Nursing Care Plan Teaching Plan

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Learning Objectives Content Outline Methods of Instruction Time Frame Resources Methods of Evaluation

a. At the end of the a. Health teaching about Breast Self- 9:30am-10:00am  Booklets and At the end of the health
seminar, participants Examination among post-  Lecture = Registration books about seminar, post-
will understand what is menopausal women: Breast Self- menopausal women
Breast Self- Examination  Q&A Examination were able to
on post-menopausal i. Definition of Breast Self- 10:00am-10:30am = understand what Breast
women Examination Lecture  Board Self-Examination is.
The post-menopausal
ii. Importance of Breast Self-  Marker women appreciate its
Examination on post -menopausal 10:30am-11:00= Q&A importance, benefits
women  Visual Aids and purpose, and know
iii. Purpose of Breast Self- 11:00am-1:00pm= the techniques of
Examination Break  Laptop correct procedure and
methods of Breast Self-
 Projector Examination.
b. At the end of the b. Learning from experiences of  Sharing of 1:00-2:30pm
activity, participants will post-menopausal women who experiences = Sharing  Pictures
appreciate the suffered breast cancer: Conduct a repetition of
importance of Breast  Medical the topic and review
Self-Examination i. Sharing their insights regarding Mannequin/Manik the taught information
the importance of Breast Self-  Film showing 2:30-3:00pm in to post-menopausal
Examination regarding the = Film Showing women and encourage
importance of them to speak out what
Breast Self- they have learned.
ii. Showing a video of their journey Examination
on surviving breast cancer
Conduct a return
demonstration if they
 Demonstration of 3:00-3:40 had really understood
proper and = Demonstration of the proper procedure
c. At the end of the day, c. Proper Execution of Breast Self- different methods BSE and different methods
participants will learn Examination: of Breast Self- on Brest Self-
the different methods Examination Examination.
and proper execution of i. Organizers will and teach the
Breast Self-Examination proper demonstration and different
methods of performing Breast Self-  Return 3:40-5:00pm
Examination demonstration of = Return
the participants Demonstration

ii. Participants will have their return 5:00-5:15pm

demonstration in front of the = Closing remarks and
organizers Giving of Certificate

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