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1.1 General

Transportation system is a dynamic system. Information about traffic must be regularly updated to
keep pace with ever-changing transportation system. Data must be collected and analyzed
systematically to get representative information.
Traffic surveys are the means of obtaining information about traffic. This is a systematic way of
collecting data to be used for various traffic engineering purposes. The main purposes of traffic
survey are: traffic monitoring, traffic control and management, traffic enforcement, traffic
forecasting, model calibration and validating etc.

The term traffic volume study can be termed as traffic flow survey or simply the traffic survey. It
is defined as the procedure to determine mainly volume of traffic moving on the roads at a particular
section during a particular time. It is measured in vehicle per minute, vehicle per hour and vehicle
per day. In order to express the traffic flow on a road per unit time, it is necessary to convert the
flow of the different vehicle classes into a standard vehicle class known as passenger car unit. The
traffic volume is dynamic and varies during 24 hours of the day. Daily traffic volume varies on
different days of a week and different months and seasons of the years.

Traffic data are needed in research, planning, designing and regulation phases of traffic engineering
and are also used in established priorities and schedules of traffic improvements.The traffic engineer
must acquire general knowledge of traffic volume characteristics in order to measure and understand
the magnitude, composition, and time and route distribution of volume for each area under his

1.2 General Objectives of traffic volume study

The purposes of carrying out traffic volume count are designing, improving traffic system, planning,
management etc.

1.2.1. Design purposes

Structural and geometric design of pavements, bridge, and other highway facilities. Structural design
is based on repetition of wheel load on the pavement in entire design life. AADT is needed with
traffic growth rate to compute design wheel repetition. Geometric design is based on peak hour
volume to avoid congestion. Intersection design including minimum turning path, channelization,
flaring, traffic control devices viz. traffic signs, markings, signals based on approach volume and
turning proportions. Pedestrian volume study is useful for designing side walk, pedestrian crossing



1.2.2 Planning Purposes

Accurate information on the amount of traffic on the roads is vital for the planning of both road
maintenance and improvement policies Traffic volume network analysis helps in
deciding/planning if there is need for:
• Improvement
• Expansion in terms of construction missing links, by-pass, alternative road etc.

1.2.3 Improvement purposes

To allocate limited maintenance budget rationally, it is important to know the traffic volumecarried
by a particular roadway section in order to decide the importance of the road and fixing its relative
priority. In order to improve the roadway operating condition, it is important to know the traffic

• To examine the existing operating/service condition of a roadway section.

• To check the need (warrant) traffic control devices.
• To determine the type of improvement measure need to be taken.
• To measure the effectiveness of a traffic control measure.

1.2.4 Dynamic Traffic Management Purposes

Up to date and continuous flow/congestion information is essential for optimizing :-

Traffic signal design and thereby improving junction performance
Network productivity by providing information to the road user

1.2.5 Other Purposes

• To establish relative importance of any route or road facility

• To decide the priority for improvement and expansion of a road and to allot the funds
• To plan and design the existing and new facilities of traffic operations
• To make analysis of traffic pattern and trends on the road.
• To do structural design of pavements and geometrically design of roads by classified traffic
volume study.
• To plan one-way street and other regulatory measures by volume distribution study.
• Estimation of highway usage
• Measurement of current demand of a facility
• Measurement of current demand of a facility
• Estimation of trends
• Economic feasibility evaluation
• Computation of accident rates- accidents/100M vehicle-miles



