Laporan Resmi Analisis Kation Anion
Laporan Resmi Analisis Kation Anion
Laporan Resmi Analisis Kation Anion
Anion and Cation Analysis
By :
Putri Nurjihan Najla
In the precipitation reaction a lot of quantitative analysis is applied. In the analysis, the cations
are first separated based on the ratio of the solubility of the compounds. The soluble cations that
form the same precipitate with sufficiently different solubilities can be separated by selective
precipitation carried out with careful selection of the required anion concentration. Quantitative
analysis is a process to determine the presence or absence of cations or anions in a solution.
Examples of cations are the ions Al 3+ , H + , K + , while examples of anions are SO 4 - 2, NH 4 - , Cl -
. Identification of cations and anions is done so that we can identify the types of cations and anions
that make up something and observe whether a precipitate is formed or not. Qualitative analysis is
concerned with determining how much of a certain substance is contained in a sample. The
specified substance is expressed as the analyte (A.L, 2001). Anions are ions that have a negative
charge and are attracted to the anode (positive electrode) while cations are ions that are positively
charged and attracted to the cathode (negative electrode) during electrolysis. Specific tests are
carried out by adding certain reagents that will give color to the solution or there is a precipitate
which is characteristic for certain ions (Amin, 2016).
1.2 Destination
2.1 Definition
Many dissolved ions that we encounter around us, for example in sea water, rivers,
sewage, or also in solid form such as in soil and fertilizers. Metal elements in solution will
form positive ions or cations, while non-metal elements will form negative ions or anions. The
method used to ascertain the presence of these cations and anions in chemistry is called
qualitative analysis. For inorganic compounds called inorganic qualitative analysis. Qualitative
analysis based on chemical properties involves some chemical reactions such as acid-base
reactions, redox, complex, and precipitation. The law of mass balance is very useful for
determining which direction a reaction is going.
Cations and anions are ions that have a positive and negative charge. systematic
qualitative analysis cations are classified into 5 groups based on the properties of the cations to
some of the reagents. By using the so-called group reagents systematically, we can determine
the presence or absence of cation groups, and can also separate these groups for further
Cations are ions that are positively charged for the purpose of systematic qualitative
analysis. cations are classified into 5 groups based on their properties. The group reagents used
for the classification of very common cations are hydrochloric acid, hydrogen sulfide,
ammonium sulfide, and ammonium carbonate. This classification is based on whether a cation
reacts with the reagents to form a precipitate or not.
Anion is an ion/group that has a negative charge. The reaction in the anion is used to
facilitate the reaction of organic acids. Anions are broken down into 3 groups, sulfate groups:
SO 4 2- , SO 3 2- , PO 4 3- , Cr 2 O 4 2- , BO 2- , CO 3 2- , C 2 O 4 2- , AsO 4 3 - , halide group: Cl – , Br –
, I – , S 2- and nitrate group: NO 3 – , NO 2– , C 2 H 3 O 2– . Salts BaSO 4 , BaSO 3 , Ba 2 ( PO 4 ) 3,
BaCr 2 O 4 , Ba( BO 2 ) 2, BaCO 3 , BaC 2 O 4 , Ba 3 ( AsO 4 ) 2 are insoluble in water in an
alkaline state, on the other hand Other anionized barium salts are readily soluble.
The method in conducting this qualitative analysis is done conventionally, namely
using a visual method based on solubility. Solubility test is carried out first by grouping ions
that have similar properties. The grouping is carried out in the form of precipitation in which
the addition of certain reagents is able to precipitate a group of ions. This method produces 6
groups whose names are adjusted to the precipitating reagent used to precipitate these ionic
groups. The groups of these ions are: chloride group (I), sulfide group (II), hydroxide group
(III), sulfide group (IV), carbonate group (V), and residual group (VI) (Anonim, 2010). In this
qualitative analysis method, we use several reagents including group reagents and specific
reagents, these two reagents are carried out to determine the type of anion / cation. Anion
analysis is not much different from cation analysis, it's just that anion analysis does not have a
standard systematic analysis method such as cation analysis. Initial preliminary tests on anion
analysis are also based on physical properties such as color, odor, gas formation, and solubility.
