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The Ten Carts & Ten Lavers of Bronze

Section IV – Part 1 – Series: Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon
Doug Krieger

A Tribal Tale

This was a fun article that got out of

control– since it’s our typical one-
sided bombast . . . the other side not
having a clue as to who we are and we
could care less that they do. After all,
we still have a right to tell it as we see
it…you decide (of course, the other
side isn’t given much of a chance to
respond…that’s how we like it . . .
although we get these awful letters
that we won’t show you!)

So, this is one of Jack Hook’s “everybody jumps into the action” dialogues – the
good, the bad and the ugly and normally turns out to be the Christians in the lion’s
den somewhere having it out … somehow, we survive…and in the morning the
king peers into the cage and there we are quietly staring at the lions surrounding
us, still! Lots of neat Daniels showed up in the den and then in came some lions –
I’m here to talk to these lions – so here goes…

Dear Jack

Always impressed with your most unique forms of communication – you do seem
to elicit lightning rod responses from your guests. Now, bravo to all who have
been spiritually-minded in their responses. I must confess, the brethren in the main
are altogether benign in their criticisms of your critics – whereas, my patience
seems to run thin and, each time, I nigh lose my salvation over these less than
insightful souls (I of course in a public forum of this nature will not condescend to
“men of low estate” wherein I hold a much saltier slate of condescension than
most; but, mercifully, the grace of God constrains me not to waste it upon them!
Now, this god-like creature, Frosty, will one day meet his Maker and then he can
explain how things went down with Thor, Odin and the folklore at Valhalla – a
tribal pursuit I left decades ago and am no more the less for having done so. These
principalities and powers are not to be toyed with, however, and the day comes
when Frosty (whose name sort of goes with the chilly northern parts, and, I might
add, the condition of his heart) may have to face them in the here and now as their
future materialization seems prophetically graphic from Revelation 13 when
Apollyon releases them from the Abyss during Earth’s most frightful future –
perhaps then, and only then, will Frosty cry out to the One true God and cast his
demonic myths, so-called, from his memory as part and parcel of his frivolous

Before the Frosties of the Earth proclaim me as bigoted as they – and all the worse,
for no doubt they tag us as self-proclaimed prophets pontificating on those topics
which do not present joyous responses – a freedom we still enjoy in this
constricting society, especially at this time of the year (December) – I am,
nevertheless, graphically reminded about the signs which intrusively dot the rocky
shoreline at Lovers Point Park at Pacific Grove, Ca (Monterey Bay) warning
wedding parties of the killer waves which periodically suck unsuspecting gaiety
into their death swirls – somebody wasn’t paying attention and BAM – SLAM!
Now, wouldn’t it be so much nicer to let the party rip? These dower dudes always
have to spoil Frosty’s party – hey, beware of killer waves during your party!

However, lest we “cast pearls before swine” (not my extremity, by the way, but
somewhat fitting in this instance) – and God knows how much love is shed abroad
on the Christopher Hitchens who damn Christians while enjoying their medical
beneficence during his voice-extinguishing esophageal bout with cancer from
ardent evangelical Dr. Francis Collins, the head of the National Institutes of
Health’s Genome Project whose persuasive attestation to faith is based on sound
reason as well. Those whose defiant expressions cater to avarice and pontification
oft find themselves in rather desperate straits and who, alas, as Steve Jobs did, cry
out at death: Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!

Then again, as Jesus spoke of the rich man and Lazarus – and so the “rich man
died and was buried” and was not doing that well in Hades, so he could at least
suggest to father Abraham that he send back Lazarus from the dead to warn of his
condition and that way the rich man’s five brothers would repent. Jesus ends this
little story by saying: “But [Abraham] said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and
the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’” (Luke

And so it is, melting Frosty’s heart is eventually up to the Almighty, but you have
brought Frosty into contact with divine intervention and those troubling believers
out there who have a way of praying folks out of hell into heaven…just as my
sister who rode with the Hell’s Angels mocked my born-again step-mother until
God gave her a vision of hell itself (thanks to my step-mother’s prayers) – and, yes,
she had the hell literally scared out of her! For sure, some through the fire, but all
through the blood! Eventually, she shared what Jesus had done for her and some
50+ years later, we’ve never turned back, much to the chagrin of scores of
agnostics, secularists and beloved atheists, I might add.

During December a team of us evangelize on the streets and coffee shops –

occasionally I meet a fellow veteran and dare ask them if they met God in combat
– most have – some are so deeply embittered and commence to curse everything in
sight…and since I’m normally in sight, I get blasted as an idiot…but interestingly
enough, never as a FOOL! So – I’m ahead of the game here.

Now – that said – I wish to thank this other fellow, who I have dubbed, “Ivan the
Terrible” for his invidious remarks and superficial understanding of mathematics;
especially, Biblical mathematics. Actually, his arrogant remarks were a great
blessing in disguise (really disguised, if you would).

Let me preface this unilateral response and to circulate it throughout the

blogosphere for the edification of saint and sinner alike – some will hear because
they wish to hear and have an “ear to hear” – and, as Paul discovered, others will
simply turn away…but there will always be some who believe, as was Paul’s
experience on Mars Hill…so, saints, let us not despair but take every opportunity
to tell others of the Unknown God!
Here they are (first Ivan and then Frosty for good measure), before I comment on
some of what they said:

“So if you’re closed minded on the real universe, but only open to Jesus as ‘God’,
take me off your list. After 63 revolutions around the Sun, I am of this opinion.
Furthermore, if you take ‘original sin’ out from Genesis, the whole Jewish/Christian
theology comes crashing down. Then there is no need for ‘redemption’ or a
Messiah, or any part of those writings written 3000 years ago by ignorant goatherds.
Kings 7:23 (sic. I Kings 7:23) says Pi is =3? Really? Well, it ain’t, and God should
know better. I am not born of some old goatherd’s definition of ‘original sin’. I am
a free human being. The whole mystery of the Universe is before me, and I embrace
it gladly, and freely. Cheers from a happy secularist. Antichrist? Stupid is as
stupid does. What superstitious nonsense. Best regards, Ivan.”

Now, Frosty:

Dear Jack,

We are all God in the flesh. You, me and Jesus. Jesus had nothing on us because
we all enjoy God’s expression through us. I realize that I am a forward thinker
ahead of my time. I don’t reject Jesus. He was a great teacher, but only at (sic. “a”)
teacher. He was just a man no more or less than any of us. I am 65 and have lived
almost twice as long and much more educated and I have traveled all over the
planet. All those religions enjoy truths, but I don’t need to worship anyone
including Jesus. I enjoy the same ability to establish newer understandings of the
concept of God and as I said, “God is the emerging creative energy of the
universe.” The Bible is a fine book for the Jews, but not for a Viking type like me.
It’s not from my tribe. Why should I believe in some other tribe’s god? That’s like
asking me to believe in Allah or the Dream World by the Australian Aborigines.
I am a free thinker and way ahead of the mythical God concept of some dude up
there in Heaven. God is simply an energy that manifests throughout the universe.
Personally, I don’t think it has a brain, thoughts or conscience. It’s just an energy
that creates and destroys with equal abandon.
When the human race is gone when this planet ceases to exist, God and the
universe won’t burp at our passing out of existence. So what’s the big deal? Just
enjoy your life while you’re here and when you’re not, it’s over. I’m having a great
time during my time.

Blessings and joy, Frosty

And Frosty isn’t finished:

Isn’t it time to let that poor guy Jesus alone? He lived, he died and he hasn’t been
heard from since. He gave his 33 years and just let him rest in peace. Good grief,
why try to rebirth him into this crazy world? He would be overwhelmed. He was a
poor, illiterate carpenter for heaven sakes. He never traveled more than 50 miles
from his home in the desert. He espoused simple truths that anyone and many have
also espoused. He didn’t have the only patent on spiritual truths.

Let’s move toward a new spiritual understanding that humans are responsible for
their own actions and that they cannot rely on mythical characters or real
characters that have been made into perfect myths. The major religions are all
desert religions by some very backward and illiterate tribes. For instance, I am
from Sweden. I should bow down to Thor as my god because that’s my tribe.
Instead, I think for myself and I stand as a beacon of spiritual energy for my own
life. Thor had his time and I’ve got mine.

Today, we know more, we understand more and we possess knowledge far beyond
the simple understandings of the people who created those religions. They simply
no longer apply. Look at the misery and killings by the Koran, Bible and other
religions. Was it worth it to storm the walls of Jericho and kill all those people just
because the Christians could do it with bigger fire power?

How about moving from “Fearing God” to appreciating the “creative energy of the
universe” that expresses through each of us? It’s time to move beyond fear based
religions and get on to happy religions that don’t condemn everyone to hell if they
make a mistake or give somebody like the Pope all the power to judge the rest of us.

Let’s get (sic, just?) enjoy ourselves on this planet and get on with living. God is in a
campfire, a hummingbird and a whale. God expresses through each of us as he
expressed through Jesus. No guilt, no condemnation and no hellfire and damnation.

Let’s get on with the joys of living.

Now, wasn’t that uplifting? Get a cup and let’s discuss this a little – like a whole
lot! And, Jack, you should know by now that I’m not one to run from a good fire
fight … this always gets me goin’ – besides, I’ve had more revolutions around the
Sun than either one of these two guys.

One would think 63 revolutions (or 65 for Frosty) would change Ivan’s opinion on
the absolute incredibly mathematical genius of our well-designed solar system (so
revealed in the dimensions of the New Jerusalem (later on I’ll explain))—i.e., I
would that Ivan do the math and would be so persuaded that Someone is somehow
behind all of this) – then again, he’s right regarding original sin and the Judeo-
Christian belief system, if you would, demand for Deliverance – i.e., the Messiah –
outstanding observation, here. It’s that BLOODY CROSS of yours, Jack Hook,
that’s such a stumbling block to folks out there – why don’t you soften the message
a bit, after all, can’t we all just get along?
God and His Goat Herders

But since Ivan the Terrible has

taken on God Himself – and God
needs no defense – let’s examine
some of these goat-herd remarks
who haven’t figured out how to use
Pi (as in π = 22/7 = 3.142857 or
3.141592654 or any number of
fractional possibilities)…and God
should not have confused these
simpletons with dubious formula
sending them off in wrong
directions; at least those oxen
underneath that Bronze (i.e.,
Copper) Basin are facing the right direction…seems the goat herders got that one
right (“And all their (oxen) back parts pointed inward” I Kings 7:25).

Let’s look at the verse in question which Ivan sites – along with some
embellishments which Ivan left out – notwithstanding how objective he was in this
matter of God’s ignorance:

“And he made the Sea of cast bronze, ten cubits from one brim to the other; it was
completely round. Its height was five cubits, and a line of thirty cubits measured
its circumference” (I Kings 7:23)

Left out of Ivan’s condescending calculations was this complimentary verse:

“It (the bronze basin) was a handbreadth thick…” (I Kings 7:26a…enough for
now, there’s more on this verse, but not at this time.)

