Vanguard - Level 1
Vanguard - Level 1
Vanguard - Level 1
Male korasha lashunta gladiatorPW vanguardCOM 1 D Each time he takes 2 or more damage from a single concentrates (a standard action each round), Velloro can
LN Medium humanoid (lashunta) attack or effect (after applying any effects that reduce use a move action to move an object within 25 feet that
Init +2; Perception +3 that damage), he gains 1 EP. weighs 10 pounds or less up to 15 feet. He can’t perform fine
D If Velloro takes damage from a critical hit, he gains 1 EP,
DEFENSE SP 11 HP 11 RP 4 manipulation (such as firing a weapon or using a computer),
EAC 14; KAC 16 in addition to any he gains from the attack’s damage. but can push a single button or close a container’s lid.
Fort +5; Ref +4; Will –1 D If Velloro scores a critical hit on a significant enemy, he Limited Telepathy (Su) Velloro can communicate
OFFENSE gains 1 EP. telepathically with creatures within 30 feet that
Speed 25 ft. D If he takes a full action to charge, Velloro gains 1 EP. share a language with him.
Melee entropic strike +3 (1d3+3 A/B) D If he takes two move actions on the same turn to move Rugged This alternative racial trait
Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +3 (1d6 P) his speed each time, Velloro gains 1 EP. grants the Toughness feat.
Lashunta Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st) D As a move action, Velloro can designate a willing adjacent Toughness Velloro gains a +4 bonus
1/day—detect thoughts (DC 12) ally as an entropic focus. They remain an entropic focus to many Constitution checks to
At will—daze (DC 11), psychokinetic hand until the beginning of Velloro’s next turn, unless they avoid damage or negative
STATISTICS cease to be adjacent to him or he designates a new consequences from harsh
Str 13 (+1); Dex 14 (+2); Con 16 (+3); Int 10 (+0); Wis 8 (–1); entropic focus (both of which end this effect). If Velloro’s environments.
Cha 12 (+1) entropic focus takes 2 or more damage from a single GEAR DESCRIPTIONS
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +3, Culture +4, Intimidate +6, attack or effect (after applying any ability to reduce that Basic Tactical Shield
Life Science +4, Perception +3; (reduce the DC of Culture damage), he gains 1 EP. As a move action,
checks to recall entertainment combat, fighting styles, and Velloro can expend Entropy Points in various ways. As Velloro can align
gladiatorial traditions by 5) long as he has at least 1 EP in his entropic pool, he gains a +1 the shield to give him
Feats Bodyguard, Improved Combat Maneuver (sunder), enhancement bonus to his Armor Class (not included). greater protection
Toughness D As part of a full action to charge or a move action to move against one
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Languages Akitonian, Castrovelian, Common, Shobhad; limited his speed, Velloro can expend 1 EP to gain a +10-foot opponent, granting
telepathy (30 ft.) enhancement bonus to his speed (normally land speed, him a +1 shield bonus
Other Abilities entropic pool (maximum 3), ruggedCOM , but he can apply it to any movement type he has). to AC against attacks
vanguard aspects (cascade) D As a move action, Velloro can expend 1 EP to boost the from that opponent
Combat Gear mk 1 serum of healing; Other Gear lashunta damage of the next entropic strike attack he makes until the beginning of his next turn.
ringwear I, basic tactical shieldCOM, tactical semi-auto pistol before the start of his next turn. If the boosted entropic Lashunta Ringwear I Velloro can close
with 24 rounds, everyday clothing, flashlight, hygiene kit, strike hits, he deals +1d4 damage. the armor’s environmental seals
personal comm unit, credstick (1 credit) Entropic Strike (Su) This is a one-handed magical advanced and survive in a vacuum (or
SPECIAL ABILITIES melee attack with the operative weapon special property other harsh environment) for
Bodyguard As a reaction when an adjacent ally is attacked, that targets EAC. Velloro does not need a free hand to up to 24 hours.
Velloro can grant that ally a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC make this attack. The damage dealt by this attack is acid, Mk 1 Serum of Healing
against that attack. If he does so, Velloro takes a –2 penalty bludgeoning, or both. He can deliver the attack with his Drinking a vial of this
to his own Armor Class until the beginning of his next turn. body or through his shield. serum restores 1d8 HP.
Entropic Pool (Su) Velloro has a pool of Entropy Points (EP) Lashunta Magic Velloro has the following spell-like abilities. Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol
that he can spend to fuel different abilities. He can have up Daze: Velloro causes a humanoid creature of CR 3 or This weapon can be
to 3 EP in his entropic pool at a time, and he can gain EP lower within 25 feet to be dazed for 1 round (Will DC 11 fired 9 times before it
only when involved in a combat encounter. When combat negates). needs to be reloaded.
begins, Velloro gains 1 EP at the beginning of his first action; Detect Thoughts: With this spell, Velloro can detect the Its range increment is
at the end of combat, he loses any Entropy Points he has surface thoughts of intelligent creatures within a 60-foot 30 feet.
remaining. He can gain EP in the following ways. cone, and if he concentrates, he can attempt to read those Citations:
D While he has no Entropy Points, Velloro can spend 1
thoughts (Will DC 12 negates). COM Starfinder Character Operations Manual
Resolve Point as a move action to gain 1 EP. Psychokinetic Hand: Once cast, as long as he
PW Starfinder Pact Worlds