Some anions produce weak volatile acids or are oxidized with concentrated sulfuric acid. To
make it easier to analyze the anion, it is first attempted in the form of a compound that is easily
soluble in water. Generally, sodium salts are easily soluble in carbonate salts of heavy metals
and are difficult to dissolve in water, so that if the substance to be analyzed is a substance that
is difficult to dissolve or give a precipitate with Na 2 CO 3 , then it is made first in the form of
soda extract, then separated from the disturbing precipitate (Widiarto, 2011). To facilitate the
identification of cations and anions, a systematic qualitative analysis method is used. This
method is a classification of cations into 5 groups. The five groups of cations and the
characteristics of this group are as follows: a. Group I, cations of this group form precipitates
with dilute hydrochloric acid. The ions of this group are Lead, Mercury (I) (mercury), and
silver. b. Group II, the cations of this group do not react with hydrochloric acid, but form
precipitates with hydrogen sulfide in dilute mineral acids. The ions of this group are mercury
(II), copper, bismuth, cadmium, arsenic (III), arsenic (V) , stibium (III), stibium (V), tin (II),
and tin (III) (IV).c. Group III cations of this group do not react with dilute hydrochloric acid,
nor with hydrogen sulfide in dilute conditions. However, these cations form precipitates with
ammonium sulphide in neutral or amonical conditions. The cations of this group are cobalt (II),
nickel (II), iron (II), iron (III), chromium (III), aluminum, zinc and manganese (II). d. Group
IV, cations of this group do not react with group I, II, and III reagents. These cations form
precipitates with ammonium carbonate in the presence of ammonium chloride, in neutral or
slightly acidic conditions. The cations of this group are: calcium, strontium, and barium.e.
Group V, the common cations, which do not react with the reagents of the previous group, are
the last group, which includes magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, lithium, and
hydrogen ions.
3.1 Tools
- 20 test tubes
- 1 test tube rack
- 20 drop pipettes
- 1 glass beaker
- Centrifuge 1 piece
- Hose 1 piece
- 1 piece of filter paper
- 1 piece of Pt/Ni-Cr wire
- Spirit burner 1 piece
3.2 Ingredient
a. Group I
- 6M . HCl solution
- Dilute HCl solution
- 6M . CH3COOH solution
- K2CrO4 . solution
- 0.5ml 6M . ammonium hydroxide
b. Group II
- 3% H2O2 solution
- H2S . gas
- Saturated Hydrogen Solution
- Dilute nitric acid (HNO3) solution
- Concentrated NH3 solution
- Aquades
- 1M . NaOCl Solution
- Dilute HCl solution
- SnCl2 . solution
- NH3 . solution
- NaOH solution
- Dilute CH3COOH solution
- Na-Stannit reagent
- Ammoniacal solution
- K2CrO4 . solution
- Potassium ferrocyanide solution
- CH3COOH . solution
- KCN solution
- HCl Larutan solution
- Dilute HCl solution
- Dilute NH3 solution
- Mg(NO3)2 . solution
- Oxalic acid solution
- NaNO3 . small crystal
- Rhodamine B . indicator
- 20mg iron filings
- HgCl2 . solution
- 5-10 g Mg powder
- FeCl3 . solution
- 5% tartaric acid solution
- Dimethyl glyoxin indicator
c. Group III
- H2S . gas
- HNO3 . solution
- 20% NH4Cl solution
- Concentrated NH3 solution
- Dilute NH3 solution
- NaOH solution
- 2% NH4NO3 solution
- Dilute HNO3 solution
- 3% H2O2 solution
- Saturated H2SO3 solution
- K4Fe(CN)6 solution or KSCN . solution
- Aquades
- 10 mg NaBiO3
- Dilute CH3COOH solution
- Pb(CH3COO)2 . solution
- Dilute HCl solution
- 1M . HCl solution
- 1M . NaOCl Solution
