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Kamakshi Navavarana

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This article showcases the rare Kamakshi Navavaranam-s of Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar, who is believed to have been the first

to compose such a thematic set. The Navavaranam set includes a total of 12 songs - an invocatory piece on Lord Ganesha, a Dhyana kriti on Devi and nine Avarana kritis, one for each day of the nava-ratri (nine nights), and a final Mangala kriti. Independently or otherwise, Muthuswami Dikshitar also seems to have followed the same pattern. The Navavaranam signifies the worship of the three Goddesses - Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati, embodying power, wealth and knowledge respectively - in the form of Srividya, through the Srichakra.

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

Ganesha Dhyanam 3rd Avarana kriti 7th Avarana kriti

Navaavarana Dhyanam 4th Avarana kriti 8th Avarana kriti

1st Avarana kriti 5th Avarana kriti 9th Avarana kriti

2nd Avarana kriti 6th Avarana kriti Phala Shruti

shrIgaNeshvara jaya jagadIshvara

gaNesha dhyAna k.rti rAgam : ShaNmukhapriya (56) tALam : Adi pallavi shrI gaNeshavara jaya jagadIshvara sevitajanamukha varada abhayakara madhyamakAla sAhityam shrividyopAsanabodhakara sadAnanda cinmayAkAra jaya anupallavi yAgayogaphalakAraka pa~ncAyatanaprapUjAnAyaka rAgarahita mAnasIka-vAcika-kAyika-dharmAdiphaladAyaka madhyamakAla sAhityam ekadanta girirAjasutAsuta hiraNyamaNikuNDalashobhakara shrIkarayAminIkarashekhara hitakara dAnavakulabhIkara jaya caraNam analasAla antargatavighnayantraharaNa tantrasundara manasijakoTiparAbhava vakuLamAlikAbharaNa sundara

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

dhanakanakavAhanAdyaishvaryadAyaka sadayA sAgara vinatasuramunigaNa jayajaya ghoSha vedapArAvAravihAra madhyamakAla sAhityam ghanasamAna senAlaharIyuta gajamukha vishaN^kAbhItihara jaya kAntisundara tuNDalolakara tANDavakoTi divAkarasamAna sannibha koTikoTi herambA nAyaka dayAkara Amodapramoda senAnAyaka nAyakavara v.rndAraka jayashiva

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi shrIgaNeshvara jaya jagadIshvara shrIvidyopAsanabodhakara sadAnanda cinmayAkAra O lord of the ganas victory to you lord of the world teacher of the Srividya worship of the form of eternal bliss and pure consciousness Anupallavi yAgayogaphalakAraka paN~cAyatanaprapUjA nayaka rAgarahita manasika vAcika kAyika dharmAdi phaladAyaka ekadanta girirAjasutAsuta hiraNyamaNikuNDalashobhakara shrIkara yAminIkara shekhara hitakara dAnavakulabhIkara maker of the fruits of sacrifices and meditation head of the pancayatana puja free of passion giver of the objects of the actions of mind, speech and body one-tusked son of Parvati, the daughter of the mountain wearing golden earrings, studded with gems bestower of prosperity well-disposed towards Siva, who is adorned with the moon causing fear among the danavas, the demons Charanam analasAla a wall of fire

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

antargatavighnayantraharaNa tantrasundara manasijakoTiparAbhava vakuLamAlikAbharaNasundara dhana kanaka vAhanAdi aishvarya dAyaka sadayAsAgara vinatasuramunigaNa jaya jaya ghoSha vedapArAvAravihAra ghanasamAna senAlaharIyuta gajamukha vishaN^kA bhIti hara kAntisundara tuNDalolakara tANDava koTi divAkarasamAna sannibha koTikoTi herambA nAyaka dayAkara Amodapramoda senAnAyaka nAyakavara v.rndAraka shiva

who destroys the inner machinery of obstacles wearing a beautiful thread victorious over crores of desires wearing a beautiful garland of vakula flowers giver of signs of prosperity, such as wealth, gold and vehicles ocean of compassion worshipped by all the gods and ascetics whose glory is proclaimed by all the Vedas accompanied by an enormous army host elephant-faced remover of doubt and fear the beautiful one whose belly dances along during the Tandava dance whose splendour is equal to that of a crore suns accompanied by crores of Heramba maidens merciful one the happy and cheerful one the elder brother of the army commander (Skanda) eminent auspicious one

Free translation:
Victory to you, O lord of the ganas, lord of the world. You are of the form of eternal bliss and pure consciousness, and teach the method of Srividya worship. You are free of passion, and are the creator of the fruits of sacrifices and meditation. You are worshipped at the beginning of the Pancayatana worship, and grant us the objects of our mental, vocal and bodily actions. Victory to the one-tusked son of Parvati, who wears golden gem-studded earrings, who is a favourite of Siva, who bestows prosperity and who causes fear among the hosts of Danavas. You are adorned with a beautiful yajnopavita thread, and a garland of vakula flowers. You are victorious over all desires, and destroy the inner machinery of our obstacles. An ocean of compassion, you are worshipped by all the gods and rishis. You grant us all signs of prosperity, such as wealth, gold and vehicles. Your glory is sung in all the Vedas. Victory to the elephant-faced one, the lord of an enormous army of ganas and the remover of doubt and fear. Victory to the auspicious one, the eminent and merciful lord, the brother of Skanda, the commander of the heavenly army, whose enormous stomach dances along during the Tandava dance, who is accompanied by crores of Heramba goddesses, and whose splendour equals that of a crore suns.

