National Lampoon v1n67 1975-10 Collectors Issue
National Lampoon v1n67 1975-10 Collectors Issue
National Lampoon v1n67 1975-10 Collectors Issue
Hi^H ^^B
m^y#l I
s. ^ 5 I ^ B 5 ^ ^ H I » S B ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Jl JA.
Editorial, 6
Birdbath, 8
BernieX, 1 1
The National, 15
True Facts, 22
Canadian Corner, 25
Letters, 26
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Is it live,
or is it Memorex?
That's a tough question
to answer. In our television
commercials you saw that
even a professional musician
couldn't tell if the music he
heard was live or on a Memorex
cassette. Could be because only
Memorex cassette recording tape
has the MRX2 Oxide formulation.
And if you record your own music,
that could make all the difference
in the world.
Is it live, or is it Memorex?
kSA @
Produced by Jimmy lenner "C7 Capitol*
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was exceptional...the high level required half the
One thing you'll never have to
tracking force of most other cartridges... One of
the best 2-channel stereo cartridges and better
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worry about . . . no matter what
happens, Nelson Rockefeller will Our new Super XLM MK II ($125.) is the finest cartridge available. It was eng-
ineered for the true audiophile who owns the very finest components.
never become President. Y'know It embodies principles found in no other cartridges, as evidenced by our U.S.
why, doncha? He's a fairy! He's Patent. It features a unique"induced magnef'which allows for a major reduction
such a fucking fairy that they got in the mass of the moving system.This LOW MASS permits the Shibata type stylus
to watch him day and night or else to trace the most intricate modulations of stereo and CD-4 record grooves with a
feather-light tracking force—as low as % of a gram.
he'll get killed—he'll get assassi- This family of LOW MASS Cartridges is also offered with elliptical diamond
nated. What does being a fairy got stylus for stereo play exclusively-the XLM MK II ($100.) and VLM MK II ($75.).
to do with getting killed? Listen . . . For detailed.specifications, write ADC.
you got a few extra minutes? I'll
take you crosstown through the
park and I'll tell you the whole
thing. I used to work for Rocke-
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400 Million
Indians Can
Be Wrong
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi an-
nounced that the jailing of 400 million
opposition party members has solved vir-
tually all the problems that had beset her
vast country. By imprisoning these "ene-
mies of democracy," a tremendous supply
of food is now available to the rest of the
population, which consists entirely of
loyal members of her Congress Party.
Thus, India's perennial famine problem is
Food stores will not only be selling
food for the first time, but there will be
little or no inconvenience in buying it, be-
cause the shopping lines will be much
shorter. Most important, the food will be
distributed to India's neediest, the people
who are dedicated to the perpetuation and
the rebuilding of their country's economy.
"The only good Indian is a fed Indian,"
quipped Mrs. Gandhi today in an inter-
view. of A m e r i c a n y o u t h
The Imprison-
ment Plan has also NEW BODE THEORY through minute brain-
scanners implanted in
given India other im-
portant reforms and Did crazed exwriter kill Lampoon genius ? its staples. Perhaps
most damning of all,
benefits — streets are On Friday, 18 July, National Lampoon artist Vaughn Bode, S a t u r d a y , J u l y 19 ,
now clean and riot- internationally famous for his Cheech Wizard cartoon strip, was Krassner issued an
free, and transporta- uncalled-for statement
tion facilities are more found strangled in mysterious circumstances in San Francisco.
on Bode's death point-
pleasant and less The official version of theistory is that Bode was "meditating" ing out that only a
crowded. T h e Plan has with a "leather collar" around his neck. The "leather collar" week prior to his death,
also cleared the way became "tight," and he "croaked." There are no grounds so far he had eaten fish—the
for implementing Mrs. very same food eaten
Gandhi's promised for doubting the last of these assertions, but renewed research
into the case has led some to question the validity of the others. by Robert Kennedy at
land reform. T h e Sharon Tate's house
needy members of the Why was Bode wearing a leather collar? How did it become the day before he was
Congress P a r t y will tight? What was National Lampoon exwriter Paul Krassner do- assassinated — and
soon have their own ing in San Francisco on Friday, the 18th or, for that matter, on stating that Bode had
properties. M a n y of been killed by Crowley
the houses will come Thursday, the 17th and Saturday, the 19th?
Fight, an elite terror
completely e q u i p p e d T h e official explanations of suicide and/or accidental death are clearly squad composed of the
with cars, appliances, out. With Vaughn at the time of his demise was his son, and he was far illegitimate sons of
furniture, jewelry, a n d too devoted a father to indulge in anything traumatic in his presence. M a r t i n B u b e r , con-
o t h e r v a l u a b l e s , in- Further, Bode was a convert to Zen Zen, a highly advanced mystical dis- trolled from Chile by
cluding money. The cipline which teaches that satori can be reached merely by drinking a means of plutonium
long-range benefits of quart of J i m Beam and urinating in a light socket. The accidental death receivers in William
the land reform plan explanation is therefore about as convincing as it sounds. T h e conclusion Buckley's teeth, in re-
a r e obvious. N e w l y is that Bode was murdered. B u t why? Bode was a fabulously successful prisal for the murder
gained properties will strip artist with the face and body of an angel. Who would want to see him of Charles Manson,
be developed for both dead? alias Sirhan Sirhan,
commercial and resi- S e v e r a l w i t n e s s e s murder him. Although C o a s t u n d e r g r o u n d alias Paul McCartney,
dential use. T h e reve- have said that they Bode was a well-loved g r o u p CPSTTCD by the Zebra Cult Ne-
nues a c q u i r e d will saw Krassner in San and highly regarded (Concerned People groes of the KGB.
provide d e s p e r a t e l y Francisco at various contributor to the Na- Shocked by the Ter- Clearly, Krassner was
needed buying power times on the 18th, on tional Lampoon, rible Things Capital- trying to cover some-
for India's needy peo- one occasion within Krassner had been re- ists Do). Krassner has thing up.
ples, enabling the five miles of Bode's jected as a regular by often vowed revenge,
c o u n t r y to e x p a n d abode. Also, Krassner the editors after it be- claiming that the mag- San Francisco area
their trade with the was the only one of came clear that he was azine was merely a police are looking for
U.S., J a p a n , Taiwan Bode's acquaintances merely a mouthpiece CIA front, set up to Krassner to help them
and Canada. who had any reason to for the infamous West m a i n t a i n surveillance in their enquiries.
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Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
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the Fisher.
v r e a r o — ; « K I U . ...
Proserpine pleads:
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
(advertisement) •
says Jupiter, famous King of the Gods
Now you can warm homes, cook food,
Everybody was at the feast Jupiter threw for King Peleus and his new bride Thetis, a Splitsville? N o b o d y ' s seen Cupid a n d
promising sea nymph. Everybody, that is, except discord goddess Eris . . . tongues are Psyche together for ages. Friends say he
wagging! keeps her in the dark about everything.
Venus and Mars had always been close, but Vulcan wanted them to be even closer!
m inmm TRICK mm m
mm im MAMS UPmm
"All I wanted to do was get out
of there," cried Venus later, "but I
was stuck! Vulcan was forcing me
Venus and the handsome red- to stay right there tangled up with
eyed god of war. . . . The two adul- Mars. Why, that net was fine as
t e r o u s l o v e r s were p e a c e f u l l y gossamer, yet real cunning of de-
asleep, their passions exhausted, sign, so the more I struggled, the
when suddenly, who should return more it just forced me back into
earlyfroma businesstripto Mars' arms!"
Lemnos?! It was Vulcan, jealous "Helios tipped me off," said Vul-
husband and O l y m p u s ' top can. "He was on his morning sun
smithy. The lovers wake with a route and he saw them together up
start, but when they try to jump out at this place Mars has in Thrace.
of bed, they realize the horrible I'm asking Jupiter to grant a di-
truth—they're caughtU Enmeshed vorce, and believe you me, I don't
in a golden skein forged on the want to here any noise about ali-
"What he did was just the opposite of try-
ing to keep us apart!"
Hephaestean anvil!!! mony When (Continued on page LXXIX)
13 51
mortal, but his father, Jupiter, is divine. A. Theseus has the lead role in Plu- 51
| CM Jhc fydhoilA Q. How's lo these days? I understand
she got very sick while oh the set for
tarch's Phaedra, due to be released at
the end of the Augustan Age. Theseus
13 Answers to Readers' Questions her last legend. will play an aging King of Athens,
1 from the Insides of Animals —E. I., Crete whose young bride falls in love with
his son by an Amazon previous wife. 51
IS Q. Whatever happened to that river
nymph Daphne who Apollo seemed to
A. lo had a serious gadfly attack and
doctors blamed it on a strenuous
IS have such a thing for? myth-making schedule that had her on
Q. Now that Lares and Penates are
household words, will success spoil
IS — C . V., Herculeum location in lllyria, the Ionian Sea, Mt. 51
1 Haemus, the Bosphorus, Scythia, and
their wholesome appeal?
