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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Personality Formation in Modern Society (ICTPPFMS-18)

Stress management techniques for students

Kassymova K. Gulzhaina, PhD Kosherbayeva N. Aigerim, Prof. Dr.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,
Almaty, Kazakhstan Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
zhaina.kassym@gmailcom Almaty, Kazakhstan

Sangilbayev S. Ospan, Prof. Dr. Schachl J. Hans

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, University of Education Linz
Almaty, Kazakhstan Prof. Dr., Rector em., Austria

Nigel B. C. Cox R., Prof. Lecturer

Furzedown College of Education, University of London,
London, United Kingdom

Abstract: This paper deals with stress and its biology, which is are applied to humans. Examples like financial difficulties,
a major problem for students throughout the modern world. It health issues, personal conflicts and work issues all carry force
outlines and suggests stress management techniques, which are or pressure on a person's body, mind and spirit. Some of the
easy to practice for students and teachers even during lessons, pressures originate from the environment but most often it
e.g. japanese finger stress relief techniques and yoga pranayama. emanates from within a person's head in the form of worry,
Stress is a significant problem of our times and affects both the anxiousness, regret, discouragement and low confidence and
physical and mental health of people. The main objectives are to self-esteem. This article uses the term “stress” in the context
ascertain the extent to which stress affects students’ academic of mental health. For roughly the last 50 years the term stress
success and health and to suggest some techniques and pratices to
has increasingly been used in the behavioral and health
cope with stress for students. Stress coping methods are the
sciences. The accompanying social “theory” explains
physiological, cognitive, behavioral and psychological methods to
deal with stress. The main method used has been to gather and observations about stress as an aspect of student life. Our
analyse the relavant data. findings about stress confirmed, that Kazakhstani students at
For this purpose questionnaires about stress were randomly universities always experience a significant amount of stress
distributed to different student groups mostly at three during their academic life and they need ways to help to cope
Kazakhstani universities. The results obtained show that students with it. Undoubtedly, stress has become the number one
need to be given effective techniques to cope with stress while reported impediment to academic performance. A Publication
they are studying. After a thorough literature review in major of New York University [3] stated that 55% of students
databases stress management techniques were identified and are claimed their biggest stressor to be academic in nature. 6 in 10
presented and briefly discussed here. Stress can be managed college students report having felt so stressed they could not
through the introduction of a stress management course and do their studies on one or more occasion. Stress is the process
engaging in extracurricular physical and mental activities. These by which a person reacts when faced with external or internal
techniques are easy to learn and practice, with excelent results in problems and challenges. “The organism processes numerous
individuals with sound health or even those with health issues. systems to coordinate such adaptive responses both at
They are beneficial and very helpful for both students and systematic and cellular levels,” that means, stress has direct
teachers. effects on the brain and the whole anatomy of the body: failure
Keywords: stress, mental health problems and promotion, to adapt to a stressful condition can result in brain
intervention, treatment, academic performance and stress malfunctions, physiological problems and also areas of
management techniques, methods and well-being. psychological challenges in the form of depression, anxiety,
pain and burnout [3]. Additionally, many of the emotional and
I. INTRODUCTION physical symptoms that occur commonly in the student
Stress is a reality of everyday life. The term “stress” used population, such as headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety,
first in physics in order to analyze the problem of how man- and the inability to cope, can be attributed to or exacerbated
made structures must be designed to carry heavy loads and by stress [4]. Surveys conducted by Kansas State University
resist deformation. With the transition from physics to the reveal a 58% increase in stress-related mental health issues
behavioral sciences, the usage of the term “stress” changed reported to campus counsellors between 1988 and 2001 [5].
[1]. According to Wheeler C. M. [2] stress is a word of These increased stress loads come with some dire
physics, which refers to the amount of force used on an object consequences. Suicide rates amongst college-aged students are
and it relates in real life to how certain issues that carry force three times higher than they were in 1950, as described by

Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 47
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

