Beswmc Eo-7 2018
Beswmc Eo-7 2018
Beswmc Eo-7 2018
Province of Pangasinan
WHEREAS, the just concluded Year 2020 gave us an insight on how workable were the different
committees/council existing in the barangays;
WHEREAS, it is only natural that some may have functioned smoothly while others may have just
stagnated, not of their own doing o desire but most probably due to the absence of any objective activity in
their areas of concern;
Chairman : Punong Barangay FELOMINA N. GARCIA
Members : One (1) Sangguniang Barangay Member BERLY V. ENRIQUE
President of Homeowners Association EVELYN L. MICU
Public/Private School Principal or Representatives IRENE A. SABID
One (1) Parents and Teachers Association
president or representative LEONISA N. DE VERA
One (1) Religious Organization representative ELLYN N. SIMON
One (1) Business Community representative NILDA O. BERSABA
One (1) Environmental NGO representative DAVID E. MAYUGBA
Representative from Junkshop Owners’ Association ROLLIE B. CASTRO
President Market Vendors Association RUBY NANTES
Farmers Association Representative ROMULO S. NELMIDA
1. Formulate a community solid waste management program consistent with the municipality. Policies
and plans to implement the program shall include but not limited to the following;
a. Education
- Development and dissemination of information education campaign (IEC)
materials and solid waste management to every household, business
establishments and other institutions in the barangay.
- Conduct community trainings and seminars on ecological solid waste
management, particularly on household waste segregation, composting, reduction
of waste for disposal and recycling.
- Issuance of community policies that will patronize ecologically friendly products
b. Engineering
- Provision of mechanisms for segregated collection (i.e., Pushcarts, pedicabs, mini-
trucks) and composting or prop-treatment of biodegradable waste (using
biological or environmental friendly technologies).
- This includes setting up of redemption or eco-center (MRF) within the barangays
for non-biodegradable or recyclable material before selling in bulk to junkshops.
c. Enforcement
- Establishment of an awards system and other incentives in the barangay as well
as well as sanctions through the enactment of barangay ordinances and other
rules and regulations to implement the program
- The following can be considered:
d. Entrepreneurial
- Establishment of a system of buying and selling of recyclable wastes including
- Promotions of livelihood activities from waste materials.
- Networking with the private/business establishment materials.
- Micro-financing for livelihood projects from waste.
2. Be responsible for the segregation and collection of solid waste specifically for biodegradable,
compostable, and reusable wastes. Provided, that the collection of the non-recyclable material and
residual wastes shall be responsibility of the municipal or city local chief executives.
3. Establish within the barangay or cluster of barangays a Material Recovery Facility (MRF), a
redemption or eco-centers in a barangay-owned or lease land or any suitable open space to be
determined by the Sangguniang Barangay.
- The MRF shall receive recyclable waste or final sorting, segregation, composting
and recycling in an efficient and environmentally sound manner and to be sold in
bulk to buy-back centers/or junk shops.
- The remaining residual wastes shall be collected by the municipality.
- In establishing the MRF the building and/or land layout and equipment must e
designated to accommodate efficient and sage material processing, movement and
4. Allocate barangay funds for the barangay ecological solid waste management program, approved by
the Sangguniang barangay.
5. The BESWMC organize a Core of Area/Street Coordinators thru the conduct of training for barangay
residents on segregation, composting, recycling and livelihood opportunities from use of recyclable
waste and to monitor their implementation.
6. Conduct trainings for barangay residents on segregation, composting, recycling and livelihood
opportunities from use of recyclable waste and to monitor their implementation.
7. Find alternative sources of funds other than the regular barangay budget.
8. Submit a monthly report to the MESWMC on the progress of the program, copy furnished municipal
DILG office.
Done this 13 thday of January, 2023 in Barangay BATCHELOR WEST, Municipality of Natividad,
Province of Pangasinan.
Punong Barangay