— M . C , Gaul 51
IS A. Daphne's a laurel tree now and liv-
ing quietly in the Parnassus neighbor-
the country of the Cimmerians. She's
better now and recovering on theA. No, as far as anyone can tell,they're
IS hood. She's reported to be very happy still the same modest stay-at-home
banks of the Nile, where she's living 51
IS and has no plans to get back into demigods they always were. Not like
with her father, Inachus, a former 51
IS myths. river god. ex-local fertility spirit Priapus, whose 51
IS Q. I hear Hercules is mortal. Is this Q. I'm a tremendous Theseus fan, and quick popularity made him too big for
his britches.
IS true? I loved him in Journey to the Under- To have your questions Heiromanced, write: 51
IS — Q . M., Thessaly
world. Does he plan to make any more VESTAL VIRGINS 51
IS A. Only on his mother's side. Her- myths soon? Temple of the Vestal Virgins Bldg. 51
IS cules' mother Alcmena was indeed a —K. V., Phoenecia Rome, Rome 51
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
handle . . . and he is apparently in dan-
ger of being fired . . .BACCHUS, who 'Recipe$ oJ*the(*Legend$
D a n a e : Golden showers were her trick.
by Ovid
Ovid... whose best selling Art of Love was banned in Pompeii... tears
the lid of the sleepy Elysian Fields, where every party is an orgy,
and Immortal is spelled with no " T"!
Ritchie Blackmore. One of the founders and
driving forces of Deep Purple. He went in search
of new colors. He found the voice of Ronnie James
Together,they entered into a new spectrum of
sound. Exploding with a rainbow w e can hear. All
hues. All tones. Every color in music.
Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow. The first album from
1975s rock super group.
p ooTva
On Polydor Records and Tapes.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
An open,
uncensored letter
from Mark Rudd
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
he had to leave Cuba. And of course, Fidel and his brother After weeks and weeks of indoctrination we had to
are closet fags, what with all their protesting and macho attend classes in macho techniques and styles —fighting
posturing. In fact, the whole Cuban macho thing is really with broken beer bottles, beating women (we used life-size
the old closet rough trade syndrome. And so on and so rubber models), and simply acting like studs. Speaking of
forth. studs, a big old guy called "Superman" who was once con-
I t t u r n s out t h a t these guys believe (I don't know if it's sidered a famous porno star in Cuba, gave lectures in sex
true, but now I'll believe anything) t h a t there's a big, technique. B u t right now he is definitely past his prime and
active maricon underground in Cuba t h a t will surface any it was disgusting to see him whip out his withered old tool
day now. They smuggle in prints of J u d y Garland movies and wave it around. Naturally, all the fags went crazy
and Lou Reed albums. They're translating Gore Vidal over it.
novels and writing transvestite shows. Everyone in the
movement pretends to like baseball and pinching girls'
asses and all t h a t macho stuff, but they all believe they'll
be liberated soon. For some reason, they expect New York's
Buckley family to sponsor an invasion t h a t will turn the
country over to them.
Suddenly, all the conversation is brought to a halt as we
find ourselves a t the entrance to the homo farm. We have
been traveling until dawn. We are pushed and jabbed out
of the truck by a group of snarling, rifle-toting g u a r d s and
we stand at attention in the courtyard, where we are
addressed by a soldier who looks like Gilbert Roland after
a bad knife fight. He gives us the usual spiel about making
us into "real men" tough, proud Cuban macheros, and how
there will be no trouble as long as everyone obeys orders
and realizes the errors of their ways.
The next morning, I saw m y golden chance to explain
myself and get out of this mess while we were getting our
physical examinations. The camp doctor reminded me of an
abortionist I once had to visit in Astoria, Queens. He was
a swarthy Latin with thin, plastered-down black hair
parted in the middle, a pencil mustache, huge loosely-
hanging jowls, and breath so bad it cut through me like a
laser beam. His nicotine-stained fingers trembled notice-
ably as he attempted to examine me. (By the way, there are
no psychiatrists in Cuba. The people have very few per-
sonal problems.)
I told him who I was and related the Chap Stick story,
t h a t utterly banal incident t h a t was magnified to almost
Kafka-esque proportions. He shrugged and said t h a t many / know it sounds hard to believe, but there's a closet
homosexuals use Chap Stick. They like the way it feels on queen in every closet on the farm.
their lips when they kiss. I kept insisting I was normal.
I showed him pictures of my old girlfriends, Bernadine Superman's lectures were accompanied by endless
Dohrn, Kathy Boudin, Susan Saxe. I begged him t o certify screenings of prerevolutionary eight millimeter porno-
me as a normal hetero. I cried and screamed. Finally I graphic movies which were supposed to excite us—the
started to m a s t u r b a t e with Bernadine's picture. T h a t so-called legendary Cuban pornos. Maybe Fidel has the
would show him. But it was awfully hard to get it up under good ones. All we saw were scratchy, grainy old flicks of
those circumstances. Besides, Bernadine was sort of fat ladies with masks doing it with dogs, fighting chickens,
AC-DC. The doctor sighed. H e had seen this routine hun- and the perennial dentist with the black socks. And all it
dreds of times, he said. B u t he knew a homo when he saw did was give all those fruitbats the giggles.
one, and he considered me a raving fruitbar. When we weren't given macho technique classes, we had
"Why? Why do you think I'm a homo?" to work in the fields, cutting sugar, or take baseball prac-
"Because you came here to the homo farm. Whoever tice. The guards loved to give us sliding practice, without
comes to the homo farm is a homo. It is decreed so by Fidel"' pads. They also liked to pitch to us, aiming at our heads
I now realized t h a t I was living a nightmare. During the most of the time. They wouldn't allow us to wear helmets.
next few months, I tried all sorts of appeals and s t r a t a g e m s Every S a t u r d a y night, a busload of women, real old
to convince the officials and the other prisoners t h a t I was time Havana hookers wearing red silk dresses slit up the
straight, t h a t I didn't belong on the farm. But it was no side, arrived at the camp. We were all supposed to be as
use. Nobody believed me. If I'm straight, why do I hold the horny as hell by this time. And Fidel, back in H a v a n a ,
baseball b a t like t h a t ? Why do I hold my cigar like t h a t ? figured t h a t we'll j u m p on these women, screw their brains
Why do I hold m y machete like that? W h y am I sucking out, and become real men again. But what he didn't know
sugar cane? And if I'm so straight, what am I doing on a was t h a t the guards a t the farm were totally corrupt. They
farm with a hundred screaming homos? grabbed the women off the bus, took them into their pri-
vate quarters.and plowed them right through Sunday
And so I had to face the fact t h a t I was a prisoner,
evening. We would hear them yelling and singing and
going through the same "rehabilitation" as the real homos.
drinking, while we walked around the yard, nursing our
First we went through the indoctrination period—the
hard-ons. A t least, I nursed my own. The rest of the guys
brainwashing lectures about the greatness of Cuban macho,
nursed each others.
from Jose Marti to Fidel Castro. There was also hypnosis,
films of homosexuals torturing children and burning This is the ironic part. Instead of curing you, the place
women —and constantly, the voice of Fidel over the loud- made you more of a homo than ever! The whole macho
speakers and in the earphones we had to wear all day, training thing was a big farce. The harder they tried, the
exhorting us to be manly and tough. more the fags resisted. They actually enjoyed the place and
N A T I O N A L L A M P O O N 45
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
My years of captivity have not been without certain
lessons learned. I learned t h a t the new Socialist states have
as many flaws as the Capitalist ones, and they are capable
of the same kind of cruelty and injustice. I have learned
t h a t m y plight is shared by thousands of other innocent
Americans, unjustly imprisoned in the festering jails of
both left- and right-wing countries.My letter is a plea for
all prisoners held unjustly. We are the ignored ones, the
forgotten ones, the ones the Marines never rescue.
I have also learned t h a t it is possible to work for a better
society within the system, rather than trying to overthrow
it. If I were freed and allowed to return, I would work
within the system for a better America.
Therefore, I ask for amnesty, not only because I confess
to the errors of my past, but because I offer my country a
way to heal its wounded pride after the long and bitter
Vietnam war and the infamous Bay of Pigs affair. If
arrangements are made for my release from this homo
farm, I am prepared to give the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff an intelligence report on a site along the Cuban coast
t h a t is absolutely perfect for a full-scale invasion, an inva-
sion t h a t is guaranteed to succeed. I cannot reveal the site
at this moment, but I can assure you t h a t once a landing is
made, the entire island can be captured within a week. The
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
The best way to listen to a speaker
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All speakers are not alike. equally important, it provides wide-angle
Even speakers that appear similar can dispersal of sound in both horizontal and
sound very different. vertical planes, making speaker positioning
For example, when you compare a non-critical. There is a super tweeter that
B-I-C VENTURI" speaker system with operates in only the last octave for accurate
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Behind the speaker grille you'll see the
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flex" speakers, whether they use slots, holes, Even the control panel on the front of
or shelves, merely resonate an enclosure to the baffle board contains a surprise. It con-
a single frequency, achieving bass emphasis trols an exclusive built-in device (pat. pend.)
only at that one point. which compensates for the normal loss in
The opening you see on a B-I-C hearing of bass
VENTURI cabinet is the and treble tones, ©O© BMIOC VEIMTURI
QEI. F O R M U L A 6
achievable from a woofer alone in the same the time. This is accomplished automatically
size cabinet. with the switch in the "on" position, or, you
can adjust tonal balance manually for the
type of music you play or the kind of sound
you prefer.
