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The key takeaways are that the document outlines a roleplaying game involving stats, conditions, lodestars and provides gameplay mechanics around these elements.

The stats include Creativity, Focus, Harmony and Passion. They represent different abilities and traits of a character. Stats can be increased or decreased during gameplay.

Conditions like Afraid, Angry, Guilty etc negatively impact certain gameplay rolls. They can be cleared through certain character actions. Having more conditions marked makes rolls more difficult.

THE Adamant NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness

Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe

■ Above-it-all ■ Rebellious
■ Perfectionist ■ Flippant
■ Chilly ■ Standoffish Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style: ■ Favored Impaired

■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [0] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [+1] Angry
HARMONY [-1] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [+1] guilty omfort and assess a situation
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout

FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

There’s only one person you often let past your emotional walls.
Moves choose two

■ this was a victory

Name your lodestar (choose a PC to start): You can shift your lodestar to someone new when they guide and com-
When you reveal that you have sabotaged a building, device, or vehicle right as it
fort you and you open up to them, or when you guide and comfort them and they open up to you. If you do choose to shift your lodestar, clear a condition.
When you shut down someone vulnerable to harsh words or icy silence, shift becomes relevant,
your balance mark Results
toward fatigue and
and roll
roll with
with Passion . On
Results. Onaahit,
mark a condition a
pays off,You
On a miss, they have exactly the right retort; mark a condition and they shift your balance. creating
opportunity for you
this on your and your allies at just the right
When your lodestar shifts your balance or calls you out, you cannot resist it. Treat time. On alodestar
an NPC 7–9, thecalling
you outisasfleeting—act
if you rolled afast to and
10+, stayaahead of the calling you out
PC lodestar
When you consult your lodestar for advice on a problem (or permission to use consequences.
your preferredOnsolution),
a miss, your action
roll with was ill-judged
Restraint. On a 10+andtake
all three;oron a 7–9 they cho
You see the wisdom of their advice. They shift your balance; follow their advice and someone you
they shift carebalance
your about isagain.
hurt as collateral damage.
The conversation bolsters you. Clear a condition or 2-fatigue.
They feel at ease offering their opinion. They clear a condition or 2-fatigue. ■ takes one to know one
On a miss, something about their advice infuriates you. Mark a condition or have the GM
When shift
youyour balance
verbally needletwice.
someone by finding the weaknesses in their armor, roll
with Focus. On a hit, ask 1 question. On a 7–9, they ask 1 of you as well:
• What is your principle?
• What do you need to prove?
• What could shake your certainty?
• Whom do you care about more than you let on?
Anyone who lies or stonewalls marks 2-fatigue. On a miss, your attack leaves you
exposed; they may ask you any one question from the list, and you must answer

■ no time For Feelings

When you have equal or fewer conditions marked than your highest principle,
mark fatigue to push down your feelings for the rest of the scene and ignore
condition penalties until the end of the scene. When you resist an NPC shifting
your balance, mark a condition to roll with conditions marked (max +4). You
cannot then choose to clear a condition by immediately proving them wrong.

■ i don’t hate you

When you guide and comfort someone in an awkward, understated, or idiosyn-
cratic fashion, roll with Passion instead of Harmony if you mark Insecure or
Insecure is already marked.

■ driven by justice
Take +1 to Passion (max +3).
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Pinpoint Aim
deFend & maneuver
L P M

Take the time you need to line up a perfect shot; become Prepared. In the next exchange, if you advan
Home Town:

• What experience of being deceived or manipulated convinced
you to steel yourself against being swayed by other Name: L  PM  
people? defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
 
• Who was your first lodestar, and why were they an exception?
Why aren’t they your lodestar anymore? 
• Who earned your grudging respect by teaching you pragmatism?
• What heirloom or piece of craftsmanship do you carry to
remind you to stay true to yourself?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

Connections L P M
takes issue with my methods—perhaps they have a point, but I certainly can’t admit that to them! 
 
is my lodestar; something about them makes them the one person I let my guard
 defend down around. advance & attack
& maneuver  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance

You’ve held true to a core of conviction even while getting your hands L  that
dirty to do what you deemed necessary. But balance means appreciating P M people
other  are ju
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty. Name: L P M 
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH   
Growth Question
L P M 
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
• Did you seek support or guidance from others?
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance   L P M 


 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g G aMe
■ Impatient ■ Enthusiastic
■ Sensitive ■ Talkative
■ Affable ■ Impetuous Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed

Fighting Style: ■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [+1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [+1] Angry
HARMONY [0] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [-1] guilty

omfort and assess a situation
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance

-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
See the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Legacy oF Excellence on, and are taken out as normal.

Moves choose two

You have dedicated yourself to accomplishing great,

■ best Friend
Your best friend is small, fuzzy, and
excit- ing deeds and becoming worthy of the trust others
depend- able. Unlike all your other
place in you. Choose four drives to mark at the start of
relationships, this one is simple and true.
play. When you fulfill a marked drive, strike it out, and
You can understand and communicate with
mark growth
your small companion and—although they
or clear a condition. When your four marked drives are
may give you a hard time now and again—
all struck out, choose and mark four new drives. When all
they are always there when you need them
drives are struck out, change playbooks or accept a position
most. Whenever your pal could help you
of great responsibility and retire from a life of
push your luck, mark fatigue to roll with
Creativity instead of Passion. If your pet
successfully lead your companions in battle ever gets hurt, mark a condition.
give your affection to someone worthy
start a real fight with a dangerous ■ here’s the plan
master do justice to a friend or mentor’s When you commit to a plan you’ve proposed
guidance to the group, roll with Creativity; take a
take down a dangerous threat all on your own -1 for each of your companions who isn’t
openly outperform an authority figure on board. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7–9, hold 1.
save a friend’s life You can spend your hold 1-for-1 while the
get a fancy new outfit plan is being carried out to overcome or
earn the respect of an adult you admire evade an obstacle, create an advantage, or
openly call out a friend’s unworthy actions neutralize
form a strong relationship with a new master a danger; if any of your companions abandon
stop a fight with calm words you while the plan is underway, you must
sacrifice your pride or love for a greater mark a condition. On a miss, hold 1, but your
good defend an inhabited place from dire plan goes awry when you encounter
threats stand up to someone who doesn’t surpris- ing opposition.
respect you
make a friend live up to a principle they have neglected ■ not done yet!
show mercy or forgiveness to a dangerous person Once per session, when you are taken out,
stand up to someone abusing their power shift your balance towards center to stay up
tame or befriend a dangerous beast or rare creature for one more combat exchange. After that
pull off a ridiculous stunt exchange ends, you become helpless, uncon-
scious, or otherwise incapable of continuing
serious; the NPC will be resistant to making plans, roll with Focus. On a hit, they’ll look
the necessary changes. On a miss, something upon your honesty favorably; they’ll
about the plan throws you for a loop; the GM answer
tells you what obvious danger the NPC is a■ non-compromising question honestly and
you missed something When you evaluate a ignoring…or what they’re hiding about their grant you a simple favor. On a 7–9, they also
friendly NPC’s plan to get something done, roll with Focus. intent. give you an honest assessment of how they
On a hit, the GM tells you how you can drastically improve the see you; mark a condition. On a miss,
chances of success; get it done, and they’re sure to come straight shooter ■
you’re a bit too honest—they’re either
through on top. When you tell an NPC the blunt, honest truth furious or genuinely hurt.
On a 7–9,■ the problems inherent in the plan are fairly about what you really think of them and their

©2022■Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Tag Team
deFend & maneuver
L P M

Work with an ally against the same foe; choose an engaged foe and an ally—double any fatigue, c
Home Town:

• Why do you feel the need to prove yourself so badly?
• Who epitomizes the kind of big, bold figure you hope to be?
• Whose approval do you think you will never attain? Name: L  PM  
• What token or symbol do you wear to prove you are serious? defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
  
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

scoffs at me and my plans; one day I’ll show them what I can do.

has a pretty good head on their shoulders; they’re a great sounding board for my ideas.

Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance

The greatest heroes of your age may have overwhelming confidence, but balance isn’t about pursuing greatness for the sake of greatness. You find a way to stand with yo

Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
companions. Name: L P M 
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
GROWTH   
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
• Did you express vulnerability by admitting you were wrong
or that you should have listened to someone you ignored? L P M 
Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook    defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  

Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
(Order #36085676)
THE destined NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor Th e r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
 Eager  Uncertain
 Solemn  Jocular
 Haunted  Watchful Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style: ■ Favored Impaired

■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [0] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [-1] Angry
HARMONY [+2] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [0] guilty omfort and assess a situation
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout

FAtigue ■
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Marked by Fate

You have been touched by something Destiny Signs

 call from afar
choose two
 eyes of the soul
When you reach out in mind or spirit When you assess a situation, you can
beyond—something spiritual and  Otherworldly Visions: to a far-away NPC, mark 1-fatigue and ask one of the following as an extra
otherworldly. At character creation, Mark your destiny track roll with Harmony. On a hit, your question, even on a miss:
choose one from My Destiny on to have a vision about mes- sage gets through to them;
the back of this sheet, fill in one the situation at hand. • Who or what here has been
choose 1. On a 10+, it’s loud and touched by spirits?
detail below, and take one destiny Ask the GM one clear: choose 2.
sign. question and get an • How can I bring about peace here?
honest answer. • You cry for help; they hear you
Destiny Details  Tremble Before Me: and rush to your location  Peacemaker
Fill these in as your destiny is revealed Mark your destiny track • You whisper a question to them; When you walk calmly into the
to you, either in visions or through and reveal a glimpse of they whisper an answer back middle of a fierce conflict and plead
the insights of spiritually attuned your otherworldly aspect • You send a premonition of with the fighters to stop, mark fatigue
NPCs. to intimidate an NPC as if danger seeking them; they to ensure that they care what you
When you act to bring about one you rolled a 10+. forearm and prepare themself to think and listen to you. On a miss,
of these details, you may live up to Afterward, their fear and face the worst the conflict burns far hotter than you
your Determination without marking mistrust of you knows no • You let them see something had imagined, and now you’re dead
fatigue. When you and the GM bounds; you cannot guide you see; they return memories in the crosshairs of the angry
agree one of the details is fully and comfort and knowledge of that sight fighters; brace yourself.
explored or fulfilled, mark growth. or plead with that NPC
On a miss, your reach extends beyond
until you have earned their
• I will bring great change to your original aim; you’ve attracted
dangerous attention.
 Self-sacrificing: Once per
• I will weather betrayal by scene, mark your destiny
• I will lose you have already to supernaturally absorb an incoming blow aimed at an ally within view; cancel all
• I will need the help of taken the other fatigue, conditions, or balance shifts that would have been inflicted.
• I will learn a crucial truth from four, you must take
 Inner Strength: Once per session, mark destiny twice to clear all conditions.
“meet your fate.”
• I will defend or save  Meet Your Fate: Your destiny arrives and you are changed utterly by it. If you
survive in human form, change playbooks.
Destiny Track     
Whenever you lose your balance,
get taken out, or are otherwise
instructed to, mark your Destiny
Track. When your destiny track
fills, clear it and take a destiny sign. If
more than fate’s two conditions. On a miss, echoes of legend
Playthings their demand hits all the  per session, when you rely on your skills and training to mirror an act from

When you call someone out to live up to harder. Mark two condi- a legend, myth, or story, treat it as if you had rolled a 10+. Then, no matter
their principle by convincing them that their tions or act as they the result, the GM shifts your balance toward the principle best embodied
destiny is (or can be) different than they request. by the lore and stories you’re drawing on.
imagined, on a hit, they must do it or mark

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character


Home Town:

• When did you realize you were marked by supernatural forces?
• Who envies your destiny and seeks to seize it from you? Why can’t you 
let that happen?

• Who do you turn to for guidance when you feel overwhelmed by your 
• What token or symbol do you carry that proves to any observer that you are
chosen by fate?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

My Destiny choose one

Name: L P M 
 My countenance was marked by a great Spirit; I will take up its mantle
 My mind carries forgotten knowledge and skills; I will revive
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
an ancient, worthy tradition
 My body bears a star atlas; I will forge a path to a wondrous place
 My heart is tuned to nature’s pain; I will heal a deep wound in the world

I believe will play a crucial role in my fulfillment of my destiny, for good or ill.
Name: L P M 
Being around helps me put my destiny out of my mind, for a time. Why?  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment of Balance

Name: L P M 
Destiny can be a frustrating thing, demanding commitment while leav- ing you in 
dark about its timing.
& maneuver But now, with
advance your soulinevade
& attack balance, you can see that this is th
& observe

Clearing Conditions
 • Unlock your Moment of Balance
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your companions.
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH   
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the other growth questions:
• Did you spend meaningful time with someone else focused on
their concerns and troubles?

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
Name: L P M Name: L P M 
defend & maneuver advance & attack evade & observe
Fighting Techniques
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

L P M

Study a nearby foe to learn where their momentum will take them next. Declare the approach th

Name: L  P  M
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
defend & maneuveradvance & attack  evade & observe
(Order #36085676)

your training
 Military  Outlaw  Urban
 Monastic  Privileged  Wilderness
Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
 Diligent  Dour
 Kindly  Distant
 Bemused  Irascible Statuses
 Empowered  Doomed

Fighting Style:  Favored  Impaired
 Inspired  Trapped
 Prepared  Stunned

Stats Add +1 to one

Balance Conditions
At character creation, shift
likeyour balance once if you


CREATIVITY frustrated
-2 to push your luck and to intimidate
FOCUS  Jaded

-2 to plead and +1 to trick

 remorseful
HARMONY -2 to the stance move and +1 to call someone out

 shaken
[-1] -2 to guide and comfort and +1 to assess a situation
 worried
-2 to deny a callout and +1 to rely on skills
Fatigue or training
See the back of this sheet for more on
clearing conditions

