Paper in My Shoe Catherine Yronwode Compress 2
Paper in My Shoe Catherine Yronwode Compress 2
Paper in My Shoe Catherine Yronwode Compress 2
IN n i l K o o d o o 1(001 w o r k T r a d i t i o n
Paper in My Shoe:
Name Papers, Petition Papers, and Prayer Papers in CONTENTS
Hoodoo, Rootwork, and Conjure
by Catherine yronwode Dedication 4
Acknowledgements 4
© 2015 Catherine yronwode Pre-Amble 5
Conjure Clarified 6
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
Nomenclature 9
No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any format by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, A Ramble Through History 10
recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright owner. Putting Pen to Paper 41
What to Write Upon 42
What to Write With 44
Catherine yronwode How to Fold a Paper 45
What's in a Prayer? 46
Cover: What's in a Petition? 47
Greywolf Townsend, Charles C. Dawson, nagasiva yronwode What's in a Name? 48
What's in Two Names? 51
Production: Is Repetition Necessary? 52
nagasiva yronwode, Greywolf Townsend, Catherine yronwode
But I Don't Know the Name! 53
Editorial and Proofreading
Fred Burke, Charles Porterfield, nagasiva yronwode Glyphs and Flowers 55
Paper Tricks 55
Illustrations: Taking a Measure 56
Many Anonymous and Forgotten Artists, Catherine yronwode, Henry Buchy, Giles
Burning Papers to Ash 58
Evans, Greywolf Townsend, Donnice Rome, Johannes Gardback, nagasiva yronwode
Dissolving Your Petitions 61
First Edition 2015, Second Edition 2016, Third Edition 2018 Disposing of Your Papers 61
Blessing Spells 62
Published by
Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Money and Luck Spells 63
6632 Covey Road Love and Sex Spells 68
Forestville, California 95436 Court Case Spells 79
Uncrossing Spells 81
ISBN: 978-0-9961471-0-1 Protection Spells 82
Crossing Spells 86
Printed in Canada. Bibliography 96
To Sophie, Copper Kitty, Wearing a petition in your shoe is a well-known tradition in conjure. It
Little Chickee Wah Wah, Bonnie Blue, and Little Joe, does not date back to hoodoo's African origins — not many folks wore
To Wilson Anthony Boozoo Chavis (October 23, 1930 - May 5, 2001), shoes back there in the old days — but the magical dusting of the feet, and
To my grandfather, Theodor Erlanger Dr. Jur., who left me his books, the laying of tracks in the dirt for people to step over is a distinct feature
And to all the Capricornians, long may you run! of African and Black American folk magic.
The use of written charms has ancient Middle Eastern, Mediterranean,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and European roots and can be found virtually everywhere that written
language exists. The Jews, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Indians, the
Chinese, and many other groups have long made use of written spells.
My greatest thanks go to my fondest darling, nagasiva yronwode, the best
In hoodoo, these two concepts exist independently and are also
husband and finest book collaborator any woman could want. For all the late
combined: You might wear a dime in your shoe for luck or protection.
nights of typesetting, all the early mornings of coffee and rugelach, and all the
sunny days on the ET&WNC RR in the front yard, i thank you. You might wear a court petition dusted with Court Case Powder in your
Thanks to my fellow-traveller, Charles Porterfield, who has co-written shoe to win a lawsuit. You might wear a love-letter dusted with Love Me
his way into my life since the mad scramble to roll out the AIRR web site in and Controlling Powder in your shoe to dominate a lover.
2009. A fine writer and editor, he has never let me down. If you are not yet In 1954 the Louisiana zydeco musician Boozoo Chavis recorded a
a fan of his weekly podcast, "The Now You Know Show," do give it a listen. song that may allude to this — or it may not. In any case, it's where i got
Thanks to Greywolf Townsend, the amazing book designer who makes the title for this book.
our projects look so swell. My late-night co-conspirator and 46th cousin
once removed, by day he can be found serving up spiritual supplies at The PAPER I N M Y SHOE
Sacred Well in Oakland, California.
/ got a paper in my shoe
Thanks to my dear friend Deacon Millett, and to Donnice Rome, Susan
I got a paper in my shoe
Barnes, Aura Laforest, Michele Jackson, Miss Phoenix LeFae, Henry Buchy and
Miss Michaele for their contributions to this book, and for helping in many ways. I got a paper in my shoe
Thanks to the Lucky Mojo Curio Company team (Eileen Edler, Yose What your Mama don't know
Witmus, Heidi Simpson, Leslie Lowell, Ernie Medeiros, Nikki Wilson, And what your Papa don't like
Dave Skarr, Angela Horner, Bo Maldonado, and Therese Kimbell) and to What your Mama don't know
the Missionary Independent Spiritual Church staff (Katrina Mead, Lupita And what your Papa don't like
Rocha, Shenique Manuel, Kelly Korte, Dani Phoenix Oatfield, and Aidan I got a paper in my shoe
O'Ryan-Kelly) for covering for me while i was writing.
Thanks to Prof. Dr. Adolf ("That Nazi") Spamer for his documentation of Oh, don't you worry 'bout your baby
German folklore, to my Grandfather Theo for showing me Spamer's work, Oh, don't you worry 'bout your baby
and to Thomas Fohl, my friend at, for help with fraktur. Oh, don't you worry 'bout your baby
And finally, thanks to all who post to the Lucky Mojo Forum, who listen And what your Mama don't know
to the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour radio show on the LMC Radio About the paper in my shoe
Network, who come out to the Hoodoo Heritage Festival, and whose kind About the paper in my shoe
thoughts and good wishes make life so pleasant. About the paper in my shoe
Hoodoo is Black Christian religious folk magic, but it is not itself a
KNOWN B Y MANY NAMES religion. The prayers and Psalms recommended for use in hoodoo spells
Conjure is an old name for Black American folk magic practices that are those of the Bible. Many practitioners are regular church-goers.
encompass fortune telling, spell-casting, and healing with roots, herbs, Hoodoo is most obviously not an Afro-Caribbean religion such as
candles, and curios. It is also called hoodoo, tricking, rootwork, root Santeria, Vodou, or Palo; it does not have priests or priestesses.
doctoring, using that stuff, helping yourself, throwing, witchcrafting, Hoodoo is also not a Neo-Pagan religion like Wicca, Asatru, or
cleaning up that mess, candle burning, and spiritual work. These terms Druidry; practitioners do not meet in covens.
exhibit regional variations and carry implicit connotations. Spiritual work, Hoodoo's goals are not initiatic and it has no clerical hierarchy;
for instance, is inherently less aggressive than throwing for someone. Those rather, it is a skilled domestic art, the folk magical counterpart of
who help themselves are practitioners; those who seek help are clients. baking, sewing, carpentry, or gardening.
Root doctors, conjures, and candle ministers are professional practitioners. Read this web page about hoodoo and religion:
Hoodoo survived the era of slavery, but Emancipation came in 1865,
and by the 20th century, practitioners had clearly adapted to developments This book will give you lots of information about scriptural sorcery:
in industry, rail transportation, and mail order sales. During the Great "Hoodoo Bible Magic" by Miss Michxle and Prof. Porterfield
Migration of 1915-1970, many Black Americans moved northward and
the vocabulary of conjure crossed the Mason Dixon line, spreading from THE EXCUSES
the shores of the Great Lakes to the shipyards of the West Coast and right If this book had been written in the 20th century, there is no doubt
on up into New York's Harlem. Hoodoo had its origins in the South, but that the readers — most of whom would have been Black practitioners
just as Jewish folklore and Jewish foods can be found everywhere that who purchased it in a candle shop — would not need to be told these
Jews are found, so can hoodoo and Black foods be found everywhere that things, but the 21st century has brought us a lot of foolishness and
Black people live. African-American root doctors in Omaha, Nebraska, are culture-dabbling that has made it necessary for me to take a moment (or
as familiar with conjure as their ancestors were in Kansas or Mississippi. at least half a page) to explain that if you really want to know more
Growing up in Baptist, Pentecostal, New Thought, and Spiritualist about hoodoo, you owe it to yourself to study from the past.
churches, Black root doctors have long charted an eclectic path, freely For about 150 years hoodoo has been documented by both Black and
helping themselves to Jewish Psalms, Medieval grimoires, Anglo- White folklorists. It is also a living tradition, one that you can learn through
Germanic folk magic, Native American botanical cures, Catholic vigil personal contact with practitioners and professional conjure doctors.
candles, and Asian incenses, elaborating and adapting as they chose. If you are not African-American — if your background is Anglo-
Urbanization has lessened some of the old reliance on hoodoo's rural American, Caribbean, Latin American, Jewish, African, Asian, Native
repertoire of botanical, mineral, and spiritual practices in favour of American. European, or Middle Eastern — please ask yourself if the study
candles and spell kits, but hoodoo is a cultural treasure that has not been of hoodoo is really what you want to undertake. If it is, then your first step
forgotten, set aside, or overlooked, except in the most materialistic and should be to make Black friends. Get involved in the community. As
secular of families. Just as jazz is African music played on European Professor Porterfield says, "You are joining hoodoo. It is not joining you."
instruments, and what developed therefrom, so is hoodoo African magic You don't have to be Black to practice rootwork, but you do have to
played with European tools, and what evolved thereby. know Black culture and Black people.
Learn more by reading this page on the history of hoodoo: Read more on this web page written for my White students:
If you like old books, try these authors. You'll love 'em:
N E W B E L L NILES PUCKETT A name paper is a paper that bears the name of the one upon whom you
A White folklorist born in Mississippi, Puckett interviewed 400 Black seek to cast a spell or do a job of work. You may write one name per paper,
practitioners for Folk Beliefs of the Southern Negro, published in 1926. one name repeatedly on a paper, or the names of two or more people on a
paper. All of these are name papers, no matter the format.
ZORA N E A L E HURSTON If you see the abbreviation N.N. in a spell, write the first and last name
Ms. Hurston was an African-American folklorist. Her book on of the person (Polly Jones). I f you know the person's middle name (Polly
hoodoo practices, Mules and Men, was published in 1935. Ann Jones), nickname (Polly "Tina" Jones), or married name Polly Jones
Jackson), use it. You may also use the fullest version of the name by which
EX-SLAVES you know the person (Polly Ann "Tina" Jones Jackson). Before surnames
In the 1930s, the government funded Slave Narratives: A Folk History came into use, people were identified by a patronymic (Bill Son of Bob) or
of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves matronymic (Ruth Daughter of Clara). To use such old spells now, you do
through the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration. not need to research the person's parents; simply use the full name.
You can read ex-slave narratives that describe hoodoo online here: P E T I T I O N PAPER
A petition is a request to a higher authority, a spirit, or a person. It
H A R R Y M. HYATT expresses a desire, wish, goal, or outcome. Petitions may be written in the
From 1935 to 1970, Rev. Hyatt interviewed 1,600 African-American form of requests (May peace and harmony prevail), commands (Shut up!),
practitioners and root doctors in 13 states. He collected 13,400 spells in or affirmations (The job of Superintendent of Public Works is mine!).
Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork (5 volumes, 1970 - 1978). Wishes plus names (May George Delmer Roberson love only me) and
You can read more about Harry M. Hyatt and his 1,600 informants here: commands plus names (Joe Brody, call me!) are both considered petitions. PRAYER PAPER
A prayer paper may contain a portion of Biblical scripture that relates to
M I K H A I L STRABO your situation (Psalms 143:12: "Cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them
As "Mikhail Strabo," Sydney J . R. Steiner documented 1940s Spiritual that afflict my soul") or a free-form prayer from the heart, in your own
Church practices in books like The Guiding Light to Power and Success. words (Lord, let the doctors do their best for me, in Jesus' name, Amen).
You can read more about Mikhail Strabo online here: It may contain a name and a prayer (God bless Senator Edward Norris). It may contain a name, a petition, and a prayer all in one (Lord, bless
my cousin Jimmie York as you blessed the Prodigal Son, that he may come
HENRI GAMACHE home to us safely, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen).
Gamache wrote The Master Book of Candle Burning, The Magic of
Herbs, and The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and I Oth Books of Moses. GLYPHS AND S I G I L S
You can read more about the mysterious Henri Gamache online here: For the purposes of this book, glyphs are meaningful symbols (a heart for love) and sigils are signs derived from writing ($$00SS for SUCCESS).
Historically speaking, the earliest written charms tended to be
religious in nature. One reason for this is that in many early cultures,
writing itself was a function of priestly training, so no one but a
Magical spells that employ written name papers, petition papers, and
religious cleric would have had the knowledge to use written language.
prayer papers go back to the earliest preserved forms of writing. They
The sacred quality of scriptural writing led to the development of
seem to have originated in the Middle East and North Africa, but they soon
scriptural charms such as Jewish mezzuzot, Germanic "True Length"
spread to Asia and Europe. They are used for every type of spell work,
charms, Koranic amulets from the Middle East and Africa, and
including love-drawing, money-drawing, athletic competitions, court
protection charms written in Roman Catholic Latin. These religious
cases, health and healing, removal of evil spirits, reversing evil magic,
charms consist solely or primarily of portions of sacred text; they
breaking up relationships, sending away unwanted people, and destroying
correspond to what in hoodoo are called prayer papers.
enemies. They exist independently of the development of religions, and
can be found in both secular and religious forms wherever written
language exists. The use of such papers in hoodoo is documented to date
As literacy became more common in Europe, people seeking out
from the introduction of written English into the Black diaspora, but such
charms often resorted to professionals who had obtained some
charms probably existed earlier than that, for literate slaves were brought
knowledge of writing, but had either left the Catholic Church to become
to America during the worst times of oppression, and they certainly carried
sorcerers or were novice priests who wrote love charms on the side.
the tradition of written charms with them into bondage.
Hundreds of written charms exist in the museums and libraries of
Although this book is concerned primarily with spells written on
Europe in which poor Latin or Greek is pieced out with glyphic figural
paper, it is important to note that paper is only one of many writing
characters. Whether the glyphs were meant to bridge the gap of illiteracy
surfaces devised during the course of human history. Other surfaces
or to strengthen the charms with immediately apprehensible symbols is a
employed for permanent written records have included clay tablets,
matter that scholars are still debating, and i shall leave the debate to them.
leather or parchment made from animal hides, papyrus, slate stones,
wood tablets, and metals, especially soft and flexible lead sheets. Among the common old glyphic symbols found in written charms are
The more fragile and ephemeral a writing surface is, the greater the pentagram stars, six-pointed stars, six-rayed asterisks, suns, moons, eyes,
need to preserve it from damage. An inscribed clay demon bowl of the zodiacal and planetary sigils, the 16 figures of geomantic divination,
Babylonian type can be entombed in the foundation of a house, but if and, of course, crosses. To these old-time glyphs 20th century conjure
you intend to wear a written love-charm or protective talisman, it must doctors have added a modern assortment of hearts, dollar signs, crowns,
either be inscribed on a hard, durable surface or written on something and skulls, as well as symbols from more distant cultures, such as the
light-weight and flexible and sealed up in a carrying case of some kind. Chinese bagua trigrams and the adinkra symbols of Ghana.
Different cultures have solved this problem in varied ways: The The use of glyphic symbols in non-magical applications has become
ancient Egyptians engraved tiny hieroglyphic petitions on stone or so common that entire fonts exist that consist of nothing but glyphs.
faience amulets to wear as body ornaments, while the Jews wrote portions Among these are Zapf Dingbats, Wingdings, Webdings, and Woodtype
of scripture on parchment and placed them inside leather cases. The Ornaments. With these fonts installed, you type a letter of the alphabet
ancient Greeks wrote spells on lead sheets which they crimped up and and a glyphic symbol comes out — like magic. Here's a sample written
buried in cemeteries; the Norse carved spells on runkafles or rune-sticks. first in Times (the typeface of this book) and then in Zapf Dingbats:
Muslim Africans fold portions of the Quran into buffalo hide packets; a b e d e f g h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G H
Chinese Taoist monks produce brush-script calligraphy charms on paper.
10 11
Perhaps the finest magical charms written on clay are the Jewish demon Similar Arabic djinn bowls exist to this day, but the method of using
bowls, also called incantation bowls, produced prior to 700 C E in the area them is a bit different. They are usually made of brass, and the
now known as Iraq. These bowls contain inscriptions written in Aramaic, inscriptions are in the Arabic alphabet. However, just as with the earlier
Syriac, or Mandaic, and in addition to Jewish concepts, some demonstrate Jewish bowls, they are laid out as traps that spiral inward to the center.
syncretic interest in spiritual beings associated with Babylonian, They are not buried, however. Instead, water is swirled into the
Mesopotamian, or Zoroastrian religions. Most are worded so as to enforce inscribed bowls, and prayers are said as they are moved in a circular
the separation of the magician's clients from intruding spirits and invasive motion, luring the spirits in. Once a spirit is trapped, the bowl is taken
demons like Lilith and Samffil. They are often found buried under house out into the desert and emptied, leaving the djinn in the wastelands.
foundations and thresholds, where they were placed for protection. For more on spirit traps, read ConjureMan Ali's article in this book:
Many Jewish demon bowls share a similar graphic layout: The writing "The Black Folder" edited by Catherine yronwode
is produced in an unbroken spiral of text. In some, the text leads the demon
from the rim into the center of the bowl and traps it there; in this style, a
trapped and bound spirit may be drawn at the center. On others, the writing
runs from the center to the rim to push the demon out and expel it. Some
are written in "pseudo-script," meaningless letter forms probably produced
in imitation of writing by illiterate sorcerers.
This bowl is in The Semitic Museum of Harvard University:
"You are bound and sealed, all you demons and devils and liliths, by
that hard and strong, mighty and powerful bond with which are tied Sison
and Sisin. The evil Lilith, who causes the hearts of men to go astray and
appears in the dream of the night and in the vision of the day, who burns
and casts down with nightmare, attacks and kills children, boys, and girls,
she is conquered and sealed away from the house and from the threshold
of Bahram-Gushnasp son of Ishtar-Nahid by the talisman of Metatron, the
great prince who is called the Great Healer of Mercy who vanquishes
demons and devils, black arts, and mighty spells, and keeps them away
from the house and threshold of Bahram-Gushnasp, son of Ishtar-Nahid.
Amen, Amen, Sclah. Vanquished are the black arts and mighty spells.
