Dallas is actually sitting here in Saint Peter's square, with Jonathan, Dallas is the director, and
there's a lot of Idols ,Catholicism has saints that people actually pray to, or whole things that
they hold holy
I believe that Protestants have gone too far in the opposite direction and become almost
skeptical of Art ,and skeptical of imagery, because they don't want to be idolatrous ,and
because they don't want to be so symbolic, that you miss out on the truth of what's being said,
these relics feel like Idols to some Protestants ,and I've come to believe
well we Protestants I think have missed out on some truly great opportunities, to be artistic,
and as an artist myself, I'm like yeah, I I do that I I create symbols sometimes in my work, I
create metaphor, I think that there's danger in both I think both sides can become ,one can
become two idolatrous, one can become to dismissive
no I don't think so either, but and I've grown to over the years like when I first used to come to
these places, I would I would show up and I'd be like ,this feels wronged ,and now that I know
so many more of Catholic brothers and sisters who I believe, share the same passion for Jesus
that I do ,and just have a different worship approach and style, I go okay, I I can see, I see I do
see it differently
but the Commandment specifically says do not bow yourselves down to any images,
in Exodus 20-4 says, Thou shalt not make unto thee any Graven image or any likeness of
anything that is under the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or in the water ,under
the Earth ,Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the Lord your God am
a jealous God, visiting an iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth
generation of them that hate me ,God is very clear for us to have nothing to do with idolatry ,in
fact when you look at the Bible, look at how many times Israel
was tripped up over and over and over again because of idolatry, so this is alarming to me that
Dallas would even be coming at this kind of perspective ,of just we need to relax a little bit in
this area
also Catholics worship Saints, especially Virgin Mary ,he's one of the prayers that they pray to
Mary ,
Rejoice good will of God to us sinners, Rejoice strong Defender those who repent before God
for their sins, Rejoice, mediator of all to God
does this sounds right, you who cleans us from that devilement of sin ,Mary cleanses, mediator
of all to God, but let me tell you the Bible is so clear in first Timothy chapter 2 verse 5, for there
is one God, one mediator, between God and man ,the man Christ Jesus, not Mary, really ,does
this sounds like simply asking Mary to pray for us, if this is not idolatry ,so what is ,this is the
picture of Jonathan roomie who plays Jesus and chosen ,this is a Facebook post, visiting Saint
Padre Pio, one of the most powerful Saints and witnesses to their suffering and the Miracles of
Christ, in the 20th century, as well as one with whom I have personal interaction ,
and saying that he has had personal interactions with this saint who died before this guy was
even born, this is straight up necromancy this is forbidden in the Bible ,because you cannot
communicate with the Dead
all right so there's Christianity and then there's spiritualism, a Christian is someone who follows
Christ, the resurrection and the life, a spiritualist ,will they seek to communicate with spirits of
the dead ,and those two belief systems cannot blend together, one of the main reasons
because God himself specifically tells his followers to stay away from spiritualism, even going to
the point of saying that those who engage in it ,they will not inherit the kingdom of God
,when Jonathan the actor from The Chosen sat down with Dallas Jenkins the director of The
Chosen ,with the director of the Jesus Revolution movie, the discussion was very interesting,
because you hear them talk about the universalism, or the ecumenicalism, of bringing all these
faiths together ,
what do you most want people to get out of it when they see this movie ,like you want them to
walk out of Jesus Revolution, thinking or feeling
What I would hope is that ,inspires their curiosity ,maybe if they're from a different ,you know
denomination ,to kind of see that how ecumenical ,this movement was , because it affected so
many different kinds of Christians,
he actually went and sought out where Lonnie frisbee was buried ,and this was scary, what he
before I started work I went over to Christ Cathedral, and uh I I sat by his grave, and I prayed a
rosary with him, I sat down and I prayed with him ,this the space just to his right, is empty ,so I
got to sit down or lie at one point I even lied down ,because I just thought it would be kind of
interesting, to try to connect in some way, that's probably more information than you need or
maybe want to publish but if that said ,you know I it's the truth ,and so I finished praying with
him, and I said Lonnie, I want to honor you with this film ,and I really want to um to to bring
Justice, and and you know the Testament to the gifts of God's grace, and and powers that you
you know displayed, while you were on this Earth, and so if this is a good idea that I do this film
,have somebody Give Me A Sign Give Me A Sign, have God give me a sign and the minute the
words left my mouth ,behind me there was a door open to the cathedral and this giant cord,
rang out for about five seconds,
from the organ?