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

vA~nchasi yadi kushalam

navAvaraNa dhyAna k.rti rAgam : kalyANi (65) tALam : Adi pallavi vA~nchasi yadi kushalaM mAnasa paramAnandarasasindhumadhyamaNibinducakranilayAM nirantaraM dhyAyeta shrI kAmAkShIm anupallavi kA~ncInagaravihArAM shivakalyANaguNagaNasArAm madhyamakAla sAhityam kamanIyakalpitanija mAyayA kAraNakAryavidhAyakadhIrAm caraNam nijamodasadAramaNIyashivAm.rtanAmajapAM subhagAm gajamukhaguruguhavinutAM sumukhAM karuNAM puShpitakalpalatAm madhyamakAla sAhityam gAnakalAM kushalAM avabodhanagandharvasamArAdhitasusvaramANikyamanoharavINAdharaNAM suranutasarasIruhacaraNAm

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi vAn~chasi yadi kushalam manasa nirantaraM dhyAyet shRi kAmAkShIm O mind, if you desire welfare always meditate upon the Goddess Kamakshi

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

paramAnanda rasa sindhu madhya maNi who resides in the jewelled Sricakra in the midst of the ocean binducakranilayAM of endless bliss Anupallavi kAn~cInagara vihArAm shivakalyANaguNagaNasArAm kamanIya kalpita nija mAyayA kAraNa kArya vidhAyaka dhIrAm who is worshipped in the city of Kanchi who is of the essence of excellent and auspicious qualities who by the force of imaginary mAyA brings into being the relation of cause and effect Charanam nijamoda sadA ramaNIya shivAmr.ta nAmajapAM subhagAM gajamukha guruguha vinutAM sumukhAM karuNAM puShpita kalpalatAM gAnakalAM kushalAM avabodhana gandharvasamArAdhita susvara mANikya manohara vINAdharaNAM suranutasarasIruhacaraNAm

who revels in constantly reciting the enchanting name of Siva the auspicious one worshipped by Ganesha and Guha who has a pleasing countenance compassionate one who is the blossoming creeper of desires who is the art of music who is our welfare who bears a charming jewelled Vina, and teaches the purity of notes to the Gandharvas who worship her whose lotus feet are worshipped by the gods

Free translation:
O mind, for your own welfare, meditate constantly upon the Goddess Kamakshi, who resides in the Sricakra in the middle of the ocean of eternal bliss, who is worshipped at Kanchi, who is the essence of all auspicious and excellent attributes, who sets into motion the chain of causality by the force of Maya, who revels in constantly reciting the name of Siva, who is worshipped by Ganesha and Guruguha, who is auspicious and has a pleasing countenance, who is compassionate and who grants all our desires, who is herself the art of music and teaches it to the heavenly Gandharvas,

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

whose lotus feet are worshipped by all the gods.

santataM ahaM seve

prathamAvaraNam - trailokya mohana cakram rAgam : desakshi (28) tALam : Adi pallavi santataM ahaM seve shrI trailokyamohanacakranilaye madhyamakAla sAhityam sarvasiddhisamUhasevite sakalAgamanute lokabhAvite anupallavi cintAmaNishrIpuramadhye uttuN^gashobhitavedike binducakranilaye karuNAlaye madhyamakAla sAhityam brahmAdipramukhasaMmAnitamahanIyamarakatamAlike caraNam brAhmImAheshvaryAdyaShTa devIsamUhakhelita prathama prAkAre vedasAre saMkShobhiNIvidrAviNyAdi dashamudrAgaNasannute ramyatripurAdicakreshvari rAjarAjeshvari shivakAmeshvari madhyamakAla sAhityam lambamAna shadayAShTikAratnamAlini prakaTayogini

Word-for-word meaning:

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

santataM ahaM seve shrI trailokyamohanacakranilaye sarvasiddhisamUhasevite sakalAgamanute lokabhAvite

I always worship you O Goddess residing in the trailokyamohana cakra worshipped by the sarvasiddhi deities praised in all the scriptures worshipped in the world Anupallavi

cintAmaNishrIpuramadhya uttuN^gashobhitavedike binducakranilaye karuNAlaye brahmAdipramukhasaMmAnite mahanIyamarakatamAlike

seated on a resplendent raised altar in the Sripura, which is like the wish-fulfilling gem residing in the bindu cakra abode of compassion praised by the gods headed by Brahma adorned with a necklace of excellent emeralds Charanam

brAhmImAheshvaryAdyaShTa devIsamUhakhelita prathamaprAkAre vedasAre saMkShobhiNI vidrAviNyAdi dashamudrAgaNasannute ramyatripurAdicakreshvari rAjarAjeshvari shivakAmeshvari lambamAna shadayAShTikA ratnamAlini prakaTayogini

sporting with the eight Goddesses beginning with Brahmi and Maheshvari, in the first enclosure the essence of the Vedas worshipped by the deities headed by Samkshobhini and Vidravini Goddess of the Tripura cakra Empress of the world beloved of Shiva adorned with a long necklace studded with eight gems the manifest Yogini

Free translation:
I always worship you, O Goddess who resides in the trailokyamohana cakra, worshipped by the sarvasiddhi deities, praised in all the scriptures, and worshipped in the world. She is seated on a resplendent raised altar in the Sripura, which is like the wish-fulfilling gem. She resides in the bindu cakra, is the abode of compassion, and is praised by the gods headed by Brahma. She is adorned with a necklace of excellent emeralds. She sports with the eight Goddesses beginning