Vanquished the bewitching women, they, their witchery and their spells,
their curses and their invocations, and kept away from the four walls of
the house of Bahram-Gushnasp, the son of Ishtar-Nahid. Vanquished and
trampled down are the bewitching women, vanquished on earth and
vanquished in heaven. Vanquished are their constellations and stars. A pottery incantation bowl in the collection of the British Museum. Written
in Mandaic, it is inscribed from the inside out in a spiral to drive demons
Bound are the works of their hands. Amen, Amen, Selah."
away from Shrula son of Duktanuba and Qaqay daughter of Kaspasta.
12 13
From the fifth century B C E to the fifth century C E , a body of written
magical spells was produced in the Mediterranean region then under
Greco-Roman rule. Lettered on papyrus or thin sheets of metal, these ZAGOURE PAGOURE
charms were made by magoi or professional sorcerers for their clients. AGOURE PAGOUR
Because they were written over the course of a thousand years, these
spells, taken as a whole, bear combined traces of Egyptian, Hebrew,
Greek, Roman, Coptic, and Gnostic religious concepts. Some call upon
recognizable deities or demons to aid a supplicant or impede an enemy, E P
but others seem to be untranslatable. In the past, scholars sometimes E.
referred to the unintelligible written spells as "garbled," as if they were
the products of semi-literate scribes, but quite a few seem to be
comprised of deliberately cyphered language, and we merely lack the
keys to unlock the methods by which they were encoded.
The Greek magical papyri represent a near-miracle of preservation. For
centuries, Christian clerics systematically destroyed all evidence of magical
beliefs. However, in the 18th and 19th centuries interest in antiquities
flourished, and surviving classical spell-books were eagerly sought out.
Most of the Greek magical papyri now housed in the libraries and
museums of Europe have come down to us through the hands of one man,
an Armenian known as Jean d'Anastasi, who had acquired them from what
is thought to have been the tomb of an ancient Theban magician or scholar. Here are three examples of the wide variety of ancient written and
The first attempt to assemble and translate all of the surviving Greek glyphic charms that can be found in The Greek Magical Papyri in
magical papyri into one collection was undertaken by the German scholar Translation, Including the Demotic Spells, edited by Hans Dieter Betz:
Albrecht Dieterich. After his death in 1908, his mission was carried on by
his former student Karl Preisendanz, who published two volumes of At upper left is "PGM VII. 215-18. Stele of Aphrodite." The directions are, 'To
gain friendship, favour, success, and friends. Take a strip of tin and engrave
annotated German translations of these spells before World War Two as the
on it with a bronze stylus. And be sure you are pure while carrying it."
Papyri Grcecce Magicce, known fondly to scholars as "the PGM."
Preisendanz had a third volume ready in galley form when the publishing At upper right is "PGM LXXXVIII. 1-9." It is otherwise untitled, but it comes
company in Germany was bombed and the printing plates were destroyed. with a petition-prayer against fever: "O excellent / ruling angels, give
In more recent years, another scholar, Hans Dieter Betz, has worked to [him, N.N.] whom Sophie bore, rest from / the fever that restrains him; this
preserve and translate these valuable texts into English. very day, this very hour; immediately, immediately; quickly, quickly."
To learn more about ancient spells written on papyrus, see:
At bottom is "A Protective Charm Written on Silver Leaf." Silver has a long
"The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the
history of use in reflective and apotropaic against witchcraft, poisoning
Demotic Spells" edited by Hans Dieter Betz
(both natural and unnatural), and paranormal intrusions by evil beings.
During the same Greco-Roman time period that the PGM and similar
texts were being compiled, binding and cursing charms, called 4 T W K OH HOC tfc'T H ^ C (C r ^ > ^ A N ( H-
katadesmoi or defixiones, were being crafted for clients from areas as *— 1 ' ' • • ' e . ;
far apart as England, Spain, North Africa and Syria. Generally speaking,
they were the work of professional scribes who, in most cases, used
bronze tools to inscribe curses on sheets of lead. (Saturn, whose metal
is lead, is the dark, gloomy planetary ruler of Saturday, a day still used T V0 K Q - H X P _fm<7ti>^ N X O s g A ^
for "enemy work" by many astrologically-minded magicians; the lead
was considered best and most potent if it was stolen from water pipes.)
Defixiones represent a class of written spells employed exclusively
to rule, control, dominate, restrain, or punish others. They address social
issues of competition, anger, and vengeance. There were katadesmoi to
hold back competitors in business, on stage, in court, or in athletic
events; to obtain justice or get revenge on thieves; to break up couples;
and to coerce lovers to have sex or tie them into fidelity.
The writing itself consists of written texts, cyphered language,
deliberately unintelligible text called voces mysticae, glyphic images
called charakteres, and pictorial representations and invocations to
demons and to Greek, Egyptian, and Roman transgressive or
underworld deities such as Pluto, Seth, and Hekate. Some of them used
very bad language in describing enemies. Some of them appear to be
formulaic in composition and may derive from contemporary spell
collections like the PGM.
After receiving its inscription, each defixio was typically folded up
and pierced by an iron nail. It might be nailed to a place where a foe
would have to pass, or it might buried in a graveyard, introduced into a
vaulted tomb by means of a clay tube or "offering pipe," although it was
not an offering to the dead in the normal sense of that term. Defixiones from Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World
Because katadesmoi were written on metal and were buried in
cemeteries — which archaeologists routinely excavate carefully when Top: Lead tablet from Messina, Sicily, found in a closed grave. A: (I bind?)
digging for grave goods — more than 1,000 of them have come to light, Valeria Arsinoe, the bitch, the dung worm, the criminal and useless Arsinoe.
and many of them have been translated. In fact, we know quite a lot about B: (I bind?) Valeria Arsinoe, the criminal, sickness, the bitch, putrefaction.
them, thanks to the conscientious work of Professor John G. Gager.
Bottom: Lead tablet from Athens, Greece; a curse against a thief:"... Lady
To learn about ancient imprecatory spells written on lead, see: Hekate of the heavens, Hekate of the underworld, Hekate of the crossroads,
"Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World" by Hekate of the triple-face, Hekate of the single-face, cut (out) the hearts of the
John G . Gager thieves or the thief who took the items contained in this deposition. ..."
16 17
King Solomon was a wise judge and a great ruler of the Jews. Popular
legend holds that he could control demons and converse with animals. He
was posthumously credited as the author of the 14th-15th century Key of
Solomon the King and the 17th century Lesser Key of Solomon.
At top right is the 7th Pentacle of Jupiter. Miss Michasle and Professor
C. D. Porterfield describe it as follows: "At the top is the Shield or Star of
David for strength and protection. The eight radiating lines form a magical
symbol that goes back to ancient Babylon; similar emblems are also found
in Norse magic. At the terminals are mystical symbols drawn from
Renaissance Christian ceremonial magic that are intended to express,
attract, and command the benevolent planetary forces of Jupiter. The
Hebrew versicle around the circle looks more mysterious than it actually
is: The text is from Psalms 113:7-8: "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust,
and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; That he may set him with princes,
even with the princes of his people."
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses or Moses' Magical Spirit-Art is
a magical text attributed to Moses, the author of the first five books of the
Bible. In print at least since the 18th-century in Germany, it gained
popularity by the mid 19th century, and the Mosaic seals it contains
spread with German immigrants to the United States.
At bottom right is the First Seal of Moses, about which the book itself
says, "The particularly great secret and special use of this seal is that if
this seal is buried in the earth, where treasures exist, they will come to
the surface of themselves, without any presence during a Full Moon."
Solomonic and Mosaic seals have been used by African-American root
doctors and Afro-West-Indian obeah practitioners since the 19th century.
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses was banned in Jamaica, adding to its
popularity. Harry M. Hyatt interviewed root doctors who worked with these
seals in the 1930s. They are still used in mojo bags and set under candles. «> 7 x t 3 x ' l ^ x ' S X T 5 X""S X D X^XT3 x \*
Most candle shops stock both King Solomon Wisdom Oil and Moses Oil. B xta xDxSJ K Q x t 3 xSl K D 5 x D © x t 3 x © K
Read more about Solomonic and Mosaic magic in conjure in this book: B x S"l x Q x * 1 xTD x ? x D x « T )
"Hoodoo Bible Magic" by Miss Michaele and Prof. C. D. Porterfield I
18 19
A calligram is a picture made of alphabetic characters or cyphered text.
Crafting these images is a popular art form in Jewish and Islamic cultures. 3(l«*n?«n'm(iln[n^trt«/(BlfiiniJr(-(Si'tilHfi/(«irt fifciwj. it.ti itttv t»atn iw< urtt .uiirsaflf in. ©I tini mtixt Gfrit- jf
Microcalligraphy, also known as micrography or miniature writing, is
a form of calligram that employs very small writing to produce larger • ? * £ S • 3
images. Viewed from a distance, each line simply looks like a pen- f I F I I I k
stroke. However, upon close examination, it proves to be meaningful * • fttf itf 'iWf Mf9 HH^»J oVfti* ••jifjmn lit ii|ii|iinnni, f ^ S " f I
text, generally a well-known prayer or a commentary upon the picture. i s ' 1 i J 1 y I J
Microcalligraphy as a magical art form is attributed to Jewish sources. t |TO«imt[i6«i1ni 9f(rBfii e % neClp.»nfintiMt<Jloftn/6[( I P 1 * t I 1
* *r 4 ©airw Srilalr 1ft »lc5 roaufjfnCr HJUrr ©iriftin » a 3 i ' f l l * i p l s
Jewish custom holds that, even after the invention of moveable type, I imw iHMUj|n»/flu.w,M.« a ? * i K
' M n w i y t o A j B I j? 3 § S
6 , a. „ sjit"4 a
the sacred books of the Tanakh should continue to be hand-written as a flB^jWgwgjgj f ? 3 9 i4 «
« I~ I S e * e
IB « 1 • ft f » i
scrolls, and that these scrolls should be perfect, with no blot of mistake on N"!j'"l>»? »Mq|<u« * f *
them. A person who trains to write out Hebrew Biblical scrolls, prayer- ' I I '"*« «< "J * *M M | 5 f
papers that go inside of protective mezuzah cases, and tefillin that are s i r I S M ^ t s s t |lf
sjj 5 f f- at £• » » « • • II 'I3 s
worn on the body while at prayer, is called a sofer or scribe. *«•.£»-, km. .&>.' f i | | | f t !
4»«<i/mrt. S * .aaj I J I j S l t f :
Sofers may also design and write out ornamental ketubah marriage l a^IU>J4«| lawOu-MayItan s g 3£ ?^ j !; • £ *r. *£ ? I
contracts and gittin divorce documents. These are inscribed in Aramaic, I I^ I I• JS | 3 I~ Ic
3I lit tit CitWtt/inB hfa
the common language of the Jews for about 3,000 years, and the ; i « f « 2 -
&Cf[CuBif[«uiilBrrim3ibLltkn f f i •l l
language that Jesus spoke. Aramaic continues to be used on non-sacred J Salui?,fl"Naflaaa|o lauarj 3 S g m>H l»a *<t)V* aun / uaum»iuaa a.a b £ * If ^
texts that have significance as Jewish cultural objects. £ 1 J SfrBtnrunfoi 34falaff'/afratrnrfno- (MitlrirtiT/ ftlrtHKB/t/«6aun(tb! ftbrtaltMr/tttf* K % ^ t
8 I * I t i " l r s
I « | g 5 ? s
w ^ i"ji»J»4Jii9|)uNuij,»q(pi'iq,»j,s,,uafat)a!;i'»'imS 5-
U > 34t<r«B>rincue)'IbrttfitmStxukLtw tottilf[ 3 5
§p .uSjfraUtntpjtUMunjapq epC wjd«i£.isp«uunnap f^f t t> IUUKJBB ^ancii,aac] aai uit^aia /^un«»rJi ua*mo;Jau /uj"! £
- g
i> £ 3 .
Iam»t/m«{w64'»'(»n'l«b» Bfcur/ira m(ii(n®anfn 14 talaoitiit g Bllctf Qraai/Btl Hfl dn tatfajlaffcnd 4attm/tint Bttf4lafftiMQL.i!t.'tin VCtlTfrtft^j
From D/e Deutsche Volkskunde by Adolf Spamer: An 18th century Jewish
"Schriftlabyrinth als Hochzeitsgabe" (literary labyrinth as wedding task).
Finding a path through the maze symbolizes sexual union. The typeset
walls are comprised of the text of the Song of Solomon 4:12 - 6:12:
"A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain
sealed. Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits;
camphire, with spikenard; spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon,
with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices: A
fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon."
"Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden,
that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden,
and eat his pleasant fruits."
"I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my
Jewish calligram: Psalms 91 as a Menorah; Arabic calligram: Pea-Hen. myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey..."
20 2\
I )i g the era of Enlightenment,
Ashkena/i Jewish sofers not only
perfected their Hebrew and Aramaic
magical calligraphy, they also used
the Latin alphabet, and eventually, as
printers, they created novel forms of
ornamental and magical typesetting,
which retained a sacred, mystical,
kabbalistic, and Biblical character.
Meanwhile, secular calligraphic
pieces were produced as memorials,
commemorations, or gifts of honour
to important personages, and the
practice of lettering these passed into
German Christian hands as well. A detail of the portrait at right,
The typewriter was invented in showing that portions of the
the 19th century and its use of fixed- picture are made up of words.
width fonts, in which every letter
from an I to an M has exactly the same width, led to the development of
typewriter art. After the invention of the computer, this became known as
ASCII art, due to the use of the American Standard Code for Information
Interchange in early internet applications. Many people think that ASCII
art originated with the computer, but
..ed$$SSSbe.. such is not the case. Examples of
.$$$$P"" $$$ ""•$$$$c
typewriter art from Germany in the
z$$$*" $$5 *$$$e 1930s show the same kind of
z$$$" $$5 *$$$L inventiveness seen in usenet posts
.$$$F $$$ '$$$.
4$$$ d$$$$. SS$F from the 1990s to the present. In the
4$$$ .$$$$$$$e $$$F current era of copy-paste digital
•$$$r d$$P$$$$$$$. .$$$"
*$$$..$$$" $$$ "$$$e $$$P type, the amount of time and effort
*$$$$$P" $$$ *»$$$$$$ that goes into the production of a
»5$$$c. $$$ .z$$$$F
personally illustrated typewriter art From Die Deutsche Volkskunde by Adolf Spamer: The young Holy Roman
"*$$$$$$$$$*"" signature-block is no longer well Emperor Joseph I (1678-1711), King of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia,
Gilo94' Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania
appreciated or even understood, but
and Bulgaria. This ink-on-parchment portrait was made between 1687,
ASCII peace symbol signature such a piece of work, typed onto when he was crowned King of Hungary at age nine, and 1690, when he
devised by the British usenet paper, is as personal as the sender's became King in Germany at age eleven. The hair, crown, and scepter are
poster Giles Evans in 1994. handwriting, and as useful in magic. words, the rest is conventional line-art. See the page at left for a detail.
22 23
"True length" or "holy length" charms are a feature of Austrian and
Bavarian religious Catholic folk magic. The interest in these lengths is
founded upon Ephesians 3:17-19, in which Paul prays, "that Christ may
dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, Ha 5
may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length,
and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth
knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." S3 5£
Some scholars date these true lengths to the Middle Ages. The earliest *<3
were fixed spaces — the width of a doorway, for instance. They bear signs ^ $3 C - S3 • § ^
warranting that they represent the "true length" of a Biblical or canonized
<tt> S3
person, or a fraction thereof, such as "one-sixth the length of Christ." The
form shown here, wood-blocks printed on paper, dates to the 1750s.
The true length of Holy Mother Mary was far more popular in Bavaria
~ « d i s t i l
and Austria than the true length of Jesus. The home in Loreto, Italy, where
Mary was said to have lived out her days after fleeing the destruction of
e . c S OJ iSi. Jo $3
Jerusalem, was a place of pilgrimage that had her true length, as well as *-* sa S i S3 S3 « o ter S
the length of her foot. Pilgrims returning to Bavaria and Austria from
Loreto brought silk ribbons bearing these exact measures and testified that
they wrought miraculous cures and assistance of all kinds. The similarity v -s.~ v S 3$ g ^ r
w d M ss
between these ribbons and the cords distributed to pilgrims at the grave of 33
i B * " S3
0 = tv C i J . i i <u
Mary's namesake Miriam the Prophetess ought not to go unnoticed.
