Practical Research

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A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School

Matalam National High School

Linao, Matalam, Cotabato

In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirement

For Practical Research 1

Grade 11 HUMSS-A

Kesha Jean B. Britos


Background of the Study

Stress is something which is not naturally occurring but is a manufactured concept

which has now become social fact (Pollock 1988). The term 'stress' is borrowed from physics by
W. Cannon and H. Selye and set to mean the mutual actions of forces that take place across any
section of the body is a state of threatened homeostasis (Stratakis& Chrousos, 1995). It had
been trivialised and lost an important part of its meaning (Fontaine 7 Salah, 1988). Most
researchers have not defined stress before delving into its endocrinological, physiological and
psychological effects. Some have skirted the issue by defining the stress empirically but not
actually circularly by those effects. This approach has left the impression that stress can be
anything to anyone and it can contribute to virtually any disease (Gostein, 1983). Eustress is the
positive stress which promotes growth, while distress is the common negative stress that
causes poor performance. Stressors mostly come from major life changes, physical
surroundings, and everyday problems. They also originate from pressures from decisions in life
and conflicts with other individuals. Stress can go through different stages alarm, resistance,
and exhaustion. Individuals in every stage have different coping capabilities. Stress can be
managed through minimizing stressors, relaxing doing exercise, resting, and having a good
sleep. Coping mechanisms or strategies are a great help to counter stress. (Callo, L &Dajime.
2016, Physical Education and Health). The most common aspect among all the health issue
which impact their academic performance, as stress harmfully affects physical and
psychological health (Dwyer & Cummings, 2001). It is important for each and everyone to find
our own positive ways in dealing with stress. "Stress is part of life, but it doesn't have to rule
your life" (Mayo Clinic). Activities that acquire a respond to stress with optimistic ideals engage
are rationally essential. Managing stress is not simple, it is an ongoing transactional process.
The environment is not static. It keeps on throwing us new stressors and prevents us from
effectively resolving every stress as it occurs.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of stress on the academic performance of
senior high school accountancy students in MNHS-Linao. It also includes different factors that
cause stress among senior high school students and their various ways of handling it. The
gathered data must contain the demographic profile of the respondents specially their age,
gender, and civil status.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of stress in academic performance of the students especially to senior
high school accountancy students in MNHS-Linao?

2. What are the most commonly identified stressors among senior high school students?

3. What are the effective strategies and techniques of the students in order to cope with their

Objectives of the Study

This study generally aims to determine the key stressors that affect the academic
performance of senior high school accountancy students as well as it's effect. The research
were undertaken to identify also the different ways to relieve stress because people vary in
dealing with it and to come up with a solution regarding the problem.

Scope and delimitation

This study will focus on the effects of stress on the academic performance of senior
high school accountancy students in MNHS-Linao. It will only get the number of required
respondents that will represent the total population of senior high school accounting students.
No other strand or programs will be part of the study .

Theoretical Framework
Proposed by scientist Hans Selye (1907-1982) his General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
model in showing the three phases what the alleged effects of stress has on the body and
describe the body's short-term and long-term reactions to stress. Seye, known as the "father of
stress research", developed the theory that stress is a major cause of disease because chronic
stress causes long-term chemical changes. He observed that the hody would respond to any
external biological source of stress with a predictable biological pattern in an attempt to restore
the body's internal homeostasis Selye conducted an experiment that describes the findings of a
series of experiments on rats where he identified the three distinct stages of GAS. The first
stage which occurs shortly after the stressful event is the alarm reaction stage and that
followed by the resistance stage where the body resists the impact of stressful stimulus during
the body's Autonomic Nervous System(ANS) hence if the stress continues, the exhaustion stage
occur where the body fails to cope with the distressing stimulus. The researchers take use of
Hans Selye's theory of General Adaptation Syndrome to explain how the body respond to
stress. Since it is found out that senior high school is stressful than high school levels because
of constant demands on students to adjust and change. The theory would be beneficial to the
researchers in distinguishing the solution to the problem easily by first knowing the three
stages explained above.

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study


This study aims to understand the effect of Determined the Effects of Stress on the
stress on the academic performance of senior Academic Performance of Senior High School
high school accountancy students in MNHS- Accountancy Students in MNHS- Linao.
Linao and find out where does it rooted.


 Fishball method
 Survey questionnaire

The figure above presents the inputs which consist of the demographic profile of the respondents. Process
includes the use of fishball method and survey questionnaires, while the output presents the programs that would
help the senior high school accountancy students of MNHS- Linao cope with stress affecting their academic


Review of Related Literature

This chapter provides the related foreign and local literature and studies to supplement
and support the ideas of the researchers. This will provide them necessary information to direct
and shed light to the problems at hand.

