Unit 4 Highway Drainage

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Unit 4

Highway drainage

4.1 Introduction and importance of highway drainage

Highway drainage is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and sub- soil water
within right of way which include removal and diversion of water from over, under and the
vicinity of the road surface.

Highway drainage is important because of following reason:

4.1.3 Requirement of highway drainage

The requirement of highway drainage are given below :

 Surface water should not be allowed to remain standing on the road pavement and the
 The surface rain water from the adjoining area should not be allowed to come towards
the road surface.
 Side drains should be of sufficient capacity and having sufficient longitudinal slope so
that it may drain off the collected surface water efficiently.
 Seepage water and other capillary waters should be drained off by suitable underground
drainage system.
 Highest level of ground water table should be kept (1-2m) below the level of subgrade.
 In water logged area special precaution should be taken , especially if detrimental salt
are present or if flooding likely to occur.

# Classification of highway drainage

 Surface drainage
 Subsurface drainage
 Cross drainage
 Energy dissipating structure

#Surface drainage
The removal of rain water from road surface and road side ground is called
surface drainage.
It includes:
 Collecting surface water
 Disposing it off .

Surface drainage may be divided into 3 categories:

1. Drainage in rural highway

In rural highway, water has to be drained off both from pavement and
shoulder, hence shoulders are constructed with suitable cross slopes so
that the water is drained off to the side drain. Usually side drain in rural
area are open unlined of trapezoidal shape cut to suitable cross section
and longitudinal slope .

2. Drainage in urban road

Because of the limitation of the land width and also because of presence of
foot paths and road side development, it is necessary to provide
underground drains in urban area.
Water drained from the pavement surface can be carried forward in the
longitudinal direction betn the kerb and the footpath for short distance .
this water may be collected in the catch pits and lead through
underground drainage pipe.

3. Drainage in hill roads

Surface water flowing from hillslopes towards the roadway is one of the
main problem in drainage of hill roads. It is desirable that the water from
the hill side is not allowed to flow into the side drains but to problem of
maintaining the side drain intended for surface water from the roadway.
Side drain are provided only in hill sides of the road and not on the both
sides. Due to limitations in the formation width , the side drains are
constructed to such slope that at emergency the vehicles could utilize this
space for crossing or for parking.

#sub- surface drainage

Stability and strength of the road surface depend upon the strength of the
subgrade which is its foundation. The strength of subgrade depends upon
its moisture content as the moisture content increases the strength of
subgrade decreases.
Changes in moisture content of subgrade is caused by :
 Seepage of water from higher adjoining land.
 Penetration of moisture through pavement.
 Percolation of water from shoulders, pavement edges and soil
formation slopes.
 Rise or fall of ground water table .

The process of removal of unwanted water from underground in highway is

known as subsurface drainage .

Type of sub surface drainage is discussed below :

a. Lowering of ground water table

The highest level of water table should be fairly below the level of subgrade
.From the practical consideration it is suggested that the water table
should be kept at least 1 to 1.2 m below the subgarde . In places where
water table is high the best remedy is to take the road formation on
embankment of height not less than 1.2 to 1.5 m above the ground level.

2. Control of seepage flow

When the general ground as well as the impervious strata below
are sloping, seepage flow is likely to exist. If the seepage zone is at
depth less than 0.6 to 0.9m from the subgarde level, londitudinal
pipe drain in trench filter material and clay seal may be
constructed to intercept the seepage flow.
3.Control of capillary rise

If the capillary rise exists near the subgrade of the road, step have to be taken to control the
capillary rise so that it does not affect the strength of subgrade soil. The capillary may be
checked by anyone of the following two methods
 During construction of embankment, granular layer of suitable thickness is inserted
between the subgrade and the highest level of subsurface water table. Thickness of
granular layer should be such that capillary rise of water remain within this layer. If this
layer is too thin, it is likely that capillary rising water may rise above this layer and affect
the road subgrade.

 By inserting an impermeable material like bituminous layer in the place of granular


# Cross drainage
when stream or river happen to cross the road alignment facilities for cross drainage are to be
provided. The commonly used cross drainage structures are culverts and bridges.
When linear waterway between the inside face of abutment of drainage structure is less than
6m, it is called culvert. When linear water way exceeds 6m, the cross drainage work is called a
 A culvert is a channel for carrying surface water under the roadway.
 A bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle without closing the way

*Types of culvert
a. Pipe culvert
These are suitable when stream carries a low discharge and where the road embankment is
high. They are found in different shapes such as circular, elliptical and pipe arch .

b. Box culvert
They are used where the nature of the soil below the foundation is weak. It is rigid
frame structure and very simple in construction.

c. Arch culvert
Arch culvert is favored under high fill and for heavier loading.
Arches may be built from brick or stone masonary or plain cement
concrete. Span of each arch should be kept less than 3 m.
d. Slab culvert
These culverts have masonry abutments with rcc slab cover over them .
These culvert are mostly used upto 3m span. In localities where stone is
cheaply available at cheap rate , stone slabs are recommended.

A causeway is a road or track on the upper point of an embankment across “a
low or wet place or piece of water . it can be constructed of earth , masonry ,
wood or concrete.

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