Issue 7
Issue 7
Issue 7
ent. This is the end of an era, man. I was living in Uruguay from 2007 to 2009, and, as a result, I didnt discover the house until a couple years later than most other people did. The first time I ever saw a show at the Compound was sometime in late 2009, I think. It was Compoundfest, and I was playing with my band, Tijuana Bible. I remember girls dancing, arms around each others shoulders, kicking their feet as high in the air as they could, trying to knock our singers teeth out. People were crawling on the floor, jumping off the couches, and piling on top of each other. Since then Ive witnessed similar scenes: angry neighbors, cops called, piles and piles of empty wine bottles, crowd surfing, pillow fights, broken skateboards, broken furniture, broken instruments, dogs in the pit, stained carpets, plenty of nudity and enough cigarette butts and roaches to fill up Brigham Young Universitys administration building from floor to ceiling. But where will the weirdos go now? The kids who dont fit in with the street punks OR the Mormons, the aging garage fonzies, acid-dropping artists, record collector nerds, skateboarders, bearded anarchist fuckups on their bicycles, graffiti writers, public radio DJs, stoners, long-hairs and freaks of all stripes. Not everyone can head to Arizona or Salt Lake. Surely nobody will migrate to the citys other barf-inducing venues. Joey once told me in an interview for SLUG Magazine, Ive never had expectations. If it keeps going then it keeps going, but if it doesnt then who cares? Somebody else will
do [a punk rock house venue]. There will always be bored kids. Maybe something will happen, maybe it wont. But either way, I think its safe to say that weve left a decent mark on this police-filled town. There have been records, CDs and tapes, great flyers, zines, articles in local magazines and newspapers, and more than our fair share of embarrassing/incriminating photos. I often imagine that in the future some kid will wander into a record shop,
stumble across a copy of Weird You Out and buy it for the hell of it. Hell ride the bus home and drop the needle on the wax and sit down on his bed, reading the band names on the back cover. Bummerwolf. Big Trub. Onan Spurtz OMB. And hell think Where in the world is Provo? That shit must have been cool. Dear future punk dude, it was cool. -July 31, 2011
Big Truck! Left: Johnnys tshirt is super cool. Airbrushed nekkid lady and a wizard holding a gnarly scythe. My favorites.
Below: Steve was inexplicably absent, making B.T. a three-piece. Johnny took over bass duties, leaving Goshert to do twice the shredding.
Howitzers > The Yaks. Last time these dudez were in a band they wore Dr. Dog t-shirts and stuff. I like this better.
m, but this may have been the Right here: I know this is quite a clai ALL TIME. Everything went most drunken Broken Spells set OF d. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE at about half speed, but it still rule MOOOOORRRRROOOW! MM FROOOOOOOOOMMM TOOOOM os acting a fool. wh Down there: Suprise, suprise. Look
The Trashies are from Seattle, and after all that time cooped up in a van, they smelled just as bad as they looked, but they sounded much better. Seriously though. Stinkiest show ever.
As their set progressed the band kept moving their mic stands forward, pushing the crowd further and further into the back of the house.