Ribbon-lengths were copied to parchment and the accounts of miracles
were written on the parchment: In brief, you are to recite the Ave Maria 63
times (the number of years Mary lived, that is, the true length of her life)
on Mary's feast-days. You may carry the charm or keep it in your home to
receive grace and other benefits now and forever. I f a woman in labour
lays down with the length of Our Lady Mary, Queen of Heaven, running
« 3S <* ~ j - C
from head to foot and between her breasts, she will have a safe delivery. C
24 25
aftiia^ auiaq uaftaj .pftaqausqa© -uaSoqae qtaqa© tin jjo ol (pij ajq 'aju^ 361113a
aujaq uaftaj jaftaqauaqa© •wjtjfcjrt W j g n j ajo oj nj3£ majquf^ gt>q u'u'uq
•gaqu^) uaa^iai gaujaj quna® aaq ui c
uiaiura '(piito aiao)© wuiaq ui a^aij Udwn£ JIUI 6?IQ tot giq 'tot aftaq
*auaq 81193 'lnO, autaq aafla 8u»3 uafl aujaq 'to)tu 3ja»}j 8u»3 aujaq
'totw aj)inbaa6uy2f -jt3ft auiaq '(pjw anaajaa 6u»3 •nail auiaq 'tnauKg aetjper
•uautffi ' ut 'ptuwifr tin aatoij
qun 6}qanauo]6 tjaqa) unu nq atq 'uauuga uaqt>6?j aaqo 'uaqa8 qjt»js aaftuadi
===== .
laia 'U36otM3atoiwaaqtat gucutatoijqtaifcoutoijij)38aaqacu aij gt>q jnt) 'U38
*un^nutagg qun aqu*ep 'uafaafip 'ua&ung aatotijasquns qun uaquia^ aautaui
aajjo $o)jJtu| atot>tu ' 8u»3 afoirao, autaq toanq jt>iat>ifls o 'aajiq qun 'uaaa,a8
<aq uaqtxpj n? aim oj 'uafaaCp qun ua6ung a&Qnaun ajjt) a6iqaiajaq qun anuj
'6u»3 aftjiag qun 'tymua® aujaq toanq ivuoifls a8tiiaq o 'u'auuoj uaqtJ&J
rtpiu qo3$ uautaw ut <j>nt> 'uaqag qun uaatti© (pou 'qi3# qun p a © utuaqaai
ajtu at} guq jnu 'U3aa>83q uaQUCpJ trt aaqo 'U3uuqi uaqoipj aim oj 'U3?a3$*
3toJiu] 3ijt) 'U36ung 3qusq3atot)u J3.qn ajqq a p uawuuq qun ua&'iqstajsq 'U3flatJ
aqn#5 Pnm Jiaftp qun waq g»q itJiwyg o '8uo# -jia^ 3uiiqtoanq(foq
natonqtaj qun uacpmJwfl aoa 'uatJt>SB qun uajj© ' ^ S u n uap aoa ijautajtojaq
qun tjalntojaq apa6i9aa4uut)!gg atoipaniu autaq ujtoiwnq gt>q Jnt> ' w a j ^
qun Snto© '8ut>3 *jtaC[3Ut3q ut gafcijaagnfl qun aauut'eungintuuffi qun gtua^^q
^a© 'uaniQB qun qumjaa^n© qun a0i>U3q33 qun uutgr&iQupiJni! ajui ot>oa uaj
—— • • • - - •••• —a = =rr
>\o imutoj 'qunios qun «aa<ir uwut i a 3 g ) qun 3atui jtafap qun m<\u 3i43j3q
qun-aana^ aoa 'Jnuiuig ^pjnas *aq aoa tjalpjaq gun nq gvq 'Bupg ai3Ht3ft3uiaq
in. iJt>tojQunaa£ aauptu iuiun>J a8)ut3Ut aiq «t (pjiu aj^ajaq to| \ aetjia^p
H"?)r »rq ? BumJaQ; au^t^j au)3?
Block-printed prayers stamped on paper or cloth, are a feature of Vajrayana
,,.5 « w 3 <n Buddhism in Tibet, Bhutan, and Nepal. Cloth blocks are sewn to cords and
flutter in the wind in the form of prayer flags. Paper sheets like the one shown
.it * , o » e» here are thrown into the wind to spread blessings. Papers may also be folded
into flat packets and covered with woven patterns of embroidery floss.
Text prayers are placed into prayer
wheels where they are wrapped
around spindles inside wooden or
metal cases, and spun by means of a
crank to activate the prayer.
Shiftst |j§
Metal cases, called kavachas in
India and gaus in Tibet, hold written
2 o E
o>. t2t-
« S a s
EHl and glyphic prayers and wishes; they
are worn as jewelry. In Mongolia,
similar Vajrayana prayers are printed
on small pieces of cloth and folded
into flat brocade packets to be worn
in one's clothing for protection.
Write these words on paper, wrap the paper in a large Plantain leaf, lay it
on the navel of a person afflicted with fever, and the illness will soon depart.
Potmat Sineat
«j ** (3/ ss _ Potmat Sineat
Potmat Sineat
<S C «•> .ZZ Read more about German folk magic in America here:
"Pow Wows or The Long Lost Friend" by John George Hohman
Panel 12
Panel 11
30 31
Similar to the German spells found in Pow Wows or The Long Lost Sofa tncm5a 6c sefu os s6ra sxuses sen gaBet feBent
Friend are the Scandinavian spells of trolldom folk magic. Some of these 5astet sofufux guaviex simufi ufmerum somnit seffifesupas
use papers written in garbled Latin, which Swedish folk magicians call fevencofsuef B Bemuft scara sirosta nafo aaBi fufufaRin
"Wittenberg letters." As Johannes Gardback wrote in his book on trolldom, nomine tnaferis fefeines spiritus ameltes
Wittenberg is "a German town in which Scandinavian priests studied (Norway, 19th century)
theology. It is associated with magic, the Jewish kabbalah, and folkloric
legends connected to trolldom, magical words, and black arts books. TALISMAN, WAX, AND R I V E R WATER T O NAME A T H I E F
"The Wittenberg legend is supported by the fact that astrology, magic, To see who stole, write these words three times on paper and let it dry.
kabbalah, demonology, and similar arts were taught within the grand
subject of theology at the university. The town of Wittenberg is also
associated with the legendary German magician Doctor Faust and the
Hollenzwang grimoire attributed to him, so the legends of black books
from Wittenberg have some grounding in the popular imagination.
"In old Scandinavia, priests who practiced trolldom (a not-uncommon
Eli lama
custom at the time) were called Wittenbergspraster (priests of Wittenberg)
and magical symbols, letters, and spoken formulas were known as
Wittenbergska tecken (Wittenberg symbols), Wittenbergska bokstiiver
(Wittenberg letters), or Wittenbergska character (Wittenberg characters).
These usually refer to Hebrew letters or words, taken from the kabbalah,
EH Hala
or to Jewish symbols like those seen in Mosaic and Solomonic grimoires.
" A written talisman or troll letter for protection is called a sviirdsbrev
(sword letter) or varnebrev (guardian letter). These are usually written by A
a professional and bought by the person who wishes to be protected."
Here are some spells that utilize Wittenberg letters:
Eli Jani
Write the following Wittenberg words on a piece of parchment and
place it under the threshold, then she will take up her clothes. Take some white wax, as large as a pea, and use it to fasten the corners
Amista Asterit of the paper in the bottom of a bowl. Get water from a running river or
(Norway, 18th century) a stream and fill the bowl. Hide the bowl for three nights in a secret
place. Then go to it again and you will see the name of the thief, where
T O M A K E A P E R S O N D A N C E AGAINST T H E I R W I L L the stolen item has gone, and where it can be found again.
Take some blood from a bat, write these Wittenberg words on a piece (Norway, 18th century)
of paper, and place it under the threshold.
Pela Amon Ole Satorum Lentum Ovins Read more about Norse folk magic in this book:
(Norway, 18th century) "Trolldom: Spells and Methods" by Johannes Bjorn Gardback
32 33
I ii means "luck" and fu charms can be crafted of virtually any material.
Ideographic paper fu charms —vertical yellow papers with red, black, or
red-and-black block printing and/or hand-written calligraphy — were once
made only by Chinese Taoist priests, but these days they are also by
professional fulu practitioners who know the auspicious days on which to
produce them, and the prayers and gestures that accompany their creation.
Each Taoist sect has its own style of fu charms, and some sects do not
recognize the charms of others as legitimate. Some, for instance, believe
that the handles of the brushes used to write the charms should be of
Peachwood only, that clients should submit hair or fingernail clippings to
the fulu, and that each charm must bear the name and birth date of the client,
while others freely transmit fu charms via books, by fax, and on the internet.
Some fu charms are culture-specific to Chinese Taoism: They summon
named ghosts and spirits, exorcise evil entities, or invoke the assistance of
deities such as Yu Huang Da Di The Jade Emperor, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu The
Mysterious Lady of the Ninth Heaven, Lei Gong The Thunder God, Men
Shen The Door Gods, and Ba Xian The Eight Immortals. Others are
designed to assist in human affairs. They may help one to succeed in
business, win the lottery, find a suitable mate, restore marital harmony,
curse an enemy, protect a household, attract prosperity, negate attacks by
sorcery, prevent burglary, or raise an obedient and intelligent child.
Fu charms may be hung up in the home or business or carried on the
person. Additionally, because Taoism embraces Chinese traditional
medicine, special fu charms to prevent miscarriage, stop bleeding, bring
down fevers, ease toothache, or dissolve a bone lodged in the throat may
be burned to ash and given to a patient to drink in a liquid.
34 35
A taweez or twiz is an Arabic amulet or talisman. One group of these
consists of charms written on paper. Traditionally, taweez charms may be
based in the text of a Surah or chapter of the Quran associated with a r -
particular type of help or hope, and they may also contain a dua or plea for
God's help. Taweez charms inscribed on metal may be worn as pendants,
but those written on paper are generally folded repeatedly and deployed in
a particular location or sewn into tiny cloth or leather pouches to wear.
The taweez shown here is both typical of the African style of
working, and unusual because it is an Arabic charm made by a
Ghanaian Muslim magician living in the U.S.A. He crafted it in 2006 £
for a Christian African-American client who is a customer of our •
hoodoo candle shop. It was sealed and she did not look inside. She was
told to place it under a rock for protection. Eventually she retrieved it,
undid the seals, opened the paper, and contacted us to see if we could
find out what it said and meant. In 2012, my colleague ConjureMan A l i ,
who is fluent in Arabic, translated it:
"The outer boundary contains words of power that erect a barrier to
bind and drive out evil djinn. It employs verses from Surah Ikhlas of the •
Quran, but the words are obfuscated by changing word order and letters, / J > \
and omitting words; these are common techniques in taweez-making. I ° 1
"The outer boundary of the talisman creates a symbolic protection v .
around the inside boxes. Surah Ikhlas is commonly used to bind djinn and
1 1 />
/ . 1 "
for protection. It itself is called the Key of the Quran as it contains within
its four verses the entirety of the theology of Islam and the nature of God.
"Each corner of the talisman has the world Bism which means In the
Name and is the beginning of another phrase of power written out in
entirety at the top separate from the talisman: Bismillahi rahman i rahim,
which means In the Name of God the Most Merciful and Gracious.
"The use of Bism or any other word to form the lines of the outer
square is a very typical North African technique in taweez-making.
"What is written in the center of the talisman is too small to see, but
it is likely the petition or prayer tied to the talisman. It would contain a An Arabic taweez charm in the Ghanaian tradition, made in the United
name, lineage, and possible directions for the spirits tied to the talisman. States for an African-American Christian client in 2006. Folded, sealed,
I do note there is some mirror writing in it." and buried underneath a rock, it offers protection from evil spirits to the
Read ConjureMan Ali's full description of this taweez online: one for whom it was made. It employs verses from Surah Ikhlas (#112, the Surah of Purity and Sincerity) which begins, "Say: He is Allah, the One!"
36 37
Lurking behind the facade of the 1940s hoodoo author "Henri
Gamache" is the odd fact that, according to her publisher's son, Ed Kay, she
was a "young college-educated Jewish woman" living in New York City.
Textual analysis of the "Gamache" corpus, including The Master Book
of Candle Burning, The Magic of Herbs, The Master Book of Occult
Secrets, Terrors of the Evil Eye Exposed, and The Mystery of the Long Lost
8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses, bears out Kay's remembrance.
"Gamache" affixed scholarly bibliographies to her books, referred to Jewish
rabbis, and cited academic German tomes. My own original copyright
research reveals that her name was Anne Fleitman. She either worked with
one Henry March (Henri Gamache) or used that as a secondary pseudonym.
Moses is the attributed author of the Pentateuch or first five books of the
Bible. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses was an 18th century Jewish
grimoire. Building upon the latter's already-extant popularity among
hoodoo workers, Gamache's 1948 book, The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th,
9th, and 10th Books of Moses, gave conjure a transfusion of classical magic.
Gamache wrote that the Eighth Book of Moses is the Leyden Papyrus,
found in Thebes in the 19th century, part of the collection dispersed by Jean
d'Anastasi and translated in the PGM. Another manuscript included in her
book is the 13th century Sword of Moses, written in Syrian Rabbinical
Hebrew and Aramaic, which was translated into German by Moses Gaster.
The Bible tells us that Moses married a Cushite or Ethiopian woman,
and Gamache promoted the Jamaican Marcus Garvey's belief that Moses
himself was Black, a belief shared by many American Jews. She wrote that
"Moses was born in Egypt," that "the religious practices of natives of the
West Coast of Africa [trace] directly back to Egypt," that "these customs
and religious beliefs came with the first slaves and ... grew up in the West From The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses:
Indies and in the Southern part of the United States," and that "the influence
of Moses was not something which developed after [slaves] were brought At top is "A Seal So That the Devil Shall Smite an Enemy." The instructions
are to "Take a stone and throw it to a Dog which shall bite it, and on it write
to this new land." Her Afrocentric, classical, and kabbalist viewpoint has
these names and throw it in the house of thine enemy and thou shalt see
influenced four generations of Black Christian conjure and obeah workers.
wonders." Presumably the Devil will appear and you can watch the fun.
Read more about Moses, the PGM and Afrocentric Judaism in this book:
"The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses" At bottom is "A Seal to Wreak Vengeance Upon an Enemy." The directions
by Henri Gamache are to "Take this seal and wash it with water until it is clean and taking
Read about Anne Flietman, Henry Marsh, and "Henri Gamache" here: the water thereof and sprinkle it in the house of the enemy on the second night of the week or on the fourth of the week at the seventh hour."
38 39
While always keeping its inherent African character, Black American PUTTING PENTO PAPER
conjure culture has incorporated quite a few magical concepts and ways of
working from geographic regions and religious lineages not generally At this point i need to explain a little bit about why this book exists.
associated with Africa. When such borrowings enter hoodoo, they either Back in 2002, when i wrote Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic, i only
are retained verbatim or overlaid with African methodologies, giving them expected it to reach the audience from which the material had come in the
what anthropologists call a "creolized" form. This is as true of spell-papers first place, that is, African-American practitioners. I figured there was no
and written charms of hoodoo as it is in Black music, art, and literature. need to tell folks how to write a paper because they already knew how,
In conjure we see magical writings placed into containers, just as in and all they would want would be my convenient lists of herbs and roots.
ancient Egypt and Israel — only instead of demon bowls we see sugar However, for better or worse (and i think it was a bit of both, actually)
bowls and instead of phylacteries we see mojo bags. that book took off flying. It introduced a whole lot of people to hoodoo
Just as in ancient Greece and North Africa, written spells are who had never heard of it before. They didn't know the basics of the WOl k
deployed in graveyards — but they are also buried at crossroads. They didn't know how to write a name paper. They didn't know what i
petition was. They had no Black friends, so they couldn't ask for help.
Just as in old Scandinavia or Germany, written spells are worked at the
The thing is. i had put several examples of papers into the herb hook,
threshold — but they are also placed under hearth bricks. And, of course,
but the only reason they were there was because they were unusual The)
they are pinned to clothing or placed under a mattress.
were the oddball papers. They were the ones so different than the norm thai
In the True Length we were introduced to the magical use of the
i thought them worth documenting. I figured everyone already knew h<>\
footprint of the Blessed Virgin. How like our "Paper in My Shoe" this is
to write ten types of "regular" papers, and part of what i was doing was |usl
— and, in fact, foot-track magic is found throughout Europe, although
showing off my typesetting skills, so it never occurred to me thai people
there it forms a minor current of interest, not the large focus of practice
would take those examples as some kind of gospel or "rule." But they did
that it does in Africa and among African-Americans.
For the next ten years i kept hearing folks say things like, "You have to
In the Solomonic and Mosaic seals we see wholesale adoption of
write the name an odd number of times and write your wish in a circle
essentially Jewish kabbalistic work by Black rootworkers, especially the
around it because that's how it's done in hoodoo." It kinda freaked me out.
professionals who purchased curios and supplies by mail-order after 1900.
I knew things had gone too far when an older Southern Black women,
We see that the Arabic Taweez made by the Ghanian immigrant was
not quite my age, said, " I don't know if i'm writing my papers out right.
purchased for use by a Black American woman who identified herself
My mother always told me to write them one right over the other, but in
as both a Christian and a practitioner of hoodoo, but was willing to try
your book, you show them criss-cross." I couldn't believe it. This nice
what magic could come her way from the old African homeland.
woman was about to give up a great old-school way of working because
Chinese joss paper and fu charms have also become popular among she had seen a different way in a book — my book! I told her, "No, wait
Black practitioners, especially those living in close proximity to Asians. up there, your way is light! Your mother was right. Your way is just fine!"
Having taken a ramble through history, we can now better recognize But as we kept on talking, i realized that by publishing those few
how hoodoo conjure doctors have adapted and adopted older elements of oddball papers, without describing the basic, time tested, usual ways, i
folk magic to make it their own. Having rambled around the world, we had inadvertently allowed distortion and malformation to creep into the
now have a better perspective on the culturally exotic sources from which very practice i sought to preserve. I knew i had to rectify my error.
Black practitioners have drawn and can draw their ideas. In the pages to So that's where we are right now. This book exists to rectify my error.
follow, you will see both purely African and joyously creolized ways of It's time to go back to basics. It's time to start with the simplest of
working. Enjoy them both, for they are the warp and weft of the weave. techniques, putting pen to paper.
40 41
A piece of paper that someone wrote on is a combination writing
surface and personal concern. Write your command on it! If you can't get
a person's handwriting, why not? Proximity makes for effective magic.
In hoodoo, the most common writing surface is paper. We do not write
on lead sheets like the ancient Greeks (not available) or on wooden staves
like the Scandinavians (we never got into runes). We rarely use animal skin
If you are working on spells regarding businesses or bosses, if you face
parchment or vellum (too expensive), but we often use parchment paper
a court case, if you are applying for a job, or if you are trying to get a loan,
(easy to find and reasonably priced). We may use fancy gilded Asian spirit
write on a piece of paper connected to the enterprise at hand. Ask for or take
money (if we live near Asian people). We may think a 3" square Post-It
business cards, print corporate logos off the internet, save notes that were
note is cool (if we can work the stickiness in our favour). But when it handed to you at work. These are personal concerns as well as papers.
comes down to it, we most likely will use lined composition paper, unlined
copy paper, fine-grain shopping bag paper, or coarse-grain grocery sack
paper, neatly torn on all four sides to make a square or a triangle.
