05 Quiz 1 - Irish&Louela

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The Igorot Stone Kingdom is a man-made park and one of Baguio City's most popular
tourist destinations. It showcases the masonry skills, creativity, indigenous culture, values, way
of life, and traditions of the Igorot people. This is one of Baguio's attractions, characterized by
its uniqueness and natural beauty, accessibility, and availability of utilities, and
facilities. According to the story, in 2020 Pio Velasco, owner, and designer of the Igorot Stone
Kingdom build a structure that would lead to the construction of the Stone Kingdom.

Pio Velasco dream of building imaginative stone castles and towering walls he has
consistently imagined fantasy worlds since childhood and his overall concept in his head of what
the Stone Kingdom would look like. Additionally, the theme park honors and pays tribute to his
mother, Rita Velasco, who he considered to be a brave and understanding Igorot woman who
taught him patience. He also pays tribute to the first Igorot people to believe in the existence of
a merciful God, and the skillful hand of the stone-laying Igorot brought to her family traditions
and values.


Characteristics Least Most

Unique attraction- one of a kind 5
(natural /man-made/cultural)
Beauty 5

Natural/Undisturbed 3
Recognized Tourist attraction by DOT 4
Table 1

Baguio City, known as the Summer Capital of the Philippines has unique attraction which
appeals its beauty in every senses. One of the examples is Igorot Stone Kingdom that got 5 in
site evaluation for its unique attraction and beauty. It showcases the Igorot rock-laying skills,
their creativity as well as their indigenous culture, values, way of life, and tradition, but it also
got 3 in site evaluation for its natural or undisturbed because some of it natural resources and
destination around it destroyed and it causes damage in environment and culture of people
there. In year 2021, It is recognized by DOT as a tourist attraction and open it for public that's
why it became more popular than now.

Criteria 2. ACCESSIBILITY Least Most

Accessible all year (include
specifications of used 5
vehicle types)
Availability of 5
transport service
Distance from service 3
Distance from town center 3

Criteria 3. Availability of basic Least Most

Clean water supply 5
Sufficient water supply 4
Communications 3
Drainage/Sewerage system 4
Solid waste management 4

Criteria 4. Availability of on- Least Most

site facilities
Clean and safe restroom for 3
men and women
Good accommodation 4
Clean and quality food 5
Other activity facilities 2
Directional and 4
informational signages

Criteria 5. Property ownership Least Most

Privately owned/managed/leased


Beautiful Vista/View 5


Site/Attraction Location Unique Beauty Natural/Undisturbed Recognized Total
Attraction by DOT Score
Igorot Stone Long
Kingdom Road,
Pinsao 5 5 3 4 17
Table 2

This site received a 5 rating for its distinctive charm and natural beauty due to its
originality and beauty. Given its proximity to highland culture, enchanting landscapes, and
enchanting art, this location gives visitors the impression that they are in another country. Also,
while you walk through the park, you may view many statues and stone walls constructed on
top of stone walls that will be significant to their ancestors. The rice terraces of Banue, Ifugao,
served as the inspiration for Stone of Kingdom these rice terraces, which are carved into the
mountainside and connected by stone walls, are incredibly magnificent. In addition, 4 for
the evaluation for DOT because it attract to many people and most of the attractions sites, and a
3 for it as natural/undisturbed due to some of the natural resources constructed into this area
through stone walls being damaged by the development of this attraction. It received a total of
17 points for the Stone Kingdom of Igorot's evaluation of its distinctiveness and natural beauty.

Site/Attraction Uniqueness/Natural Historical/Cultural Accessibility Availability

Availability of Ownership of Quality of Total Score
Beauty Values of basic
basic utilities property surroundings
18 5 5 81
Igorot Stone 17 X 16 20

Table 3

Igorot Stone Kingdom as a site or attraction became popular because of its uniqueness
of natural beauty and it is accessible by any transportation. The way to get there is easy and
they have good roads. It also offers basic accommodation and there are a lot of accommodation
near at this place. It also offers an onsite facilities and this is an ownership property. The place
or destination itself are renovated and improved in some ways but it has a lot of things to be
develop. We evaluate the place from its destination, natural beauty, availability, basic utilities
and accommodation and the ownership. We come up to this level of evaluation according to our
observation and research.


