CPM Project Management Example

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CPM Project Management Example1

- Task List

Activity Description

A Negotiate contract
B Preliminary missile design
C Design guidance system
D Select missile configuration
E Design missile frame
F Design missile fuel system
G Design rocket engine
H Final missile design
I Fabricate missile frame, fuel system and engine
J Fabricate guidance system
K Test missile frame, fuel system and engine
L Test guidance system
M Assemble completed missile

Ragsdale, Cliff T., Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis, A Practical
Introduction to Management Science, Course Technology, Inc., Cambridge, MA, 1995
CPM Project Management Example
ABM Design Project - Basic Relationship Diagram





CPM Project Management Example
- Time Table, Forward Pass

Activity Description Time EST EFT

A Negotiate contract 3 0 3
B Preliminary missile design 45 3 48
C Design guidance system 62 48 110
D Select missile configuration 12 48 60
E Design missile frame 71 60 131
F Design missile fuel system 123 60 183
G Design rocket engine 97 60 157
H Final missile design 59 183 242
I Fabricate missile frame, fuel system and eng 159 242 401
J Fabricate guidance system 95 242 337
K Test missile frame, fuel system and engine 31 401 432
L Test guidance system 44 337 381
M Assemble completed missile 65 432 497

Key Points: The forward pass

-- The earliest start time (EST) for the initial activity in a project is time zero.
* The earliest start time of an activity is equal to the latest (or maximum) earliest
finish time (EFT) of the activities directly preceding it.
* The earliest finish time of an activity is equal to its earliest start time plus the
time required to perform the activity.
Cell Formulas
0 =D7+C7
=+E7 =D8+C8
=+E8 =D9+C9
=+E8 =D10+C10
=+E10 =D11+C11
=+E10 =D12+C12
=+E10 =D13+C13
=MAX(E9,E11:E13) =D14+C14
=+E14 =D15+C15
=+E14 =D16+C16
=+E15 =D17+C17
=+E16 =D18+C18
=MAX(E17:E18) =D19+C19

time zero.
mum) earliest

ime plus the

CPM Project Management Example
Time Table, Backward Pass

Activity Description Time EST EFT LST LFT

A Negotiate contract 3 0 3 0 3
B Preliminary missile design 45 3 48 3 48
C Design guidance system 62 48 110 121 183
D Select missile configuration 12 48 60 48 60
E Design missile frame 71 60 131 112 183
F Design missile fuel system 123 60 183 60 183
G Design rocket engine 97 60 157 86 183
H Final missile design 59 183 242 183 242
I Fabricate missile frame, fuel system and eng 159 242 401 242 401
J Fabricate guidance system 95 242 337 293 388
K Test missile frame, fuel system and engine 31 401 432 401 432
L Test guidance system 44 337 381 388 432
M Assemble completed missile 65 432 497 432 497

Key Points: The backward pass

* The latest finish time (LFT) for the final activity in a project is equal to its earliest
finish time as determined by the forward pass.
* The latest finish time for any other activity is equal to the earliest (or minimum)
latest finish time of the activities directly following (or succeeding) it.
* The latest start time of an activity is equal to its latest finish time minus the time
required to perform the activity.
Cell Formulas
=G7-C7 =F8
=G8-C8 =MIN(F9:F10)
=G9-C9 =F14
=G10-C10 =MIN(F11:F13)
=G11-C11 =F14
=G12-C12 =F14
=G13-C13 =F14
=G14-C14 =MIN(F15:F16)
=G15-C15 =F17
=G16-C16 =F18
=G17-C17 =F19
=G18-C18 =F19
=G19-C19 =E19
CPM Project Management Example
- Time Table, Determining Critical Path

Activity Description Time EST EFT LST LFT Slack

A Negotiate contract 3 0 3 0 3 0
B Preliminary missile design 45 3 48 3 48 0
C Design guidance system 62 48 110 121 183 73
D Select missile configuration 12 48 60 48 60 0
E Design missile frame 71 60 131 112 183 52
F Design missile fuel system 123 60 183 60 183 0
G Design rocket engine 97 60 157 86 183 26
H Final missile design 59 183 242 183 242 0
I Fabricate missile frame, fuel system and eng 159 242 401 242 401 0
J Fabricate guidance system 95 242 337 293 388 51
K Test missile frame, fuel system and engine 31 401 432 401 432 0
L Test guidance system 44 337 381 388 432 51
M Assemble completed missile 65 432 497 432 497 0

Key Points: Determining the Critical Path

* Critical activities have zero slack and cannot be delayed with delaying the
completion of the project.
* Non-critical activities have some positive amount of slack that represents the
amount of time by which the start times of these activities can be delayed with
delaying the completion of the entire project, assuming that all predecessor
activities start at their earliest start times.

** Calculating Slack:
Slack for activity i = LSTi - ESTi




CPM Project Management Example

Activity Description Time EST EFT LST LFT

A Negotiate contract 3 0 3 0 3
B Preliminary missile design 45 3 48 3 48
C Design guidance system 62 48 110 121 183
D Select missile configuration 12 48 60 48 60
E Design missile frame 71 60 131 112 183
F Design missile fuel system 123 60 183 60 183
G Design rocket engine 97 60 157 86 183
H Final missile design 59 183 242 183 242
I Fabricate missile frame, fuel system and eng 159 242 401 242 401
J Fabricate guidance system 95 242 337 293 388
K Test missile frame, fuel system and engine 31 401 432 401 432
L Test guidance system 44 337 381 388 432
M Assemble completed missile 65 432 497 432 497

Creating Gantt Charts in Excel

This Gantt chart is a stacked horizontal bar chart that plots the EST and the time required to perform each activity.
However, the bars for the EST for each activity are formatted so that they do not appear on the graph - giving the
illusion that only the activity times are being graphed. To create a Gantt chart like this one:
1. Select the range covering the Description, Time and EST columns for all activities (shown in light green).
2. Click the Insert menu.
3. Click Chart.
Excels ChartWizard then prompts for a number of selections concerning the type of chart and how it should be
formatted. Select the icons to display a stacked horizontal bar chart. When finished with the ChartWizard, the ord
of the bars needs to be reversed. To do this:
1. Right Click on the Activities axis and select the Format Axis menu.
2. Select the Scale tab.
3. Click the Categories in reverse order checkbox.
4. Make certain the Number of categories between tick-mark labels value is set to 1.
Finally, double click any of the bars representing the EST of any activity, select the Patterns option and select no
borders and no area patterns. The basic Gantt chart is now complete. The chart can be further customized by click
any element and specifying options in the resulting dialog boxes.
Design Gantt
Slack Criticality

0 **
0 **
0 **
52 0 50 100
0 **
Negotiate contract
0 ** Preliminary missile design
0 **
Design guidance system
0 ** Select missile configuration
Design missile frame

0 **
Design missile fuel system
Design rocket engine
o perform each activity.
n the graph - giving the Final missile design
hown in light green). Fabricate missile frame, fuel system and engine
Fabricate guidance system
and how it should be Test missile frame, fuel system and engine
he ChartWizard, the order
Test guidance system
Assemble completed missile

rns option and select no

ther customized by clicking
n Gantt Chart
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

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