet. Citing her personal devotion as whispers. Certain servants of the Shroud
to Thoth-Hermes, Mulith was accorded Guildhouse know him by their dealings both
honored accommodations within the silvered illicit and forbidden. He is supplied with the
spire of Bemmea’s Feathered Tower. instruments and chemicals reserved for the
Mulith must navigate between twin embalmer’s craft. Necromancy is a forbidden
obligations: keeping secret her affiliation to art in the magocracy, but he thinks himself
the Emerald Order while serving the trade too clever to be caught.
interests of the River Kingdom’s ruler, King Accusations of his involvement in the vile
Thutmoses XXIII. While the two interests are art surfaced in the past. But Prentervuul’s
rarely in conflict, she must never risk exposure reputation was vigorously defended with
as belonging to the order without risking her testimonials by guild scribes in good standing.
appointment (and probably her life). Now, whenever a new crop of rumors surface,
Mulith has an affinity for swashbucklers and he dismisses them as old news already refuted,
sorcerers, so she prefers to recruit them for and the guild threatens the accuser with libel.
clandestine missions. In fact, he is more nefarious than any
suspect. The only thing that has held him
Friends and Rivals: Though their goals are
back is a genuine apprenticeship. He is
often opposed, Mulith has come to respect
forging his own way in discovering the path
and admire the straightforward methods
to controlling the undead. His boldness has
of the conjurer Pandarus Kildare. Their
rewarded him with accomplishments that
encounters have been cordial even while
should be beyond his skill level. There have
they work to undermine each other’s efforts.
also been missteps that proper instruction
The necromancer Prentervuul Ulst is a more
would have helped him avoid.
pressing concern; the Order believes he is
He has designs on the Ninemage Council;
meddling with powers beyond his ken.
perhaps even ruling himself. He hides his
Signature Spells: banishment, flame strike, undead creations in secret places across
guardian of faith. the city, and when the time is right, he will
unleash them.

Friends and Rivals: Any friendship he
makes is a pretense, a means to gain access
The Lever, the Fulcrum,
to something or someone that will advance
and the Screw
his necromancy. The most gullible of his Three archmages who became disenchanted
acquaintances is the tiefling Lol’usoth with how magic was being taught at the
Tashuz. More than a few wise mages, Academies Arcana made repeated attempts
including Pandarus Kildare, Mulith Ashagol, at reform over the years. Gispara Ravensbark,
and Gelasien Kuskoom suspect him of a female gnome now ranked as an archmage,
necromancy but lack the evidence needed to and Pandarus Kildare, a male human conjurer
act against him directly. of nearly equal status, have devoted a lifetime
Signature Spells: animate dead, bestow curse, to developing new methods of instruction.
blight, circle of death. Lufra Sly, a female human summoner, was

part of the early effort but has since moved Gispara and Pandarus were interested in
on. They met mostly headwinds despite how their method could “push” or propel
earning accolades for their effort. magic. But Sly, as a summoner, sought ways
Decades ago, Gispara and Pandarus met in a it could “pull.” By helping them formalize
chance meeting at the Grifyn and the Kimera. this overlooked aspect, Sly was given the
The latter lent a sympathetic ear to the nickname, the Screw.
gnome’s theories. The pair shared an aptitude Friends and Rivals: The partnership
for conjuration magic (and a thirst for the dissolved as their respective lives took them
tavern’s signature label). different directions. Over the years, they
Because they explored the application of sometimes came into conflict. Pandarus used
force in spells outside the evocation school the method in service of the magocracy. Sly
as a primary tenet, intrigued onlookers took became a pariah, using her magic to open the
to calling the pair the Fulcrum and the Lever. curtain between realities. Gispara sought a
Gispara was the “fulcrum,” positing every new middle path and tried to master access to the
point. Pandarus, possessed of an analytical shadow roads.
mind and willing to test every assertion, thus
Signature Spells: Pandarus: blizzard (MHH),
earned the name, the “lever.”
caustic torrent (MHH), and ley surge (MHH);
The partnership drew the interest of a third:
Sly: glimpse of the void (MWB), last stars of
Sly, a wizard originally from the Republic
the dying sun (MHH), and void rift (MWB);
of Valera. Sly earned her reputation as an
Gispara: greater ley pulse (MHH), open red
iconoclast, having already been ejected from
portal (MWB), and seal red portal (MWB).
the Lodge of Three Moons after a dispute
escalated, and she cast void strike against the Abbreviations: MWB, Midgard Worldbook;
grandmaster. MHH, Midgard Heroes Handbook

Gispara’s longtime critic Hortensia Athon, a hit home, but eventually, that frying pan will
mage of the Affiliation of Unaffiliated Wizards, crack and split in two.”
is one of the most outspoken critics of Gispara declined many opportunities to
Gispara’s reforms. explain her method before an assembly of the
And to be clear, Athon finds fault with the Affiliation of Unaffiliated Wizards.
approach itself. Of Gispara, she has only Because their debate has been polite and
admiration. without malice, the pair has for nearly a
Athon acknowledges that Gispara’s decade privately exchanged gifts for New
application of evocation magic can “put more Year’s Dawn. Athon always gives Gispara a
rum in the punch bowl.” kitchen utensil made of cast iron. In return,
But, she says, the result of such an approach Gispara gives Athon a box of nails.
is to cast spells that are brittle and prone to Gispara has been overheard wryly observing
shatter. “They are swinging pots and pans that, as she is not a carpenter but still does
of cast iron when they could be wielding a some of her own cooking, “I’m getting the
hammer or mace made of wrought iron,” better end of the deal.”
Athon says. “Both pack a wallop when they

by Ben McFarland

O ne of the more powerful gangs to emerge

after the Great Revolt, the Cloven Nine
are a band of criminals led by tieflings and
New Order of the City
Over the last ten years, the Cloven Nine have
avenged Akad’s death and tightened their
infernal- or abyssal-blooded sorcerers, each
grip on their illegal operations. The body left
with their own crew. Supposedly, they possess
impaled on the spikes of the Puffing Bridge
links to the Consul, Lord Greymark, and
left no question as to what happened to those
to the various Kariv clans which frequent
who attempted to cross them. They discovered
Zobeck or maintain permanent populations,
a spy within their ranks who had collaborated
particularly the diabolist clan of the Heph.
with the elder’s assassin and ritually sacrificed
Started by Akad the Elder, they initially
him, using his soul to power a curse which
existed as just a gang of rabble-rousers
caused the left ring finger of his immediate
and posers, the third sons and illegitimate
family to wither and fall off. What began as
children of merchant houses who played at
a loose circle of disaffected children of rich
organized crime and intrigue.
families is now a cabal of bloodthirsty and
They gathered at the Broken Seal, extorted
ambitious magic‑wielders intent on carving
businesses and barge captains, ran private
personal empires out of the flesh of Zobeck.
gambling events, and offered devil-fueled
They consolidated their tavern hangouts
magics and divinations to any willing to pay
into true bases of operation, securing
in silver or blood. Of the larger nefarious
public and private spaces where they could
groups in Zobeck, they seemed both casual
still dabble in activities like gambling or
and potent, at least until Akad’s murder. The
extortion but also allow them to expand into
brazen, cold-blooded assassination of the
bookmaking and drug dealing. Their access
Nine’s founder in the heart of the Broken
to the Cartways from the Silk Scabbard
Seal served as the catalyst event that reforged
meant the Nine could occasionally smuggle
their enterprise from a dalliance of privilege
contraband as well as people, and a shift
to a razor sharp endeavor of power and
from revenge-based diabolic magics to purer
ambition. While they still maintain their
divination meant they could better know
regular haunts of the Broken Seal, the Silk
where the Watch and rivals might be lying
Scabbard, or the Wheatsheaf, their relaxed
in ambush. This has allowed them to grow
demeanor is gone, replaced by cruel and
their wealth, which they have reinvested into
merciless criminal sensibilities.
securely built personal homes, reinforced

cellars with casting spaces and Cartways citizens of the Free City. The gang has only
entrances, and bribed low-level officials who completed one such task for the Praetors, and
keep them aware of raids and inspections. the new relationship remains probationary.
Changes in the political landscape have
meant changes in the gang’s status among the
elite as well. The now openly present shadow
Structure of the Nine
The Cloven Nine functions as a council of
fey ambassador at Winter’s Kiss appreciates
gang captains led by Izachar, aka “Eyebite”
their attitudes and methods. He has found
(LE male tiefling fighter 4/warlock 9).
them to be effective agents when he wants
These captains are all sorcerers, diviners, or
something done somewhere in Zobeck but
warlocks with devilish heritage, and each
doesn’t wish to use his own assets. This has
one leads a crew of fellow rogues, generally
also drawn the attention of Lady Marack,
commander of the Praetors of the Blue House,
and by extension, the new Lady
Mayor. The mayor and the leader of
the secret police believe the Cloven
Nine might be utilized to the
greater benefit of Zobeck, acting as
agents abroad in exchange for
tacitly turning a blind eye to
the gang’s lesser activities, so
long as those crimes don’t
affect the more respectable

assisted by a trusted lieutenant and including
Kariv, local thugs, and various street urchins.
Spells of the Cloven Nine
In order to gain an edge against their enemies,
They bring in random extra muscle when
the Cloven Nine developed a series of spells
necessary, usually when they expect a
which aid them in efforts to locate rivals and
situation to get violent, knowing new recruits
keep their own trails and safehouses hidden.
are often eager to prove themselves and earn a
permanent place as a trusted member and so ORDER OF REVENGE
take the greatest risks. 3rd-level enchantment
The assassination also caused the Nine to Casting Time: 1 action
adjust their tactics and operations. Now, Range: Touch
operational security is essential. Jobs and Components: V, S, M (a broken knife)
plans are never discussed in public spaces Duration: 1 hour/caster level
or while out drinking. Members who do so You touch a weapon or a bundle of 30
receive a single warning before losing their ammunition, imbuing them with spell energy.
left ear as a final reminder that the world is Any creature damaged by a touched, affected
listening for a chance to spill their blood. weapon leaves an invisibly glowing trail of
A third violation means death or expulsion their path until the spell expires. The caster
and exile from Zobeck. While a couple of may see this trail by casting revenge’s eye or see
slow‑learning members have already been invisible. Any other caster may see the trail by
warned and one has lost an ear, the rest of the casting see invisible. Casting dispel magic on an
crews seem to have gotten the message and no affected creature causes that creature to stop
one else has needed a lesson. generating a trail, and the trail fades over the
The Nine’s crews use extended observation, next hour.
shifting graffiti marks, and dead drops to
At Higher Levels. When you cast the spell
plan and coordinate focused heists targeting
using a slot of 4th level or higher, you can
large scores of goods which can be easily
target one additional weapon or bundle of
sold to an outgoing smuggler, or offloaded
ammunition for each slot level above fourth.
at the Cartways Black Market to one of the
visiting subterranean merchants. No jobs REVENGE’S EYE
occur randomly or without a crew leader’s 2nd-level divination
permission, and the Cloven Nine keep the Casting Time: 1 action
gang’s confidences. The memory of Akad’s Range: Touch
murder ensures they remain loyal to each Components: V, S, M (a pinch of silver, a
other. Additionally, they have expanded their fragment of knife blade)
magical research, looking for ways to secretly Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
track and identify the hideouts, safehouses, You touch a creature’s visual organs and
and homes of their rivals. They use these new grant them the ability to see the trail left by
magics to mark their targets, allowing them creatures damaged by a weapon you cast order
to escape, and then surreptitiously follow of revenge upon.
the individuals, noting the destinations for The targeted creature can distinguish
whatever future unpleasantries the Cloven between multiple affected creatures without
Nine deems necessary. The first few uses of effort. If you lose a trail due to a creature’s
these tactics have been quite effective, catching sudden shift in location, like jumping or
the recently arrived gnomish gang of the Blue teleporting, you may concentrate as a move
Barbers unaware and allowing the Nine to action, which does not provoke opportunity
negotiate a detente.

attacks. This reveals the direction and distance
to where the trail resumes, so long as it is on
Story Seeds
There are many ways the player characters
the same plane. The trail remains visible if
might become entangled with the Cloven
a creature flies or swims. It only stops if the
Nine in the streets and alleyways of Zobeck.
creature dies, becomes the target of dispel
magic, leaves the plane of existence, or the
order of revenge spell expires.
This spell does not help the target discern The recent death of a former member of the
illusions, does not identify magically altered Collegium has resulted in a large collection of
or concealed creatures, nor see invisible books being donated to the library and faculty.
creatures; it only reveals trails left by those It appears that many of these tomes deal
affected by order of revenge also cast by the with research on abjuration, divination, and
spellcaster. enchantment, magical schools of great interest
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell to the Cloven Nine. Ordinarily restricted
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you to students of the Collegium, these new
can target +1 creature for each slot level above acquisitions are off-limits to outsiders, even if
second. they are the talk of the arcane bar scene. The
Cloven Nine intend to infiltrate the very heart
VAGRANT’S NONDESCRIPT CLOAK of Zobeck’s greatest educational institution,
2nd-level abjuration evade their guardians and spelltraps, and
Casting Time: 1 action make off with the choicest manuscripts.
Range: Touch Depending on the party’s relationship to the
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of crushed Nine, they might be recruited to act as inside
obsidian, a scrap of rag) agents, part of the team committing the theft,
Duration: 1 hour or supplemental security when a Collegium
You touch a creature. The creature is warded magister’s divination reveals a high chance
against the effects of faerie fire, hold person, the crime might happen tonight. How will
and order of revenge for the duration of
the effect, granting them advantage on the
saving throw against the effect and a saving
throw each round they are affected by the
spells. If the warded creature is the focus of
locate creature, the caster may determine
if the affected creature is within 1,000 feet
but cannot determine the direction to the
target of vagrant’s nondescript cloak. If
the creature is already affected by one of
the warded spells, then both the effect and
vagrant’s nondescript cloak end immediately.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell using a spell slot of third level or
higher, you can target +1 creature for
each slot level above second.

they respond when the books in question SEATS OF POWER
literally fall into their hands as an over‑eager
After a great deal of public unrest, the Free
apprentice is killed trying to hide them and all
Council has decided to add two consuls
sides suspect a double-cross?
to the board, both to be elected from the
citizenry and serve for 10 years, offsetting the
mayor’s term. This has created quite a stir in
A charity ball and auction is being held at the folks as many merchants, laborers, and even
Old Stross Bathhouse, and the upper crust of kobolds seek to capture one of these offices.
Zobeck is all invited for what promoters swear As sorcerers and diviners, the Cloven Nine
will be a celebration for the ages. The usual believe they’re in an excellent position either
décor of the bathhouse is being supplemented to sink an unacceptable candidate or to ensure
with great works of art by many popular their chosen hopeful wins. They approach the
contemporary and dead artisans of the player characters, either thinking an individual
region. One of these artisans’ former students might serve their needs or attempting to use
desperately desires the masterwork of a the characters to engineer a series of events.
deceased mentor, and has hired the Cloven How will the characters respond? Are they
Nine to replace the one being displayed at the eager for a chance to engage the mighty gears
ball with a replica. Are the player characters of politics, or do they struggle to stop the Nine
part of the gang, bent on executing this from interfering with the will of the people?
heist? Are they part of the security, intent on
thwarting the thieves? Or do they belong to
another group altogether, trying to outsmart
both groups and claim the artwork for
themselves or their patron?


by Ben McFarland
(with special thanks to Robert Fairbanks)

T he departure of the elves and the resulting

conflict shaped Central Midgard in
fundamental ways. At its core, the Great Mage
access to those powers who overstepped
treaties and by undoing the machinations
of the treacherous mages who disobeyed
Wars rise out of the hubris of the Fulgurate their edicts or neglected unspoken rules and
Society and leave behind a monument to codes between their respective territories.
humanity’s capability for destructive spite. Unfortunately, the Fulgurate Society was only
human, and flaws of tangled emotion and
spurned feelings eroded the foundations of
Legacy of the their wondrous achievements. Resentment
Fulgurate Society and jealousy festered, and as the Great Retreat
It began as a joke, a thumbing of their concluded, the magocracies turned upon each
collective noses at the Elvish Empire of other before a season had passed, attempting
Valeran, the snide comments about humans to claim the remnant vacuum.
being “all thunder and no lightning,” when Initially, in the wake of Luz’s Escalation and
the Founding Circle of the Fulgurate Society the resulting Slumber of the Isonade, each
chose their name in a secret gathering atop an magocracy controlled a Dread Walker, but
old imperial tower. But from those humble the devastation left in their wake, combined
beginnings, nine arcane spellcasters went with the ruthless spell effects of the great
on to carve out nations of humanity built magi, embittered many. The destruction
on a foundation of great skill and art. The of Molovosch particularly weighed upon
magocracies quickly achieved a begrudged Enkada Pishtuhk, one of the more powerful
parity with the Elvish Imperium, fueled by and prominent members, and in the next
potent works and no lack of ambition. Initially, gathering of the Fulgurate Society, supposedly
they strove to make their endeavors beautiful, in a declaration of vengeance related to a
functional, grand, and robust. Their spells lost love, he utilized the nexus of ley lines
pushed boundaries, their construction left once centered on the Lost Tower to summon
one breathlessly awestruck, and the Fulgurate Pah’draguusthlai while sinking the tower and
Society grew to serve as part of their shared its Glyph Stair perpendicular to reality. The
heritage, an informal social organization, resulting destruction of Uxloon suggests truth
helping to avert misunderstandings and in the rumor. The magocracies fought for two
allowing backchannel communications. full years after that betrayal before members
They labored to cease hostilities by denying finally managed the massive ritual invocation

locking the remaining Walkers in their current When you cease concentrating on the spell,
dreaming stumble. However, the damage you may cause the obsidian spikes to explode,
was complete; the glory and potential of the causing 5d8 slashing to any creature within 15
magocracies lay burnt from the land, leaving feet or half as much damage on a successful
the smoldering cinder of the Wasted West and Dexterity save.
a few mystical heirlooms left to be discovered, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
in secret caches of scrolls and manuscripts, by using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the
the intrepid, persistent, and lucky. damage from all effects of the lines increases
by 1d8 for each slot level above 7th.
Presented below are a few lost secrets of the 6th-level evocation (ley line; sorcerer, warlock,
scions of Vael Turog. wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
7th-level evocation (sorcerer, warlock, wizard) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Range: 60 feet While bound to a ley line, you draw directly
Components: V, S from its power, becoming cloaked in a
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes magical heliotropic fire that sheds dim light
You cause three parallel lines of thick, flared in a 10-foot radius. Additionally, each round,
obsidian spikes to erupt from the ground. including the round it is cast, you may make
They appear within range on a solid surface, a ranged spell attack as an action. On a hit,
last for the duration, and provide three- the target takes 6d6 force damage. Every 3
quarters cover to creatures behind them. You minutes the effect is active, your bond with
can make lines (up to 60 feet long, 10 feet the ley line is reduced by one step; a bond
high, and 5 feet thick) or form a circle (20 to a Titanic ley line becomes effectively a
feet in diameter, up to 15 feet high and 5 feet Strong, then a Weak, and after 10 minutes,
thick). The lines provide three‑quarters cover the bond is broken. The strength of the bond
to creatures behind them. is only restored after a long rest; if the bond
When the lines appear, each creature within was broken, it can only be restored at the
their area must make a Dexterity saving next weakest level for a week. A bond broken
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 8d8 from a Weak ley line cannot be restored for
slashing damage or half as much damage on a two weeks. Some believe this spell damages
successful save. ley lines, pointing to the lack of ley lines in
A creature can move through the lines at the Wasted West as proof. Bemmea forbids
the risk of cutting themselves on the exposed this spell; its use is punishable by death of
edges. For every 1 foot a creature moves one’s lineage, defined as the spellcaster along
through the lines, it must spend 4 feet of with any spellcaster ever apprenticed to the
movement. Furthermore, the first time a punished spellcaster or to an apprentice of the
creature enters the lines on a turn or ends its punished spellcaster.
turn there, the creature must make a Dexterity Additionally, whenever a creature within
saving throw. It takes 8d8 slashing damage 5 feet hits you with a melee attack, the cloak
on a failed save or half as much damage on a erupts with a heliotropic flare. The attacker
successful one. takes 3d6 force damage.