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

with Brahmi and Maheshvari, in the first enclosure. The Goddess of the Tripura cakra and Empress of the world, she is the essence of the Vedas. The beloved of Shiva and the manifest Yogini, she is worshipped by the deities headed by Samkshobhini and Vidravini, and is adorned with a long necklace studded with eight gems.

bhajasva shrI tripurasundarI

dvitIyAvaraNam - sarvAshAparipUraka cakram rAgam : nAdanAmakriya tALam : Adi pallavi bhajasva shrI tripurasundari pAhi ShoDashadalasarvAshA paripUrakacakreshvari mAmapi anupallavi nijasudhAlaharIpravAhini nityakAmeshvari madhyamakAla sAhityam gajamukhajanani shashadharavadani shishiritabhuvani shivamanoramaNi caraNam atisundarasavyakaratala pAshAN^kushadharaNe shashikiraNe vidhihariharanutacaraNe vedavedAntavitaraNe shrutinigamAgamaramaNe hArakeyUrakirITakanakAbharaNe madhyamakAla sAhityam atyadbhutatapanIyaphalaiva kucamaNDalamaNDitahAre

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi bhajasva Resort to me

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

shrI tripurasundari pAhi ShoDashadalasarvAshA paripUrakacakreshvari mAm api

O Goddess Tripurasundari protect the Goddess of the sixteen-petalled cakra called sarvAshAparipUraka me too Anupallavi

nijasudhAlaharIpravAhini nityakAmeshvari gajamukhajanani shashadharavadani shishiritabhuvani shivamanoramaNi

She who represents the wavy flow of the nectar of bliss Goddess who always grants desires mother of the elephant-headed Ganesha whose face is like the moon whose abode is cooled (by snow) OR who cools the world who has enchanted the heart of Siva Charanam

atisundarasavyakaratala pAshAN^kushadharaNe shashikiraNe vidhihariharanutacaraNe vedavedAnta vitaraNe shrutinigamAgamaramaNe hAra keyUra kirITa kanakAbharaNe atyadbhutatapanIyaphalaiva kucamaNDalamaNDitahAre

who holds the goad and the noose in her beautiful hands who is like the cool rays of the moon worshipped by Vidhi (Brahma), Hari and Hara who bestows the Veda and Vedanta who delights in the Sruti (Vedas), Nigamas and Agamas who is adorned with golden ornaments such as necklace, bracelet and crown who is adorned with a garland that encircle her lovely breasts

Free translation:
O Goddess Tripurasundari, deity of the sixteen-petalled sarvAshAparipUraka cakra , resort to me [1] and protect me. You are the flow of bliss, which is like heavenly nectar. You always grant the devotee's desires. You, the beloved of Siva, have a face resembling the moon, and are the mother of the elephant-headed Ganesha. Your abode is cool (or your grace cools the world) [2].

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

You hold the noose and the goad in your left hand(s); your glance is like the cooling rays of moonlight. You are worshipped even by the Trimurti. You have given us the Veda and Vedanta. You delight in the scriptures. You are adorned with golden necklaces, bracelets and crown. Your lovely breasts are encircled by an exquisite garland.

1. The usage of the verb bhajasva is rare. The composer uses the root bhaj, to ask the Goddess to resort to him, to turn her attention towards him. 2. The compound shishiritabhuvani can be interpreted in two different ways. shishiritaM bhuvanaM yasyAH sA - she whose abode is cooled (by the snow); shishiritaM bhuvanaM yayA sA - she by whose grace the world is cooled.

sarvajIva dayApari
t.rtiyAvaraNam - sarvasaMkShobhaNa cakram rAgam : shuddhasAveri tALam : mishra cApu pallavi sarvajIvadayApari amba shaN^kara h.rdayeshvari sadAnandashiva bIjamantreshvari sarvadA sadA tvAmeva namAmi anupallavi sarva saMkShobhaNAShTadalapadma cakreshvari madhyamakAla sAhityam guptatarayogini anaN^gakusumAdyaShTadevIsamUha mohini paramantratantreshvari vyApaka bhaNDAsuracchedini caraNam AnandAkarShitasthUlasUkShmamaya bAhyAntaraprakAshini j~nAnamayasvaprakAsharUpiNi kAmakalApradarshini dInajanarakShaNi sarvAkarShiNi aNimAdisiddhinatapradAyini

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

madhyamakAla sAhityam nAnAvidhayantrarUpiNi nAmarUpamantravimarshini gAnarUpatantrisamanvita vINAdhAriNi nArAyaNi

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi sarvajIvadayApari amba shaN^kara h.rdayeshvari sadAnandashiva bIjamantreshvari sarvadA sadA tvAm eva namAmi Compassionate towards all beings Mother who has captured Siva's heart who always recites the seed mantra of the blissful Siva always, always I worship only you Anupallavi sarvasaMkShobhaNa aShTadalapadma cakreshvari guptatarayogini anaN^gakusumAdyaShTadevIsamUha mohini paramantratantreshvari vyApaka-bhaNDAsuracchedini She who resides in the eight-petalled sarvasaMkShobhaNa cakra the hidden yogini who enchants the eight Goddesses beginning with Anangakusuma who is the Goddess of the mantras and tantras who killed Bhandasura, who threatened to take over the world Charanam AnandAkarShita sthUlasUkShmamaya bAhyAntara prakAshini j~nAnamayasvaprakAsharUpiNi kAmakalApradarshini dInajanarakShaNi sarvAkarShiNi aNimAdisiddhi natapradAyini nAnAvidhayantrarUpiNi who illuminates the outer material and the inner subtle worlds, impelled by divine bliss whose form is that of self-luminous knowledge who exhibits the art of love who protects the poor who enchants all who gives the siddhis beginning with aNimA who has the form of different kinds of yantras