Professor Charles Porterfield advises us on playing cards as papers:
"The names of clients or targets are easily written onto the heads or feet
of the appropriate royal cards with a Sharpie. Add in a birth date and a
In addition to writing on paper, we can inscribe free-standing candles. I simple command, and these cards quickly become effective and stylistic-
use a pin, a needle, a nail, or a small pen-knife for this task. Some call it name papers. If the card was touched by the target, so much the better, as
"carving" the candle, but i don't. To me "carving" means using a sharp- it becomes a personal concern as well as a symbolic proxy of the person."
ended, wood-handled tool to craft an image out of a cylindrical candle. That
is "carving." But when we write in wax, all we are doing is inscribing, so ALUMINUM F O I L , P I E P L A T E S , AND P O P S I C L E S T I C K S
let's call it that. No, the candle is not a paper — but the writing on it sure Remember those Greco-Roman defixiones and Swedish runkafles? Bet
is writing. Remember that just as we bathe upward to draw or downward you never thought that style of working would be so modern and up-to-
to clean, we can apply directionality to candle inscription. The best method date, did you? Two words, folks: Aluminum Foil. Before you wrap a freezer
is to spiral the petition up or down the candle, like stripes on a barber pole. spell in foil, use a soft pencil to impress commands all over the foil. And
you know those cheap, disposable aluminum pie plates? You probably
HAVE Y O U E V E R W R I T T E N ON A P L A T E ? already use them for burning candles, or you ought to, so now you know to
When i was young, i used to watch the Spiritual Church ladies write on write on them before you set the lights. And don't forget the popsicle slick
white plates. Why? Well, to wash them off, of course. The water that that someone licked: Write the person's name and your command on n'
washes off words contains those words. It is powerfully imbued with what
those words stand for, and you can use it in cooking, cleaning, or baths. PHOTOGRAPHS
Photographs have been around since the mid-19th century. M\ ildi il
W R I T I N G ON M O N E Y ancestor who lived long enough to have his photo taken was born in 1794
We prepare currency with written names, wishes, scripture, glyphs, or That's old! But people still sometimes balk at using a photo as B n
sigils. Common methods include signing a name under the Treasurer's paper. They seem to think it's not "authentic." Oh, yes it is - and whll
name, adding the $$00$$ sigil for trained hunting money, or marking bills more, with the development of digital technology, you nevei have to I
with R T M for "Return To Me." We may also inscribe coins. a relic. Just scan that photo and you can print another copy latei
42 43
STYLUS Let's start simple. You don't have to fold a paper. All you have to do is
A stylus is a writing tool that leaves marks but does not emit ink or put it under a candle or in your shoe and you are practicing conjure.
graphite. We use ready-to-hand tools for this task, including pins, needles, Shoe papers go face-up, but with candle-papers you have a choice. I f
nails, and knife-points to inscribe candles or wax figures, or to mark a your petition is for good things, lay the paper face-up. If your desires are
petition on aluminum foil, pie plates, or the cups that tea-lights come in. A coercive, place it face-down, because you want to keep work like that
worn-out soft-lead pencil can also be used as a stylus on aluminum. private and confidential. You can put the paper under a plate and set the
candle stand on the plate. An inscribed aluminum pie pan is also discreet.
Q U I L L , DIP-PEN, AND FOUNTAIN PEN If you are working an apple or onion spell, roll the paper into a tube. If
Bird feather quill-pens, metal-nibbed dip pens, and fountain pens are you are accordion-folding paper to reduce an enemy's stature, do just that.
now obsolete but continue in use because they allow the practitioner to Crumple a paper into a ball to push it in a bottle or to make a pill to swallow.
work with specially prepared inks. Dyed quills are colour-coded: white for Most other forms of folding follow a simple plan. You fold the paper
healing, blessing, and protection; red for love and sex; green for money away from you to remove things or people, and you fold it toward you to
and luck; and black for reversing, revenge, and crossing. bring in things or people. You can fold repeatedly to make a small packet,
but don't expect that it will securely hold the ingredients that you put into
PENCIL it. To keep them tidy, you will need to fold your paper seed-packet style.
Pencils come in two types, those with erasers and those that were made
without erasers. A wise old woman once told me to write petitions with
pencils that were made without erasers, "so you can't go back on your
word." That resonated with me, and i have been using church pew pencils
ever since. It's not a "rule." I just like the way they look and feel.
The three old-school European magical inks — Dove's Blood, Bafs
Here's how to make a seed-packet out of a 3-inch square Post-It note:
Blood, and Dragon's Blood — are still manufactured, for those who use
feather quills. Some old spells ask for petitions written in blood, but frankly, 1. After you write on the paper, fold it in half on the diagonal.
you will see that sort of stuff more often in the movies than in real rootwork. 2. Fold the left corner up so that its top is parallel to the bottom edge.
3. Fold the right corner up to the left, also parallel to the bottom edge
OTHER STATIONERY SUPPLIES 4. Fill the envelope with herbs, powders, curios, or personal com em,
5. Fold the two free tips into the pocket formed by the outside flap
Be sure to have scissors, tape, and glue on hand. You'll need them.
44 45
Formulating a concise and pithy petition requires artistry. My personal
Throughout this book you will find scriptural prayers cited by chapter
aesthetics (and perhaps an ancestral call to Jewish microcalligraphy) have
and verse, so that you can look
led me to spend hours crafting and perfecting petitions, not because they
them up. Additionally, i have told
are "more effective" if well made, but just because i like the work. I favour
—Li fgATFr-rxoH i I you to write prayers in your own
short phrases in grids, circles, or squares. I also enjoy typesetting. But
SujHcLj *s T - T R U S T SCfiX words, from the heart. If you were
those are my own ways. You are not obliged to copy me or ape my style.
brought up in church, you won't
In the 1960s, i was told by a couple of folks to "write your command
M£« . „ need schooling. If not, please look
You C A M M/we evit- togctfc in one continuous line, without picking up your pencil to dot your i's or
WOFX roK iOOD' _ over this exemplary petition
cross your t's until the words join up again." I became hooked on the
paper. It was turned in as intensity of focus it took to accomplish this simple task. Never mind
homework by Donnice Rome, a that most of my teachers never mentioned such a strenuous exercise of
& O X r A i i n M Y n i J , TO graduate of my Hoodoo Rootwork will at all — i loved the challenge, and i rose to it. You do not have to.
Correspondence Course. If you Really, you do not. God will be able to read your petition if you misspell
X f AM H O A M A S just fell into hoodoo because you every word. And if radial or four-fold symmetry is not your thing, just
VtfOJH+C rfRT5T^kl__ think it's "witchy," you may be write. Just write out what you want and what you mean to get:
£TCM6TfrElVl5 MET • wondering why she wrote what
C b r w i c e . feme. she did. But if you know your if'//// i/// ///<• /bower <>/ ///// strong. /•/<//// ////////. /' smite and crusn
Bible, you can almost sing along: . The /////// //'//a /<><>// ma /x/o/i.s /// trade w///(/aoe meno//////// in return//
Isaiah 12:2: "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid." . U</// //c <//'<' ///(• ///<• (//></ //<• is>, ana'//>//// ////// a////is /ies </////////a/////.'
Jeremiah 40:4: "Come, and I will take care of you." . If//// //i\ {/o/o/i /a ///'.\\ o/ rue///// ///•//// a//i/art/ps unmounted,
Psalms 91: "His truth shall be thy shield and buckler."
. (//////>//////<•/>//<•//. '/(. //>///> <//<• //////(>(>(/ <r/u/ s/o/c///// teatto. .One///
Psalms 140:4: "Protect me, Lord, from the control of evil people."
Philippians 4:13:"/ can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
"Verify God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer."
Wrap the slip of paper, Psalm side outward, around the base of an offertory Four examples of petition papers typeset by the author, 2002 and 2015:
candle of a colour appropriate to your request, and glue the paper to itself to Top: A genuine curse of death upon two thieves, and they know who they are.
form a continuous band. Stick the candle into a pan of clean sand and burn Left: "Faithful to a Trust," a rock-strong, four-square wall of polite command.
Middle: "lovelovelovelovelove," a rolling wheel of harmonic sexual bliss.
it through in one setting.
Right: "Love Me or Die," the worst imaginable form of graveyard love.
46 47
Here is the name written out in block capitals one time, with glyphs
between each letter. These are crosses, for a blessing:
Here is a straight name paper, written out one time:
The name and the glyphs may be written out multiple times, just
as would be done for a plain name:
7.4. (949 The letters and glyphs may written in checkerboard form to fill an
entire square of paper:
Here the person's name, birth date, and zodiac sign are combined:
J + 0 + + H + N B + R + 0 + w + N +
£ p ffo/m £/iii.sse//£&HHon £ p tfiftj* 4th, X949 £ p + J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N +
Here is the name written out one time, plus some glyphic commentary: + J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
J + o + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N +
+ J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N +
+ J + 0 + H + N + B + R + o + w + N
Here the person's middle name is replaced with words of power: J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N +
+ J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
John DEATH Brown John LOVE Brown John JUSTICE Brown J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N +
+ J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
Here the person's name has been written out multiple times: J + o + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N +
+ J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
J + 0 + H + N + B + R + o + w + N +
+ J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
£/ohn QRusseUGBroum J + 0 + H + N + B + R + o + w + N +
+ J + 0 + H + N + B + R + 0 + w + N
48 49
The letters and glyphs may be neatly stacked and centered: WHAT'S I NT W O NAMES?
Here are two names side by side, as equals:
+ R + U + S + S + E + L + L +
+ B + R + O + W + N + John Russell Brown Abigail Samantha Little
You may use glyphic dollar signs for a money spell: Here are two names written right on top of one
another. The top one rules and controls the other:
J $ 0 $ H $ N $ R $ U $ S $ S $ E $ L $ L $ B $ R $ 0 $ W $ N
Abigail BassamBaolwttile
Here the success sigil replaces the person's middle name:
Here are two names crossed like a Christian cross:
J o h n $$00$$ B r o w n
Here is a name written three times. The paper was
Here is the name written in script with glyphic heart signs for a love spell: rotated 90 degrees (some folks say "clockwise to move
things forward and counterclockwise to remove them," but
others only say, "turn the paper a quarter-turn"). The second
V * V fo/m(c &tusselZ@Broa>n V ¥ ¥ name is written three times, to form a grid. This is called
crossing and covering. You can also cross the names in an X
Here the name is written in block capitals with heart signs for love; or make a grid seven by seven or nine by nine, or cross one
alternatively, the hearts may be outlines with a letter inside each heart: name over 34 names to rule them all! There is no one way to criss-cross names.
Here two names are running into each other to bring about a meeting.
f J f O f H f N f
John Russell Brown elttU BrifnBrriBS MsgidA
y B f R f O f W f N f Here two names are running away from one another. This is done to separate
people, and when inscribing double action candles to return evil to the sender:
Here is the name written out in block capitals with an eye glyph
between each letter. These eyes may be used to symbolize watchful
nwoiB ll93euR nrloL Abigail Samantha Little
awareness of an enemy or protection from the evil eye:
Here are two names written back to back and not GUmed*. <7i^>uMie
@ J ® ( ) © I I ( i ) N ® touching, ready to be cut apart for a Break Up spell:
And, finally, you can write three names in an equilateral triangle if your
<3>B<a>R®0<g>W<S>N<3) goal is equality among three business partners or in a triadic relationship.
50 51
Next comes a topic that i have very strong opinions about: Although it is not a bodily concern like toenails, hair, or semen, a name
How many times should you write out a name on a name paper? paper is still a proxy for a person. It can be boiled, stabbed, burned, kissed,
My firm belief is that there is no one answer to this question. It depends anointed, stepped on, or loved. As you do unto it, you do unto that person.
on what you wish to accomplish, the kind and size of paper you have, So, if a name paper is such a powerful link to a person — what if you
where you will be putting that paper, and whether anything will be written don't know the name? Can you still do the work? Will it succeed?
on the paper in addition to the name. Sure, some folks who have been in If you do not know the person's name, but you do know the person's
this work for a long time do have favourite numbers — three, seven, and location, you will have to get creative in your design of the name paper.
nine are often cited — and they instruct those whom they teach to repeat The simplest way is to describe the person and write out the address
a name their favourite number of times, almost every time they teach: where the person lives or where you see the person:
"Write his name nine times on a sheet of virgin parchment."
"Write the boss's name three times on the back of his business card." f%e Cffe, $h«>rf (^hmege (jlv\
" Write his name seven times, then turn the paper 90 degrees clockwise
Wfte, walfgfet fjte bug every ty6Tnnna
and write your name seven times to cross and cover his."
" Write his name twice, diagonally from corner to corner on the back of af (f^aCTatyeK^ $freef and ~X}mVeVglty Jtflvenue
the business card, like an X."
Those are indeed common instructions, but just as common, and not This descriptive paper will not be as strong a link to "the Chinese girl"
specifically counted, are these instructions: as a name paper would be, but it will do to get you started. Once you learn
"Write his name over and over and over on both sides of the paper, her name, you can either add it to that paper or start a new paper on her.
down one side and up the other, very neatly, in rows." The same sort of generalized description is useful if you are writing
" Write his name as many times as he is years old." out a collective name paper for a group of people:
"Write out the entire Psalm with his initials in place of each verse
number in the Psalm." f'/tc (Qreepu J$efhatypJtetai%ine Jtclcllcfg al
Not only do certain practitioners have favourite numbers, there are also jZjlrd-tybre ^fitftevarr?, Jtflparftyenf ^>.
certain ways of working that more or less lead the practitioner to prescribe
a certain number of repetitions. For instance, if a worker likes square rather Note that even though you don't know the names of the drug addicts,
than rectangular papers, repeating the name an odd number of times to form their descriptive paper is a better link than the one for the girl at the bus
a block will become habit. On the other hand, if the worker makes tiny stop, because it contains their home address, not just a public street corner.
little tobies, the notion of writing the name only one time will assert itself, Another way to work if you don't know someone's name is to take a
because you can't write a name seven times on a paper small enough to photo with your cell phone. Be discreet as you do this, of course.
seal into a silver locket. In a case like that, you may hear the worker say: If you are working on something to do with a place of business or a
"/ want you to write your name one time, really small, on a slip of paper corporation, get the company's logo from the internet, print it out, and use
no larger than the kind of paper that comes in a Chinese fortune cookie." it as a name paper. If you can go into the business and legitimately ask for
The truth is, some spells will be told with specific numbers cited, and or pick up a business card, that is even better, because someone in the
others will not. Sometimes the choice is yours. Get used to it! company touched it when it was put into the business card holder.
52 53
When a brand new client asks me to put a death spell on someone but
she has no name, no birth date, and no address for her enemy, i question B E C R E A T I V E IN Y O U R C O R N E R S
her closely. Is she really sure there actually is an enemy — or did some The corners of a petition paper are where you can get creative. God's
unscrupulous fake worker convince her that she is "under attack"? watchful eye, a decorative border of flowers, four hearts, flames of love
My next question is if this other worker convinced my new client that (or flames of anger), or four houses, each with a stylized path that leads
there is an enemy on her tail, then why didn't the client stick with the to the next house — all of these add individuality to your work.
other worker and get the matter taken care of there? So i ask that question.
The answer will almost always be that the other worker wanted PAPER TRICKS
multi-thousands of dollars to take off the attack by the unidentified
"enemy" and the client didn't have the money, so she came to me S E W I N G OR PINNING PAPERS T O G E T H E R
because i am cheaper. So i do a check-reading. To keep a couple together, fix their names or photos face-to-face. Cross
Sometimes, if my reading reveals no attack or curse is underway, i have two needles in an X , use a safety pin, or sew them with a binding stitch.
a very angry new client to deal with, because, hey, she just paid $ 12,000
to some scam worker and i am flat-out telling her that she was scammed. T E A R I N G A PAPER B A G
But let's say that my reading agrees with the previous one. She is If you have no lined paper or fancy parchment, write on an unprinted kraft
cursed. And i can't see who did it. What does she do now? paper sack that has been neatly torn on all four sides. One woman showed me
I tell her to write out whatever she does know, like so: how to do this in her shop, explaining that, " I f there is no machine-cut edge,
then that paper will be so pure that the angels could read it or write on it."
MY WOMAN'S O T H E R MAN A woman told me that a worker she knew before World War Two colour-
coded her petition papers: A baby was rice-paper, a Caucasian was white
THAT ROMANIAN WHORE paper, a Hispanic was newsprint, a light-skinned Negro was a light brown
stationery bag, and a dark skinned Negro was a dark brown grocery bag. This
THE G U Y WHO STOLE MY BIKE paralleled her using different types of sugar (powdered, granulated, light
brown, and dark brown) to symbolize the people she was sweetening.
After that, she can write her command on top of or across the name:
DIE A MISERABLE, PAINFUL DEATH, I have been told many times to scissor-cut paper into an acute triangle
You GOD FORSAKEN MOTHER FUCKER when writing out a curse, to "make it sharp-cornered and hurt them."
54 55
TAKING A MEASURE The measure of a woman is only taken in one way, as far as i know: It
runs the length of the perineum from clitoris to anus. To take the measure,
T H E M E A S U R E IS A P E R S O N A L C O N C E R N place the tip of the middle finger (or the thumb) on the clitoris and note
Quite a few conjure spells employ the "measure" of some part of the how far down the hand the anus is. This is transferred to a string or a piece
person's body. The most common measures are the genitals and the foot. of paper. The paper may include a graphic representation of the sex organs;
The measure of the genitals is referred to euphemistically as "the it may be used in any sort of sex, love, fidelity, or fertility spell.
measure of a man" or "the measure of a woman," but it is not the same
as the "true length" of the man or woman, which runs from head to foot. THE MEASURE OF A FOOT
The measure of the foot is always specified as "of the foot" and should
The measure of the foot is made either by marking the length of a
not be confused with the measure of a man or the measure of a woman.
person's foot-track in dirt or sand or by measuring the insole of a shoe
Other measures may be taken as well, as described below.
that has been worn long enough to conform to the shape of the person's
The measure may be captured or marked on a string, a piece of cloth,
foot. The insole from a discarded shoe may be used as a measure.
or a piece of paper. It may be imbued with the person's bodily fluids,
Additionally, in some spells, an actual tracing of the foot may be made
particularly sexual fluids or foot sweat. It may be transferred from one
with the cooperation of the person for whom the work is being done.
system of marking to another, for instance from a string to a piece of
The use of foot-track dirt is so prevalent in conjure that if you see a
paper or from a visual mark on the hand to a string. After it is captured,
foot-track in dirt or sand you should not only take the measure, but capture
it will be used in a spell. I f it is captured on paper, the paper may also
the actual track itself. Many magical uses for foot-track dirt are outside the
be written upon with a name, petition, prayer, or visual designs.
scope of this book, but you will find them described in other spell-books.
There are two entirely different ways to take the measure of a man.