1.3 Scope of Traffic Volume Studies

The study of traffic volume at a particular location is necessary to create the following scopes :-
• Flow fluctuation on different approaches at a junction or different parts of a road network
• Magnitudes, classifications and the time and directional split of vehicular flows. Magnitude
is represented by volume of traffic. Vehicles are classified into some predefined classes
based on vehicle size and capacity. In a two-way road, vehicles moving towards two
directions are counted separately to get the proportion. Time and directional split is useful
to identify tidal flow.
• Proportions of vehicles in traffic stream. Proportion of vehicles indicates whether public or
private transport dominates the traffic system. It also indicates the choice of road users.
• Hourly, daily, yearly and seasonal variation of vehicular flows. These variations are needed
to establish expansion factors for future use. Using expansion factors, AADT can be
calculated from short count.
• Effectiveness of a traffic control measure
• To check existing, operating service condition of a roadway section
• Planning traffic operation and control of existing facility
• To design intersection, signal timings, channelization

1.3.1 Objectives

• To measure traffic volumes and note other related traffic characteristics (e.g. flow
composition, flow fluctuations etc.).

• To determine hourly volume in terms passenger car equivalents (PCE)

• To determine vehicle composition in traffic stream.

• To compare the results with standard design service volumes and identify remedies.




Traffic volume studies are conducted to determine the number, movements, and classifications of
roadway vehicles at a given location. These data can help identify critical flow time periods,
determine the influence of large vehicles or pedestrians on vehicular traffic flow, or document traffic
volume trends. The traffic engineer must acquire general knowledge of traffic volume characteristics
in order to measure and understand the magnitude, composition and time and route distribution of
volume foreach area under his jurisdiction.

2.2Previous work on Traffic Volume Study

The present study is essentially about the importance of traffic volume in traffic engineering ofurban
and suburban road links, in particular the literature on effect of traffic volume, speed- flow
relationships, passenger car equivalents, peak hour factor, flow variations and traffic capacity and
level of serviceability (LOS). But there are lot of studies which help to develop and modify the
present study. Some of those are mentioned below in brief:

Satyanarayana (2012) studied the effect of traffic volume, its composition and stream speed on
passenger car equivalents . Method proposed by Chandra is used for developing the PCU factors
and found that For two axle trucks PCU values are found to increase with an increase in
compositional share of respective vehicle types in the traffic stream. The PCU of two wheelers
practically remains unaffected by its compositional share in the traffic stream. Compositional share
of 2W at different locations were observed in the range of 31.69% to 34.23% whereas increase in
PCU values are 1.1% only and it may be attributed due to high maneuverability. In slow moving
traffic PCU values of bullock carts are increasing with the decreasing in the compositional share in
the stream.

Basu D, Maitra S.R (2006) studied the effect of traffic volume and its composition on Passenger
Car Equivalency (PCE). Taking the stream speed as Measure of Equivalence.

2.3 Definition
2.3.1 Volume/flow
The total number of vehicles that pass over a given point or section of a lane or roadway during a
given time interval is called volume. It is the actual number of vehicle observed or predicted to
passing a point during a given interval.

2.3.2 Rate of flow

The equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles pass over a given point or section of a lane or roadway
during a time interval less than 1hr. usually 15 min.



2.3.3 Average Daily Traffic (ADT)

The average 24-hr volume at a given location over a defined time period less than one year. The
common application is to measure an ADT for each month of the year. Others are:

• Planning of highway activities

• Measurement of current demand
• Evaluation of existing traffic flow
• The volume during a given time period divided by the number of days in that time period
and expressed in terms of VPD

2.3.4 Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT): The average 24-hr volume at a given location over a full
365 days year, estimated as the number of vehicles passing a site in a year divided by 365 days (366
in leap year).
This is useful for :

• Estimation of highway user revenues

• Accident rates per 1000 vehicle-km
• Traffic volume trends
• Economic feasibility
• Development of hierarchical system of facilities
• Improvement and maintenance programs.

It is the total yearly volume divided by the number of days in a year and expressed in terms of

2.3.5 Average Weekly Traffic (AWT)

Average 24-hour traffic volume occurring on weekdays for some period less than one year.