There's really much more to B-I-C
A - S h o w s output Of low -Output of B-I-C
VENTURI speakers such as how they com-
frequency driver when
driven at a freq. of 22 Hz.
VENTURI coupled duct,
(under the same condi-
pare with other design types in perform-
Sound pressure reading.
9 0 d B . Note poor wave
tions as Fig. A) Sound
pressure reading 111.5dB ance, and the way they function in a high
form. (140 times more output
than Fig. A) Note non- fidelity system.
distorted appearance.
If you want to read some interesting
Oscilloscope photos reveal that a B-I-C
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monic distortion from reproduced tones, lit- chised B-I-C VENTURI dealer for a copy
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pend.). This unit is exceptionally efficient. It
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because of its unique conical/exponential
flare. It is made of an inert substanceto avoid
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*$s%> i POCO
Venus and Ms C L I M A X
: '•' «*.- • • • • l l l Q - i l l :
I he Grand Canyon was commissioned by Presi- were carved out of the earth itself.
dent James Monroe in 1823 as part of his "See By 1938, Wright had nearly completed his designs
America First" travel program, which grew out when he suddenly quit after a bitter argument with
of the famous doctrine bearing his name. The Eleanor Roosevelt, who was honorary chairwoman of the
canyon was to be part of a proposed "Natural project. Mrs. Roosevelt wanted more pastel colors in the
Wonders" package tour. Other natural wonders rock formations, while Wright insisted on more natural
(all man-made, of course) were the Petrified earth tones. Neither would budge from their views, and
Forest, the Howe Caverns, and the Waukesha Natural Wright had no choice but to leave. Luckily, the major
Bridge. part of the job was done and Mrs. Roosevelt couldn't ask
The Grand Canyon was built entirely by Chinese the coolies to replace all the stones they had already set.
coolies. For centuries, the Chinese had created magnifi- On July 18, 1939, the Grand Canyon was officially
cent canyons in their native land, but were reluctant to dedicated by Mrs. Roosevelt and Harold Ickes, the
take any outside jobs. President Monroe lured the gifted Secretary of the Interior. President Roosevelt was un-
coolies to America with promises of wages, which were able to attend the ceremonies, but flew over the project
unheard of in China. The coolies worked for the Em- on his way to California. Though the visibility from the
peror, which was the greatest of privileges; hence, no plane was below average, he was quoted as saying, "It
money was ever offered to them. But Monroe's coolie looks pretty good from where I sit." In fact, Roosevelt
wage offer was irresistible, and hundreds of thousands was so impressed with the work of the coolies that he
of workers were imported for the canyon project. commissioned them to build a dam on the Columbia
First came the laborers, who had to do the painstaking River in the state of Washington, to be called Grand
eroding and digging. Then the various specialists took Coolie Dam (it was later Americanized to "Coulee").
over—Wah Kee, Tommy Chang, Ben Po, and many
others worked on land tilting and uplifting, before the
gorgers could begin the final stages. The early phases 1 he daguerreotypes shown are the only pic-
took about seventy-five years. Deep gorging began on torial records we have of the coolies working on
October 11,1920, under the supervision of Tai Yuan and the Grand Canyon. They were taken by Dr. Paul
the French engineer, Colonel Gaspard DeTressant. Mardsley, the famed naturalist, who was also an
After the deep gorging was completed, the "grand" enthusiastic hiker and amateur photographer.
part of the canyon was designed, the actual layout of the Mardsley had hundreds of pictures with him the
rock specimens. This final phase was largely the inspira- day he was accidentally buried alive while trying
tion of famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who at last to photograph a land tilting operation. Only two pictures
was given a job commensurate with his monumental were recovered, and though they contain obvious tech-
talent. Wright believed that the most beautiful architec- nical flaws, we can still get a good idea of the remarkable
tural designs followed the forms of nature, and this is work these coolies did.
how he wanted to design the canyon. He proposed that Today, the efforts of our Chinese brethren are largely
the canyon should look as if it were the product of mil- forgotten, but the majesty and beauty of the Grand
lions of years of nature's handiwork. With the help of Canyon is still remembered and captured vividly in the
his coolie army, he took millions of tons of rock forma- "Grand Canyon Suite" by Ferde Grofe, a tone poem he
tions, magnificently colored specimens of quartz, sand- dedicated to those millions of anonymous workers who
stone, and carbonate rock, and laid them out as if they made it all possible. •
Somewhere there's a four-color heaven
With never a smudge or moire,
And Pogo plays there with Walt Kelly,
And Nemo with Windsor McKay.
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Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
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Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc. N A T I O N A L L A M P O O N 61
_Photo of celebrities
(-2 each)
_Photo of self with celebrities
(-10 each)
_BIown-up high contrast photo of anything
( — 2 lor woods in snow)
_Any reproduction of a well-known
piece of art
_Any popular print or engraving made
before 1900
_Black light
_Spotlit anything
( — 2 per light for track lighting)
_Unglazed pottery
_Brass bed
_Peacock feathers
_Any color not found in nature
.Anything made into a lamp
_Any other piece of furniture not being
used as what it was made for
_Tie-dyed anything
_Bead curtains
_Smoked glass
_Display of any humorous saying
or picture
( — 2 if in bathroom, — 4 if it's a cartoon
from the New Yorker)
_Anything carved out of sandlewood
_Anything made out of brass from India
_Anything made by American Indians
(—2 if it's a mask)
_Clear plastic stash boxes
_Stash boxes
_Rolling machines
_E-Z Wider Rolling papers
_Water pipes
_Roach clips
_lnflatable furniture
_Wrought iron anything
_Satin sheets
_Lawn furniture indoors
_Lawn furniture outdoors
_Marijuana plants in the closet under a
grow light
_Tropical fish
_Pet birds
_More than one cat
_Unusual names
(—1 for self, —2 for cat, —4 tor dog,
— 8 for child, —10 for spouse)
_Obviously stolen items
(—2 each for street or highway signs,
ashtrays, towels, and wearing apparel)
_Remote control TV switch
_More than three large objects made over
fifty years ago
( — 2 for each one that doesn't work)
_Any National Lampoon product
_More than one mirror in a room
( — 2 each if any are near the bed)
_Anything that has anything to do with
any Disney character
( — 2 per occurrence if it's Mickey Mouse)
_Any collection of anything
( — 2 if displayed, —4 if valuable)
_Large stuffed toy
(—2 each if you're childless)
.Oversized brandy snifter
(—2 if it's filled with matchbooks)
_Ceramic figurine
_TV that measures more than 19" diagonally
_Electric eraser
.Moroccan hassock African sculpture _A bar
_Any hammock indoors Any trophy or award ( — 10, —20 if it says so)
_Director's chair Any evidence of a hobby _Bar stool
( — 2 for anything printed on back) ( — 2 for model anything, —4 for pottery, _Gas operated corkscrew
_Glass-topped coffee table — 8 for ham radio) .Electric swizzle stick
_Terrarium Color telephone . A l l sweet liqueurs
_Tiffany lamp ( — 2 for Princess, —4 for Decorator, (—5 for Amaretto)
(—2 each if they're not real, —4 If — 8 for antique) .House brands of whiskey
they're plastic) Sports equipment on display .Any blended whiskey
.Visibly displayed chessboard ( — 5 for aluminum tennis racket, —10 for .Tequila with a worm in it
( — 2 each for "novelty" chess pieces) backpacking equipment, —15 for downhill _Premixed cocktail mix
Jncense skis, —20 for mountain climbing gear, (-2 for Piria Colada)
Jncense burner — 25 for any combination) .Drinks with three or more ingredients
(—2 it it's in the shape of a Buddha) Lava lamp (water counts)
_Any plant purchased when it was larger Rattan, wicker, or bamboo anything .Pop wines
than two feet high Avocado plant ( — 2 for cute names, —4 for Sangria)
_Ten-speed bicycle Barn wood (anywhere except the barn) _Cold Duck