American College Health Association statistics published in into the blood stream. Cortisol reaches peak level
Psychology Today (Retrieved on March 10, 2016). concentrations ~20–30  min. after stress onset and readily
enters the brain to affect cognition and behaviour. Cortisol
Types of Stressors [3]: When individuals search for help, binds to two different receptors: the glucocorticoid receptor
they are regularly managing conditions, circumstances, and (GR) is expressed ubiquitously throughout the brain, whereas
stressors in their life that leave them feeling emotionally and the mineralcorticoid receptor (MR) is mainly expressed in the
physically disturbed. Countless people feel that they have very brain regions related to memory and emotion (Hippocampus,
little resources or assistance to deal with the high levels of Amygdala, Prefrontal Cortex). On binding to these receptors,
stress they are experiencing. Circumstances that trigger stress
cortisol operates via two different modes of action: a non-
are known as “stressors”. According to [3] stress is not only
genomic, often MR-mediated mode develops rapidly and
because of negative things; positive things also cause stress. In
our life we only know stress to be bad but that is not the case. enhances neural excitability in the Amygdala and
There are two types of stress: eustress and distress. There are Hippocampus, presumably supporting memory formation.
some positive situations that cause a person to be stressed, like This rapid mode is followed by a slower, often GR-dependent
promotion at work, starting a new job, getting married, having mode that is assumed to develop about 60.90 min after stressor
a child, etc. Positive stressors are usually not noticed because onset and to involve longer-lasting changes to DNA
of the following characteristics: translation and transcription” [43].
• It is a short term event; Cortisol feedback to the pituitary, hypothalamus and other
• It feels very exciting; brain areas (e.g. the hippocampus) prevents the system from
• It improves one’s attitude and performance; overshooting. Cortisol is released not only with stress, but in
• It motivates people. shifts during “normal life”, with a peak after awakening [44].
On the other hand, negative stressors are easily noticed. The bodily consequences of stress are well-known:
Examples of negative stressors are: death of a loved one, diseases of heart and circulation, of stomach and gut, problems
unemployment, divorce, illness, etc. There are also some with sexuality, weakening of immune-system, psychiatric
characteristics of negative stressors, which make it easier for disorders and so on!
them to be noticed:
• It causes anxiety and makes one disturbed; What time is it?
• Even though it may be short, it can have long term Have you ever wondered why you have lots of energy
implications; when you wake up (after you have cleared the sleep cobwebs
• It decreases ones’ productivity and lowers morale. of course) and why you sometimes feel a bit slow in the
In the book of Brain by Luke Seaward in G. Essel and P. afternoon? Well, here again, cortisol plays a role.
Owusu [3], he also also mentions some other types of stress Cortisol is not only released in times of stress but is also
which are different in their own ways. For example, there is important to many normal or basal bodily functions. To
the neustress and “this is any kind of information or sensory accomplish this we need a steady stream of cortisol in our
stimulus that is perceived as unimportant”. blood. In fact, cortisol is secreted at a very predictable and
In this paper we discuss how student stress impacts pretty much universal rhythm in all of us. This is called a
academic performance and can cause mental health problems circadian rhythm.
and their consequences in academic life. We provide some The circadian rhythm of cortisol is as followed: there is the
methods on how to cope with stress and to avoid mental health cortisol peak early in the morning, and then cortisol levels
issues during the study period. decline slowly over the course of the day, and eventually rise
again in the early night time hours slowly preparing for the
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS morning peak again.
The biology of stress To summarize, there are two kinds of cortisol hormone
Although the stress response is very complex, we can
Resting (basal) cortisol levels. These are the normal
focus on two major stress systems.
everyday levels essential for normal functioning.
First: the rapid autonomous nervous system is activated
within seconds to release catecholamines from the adrenal Reactive cortisol levels. These are increases in
medulla and the locus coeruleus in the brain stem. cortisol in response to stressors [6].
Catecholamines (Adrenalin and Noradrenalin) are implicated
in the ‘fight-or-flight’ response (activation of circulation and “Prolonged or chronic activation of the HPA axis has been
breathing, but they also have profound effects on attention, consistently associated with neuronal loss, decreased
working memory and long-term memory. If after this first neurogenesis and altered neural connectivity and … stress
action there is no danger, the stress response will be finished! exposure has also been strongly linked to alterations in
If not, the second action starts: “Somewhat slower, the epigenetic markers that may ultimately lead to changes in gene
hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis is activated, releasing expression. …And these epigenetic mechanism could play a
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from the role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders
including Alzheimer Desease“ [7]!
hypothalamus, which stimulates the anterior pituitary to
Once again: chronic stress has negative impacts on nerve
secrete the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH in
cells: dendrites shrink, the spine (docking station for other
turn causes the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol and release it

