Plants Target Sheet KS3 AVG

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Key Words
7 I can explain how respiration is related to
Pollination – when pollen from the male part of a flower
reaches the female part of a flower
7 I can explain how a leaf is adapted for Stoma / stomata – tiny pores (holes) in the underside of a
photosynthesis. leaf, which let gases in and out of the leaf
6 I can explain why we give plants fertiliser. Photosynthesis – a chemical reaction which happens in the
6 I can write the symbol equation for leaves of plants, to make food (sugars) with the help of
photosynthesis. sunlight
6 I understand that photosynthesis is how plants Respiration – a chemical reaction which plants and animals
increase their biomass. use to get energy from food (sugars)
5 I can write the word equation for photosynthesis.
5 I can describe how cells in the leaf are adapted Successes:
for photosynthesis and cells in the root are
adapted for taking in water. 1. _____________________
5 I know the products in photosynthesis.
5 I know the reactants in photosynthesis.
5 I can describe the function of chloroplasts, 2. _____________________
vacuole, and cell wall in plant cells.
5 I can describe ways that plants spread out _____________________
(disperse) their seeds.
Areas I need to work on from this unit:
5 I know the parts of a flower (petal, stamens,
stigma, style, ovary) and their functions. 1. _____________________
4 I know that air goes in and out of plants through
holes in the leaf and water goes in through roots. _____________________

4 I know that green plants need sunlight to grow

2. _____________________
and make food.
4 I can find the roots, stem and leaves on a real _____________________
plant, and describe their functions.
Name:______________________________________________ Date:_______________ Dr. A. George

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