( — 2 it it's kept in the living room) Cork board .Any decoration on a highball or cocktail
.Anything that glows in the dark Stripped wood finish on anything glass
_Unusual clocks Bare brick walls .German beer steins
.Anything that can be wiped clean with Loft bed .Wine rack
a damp cloth Needlepoint .Wine basket
.Anything fuzzy Executive toy _Wine skin
.Butcher block (-2 each) .Anything written on your coasters
(—1 per square foot) Pipe rack .Anything written on your napkins
.Pole lamps Any visibly displayed board game .Matches with your name on them
.Anything attached with a suction cup ( — 2 for backgammon) (—2 it it's in gold)
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
_Lord of the Rings
(—2 in hardcover)
Whole Earth Catalogue
Herman Hesse
(—2 each lor Siddhartha, Steppenwolf,
and Magister Ludi)
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
__The Little Prince
(—2 in French, — 4 in hardcover)
Any Book-of-the-Month Club book
Any sex manual
(-2 it illustrated)
Underground comic
.Subscriptions to:
National Geographic (—1), Rolling Stone
( — 2), Popular Electronics ( — 8), New
Times (-16), Ms (-32)
Special Nemesis Possession:
A subscription to Oui Magazine ( — 75)
More than one copy of the New Yorker
Paris Match
( — 2 lor London edition, —4 for
Paris edition)
Bound volumes of magazines
( — 2 for National Lampoon)
Any hardbound best-seller since
Nabokov's Ada
Nabokov's Ada
JThe New York Review of Books
Any book on self-realization, mysticism,
UFOs, or psychology
( — 2, yoga, —4, Wilhelm Reich, — 8, I'm
O.K., You're O.K., -16, Chariots of
the Gods)
Any City Lights poetry book
The new Encyclopedia Britannica
Segregation of books by binding or size
D. H. Lawrence
( — 2 for The Virgin and the Gypsy, —4 for
Lady's Chatterley's Lover)
Coffee table books
(—2 if on coffee table)
——Special Nemesis Possession:
Show Me (-50, -100 It you have children)
Records (deduct additional -2 for
anything on cassette, —4 for records
out of jackets)
Recording of anything but music
(-2 for Richard Burton reciting Dylan
Thomas, —4 for racing cars, —8 tor
The Sounds of Love, — 76 for
environmental sounds)
_ F o I k dance
Any album advertised on TV
(-2 if not available In stores)
Modern Jazz Quartet
Rod McKuen
Missa Luba
(—2 if not Catholic, -4 if not black)
Any movie soundtrack album
(—2 Black Orpheus, -4 Umbrellas of
Cherbourg. -16 Nashville)
Any Broadway cast recording
Harry Chapin
. Frank Sinatra
The Boston Pops
.Helen Reddy
Moody Blues " I n Search of the Lost
_Any Beatles anthology
Best of Peter, Paul & Mary
Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"
_Any religious artifact .Special Nemesis Possession: (—10 it your only "classical" record)
( — 2 if it's not your religion, —5 if it's Nazi memorabilia The Dukes of Dixieland
anywhere near the bed) ( — 50 per occurrence) NatLamp's "Missing White House Tapes "
_Seashells .Special Nemesis Possession: (—2 if plastic seal is broken)
(—2 if used as ashtrays) Display of your college diploma Mel Lyman's "America"
_Colored candles (-25 lor B.A., -50 lor M.A., . .Special Nemesis Possession:
_Scented candles - 1 0 0 lor PhD.) — 100 if your entire book, periodical and
_Candles with unusual shapes .Special Nemesis Possession: record collection has been listed above.
_Tarot cards Any "Sex Aid" (-50)
_Artificial flowers .Special Nemesis Possession: YOUR CLOSET AND BUREAU DRAWERS
_Bentwood rocker Video equipment Suede
J c e cream parlor chairs ( — 1 per dollar of purchase price) Wet-look anything
_Wind chimes .Special Nemesis Possession: —_Double-knit
_Stained glass Peacock chair ( — 50) Platform shoes
_Large portable radio Earth shoes
_Piggy bank .Shower togs
(—2 for anything else used as a bank) BOOKS AND PERIODICALS .Desert boots
_Push pins .Novels by ladies with three names .Addidas sneakers
.Special Nemesis Possession: .Any textbook .Frye boots
Water bed (-50) .Dictionary on a stand .Gucci sneakers
.Special Nemesis Possession: .New York Times (outside New York City) .Any footwear with useless metal objects
Snoopy motif ( — 30 per occurrence) JTheWashington Post (outsideWashington) on it
.Special Nemesis Possession: .New York Magazine (anywhere) .Pancho
Any visibly displayed gun or sheath _TV Guide .Kaftan
knife (-50, -100 if sheath knife has ever _Country Life ( — 2 if ever worn)
been used to sniff cocaine) J Ching .Pajamas
.Cocaine JThe Mensa Bulletin .Baby doll nightie
continued on page 84
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
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Jerry Lewis as a muscular dystrophy victim, just like the kids in his famous Telethon.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc. NATTONAT. L A M P O O N 73
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Jimmy Connors, the famous tennis player, with a tennis ball driven through his solar plexus.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
John Denver, the famous simple country boy,
having his eyes pecked out by an American bald-headed eagle.
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Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
The E5,lH3My Bugle HeraldChronickGaz^fe and PWs
A N ewsv/€ ekly of "the Serious omdi Humorous
Published Monthly by the ^ G r a d a of R 5,1 *-f 3
A brand new student newspaper
s t a r t e d t h i s week so we decided Q- Where were you born?
t o interview President Gerald R.
Ford, who some people c a l l J e r r y A- Blandings, Utah.
i f they know him, even though h e ' s
P r e s i d e n t . We c a l l e d the White Q- Where do you come from?
House and got a lady and asked her
i f we could t a l k t o the President A- Uh...Blandings, Utah.
and she s a i d , "I'm s o r r y , t h e P r e s -
i d e n t i s busy and c a n ' t speak with Q- What do you teach?
you now." She was a very
important White House Aide, who
knew what the President was doing. A- English.
We told her we were a brand new
student newspaper and asked i f the Q- Do you l i k e teaching?
President had anything he'd l i k e t o
say t o u s . "The President says'Good A- Yeah, uh, y e s .
Lucki» " We are probably t h e f i r s t
student newspaper ever t o interview Q- Do you l i k e the classrooms here?
t h e President of the United S t a t e s .
A- Oh, y e s .
Editor-in-Chief - Ricky S t i l e s Q- Do you l i k e your class?
Managing Editor - Matt Emery
Chief Editor - Joey Levitch A- Y e s . . . y e s .
Senior Editor - Deborah Montpelier
A s s i s t a n t Editor - Olivia Steingut Q- Do you l i k e a l l the students?
Editor - Goldie Eder
S d i t o r - Gene Kraut A- Y e s . . . y e s . . . y e s I do, yesI
Editor - Warren Spector
Associate Editor - Marc Manis Q- Do you have anything you want
Assistant Associate Editor - t o say t o everybody?
Linda Schacter
Assistant t o t h e Senior A- N o . . . n o t h i n g , p l e a s e , Jeffrey, put
Editor - Morty Tishman t h a t down.
Editor - Rhoda Manning
Editor - Kevin Ruppert
F i c t i o n Editor - Dan Jatowsky
Poetry Editor - Laura Gainer
Cartoon Editor - P e t e r Brandon Bayer
Sports Editor - Jeffrey Fenster
Humor Editor - Alvin Peabody
Arts Editor - Louis Alvarez
Editor - Brian Minahan
Sditor - Denise G a l t t e r
Editor - Jane Goldman
Faculty Advisor - Miss Karen Townsend ooo
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
umor • Humor * \\\M^Q
LTurnea r\y\
3 . What do you c a l l a King of the
Beasts who l i k e s t o t e l l jokes?
BoyQr •Well, here I am, Howard Dope-sel
| w i t h another g r e a t b a s e b a l l game,
\ The World S e r e a l , played i n t h e
Cereal Bowl, The New York Frankenberries
a r e playing t h e Detroit Gatmeallies for
a f i r s t p r i z e of Cheerios. At the end
|of the f i r s t inning, i t ' s 965 t o 6 | .
I I n t h e next i n n i n g , the Oatme a l l i e s got
;12 outs i n a row. At t h e end of the
;game i t was a t i e , and everyone threw
Lucky Charms a t the umpire.
1. He wanted to see the clock fly.
\2. T h r e e . One t o hold the l i g h t b u l b ,
two t o screw i t i n .
3 . A Punch Lion.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Mellville, the Third Grade class
fish died over the weekend of May
U-7, of not being fed by Carlos.
The fish was found by Olivia,
floating on its back, which Miss
Townsend says fish do when they die.
Melville was very well loved,
especially by Miss Lembeck who
named him after a guy who wrote
fish stories. Miss Lembeck buried
Melville in the toilet.
FtaVors ,
more -weeks tl 11
PYE 12116
PYE Records, L t d . manufactured & distributed by ATV Records Incorporated © A T V Records Incorporated
Copyright © 2007 National
RECORDSLampoon Inc.