Hand tracings on paper have a small but distinct place in rootwork
Both have been described with such admirable specificity that it is
and a couple of spells that use them are mentioned in this book.
impossible to think that they are the same, but although some workers
prefer one method over another and will only use their favoured method,
both techniques are traditional among Black practitioners of the past and
The true length may be captured by observing the person as he or she
the present, and neither is "better" than the other.
lays down, either in a bed or outdoors on the grass or a sandy beach.
One way is to measure around the erect penis. This is done by
Visually note the position of the person's head and feet, and once he or
encircling the member with the thumb and forefinger and noting where
she gets up and leaves, lay a string along the length and knot it at head
the joints overlap, then uncurling the fingers and marking the resultant
and foot to preserve the measure. A true length may be transferred to
length on a paper. This is sometimes called the "width" of the member.
paper if desired. If the person lay in sand or on dirt, it is considered very
It is most commonly used in spells involving fidelity.
wise to capture some of that sand or dirt.
The other, and more common method, is to measure the erect penis
along your hand by putting the tip of the middle finger at the man's groin A child's true length is easily gotten by making growth marks in a
and mentally noting how far his penis reaches onto your hand or wrist. doorframe. Adults can be cajoled into being marked in this way as a
This visual mark is then transferred to a string or piece of paper. The comparison to the child, and thus will record their true lengths unawares.
paper may include a graphic representation of the sex organ. This type of To capture a shadow, observe where the person stands and trace or mark
measure may be used in any kind of sex, love, fidelity, or fertility spell. the dimensions of the shadow, with or without the person's knowledge.
56 57
Burning a name paper, affirmation, petition, prayer paper, or written
verse of scripture on incense means that the name or prayer becomes
part of the incense, and the ash from the incense contains the prayers or
There are a number of traditional spiritual uses for ashes in hoodoo,
the name. Incense ash is uniform in texture compared to plain paper ash,
and they seem to be used in ways that speak to an African origin.
and such ash can be mixed with local dirt, graveyard dirt, sachet
In Africa, magicians of many tribes use ashes as a form of concentrated
powders, powdered herbs, more incense, or sand.
spiritual marker (a "personal concern" or "magical link") to convey the
Then, depending upon what the ash was mixed with and what you
essence of a plant, place, thing, or person into a spell, rite, trick, or spiritual
are working on, or what you intend the outcome of your work to be, the
supply. You can read about the use of ash in anthropological books on
resulting ash mixture can be sprinkled around the property, cooked into
African sorcery and witchcraft of the 19th and 20th centuries, such as
food, mixed with sachet powders for use in drawing designs on the altar,
Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande by E . E. Evans-Pritchard
or used to line incense burners or candle trays.
(Oxford, 1937). You can also research the use of ashes in the mooyoo or
magical "load" of the nkisi figures of Gabon and adjacent regions.
These African ways of working with ashes have survived in hoodoo. For HOW T O M A K E B I B L E ASHES O F PSALMS 91
instance, during the 1930s, Harry Hyatt recorded a spell from an informant The technique of burning paper to ash is probably more often applied
in which the name of a person was burned to ash and used to represent the to Psalms 91 than to any other text. Here are some of the ways i have been
person in making a compound to be laid on the ground for foot-track magic. told to prepare the ashes. These methods come out of the Spiritual Church
During the 1960s and 1970s i too learned many such ways of working with Movement or were shared by workers acquainted with that tradition. All
the ashes of names, petitions, and portions of scripture. of the instructions refer to the text of the Psalm. These instructions were
given to me in full or in part by several people in my youth.
P R A Y E R O R S C R I P T U R A L V E R S E ASH To burn Psalms 91 to ashes:
Hand-writing a prayer, either in your own words, or using scriptural You take the paper out of the middle of a pad of paper that has lain in
texts from the Bible, produces a heightened form of the prayer or text. a closed desk drawer ("He that dwelleth in the secret place").
When you take the time to write out a Psalm, a verse, or a chapter from You write it out by hand with a white Goose-quill pen ("He shall
the Bible, or to compose your own prayer, you are making a connection cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust").
from your head to heart to hand. The prayer carries its own Jewish and You look carefully at each word as you write and you should be alone
Christian religious connotations and weight, but added to it is the in the room at the time. ("Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold").
thought you have spent composing the material or reciting it in your You sign the Psalm with your own name, as a testimony ("Because
mind as you wrote out the paper, and the time your hands have spent he hath known my name").
conveying those conceptions to the paper. You stand on the finished paper bare-footed or in your stocking feet
A prayer paper of this sort can be soaked in water and the water drunk ("Lest thou dash thy foot against a stone").
to cleanse the body, but another common way of working is to burn the You pick up and hold the paper to your heart ("His truth shall be thy
paper to ashes and blend the ashes into the materials used in another shield and buckler").
spiritual job. You may burn the paper to ashes in the flame of a candle and You hold up the finished paper on your two palms-up hands ("They
let it float upward, but a useful method for those who want to concentrate shall bear thee up in their hands").
their efforts is to burn the paper on a bed of incense, either resin incense You burn the finished paper to ash on a surface higher than the surface
on charcoal or self-lighting powder incense, or a mixture of the two. on which you wrote it ("1 will set him on high ").
58 59
When preparing new incense burners for use, no matter what they are
made from, they must be lined with some sort of insulating material to
keep them from overheating. (Even metal incense burners will burn The custom of writing out prayers or magical spells, washing them
through if kept unlined.) The two most common linings are clean sand and off or dissolving them into a liquid, and then doing something with the
clean ash. The following method combines these two liners with prayer. liquid is old-school magic, the kind that people have been performing
Write out the portion of Exodus 30:1 that consists of the single line: ever since writing was invented.
"And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon " Depending on what you intend to do with the liquid, you may use
Write this over and over on a small sheet of paper, one line after the water, tea, whiskey, wine, beer, soda pop, urine, Four Thieves Vinegar,
other, on both sides of the piece of paper. The paper should be wide Buffalo Ammonia, perfume, or a pan of scrub water. The purpose of the
enough to contain the line of text without it flowing over to the next spell may help influence your choice of liquid, but if you think about your
line, just as if you were being asked to copy a piece of text on a chalk options for a minute, you will come up with so many ways to use dissolved
board at school, each line the same as the one above. prayers and petitions that you could fill this page all on your own.
The work is simplicity itself. A l l you have to do is to write your
The number of times you write this line is not important, just write it
prayer or petition with soluble ink so that it will come off in the liquid
over and over from top to bottom until the paper is filled, then turn the
you have selected. Pray and focus as you write, and pray again as you
paper over and fill the other side the same way, with the same text, from
dip the paper into the liquid and watch the ink flow into solution.
top to bottom.
If you are concerned about drinking inky water, use food colours or
Set the paper on fire in your new incense brazier and it will burn up
Beet juice to write. And remember, you need not write on paper. A glyph
quickly to black carbon ash. Slowly add some of your clean sand and
or short prayer written in Olive Oil on a white plate and washed into water
rub or crush it into the prayer paper ashes, until they are blended into
carries the essence of the prayer, no matter if that water is used to infuse
the sand. Rub around the entire inside of the incense burner, then shake
a magical tea, for cooking, in the bath, in the laundry, or as a floor wash.
it to settle the sand and ashes at the bottom, and it is ready to use as a
base on which to burn charcoal disks and resin or self-lighting incense. Read more about magical bathing and house cleaning in this book:
"Hoodoo Spiritual Baths" by Aura Laforest
It is a well-known and often practiced way of working to triple-refine DISPOSING OF YOUR PAPERS
a name or "concentrate" it by burning it, folding the ash into a second
name paper, burning that, and folding the ash into a third name paper. Unless you burned or packaged up your paper, it may be left behind
This is used when no personal concerns can be had, as a way of after your spell is completed. You may find this useful if you want to
concentrating the name. save the paper or packet to use again, but if you don't want to save the
It is common to fold Quassia Bark chips into the name papers when paper, burning it and scattering the ashes is a nice final touch, as is
burning them, that is, to burn the Quassia Bark with the name paper burying it. I f you dissolved a paper in liquid and your paper is weak but
each time and to mix the name paper ash and Quassia Bark ash. Quassia your liquid is strong, your paper may dissolved away to scraps. If your
Bark is the only herb i know that is routinely used in this way. paper was strong and your liquid was innocuous, you can take the paper
Back in the day when people wrote with fountain pens, sprinkling out, dry it, eat it, burn it to ashes, or bury it, as you will.
the ash of a name paper on the second and third written iterations was Read more about disposing of ritual remains online here:
also practiced because the ash actually stuck to the liquid ink as it dried.
60 61
If you have a headache or a backache, write out Psalms 3 by hand on On the back of a dollar bill, write this verse of Deuteronomy 28:8:
clean paper and burn the paper to ashes. Mix the ashes with Olive Oil or "The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and
7-11 Holy Oil and a few drops of Peppermint Oil, praying Psalms 3 as in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land
you stir it together. Use the oil to massage your temples or your back. which the Lord thy Godgiveth thee." On the front of the dollar bill write
your first and last names. Place them under a plate.
T O H E L P OR H E A L SOMEONE D E A R T O Y O U Inscribe your name on a green offertory candle and dress it with
Make a name paper for the person whom you wish to heal or help. Wealthy Way Oil. Burn it for a few minutes every evening when you come
Wrap a hair from the person, a slice of Peony Root, and a small cross in home from work. Drip oil on the wick each time you light it. After five
the paper and carry it in red flannel bag. The cross will ward off evil and days of work, you are ready for your weekend, so come home and put five
break jinxes. The Peony Root brings health and long life, and is said to drops of oil on the dollar bill — at the corners and center. Then light the
cure mental illness or substance abuse. Dress the bag with Protection, money on fire and burn it to ashes. Rub the ashes on the soles of your
Blessing, Healing, Cast Off Evil, or Run Devil Run Oil, as you prefer. shoes, let the candle burn to the socket, and go out and have a good time.
62 63
The simplest spell i know for money drawing and general success in This job is done for a client by a root doctor, and it was shown to me
career was taught to me in the 1960s by the owner of a spiritual supply by a worker who knew her business, but i have taught others to do ii lor
store in Oakland, California. All you need is a ball-point pen and Money themselves. I will describe it as if you were helping a client and i trust
Drawing Sachet Powder or Money Drawing Oil or Hoyt's Cologne. In you to make the necessary changes if you are doing the work for yourself.
a pinch you can use whiskey instead of the oil or cologne. Stand the client barefoot with her right foot upon a piece of paper if she
The "SUCCESS sigil" is a special, cryptic way of writing the word is right-handed. I f she is left-handed, stand her with her left foot on the
"success." Try it out on paper before you do it on your money. Write: paper. The best paper is tough, unprinted grocery sack paper, unless — and
SUCCESS this is important — the job she wants is with a retail store that packages
customers' goods in its own imprinted bags. As i was told, "If you want a
Then write it again without the job as a cashier at the Piggly Wiggly, get a paper bag from the Piggly
vowels, because we are only going Wiggly and stand right on their name, but if you want a job from the
to work with the consonants: hardware store, go in and buy something and get one of their paper bags
SCCSS and stand right on that. Even if they use plain paper bags, stand on a bag
that came from that store, if you want a position in that store."
Add an S to the front of the word so
Those instructions date from the 1970s, and since then i have added to
that the whole thing is a symmetrical
this old method the idea that if the company is not a retail outlet, but does
palindrome (reading the same from
have an internet presence, you should print out a corporate web page with
front to back and back to front):
the company logo on it, especially a page that relates to the job you want.
SSCCSS Kneel down and trace around the client's foot with a pencil. Pray for the
Then draw a line through each S to change it to a dollar sign $ and client as you do this. Cut out the shape of her foot, inside the line so that
draw a line through each C to change it to a cent sign tf: the paper is smaller than her actual foot and will fit in her shoe. On the
paper, write out Luke 11:9, but insert the client's name and the name of the
company in the scripture, so it looks like this:
That is the S U C C E S S sigil - $ $ « $ $ . And I say unto you,
Now that you know how to do it, take out every bill in your wallet. Betty Ann Ransome Lewis,
Write the $$<^$$ sigil diagonally in every corner of each of the bills. Ask, and it shall be given you,
Underneath the name of the US Treasurer, write your own full name. By the Piggly Wiggly in Jackson, Mississippi;
Sprinkle the bills with Money Drawing Sachet Powder and drag your Seek, and ye shall find,
fingernails down them in "wavy snake lines," then shake the powder off. A job as a cashier or in the warehouse, either one;
Dress the coiners of each bill with a drop of Money Drawing Oil, Hoyt's Knock, and it shall be opened unto you,
Cologne, or whiskey as you say the 23rd Psalm ("The Lord is my shepherd, In Jesus' name, Amen.
i shall not want..."). Put the dressed money back in your wallet. Draw dollar signs all around this prayerful petition and dress the paper
You can also write the sigil in the form of a cross and use five with Steady Work Oil in the form of a cross. Tell the client to wear the
of these crosses on a money-drawing petition, as Henry Buchy, a paper in her shoe as she goes to the interview. Have her call you when the
graduate of my Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course, did above. interview is scheduled so that you can keep a yellow light dressed with
His text is "Bring Money Every Day I Bring Money in Every Way." Steady Work Oil going for the date and time of the interview.
64 65
The same woman who showed me the previous spell gave the advice If friends and relatives are always hitting on you ^ , «trftn°t?
that the client was to be given a bottle of Steady Work Oil to bathe with for loans but are slow to repay, mix Sassafras, ^ ,*• •*
and to rub the oil on her hands before meeting the interviewer at the job Cinnamon, Cloves, Irish Moss, and Alkanet in a | I J
site. I followed her lead and told it this way for years. This was not a spell green flannel bag. When a person asks to borrow | ^ \
involving the use of papers, so i would not have included it here except as from you, get two things from them — a hair from p 3.
a footnote to the previous page, a mere add-on to the footprint spell. their head and their name on a little paper in their jf | Ji
However, when the book "Hoodoo Bible Magic " by Miss Michaele and own handwriting. You don't need to explain why ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Professor Charles Porterfield came out in 2014, i saw that they had you want these things. Just say, " I ' l l loan you the
coupled the same scripture i used (Luke 11:9) to another verse (Psalms money if i can have a hair from your head and your name written in your
90:17), and this gave me the idea to couple their second verse to the second own handwriting on this little piece of paper." If they want the money bad
portion of the footprint spell, which involved the hand-treatment. So this enough, they'll do as you say. Write your name across their name on the
is an example of how rootworkers influence one another over the years. paper to control them. Around the crossed names, in a square, write,
Miss Michaele and Professor Porterfield recommended Psalms 90:17 as "Faithful to a Trust" four times, once on each side of the square, like four
a paper for the shoe, but the verse does not mention feet; rather it specifies square walls boxing the names in. Fold the paper towards you, around the
the hands. The woman from Jackson, Mississippi, had taught me a hand- hair, folding toward you again and again until it is small. Place the paper
treatment, but she had given me no scripture for that portion of her work. packet in the bag, and they will repay the loan on time.
Putting two and two together, i devised the following:
Trace the client's right hand if right-handed or left hand if left-handed Q U I C K S I L V E R G A M B L I N G C H A R M UPDATED
onto a piece of paper. See the previous spell for how this should be done. People used to drill a hole in a Buckeye or a Nutmeg, fill it with liquid
Cut out the handprint and on it write Psalms 90:17: "And let the beauty of metallic Mercury or Quicksilver, and seal it with wax to carry as a lucky
the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands pocket piece. This is a health risk because Mercury is toxic. Instead, wrap a
upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it." sigilized and written-on two dollar bill around the Buckeye or Nutmeg, and
Have the client sign the Scriptural passage with her full name. a Mercury Dime, folding it toward you to draw in money in games of chance.
Open a small bottle of Steady Work Oil for her and pray this scripture
over her hand as you dress the palm of her hand liberally with the oil, then MONEY AND A PHOTO F O R C H I L D SUPPORT
place her hand down into her handprint to mark the hand outline as hers. If your child's father won't pay child support, cut a picture of him and
Place the handprint paper face-up under a candle stand. Inscribe her name the child apart and space it out with a dollar bill glued from behind the
into the yellow candle (mentioned in the previous spell) which you will set photo pieces. He will have to come across with that dollar before he can
as her job interview candle on the day and at the time she tells you to set see the child. State as much by writing your monetary command in a
it. Dress the candle with Steady Work Oil and give her the remainder of straight line from his hands, across the money, and into the child's hands.
the bottle, with instructions to add a few drops to her bath and to anoint her
hands with the oil as she says the portion of scripture every day up to and TO M A K E A L O V E R M O R E G E N E R O U S W I T H M O N E Y
including the day of the interview. If you want your lover to be more forthcoming with money, add
I hope that you have enjoyed this glimpse into how an old, experienced Chamomile to any love-drawing oils, powders, baths, perfumes, washes,
worker such as myself creatively crafts spiritual patchwork from donated or incenses and when you write your lover's name on paper use a dollar
scraps. This one is a veritable friendship quilt across the decades. bill instead of brown paper or parchment to write on.
66 67
LOVE AND S E X SPELLS This spell was published in 1974 by H. U . Lampe (Larry B . Wright) in
his Famous Voodoo Rituals and Spells. Despite the title of the book, this is
Love drawing is, without a doubt, the most commonly-cited reason a hoodoo spell. Wright was not young when he wrote it, and both the
that people first learn how to use magic. There are tens of thousands of techniques and wording show the influence of the 1936 book Legends of
love spells in this world, of course, and not all of them involve papers Incense, Herb, and Oil Magic by Lewis de Claremont, so i believe this is
— but when they do, the most common forms of papers will be name an early 20th century conjure spell. I have edited the text for clarity.
papers, photographs, papers as packets, papers as measures and true
Obtain six red 9" jumbo candles, one candle holder that fits them,
lengths, and paper dolls. Unless the layout and number of repetitions is
about 400 new pins, several sheets of parchment paper, a packet of Love
stated, and the method of folding is specified, you may make your name
Me Incense, an incense burner, a bottle of Dove's Blood brand red ink,
paper as you feel most appropriate.
a dip pen, and a bottle of Commanding Oil.
Cut out six equilateral triangle papers, three inches wide per side.
