Manufacturer Statement - PEXLIM P-Z SA
Manufacturer Statement - PEXLIM P-Z SA
Manufacturer Statement - PEXLIM P-Z SA
Furthermore, the ambient air temperature surrounding the arrester is not necessarily the
temperature of the MO resistors themselves; with arresters installed outdoors always having a
proportion of their housing in the shade. Thus, even if the peak ambient temperature is considered
as high as +60 °C, it is the average ambient temperature of the MO resistors themselves which is
the determining factor for the evaluation of verifications made for thermal stability during the type
tests. Further, this temperature is normally considered to be the average over a 24 hour period.
PEXLIM surge arresters have been type tested in accordance with the relevant International
Standard IEC 60099-4. For some of the required tests on MO resistors in this standard, the test
sections shall be pre-heated before the actual tests. For example, the Operating Duty type test for
PEXLIM P-Z arresters (report HVP/AK 17-65) incorporates application of rated thermal energy (Wth)
after pre-heating to +60 °C. The effects of direct sun radiation are accounted for by the increased
starting temperature. This is actual MO resistor temperature, which ignores that the average block
temperature will actually be well below the localized surface temperature possible from direct sun
radiation. It is obvious from the various type test reports that the PEXLIM arresters successfully
passed all test sequences that are performed at elevated temperatures without any remarks.
We hereby confirm that a maximum ambient day temperature of up to +60 °C will not have any
adverse effect on the operational performance for all styles of PEXLIM P-Z surge arresters which
are installed outdoors, energized at nominal service voltage and otherwise operating under their
stated design conditions.
Ludvika, 2018-10-18
HV Products
James Taylor
Senior Principal Specialist
Technology Support Manager
IEC Expert member
Surge Arresters