Chan (2011)
Chan (2011)
Chan (2011)
Little research has been carried out on the agronomic and economic value of compost produced from gar-
den organics for vegetable production. A field experiment was established in Camden, near Sydney, Aus-
tralia (i) to evaluate the effect of the compost on vegetable production (ii) and to evaluate the economic re-
turns from using compost in vegetable production. A total of five vegetable crops were grown and the
results indicated that a once only application of compost at an agronomic rate of nitrogen (125 t/ha) pro-
duced similar or higher vegetable yields than that of current farmer’s practice. For four of the five crops
grown, yield was similar, and for one of the crops (capsicum), compost treatment yielded 21% higher than
that of the farmers’ practice. In addition to soil health benefits, using compost at this rate also resulted in
considerable saving of chemical fertilisers. Over the period of the experimental trial, there was a 36% sav-
ing in urea as well as 100% saving in P and K fertilisers. For the Mixed treatment (compost at half rate and
supplemented by chemical fertilisers), vegetable yield was similar to that of the farmers’ practice for the
first four crops but this declined to only 64% of that of the farmers’ practice for the final crop of leek. Ben-
efit cost analyses showed that for the vegetable compost trial, application of compost provided a benefit
cost ratio (BCR) of 1 after five vegetable crops, indicating that this practice was very close to breaking even.
On the other hand, BCR of Mix treatment (compost at half rate and supplemented by inorganic fertiliser)
was negative due to significant yield decline after growing four crops.
Introduction ported after three crops were grown (Chan et al. 2008).
In this paper, agronomic results and results of the ben-
Although overseas research has demonstrated the efit cost analyses (BCA) are presented after five crops.
benefits of compost produced from garden organics in
agricultural systems (e.g. Evanylo 2002; Cook et al. 1998), Materials and Methods
the evidence in Australia relies on a limited number of
studies, many of which are inconclusive (ROU 2003). The Field Trial
Many of the previous trials grew only a single crop, of- Site and Soil Characteristics
ten with no replication and not all the relevant data were The field trial was located at the New South Wales
collected for economic analyses. Long term benefits of Department of Industry & Investment Centre for Re-
using compost include improved soil structure, soil or- cycled Organics in Agriculture near Camden (70m
ganic matter, increased water use efficiency and crop AHD at 02883278E and 6224546N), NSW. The site had
yield and some of the benefits might take several years to a long history of cropping and intensive forage pro-
be manifested (ROU 2003, Chan et al. 2008). Therefore, duction and prior to the establishment of the field ex-
for widespread acceptance of recycled organics (RO) by periment was under lucerne pasture. The soil is a
farming communities and for the realisation of any mar- Chromosol/Dermosol inter-grade (Isbell 1996) with
ket-based instruments to encourage RO use in agricul- the surface soil exhibiting marked hardsetting proper-
ture, these benefits need to be quantified and verified un- ties. Table 1 presents the basic properties of the surface
der local conditions and over a longer period through soil (0-10 cm) of the investigation site prior to com-
scientifically valid benefit/cost analysis studies. mencement of the field experiment. Soil organic car-
A field trial was established in 2005 to address this bon was low, only 1.1%, typical of the many vegetable
deficiency. Agronomic and soil changes have been re- soils found in the Sydney region (Chan et al. 2007b).
Properties of soil and compost used in this investigation
EC‡ TOC TN Colwell P Exchangeable Cations, cmol (+)/ kg
Soil pHCa† dS/m g/100g g/100g mg/kg Na K Ca Mg
pH dS/m g/100g g/100g C/N g/100g
Vegetable compost trial - Organic and inorganic fertiliser inputs for individual vegetable crops under different treatments.