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

nerve cells) density in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex

is reduced. These processes are reversible to some extent,
especially in young animals and humans; physical exercise,
for example, has a positive influence [8]!
Stress shortens the so-called telomeres and accelerates
aging! A telomere is a region of repetitive nucleotide
sequences at each end of a chromosome, which protects the
end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with
neighboring chromosomes. Its name is derived from the Greek
nouns telos (τέλος) «end» and merοs (μέρος, root: μερ-)
«part» [9].
Important arguments for making teaching and
learning less stressful Private photo, Prof. Dr. Hans Schachl is holding lecture at the
The stress processes in the brain are very complex and Pedagogical University in Upper Austria
interlinked by different feedback mechanisms. Especially in
connection with the awareness of raising and “assessment” of
stress situations, it is important that “higher” regions are also
affected: Thalamus, neocortex (especially the prefrontal
cortex), limbic system, hippocampus, amygdala [10]!
Origin of students’ stress
It is obvious that students meet different situations that
provide stress, such as relationships with new students;
personal factors that vary from person to person; e.g.
movement from a small hometown or village to a big city;
changes in sleeping habits. This means when students have Please, teacher, what does X mean?
large academic workloads, they often suffer from lack of
sleep. They also have new responsibilities and sometimes Poor living conditions can play a major role in the moods
combine a job with the studies. Also they may have financial and general well-being of students. When students live in
difficulties, if they should pay for their education. There may conditions which are sub-standard and it is difficult for them
be health problems and poor eating habits when because of to afford some basic amenities, they can easily become
studies, students do not have enough time to do physical depressed and obviously this affects all aspects of their lives,
activities and to cook for themselves etc. especially their studies.
In terms of academic factors there are various challenges Mental health problems
to outline, for instance, increased academic workload, As is well known, stressful events can be very common in
especially when there are a large amount of assignments; both private and professional life, and above all, in
lower tham expected grade, which means, when students universities! Studies suggest that many students and lecturers
receive a lower than expected grade and are seriously experience significant mental health issues. Stress is a major
disappointed. Excessive amount of hours of study which problem in higher education! Stress-related disorders can
means students spend most their time studying and they do not impair cognitive functions and thereby lead to poor
have time to relax with their friends; language difficulties, see achievements with exams [12, 13]. Mental health difficulties
the picture below [11] while educational language is for some contribute to problems with achievement and relationships at
students like their native tongue for other students it is as colleges [14]. In severe cases, they prevent students from
foreign as a second language. Procrastination which means regularly attending class, but more often students simply
students put off their assignments until the last possible struggle with these problems on a daily basis, leading to
moment and then end up with no time to do the work properly. further negative social and academic function [15]. The word
Examinations: these are the only means for a student to prove stress conjures up thoughts of depression, negativity and
that they deserve a better grade for a course and because of anxiety and other potentially life-threatening issues even
this students tend to overthink and even obsess about the including suicide. With this in mind, we conducted a survey
course work and also try to revise everything they have learnt on how stress effects students.This included questions as to
during the whole period of the course. In doing so, some how this word is perceived by students: Questions below were
students get overwhelmed and confused about many topics, asked randomly in three different Kazakh universities: The
and they do not know what to do next with their studies. Abai Kazakh Pedagogical University and The Institute of
Missing lectures: it is a common desire of students to miss Metallurgy and Ore Benefication and The Almaty
lectures and when this happens they start to wonder how they Management University. All students were required to
will make up for the lessons they have missed so they will be complete the survey, which contained demographic
on the same level as their fellow students. information and four questionnaires. The demographic
information was used to ascertain each student’s information,
such as gender and place of study. Our research was intended

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

to address the following questions and almost all the answers questionnaire to investigate the effects of stress on academic
were approximately similar. performance and mental health in more depth.