At Higher Levels. When casting this spell other and work together to bolster each
using a spell slot of 6th level, the damage from other’s magic. When one of you casts a
all effects of the spell increase by 1d6 for each spell that benefits from being cast at a
slot level above 6th. higher level, you may use any bonded
spellcaster’s level to determine the benefits
Feat: Cooperative Caster (up to twice your level), or if the spell
Prerequisite: Ability to cast one arcane spell.
would benefit from being cast at a higher
You have discovered secrets of the lost slot, any of the other bonded spellcasters
magocracies, learning how to pool your may use their reaction to sacrifice spell
magical might with allied arcane casters and slots of any level to create the final effect.
permitting you to augment spells beyond your The sum of these sacrificed slots may not
normal limits. You gain the following benefits: exceed 9th level for spells of 4th level or
• Increase your Intelligence or Charisma less and may not exceed twice the level
score by 1, to a maximum of 20. for spells of 5th to 9th level. This bond
• You can spend 2 hours, including during may be dispelled and is treated as having
a long rest, creating a mystical mental a level equal to half your level minus
bond with a number of other spellcasters 1 (minimum 1); if it is dispelled, each
equal to your proficiency bonus minus bonded member suffers 4d6 psychic
1. You and the other involved
spellcasters must spend this time
in meditation, and you must
remain within 10 feet of each
other. Once the mental bond
is formed, you may move
beyond 10 feet from each

damage from the strain. If a bonded the very landscape. Each nation schemed and
member dies, each other member suffers struggled against the other, against nature,
2d6 psychic damage. You may only have and many against the madness in their
one active bonding at a time; if you create unfettered ambitions in an attempt to capture
a new bonding, the previous bond breaks. central Midgard for themselves.
Otherwise, it lasts until the end of your Mercurial Guard reconnaissance cadre
next long rest. reports state Vael Turog deliberately conjured
Story Seed: The Sins of the Master. After first boneshard storms at Flensing Gulch,
receiving a book detailing cooperative casting intending to obliterate two cavalry legions,
and the spell vengeful panoply of the ley line including a detachment of Mavros’s Sanguine
ignited, summoned creatures and bounty Company, maneuvering secretly from
hunters begin attacking the group’s arcane Barenna to the Coruscate Tower. Images from
caster. The masters of the School of Exalted fulgurate mementos show soldiers in glyph
Magics in Bemmea discovered the spellcaster’s armor lived longest, helplessly watching as
great-grand-master, now thrice-removed but splintered, wind-tossed fragments of their
living in Bemmea, casting the banned spell, mangled comrades haphazardly transformed
and enacted the Edict of Lineage’s Death. The amid the whirling, foul magics into clouds of
group must travel to Bemmea and clear the bone chips intent on finishing the deed.
group member’s reputation before the Arcane These battlefronts swept across the
Magistrate or face deadly hunters for the rest magocracies like forces of nature; they cared
of their lives! little for any smaller towns and communities
caught in their wake. People fled into the
countryside when the war drew close but
Relics of the War often not before burying their wealth in
The sentries laughed from the high walls of a basement vault, in a wall, or beneath a
many-spired Andarre when archmage N’Lok- threshold, unwilling to deliver their treasure
Thrang stood before their gates barefoot and into the hands of an approaching army
disheveled, innocently suggesting the prudence that cared little about civilians, regardless
of the city’s immediate surrender—to him. of allegiance. Urns of coins, precious
Within hours, the guards lay glassy-eyed heirlooms, and beloved gifts slipped into
silent, and many-spired Andarre smoldered, darkness, unintentionally abandoned when
a noxious lake of sizzling mud and shattered the previous owner died before being able
marble. Old Dusthowler, whistling away, to recover their cache. For good or ill, these
already trundled down the Trenorra Road, forgotten inheritances, strange evidences, lost
strolling toward his next proposal. knowledge, and buried mementos of this age
—The Journals of Thessavia Vhex, of war and madness continue to resurface as
Mercurial Guard Captain scavengers test their luck with each expedition
into the Wasted West.
The apocalyptic magnitudes of wild‑eyed
devastation, reality-warping blasphemies, and COAT OF DUST AND ASH
crimes against civilization characterizing the Wondrous item, legendary
final years of the Great Mage Wars exceeded (requires attunement)
most sane imaginations. The conventions Worn ragged, this cowled and belted longcoat
of war, arcane or otherwise, ceased to exist sports chewed cuffs and tattered hems. Its
while the nine magocracies “wielded” their perpetually dusty, mottled gray exterior still
titanic void-born against one another and bears the runic-insignia of the reconnaissance

cadre of the Mercurial Guard stitched in potent device being left in the hands of a half-
tarnished silver thread inside the hood. crazed, wasteland looter. Reports of madness
While wearing a coat of dust and ash, you and murder follow in Mikhail’s wake, and the
gain the following benefits: rarities confiscated from past clientele have
• You have advantage on saving throws to convinced important people there’s value in
resist poison or disease. bringing this vagabond in for questioning.
• You have advantage on initiative and on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide, and
difficult (desert or mountain) terrain Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
doesn’t cost you extra movement. The open end in this irregularly cylindrical
When wearing the coat within the borders mineral formation reveals a twisting,
of the Wasted West, you gain the following crystalline interior, flashing in a faint
additional benefits: kaleidoscope of lavender energies. Deep,
• You double your proficiency bonus on desert time-storm lightning strikes form
Wisdom (Survival) checks made while these oddly shaped geodes, highly sought in
outdoors. When not in combat, you (and the later years of the Mage Wars. Scholars
those you lead) may travel between any and scavengers alike find them sometimes
two locations within the Wastes twice as attached to decorative or personalized
fast as your speed would normally allow. lanyards of silver or adamantine. This value
• The aberrant weather conditions stems from a reputation as inscrutable,
common to the Wastes (bone, dust, and powerful tools of arcane warfare, information
sandstorms) do not impose disadvantage gathering, and espionage, espoused by both
on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying field commanders and senior officers of the
on hearing or sight. You gain a +3 bonus Mercurial Guard.
to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and While attuned to the fulgurate memento, you
passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores gain the following benefits:
while outdoors. • You always know direction and distance
• Dust-Devil (1/long rest). You conjure an to the nearest Great Walker.
irradiated dust mephit companion for • You have resistance to psychic, necrotic,
up to 4 hours, which behaves per conjure and poison damage from the attacks,
minor elemental. Alter the dust mephit spells, and spell-like effects of Great
statblock with the following traits: Walkers and their minions.
AC 13, HP 28 (8d6); Innate Spellcasting • You have advantage on saving throws
adds burning hands and faerie fire 1/day against being charmed or poisoned and
each; Claws and Blinding Breath both against illusions or mind-influencing
add the poisoned condition to their effects spells and effects originating from Great
and DCs increase to 13. Walkers and their minions.
Story Seed: Pearls Before. . . A common • You can use an action to peer into the
scavenger and petty criminal, Mikhail the crystalline oculus of the memento,
Stoat apparently made some “great discovery” choosing one of the following effects:
in the Wastes. This find has drawn such Recollect. Used as battlefield recorders
attention, the group is hired to find the Stoat. and visual transmitters during the Great
War lingers on the horizon after the events Mage Wars, you may utilize the fulgurate
in Krakova, and local powers refuse to risk a memento to observe events long past.

Remind. You commit a memory of an answers mentally in a burst of images.
event or a message up to 2 minutes long Each time you use this ability, you must
within the item, which can be viewed succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving
later using the Recollect power. Up to throw or suffer 1 random, long-term
four memories may be stored in the madness (save again after 1 week until
item, and if one must be overwritten, successful). If used more than once in
you may choose which one. 24 hours, the DC increases to 16 and the
Revisit. You may observe the actions, madness intensifies.
movement, and immediate surroundings
of any Dread Walker of which you Restless Dead
know the name. You receive visual In the wake of the Battle of Flensing Gulch
information only but are unrestricted in and the defeat of the last of Caelmarath’s
the movement, angle, or distance of your Indomitables by a summoned boneshard
perspective within a 1,000-ft. radius of tempest, the nearly innumerable dead arose to
the creature. haunt the area as boneshard wraiths, a form
of undead creature only truly encountered in
SIBILANT GLYPH ARMOR the Wasted West. The Bonewraith goblin tribe
Wondrous item (armor), very rare worships these creatures and sends their elders
(requires attunement) out to be consumed and transformed by them.
This hardened, grey and black plate armor, A vaguely humanoid form appears dim and
with hammered imprints of strange symbols, hazy amid the constant swirl of wind‑wracked
lacquered eyes, and engraved mouths, feels grit and tainted dust of the Western Wastes . . .
weightless when worn, but owners say its Contorted and broken, a ghostly horror,
burden is mental. Some claim it whispers haphazardly assembled from mismatched
when not worn. bones and grave-scavenged shards, now glides
Fashioned from an incredibly tough and in the air. Shattered eye sockets burn with the
lightweight substance lost to time, the armor black, icy glow of eternal madness and the
is covered in disturbing glyphs, multi-pupiled spiteful hunger of the void.
eyes, and twisted mouths that seem sculpted
from the material and shift when no one is BONESHARD WRAITH
looking. While wearing this unsettling light Medium undead, neutral evil
armor, you gain a +6 bonus to AC and the Armor Class 16
following benefits: Hit Points 128 (15d8 +60)
• The ancient and now only instinctually Speed 15 ft., fly 60ft.
known origins of the armor grant you
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Persuasion) checks while interacting dust 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (−2)
goblins of the Wasted West.
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7
• Your initiative rolls have advantage.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
• You can consult the sibilant armor three thunder; piercing, bludgeoning or slashing from
times per long rest, asking any three weapons that are non-magical or not silvered
detailed questions relative to Arcana, Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
History, or Religion and regarding Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
knowledge or past events transpiring exhausted, frightened, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned,
within the Wasted West. The armor

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Spectral Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Languages any languages it knew in life, Void reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) slashing
Speech damage and target must succeed on a DC 14
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of
exhaustion (maximum 2 levels/ target /rest).
Incorporeal Movement. The boneshard wraith Multiattack. The wraith makes two Spectral Claw
can move through other creatures and objects attacks. If both attacks damage the same target
as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 9 force creature, the target becomes paralyzed for 1
damage if it ends its turn inside an object. minute (DC 15 Constitution saving throw each
round to remove condition)
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the wraith
has disadvantage on attack rolls as well as on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Boneshard Cyclone. The wraith envelops a
target within 60 ft. in a whirlwind of
sharp bone fragments. The target
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
saving throw or become deafened
and blinded while taking 20 (3d12)
slashing damage and 27 (6d8)
necrotic at the start of each of
the wraith’s turns
or until the save
succeeds (repeated
at the start of the
target’s turns).
Any creature
killed in this
way rises as a
boneshard wraith
on the next new
moon unless
the remains
are blessed. Only 1
Boneshard Cyclone may
be active per wraith.

by Dan Dillon

F orgotten voices whisper from places darker

than deepest Shadow, promising power.
Moldering tomes, covered in script whose very
Even some creatures spawned of the world
and planes known to mortals carry a touch
of the Void within them, like a splinter in the
letters and sigils cause gorge to rise and stone soul. Many aberrations are so touched, their
to rot, hold secrets lost to the sane world. The bizarre habits, nightmarish physical forms,
Void lingers just out of reach but ever seeking and utterly alien mindsets giving terrifying
entry. It is the space between planes, emptiness testament to the corruptive influence.
leftover from when the multiverse came into Aboleths, in particular, long ago snatched
being: a place of living non-existence. It is secrets from it and included aspects of Void
the nothing whose contrast gives meaning Speech into their strange glyph language.
to the whole of creation. Its existence and These symbols corrupt and twist the very
the nightmarish creatures spawned by it stone into which they are carved and taint the
are a mindbending enigma, the answer to natural world in their vicinity. Void energies
which eludes the most learned sages. In truth, similarly reach out to many undead creatures,
the sane mortal mind is incapable of fully finding resonance and purchase within the
fathoming the Void—which is why those who antithesis of life that necrotic energy and
study its depths are all quite mad. undeath represent. Places where undead and
The Void offers power and knowledge, for aberrations dwell in numbers or where they
it touches all places and times, but everything often spawn can sometimes bear flaws in the
it offers comes with a price. The desperate walls of reality—areas that have worn thin
or foolhardy often agree to its terms without between what is and what is not.
understanding what it is they do. Other beings
of great power begin their study secure in
the belief that their might will save them.
Touch of the Void
The greatest of these are the void dragons of The Void exists outside the realm of sanity
Midgard who soar in the darkness between and form. Creatures exist there, spawned
stars. There in the cold sidereal emptiness, the by unknown powers and processes, who
Void grows close. The void dragons slipped constantly seek entry into the living, physical
past the nihil‑boundary in the dark reaches of world. More than that, the Void itself seems
space and gazed long and deep into the Void. almost alive or at least under some constant
Even they are irrevocably broken and carry pressure to spread and expand—to consume.
the Void’s touch with them into the world. Creatures who taste its power expose

themselves to its touch, and that touch is of the Void Speaker Arcane Tradition or a
corruptive. It bears a taint that seeps into character who possesses a Void Magic feat
physical, spiritual, and mental being. Void has advantage on saving throws made to resist
magic is powerful and often destructive, Void taint. (For more information on Void
its spells reinforced with the blasphemous Magic, see Deep Magic 3: Void Magic or the
intonations of Void Speech, and it is the Midgard Worldbook.)
most common way for mortals, particularly
adventurers, to have their first brush with the
Void’s taint. Lore and knowledge gathered
from tainted sources or the mindbending
unreality of the Void itself seep into a
creature’s mind and soul. Even some places
become spiritually toxic if the barrier to the
existing world wears thin or breaks.
Whenever a character is exposed to
Void taint, it risks losing a small piece
of itself to that influence. The Void
attacks the very reality of the exposed
character, overwriting a fragment of
the character’s personal reality
with its own twisted version.
An exposed character must
make a Charisma saving
throw with a DC set
by the severity of
the exposure. A
wizard character


Finishes a rest within a Void-tainted area 10
Learns Void-tainted lore 10
Attunes a Void-tainted magic item 15
Learns a Void magic spell 10 + spell level
Subjected to a Void magic spell of 6th level or higher Caster’s spell save DC
Encounters a creature of the Void for the first time 10 + creature’s Charisma modifier
Exposed to the Void itself 20

VOID TAINT EFFECTS wizard doubles its total Void taint threshold.
Accumulated Void taint is permanent until
On a failed save, the character suffers one the creature reaches its threshold.
point of Void taint and is afflicted with Sometimes, the Void’s touch manifests in a
short‑term madness (see the 5E SRD). On physical way, rather than a spiritual or mental
a success, the character might still be shaken one. Characters can maintain their sanity by
or upset by the experience but suffers no ill containing their growing Void taint within
effects. Once a character has succeeded on a their own bodies. Such a measure isn’t without
saving throw against a particular type of Void cost as the sliver of the Void works its way into
exposure, it is unaffected by further exposures the character’s flesh and changes it in ways
of the same type until it finishes a long rest. both subtle to terrifying. A character who uses
Void taint is a cumulative measure of the this option isn’t afflicted by indefinite madness
Void’s influence and corruption of a creature. but instead suffers a flesh warp.
When the character’s Void taint reaches a A flesh warp is a physical deformity that
threshold equal to its proficiency bonus + immediately overtakes the character’s body.
its Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), it Flesh warps are unsettling things and impose
is afflicted with indefinite madness, and its disadvantage on Charisma checks for any
Void taint resets to zero. If a character has any purpose other than intimidation made against
Void Magic feats, it can add the number of a creature not of the Void. A flesh warp lasts
Void Magic feats it possesses to its maximum until cured.
threshold of Void taint. A Void Speaker


1 “I am obsessed with discovering the hidden meaning in seemingly random objects,
such as shards of smashed glass.”
2 “Some event in my life never happened. I won’t acknowledge it or anything
to do with it.”
3 “I can hear them whispering, always whispering. They’re loudest near corners
of rooms and other angles in structures.”
4 “I constantly scrawl a certain set of strange glyphs without realizing it, sometimes
even so far as to cut them into my own skin.”
5 “When I’m excited or upset, some of my words come out in a different language. One
that I don’t actually speak or understand.”
6 “The trappings and symbol of a certain deity cause me great pain to look
upon or touch.”
7 “Ordered collections of objects are fascinating, and I have to study and count them.”
8 “I collect strange or disgusting trinkets, such as teeth of creatures I kill or scrapings of
dirt from everywhere I sleep.”
9 “The music is always with me, and I have to let it out. It doesn’t matter that
no one else finds the song as beautiful as I do.”
10 “I hear scratching just on the other side of interior walls.”

CURING FLESH WARPS & VOID TAINT Charisma saving throw. Flesh warps are
permanent manifestations of the Void within
A greater restoration spell cast on a character the body of a tainted character and are
with Void taint removes one point of taint incredibly difficult to remove. A regeneration
in addition to the spell’s normal effects if spell or more powerful magic is required to
the target of the spell succeeds on a DC 15 rid a character of a flesh warp.

