Traffic Engineering

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Traffic Engineering Studies

Engr. Benedicto a. Amora, jr.

• The availability of highway transportation has provided several
advantages that contribute to a high standard of living. However,
several problems related to the highway mode of transportation
exist. These problems include highway-related crashes, parking
difficulties, congestion, and delay.
• To reduce the negative impact of highways, it is necessary to
adequately collect information that describes the extent of the
problems and identifies their locations. Such information is usually
collected by organizing and conducting traffic surveys and studies.
Traffic studies may be grouped into three
main categories:
• Inventories provide a list or graphic display of existing information,
such as street widths, parking spaces, transit routes, traffic
regulations, and so forth. (ex. available parking spaces and traffic
• Administrative studies use existing engineering records, available in
government agencies and departments. This information is used to
prepare an inventory of the relevant data. Inventories may be
recorded in files but are usually recorded in automated data
processing (ADP) systems. Administrative studies include the results
of surveys, which may involve field measurements and/or aerial
• Dynamic traffic studies involve the collection of data under
operational conditions and include studies of speed, traffic volume,
travel time and delay, parking, and crashes. Since dynamic studies
are carried out by the traffic engineer to evaluate current conditions
and develop solutions.
Spot Speed
• Spot speed studies are conducted to estimate the distribution of
speeds of vehicles in a stream of traffic at a particular location on a
highway. The speed of a vehicle is defined as the rate of movement of
the vehicle; it is usually expressed in miles per hour (mi/h) or
kilometers per hour (km/h).
• A spot speed study is carried out by recording the speeds of a sample
of vehicles at a specified location. Speed characteristics identified by
such a study will be valid only for the traffic and environmental
conditions that exist at the time of the study.
Spot Speed
Speed characteristics determined from a spot speed study may be used to:
• Establish parameters for traffic operation and control, such as speed zones,
speed limits (85th-percentile speed is commonly used as the speed limit on
a road), and passing restrictions.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of traffic control devices, such as variable
message signs at work zones.
• Monitor the effect of speed enforcement programs, such as the use of
drone radar and the use of differential speed limits for passenger cars and
• Evaluate and or determine the adequacy of highway geometric
characteristics, such as radii of horizontal curves and lengths of vertical
• Evaluate the effect of speed on highway safety through the analysis of crash
data for different speed characteristics.
• Determine speed trends.
• Determine whether complaints about speeding are valid.
Spot Speed
The following locations generally are used for the different
applications listed:
• 1. Locations that represent different traffic conditions on a highway
or highways are used for basic data collection.
• 2. Mid-blocks of urban highways and straight, level sections of rural
highways are sites for speed trend analyses.
• 3. Any location may be used for the solution of a specific traffic
engineering problem.
When spot speed studies are being conducted, it is important that
unbiased data be obtained. This requires that drivers be unaware that
such a study is being conducted. Equipment used therefore, should be
concealed from the driver, and observers conducting the study should
be inconspicuous. Since the speeds recorded eventually will be
subjected to statistical analysis, it is important that a statistically
adequate number of vehicle speeds be recorded.
Spot Speed
Time of Day and Duration of Spot Speed Studies
• The time of day for conducting a speed study depends on the
purpose of the study. In general, when the purpose of the study
is to establish posted speed limits, to observe speed trends, or
to collect basic data, it is recommended that the study be
conducted when traffic is free-flowing, usually during off-peak
hours. However, when a speed study is conducted in response
to citizen complaints, it is useful if the time period selected for
the study reflects the nature of the complaints.
• The duration of the study should be such that the minimum
number of vehicle speeds required for statistical analysis is
recorded. Typically, the duration is at least 1 hour and the
sample size is at least 30 vehicles.
Spot Speed
Methods for Conducting Spot Speed Studies:
• Several automatic devices that can be used to obtain the
instantaneous speeds of vehicles at a location on a
highway are now available on the market.
• These automatic devices can be grouped into three main
• (1) Road Detectors - Road detectors can be classified into
two general categories: pneumatic road tubes and
induction loops. These devices can be used to collect data
on speeds at the same time as volume data are being