- Amyl alcohol indicator
- 50 mg solid NH4SCN
- NH4Cl . solution
- NH4OH . solution
- Concentrated HNO3 solution
- 250 mg PbO2
d. Group VI
- 20% NH4Cl solution
- 6M . NH4OH solution
- Solution (NH4)2CO3
- Aquades
- CH3COOH . solution
- K2CrO4 . solution
- 6M . HCl solution
- Pt/Ni-Cr . Wire
- Ethyl alcohol
- Solution (NH4)2SO4
- 6M . HCl solution
- Dilute NH4OH solution
- Ammonium oxalate solution
- NA2HPO4 . solution
e. Group V
- 6M . NaOH solution
- NA2HPO4 . solution
- Concentrated HNO3 solution
- 6M . CH3COOH solution
- Sodium cobalt nitrite solution
- Uracil acetate solution
- NaOH solution
- red litmus
First Add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid (6M) to the solution. If a
precipitate occurs, add another 1-2 drops of dilute hydrochloric acid. Centrifuge and
wash the precipitate with a few drops of aquadest. Both precipitates contain group I
cations which can consist of Hg 2 Cl 2 , AgCl, or PbCl 2 (all white). All three filtrates
may contain group II, III, IV, or V cations. Add 4 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide
solution. Make the concentration of H + ions about 0.3 M. Check with a universal
indicator. Heat in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, then run off hydrogen sulfide gas.
Centrifuge and wash the precipitate with ammonium nitrate solution (1 g in 2 mL and
flush with hydrogen sulfide gas). The four group II deposits can consist of HgS (black),
Bi 2 S 3 (black/brown), CuS (black), CdS (yellow), SnS 2 (yellow), SbS 3 (orange), As 2
S 3 (yellow). The five filtrates contain group III, IV, and V cations. Boil the analyte
solution to remove hydrogen sulfide gas. Add 3 drops of concentrated nitric acid and
bring to a boil again, then add 50-100 mg ammonium chloride or 0.25-0.5 mL 20%
ammonium chloride solution. Heat on a water bath. Add concentrated ammonium until
it becomes alkaline. Place the tube in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. Centrifuge and wash
the precipitate with hot water or a 2% ammonium nitrate solution. The six precipitates
contain group IIIA which can consist of Fe(OH) 3 (brown), Cr(OH) 3 (green), Al(OH) 3
(white), or MnO 2 .xH 2 O (brown). The seven filtrates may contain group IIIB, IV and
V cations. Add 1-2 drops of dilute NH3 solution . Heat and flow with hydrogen sulfide
gas for 1 minute. Centrifuge and wash the precipitate with 1% ammonium chloride
solution which has been added with 1% ammonium sulfide. The eight group IIIB
deposits can consist of CoS (black), NiS (black), MnS (pink), ZnS (white). The nine
filtrates may contain group IV or V. Acidify with acetic acid, evaporate to a paste, cool
and add 5-10 drops of concentrated nitric acid. Carefully heat, add 5 drops of dilute
hydrochloric acid and 0.5 mL of water. Transfer the clear solution to a centrifuge tube.
Add 25 mg solid ammonium chloride or 0.25 mL 20% ammonium chloride and
concentrated NH 3 until alkaline. Add 0.3 mL of ammonium carbonate solution, place
on a 50-60oC water bath and stir the mixture well. Centrifuge and wash the precipitate
with a few drops of hot distilled water. The ten group IV precipitates may consist of
BaCO 3 (white), SrCO 3 (white), CaCO 3 (white). The eleven filtrates contain group V
cations, namely K + , Na + , Mg 2+ , NH 4 + . Finally, the NH 4 + cation is examined for its
original substance by adding a NaOH solution. The resulting NH 3 vapor will turn wet
litmus paper blue and form a white mist with concentrated HCl. After finding the group
in question, do the analysis according to the cation of the group.