1 Bulging Eye. The character has disadvantage on ranged attacks made against targets farther
than 30 ft. away but can take the Search action as a bonus action.
2 Eyeless. The character permanently gains the blinded condition. This condition can’t be
removed without curing this flesh warp. The character’s other senses are enhanced by the
Void, granting blindsight to a range of 10 ft. as long as the character can hear.
3 Gleaming Skin. The gleam grants advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to locate
the character by sight. While the character is in bright light and is hit by a melee attack, it
can use its reaction to add 1 to its armor class if the attacker can see its skin.
4 Scales. The character’s skin grows scales, bony plates, or becomes thick and leathery,
granting an armor class of 14 + Dexterity modifier. The character’s skin is also less pliant
and numb and imposes disadvantage on Dexterity checks.
5 Slime. The character’s skin produces a slick, gelatinous oil that provides advantage on
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to avoid or escape a grapple or slip out of bonds. It allows
the creature to pass through spaces large enough for a creature one size smaller than itself
without squeezing. The slime trail grants advantage on checks made to track the character.
6 Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 ft. of the character must succeed on a
DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of the creature’s next turn.
This stink clings to any objects that have been in the character’s possession for 24 hours.
Attempting to sell any such object may be impossible or yields only half the normal price at
best. Food in the character’s possession spoils after 24 hours.
7 Talons. The character can use the talons to make unarmed strikes that deal 1d4 plus
Strength modifier slashing damage. The character has disadvantage on Dexterity checks
involving fine manipulation with its hands and can’t wear close-toed footwear.
8 Tentacles. One of the character’s hands twists into a nest of writhing tentacles. Any check or
saving throw made to maintain grip or grapple with the tentacles has advantage. Any check
or saving throw involving fine motor control or Dexterity with the tentacles has disadvantage.
9 Tusks. The character grows large tusks and can use them to make unarmed strikes that
deal 1d4 plus Strength modifier piercing damage. If the character casts a spell with a verbal
component that has a casting time longer than 1 round, they must succeed on a DC 10
Constitution saving throw to successfully cast the spell.
10 Twisted Teeth. Mouths grow on random parts of the character’s body. If the character
is grappling a creature at the start of its turn, the teeth deal 1d4 piercing damage to the
grappled creature. While the character wears medium or heavy armor or heavy clothing,
the teeth ache and grind against the armor, causing disadvantage on Wisdom checks due to
discomfort and distraction.

by James J. Haeck

B eneath the streets of Zobeck, deep

in the darkness of fabled Old City’s
subterranean chambers, strange waters
Note also that enchanted water is no
substitute for a potion. All magic disappears
from a fountain’s waters 30 seconds after it is
bubble up through unused water pumps and removed from the fountain.
trickle down from the ancient stones. These
springs flow not just with water but with
the primordial and unpredictable magic of
Magic Fountains
Below are a collection of sample fonts, each
the earth. Explorers of the Old City curious
with an appearance, lore, and magical effects
enough to dip their cup into the waters of
that any drinker can experience.
these enchanted fonts and drink deep of
their magic may be rewarded with incredible
power—or cursed for their failure to judge the
fountain’s unfathomable dangers. A chipped and weathered statue of a
Of course, magic fountains can appear triumphant humanoid stands in the middle
in any fantastic location, not just ancient of this fountain. Its featured have been utterly
subterranean ruins like the buried Old City. worn away—any sign of its race or its profession
The springs in this article are particularly have been lost to the elements, but its pose and
well-suited to ancient cities but can be build suggest it was some kind of adventurer.
adapted to any dungeon environment.
The GM chooses the type of adventurer this
Magic Fountain Details statue was dedicated to: Fighter (Strength),
Rogue (Dexterity), Barbarian (Constitution),
Every fountain has a unique appearance,
Wizard (Intelligence), Cleric (Wisdom),
which is described in boxed text you can read
or Bard (Charisma). Use the adventurer’s
or paraphrase when the characters discover it.
associated ability every time “ability check” or
When a creature takes its first drink from
“ability score” is referenced in this fountain’s
a magic fountain, it must drink at least four
ounces of water to gain the fountain’s effects.
Drinking any less has no effect and drinking First Drink. The drinker must succeed on
more in one gulp has no further effects. If a a DC 10 ability check with that score. A
character begins drinking more after the first character of the same class as the statue has
drink, the fountain may have different effects. advantage on this check. On a success, the

drinker’s ability score increases by 1. On a THE SHADOW QUEEN
failure, nothing happens.
Carved into the unhewn rock of the cave wall
Drinking More. The DC for each subsequent is an artistic rendition of a glamorous woman
drink increases by 5. A character of the same in flowing robes. Two great butterfly wings
class as the statue has advantage on this extend from her back and a pair of ram’s horns
check. On a success, the drinker’s ability score curl from her temples. Water pours gently from
increases by 1. On a failure, the drinker’s the engravings into a small pool beneath the
ability score permanently decreases by 1 and carving.
must roll on the Primordial Magic Surge table.
Lore. A character that succeeds on a DC 15 First Drink. The drinker gains a warlock
Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers cantrip of the GM’s choice. It fades from the
faded writing on the base of the statue. It tells drinker’s memory after 1d4 hours.
the class that the statue once was: “This water Drinking More. The drinker gains the ability
holds the memories of a hero who longs to to cast a 1st-level warlock spell once. The next
meet a worthy pupil.” drink, the drinker gains the ability to cast a
2nd-level warlock spell once, and so on. All
spells learned in this way fade after 1d4 hours.


1 You take 22 (4d10) cold damage and your movement speed is reduced by 10 for 1d4
2 You take 12 (5d4) psychic damage and are deafened for 1d4 hours.
3 You take 11 (2d10) necrotic damage and are blinded for 1d4 hours.
4 You take 7 (2d6) poison damage and are poisoned for 1d4 hours.
5 If the fountain’s effects require rolling dice, roll twice as many. If not, nothing happens.
6 The duration of the fountain’s effect is doubled. If permanent, nothing happens.
7 All numerical effects of the fountain are doubled.
8 The spirit of the fountain (water elemental) forms from the water of the pool. You
may make a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check. On a success, the
elemental follows you as an ally for 1d6 × 10 minutes. On a failure, the elemental attacks
until it is reduced to half its maximum hit points, then flees back into the fountain. If
you do nothing and retreat from the fountain, the spirit returns into the fountain.
9 Your blood is infused with the magic of the spring. The effects of the magic fountain
are extended for 1d6 × 10 minutes. During this time, any creature that makes a
successful Bite attack against you or drinks your blood is affected as if it drank from
the fountain.
10 You become a creature of pure water for 1d6 hours. While in this form, you gain the
elemental type in addition to the humanoid type, the water form and freeze traits of a
water elemental, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks. Your body is still solid enough to hold your equipment.

After each drink, the drinker must make a THE PRIESTESS AND
Charisma saving throw with a DC equal to 10 THE BATHING DEVIL
+ the spell level. On a failure, the drinker loses
An overgrown fountain sits in the center of a
one spell slot for the day (if any) and must roll
ruined chapel. A statue of an angel stands in
on the Primordial Magic Surge table.
the middle of the fountain, and water flows
Lore. A character that succeeds on a DC into a basin in three stages. Water flows
15 Intelligence (History or Religion) check steadily from the angel’s cupped hands, then
recalls a legend of a cult of warlocks that into a jug held by stone cherub, then into a
sacrificed their own spells to grant power to basin at the angel’s feet. A statue of an imp sits
the Queen of the Shadow Fey. They worshiped in the basin, “bathing” in the water.
the Shadow Queen at cave carvings like this.
First Drink. The drinker regains 4d4 + 4 hit
THE DRAGON points.
A small gargoyle in the shape of a dragon Drinking More. On the second drink, the
emerges from the wall. Water flows from its drinker regain 8d4 + 8 hit points. On the third
mouth into a basin of tarnished copper held by drink and every drink thereafter, the drinker
its stone tail. must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw, taking 12d4 + 12 poison damage and
The GM chooses a type of chromatic becoming poisoned for 1 hour on a failed save
dragon: black (acid), blue (lightning), green or taking half as much damage on a successful
(poison), red (fire), or white (cold); or a one.
color of metallic dragon: brass (fire), bronze Lore. A character that succeeds on a DC 15
(lightning), copper (acid), gold (fire), or Intelligence (Religion) check recalls an old
silver (cold). Use the dragon’s damage type parable of the Giving Angel and the Bathing
whenever “damage” is referenced in this Devil. In this story, a traveling priest of
fountain’s description. Ninkash gave pure water freely to the people
First Drink. If the drinker is a dragonborn, of a poor neighborhood in Old Zobeck and
half-dragon, or Draconic Ancestry sorcerer made many friends. The next month, she
and their heritage matches the dragon statue’s returned with even more clean water, and all
type, the drinker transforms into a young her friends brought their friends as well, and
dragon for 1d4 hours. If the drinker is not one all shared in her generosity.
of the above, the drinker takes 3 (1d6) damage The third month, she returned to Zobeck
and rolls on the Primordial Magic Surge table. with her greatest supply of pure water, but
Drinking More. If the drinker is a humanoid, when she began to give it away, a flock of
they grow draconic wings, granting them a fly vandals and murderers snuck into her cart
speed of 60 feet, and rolls on the Primordial and poisoned the water, and all the people
Magic Surge table. These wings last for 1d4 who drank from her cart died. Horrified, she
hours. checked her cart for signs of intruders, and all
she saw was a vile imp cackling and bathing in
Lore. A character that succeeds on a DC 15
her casks of water.
Intelligence (Arcana) check determines that
this spring’s water contains traces of dragon
blood linked to the type of dragon represented
in the fountain.

by Steve Winter

T hese fourteen spells are suitable for a

campaign that visits the City of Brass
or that takes place in a setting where fire,
1st-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
heat, and the desert loom large, such as the Range: 10 feet
Southlands. They’re geared toward wizards, Components: V, S, M (a blessed candle)
but there’s no reason why sorcerers and Duration: 10 minutes
warlocks—or even clerics and druids—
Candle’s insight is cast on its target as the
can’t have access to them if you decide it’s
component candle is lit. The candle burns
appropriate in your campaign.
for up to 10 minutes unless it’s extinguished
normally or by the spell’s effect. While the
1st Level candle burns, the caster can question the
AVERT EVIL EYE spell’s target, and the candle reveals whether
1st-level abjuration the target speaks truthfully. An intentionally
Casting Time: 1 action misleading or partial answer causes the flame
Range: Touch to flicker and dim. An outright lie causes the
Components: V, S, M (a blue bead) flame to flare and then go out, ending the
Duration: 1 hour spell. The candle judges honesty, not absolute
The evil eye takes many forms. Any incident truth; the flame burns steadily through even
of bad luck can be blamed on it, especially if an outrageously false statement, if the target
a character recently displayed arrogance or believes it’s true.
selfishness. When avert evil eye is cast, the Candle’s insight is used across society:
recipient has a small degree of protection by merchants while negotiating deals, by
against the evil eye for up to 1 hour. While inquisitors investigating heresy, and by
the spell lasts, the target of the spell has monarchs as they interview foreign diplomats.
advantage on saving throws against being In some societies, casting candle’s insight
blinded, charmed, cursed, and frightened. without the consent of the spell’s target is
During the spell’s duration, the target can considered a serious breach of hospitality.
also cancel disadvantage on one d20 roll the
target is about to make, but doing so ends the
spell’s effect.

DAGGERHAWK 2nd-level transmutation
2nd-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: Self Components: V, M (a feather)
Components: V, S, M (a dagger) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: 1 minute The target of feather travel transforms into a
When daggerhawk is cast on a mundane feather (along with their clothing and other
dagger, a ghostly hawk appears around the gear) and drifts on the wind. The drifting
weapon. The hawk and dagger fly into the creature has a limited ability to control their
air and make a melee attack against one travel. They can move only in the direction
creature you select within 60 feet, using your the wind is blowing and at the speed of the
spell attack modifier and doing 1d4 + (your wind. They can, however, shift up, down,
spellcasting ability modifier) piercing damage or sideways 5 feet per round as if caught by
on a successful hit. On your following turns, a gust, allowing them to aim for an open
you can use a bonus action to cause the window or doorway, to avoid a flame, or to
daggerhawk to attack the same target. Once a steer around an animal or another creature.
target is selected for the daggerhawk, it can’t When the spell ends, the feather settles gently
switch to any other. The daggerhawk has to the ground and transforms back into the
AC 14 and, although it’s invulnerable to all original creature.
damage, a successful attack against it that does At Higher Levels. When you cast feather
bludgeoning, force, or slashing damage sends travel using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,
the daggerhawk tumbling, so it can’t attack two additional creatures can be transformed
again until after your next turn. per slot level above 2nd.

2nd-level evocation 3rd-level illusion (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 20 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a fire the size of a small Components: V, S
campfire or larger) Duration: Until dispelled
Duration: Instantaneous Tongue of sand is similar in many ways to
When this spell is cast on any fire that’s at magic mouth. When you cast it, you implant a
least as large as a small campfire or cooking message in a quantity of sand. The sand must
fire, three darts of flame shoot out from the fill a space no smaller than 4 square feet and
fire toward targets within 30 feet of the fire. at least 2 inches deep. The message can be up
Darts can be directed against the same or to 25 words. You also decide the conditions
separate targets as the caster chooses. Each that trigger the speaking of the message.
dart does 4d6 fire damage or half damage with When the message is triggered, a mouth
a successful Dexterity saving throw. forms in the sand and delivers the message in
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell a raspy, whispered voice that can be heard by
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the creatures within 10 feet of the sand.
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level Additionally, tongue of sand has the ability
above 2nd. to interact in a simple, brief manner with
creatures who hear its message. For up to
3rd Level 10 minutes after the message is triggered,
BREEZE COMPASS questions addressed to the sand will be
3rd-level divination answered as you would answer them. Each
Casting Time: 1 action answer can be no more than 10 words long,
Range: Self and the spell ends after a second question is
Components: V, S, M (a magnetized needle) answered.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
4th Level
When you cast breeze compass, you must
clearly imagine or mentally describe a
location. It doesn’t need to be a location 4th-level transmutation
you’ve been to as long as you know it exists Casting Time: 1 action
on the Material Plane. Within moments, a Range: 200 feet
gentle breeze arises and blows along the most Components: V, S, M (a magnifying lens)
efficient path toward that destination. Only Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
you can sense this breeze, and whenever This spell intensifies the light and heat of the
it brings you to a decision point (a fork in sun, so it burns exposed flesh. You must be
a tunnel, for example), you must make a able to see the sun when you cast the spell.
successful DC 8 Intelligence (Arcana) check The searing sunlight affects a cylindrical area
to deduce which way the breeze indicates you 50 feet in radius and 200 feet high, centered
should go. The spell ends if the Intelligence on the target point. Every creature that starts
check fails. The breeze guides you around its turn in that area takes 5d8 fire damage or
cliffs, lava pools, and other natural obstacles, half damage with a successful Constitution
but it doesn’t avoid enemies or hostile saving throw. A creature that’s shaded by a
creatures. solid object such as an awning, a building, or
an overhanging boulder has advantage on the

saving throw. On your turn, you can use an rock. For the duration of the spell, the vessel
action to move the target point up to 20 feet doesn’t float; it must be beached or resting on
in any direction along the ground. the bottom of a body of water (partially drawn
up onto a beach, for example) when the spell
LAVA STONE is cast or it sinks into the water.
4th-level transformation
Casting Time: 1 action 6th Level
Range: Touch FIREWALK
Components: V, M (a sling stone) 6th-level transmutation
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
When you cast lava stone on a piece of sling Range: Touch
ammo, the stone or bullet becomes intensely Components: V, S
hot. As a bonus action, you can launch the Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
heated stone with a sling: the stone increases The creature you cast firewalk on becomes
in size and melts into a glob of lava while immune to fire damage. In addition, that
in flight. Make a ranged spell attack against creature can walk along any burning surface,
the target. If it hits, the target takes 1d8 such as a burning wall or burning oil spread
bludgeoning damage, plus 6d6 fire damage. on water, as if it were solid and horizontal.
The target takes additional fire damage at Even if there is no surface to walk on, the
the start of each of your next three turns, creature can walk along the tops of the flames
beginning at 4d6, then 2d6, and then 1d6. themselves.
The additional damage can be avoided if the At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell
target or an ally within 5 feet of the target using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, two
scrapes off the lava. This is done by spending additional creatures can be affected for each
an action to make a successful Wisdom slot level above 6th.
(Medicine) check against your spellcasting
save DC. The spell ends if the heated sling 7th Level
stone isn’t used immediately. CREATE THUNDERSTAFF

5th Level 7th-level transmutation

Casting Time: 10 minutes (ritual)
Range: Touch
4th-level transmutation (ritual) Components: V, S, M (a quarterstaff)
Casting Time: 1 minute Duration: Until depleted
Range: 30 feet
When you cast create thunderstaff on a
Components: V, S, M (a boat or ship of
normal quarterstaff, it becomes like a sponge
10,000 gp value or less)
for loud, harsh sounds. The staff must then
Duration: 24 hours
be mounted in a noisy location, such as
Casting sand ship on a water vessel up to the a busy marketplace, and left there for 60
size of a small sailing ship transforms it into days. During those 60 days, the staff absorbs
a vessel capable of sailing on sand as easily ambient sound, which has the pleasant
as water. The vessel still needs a trained crew effect of reducing what would normally be
and relies on wind or oars for propulsion, raucous, discordant noise into a background
but it moves at its normal speed across sand rumble that, while still noticeable, is not at
instead of water for the duration of the spell. all unpleasant or distracting. The staff doesn’t
It can sail only through sand, not soil or solid detract from anyone’s ability to converse or to

be heard, it just makes unwanted noise easy 9th Level
After 60 days, the staff is fully charged and
9th-level transmutation
can’t absorb any more sound. At that point, it
Casting Time: 1 action
becomes a thunderstaff, a magic quarterstaff
Range: 60 feet
that grants a +1 bonus to melee attack and
Components: V, S
damage rolls made with it. In addition, the
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
staff has 10 charges. When you hit with a
melee attack with the staff and expend 1 You cause a stone statue that you can see
charge, the target takes an additional 1d8 within 60 feet of you to animate as your ally.
thunder damage. You can cast thunderwave The statue has the statistics of a stone golem.
from the staff as a bonus action by expending It takes a turn immediately after your turn.
2 charges. The staff doesn’t recharge. As a bonus action on your turn, you can
order the golem to move and attack, provided
8th Level you’re within 60 feet of it. Without orders
WIND OF THE HEREAFTER from you, the statue does nothing.
8th-level conjuration Whenever the statue has 75 hit points or
Casting Time: 1 action fewer at the start of your turn or it is more
Range: 120 feet than 60 feet from you at the start of your
Components: V, S, M (a vial of air from turn, you must make a successful DC 16
a tomb) spellcasting check or the statue goes berserk.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes On each of its turns, the berserk statue attacks
you or one of your allies. If no creature is
You create a 30-foot-radius sphere of roiling
near enough to be attacked, the statue dashes
wind that carries the choking stench of death.
toward the nearest one instead. Once the
The sphere is centered on a point you choose
statue goes berserk, it remains berserk until
within range. The wind blows around corners.
it’s destroyed.
When a creature starts its turn in the sphere,
When the spell ends, the animated statue
it takes 8d8 necrotic damage or half damage
reverts to a normal, mundane statue.
with a successful Constitution saving throw.
Creatures are affected even if they hold their
breath or don’t need to breathe.
The sphere moves 10 feet away from you at
the start of each of your turns, drifting along
the surface of the ground. It is not heavier
than air but drifts in a straight line for the
duration of the spell, even if that carries it
over a cliff or gully. If the sphere meets a wall
or other impassable obstacle, it turns to the
left or right (select randomly).