These are to invoke the aid of the Trinity Power. Three is a powerful
Write out a square name paper for the one whom you wish to attract.
number and the three walled sides are believed to defend the ritual
Fold it like a seed packet. In the packet place dried Rose petals, a pinch
against negative forces while the three points attack evil in return. On
of Coriander seeds, and a Tonka Bean, plus a hair of the person, if you
each triangle write the name of the loved man three times with Dove's
can get it. This packet is sufficient in itself to function as a hand, but if
Blood Ink. Also prepare six squares of parchment paper with the name
you want to preserve it for extended use, you may sew it into a square
of the man written once on each, again using the Dove's Blood Ink.
of red or pink cloth. Feed it with your own favourite perfume.
Anoint one candle with Commanding Oil. The oil should be rubbed
on from the center of the candle toward the top, then from the center of
the candle toward the bottom. Take sixty pins and stick thirty into one
This is simple love spell using just the Ace of Hearts from a regular
side of the candle, starting at the bottom and making a straight line up
deck of playing cards as your name paper: We've all seen a red
to the top. Do the same on the other side. Stick the pins about halfway
Valentine's heart pierced by an arrow from upper left to lower right. It's
in. Heating them makes the work easier. Prepare each candle only at the
a pretty universal symbol of love, so let's make a spell of it. Get an Ace
time of using. Do not prepare the other candles ahead of time.
of Hearts and a straight pin. With a Sharpie marker, write your lover's
initials plus yours, like this: Place a paper triangle underneath the candle holder and light the
NBY candle at dusk. Once the candle is lit, also light the Love Me Incense.
+ Put four pins through the first name parchment paper square, with the
CAY heads in the corners and the points toward the center, forming a figure
Pierce the heart with the pin, as with an arrow, pray for love, and keep X . Pass the pinned paper through the smoke of the incense. Place the
the card between your box springs and mattress. To be certain-sure that smoked paper in front of the candle. Allow the candle to burn to the end.
your lover will stay, use a safety pin instead of a straight pin. Thread The next morning gather the sixty pins, pass the parchment square
something of your lover's and something similar of yours — a button, through the smoke of newly lit Love Me Incense and then bury the
bead, scrap of handwriting, or piece of cloth — onto the safety pin for paper and pins near your doorstep. This procedure is followed for six
safekeeping, and the love between you will be truly held in place. nights and mornings until the six candles have been burned. On the
For many more playing card spells, please see this book: seventh night pour the remaining Commanding Oil upon the buried
"A Deck of Spells" by Professor Charles Porterfield materials and make a strong wish that your lover will be true to you.
68 69
This spell to keep a man faithful uses a name paper as a physical To prepare a strong love-drawing conjure hand, the man writes the
measure — both a true length and a proxy. Michele writes: woman's full name three times on a square of paper, rotates it a quarter-
"To keep your man faithful, you will need a large Cowrie Shell (at least turn clockwise, and crosses it with his full name written three times. He
2W long), a piece of paper 3" x 9", Calamus Root Chips, Knot Weed, gets one of the woman's hairs and one of his own hairs and folds them
Licorice Coot, Magnolia Leaf, Rosemary, his semen (or, if you can't get it, into square name paper, folding toward himself, to draw her to him,
a 'male' oil like John the Conqueror or Nature Oil as a substitute), a piece of turning the paper a quarter-turn clockwise for positive results, and folding
fabric cut from his underwear, a white offertory candle, four pink offertory it again toward him. The paper is placed in a red flannel draw-string bag
candles, Stay With Me Oil, and a cloth to hold the shell on its back. or sewn into a red flannel cloth packet, along with a single Sampson
"Wash the shell and let it dry thoroughly. Take a measure of his penis. Snake Root and a pair of small Lodestone grits fed with Magnetic Sand.
Get his semen unmixed with your fluids if you can. Cut a piece from your This bag or packet can be dressed with Hoyt's Cologne, Attraction
paper as long as his penis and 2" wide. It can be a plain rectangle, or you Oil, Follow Me Girl Oil, or Come To Me Oil, and the man should wear
can make it anatomically correct. Write your petition for his fidelity on it in the front pocket, near the genitals. The Sampson Snake Root is a
this paper down the middle, lengthwise. Rotate the paper 90 degrees and "male" root and the other ingredients are paired together to draw love.
write your name over the petition nine times. Anoint the four corners and Note that although this spell was taught to me as a man's spell to
the center with his semen, or with the male oil. attract a woman and i have passed it along as i was given it, there is
"Anoint the opening of the shell with your sexual fluids. nothing in it that is inherently "female," because it places its emphasis
"Grind the herbs and fabric small enough to fit into the shell. Place entirely on the man's sexual prowess. For this reason it could just as easily
them in the shell while stating your petition. Put the paper in the shell as be adapted to draw a male lover to a man, should such be his desire.
well. (If it is cut anatomically, put it in tip first.) Be sure to push it in deep For male same-sex love, you may add Q Oil or Lavender Love Drops.
enough so that none of it sticks out of the opening. This will help keep your
man's private parts where they belong, safely inside your own genitalia. A WOMAN'S MOJO T O DRAW A MAN F O R L O V E
"Light the white candle and drip wax into the shell's opening along its To make this little hand you will need the hair of the man you want.
entire length to seal the materials inside. Work slowly; the shell will hold Pubic hair is best, but other hairs will do. Prepare a 3" square name-paper
quite a bit of wax. Use this time to pray or speak your desires aloud. If wax by using red ink to write the man's name over and over in the form of a
flows out the ends, make a little nest of the wadded cloth and set the shell spiral leading to the center of the paper, where you will draw a heart.
on its back on the cloth until the wax dries. You don't have to fill the shell Touch the heart with your sexual fluids. Use menstrual blood if you have
to the brim — just full enough to keep the contents from moving about or it available; if it is gooey enough, stick the man's hair right in it.
leaking out of the opening. When the wax has dried, scrape any excess off Fold the paper by the corners-in method, and seal it with sticky red
with your fingernail and it will look like an ordinary Cowrie shell. wax or glue. Dress the paper with Follow Me Boy Oil. Place it in a
"Inscribe your wish on the pink candles and anoint them with Stay With square of red flannel with a piece of Queen Elizabeth Root, two Red
Me oil, stating your petition or the 66th Psalm ("Make a joyful noise unto Rose Buds, two Lodestone Grits, Lavender Flowers, Spikenard, and
God"). Place the shell in the center of a square made with the four candles. other love curios, and sew the flannel into a packet small enough to
Light the candles and let them burn down completely. Place the fixed shell wear on your person. Let your sweat get on it, then dress it with your
near your bed, or between the box springs and mattress of your bed to keep own favourite perfume. I f you wear it in your bosom, you will charm
his nature close to you at home. Breathe into the opening from time to the man you desire with your special winning ways.
time, or replenish the opening with your sexual fluids to keep it active." For female same-sex love, you may add Q Oil or Lavender Love Drops.
70 71
Sprinkle dried Spikenard on an unframed photograph of the couple Women who want to draw a man's love have been known to write
together that is cut in the shape of a heart, signed in the name of both his name on paper, put it into a small envelope with Male Fern, and
parties, and buried face-up at the bottom of a flower pot or in a garden bed carry it in their purses.
in which you grow a Basil plant. Spikenard promotes love and Basil
promotes a happy marriage. Use the Basil in cooking food for both parties. A HONEY JAR S P E L L T O R E C O N C I L E A F T E R A F I G H T
A hair of yours, a hair of your lover's, and a matched pair of Balm of
D O V E S B L O O D INK AND SENNA T O A T T R A C T L O V E Gilead Buds may be wrapped in a name paper bearing your estranged
If you want to get to know someone who is unaware of your interest, lover's name crossed by your name. The seed-packet style is good,
write the person's name on a square of paper one time with Dove's because it will keep everything neat. Put the packet in ajar full of honey,
Blood Ink and kiss it. Use the paper to fold a packet around some Senna syrup, or sugar, Burn a pink chime candle dressed with Reconciliation Oil
leaves. You can use either the seed-packet method or the folded and tied on top of the jar every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to sweeten your
method to create the packet. Place the packet in a red flannel bag, dress lover back to you. I f you are physically apart, blend in equal parts of
it with Come To Me Oil, and carry it on your person or in your purse. Return To Me Oil. Do not break any dripped wax off the jar; just let it build
up and keep on burning the candles until you see some change.
Wire, tie, or glue American Mandrake roots to make a twig-doll, then TO C A U S E A C O U P L E T O G E T A L O N G B E T T E R
wrap around its middle with a name paper bearing the beloved's name, Obtain a red Apple of a size that will fit inside an
and use it as a doll-baby for love. Brown paper bag paper is best, as it empty Coffee tin. On a square of paper no taller than
is strong and tough. Cut it to the person's measure, letter the name in the height of the Apple, write the squabbling couple's
black block letters with a red heart between each letter of the name. names, crossing them like an X . Around this X write the
word "love" over and over again (lovelovelove) as
O R A N G E B L O S S O M WATER T O DRAW A MAN many times as it takes to go around their names in an
Write the two names with pencil on separate papers and pin them unbroken circle, never lifting your pen from the paper, and ending the
together face-to-face. Put them into a pint jar of water with a spoonful final "e" so that it just runs into the first " 1 . " It's okay to practice a few
of sugar or honey and a handful of Orange Blossoms. Loosely close the times to get this right — you want a perfectly done name paper. Core
jar and surround it with five red candles dressed with Attraction Oil. the Apple with a regular corer, making a hollow cylinder down the
Burn all the candles at once, calling the lover's name aloud as you light center. Roll the name paper into a tube, then slide it into the Apple,
each one. Let the jar work for five days, then strain out the papers and letting it expand to fill the space. Place the Apple in the Coffee tin, pour
flowers, bury them in a hole your back yard, under a Rose bush or at the Cinnamon powder and a sweetener (sugar, syrup, honey, molasses, or
foot of a tree, and dress the spot with the water and your own urine. whatever you prefer) into the hole, and put the lid on the tin. Hide the
tin in a trunk or drawer, or bury it in the fighting couple's front yard.
A BOSOM S A C H E T F O R L O V E This will assist them to love one another again.
On a 3" paper square, write your lover's name coiner to corner in red ink. This spell has proved to be among the most popular that i first
Cross it corner-to-corner with your name. Add a pair of Blood Root Chips published in 2002 in my book on conjuring with herbs.
and a pinch each of Attraction and Love Me Powder. Fold it seed-packet Read many more such herbal, mineralogical, and zoological spells in:
style and sew it into red silk. Wear it in your bra as a bosom sachet. "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic" by Catherine yronwode
72 73
The following four spells by Deacon Millett are traditional domestic Miss Michaele, the proprietor of and the co-
love spells. They are made in the kitchen, worked in a common sugar author of Hoodoo Bible Magic, contributes these dissolved-word spells:
bowl, and hidden in plain sight. All four use a circular paper on which
your name and your mate's are written three times and crossed, with the • AN I N V I S I B L E PRAYER IN A P I C T U R E F R A M E
request written outside of the names, in a circle. Says Deacon Millett, " A To influence someone for love, give them a gift of a picture in a
sugar bowl on the table, used for coffee or tea, can be a center of frame. Take a love bath and use a little of the bath water as ink to
sweetening for the home. The ideal bowl for our use is not flat-bottomed, write your love prayer on a plain piece of paper. Dry it and slip it
but footed, with a hidden area beneath it which we can fill as we choose. behind the picture. The prayer will be invisible when dry — but
Crafty folks affix green felt across the bottom, to hide the trick from view. only to the physical eye.
But how many people are going to be looking under the sugar bowl?"
Write your love prayer on paper in water-soluble ink, or even food
Place a pinch of Lavender, a pinch of Basil and a whole Clove in the
colouring. Before bathing, take the paper with you into the tub,
center of your paper. Fold the paper toward yourself, to bring peace
rinse the prayer right off into the water, bathe in it, and use the bath
toward you. Turn it ninety degrees and fold it again. Continue until
water to dress a gift you give to the one you love.
you have a tight "packet" with the names far inside.
Read more spells by Miss Michaele in this book:
"Hoodoo Bible Magic" by Miss Michaele and Prof. C D . Porterfield
To turn a petition paper into a packet for romance, add a Rose Bud, a
piece of Cinnamon Stick, and a piece of Cherry Bark. This packet takes
more skill to fold, since it is chunkier. Tie it with red thread like you'd DRAGON'S B L O O D I N C E N S E P A C K E T FOR M A R R I A G E
gift wrap a present to make it easier to hide beneath your sugar bowl. Dragon's Blood powder is used by women who wish to receive an
offer of marriage. The simplest way to do this is to write your lover's
• A SUGAR B O W L FOR A F A I T H F U L M A R R I A G E name one time on a small square of brown paper, cross it with your own
Include a pinch of Coriander seed, a pinch of Cumin seed, and a name written one time, draw a heart in each quadrant of the paper, fold
single Red Clover flower in your packet. Women often add a sprig of Dragon's Blood powder into the name paper, and throw the packet onto
Rosemary. Seeds tend to roll during packet folding, so take care! glowing charcoal along with Love Me Incense while saying a prayer.
Do this every night while the Moon is waxing or as long as you see
• A SUGAR B O W L FOR R E N E W E D M A R R I A G E VOWS progress being made. You may add Deer's Tongue leaf to the packet if
If your spouse has left home, tape your packet underneath the sugar the man seems shy to speak.
bowl and place your wedding ring in the sugar bowl overnight to
create sweet thoughts of your marriage. This was a favourite spell T O STOP MARITAL FIGHTING
taught by Susie Bosselmann of the Lucky Mojo Curio Co., whose Wrap a small amount of Vandal Root (caution: it is very stinky!) and a
lady-hearted phone advice was a help to so many. photo that shows both you and your spouse together in a piece of brown
paper. Carry this odiferous packet for three days and then take out the all of
Read many more sweet spells for all types of situations in this book: the Vandal Root and throw it into running water, to take the fighting away.
"Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells" by Deacon Millett Replace it with Lovage Root and keep that with the picture thereafter.
74 75
This is not a spell to bring back a lover after a fight or break up; Many a single mother has found herself cursing the no-good mi
rather it is to return someone who has moved away or is travelling. who won't support his child. Sweetening the situation will help a m;
Write your absent lover's name on paper nine times and cross it with want to take care of his family, and you should try it before trying i
your name written nine times. Place the name paper in a white saucer and take the man to court and causing a rift in the life of the child. I have
fill the saucer with white sugar, covering the paper. Buy nine small white special petition paper for such cases.
candles and burn one, set upright in the sugar, each day for nine days. Use the mama and the daddy names written nine times each, side h
If your lover has not returned after nine days, burn everything in a side in two columns (because they are no longer a couple) and the hah
fire and start again with new materials, repeating the process nine more name crossed over both, holding them all together. Then, around an
days. I f your lover still does not come back, again burn everything, and around the names write, "We are family, forever and in all ways, mid U
make a third attempt. I f this spell does not work after three tries, your no one put this family asunder." In the corners of the paper, draw loi
lover will not return. eye-shapes, just the outlines, with no pupils in the centers. Inside eac
eye-shape draw a heart, and inside each heart draw a dollar sign. I
TO CAUSE A COUPLE'S L O V E TO GROW meaning of this symbol in each corner is God is watching you (the 6)
This spell is not generally performed by the people involved but is shape) — so love the child (the heart) and pay the money (the dollai sign
done on their behalf by a third party, either a family member or a
professional root worker. HONEY JAR FOR S W E E T E N I N G SOMEONE
Get a Red Delicious Apple and a clay flower pot large enough that the A small glass honey jar in which a person's name papei is pirn
Apple will fit inside with lots of room to spare. You will also need a small (wrapped around a paper with a wish and the person's hair, il n e.m l>, hid
living Fern plant. The species of Fern does not matter, but Maidenhair is used as a base upon which to burn candles for a variety of
Fern and Male Fern are the two species most often used in love spells. purposes, from attracting a new lover or reconciling with in "1,1
On a square of paper no taller than the height of the Apple, write out influencing a judge to favour one's court case or a boss to granl Onc
the couple's full names, crossing them like an X . Around this X write request for a raise. You can add herbs to the packet too: Rose Petals f
your wish for their love and happiness, over and over again (e.g. love, Little John to Chew for court matters, or Fenugreek Seeds loi mom
loveoneanotherloveoneanother) as many times as it takes to go around You can also use white or brown sugar, jelly, or jam in the jai !
their names in an unbroken circle, never lifting your pen from the paper workers fill the jar with molasses, corn syrup, or cane syrup, dependim
and ending the final letter of the last word so that it just runs into the on what they have at hand, the type of case they are trying to work,
first letter of the first word. Practicing this with a pencil on a scrap of the skin-colour of the person they are trying to influence.
paper a few times is fine, in order to get a neat final version. The candles burned atop the jar lid are colour-keyed to yoi
Core the Apple to make a hollow cylinder down the center. Roll the intentions: white for blessings, stopping gossip, or finding a new lov
name paper into a tube, then slide it into the Apple, letting it expand to pink for romance and reconciliation; red for sex, love, and pleasur
fill the void. Place the Apple in the flower pot, pour Cinnamon powder brown for court cases; blue for peace in the home; green when asking f
and sweetener into the hole (sugar, syrup, honey, or molasses, as you a raise or seeing a bank officer about a loan, and yellow for success,
prefer), and top it off with regular potting soil. Plant the Fern with its Read many more types of sweetening spells in this book:
roots in the soil on top of the Apple and water it with Holy Water. As the "Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells" by Deacon Millett
Fern grows, so will the couple's love for one another grow. It should only Read much more about the history of sweeting spells online:
be watered with Holy Water as long as you wish to work the spell.