First, the solution containing group II cations or the filtrate resulting from group
I precipitation is added with 4 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Make a
concentration of [H+] about 0.3 M. Heat in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. Flow H 2 S
gas. Centrifuge and wash the precipitate. The two group II deposits can consist of group
IIA (HgS, PbS, Bi 2 S 3 , CuS, da CdS) or group IIB (SnS, Sb 2 S 3 , and AsS 3 ). Add 4
drops of freshly made saturated hydrogen sulfide, centrifuge and wash the precipitate
with water. All three deposits contain group IIA. While the filtrate contains group IIB.
Add 1-1.5mL of dilute nitric acid to the Group IIA precipitate, place it in a water bath
for 1-3 minutes while stirring. Centrifuge and wash the precipitate with 0.5 mL of water
and discard the washing water. The four black precipitates indicate the presence of
HgS. Add 5 drops of 1M NaOCl solution and 1 drop of dilute HCl. Heat in a water bath
for 1 minute. Add 1-2 drops of SnCl 2 to the clear solution. A white precipitate that
turns gray/black indicates the presence of Hg(II). The five filtrates (no. 3) can contain
Pb 2+ , Bi + , Cu 2+ , and Cd 2+ cations, then added with an excess of concentrated NH 3 solution.
Centrifuge and separate the precipitate. The six precipitates may contain Bi(OH) 3 , or
Pb(OH) 2 . Add 1 mL of NaOH solution, place on a water bath for 2 minutes.
Centrifuge and separate the precipitate from the filtrate. The seventh deposit that occurs
is Bi 2 S 3 . Wash with 5 mL of water and discard the washing water. Add 1 mL of Na -
Stannit reagent (1-2 mL of SnCl 2+ NaOH solution dropwise until the precipitate
Sn(OH) 2 dissolves. The color change of the precipitate to black indicates the presence
of Bi(III). Furthermore, the filtrate (no. 6) contains Pb(OH) 4 2+ was acidified with
dilute acetic acid, then 2 drops of potassium chromate solution were added. A yellow
precipitate of PbCrO 4 indicated the presence of Pb(II). The nine filtrates (no. 5)
contained Cu(NH 3 ) 4 2+ or Cd(NH 3 ) 4 2+ If no blue color means no Cu. Stream H 2 S
gas for 10 seconds in ammoniacal solution. A yellow precipitate of CdS indicates the
presence of Cd(II). If the solution is blue, the filtrate is divided into two. The first part
is acidified with acetic acid and a drop of potassium ferrocyanide solution is added. A
reddish brown precipitate indicates the presence of Cu(II). The second part is dripped
with KCN while stirring until the blue color disappears. Flow H 2 S gas for 30-40
seconds. CdS yellow precipitate indicates the presence of Cd(II).The ten filtrates
containing the cation go longan IIB can contain AsO 3 2- , AsS 3- , SbO 2- , SbS 3 2- ,
Sn(OH) 2 - , SnS 3 2- , and a small amount of Hg 2 2- . Add HCl into the filtrate dropwise
until the solution is acidic, then flow H2S gas for 30-60 seconds. The precipitate indicates
the presence of group IIB cations. Wash the precipitate with water. Add 0.5-1 mL of
concentrated HCl, place in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. Centrifuge and wash the
precipitate with 0.5 mL dilute HCl. Mix the washing water into the filtrate. Then wash
the sediment with water, discard the washing water. Add 0.5 mL of dilute NH3, stir and
centrifuge. Separate the precipitate and the filtrate. Twelfth If the precipitate (no. 11) is
dark in color it indicates the presence of HgS. Confirmation test is the same as no. 4.