by Dan Dillon

T he practice of blood magic started with

the wizard Taergash the Bloodpurger and
sadly didn’t end with his death when he bled
Wondrous item, uncommon
This crimson pearl feels slick to the touch and
out. His crimson-stained knowledge persists
contains a mote of blood imbued with malign
in the world, plundered from his laboratory
purpose. When you use an action to break
by scheming apprentices and greedy
the pearl, a blood elemental* is released as if
adventurers. Aside from the spells he created
you had cast the sanguine horror* spell, and
or the magical heritage and traditions he
the pearl’s magic is lost. (* See Deep Magic 12:
spawned, the Bloodpurger’s teachings live on
Blood and Doom.)
in physical form through items and weapons
imbued with blood magic.
Armor (hide), very rare (requires attunement)
Blood-soaked hide armor is crafted from
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) the tanned skins of humanoids, carefully
This black iron armband bristles with long, preserved and layered. The armor is always
needle-sharp iron thorns. When you attune to smeared in tacky, semi-dried blood, no matter
the armband, the thorns bite into your flesh. how carefully it’s cleaned.
The armband doesn’t function unless the While wearing this armor, you gain a +1
thorns pierce your skin and are able to reach bonus to AC, and you are immune to any
your blood. effect that would cause you to lose hit points
While wearing the band, after you roll a due to blood loss or ongoing wounds, such
saving throw but before the GM reveals if the as the infernal wounds caused by a horned
roll is a success or failure, you can use your devil’s tail or the necrotic damage caused by a
reaction to expend one hit die. Roll the die, and sword of wounding.
add the number rolled to your saving throw. As an action, you can transform into a
flowing pool of thick blood for 1 minute,
or until you use a bonus action to revert to
normal. Any equipment you are wearing or
carrying melds into your form or falls to the
ground (your choice). Your statistics remain
the same, but any magic items other than the

blood-soaked hide cease to function. While in you can use your reaction to turn your blood
blood form, you can’t speak, you are resistant into a punishing spray. The creature that
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damaged you must make a DC 13 Dexterity
damage, you can move through any opening saving throw, taking 2d10 acid damage on
as small as 1 inch wide without squeezing, a failed save or half as much damage on a
and you can enter the space of other creatures successful one.
and end your turn there. The cloak has 3 charges. Each use of the
A creature that starts its turn in your space cloak expends 1 charge. The cloak regains 1d3
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving expended charges daily at dawn.
throw or lose 3d6 hit points due to blood
loss, and you regain a number of hit points TAERGASH’S TEAR
equal to half the number of hit points the Wondrous item, legendary
creature lost. Constructs and undead who (requires attunement)
aren’t vampires are immune to this effect. Taergash the Bloodpurger was the founder of
Once you assume blood form, you can’t use the blood magic discipline, and though he is
that ability again until the next dawn. long dead, a sliver of his will and cruelty lives
on. Taergash’s tear is a teardrop-shaped ruby
pendant suspended on a gold chain.
Weapon (piercing or slashing melee), rare While wearing Taergash’s tear, you gain the
(requires attunement) benefits of wearing a periapt of wound closure.
This magic weapon bears long, branching The tear has 7 charges. It regains 1d4 + 3
channels inscribed into its blade or head, expended charges daily at dawn but only if
and it gives off a coppery scent. When you you have dealt piercing, slashing, or necrotic
damage a creature with this weapon, it loses damage to a creature that has blood since the
an additional 2d6 hit points from blood loss. previous dawn.
The weapon acquires a taste for the last Blood Call. As an action, you can expend
creature it damaged. When you attack that 1 charge to target a creature you can see
creature with the weapon and miss, the target within 60 feet. If bloodsight is active, you
still loses 2d6 hit points due to blood loss as can target a creature revealed to you by its
the weapon draws blood out of open wounds blood, even if it has total cover from you.
as it passes. If a creature uses an action and The creature’s blood violently erupts from
succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) its body through its eyes, nose, mouth, or
check or the wounded creature receives any similar orifice, or simply from its skin
magical healing, the blade no longer has a through burst blood vessels. The target
taste for it. must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
Constructs and undead who aren’t throw, taking 4d8 necrotic damage and is
vampires are immune to the bleeding effects stunned until the start of your next turn
of the weapon. on a failed save or half as much damage
and isn’t stunned on a successful one.
MANTLE OF BLOOD VENGEANCE You regain a number of hit points equal
Wondrous item, uncommon to half the necrotic damage the target
(requires attunement) takes, but never more than the number of
While you wear this red silk cloak, you can hit points it had before taking damage.
visit retribution on any creature that dares Bloodsight. As a bonus action, you can
spill your blood. When you take piercing, expend 2 charges to sense the presence of
slashing, or necrotic damage from a creature, any creature that has blood within 60 feet

of you. This lasts for 1 minute. You see a Personality. Taergash’s tear is a haughty,
red, pulsing light illuminating the heart arrogant thing that expects its wearer to
and veins that throbs brighter in time treat it with respect.
with the creature’s heartbeat. This light is The necklace’s greatest desire is to
visible to you even in magical darkness or preserve its own existence, and it latches
other heavily obscured areas and through onto a wearer it thinks might have the
solid objects. Creatures revealed to you in strength to assist it in that goal. The ruby
this way gain no benefit against you for pendant absorbed the blood of Taergash
being hidden or invisible. himself and pushes its wearer to seek out
Steal Vitality. As an action, you can drain ways to preserve its life and to uncover
blood from a willing creature, or one that any scrap of blood magic it learns about.
is paralyzed or unconscious, with a touch. To that end, Taergash’s tear can’t abide
The creature takes 4d10 necrotic damage, being completely drained of charges. One
and Taergash’s tear regains 1 charge. of the quickest ways to push the sentient
item into a conflict is to leave it at zero
Sentience. Taergash’s tear is a sentient
charges. If the wearer doesn’t make an
neutral evil necklace with an Intelligence
effort to recharge the item by using Steal
of 19, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of
Vitality, the necklace will simply take
17. It has hearing and darkvision out to a
matters into its own hands and force the
range of 120 feet, and it gains the benefit
issue. If it gets the sense that its wearer
of its own bloodsight property when
won’t help it meet its goals of eternal
existence or continued recovery of lost
The necklace can speak, read, and
blood magic, it will try to kill the wearer
understand Common, Draconic, and
in its sleep, turning Blood Call and Steal
Infernal and can communicate with its
Vitality against it.
wearer telepathically. Its voice is male,
flat, and has a hint of an exotic

by Dan Dillon

L ife leaves echoes in its wake, whether

crumbled remnants of a bygone
civilization, tales of heroes and gods that
their soul. Exhaustion, deprivation, and injury
take their toll on a shade’s body, disrupting
their body’s ability to maintain the connection
spawn new beliefs, or even the echo of an to their soul. Food, drink, and air aren’t
individual soul left behind to haunt the living necessary to nourish their bodies but merely
world. The world of Midgard is no stranger to help them maintain the sense of being a
to ghosts and specters that linger beyond living, breathing creature. Similarly, shades
death, but sometimes a person’s passion, appear to sleep, but they do not require it.
purpose, and will to live are so strong, their The more injured or exhausted a shade, the
tie to the living world so unbreakable, that less corporeal they appear. The colors of their
their memories create a vessel for their soul body wash out to pale, desaturated tones, and
after their body dies. These people are called light begins to pass through them. Blood from
shades. Shades can arise from any living race. their wounds starts out as red and vibrant
There are rumors of darakhul or other as any humanoid’s, but closer to death, their
undead leaving shades behind after wounds cease to bleed and seem to evaporate
destruction, but there are no reliable accounts at the edges.
of such a creature. It is more likely that an
undead creature with strong enough will to
become a shade becomes a shade of the race
Living Memory
they were in true life. The strength of a shade’s memory of
themselves and their place in life is the core
of their being. Newer shades are almost
Spirit and Flesh impossible to distinguish from their prior,
A shade possesses a physical body that looks, fully-living selves. Like anything exposed
acts, and feels similar to a living member of to the gnawing ravages of time, however,
their original race, at least superficially. Shades memory fades. The older a shade gets, the
must breathe, consume food and drink, and memories that keep them tethered to the
require shelter from adverse weather. Despite living world begin to fray. They might grow
the functional similarities to a living body, a forgetful, losing track of where they are or
shade isn’t composed of flesh and blood. Their what year it is. Their memories might drift
bodies are a memory of who they once were, together, causing them see people around
inhabited and quickened by the presence of them as figures from their past.

Many shades keep detailed memoires, because a scouting force destroyed it during
tending to them with the same devotion the conquest. The shades found it not long
that any living creature shows seeking out after and set about to building themselves a
food and water. Shades can theoretically live new life. The Werghart shades are cut off, but
forever, but in practice, the memories that they are determined and could make powerful
tether them to life can’t hold out indefinitely. allies in striking at the Blood Kingdom from
Journals and other personal mementos help within.
shades keep hold of themselves and allow In the Southlands, shades are more common
them to last longer, sometimes for centuries. in Nuria Natal and in Siwal the City of
Gardens. Siwali shades are great assets to the
Shades in Midgard gravebinders who oversee the Necropolis,
often becoming gravebinders themselves.
The largest known concentration of shades
has arisen relatively recently in the conquered
kingdom of Krakovar. The death that swept Social/Adventure
from the vampires to the south and their Because they can arise from any people,
ghoulish allies that boiled up from the earth’s shades come from all corners of Midgard and
crevices created the perfect conditions from all walks of life. Station and wealth are
for shades to arise. Despite their greater no guarantee to help one linger on after the
frequency, even in the new annex of the body’s death either. It’s not unheard of for a
greater Blood Kingdom, shades remain person to die only to rise as a shade with little
scattered except for one place. A tiny village in understanding that anything changed. Some
the Ostre Hills, Werghart, hosts a community even hide or dispose of their original remains,
of shades. It’s remote and completely beneath sometimes suppressing or deeply denying
the notice of the vampire ruling nobility

A shade’s remembrance of their own life, during their travels will never become a
their own self, is the key to their continued memento mori, but a handmade twine
existence. When others honor their memory, a bracelet given by a villager after the shade
shade can draw sustenance and strength from saved their village might if the shade moves
it. Any token, gift, or even a work of art or on. Above all, a true, empowered memento
poetry intended to honor the memory of the mori must carry meaning.
shade carries the giver or creator’s memory
and can sustain the shade. MEMENTO MORI
Creating a true memento mori requires that Wondrous item, uncommon
the creator have a genuine desire to honor (requires attunement by the shade for whom
the shade. It might seem trivial for a shade’s it was offered)
bard companion to compose poems or songs As long as you have the memento mori in
regularly, thus sustaining the shade, but your possession, you don’t require food,
such attempts fail. Memory is the key, and a drink, or sleep. As an action, you can draw
creator who is in regular close contact with on all the stored memory at once, and you
the shade draws more on that contact than receive the effects of a potion of heroism.
on their own memory. A shade’s traveling When the effect expires, the memento mori
companion painting a portrait of the shade loses its magic.

the act at all, and resume their life with no of adventures. Other more established shades
disruption. Anyone could secretly, sometimes might set out on adventure to quest for the
even to themselves, be a shade. means to restore their true life or to protect
Some traveling shades leave their old lives loved ones from a threat. Krakovan shades
behind, particularly those who were alone in engage in endless sabotage, harassment, and
life with no one to mourn them or fuel their even outright warfare against the occupying
memory. Such shades make up the majority forces of the Blood Kingdom.

Shade Traits and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks that
Your shade character has a collection of traits
aren’t made with silver weapons. You can also
that arise from being a shade as well as a few
move through creatures and solid objects as if
drawn from life.
they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score inside an object, you take 1d10 force damage.
increases by 1, one other ability score of your Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again
choice increases by 1. Choose one ability score until you finish a long rest.
that is increased by your Living Origin (see
Life Drain. When you damage a creature with
below) or by one of its subraces. That ability
an attack or a spell, you can choose to deal
score increases by 1.
extra necrotic damage to the target equal to
Age. Shades appear as the age they were when your level. If the creature’s race matches your
they died. They potentially have no limit to Living Origin, you gain temporary hit points
their lifespan, but practically, ancient shades equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
grow weary and lose their hold on their Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again
memories, fading away near 750 years old. until you finish a short or long rest.
Alignment. Shades come from all walks of life Spectral Resilience. You have resistance to
but show a tendency toward neutrality. Shades necrotic and poison damage, and you have
that lack contact with other people grow more advantage on saving throws against poison
selfish over time and slip toward evil. and disease.
Size. Your size is determined by your Living Undead Nature. You have two creature types:
Origin (see below). humanoid and undead. You can be affected
Speed. Your speed is determined by your by a game effect if it works on either of your
Living Origin (see below). creature types.
Game effects that raise a creature from the
Darkvision. Your existence beyond death
dead work on you as normal, but they return
makes you at home in the dark. You can see
you to life as a shade. A true resurrection or
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
wish spell can restore you to life as a fully
bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
living member of your original race.
light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray. Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language spoken by
Ghostly Flesh. Starting at 3rd level, you can
your Living Origin (see below).
use your action to dissolve your physical
body into the ephemeral stuff of spirits. You Living Origin. As living echoes of who they
become translucent and devoid of color, and once were, shades maintain some of the traits
the air around you grows cold. they bore in life. Choose another race as your
Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or living origin. This is the race you were in life.
until you end it as a bonus action. During Your size and speed are those of your living
it, you have a flying speed of 30 feet (hover) origin.

Prominent Shades fading fragments of the memories struggling
to hold his soul. Other memories of long-dead
Like any other group, shades have their
elves linger in the form of specters, ghosts,
luminaries and notables. These figures might
and banshees. The creatures occasionally
serve as a mentor or point of contact for shade
attend their old general, but mostly leave
player characters, or as a means to tie other
him to his failing memory. Most of the
characters into ongoing events or even the
time he mumbles and rambles, engaging in
distant secret history of Midgard.
conversations had ages ago with comrades
long gone. Fading and ghostly, it won’t be
long before his memories fail completely and
Centuries gone, the elves who once ruled over his soul sinks into true, lasting death.
the face of Midgard fell into decline and left. On rare occasions, however, his mind pulls
Lifetimes of fighting against uprisings and together, and the fog clears. In these moments,
infernal incursion—and the betrayal of their he is every bit as powerful, charismatic, and
kin fled into Shadow—sent the elves with their dangerous as he was during the height of his
magic, their armies, their empire, walking the life. What causes these moments of lucidity
Fey Roads back to the Summer Lands. Before varies, ranging from an auspicious night of the
the Great Retreat, in the waning centuries of year with certain celestial alignments to the
the elven empire, Kaladrian Ladross Larentil glimpse of a trinket that stirs his fading core
lived and fought for the glory of his people in to bright life. When his mind clears, Kaladrian
Liadmura in the Ironcrag Mountains. understands his state and station, and he
Kaladrian was a general of armies, a can be reasoned with or grievously offended.
fearsome warrior, and a wielder of the ancient During all other times, he’s difficult to talk to
elven high magic. He led his soldiers to but sometimes passes ancient secrets freely in
conquest and glory and personally sacrificed a one-sided conversation.
defeated generals and would-be kings to
Valeresh. It is said that he personally ended KALADRIAN’S SHADE
one hundred royal lines in the course of his Medium humanoid/undead (shade),
devotion. It was during his time serving as Chaotic Neutral
advisor to the Eagle Emperor, in his fourth Armor Class 14 (17 with mage armor)
century of life, that an assassin’s blade found Hit Points 210 (28d8 + 84)
his heart. Speed 30 ft.
Kaladrian’s shade rose from his cold blood
wetting the marble of his chamber floor, just STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 20 (+5)
in time for him to witness the last crumbling
days of the elves’ power on Midgard. He is
Saving Throws Str +5, Wis +7, Cha +10
one of the few beings still walking the world
Skills History +8, Insight +7, Perception +7,
who lived through those events, and it’s a Stealth +9
tragedy that he remembers almost nothing of Damage Resistances necrotic, poison
it. He remained in Liadmura and continued Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
to serve, but when it came time for the Great Languages Ankeshelian, Common, Dwarvish,
Retreat, he was left behind. There was no place Elvish
for him in the Elflands in his state. Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
Now over six hundred years dead, Kaladrian
is a fading echo of his former glory. He Insane. Kaladrian has advantage on saving throws
wanders the ruins of Liadmura, lost in the against being charmed or frightened.