Now, Ivan’s contention is this, that

something which is “completely
round” – although a “golden ellipse”
is completely round but not a perfect
circle by no means – but does have
360°, if you would, to its
circumference. The diameter of a
perfect circle is not dissimilar at any
two polar opposites on the circle –
not so with the golden ellipse…just to clear the air here a bit in thinking that all
circumferences are equal insofar as diameters concern throughout their
circumference – they are not – all have 360° but all have not the same diameter
insofar as an ellipse vs. a perfect circular orbit, if you would.

In Ivan’s brain he sees a problem – i.e., in I Kings 7:23 the proportions (regardless
of what a “cubit” may equal) are not sound, they do not compute with a perfect
circle’s measurements; to wit:

The height – which we take to mean its depth (i.e. the depth of the basin), is 5
cubits; its “brim to the other brim” measured 10 cubits; and, its circumference
measured 30 cubits. In a perfect circle its circumference is determined by this
simple formula:

C = πd or Circumference = 3.142857 (7/22 or other fraction) multiplied by its

diameter. Therefore: 30 Cubits (circumference) = 3.142857 x 10 (π x diameter of
10 cubits)??
But, we have a problem, which Ivan clearly noticed:

3.142857 x 10 = 31.42857 cubits, not 30.00000; therefore, we are skewed a bit

here – i.e., 1.42857 cubits off – in Ivan’s brain we should have gotten an obvious
circumference of 31.42857 since the diameter is 10 – how dumb of God to lead us
goat-herders astray like this and give us a 30 instead of a 31.42857 circumference.

So – God is off or some ignoramus goat-herded did the math and goofed up the
Copper Basin’s measurements.

Well, besides assuming that all circumferences have similar diameter ratios so
designed – NOT! – we have another issue in our problem:

Apparently, this whole basin (i.e., “the Sea of cast bronze”) was “a handbreadth
thick” which could account for a lesser interior. So, it all depends on the length of
both the “cubit” and the “handbreadth” – both measurements can affect our
conclusions to this intractable problem, so it would appear.

Actually, the problem is simply solved here, even though both the Sacred Cubit
measurement and the handbreadth is a bit off, the proportions appear fairly
accurate – all having to do with the relative thickness of the basin and the “brim to
brim” circumference juxtaposed to the basin’s diameter, assuming it is a perfect
Certainly, one could contend that “brim to brim” met the interior only, or was it
exterior as well? – So, is it the interior circumference or the exterior
circumference; after all, being filled to the brim is from the inside, not from the
outside? Oh, well, trivial considerations here.

Ancient “handbreadths” range from 3” to 3 ½ inches – look it up on Wikipedia.

How’s about the “cubit” – well, just so happens that extensive research has been
done by such ardent believers (i.e., a fellow goat-herder) like Sir Isaac Newton
who surmised, after somewhat exhaustive investigation, that the biblical (Hebrew)
cubit measured 25.02” (improved upon by John Taylor and Sir Flinders Petrie
(another goat-herder) – forgive the Wikipedia balderdash relative to their
deprecation of Pyramidology – another reason to use Encyclopedia
Britannica…you get what you pay for) and is thoroughly discussed in our video
series THE PURPOSES OF GOD (a shameless plug here). Others, including
ourselves, have extended that cubit via the fact its “number” is 252 to be 2.1 linear
feet or 25.20” (Imperial inches).

That calculation of 25.20” is further substantiated in that there are 360° in which
the Earth rotates around the Sun each “day” – therefore, SEVEN such days
constitute a week and 7 x 360° = 2520° or, if you would, that’s how we get our
“Sacred Cubit” of 25.20” – a measurement used throughout Holy Writ and
assiduously preserved by another group of dumb goat herders during the reign of
Queen Elizabeth I who came up with the Nautical and Statute Mile and that whole
archaic system of ill-repute known as the “Imperial System of Metrology.” Only
we dumb Americans have not discovered how to do Trig with metrics; and, alas, I
still think my son is 6’4” - buy my petrol in gallons – and weigh myself in pounds
– and drive so many miles to Los Angeles and haven’t seen a km sign in years –
how dumb is that?

So, now let’s do our calculations using the measurement of the Sacred Cubit
(25:20”) – for, after all, we’re talking about proportional measurements here;
therefore, we’re not going to trip over Ivan’s brilliant observation:

Measurements of the Copper/Bronze Basin

Diameter (regardless where polar measurements extend – inside or outside) =

10 Cubits =10 x 25.20” = 252”
Circumference (whether “Golden Elliptical” or “Perfect Circle”) =
30 Cubits = 30 x 25.20” = 756”
Height (or depth) 5 Cubits = 5 x 25.20 = 126”

Now, using these measurements, and before

we consider their profundities – for they come
under the influence of what we have termed
the “Sacred Cubit” of measurement – let’s
extrapolate them under π (Pi @ 3.142857 or
22/7) to determine what Ivan’s circumference
should have been:

C = 3.142857 x 252” (diameter based on

Sacred Cubit) = 791.9982 or 792”

Instantly, we see that 792” does not equal 756” – so, interestingly enough, we are
off some 36” or 1 Imperial Yard. Which is of some interest in that there are 360°
in any given circumference/circle; therefore, and oddly enough, we discover that
36” is a “fractal” of 360 or 1/10th of 360. And, if we use 3” as the ancient
measurement for a handbreadth x 2 (sides) = 6”; therefore, 36” – 6” = 30” – so, we
have some interesting numbers here: 36” (off of Ivan’s calculation if we use the
Sacred Cubit to measure these proportions) and 6” from the 36” giving us 30” –
therefore: 36” – 30” – 6” and 756” vs. 792”.

Incidentally, and I don’t mean to embarrass – however, “manipulating π” has

become one of my favorite pastimes:
If we approximate (using just the first 10 digits) Pi as 3.1415926530119026040
Using the rational number/fraction: 103993 / 33102 = 3.1415926530119026040
(the first 12 digits which “directly impact” the product omitting the first “1”
in that 3 x 1 = 3 – but all additional “1’s” and, of course, zeroes:

1. 3 x 1 = 3 ::: Triune God (3 sets of 72 = 216 The Name of God)

2. 3 x 1 x 4 = 12 ::: The pervasive “number” of the New Jerusalem “12”
3. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 = 60 ::: “6” the Creation Day of “man” and 60
seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour.
4. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 = 540 ::: 540 = 5040 Plato’s Optimal Number / 2
= 2520 = the Sacred Cubit of 25.20”
5. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 = 1080 ::: 1080 = “18” of the New Jerusalem
Standard & Radius of Earth’s Moon in Mi.
6. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 = 6480 ::: 6480 = “18” of the New
Jerusalem Standard or 6 + 4 + 8 = 18
7. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 = 32400 ::: 32400 x 2 = 64,800 = “18”
New Jerusalem Standard
8. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 x 3 = 97200 ::: 97200 = “18” of the
New Jerusalem Standard or 9 + 7 + 2 = 18
(Please Note: 97200 is the perimeter of the cubed 12 edges of the Great
Pyramid of Giza (GPG) at 9,720 Linear Feet in that its base side is 756’ –
and, by the way, the elevation of the GPG is 480’ x 12” = 5760” = 5 + 7
+ 6 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement. Now, with the first
eight “impactful digits” of our 3.1415926530119026040 Pi we will do
the next four “impactful digits” which advance the product:
9. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 x 3 x 1 x 1 x 9 = 874800 = “27” or 8 x 7
x 4 x 8 = 1792 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard or 1 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 18 or 8 +
7 + 4 + 8 = “27” and “27” is the full revelation of Messiah in the 27
volumes of the Christian Sacred Canon.
10. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 x 3 x 1 x 1 x 9 x 2 = 1749600 = “27” (1
+ 7 + 4 + 9 + 6 = 27) or the Full Revelation of the Messiah in the 27
Volumes of the Christian Sacred Canon or 1 x 7 x 4 x 9 x 6 =1512 = 2
Sides of the GPG at 1512’ and x 6 = 9072 which is the GPG Cubed (12
edges) to reflect the New Jerusalem; therefore, the 1512 reflects the “18”
of the New Jerusalem Standard.
11. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 x 3 x 1 x 1 x 9 x 2 x 6 = 10497600 = “27”
(1 + 4 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 27) or the Full Revelation of the Messiah in the 27
Volumes of the Christian Sacred Canon or 1 x 4 x 9 x 7 x 6 = 1512 = 2
Sides of the GPG at 1512’ and x 6 = 9072 which is the GPG Cubed (12
edges) to reflect the New Jerusalem; therefore, the 1512 reflects the “18”
of the New Jerusalem Standard.
12. 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 x 3 x 1 x 1 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 4 = 41990400 =
“27” (4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 27) or the Full Revelation of the Messiah in the
27 Volumes of the Christian Sacred Canon or 1 x 4 x 9 x 7 x 6 = 1512 =
2 Sides of the GPG at 1512’ and x 6 = 9072 which is the GPG Cubed (12
edges) to reflect the New Jerusalem; therefore, the 1512 reflects the “18”
of the New Jerusalem Standard. (Note: The last for number sets have
products which when multiplied by themselves as individual digits result
in “1512” (consecutively). “1512” is Gematria in Greek for Apocalypsis;
therefore, the closer we come to the Millenarian Rule and Reign of
Messiah, the Triune God (3) warns and cautions as to prepare for the
“End of Days” – thus, the Great Pyramid of Giza has a most prescient
message of Apocalypsis and the dawning of a New Day of World Peace,
ruled by the Prince of Peace!

The grand total of all the products in the Pi series of 12 impactful digits
(eliminating the “1’s” and, of course, zero) we arrive at: 55,250,175 = 5 + 5 + 2 +
5 + 1 + 7 + 5 = 30 and “30” is the Number of Messiah at the commencement of
ministry – also, the age to commence the Levitical Priesthood and Joseph’s Age
upon ascendancy to Pharaoh’s right hand and King David’s age upon ascension to
the Throne of Israel.

Thus, our little “π” (Notice my graphic shaped as a little pie) and notice how
when using the rational numbers/fraction of 103993 / 33102 (not 22/7 – this
103993/33102 is far more accurate if you want to go overboard) we did get some
rare numerations….3.1415926530119026040 as π:

So you see, Ivan, these dumb goat herders are not so dumb after all…let me

These Israelites – that disgusting tribal folk of yore – knew precisely what they
were recording – that it was exceedingly accurate in every way to convey a Divine
Message through goat herders like them – though you may not consider yourself of
this level of intelligence, since you have apparently achieved a somewhat blissful
state of mental consciousness on your road to oblivion, along with your buddy
Frosty, whose dust to dust ends it there.

Firstly – the “bronze basin” (and we don’t have time for anything here but the most
basic information) was used for “ritual cleansing” and for “offerings” wherein both
priests and sacrifices were washed – and if you didn’t take a “bath” – whoops,
sorry about that!

