Lesson 18 - Ministering The Fathers Healing Love To Others

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Lesson 18 - Ministering the Father's Healing Love to Others

Imparting What You Have Received from Personal Experience

 You cannot give away what you have not received first. You can only share what you have
personally experienced yourself.
 Releasing the Father's Love is not based upon some gifting or anointing, but more on
being an instrument through which the Father can love His children.
 He first has to reveal His love to you through the Holy Spirit and His Word. (John 1:18, 8:14,
14:3, Luke 15:20) Then you must yield your will and spirit to Him and spend intimate time
alone allowing His presence to fill your heart. (Is. 66:12-13, Zeph. 3:17)
 You can only minister from the overflow of His love in your heart. It cannot be just an
intellectual revelation, but it must be real to you through experiencing the healing of your own
heart and being set fee from the thing from your past.
- It goes beyond just recognizing that you have hurts and wounds
- You need more than just knowledge of the Biblical truths and being able to
diagnose your problems and their origins
- You must realize that we cannot just heal yourself. It requires a breaking forth of
the Holy Spirit in the core areas of hidden pain and Father's healing love released
into your character and personality.
- As you experience more of His Love, you begin to feel truly free. Gone is the
heaviness, the uncontrolled thoughts that used to drive you, fears that tormented
you, and the masks and false selfs that you hid behind. (Rom. 8:15)
 You must abide in His love in your own personal life. You must live in a spirit of true
Sonship free from lust, shame, guilt, fear, jealousy, competition, spiritual ambitions, the desire
for the praises of man, etc. (1 John 4:8- 16)
 You must set healthy boundaries and not allow your mind to go toward impurity. (This depth
of ministry to someone stirs their heart with all its passions.) Satan will try to tempt you, or
the one to whom you minister, to respond in the wrong way to all the excitement, inspiration,
and passion that is being stirred up with the release of all the bondages from the past. (Heb.
 Just as transparency and openness build trust and intimacy in a marriage, you must be open
and transparent with those to whom you minister. You must let down your own personal
walls and barriers. This begins at home with your family. (1 Pet. 3:4-7)
Healing is a Process!
 We are all on a road to greater levels of healing and intimacy with the Father. At times the
progress is quick with big events, but most of the time it is the slow process of changing habit
and thought patterns, establishing Godly beliefs, getting rid of bitter expectancies and
judgments, and continue to receive healing for other areas as the Holy Sprit brings them up
to you. (Ex. 23:29-30, John 3:1-3)
 In some people the pain is so great that they are ready to just jump in and deal with all the
hurts and wounds head on, regardless of the pain or how they respond (tears, wailing,
throwing up, anger, etc.) Others are shyer, less bold, or the pain is not great enough for them
to just dive in. They will approach the healing more slowly and may not go as far in any one
session with them. Be sensitive to the Spirit to whomever you are dealing with.

Taken from The Prayer Ministry of the Father's Love, 2001, Jack Frost, Shiloh Place Ministries, P.O. Box 5, Conway, SC 29526
Written and compiled by Rick and Sue McCoy, Abba’s Arms International, Inc., PO Box 1396 State College PA 16804-1396
Ministering the Father's Love to Others

 Everyone to some extent has a hidden "pain tank" where they store all the hurts, wounds,
disappointments, bad experiences they have had in the past. To fully be open to receiving
the Father's love, they need to empty the pain tank and replace the void with His love. As the
love flows in, the pain in the "tank" will begin to rise to the surface and will need to be dealt
with through forgiveness and taking it to the cross. This will keep happening until all the pain
has been removed.
 As the pain comes to the surface many people begin to panic and start putting up walls to
protect themselves from more pain. They must deal with the shame, fear, and control in
their life and allow the Holy Spirit to work in those painful areas. "Until the pain
outweighs their shame, they are usually not willing to change." They must move out of denial.
 The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not take someone beyond what they are able to
handle at the time. You must also assure them that there is a quiet peace and joy that will
come once they have dealt with these painful issues. As His love pours in, the pain and fear
will begin to melt away into peace. (Rom. 5:5, 1 John 4:18)
Ministering His Love

 You become a vessel through which the Father can love another person through your gentle
touch, tender voice, eye contact, words of affirmation, body language, emotions, and prayers.