An inductive loop is a rectangular wire loop buried under the

Pneumatic road tubes are laid across the lane in roadway surface. It usually serves as the detector of a
which data are to be collected. When a moving resonant circuit. It operates on the principle that a
vehicle passes over the tube, an air impulse is
disturbance in the electrical field is created when a motor
transmitted through the tube to the counter.
vehicle passes across it. This causes a change in potential that
is amplified, resulting in an impulse being sent to the counter
2. Radar-Based Traffic Sensors
3. Electronic-Principle Detectors
Spot Speed
Significant values that are needed to describe speed
• 1. AVERAGE SPEED - which is the arithmetic mean of all
observed vehicle speeds (which is the sum of all spot
speeds divided by the number of recorded speeds). It is
given as
Spot Speed
• 2. Median Speed which is the speed at the middle value in a series
of spot speeds that are arranged in ascending order. 50 percent of
the speed values will be greater than the median; 50 percent will be
less than the median.
• 3. Modal Speed which is the speed value that occurs most
frequently in a sample of spot speeds.
• 4. The ith-percentile Spot Speed which is the spot speed value
below which i percent of the vehicles travel; for example, 85th-
percentile spot speed is the speed below which 85 percent of the
vehicles travel and above which 15 percent of the vehicles travel.
• 5. Pace which is the range of speed—usually taken at 10-mi/h
intervals—that has the greatest number of observations. For
example, if a set of speed data includes speeds between 30 and 60
mi/h, the speed intervals will be 30 to 40 mi/h, 40 to 50 mi/h, and 50
to 60 mi/h, assuming a range of 10 mi/h. The pace is 40 to 50 mi/h if
this range of speed has the highest number of observations.
Spot Speed
• 6. Standard Deviation of Speeds which is a measure of the
spread of the individual speeds. It is estimated as
Spot Speed
• Determining Spot Speed Sample Size
Spot Speed
• Traffic volume studies are conducted to collect data on the number
of vehicles and/or pedestrians that pass a point on a highway facility
during a specified time period. This time period varies from as little
as 15 minutes to as much as a year depending on the anticipated use
of the data. The data collected also may be put into subclasses which
may include directional movement, occupancy rates, vehicle
classification, and pedestrian age.
• Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) is the average of 24-hour
counts collected every day of the year. AADTs are used in several
traffic and transportation analyses for:
a. Estimation of highway user revenues
b. Computation of crash rates in terms of number of crashes
per 100 million vehicle miles
c. Establishment of traffic volume trends
d. Evaluation of the economic feasibility of highway projects
e. Development of freeway and major arterial street systems
f. Development of improvement and maintenance programs
• Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is the average of 24-hour
counts collected over a number of days greater than one
but less than a year. ADTs may be used for:
a. Planning of highway activities
b. Measurement of current demand
c. Evaluation of existing traffic flow
• Peak Hour Volume (PHV) is the maximum number of vehicles
that pass a point on a highway during a period of 60
consecutive minutes. PHVs are used for:
a. Functional classification of highways
b. Design of the geometric characteristics of a highway, for
example, number of lanes, intersection
signalization, or channelization
c. Capacity analysis
d. Development of programs related to traffic operations,
for example, one-way street systems or
traffic routing
e. Development of parking regulations
• Vehicle Classification (VC) records volume with respect to the type of
vehicles, for example, passenger cars, two-axle trucks, or three-axle
trucks. VC is used in:
a. Design of geometric characteristics, with particular reference
to turning-radii requirements, maximum grades, lane widths, and so
b. Capacity analyses, with respect to passenger-car equivalents of
c. Adjustment of traffic counts obtained by machines
d. Structural design of highway pavements, bridges, and so forth
• Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) is a measure of travel along a
section of road. It is the product of the traffic volume (that is,
average weekday volume or ADT) and the length of roadway in
miles to which the volume is applicable. VMTs are used mainly as
a base for allocating resources for maintenance and improvement
of highways.
Methods of Conducting Volume Counts:
• Manual Method
• Manual counting involves one or more persons recording
observed vehicles using a counter. With this type of counter, both
the turning movements at the intersection and the types of
vehicles can be recorded.