Special Equipment. Kaladrian carries a rapier of 5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, legend lore
wounding and a mithril pendant memento mori. *Elven high magic spell (see Midgard Heroes
Spectral Resilience. Kaladrian has advantage on Handbook)
saving throws against poison and disease. Undead Nature. Kaladrian has two creature
Spellcasting. Kaladrian is a 10th-level spellcaster. types, humanoid and undead. Any game effect
His spellcasting ability score is Intelligence that affects either of his creature types affects
(spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). him.
Kaladrian has the following wizard spells
prepared: ACTIONS
Cantrips (at will): blade ward, fire bolt, light, Multiattack. Kaladrian makes two weapon
prestidigitation, shocking grasp attacks. He can use Life Drain in place of one
1st level (4 slots): guest of honor*, jump, weapon attack.
mage armor
2nd level (3 slots): black swan
storm*, blur, misty step
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell,
lightning bolt
4th level (3 slots): fire
shield, shadowy

Rapier of Wounding. Melee Weapon Attack: +9
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
Shades of Werghart
piercing damage, and the target is wounded. The following are some of the shades that
Wounded creatures take 1d4 necrotic damage at adventurers might encounter in or around the
the start of its turn for each wound, it can then village of Werghart in the Ostre Hills. In each
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, ending
case, add the following modifications to the
all such wounds on a success. As an action, a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check
suggested stat block:
ends the wounds. Hit points lost to the rapier’s • Charisma +1 and any two scores (only
damage can only be regained by finishing a one of which can be Charisma) +1
short or long rest. • Creature type is both humanoid and
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, undead
ranged 150/400 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
piercing damage. • Add the Ghostly Flesh (1/Day), Life Drain
Life Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +10 to hit, reach (1/Rest), and Spectral Resilience traits.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage,
and Kaladrian regains hit points equal to the
Veyla Gheren: Female Krakovan human
necrotic damage taken. shade. Veyla has the statistics of a veteran.
Ghostly Flesh (1/Day). Kaladrian becomes Veyla appears to be a human woman in her
ghostly and translucent for 1 minute. He gains mid-30s with dark skin and black hair in tight
a flying speed of 30 feet (hover), and has braids. She’s deadpan and flat-eyed in times of
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing stress or uncertainty but quick to smile among
damage made with nonmagical weapons that
friends. She is the town master of Werghart
aren’t silvered. He can move through objects and
creatures as if they were difficult terrain, and if
and is doing her best to keep her people safe
he stops inside an object he takes 5 (1d10) force and to strike against the Blood Kingdom
damage. He can end the transformation early as when she can. She died fighting against the
a bonus action. ghoul incursions in Wallenbirg. If outsiders
can earn her trust, she can offer work in the
form of ambushing Blood Kingdom patrols or
Parry. Kaladrian adds 5 to his AC against one
raids to obtain crucial supplies for the village.
melee attack that would hit him. To do so, he
must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
Gohtras Bloodstone: Male dwarf shade.
Gohtras uses the statistics of a priest. He’s a
LEGENDARY ACTIONS pale-skinned reaver dwarf priest of Wotan.
Kaladrian can take 3 legendary actions,
He’s missing his left eye and claims he put
choosing from the options below. Only one it out himself to see as his god sees. His hair
legendary action option can be used at a time and beard are auburn and plaited into several
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. long braids adorned with bits of metal taken
Kaladrian regains spent legendary actions at the from fallen foes. Dour and grim, the dwarf is a
start of its turn. staunch realist and advisor to Veyla. Gohtras
was a visitor to the country, joining the battle
Attack. Kaladrian makes one weapon
at Krakova when he found himself in the
midst of a siege. He’s currently collecting
Evade. Kaladrian moves up to half his stories of all the shades in Werghart and
speed. This movement doesn’t provoke composing a saga to preserve their memory.
opportunity attacks.
Cantrip. Kaladrian casts a cantrip.

by Hannah Rose

Y our origins are a mystery even to you.

You might recall fragments of your
previous life, or you might dream of
events that could be memories, but you
can’t be sure of what is remembered
and what is imagined. You recall
practical information and facts
about the world and perhaps even
your name, but your upbringing
and life before you lost your
memories now exist only
in dreams or sudden flashes
of familiarity.
You can leave the details
of your character’s past up
to your GM or give the
GM a specific backstory
that your character can’t
remember. Were you
the victim of a spell
gone awry, or did

you voluntarily sacrifice your memories in Feature: Unexpected Acquaintance
exchange for power? Is your amnesia the result Even though you can’t recall them, someone
of a natural accident, or did you purposefully from your past will recognize you and offer
have your mind wiped in order to forget a to aid you—or to impede you. The person
memory you couldn’t live with? Perhaps you and their relationship to you depend on
have family or friends that are searching for the truth of your backstory. They might be
you or enemies you can’t even remember. a childhood friend, a former rival, or even
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Survival your child who’s grown up with dreams of
finding their missing parent. They may want
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools
you to return to your former life even if it
or one type of musical instrument
means abandoning your current goals and
Languages: One of your choice companions.
Equipment: A mysterious trinket from Work with your GM to determine the details
your past life, a set of artisan’s tools or a of this character and your history with them.
musical instrument (one of your choice),
Suggested Characteristics
a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch
You may be bothered by your lack of
containing 5 gp.
memories and driven to recover them or
reclaim the secrets of your past, or you can
use your anonymity to your advantage.

1 I’m always humming a song, but I can’t remember the words.
2 I love learning new things and meeting new people.
3 I want to prove my worth and have people know my name.
4 I don’t like places that are crowded or noisy.
5 I’m mistrustful of mages and magic in general.
6 I like to keep everything tidy and organized so that I can find things easily.
7 Every night I record my day in a detailed journal.
8 I live in the present. The future will come as it may.

1 Redemption. Whatever I did in the past, I’m determined to make the world a better
place. (Good)
2 Independence. I’m beholden to no one, so I can do whatever I want. (Chaotic)
3 Cunning. Since I have no past, no one can use it to thwart my rise to power. (Evil)
4 Community. I believe in a just society that takes care of people in need. (Lawful)
5 Fairness. I judge others by who they are now, not by what they’ve done in the past.
6 Friendship. The people in my life now are more important than any ideal. (Any)

1 I have dreams where I see a loved one’s face, but I can’t remember their name or who
they are.
2 I wear a wedding ring, so I must have been married before I lost my memories.
3 My mentor raised me; they told me that I lost my memories in a terrible accident that
killed my family.
4 I have an enemy who wants to kill me, but I don’t know what I did to earn their hatred.
5 I know there’s an important memory attached to the scar I bear on my body.
6 I can never repay the debt I owe to the person who cared for me after I lost my memories.

1 I am jealous of those who have memories of a happy childhood.
2 I’m desperate for knowledge about my past, and I’ll do anything to obtain that
3 I’m terrified of meeting someone from my past, so I avoid strangers as much as possible.
4 Only the present matters. I can’t bring myself to care about the future.
5 I’m convinced that I was powerful and rich before I lost my memories—and I expect
everyone to treat me accordingly.
6 Anyone who shows me pity is subjected to my biting scorn.

by Sarah Madsen

T he many skalds from Skaldholm form

a loose network of informants for the
Master of Thyles, but there are whispers of a
of command. While some shadowsingers
find a second family within the ranks, others
hold no love for the other skalds and feel no
secret organization within the schools: skalds duty to aid anyone other than their personal
that are as proficient in the art of espionage allies. This can lead to clashes within the
as they are in poetry and song. Known as organization, and members that are too
shadowsingers, their primary medium is disruptive or antagonistic to their fellow
information and secrets, but they are known shadowsingers find themselves shunned—or
to slip a dagger between ribs when necessary. they simply vanish altogether.
They report to the Master of Thyles himself,
keeping him abreast of events (both public
and private) in the Northlands and beyond.
Shadowsinger Goals
The shadowsingers have only one codified
Masters of insight and manipulation,
objective: find the answer to the Riddle of the
the shadowsingers use every tool at their
Forgotten Thing. Whereas other skalds relay
disposal in pursuit of their goals. Whether
rumors they hear during their travels, the
it’s leveraging their position as skald to gain
shadowsingers seek out knowledge, following
access to an exclusive event, singing the
the slightest lead, tugging on delicate threads
praises of their chosen courtiers to curry favor
of information until they find the source.
(or damning the reputation of those that
Their quest takes them the far corners of the
displease them), or stealing into private royal
Northlands and even farther into the other
chambers after a particularly rousing night
kingdoms of Midgard in an effort to uncover
of drunken revelry, they can convince their
what was lost.
target to give up essential information, thank
Beyond this primary goal, shadowsingers
them for their patronage, and disappear into
desire knowledge above all else. The more
the shadows before anyone is the wiser.
buried a secret, the deeper a Shadowsinger
Shadowsingers owe no loyalty to anyone
delves to uncover it. Knowledge is power; it
but the Master of Thyles—not even to each
can cement empires or topple dynasties. Other
other. Obviously, it’s considered bad form to
than delivering vital knowledge to the Master
undermine a fellow shadowsinger (as they all
of Thyles, what each Shadowsinger does with
serve the same master and pursue the same
the information they discover is up to the
goal), but they swear no oath of allegiance
individual—some use it for personal ends
to one another, and there’s no distinct chain

while others disseminate pertinent details to younger members and offering wisdom
the masses—and there are factions within the to those who seek her out. Her once-fiery
organization that disagree with their role to temper has mellowed to a low burn but will
play in that regard. Some whisper that this nonetheless flare when her ideals (or her
dispute will eventually erupt into a full-fledged protégés) are threatened.
schism while others claim the Master of Thyles Jenner Mirin (Neutral Evil): Jenner is a
will step in long before that happens. tiefling thespian and a master at lies and
subterfuge. They use their charm and wiles
Shadowsinger Ideals to weasel their way into the confidences—
and beds—of commoners and nobles alike.
All knowledge is worth having. Never let
Jenner’s desire to find the answer to the
an opportunity to gather a secret or learn a
Riddle is motivated purely by self-interest,
story pass you by.
and they happily claim any perks that come
Make friends in high and low places. with being a beloved skald, accepting gifts
Nobility is only as powerful as its people. of coin, ale, and adoration in equal measure.
Your mind is your greatest weapon. Wield No altruism is found within Jenner—every
your wits, words, and art as ruthlessly as action is calculated to reap the greatest
your blade. reward, though occasionally that means
doing “selfless” good in order to
Notable Individuals make the right impression on
the right person.
Brand Thundershield (Chaotic Good): A
stout dwarf storyteller, Brand is boisterous
and amiable, making friends in every
long hall in the north. His booming laugh
and broad smile hide a ruthless efficiency
however. With a few rounds of mead and
a stirring tale, he can whip a tavern into a
raucous celebration or a roiling mob. He
chafes at the mistreatment of others and
the inequality in the classes and will often
be found slipping a large amount of gold
into a beggar’s bowl or entertaining street
urchins with no reward other than
their smile.
Fira Wolfsdottir (Neutral Good): A
Northlander, Fira defied expectations
and became a skald rather than a warrior.
Showing great skill with both lute and
blade as a young woman, she spent her
time wandering and adventuring before
returning to Skaldholm to perfect her art:
spinning epic poetry and song. Though
the shadowsingers have no official leader,
Fira (now in her early forties) is honored
and respected by many, often mentoring

Notable Locations possible recruit, the shadowsinger cultivates
their new apprentice under the guise of
Baldur’s Barrel: Within the heart of legitimate mentorship within one of said
Skaldholm is a tavern, unremarkable by schools. Only the teacher and the student—
most standards. The placard above the and possibly other shadowsingers—know
door features a simple mug overflowing the truth of what is being taught.
with mead and foam. Despite its benign
appearance, the Barrel is owned by Oda, a
former Shadowsinger, and is a safe haven Character Options
for any skalds who need a meal, lodging, or The following options are available for
a quiet place to broker a deal. Every night, a shadowsingers PCs.
talented performer can be found on its small
stage, enthralling the packed room, and COLLEGE OF SHADOWS
every performer is given the lion’s share of
tips for the evening, as Oda is well aware of Shadowsingers undergo careful training
why her patrons frequent her tables. before they’re sent out into the world. Skilled
The Retreat: A lodge nestled along the coast in both music and manipulation, they’re
with beautiful views and clusters of relaxing the perfect blend of charm and cunning.
hot springs, the Retreat has become a The tricks they learn in their tutelage make
favored vacationing spot for scholars and them ideal for the subtle work of coaxing out
nobles of Skaldholm alike. The perfect place secrets, entrancing audiences, and dazzling
to rub elbows with the elite, debate with the minds of their chosen targets.
master orators, and (of course) listen for any Bonus Proficiencies: Starting at 3rd level,
rumors, the Retreat features suites of rooms you gain proficiency with three skills of your
for rent (at exorbitant prices, naturally), choice.
delicious meals, and top-shelf drink to be Mantle of Shadows: Starting at 3rd level,
enjoyed in their spacious dining hall or while you can spend an action to twist the shadows
lounging in the healing waters of the springs. around you for 1 minute or until your
The Retreat is spoken of by the lower concentration ends. For the duration, you gain
classes with a mix of derision and longing— advantage on stealth checks and you gain the
many consider it frivolous and wastefully benefits of three-quarters cover as the shadows
overpriced, though few would turn down the themselves obscure your passing.
chance to take advantage of its amenities.
Lover’s Haste: Starting at 3rd level, you can
The Skaldic Schools: There are numerous dash as a bonus action while under the effects
schools within Skaldholm that dedicate of Mantle of Shadows.
themselves to the study of the arts and
Cunning Insight: Starting at 6th level, you
scholarship. Each believes, of course, that
know exactly where to hit your enemies. You
their skalds are the most talented, their
spend an action focusing on a target after
scholars the wisest, and their methods the
which the target must make a Wisdom Saving
truest, and the resulting feuds between them
Throw vs. your Spell Save DC. On a failed
would fill a bard’s book with legends and
save, choose one of the following:
keep the washerwomen gossiping through
the cold of winter. Shadowsingers often start • You gain advantage on your next attack
their studies at one of the schools and are roll against the target.
scouted by another shadowsinger who sees • You gain knowledge of the target’s
their potential. Once a student is marked as a damage vulnerabilities.

• You gain knowledge of the target’s damage throws for the next hour as they are
resistances and damage immunities. distracted and overcome by paranoia.
• You gain knowledge of the target’s • They become convinced that you (or
condition immunities. one of your allies if you choose to sing
• You see through any illusions involving the praises of another) are a fearsome
the target. opponent. For the next minute, they are
Shadowsinger: Starting at 14th level, you are afraid of you (or your ally). In addition,
a master at weaving stories and influencing you (or your ally) gain advantage on all
the minds of your audience. With the power attack rolls against them for the duration.
of one performance, you can make or break Remove curse or greater restoration ends
someone’s reputation. You spend at least 1 the effects of this feature. Once you use this
minute performing, relaying a tale through feature, you may not use it again until you
song, poetry, play, or other medium. At the complete a short or long rest.
end of your performance, choose a number
of humanoids who witnessed the entire SHADOWSINGER APPRENTICE
performance, up to a number of 1 plus your
Charisma modifier. Each target must succeed For those players interested in playing
on a Wisdom saving throw vs. your spell save a shadowsinger, we suggest using the
DC. On a failed save, the target(s) suffers one Entertainer background or the Criminal (Spy
of the following: variant) and substituting the traits from the
• They believe the tale you told is truth and charts below as needed.
will tell others the tale as if it were truth, Shadowsingers are more than just
even under magical compulsion. entertainers, and their personality traits and
• They believe someone in the room knows motivations reflect that. Their demeanors are
their darkest secret, and they are at as varied and unpredictable as a northern
disadvantage on all Charisma, Wisdom, storm, from calm and steady to tempestuous
and Intelligence ability checks and saving and boastful.

1 I’m warm and friendly; I’ve never met anyone I couldn’t charm or encountered any
conflict I couldn’t talk my way out of.
2 I’m extremely competitive; I crave attention and praise and take it as a personal slight
when others outmatch me.
3 Predictability and stagnation are the death of relevance, so I’m constantly seeking out
new routines to add to my repertoire.
4 Subtlety is the key to manipulation; I like to leave my marks unaware of the damage I’ve
done to their purse or their reputation until I’m safely out of town.
5 I have an insatiable curiosity and desire for knowledge, which often gets me in trouble.
6 I’m the best at what I do and cannot be convinced otherwise.
7 I enjoy verbal sparring. Matching wits with another is more exhilarating than any battle.
8 I assume personalities as easily as I change hats and become whatever is best suited for
each situation. No one knows the true me, and I like it that way.

1 Equality Knowledge is the great equalizer; the uniformed are easily oppressed and the
ignorant easily manipulated. I do what I do to help those less fortunate than me. (Good)
2 Loyalty I answer to my betters. Any knowledge I gather is for them to use as they see fit.
3 Change Power structures are meant to be challenged, and with the knowledge I gather, I
can shake society to its very foundation and make way for something new. (Chaotic)
4 Personal Gain I will search out the answer to the Riddle of the Forgotten Thing, but
anything else I learn during my travels is fair game, and I’ll gladly sell it to the highest
bidder. (Evil)
5 Knowledge Information is neither good nor evil but is just another form of power. I am
the only one I trust to wield it. (Neutral)
6 Influence The more sway I have within society, high or low, the easier it is to accomplish
my goals without getting my own hands dirty. (Any)

1 I have an unwavering loyalty to the Master of Thyles and my fellow shadowsingers and
will answer their call anytime, regardless of my own goals.
2 Intrigue and espionage are the world’s greatest game, and I live to play.
3 My friends who stand by my side are more valuable than any secret.
4 The Riddle of the Forgotten Thing drives me in everything I do. I’m determined to be the
one to find the answer and secure my place in history.
5 A fellow shadowsinger poached a valuable secret out from under me, and now I’m intent
on seeing them brought low.
6 I missed a vital piece of information that led to the death of someone I loved. I’m terrified
of making the same mistake again.

1 My ego is delicate and easily bruised, and I lash out at others when it’s injured.
2 I sometimes get so wrapped up in the game that I miss the obvious, even when it’s staring
me in the face.
3 Being surrounded by skilled deceivers has left me distrustful of others. I find it hard to get
close to anyone.
4 I’m single-minded when following a lead, plowing ahead despite the danger to myself or
my friends.
5 I can’t resist the opportunity to show off my skills and will rise to any challenge.
6 I was clumsy in an attempt to woo someone influential, and now they have it out for me.
I’m probably not as charming as I think I am.

by James J. Haeck

B ounty hunters are easy folk to understand.

They may hunt for gold, for justice, or for
vengeance, but no matter what their reasons

You are on the run from the law for a grave

for stalking their prey, the fact is that the hunt crime. No common criminal, you were tried
is all that matters to them. It consumes their and imprisoned for an offense that has set
thoughts and, all other pleasures of life, all the law permanently on your trail. Whether
its calming vices, are merely distractions to or not you actually committed this crime is
soothe their fevered minds. hardly relevant; the constabulary want your
There’s a saying among mercenaries of the head on a pike regardless.
Crossroads. “Never trust a bounty hunter that What crime were you accused of? Did you
smiles. You look into those teeth, and if you’re really commit it, or were you a victim of
lucky, you’ll see the fangs of a hungry wolf, for circumstance, or were you framed? How long
a wolf hunts because it is the will of the world. were you imprisoned before you escaped, and
Perun help you if you see the teeth of a man, how long have you been fleeing the law since?
for a man who kills for pleasure knows that Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth
good folk is just as fun to bleed as the bad.” Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, thieves’ tools
The following new backgrounds and
Equipment: A disguise kit or thieves’ tools,
subclasses will help you create characters that
a prison brand or tattoo, a set of traveler’s
live for the hunt.
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.