Secondly, this was a huge basin by any stretch of the imagination – being some 66’
in at least one circumference – incidentally, another interesting “number” (i.e.,
“66”) in this mix of calculations (using the 792” circumference measurement based
off of Ivan’s 10 cubits (diameter) x 25.20” (Sacred Cubit) = 252” x 3.142857 =
791.999964 or 792 (rounding up)) and 792” / 12” = 66’ Circumference of the

“Biblical Numerology” has, in the main, been discarded as naught but a form of
“Gnostic Christianity” – an oxymoronic statement if there ever were one.
Gnosticism was sentenced by Church authorities to the trash bin of deviant
paganism and that “Thor bunch” out there who persistently mess with secret
numerologies from Zodiac to Stonehenge and should be forthrightly dismissed as
deviant mysticism more akin to the theater of the absurd along with the History

Notwithstanding, this “caveat” may I suggest that the superabundance of number

in Holy Writ is there for a profound purpose – i.e., for us to examine, discover the
fact (and I speak here to those having “tasted of the Life to come” – excuse us
Ivan, et al) – for “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings
is to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25:2).

Therefore, to determine the secrets of the Word of God, we are doing quite the
royal thing here and a most honorable work indeed! Remember this, blood-
bought, blood-washed saints: “The works of the LORD are great; sought out of all
them that have pleasure therein” (Psalm 111:2).

Now, the above differentiates from probing around trying to figure out what the
Almighty does not wish for us to dabble in for “The secret things belong unto the
LORD our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our
children forever” (Deuteronomy 29:29).

So, you see, we do have every divine privilege as “kings” (a wholly justifiable
inflation, and one, I am sure, that Frosty and Ivan, may someday find refreshing,
given their overweening sense of propriety which now surrounds their egos - lol) to
delve into that which has been revealed; to wit: let’s check out these numbers and
see if there be anything therein….

First of all – could we say that 792 bear some immediate reflection and/or that the
simplicity of the 756 does as well (if we take either the π straight circumference of
the 30 plain cubit circumference)? And, where, pray tell, does “66” fit into all
this? Also, how do these “number sets” of 252” (10 cubit diameter) and the 126”
(5 cubit height) fit into this “numeric mystery?”

O.K. – let’s roll….


Revelation 21:16-17 state:

“The city (i.e., the Holy City, New

Jerusalem – Paradise) is laid out as a
square; its length is as great as its
breadth. And he measured the city
with the reed: twelve thousand
furlongs. Its length, breadth, and
height are equal. Then he measured
its wall: one hundred and forty-four
cubits, according to the measure of a
man, that is of an angel.”

That’s it – outside of 12 Gates, 12

Pearls, 12 Foundations – that’s that – nothing else is given and, quite frankly, that’s
all that we need to be revealed – aside from a throne and a river and 12 manner of
fruit, etc. – but architecturally, that’s it.

So let’s do the math:

One furlong (look it up) is equal to 660’ Imperial Feet (now I like this classy
“Imperial” stuff because it sounds so “divinely presumptuous” for some reason).
Now, let’s multiply the number of furlongs so mentioned in this obviously “cubed”
affair (three-dimensional cube, four-square):

12,000 (furlongs) x 660’ = 7,920,000 Linear Feet (whoops, behold the 792
“fractal” has shown up in a most delightful manner, hasn’t it? I’m sure Ivan is
pleased. Of course, this is just a quirky thingy…but, as you will see, there’s so
many of them that it would appear that a “divine conspiracy” is afoot here.

But, we now must determine the Imperial Miles from this 7,920,000 Linear
Imperial Ft. measurement – so, we divide 7,920,000’ / 5280’ (Imperial feet in an
imperial mile – all so delightfully “imperial” and this is also called a Statute Mile –
another grand invention of the British…quite the “tribe” I might add)…this gives
us on one of the 12 edges of this cube a total of 1,500 Imperial Miles x 12 Edges
(all cubes have 12 edges) = 18,000 Imperial Miles…and as we shall see “18” is the
Standard Bearer Measurement of the New Jerusalem and shows up all over the
place (as in 792 = “18” and by the way, 756 = “18” and 5280’ = “18”) because this
measurement encapsulates the “extent” of the New Jerusalem – her entirety.

Also, since we’re dealing with 12,000 furlongs (and excuse my apparent digression
here from the bronze basin; however, this is critical to our overall understanding of
“divine math” – if I can sound so hideously presumptuous compared to Thor and
tribe)…let’s find the “square area” of this dimension as:

12,000 x 12,000 (two edges gives us a plane surface measurement of one plane
side) = 144,000,000 sq. furlongs. O.K. – let’s bank the 144; because it sounds an
awful lot like 144 cubits was the wall measurement of the City (of course, we’re
left adrift in “missing revelation” in that we’re not told whether the wall was that
high, long, or wide – just 144 cubits – live with it!)…but let’s take the Linear Feet
on one edge of the New Jerusalem:

7,920,000’ x 7,920,000’ = 62,726,400,000,000 sq. feet (hey, now we’re talking

national debt here - $62 Trillion + and counting! – Come on Frosty…at least we
can agree on that one (Frosty’s apparently a talk show host somewhere.).

Now, let’s divide 62,726,400,000,000 by another New Jerusalem Standard number

known as the number of feet in an acre or 43,560 (which also equals “18” as in 4 +
3 + 5 + 6 = 18 – oh, and thanks again to the goat herders of Britain are we given
this little determination) – so:
62,726,400,000,000 / 43,560 = 1,440,000,000 acres – grief – we’ve come up with
that 144 again…so it goes (so accidental, right?).
The Sun Reflects the Dimensions and “Composite Bride” of the New

Now, that’s but one side – therefore, on six sides of our New Jerusalem cube we
find this:

1,440,000,000 x 6 = 8,640,000,000 acres – another interesting figure. Why?

Because the “Sun of Righteousness” (Malachi 4:2) seems to have shown up in the
measurement of the New Jerusalem – at least the part you can see on the surface.
For, the Diameter of Earth’s Sun is 864,000 Miles (look it up) and, wouldn’t you
know it 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 again!
But, students, we must check our work:

864,000 x 5280’ = 4,540,800,000’ or, wouldn’t you know it, again, “18” (in that 4
+ 5 + 4 + 8 = “18”)…and the “divine conspiracy” continues….

Well, since we’re at the Sun, let’s cube it as well and see what we get, who knows,
might be the New Jerusalem again:

864,000 miles x 12 (edges of a cube) = 10,368,000 Linear Miles = “18” (1 + 3 + 6

+ 8 = 18) – just keeps happening.

By dropping zeroes we can determine that “24” (wherein “24” is highly

representative of Israel and the Church as the only two proper nouns within the
Dimensions of Paradise: 12 Gates bear the Names of the 12 Patriarchs/Tribes of
Israel; and 12 Foundations bear the Names of the 12 Apostles/Church – taken from
the 1,440,000,000 acre figure or one of six flat sides of the New Jerusalem or 144
or 12 x 12 = 144). Therefore:

45408 x 45408 (Cubing the Sun and using its diameter in feet to discover another
reflection of the New Jerusalem as the “Composite Bride” of Messiah) =
2061886464 / 4356 (acres) = 473344 x 6 (six-sided cube) = 2840064 = 2 + 8 + 4 +
6 + 4 = “24” as noted in the above paragraph is “Israel and the Church” within the
“Composite Bride” as the New Jerusalem.

But, wait a Wall Street minute here (pun intended, Frosty will like that), we
haven’t figured out how many Imperial Inches in our original 7,920,000’ –
therefore: 7,920,000’ x 12” = 95,040,000” (one edge) or 7,920,000’ x 12 Edges =
So what? Big what…that’s what. As it turns out 95,040,000” or Feet happens to
be a fractal of the distance between the Earth and its Sun at “apogee” (furthest
distance from Earth to Sun in their orbits – orbits which vary at 95,040,000 miles).
Incidentally, 95,040,000 = “18” again, and again, and again – is the Designer
trying to tell us something? Just might be…if you have an “ear to hear.”

But let’s get ridiculous here:

95,040,000 Imperial Miles between the Earth and the Sun at apogee (or maximum)
x 5,280 Imperial Feet in an Imperial Mile = 501,811,200,000 Imperial Feet = 5 + 1
+ 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 = “18” (stop talkin’ to me!),

Let’s get back to Earth: 12,000 x 12,000 x 12,000 (all furlongs – for one edge of
the New Jerusalem is equal to 12,000 furlongs) = 1728 Cubic furlongs (dropping
off the zeroes) giving us, again 1 + 7 + 2 + 8 = “18” . . . so is the “volume” or
“capacity” of the New Jerusalem.

And…792 (dropping zero) x 792 x 792 = 496,793,088 = “54” (adding the sum of
these as “number”) and 5040 happens to be the “Optimal Number” of Plato
(another country boy) and, when divided by two as in 5040 / 2 = 2520 the
measurement of the Sacred Cubit…however, multiplying the New Jerusalem’s 6-
sided cube by the square footage of one of its sides by 6 x 496,793,088 =
2,980,758,528 sq. feet which “in number” is equal to “36” (2 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 8 +
5 + 2 + 8 = 36) and “36” is the fractal of 360° which is the circle, the Eternal God
without Beginning or Ending. Likewise, 2,980,758,528 / 43,560 (sq. ft. in 1 acre =
68,428.8 acres or “36” (6 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 8 = 36); finally, 68,428.8 acres divided
by the Wall of the New Jerusalem (144 cubits) = 68,428.8 / 144 = 475.2 or 4 + 7 +
5 + 2 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard…but that’s another discussion.

Now…having that as a backdrop…let’s look at our bronze basin again:

The Great Pyramid of Giza and the 30 Cubit Circumference of the Sea of
Cast Bronze

Actually – I really like Ivan’s 792 inch circumference – it really attests to the New
Jerusalem – you know, that Paradise which Ivan thinks is a figment of our herder
mentality. But let’s stick with the Word (as in capital “W” its herder hype) – so,
we’re back to 30 cubits as its circumference which gives us:
30 cubits x 25.20” = 756’

Of course, I don’t expect Ivan, nor for that matter Frosty, to know that the base
side of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 756’ and is a clear picture (which many of us
herders confirm) to be “an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and
a pillar to the LORD at its border – i.e., Giza” (past, present and future – Isaiah

By the way, Sir. W.F.

Flinders Petrie’s
metrology confirms the
756’. But, then again, his
metrology is suspect in
that he too was one of
those evangelical goat
herders, no less of British
Of course, the Hebrews, having their own Egyptian experience, were perhaps
prone to producing measurements of this nature…given their familiarity with the
Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG). If so, perhaps the GPG reflects something of the
New Jerusalem---just as the marvelous measurements of the Sacred Basin do?

Let’s see:

756’ x 12” = 9072” (another “18” as in 9 + 7 + 2 = 18).

756’ x 4 (perimeter of the GPG) = 3024’ x 12” = 36,288” (which results in “27”
which, interestingly enough, are the number of books in the Christian Sacred
Canon revealing Jesus as Messiah)

If we “cubed” the GPG using its base as its diameter, we would have:

3024’ x 3 (for we already have in 3024’ from its 4 edges and there are 12 to a
cube) = 9072 Linear Feet to a Cubed GPG (12 edges) –

Now, if we take 9072’ x 12” we have a most unusual set of “numbers” = 108,864 –
herein are two sets:

108 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard and

864 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard . . .

The Moon and the Nautical Mile of 21,600

…but also 1080 is the Radius of Earth’s Moon (a moon which bears 2160 Miles as
its diameter) and, if you noticed the 864 is the fractal of our Sun’s 864,000 Miles;
therefore, Earth’s Moon and Sun are involved in the 756” of the GPG and ipso
facto of the circumference of the Sea of Cast Bronze (30 cubits x 25.20” = 756” /
12” = 63’). Now, a bit of a digression here; however, Ivan should be delighted at
this discovery, for 63 trips around the Sun is a “fractal” of 63’!

The 756” (63’) or the 792” (66’) are, in essence, a full reflection of the
“expression” of the measurements of the New Jerusalem; furthermore, the 66’ to
which we have previously alluded bears witness to the 660’ or 1 furlong, again, of
the New Jerusalem’s measurements.

Incidentally, the fact that God Almighty has a BRAIN and is in point of fact, THE
Brain of Brains – knowing precisely what His design ultimately entails – i.e., the
New Jerusalem, wherein both of His Divine Witnesses – Israel and the Church –
are so clearly defined within its structure: 12 Gates bear the Names of the 12
Tribes of Israel (the patriarchs) and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb (the Church)
constitute her foundations – a composite Bride – for God Almighty is not a Deist,
nor a Theist, He is Who He is – there is no comparison – by Him were all things
created whether in heaven or on earth, visible and invisible.

Also the 144 cubit wall (Revelation 21:17) of the New Jerusalem bears witness as

144 x 25.20” = 3,628.8” which is a “fractal” of the perimeter of the GPG at its base
(i.e., 3024’ x 12” = 36,288”) = another happenstance…just thought you should
know – those dumb herders who wrote that Book…what do they know?

Now, let’s look at the Diameter of the Sacred Basin’s calculations: 10 Cubits or
25.20” x 10 = 252” / 12” = 21 Linear Feet

…whereas the circumference of 30 cubits x 25.20 = 756” / 12” = 63’

…whereas the height is 5 cubits x 25.20 = 126” / 12” = 10.5’

The diameter of 252” gives us an immediate amplification of the Sacred Cubit
itself and it also attests to the seven days of a week in that 360° x 7 of Earth’s
Daily Rotations = 2520° and draws attention to a future apocalyptic happening
during the final Week of Daniel’s 70th Week in which there are 2,520 Days as in
One Week or 360-prophetic days in a year x 7 years = 2,520 Days.

We are, in essence, PEERING INTO a Sacred Basin with profound apocalyptic

meaning and, most assuredly, these measurements demand that the “washing of
water in the Word” take prominence in unveiling the revealed secrets of the
Almighty. Furthermore, they inexorably lead to the measurements of the New
Jerusalem and those measurements which attest to the design of our Solar System –
particularly, our Earth, Moon and Sun, all inter-related, and all attesting to the
ultimate conclusion: The New Jerusalem - the Dimensions of Paradise.

If we take the breadth (10 cubits) the depth/height (5 cubits) and the “length” (i.e.,
the circumference or, if you would, the perimeter of this basin, 30 cubits – so
described) – holding off to the side the thickness of the basin (i.e., handbreadth) we
arrive at three measurements of Divine Significance.

Let alone the 12 oxen which face three each to the four corners of the earth – 3 to
each side thereof: “three looking toward the north, three looking toward the west,
three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east…the Sea was set
upon them, and all their back parts pointed inward” (I Kings 7:25)…for this basin
“serves” the entire earth…and the 2,000 “baths” (around 18,000 gallons of water).
Determining the number of American/British gallons in one “Hebrew Bath” is no
small fete. We have landed on the following research as altogether credible:


(bath): A liquid measure equal to about 9 gallons, English measure. It seems to

have been regarded as a standard for liquid measures (Ezekiel 45:10), as in the case
of the molten sea and the lavers in Solomon's temple (1 Kings 7:26, 38), and for
measuring oil and wine (2 Chronicles 2:10 Ezra 7:22 Isaiah 5:10 Ezekiel 45:14).
Its relation to the homer is given in Ezekiel 45:11, 14.
That said, at 2,000 baths @ 9 gallons per bath x 2,000 baths = 18,000 gallons of
water. Obviously, and immediately, the “18” of the New Jerusalem Standard is
seen in the capacity of the Sea of Cast Bronze and is a “perfect fractal” to the
18,000 miles of the 12 edges of the New Jerusalem.

Also, Roy Reinhold (Prophecy Truths) goes into extensive detail to prove that a
Hebrew Bath is equal to 4.5 gallons – which does not alter the significance of the
“18” at all in that 4.5 “Reinhold Gallons” x 40 Hebrew Baths = 180 gallons (in
measuring the number of gallons in the 40-bath capacity found in each of the 10
Lavers aside from the Sea of Cast Bronze. Furthermore, the Basin’s capacity
amplifies the work of the Eternal God in that 2 (as in 2,000 baths of the Sea of Cast
Bronze) x 18 (as in 18,000 gallons) = 36 as in the 360° of a circle, without
beginning or ending.

The New Jerusalem’s primary measurement is immediately recognizable by

multiplying the “three dimensions” of the Sacred Basin’s “cubit measurements” –
to wit:

10 (brim to brim) x 5 (height) x 30 (circumference) = 1,500 cubits = the precise

1,500 Edge of the New Jerusalem in miles; however, this is also in cubits;
therefore, the full dimension of the basin becomes immediately reflective of the
exterior of the New Jerusalem as follows:

1,500 cubits x 25.20” (Sacred Cubit Measurement) = 37,800” or its “straight

volume” or simple addition of its product numbers together = 3 + 7 + 8 = “18” the
New Jerusalem Standard itself! We instantly have both the “edge” of the New
Jerusalem (1,500 miles) and the entire measurement of the Sacred Basin as “18”
which mirrors the 18,000 miles of the New Jerusalem or 15 + 18 = 33…and this
“33” which you see is wholly given over to Messiah’s Prime Number for Jesus was
33 years of age when He completed His earthly ministry.

Noah’s Ark – the Sacred Basin – Ezekiel’s Holy District and the New

I do not have the time to elaborate upon the

other Sacred Dimensions within the
Scripture which bear witness to these
astounding calculations; however, I give
several whose dimensions expand upon the
New Jerusalem’s ultimate reflection.
The waters of this Sea of Cast Bronze reflect the “Imperial Wisdom” of this most
Sacred Basin:

Firstly, the total of these basin’s cubits are 45 (10 + 5 + 30 = 45) reflects the
dimensions of the earth’s former cleansing wherein eight souls were saved found
in Genesis 6:14-16 in describing the dimensions of Noah’s Ark:

Ark’s Length: 300 Cubits (300 x 25.20” = 7560” or the “756” of the Basin’s
Circumference and of the Great Pyramid of Giza’s one base edge in feet)
Ark’s Width: 50 Cubits (50 x 25.20” = 1260” or the “126” of the Basin’s
Height/Depth and one-half of the Seventieth Week of Daniel’s 2520-day
Arks Heights: 30 Cubits (30 x 25.20” = 756” or the “756” of the Basin’s
Circumference and of the GPG’s one base edge in feet)…

Furthermore – 7560” / 12” = 630’ and 1260” / 12” = 105’ and 756” / 12” = 63’ –
630’ + 105’ + 63’ = 798’ = 7 + 9 + 8 = “24” (“24” is, once again, the two
participants in the Ultimate “Composite Bride” – the New Jerusalem)

…or 300 x 50 x 30 = 450,000 cubic cubits or “45”

Noah’s Ark’s “45” matches that of the Sacred Basin’s “45” (i.e., the Basin’s 10 + 5
+ 30 = 45 Cubits) and if we look further into Sacred Text we will see that these
goat herders saw ahead to Ezekiel’s Temple District found in Ezekiel 40-48
wherein these “45” are given again as the dimensions of the Holy District’s Holy
City (i.e., “The LORD is There” or Jehovah Shammah – for the city abides 4,500 x
4,500 cubits) ascertained in Video #26 of The Purposes of God in our special series
(viz., 4500 cubits by 4500 cubits).

And this Holy City named “The Lord is There” is precisely the New Jerusalem
Standard in that a 4,500 Cubit Edge is equal to 4,500 x 4 base sides of this Holy
City = 18,000 Linear Cubits which is precisely the 18,000 miles (yet in cubits) of
the New Jerusalem envisioned by John, the Beloved Apostle. And, if multiplied
by 3 (in that if this Holy City were cubed as per the New Jerusalem) we have:
18,000 x 3 (in that a cube has 12 edges) = 54,000 which is the 5040 of Plato’s
Optimal Number for Social Equilibrium (balance) but, if we take these 54,000
Sacred Cubits and multiply them by their measurement of 25.20” we arrive at:
54,000 x 25.20” = 1,360,800” or 1 + 3 + 6 + 8 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard of
Measurement. Thus, the measurements of Ezekiel Millenarian Holy City mirror
the ultimate dimensions of the New Jerusalem.

This “45” is intensely significant in that it is wholly representative of the bringing

together of both Israel and the Church during the 45 days of Daniel 12:12 wherein
it states: “Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred
and thirty-five days” (which time frame occurs at the coming of Messiah at the
close of the 1,290th day and the “end of desolations” (Daniel 12:11) which is to
Christians the Second Advent or Return of Messiah/Christ and His “unveiling” to
His brethren, the sons and daughters of Abraham, of His identity – this is the
unveiling of Messiah to all!

This “45” issues forth in Ezekiel’s Millenarian Temple and like bookends from
Noah to the Millennium encapsulates the Divine Intention in bringing together His
New Jerusalem.

This is the “mystery solved” of the total cubits of the Sacred Basin: “45” (10 + 5 +
30 = 45 cubits).  
The height of the Sacred Basin – where the priesthood and the sacrifice is washed
in its water of 2,000 “baths” or 18,000 gallons (its capacity is once again a
reflection of the New Jerusalem’s Standard of “18” in that 2,000 Baths x 9 gallons
(in one bath) = 2 x 9 = 18).
When the height of the basin in inches is combined with its “diameter” in inches
(brim to brim) we get the following calculation:

126” (5 cubit height or 25.20” x 5 = 126”) + 252” (10 cubit diameter of the Sea of
Cast Bronze) width or brim to brim = 378” or 3 + 7 + 8 = “18” of the New
Jerusalem Standard. When the 126” (height) is added to the basin’s circumference
we get: 126” (height) + 756” (circumference) = 882” = 8 + 8 + 2 = “18” New
Jerusalem Standard. The basin’s circumference (756”) + its width of diameter
(252”) we get: 1,008 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard; in “sum”…
126” (height) + 252” (width) = 378” = 18 NJS
126” (height) + 756” (circumference) = 882” = 18 NJS
252” (width) + 756” (circumference) = 1,008 = 18 NJS

When we take all three of these sums and add them together we have:
378” + 882” + 1008” = 2268” = 18 New Jerusalem Standard as in 2 + 2 + 6 + 8 =
18. And 2268” / 12” to arrive at the number of feet = 189 = “18” New Jerusalem
Standard as in 1 + 8 + 9 = 18.