and that's the very organ that used to be there when it was the Chris it's the same organ, that
when it was the Crystal Cathedral, it was sent out and refurbished and whatnot but it's the
same one
when you're asking, and you know and you're not asking God, you're asking a dead
person ,you're literally telling the spirit world ,hey I want you to show me something, show me
something that's going to convince me ,and he got that answer when he heard the Oregon
play, he was like all right thank you for that, who was he thinking, he wasn't thinking a dead
man, he's been dead for years, but he was actually thanking the demons that gave him the sign
,Jesus actually said that it's an adulterous and wicked nation that looks for signs and wonders
I'm wearing a mantle and a cross with a little crown on it ,a knight's cross, uh five years ago, I
was knighted, by the order of the solemn ,Sovereign military order of the Temple of
Jerusalem ,I lost my mind there for a second ,essentially the Knights Templar, which is what
that is
if you don't know who the Knights Templar is, look at the structure of Freemasonry, the
Knights Templar is literally the top step, it is on par with a 33rd degree Freemason, in
fact you can't get any higher, well at least any higher than they tell us you can get, than a 33rd
degree Freemason or a Knights Templar ,
so blavatsky said that, the modern versions of the Templars, were actually inspired and
influenced by the Jesuits to try to christianize, what the Templars actually believe ,and of
course especially those flavors that are connected with Freemasonry,
now when you have Freemasons and Jesuits, orchestrating and directing a Christian movie or
Christian series, infiltrating ,and now they are running the world's largest, most viewed,
Christian entertainment of all time, that is alarming,
on his Instagram which was dated in 2020, it says, it was an epic inaugural event and on behalf
of my fellow, Templar brothers and sisters ,we are so grateful, to have been a part of it, the guy
who is stamping Jesus in everybody's mind, is literally on par with the 33rd degree Freemason
Scully Maury ,and Mary ,that's Mary There, Our Lady Guadalupe, so dynamic duo yeah
We should be separating ourselves from things that are glamorizing death ,and destruction and
evil in any kind of way,
somebody had commented on the chosen's actual official Facebook ,and said this, repent
Dallas and Jonathan of your blasphemy and twisting of the scriptures repent of your
Freemasonry and your promotion of your true God Lucifer, and look at what they wrote at the
top, they wrote no,
what am I supposed to think about an answer like that, if somebody says hey you need to
repent of this and that and their false accusations ,I'm not just going to say no, I would address
them and tell them every reason why this is a false accusation,
if you're wondering who the Freemasons really truly follow, there is a book called morals and
Dogma written by Albert Pike, and on page 321,
this is what it says, Lucifer the light bearer ,strange and mysterious name given to the spirit of
Darkness, Lucifer the son of the morning, it is he who brings the light, he who Bears the light,
and with its Splendor intolerable blinds feeble, sensual and selfish Souls doubt it not.
one of the highest ranking Freemasons, Albert Pike, wrote that, in this book ,and that ought to
tell you ,who they really truly worship,
it has been a huge hit, it's such an easy thing to watch, like it comes the Bible's complicated
and sometimes hard to understand, but watching The Chosen has really broken down Jesus,
and truly who he is
the Bible can be hard to understand ,but listen to what it says about itself ,but the natural man
does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he
know them because they are spiritually discerned ,but we also have the Assurance from God's
word ,that if you do want to understand, God's promise to you, is that he Will give you wisdom,
this is what it says in James, if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all
liberally, and without reproach ,and it will be given to him,
we've we've developed a trust in each other tha,t I feel like we're on the same like it's not a
marriage, but it's like I feel like there's like, a God HEAD, we we both know that God is telling
this story, and we're just trying to find it
but didn't God already write this story, we have the Bible, which is literally the words of God,
we want to introduce the authentic Jesus to a million people, I believe the show is is kind of an
unvarnished look at ,the authentic Jesus
I'm making a show about Jesus where 95 of the content isn't from the Bible, most of the
content of this show ,is not directly from scripture ,I know that sounds horrible, but it's true, if
you watched episode 1 of season one almost none of that is from scripture, if you watch
episode 2 of season two, none of it is from scripture, episode three none of it from scripture,
episode four most of it not from scripture
I think when they see this version of Jesus portrayed, he has his own flaws, in a human way,
like he's very relatable, and gracious, and I think people need to see that, that side of
Jesus ,because we've a lot of us have been force-fed ,um you know a version of Jesus that only
cares about our behaviors ,every episode this story, pushes back on that ,
This version of Jesus they want to see created on screen ,completely misses the gospel, you see
Jesus knows where you are at, he can identify, the Bible says for we do not have a high priest
who cannot sympathize with our weakness, but within All Points tempted as we are, yet
without sin
another thing that I think is a very subtle undercurrent here is ,the way that Jesus underplays
it is right there in the book of Moses if a man takes his brother's wife it is impurity, he has
uncovered his brother's nakedness, they shall be childless,
I understand its against the law of Moses but I'm here for bigger purposes than the breaking of
John pointed to Jesus ,as the Lamb of God ,that takes away the sin, of the world, only a spotless
perfect lamb ,could be the sacrifice good enough ,to pay the price of sin, not a flawed
lamb ,and let's be clear ,sin is a behavior, it's also a heart condition, Jesus came to die for all of
our behavior ,and all of our hearts, to think that after he dies he doesn't think about our
behavior ,is completely missing the gospel, he died to restore in us ,his image, so that we don't
sin anymore ,when Christ comes into the life, we are transformed and we are a new creation,
and our old selves are old behaviors, those pass away, the Bible says ,therefore gird up the loins
of your mind ,be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace, that is to be brought to you, at
the revelation of Jesus Christ ,as obedient children ,not conforming yourselves ,to the former
loss, as in your ignorance, but as he who called you is Holy, you also be holy in all your
conduct ,because it is written be holy, for I am Holy, you see this is God's ideal for our lives,
that's what he wants for all of his children,
The Music Connection here is very interesting, if you go back a little in history ,you know that
when Pope John Paul II came to the U.S and did a tour, in 199,9 it was very ecumenical ,and
guess who was there to welcome the pope with all the Catholics, Jars of Clay ,who Dan
hasseltine sings for