82 NATIONAL LAMPOON Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
by Jeff Greenfield
he doctor will see you now. governor felt a tinge of reassurance. have been performing my . . . spe-
"You're absolutely sure no one "Sit down, please, Governor." cialty for almost ten years now,
else is in there. I mean—" The chair was contemporary yet since the early seventies. In my
The efficiently attractive recep- deeply comfortable. The office itself time, I have treated people whose
tionist smiled reassuringly as she was redolent with quiet elegance, . . . position is even higher than
motioned him inside. befitting a doctor at the top of his yours. In that time, have you ever
"I'm sure, sir. In fact, I'm leaving profession. The governor now re- heard a. whisper of a rumor about
now as well. You'll be utterly called the cloakroom rumors: the my - . . practice or my clients? Now,
alone." She slipped on her coat as income of more than $1.8 million a please. I cannot offer an accurate
she motioned him inside. He's even year, the East Side townhouse, the . . . diagnosis without knowing ex-
handsomer than he is on television, villas around the world, the luxuri- actly what your condition involves."
she thought to herself. ous vacations with transportation Beneath the smile the well-modu-
As he walked into the doctor's provided by the most secret agen- lated tones echoed steel.
office, hands thrust into his pockets, cies of the federal establishment. . . All right, the governor said to
a walk familiar to millions, his "Governor?" himself. Across the Rubicon.
mind was again wracked with " I beg your pardon, I was . . . "This morning, the U.S. Attorney
doubts. What the hell am I doing woolgathering." called. Seems they've been investi-
here? . . . Then he remembered the The doctor smiled. gating the collapse of the Logan
call from the U.S. Attorney's Of- "I asked you what seems to be Street Bridge."
fice, the mumbled, half-apologetic, the trouble." "I saw the films, of course," the
half-insistent inquiries on the other The governor paused. How to doctor interjected. "Terrible loss,
end of the line, and he knew. begin? terrible."
"Please come in, Governor." The "I—I'm not sure. My chest . . . "Yes, of course," the governor
voice was liquid, rich, reassuring. my back . . . my . . . " said, looking intently at the far
As he looked up, he confronted a The doctor leaned back in his wall. "I personally wrote the tribute
silver-haired, tanned face behind the hand-crafted Eames chair and to the dead and maimed that was
teak, chrome, and glass desk. The smiled broadly. His tapered fingers inserted in the Congressional Rec-
face was strong, craggy, as ruggedly formed a steeple. ord. Anyway, it appears that the
confident as an airline pilot's. The "Governor," the doctor said, "I contractors did not meet the specifi-
continued on page 86
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc. N A T I O N A L L A M P O O N 83
continued from page 63
_Bikini briefs .Undersea motif .Hamburger Helper
__Undershirts .Clear plastic shower curtain .Representational dish cloths
_Clip-on bow tie _Hot comb .Glass caddies
_Safari jacket . H a i r spray .Aprons with anything printed on them
.Body shirt .Visibly displayed douche bag .Electric stove
.See-through anything .Twin track razor _Color coordinated appliances (—1 each)
.Hand painted tie .Razor strop .Shish kabob swords
.Tie tack .Any trick shaving equipment .Hibachi
^Nehru or Mao jacket .Magnifying mirror _Pam
( — 2 if stored in mothballs) .Blackhead extractor To find out what your score says about the
^Pocket hankie _Nair real you, turn to page 102.
(-2 if color-coordinated to anything) .Vitamin C
..Anything color-coordinated .Pearl Drops
.Anything nautical _Binaca BONUS QUIZ
( — 5 for headgear) .Toothpaste dispenser It's absolutely possible that we might loathe
.White cotton socks .Paper cups you, but still behave civilly for the sake of your
.Leisure suit .Plastic cup family. Mom and Dad start out with 100. Let's see
.Girdle .Electric toothbrush how low they go:
( — 2 if you're male) _Water pic Cafe curtains
.Panty hose _K-Y jelly Drapes
.Anything with epaulets on shoulders .Feminine deodorant spray
.Anything with a tropical motif Nonfunctioning shutters
.Norforms Aluminum siding
( — 5 if Hawaiian) .Soap on a rope Lawn ornaments
.Anything from the thirties .Food C - 2 per bird lor family of ducks)
.Anything from the forties .Drying clothes Edged lawn
.Anything from the fifties ( — 2 for nylons) Shaped shrubbery
( — 10 if anything from thirties, forties, .Bath toys Bird feeder
or fifties is not authentic) (—2 it you're childless) Tree with trunk painted white
..Tweed cap .Sunlamp
(—2 if there's a buckle in the back) Above-ground swimming pool
.False eyelashes
.White suit Power lawnmower if lawn is one quarter
.Grecian Formula VII
^Blazer acre or less
.Herbal Essence shampoo
(-2 for brass buttons, -4 for crest) Rider mower if lawn is one acre or less
.Flavored cosmetics
.Regimental stripe tie Artificial brick or stone
.Decorative tissue dispenser
^Decorative window shades
( — 10 if it's not your regiment) . N o ashtray
Air freshener
.More than one pair of sunglasses .Hotel soap
(-2 each, -4 if mirrored or made .Pyrite A-200 Knick-knack shelf
Any knick-knack
in Italy)
THE KITCHEN Unused parlor or living room
.Anything made in Italy
Electric hedge trimmers
_T-shirts with anything printed on them .Neat and tidy TV tables
.Gloves .Apothecary jars Anything you pick up and it plays music
( — 2 if unlined, —4 for "golf," .Colored enamel cookware More than one Bible
-8 tor "driving") .Plastic garlic Scrapbook or family album within
.Headband .Copper bottom pots easy reach
.Hats (—2 if hanging, —4 if polished) Anything you made as a child
.Cufflinks more than half an inch .Trash compactor ( — 2 if it's the knick-knack shelf)
in diameter .Microwave oven Lavender sachet
( — 2 if they're plated with a precious .Electric carving knife
metal) Candy dishes
.Electric can opener Anything if it cannot be immediately
_Turquoise jewelry _Jello mould
_Shorts if you weigh more than 115 pounds ascertained whether or ndt it's an
.Teflon anything ashtray
.Knee socks .Spice rack
.Bell-bottomed anything Rooms with less than two ashtrays
( — 2 if hand-painted) Gas or electric fireplace
_B!ue denims that aren't blue or denim .Side by side refrigerator-freezer
.Patches (—2 if it's ever actually used)
_A blackboard Blue water in the toilet
(—1 each, —2 if decorative) .Magnets
.Studs Plastic flowers in the bathroom
(—2 it decorated, —4 if on the Lampshade covers
( — 1 each) refrigerator) Bedspreads
.Special Nemesis Possession: .Prepared mayonnaise Bolsters
Any garment that sparkles (—50) .Foreign beer Velvet plush upholstery
.Military motif .Frozen donuts
( — 2 per occurrence if you aren't in Soap in little balls
.Decaffeinated coffee Guest towels
the army) .Vacuum-packed meat products Throw rugs
.Cigarette case .Special Nemesis Possession: Dog over ten
.Fur from an endangered species Electric pepper mill ( — 50 ) Very fat cat
— 1 per square inch ( — 2 per square inch _A wok Giant goldfish
if it's from an unendangered species, .Diet references on refrigerator Movie or confession magazines
— 4 if it's fake) _A calorie counter
.Plaid Men's magazines
.The / Hafe to Cook Cookbook Books behind glass
.Feathers .Skim milk
.Crotchless panties Encyclopedias purchased in supermarkets
.Garlic salt Reader's Digest condensed book
.Wigs .Realemon plastic lemon juice lemons
(—2 if a different color than your own Reader's Digest
.Tinned citrus juices African violets
hair) .Electric pizza warmer
.Your initials on anything Any religious literature
.Lo-cal anything Service club magazines
_An umbrella in any color but black .Margarine
_Any piece of outerwear with metal on it A " r e c " room
.Pressure cooker
.Jodhpurs Plastic slipcovers
.Garbage disposal
.Jump suit Slipcovers
.Breakfast cereal
.Safari jacket Runners over the rug
( — 1 if traditional, —2 if sugared, (— 1 per running foot tor carpet, —2 for
_Harem pants — 4 if organic)
.-Earrings that dangle more than three rubber, —3 tor plastic)
.Health foods Baby pictures
eighths of an inch below the ear .Any pills
.Pocket watch Frames that stand on tables
.Sea salt Photos of people in military uniforms
.Any diamond on a man .Demarera sugar
.Rings on a man if they're alive
.Nondairy creamer Home entertainment center
( — 4 if they're in your ears) .House brands of soda pop
.More than two rings on a woman Crucifix
.Prunes Barcalounger
.Any medallions .Chopsticks
.African trade beads Out of tune piano
.Big wooden spoons (-2 it it's white)
.TV dinners Knotty pine
THE BATH .Fondue set Textured wallpaper
.Toilet seat cover .Square plates
Walls painted antique or oyster white
( — 2 it it matches the bath mat, -4 if .Divided plates
Objectionable styles of decor
they both match the shower curtain, .Broiler foil
( — 1 for "Contemporary," —2 for "Danish
— 8 it they all match the towels) _Three-tined dinner forks Modern," —4 tor "Mediterranean," —8
.Soft toilet seat .Horn-handled steak knives tor "French Provincial," -16 tor
.Colored or patterned toilet paper _Plastic ice cube trays "Antique Spanish," —32 for "Colonial")
.No reading matter _Veg-o-matic
Newspaper tidies
.Things to prevent slipping on the bottom .Pepper mill more than 5 inches high
Plastic tablecloth
of the bathtub .Premixed salad dressing
.Anything framed .Fish sticks To find out how your folks rate, multiply their
_Any decals .Potato buds score by ten and turn to page 102.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
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Birdbath and the two men strolled arm in swung, gentle and dreamy-eyed, in
continued from page 8 arm to Hodas' Fabulous Pussies their family hammock, all fourteen
peeperie on Forty-deuce Street, members naked as spaghetti. "And
Raquel produced in less than ten where Hodas donned the judge's the CIA—they're a bunch of honeys.