2.3.6 Annual Weekday Traffic (AAWT)

AAWT is the average 24-hour traffic volume occurring on weekdays over a full year, AAWT is
computed by dividing the total weekday volume for the whole year by 260.
The relationship between AAWT and AWT is analogous to that between AADT and ADT. It should
be mentioned here that these four volumes are often used in transportation planning and shown in
social or economic statistics.

2.3.7 Design Hourly Volume

It is the economic It is the economic hourly flow of future year, which is used for designing
geometric features roadway. It is chosen in such a way that during the design period it should not be
exceeded too often or too much.



2.3.8 Peak hour factor

Traffic engineers focus on the peak-hour traffic volume in evaluating capacity and other parameters
because it represents the most critical time period. And, as any motorist who travels during the
morning or evening rush hours knows, it’s the period during which traffic volume is at its highest.
The analysis of level of service is based on peak rates of flow occurring within the peak hour
because substantial short-term fluctuations typically occur during an hour. Common practice is to
use a peak 15-minute rate of flow. Flow rates are usually expressed in vehicles per hour, not
vehicles per 15 minutes.

2.3.9 Daily variation factor (DF)

It is defined as ratio of AADT over yearly average volume for particular day of week (Monday,
Tuesday etc.)

2.3.10 Monthly variation factor (MF)

It is defined as ratio of AADT over ADT for particular month of the year.

2.3.11 PCU (or PCE)

Passenger Car Unit (Passenger Car Equivalent) is defined as the number of passenger cars
displaced by one truck, bus, or RV (recreational vehicle) in a given traffic stream. In order to reflect
the different impact or intensity on the roadway due to the different vehicles in terms of size,
operating characteristics, passenger car unit (passenger car equivalent) is applied in the estimation
of traffic volume.
2.4 Types of Volume Counts
Different types of traffic counts are carried out, depending on the anticipated use of the data to be
collected. These different types will now be briefly discussed below.

2.4.1 Cordon count

When information is required on vehicle accumulation within an area such as the central business
district (CBD) of a city, particularly during a specific time, a cordon count is undertaken. The area
for which the data are required is cordoned off by an imaginary closed loop; the area enclosed
within this loop is defined as the cordon area. Figure 1.1 shows such an area where the CBD of a
city is enclosed by the imaginary loop ABCDA. The intersection of each street crossing the cordon
line is taken as a count station; volume counts of vehicles and/or persons entering and leaving the
cordon area are taken. The information obtained from such a count is useful for planning parking
facilities, updating and evaluating traffic operational techniques, and making long-range plans for
freeway and arterial street systems.



Fig-1: Example of Station Locations for a Cordon Count

2.4.2 Screen Line Counts

In screen line counts, the study area is divided into large sections by running imaginary lines, known
as screen lines, across it. In some cases, natural and manmade barriers, such as rivers or railway
tracks, are used as screen lines. Traffic counts are then taken at each point where a road crosses the
screen line. It is usual for the screen lines to be designed or chosen such that they are not crossed
more than once by the same street. Collection of data at these screen-line stations at regular intervals
facilitates the detection of variations in the traffic volume and traffic flow direction due to changes
in the land-use pattern of the area.

Fig-2: Screen lines



2.4.3 Intersection count

Intersection counts are taken to determine vehicle classifications, through movements, and turning
movements at intersections. These data are used mainly in determining phase lengths
and cycle times for signalized intersections, in the design of channelization at intersections, and in
the general design of improvements to intersections.

Fig-3: Intersection

2.4.4 Pedestrian Volume Counts

Volume counts of pedestrians are made at locations such as subway stations, midblock, and
crosswalks. The counts are usually taken at these locations when the evaluation of existing or
proposed pedestrian facilities is to be undertaken. Such facilities may include pedestrian overpasses
or underpasses. Pedestrian counts can be made using the TDC-12 electronic manual counter
described earlier and shown in Figure 1.2. The locations at which pedestrian counts are taken also
include intersections, along sidewalks, and mid-block crossings. These counts can be used for crash
analysis, capacity analysis, and determining minimum signal time at signal.
Intersection counts are taken to determine vehicle classifications, through movements, and turning
movements at intersections. These data are used mainly in determining phase lengths
and cycle times for signalized intersections, in the design of channelization at intersections, and in
the general design of improvements to intersections.