Wisdom of the Ages

Moves choose two
 cut the garbage
 as long as i’m breathing
You’ve lived longer than the other companions, long enough to have mastered
When your
youtraining many times
try to intimidate over...and
someone perhaps long
in order Whenenough to think
you openly you don’t
confront have much left
In addition to your normal playbook technique, you start with four other tomastered techniques.
protect the vulnerableYou don’t have
or weak, to name these
roll with to gettechniques
the truth, at
rollcharacter creation;
with Harmony . you can
Until you open up a new slot for another technique, you cannot learn new techniques.
Harmony insteadWhen you shift
of Passion. your center to +1, On+2,aorhit, ask 2; the character can
+3 Humility for the first time, you open up a new slot; you may learn and develop a new technique to fill that slot as normal. say or do what they like, but their
You do not earn growth. When a PC embraces your guidance and comfort, you may shift toward Experience to declare them a protégé; write their name and one o
 life’s true delights player will answer honestly. On a
When you pursue a genuine moment of 7-9, their player gets to ask a question
respite, roll with Harmony. On a hit, shift your you must answer honestly as well.
balance as you choose. On a 10+, you also • Are you telling the truth?
gain some new insight; ask the GM a question • What are you really feeling?
Your Conditions and they will answer honestly. On a 7-9, your • What do you intend to do next?
You have different conditions; they offer bonuses as well as penalties. You cannot take moves from other playbooks that •referenceWhat do conditions you don’t
you really think abouthave. You can
creates an opportunity for your enemies or rivals;
the GM will tell you how. On a miss, you
• How could I get you to ?
fixate on your past with disastrous results; tell
the GM what old conflict mars your peace and On a miss, the confrontation goes
shift your balance twice away from center. awry; they inflict a condition on
you and ask one question from the
 around here somewhere list of you; you must answer
When you go looking for help from an old honestly.
friend in the area who you haven’t seen
recently, name them and roll with Harmony.  an oPen heart
On a hit, you find them and they can assist Take +1 Harmony (max +3).
you. On a 7-9, pick 1. On a 10+, both.
• they aren’t caught up in their own problems
• you don’t owe them a favor or apology
On a miss, your old enemies were looking for
you too; the GM will tell you how you know
they are near.
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Evade and Observe
L P M

You wait until the perfect moment to act. Mark 1-fatigue to gain Prepared and use an advance and attack
Home Town:

History Name: LPM

defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
• What great legacy did you inherit decades ago
and recently relinquish?
• Who has never forgiven you for decisions you made years ago?   
 
• Who is still your ally and confidante, despite 
the tense history you’ve shared?
• What outfit or uniform do you wear to remind
yourself of your former duties?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

I care about more than they know...even though they are probably my most frustrating student. L P M
Name:   
is not to be underestimated. In fact, they may have something to teach me!
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment of Balance

You will always be anchored to the past—unable to escape the painful L  Pwith
lessons you have learned—but now you can hold the weight of that experience M humility
 the  true w
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Frustrated: lash out at someone or act decisively without Name: L P M 
consulting anyone  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Jaded: give in or give up in the face of meaningful opposition
• Remorseful: attempt to make genuine amends for past wrongs
• Shaken: seek guidance from an old friend or mentor
• Worried: take control in a situation in which another should

You earn growth advancements as you aid chosen protégés to Name: L P M 
achieve their full potential and move towards their own  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
principles; see Wisdom of Ages.

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  
Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
THE Foundling NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
 Caring  Modest
 Dedicated  Respectful
 Friendly  Shy Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed

Fighting Style: ■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [+1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [-1] Angry
HARMONY [+1] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [0] guilty omfort and assess a situation

-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance

-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Double Heritage
You are a child of two cultures. At character creation, choose two
trainings and two backgrounds that represent your two heritages. You
Moves choose two
 trusty talisman
You have a specific weapon, tool, or
also start play with two mastered techniques (including your  emPty your mind
You can flow and adapt, formless and item which you believe is crucial to
playbook technique) instead of the normal one mastered your training and abilities. You can roll
technique. shapeless. During an exchange, after
you roll the stance move, you can with Harmony instead of Focus when
mark 1-fatigue to select a basic
Wisdom From Many Places incorporate the lesson nique from a different approach
Cultural Bonds
You can study with a master to into your training; you than the one you chose. (You still
must find a new mas- When you try to connect with an NPC must pay all other costs of that
learn techniques from any
ter to continue your via a shared culture, roll with Heritage. technique.)
training and adapt them to your
training. On a hit, they see you; shift your
own. When you start learning a
 toward Heritage. On a 7-9, building bridges
technique of a training you don’t
choose 1; on a 10+, choose 2: When you try to calm an
have with a will- ing teacher, roll,
taking +1 for each “yes” to the • They accept you; they cease immediate conflict between two
following questions: hostilities or antagonism toward NPCs, remind
you. them what they have in common
• Is your Unity greater than zero? and roll with Harmony. On a hit,
• They grow to like you (if they already
• Have you studied they come to terms, for now. They
accept you); they agree to help you
this technique won’t pursue their conflict until an
with a problem.
before? outside influence reignites it or time
• They reveal their background; you
• Has someone used this technique passes (a day or more). On a 10+,
learn their principle.
against you in real battle? you have a real opportunity to get
• They offer solace; you clear a
On a hit, you learn the condition. them to put aside their conflict for
technique; shift your balance • They reveal a vulnerability; you good; the GM will tell you what you
towards Unity. On a 7-9, become Prepared to deal with them. must do. On a miss, you
learning it was trying; mark a inadvertently highlight their
On a miss, you mix up your heritag- es in a
condition and write its name by differenc- es and fan the conflict—
terrible way; the NPC mocks you or gets
the technique. You can’t use the you cannot use this move on them
offended by your slip. Mark a condition
technique if you have that again.
and shift your balance away from
condition marked. When you
master the technique, erase  martial sensitive
the condition’s name. You are good at reading
people’s intentions and gestures
On a miss, you’re struggling to
in the heat
of battle. When you defend and ma- you use the item to rely on get a chance to repair it, it is you guide and comfort someone
neuver against a foe whose principle your skills and training. If destroyed. You are Impaired without it, who shares a training or a
you know, mark fatigue to roll with you roll a miss, the item is until someone helps you overcome the background with you by talking
Harmony instead of Focus. damaged—in addition to any loss; choose a new move to replace about what you have in common,
other consequences—and this one when you finally move on. on a hit you become Inspired, and if
needs re- pairs. If the item is they em- brace your guidance and
damaged again be- fore you things in common When 
comfort, they become Inspired as

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Feel the Flow
Evade and Observe
L P M

You take pause to feel the flow of battle and study the way your opposition fights. You becom
Home Town:

• How and when did you learn about your second heritage?
• Who in your family insists you focus on upholding Name: L  P  M 
the family heritage? defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
 
• Who helped you understand that your two trainings 
can complement each other?
• What detail of your clothing or visible trinket reveals you
belong to two cultures?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

seems to think one of my heritages should be valued more; there’s something persuasive in their words.
Name: L P M
 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

is so awesome, with skills and heritage I’ve never seen! I want to learn all I can about them and their background.

  

Moment of Balance
Name: L P M
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
You have always struggled to find unity between your two halves while trying to honor their traditions. But true bal- ance is about knowing that everything is part of a g

Name: L P M 
Clearing Conditions  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt. Name: L P M 
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.
Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
GROWTH   
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
• Did you resolve an issue or conflict relying
on something other than your trainings?

