(Diesel free soil, DFS) while the other three flavus had the highest frequency of occurrence
pots were simulated with one litre of diesel (14.58%) followed by A. niger and
each (Diesel polluted soil, DPS) to achieve an Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12.50%). The least
11.11% pollution level. The soil samples were frequency of occurrence was observed in
collected bi-weekly for a period of 8 weeks Geotrichum candidum (6.25%).
(May –June, 2012) and homogenized before Table 2 show the mean physicochemical
analysis. The pots were perforated to increase properties of the soil samples analysed. The
aeration and to avoid water logging. pH of all the samples tends towards alkalinity.
Laboratory/ statistical methods The values obtained for pH, organic carbon,
The pH of the soil was determined at ambient organic matter content, nitrogen and moisture
temperature using glass electrode pH and were higher in diesel polluted soil than in
conductivity meter (Hannia, Italy) in 1:1 water diesel free soil while phosphorus concentration
to soil ratio. Nitrogen was determined by the was higher in diesel free soil than in diesel
micro Kjedahl method (Ibitoye, 2006) while polluted soil. There were no significant
phosphorus was determined as described by differences (P>0.05) in the pH, organic
Murphy and Riley (1962). The ignition carbon, organic matter content, nitrogen and
method of Akinsanmi (1975) was used to moisture between the diesel free soil (DFS)
determine the organic matter content, while and diesel polluted soil (DPS). However, a
the dry weight method was used to determine significant difference was observed in the
the moisture content. Microbiological analysis phosphorus concentration between diesel free
was carried out following the procedure soil (DFS) and diesel polluted soil (DPS).
described by Harrigan and McCane (1990). 50
Frequency and occurrence of organisms was
determined using the approach of Dung and
Total viable bacteria counts (x10 6 cfu/g)
Stephen (2010). Descriptive statistics and
paired T-test was performed using SPSS
version 16. Experimental precision achieved 30
was reported at p ≤ 0.05 levels. 25
(P>0.05) in the fungal counts obtained from 10
DFS and DPS. Table 1 show the frequency 8
and occurrence of microorganisms isolated in
this study. The bacteria were Bacillus cereus,
Micrococcus luteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Proteus mirabilis and Staphylococcus aureus 2
E. Stephen et al., FUTA J. Res. Sci., Vol 9, No. 1, Apr (2013) pp 82-86
Niger State, Nigeria while Okereke et al. phosphorus soluble and brought some into
(2007) reported consistent isolation of solution (Ayotamuno et al., 2006).
Pseudomonas, Bacillus spp and CONCLUSION
Staphylococcus spp in oil spill sites in Egema, The results of this study show that diesel
Imo State, Nigeria. According to Chikere et al. polluted soils had high organic carbon, organic
(2009), hydrocarbon polluted soils are matter, nitrogen and moisture than diesel free
dominated by Gram negative bacteria such as soil. This is an indication that pollution of the
Pseudomonas spp and Proteus spp. environment with diesel accidentally or due to
Aspergillus flavus and A. niger have been human activities can enter the food chain and
reported as fungi that degrade hydrocarbons. seriously affects animal and human health;
Kuiper et al. (2004), Okereke et al. (2007), distort the microbial population and
Nkweenleng et al. (2008) and Chikere et al. consequently the soil physicochemical
(2009) reported the crude oil degradative properties. Hence, there is a need to enlighten
abilities of A. flavus and A. niger isolated from the public against the danger posed by
oil spilled sites. The pH of the soil samples indiscriminate disposal of diesel oil in the
tend towards neutrality. This range of pH has environment.
been reported by Bossert and Bartha (1994) REFERENCES
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E. Stephen et al., FUTA J. Res. Sci., Vol 9, No. 1, Apr (2013) pp 82-86