Student Stress: Can You Manage It?: by Julian Melgosa
Student Stress: Can You Manage It?: by Julian Melgosa
Student Stress: Can You Manage It?: by Julian Melgosa
by Julian Melgosa
Gabriel, a second-year business student, couldn't take it any longer. He couldn't concentrate.
Although he had his textbook open before him, his thoughts would wander all over. He was behind
in his readings and assignments. Looming ahead was a report on the marketing strategies of a firm
that he had yet to visit. In two weeks there would be an examination, and he still had classes to
attend, a part-time job, and his social life.
In addition, there were other signals. Gabriel couldn't sleep properly. He felt overwhelmed and
inadequate. Suicidal thoughts even occasionally crossed his mind.
Gabriel was certainly in need of help. Without it, he could well be on the way to a major problem.
With some persuasion, he saw an experienced counselor. After a few weeks of counseling, Gabriel
was in control of his life again.
What was wrong with Gabriel? Not depression. At least not yet. His problem was stress, one of the
common maladies of college and university life. But how did counseling help him? How was he kept
from becoming depressed? What would you do under similar circumstances?
Stress is a physiological reaction our bodies display when we face demands. It results in physical and
psychological tension.
When our senses or memory or a combination of both warn us of a stressful situation, the entire
organism prepares to face the danger. The stimulus may be real (for example, a car racing through a
red light in front of you) or symbolic (worry about what will happen in a job interview tomorrow).
But the physiological reactions are the same: the fight or flight response.
What triggers these responses? The key is the hypothalamus, a small gland at the base of the brain
that controls various vital functions of the body. The hypothalamus receives the neural impulses
carrying an alarm message. In order to make sure that the message reaches its destinations, it uses
two independent ways of communication. First, the hypothalamus works through the nerve paths,
using the sympathetic nervous system, and second, it works through the blood stream to reach the
adrenal-cortical system.
The sympathetic nervous system, having received the order from the hypothalamus, carries the alarm
message via nervous paths to various muscles and to the inner core (medulla) of the adrenal gland.
The medulla releases epinephrine and norepinephrine into the blood stream. These hormones
augment the state of arousal.
The hypothalamus also stimulates the pituitary gland, which produces the adrenocorticotrophic
hormone (ACTH), also called "stress hormone." ACTH travels via blood stream to the adrenal cortex
(the shell of the adrenal gland) and to other endocrine glands. The effects are immediate. A release of
about 30 hormones produce the following effects:
2. Employ efficient study techniques. One significant source of stress among college and university
students is the lack of specific and efficient study techniques. Frustration results when one tries to
face multiple tasks (such as readings, class notes, reports, exams, etc.) at the same time. This
frustration becomes especially intense when individuals do not possess effective study skills.
Students can prevent stress if they are equipped with skills that include fast reading, underlining,
outlining, note-taking techniques, memorization, preparation for examinations, and exam writing
skills. One simple example that has helped thousands of undergraduate students is the PQRST
method5 for studying textbook chapters. See Table 3.
3. Learn to manage time. One helpful tool in reducing stress is time management skills. Students
often do not practice these skills, and as a result may experience intolerable stress. Here are a few
time management principles applicable to study situations:
a. List all the tasks that need to be completed within the next week or so.
b. Distribute them over specific days and available hours. Do not hesitate to eliminate what is least
necessary. It is better to study three-fourths of the material intensively for an exam than to become
frustrated by trying to cover all the material superficially.
c. Allow for unexpected activities. If they don't materialize, you will have some extra time for further
d. Avoid distractions. Once you have allotted a certain amount of time to a particular activity, reserve
it as sacred to complete the task. Ignoring distraction may cause it to disappear.
e. Take time for relaxation. Physical exercise, time spent with friends or family, and personal
devotions are necessary even during the busy times of student life.