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
THE Guardian NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
■ Harsh ■ Quiet
■ Serious ■ Suspicious
■ Polite ■ Cautious Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed

Fighting Style: ■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [-1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [+1] Angry
HARMONY [0] -2 to guide and c


PASSION [+1] guilty omfort and assess a situation

-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Protector’s Burden please and you take -1 forward

against them.

You take it upon yourself to protect the people around you in general, but you have■someone
Movesin particular
choose two

you keep safe.

suspicious mind
Name your ward (choose a PC to start):
When you watch a person carefully
When they mark a condition in front of you, mark fatigue or a condition. Your ward can always call on you to live up to your principle—without shifting their balance aw
At the beginning of each session, roll, taking +1 for each yes: to figure them out, roll with Focus.
Do you believe your ward listens to you more often than not? On a 7–9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2.
Have you recently protected them or helped them with a problem? Spend your hold, 1-for-1, to ask
Is there an immediate threat to your ward that you are aware of? On a 7–9, hold 1. their
On aplayer
10+, hold 2. At any time, spend the hold to:
Take a 10+ without rolling on any move to defend or protect them questions while you observe or
Track them down even if they are hidden or avoiding you interact with them; they must answer
Figure out what they’re up to without them knowing honestly.
On a miss, hold 1, but…you’re drifting apart on different paths. By the end of the session, you must choose one:
• Are you telling the truth?
Decide you’re the only one who can keep them safe; shift your balance twice toward Self-Reliance and keep them as your ward
Decide they can handle life without your protection; shift your balance twice toward• Trust
What and
are you trulyyour
switch feeling?
ward to a new person
You may also switch your ward if they leave play or are no longer present for some •reason.
What do youyou
When really wantyour
switch rightward,
now?you can switch to an NPC (if the GM agrees).
• What are you worried about?
• What are you about to do?

■ badge oF authority
You have some badge or symbol
of authority from your background,
something that makes you
someone to be listened to, if not
well-liked or entirely respected.
When you give an NPC an order
based on that authority and their
recognition of it, roll with Passion.
On a hit, they do what you say. On
a 7–9, they choose 1:
• They do it, but in lackluster fashion
• They say they need something
first to be able to do it
• They do it, but they’re going to
talk to your superiors
On a miss, the authority of your badge
doesn’t sway them; they do as they
W dmit their guilt and misdeeds in front of an one additional option from the list
h audience, clear their name from this move. on any hit before they choose.
e When
n you no longer seek to uncover their secrets, ■ Furrowed brow
catch a liar you may mark a condition to clear their name ■ +1 Focus (max +3).
When you are suspicious of someone, write their name here: t from this move.
h When you expose that person’s lies or wrong- ■ martyr complex
e doing, clear all your fatigue and up to two When you have a total of 8
You cannot write another until you have made them admit their
y conditions. When you try to intimidate between conditions marked, highest
guilt and misdeeds in front of an audience, or until you no longer
them into admitting their real crimes by principle, and fatigue marked, take
seek to uncover their secrets.
a using actual evidence, you can eliminate +1 ongoing to all moves.

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
deFend & maneuver
L P M

Step into the way of blows intended for allies; when any ally within reach suffers a blow this exchange
Home Town:

• What pushed you to assume responsibility for the people you
care about? Name: L  PM  
• Whom have you protected for so long…but maybe doesn’t defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
 
need you anymore? 
• Who used to be in your circle of trust before they betrayed
• What tattered garment or adornment reminds you of those
you protect…or failed to protect?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

Connections L P M
is my ward—they need me to have their back, end of story. Name: 
 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

looks like they’re more than capable without my help; I’m glad some of us can take care of ourselves.

Moment oF Balance

Name: L P M 
You’ve sworn to protect the people you care about, but balance isabout finding
defend your own place
& maneuver in the world
 advance as well.
& attack You know
 evade what you’re capable of accomplishing
& observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty. Name: L P M 
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH   
Growth Question
L P M 
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions: Name:
• Did you pursue a desire or goal of your own, outside
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
of protecting others?

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step   L P M 
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  

 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
THE hammer NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor Th e r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
■ Playful ■ Loud
■ Blunt ■ Excessive
■ Quiet ■ Determined Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed

Fighting Style:
■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [+1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [-1] Angry
HARMONY [0] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [+1] guilty omfort and assess a situation
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Bringing Them Down

Moves choose two

■ Fueled by anger
You always have an adversary, one who represents the things you’re trying
Mark Angry to use an additional basic or mastered technique when you advance
to smash through—tyranny, inequality, war; larger and more dangerous
and attack, even on a miss. While Angry is marked, take +1 ongoing to
concepts that, to you at least, this one person embodies. Your
intimi- date others.
is someone significant and powerful—someone who actually deserves the
■ walls can’t hold me
amount of force you can bring to bear.
When you rely on your skills and training to dangerously smash your way
■ ■ ■
Name your adversary: through walls or other obstacles, roll with Passion instead of Focus.
■ ■ ■
Choose a goal you have for your adversary:
■ punch where it matters
Capture them Depose them Expose them
When you assess a situation, you can always ask, “Who or what here is most
Discredit them Restrain them Exile them
vulnerable to me?”, even on a miss. Remember to take +1 ongoing to act in accor-
Take -1 ongoing to plead with, trick, or guide and comfort your adversary. dance with the answer.

Changing Your adversary ■ comprehend your Foe

You can change your adversary any time you mark a condition, or at When you defend and maneuver against a foe whose balance principle you
the end of each session. When you do, choose an appropriate goal, and the know, you may mark fatigue to roll with Creativity instead of Focus.
GM shifts your balance twice to match your new adversary and your new
goal. ■ stand and Fight!
When you successfully accomplish your goal and defeat your adversary, When you provoke an NPC opponent into attacking you, roll with Passion.
take a growth advancement and choose a new adversary. On a hit, they’re coming at you specifically. On a 10+, you’re ready for them;
clear a condition or become Prepared. On a miss, they take advantage of your
Fighting Your adversary provoca- tion to strike a blow where you least expect it.
When you enter into a fight against your adversary, clear all fatigue and
become Inspired. When you select any combat approach against your
adversary, mark fatigue to roll with conditions marked instead of your
normal stat.
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
advance & attack
L P M

Throw a punch with all your weight behind it; mark 3-fatigue to inflict Stunned on an engaged foe.
Home Town:

• What injustice has driven you to use your strength for good?
• Who represents the kind of positive strength and force you
want to embody?
Name: L  PM  
defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
• Who tried their best to teach you restraint, calm,   
and thoughtfulness?
• What fragile trinket or heirloom do you keep and protect?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

has a way to solve problems with words instead of fists—it’s really impressive!