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

nAmarUpamantravimarshini who presides over the mantras of name and form gAnarUpatantrI samanvita vINAdhAriNi who holds a Vina, with strings in the form of music nArAyaNi sister of Narayana

Free translation:
I always worship only you, Oh Mother, who is compassionate towards all beings. You have captured Siva's heart and constantly recite the seed mantra of the blissful Siva. You are the Goddess of all mantras and tantras, residing in the eight-petalled lotus. You are the more hidden Yogini, who kills the world-threatening Bhandasura, and who enchants the eight Goddesses beginning with Anangakusuma. Being of the form of self-luminous knowledge, you illuminate the outer material and the inner subtle worlds, moved by divine bliss. You enchant all, by exhibiting divine love. You grant aspirants the eight accomplishments such as Anima etc. You are of the form of all yantras, and you preside over name and form in the universe. The sister of Narayana, you hold a Vina, with strings that represent the art of music.

yoga yogeshvari tripuravAsini

caturthAvaraNam - sarvasaubhAgyadAyaka cakram rAgam : Anandabhairavi tALam : khaNDa tripuTa pallavi yogayogeshvari tripuravAsini madhyamakAla sAhityam yojaya mAmapi tavapAdapadmamUle munijanAnukUle shrIvidyA anupallavi tyAgeshah.rdayeshvari prasiddha caturdashakoNeshvari bhogamokShavaradAyaki sarvasaubhAgyadAyaka cakreshvari madhyamakAla sAhityam

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

AgamAdisakalashAstrArtharUpe akhilabhuvanapAlitavarapratApe nAgaratnatAlapatrakanakAbhe natajanamanapara karuNAyutashobhe caraNam saMpradAyayoginiparivAre sadAshiva h.rdayavihAre haMsatUlikAtalpasAre mahAmAyAmantrArthasAre ekAmratarumUle shrIkA~ncIpurakShetre pavitre tAmravarNAN^gamataN^gamuni putre sucaritre madhyamakAla sAhityam IMkArakAmakalAmantravihAre IshvaratatvavicAre AnandAdi adhikaraNabhAva bhuvanAtmakAnanda-rUpa-caturdashaprAkAre

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi shrIvidyA yogayogeshvari tripuravAsini yojaya mAmapi tava pAdapadmamUle munijanAnukUle Goddess of the yoga of Srividya who resides in the three cities unite me too, at your lotus feet who are benevolent towards the Munis Anupallavi tyAgeshah.rdayeshvari prasiddha caturdashakoNeshvari bhogamokShaphaladAyaki sarvasaubhAgyadAyaka cakreshvari AgamAdisakalashAstrArtharUpe akhilabhuvanapAlitavarapratApe nAgaratnatAlapatrakanakAbhe natajanamana parakaruNAyutashobhe Beloved of Tyagesha well known as residing in the fourteen triangles giver of the fruits of bhoga (enjoyment) and moksha (liberation) Goddess of the sarvasaubhAgyadAyaka (giver of all welfare and prosperity) cakra who embodies the meaning of all the scriptures famous for protecting the entire universe who wears golden palm-leaf earrings, studded with Nagaratna who shows the highest compassion for the minds of devotees

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

Charanam saMpradAyayoginiparivAre sadAshiva h.rdayavihAre haMsatUlikAtalpasAre mahAmAyAmantrArthasAre ekAmratarumUle shrIkA~ncI purakShetre pavitre tAmravarNAN^ga mataN^gamuni putre sucaritre IMkArakAmakalAmantravihAre IshvaratatvavicAre AnandAdi adhikaraNabhAva bhuvanAtmakAnandarUpa caturdashaprAkAre surrounded by the sampradAy yogini-s who resides in the heart of Sadasiva who sits on a cushion of swan feathers who is the essence of the mantra of mahAmAyA who resides at the foot of the mango tree who resides in the Kanchi Kshetra the most holy one daughter of the copper-colored sage, Matanga of good observances who resides in the mantra IM who deliberates on the principle of Isvara who resides in the enclosure of fourteen triangles, which represents the divine bliss

Free translation:
O Goddess of the Srividya Yoga, you reside in the three cities, and are ever benevolent towards the sages. Unite me too at your lotus feet. Beloved of Tyagesha, you are the giver of the fruits of enjoyment and liberation. You reside in the fourteen triangles known as the sarvasaubhAgyadAyaka cakra. You embody the meaning of all the scriptures, and protect the entire universe. You show great compassion towards your devotees. You wear golden palm-leaf earrings, studded with the Nagaratnagem. You reside in the heart of Sadashiva, surrounded by the traditional Yogini-s. You are seated on a cushion of swan feathers, at the foot of the mango tree in Kanchipuram. You are most holy, and are the essence of Maya. You are the daughter of the copper-colored sage, Matanga, of good observances. You are the essence of the IM mantra, you meditate on the principle of Isvara. You reside in the blissful enclosure of fourteen triangles.