hours. Inducements to be appen- gown and Metzner walked starkers They wouldn't hurt a fly. Or a
daged took the form of bribes, into the casting office, where he behemoth. We saw one floating
Mausers, and curious solicitations. spent the next four months without around the Oval Room. And the
Then, suddenly, the breasts stopped emerging. Hodas whipped through walls had this swirly wallpaper that
as inexplicably as they had started the judge's backlog, all parties sat- kept moving all the time. And the
. . . drought, dearth, Mojave. Cries isfied, and Metzner (eighty-two), President took off his clothes and
of rage and despair went up among peeping out the peephole at re- showed us his tatoos that had col-
the throng about the hospital. The porters, laughed deliriously. "He's ored lights that kept going on and
doctors sewed up her chine, and right, he's right. It is hard!" he off. Oh, we'd forgive him anything.
she rose, demurely unaware that cried and rushed back to work, the He sat in our laps. He served us
thousands of women wore, like rest of his sentence suspended!!!!! mu tea and these wonderful brown-
Deborah Kerr's nose, her duplicate WW Superspectacular cabin from ies he made himself. And, do you
protuberances. That the breast L.A.!!! Lauren Bacall's dog Flavor know, he sends us packages of
which grew was a right breast only is not responding to treatment for them to us every day. Is it day?
did not deter any of the double heartworms. The pebble-voiced star What day is it? Day?"
recipients. For, as one of them said, is desolee, friends report, but when WW Latest Greek revival from
"If they come from Raquel, baby, this correspondent called, all she Television City!!! Guess whose
two rights can't make a wrong!" had to say was her usual, "Humph!" wattle is developing turkey bumps?
W " Sizzling housing project from Flavor is recouping at the Cedars Mary Tyler Moore says it just is
Westport, Conn.!!! Paul Newman of Lebanon and pissing all over not so. But Macy's is dickering to
drinks beer!!! them with such abandon that ru- float her in the Thanksgiving Day
WW "See how it feels to be in my mors of his demise fall on the ear Parade. A new career for you,
shoes. It's hard! Asking girls to with a certain extravagance. Still, Mary!!!
raise their skirts all day and pull we wish you the best, Flavor. Re- WW Can you answer this question?
down their panties. Trying to member, we love ya!!! What hideous physical defect did
choose from among so many," said I * - "The President is such a sweet, Dolly Madison share with Lucky
New York Porno King Martin J. polka-dotted faced individual," said Luciano—and what company did
Hodas, whose peep show empire the Olson family, after forgiving they form together to quell it? Your
has brought him to trial. So Charles him for the murder of Dr. Frank correct answer next month in this
M. Metzner, the Federal Judge Olson by secret CIA LSD treat- same column!!!
trying his case, did just that. Metz- ments in November 1953. The Ol-
ner stepped down from the bench, son family spoke in unison as they R. Bruce Moody
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc. MATTONTAT. T.AMPOON ftS
continued from page So
cations of the federal contract. They handed the attache' case across the tor's face silenced the governor.
. . . they substituted certain more desk. "If you want to count it "I am a specialist," the doctor
economical materials in place of now—" said quietly but firmly. "You have
those called for in the contract. In "I'm sure it's all there," the doc- come to me seeking the proper
the interest of thrift." tor offered reassuringly. "You will form of attention for your particular
"While billing the government for please send an assistant round to- malady. I have been in this pro-
the full amount," the doctor ob- morrow to retrieve your case." The fession since Gerald Ford and Nel-
served. governor nodded. "You've left some son Rockefeller came to me a de-
"Yes," said the governor. "Nat- papers in here in addition to the cade ago. In that time, my work
urally, these venal men will do any- . . . fee?" Another nod. has been at the service of the most
thing to avoid paying for their "Good," said the doctor. He rose important people of the world."
crimes, and they're making wild, from his desk and began to pace He continued now, warming to
totally unfounded allegations about back and forth, with professional his words.
. . . payoffs and wire-pulling and—" solemnity. "When Bentsen's election was in
"And unfortunately there are . . . "Governor, you have three chil- trouble, did he come whimpering
documents," said the doctor. dren, I presume?" when I told him of his wife's breast
"Stop me if I'm boring you," the "Why, yes. I have a boy,thirteen, cancer? And subsequently? Do you
governor said. a girl, twelve, and then there's realize that woman had a colostomy,
"I'm sorry, but these conditions Bonnie, who's three." His eyes lit three open-heart operations, and has
always have similar symptoms." up at the mention of the dimpled, had all of her limbs removed? Do
The governor slapped his palms cheerful redhead who had brought you know what they call her now
to his forehead, his air of formal new strength to his troubled mar- in society? 'The Paperweight.' But
calm gone. riage. Bentsen understood what was
"Photographs . . . tapes . . . wit- The doctor's brow furrowed. needed.
nesses . . . the whole shebang," he "Governor, I'm afraid I have "Did you hear Teddy whimper
murmured. "I'm supposed to go be- some bad news for you. Bonnie is when the Chappaquidick stories
fore a grand jury next Tuesday. very, very ill." surfaced again, and his son had to
That means four, five counts, fed- The governor sat bolt upright. lose a leg? Have you looked at the
eral felony counts, nine months be- "Oh, no. Oh, no." Congress lately? Do you know that
fore the first Presidential primary. "Yes, Governor." The doctor went there are 275 monopedes in the
And a trial right through the first to a file cabinet marked Diagnoses House of Representatives? Did you
of the year. Never mind my . . . —Terminal and pulled out a file of ever wonder what those twenty-
hopes for the future. I might as well X-rays and medical charts. seven senators thought of when
resign my seat or flee to Brazil." their children were lost at sea on a
The governor looked at the doc- "It seems, Governor, that little cruise?
tor with eyes of naked pain. Bonnie has contracted a rare dis- "You must understand, Gover-
"What have I got?" ease—a cancerous condition of the nor, that the burdens of leadership
The doctor sat completely still. liver which is totally and irreversi- are heavy. The . . . temptations of
"Please, doc," the governor said, bly terminal." public life are not so easily buried
sweat now beading on his patrician "You can't be serious—it's mon- these days. The press—TV—this
forehead. "'This is my life we're strous—surely there's some other practice of mine is the last barrier
talking about. What have I got?" . . . diagnosis, somebody else, per- between our natural leaders and
"The fee . . . ? " haps a lingering, curable malady, I mob anarchy."
"Oh, yes, yes, of course," the gov- mean . . . hepatitis . . ." The governor squared his shoul-
ernor babbled with relief as he The stern expression on the doc- ders.
"Yes, yes, I see, doctor. What—
what do I do?"
"Bring Bonnie in next week for
a check-up. We'll prepare the nec-
essary medical documents and, of
course, the injections with the—
culture. Then we just let nature
take its course."
"And the timing—"
The doctor smiled.
" I think I can assure you of a
somber funeral a week before the
New Hampshire primary."
"Will Bonnie—suffer much?"
"No more than is necessary,"
said the doctor, rising to his feet.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have
another patient to see. If you'd
mind leaving by the back en-
trance . . . "
"Of course, doctor, of course."
Circle Items Desired
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snotnose said that most of the kids For those lonely nights, send check 105N.Columbia.Dept ONL.11
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didn't mind. A lot of them were Hathaway L i m i t e d , Dept. N
2893 S. Delaware, Milwaukee Wl 53207
fags anyway, so. Rocky was actually
doing them a big favor. H e was giv-
ing them enough money to support The mouth your mom
their whole families. But there was
a small group of spies who were can't wash out
very mad a t Rocky for what he
was doing. They weren't fags. They
with soap...