Anna Nxsty - Drums, vocals Melissa Marriott Bass Paul Armbula Guitars, vocals So heres the scene: Handicapitalist, Dick Janitor, Firebrand and Vegetable play at Raunch Rekkids. Some of us head to get pizza and PBR, while back in the Raunch parking lot some fools have falling over on heroin, and theyve got an Igloo cooler full of dead cats. Box (of Handicapitalist) turns scary and yells at them, and then heads back to
the Meth House. We gobble up the rest of our pizza pie and head over there. I try to do an interview with Handicapitalist for the Sound Waves from the Underground podcast, but nothing is working so we just sit on the front porch and hang out. This is what got recorded instead. Deal with it. Anna: Now were in Salt Lake City, and then were going to Paul: VEGAAASS! Anna: And then back home to Pheonix, and then Firebrand has to go home to New Orleans without us after they drop us off. MTDS: What are some of your favorite bands that youve played with on
this tour? Highlights? Anna: In Oakland we played on a bus with Younger Lovers and they were super good. In San Francisco we played the Grass Widow 7 release show, and that was super cool. Yeah. MTDS: Tell me about the new tape. Anna: The 7 was our debut single, and the tape is our upcoming fulllength. MTDS: So its coming out on vinyl? Whens that happening? Anna: Sometime this year. MTDS: On Gilgongo or what? Anna: Our buddy Brian from L.A. is putting it out. Hopefully he gets working on it when we get from tour. We havent discussed details yet, but he offered to do it. MTDS: What albums do you listen to on the road? Anna: We started out with Metropak, yeah? Weve actually been listening to Handicapitalist the entire time. They invited us to smoke meth. Mellissa: Delta 5. Anna: Gang of Four got us through, like, fuckin woods. MTDS: Which woods? The band Woods? Yeah theyre pretty shitty. Anna: No, no, no, no, no! We drove overnight from Missoula to Boise. We saw a moose. That was the first time Ive ever seen a moose in real life. It was in front of the van. I was driving and there were no lines on the road. Mellissa: Lots of Talking Heads. Paul: Crying to Shangri-Las at four in the morning. Anna: Oh wait, heres an interesting one! We picked up these hitchhikers on our way to Portland from the Bay. It was Mellissas idea. We picked up these two hippies. They were on their way to the rainbow gathering. We put on Flipper, and the guy had his eyes
closed and was, like, waving his head around. Mellissa: He was getting super into it. Anna: He was gypsy moshing. We put on Crasss So What? and after the song they started giggling, and they were like, Ha! So what?! MTDS: How long has the band been around? Why the name Vegetable? Paul: Weve been around like eight months. And Vegetable I dunno. Anna: You know what Vegetable means! It is not produce. Paul: Well, like a comatose person. I just chose Vegetable because it was keeping me from being a vegetable because Im being productive and stuff, understand? MTDS: Talk about some of the funny reviews that youve gotten, ones that were flattering but sort of off. Anna: Razorcake. Razorcake did a review, but I dont want to talk trash. They gave us an A for effort playing outside the box of punk. Mellissa: They thought it was really weird that our 7 is only one sided. Anna: There was this one review we found online. It was some review from Europe or something, and they were super upset that the 7 was one sided. It was one sided because we needed to get it out in time for tour. But, you know, they were super upset that it was one sided, and C.F. is Castration Frustration, and it says that inside, but the guy who does Kites, the illustrator, his initials are CF. They were hoping that CF was about the illustrator, which is really goofy. Why would Castration Frustration be about that guy? Maybe CF is a castrated illustrator and we dont know about it. That was a weird one. MTDS: Anything else inspiring to say? Mellissa: We are Vegetable. Anna: We are Vegetable. Who are you?