Questions given to the students: Young people with mental health issues usually do not
receive help!
Most young people do not receive treatment for mental
How do you understand the word stress?
Typical answers given by students: A state of mental or health difficulties [16, 17, 18]. Due to the high prevalence of
emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or stress, it is important to consider alternative ways and methods
demanding circumstances; during the educational proccess for promoting the social-
The state of a person in which they experience negative emotional well-being of Kazakhstani young people.
emotions, also it affects the physical energy of a person Educational establishments should be pro-active in promoting
causing fatigue; positive mental health, identifying and intervening as early as
Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of possible to prevent the onset of serious problems, and respond
demand; when your morale is very low; to both children and young adults in distress [15]. Regarding
Stress is primarily a physical response activated by the negative impact of stress at intrapersonal and somatic
levels, it is important for healthcare professionals to master a
negative mental attitudes.
When stressed, the body thinks it is under attack and repertoire of stress management techniques and teach them to
switches to 'fight or flight' mode, releasing a complex mix of their patients. This also could be done when students embark
hormones and chemicals such as adrenaline, cortisol and on the high education. It should be noted that stress
norepinephrine to prepare the body for physical action; management techniques are applicable not only to people who
Stress indicates your nervous system is unbalanced, which manifest a disease or mental disorder, but also to healthy
can affect a person on many levels; people. For it has been proven that when added to ones daily
A person feels psychological pressure which can result routine practice it is an effective tool for health enhancement
from problems at work, personal problems, studies etc. and protection over the whole of the life span. Health
For students this often happens when it comes to promotion, as one of the main approaches to health
assignments, exams, deadlines etc. If it goes unacknowledged, enhancement, can serve this multiple role by designing and
it could turn into serious health issues and result in low applying interventions to reduce or prevent distress and
academic performance… adequately contribute to future health and wellness throughout
the whole of society [19].
In your opinion, does stress influence students’
academic life? Problem solving methods
Without exception all students answered identically: There are two central vehicles that can be adopted for
broad knowledge sharing in relation to coping with stress
during the educational proccesses: dedicated online courses
and face-to-face communication. There are other options as
In your point of view should stress awareness be taught
well, for example, with the help of the Mental Health
in the educational organisations such as schools and
Commission of Canada [15], an interactive site has been
Without exception all students answered identically: created. This consists of yoga courses and music among other
things to relieve stress. Online lessons for parents and
students through the internet. A searchable database of all of
the nominated programs from the internet has been created to
How do you feel when you are stressed?
Answers given by students: “I feel under extreme pressure, assist school boards in learning about existing activities from
and at some points I feel, I cannot control my fate. Therefore, across the country and beyond.
one needs to step aside and relax and in order to clear their
thoughts afterwards continue with their endeavors.” III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
“I feel so unhappy, constantly depressed.” Stress management techniques
“My mood goes down, I become aggressive.” The ability to manage stress is really an important issue
“I feel isolated. I cannot eat and sleep. Also I do not have when it comes to the topic of stress. Due to this, the Canadian
any desire to communicate with people. I think about the Clinic Community Health Centre has laid down some stress
problem all the time. Sometimes I want to listen to music relieving techniques which can help a lot, especially for
especially motivational music, in order to raise my mood.” students [3].

The goal of this survey was to identify how stress is Below there are some techniques and methods that can
perceived, and to ascertain, whether it is neccessary to give help reduce stress.
seminars on stress management. It clearly showed the
neccesity for workshops, seminars, and even compolsury Relaxation means to treat and relax all stress centres in the
courses in order to help students cope with stress and to avoid body and gradually check mechanisms, that may lead to stress,
mental health problems and other negative results. We thereby reaching complete relaxation both inside and outside
therefore recommend future studies to use a more elaborate the body.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