I worry won’t be able to hold their own when things get tough. I’m going to toughen them up! L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance

You can knock down every wall in the world, but balance isn’t found in conquest and destruction. You know some walls need to stand to keep people safe. Tell the GM ho
Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your Name: L P M 
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

GROWTH   
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
• Did you make progress towards your goal against your adversary? L P M 
Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  

Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
(Order #36085676)

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness

Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g G aMe

■ Naive ■ Sad
■ Playful ■ Haughty
■ Needy ■ Grave Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style: ■ Favored Impaired

■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [0] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [+1] Angry
HARMONY [+1] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [-1] guilty omfort and assess a situation
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout

FAtigue ■
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance

-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Burden & Tradition

You are an icon of your burden and tradition. You are expected to be its
exemplar, its single most important representative, trained up from a
Moves choose two

young age and saddled with the weight of history. You have been told ■ use their momentum
that you are vital to the world. When you are engaged with a large or powerful foe, mark fatigue to
advance and attack with Focus instead of Passion. If you do, you become
Choose 3 responsibilities of your burden and tradition you are expected Prepared and may also choose to use Retaliate as if it were an advance and
to assume: attack technique.
Protecting humanity from natural disasters and dark spirits; destroying
dangerous creatures; overthrowing tyrants; serving and defending rightful ■ bonzu pippinpaddleopsicopolis… the third
rulers; performing rituals; providing aid and succor to the downtrodden; When you trick an NPC by assuming a silly disguise or fake identity, mark Insecure to
searching for hidden histories and artifacts; guarding nature from threats treat your roll as if it was a 12+. If Insecure is already marked, mark 2-fatigue instead.
and destruction; safekeeping records and relics
■ concentration
Choose 3 prohibitions of your burden and tradition:
Take +1 Focus (max +3).
Never refuse an earnest request for help; never express great emotion; never
run from a fight; never start a fight; never deny someone knowledge or ■ otter-penguins, unagi, and hot springs
truth; never use your role for gain or profit; never intervene in a community When you visit a new inhabited location you might know about, roll with
with- out invitation; never withhold forgiveness; never steal or cheat Harmony. On a 7–9, ask 1. On a 10+, ask 2. PCs who interact with one of the
answers clear 1-fatigue or mark growth.
• What’s the best local pastime?
• What interesting locations are nearby?
Live Up to Your Role • Who is the most famous person here?
End oF Session
When you live up to your Role • What special tradition is prized by locals?
At the end of each session, answer • What’s the most interesting legend locals recount about this place?
through the responsibilities of
these after your standard growth
your burden and tradition despite On a miss, tell the GM what you expected to find; they will tell you how this
oppo- sition or danger, shift your place is different!
balance toward Role instead of • Did I uphold a responsibility?
■ yip yip!
marking If yes, shift balance toward Role
fatigue, and clear fatigue equal to condition, shift your anything to you to break it again.
and clear a condition.
your Role (minimum 0-fatigue). balance twice towards
• Did I break a prohibition? If
Freedom, and mark
Break Tradition yes, shift balance toward
Freedom. Underline one
When you directly and openly
prohibition you broke during the
break a prohibition of your
session. If it’s already underlined,
burden and tradition, mark a
cross it out—it doesn’t mean
You have an animal companion large gator, elephant-mandrill, gems- • When something hurts your animal
enough to ride. Name them and bok-bull, shirshu, komodo- • When you fight beside your companion, mark a condition
choose their species: rhino, sabertooth moose-lion, animal companion, mark 1- • When you and your friends travel
flying boar, walrus-yak, flying fatigue to become Favored for via your animal companion,
Sky bison, polar bear-dog, eel-hound, cat- an exchange
fish-opotamus everyone clears all fatigue

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Wall oF PerFection
deFend & maneuver
L P M

Create a perfect wall of defense around yourself and any allies directly next to you; mark 1-fatigue
Home Town:

• What tradition do you represent as its icon? Why can’t you set
down the role? Name: L  P  M 
• Who was your chief mentor, teaching you the nature of defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
 
your burden and its value? 
• Who showed you that even with the weight of your burden,
you could still find ways to play?
• What token of your burden and tradition do you always carry?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

seems to not fully understand what it means that I’m the icon of my tradition…and I kind of like feeling free around them.
Name: L P M
 
makes me feel better about my responsibilities and my burden with a smile and a few kind words.
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance
Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
Others have laid a path for you that you cannot escape, but balance means you understand the limits of their vision.
You make the role your own in this moment, charting a new path for yourself and your tradition. Tell the GM how your new understanding of your burdens forges a new w

Clearing Conditions Name: L P M 

• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH   
Growth Question Name: L P M 
At the end of each session, answer this question with the  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
other growth questions:
• Did you accomplish a feat worthy of your burden and tradition?

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
Name: L P M 
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
(Order #36085676)
THE Idealist NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness

Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g G aMe

■ Lonely ■ Grieving
■ Compassionate ■ Earnest
■ Joyful ■ Resolute Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style:
■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [0] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [-1] Angry
HARMONY [+1] -2 to guide and c


PASSION [+1] guilty omfort and assess a situation

-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Never Turn My
Back Moves choose two

■ the strength oF your heart

You’ve seen sadness and grief. You’re no stranger to loss and pain. But you
When you use Seize a Position, foes must mark 2-fatigue to block your movement.
know the world can be a better place. And nothing happens without
good people fighting for what’s right…
■ whatever i can
■ have a code—choose three ideals■from the list to define it: When you spend time talking to the locals about their problems, roll with
■ Always speak the truth ■ Never strike the first blow Harmony. On a hit, you hear about the most significant and serious problem
■ Always stand up to bullies ■ Never deny a request for at hand; the GM will tell you who it affects and what is the cause. On a 10+,
help Always keep your promises Never leave a friend you can ask a follow up question about the problem or cause; you take +1
behind ongoing
when you act on the answer. On a miss, you wind up creating a whole new prob-
When you live up to your ideals at a significant cost, someone who
lem with your questions and ideas.
witnessed (or hears about) your sacrifice approaches you to affirm their
allegiance to your group’s purpose; write their name down on the list
■ your rules stink
of allies below.
When you stand up to an adult by telling them their rules are stupid, roll
Allies with Passion. On a hit, they are surprised by your argument; they must shift
their bal- ance or offer you a way forward, past the rules. On a 10+, both. On
You can always plead with these allies—they always care what you think;
a miss, your efforts to move them only reveal how strongly they believe in the
they always open up to you if you guide and comfort them; and you can
system—mark a condition as their resistance leaves you reeling.
call on them to live up to their principles as if you had rolled a 10+
by erasing their name from your list of allies.
■ it doesn’t belong to you!
When you secretly pocket something owned by someone undeserving, roll with
Harmony. On a hit, you swipe something from them (your choice) without
them noticing you took it. On a 7–9, the thing you took isn’t exactly what
you thought it was; the GM will tell you how. On a miss, you grab the
goods, but they notice—and pursue—as soon as you exit the scene.

■ can’t knock me down

When you are engaged in combat with superior opposition and openly refuse to
back down or flee, roll with Harmony for the rest of the battle whenever you
defend and maneuver; you cannot choose to escape the scene by using Seize a
Position for the rest of the fight.
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
advance & attack
L P M

Pummel an engaged foe with quick blows; mark 1-fatigue to shift their balance away from center.
Home Town:

• What tragedy befell you at a young age?
• Who do you hold most responsible for the tragedy? Why?
• Who helped you through your grief? What did they teach you?
Name: L  PM  
defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
• What symbol, heirloom, or mark do you carry to remind you   
of what you lost?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

I recognize some of the pain I have felt inside of
; I’m going to try to help them.