By Jesse Rex Tucker
These days I feel like I am being pulled in two different directions when it comes to music formats. Of course I wouldnt be cool enough for everybody if I didnt make the requisite number of purchases on vinyl, and in honesty, I really do believe its more fun to have a slab o wax. But Ill be realistic and admit that most of the actual listening I do is to some form of digital music. Id love to sit around all day and spin records, but I dont have that kind of life. Im a mover and a shaker, and I gotta take my music on the run with me So it seemed logical to get an ipod, because thats the most portable thing you can get aside from actually humming songs to yourself (Which is tough sometimes as far as getting all the parts right, especially the solos). It was a purchase I put off for a while, because the images of so many numbskulls walking around with skullcandy in their ears haunted me. (As much as I love music, I just cant stand it that some people will talk to you with one ear bud still buzzing their favorite jam for the duration of your conversation.) However, I got past any misgivings I had and ended up buying an ipod touch last year. Now it has become one of my main sources of listening pleasure, and I have found reasons to value my ipod the way I do my record collection. The reason why, is that this ipod has become its own animal; its not just digital shadows of my favorite records, but something with dimension
and personality. However, I feel like I gave it that personality when in a serendipitously frankensteinian move, I decided to upload nearly 100 tracks of sound effects to the machines library. Since that moment, the ipod has really come alive. When I play it on shuffle in the car, every listening experience is unique because the ipod will spontaneously decide to follow something like King Tuffs Sun Medallion with a track called, Jungle Noise. I dont know how to explain it, but its like the thing just knows. Maybe my ipod is the first post-singularity device out there, but I swear it is so smart. Its at least smart enough to be a fun DJ. Nobody else would know that following up a Hardcore Devo song with one minute of some noise called Space Station Ambience would create such a stunning experience for the human listener. Maybe you dont think this is all that big a deal, but I suggest you try an experiment. Go online, and download some free sci-fi and horror sound effects. (I found this album from Alan Howarth, and it contained several short effects he created. Look for something similar or search his name to make it easy.) Then, upload your sound effects to your mp3 device, because I know you have one, and hit that shuffle button. I think thats all it should take, and eventually itll start breathing out some brainbusting combinations. My records cant play themselves, but these new electronic things will. The ipods are alive, dude.
ROCHESTER RECORD STORE REVIEW: THE BOP SHOP By Charley Wildey Night Fever soundtracks, but theres Should the explorations of always that incentive youll find a gem, an intrepid music enthusiast bring so youll wanna look. Inside the shop, one to the east coast, the great state as with mankind, is where the real meat of New York should be an obvious is. The focus here is blues and jazz. destination of choice. Our states There is a very large selection of each, motto isnt excelsior! for nothing, including things from Rochesters after all. However, its important to own local Jazz scene. Take a left and remember that there is an entire state youll find the rootsier stuff, ranging attached to New York City, growing from rockabilly and surf to Celtic folk out its back side like a tumor. And music, interestingly enough. there are other parts of that state that A decent selection of new and deserve some attention as well. used CDs is also represented, but the Rochester, for example, most of the store is taken up by vinyl houses anything you could be looking records. There are newer more main for if you want a good time. For stream albums here, but the majority example a sweet little record store, of the store is for a more classic brand called The Bop Shop. of record shop. I looked around I only recently had the chance and did also find some good punk, to visit the place, so I have only electronic and other fun subgenres. To the value of a few visits worth of be honest, the used CD section wasnt memories, but the place struck me as too spectacular, and held a lot of not cool. The shop finds itself in a trendy great music, but it warrants a look, little mall, near a comic shop, a few regardless. thrift stores peddling vintage clothes, So, should you ever find and a gay leather store selling assless yourself in Rochester for some reason, chaps. fret not, its a fine place to be. Stop Out front is a large selection in at the Bop Shop, and, if you like of one dollar records. Here youll find good music, youll find something you your standard fare of Tijuana Brass, enjoy. Christmas records and Saturday