76 77
This is a jack ball for coercive love that was
related to me by a 50-55 year old woman T O G E T A C O U R T C A S E DISMISSED
customer in a candle store on Maxwell Street in I f you are being brought to court on false charges, this is an old way
Chicago in 1965. She said, "If you want a man to to get your case dismissed. Do not try it if you are actually guilty; this
love you, and he absolutely refuses, you can spell is for the innocent only.
goofer him to love you — you know, make him Using a waterproof marker, write the names of all Twelve Apostles
sick to love you." This is her recipe: on a Sage, Bay, or Plantain Leaf. Their names are Simon Peter, Andrew,
You will need his hair, your hair, a small High James son of Zebedee, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew;
John the Conqueror Root, Goofer Dust (or Graveyard Dirt), Love Me Sachet James son of Alphaeus, Judas Thaddaeus; Simon the Canaanite, and
Powder, a piece of brown paper (torn on all four sides from a paper bag), a Judas Iscariot. Place this in your right shoe.
waterproof pen that writes red, a waterproof pen that writes black, a brand- Write the name of the judge on paper, and place this in your left shoe.
new spool of red sewing thread, a red flannel bag, and a sharp pen knife. It is said that if you wear these in your shoes, your appearance will be
On the paper, write his full name seven times in black ink, then rotate delayed, and the third time you go, your case will be dismissed.
the paper and print "LOVE ME OR DIE" over his name seven times in red
ink, crossing it and covering it. Set the name paper aside. Use the pen knife A F I V E - H E R B C O U R T C A S E MOJO
to carve a slit-shaped hole in the High John Root and wedge your hair and If you oppose others in court, whether as plaintiff or defendant, write all
his hair in there together. Then pack the slit tight with a mixture of Goofer of your opponents' names on paper, cross them with your name written nine
Dust and Love Me Sachet Powder. Thoroughly wet the name paper with times, wrap the name paper around a Little John to Chew Root and dress
your urine and wrap it around the High John Root, pressing and forming it the packet with Court Case Oil. Place the packet in a cloth or letter bag with
as you would papier-mache, to keep the hairs and powders inside. While it Calendula, Cascara Sagrada, Dill Seed, Deer's Tongue Leaf, and Oregano.
is still wet, wrap it up in the brand-new red thread, going round and around
very neatly, like a ball of twine, until the paper is entirely covered. When A S E V E N - H E R B C O U R T C A S E MOJO IN A PAPER
you are done, tie the thread off with seven knots, and leave a length of Write the Names of those who oppose you on a piece of brown
thread to hang it from. You can double or triple the hanging-thread for grocery bag paper and cross their names with your Name written three
strength, and finish it with a loop for your finger. times. Wrap a pinch each of Calendula, Anise Seed, Deer's Tongue,
Carry the prepared charm in a red flannel bag and moisten it with your Celery Seed, Tobacco snuff, Cascara Sagrada, and Dill Seed in the name
urine when needed. Hold it by its hanging-thread to "operate" it, swinging paper, folding away from you and saying, "May this trouble be removed
it back and forth, or round and around toward you, as you call the man's from me." Tie the packet with thread and carry it in your pocket when
name to draw him to you. Get a rhythm going and say his name, like this, you go to court. In the courtroom, chew a Little John Root and spit it
over and over: "[First Name, Last Name], love me or die; [First Name, onto the paper-wrapped mojo hand to feed it.
Last Name], love me or die; [First Name, Last Name], love me or die."
"You do this," the woman told me, "and the man will either love you, or TO S W E E T E N A JUDGE
he'll get real sick. I f he gets sick, don't let up; just keep your urine wet on This spell came from one of Harry Hyatt's interviewees in the 1930s:
that thing; just keep working with it. That's the way you get him, you To get a judge on your side, write his or her name nine times and
weaken him. When he is about finished, you can nurse him back to health. place the paper with Cinnamon and sugar in your left shoe. Now you
Then he's all yours." have the judge under your feet and working for you.
7K 79
Write the names of all the parties on paper in red ink, wrap the paper
in red cloth, and sprinkle it with Dill seeds and Coriander seeds. Keep TO R E M O V E P R O B L E M S AND BAD HABITS
this charm in a cold, dark place — or freeze it in a block of water — for Obtain something small to symbolize the problem or bad habit you
nine days before the court date, or until you have won. wish to be rid of. On a small square of paper, write a description of the
problem in your own words, very simply, such as "addiction to nicotine,"
S E V E N O F C L U B S T O CONFUSE C O U R T P R O C E E D I N G S "irrational craving for Burger King Whoppers," or "kleptomania." Do not
This spell comes from Professor Charles Porterfield: "To sow use words like "my" or " i " in the description; you do not want to own this
confusion among the witnesses and prosecuting attorneys, take the Seven problem; you want to get rid of it!
of Clubs and write your name across the middle Club with the words 'Go If your problem is alcoholism, write out the description of the problem
free' beneath it. Then write the names of the prosecuting attorneys and with a pencil and dip the paper in the alcohol, then let it dry. I f you can
witnesses on the card and strike them through. Finally, draw an X over the soak a paper label off a bottle of the alcohol, use that to write upon.
remaining six Clubs, dress the card with Inflammatory Confusion Oil, and If your problem is drug or cigarette addiction, wrap a bit of the drug or
place it into an envelope with Poppy seeds and Black Mustard seeds. Seal Tobacco product that is hurting you in the paper on which you have
the envelope and write the date and time of the court hearing on it. Carry written the description. Use a product label to write on, if one is available.
this on you in a pocket when you go into court. It will cause disruptive If the problem is purely mental, and concerns your thoughts, obtain a
confusion among the prosecution lawyers and witnesses." graphic representation of the mental problem, such as a screaming face to
symbolize uncontrolled anger. Crumple it up into a little ball and wrap it
T I E P E O P L E T O G E T H E R T O C A T C H T H E M CHEATING in the description paper.
If a man believes his wife is cheating, he can go to the woods, select two Mix Knot Weed with soft beeswax of the kind that comes in sheets for
lengths of wild Grape vine from one plant, and name one for his wife and beekeepers to use. (The exact item you want is called "100% beeswax thin
the other for the man whom he suspects. He writes his wife's name on top surplus foundation for square section comb honey.") If you cannot find
of the man's on a brown paper with a pencil, urinates on the paper to soften Knot Weed, the same spell can be done using Couch Grass or any species
it, sprinkles it with Red Pepper, wraps it tightly around the two vines like a of runner-grass to wind around the ball to bind it. I f you cannot find
bandage, and ties it up tight with one of his own shoelaces. He then goes beeswax, use yellow cheese rind wax such as that on Laughing Cow
directly home, where, if she is cheating, he will find his wife and her lover Bonbel Babybel Edam cheese. Speak aloud your desire for your
stuck together like two Dogs. He can take a photo and bring a divorce suit. problems to be gone the entire time that you form the wax and herbs into
a ball around the written paper with the object inside.
B E E F T O N G U E S P E L L T O SHUT T H E M UP Bury the ball in a graveyard and ask the spirits of the dead to keep your
Cross the names of all opposing lawyers or witnesses with your name problem until you return. If you come from a family where the type of
written nine times or with the command SHUT YOUR MOUTH! nine problem you need to overcome is prevalent, that is, if your ancestors may
times to cross and cover them. Sprinkle the paper with red hot Cayenne have had the same problem, do not go to the grave of an ancestor for help
Pepper powder and say, "May your words burn in your mouth if you speak in this matter. Instead, go to the grave of a minister, an upright
against me." Slit a beef tongue open, stuff the paper in, and pin or sew the businessman, or, best of all, someone who had this problem and overcame
tongue shut. Freeze it in your freezer until the court date. the problem in life. Pay three coins to the spirit for this service. Lay them
You can read more about beef tongue court case spells online here: out in a triangle and bury the ball in the middle of the triangle, then bury the three coins where they lay. Walk away and don't look back.
so 81
Just as Psalms 91 can be carried on the person, so can its essence be
E M E R G E N C Y P R O T E C T I O N IN A S H O E O R A P O C K E T transmitted into liquids for use in protection of a person or a location.
If you must go into a place where there is reason to fear a physical Write Psalms 91 on white paper in water-soluble ink. (You cannot use
attack, you can protect yourself by carrying Psalms 91. Most folks write out a photocopy for this.) Here are two things you can do next:
the Psalm by hand — but if you don't have time, just photocopy this page! Dip the paper in a glass of water to dissolve the ink in the water. Wad up
This Psalm promises that God will protect you, "lest thou dash thy the paper and swallow it like a pill, with a swig of the water to get it down.
foot against a stone," so some folks wear it in their shoe. It also promises Use the rest of the water in a bath. This will protect you inside and out.
that the Lord's truth "shall he thy shield and buckler," so other folks wear Place the paper in a bottle of cologne, Chinese Wash, or water. Let it
it in a breast pocket. Either way is fine. Or you can carry two copies of it. stay in there and dissolve. Use the liquid as you normally would on your
body, as a misted room fragrance, as scrub water for house cleaning, or
however you like. The liquid will convey the protection of the 91st
Pso/mS f\ I V/e that duje//eth in the Secret p/aCe of the most Psalm everywhere you spread, spray, or splash it.
W'jh sha// aAide under the shadotAj of the A/fi'i^hty. 2 X uji//
say of the LO^]>, ></e is my refuge and my fortress •' my cjodj P O L I C E M A N ' S NAME F O R P R O T E C T I O N O F P R O P E R T Y
in his*! LO'I// X trust. 3 Sure/y he sha// de/iVer thee fro/*! the Go to the graveyard of a policeman. He should have been a fair and
Snare of the fouj/er, and from the noiSo/yie peSti/enCe. <l V/e honest man, preferably one known to you in life. If he lived and died
sha// CoVer thee ujith his feathers, and under his coinyS
heroically, so much the better. You can research him on the internet,
sha/t thou trust- his truth sha// Ae thy shie/d and Auc^/er.
though online obituary sites, or find-a-grave services. When you get to
6 ~T~hou sha/t not Ae afraid for the terror Ay night, nor for
the arrouj that f/ieth Ay day, 6> //or for the peSti/ence that the right policeman's grave, stand there and speak with him. Tell him
uja/keth in dar/(neSS, nor for the destruction that lAjaSteth you have one more job for him to do, and ask his consent. If he gives it,
at noonday. 1 A thousand sha// fa// at thy side, and ten purchase a handful of his graveyard dirt by paying for it with nine
thousand at thy f'ght hand Aut it sha// not come nigh thee.
copper pennies. (A slang term for policemen is "coppers" or "cops.")
2 On/y ujith thine eyeS sha/t thou Aeho/d and See the recoard Write out Psalms 91 by hand and sign the policeman's name at the
of the toiefced. q Because thou hast made the LO^J>, ujhich bottom of the paper, as if he were the author of the Psalm. Burn a packet
is my refuse, eVen the moSt yt/igh, thy haAitation') IO There of Fiery Wall of Protection Incense to ash. (To speed this process, you
Sha// no eVi/ AefaJ/ thee, neither Sha// any p/agUe Come "'jh may burn it on a charcoal tablet.) As it burns, set the prayer and name
thy dme/Zing. II for he Sha// give his ange/s charge oVer thee,
paper alight in the incense, and make sure it is consumed utterly to ashes.
to keep thee in a// thy ujayS. IJ? They sha// Aear thee up in
Mix the incense and prayer paper ashes with the graveyard dirt of the
their hands, /est thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou
sha/t tread upon the /ion and adder- the young /ion and the policeman and walk around the perimeter of your property, calling his
dragon sha/t thou tramp/e under feet. 14 Because he hath name and asking him to protect you and your home as you sprinkle the dirt
Set his /oYe upon me, therefore uji// X de/iVer him- X uji// Set on the ground. Many old-timers, myself included, would tell you to walk
him on hijh, Aecause he hath /(noion my name. \6 >Ve sha// ca// backwards as you do this, casting the dirt to your front, with a very slight
upon me, and X uJ// anSooer him- X uji// Ae cuith him in side to side motion, as if you were broadcasting seeds in a field.
trouA/ej X coi// de/iver him, and honour him. \6> £*Jith /on^ /ife When you have circled the entire property and sprinkled out all of
uji// X satisfy him, and shecu him my sa/vation. the ash and dirt mixture, stop and recite the entirety of Psalms 91 one
more time, and close with "Amen."
H2 S3
Wash your business or home doorstep down with your own first urine This protection charm utilizes the verses of Ephesians 6:11-20. ("Put
of the day, diluted into a bucket of water, then sprinkle red brick dust on on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the
the doorstep to keep out unwanted people. wiles of the devil"). Susan explains how to make and use it:
To make this scrub much stronger, write the name of the Captain of "Write or photocopy the text from your Bible or find it online and print
Police on paper, burn the name paper to ashes, and add the crumbled it out." (The copy included on this page should be photocopied at 50%.)
ashes to your scrub water. In this way, the officers who patrol your beat "Surround the text with the phrase "protectmeprotectmeprotectme"
under that Captain of Police will know that your place is protected "in hand-written all around it as a square border. Pray over the petition, then
his name" and they will not bother you. apply a five-spot of Fiery Wall of Protection Oil to it. In the center of
the petition, place a small personal concern, such as a nail clipping or
P R O T E C T I N G MONEY F R O M T H E F T hair, of yourself or the person for who you are making the charm.
If you are the kind of person who keeps cash money in the home and "Smoke the petition with Fiery Wall of Protection Incense. Fold and
you are afraid it will be stolen, this method of protecting it will be of turn and fold the petition toward you at least four times to make a small
service. It combines several ways of working in one trick. packet. Smoke the shoe of your dominant foot (or your client's shoe)
Mark each piece of paper currency with your initials. You may write with Fiery Wall of Protection Incense, and place the petition in the shoe.
your initials anywhere on the bills, but always be consistent about where Once folded, it is fairly small and should fit into the toe of the shoe."
you place the mark, and do not use the corners, because these can be
clipped off by a thief and the bill will still be valid currency. The best
place to initial the currency is under the name of the Secretary of the fphesians few Put on the coho/e armour of djod, that ye may
Ae aA/e to Stand against the coi/eS of the deVi/. 13 for toe
Treasury, whose office and function will then protect your money
coreSt/e not against f/esh and A/ood, Aut against prindpa/itieS,
Place a folded paper packet of Gall of the Earth Root amongst the against potoerS, against the ru/ers of the darkness of this
currency. I f you cannot get Gall of the Earth, Sassafras and Alkanet are toor/d, against spiritual coickedneSS in high p/aces. 13
suitable substitutes for it in this spell. Place it in the middle of the pack. therefore take unto you the toho/e armour of Cjod, that
For additional protection, write out the first verse of Psalms 91 ("He ye may Ae aA/e to ujithstand in the eVi/ day, and has/ing done
that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the a//, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, ha/ing your /oinS girt aAout
shadow of the Almighty") on just one of the pieces of paper currency and toith truth, and has/ing on the Areastp/ate of righteousness)
shuffle it somewhere into the stack, thus placing it "in the most secret \6 And your feet Shod ujith the preparation of the goSpe/
place" even from yourself. of peace j \(c AAoVe a//, taking the sh'ie/d of faith, toherecoith
ye sha// Ae aA/e to quench a// the fiery darts of the coicked.
Hide the entire pack of currency well, and no one will touch it.
\Kf. And take the he/met of Sa/vation, and the Scoord of the
Spirit, cohich is the coord of Cjod- \<x Praying a/coays coith a//
PSALMS 121 AGAINST N I G H T M A R E S AND HAG-RIDING prayer and supp/ication in the Spirit, and coatching thereunto
If you are troubled by nightmares or hag-riding, write out Psalms 121 toith a// perseverance and supp/ication for a// saints, \f And
on paper or get a printed copy. Place it under a glass of water, which you for me, that utterance may Ae given Unto me, that X may
will keep on your bedside nightstand. Before you go to sleep, invite all open my mouth Ao/d/y, to make knocon the mystery of the
spirits of the night to come and drink, before they enter your dreams. goSpe/, 20 f~or tAjhich X am an a/ytAaSSador in Aonds- that
Once they do, they will be trapped in the water and will leave you alone. therein X may Speak Ao/d/y, as X ought to Speak- Amen.
When you awaken, throw the water out and wipe the glass clean.
84 85
This is a highly modified version of an old spell taught by Larry B .
A PAPER D O L L IN A C O F F I N Wright in the 1970s. I f you cannot use a traditional Hot Foot Powder
This curse is adapted from one taught by Larry B . Wright, a.k.a. H.U. spell on your enemy's foot-track, try this instead; it may work for you.
Lampe. I have used it successfully, but in doing so, i modified it greatly: Write the name of your enemy thirteen times on a square piece of paper
Prepare a small matchbox coffin. Paint or mark it black all over, inside and on it place a pinch each of Run Devil Run Powder, Hot Foot Powder,
and out. Cut out a paper doll and name it for the person. It must be no Sulphur Powder, and Epsom Salts. Fold it by bringing the corners to the
wider than the matchbox is long. Try to capture the look of the person in center, and then doing so a second time. Seal it by dripping wax from a red
silhouette form. Use black paper if you wish. I f you have a full-length candle dressed with Damnation Oil onto the center and the folds. Bury the
photo of the person, use that instead, trimming it around the edges of the sealed packet in the ground for thirteen days as the Moon wanes. Every
person's body — but it must be on plain paper, not photo paper. night wet the burial spot with Damnation Oil. On the fourteenth night, at
Write the person's name vertically with Bat's Blood Ink in block letters the dark of the Moon, dig up the packet, burn it to ashes and scatter the
from the head of the paper doll to the feet, one letter under the next. Stick ashes to the winds at a crossroads.
a brand new sewing pin into the paper doll's head and thread it in and out
of the paper to the feet, accordion-folding the paper as you go. Try to stab W E T T E D , D R I E D , WAXED, AND G O O F E R E D
the pin through every letter of the person's name. The paper will fold up Here is more old-fashioned work by Larry B . Wright, who had a
very tight and small if you do this carefully. Place the image and pin in the knack for curses. Again i present the spell as i myself modified it for use:
match box. You may stab the end of the pin out through the matchbox to Write your enemy's name every which way with no rhyme or reason
hold everything in place. Carry the box to a graveyard and dig a hole for and in no straight lines, all over both sides of a piece of paper. Wet the
it, but not in the grave of anyone already buried there, for this is its own paper in a dish of Four Thieves Vinegar. Take out the paper and put it in
grave. On top of the box place an X of Devil's Shoe String Roots to tangle a safe place to dry. Fold and roll the dried paper into a small cylinder and
and hold the person down. Sprinkle the roots and box with Black Arts Oil, completely cover it with red wax dripped from a candle dressed with
then cover it over with dirt. Leave the graveyard by a route different than Crossing Oil. Hide or bury the waxed roll in the enemy's yard. After three
the way you came, and never return to the spot where you buried the box. days sprinkle War Water on his or her front steps as you walk by at night.