Broccoli Eggplant Cabbage Capsicum Leek Total
Triple Triple Triple Triple Triple Triple
Treat t/ha kg/ha t/ha kg/ha t/ha kg/ha t/ha kg/ha t/ha kg/ha t/ha kg/ha
T1 4.03 163 0 143 3.24 130 46.7 200 4.3 200 56.6 190 3.24 266 43.3 119 3.61 425 58 71.5 18.4 1184 204 723.5
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133.4 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 425 0 0 0 758.4 0 0
T3 0 163 0 143 0 130 46.7 200 0 200 56.6 190 0 266 43.3 119 0 425 0 71.5 0 1184 147 723.5
T4 4.03 163 0 143 3.24 130 46.7 200 4.3 200 56.6 190 3.24 266 43.3 119 3.61 425 58 71.5 18.4 1184 204 723.5
T5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133.4 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 425 0 0 0 758.4 0 0
T6 0 163 0 143 0 130 46.7 200 0 200 56.6 190 0 266 43.3 119 0 425 0 71.5 0 1184 147 723.5
T7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
In-crop rainfall (mm) and irrigation water applied for the Cabbage T1 High P FP 14.6
five vegetable crops T2 High P Compost 14.5
Broccoli Eggplant Cabbage Capsicum Leek T3 High P Mix 11.7
T4 Low P FP 18.1
Season April 05- Dec 05- May 06- Dec 06- Jul 07-
T5 Low P Compost 16.8
Aug 05 Mar 06 Aug 06 April 07 Oct 07
T6 Low P Mix 15.5
In-crop rain, mm 124 171 193 443 370
T7 Control nil 0.0
Irrigation, mm 510 780 450 447 312
LSD 7.7
Irrigation, ML/ha 5.1 7.8 4.5 4.5 3.1
Capsicum T1 High P FP 35.0
T2 High P Compost 38.4
Vegetable Yields T3 High P Mix 29.8
T4 Low P FP 31.0
Results indicated similar yield between high P T5 Low P Compost 42.1
and low soil P for all the five crops (Table 4). For the T6 Low P Mix 29.6
T7 Control nil 6.1
first three crops, namely broccoli, eggplant and cab-
LSD 6.4
bage, similar yields were obtained for all the input 5%
treatments, namely, FP, Compost and Mix. However, Leek T1 High P FP 12.2
for the fourth crop, capsicum, significantly higher T2 High P Compost 12.9
T3 High P Mix 10.0
yield was obtained for the Compost treatment com-
T4 Low P FP 13.5
pared to those of FP and Mix, which were similar to
T5 Low P Compost 12.3
each other. Average capsicum yield of Compost treat- T6 Low P Mix 6.18
ment was 21.9% (7.2 t/ha) higher than FP. For the last T7 Control nil 1.5
crop of leek, similar yields were found between Com- LSD5% 4.3
post and FP but significantly lower yield (36% lower)
was found in the Mix treatment.
treatments so by the fifth crop of leek; similar amounts
Nutrient Inputs were applied to all the input treatments (T1-T6). No P
and K fertilisers were needed for the Compost treat-
Table 2 records the inorganic and organic (com- ments throughout the five vegetable crops. Overall,
post, poultry manure) inputs used for the different for the five crops grown, there was 36% (426 kg/ha)
treatments for the five vegetables crops. For the first saving in urea, 100% (724 kg/ha) saving in triple P fer-
two vegetable crops, based on nitrogen sap tests, no tiliser and 100% (204 kg/ha) saving in KCl for the
inorganic fertiliser was needed in the Compost treat- Compost treatments when compared to FP. For the
ments. From the third crop onward, increasing Mix treatment, only 28% saving in K fertiliser was ob-
amounts of urea had to be applied to the Compost served (Table 2).
Benefit Cost Analyses ments. Fertiliser costs savings were largest for the first
two crops under the Compost and Mix treatments
Costs of Compost
when compared to the FP treatment. Differences in
The cost of the compost, including transport and
harvesting cost were observed in the last two crops
contract spreading are presented in Table 5.
where significant yield differences were experienced
TABLE 5. amongst the different treatments (Table 6).
Costs of using garden organic compost
Compost Versus FP Scenario
for the compost and mix treatments
Table 7 shows the analysis of benefits and costs
Compost Cost Compost Mix from the Compost versus FP treatments.
Cost ($/m3) 33.8 33.8
Bulk density (dry t/m3) 0.5 0.5 TABLE 7.
Cost ($/dry tonne) 67.60 67.60 Benefit-cost analysis of Compost versus FP treatment
Compost rate dry (t/ha) 125.0 62.5 Real Real Discounted Discounted
Spreading - 44kw tractor + 600 litre spreader ($/ha) 4.5 4.5 Net Initital Net Initial
Cost ($/ha) 8454.5 4227.3 Benefits Costs Benefits Cost
($/ha) ($/ha) ($/ha) ($/ha)
TABLE 6. The results of the BCA show that after five crops,
Flow of benefits and costs for the the present value of the net benefit from compost use
five different crops for the three input treatments was very similar to the present value costs and hence,
Broccoli Eggplants Cabbage Capsicum Leek the Compost treatment compared to FP provided a
($/ha) ($/ha) ($/ha) ($/ha) ($/ha) BCR of 1. This indicates that after five crops the project
FP broke even with $1 being returned for every dollar in-
Initial cost – vested in the application of compost. Significant net
compost 0.0 benefits arose from the higher yields which saw in-
Total cost 12,414.6 24,134.5 10,684.9 26,729.3 17,943.2
Returns 16,500.0 36,715.0 19,822.4 43,863.4 18,810.0
creased returns from the capsicum crop under Com-
post treatment when compared to FP (Table 6).