Name: L P M 
frustrates me so much when they act without thinking about the consequences!
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance

The pain of the world can be overwhelming, but balance brings peace. You bring everything around you to a stop— villains, arguments, disaster—and set the world righ

Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
companions. Name: L P M 
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
GROWTH   
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
• Did you improve the lives of a community of average citizens or
help an ordinary person with their problems? L P M 
Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook    defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  

Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
(Order #36085676)
THE Pillar NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor Th e r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
■ Confident ■ Stern
■ Lighthearted ■ Gentle
■ Critical ■ Warm Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style: ■ Favored Impaired

■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [+1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [0] Angry
HARMONY [+1] -2 to guide and c


PASSION [-1] omfort and assess a situation
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout

FAtigue ■
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Squad Leader
Moves choose two

■ understanding mien
You were the leader of a small group of 10 or Choose 2 styles of leadership. +2, after the roll.
so well-trained warriors from a recognized and Earn 1-Team when…
noble tradition. ■ Firm: …you openly call on a companion to live
Where does your squad call home? up to their principle.
■ Inspiring: …you live up to your principle and
roll a hit.
Which are the most well known traits of your ■ Diplomatic: …you plead with an NPC for
squad? (choose up to 3): help and roll a 10+.
our weapons, our fighting style, our battle cry, our ■ Empathetic: …you guide and comfort a
costumes, our legends, our purpose companion and they open up to you.
■ Guidance: …you assess a situation and give a
What does your squad value? (choose 2):
companion instructions based on the answers
Excellence, Justice, Duty, Mercy, Tradition, Protection ■ Indomitable: …you roll a hit when you resist
shifting your balance or you deny a callout.
Despite being the leader, you chose to travel
with your new companions for the time being,
until you’ve achieved this group’s purpose. Choose 2 styles of support.
Choose where your team is without you: Spend 1-Team when…
■ Comforting: …you spend time one-on-one in
protecting the team’s home while you are
a quiet moment with a companion to clear
away; protecting a powerful figure; temporarily
a condition from them.
disbanded or exiled; training and preparing for
■ Invigorating: …you rally a companion to action
something important; journeying and doing good
in a tense moment to clear 2-fatigue from
works throughout your scope; escorting important
travel- ers; stationed at an important location;
■ Defending: …you are within reach of a
performing traditional or ceremonial duties
companion in combat to clear a negative
Within any group, you serve a role both subtle status from them.
and overt, sometimes leading the team, ■ Bolstering: …you help another companion to
sometimes helping it glue itself together. You give them a +1 to their roll, after the roll.
earn Team through your leadership style, and ■ Encouraging: …you openly endorse a friend
you spend Team through your support style. At living up to their principle to shift their balance
the end of each session, you may change 1 style toward that principle.
of leadership and 1 style of support. ■ Trusting: …you openly endorse a friend
resisting shifting their balance to give them
Take +1 to Harmony (max +3). people mostly unfamiliar with you won’t Passion.
connect your two personas. On a 7–9,
a warrior’s heart this is the last time you can pull this trick ■ taking care oF business
When you live up to your principle while you have without them catching on. On a miss, When you lose your balance in a battle, instead
3+ conditions marked, ignore your condition penal- someone misidentifies you when you of choosing one of the normal options, you may
ties. When you live up to your principle while you switch in a way that causes more trouble instead sacrifice yourself for your companions. If
have 5 conditions marked, don’t mark fatigue. for you. you do, your companions have a chance to get away
without issue, and you are taken out (and possibly
out oF uniForm Fighting like dancing ■
captured). You also choose 1:
When you put on a disguised or physically altered When you advance and attack against a • Leave a clue your companions can follow
persona to fool a community into thinking you’re group of foes—or a foe who has previously
• Throw your companions one vulnerable object
two different people, roll with Creativity. On a hit, defeated you—roll with Harmony instead of
• Provoke an opponent, shifting their balance twice

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Slide Around the Blow
evade & observe
L P M

You move perfectly, slipping past strikes and demanding an opponent’s attention; a foe you are engaged w
Home Town:

History Name: L  P  M 
• How did you rise to lead a renowned squad or group? defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
• Who was your closest friend and confidant in the squad?
• Who never thought you deserved to lead the group?
• What uniform, heirloom, or symbol do you carry as a talisman of   
the group?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

doesn’t really respect my accomplishments; they probably need a lesson or two.

seems like they would’ve been a good candidate to be a part of my squad; I’ll look after them.
Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance

You define yourself as a part of a larger group, and in this moment, the group defines itself by you. You rally them, move among them, saying the right things and providi

Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt. Name: L P M 
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH   
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
L P M 
• Did you help a companion find a significant success with their Name:
issues, or lead the group in finding a significant collective
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance   L P M 


 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
THE Prodigy NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
■ Curious ■ Resolute
■ Proud ■ Direct
■ Defensive ■ Stubborn Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style:
■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [-1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [+2] Angry
HARMONY [0] -2 to guide and c


PASSION [0] omfort and assess a situation

-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Skill Moves choose two
■ challenge
When you throw a boastful
■ judging a rival
You aren’t just capable in your area of skill and training; you’re astonish- challenge at an opponent before a
When you size someone up, roll
ing. A true prodigy, excelling and learning far more quickly than fight, roll with Passion. On a hit, the
with Focus. On a 7–9, ask one. On
anyone would expect. You start play with one additional mastered challenge lands; if you win the fight,
a 10+, ask two.
technique. choose 1 from below. But your
■ ■ ■ • what are your weaknesses
■ two areas in which■ your mastery is particularly
■ impressive: challenge goads them to impressive
/ strengths? heights; they may choose 1 extra
Shaping Maneuvering Breaking • how can I show you dominance technique in every exchange for the
Sensing Forcing Guarding / submission? duration of the fight. On a 10+, clear
When you rely on your skills and training, use a combat stance, or • what do you intend to do next? all fatigue at the end of the fight if
otherwise trigger a move while using your mastery, ignore penalties • what do you wish I’d do right now? you are victorious.
from conditions or statuses. On a miss, they notice you watching If you win, choose 1: your opponent
When you see someone use an unknown technique, if it is available them; they may ask you 1 question must…
to your skills and training, you may mark fatigue to shift your balance from the list.
• teach you a technique of theirs, or
to- wards Excellence and take the technique as learned. You can only do
■ an open mind help you master one you already
this if your balance is at +1 Excellence or higher. You must still get a
You can learn techniques from other know
mastery condition from a master of the technique in order to move the
skills and trainings, as long as you • give you answers or an item
technique from practiced to mastered.
have a teacher. You can learn up to of your choice
When you study with a teacher to learn a new technique, shift your • acknowledge your superiority; shift
three such techniques, total. Take a
balance towards Community and automatically learn the technique at your balance twice towards
+1 on the training move to learn
the practiced level (skipping learned). You cannot learn techniques by Excellence
such techniques.
study- ing with a teacher if your Balance is +0 Community or lower. • take your side in a future conflict
When you spend time teaching a fellow companion a technique ■ wait and listen On a miss, they dismiss your challenge
available to their skills and training, roll with Community. On a hit, you When you assess a situation while and refuse to fight; they inflict a con-
teach well enough; they learn the technique. On a 7–9, you get taking the time to use your extraor- dition on you.
impatient or frustrat- ed; choose to either take it out on them and inflict dinary skills to absorb hidden or deep
2 conditions, or take it out on yourself and suffer 2 conditions. On a miss, information, mark 1-fatigue, roll with ■ surprising entrance
you get too frustrated with their inadequacies; both of you suffer 2 Focus instead of Creativity, and When you trick someone by using
conditions, and you can never try to teach them this technique again. become Prepared. your skills to disappear and reappear
some- where else within the same
scene, roll with Focus instead of
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Steady Stance
deFend & maneuver
L P M