New Backgrounds Feature: Self-Sufficient

Hunting dangerous prey is a calling only the You spent years fending for yourself in the
reckless or barbarous pursue for long. As cruelly indifferent wilderness, evading those
such, those who walk this blood-drenched that would see you dead. You leave no tracks
path tend to come from backgrounds that while traveling alone. Additionally, you can
imbue them with a need for vengeance, a find food and water for you and up to five
hunger for justice, or a lust for the pure other people by spending 2 hours during
bloodthirsty thrill of the hunt. a long rest foraging, as long as the region
you are in has fresh water, small game, and
healthful vegetation available.

Suggested Characteristics RAID SURVIVOR
Some fugitives are legitimate cons,
When a horde of centaurs descended upon a
incarcerated for a grave crime, while others
Karivi caravan, they left nothing but splintered
are innocent people that were either framed
timbers and tattered canvas in their wake.
by an enemy or were simply in the wrong
When the armies of the Dragon Empire
place at the wrong time. Regardless of why
marched on the Magdar Kingdoms, they
you ended up imprisoned, your time behind
took only what prisoners they could use as
bars changed you, hardening your eyes and
slaves and slaughtered the rest. Your home
filling you with deep cynicism for humanity.
was no different, but when the raiders came,
Only true kindness can break down the walls
you somehow survived. You may have been
that have risen around your heart.
orphaned. You may have been taken as a slave.
Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, You may have even been the sole survivor the
and Flaws raid, desperately hiding yourself underneath
Choose these traits from the Criminal tables, the still-warm corpse of another victim.
or create your own. What matters is that you survived, no
matter what you had to do. Work with your
GM to determine who or what launched the
raid, where the raid occurred, and who led
the raiding party. Who did you lose in the
raid, and how long ago did it occur? How did

you survive the attack? Did the raid fill you Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds,
with the undying flames of vengeance? If so, and Flaws
are you content to simply take revenge on the Choose these traits from the Outlander tables,
leader of the raid, or do you wish to wipe out or create your own.
their entire company? Their entire race?
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Survival TROPHY HUNTER
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s
You hunt the mightiest beasts in the harshest
tools, healer’s kit
environments, claiming their pelts as trophies
Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools (one of and returning them to civilization for a profit
your choice), a healer’s kit, a memento of or to decorate your lavish abode. You likely
home, a hunting knife, a set of traveler’s were set on this path since birth, following
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp. your parents on safaris and learning from
Feature: A Mind for Faces their actions, but you may have instead come
to this path as an adult after being swept away
You remember the face of everyone you’ve
by the thrill of dominating the natural world.
ever met, especially those of folk who’ve
Many big game hunters pursue their quarry
wronged you. You instantly recognize any
purely for pleasure, as a calming avocation,
creature whose face you can see if you have
but others sell their skills to the highest bidder
seen that creature’s face before, even if that
in order to amass wealth and reputation as a
creature is wearing a nonmagical disguise.
trophy hunter.
Suggested Characteristics Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival
Some survivors chafe at losing all they had Tool Proficiencies: Leatherworker’s tools,
while others never had much to begin with; vehicles (land)
raiders care little for whether their victims are
rich or poor, so long as they bleed. Most raid Equipment: A donkey or mule with bit and
survivors seek vengeance against those who bridle, a set of cold weather or warm weather
took everything from them and dedicate their clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.
lives to hunting and killing the raiders.

1 Nothing gets my blood pumping like stalking a wild animal.
2 I like things big! Trophies, big! Food, big! Money, houses, weapons, possessions, I want
‘em big, big, BIG!
3 When hunting, it’s almost as if I become a different person. Focused. Confident. Ruthless.
4 The only way to kill a beast is to be patient and find the perfect moment to strike. The
same is true for all the important things in life.
5 Showering is for novices. I know that to catch my smelly, filthy prey, I must smell like
them to throw off their scent.
6 I only eat raw meat. It gets me more in tune with my prey.
7 I’m a connoisseur of killing implements; I only use the best, because I am the best.
8 The sight of a beast inspires in me terrible fury. I want nothing more than to slaughter
every last one of them!

Feature: Shelter from the Storm Suggested Characteristics
You have spent years hunting in the harshest Most trophy hunters come from an affluent
environments of the world and have seen background, often using their parents’ wealth
tents blown away by gales, food stolen by to fund their first hunting trips. They are often
hungry bears, and equipment destroyed skilled hobbyists and find strange relaxation in
by the elements. While traveling in the the tension of the hunt and revel in the glory
wilderness, you can find a natural location of a kill. You may find great personal joy in
suitable to make camp by spending 1 hour hunting, or you do it for the adoration of peers
searching. This location provides cover from or simply to make gold by selling pelts and
the elements and is in some way naturally ivory, like a common poacher.
defensible, at your GM’s discretion.

1 Ambition. It is my divine calling to become better than my rivals by any means necessary.
2 Altruism. I hunt only to protect those who cannot protect themselves. (Good)
3 Determination. No matter what the laws say, I will kill that beast! (Chaotic)
4 Cruelty. My prey lives only for my pleasure. It will die exactly as quickly or as slowly as I
desire. (Evil)
5 Sport. We’re just here to have fun. Don’t get your knickers in a twist! (Neutral)
6 Family. I follow in my family’s footsteps. I will not tarnish their legacy. (Any)

1 I like hunting because I like feeling big and powerful.
2 I hunt because my father thinks I’m a worthless runt. I need to make him proud.
3 I was mauled by a beast on my first hunting trip. I’ve spent my life searching for that
4 The first time I drew blood, something awoke within me. Every hunt is a search for the
original ecstasy of blood.
5 My hunting companions used to laugh at me behind their backs. They aren’t laughing
6 A close friend funded my first hunting expedition. I am forever in their debt.

1 I’m actually a sham. All of my trophies were bagged by someone else. I just followed along
and watched.
2 I’m terrified of anything larger than myself.
3 I can’t express anger without shooting something.
4 I need money. I don’t care how much or how little I have, I need more. And I would do
anything to get it.
5 I am obsessed with beauty in animals, art, and people... and I don’t take no for an answer.
6 I don’t trust my hunting partners, those feckless, glory-stealing freeloaders!

New Subclasses spend a Bardic Inspiration die to make a
Wisdom (Insight) check against one creature
Bounty hunters are too diverse a group to be
you can see within 30 feet contested by its
captured solely in a single subclass. Some are
Charisma (Deception) check; you can roll the
brutes, choosing the life of the Champion
Bardic Inspiration die and add it to the result
(fighter) while other clever mercenary
of your check. You have disadvantage on your
leaders prefer more tactical maneuvers.
check if the target is not a humanoid, and the
Many emulate the Hunter (ranger) and train
check automatically fails against creatures
tirelessly in order to track their quarries to the
with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower.
ends of the earth. Others still are wizards that
On a success, you gain one of the following
study the School of Divination to scry upon
their targets and strike from afar.
• The target has disadvantage on attack rolls
This article presents two new subclasses: the
against you for 1 minute.
College of Criminology, which encourages
bards to gather information to identify the • You have advantage on saving throws
motives and weaknesses of their criminal against the target’s spells and magical
quarries, and the Oath of Justice, which effects for 1 minute.
empowers paladins to overwhelm and • You have advantage on attack rolls against
incapacitate their foes in the name of the law. the target for 1 minute.

Bardic Instinct
COLLEGE OF CRIMINOLOGY (BARD) Starting at 6th level, you can extend your
knowledge of criminal behavior to your
Bards pick up all sorts of information as they
companions. When a creature that has a
travel the land. Some bards focus on a certain
Bardic Inspiration die you gave them is
type of information, like epic poetry, love
damaged by a hostile creature’s attack, it can
ballads, or bawdy drinking songs. Others,
use its reaction to roll the Bardic Inspiration
however, turn to the shadowy occupation
die and reduce the damage by twice the
of criminology. These bards use their knack
number rolled.
for gathering information to learn about
If this reduces the damage of the attack to 0,
criminals and vigilantes, their tactics, and
the creature you inspired can make a single
their weaknesses. Some criminologists work
melee attack against its attacker as part of the
with agents of the law to catch criminals, but
same reaction.
shadier members of this college use their dark
knowledge to emulate the malefactors they Hot Pursuit
have studied for so long. Starting at 14th level, when a creature fails a
Bonus Proficiencies saving throw against one of your bard spells,
you can designate it as your mark for 24 hours.
When you join the College of Criminology at
You know the direction to your mark at all
3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Insight
times unless it is within an antimagic field, it
skill and your choice of two of Acrobatics,
is protected by an effect that prevents scrying
Deception, Investigation Performance, Sleight
such as nondetection, or there is a barrier of
of Hand, and Stealth.
lead at least 1 inch thick between you.
Quick Read Additionally, whenever your mark makes
At 3rd level, your knowledge of underhanded an attack roll or you make a saving throw
tactics allows you to gain insight into your against one of its spells or effects, you can
foes’ strategies. As a bonus action, you can spend a Bardic Inspiration die to roll it and

add or subtract the result from the roll. You from criminals, some older adherents to this
can choose to do so after the d20 is rolled but oath know that what is just is not necessarily
before the GM reveals the outcome of the roll. what is right.

Tenets of Justice
OATH OF JUSTICE (PALADIN) All paladins of justice uphold the law in some
The Oath of Justice is a commitment not capacity, but their oath differs depending on
the tenets of good or evil but a holy vow their station. A paladin that serves a queen
sworn to uphold the laws of a nation, a city, upholds slightly different tenets than one that
or even of a tiny village. When lawlessness serves a small town.
threatens the peace, those who Uphold the Law. The law represents the
swear to uphold the Oath of triumph of civilization versus savagery. It
Justice intervene to maintain must be preserved at all costs.
order, for if order falls to Punishment Fits the Crime. The severity of
lawlessness, it is only a justice acts in equal measure to the severity of
matter of time before all a wrongdoer’s transgressions.
of civilization collapses
into anarchy.
While many young
paladins take this
oath to protect their
country and the
people close to them

Oath Spells Disciplined Pursuant
You gain spells at the paladin levels listed. At 7th level, you have bent the laws of magic
LEVEL SPELLS to parallel the laws of your civilization. When
you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a
3rd color spray, guiding bolt spell, you can knock the creature out instead
5th locate object, zone of truth of killing it. The creature falls unconscious and
9th lightning bolt, slow is stable.
13th locate creature, locate object
Aura of Control
17th arcane hand, hold monster
At 7th level, all creatures within 10 feet of
Channel Divinity you must spend 1 extra foot of movement
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain for each foot they move. If a creature ends its
the following two Channel Divinity options. turn in this area, it must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or fall prone. Creatures that are
Tether of Righteousness. You can use your
immune to being frightened are immune to
Channel Divinity to bind your target to you.
this aura.
As an action, you extend a line of energy
At 18th level, the range of this aura extends
toward a creature you can see within 30
to 30 feet.
feet of you. That creature must succeed on
a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it is Shackles of Light
tethered and cannot move more than 30 feet Starting at 15th level, once per turn when you
away from you. While tethered, the target deal radiant damage to a creature, it must make
takes lightning damage at the end of each of its a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is
turns equal to your Charisma modifier. You restrained until the end of its next turn.
can use your action to make a Strength check
opposed by the tethered creature’s Strength Avatar of Perfect Order
check; on a success, you can pull it up to 15 At 20th level, you can take on the appearance
feet toward you in a straight line. of justice itself. As an action, you become
As an action, the tethered creature can wreathed in a garment of cold light. For 1
attempt to make a Strength check against minute, you benefit from the following effects:
your spell save DC. On a success, it breaks the • You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing,
tether. and slashing damage.
Justicar’s Celerity. You can use your Channel • You can use your Justicar’s Celerity feature
Divinity to respond to danger with lightning without expending a use of Channel
speed. When a creature that you can see is Divinity.
attacked, you can move up to your speed as a • When a creature you can see takes the
reaction. If you end your movement adjacent Attack or Cast a Spell action, you can use
to the attacker, you can make a single melee your reaction to force it to make a Wisdom
attack against it as part of this reaction. If you saving throw. On a failure, it must take a
end your movement adjacent to the target of different action of your choice instead.
the attack, you can become the target of the Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
attack as part of this reaction. You can use this again until you finish a long rest.
feature after you see the attacker’s attack roll,
but before the GM says if it hits or misses.

by Kelly Pawlik

W hen the Ghoul Imperium lent aid to

the vampires of Morgau and Doresh,
filing out of tunnels beneath Tannenbirg
the castle’s unsuspecting guards while taking
few losses. This gained Hesstia the notice
of her superiors and the task of leading the
Castle and assisting them in the taking of ghoul vanguard into Wallenbirg. Once again,
Krakova, now Krakovar, they did so at the her initial assault left little for the Knights
directive of their Emperor Nicoforus the Incorporeal to mop up when the time for the
Pale, and they did so without question. When full assault came.
the emperor sent his forces northeast to In the weeks following the taking of
Wallenbirg, they went without hesitation. Krakova, Hesstia began to resent her ruler.
And as a result, the taking of Krakova was Despite all their efforts, Hesstia and her
swift. Darakhul forces rejoiced in their surviving companions saw little reward, yet
success, and the emperor, through his alliance rumor surfaced of Emperor Nicoforus the
with the vampires, was the most fruitful of all. Pale being surrounded by more bodies than
It is said all ghouls are faithful to their ever to feast on. It seemed promises that had
emperor, but even among creatures that been made were being delivered, but Hesstia
can see in the dark, some details are missed, felt uneasy and, for the first time, questioned
some actions left unseen. While the Ghoul her ruler.
Imperium appeared stronger and more Shortly after this, while walking above
successful than ever, some of the forces ground just before the first rays of the sun
instrumental in the shift of power, including appeared on the horizon, Hesstia had a
Hesstia Daarmirve, began to question the vision. A woman surrounded by swirling
emperor’s concern for them and became stars as dark as the darkest sky can be spoke
uneasy with the vampire alliance. And so was to her and offered her the chance to walk
born the Order of the Ebon Star. unhindered by day. The being promised aid
in exchange for Hesstia taking up her mantle.
Both questioning her ruler and awed at the
Hesstia Daarmirve power of the being who granted the sleepless
The dragonborn-darakhul assassin, Hesstia darakhul a vision, Hesstia agreed without
Daarmirve, led a small, stealthy contingent of hesitation.
cutthroats from the ghouls’ dark empire into Born a dragonkin and turned shortly after
the bowels of Tannenbirg Castle. From this puberty, Hesstia is a smart, fierce individual
staging area, the darakhul swiftly slaughtered who showed much promise in her days

with the Ghoul Imperium. Her height and
commanding presence give her an air of
Worship of Sarastra
Members of the Order of the Ebon Star follow
authority, and her divine connection to one
the Queen of Night and Magic, who aids in
who grants her followers freedom from their
their fight against the ghouls and vampires
daylight sensitivity has made her a leader to
who wish to push them into servitude. Shrines
those who seek change. Until embracing her
to Sarastra can be found in areas the order has
vision, Hesstia was unwaveringly loyal to the
laid roots for a time, and each member of the
Imperium; her dedication to the Queen of
order wears a crest of an ebon star to denote
Night and Magic is steadfast.
their dedication.
Hesstia is an assassin with the following
The order has an uneasy alliance with the
churches of Sarastra. Most of her other
• Darkvision 60 ft.
followers have difficulty understanding
• Damage Resistance: necrotic what their queen wishes from these undead
• Damage Immunity: poison servitors and, while they have little desire to
• Condition Immunities: charmed, question their fickle goddess’s whims, they
exhaustion, poisoned also wish to protect their own lives. For this
• Skill: Persuasion +3 reason, the order remains insular, keeping
to itself and avoiding contact with outside
The Order’s Organization parties when possible. Churches of Sarastra
that have lent aid to the order have done so
Comprised entirely of darakhul defectors,
only briefly, sheltering those who are too
the order is hunted as much as it hunts, and
wounded to continue their travels.
for this reason, it exists in small mobile cells,
remaining at one location no more than a few
days or weeks before moving on.
Outside Relationships
Units are usually comprised of: an iron Viewed as traitors by other undead and feared
ghoul (see Tome of Beasts); a mage*; and 10 by the living, the Order of the Ebon Star has
Imperial ghouls (see Tome of Beasts). few allies, and those they do have are tenuous.
Specialized groups of the order exist and can Darakhul defectors are quickly replaced in
be comprised of darakhul shadowmancers the Ghoul Imperium, so those defecting do
(see Creature Codex), knights*, blood mages not reduce the emperor’s numbers, but their
(see Creature Codex)*, and black knight treacherous actions upset the Imperium.
commanders (see Tome of Beasts)*. Most ghouls and vampires attack the order
Other members of The Order work away on sight, and few parlay even briefly with
from their fellows, scouting out potential these deserters. The order, eager to survive,
ways to strike at the vampires and the Ghoul has no love lost for allies of Emperor
Imperium. These individuals may enact their Nicoforus the Pale.
plans on their own, call on a unit to assist The reaver dwarves based at Skogarholm
them, or work with groups outside of the and Jozht wish to see their own territory
order. In the case of the latter, the group may expand and the undead fall, but they have
or may not be aware of the order’s existence little interest in working with other undead to
or assistance. Sometimes multiple units of accomplish this. The order gives the dwarves
the order converge, assisting each other with a wide berth, and in return, the dwarves
mission of significant import. generally avoid killing those undead bearing
*Add Hesstia’s adjustment the dark eight-pointed star.

Queen Urzula views the order as an enemy
on since most of its forces played a part in her
Growing Forces
Swaying the minds of the subservient
defeat. She has been unwilling to even parlay
darakhul is no easy task, but some members
with members, and an alliance with her and
of the order endeavor to do just that.
her people seems impossible.
Infiltrating the Imperium they were once
Adventuring parties eager to fight back the
a part of, these brave undead seek out any
undead have managed to work with cells of
cracks they can widen, separating individuals
the order with varying degrees of success.
from the misled mass.
Those groups wishing to destroy all undead
Given the difficulty of this task, members of
or who attempt to trick members of the order
the order have been known to turn to creation
into an alliance before attacking them find the
in order to reinforce their numbers. This is
order unamenable to such activities. Those
not lightly done and must be done carefully so
who are willing to use less conventional means
as to indoctrinate those who are to be turned
of striking out at the vampires and darakhul
to their cause. Often, these new recruits are
in the region find the Queen of Night and
either vampire-hunting experts or victims of
Magic’s undead followers eager to assist.
undead that follow the emperor’s rule—or
sometimes both.
Reclaiming Their Rights The most notable of these recruits is Tyrik
The Order of the Ebon Star focuses much of Benion, a graveslayer (see Creature Codex;
their wrath on vampires: the undead creatures add Hesstia’s alterations) who at a young
who live so easily on the surface, the foul age found his parents brutally murdered by
beasts who convinced their kind to join forces a hungry vampire. Vowing vengeance, Tyrik
with them. While the darakhul continued devoted his life to the destruction of these
to serve the emperor, their undead partners undead abominations. After numerous foiled
began to live a life of opulence. The order attempts to kill the vampire and with a wake
can see the battles they faced were fought of dead innocents behind him, Tyrik was
for the vampires alone, and any benefits the approached by Hesstia herself. The persuasive
darakhul have gained have been negligible dragonkin ghoul offered the dispirited dwarf
in comparison and often at great expense. a chance to continue his crusade against his
The vampires have corrupted the Imperium; hated vampire foes. Forever.
their forces must be dwindled, and Emperor
Nicoforus the Pale must be removed from his
seat of power.