In this process, all the muscles, internal organs and joints parasympathetic activity accompanied by the experience of
of the body, as well as the emotions and the mind should alertness and invigorating [19].
become relaxed. In the beginning, relaxation should be a It is hypothesized that voluntary slow deep breathing
conscious effort, though in the end all parts of the body functionally resets the autonomic nervous system through
including the mind, should be naturally relaxed. stretch-induced inhibitory signals and hyperpolarisation
Stress is a factor that may cause disease of the body and currents propagated through both neural and non-neural tissue
the mind. When stress appears in any part of the body, the which synchronizes neural elements in the heart, lungs, limbic
natural function of that part oft he body may be impaired, and system and cortex [19]. Patients are taught by a trained
a state of disorder may gradually develop. When this professional, manual or audio how to inhale and exhale deeper
disorderly state reaches a certain level, disease will be the and slower. They need to practice several times a day, or as
result. Therefore removing stress can mean eradicating the needed, for a few minutes to see immediate benefits.
source of some illnesses [20].
A technique that can help with the management of stress is Results/Benefits: Deep breathing has been successfully
meditation. It cultivates mindfulness and it can be particularly used to decrease the fatigue associated with haemopoietic
effective at reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and other stem cell transplantation patients [19], to reduce the anxiety
negative emotions. Mindfulness is the quality of being fully and asthma signs/symptoms of children with asthma [19], in
engaged in the present moment, without overthinking or the management of acute stressful tasks [19] showing that the
analysing the experience. Rather than worrying about the slow-breathing technique can have a significant effect on
future or dwelling on the past, mindfulness meditation improvement of the hemodynamic changes following the
switches the focus on what is happening right now. acute stressful tasks.
Mindfulness meditation is not equal to zoning out. It takes an
effort to maintain your concentration and to bring it back to The Power Breath (See picture): stand straight with your
the present moment when your mind wanders or you start to arms by your sides. Inhale deeply and completely, filling
drift off. However, with regular practice, mindfulness yourself with the breath to maximum capacity. Hold the breath
strengthens the areas of the brain associated with joy and for half a minute.
relaxation. Mindfulness provides a potentially powerful Then exhale powerfully through the mouth with your lips
antidote to the common causes of daily stress such as time like a pipe. As you exhale through the mouth, draw your lower
pressure, distraction, agitation, and interpersonal conflicts [3]. abdomen in tightly, squeezing the breath out. When you have
Another method, which is easy to practice, is deep completed the exhalation, inhale tightly, exhale, and relax for
breathing: It releases tension from the body and clears the a moment. This breath can be performed up to seven times.
mind, improving both physical and mental wellness. We tend The power breath supercharges the bodymind. It saturates
to breathe shallowly or even hold our breath when we are your entire system with prana (Prana is the Indian word for
feeling anxious. Sometimes we are not even aware of it. the energy of the breath). It develops mental clarity, purifies
Shallow breathing limits your oxygen intake and adds further the blood, and builds strong, powerful lungs [21].
stress to your body. Breathing exercises can help to reduce this
stress. The key to deep breathing is to breathe deeply from the
abdomen, getting as much air as possible into your lungs.
When you take deep breaths from the abdomen, rather than
shallow breaths from your upper chest, you inhale more
oxygen. The more oxygen you get, the less tense, short of
breath, and anxious you feel. This kind of breathing is called
“diaphragmatic breathing”. It means to breathe from the
depths of your abdomen, rather than from your chest [3].

Diaphragmatic Breathing:
Origin: the natural act of breathing has been used as a
means of relaxation intuitively in many cultures over many
millenia. It has been an integral part of different yoga
traditions and is now incorporated in many modern relaxation

Method/Patho-physiology: diaphragmatic breathing, or

abdominal or belly or deep breathing is marked by expansion
of the abdomen rather than the chest when breathing.
Diaphragmatic breathing is defined as a manipulation of
breath movement, contributing to a physiologic response
characterized by (a) the presence of decreased oxygen
consumption, decreased heart rate and blood pressure, and (b) Whether something or someone creates stress or not,
increased theta wave amplitude in EEG recordings, increased depends on the personal evaluation of the situation. The
individual “appraisal” of possible stressful events and stressors