Assume a strong, steady stance; any foes engaged with you who chose to advance and attack th
Home Town:

Name: L  PM
History defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
• When did you first accomplish something your teachers thought
would be impossible for you?  
• Who gave you the lessons and support you needed to discover  
your incredible abilities? 
• Who cares for you greatly but doesn’t understand your talent?
• What strange talisman or detail of your clothing plays a role
in your talents?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

could use training from someone who knows what they’re doing; I suppose I am up to the task.
Name:   
I’m not sure if the overtures of friendship from
make me happy, mad, or both.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance

You’ve always struggled to rely on other people—it feels like it makes you weak. But in this moment, connection to others is the very source L
of Pstrength.
your  M You call up
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty. Name: L P M 
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH   
Growth Question
L P M 
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
• Did you express gratitude to a companion for their presence,
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
support, or teaching?

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step   L P M 
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  

 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
THE razor NAME:

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g GaMe
 Childish  Overbearing
 Fierce  Proper
 Imperious  Strange Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed

Fighting Style: ■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [0] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [+2] Angry
HARMONY [-1] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [0] guilty omfort and assess a situation

-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Making Amends
Moves choose two

 air-cutting edge
You were once the weapon of powerful what they say. Disconnected
figures—your masters. In your time as your Your Balance begins play at +2 Control; you can still shift it by
masters’ weapon, you hurt people, even those one step when you make your character.
who looked to you for friendship, leader-
ship, protection, or support. You must make Your Connection principle starts play locked—you cannot
amends. Choose four mistakes you’re trying to shift your balance higher than +0 Connection. If you would
make up for (on the back of the sheet). shift your balance to a locked value, you lose your bal-
ance, but your center cannot shift higher than the highest
Once per session, when you have tried unlocked Connection value. When you unlock Connection +3,
your best to prove that you are a treat your balance track as normal.
different, better person now through your
actions, roll, taking +1 for each “yes” to the When you shift your center to +1, +2, and
following questions: +3 Connection for the first time, choose a companion to
whom you have connected. They give you one move from
• Did you make amends directly to a their playbook (ignoring advancement limits).
person you harmed?
• Are you at your center? Honed
• Did someone honestly thank you for your When you sublimate your feelings to be effec- tive, clear
efforts or forgive you for your conditions equal to one plus your Control and cross off one
mistakes? unmarked condi- tion—you can no longer mark that
On a hit, you feel the spark of hope— condition for any reason. When you shift your center to-
you’re making progress. On a 7-9, choose 1. ward Connection, you may restore all crossed off conditions.
On a 10+, choose 2 (you can choose the You may live up to your Control principle by shifting balance
same option twice), or unlock the next toward Control instead of marking fatigue.
Connection balance track space (see
• Clear a condition
• Mark growth
• Shift your Balance toward Connection
On a miss, something’s off—you don’t feel
you’ve changed. Choose someone here to ask
what more you can do—they will tell you, and
the GM will shift your balance twice based on
Take +1 Focus (to a max of +3). • Are you lying right now? Creativity.
• What are you most afraid of?
mind of steel • How are you vulnerable to me?  winning is everything
When you advance & attack or evade & • How can I get you to mark the When you choose to use dirty tactics—targeting an
observe with fewer conditions marked than condition innocent your foe is trying to protect, throwing sand
your highest principle, you can roll with On a miss, you can’t get a good read on in their face, etc.—at the start of a combat
Focus instead of the normal stat. them; mark a condition in frustration. exchange,
instead of using one of the standard approaches say what
i’m a PeoPle Person come and get it  do and take a 10+ instead of rolling the stance
When you watch someone interact with another When you trick someone by move; you become Favored for this exchange and
person, roll with Focus. On a 7-9, ask 1. On a provoking them through their may choose your techniques from any approach. At
10+, ask 2. Take +1 ongoing to act on the conditions, roll with their the end of the exchange, your opponent may call out
answers. conditions marked instead of your disgraceful behavior and lack of integrity to shift
your balance twice.
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Lure L P M
Defend and Maneuver
You put a foe off-balance by luring them in. Name a foe you lure; if they don’t attempt t
Home Town:

History Name: L  PM
• Why were you chosen to be honed, perfected, and used by your masters? defend & maneuveradvance & attack  evade & observe
• Who was the former master you were closest to?
• Who helped give you the will you needed to break with  
your masters and be something more?  
• What totem of your masters can you not bring yourself to throw away?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

My Mistakes choose four

 I tried to subjugate or dominate a group or place

 I betrayed a person or group who trusted me in a vital moment
 I destroyed someone trying to save me from myself or my masters Name: L P M 
 I delivered an innocent into the clutches of my masters  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

 I badly injured someone in an accident or moment of weakness

 I trained someone younger than me using the same awful methods

seems to be able to connect to other people openly, freely, and easily. I wish they would show me how.

I see as lacking control. Maybe I can help hone them, at least a little bit.
Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment of Balance

You were taught to control yourself, and that to give of yourself, to con- nect, is toName: L it isPa 
lose control. But now, you see that connection isn’t weakness; M 
choice, a true way o
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt. Name: L P M 
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your companions.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

Name: L P M 
GROWTH     defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the other growth questions:
• Did you try to make amends for past mistakes, or prove you’re
a different person now?