nIlalohita ramaNi

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

pa~ncamAvaraNam - sarvArthasAdhaka cakram rAgam : balahaMsa tALam : khaNDa dhruvam pallavi nIlalohitaramaNi jaya jaya jaya tvatto jagadbhavati tvayyeva tiShThati layaM gacchati sarvArthasAdhakacakreshvari jaya anupallavi shrIlalite kulottIrNayoginIsamUhastutinirate paradevate vashitvasiddhivarade vidhIndravinute madhyamakAla sAhityam kolAhalanavayauvananirbharakuN^kuma kaLabhAN^kitakucamaNDale sevitamunijanamaNDale gandha tamasa iva bhavatArakavaramitra samaratnakuNDale maN^galasaMpada kAmitArthaphaladAyini du.hkhavimocini sarvAnmodini shUlini sarasijamAlini caraNam bahirdashAracakrasthitavare nirvisheShaparatatvadIpike sAmyAdipa~ncasthiti siMhAsanasthite mahanIyasavikalpasamAdhisukhavara bindupIThanilaye sadA varadasaMkalpakaravalaye karuNAlaye ka~ncIpurAlaye mihirakoTisamashobhayute m.rdumandahAsitamukhe vishvAtmaka aiM kLIM sau.h bIja vara mantrArthabodhake candramukhe madhyamakAla sAhityam ahaM brahma tatvAtmakavitaraNa nirvikalpataracintAmaNimadhye saccidAnandaparavidye atyatishaya shubhaphalavaratarusamUha kadambavanamadhye Anandan.rtye dyutipallavakarakomaladh.rta pAshAN^kushacitre bhaNDAsura saMhAracaritre

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi nIlalohitaramaNi jaya jaya jaya Beloved of Nilalohita (Siva) Victory to you

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

tvatto jagadbhavati tvayyeva tiShThati layaM gacchati sarvArthasAdhakacakreshvari

the universe originates in you is sustained in you and disappears into you O Goddess of the Sarvarthasadhaka cakra Anupallavi

shrIlalite kulottIrNayoginIsamUhastutinirate paradevate vashitvasiddhivarade vidhIndravinute kolAhalanavayauvananirbharakuN^kuma kaLabhAN^kitakucamaNDale sevitamunijanamaNDale gandha tamasa iva bhavatArakavaramitra samaratnakuNDale maN^galasaMpada kAmitArthaphaladAyini du.hkhavimocini sarvAnmodini shUlini sarasijamAlini

The Goddess Lalita who is praised by the group of Kulottirna yogini-s the highest deity who grants the power of control who is worshipped by Vidhi (Brahma) and Indra whose lively young breasts are anointed with Kumkuma who is worshipped by the assemblage of sages whose earrings are like the sun which dispels the darkness of ignorance giver of all desirable auspicious and rich fruits remover of distress who delights all holding a spear wearing a lotus garland Charanam

bahirdashAracakrasthitavare nirvisheShaparatatvadIpike sAmyAdipa~ncasthiti siMhAsanasthite mahanIyasavikalpasamAdhisukhavara bindupIThanilaye sadA varadasaMkalpakaravalaye karuNAlaye ka~ncIpurAlaye mihirakoTisamashobhayute

who resides in the outer ring of ten triangles who illuminates the highest attributeless non-dual truth who sits on the throne of he five states (sAmya etc.) who resides in the bindu that is the bliss of savikalpa samadhi who wears a bracelet that always grants all boons the abode of compassion who is worshipped in the temple at Kanchipuram whose splendour is equal to that of a crore suns

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

m.rdumandahAsitamukhe vishvAtmaka aiM klIM sau.h bIja vara mantrArthabodhake candramukhe ahaM brahma tatvAtmakavitaraNa nirvikalpataracintAmaNimadhye

who has a tender smile on her face who gives the universal seed-mantra of aiM klIM sauH

whose face is like the moon who resides in the midst of the wish-fulfilling gem that is the highest principle of "I am Brahman" who is the highest wisdom of Sat-chid-ananda (being, saccidAnandaparavidye consciousness and bliss) atyatishaya shubhaphalavaratarusamUha who resides in the forest of kadamba trees, which grant the kadambavanamadhye most auspicious fruits Anandan.rtye who dances in divine ecstasy dyutipallavakarakomaladh.rta whose hands that rival lightning bear the noose and goad pAshAN^kushacitre bhaNDAsura saMhAracaritre who is famous for having killed Bhandasura

Free translation:
Victory to you, Oh beloved of Siva (Nilalohita). The universe originates in you, lives in you and disappears in you, the Goddess of the Sarvarthasadhaka cakra. O Lalita, Supreme Goddess, you are praised by the group of Kulottirna Yogini-s, and by Brahma and Indra. You grant the accomplishment of exquisite control. Your lively breasts are anointed with red Kumkuma powder. You are worshipped by all the assembled sages. Your earrings are like the sun that dispels the darkness of bondage. You remove all sorrows, and grant us all our desired auspicious fruits. You delight all beings. You wear a garland of lotuses and hold a spear. You reside in the outer ring of ten triangles and illuminate the highest truth of attributeless non-dual truth. You are seated on a throne that represents the five states (of sAmya, sAyujya, sArUpya, sAmIpya and sAlokya). You reside in the bliss of savikalpa samadhi. The bracelet on your arm always grants all boons. You are the abode of compassion, and are worshipped in Kanchipuram. Your splendour is equal to that of a crore suns. Your smile is tender and your face is like the moon. You teach the meaning of the universal seed mantra of aiM klIM sauH. Your seat is the wish-fulfilling gem of nirvikalpa samadhi that is the highest principle of ahaM brahmAsmi (I am Brahman). You are the wisdom of Being, Consciousness and Bliss. You reside in the kadamba forest, with trees that grant the most auspicious fruits. Your dance is divine ecstasy. Your soft hands that are like lightning bear the noose and goad. You are famous in the world for having killed Bhandasura.

