Solar Script
Solar Script
Solar Script
Solar Script
Hi is ___________ there?
Okay, great! Just a couple of quick questions, to make sure you qualify:
3. And what’s your average electric bill each quarter, just a ballpark?
4. And would cutting that bill down to zero and getting a $7,500 rebate from
the government be something you’re interested in?
1. Now, how long have you actually lived in your current home?
2. And do you own the home with someone else, like either a spouse
or a partner?
3. And have you ever considered going green before, or is this the
first time?
Okay, great! Well, based on everything you just said to me, this is
definitely a perfect fit for you. If you have sixty seconds, I’d like to share the
program with you. You got a minute?
Okay, great! Now, real quick, what we do here at (your companies name)
is we’re basically a one-stop shop for converting your home to solar energy.
And what I mean by that is that we handle every aspect of the job—from
installing the roof-panels, to wiring the energy right into your electric box. All
you have to do is sit back and let the sun do its work, and you kiss your
quarterly electric bill goodbye. Make sense so far?
Exactly! Now, getting the system installed is very simple. It’s just a
question of some basic information to get the application going, and then we
handle everything else for you. And believe me, ______________, if you’re
even half as thrilled as the rest of our customers who’ve made the switch, the
only problem you’ll have is that I didn’t call you six months ago and get you
started then. Sound fair enough?
Okay, well, let take me you through it step-by step. It’s very simple.
Now, the actual cost of the system is $22,490, but here’s where the
government rebate makes this deal a literal no-brainer. You see, the government
is actually kicking in $8,590, right up front, to incentivize homeowners into
going green, so that immediately knocks down the cost to $13,895—of which
you can put down as little 10% $1,390 although most of our customers put
down 25%. Of course the choice is yours; I’m just laying out all the options for
Now, the rest of the system is financed, interest-free, by the bank over a
period of thirty months, which serves as yet another incentive into going green.
So, all in all, the way it washes out is your monthly payment on the
system will be basically the same as your current electric bill, so they cancel
each other out. And then, after thirty months, you’re completely in the clear,
because your system is fully paid off, and you still have no electric bill. So
while your neighbours are busy kicking and screaming about the 62% increase
in their electric, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank, because you’ll
actually be getting a check back from the electric company each quarter, for the
excess energy you’re selling back to the grid. It’s a truly beautiful situation. You
see what I’m saying?
Exactly! And like I said before, all you have to do is come up with the
initial down payment, and then the government steps in and makes the whole
thing affordable.
Now, getting the system installed is very simple. It’s just a question of
some basic information, to get the paperwork going, and we handle everything
else for you; you don’t have to lift even a finger!