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

and also the available methods of coping with them determine, Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR):
whether the biological reactions occur and impair the subject Origin: PMR is a technique for reducing stress and
or not. Because of “subjectivity” (genetics, prior experiences) anxiety by alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles [19]. It
we have different reactions to stress and we need different was developed by American physician Edmund Jacobson in
coping-strategies. In addition to the “physiological methods” the early 1920s. Jacobson argued that since muscle tension
(see above) we need also “mental techniques”: accompanies anxiety, one can reduce anxiety by learning how
to relax the muscular tension. PMR entails a physical and
“Instrumental” management of stress: mental component [19]. You can also surf “Progressive
We need competencies in the subjects we have to learn; that Muscle Relaxation Training” created by headache specialists
means, we must learn to learn. We need further social at Children's Mercy Hospital together with Bazillion Pictures,
competencies (mutual supporting etc.); self-management Inc in
competencies (planning, organising, preparation for exams in Method/Patho-physiology: The physical component
time, establishing a good working place, ...). Very important, involves the tensing and relaxing of muscle groups over the
but the most difficult one is mental management of stress: legs, abdomen, chest, arms and face. In a sequential pattern,
accepting the reality, self-control (accepting the own limits, with eyes closed, the individual places tension in a given
for instance to ask, whether the steps are too high), critical muscle group purposefully for approximately 10 seconds and
analysis of one’s own appraisals (am I really a loser?), then releases it for 20 seconds before continuing with the next
comparison of all achievements), change of thinking (exams muscle group. The mental component requires that the
as challenges, not as threats), self-affirmations’ (I will individual focuses on the distinction between the feelings of
succeed, I am well prepared, etc ...). the tension and relaxation. With practice, the patient learns
how to effectively relax in a short period of time [19].
Important note for teachers:
Results/Benefits: Among PMR‘s long-term benefits the
Teaching should be more focused on strengths rather than following are included: reduction of salivary cortisol levels
on weaknesses. Negative criticism can have devestating effect and generalized anxiety, decreased blood pressure and heart
on young, vulnerable minds. rate, decreased headache, better management of cardiac
Further special techniques for “regenerative” management rehabilitation, improvement of quality of life of patients after
of stress is beside yoga, meditation and breathing (see above) bypass surgery and improvement of quality of life of patients
are autogen training, and Jacobson’s progressive muscle with multiple sclerosis [19].
Result of this study: The outcome provides the basis for
The Jacobson technique of progressive muscle enhancing the general adoptation of a new, positive approach
relaxation (see picture picture in google engine) is very easy to a student‘s life, thereby ensuring academic success.
and works well to come down from high-level stress.
Combined with yogic breathing it is very effective. “Breath Discusion: It would be useful for future studies to consider
concetration meditation” has positive impacts on regulating the extent to which stress management techniques have
adverse emotions, by lowering the activation of the amygdala contributed to the academic performance of students. Given
[13]. that children and young people spend a substantial part of
each day within the educational setting, these communities
become a natural and important venue for mental health
service delivery [22]. It is obvious, that many parents are busy
with everyday life and household chores and do not have
enough time to spend with their children. Unfortunately, it is
obvious, that more and more young people are spending their
free time on surfing the internet, which impacts their mental
health. While it is a helpful tool for education, work, social
interaction and entertainment, overuse can take a toll on your
health, says Saju Mathew, [23] a primary care physician at
Piedmont healthcare. Excessive smartphone, computer and
tablet use can disrupt your sleep, which affects your emotions
as well as your physical well-being. Stress may cause you to
have trouble staying asleep, not necessarily falling asleep.
“It’s more common to be waking up at 3 or 4 a. m., not
knowing what woke you up,” says Walter James, [24] a sleep
medicine physician at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital. “There
could be intrusive thoughts about stress.” Also, busy schedules
crammed with studies and extracurricular activities can take a
toll on students‘ physical and mental health, especially if they
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training (Picture from google are not eating or sleeping properly. If untreated, these stressors
engine) can compound over time, leading to even greater levels of