sadAnandamayi cinmayi

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

ShaShTAvaraNam - sarvarakShAkara cakram rAgam : hindoLam tALam : khaNDa maTyam pallavi sadAnandamayi cinmayi sadAshivamayi dashatrikoNayutasarvarakShAkaracakreshvari anupallavi sudhAsAgarabindumadhyanilaye nikhilakalAlaye dvaitanivAraNAdvaitAlaye kA~ncIpurAlaye madhyamakAla sAhityam sanAtanaj~nAnashaktipradAyini sukhadAyini parameshah.rdayanivAsini tripuravAsini suvAsini caraNam pa~ncakoshAntargataprANanilayaprakAshini nigarbhayogini tripuramAlini guNashAlini prapa~ncashubhada sarvamahAN^kushAmudrArUpiNi madhyamakAla sAhityam ku~njaramukhaguhajanani navanIrajanayani nIrajanikarashekarara~njani ma~njuLavacananira~njani

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi sadAnandamayi cinmayi sadAshivamayi dashatrikoNayuta sarvarakShAkaracakreshvari Consisting of eternal bliss consciousness eternal auspiciousness Goddess of the sarvarakshAkara cakra, consisting of ten triangles

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

Anupallavi sudhAsAgarabindumadhyanilaye nikhilakalAlaye dvaitanivAraNAdvaitAlaye kA~ncIpurAlaye sanAtanaj~nAnashaktipradAyini sukhadAyini parameshah.rdayanivAsini tripuravAsini suvAsini who resides in the midst of the ocean of nectar abode of all the arts the non-dual reality that removes all difference worshipped in Kanchi who grants the power of eternal knowledge who gives enduring happiness who lives in the heart of Parameshwara who lives well, in the three cities Charanam pa~ncakoshAntargata prANanilayaprakAshini nigarbhayogini tripuramAlini guNashAlini prapa~ncashubhada sarvamahAN^kushAmudrArUpiNi ku~njaramukhaguhajanani navanIrajanayani nIrajanikarashekarara~njani ma~njuLavacananira~njani

who illuminates the life-breath inside the five sheaths who is the inner Yogini who encircles the three cities who is endowed with auspicious attributes who bears the sign of the goad that ensure the welfare of the world the mother of Ganesha and Guha whose eyes are like the lotus in bloom who delights Siva who delights with soft speech

Free translation:
The Goddess of the Sarvarakshakara cakra, which consists of ten triangles, is of the nature of eternal bliss, consciousness and auspiciousness. Residing well in the three cities, in the midst of the ocean of nectar, she is the abode of all the arts. Her temple is in Kanchipuram, and she lives in the heart of Parameshwara. She grants the power of infinite knowledge, and is the non-dual reality that removes all differences. She enlivens the life-breath (prANa) which has entered the five sheaths [1]. She is the inner Yogini, called Tripuramalini. She is endowed with auspicious attributes, and bears the goad that ensures worldly

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

welfare. She is the mother of the elephant-faced Ganesha and Guha. Her eyes are like the lotus in bloom. She delights Siva with her soft speech.

1. The reference is to the five sheaths mentioned in the Taittiriya Upanishad. These constitute the physical, subtle and causal bodies of the individual, and are enumerated as : annamaya (consisting of food), prANamaya (consisting of breath), manomaya (consisting of mind), vij~nAnamaya (consisting of knowledge) and Anandamaya (consisting of bliss).

sakalaloka nAyike
saptamAvaraNam - sarvarogahara cakram rAgam : Arabhi tALam : Adi pallavi sakalalokanAyike tvAmeva sharaNaM prapadye madhyamakAla sAhityam sarvarogaharacakramayi sarvAnandamayi maN^gaLamayi anupallavi a ka ca Ta ta pa ya ra la va shAdi kShAnta akSharamayi vAN^mayi cinmayi shukanAradakumbhajamunivara stutigAyakajanasannute madhyamakAla sAhityam AganAyaka shatadashAraphaNa lokavihitadharakaravalaye lokalokasaMmohita hitakara siddhibuddhinata karavalaye caraNam bhavarogaharavaibhave paramakalyANaguNanikare navarasAlaN^kArakAvyanATaka varNite shubhakare kuvalayadalanavanIlasharIri govindasodari shrIkari

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

shivah.rdayakamalanilaye tripurasiddhIshvari natashrInagare madhyamakAla sAhityam avanatarahasyayoginikUle shatadinasamakara mukhadyutijAle bhuvanaprasiddhahrIMkAra kAmeshvarabIjamantralole

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi sakalalokanAyike tvAmeva sharaNaM prapadye sarvarogaharacakramayi sarvAnandamayi maN^gaLamayi Empress of the entire universe I surrender only to you who has the form of the sarvarogahara cakra consisting of bliss and auspiciousness Anupallavi a ka ca Ta ta pa ya ra la va shAdi kShAnta akSharamayi vAN^mayi cinmayi shukanAradakumbhajamunivara stutigAyakajanasannute nAganAyaka shatadashAraphaNa lokavihitadharakaravalaye lokalokasaMmohita hitakara siddhibuddhinata karavalaye

consisting of the letters from a to ksha consisting of speech and consciousness worshipped and praised by sages like Suka, Narada and Agastya whose bracelet is made of the king of serpents who bears the universe on his hundred hoods whose bracelet gives knowledge and accomplishment for the benefit of all the worlds Charanam

bhavarogaharavaibhave paramakalyANaguNanikare navarasAlaN^kAra kAvyanATaka varNite shubhakare kuvalayadalanavanIlasharIri govindasodari

who is well known for removing the disease of saMsAra who is endowed with all auspicious attributes who is described in poems and dramas, which are ornamented with figures of speech in the nine rasas who confers welfare whose body is like the blooming petal of the blue lotus who is the sister of Govinda