By Nate Perkins
As soon as I came across LATFO : short for Look at this Fucking Oogle I became obsessed. I would, and still do for that matter, check for updates several times a day and applaud when there are new oogs to be seen. I finally realized that we live in THE FUTURE and that I could just email the website creator, DJ, and do a quick interview with him. Hes originally from Athens, Georgia where he sang for the grindcore band Gripe, but now hes on the road filming a movie and partying with crustlords on the reg. MTDS: For those who arent in the know, just what exactly is an oogle? LATFO: My definition of an oogle is someone who just doesnt get it the poseurs of the hobo world. MTDS: Why the obsession with oogles? Where did your inspiration for the website come from? LATFO: I wouldnt say its an obsession. Its just what Im doing for fun. I rarely admit it because I dont like giving her the credit but my dear friend Shithead Steph was visiting me one time, and we were getting drunk, laughing at Look at this Fucking Hipster, and she said, dude you should do this but with oogles! I started it the next day. MTDS: How has the response to the site been? Have you gotten any threatening emails from people who saw pictures on there that pissed them off? LATFO: I have a policy that if there is a picture of you or your friend that you dont want posted, just send me
an email, and I will take it down. Everything has been cool so far. Only a few folks have requested pics taken down. I did get a bunch of death threats from douchebags for posting a picture of two of my dead friends. MTDS: What have some of your favorite submitted pictures been? LATFO: I really like the before and after ones where theres some kid dressed all goth or rave looking or whatever, and then theres a picture of them crusty as fuck. I also like when people pass out and have a picture taken with a LATFO sign. MTDS: Whats the LATFO movie called? Whats the idea behind it? When do you plan on releasing it, and what are you going to do with it once its done? LATFO: We dont have a name for it yet. I was thinking Look at this Fucking Movie or This Bar Sucks. It is sort of mockumentary style with me and my road dog just filming us riding around the country and all the crazy shit that happens on the road, and have some skits in between. We should be done filming next year, hopefully sooner. Once its done I plan to put together a small package and sell it for $5 but also have a free download. MTDS: Heres the part where you can plug your band or any other projects youre working on. LATFO: Well Im not in my band anymore since Im back on the road, but we have our first album for free download at Im planning on starting a new project once I get to New Orleans but thats down the line. Thank you for the interview! Hope that works!
I thought it would be cool to put together a list of all the bands that have appeared in the pages of MTDS issues 1-6. I was surprised by how many there were. Some of them definitely suck, and I refuse to use more than a page for this, so theyre going to be printed in a really small font. Still, pretty interesting.
AC/DC, Adam Ant, The Adicts , Adolescents, Against Me, The Aggrolites, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Agothococles, Alice Cooper, Alien Sex Fiend, American Ghost Band, Amy Winehouse, Angry Samoans, Aquabats, Art Brut, Artic Monkeys, Atomic Munsters, Autoramas, Baby Ghosts, Back to Zero, Bad Brains, Bad Manners, Bajofondo, Bake Sale, Barbara Streisand, The Barbaras, Batmobile, The Beatles, Big Sandy, Big Trub, Bikini Kill, Bill Haley, Billie Holliday, Billy Childish, Bjork, Black Keys, Black Lips, Black Sabbath, The Blasters, Blind Melon, Blue Oyster Cult, Bo Diddley, Bob Marley, Bob Sieger, Bombbuilder, Bon Iver, Boots to the Moon, Boston Chinks, Bratmobile, Brian Eno, The Briefs, Brimstone Howl, Broken Spells, Bummerwolf, Buried in Red, Burnt Reynolds and His Hot Bones, Butthole Surfers, Caesar the Greaser, Calle 13, Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band, Carl Perkins, The Carter Family, The Castaways, The Challengers, Champions of Breakfast, Charles Bronson, The Chemicals, Chuck Berry, Cider, Circle Jerks, The Clash, Clear Coats, Cocteu Twins, Colleen Green, Collin Creek, Confront, The Cramps, Crass, Crossed Out, Crumpler, The