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

stress, say George Essel and Patrick Owusu in their case study showed that short interruptions (10–15 min) of lessons, filled
project work completed at the Seinäjoki University of Applied with some physical exercises, led to better performances in
Sciences in 2017 [3]. mathematics and language courses. A long-term study at the
Universities Glasgow and Dundee on 5000 pupils [36] showed
that regular physical exercise from the age of 11 until 16
improved marks in English, mathematics and sciences. The
California Department of Education found that higher
cognitive processes (steered by hippocampus and prefrontal
cortex) were improved by physical fitness [37]. Running,
riding bicycles, swimming etc. increased creativity (shown by
a study of Stanford University) [38].
Encouraging results made by the mental health
commission of Canada for mental health promotion activities
such as skills training, role playing, positive feedback,
modeling and self-reflection give the following warranty:
 Social skills training or social emotional learning can
How the Internet affects your mental health (Google be effective in bolstering students’ coping ability, and
engine - Internet Addiction) in addressing an array of emotional and behavioural
problems. In addition, social emotional learning has
In fact, “development of the school as a site for the been associated with enhanced academic
effective delivery of mental health services is essential” [25]. achievement [33].
There are several unique advantages to offering mental health
programming within the school setting. For example, class-  In general, programs are more effective, when skills
wide programs may reach students, who would not access are taught systematically, in a class-wide manner,
formal children’s mental health services [26]. Further, since involve the whole school, and are implemented over
attendance and classroom expectations support course and more than one year.
homework completion, students are more likely than clinic-  Universal programs can be effective in improving the
referred children to receive an intervention they require and well-being of children and young adults.
less likely to discontinue treatment [27, 28]. Also, during
class-wide social emotional learning instruction, higher risk Strategies such as school-based peer identification and
students may benefit from observing emotionally-skilled peers response training (how to recognize risk and promote help-
model of good coping behaviour and attitudes [29]. While seeking), family support, appropriate skills development and
school-based programming facilitates the early identification professional training for mental health of staff and educators
of difficulties when they first emerge [30], it also has the appear to be helpful. Early identification and treatment of
potential to maximize positive mental health development for mental health problems are key components of suicide
all children, not only for those who are on a negative prevention [15].
trajectory [31]. Finally, the implementation of empirically-
supported mental health promotion and prevention
programming in schools is associated with improved
emotional and behaviour functioning [32, 33], enhanced
academic performance [33]. Trying to get a grip on such
issues is a challenge that should be taken on in future research.
Future studies could help to clarify, whether this actually is a
valid explanation.
Mental Health Promotion
An essential advantage of school programming is the
opportunity to promote positive mental health of all students
rather than focusing solely on those identified as having
mental health problems. Community, school, and classroom
efforts all create a culture of well-being and a sense of
belonging for all students [34]. B. D. Zhigitbekova [35], a The number of young people who committed suicide in
candidate of phsychological science and senior teacher at Abai Kazakhstan recently. [39]
Kazakh National University in Kazakhstan, says it is Adverse effects of stress on students
noteworthy that role-playing games contribute to socialization Students today experience high levels of stress in many
and adaptation to life situations. Adventure-role plays help areas of life. This is an important domain for further research
prevent stress-related problems. By absorbing the exceptional and an effective channel of intervention for university mental
experience of overcoming all adverse effects, it is not just a health professionals. Study schedules, especially in
restart, but also a gambling experience and this is an universities, are very challenging. The act of combining a busy
opportunity to overcome adverse events in real life situations. life along with education causes stress and depression. Limited
Another study at the University of Miami by Hollar [36]