Then add dilute HNO3 to the filtrate (no. 11) until it is acidic. As2S3 yellow precipitate
indicates the presence of As(III). Dissolve the precipitate in 0.5 mL of hot dilute NH3.
Add 0.5 mL of 3% H2O2 and heat on a water bath for 3 minutes. Add 4 drops of
Mg(NO3)2. There was a white precipitate of Mg(NH4)AsO4. Centrifuge and discard
the filtrate. Add 2 drops of AgNO3 and 1 drop of dilute acetic acid. A reddish brown
precipitate indicates the presence of As(III). Finally, the filtrate (no.10) contains Sb3+
and Sn4+ divided by two. The first part is added with NH3 until just alkaline, then add
oxalic acid, and flow H2S gas for 20-30 seconds. An orange precipitate indicates the
presence of Sb(III). Confirmation of the presence of Sb(III) can also be done by adding
small crystals of NaNO3 and 2 drops of Rhomanine B to 2 drops of the solution. The
purple color indicates the presence of Sb(III). The second part can be tested in two
ways as well. The first method, put 2 cm of iron wire or 20 mg of iron file into the
solution, heat it in a water bath for 3-5 minutes. Add 2 drops of HgCl2 solution to the
clear solution. A white precipitate of Hg2Cl2 indicates the presence of Sn(IV). The
second method is to add 5-10 mg of Mg powder, 2 drops of FeCl3, 2-3 drops of 5%
tartaric acid solution, 2 drops of dimethyl glyoxin, then alkaline with dilute NH3. The
red color indicates the presence of Sn(IV).
First, the solution contains group III cations and the remaining group II is boiled
until the H2S gas disappears. Add 3 drops of concentrated HNO3 and bring to a boil
again. Add 1 drop of 20% NH4Cl, heat on a water bath. Add concentrated NH3 until it
is basic. Place the tube in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. Centrifuge and wash the
precipitate. Separate the precipitate and the filtrate. Second Wash the precipitate (no.1)
with dilute NH3 and discard the washing water. The precipitate is group IIIA which
may contain Fe(OH)3, Cr(OH)3, Al(OH)3, or MnO2.xH2O. while the filtrate may
contain group IIIB cations. Add 2 mL of NaOH, 1 mL of 2% H2O2. Simmer until the
O2 is gone. Centrifuge and separate the precipitate from the filtrate. The three
precipitates (no. 2) may contain Fe(OH)3 or MnO2.xH2O. Wash the precipitate with
hot water or 2% NH4NO3. Dissolve the precipitate with dilute HNO3. If necessary add
2 drops of 3% H2O2 or a drop of saturated H2SO3. Divide the solution into two. The
first part is added with a drop of K4Fe(CN)6. Blue precipitate indicates the presence of
Fe. To determine Fe(II) or Fe(III), the original solution is tested with K4Fe(CN)6 or
KSCN. The second part is diluted with 1 mL of water (aquadest), cooled, add 10 mg
NaBiO3, shake and let the solids drop. A purple solution of MNO4- indicates the
presence of Mn. The fourth filtrate (no. 2) may contain Al(OH)4- or CrO42-. Divide
the solution into two. The first part is acidified with dilute acetic acid. Add 1 drop of Pb
acetate. PbCrO4 yellow precipitate indicates the presence of Cr. The second part is
acidified with dilute HCl. Add dilute NH3 until just alkaline. Add another drop and
heat on a water bath for 1 minute, a white precipitate of Al(OH)3 indicates the presence
of Al. The five filtrates from the addition of HNO3, NH4Cl and NH3 above may
contain cations group IIIB. Add 1-2 drops of dilute NH3 solution, heat and flow with
H2 gas. Centrifuge and wash the precipitate. Separate the precipitate and the filtrate.