The measurements of the Sacred Basin provide astounding calculations in that we

discover their “full multiple combination” confirms our most anticipated suspicion.
In sequence: 10 (cubit diameter) x 5 (cubit height) x 30 (cubit circumference) =
1,500 which we have determined is the edge of the New Jerusalem’s 1,500 miles;
however, in inches we discover 252” x 126” x 756” = 24,004,512 = 2 + 4 + 4 + 5 +
1 + 2 = “18” the Standard of the New Jerusalem or 2 x 5 x 2 x 1 x 2 x 6 x 7 x 5 x 6
= 50,400 or 5040 = Plato’s Optimal Number and 5040’ is the perimeter of
Solomon’s Temple Mount Area divided by “2” equals the measurement of the
Sacred Cubit of 2520 and the measurement of 2520° Week (7 x 360° of Earth’s
Rotation) and the Divine Reasoning why these goat herders surrounding Jericho
(the “City of the Moon”) by Divine Commission walked about that city in a circle
(360°) for 6 days = 6 x 360° = 2160° (the Moon’s diameter in miles) + 7
encirclements on the Seventh Day or we can take the diameter of the moon (2,160
miles) + 360° = 2,520° or 7 rotations on the final day. The degrees of a circle,
360°, connotes the Eternal God without Beginning or Ending. The 2520° is wholly
representative of the “chronology of perfection” (7 x 360 = 2520).

It is through the “washing of water by the Word” (Ephesians 5:26), coupled with
the “three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these
three agree as one” (I John 5:8). The Spirit of God, washes us by the Word of God
and then leads us to the blood (i.e., the “sacrifice”) and it is by the “blood of the
Lamb” that the believer overcomes…for “they overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11). Anyone who is
washed by the Word of God, through the Spirit of God, will always have the deep
realization of their need for the blood of His sacrifice, once for all. Perfection,
transformation or the “growth in life” cannot be effective unless it is through
Divine Deliverance – that is God’s way of transformation – not man’s way of self-
perfection but God’s way of deliverance – it is all within the Sacred Basin’s

Eschatological Considerations of the Sacred Basin

Eschatological considerations in the Sacred Basin’s measurements are clearly seen

as reflected in the Seventieth Week of Daniel’s prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27):

126 = 1260 = the latter half of Daniel’s 70th Week or 1,260 days or 42 months or
3.5 days or 3.5 years or “time, times and half a time” – this is the period of Great
Tribulation and the “reign of the Beast” and the “treading down of the Holy City
for 42 months” (Revelation 11); also, 126(0) is 1/2 of 252 or 2520 or two sets of
1260 = 2520…is is the height of the Sacred Basin: 126.
252 or 2520 = the entire 70th Week of Daniel’s prophecy, the final week of human
history prior to the coming of Messiah, the King. The first half of the 70th Week
or 1,260 days will be the time that the Two Witnesses shall prophesy: “And I will
give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred
and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth” (Revelation 11:3). This is “both” the “height”
and the “depth” of the Seventieth Week – 1260 + 1260 = 2520.

However, there are 75 days succeeding the 2520 days (Daniel 12:11-12) for we
read of the final day of desolation being 1,290 (Daniel 12:11) or 30 days beyond
the 2520 days of the Week or “unto” the 2550th day. This “30” is seen in the “30
cubits” of the Sacred Basin’s circumference. This “30” is clearly the time of the
“Wrath of the Lamb” mentioned in the Revelation poured out upon the earthlings
who have taken the Mark of the Beast, the False Prophet (Second Beast) and the
Beast himself. The Lamb of God declared in John 1:29, 36 on the Day of
Atonement is the same Lamb Whose wrath on that day shall be poured out.

“Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age” (Luke 3:23).
The Levitical priest commenced ministry at 30 years of age (Numbers 4:1-3); thus,
the 30 cubit circumference of the Levites was greeted by their age of ministry and
bore witness to the coming Messiah, the Lamb of God – Whose “latter days” shall
witness the “Wrath of the Lamb” (Revelation 6:16)…be it known that the earth is
not judged without mercy for it is the Lamb of God Who is worthy to mete out
justice – if it were any one of us it would not be so tempered – for He alone knows
the heart of man.

Finally, and as we have said before, the “45” days of Blessedness – for “Blessed is
he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days”
or 45 days beyond the 1,290 days (1335 minus 1290 = 45 days). It is within these
45 days – yes, the “full measure of the Sacred Basin’s washing and sacrificial
preparation” – for 10 cubits + 5 cubits + 30 cubits = 45 cubits and, as well, 252” x
126” x 756” = 24,004,512 = 2 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 = “18” the New Jerusalem – for
all “preparation” – all washing, all sacrifice, all priestly ministry is moving
inexorable toward one glorious preparation: The New Jerusalem wherein the
Lamb’s Wife has made herself ready to be His Eternal Bride – in Eternal
Relationship: Mr. & Mrs. Lamb!

Even in using Pi, Ivan has discovered an amazing truth – this gives the
circumference of the basin, using its diameter of “10” (cubits) x 3.142857 (Pi)
equal to 31.42857 and not 30, which means that we have exceeded the 30 by:
31.42857 less 30.00000 = 1.42857 (or in Sacred Cubits we have 792 – 756 = 36 for
30 x 25.20 = 756 and 252” x 3.142857 = 791.999964 or 792 – so, in summary:

Ivan’s Calculations:
31.42857 or 792 is the Circumference of the Basin
30.00000 or 756 is the Circumference of the Basin in strict use of the 25.20”
Sacred Cubit.

Taking the 10 Cubit (brim to brim) measurement x 25.20” we arrive at 252” x

3.142857 = 756” Circumference which equals 7 + 5 + 6 = 18 New Jerusalem
Standard and 792 (Ivan’s Circumference) minus 756 = 36” differential which gives
us the 360 or 360° of that circumference…756 / 36 = 21 sets of “36” + 1 additional
set of 36 to equal 792 gives us 22 sets of 36. 22 x 36 = 792 = 7 + 9 + 2 = 18 New
Jerusalem Standard Measurement.

Finally, Ivan’s 792 is not only the standard measurement of the New Jerusalem’s
Edge in feet (7,920,000’) but it is likewise a fractal of the Earth’s Diameter in
miles…for the Earth’s Diameter equals 7,920 Miles (Imperial Miles) x 5,280
Imperial Feet = 41,580,000 Linear Feet of Earth’s Diameter = 4 + 1 + 5 + 8 = 18
New Jerusalem Standard; and, if the Earth were cubed using its diameter as one of
its 12 edges it would equal to 7920 x 12 = 95,040 Linear Miles on its 12 cubed
edges (look familiar?); indeed, Earth’s cubed 95,040 Linear Miles is a “fractal” of
the distance between the Earth and the Sun at apogee (95,040,000 Imperial Miles)
and it PRECISELY measures the 12 edges of the New Jerusalem at 95,040,000
Linear Feet divided by 5,280’ (Imperial Feet in a Mile) = 18,000 Linear Miles or
the “18” = The Standard of the New Jerusalem. And, as you can see below in
cubing the Earth using its 7,920 mile diameter as one of its twelve edges – firstly,
its 7920 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard and then 4 x 7920 = 31680 = 18 NJS and
then, again, 31680 (miles) x 3 (for its 12 cubed edges) = 95,040 Linear Miles = 18

Finding the New Jerusalem in the Earth cubed gives ample evidence to the phrase:
New Heaven and a New Earth = for could the Earth express the Measurements of
the New Jerusalem so precisely? Let’s see: 41,580,000 Linear Feet (one edge of
he 12-Edged Cubed New Jerusalem) x 41,580,000 Linear Feet (determining one
side of this six-sided cubed Earth in area) = 1,728,896,400,000,000 (or 1
Quadrillion, seven-hundred twenty-eight trillion, eight-hundred and ninety-six
billion, four-hundred million square feet) on one side of the cubed Earth.
Now we must multiply this figure by a multiple of 6 to determine the square
footage on all of its six sides; therefore:

1,728,896,400,000,000 x 6 = 10,373,378,400,000,000 square feet – now this figure

must be divided by 43,560 sq. feet which are in 1 Imperial Acre to determine the
number of acres on our six-sided-cubed Earth to see if it reflects the measurement
in some way of the New Jerusalem (using, of course, Ivan’s 792” Circumference of
the Sacred Basin, having multiplied the Basin’s 10 cubit diameter (brim to brim)
by 3.14+ to arrive at 792” “Ivan Circumference”)…o.k. – here we go…keep
holding your breath while the goat herder calculates:

10,373,378,400,000,000 / 43,560 = 238,140,000,000 acres…AND, you guessed it:

2 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 4 = 18 THE NEW JERUSALEM Standard of Measurement!

Still, they will not believe – but on a small scale, if we took the 10 cubit diameter
of the Sacred Basin and multiplied it via the Sacred Cubit of 25.20” we, of course,
arrive at 252” – now, let’s extrapolate that figure out “there” to see if we can arrive
at the New Jerusalem….
252” is the diameter of the “circular” basin – a small “world” or “earth” or “moon”
or “sun” – all of which have 360° as spheres - so let’s take our miniature and
commence the process:

252” x 252” (to determine the square area of one of its newly created six sides) =
63,504 sq. inches (which, by the way equals to “18” interestingly enough). Now
let’s take into account 6 separate sides to our newly created cube:

63,504 x 6 = 381,024 = 3 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 18 NEW JERUSALEM

STANDARD…it’s almost not fair, is it, because the 252 was really 252” (as in 10
cubits x 25.20” Sacred Cubit = 252”); therefore, we should have converted this to
feet as in 252” / 12” = 21’ … so we’re really talking about 21’ as the Sacred
Basin’s Diameter or “brim to brim” measurement, right?

Let’s do it again with this measurement:

21’ x 21’ = 441’ (looks a lot like 144 doesn’t it—maybe that’s why those oxen’s
rears are all facing inward!) – now, taking this as one of the Basin’s Cubed sides
we must now multiply it by 6 (for a cube has six sides) to determine the full square
footage of this “Sacred Basin Cube”…

441 sq. feet x 6 = 2,646 sq. feet = 2 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 18 NEW JERUSALEM

STANDARD! But, let’s nail it: 2 x 6 x 4 x 6 = 288 = 18 NEW JERUSALEM
STANDARD! Still not enough? O.K. Let’s reverse the 441 to 144 as in the
measurement of the Wall of the New Jerusalem: 144 x 6 = 864…Good grief,
Scotty, we’ve landed on the Sun! How’s that, Captain Kirk? Well, the Sun’s
diameter is 864,000 Miles and, besides, 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 NEW JERUSALEM

So, I’d like to express my appreciation – all of our appreciation – to both Ivan and
Frosty – from all of us dumb goat herders to all of you who are smarter than
God…maybe you guys should get your rears facing in the right direction – that
way you can see the measurements of the Sacred Basin!
Oh, one more thing – since
the Bronze (as in Bronze
Basin) is really another word
for Copper Basin…Copper
(Cu) has an atomic weight of
63.546. And, since the
Divine Geometer and
Architect is also the Divine
Chemist, having given us all
of Earth’s elements, wouldn’t
He send us some message as
well in this respect?

Surely, He would: 6 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 6 = 24.