Local Literature

As said by (Aguirre, 2008), stress seems difficult to define because it could be based on
someone's opinion. It depends on how people appraise or evaluate environmental events in
proportion, (Masters, 2015) specify that stress as the feeling people get from prolonged,
unexpressed emotions which lead to several specific changes in the body, including increased
heart rate, sweaty palms, and hormone secretion (Lyness, 2007) On the other hand, (DuBrin,
2009) described stress as the mental and physical condition that results from a perceived threat
that cannot be dealt with readily Therefore,it is exerted on a body as the demand made on an
organism to adapt, cope and adjust (Rathus, 2012).

Foreign Literature

Stress is a wide variety of phenomena that make lives difficult (Feist 2010) and exceeds
an individual's ability to cope that it is sometimes important challenges to health and happiness
(Labey, 2009). Most people encounter stress that leads them to rapid bodily changes such as
feelings of emotional which can be influenced by individual's ability to deal it effectively(Bulo,
2014) however, stress can show itself in many ways including face situations that requires to
make changes in behavior (Ciccarelli 2009) and response elicited when it overwhelms a person's
perceived ability to meet the demands of a situation (Feist 2012).

Local Studies

Normally, stress appears in all organization and affects all of its members (Alontaga,
2013).One study by (Calaguas, 2012), states that everyone is bombarded with everyday stresses
and it affects every aspect of life because of the pressures associated with it especially
adolescents that often see themselves as being evaluated in their academic performance. In
addition, (Salvacion, 2012) proves that majority of the students manifested high stress
vulnerability and going to school is comprised that is why it is safe to presume that students are
also affected (Calaguas, 2012) Subsequently, (Mazo,2015) verified the physical stressors such as
illness and noise while certain life experiences like death of a loved one are one of the major
stressors of a person.

Foreign Studies

lBritz found out that stress permeates almost every aspect of society where people all
over the world suffer the effect stress. This is due to emotional pressure appearing in different
everyday situations. Stress influences various age group children starting from preschool age,
pupils, especially students and adults (Loginova, 2015).

Furthermore, (Scott, 2009) proves that college life is one of the most scintillating and
memorable experiences in an adolescent's life. The college student's encounters a number of
challenges in his day to day life, these challenges which in turn contribute t to stress and if not
dealt with can only escalate and hamper their academic performance. emotional and social
well-being. These stressors include internal and external pressures exerted by the environment
to thrive and succeed, overcome economic hardships, worries. about vague futures, societal
problems and opportunities and since students have less time period but they are required to
accomplish many modules and this leads to stress They found that depression, anxiety, and
stress are negatively correlated with academic achievement of students (Khan 2013) found that
the ability to manage stress was equally important.

Stress could define in two fields, namely mental stress and physical stress. In this study,
the stress only means mental stress. From a psychological point of view, stress is cognitive and
behavioural experience process constituted by mental stress sources and mental stress
reactions together. Stress sources refer to factors causing stress reactions, including biological
stress sources, spiritual stress sources, and social and environmental stress sources. (Zhang L
Research on College Students Stress and Coping Strategies, 2011)

Synthesis of the Study

The reviewed literature and studies provided the needed information for better
understanding of this research about the effects of stress among students where the general
description of stress was included both in foreign and local literature depending on how the
authors define it. In connection with this, some related studies that are conducted about the
stress over students were also included. This study can provide necessary data for better
explanation of local impact that cannot be promptly understand using foreign basis.
In summing up the reviews, the researchers discovered that some stressors are sudden
and severe, some are chronic and serious, and some can bring positive changes on their
performances but some results to another stressor. The stress response could be feeling tense,
anxious, or experiencing other physical reactions. Psychologically, stress describe as a physical
and mental response to a particular situation. Other people considered stress as healthful and
beneficial to keep a person alert and occupied where most of the time researches confirm that
the students especially college life is more stressful according to the related studies above.
Students encounter number of challenges including school works, academic tasks to be
submitted on time, and even college recognition. Raised stress levels among them may bring to
declining academic accomplishments which can affect to both physical and mental health. That
is why, students are engaged on different coping strategies such as always be in the company of
family and friends.


Research Methodology

Research Design

This study will employ qualitative methodology of research under descriptive research
design since this study determine The Effects of Stress on the academic performance of Senior
High School Accountancy Students of MNHS-Linao.
Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Matalam National High School, Linao, Matalam,

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of the study are composed of 30 Senior High School Accountancy
students of MNHS-Linao that will be based on the result of probability sampling procedure
that will going to take.

Sampling Procedure

This study will apply simple random sampling technique. The researcher will get fishball
method where each student has an equal probability of being chosen.

Research Instruments
A survey questionnaire will be used in gathering the desired data of this study
entitled "The Effects of Stress on the academic performance of Senior High School Accountancy
Students of MNHS-Linao" to answer the research problem.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will seek permission from the office of the principal to conduct the
study. Upon the approval of the request, the researchers will distribute the questionnaires to
the senior high school accountancy students which will be guided with instructions to answer
the statements. Respondents will be given enough time to answer the questionnaires.Then, it
will be collected by the researcher for the evaluation and interpretation.

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