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

stress is beneficial and can lead to excellent performance. prevention and educator mental health literacy and
However, uncontrolled stress can lead to exhaustion, mental health for schools with special populations.
depression and several other sicknesses. In fact, college
students are prone to episodic stress. This happens when 4. Because schools are an excellent place to promote positive
exams are around the corner. Stress and depression also occur mental health, more needs to be done to take advantage
when getting ready for a presentation or an interview. At these of the growing number of school/community
times some students contemplate or even commit suicide [3]. partnerships, coalitions and net-works focused on
In Kazakhstan today suicide of young people is a serious moving the field forward. Inclusive partnerships also
problem. There is a higher chance of a young person dying by must include the meaningful participation of young
their own hand than there is of them being murdered. people and their families.
Tragically, on average, more than two thousand people 5. Investment in evidence-informed mental health promotion
commit suicide a year according to Kazakhstan within a school context. This includes a method for
is among the top ten countries in the world regarding suicides. organizing the current patchwork of mental health
In 2012, the country took the ninth place in suicides by young programs in class programming [42, 15].
people including many children. In the period from 2007 to
2012, the figures fell somewhat, but in 2015, there was an 6. Having positive relationships with those around you
increase of 20%. According to the Minister of Religious during the educational process, is of paramount
Affairs and Civil Society, Nurlan Yermekbayev, nine out of importance as it helps to reduce the level of stress in the
ten teenagers who commit suicide, do it, not to kill classroom. Obviously good communication plays a key
themselves, but to have their problems heard. It is a cry for role in the educational environment and good educators
help, but tragically, at this point the help can never be given. must make it their business to be aware of the mental
[40]. states of their students.
Our educators must be the ones to prevent this catastrophic IV. CONCLUSION
and distressing situation. Professionals who work in
educational organizations must be made aware oft he terrible In summary, it is worthy noting that stress is an inevitable
possibilities and be made to look for warning signs in their part of student life. However, research has found clear
students. Most mental health problems can be detected prior to evidence for the effectiveness of activities during lessons for
the age of 24, and 50% of these difficulties surface before the positive mental health promotion, prevention and treatment of
age of 14 [41]. internalizing and externalizing disorders. An important
element for success is the match between the program and the
Recommendations for action needs and resources of the setting. There is an insufficient
This article also features recommendations about positive body of evidence to provide direction for special populations;
mental health knowledge-sharing practices and activities. such as specific cultures, clinical needs, or a targeted age
Hopefully, more educational organizations from kindergarden to group. Also, to be effective, the personnel needs training and
high schools and especially to universities, will actively promote support to ensure that strategies are delivered with fidelity to
the social-emotional well-being of Kazakhstan’s young the original program’s methodology. Finally, programs require
people. There is sufficient research into the area of mental monitoring of process and outcomes to make sure they are
health in educational establishments from Kindergarten to achieving the desired results or require modification for the
University, to implement policy and practice of boosting and local context. Successful implementation requires dedicated
monitoring the mental health of the young generation of leadership, proper preparation of the organization, and
Kazakhstan. ongoing support for implementation, treatment integrity, and
The culminative results of research work point to an urgent evaluation of program outcomes.
need for: Current scientific ideas support the notion that stress
management techniques can lower stress levels of the
1. Attention to organizational conditions for effective school organism, resulting in reduction of disease symptoms,
mental health at the provincial, district and lowering of biological indicators of disease, and prevention in
school/community level. Organizational conditions life. As stress is universal and of relevance to all, a more
include proper educational plan, protocols for decision- thorough understanding of stress management techniques is
making, systematic training, role clarity, implementation, essential for preventing stress related diseases and enhancing
collaboration, and system communication. Ensuring health overall. It is concluded, that progressive muscle
adequate numbers of trained mental health relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing are all effective
professionals in schools is also part of this required treatment methods for reducing stress and anxiety that
commitment, if we are to be successful across the accompanies daily life and chronic illness. The stress
continuum of care. reduction techniques reviewed in this paper also improve the
2. Systematic professional learning in mental health for all quality of life of students and in many cases contribute to the
educators and students. reduction of disease symptoms. The same techniques are also
therapeutic for teachers enhancing their interactions with
3. Rigorous evaluation of untested but research-informed students. No negative side effects from any of those
approaches. More foundational research is clearly needed techniques have been documented. However, the literature
in certain areas; most critically, substance abuse shows, that there is a need for more extensive control trials of
prevention and intervention in schools, suicide the aforementioned stress-reduction techniques in order to

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 198

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT children’s mental health indicators for British Columbia. Canadian
Journal of Community Mental Health. 32 (1), 2013, p.9-27.
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Progress and Possibilities. Committee on Prevention of Mental
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