Two nights after that, throw Crossing Powder from the steps to the yard.
T O PUT T H E JINX ON S O M E O N E The following night sprinkle Goofer Dust all along the sidewalk.
Here's another spell by Larry B . Wright: Write your enemy's name
diagonally from corner to corner on a square piece of paper, forming an T O SUBDUE AN OPPONENT O R C O M P E T I T O R
X . Pointing inward from the four center-edges of the paper draw four I got the idea for this curse from Larry B . Wright, but i have changed
arrow-shapes. They should point to the place where the names cross. At it so greatly that it is as much my own as his by this time:
the center make a small pile of dried powdered Rub Essence of Bend-Over Oil on the shoes of the one you wish to
Dog shit, Black Pepper, and Gunpowder taken subdue, but if you cannot touch the shoes directly, write his or her name
from a bullet or a firecracker. Fold the paper seven times on a piece of paper and drench it in the oil to use as a proxy.
inward from the corners and secure it with thread Burn the paper to ash and spread the ashes in the victim's pathway as you
or string. Hide it in the enemy's yard, house, or recite Psalms 43:3 ("He will subdue the peoples under us, and the nations
place of business to cause bad luck. The smaller under our feet") three times. Repeat this entire process on a total of five
you make the packet, the easier it will be to hide. separate occasions, for a total of fifteen repetitions of the Psalm.
86 87
To slowly and subtly weaken an enemy or competitor, fold Red This is a family of related spells based around the employment of
Pepper, whole Black Pepper Corns, and Graveyard Dirt into a piece of name papers, vinegar, and sharp, pointed things. After that, they differ:
paper on which you have written the enemy's name and birthdate. Fold Write each party's name nine times on a piece of paper. Wad each paper
this name paper packet into a piece of black cloth, such as a mourner's into a ball around a hair from that party. Put the two wads into a narrow
pocket handkerchief, tie it with black thread, and hide it in the enemy's bottle with nine nails, nine pins, and nine needles facing every which way to
house, car, or place of business. The enemy will slowly weaken. keep the papers from touching. Fill the bottle with vinegar and shake daily.
A second way is to write the names on two separate papers, fold them
TO SEND AN E N E M Y AWAY around hairs or personal concerns and put them in a bottle with Black Dog
Write your enemy's name with a pencil on a Black Hen's egg and soak Hair, Black Cat Hair, nine Pins, nine Needles, nine Coffin Nails, Hot Foot
the egg for nine days in Four Thieves Vinegar to which you have added Powder, Goofer Dust, Graveyard Dirt, Sulphur, and Red Pepper. Fill the
Red Pepper and Black Salt. At midnight of the ninth day, carry the egg to bottle with Four Thieves Vinegar or your urine and bury it at their doorstep.
a crossroads and, holding the egg in your hand, dance around the forks of A third way is to write the names on one paper, not touching, and cut the
the road, cursing your enemy, and sending your hatred into the egg. At the names apart, after which they must not be allowed to touch. In each paper,
climax of your dance, throw the egg sharply to the ground, breaking it, place a hair of each party. Add Black Dog Hair and Black Cat Hair, either one
then walk away silently and quietly, and don't look back. type of animal hair in each ball of paper, or one type at each end of the jar.
The Cat and Dog hair make them fight like Cats and Dogs. Shake the bottle
STRONG JINX ON AN E N E M Y daily, and after nine days, add your urine to "piss on them" and your poo to
Mix dried Snake Head herb with Crossing Incense, call your enemy's "shit on them" and throw the bottle at their house, hard enough to break it.
name, and light it. As it burns, write your enemy's full name backwards A fourth way starts with a single paper bearing both of their names, not
nine times in black ink on a sheet of paper that is torn on all four sides, touching. Cut the paper in half, separating the names, then write commands
sprinkle it with Goofer Dust, wrap it around Snake Head herb and Snake like "Fight! Quarrel! Separate! Divorce!" across the names, every which
shed powder, place the bundle in a raggedly-torn black cloth, and tie it with way. Fill the bottle with nails, needles, pins, broken razor blades, and
black thread. Bury the packet in a graveyard and your enemy will get sick. broken glass, keeping the names apart. Top it up with Four Thieves Vinegar
and black ink. Poke a tiny hole in the lid with a nail before you screw it on
GUNPOWDER TO D R I V E AN E N E M Y AWAY and bury the bottle upside down in their pathway so that they have to walk
Pick up your enemy's left foot-track, mix it with Sulphur Powder and over it as the liquid drips out very slowly, killing their relationship.
Gunpowder, and put the mixture on a piece of brown paper. Light all There are more ways these spells could be worked by choosing different
four corners of the paper with a match and step back. It will blow up and elements from among the four methods described. Feel free to improvise.
your enemy will be forced to leave town. Another way to do this is to
shoot the enemy's name with a bullet. BOILING NAME-PAPERS TO C A T C H A T H I E F
If something has been stolen and you want to find the thief, write the name
TO K E E P SOMEONE IN J A I L of each suspect in pencil on a piece of brown paper. Fill a pot with salty water
Write the person's name on paper and put it into a bowl with Red and put the first name-paper in. Boil it until the water evaporates, leaving a
Pepper, Black Pepper, a nail, and a door key. Pour in 1/4 cup ammonia salty crust. If that person is the thief, he will contact you while the water boils.
and set a second door key upright in the bowl, resting against the side. If you are not contacted, add new water to the pot, remove the first name and
Every day at noon, turn the upright key to keep the person locked up. boil the next. The one who contacts you while his name is boiling is the thief.
88 89
If you are setting black glass-encased Break Up or Separation Vigil Cut the top off a black jumbo candle, turn it upside down, and carve a
Candles, you can take a clue from the Break Up bottles described new tip at what was the bottom. Carefully heat it a section at a time and
previously. Do not burn the candle on a single name paper, face-down, press 99 whole Pepper Corns into it, all over the surface. Place it in a saucer
as you would to jinx or cross an enemy. Instead, prepare their names as on top of the enemy's face-down name paper and dress it by pouring a
you would for the bottle spell, either by starting with two separate pieces whole bottle of Crossing Oil over it. At midnight, carry this mess to a
of paper or by writing their names on a single paper, not touching, and deserted crossroads or, if possible, to the enemy's yard while he or she is
cutting it apart. I prefer to use the single paper for this, cutting it apart away. Set it down in the middle of a large X inside a circle made by walking
with pinking shears, which make a zig-zag cut, to separate the names. backward while sprinkling Crossing Powder diagonally from one corner of
You could also tear the names apart, or use regular scissors in a zig-zag, the crossroads or yard to the other, and then around the X in a circle. As the
jagged motion. You may add commands, as described in the fourth of the candle burns, speak a detailed list of the enemy's sins aloud, followed by
bottle spell variations, by using words like "Fight! Quarrel! Separate! the your requirements for true, justified, and lasting retribution.
Divorce!" across the names, written helter skelter and every which way.
Once you have the two name papers, you need to decide if, after the JINX AN E N E M Y AND HIS C A R W I T H A B L A C K C A N D L E
break up of their relationship, you want both parties to go away and out Write your enemy's name on his photo and completely cover his
of your life, or if you want one to stay and one to leave. Whoever you name with repeated commands for car trouble. Set the photo face-down
want to have leave, fold that person's name paper away from you, under a black jumbo candle on which you have carved your enemy's
cursing the person by name. Two folds is sufficient. Whoever you want name with a Coffin Nail. Dress the candle with Black Arts Oil. Burn the
to have stay, fold that person's name toward you, commanding the candle for 15 minutes every night and burn Vandal Root with Black Arts
person to remain with you. Again, two folds is sufficient. Incense on charcoal next to the candle every night. Hide Vandal Root in
Tape the papers to each side of the glass. Position the one you want to his car, so that he will wreck or have bad luck with the car.
leave so that the fold is at the top and the edges point downward. Position
the one you want to stay so that the fold is at the top and the edges point T O STOP AN E N E M Y ' S L U C K AND SEND H I M AWAY
upward. Dress the candle with Break Up or Separation Oil, as you wish. Place a handful of Knot Weed, one Devil's Shoe String Root, and the
enemy's picture or name paper on a black mourner's handkerchief.
B R E A K UP S P E L L W I T H A L E M O N Dress it with Crossing Powder, and tie it into a bundle with black thread.
Light a black altar light or offertory candle electee**. Every day for three days, step on it and say, "[Name], may your luck go
dressed with Confusion Oil and cut a fresh Lemon away" three times. On the fourth day, throw it into a river and say, "As
in half. Write the names of the two parties as this bundle goes away, so will [Name] go away."
shown (back-to-back) and cut the names apart with pinking shears.
Place the name papers back-to-back inside the Lemon, with Black Dog T O D R I V E SOMEONE INSANE
Hair, Black Cat Hair, and Red Pepper between them. Tie the Lemon up with Get a hair from your enemy's head and write out a name paper on which
black thread, seal it by dripping black candle wax all over it, and bury it in his or her name is copied out nine times. Put these things into a bottle with
the couple's yard, so they will be sour-tempered and fight like Cats and Dogs. the juice of a Lemon. Shake up the bottle as you say a curse, then set it
Variants of this spell specify submerging the Lemon in a jar of Four upside-down along the East side (the sunrise side) of the enemy's house. As
Thieves Vinegar to sour the relationship even more or putting it in a jar the Sun goes from East to West, the person's mind will be soured and
of Black Cow's milk to curdle and clabber their lives. carried down toward sunset, and depression or insanity will result.
90 91
Write your enemy's name on paper, add any personal concerns or If your man threatens to leave you and you want him to stay, write
other identifiers, and seal it up in a bottle with Dauber Dirt powder from his name on paper. Bore a hole in a Red Onion with a nail, roll the name
nine different Dirt Dauber Wasp nests, plus nine needles, nine pins, nine paper tight, push it into the hole, and carry the Onion in your pocket to
tacks, and nine Red Ants. make him stay. I f you ultimately decide that you want him gone, pull
Every day at noon, shake the bottle up and call your enemy's name nine the paper out of the Onion, soak it in Four Thieves Vinegar, dress it with
times, making nine curses for his ruin. Do this for nine days, with full faith Red Pepper, reinsert it, and bury the Onion. When it rots, he will leave.
and confidence that your wish for his destruction will come to pass.
A F R E E Z E R S P E L L T O MESS UP A MAN'S S E X U A L I T Y Write your enemy's name nine times on a paper. If the paper is also a
Use a large dill pickle to represent the man's penis. (In case you are handwriting sample of the enemy, it will be a better link. Wrap the paper
wondering, a pickle is better than a mild Cucumber or Zucchini for this around the enemy's hair, foot skin, nail clippings, or sexual fluids. Put it
trick, because it is sour and will sour his sex life.) Slit the Pickle, then insert in a bottle with nine nails, nine pins, and nine needles. Add Crossing
his semen or his urine on a name paper that you have cut to the measure Powder, Goofer Dust, or Graveyard Dirt as appropriate. Bury the bottle
of his penis, and sprinkle Alum powder on it to stop him from coming or at the enemy's doorstep where she will step over it.
from peeing. Add Red Pepper to give him a burning inflammation of the
penis and Black Mustard seeds to harm his sexuality and his urinary tract. T O C U R S E AN E N E M Y T H I R T E E N WAYS
These are traditional minerals, roots, and barks from our long past Four Thieves Vinegar is both protective and destructive; here it is used
history and give real power to the work. Why Alum powder? Try it on your to sour an enemy's fortune. Write your enemy's name on brown paper with
tongue and be convinced as to why it shuts things up. Dragon's Blood Ink and cross it out with a big black X . Wrap the name
Also be fully aware that if you do this, the man won't be having sex paper around a whole dried Red Pepper and tie it with black thread.
with you either, and he may get seriously ill from urinary blockage. You Submerge this packet into a jar of Four Thieves Vinegar and close the jar.
will have frozen his penis. This is a grievous spell, and the intention is For 13 successive nights during the Waning Moon, burn a black candle
harmful, so the work must be carefully performed and you'd better be dressed with Crossing Oil upside down on the lid of the jar, always starting
prepared to tell God why you did it. at an hour when both hands of the clock are falling (e.g. from 12:01 to
12:29, from 1:01 to 1:29, etc.). As you light the candle, speak aloud 13
A F R E E Z E R S P E L L T O MESS UP A WOMAN'S S E X U A L I T Y fully justified curses, in your own words, such as "[Name], as God is my
To freeze a woman's sex drive, give her an infection, and stop her defender, may your fortune run out; [Name], as God is my defender, may
ability to bear children, slit open a Fig or Pear, and insert into it her your mind wander and weaken; [Name], as God is my defender, may your
menstrual blood or her urine on a name paper made to be the measure family abandon you; [Name], as God is my defender, may you go to jail
of her privates. Sprinkle in Alum powder to stop her periods, Red for the crimes you have committed; [Name], as God is my defender, may
Pepper to give her a burning inflammation of the genitals, and Black everything in your life that was sweet turn as sour as this vinegar" — up
Mustard seeds to harm her sexuality and her urinary tract. to a total of 13. It may help to write the 13 curses down and memorize
This sexually damaging freezer spell can be wrapped up in them before you begin. Burn one candle per night, letting the wax from
aluminum foil, but for serious impact, first wrap it in the target's dirty each candle build up on the jar's lid and sides. If you want to keep it going,
underpants, wetted with her urine, then encase it in aluminum foil, shiny stop after 13 days, wait out the period of the Waxing Moon, and begin
side in. Be prepared to tell God why you did such a mean thing to her. working again when the Moon wanes.
92 93
I wrote this list for my colleagues and clients at In 1939, on his second trip to Memphis, Tennessee, Rev. Harry Hyatt
It has proven very popular and i hope you find it useful as well. interviewed a professional conjure doctor nicknamed "Ready Money"
Even religious people have enemies, suffer oppression, and need relief whom he called "The Mojo Expert" (Informant # 1534). Born in Baton
from cruelty. God has inspired some very serious prayers in the form of Rouge, Louisiana, this man described how to drive someone out of town,
Psalms which can be written out as prayer papers, burned to make Bible using a combination of religious, herbal, and magical techniques that
ashes, or dissolved into food or drink given to an enemy while casting seamlessly integrated elements of European Pagan
justified curses. Known as the "imprecatory Psalms," these portions of folk magic, Spiritualist Church magic, African
scripture are powerful, effective, and definitely not to be trifled with! folk magic, and Christian folk magic:
On a piece of paper, write out a cross comprised
•Psalms 1: "The ungodly [...] are like the chaff which the wind of your name as a short, horizontal line crossing the
driveth away [...] the way of the ungodly shall perish." This Psalm other man's name as a long, vertical line. Say "God
removes unworthy and ungodly people from any group. the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost" as you draw
• Psalms 37: "The arms of the wicked shall he broken [...] their sword the cross.
shall enter into their own heart [and] the wicked shall perish [.. f as Place one to two tablespoons of rain water that
the fat of lambs, [...] into smoke shall they consume away." This was caught in May, that is, May Day water, in a
cursing Psalm invokes physical injury and brings death by sword and vial. Roll up the name paper and place it in the vial.
fire to evil people. Next you will need dirt from a sinner-man's
• Psalms 55:15: "Let death take my enemies by surprise; let them go grave who died less than six months ago. To acquire
down alive to the grave." Here is a simple, direct, and right-to-the- it, dig wrist deep over his bosom or heart and extract three tablespoons (or
point destruction Psalm. What's more, it asks God to give your one ounce). Put five pennies in the hole to buy that dirt and cover the hole.
enemies no warning, but to kill them unawares. Take the dirt home and mix it with Cayenne Pepper. Put half of it into
• Psalms 58:6: "O God, break the teeth in their mouths." Talk about the vial with the name paper and rain water, but save the rest. Bury the
specialized curses! This Psalm sends your enemies, especially vial in the ground. (He does not say where, but it would be buried upside
gossipers, liars, and false tale-bearers, directly to the dentist! down and off your property, for the other person to step over.) Do this at
• Psalms 59:12: "For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips 9:00 o'clock, 11:0() o'clock, or 2:00 o'clock, A M or PM, your choice.
let them be taken in their pride: andfor cursing and lying which they Then go to a hardware store and buy a file, a regular triangular, three-
speak." God really hates liars, and this Psalm asks for particular sided file. Get a piece of lump Sulphur or Brimstone the size of the tip
curses to fall upon those who spread falsehoods or speak with joint of your finger, about an inch long. Place a knife blade flat on it and
arrogance or pride, or use foul language. pound it. To do this, wrap it in a cloth, and hit it with an iron, like an old
• Psalms 109:8: "Let his days be few; and let another take his office." cast-iron laundry iron. Mix into the Sulphur the rest of the Graveyard
Do you need to remove a bad politician or government official from Dirt and Cayenne Pepper and put it all in a paper.
your life? This is the Psalm to do it! Go to his house and pour out the mixture from the paper, marking the
• Psalms 137:9: "How blessed will be the one who seizes your infants direction he is to go. Use a metal rod to poke an angled hole in the ground,
and dashes them against the rocks!" Finally, here is a terrible curse of pointing in that direction, then stick the file into the angled hole, naming it
vengeance that draws down God's ire upon entire families and employs for him, and hammer it in completely as you call his name and tell him
military means to do so. Be careful with this one, folks — it's scary! exactly when to leave and where to go. In three days he will be gone.
94 95
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DE CLAREMONT, Lewis. Legends of Incense, Herb, and Oil Magic. Oracle Publishing, 1936;
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GAMACHE, Henri. Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9thand 10th Books of Moses. Sheldon, 1948.
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JOHNSON, F. Roy. The Fabled Doctor Jim Jordan. Johnson Publishing Co., 1963.
LAFOREST, Aura. Hoodoo Spiritual Baths. Lucky Mojo Curio Co., 2014.
LONG, Carolyn Morrow. Spiritual Merchants. University of Tennessee Press, 2001.
MATHERS, Samuel Liddell MacGregor. The Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis).
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MICH/ELE, Miss and Prof. Charles Porterfield. Hoodoo Bible Magic. Missionary Independent
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MILLETT, Deacon. Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells. Lucky Mojo Curio Co., 2013.
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