Figure 4.7 shows the TDC-12 electronic manual counter which

may be used to conduct manual traffic volume counts at an
Methods of Conducting Volume Counts:
Automatic Method
• Automatic counters can be classified into two general categories:
those that require the laying of detectors (surface or subsurface),
and those that do not require the laying of detectors.
Types of Volume Counts
Cordon Counts
• When information is required on vehicle accumulation
within an area such as the central business district (CBD) of
a city, particularly during a specific time, a cordon count is
undertaken. The area for which the data are required is
cordoned off by an imaginary closed loop; the area
enclosed within this loop is defined as the cordon area.
Types of Volume Counts
Screen Line Counts
• In screen line counts, the study area is divided into large
sections by running imaginary lines, known as screen lines,
across it. In some cases, natural and manmade barriers, such as
rivers or railway tracks, are used as screen lines. Traffic counts
are then taken at each point where a road crosses the screen
Intersection Counts
• Intersection counts are taken to determine vehicle
classifications, through movements, and turning movements at
intersections. These data are used mainly in determining phase
lengths and cycle times for signalized intersections, in the
design of channelization at intersections, and in the general
design of improvements to intersections.
Types of Volume Counts
Pedestrian Volume Counts
• Volume counts of pedestrians are made at locations such as subway
stations, midblocks, and crosswalks. The counts are usually taken at
these locations when the evaluation of existing or proposed
pedestrian facilities is to be undertaken. Such facilities may include
pedestrian overpasses or underpasses.
Periodic Volume Counts
• In order to obtain certain traffic volume data, such as AADT, it is
necessary to obtain data continuously. However, it is not feasible to
collect continuous data on all roads because of the cost involved. To
make reasonable estimates of annual traffic volume characteristics
on an area-wide basis, different types of periodic counts, with count
durations ranging from 15 minutes to continuous, are conducted;
the data from these different periodic counts are used to determine
values that are then employed in the estimation of annual traffic
characteristics. The periodic counts usually conducted are
continuous, control, or coverage counts.
Traffic Volume Data Presentation
Traffic Flow Maps
• These maps show traffic volumes on
individual routes. The volume of traffic on
each route is represented by the width of a
band, which is drawn in proportion to the
traffic volume it represents, providing a
graphic representation of the different
volumes that facilitates easy visualization of
the relative volumes of traffic on different
Traffic Volume Data Presentation
Intersection Summary Sheets
• These sheets are graphic representations of
the volume and directions of all traffic
movements through the intersection. These
volumes can be either ADTs or PHVs,
depending on the use of the data.
Traffic Volume Data Presentation
Time-Based Distribution Charts
• These charts show the hourly, daily,
monthly, or annual variations in
traffic volume in an area or on a
particular highway. Each volume is
usually given as a percentage of the
average volume
Traffic Volume Data Presentation
Summary Tables
• These tables give a summary of
traffic volume data such as PHV,
Vehicle Classification (VC), and ADT
in tabular form
Sample Size
Determination of Number of Count Stations
• The minimum sample size depends on the precision level desired. The
commonly used precision level for volume counts is 95–5.
Adjustment of Periodic Counts
Expansion Factors from Continuous Count Stations - Hourly,
daily, and monthly expansion factors can be determined
using data obtained at continuous count stations.
Adjustment of Periodic Counts
• A travel time study determines the amount of time
required to travel from one point to another on a given
route. In conducting such a study, information may also be
collected on the locations, durations, and causes of delays.
When this is done, the study is known as a travel time and
delay study.
• Data obtained from travel time and delay studies give a
good indication of the level of service on the study section.
These data also aid the traffic engineer in identifying
problem locations, which may require special attention in
order to improve the overall flow of traffic on the route
The data obtained from travel time and delay studies may be used in any one of the
following traffic engineering tasks:
• Determination of the efficiency of a route with respect to its ability to carry traffic
• Identification of locations with relatively high delays and the causes for those delays
• Performance of before-and-after studies to evaluate the effectiveness of traffic
operation improvements
• Determination of relative efficiency of a route by developing sufficiency ratings or
congestion indices
• Determination of travel times on specific links for use in trip assignment models
• Compilation of travel time data that may be used in trend studies to evaluate the
changes in efficiency and level of service with time
• Performance of economic studies in the evaluation of traffic operation alternatives
that reduce travel time
Definition of Terms Related to Time and Delay Studies
• Travel time is the time taken by a vehicle to traverse a given section of a
• Running time is the time a vehicle is actually in motion while traversing a
given section of a highway.
• Delay is the time lost by a vehicle due to causes beyond the control of the
• Operational delay is that part of the delay caused by the impedance of other
• Fixed delay is that part of the delay caused by control devices such as traffic
signals. This delay occurs regardless of the traffic volume or the impedance
that may exist.
• Travel-time delay is the difference between the actual travel time and the
travel time that will be obtained by assuming that a vehicle traverses the
study section at an average speed equal to that for an uncongested traffic
flow on the section being studied.
Methods for Conducting Travel Time and Delay Studies
• Several methods have been used to conduct travel time and delay
studies. These methods can be grouped into two general
• (1) those using a test vehicle
▪ Floating-car
▪ Average-speed
▪ Moving vehicle technique
• (2) those not requiring a test vehicle