Wondrous item, rare charred star to transport yourself and up to
These fist-sized blackened rosewood stars are ten other creatures of medium size or smaller
worn by many officers of the Order of the onto a shadow road within 10 feet of you.
Ebon Star. While held in the hand, you can Once you have returned to the mortal world
use a charred star to detect the approximate from the shadow realm, you must finish a
distance and direction of any shadow roads long rest before using a charred star in this
within 1 mile. As an action, you can use a fashion again.

SARASTRAN GHOULS • There is a new way, if only one is willing
(VARIANT: +0 CR) to open their eyes and embrace the queen.

The eyes of darakhul who have truly

embraced the worship of the Queen of Night New Rogue Subclass
and Magic darken to near black with white Killing is an art. May the gods look favorably
motes that seem to swirl and drift across their on your offering.
pupils. They find they no longer suffer from
the sunlight sensitivity plaguing others of HERALD OF THE EBON STAR
their kind.
Through a mixture of training and personal
experience, you have mastered the art of
The Code of the Order killing not only vampires but any undead
Members of the Order of the Ebon Star are who fear the sun’s light. Some heralds of
tricky and deceitful. Forced for much of their the ebon star see themselves as righteous
existence to live in the shadows, they now find freedom fighters, battling to receive what
much solace in their worship of the Queen they feel is their due, but just as many are
of Night and Magic. Their tenets include the
following affirmations:
• Vampire-kind has infected the Ghoul
Imperium. We save what we can and
cleanse what we must.
• The Queen of Night and
Magic guides us. With
her aid we see what our
fellows cannot.
• Enemies of our
enemies can be
allies, but we
must always be
ready for their

simple thugs and thrill seekers, vying to pit fashion again. This ability does not function in
themselves against worthy foes. Regardless areas of complete daylight or where there are
of their motivations, they are largely viewed no shadows present.
as heretics by their own people and with Black Sun Blade: Starting at 17th level, when
tentative suspicion by most others. you are wielding a longsword, shortsword,
Heraldic Proficiencies: When you choose this or dagger, you can use your bonus action to
archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency wreath its blade in coiling tendrils of black
with lances, longbows, and shields. You also flame. A blade wreathed in such a fashion
gain proficiency in either History or Religion. is treated as a sun blade with the following
Faith’s Weapon: Also at 3rd level, you can exceptions. The blade does not emit bright
wield a longsword as a finesse weapon, light; instead it oozes a seeping gloom that
provided that you have either a shield or creates a magical darkness in a 15-foot radius
nothing heavier than a light weapon in your and dim light for an additional 15 feet. While
other hand. When you use a longsword to the black flames persist, you can use an action
make a sneak attack against a vampire, you to expand or reduce the area of darkness and
use d8s as your sneak attack damage dice. dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum of
For instance, if a 5th-level herald of the ebon 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each.
star wielding a longsword makes a sneak The wielder of the black sun blade can see
attack against a vampire, they deal an extra through the magical darkness it creates. The
3d8 slashing damage rather than the extra black flames cease to exist when the wielder
3d6 slashing damage they would deal to a wills them to or when the black sun blade is
non‑vampire. not being wielded in hand. A herald of the
ebon star can create only one black sun blade
Gloam Runner: When you reach 9th level,
at a time; if a new one is created, the previous
you can shroud yourself in shadows to
effect ends immediately.
misdirect those that would strike as you
reposition yourself. As a bonus action, when
you move out of a creature’s reach, it has
disadvantage on opportunity attacks against
New Background
We’ve all got a past.
you as nearby shadows gather around your
form and mask your motion. If you take the
Dash or Disengage actions while using this
ability, all creatures that make opportunity You have served your emperor and his officers
attacks against you have disadvantage on their dutifully, and it has brought you nothing.
attack rolls. The rewards you have been promised—a
Black Star Blazon: At 13th level, when a herd of fattened manlings for feasting upon,
creature strikes you with a critical hit, you a troupe of skeletons to serve your needs, and
can make a Constitution saving throw with possibly a zombie or three for light security—
a DC equal to 15 or half of the damage dealt, all of these things and more have failed to
whichever number is higher. If you succeed materialize in whole or in part, and now you
on the saving throw, the attack against you want what you feel is coming to you, even if
is resolved as a normal hit rather than as you have to live among the feeble mortals of
a critical hit. In addition, you can make a the surface lands to get it.
Constitution saving throw in place of any While some Ghoul Imperium deserters are
other saving throw. You must finish a short found amongst vampires and their dhampir
or long rest before using this ability in this progeny, most frequently they are darakhul

ghouls, many of whom are veterans of the Feature: Alter Ego
constant conflicts with the ghoul emperor’s You have a second identity that includes
many enemies, both above and below the documentation, established acquaintances,
surface of the world. You are viewed with and disguises that allow you to assume this
suspicion if not outright hostility by the persona. Additionally, you have a safehouse
majority of the people you meet. in one of the cities or towns of the Crossroads
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, region. This safehouse is of average quality
Performance and is registered in the name of your alter ego.
Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set of Suggested Characteristics
your choice While benevolence isn’t completely unknown
Language: Umbral to the darakhul of the Ghoul Imperium,
deserters are often marked with a streak of
Equipment: a bag of caltrops, a hunting trap,
selfishness or unbridled self‑interest. Often
a gaming set of your choice, a humanoid
their ideals and bonds are shaped by the type
skull or femur, and a pouch with 25 gp
of company they keep.

1 I will do whatever it takes, barring personal harm, to get what I want.
2 Caution is as necessary on the battlefield as in the bargaining chamber.
3 If no one saw this, it didn’t happen.
4 If you have what I want, I will take it.
5 Trickery and persuasion are the same thing.
6 I am owed a blood debt that will be repaid with interest.
7 Happiness is as pointless as sorrow.
8 Killing should be done in the bloodiest fashion possible.

1 Power. Those weaker than myself deserve neither mercy nor pity. (Evil)
2 Control. I know what is best. Kneel and do my bidding. (Law)
3 Selfishness. If I get what I desire, there may be some little thing left for you. (Evil)
4 Benevolence. We were free creatures in life. It does not have to be different in un-life.
5 Anarchy. If everyone rises up as one, they cannot strike at all of us. (Chaos)
6 Fairness. We toil for our masters, and what does it gain us? When do we see reward for
our efforts? (Neutral)

1 My standard bearer has been with me through hell and high water. I will see to it that he
makes it through this too.
2 I take a fingertip from each dwarf I slay and string them on a thong I wear around my
3 After I fell in battle near Triolo, my husband remarried and took our children to live
with his new wife. I will find and recover my children while punishing his betrayal of my
4 This rose engraved blade has seen my family’s fortunes fall. It will now see them rise again
in eternal life.
5 The gnomes of Neimheim took me in when I was near my second death. I will protect
gnomes wherever I find them.
6 I was branded a traitor and driven into exile. I will return in force and bring glory to my

1 I can only stomach meat that is cut from living prey.
2 When I am telling the truth, it seems like I am lying.
3 I cannot help but to be deceitful when I am speaking to an authority figure.
4 My tone is loud and aggressive, even when I am feeling calm.
5 I cannot read my mother tongue, but I will not admit this fact.
6 When living people are near me, I lick my lips and salivate profusely.

by Dan Dillon

They don’t trust us, and I can’t blame them. It hardly matters. We will stand against the darkness
gathering to swallow them all, even if they hate and curse us as we do.
—Sir Janush Hermass, Commander of the Order of the Undying Sun, Zobeck

W hile Khors’s position in the pantheon

of central Midgard has waned in
recent years, the sun god’s worship is far
among its ranks. Characters who join the
Order of the Undying Sun and prove their
devotion to Khors might be part of elite
from vanished. The Magdar Kingdom is the fighting regiments, paladins sworn to the
stalwart seat of Khors’s faithful, and he enjoys Oath of Radiance (see Midgard Heroes
a robust following there. Handbook), or even champions gifted with
Undoubtedly, the bastion of faith powerful magic items kept by Khors’s faithful.
maintaining the spark of Khors’s light is the Characters of almost any race can find solace
Order of the Undying Sun. Within the Magdar within the ranks of the order, save for those
Kingdom, they are a formidable fighting force with ties to undeath and the power of shadow.
whose reputation spreads as far as the sun’s Darakhul, dhampir, and shadow fey, for
rays. Queen Dorytta of the Magdar Kingdom instance, would likely (and prudently) want
counts the order’s grand marshall as one nothing to do with the order. Should such a
of her closest advisors, affording the order character pursue a non-hostile relationship
massive prestige and influence. with the order, they’re in for a hard road but
The Order of the Undying Sun also not an impossible one. The order’s history
carries the light of Khors beyond the holds more than one tale of a creature that
Magdar Kingdom’s borders and is the would seemingly be a bitter enemy instead
main reason Khors’s worship still persists proving to be a stalwart friend and fierce ally
in the Crossroads despite Rava displacing in battle.
him as head of the pantheon. Though the
order maintains a garrison in Zobeck, they
struggle against a dark reputation of having
Subclass Options
The Order of the Undying Sun holds several
been on the losing side of the revolt against
elite military regiments, some of which
family Stross. The order also has a presence
boast specialized subclasses. These are most
in Canton Grisal and boasts many dwarves
common within the Magdar Kingdom but

aren’t completely exclusive to that region. an attack roll or ability check made against a
Anywhere the order persists, these characters fiend, undead, or creature of shadow.
can arise.
There are also variations on these classes Give Ground
that exist in other parts of the world, attached Starting at 15th level, once per turn when you
to other faiths. Lada in the Crossroads are hit by a melee attack, you can choose to
sometimes boasts followers who follow similar move 5 feet away from the attacker without
skill sets. Aten, the harsh and unforgiving god provoking opportunity attacks. If you do, the
of the pitiless sun in the Southlands, likewise attacker takes 1d6 damage of the type dealt by
has warriors who embody searing light and your weapon. To use this feature, you must be
fervor. wielding a glaive, halberd, lance, pike, or spear.

Khors’s Protection
At 18th level, you have advantage on saving
You are (or were) a member of the Sunset throws against spells.
Regiment (so named because its soldiers’ If you fail a saving throw against being
service ends rather than being a permanent charmed or frightened, you can choose to
occupation), trained in their pike and succeed instead. You can use this ability
formation skills. You know that next to a number of times equal to half your
Khors’s favor, a soldier’s greatest strength is proficiency bonus.
their comrades.
Harassing Strike
Beginning when you choose this archetype at Even the Order of the Undying Sun has need
3rd level, when a creature you can see enters of those willing to get their hands dirty and
your reach, you can use your reaction to Shove to sully their honor in service of what must
the creature. To use this feature, you must be be done. The Dawn Blades are devout rogues,
wielding a glaive, halberd, lance, pike, or spear. drawing divine power from Khors to strike
as a sudden ray of searing sunlight in the
Spear Fighting darkness.
Starting at 3rd level, when you wield a
spear, its damage increases to 1d8, and
its versatile damage increases to 1d10.

Formation Tactics
At 7th level, you bolster your allies when
fighting shoulder to shoulder. While you
have an ally within 5 feet of you who isn’t
incapacitated, you can use a bonus action
to take the Help action to assist an ally’s
attack or a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check.

Foe of Darkness
Beginning at 10th level, your faith and training
make you a daunting foe of dark creatures.
Once on your turn, you can gain advantage on

Dawn Blade Spellcasting
Rogue Cantrips Spells —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Level Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 3 3 2 — — —
4th 3 4 3 — — —
5th 3 4 3 — — —
6th 3 4 3 — — —
7th 3 5 4 2 — —
8th 3 6 4 2 — —
9th 3 6 4 2 — —
10th 4 7 4 3 — —
11th 4 8 4 3 — —
12th 4 8 4 3 — —
13th 4 9 4 3 2 —
14th 4 10 4 3 2 —
15th 4 10 4 3 2 —
16th 4 11 4 3 3 —
17th 4 11 4 3 3 —
18th 4 11 4 3 3 —
19th 4 12 4 3 3 1
20th 4 13 4 3 3 1

The Dawn Blades are extremely controversial higher. To cast one of these spells, you must
among Khors’s followers as they fly in the expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You
face of the sun god’s prohibition against regain all expended spell slots when you finish
stealth. And yet these faithful rogues still draw a long rest.
power from their devotion, which sparks fiery For example, if you know the 1st-level spell
debate among the order’s scholars. Whispers guiding bolt and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-
are beginning to circulate that the accepted level spell slot available, you can cast guiding
doctrine of the faith might not be accurate. bolt using either slot.

Spellcasting Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You

know three 1st-level cleric spells of your
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
you gain the ability to cast spells.
The Spells Known column of the Dawn
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips: sacred Blade Spellcasting table shows when you learn
flame and two other cantrips of your choice more cleric spells of 1st level or higher.
from the cleric spell list. You learn another Whenever you gain a level in this class, you
cleric cantrip of your choice at 10th level. can replace one of the cleric spells you know
Spell Slots. The Dawn Blade Spellcasting with another spell of your choice from the
table shows how many spell slots you have in cleric spell list. The new spell must be of a
order to cast your cleric spells of 1st level and level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your Bolstering Light
spellcasting ability for your cleric spells since Starting at 9th level, if you reduce a foe to 0
you learn your spells through prayer and hit points with radiant damage, choose one of
devotion. You use your Wisdom whenever the following:
a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In • Gain temporary hit points equal to twice
addition, you use your Wisdom modifier your rogue level.
when setting the saving throw DC for a cleric
• End one condition affecting you. The
spell you cast and when making an attack roll
condition can be blinded, deafened, or
with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
• End one curse affecting you.
+ your Wisdom modifier
• End one disease affecting you.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency
bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spellcasting Focus. You can use a holy symbol
as a spellcasting focus for your cleric spells.

Eyes of the Dawn

Beginning at 3rd level, you gain darkvision
out to 30 feet, or your existing darkvision
increases by 30 feet.

Dawn Strike
Starting at 3rd level, when
you deal damage with your
Sneak Attack feature, you
can magically change the
extra damage dealt to
radiant damage.
When you deal a
radiant Sneak Attack
to an undead or a
creature of shadow,
you deal an additional
1d6 radiant damage.

Sudden Illumination GRAVE WARD ARMOR
Starting at 13th level, when you make an ability Armor (any), very rare (requires attunement)
check, you can expend a spell slot to gain a
bonus on the check equal to twice the level of This armor bears gold or brass symbols of
the expended slot. Khors and never tarnishes or rusts. The armor
is immune to necrotic damage and rusting
Dawn Flare attacks such as those of a rust monster. While
At 17th level, when you deal a radiant Sneak wearing this armor, your maximum hit points
Attack (using your Dawn Strike feature) to a can’t be reduced.
creature who can’t see you, the creature must As an action, you can speak a command
make a Constitution saving throw against your word to gain the effect of a protection from evil
spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature
and good spell for 1 minute (no concentration
takes 10d6 radiant damage and can’t regain hit
required). While the spell is active, if you
points until the start of your next turn.
are reduced to 0 hit points, you drop to 1 hit
Once a creature takes damage from this
point instead. Once you use this property, it
feature, it is immune to your Dawn Flare for
can’t be used again until the next dawn.
24 hours.
Magic Items Wondrous item, very rare
The Order of the Undying Sun keeps several (requires attunement)
magical relics. The order awards these items
This mithral and gold lantern is emblazoned
to knights who prove their devotion against
with the sunburst symbol of Khors. While
foes born of darkness.
holding the lantern, you have advantage
on Wisdom (Insight) and Intelligence
(Investigation) checks.
Weapon (any sword or dagger), uncommon
As a bonus action, you can speak a command
(requires attunement)
word to cause one of the following effects:
The blade of this magic weapon gleams with a • The lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot
faint golden shine, and the pommel is etched cone and dim light for an additional 60
with a sunburst. You can command the feet.
weapon to shed dim light out to 5 feet, to shed • The lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot
bright light out to 20 feet and dim light for an radius and dim light for an additional 30
additional 20 feet, or to douse the light. feet.
The weapon deals an extra 1d6 radiant • The lantern sheds dim light in a 5-foot
damage to any creature it hits. This increase radius.
to 2d8 radiant damage if the target is undead
• Douse the lantern’s light.
or a creature of shadow.
When you cause the lantern to shed bright
light, you can speak an additional command
word to cause the light to become sunlight.
The sunlight lasts for 1 minute after which
the lantern goes dark and can’t be used again
until the next dawn. During this time, the
lantern can function as a standard hooded
lantern if provided with oil.