24 reflects the 24 Sacred Canon of the Hebrew (from their MSS, whereas we of the
King James Version have broken up the combined texts to 39 but the Jews have
24) …this “24” also bespeaks of the 24 Elders of the Revelation or the 12 Tribes of
Israel whose Names are over the 12 Gates of the New Jerusalem and the 12 Names
of the Apostles of the Lamb (i.e., the Church) whose Names are upon the 12
Foundations of the New Jerusalem. All “24” have been washed and judged here at
the Sacred Copper Basin… furthermore…

6 x 3 x 5 x 4 x 6 = 2160 which is 6 x 360 = 2160 or on the 6th Day man was

created (i.e., 6 x 360° = 2160°) which 2160 is the diameter of Earth’s Moon in
Statute Miles which if it were to have the Moon “cubed” to express the New
Jerusalem would be as follows: 2160 diameter x 12 Edges = 25,920 Linear Miles
= “18” New Jerusalem Standard and, wouldn’t you know it, 25,920 is equal to the
number of years in the Great Precessional of 25,920 Years (also known as the
Zodiac and in Hebrew as the Mazzaroth – which is altogether another goat herder’s
delight). Boy, that dumb British tribe sure knew what they were doing when it
came to Sacred Measurement.

One more thing: There is another measurement of the earth invented by the British
– the Nautical Mile which is 21,600 Nautical Miles about the circumference of the
Earth (again 2160). Every time Ivan and Frosty flies about the Sun in their earthly
rotation they are flying on instruments calculated to the Nautical Mile (or if they
decide to float about the earth, they’re stuck with this Nautical Mile of “sacred
worth” (perhaps a most disconcerting apprehension of reality for them). This
“copper understanding” reminding us all that that Sacred Basin’s very element
mirrors the earth’s Nautical Mile Circumference which in turn mirror the
dimensions of our Moon’s 2,160 Diameter (Statute Miles); and, incidentally,
21,600 Nautical Miles uses a factor/multiple of 1.15 to determine the distance in
Statute Miles; therefore, 21,600 x 1.15 = 24,840 Statute Miles, which in many
metrologies is the measurement of the Earth in Statute Miles (circumference)
which is, as well: 2 + 4 + 8 + 4 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard Measurement.

Therefore, the Earth in Statute Miles, in measuring its number of Statute

Miles/Feet (5,280’ in a Statute Mile) is equal to 24,840 miles x 5,280’ =
131,155.200 Linear Feet = 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 2 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard
of Measurement. To determine the number of feet in a Nautical Mile you simply
multiply 5,280’ x 1.15 = 6072’ (Number of feet in a Nautical Mile) which
measurement equals to the New Jerusalem Edge of “15” as in 6 + 7 + 2 = 15. And,
as well, we discover that 21,600 x 6072 = 131,155,200 Linear Nautical Feet (of
course); moreover, the peculiar number of “6072” clearly represents two peculiar
number sets: “60” and “72”.

There are 360° in the circumference of the Earth or 21,600 Nautical Miles / 360° =
60 Miles in 1° of the Nautical Earth; likewise, we witness that in the 25,920 years
of the Zodiacal/Mazzaroth Great Precessional there are these same 360° within this
circuit. Therefore: 25,920 years / 360° = 72 years in 1° of the Zodiacal
Circuit/Cycle. Immediately we see the “earth and the heavens” resound with an
astonishing calculation of 60 and 72 = together the number of feet in a Nautical
Mile (6072’).

But, 3° of the Nautical Earth equal 180 Nautical Miles (the New Jerusalem
Standard) and 3° of the “heavens” are equal to 3 x 72 = 216 years (“216” in
Hebrew Gematria connotes the Name of God, among a host of “spiritual realities”
– see here). When the “heavens and the earth” come together under “3” which is
the Triune God/ the One God (i.e., 6072 x 3) you arrive at 18,216 or “18” and
“216” which is 3x60 = 180 = 18 and 72x3 = 216…somewhat astounding. If,
however, we combine 180 + 216 = 396 = 3 + 9 + 6 = 18 New Jerusalem
Standard…all this from the atomic weight of copper (63.546). Oh, and by the way
396 is a fractal of the radius of Earth’s 3960 miles (diameter being 7920) and, of
course, 3960 Statute Miles x 5280 (Imperial Feet) = “27” which is the full
revelation of Messiah in the 27 books of the Christian Canon.
Tony Badillo’s Outstanding Commentary on the Sea of Cast Bronze

“As has been explained, the Bronze Sea commemorates the Red Sea crossing that
drowned the Egyptian army, a symbol of sin and the Evil Inclination. But the Sea
itself depicts the Spirit of God which, when joined to the human spirit initiates a
life-long process of restraining the Evil Inclination. Yet there’s more: The water in
the Sea also symbolizes God’s seed* and, therefore, when the Divine spirit-seed is
joined to the human spirit, a new person is created, spiritually speaking. While the
blood of the korban chatat (offerings for sin) separates one from sin’s penalty, the
Divine spirit-seed, in conjunction with one’s own efforts (i.e., cooperating with the
Divine Spirit – my assumption), gradually begins redeeming the human spirit from
the grip of sin (i.e., the “power of sin”) that works through the Evil Inclination. So
in this sense the Sea relates to the “begetting” or birthing of a new, spirit-led
people. . . . To emphasize: This symbolizes a rebirth through the Divine spirit, the
Divine seed, and results in a renewal of the mind and heart, Ezekiel 36:25-27.”

Badillo continues his outstanding evaluations:

“According Exodus 38:8,

Moses’ small laver [used in the
Tabernacle in the Wilderness]
was made from the ‘mirrors’
(of polished metal, not glass) of
women, their reflective quality
relating to the water inside the
laver, and the water itself
symbolizing the Divine spirit as
a mirror for exposing spiritual
blind spots by illumining dark
areas of the heart and mind,
Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 11:19;

Second point: The twelve bulls supporting Solomon’s Sea were posted according
to the four directions of the world: three pointing north, three south, three west and
three east, I Kings 7:25. This agrees with how the tribes were arranged under
Moses: Judah and two others toward the “rising of the sun,” i.e., east; Reuben and
two others to the south, Ephraim and two others west; and Dan and two others
north (Numbers 2:3, 10, 18, 25). But Levi with the tabernacle was posted in the
middle (blue square), v. 17, because it was the priest tribe and normally not
counted among the others. This arrangement forms a square of 12 tribes
symbolizing the four compass directions (red squares) but moving in one direction
(pink arrow). Solomon’s 12 bulls also pointed in the four directions, implying that
some worldwide mission was involved that the 12 tribes were intended to achieve
(see also Genesis 28:14). When the mobile tabernacle was put away, the tribe of
Levi assumed charge of the Temple.

The Ten Carts of Bronze and Ten Lavers

(27) “He also made ten carts

(stands) of bronze; four cubits was
the length of each cart, four cubits
its width, and three cubits its
height. (28) And this was the
design of the carts: They had
panels, and the panels were
between frames; (29) on the panels
that were between the frames were
lions, oxen, and cherubim. And on
the frames was a pedestal on top.
Below the lions and oxen were
wreaths of plaited work. (30)
Every cart had four bronze wheels
and axles of bronze, and its four
feet had supports. Under the laver
were supports of cast bronze
beside each wreath. (31) Its opening inside the crown at the top was one cubit in
diameter, and the opening was round, shaped like a pedestal, one and a half cubits
in outside diameter; and also on the opening were engravings, but the panels were
square, not round. (32) Under the panels were the four wheels, and the axles of the
wheels were joined to the cart. The height of a wheel was one and a half cubits.
(33) The workmanship of the wheels was like the workmanship of a chariot wheel;
their axle pins, their rims, their spokes, and their hubs were all of cast bronze. (34)
And there were four supports at the four corners of each cart; its supports were part
of the cart itself. (35) On the top of the cart, at the height of half a cubit, it was
perfectly round. And on the top of the cart, its flanges and its panels were of the
same casting. (36) On the plates of its flanges and on its panels he engraved
cherubim, lions, and palm trees, wherever there was a clear space on each, with
wreaths all around. (37) Thus he made the ten carts. All of them were of the same
(lit. “one”) mold, one measure, and one shape. (38) Then he made ten lavers of
bronze; each laver contained forty baths (i.e., one bath = 9 gallons), and each laver
was four cubits. On each of the ten carts was a laver. (39) And he put five carts on
the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house. He set the Sea on
the right side of the house, toward the southeast” (I Kings 7:27-39).

The description of the Ten Carts and the Lavers which they carry is nearly three
times more extensive than the Bronze Sea and the Twelve Oxen – therefore, it is
safe to conclude their importance is no small thing. Obviously, as you can see
from the graphics, these “Ten Water Lavers” are intimately connected to the “Sea
of Cast Bronze.”

Tony Badillo sees in these Ten Water Lavers the extensions of “Temple Man’s”
two hands; furthermore his overall commentary on the meaning of the Sea of Cast
Bronze and its interrelationship with the Ten Water Lavers is excellent – although
my emphasis is upon the measurements of these Temple items, Tony Badillo’s
comments are altogether sufficient:

“Solomon’s artisans also

constructed ten bronze wheeled
lavers, symbolizing the ten
fingers of the hands, I Kings
7:27-39; II Chronicles 4:6.
Since the Temple was in the
hidden form of a man, these
correspond to the ten fingers of
Jacob, King Messiah, and the
Levite High Priest. But since
the Temple is identified as the
“house of God” in the Tanach,
they also relate to his fingers, even if this should be a figure of speech. For
example, the Egyptians exclaimed of the ten plagues, “This is the finger of God!”
in Exodus 8:15, (EV 8:19); and Moses tells us that the stone tablets of the
Covenant were written with “God’s own finger,” Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy
9:10. Therefore at right is my version of what these bronze wheeled lavers may
have looked like. According to the biblical description they had lions, oxen and
cherubim on their four panels. The cherubim would be on the panels not shown.
The carts were four cubits wide and long, I Kings 7:27, but with a height of three
cubits. The water lavers themselves were possibly removable and likely mounted
on top. And although the lavers had wheels, they were not meant to be moved
about from place to place. Once installed on the right and left sides of the Temple
(1 Kings 7:39) – but toward its front – there would be no need to move them
anymore; and in this particular position they clearly form the hands and fingers of
Temple Man as High Priest. Moreover, this was the most practical position
because they were solely for washing off blood from the offerings, II Chronicles
4:6, meaning that they had to be posted close to the slaughtering tables and Bronze
Altar where such offerings were made daily and where the priests officiated.