Crylics, The Cure, Daddy OGrande, The Damned, Danger and the Daredevils, The Darkness, Darvocets, The Datsuns, Dave Brubeck, Davila 666, Dead Kennedys, Dead Milkmen, Dead Rocks, Deadbolt, Deep Wound, Del Shannon, Delorean, Deoras, Desmond Dekker, Despite Despair, Dialtones, The Dicers, Dick Dale, Dino-Might!, Dinosaur Jr. , Dio, Discider, The Distillers, Doctor and the Medics, Drew Danburry, DRI, Driving While Stupid, Eddie Angel, Egyptian Combo, Electron Deception, Elvis Costello, Empirates, The (English) Beat, Epoxies, Eric and the Happy Thoughts, Estupidos, Exploding Hearts, Face Value, Fantastic Floor, Feelies, Flight of the Conchords, Forbidden Tigers, Franz Ferdinand, Fred Schneider, Fresh and Onlys , Fucked Up, The Geeks, Gene Vincent, The Ghastly Ones, Ghost Towns, Girls, Girls of the Gravitron, Girlfriends, Gonorrhillos, Goodnight Loving, Gordon Solie Motherfuckers, Grand Archives, The Grateful Dead, Greenday, Greg Cartwright, Grizzly Bear, Guachass, Guadalcanal Diary, Guantanamo Baywatch, Gumbi, Half the Facts, Handicapitalist, Hangnail, Hank Williams, Heavy Times, Homostupids, Hot Dog Buddy Buddy, Howlin Wolf, Human Skab, Husker Du, The Hypercubes, H100s, Iggy Pop, The Imperials, Inservibles, Instead, Integrity, INVDRS, Jabber Josh, Jack White, Jacques Dutronc, The Jam, James Brown, Japanther, Jason Mraz, Jay Reatard, Jefferson Airplane, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros, Johnny Carlevale, Johnny Cash, Jon Wayne, JR Boyce and His Troubles, Julian Casablancas, Justin Bieber, Kazalok, King Pickle, The Kingsmen, The Kinks, Kumbia Queers, Lady Gaga, Ladyboy, Ladytron, The Lambrettas, Lechuguillas, Led Zeppelin, Leuzemia, Limp Wrist, Link Wray, Little Moe and the Unholy Four, The Lively Ones, The Locust, Loose Dudes, Lord Green, Los Autnticos Decadentes, Los Crudos, Los Primitivos, Los Saicos, Los Straightjackets, Los Yetis, Louis Armstrong, The Lovin Spoonful, Mad Max and the Wild Ones, Madness, The Magic Kids, Mahonies, Marilyn Manson, Masters of the Hemisphere, MC-5, Mean Jeans, Meat Puppets, Metallica, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Miles Davis, Minor Threat, Misfits, Modern Life is War, The Modern Lovers, Mojomatics, Mondo Drag, The Monsters, The Mormons, Morphine, Morrissey, Motorhead, Motosierra, Mudhoney , The Mummies, Mutant Spacebats of Doom, My Barbarian, My Bloody Valentine, The Mystics, Napalm Death, The Neanderthals, Nehl Cloete, Neighborhood Zero, Neil Diamond, NERV, Nestor en Bloque, New York Dolls, Nickleback, Nine Shocks Terror, Nobunny, Nomeansno, Nouvelle Vague, The Novas, Onan Spurtz, One Life Crew, Paladins, Path of Resistance ,Patrick Swayzes Ghost, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Peelander-Z, Perfect Look, Personal and the Pizzas, The Phantom Surfers, The Phenomenauts, Phil Spector, Pibes Chorros, Pixies, The Planet Rockers, Poison, El Polaco, Pop Will Eat Itself, Prairies, Prince Buster, The Protons, Public Image Ltd. , Puncture Wound, Puro Instinct, Purple Hearts, The Queers , Quintron, The Raccoon River Quartet: Rock and Rollers of the Mystic Shrine, The Ramones, Rape Escape, Ratas del Vaticano, Ratos de Porao, Reagan Youth, Reatards, Reel Big Fish, Reigning Sound, REM, Richard Berry, Richard Hell and the Voidoids, Righteous Jams, Ringworm, The Rivieras, Rob Zombie, Rock Tigers, The Rolling Stones, Roxy Epoxy and the Rebound, RUX, The Sakai Incident, Satan Dealers, The Screamers, Secret Affair, The Selecter, Sex Pistols, The Shadows, The Shakers, She-Devils, The Shrieking Eels, Simon and Garfunkle, Sin Orden, Ska Sucks, The Skatalites, Skinny Mice, SLFM, The Smiths, Social Distortion, Solid Attitude, Sonic Youth, The Sonics, The Sounds, Souxsie and the Banshees, The Specials, Specimen, Split Reactions, The Spooks, Squeeze, S.S. Decontrol, SSP, Steve and the Ohs, The Stone River Boys, Stone Roses, The Stooges, Stray Cats, The Strokes, Subhumans, Suck Stuff, Suicide, Super Furry Animals, Super Sonic Piss, Supergrass, Sweet Baby, T-Rex, The Tanks, Tanlines, Teen Idles, Tennessee Ernie Ford, The Terminals, Them, These Needles, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, Tijuana Bible, Tiny Tim, Tolchock Trio, Tom-Boys, The Tormentos, Toy Dolls, The Trashmen, Trotsky Vengaran, Tune-Yards, Ulrich Schnaus, Unleash the Plague, Useless Eaters, The Vandals, Vegetable, The Ventures, Victims Family, Viking Fuck, Voodoo Swing, The Wailers, Watching the Train Wreck, Wau y los Arrrghs!!!, Wavves, Waylon Jennings, Ween, White Wires, The Who, Windpipe, Wolf Parade, Woody Guthrie, The Wookies, X, XTC, XYX, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Youthbitch, Yuppies, Zyklon Bees, 311. Phew!