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

shrIkari shivah.rdayakamalanilaye tripurasiddhIshvari natashrInagare avanatarahasyayoginikUle shatadinakarasama mukhadyutijAle bhuvanaprasiddhahrIMkAra kAmeshvarabIjamantralole

who bestows prosperity who resides in the lotus heart of Siva Goddess of the siddhi deities in the three cities who is worshipped by the secret (rahasya) Yogini-s in shrInagara whose face equals a hundred suns in its brightness who delights in the hrIMkAra, which is well-known in the world as the seed mantra of Siva-Kameswara

Free translation:
I surrender all only to you, O Empress of the entire universe. You are the essence of auspiciousness and bliss, and of the form of the sarvarogahara (remover of all ailments) cakra. You are the essence of consciousness and speech, containing all the sounds, from a to ksha. You are worshipped by sages like Suka, Narada and Agastya. The king of serpents, who bears the world on his hundred hoods, adorns your hand as a bracelet. You enchant the world and grant knowledge and accomplishments for the world's welfare. You are endowed with all auspicious qualities, and are worshipped for removing the disease of repeated rebirths. You are described in poems and dramas, which are ornamented with figures of speech employing the nine rasas. You confer wealth and welfare to the world. You are the sister of Govinda. Your body is like the petal of a blooming blue lotus, and your face equals a hundred suns. You rule over the deities of the (Yogic) accomplishments in the three cities. You reside in the lotus heart of Siva, and you delight in reciting hrIM, the seed mantra of Siva-Kameswara.

shaN^kari shrI rAjarAjeshvari

aShTamAvaraNam - sarvasiddhipradAyaka cakram rAgam : madhyamAvati tALam : Adi pallavi shaN^kari shrIrAjarAjeshvari jayashiva sarvasiddhipradAyakacakreshvari kAmeshvari vAmeshvari bhagamAlini santataM tava rUpaM anta.h cintayAmi ahaM cintayAmi anupallavi

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

maN^galakarakuN^kumadhara mandasmita mukhavilAsini aN^kushadhanu.h pAshadaNDa-bhAsakaracakravilasini madhyamakAla sAhityam bh.rN^gi sanakamunijanavara pUjitaparamollAsini budhajana hitakAriNi parapoShaNavahnivAsini veN^kaTakavi h.rdi sarasija vitaraNapaTutarabhAsini vidhihariharasurasannuta nityAntaraprakAshini caraNam parikIrtitanAdAntaranityAntara aN^garakShAkaratrayaprAkAre atirahasyayoginIparivAre girirAjavaratanaye s.rShTi-sthityAdipa~ncakAraNak.rtyendra gaNasaMmAnite yatIndragaNa sammodite sharaNAgatanijajanavarade saMkalpa kalpatarunikare sahajasthitisavikalpanirvikalpa-samAdhisukhavarade madhyamakAla sAhityam paratatvanididhyAsanavitaraNasarvabIjamudrAdhipate bhaNDAsuramadakhaNDanavaibhava cintAmaNinagarAdhipate taruNAruNamukhakamale sakale sArasahitavidyAdhipate sadA cidambaranartanapadayuga-samakaranaTanAdhipate jaya shiva

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi shaN^kari jayashiva shrIrAjarAjeshvari sarvasiddhipradAyakacakreshvari kAmeshvari vAmeshvari bhagamAlini ahaM santataM cintayAmi tava rUpaM anta.h Victory to you, consort of Sankara (Siva) Supreme Empress Goddess of the sarvasiddhipradAyaka cakra the three Goddesses of the inner triangle in the Sricakra I am always thinking of (meditating upon) your form in my mind

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

Anupallavi maN^galakarakuN^kumadhara mandasmita mukhavilAsini aN^kushadhanu.h pAshadaNDa bhAsakaracakra vilasini bh.rN^gi sanakamunijanavara pUjitaparamollAsini budhajana hitakAriNi parapoShaNavahnivAsini veN^kaTakavi h.rdi sarasija vitaraNapaTutarabhAsini vidhihariharasurasannuta nityAntaraprakAshini whose face is adorned with a tender smile and the auspicious mark of kumkuma who bears the goad, bow, noose and sceptre who is worshipped by sages like Bhrngi and Sanaka who confers welfare to wise people who lives in the protective and purifying fire who enlivens the lotus heart of Venkatakavi who is always worshipped by Vidhi, Hari and Hara.

