Signal Management
Signal Management
Signal Management
- Reassurance/clarification of expectations
- Status update
2 Info-day
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• AE collection and recording
• 30 days + non-serious cases
• Yearly sales (+ estimation of exposed Number of target species)
• MAHs can use their own database and Union Pharmacovigilance database
• MAHs have to conduct at least one signal detection analysis per year for each of their
active substances or products in Union Pharmacovigilance database
• Signals detected and validated should be assessed and submitted in IRIS (VSM module)
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Regulation 2019/06
Submit with 30 day
o Signals where new risk or changes to B/R notification in IRIS
o A signal assessment template has been published and should be used by MAHs when submitting
these signals in IRIS to support the assessment and the proposed actions
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What is a signal?
A signal is defined as information that arises from one or multiple sources, including
observations and experiments, which suggests a potentially new causal association, or a new
aspect of a known causal association between an intervention and an adverse event or a set of
related adverse events, that is judged likely to justify further investigation of possible causality
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Refuted signals
Signals is refuted
1. When there is not sufficient information (sample size is small) to perform a proper
assessment of a signal, refuting can be proposed with a brief summary of the cases
reviewed (see next slide example)
2. For some signals, a more in-depth assessment might be required (sample size is large),
even when the final conclusion is refuting the signal
The template for signal assessment can be used and provided as attachment in the signal
submission in support of the assessment
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Refuted signal example
Signals where no new risk or changes to B/R identified
• Total number of cases* + brief summary of cases reviewed + conclusion on the
Example 1
Signal of diarrhoea and “X product” in dogs:
A total of 6 cases reported. 3 cases with too limited information for assessment. 2 cases
confounded by the concomitant medication known to cause the event (“Y product” has
diarrhoea listed in the product information). 1 case considered related to underlying condition
of the dog (…). Conclusion: Signal refuted.
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Data Warehouse Output
• Due dates are annual dates proposed by regulators to facilitate & coordinate work
• MAHs do NOT need to submit an “annual statement signal review”, nor a benefit-risk
assessment report, and should not submit signals attached to the annual statements
• Signals detected and assessed should be submitted to IRIS separately at any time before
the due date or with a 30 day notification, as required
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Due Dates and Annual Statements
• Even when no signals detected/assessed/submitted during the year, MAHs have to submit
the annual statements (compliance with Regulation 2019/06)
• Signal assessment report template should be used for assessment of individual signals
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Due Dates and Annual Statements
• MAHs should not wait for due dates to perform signal detection continuous process
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Focus on new information
• For first analysis, MAHs can select time period from last DLP of last PSUR and present date
to look for cases reported during this period in context of all cumulative cases
• No need to start looking for potential signals of AEs in database for which no new recent
cases have been reported after last PSUR DLP
• MAHs should not send signals concerning old issues analysed and solved in past PSURs,
unless there is new relevant evidence that justifies new updated analysis
• If new signal is detected, based on new cases, a cumulative review including all cases in
the Union pharmacovigilance database should be performed
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• Flexibility should be allowed – each signal is different, there is no simple guide on what
to do with each signal, as products are very different, and the cases reported and all
evidence that supports a signal
• Sound clinical judgement should always be applied. Aim is to provide a high quality
assessment of all evidence available and make decisions on a case by case basis, following
the general principles explained in our guidelines and webinars
• Focus on medical important (MI) terms rather than just disproportionality methods
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P-SMEG (Pilot Signal Management Expert Group)
12 members - 2 years
16 Info-day
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Draft process – Signal with a recommendation for amending the product literature
Signal assessed with
proposals for action
expert PhVWP
2-weekly meeting
Art 81 (2)
In case of agreed
amendment to the
product literature
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# Signals and Annual Statements submitted to IRIS between 28 Jan and 12 May
20 45 Signals
Annual 49
Amendement of the Close monitoring Signal is refuted
product information
18 Info-day
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PhV related activities (“Burden”)
• Systems
• Processes
20 Info-day
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n-JIG - Joint Implementation Group
“Sharing technical implementation matters” “open discussions”
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Any questions?
Further information
[email protected]
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