▪ Licensed-Plate Observation
▪ Interviews
▪ ITS Advanced Technologies
Methods for Conducting Travel Time and Delay Studies
• Several methods have been used to conduct travel time and delay
studies. These methods can be grouped into two general
• (1) those using a test vehicle
▪ Floating-car
▪ Average-speed
▪ Moving vehicle technique
• (2) those not requiring a test vehicle
▪ Licensed-Plate Observation
▪ Interviews
▪ ITS Advanced Technologies
Moving – Vehicle Technique
In this technique, the observer makes a
round trip on a test section like the one
shown in figure, where it is assumed that
the road runs east to west. The observer
starts collecting the relevant data at section
X-X, drives the car eastward to section Y-Y,
then turns the vehicle around and drives
westward to section X-X again.
Moving – Vehicle Technique
The following data are collected as the test vehicle makes the
round trip:
• The time it takes to travel east from X-X to Y-Y (Te), in minutes
• The time it takes to travel west from Y-Y to X-X (Tw), in minutes
• The number of vehicles traveling west in the opposite lane while
the test car is traveling east (Ne)
The number of vehicles that overtake the test car while it is
traveling west from Y-Y to X-X, that is, traveling in the westbound
direction (Ow)
• The number of vehicles that the test car passes while it is
traveling west from Y-Y to X-X, that is, traveling in the westbound
direction (Pw)
• The data in Table 4.9 were
obtained in a travel time
study on a section of
highway using the moving-
vehicle technique.
Determine the travel time
and volume in each
direction at this section of
the highway.
Parking Studies
• Any vehicle traveling on a highway will at one time or another be parked
for either a relatively short time or a much longer time, depending on
the reason for parking. The provision of parking facilities is therefore an
essential element of the highway mode of transportation. The need for
parking spaces is usually very great in areas where land uses include
business, residential, or commercial activities.
• In areas of high density, where space is very expensive, the space
provided for automobiles usually has to be divided between that
allocated for their movement and that allocated for parking them.
• Providing adequate parking space to meet the demand for parking in
the CBD may necessitate the provision of parking bays along curbs
which reduces the capacity of the streets and may affect the level of
• Parking studies are therefore used to determine the demand for and
the supply of parking facilities in an area, the projection of the demand,
and the views of various interest groups on how best to solve the
Parking Studies
Types of Parking Facilities
• On-Street Parking Facilities
These are also known as curb facilities. Parking bays are provided
alongside the curb on one or both sides of the street. These bays
can be unrestricted parking facilities if the duration of parking is
unlimited and parking is free, or they can be restricted parking
facilities if parking is limited to specific times of the day for a
maximum duration. Parking at restricted facilities may or may not
be free. Restricted facilities also may be provided for specific
purposes, such as to provide handicapped parking or as bus stops or
loading bays.
• Off-Street Parking Facilities
These facilities may be privately or publicly owned; they include
surface lots and garages. Self-parking garages require that drivers
park their own automobiles; attendant-parking garages maintain
personnel to park the automobiles.
Parking Studies
Definitions of Parking Terms
• A space-hour is a unit of parking that defines the use of a
single parking space for a period of 1 hour.
• Parking volume is the total number of vehicles that park
in a study area during a specific length of time, usually a
• Parking accumulation is the number of parked vehicles in
a study area at any specified time. These data can be
plotted as a curve of parking accumulation against time,
which shows the variation of the parking accumulation
during the day.
Parking Studies
Definitions of Parking Terms
• The parking load is the area under the accumulation
curve between two specific times. It is usually given as
the number of space-hours used during the specified
period of time.
• Parking duration is the length of time a vehicle is parked
at a parking bay. When the parking duration is given as an
average, it gives an indication of how frequently a parking
space becomes available.
• Parking turnover is the rate of use of a parking space. It is
obtained by dividing the parking volume for a specified
period by the number of parking spaces
Parking Studies
Methodology of Parking Studies
A comprehensive parking study usually involves
(1) inventory of existing parking facilities,
(2) collection of data on parking accumulation, parking
turnover and parking duration,
(3) identification of parking generators, and
(4) collection of information on parking demand.
Parking Studies
Analysis of Parking Data
Analysis of parking data includes summarizing, coding, and
interpreting the data so that the relevant information
required for decision making can be obtained. The relevant
information includes the following:
• Number and duration for vehicles legally parked
• Number and duration for vehicles illegally parked
• Space-hours of demand for parking
• Supply of parking facilities
Parking Studies

• Efficiency factors for curb parking, during

highest demand, vary from 78 percent to
96 percent; for surface lots and garages,
from 75 percent to 92 percent. Average
values of f are 90 percent for curb
parking, 80 percent for garages, and 85
percent for surface lots.
Parking Studies
Problem: Space Requirements for a Parking Garage
• The owner of a parking garage located in a CBD has observed
that 20% of those wishing to park are turned back every day
during the open hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. because of lack of
parking spaces. An analysis of data collected at the garage
indicates that 60% of those who park are commuters, with an
average parking duration of 9 hr, and the remaining are
shoppers, whose average parking duration is 2 hr. If 20% of
those who cannot park are commuters and the rest are
shoppers, and a total of 200 vehicles currently park daily in the
garage, determine the number of additional spaces required to
meet the excess demand. Assume parking efficiency is 0.90.

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