LIGHTBREAKER The weapon can speak, read, and
Weapon (pike), legendary understand Common and Celestial, and it can
(requires attunement by a lawful good creature) communicate with its wielder telepathically.
Its voice is resonant and deep and of
Lightbreaker is a pike made of pure-white indeterminate gender. While you are attuned
polished wood with a gleaming silver and to it, Lightbreaker also understands every
gold tip. Forged for a hero general of the language you know.
Order of the Undying Sun, Lightbreaker
Personality. Lightbreaker is proud and
served in battle against countless foes and sent
devoted to the worship and purposes of
hordes of evil creatures howling back into
Khors. It speaks with a commanding tone but
the darkness that spawned them. When its
is gentle and patient with those who exhibit
wielder was finally struck down, Khors looked
pure intentions.
down with pride and bound the hero’s soul to
Lightbreaker’s purpose is to oppose the
the weapon. Now it is an even more vicious
spread of darkness and to shine the sun’s
foe of evil and a valuable advisor.
purifying light upon those who can’t stand
Despite the holiness and prominence of
against evil. It expects its wielder to conduct
the weapon, Lightbreaker’s identity in life
themself with honor and dignity.
has been stricken from all memory and
Conflict occurs if a wielder routinely exhibits
record, seemingly by Khors himself. The
dishonorable behavior or relies too much on
order rationalizes this with the belief that
stealth and ambush in battle. Lightbreaker
Lightbreaker has a great destiny, and that
relentlessly chastises a wielder that accepts
would be jeopardized if their foes learn
shadow magic or fiendish or undead gifts.
enough about the weapon’s past.
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with this magic weapon, and it Creatures
deals an extra 2d8 radiant damage to any The order boasts connection to a few unique
creature it hits. creatures as well as soldiers and magics.
Dawn’s Radiance. Lightbreaker can choose to
shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim GLEAMING DESTRIER
light for an additional 30 feet. This is sunlight.
The Order of the Undying Sun is known for
Destroy Darkness. If you reduce a fiend,
its cavalry, both mounted knights and swift,
undead, or creature of shadow to 40 hit points
light mounted scouts. In addition to the
or fewer with Lightbreaker, the creature must
horses they breed and train, the order has a
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
small number of mounts touched by the light
throw or be destroyed.
of Khors known as gleaming destriers.
Tactical Acumen. When you are targeted by The destriers are similar to large, strong
an attack, you can use your reaction to impose horses at first glance, and all have gleaming
disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be coats and flowing manes and tails. Colors
able to see the attacker to use this reaction. tend toward white, either pure or patched.
Wise Counsel. Lightbreaker has the following Their eyes give away the destrier’s heightened
skills: History +10, Religion +10. intelligence, and they can even understand
Sentience. Lightbreaker is a sentient lawful some language. They form fierce bonds with
good weapon with an Intelligence of 14, a their riders and prove to be potent allies on
Wisdom of 17, and a Charisma of 19. It has the battlefield.
hearing and darkvision to a range of 120 feet.

Large beast, lawful good Tiny celestial, lawful good
Armor Class 11 (natural armor, 18 with plate Armor Class 13
barding) Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8) Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
Speed 60 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6 (−2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 8 (−1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (−2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Perception +3, Persuasion +2,
Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 11 Insight +3
Languages Understands Celestial and Common Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
but can’t speak them slashing from nonmagical attacks
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Damage Immunities radiant
Condition Immunities petrified, prone
Illumination. At the start of its turn, the gleaming Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 13
destrier can choose to magically shed bright Languages all
light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an Challenge 1 (200 XP)
additional 20 feet.
Trampling Charge. If the gleaming destrier Aura of Menace. Any creature hostile to the
moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature sunmote that starts its turn within 10 feet of the
and then hits it with a hooves attack on the sunmote must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving
same turn, that target must succeed on a DC throw unless the sunmote is incapacitated. On
14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. a failed save, the creature is frightened until the
If the target is prone, the destrier can make start of its next turn. If a creature’s saving throw
another attack with its hooves against it as a is successful, the creature is immune to the
bonus action. sunmote’s Aura of Menace for the next 24 hours.
Actions Illumination. The sunmote sheds bright light in a
20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
feet. It can conceal this light when it hides.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning
damage plus 3 (1d6) radiant damage. Action
Light Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 60
SUNMOTE ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) radiant damage.
Warding Aura (Recharges after a Short or Long
Sunmotes are celestial beings who serve as Rest). The sunmote generates a magical aura
messengers and guardians for angels and deities within 20 feet of it. The sunmote and its allies
of light. They appear as gleaming spheres of within the aura have advantage on saving throws
golden light, six to eight inches in diameter. against spells and abilities created by aberrations,
elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Such creatures
They are sometimes found in service to clerics,
have disadvantage on attack rolls against warded
paladins, and even wizards and the rare warlock creatures. The aura lasts for 1 minute or until the
in service to the Order of the Undying Sun. sunmote is incapacitated or dies.


The sunmote can enter into a contract to as they are within 1 mile of each other. If its
serve another creature as a familiar, forming master violates the terms of the contract,
a telepathic bond with its willing master. the sunmote can end its service as a familiar,
While the two are bonded, the master can ending the telepathic bond.
sense what the sunmote senses as long

Arbonesse Forest, 55–57, 81, 94–100, dwarves, 8–14, 16, 21–25, 34, 44, 56, 87, Rava, 286
102–107, 111, 195–202 127–128, 169–170, 173, 176, 182–184, Sarastra, 55–57, 198, 280, 282
armor, 41. See also magic items 186, 206–207, 280, 286 Seggotan, 36, 131
silk-backed coin mail, 41 Bareicks, 8–9, 11 Thor-Perun, 10–11
backgrounds, 264–266, 270–275, 283–284 Beldestan, 21–25 Thoth-Hermes, 200, 222
enigma, 264–266 customs & modes of dress, 11–13 V’ashra, 216
fugitive, 272–273 festivals, 8–10 Valeresh, 261
ghoul imperium deserter, 283–284 Grisal, 10–11, 87, 286 Vardesain, 23, 25, 59, 62
raid survivor, 273–274 Gunnacks, 8, 10–11 Veles, 21, 23, 25
shadowsinger apprentice, 270–271 Hammerfell, 11 Volund, 10, 16
trophy hunter, 274–275 Järnhall, 16 Wotan, 51, 53–54, 263
City of Brass, 65–79, 81–86, 247–252 Juralt, 8–9, 12 Yarila and Porevitm, 55, 198
courts, 33–37, 49, 54–58, 94–100, 102–107, Kubourg, 8, 10, 13 humans, 8, 11, 14, 16–18, 21–25, 27, 30,
111, 132, 187, 200, 214 Nordmansch, 9, 13 33–37, 40, 42–43, 55–58, 84, 113, 132,
Archon’s Court, 214 reavers, 280 138, 159, 166–171, 186–194, 196–197,
Celestial Court, 132 shrines, 10–11 200, 206, 216–217, 220, 222–223, 232,
Court of Owls, 55–56 Templeforge, 9–10, 13 263
Court of Roses, 56–57, 200 Tijino, 9, 13 kobolds, 40, 44, 47, 119–120, 137–141,
Court of Scandal, 111 Vursalis, 8, 13 217, 230
Court of the River King, 94–100, 102–107 Wintersheim, 9, 13 armies of the Dragon Empire, 137–141
courts of the Mharoti Empire, 33–37 ecologies, 129–132 magic, 9–11, 14–15, 23, 29–32, 34–35,
Griffon Court, 57–58 dragon turtles, 129–132 48–51, 54, 56, 59, 63–64, 81–82, 109–
Squirrel Court of Yggdrasil, 54. See also elves, 49, 51, 55–58, 102–107, 132, 145, 113, 122, 147, 200, 202, 207, 216–217,
ratatosk 173–174, 182, 187, 195–202, 204, 214, 218–224, 232–242, 244–245, 254–256,
Storm Court, 49 216, 232, 261–262 261–262, 291. See also magic items
creating an adventure, 18–19, 40, 52–54, courts of the elves, 55–58, 94–100, and spells
76–79, 84–85, 102, 120, 132, 177–180, 103–104 angelic wards, 64
229 elfmarked, 145, 173–174, 187, 214 blood magic, 216–217, 254–256
adventure hooks, 18–19, 40, 52–54, Sephaya, 216 Book of the Sun, 11
76–79, 84–85, 102, 120, 132, 229 equipment, 41 clockwork magic, 82
building NPCs, 18–19, 177–180 Marean silk cloak, 41 dragon magic, 34
Crossroads, 8–13, 34, 44–47, 119–122, feats, 234 elemental magic, 56, 207
166–171, 188–194, 212, 226–230, Cooperative Caster, 234 Great Mage Wars, 109–113, 232–238
243–245, 273, 286–292. See also gearforged, 44 Halaaz Tablets, 112–113
Margreve Forest clockwork, 82–86, 122, 186–187 high magic, 56, 261–262
Free Cantons of the Ironcrags, 8–13, 286. gnomes, 28, 56–57, 159, 173, 175, 218, Jade Tome, 122
See also dwarves 223–224, 285 Knotted Ley Line of Galna, 23
Magdar, 8–9, 273, 286–292 gods, 8, 10–11, 14–16, 18–19, 21, 23, ley lines, 23, 31, 48, 56, 59, 63, 109, 200,
Perunalia, 34, 188–194 25, 27, 29–30, 33–36, 39–40, 49, 51, 202, 219–220, 232–234
Undercity (Zobeck), 44–47, 119–122, 53–57, 59–64, 71–72, 74–75, 81, 89–90, lost books of Quinor, 56
243–245 94, 96–97, 100, 127–128, 130–131, magic on Yggdrasil, 50–51
Zobeck, 9, 166–171, 212, 226–230, 286 133, 136–141, 181–183, 185–186, Nine Chthonic Papyri , 48, 81
Dark Kingdoms, 59, 87–92, 163–164, 216, 188–194, 197–198, 200, 213–214, primordial magic, 244–245
258–259, 263, 279–285. See also shades 216–217, 222, 235, 245, 261, 263, 272, red portal magic, 35, 48, 50, 81, 224. See
Ghoul Imperium, 279–285 276, 280, 282, 286–292, also Southlands
Jozht, 280 Anu-Akma, 59, 62, 81 rune magic, 9–10, 14–15, 49–51, 54
Krakovar, 87–92 Ariadne, 214 shadow magic, 291
Morgau and Doresh, 59, 87–93,163–164, Aten, 287 spellcasters, 218–224
216 Azuran, 23, 25, 33–34, 36 Viridian Codex, 29
Skogarholm, 280 Baal, 33, 35, 71–72, 74–75, 137–141 void magic, 112–113, 147, 240–241
Domovogrod, 51 Baccho, 94, 96 void taint, 239–242
Winter Tree. See World Trees Bastet, 213 vril, 30–32
Dornig, 11, 97, 214 See also Arbonesse Boreas, 18, 127 magic items, 35, 50, 86, 100, 127–128,
Forest Charun, 96–97, 100, 127 155–156, 181–182, 205–211, 235–237,
Dragon Empire (Mharoti Empire), Chernobog, 25, 54, 128 243–245, 254–256, 258, 281, 290–291.
21–26, 33–37, 39–43, 124–128, 137–143, Freyr and Freyja, 14–15 See also magic
203–211, 216 Goat of the Woods, 29 Ales, the Mighty Stein of Ninkash,
Baal’s 1st Legion, 137–141 Hecate, 131, 197–198 127–128.
Beldestan, 21–26, 216 Holda, 55 Arshin’s Calipers, 210–211
Despotate of the Ruby Sea, 216 Hunter, The, 216–217, 276 band of iron thorns, 254
Eraklion, 39–40 Khespotan, 35–36 blood pearl, 254
Firefalls of Ghoss, 124–128 Khors, 10–11, 21, 29, 286–292 blood-soaked hide, 254–255
Mistras-Marea, 40–42 Lada, 8, 10, 128, 287 bloodthirsty weapon, 255
Parthia, 33 Loki, 14, 19, 49, 54, 181–183, 185–186 Buckle of Blasting, 207
sultans, 33–37 Marena, 89–90, 216 charred star, 281
dragonborn, 33, 36–37, 40–41, 71, 74–75, Mavros, 10, 235 clawed scepter, 35
79, 85, 137–139, 245, 279, 281 Mot, 59–64 clockwork mynah bird, 86
armies of the Dragon Empire, 137–139 Nethus, 27, 30, 39–40, 130–131, 133, 136 coat of dust and ash, 235–236
dragonkin, 36, 40–41, 71, 74–75, 79, 85, Ninkash, 8, 10, 127–128, 245 dawn shard, 290
279, 281 Perun, 188–194, 272 Dirgeblade, 205

Ebos, Shadow Gloves of Chernobog, 128 Northlands, 14–19, 51, 54, 127, 166, spells, 32, 63–64, 201–202, 228–229,
Flask of Epiphanies, 208 267–271 233–234, 247–252. See also magic
Fountmail, 206 feast halls, 14–19 ancient shade, 63
fulgarate memento, 236–237 Jotunheim, 14–15, 51 avert evil eye, 247
Grasping Cap, 208–209 Skaldholm, 267–271 breeze compass, 249
grave ward armor, 290 Stannasgard, 16 candle’s insight, 247–248
helm of Loki, 182 Thursrike, 14–15 commander’s pavilion, 201
incense of recovery, 86 NPCs (with statblocks), 18–19, 82, 90–92, create thunderstaff, 250–252
Interplanar Paint, 210 113, 138–139, 166–171, 175–180, 194, daggerhawk, 248
Is and Suw, the Knives of Boreas, 127 261–262 eternal echo, 63
lantern of judgement, 290 Brill, 175 feather field, 202
lightbreaker, 291 Connica Ironshard, 176 feather travel, 248
magic fountains, 243–245 Duchess Vasilka Soulay, 194 fire darts, 249
mantle of blood vengeance, 255 Embline the Wolf, 166–167 firewalk, 250
manual of the lesser golem, 155–156 Kaladrian’s shade, 261–262 infectious gibbering, 32
memento mori, 258 Korsiq Vraal, 138–139 lava stone, 250
Merci, the Charms of Lada, 128 Lashkan the Tiger, 170–171 order of revenge, 228
Moonfield Lens, 209 Leruva Ramek, Bemmean Void Wizard, reassemble, 63
plunderer’s sea chest, 181 113 revenge’s eye, 228–229
Ruby Crusher, 205–206 Matvei, the Wendestal Devil, 90–92 sand ship, 250
Scorpion Feet, 209–210 Mubarak al-Hariq, 82 searing sun, 249–250
sheeshah of revelations, 86 Rizto the Rat, 167–169 skull road, 64
sibilant glyph armor, 237 Stiletto, 175 staff of violet fire, 64
Smoking Plate of Heithmir, 206–207. Valtane the Boar, 169–170 talons of a hungry land, 233
spice box of zest, 86 organizations, 111–112, 172–176, 181–187, tongue of sand, 249
staff of the world ash, 50 195–202, 226–230, 267–271, 279–285 unleash effigy, 252
star dagger, 35 Cloven Nine, 226–230 vagrant’s nondescript cloak, 229
Taergash’s Tear, 255–256 Ebon Star, 279–285 vengeful panoply of the ley line ignited,
Visios, the Blindfold of Charun, 127 Feywardens, 111–112, 195–202 233–234
wine of the court, 100 Magnificent Muck, 181–187 who goes there? 202
wine of the river, 100 Silent Council, 172–176 wind of the hereafter, 252
Margreve Forest, 57–58, 169, 219 Skaldholm Shadowsingers, 267–271 subclasses, 269–270, 276–278, 282–283,
minotaurs, 34, 72, 75, 196–197 planes, 49, 51, 54–55, 59–79, 81–86, 96, 287–290
monsters, 43, 52, 68–69, 85, 99–100, 124, 159–162, 181–187, 214, 247–252, College of Criminology (bard), 276–277
116–117, 122, 124–127, 133–136, 140, 261 College of Shadows (bard), 269–270
142–143, 145–151, 153–157, 159–164, Abyss, 187 Dawn Blade (rogue), 287–290
188–193, 203–205, 216, 237–238, 282, Court of Countless Stars, 187 Herald of the Ebon Star (rogue), 282–283
291–292 Eleven Hells, 59, 85, 124, 187 Oath of Justice (paladin), 277–278
boneshard wraith, 237–238 Elfheim, 96, 214 Sunset Pikeman (fighter), 287
camouflage drake, 140 Evermaw, 59–64 traps, 120, 202
clockwork monkey, 85 Ginnungagap, 54 ley line fuse trap, 202
devotee of Arshin, 203–205 jann, 68–69 magic missile trap, 120
Extinguisher, 100 Klingedesh, 51 trollkin, 14–16, 19
gleaming destrier, 291–292 Loom, 187 Wasted West, 27–32, 56, 81, 109–117,
grand maiden archer, 190–191 Niflheim, 51 145–151, 153–154, 195–202, 212–215,
grimmlet swarm, 146–147 planar traveling, 181–187 218–224, 232, 235, 237
grimmlet, 145–146 Plane of Elemental Air, 187 Ankeshel, 30, 32
haunted stone giant, 153–154 Plane of Elemental Earth, 159–162 Barsella, 27–28, 219
jann, 68–69 Plane of Elemental Fire. See City of Brass Bemmea, 28–31, 56, 81, 110, 113, 198,
Knight of the Deluge, 99–100 Plane of Elemental Water, 187 212, 218–224, 233, 235
kobold ambusher, 140 Plane of Radiance, 187 Bourgund, 213
kobold scout, 140 Ravatet, 187 Caelmarath, 110, 114, 196, 221–222, 237
lesser golems (variants), 155–157 Seaven Heavens, 187 Carnessa, 114–117, 196
lesser scrag, 122 Shadow Realm, 187 Cassadega, 27, 30–32
marean weaver, 43 Silendora (Summer Lands), 49, 51, Castle Vaelmar, 31–32
necrotic tick, 163–164 54–55, 261 City of Blue Blocks, 109–113
orniraptor, 147–148 Valhalla, 49, 51 Fellmire, 29–30
parzz-val, 148–149 ratatosks, 14, 16–18, 48–54, 187 Ghostlight Forest, 29
pech, 159–162 Ekollen Halle, 14, 16–18 Goatshead, 29
pech lithlord, 161 Yggdrasil, 48–54 Haunted Lands, 153–154
pech stonemaster, 161 ravenfolk, 17, 19, 49–50, 54, 106, 138 Magocracy of Allain, 32, 109, 195–202,
perunalian archer, 188–189 Rothenian Plain, 87–92, 217, 226–228, 219, 221–222, 224, 232
perunalian botanist, 192 273–274 Maillon, 30–31, 56
perunalian mathematician, 191–192 Kariv, 87, 226–228, 273–274 Maravahr, 28
Phosus, Dread Wyrm of the Falls, Khanate of Khazzaki, 87–92 Pit of Caernath, 29
124–127 Vidim, 92 Trennora, 235
priestess of Perun, 193 Seven Cities, 39–40, 55, 129, 170, 212–213, weapons, 41, 92. See also magic items
red feather archer, 189–190 218, 224, 232 Marean net, 41
Red Hand ogres (variant), 216 Friula, 212 Marean whip, 41
sarastran ghouls (variant), 282 Kammae Straboli, 39 shashka, 92
spawn of Nidhogg, 52 Kyprion, 40 wave-washed steel (material), 23
sunmote, 292 Triolo, 129, 170, 213 World Trees
undine (variants), 133–136 Valera, 55, 224, 232 Black Cypress, 51
vangsluagh, 150–151 shades, 257–263 Winter Tree, 51
warlock’s trumpetbloom, 116–117 shadow fey, 57, 104, 110–112, 187, 227, Yggdrasil, 48–54
White Lion General of Perun, 191 245, 286 Zobeck. See Crossroads
White Lion Paladin of Perun, 191 Southlands, 36, 51, 59, 81, 170
yek demon, 142–143 Corsair Coast, 36
Nuria-Natal, 51, 59

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