2.4.5 Continuous Counts.

These counts are taken continuously using mechanical or electronic counters showed in Figure1.3.
Stations at which continuous counts are taken as permanent count stations. In selecting permanent
count stations, the highways within the study area must first be properly classified. Each class
should consist of highway links with similar traffic patterns and characteristics. A highway link is
defined for traffic count purposes as a homogeneous section that has the same



Fig-4: Continuous counting device

traffic characteristics, such as AADT and daily, weekly, and seasonal variations in traffic volumes
at each point. Broad classification systems for major roads may include freeways, expressways,
and major arterials. For minor roads, classifications may include residential, commercial, and
industrial streets.

2.4.6 Control Counts

These counts are taken at stations known as control-count stations, which are strategically located
so that representative samples of traffic volume can be taken on each type of highway or street in
an area-wide traffic counting program. The data obtained from control counts are used to determine
seasonal and monthly variations of traffic characteristics so that expansion factors can be
determined. These expansion factors are used to determine year-round average values from short

2.5 Reconnaissance survey

2.5.1 Purpose

The main objective of reconnaissance survey is of examine the general character of he area for the
purpose of determining the most feasible routes, or routes, for further more detailed investigations.
Data collected should be adequate to examine the feasibility of all the different routes in question,
as also to furnish the Engineer-in-charge with approximate estimates of quantities of costs, so as
to enable him to decide on the most suitable alternative or alternatives.
The survey should also help in determining any deviations necessary in the basic geometric
standards to be adopted for the highway facility.

2.5.2 Survey Method

The reconnaissance survey may be conducted in the following sequence.
Study of topographical survey sheets, agricultural, soil, geological and meteorological maps, and
aerial photographs, if available.



• Aerial reconnaissance (where necessary and feasible)

• Ground reconnaissance (including another round of aerial reconnaissance for inaccessible
and difficult stretches, where called for).

2.5.3 Photogrammetry support to highway engineering

Photogrammetry technology is also useful to the highway engineer in many ways. Large scale maps
on scales of 1:2,000 to 1:25,000 can be very precisely produced through photogrammetric process.
The contouring can also be produce, the common intervals depending on the height of the camera.
Very minute and precise measurements amounting to sub-mere accuracy can be obtained. In other
words, profile (with height values) and cross-sections across highway center- line can be extracted
from optical model.

2.5.4 Satellite remote sensing

This technique is used with the help of satellites. At present, it gives resolution of the order of 6
metres. Photographic products of imagery are available from National Remote Sensing Agency,
Hyderabad on scales of 1:12,500, 1:25,000 and 1:50,000. Digital products are also available in
floppy cartridges and tapes. The cartridge/tape can be digitally processed in the computer and the
image on the monitor can be interpreted with the possibility of enhancement of quality through
manipulation of image processing software. Major advantages of satellite imagery is its repeatability
as orbiting satellites visit the same spot on earth every few weeks. Thus, the latest information
regarding the physical features ( like, the extent of a town or urban area, etc) can be obtained to
update on available map. The information on natural resources namely, geology, geomorphology,
land use, soil status (waterlogging, erosion, etc.), drainage, forest extent, etc. as available may be
most useful input for the planners of highway alignment

2.5.5 Small format aerial photography (SFAP)

In case of large projects with mapping as one of the main objectives conventional aerial photography
in traditional format (23 cm x 23 cm) may also be useful. There are at least there known agencies in
India for such aerial photography, namely he National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
Hyderabad, Air Survey Company, Calcutta and the India Air Force. All aerial photography work
requires clearance from the Ministry of Defence. The major advantages of SFAP are:- Very large
scale true color photography can be done in scales upto 1:1,000 to 1:2,000 (upto scales of 1:10,000).
Acquisition plan alongside highways can be suitably made in scale of 1:4,000 environment along the
corridor are possible at comparatively lower cost than ground surveys.