This is just one branch of Provos splintered punk scene, the one that grew out of the fertile ground that was Thee Compendium. As you can see by this thoughtful diagram, everything is just one big incestuous mess. (if there is a line connecting two bands it means that they at one time shared at least one member) There were maybe 20 people that played in 24 bands. I never saw Red Rockets, Steve and The Ohs, TV Romantics, Half Hong Kong, Brainstorm or the Split Reactions, and the Gonor-
rhillos really only played - what? - like two or three shows? Jowls isnt on here, but I dont think they ever played even a single show. Forest World and the Yaks were more part of a different scene, but they were around. I dont count 90s Television (even though some insist theyre a compound band) for reasons of personal taste. Itd be cool if someone could put together a chart like this about the Despite Despair/xDrugshitx crowd. Email me if you that person is you. Love, love, love, Nate.
songwriting is mature but not in some dude-I-totally-fucking-loveDream Theater way. This is what punk rock in 2011 should, and does, sound like. Artworks rad, and theres a great homage to Bad Brains. Three fourths of this band is Viking Fuck. Numbered out of 200. solidattitude@
cheeseball names. All the different branches of punk are so weird, man. Vegetable put out their fulllength on tape as a preview for it coming out on vinyl. Save yer money and wait for the wax. The songs are great in their unique, feminist, postpunk, jangly way, but the tape dub is a little shoddy, and you have to turn it up all the way to hear whats going on, and then its super muddled. Seriously though, buy the record. These guys are great.
Burnt Reynolds put out a fivetrack CD EP that came out as a set with the seven-track Dick Janitor CD. David Basquatch Benson did the art on both, and it totally rules. Both were recorded at Black Pyramid and sound great, but the Burnt Reynolds disc totally blows my mind. I wish this zine wasnt stuck with such a lame name, and that I could go back in time and rename it Apex Caliente after the super awesome second track. Jesses lyrics are so simple and funny, and I think that that really comes out on Burning Up, which undoubtedly has to be about sexual frustration: When youre riding on a heat wave/itll make you depraved. Knock You Down gets my vote for
Picked up The Trashies Space Jam recently and its weird and cool. Wandering, nonsensical, atonal keyboard parts and songs about mold. The guitarist plays in Taco Cat, and I guess after spending a bunch of time with pretty girls he wanted to get out of Seattle and drive around in a van with stinky dudes. Check it out. Puerto Ricos Los Vigilantes put out a s/t on Slovenly that kicks ass. Best release of 2011. Dude has toured with Davila 666 and played lead on their last rekkid. Think Los Saicos +Los Yetis + Wau y los Arrrghs!!! + Davilas + Oblivians + The Psychedelic Schafferson Jetplane + The Sonics + Los Jockers. Super killer. After listening to this album I cant imagine how kids start foaming at the mouth and jumping around for chugga-chugga straightedgers who take themselves too seriously and play in bands with terrible,
Got Thee Goochi Boizs tape on Burger. These guys are hilarious. They do everything youre not supposed to at a show (Ramones covers, play the same song twice, long psych breakdowns, etc.) and they still rule. I cant imagine how these guys came out of Boulder, CO. Last time I was out there everyone was pretending to be so earthy and alternative and cool, but when it came down to it they were all just rich liberals wrapped in North Face softshells. Well, the Goochi Boiz are legitimate long-haired, freaky people - the dudes they rest of the town is posing hard to try and look like. Rich liberals are no better than rich conservatives except that they read Philip Whalen. Goochi Boiz are the real deal. Baby Ghosts put out a tape which Brett explained this to me