Initial cost – Mix Versus FP Scenario
compost 4,227.3 The BCA comparing the Mix and FP resulted in a
Total cost 16,376.9 23,912.6 10,405.2 25,066.5 15,042.7 BCR of -1.15 (Table 8). This indicates that there is no
Returns 16,500.0 36,715.0 19,822.4 39,487.7 12,135.0
economic benefit in the Mix treatment which involved
Compost using half rate of compost and inorganic fertiliser ap-
Initial cost – plication. In fact, Net Present Value was -$10662 indi-
compost 8,454.5
Total cost 20,184.3 23,420.6 10,090.9 29,663.1 17,659.4 cating that after five crops, net returns were signifi-
Returns 16,500.0 36,715.0 19,822.4 53,545.8 19,185.0 cantly less than that of the initial costs of using
compost. Net benefits from this scenario were nega-
tive due to lower crop yields of capsicum and leek un-
Cost of compost represented a significant compo- der Mix when compared to that of FP.
nent of crop production costs and was only incurred The sensitivity of the results of the BCA to changes
in the first crop (broccoli). In subsequent crops, differ- in the costs of the compost and vegetable prices was
ences in production costs amongst the three treat- investigated, using a range of compost costs from $10
ments were mainly due to differences in fertilisers use to $50 per cubic metre and vegetable prices varying by
(N, P and K) and harvesting costs between the treat- up to ±20% (Table 9).
that total benefits of using compost could be higher. saving of chemical fertilisers was also observed. Over
Firstly, with the improvement in soil quality, higher five crops, there was 36% saving in urea, 100% saving
crop yields and savings in fertiliser use might still be in P as well as K fertiliser. Benefit cost analyses
possible for subsequent crops. Residual benefits of showed that for the vegetable compost trial, applica-
compost in increasing yield beyond the experimental tion of compost at the agronomic rate of nitrogen pro-
trial of five crops were not considered in this analy- vided a benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 1 (break even) after
sis. Yield improvements in subsequent crops are pos- 5 vegetable crops. Using compost at a half rate, even
sible given the observed improved in soil properties when supplemented by inorganic fertilisers, resulted
in the Compost treatment (Chan et al. 2008). More im- in a BCR of -1.15 which indicates that there is no eco-
portantly, the economic analyses did not include oth- nomic benefit from this treatment.
er benefits of using compost when compared to cur-
rent farmers’ practice, namely, soil quality Acknowledgements
improvement, reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and slowing down the build up of labile soil P (Chan We thank NSW Department of Environment, Cli-
et al. 2008). The latter reported significantly higher mate Change and Water for financial support. Bio-
soil carbon, soil structural stability and higher soil bi- metrical support from Idris Barchia, technical advices
ological activity of the compost treated soil compared from Leigh James, and support from Annie Kavanagh,
to farmers’ practice. The increase in soil carbon is Department of Environment, Climate Change and
clearly of importance in term of carbon credits, the in- Water throughout the duration of this project are
direct positive effect of increased soil carbon such as gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Bill Yiasoumi
better soil structure can also result in reduced green- for assistance in designing the irrigation system for
house gas emission (e.g. reduced nitrous oxide emis- the trial as well as many colleagues of I&I NSW for
sion with improved soil structure (Ball and Crawford providing field assistance.
2009)). Savings in fertiliser use also result in reduced
energy consumption (therefore reduction in carbon
emission) associated with the manufacture of inor-
ganic fertilisers, particularly those which are nitro- Ball, B.C. and Crawford, C.E. 2009. Mechanical weeding ef-
gen based (Davis and Haglund 1999). Finally, as pre- fects on soil structure under field carrots (Daucus carota
viously reported for this trial (Chan et al. 2008), use of L.) and beans (Vicia faba L.). Soil Use and Management, 25:
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