2.5.6 Aerial Reconnaissance

An aerial reconnaissance will provide a bird’s eye view of eh alignments under consideration along
with the surrounding area. It will help to identify factors which call for rejection or modification
of any of the alignment. Final decision about the alignments to be studied in detail



on the ground could be taken on the basis of the aerial reconnaissance.

Fig-5: Aerial Reconnaissance

2.6 Ground Reconnaissance

The various alternative routes located as a result of the map study are further examined in the field
by ground reconnaissance. As such, this part of the survey is an important link in the chain of
activities leading to selection of the final route.
General reconnaissance consists of general examination of the ground walking or riding along the
probable route and collecting all available information necessary for while carrying out ground
reconnaissance, it is advisable to leave reference pegs to facilitate further survey operations.

2.6.1 Instruments for reconnaissance survey

Instruments generally used during ground reconnaissance include compass, Abney level/Altimeter,
Pedometer, Aneroid barometer, Clinometer, Ghat trace, etc. Walkie-talkie sets, mobile phone and
pagers are useful for communication, particularly in difficult terrain. Use of the instruments
mentioned above to obtain ground slopes, maximum gradients, elevation of critical summits or
stream crossing, and location of obligatory points, serve as a check on the maps being used. In
difficult hilly and forest terrain assistance of new technology, like Global Position System (GPS)
or Differential GPS (DGPS) may also be taken where the magnitude and importance of the work
justify their provision. GPS is a comparatively new technology which utilizes the satellites orbiting
around the earth. A minimum of four satellites are needed to indicate the coordinates (X, Y, Z) on
the ground at any time of day and night with accuracy of a few centimeters, two geo-receivers are
sued and this mode of using two GPS is known as differential GPS (DGPS).




3.1 Methods for volume survey

There are two major methods of counting vehicle for volume survey. They are

1. Manual Counting Method

2. Automatic counting method.

3.2Manual Counting Method

This method employs a field team to record traffic volume on the prescribed record sheets. By this
method it is possible to obtain data which is not be collected by mechanical counters, such as
vehicle classification, turning movements and counts where the loading condition or number of
occupants are required. But it is not practicable to have manual count for all the 24 hours of the
day. Hence it is necessary to resort to statically sampling techniques in order to cut down the
manual hours involved in talking complete counts, First the fluctuation of traffic volume during
the hours of day and the daily variations are observed. Then by selecting typical short count period,
the traffic volume study is made by manual counting. Then by statistical analysis the peak hourly
traffic volumes as well as the average daily traffic volumes are calculated.
There are two methods of manual counting:

3.2.1 Direct Method

Data is counted by using hand tally and manual counters/enumerators.

Advantages: By this method traffic volume as well as vehicle classification and turning proportions
can be obtained. Data can be used immediately after collection.

Disadvantages: This method is not practicable for long duration count and when flow is high. Error
is common especially when volume is high. Count cannot be cross checked. Count cannot be done
in bad weather.

3.2.2 Indirect Method

In this method, data is collected using video camera. Video is captured for long time and data is
collected later by rewinding.

Advantages: Besides traffic volume, several traffic parameters can be obtained from recorded film.
Data can be cross checked and quality can be ensured. This method is applicable when volume is
high. It is suitable for non-lane based traffic operation.



A suitable elevated place is required for filming operation. Data cannot be used immediately after
collection. Data must be manually transcripted of recorded film. This process is time consuming
and tedious. Because of limitation of capacity of film, it is not suitable for long duration counts.
Quality of video recorded on film is dependent on intensity oflight and this method is not suitable
in overcast days.