was made to hold people over until the band can scrape together enough dough to release the LP. Its got some old tracks that had Lori Kirtchner singing on them, some previously unreleased, previously secret stuff and then some tracks from the upcoming rekkid. Dig it. Poppy and catchy and fast and fun. Mr. Meisenbach sure can write a song. Zine Time: Mr. Brendan Wells, has a great comic zine out called Mickey Comics. In the tradition of Air Pirates, Wells has no problem stealing Mickey Mouse to use as his own protagonist. The illustrated story, Mouse Secrets finds Mickey shuffling his feet and contemplating how hard it is to talk to girls. I dont want to give anything away, but believe you me it gets even better from there. Very highly recommended. You could do worse (filthier) things with two bucks. Wells.brendan@ gmail. I dont know if Driven #6 is the last one those dudes put out, but its the last one I got. Well drawn comix, some reviews, a piece on sxe and a goofy interview with one of the mohawked guys from Never Say Never. Pop-punky and cheesy, but totally great.
City, IA 52245) has been out since this spring and is MOS, which is a good thing. Hobo monikers, weird rail relics and some boxcar poetry. A RedHot Magazine for the Railroad Man or for Any One Else who knows a Good Thing when he sees it. I dig the longer introduction which has some travel stories (riding trains in India) and a short obit for Iowa Blackie who caught The Westbound in February. Ive already spent some time writing about Wheelbite for SLUG, so Ill be quick about it: Stories about skateboarding for skateboarders who arent out there shredding with anyone youve heard of. For me, skateboarding was always as much about vandalism and punk rock and hanging out with your annoying friends as it was about stomping tricks. Tucker captures this perfectly. [email protected]. Those are all the reviews Im going to write. A guy from Poorly Packaged Records sent me a bunch of stuff to review as did somebody named Giant Girlfriend (obviously Ive done no research whatsoever), but I think Im going to say fuck that and go to bed. There was one by The Cherry People and one live CD with a few punk bands, and I think there was even some hip hop too. I dunno, but its been nearly two years that weve been putting out this zine, and between getting married, travelling, going to school and writing for other magazines and papers and writing my own stuff and working shitty blue-collar jobs, Im just about ready to simplify my life a little and finish this thing up. How can I write about music I dont give a shit about when I can hardly make myself write about music that I love? Maybe there will be more issues. Maybe there wont. There will be something Decrepit Americana #2 by though, so keep yer bloodshot eyes Iowa Joe (109 n. Dodge St, Iowa peeled. Nate P
by Nate Perkins
MTDS #7 IS: Nate Perkins - writing, interviews, photos, editing, layout, comix; Chad Danger Lindsay - cover art, raunch ad, comix; Joey Mayes - writing; Jared Soper - interview help; Charlie Wildey - writing; Jesse Tucker - writing; David Basquatch Benson - art; Brendan Wells - comix; Bryan Gomm - comix. Thanks to former contributors Bruce Call, Trevor Christenesen, Julia Green, Nico Hualde, Tommy Ottley, Katrina Pietraskiewicz, Stevie Pohlman, Alex Powelson, Devin Renshaw, Ellen Rumel, Shaky Sullivan, Amanda Stewart, Alex Vaughn, Steve Vistaunet and Lynn Wiberg.,