“Lastly, since the bronze lavers are the hands, the water in them symbolizes the
Divine spirit. Compare First Chronicles 28:12 with v.19. In v.12 David says he
received Temple plans by the Lord’s spirit, but in v. 19, by the Lord’s hand. In this
case, inspiration by the Divine spirit counts as the work of his hands.” (The
Meaning of Solomon’s Mystical Sea of Bronze, Tony Badillo)

The Measurements of the Ten Carts of Bronze – Water Lavers

10 Carts of Bronze – Water Lavers

Lower Portion
 4 Cubits = Length of each Cart (the
“cart” was the “undercarriage” and
not the laver – the laver was
mounted as a pedestal atop the cart
– the wheels appear to have been
positioned wholly beneath the cart
 4 Cubits = Width of each Cart
(ostensibly square on top and
 3 Cubits = Height of each Cart
(thus, three dimensional)
 Panels were on each of the four sides – these panels were between frames (4
frames) – all were square
 Panels – each panel (4 ea.) had lions and oxen and cherubim on them (plural
– so at least 4 lions, 4 oxen and 4 cherubim per cart)
 Panel insides also contained engravings
 The Laver was shaped like a pedestal mounted on the roof of the four-square
 4 Bronze Wheels per Cart resembling chariot wheels with axle pins, rims
and spokes and hubs
 1 and 1/2 Cubit Wheel Height (cf. to overall height of Cart @ 3 Cubits - so
Wheels 1/2 overall Height
 2 Axels of Bronze per Cart connecting two front and back wheels
 Its 4 “feet” had supports (i.e., “struts”)
 4 “supports” were fastened with bronze beside each wreath on each of the
four sides of the cart
 1 Cubit was the “inside diameter” of the “crown” of the laver
 1 and 1/2 Cubits was the outside diameter
 1/2 Cubit High was a perfectly round flange of the same casting as the
panels (Note: Therefore, the perfectly round flange was 1/6th of the overall
3 Cubit Height of the Laver (i.e., 1/2 Cubit Height)
 Cherubim were engraved also on the plates of its flanges, as well, on the
panels – as well as lions and palm trees wherever there was a clear space
with wreaths all around.
 All Ten Lavers came from the same mold – one measure, one shape – they
were all identical

Upper Portion of the Cart & the Amazing 40 Baths per Laver

 10 Lavers of Bronze were made

 40 Baths would fill each Laver @ 9
Gallons per Bath x 40 Baths = 360
Gallons per Laver (demonstrating the
Eternal God without Beginning or
Ending as in a 360° circle)
 4 Cubits in Height was each Laver
atop the already 3 Cubit Height of
Each Cart
 5 Carts were placed on the Right Side
of the House (south side) and 5 on the
left side (north side) of the house –
Note: The Sea was on the right side
(south side) of the house, toward the

The calculation that 9 gallons is equal to 1 Hebrew Bath x 40 Baths per Laver = 9
x 40 = 360 gallons; therefore, 360 gallons of water per Laver x 5 on one side = 5 x
360 = 1,800 gallons on the north side of the temple (5 Lavers) and 5 x 360 = 1,800
gallons on the south side of the temple and 1,800 + 1,800 = 3,600 gallons of water
is equal to both the “18” of the New Jerusalem Standard and TWO as a witness to
the New Jerusalem – giving prominence to the TWO WITNESSES and the TWO
PROPER NOUNS of the New Jerusalem: Israel and the Church wrought by the
Eternal God (360° circle) to produce the New Jerusalem.

Furthermore, when we combine the “water” of both the Great Basin – the Sea of
Cast Bronze and its 2,000 baths with the 400 baths of the 10 lavers (i.e., 40 baths
per laver x 10 lavers = 400 baths) we get: 2,000 + 400 = 2,400 baths which
equates to the 24 Elders of the New Jerusalem (12 Patriarchs of Israel – 12 Tribes
and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb, the Church). Likewise, the 400 Baths x 9 gallons
per bath = 3,600 gallons + the 2,000 baths of the Great Basic x 9 gallons = 18,000;
therefore 3,600 gallons + 18,000 gallons = 21,600 gallons which 21,600 equates as
a multiple fractal to the 2160 of the Moon’s Diameter; the 216 years of the 3°
degrees of the Mazzaroth/Zodiacal Great Precessional cycle; the 21,600 of the
Earth’s Nautical Mile Circumference – and, of course, if we were to add the 360 of
the Eternal God (as in 360° circle without Beginning or Ending) we would arrive at
2520 or 2160 + 360 = 2520 the measurement of the Sacred Cubit (25.20”) or the
distance at apogee between the Earth and its Moon of 252,000 miles.

Calculations of the Ten Carts – their implications:

The Cart:

 Linear Measurements in Inches (Sacred Cubit) and feet (12 Edges):

 The dimensions of the “square cart” were 4 cubits x 4 cubits (width and
length) but its height was 3 cubits.
 Therefore: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 Cubits (4 edges on top) x 2 (4 edges on
bottom) = 32 Linear Cubits + 4 x 3 Cubits for the height (for it had 4
separate height edges) = 12 Cubits. 32 Cubits + 12 Cubits = 44 Cubits.
 44 x 25.20” = 1108.8” or clearly 1 + 1 + 8 + 8 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard
and, as well the “appearance” of two separate number sets of 11 and 88 or
18 and 18 to signal us that the New Jerusalem Standard overwhelms the
measurement of the Bronze Carts
 Therefore, since there are 10 of these we total all 10 to equal: 10 x 1108.8”
= 11,088” (again New Jerusalem Standard dominates) / 12” = 924’ or 9 x 2 x
4 = “72” (The Name of God) or 9 + 2 + 4 = 15 = The Edge of the New
Jerusalem’s 1,500 miles, again its fractal.

 On the one hand there were

the engravings of the 4 oxen
per cart or 4 x 10 = 40 oxen
there were engravings of 4
lions on each cart or 4 x 10 =
40 lions + multiple lions on
the plates of its flanges.

 There were engravings of 4 cherubim on each of the 4 panels; therefore 4 x

10 = 40 + multiple cherubim on the plates of its flanges.

 There were two wreaths per panel – below the lions/oxen – therefore, there
were 8 wreaths per cart (2 on each panel) and 8 x 10 = 80 wreaths + there
were “wreaths all around wherever there were a clear space” on the flanges
above the lions and oxen. Therefore, the higher one viewed the cart the
more the wreaths (symbol of victory) were displayed.

 The symbol of the oxen is that of servitude and exemplifies the “suffering
servant” who came as the Servant or even “slave” (Gospel of Mark and
Zechariah 3) and then in Messiah’s Second Coming He will come as the
Conquering King – the Lion of the Tribe of Judah – both are viewed with the
heavenly Cherubim “ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

 On the flanges (top) of the Lavers there are lions, cherubim and palm trees –
all clearly symbolize the kingly, heavenly and ascended (palm trees) Life of
Messiah, as well as the Divine Spirit through cleansing us for service.

The Bronze Wheels:

 4 per Cart = 4 x 10 = 40 Wheels

 Wheel Heights was 1 1/2 Cubits ea. or 1.5 Cubits x 25.20” = 37.8” = 3 + 7 +
8 = 18 NJS
 Therefore, each and every wheel is measured to the New Jerusalem
 1 Wheel = 37.8” x 4 Wheels = 151.2” (1512 commends itself to 2 sides of
the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza which is 1512 Linear Feet and 1512 is
Greek Gematria for Apocalypsis) or 151.2” / 12” = 12.6’
 10 Carts = 151.2” x 10 = 1,512” or a total of 126’ (Note: 126 is 1/2 of the
Sacred Cubits 25.20 or 252).
 We also note that 2 wheels (front or back – though there appears to be
neither) would be 2 x 37.8” = 75.6 and 756 is one base edge of the Great
Pyramid of Giza and is also at 7 + 5 + 6 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard –
therefore, whichever side one approaches the wheels (front or back) they
will see the measurement of the New Jerusalem.

Diameter of the Crowns at the Top:

 The interior diameter of the crown (pedestal) is measured as 1 cubit

 The exterior diameter of the crown (pedestal) is measured as 1 and 1/2 cubits
 Therefore, simply taking these two measurements we ascertain the following
– based on the fact “the opening was round, shaped like a pedestal” – so we
view this as:
 1 Cubit inside diameter = 25.20” = 1 cubit = 25.20” is equal the Sacred
Cubit itself or 2.1 Feet
 1 1/2 Cubits outside diameter = 25.20” x 1.5 = 37.8 = 3 + 7 + 8 = 18 New
Jerusalem Standard or 3.15’
 There are 10 of these diameters at 25.20” = 252” or 21 Feet total
 37.8” x 10 = 378” = 3 + 7 + 8 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard
Circumference of Interior and Exterior Diameters:

Formula for finding the circumference of a circle: C = π*d or Circumference =

3.14 x diameter

 Inside Diameters: C = 3.14 x 25.20 (Note: If we use 22/7 or 3.142857) = C

= 79.2” = 7 + 9 + 2 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard x 10 Carts = 79.2 x 10 =
792 = 18 New Jerusalem.
 792 is a fractal of Earth’s Diameter itself at 7920 Miles and is also a
“fractal” of one edge of the New Jerusalem at 7,920,000 Linear Feet –
therefore, in miniature or proportion each of the interior circumferences of
these crown openings.

 Exterior diameters: C = 3.142857 x 37.8” = 118.8 (rounding to the nearest

tenth) or 1 + 1 + 8 + 8 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard and clearly seen in the
11 and the 88 is 18, 18.
 Amplified by 10 carts = 1188 with the same results.
 3.142857 x 37.8” = 118.7886546 x 10 = 1,187.886546 / 12” = 98.99 or 99’
or 9 + 9 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard.

Area of a Circle

Formula for finding the area of a circle is: A = πr2 or π x r x r


3.142857 x ½ of 37.8” (exterior diameter) = 18.9 (r) x 18.9 (r) = 357.21 x 3.142857
= 1122.66 (rounding to the nearest 100th) = 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 = 18 New
Jerusalem Standard x 10 carts = 11,226.6 sq. inches = 18 New Jerusalem Standard.

Overall Height of the Wheels + Cart + Laver…

 3 Cubits = height of the cart itself

 1.5 Cubits = height of each wheel
 .5 Cubits = height of the pedestal
 4 Cubits = was the height of each laver
 Total Height of the entire wheel, cart, pedestal and laver: 9 Cubits
 9 cubits x 25.20 = 226.8” = 2 + 2 + 6 + 8 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard
 9 cubits x 2.1’ = 18.9 Linear Feet = 1 + 8 + 9 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard
 10 Wheels/Carts/Pedestals/Lavers = 10 x 226.8 = 2,268” = 18 NJS
 10 Wheels/Carts/Pedestals/Lavers = 10 x 18.9 Linear Feet = 189’ = 18 NJS

Without question, the 10 Carts with adjoining lavers – all of copper – utterly
express the primary dimension of the New Jerusalem Standard, thanks in absolute
measure to the discovery of the measurement of the Sacred Cubit’s measurement
of 25.20” – we are indebted to the Lord’s work among the British for this
incredible discovery and their persistence in maintaining these divine dimensions
within the Sacred Canon throughout.