4. Build strong interpersonal relations. Interpersonal relationships are an important source of stress
at all levels and ages. University students are no exception. Friends, peers, spouses, siblings,
teachers, parents, children, and neighbors can be the origin of great satisfaction but can also produce
many headaches, depending on the quality of the relationship. It is virtually impossible to assimilate
academic content or even to concentrate if one is at odds with someone.
At the same time, personal relationships (such as spouse or close friend) and supportive social
networks (such as church or workplace) can provide support for those suffering from stress. Personal
attitude can make a difference here. Christian goals, such as being at peace with all (Romans 12:18)
and settling disputes even before approaching the Lord (Matthew 5:23, 24), are invaluable for mental
5. Plan well your finances. For many students, finances constitute a stressful area. A student who
does not know how bills will be paid is not ready to learn well. The best way to face this problem is
to prevent it through appropriate planning and budgeting. If funds are insufficient, it is better to
postpone the studies and find additional sources of financial support.
6. Prepare well for your examinations. Examinations, particularly the finals, are a formidable source
of stress and emotional turmoil. Shirley Fisher, professor of psychology at the University of
Strathclyde in Glasgow, administered a number of psychoneurotic measures to Scottish students
before and after final examinations.6 Anxiety and obsessionality scores rose during the weeks leading
up to examinations. After the examinations, she found an increase in depression scores, possibly
motivated by reflection on mistakes and discussions with peers. Much of the stress caused by
examinations is preventable. See Table 4.
The spiritual
A colleague who works as a
full-time psychotherapist in a
renowned clinic told me of the
homemade coping techniques
used by many of his clients. He
told me that some of the highly
educated people employ
incredibly superstitious
procedures. For example, many,
who are terrified of flying but
must do so, hold mascots or
good-luck charms as they enter
the cabin. At the taking-off
moment, they hold on to these
objects very tightly. My
immediate personal
interpretation of the behavior
was: "When circumstances
escape from their control,
people need to find support in
the supernatural. Many do not
believe in God, so in their need
they turn to the amulets."
What a contrast with the
Christian believer who, when
feeling fearful about the flight,
offers a silent prayer to the
Creator, trusting in His love,
care, power, and wisdom!
Human beings need divine
support in times of conflict.
Relying on God the Creator, the
source of all life, is the safest
way to meet this basic need. A
spiritual relationship with God
is the best remedy for stress.
This is a subjective experience but very real for those who live through it.
There are two types of spiritual support. Both are necessary: the personal as well as the corporate
spiritual experience. The first is realized through intimacy with the Creator--talking to God as to a
friend. Prayer and studying God's Word bring relief from emotional turmoil. The second is collective
worship and fellowship. This strengthens our faith and brings us practical support as we develop a
sense of belonging to a spiritual family.
If God is sensitive enough to acknowledge the life or death of a sparrow (Luke 12:6), there is no
doubt that He will care for a student under academic stress.
Julian Melgosa (Ph.D., Andrews University) directs the M.A. in Education program at Newbold
College and also teaches at the Open University in England. He is the author of the book ¡Sin estrés!
(Madrid, Spain: Editorial Safeliz, 1994). His address: Newbold College; Binfield, Bracknell, Berks.
RG12 5AN; England.
Notes and references
1. See H. Selye, The Stress of Life (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956).
2. R. M. Yerkes and J. D. Dodson, "The Relation of Strength of Stimulus to Rapidity of Habit Formation,"
Journal of Comparative Neurological Psychology, 18 (1988), pp. 459-482.
3. See P. G. Zimbardo, Psychology and Life, 10th edition (Glenview, Ill.: Scott Foresman, 1979).
4. See R. S. Lazarus and S. Folkman, Stress, Appraisal and Coping (New York: Springer, 1984).
5. See R. L. Atkinson, R. C. Atkinson, E. E. Smith, and D. J. Bem, Introduction to Psychology, 11th
edition (Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1993).
6. See S. Fisher, Stress in Academic Life. The Mental Assembly Line. (Milton Keynes: SRHE and Open
University, 1994).