 You must always realize that it is the Holy Spirit that must be in control and not you. Healing
only comes through their forgiveness and the work of the cross and not anything that you can

 Forgiveness and healing are different. Forgiveness opens the door for healing to take place.
The healing comes as the person sees where Father or Jesus were in the situation, trusting and
receiving His love, and allowing that love to replace all of the fear, shame, hurts, and hatred
against self or someone else. (listening prayer)

 Forgiveness is not admitting that what the other person said or did was right, or fair. It
probably was not, but we are giving them the gift of forgiving them of the debt that they
cannot pay. (John 20:23)

 If the person says that they cannot forgive the other person, ask them if they would be willing
to let the Holy Spirit help them to be willing to forgive. They forgive them by faith.

 When leading someone into forgiveness, it is sometimes helpful to stand in for that person
who has hurt them. That person may be dead, live far away, they may have lost contact with
them, or that person is just unable to ask forgiveness. Have the person go back to the age they
were when the offense occurred, then you as that person (father, mother, siblings, friend, etc.)
ask them to forgive you for ….. (be specific about the things that brought the pain and hurt).

 Be observant to see where the Holy Spirit is flowing and impacting the person. We call these
"e-points" or "emotional moments" where you know (through their tears, emotions, crying, or
body language) that you have touched a hidden core pain.

Taken from The Prayer Ministry of the Father's Love, 2001, Jack Frost, Shiloh Place Ministries, P.O. Box 5, Conway, SC 29526
Written and compiled by Rick and Sue McCoy, Abba’s Arms International, Inc., PO Box 1396 State College PA 16804-1396
Ministering the Father's Love to Others

 Use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to discover the root causes behind the emotions and painful
memories. This is what needs to be dealt with through leading them in the appropriate
healing prayers and cleansing prayers to remove any defilement. (1 John 1:7-9)

 Besides the prayers and being set free from the past hurts and pain, many people also need
some tender nurturing expressed love. They may have grown up in a home where there was
little or no expressed love given to them. Sometimes, a person is unable to go into
forgiveness and healing until they have just been held and loved.
 Expressed love is ministered through affectionate touch, loving eye contact, and tender,
gentle, empathizing tone of voice.

- Affectionate touch - Either give the person a hug if standing, or put your arm
around them or hold them if seated. Men should embrace men and women embrace
women. Give them a deep long-lasting embrace and not just a short hug. You
need to break down any walls or barriers with your embrace and His love flowing
into them.
- Loving eye contact – The eyes are the window to the spirit. Look them in the eye
and tell them how much the Father loves them and He is not ashamed of them.
Allow the Holy Spirit to speak loving words to them through you.
- Tone of voice – Use tender, compassionate, gentle, encouraging, empathizing and
loving tones of voice. Display a meek and quiet spirit to them.

 Speak a Father's blessing and words of life over them at the end of your time of ministry.
Say to them what the Father says in His word about them. Every child wants to receive
their father's blessing over them before they leave home. You are valuing them and
letting them know that they have a special place in Father's heart. (Mark 10:13-16)

 Encourage them to begin transforming their minds by daily practicing walking in love and
in the light, replacing the ungodly beliefs with Godly Beliefs, changing the negative
thought patterns, going over scripture verses about who they are in Christ. (Rom. 12:2)

Taken from The Prayer Ministry of the Father's Love, 2001, Jack Frost, Shiloh Place Ministries, P.O. Box 5, Conway, SC 29526
Written and compiled by Rick and Sue McCoy, Abba’s Arms International, Inc., PO Box 1396 State College PA 16804-1396

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