Site/Attraction/Circuit Component Problem/Issues

Activities The stone kingdom's

activities are limited, and
because of safety concerns
and the area's high stone
walls, some activities are not
permitted. The Igorot Stone
Kingdom's only available
activity is climbing and taking
pictures at each historical
Environment In terms of natural the Igorot
• Natural Stone Kingdom was shut
• Social down due to ongoing climatic
• Economic risk and susceptibility
because the structure had
"extremely high landslide
exposure" and the location
was also classified as "prone
to erosion" because of the
IGOROT STONE ongoing construction of
KINGDOM attractions. At the same time,
social influences on tourists
are a result of the site's long
history and numerous
historical locales. Lastly, this
attraction's economy has
been improving as a result of
the large number of visitors
that kept returning which
gained high profit and
exposure of the place.
Transportation (to and from Although there is access to
site) transportation, there isn't
enough space for parking,
which results in heavy traffic.
Other Infrastructure Other infrastructure delay in
obtaining the required
building permit due to issues
in acquiring prerequisites
and the area are still ongoing
climate risk and vulnerability.
Accommodation Basic accommodation
facilities are present near at
Igorot Stone Kingdom. There
are hotels that offer products
and services, but it is more
expensive and not so much
near at the destinations.
Other Facilities and There was a small cafe and
Services eatery in the destination, but
it is a little bit price. It is not
that good and tasty food that
are applicable for all level of
Institutional All personnel and people
assigned to maintain peace
and cleanliness for all people
who visit and want to learn
more will really learn a lot of
things. Some organization
manage the infrastructure as
tourist walk and climb on it.
They are limited in offering
activities for institutional.

The carrying capacity of the tourists visiting this site is one of the problems that the
Stone Kingdom's various attractions face, but there are also many other factors to consider, as
shown in the table. Furthermore, since this attraction is hazardous to the environment and is
also prone to landslides, it is not safe for tourists as they keep adding attractions to these
regions. Particularly, this man-made attraction claimed to have been running without a license.
The stone buildings inside the park were not protected by a building permit, raising concerns
about their structural soundness. They must take the initiative and not wait for a bad situation
to arise before taking action. Instead of complying after being informed about their permit
infringement, they allegedly built further structures.


Baguio’s Igorot Stone Kingdom shut down over permit and safety issues.
According to the assessment by the Asian Development Bank and City
Step 1 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management finds that the structure has 'very
high landslide exposure'. They also said that environmental officials found
the area to be geologically unstable.

The ongoing climate risk and vulnerability assessment by the Asian

Development Bank and the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
found that the structure had “very high landslide exposure.” The area was
Step 2 also designated as “prone to erosion”. Igorot Stone Kingdom in Long-long
Road, Pinsao Proper has been operating without a business permit while its
stone structures have not been covered by a building permit, putting its
structural integrity under question. It started on Nov 09, 2022, and it affects the
local residence there.

City Permits and Licensing Chief Alan Abayao issued the closure order
together with barangay and police officials. According to Abayao, Magalong
said that management of the popular site was warned as early as June to get
a business permit. “Instead, they kept on adding attractions,” Abayao
said. Magalong said the owner had previously been informed of the permit
Step 3 violations and was told to abide by the requirements but had not done so.
Baguio City’s PIO reported that the infrastructure’s management persisted in
building more structures and “defied” orders from the city government,
prompting the City Buildings and Architecture Office to file a criminal case for
violation of the National Building Code on November 7, 2022.

It caused climate risk and vulnerability of the destination itself. It also brings
unemployment to residents there, they lose their jobs because of the closing
Step 4 of this destination. It has a lot of effects, most especially on the Igorot people
who lived near this place as they showcase themselves to the tourists.

These problems become the gateway to seeing failed plans and shortcomings
in sustaining this destination. A lot of treats came, and it caused a lot of
Step 5 problems. Because of not having permits and safety issues, they observe that
the place is very prone to disaster like landslides, and it is not in a good
position to visit by many tourists. It caused this destination to close but now it
is open, and they give all their needs about this destination.


Table 6. Steps in Problem Analysis


Closure of Igorot Stone Kingdom

Business Permit Violation and
Safety Issues.

Lack of certificate Climate Risk Unemployment Kept Adding
ensuring the safety and to residents attractions.
of the structures Vulnerability

Very high landslide Prone to Erosion

Figure 1. Problem Tree Analysis for Destruction of Primary

Tourism Reso
to the local

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