Transcend the m e d i o c r i t y of m o d e r n
were so fucking mad that they frippery with Roach's j i m - d a n d y designs
wanted to kill him. Sure, there's a printed in r i p - h u m m i n g colors on d a r n
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very good security team guarding a n d highly desired by bigwigs
Rocky, he said. But the one area a n d tinhorns a l i k e .
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fag boyfriends. This is the one in-
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doesn't get his fags every day, he
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the sparkling
his liquor. So we have to give him m e t a l f l a k e look
his spic boyfriends, but we have to "tte
maintain the tightest security pos-
sible. And that's where you come
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4053 Silver
of screening all of Rocky's boys, to
make sure they are harmless, not
fanatical killers. I t seems that they
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organization in Puerto Rico that
swore to kill Rocky a t any cost.
Just a few weeks ago, he said, they
very nearly got him. H e was cam-
paigning down on Mulberry Street,
in the Italian neighborhood, and
somebody stuck a knish in his hand
and of course, he took a bite out of
it, and it turned out to be poisoned.
You don't eat knishes on Mulberry
Street, but he'll eat anything that's
put in his hand, Snotnose said. H e
still doesn't know the difference
between a knish and a calzone. But •
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* 'WHY ME?"
N A T I O N A L L A M P O O N 101
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
continued from page 84
My Meter Is Running comes out of Rocky's bedroom. He H o w t h e e d i t o r s of t h e National
continued from page 89 Lampoon feel a b o u t you.
looks pretty grim. No, he said,
Rocky isn't dead yet. He's still If your score was more than 750:
ranch, like tomatoes—nice looking hanging on by a slim thread. Luck- You're a quiet dresser with inherited
boys, mostly ranging from eight to ily, he's got a very strong constitu- wealth and no political or religious
about thirteen or fourteen. I had to tion. But he's going into a coma beliefs. You wear no facial hair.
give them a good once-over and and it looks like he'll be dead by There's always plenty of whiskey
my seal of approval. If I thought morning. It seems that he was poi- and ice at your house. You can hold
there was a rotten apple in the soned. He didn't have anything to your liquor, too, even when you have
deck, I would tap the kid on the left eat or drink, but he did swallow to drive—which you do fast and
shoulder. That was the part I didn't something, the doctor said. There well. You like everything Evelyn
like. I smelled out riine straights in was only one possibility. Somehow Waugh^ver wrote except St. Helena.
the first two weeks, and I'll never the killer got the poison into his Your children are pleasant but some-
forget the looks in their eyes when balls through some kind of injec- what shy. When, it's your turn to
the security guys took them away. tion and when Rocky did his stuff host poker night, you always have
Maybe they were really harmless, on the killer, bingo, that was it— fresh decks of bicycle cards with the
but I couldn't take no chances. I down the hatch and into the blood- seals unbroken. You play the piano
couldn't afford to split hairs and stream. but we never knew it until we'd
my word was final. Well, there goes my .200 Gs a known you for more than two years^
So everything was going along year, down the toilet, I thought. You have a slight limp, a small
hunky-dory for a while and then Who the fuck did I slip up on? One tattoo,or an interesting scar which is
the shit hit the fan. I get a call in of those son-of-a-bitch spies was a never spoken of. You're fluent in
the middle of the night from Snot- fake fag. I was mad as hell and I French but only speak it when
nose. "Get your ass over to 655 Started slapping the little cocksuck- you're in France. You never raise
East Sixty-third Street," he said. ers around. They were all scared your voice, have public arguments,
"Go to the twelfth floor. When the and yakketing away like chickens or discuss money or your sexual
elevator opens, press the twelve but- in that funny Puerto Rican style partners. And you have a large,
ton six times. The door will close Spanish that nobody can under- quiet, shabby house in the country
and the car will take you to the stand. I was in a mood to kill the to which we are frequently invited.
unmarked floor between twelve and whole fucking bunch of them. Then If your score was between 501 and
fourteen. Get off and walk down a I noticed one of them was dozing 750: You're a racially prejudiced
hallway to a door marked 13-F. off—he couldn't keep his eyes open. liberal democrat who wears Ber-
Ring the bell four times—two longs He's one of the darker type PRs— muda shorts and skis. You also play
and two shorts." what I call a shvugarican—that's golf and tennis and "appreciate" art.
I do exactly like he said and I half shvugie, or Negro, and half You know your wines, own a dog,
end up in this fucking gigantic Puerto Rican. He's got a smile on and either teach or want to. You
apartment with all these stupid his face like he's happy and con- have a Japanese motorcycle, wear
looking paintings and statues. I tent. He's not scared, like the rest contact lenses and "aren't into drugs
guess Rocky was having one of his of them. I shake the shit out of him anymore." Your children are pre-
big fag parties because I saw about to get him awake. You're the son- cocious and go to progressive schools.
a dozen little spickies and a bunch of-a-bitch that did it, aren't you? If your score was between 251 and
of his pals there. You know, Kis- I said. He nods at me and says 500: You're a vegetarian and ari
singer, Ronan, even scumbag Lind- yes. Only I shouldn't feel bad, he avid antismoker who's either bisex-
say was there. I always knew that says, because he is a fag. He de- ual or would give it a try. You
cocksucker was a fairy. Kissinger liberately trained himself to be a eat marijuana, which you call "boo."
was still running around naked fag so he could infiltrate Rocke- You've been or are thinking of going
with his little button of a cock, feller's parties and assassinate him. to Afganistan, Morocco, or Ibiza.
trying to jump on one of the kids. He sacrificed his masculinity for You sell something for a living. You
He was drunker than a nigger cow- the revolution that would someday wear tinted or soft contact lenses or
boy on a Saturday night. overthrow the imperialist Rocke- imitation aviator glasses. You own
But everybody else looked very feller. Yes, he was a homo, he said. several cats named after famous
worried, very tense. "What the fuck But more important, he was a pa- composers or characters in Herman
happened?" I asked. "That's what triot. He said they had a method Hesse novels and you used to own a
we'd like to know," Snotnose said. of injecting poison into his balls, motor scooter. You wear a kaftan
Jesus, was he in a bad mood! "Be- so it would mix with his semen, around the house, think the blacks
cause of your bungling, somebody making it a deadly weapon of as- might be the political vanguard, and
got to Rockefeller," he said. "That's sassination. He said the poison was are still upset over the Vietnam war,
fucking impossible," I said. "Every made by their Botanica ladies— and your child goes to a free school.
kid in this room was O.K.'d by me. they're like witch doctors. I should If your score was 250 or less: You're
They're all fags. My mother should have realized they would have a a militant feminist and aren't even a
drop dead if they're not all scream- fag killer. But still, it was no skin woman. You shout. When someone
ing homos." But Snotnose gave me off my ass. I didn't fuck up my job. asks, "How are you?" you tell them.
a look that cut me dead. "You I knew the guy was a homo. And You're a homosexual macrobiotic
slipped up on somebody in this then he falls asleep, and bingo— whose parents were Jewish but
room, Bernie. And now the boss is he's dead. The doctors looked at brought you up Catholic. You own a
on the brink of death. First the him and said there was probably van. You're over thirty and wear
Kennedys, then Martin Luther enough poison in his balls to kill braces on your teeth. You guess peo-
King, now it looks like the biggest an elephant. He died with a fucking ple's astrological signs and wear san-
and best of them all is going. All smile on his face. dals with white socks. You have
because of your fuckup." Swell . . . at least he got me off allergies and a fat ass. You are "in-
Just then one of the doctors the hook as far as the blame went, to media." Your breath smells. •
continued on page 105
102 N A T I O N A L L A M P O O N
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With all its fun, frivolity, and asinine comments, combining the mammoth production of a
Busby Berkeley epic, the sly wit of a Noel Coward bedroom comedy, and the sophisticated
commentary on contemporary life of a Henny Youngman commentary on contemporary
life... all this in one unprecedented, unplanned, unbelievable revue.
To see it.. .you've got to be there!
Fairleigh Dickinson U., Rutherford, N.J., 8 P.M. 18 27
West Chester Coll., West Chester, Pa., 8 P.M. 19 28 State U./Potsdam, Potsdam, N.Y, 8 P.M.
RiderColl., Trenton, N.J.,8 P.M. 20 29 Buffalo State U., Buffalo, N.Y, 8 P.M.
St. John's U., Queens, N.Y., 8 P.M. 21 30 State U./Geneseo, Geneseo, N.Y, 8 P.M.
Queens Coll., Flushing, N.Y., 8 P.M. 22 31 (1 P.M.) Erie Community Coll., Buffalo, N.Y.
U. of Massachusetts, Mass., 8 P.M. 23 (8 P.M.) U. of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.
StateU., Oswego, N.Y,8 P.M. 25 November
Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y, 8 P.M. 26 1 Seneca Coll., Toronto, Canada., 8 P.M.
Syracuse U., Syracuse, N.Y, 8 P.M. 27 LeMoyneColl., Syracuse, N.Y, 8 P.M.