The six precipitates (no. 5) may consist of CoS, NiS, MnS, or ZnS. Stir the precipitate
with 1 mL of 1 M HCl. Centrifuge, separate the precipitate from the filtrate. The seven
deposits (no. 6) can be CoS, NiS. Add 10-15 drops of dilute HCl and 5 drops of 1 M
NaOCl. Stir on a water bath for 1-2 minutes. Bring to a boil to remove Cl2. Divide the
solution into two. The first part is added 1-2 drops of amyl alcohol and 50 mg solid
NH4SCN and shaken. The blue color in the alcohol layer indicates the presence of Co.
The second part is added with 1 drop of NH4Cl solution, then NH4OH is added until it
is basic. Add 2-3 drops of dimethyl glyoxin reagent. A pink precipitate indicates the
presence of Ni. The eight filtrates (no. 6) may contain Mn2+, or Zn2+. Bring the
solution to a boil to remove H2S. Cool and add 1 mL of NaOH and 4 drops of 3%
H2O2. Centrifuge, separate the precipitate and the filtrate. The nine precipitates (no. 8)
contain MnO2.xH2O. Identify as in group IIIA, or dissolve the precipitate in 0.5 mL of
dilute HNO3 with the addition of 1-2 drops of H2O23% and 0.3 mL of water. Bring to
a boil to remove excess H2O2. Cool, add 0.5 mL concentrated HNO3 and 250 mg
PbO2. Simmer for 1 minute and leave. A purple solution of MnO4- indicates the
presence of Mn. Finally the filtrate (no. 8) may contain Zn(OH)22+. Flow with H2S
gas white precipitate indicates the presence of Zn.
First, the solution containing group IV cations or group III filtrate was added
with 5 drops of 20% NH4Cl and 6 M NH4OH dropwise, then added 6 drops of
(NH4)2CO3. Place it on a hot water bath for a few minutes. Centrifuge, separate the
precipitate from the filtrate. Both group IV precipitates may contain BaCO3, SrCO3, or
CaCO3. Wash the precipitate with a few drops of water and 1 drop of (NH4)2CO3.
Dissolve the precipitate in 3-4 drops of 6 M acetic acid. Add 2 drops of K2CrO4, stir
for about 1 minute. A yellow precipitate indicates the presence of Ba. Centrifuge,
separate the precipitate and the filtrate. The three precipitates (no. 2) contained
BaCrO4. Wash the precipitate with water until the washing water is colorless. Add 2
drops of 6 M HCl. Test the flame reaction using Pt/Ni-Cr wire. A green glow indicates
the presence of Ba. The four filtrate (no. 2) may contain Sr2+ or Ca2+. Add NH4OH
dropwise until alkaline. Concentrate the solution to 0.5-1 mL. Add ethyl alcohol with
the same volume while stirring. Cool under running tap water, let stand for 5 minutes.
Yellow precipitate indicates the presence of Sr. Centrifuge, separate the precipitate and
the filtrate. The precipitate should not be washed. The five precipitates (no. 4)
contained SrCrO4. Add 10 drops of ammonium sulfate and simmer for 1 minute. Cool
and centrifuge. Wash the sediment with water and discard the washing water. Add 2
drops of 6 M HCl and perform a flame test. Red flame indicates the presence of Sr. The
six filtrates may contain Ca2+ or Ag2+. Evaporate to a volume of 0.5 mL and discard
the precipitate. Add 2 drops of dilute NH4OH and 2 drops of ammonium oxalate. A
white precipitate indicates the presence of Ca. Centrifuge, separate the precipitate and
the filtrate. React the precipitate with 2 drops of 6 M HCl and perform the flame test. A
brick red flame indicates the presence of Ca.
*The possibility of Ag 2+ ions being precipitated in group IV. Add 2 drops of
Na2HPO4 to the filtrate. Leave it for 5 minutes. The formation of white crystals
indicates the presence of Ag.