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness
Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g G aMe
■ Acerbic ■ Sly
■ Joking ■ Extreme
■ Cynical ■ Wild Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style:
■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [+1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [0] Angry
HARMONY [-1] -2 to guide and c


PASSION [+1] omfort and assess a situation

-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
FAtigue ■

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance

-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
See the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

Bad Habits
Moves choose two
■ is that the best you got?
When you goad or provoke an NPC into
■ roguish charm
You’ve picked up some bad habits over the years. Most foolhardy action, say what you want them to
When you plead with an NPC or guide
other people are pretty set on trying to get you to stop. do and roll with Passion. On a 10+, they do
and comfort someone by flattering them
But maybe you can bring your friends along for the ride… it. On a 7–9, they can choose 1 instead:
and empathizing with them, mark 1-fatigue
■ 4 bad habits you indulge: to roll with Creativity instead of Harmony. • They do it, but more intensely
■ Casual thievery and pickpocketing
than expected—you’re taken off
■ Vandalism or sabotage ■ slippery eel-hound guard.
■■ Trespassing When you defend and maneuver and choose • They do it, but more carefully than
■■ Daredevil stunts to use Seize a Position to escape the expected—they gain an advantage against
■ “Charming” insults of dangerous people scene, foes must mark an additional 2- you.
Cons fatigue to stop you, and you may bring any • They don’t do it, but they embarrass
Rabble-rousing allies within reach when you retreat. themselves—they mark a condition.
Gambling • They don’t do it, but only catch themself
Any necessary skills or talents related to your bad habits are ■ you’re not my master! at the last minute—they stumble and give
considered to be part of your background. When you resist an NPC shifting your bal- you an opportunity.
ance, roll +2 instead of +0.
When you indulge a bad habit on your own, shift your On a miss, they are provoked to take
balance toward Survival, and roll with Survival. On a hit, harsh action, directly against you, in a
■ casing the joint
you pull it off and vent your frustrations; clear fatigue or way you’re ill-prepared to counter.
When you assess a situation, add these
conditions equal to your Survival (minimum 0). If you have
ques- tions to the list. You may always ask
no fatigue or conditions, mark growth. On a 10+, you
one extra question from these options, even
also gain a windfall, a boon or opportunity—your bad
on a miss.
habits paid off this time. On a miss, you’re caught by
someone dangerous or powerful, and they complicate • What here is most valuable or
your life. interesting to me?
• Who or what is most vulnerable to me?
When you indulge a bad habit with a friend, shift your bal-
• Who here is in control/wealthiest/has
ance toward Friendship, and roll with Friendship. On a
the most power?
hit, you and your friend pull it off and grow closer; each
of you makes the other Inspired. On a 10+, you also
obtain some useful resource or information, and become
Prepared. On a miss, something goes terribly awry; you
can either take the heat yourself, or shift your Balance
twice toward Survival and leave your friend in the lurch.
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character
Fighting Techniques
Sweep the Leg
advance & attack
L P M

You attack where an enemy is weakest or most off-balance; if your foe has a total of 3 or more fatig
Home Town:

• How did you come to feel that the only way to survive was
to break the rules? Name: L  PM  
• Who kept trying to reach a kind hand out towards you, only defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
 
to be rebuffed? 
• Who was ready to do anything to break you of your bad habits?
• What is your favorite possession that you stole, swiped, or
otherwise acquired illegitimately?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

is waaaaay too uptight, too trapped in themselves; they need to break some rules!
Name:   
is amazing and I hope they like me; maybe they’re worth playing it straight?
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance

You learned early on that you had to do what you needed to survive, L  rule-breaking
and that sometimes that meant you lost friends. Now, you find a new balance: P  M  isn’t some
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty. Name: L P M 
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
companions. Name: L P M 
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

GROWTH    Name: L P M 
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the
other growth questions:
• Did you get a friend to join in or approve
of one of your bad habits?

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

your training
■ Military ■ Outlaw ■ Urban
■ Monastic ■ Privileged ■ Wilderness

Demeanor The r o l e P l a y i n g G aMe

■ Perky ■ Casual
■ Intense ■ Arrogant
■ By-the-book ■ Oblivious Statuses
■ Empowered ■ Doomed


Fighting Style: ■ Favored ■ Impaired
■ Inspired ■ Trapped
■ Prepared ■ Stunned

StAts Add +1 to one stat BAlAnce Conditions

CREATIVITY [+1] At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
■ to intimidate and call someone out
FOCUS [+1] Angry
HARMONY [-1] -2 to guide and c

PASSION [0] guilty omfort and assess a situation

-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout

FAtigue ■
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
■ the back of this sheet for more on clearing conditions

A Tainted
You hail from a powerful, infamous lineage—one with YourselF
an impressive
Moves choose two

and terrible reputation. Your lineage has had a massive impact on the world within the scope of yo
When you politely and obediently humble yourself before ■ way oF the
a powerful Future
member of your lineage, roll with your Trad
On a miss, they’re dissatisfied with your display; they’re Take
cutting+1you off until(max
Creativity +3). some task they set to you.
you fulfill
Raid Your Lineage’s Resources
When you raid your lineage’s resources without their ■ black
consent koala-sheep
or knowledge, mark a condition and roll with your P
You obtain an additional 1-resource When you behave in a way that shocks and unsettles
You nab your goodies quietly; your lineage is none the wiserfrom one of your backgrounds, roll with
You steel yourself for what you’re doing; avoid marking aCreativity
conditionto intimidate them or push your luck.
On a miss, you’re caught red-handed by a power- ful member of your lineage who saw you coming.
■ a liFe oF regret
high society state politics When you guide and comfort an NPC by apologiz-
military command business and industry
ing and honestly promising to make amends for the
arts and entertainment elite academics vigilante militias media and news vital supply chains
harm they have suffered, roll with Focus instead
land ownership organized crime spiritual authority
Lineage Resources of Harmony. If they choose not to open up to
you, you do not take +1 forward against them.
If they choose to open up to you, take +1
ongoing to attempts to take action to make
You have access to your family’s extensive stores of two of the following resources:
obscure or forbidden knowledge introductions and connections servants or muscle ■ walk this way
high technology cold hard cash When you make over, disguise, and/or coach your
spiritual artifacts or tomes friends to fit in with a specific crowd appropriate
to one
Spend resources during the session to establish a boon you had previously asked for or obtained, something that of your
your backgrounds,
lineage’s unique roll with Creativity
position and stores. could provid
On a 10+, the performance is flawless; you gain
access to wherever you wanted to fit in while
attracting little suspicion. On a 7–9, you fool nearly
everyone; there’s only a single gatekeeper who
asks any questions or stands in your way. On a
miss, the only way to get the access you desired
is for one of your friends to take on an
uncomfortable, dangerous, or atten-
tion-grabbing role.

■ worldly knowledge
Your upbringing expanded your horizons,
skillsets, and contacts. Choose another training and another background.

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

■ ■
■ ■

■ ■
■ ■
■ ■

Your Character
Fighting Techniques
evade & observe
L P M

Target a foe’s vulnerable equipment; render it useless or broken—possibly inflicting or overcoming

Home Town:

• Who is the current head of your lineage? How do you love and
frustrate each other? Name: L  P  M 
• What close member of your lineage wants to revolutionize it? defend & maneuveradvance & attackevade & observe
 
• What do you carry that reminds you of the place most associated 
with your lineage?
• What part of your lineage’s identity is most important
and valuable to you as a person?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

has major concerns, fears, or grievances with my lineage—and with me, by proxy.
Name: L P M
 
seems free of their past in a way I wish I could let go of mine; hearing them talk about the future feels amazing!
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Moment oF Balance
Name: L P M 
 defend
You may never escape the legacy of your family, but bal- ance allows & maneuver
you to learn from themwithout
advance & attack
defining your-  evade
self & image.
in their observe
You call upon a resource of your fa

Clearing Conditions Name: L P M 

• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend.
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH   
Growth Question L P M 
At the end of each session, answer this question with the Name:
other growth questions:
• Did you learn something meaningful or important about  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
your lineage, its members, or its effects on the world and

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook   L P M 
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  

 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

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