Fig-6: Mini hand tally counter

3.3 Automatic counting method

In this method, vehicles are counted automatically without any human involvement. The automatic
count method provides a means for gathering large amounts of traffic data.

Automatic counts are usually taken in 1-hour intervals for each 24-hour period. The counts may
extend for a week, month, or year. When the counts are recorded for each 24-hour time period, the
peak flow period can be identified. The most commonly used detector types are:

3.3.1 Pneumatic tubes

These are tubes placed on the top of road surfaces at locations where traffic counting is required.
As vehicles pass over the tube, the resulting compression sends a burst of air to an air switch, which
can be installed in any type of traffic counting devices.

3.3.2 Inductive loops

Inductive loop detector consists of embedded turned wire from which it gets its name. It includes
an oscillator, and a cable, which allows signals to pass from the loop to the traffic counting device.
The counting device is activated by the change in the magnetic field when a vehicle passes over the
loop. Inductive loops are cheap, almost maintenance free and are currently the most widely used
equipment for vehicle counting and detection.



3.3.3 Weigh-in-Motion Sensor types

A variety of traffic sensors and loops are used world-wide to count, weigh and classify vehicles
while in motion, and these are collectively known as Weigh in Motion (WIM) sensor systems.
Whereas sensor pads can be used on their own traffic speed and axle weighing equipment, they are
trigged by “leading” inductive loops placed before them on the roadbed. This scenario is adopted
where axles speed and statistical data are required.

3.3.4 Micro-millimeter wave Radar detectors

Radar detectors actively emits radioactive signals at frequencies ranging from the ultrahigh
frequencies (UHF) of 100 MHz, to 100 GHz, and can register vehicular presence and speed
depending upon signals returned upon reflection from the vehicle. They are also used to determine
vehicular volumes and classifications in both traffic directions. Radar detectors are very little
susceptible to adverse weather conditions, and can operate day and night. However, they require
comparatively high levels of computing power to analyze the quality of signals.
Video image processing systems utilize machine vision technology to detect vehicles and capture
details about individual vehicles when necessary. A video processing system usually monitors
multiple lanes simultaneously, and therefore it requires high level of computing power. Typically,
the operator can interactively set the desired traffic detection points anywhere within the systems
view area.

Advantages: This method is suitable for long duration or continuous count. It is used as permanent
counting station. It does not need manpower and is free from human error. Data is obtained in
usable format. It is less expensive as manpower is not needed. Count is not affected by bad weather
Disadvantages: It requires strict lane discipline. Non motorized vehicles are hard to detect by this
method. Detailed classification of vehicle is not possible. Accuracy is less than manual method.
Installation cost is high.

Fig-7: Pneumatic Tube Fig-8: Inductive loop traffic sensor



3.4 Methods we have selected

Direct manual counting method


• Unavailability of instruments.
• Simplest among all study.
3.5 Counting periods
Vehicles can be counted for any duration. Duration of count depends on the objective of data
collection. For traffic control and management or operational studies short duration count at
peak period is conducted. For planning and design purpose, long duration count is conducted.
For our study purpose we collected volume data for 60 minutes.

3.6 Survey procedure

3.6.1 Reconnaissance
Reconnaissance is the military term for exploring beyond the area occupied by friendly forces
to gain vital information about enemy forces or features of the environment for later analysis
and/or dissemination. In the spot, we looked around to get the information of how many types
of vehicles on the spot and following this, we decided to distribute our job.

3.6.2 Survey Design/piloting

Before starting survey we have made a guideline to how we will perform the work. This is called
survey design.

3.6.3 Trial Survey

Before starting the main survey we have made some trial survey. We checked our manual
counters whether it works properly or not and fortunately everything was alright.

3.6.4 Adjustment in to survey design

From trial survey we have to adjust the errors with the main survey.

3.6.5 Final Survey

After all above this process we have to continue the final study.


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