First, the solution containing group V cations or group IV filtrate is divided into
four parts. In the first part add 1 drop of 6 M NH4OH and 1 drop of Na2HPO4. Leave a
few minutes. The formation of white crystals of MgNH4PO4 indicates the presence of
Mg. Second In the second part, vaporize 2 drops of the solution. Add 2 drops of
concentrated HNO3. Steam again. Drop the residue with a drop of 6 M acetic acid and
3-4 drops. Stir well, transfer the solution to a watch glass. Add a drop of sodium cobalt
nitrite solution. A yellow precipitate indicates the presence of K. In the third section,
vaporize 2 drops of the solution. Add 1 drop of 6 M HCl to the residue. Perform a
flame test, check the flame through the cobalt glass. Reddish purple flame color
through the glass indicates the presence of K. Third If there is a yellow flame (without
gauze) at the last second, it indicates the presence of Na. In the fourth section, add 8
drops of zinc uranyl acetate to the solution. Cool under running tap water. Let stand for
10 minutes or so, then centrifuge. A yellow precipitate indicates the presence of Na.
Fourth, the test for NH4+ cations cannot be tested from the filtrate from the previous
group separation because of the addition of these cations from NH4OH, NH4Cl,
(NH4)2SO4, and others. This cation is tested from the original substance. If the original
substance is a solution, take 3 drops and if it is a solid, take some of the crystals, put it
in the bottom of the test tube. Carefully add 6 drops of NaOH (be careful not to let the
NaOH hit the tube wall). Place the red litmus paper on top of the tube, and put half of it
into the tube. Carefully heat the tube. The color change of the bottom of the litmus
paper to blue indicates the presence of NH4+ ions. Instead of litmus paper, the solution
is heated and smelled. The smell of ammonia is very obvious in the presence of NH4+
3. Proof of nitrate ion (NO3-) :
The preparation solution was added with concentrated H2SO4, then added the
saturated FeSO4 solution slowly through the tube wall. The formation of a
brown ring indicates the presence of nitrate ions.
4. Proof of chloride ion (Cl-) :
The preparation solution was added with AgNO3 solution. A white precipitate
soluble in ammonia indicates the presence of chloride ions.
5. Proof of bromide ion (Br-) :
The preparation solution was added with AgNO3 solution. A light yellow
precipitate soluble in concentrated ammonia indicates the presence of bromide
6. Proof of iodide ion (I-) :
The preparation solution was added with CuSO4. A brown precipitate occurs
which is a mixture of copper (I) iodide and iodine. The brown color that
disappears with the addition of sodium thiosulfate indicates the presence of
iodide ions.
7. Proof of sulfide ion (S2-) :
The preparation solution was added with Pb-acetate solution. A black precipitate of
lead (II) sulfide indicates the presence of sulfide ions.
8. Proof of sulfite ion (SO32-) :
The preparation solution was added with silver nitrate solution. A white precipitate
dissolved in excess sodium sulfate indicates the presence of sulfite ions. When
the solution is boiled, a gray precipitate of Ag occurs.
9. Proof of thiosulfate ion (S2O3) :
The preparation solution was added with a brown I2 solution. The loss of brown
color indicates the presence of thiosulfate ion.
10. Proof of carbonate ion (CO32-) :
The preparatory solution is supplemented with calcium chloride. The white
precipitate that occurs indicates the presence of carbonate ions.
11. Proof of phosphate ion (PO43-) :
The preparation solution was added with MgCl2, NH4Cl, NH4OH. The occurrence
of a white precipitate of MgNH4PO4 indicates the presence of phosphate ions.
12. Proof of acetate ion :
The preparation solution was added with FeCl3. The solution is brown. Dilute and
heat. A brown precipitate is formed from Fe(OH)2CH3COO.
5.1 Conclusion
From group 1 experiments, it can be concluded that sample x
shows group I cations, as evidenced by the formation of Pb 2+ cations . From
the anion equation for NO 3 - it can be concluded that sample x shows the
presence of NO 3 - anion as evidenced by the presence of a brown ring. So
sample x spans the compound Pb(NO 3 ) 2 .