R.P.I.,Troy, N.Y, 8 P.M. 28
Northeastern U., Boston, Mass., 8 P.M. 29 Fairfield U., Fairfield, Conn., 8 P.M.
Southeastern Mass. U., North Dartmouth, Mass., 8 P.M. 30 State U./Farmingdale, Farmingdale, L.I., N.Y, 8 P.M.
State U./Oneonta, Oneonta, N.Y. 8 P.M.
October State U./Albany, Albany, N.Y, 8 P.M. & 10 P.M.
Central Conn. StateColl., N e w Britain, Conn. , 8 P.M. A l f r e d U., A l f r e d , N.Y, 8 P.M.
Middlesex Comm. Coll., Edison, N.J., (1 P.M. State U./Fredonia, Fredonia, N.Y, 8 P.M.
MontclairStateColl., UpperMontclair, N.J., (8 P.M. 10
Queensboro Comm. Coll., Bayside, N.Y. , 8 P.M. 11 Seton Hall U., Orange, N.J.., 8 P.M.
American U., Washington, D.C. 8 P.M. 12 Rutgers U., Camden, N.J., 8 P.M.
Dickinson U., Carlisle, Pa. ,8 P.M. 13 California State Coll., California, Pa., 8 P.M.
14 (1 P.M.) Allegheny Comm. Coll., So. Campus, West M i f f l i n , Pa.
Trenton StateColl., Trenton, N.J. , 8 P.M. (9 P.M.) Dennison U., Granville, Ohio
Clark U., Worcester, Mass., 8 P.M. & 1 0 P.M. 8 15 U. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 P.M.
Monmouth Coll., West Long Branch, N.J. , 8 P.M. 9 16 Showcase Theatre, Detroit, Mich., 7 P.M.
County College Morris, Dover, N.J. , 8 P.M. 10 >7
Brooklyn Coll., Brooklyn, N.Y. , 8 P.M. 1 I 18 Delta Coll., Bay City, Mich., 8 P.M.
U. of Delaware, Newark, Del. , 8 P.M. 12 19 Eastern Michigan U., Ypsilanti, Mich., 8 P.M.
13 20 U. of Michigan, A n n Arbor, Mich., 8 P.M.
Boston Coll., Brookline, Mass. , 8 P.M. 14 21 O a k l a n d U., Oakland, Mich., 8 P.M".
Bryant Coll., Smithfield, R.I., 8 P.M. & 10 P.M. 15 22 Schoolcraft Coll., Livonia, Mich., 8 P.M.
U. of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I, , 8 P.M. 16 23 Carnegie Mellon U., Pittsburgh, Pa., 8 P.M.
U. of Hartford, Hartford, Conn. , 8 P.M. 17 24 Slippery Rock Coll., Slippery Rock, Pa., 8 P.M.
U. of New Haven, West Haven, Conn. , 8 P.M. 18 25 Indiana U. of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pa., 8 P.M.
Framingham StateColl., Framingham, Mass. , 8 P.M. 19
Plymouth State Coll., Plymouth, N.H. , 8 P.M. 20 December
Fairleigh Dickinson U., Madison, N.J. , 8 P.M. 21 2 Wagner Coll., Staten Island, N.Y, 8 P.M.
Fairleigh Dickinson U., Teaneck, N.J. , 8 P.M. 22 3 Adelphi U., Garden City, N.Y, 8 P.M.
U. of Lowell, Lowell, Mass. , 8 P.M. 23 4 Sienna Coll., Londonville, N.Y, 8 P.M.
Mass. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. , 8 P.M. 24 5 Brown U., Providence, R.I., 8 P.M.
Franklin Pierce Coll., Rindge, N.H. , 8 P.M. 25 6 Quinnipiac Coll.. Hamden, Conn., 8 P.M.
, 8 P.M. 26
U. of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H. 7 Glassboro State Coll., Glassboro, N.J., 8 P.M.
Now booking winter and spring. For availabilities, booking information, call:
COLLEGE ENTERTAINMENT ASSOCIATES 101 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017 (212)725-2314
RAND STOLL Director, Performing Arts Division
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
My Meter Is Running on, begging me to get a hard-on.
continued from page 105
The doctors were ready to cut
poison that a Puerto Rican witch
doctor cooked up, and they didn't
know how to treat it.
Rocky open as soon as I signaled
I was about to come. I was getting
scared. I wasn't holding back on
It looked like Rocky was going
to croak when one of the little
spicolas tugged on my arm and told
purpose . . . although I was used
to holding back m y come for hours
when I had a hard-on. I was just
me how he could be saved. Accord-
ing to the witch doctors, the only
way to neutralize the poison was
And then the miracle happened.
Rocky opened his eyes for a split
That's right. . . ourtantalizing new
with a different kind of semen, second and saw me standing there hi-fi catalog is hot off the press!
semen that would act like an anti- with my schlong hanging out. His And more than ever, we offer
dote. If the semen was strong eyes got bright, and he croaked, earotic music systems and single
enough, it might work. "Bernie . . . Bernie." I forgot to tell components from all the best
By now, the doctors were so you that Rocky was secretly in love brands—at huge discounts. Call
desperate they figured anything with me from the moment he got me, Brillo Bob, or any of the guys
might work. If Rocky was being into my cab. Fags are crazy about and you'll get friendly advice and
poisoned by a witch doctor, maybe me, too. I can't help it. Anyway, low price-quotes right over the
he might be saved by the same kind when I heard this I had to act fast.
of medicine. Only whose come was I gritted my teeth and shoved my
phone... 8 0 5 / 5 4 4 - 9 7 0 0
the right one? So they made every- limp cork at Rocky before the doc- Drop us the envelope at left and
body in the room jerk off and they tors could stop me. He grabbed it you'll quickly receive our 96-page
injected a few drops into Rocky's and did something terrific that color-wonder, free! Include $1 for
arm . . . you know . . . like intra- made my joint shoot up like a fuck- postage, and we'll also zip you the
venous feeding. Nothing happened ing rocket. I don't know what he 1976 Music Machine Almanac: it's
until they shot mine in. All of a did, but all of sudden it was as big a full-color, 150-page reference
sudden, Rocky woke up for a few as a salami. So when the doctors guide to hi-fi equipment complete
seconds and his heart and respira- with photos and specs on over 37
saw what was happening, they
tion began to improve. So it was different brands! PS. If the en-
opened him real fast. In no time I velope's missing, just write me
my come. I figured as much. shot my gun into the spot they directly: Brillo Bob, P.O. Box "S",
But somehow, the excitement of showed me. I never came so fast San Luis Obispo, CA 93405.
that little hunk of come was too and so hard in my life. Then they
much for Rocky, and in a few min- closed him up and crossed their
utes he started sinking fast. All of
a sudden the medical machines
fingers, hoping the next miracle
would happen. A couple of minutes
and wires attached to his body went by and sure as shit, his heart SOUND CO.
started to jump and make noises. started beating stronger. The ma-
The doctors knew there wasn't chines were all showing the right
much time for anything fancy. Not signs. The cocksucker was coming
even for intravenous feeding. They to life. My come saved his life. To
decided there was only one way to tell you the truth, I was impressed
save Rocky—an open heart blow- with Rocky. I was touched by his
job. They figured the fastest way feelings. Fag or no fag, it was a
for me to come was to get a ter- remarkable thing for him to do. He
rific blow-job from one of the fags, must have had a great will to live.
and I would shoot my gun right Well, a few days later, Snotnose
into Rocky's open heart, to get his came by and said that they
ticker working again. The fact that wouldn't need my services anymore.
I just jerked off didn't matter to He gave me a couple of hundred
them. I had to get it up fast and bucks severance pay and that was
get it up good. T h a t was no prob- it. H e said that from now on, Rocky
lem to me since I normally can couldn't afford to fool around with
come fifteen, twenty times a night. fags. The doctors insisted that he
But I'm not crazy about getting be put on a strict antifag regimen
blown by a fag. In fact, I can't —some kind of special injection or
stand them. They turn me off. I serum or some kind of shit that
hate the sons-of-bitches—I'm aller- takes away all sexual desire. So
gic to them. They're the only peo- they didn't need a fag detective
ple who can't turn me on. And anymore. That's all the thanks I
there's no time to get a broad, so got for saving the son-of-a-bitch's
there's no other choice. life! I'll bet you that Rocky is still
Hurry the hell up, yells one of getting his supply of little spies.
the doctors. Who's the best cock- One of these days, he's gonna do it
sucker in the room? They tried all again, and bingo—it'll be all over.
the little spies on me. The poor The papers will say he died of a
guys were sucking and licking and heart attack. But you and me will
stroking and doing everything they know better. And the next time he's
could, but my pecker was still as not going to have Bernie X around
soft as a rabbit's ass. Everybody to save his fucking ass, believe
was screaming at me, cheering me me! •