Gallons of Water in the Ten Lavers and the Great Basin – Incredible

We have carefully determined that the “Hebrew Bath” is equal to 9 Gallons of

Water; therefore, the 2,000 baths of the Sea of Caste Bronze, the Great Basin, is
equal to 2,000 x 9 = 18,000 Gallons of Water. Water has both cubic inches within
it and weight in pounds (staying completely away from the metric system in
measurement); therefore, we have these astounding calculations:

Gallons of Water in Cubic Inches

18,000 Gallons x 231 Cubic Inches to 1 Gallon of Water = 4,158,000 cubic inches
= 18 NJS (or 4 + 1 + 5 + 8 = 18).
360 Gallons per Laver (i.e., 40 baths x 9 gallons per bath = 360 gallons) x 231
Cubic Inches per Gallon = 83,160 Cubic Inches = 18 NJS (8 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 18) and
83,160 x 5 Lavers = 415,800 Cubic Inches per 5 Lavers or 18 NJS x 2 (to arrive at
10 total Lavers of Water) or 415,800 x 2 = 831,600 = 18 NJS (8 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 18).
Combining the 4,158,000 cubic inches of the 18,000 Gallon (2,000 bath) Sea of
Cast Bronze Basin with the total Gallons of the 10 Lavers we arrive at: 4,158,000
+ 831,600 = 4,989,600 = “36” (4 + 9 + 8 + 9 + 6 = 36) or the Eternal God without
Beginning or Ending as in 360° of a Circle. Therefore, the Eternal God’s intention
is the 18 New Jerusalem Standard wherein the sum of both the Great Basin and the
10 Lavers is equal to “36” and, likewise, separately the total “cubic-inch number”
of the Great Basin (4,158,000) is equal to 18 NJS and the total “cubic-inch
number” also of gallons of the 10 Lavers is equal to 18 NJS (83,600) and 18 + 18 =
36 to confirm the Eternal God’s intention on behalf of the New Jerusalem’s
Standard of Measurement – He measures everything by this ultimate standard for
the Universe!
Gallons of Water in US and Imperial Weight

Likewise, water has “standard water weight” – 1 US Gallon is equal to 8.35

Pounds (lbs.) and 1 Imperial Gallon of water weight is equal to 10 Pounds” (Note:
Opinions on water weight vary due to condition of the water but these calculations
are standard weights of water.).

Therefore using US Gallon Weight @ 8.35 Lbs. p/gal.

2,000 Baths x 9 Gallons per Bath = 18,000 Gallons x 8.35 Lbs. = 150,300 Lbs. = 9
(1 + 5 + 3)
40 Baths x 10 Lavers = 400 Baths x 9 Gallons per bath = 3,600 Gallons x 8.35 Lbs.
= 30,060 Lbs. = 9 (3 + 6 = 9)
Combining the 150,300 Lbs. (Great Basin) + 30,060 Lbs. (10 Lavers) = 180,360 =
18 NJS (1 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 18)

Using Imperial (British) Weight per Gallon at 10 Lbs. per Gallon:

2,000 Baths x 9 Gallons per Bath = 18,000 Gallons x 10 = 180,000 Lbs. = 18 NJS
40 Baths x 10 Lavers = 400 Baths x 9 Gallons per bath = 3,600 Gallons x 10 Lbs.
= 36,000 Gallons = 36 = The Eternal God or 3 x 6 = 18 NJS.

Combining the 180,000 Lbs. (Great

Basin) + 36,000 Gallons (10 Lavers)
= 216,000 and 216 = The Name of
God (3 x 72 = 216) or 2160 Miles
the Diameter of the Moon (“the
Moon beneath her feet”) or the
21,600 Mile Circumference of the
Earth in Nautical Miles and,
consequently, the measurement, if
cubed, of the New Jerusalem in that
2160 (Moon’s Diameter used as its
edge) x 12 Edges of a Cubed Moon
= 25,920 = 18 NJS and 25,920 in
years is equal to one complete
circuit of the Great Precessional of
the Mazzaroth/Zodiac; also, cubing
the Earth’s Nautical Mile (6876
Nautical Miles = Earth’s Diameter
in Nautical Miles) or 6,876 Nautical Miles x 12 Edges (12 edges in every cube) =
82,512 Linear Nautical Miles = 18 NJS (8 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 18) and 82,512 x
6072’ (number of feet in a Nautical Mile) = 501,012,864 Nautical Feet = “27” (The
full revelation of Messiah in Sacred Christian Canon (27 books)).

We may readily conclude from these cubic inch per gallon of water and water
weight, using either US or Imperial Standard weight per gallon of water (8.35
Lb./US or 10.00 Lb./Imperial) that the quantity of water in both the Great Basin
(18,000 gallons) and the total water in the 10 Lavers atop their carts/wheels equal
to 3,600 gallons, that these calculations are highly suggestive that the Eternal God
revealed in Messiah have but one goal: The New Jerusalem. The nature of the
Almighty is persistent, consistent and relentlessly moving toward but one Divine
Purpose: The New Jerusalem. This demonstrates the Eternal God’s quest for
Eternal Relationship with the panicle of his creation: Humankind.

Gold, Silver, Precious Stones and Water – Atomic Weights

We can continue these extrapolations originating at the Sacred Basin of King

Solomon and continue them indefinitely; for their amplifications persist beyond
copper’s atomic weight, continue into the gold, silver, water and the versatility of
onyx stone – elements which meet their compliments in those peculiar to Music,
Physiology, Biology, Optics and probe the depths of Astronomy and, in particular,
of our own Solar System, inner and outer planets, as well as “dwarf planets”
extending to these planets’ diameters, orbits and distances from Earth…and all
point to the New Jerusalem’s “Final Conclusion!”

“Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones…” (I
Corinthians 3:12). These are the materials the believer must build with – for only
these shall endure; all other “works” are burned in the fire. The “gold” of the New
Jerusalem connotes the total transformation of the believer (so, the City is “pure
gold” and the street is “clear gold” and the “silver” substantiates that “these are
redeemed from among men” (Revelation 14:3-4; 21:18, 21).

Gold (Au) has 79 protons and electrons and 118 neutrons

or 7 x 9 x 1 x 1 x 8 = 504 or the 5040 of Plato’s Optimal
Number divided by “2” = the measurement of the Sacred
Cubit: 2520.
Silver (Ag), which unequivocally presents the price of redemption, has 47 protons
and electrons and 61 neutrons or 47 + 61 = 108 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard of

Copper (Cu), there are 29 Proton/Electrons and 35 Neutrons with an atomic

weight of 63.546 amu. Therefore: 29 + 35 = 64 and 2 x 9 x 3 x 5 x 6 x 4 = 6480 =
18 NJS (6 + 4 + 8 = 18) or 63.546 = 6 x 3 x 5 x 4 x 6 = 2160 = the Name of God
(216) or the diameter of the Earth’s Moon (2160 miles) or the Circumference of
the Earth in Nautical Miles (2160) and all the concomitant expressions of the New
Jerusalem associated thereto.

The WATER OF LIFE – “water” has always connoted LIFE. In the New
Jerusalem water plays a dominate role and all are encouraged to drink of the
“water of Life freely” – for it is at the invitation of the Spirit and the Bride that all
are encouraged to drink of this wondrous water:

“And the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’
and let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him TAKE THE WATER OF
LIFE FREELY” (Revelation 22:17).

Therefore, and with such acclamation of Divine Intention – I leave you with this
most astounding measurement of all the WATER of these Lavers and Great Basin
and of the Water of Life that flows from the Throne of God and the Lamb in the
New Jerusalem: “And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal,
proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street,
and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each
tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of
the nations” (Revelation 22:1-2):

Atomic Weight of Water: 2 Hydrogen + 1

Oxygen = Water or H2O; therefore, we discover
the following:

 2 Hydrogen = 1 Proton/Electron + 1
Proton/Electron = 2
 Atomic Weight of Hydrogen: 1.00794 x
2 = 2.01588 +
 1 Oxygen = 8 Protons/Electrons and 8
Neutrons or 8 + 8 = 16; therefore:
 Hydrogen = 2 + 16 of Oxygen = 18 Protons/Electrons/Neutrons and “18” is
the New Jerusalem Standard
 Atomic Weight of Oxygen: 15.9994
 Precise Atomic Weight of Water:
2.01588 (Hydrogen) + 15.9994 (Oxygen) =
18.0153 (rounded to nearest ten-thousands.
 Molecular Weight of H20 returns 18.0153 = 18 NJS (1 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 18).

Therefore, the molecular weight of water is the sustenance – the Life-Giving Spirit
– the all-sufficient cleansing of the priesthood and of the sacrifice which is for but
one purpose = to cleanse and sustain the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem with the
Water of Life – which is FREELY received. The atomic weight/molecular weight
of hydrogen (1) + (1) = 2 Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen = 3 (Triune God) and these three
concur but for one goal: The New Jerusalem – in that all their protons/electrons
and neutrons and their very molecular weight in great precision equate to the 18
New Jerusalem Standard of measurement.

Also: 18 is not just the number for H2O but also for Carbon – Carbon is the “chemical
basis of all physical life on Earth.” Carbon has an atomic weight of 12 or 6 protons, 6
electrons and 6 neutrons. If we separate out the electrons from the protons (for the
“nucleus” of the atom is our base weight) and count the electrons separately, we will
arrive at these “three sets” of 6 or 666 which, of course, equals to “18” NJS or the
“number of a man, 666.” Carbon is
necessary to form all DNA and
RNA, the chemical code of life as it
currently exists.

Revelation 13 points to the “666” as

the “number” of the Beast.
Interestingly enough, Carbon’s
atomic number is “6” but its Atomic
Mass is 12.0107 amu. – meaning
12.0107 = “11” (1 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 7)
whereby the “666” and “11” are
embodied in the Antichrist-Beast –
the “11th Horn” – notwithstanding,
this “negative” or “11” or, for that
matter, “666” when “acted upon” by
taking the sum of each digit (i.e., 6 +
6 + 6) sums to “18” – in other words,
when acted upon by the Triune God even the “negative” is transformed into a
“positive” – just as John Michell states when highlighting the number of “fusion” is
“1746” arrived at when:

“The number 1,746 is a symbol of fusion between the negative and positive forces in
nature, 1,080 and 666, of which it is the sum. It is the number by gematria of το
πνευμα κοσμου, the Universal Spirit, which is the combination of those two forces,
and it is the number of the name given to the light that streamed out of the holy of
holies…The name of that light was the Glory of the God of Israel, ᾑ δοξα του θεου
Ἱσραηηλ, 1,746.” (The Dimensions of Paradise, John Michell, p. 223).

What Michell failed to recognize is that all three number sets (666, 1080 and 1746)
result in a “number sum” of “18” which is the New Jerusalem Standard and that “666”
can be directly affected (yes, by the 1080 or “18”) by the “Name of God” in “216” or
6 x 6 x 6 = 216 (or three number sets of “72” as per Exodus 14:19-21).

Certainly, you may dismiss all this (and there are many more such measurements
yet unexplored) but to be so trivial to dispense with the measurements of the
Sacred Basin and all these 10 Carts/Lavers is not only preposterous but indicative
of gross ignorance of these Divinely-Inspired texts. But as Jesus once said of the
poor man in the bliss of “Abraham’s Bosom” – “though Moses would come back
from the dead, they will not believe” – and so it is in our time…skeptics like Frosty
and Ivan, unless Divine Intervention will save their wretched souls, their, as Jack
Hook so clearly states, “sinful natures” will get the best of them and they will
perish in their unbelief – sad but sorely true. And, like the fellow veteran in the
coffee house: “Why is it that some find God in their foxholes and others just get
bitter and scarcely find themselves?” Yet, someone out there really cares – though
unseen . . . Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow!

Doug Krieger
Jack’s Military Buddy and fellow goat herder; formerly from Odin’s Tribe and
now a part of the Commonwealth of Israel . . . “care to join?”
[email protected]

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