5.2 Suggestion
Suggestions for this Anion and Cation analysis practicum is to pay
attention to the cleanliness of the tools to be used, we are also expected to
be more careful in observing changes that occur in the sample and must be
careful in determining the sample group .
a. Answer Question
1. Write the general reaction for each group!
Answer: (Group I: M + + Cl - MCl (s) white)
a. Group I : M + + Cl - MCl
M + + 2Cl - MCl 2
M + = Ag + and Hg 2+
M2 + = Pb +
b. Group II:
M 2+ + S 2- MS
3M 3+ + 2S 2- M 2 S 3
M 4 + + 2S 2- MS 2
M 2+ = Cu 2+ , Cd 2+ , Pb 2+
M 3+ = Bi 3+ , As 3+ , Sb 3+
M 4 + = Sn 4 +
c. Group IIIA:
M 2+ + S 2- MS
M 2+ = Zn 2+ , Co 2+ , Ni 2+
d. Group IIIB:
M 3+ + 3OH - M(OH) 3
M 3+ = Fe 3+ , Al 3+ , Cr 3+
e. Group IV:
M 2+ + CO 3 2- MCO 3
M 2+ = Ba 2+ , Sr 2+, Ca 2+
f. Group V:
M 2+ + 2OH - M(OH) 2
Where :
M2 + = Mn2 +
2. 2S cation analysis system H 2 O 2 or bromine water, and not HNO 3 ?
Answer: Because in oxidizing a compound, HNO 3 will form Ammonia gas
which will give a small solubility of the compounds formed so that the
precipitate formed between group 1 and other groups cannot be distinguished.
3. How do you know if H 2 S, H 2 O 2 , or Br 2 are no longer in the solution?
Answer: H2S is no longer present in the solution if the heated solution no longer
emits the smell of hydrogen sulfide which smells of rotten eggs or by using filter
paper dipped in lead acetate and placed over the mouth of the heated solution
H2O2 is no longer present in the solution , it can be determined by dipping filter
paper in HCl, then facing the hose that is channeled to H2O2 . If there is no black
stain on the filter paper, then H 2 O 2 is not present.
Br2 is no longer present in the solution can be determined by the way the
solution is evaporated . The smoke that comes out is placed on paper moistened
with starch. If the wet starch paper turns orange red, then Br 2 is still there, but if
it is orange then Br 2 is gone.
4. Why is it necessary to use the analyte directly to determine the presence of NH 4
+ cations?
Answer: Because in the previous test, the analyte has been added NH 4 +
(functions as a reagent) repeatedly so that if the filtrate from the previous group
test is used, it is clear that there will be NH 4 + in it, so the analyte is needed
directly to test for NH 4 +
5. What is the general reaction in the preparation of a preparatory solution to
determine the presence of anions?
Answer: MA 2+ Na 2 CO 3 MCO 3 + 2NaA
6. The precipitation of sulfide salts in the analysis of group II and group IIIB
cations was carried out in different solution conditions. Explain?
Answer: In group II, H2S is flowed into an acidic solution because the filtrate
used to get the sulfide salt precipitate comes from the group I filtrate which still
contains dilute HCl.
In Group IIIB the solution is alkaline, because the filtrate used to precipitate the
sulfide salt comes from the group IIIA filtrate which still contains NH 3 and NH
4 Cl.
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2. Put distilled water into a test tube containing sample x
6. Added a few drops of HCl 6 M
10. Shake so that the solution is completely mixed
12. Centrifuge
The precipitate is heated in a water bath until it boils,
approximately 1 minute
18. The result of adding 2 drops of CH COOH 6 M . solution
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2. Add saturated Na CO until it reaches test tube
2 3
Proof of ion NO 3
Preparation solution + concentrated H2SO4
c. Plot handwritten
d. Report temporary write hand