Charanam parikIrtitanAdAntara nityAntara aN^garakShAkaratrayaprAkAre atirahasyayoginIparivAre girirAjavaratanaye s.rShTi-sthityAdipa~ncakAraNa k. rtyendra-gaNasaMmAnite yatIndragaNa sammodite sharaNAgatanijajanavarade saMkalpa kalpatarunikare sahajasthitisavikalpanirvikalpa samAdhisukhavarade paratatvanididhyAsanavitaraNa sarvabIjamudrAdhipate bhaNDAsuramadakhaNDanavaibhava cintAmaNinagarAdhipate taruNAruNamukhakamale sakale sArasahitavidyAdhipate sadAcidambaranartanapadayuga samakaranaTanAdhipate who is embodied in the innermost triangle, which represents the inner sound and protects all who is surrounded by the most secret Yogini-s daughter of the king of mountains who is worshipped by the deities in charge of the origin, maintenance and dissolution of the universe who is worshipped by ascetics who grants boons to those who surrender to her who is the wish-fulfilling tree who grants the happiness of sahaja sthiti, savikalpa and nirvikalpa samAdhi. who rules over all the seed mantras that are meant for meditation on the supreme principle who rules over the wish-fulfilling city, after vanquishing Bhandasura who has a bright face like a blooming lotus who is everything who rules over all knowledge whose dancing feet equal those of Siva in Cidambaram

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

Free translation:
Victory to you, consort of Sankara, Empress of the universe, and Goddess of the sarvasiddhipradAyaka (granting all accomplishments) cakra. You are known as Kameshwari, Vameshwari and Bhagamalini [1]. Your face is adorned with a tender smile and the auspicious mark of the kumkuma. You bear the goad, bow, noose and scepter in your hands. You are worshipped by sages like Bhringi and Sanaka. You grant welfare and reside in the purifying fire that protects the universe. You enliven the lotus heart of Venkatakavi [2], and are worshipped by Vidhi (Brahma), Hari (Vishnu) and Hara (Siva). You are of the form of the innermost triangle, which protects all. You are surrounded by the most secret Yogini-s. Daughter of the mountain king, you are worshipped by the deities that carry out universal functions. You are worshipped by the best of ascetics. You grant boons to those who surrender to you. You are the wish-fulfilling tree, and grant the happiness of different kinds of samAdhi, like sahaja, sthiti, savikalpa and nirvikalpa. You rule over all the seed mantras that are involved in meditating on the supreme principle. You reside in the city known as cintAmaNi, after vanquishing Bhandasura. Your bright face is like the blooming lotus, and grant knowledge. Your dancing feet equal those of the dancing Siva at Cidambaram.

1. Kameshwari, Vameshwari and Bhagamalini are the three Goddesses situated at the three corners of the innermost triangle in the Sricakra. 2. Venkatakavi is the mudra of the composer. This is among the very few compositions in which Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar has referred to himself in a signature.

navamAvaraNam - sarvAnandamaya cakram rAgam : punnAgavarALi tALam : Adi pallavi natajanakalpavalli avanata sarvAnandamayacakra mahApIThanilaye sadA vitara vitara tava sudhAkara d.rShTiM mayi marakatamayi

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

anupallavi smitacAru navamallImanda dhavaLamukhakamalavalli madhyamakAla sAhityam shatamakhAdisurapUjitasamasta cakreshvari parameshamanohari parAtparAtirahasyayogini mahAtripurasundari mAheshvari caraNam cidAkArataraN^ga Ananda ratnAkare shrIkare sadA divyamAnavayogigaNa gurumaNDale sumaN^gale shivagaNanatapAdapadmayugaLe vikale sudhAsindhusamashobhita shrIpurabindumadhye sharadindumukhe madhyamakAla sAhityam sadAcArabhUsurasurasajjana nAradAdi gandharvaghoShaparasAra sAranavAvaraNagAna dhyAnayogajapataparasike

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi natajanakalpavalli avanata sarvAnandamayacakra mahApIThanilaye sadA vitara vitara tava sudhAkara d.rShTiM mayi marakatamayi O wish-granting creeper for all people who is seated in the sarvAnandamaya cakra, consisting of the supreme bliss always bestow your nectar-like glance on me hued like an emerald Anupallavi smitacAru navamallImanda dhavaLamukhakamalavalli whose face excels the blooming jasmine, the tender waterlily, and the lotus

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

shatamakhAdisurapUjitasamasta cakreshvari parameshamanohari parAtparAtirahasyayogini mahAtripurasundari mAheshvari

who is worshipped by the Gods led by Indra who has captured the heart of Parameshwara the most secret of the most secret Yogini-s the most beautiful one in all the three cities Empress of the universe Charanam

cidAkArataraN^ga Ananda ratnAkare shrIkare sadA divyamAnavayogigaNa gurumaNDale sumaN^gale shivagaNanatapAdapadmayugaLe vikale sudhAsindhusamashobhita shrIpurabindumadhye sharadindumukhe sadAcArabhUsurasurasajjana nAradAdi gandharvaghoShaparasAra sAranavAvaraNagAna dhyAnayogajapataparasike

who is the wave of bliss in the inner consciousness who confers prosperity who is always surrounded by divine and human yogis who is auspicious whose lotus feet are worshipped by the gaNas of Siva who is partless who resides in the bindu at the center of the Sricakra, which resembles the ocean of nectar whose face is like the autumnal moon whose glories are sung by kings and good people of proper conduct, and by Narada and the Gandharvas who exalts in the music of the nine AvaraNas, and in meditative practices like dhyAna-yoga, tapas and japa

Free translation:
O emerald-hued Goddess, you are the wish-fulfilling creeper, seated in the sarvAnandamaya cakra, which consists of the supreme bliss. Bestow upon me your glance that confers immortality, like divine nectar. Empress of the universe, you are the most beautiful one in all the three cities. You are the most secret of the most secret Yogini-s, and you have captured the heart of Parameshwara. Your face excels the blooming jasmine, the lotus and the tender water-lily. You are worshipped by all the Gods led by Indra [1]. You are the wave of bliss in the inner consciousness. You are surrounded by divine and human yogis and confer prosperity. Your auspicious lotus-feet are worshipped by the hosts surrounding Siva. You are impartible, residing in the drop at the center of the Sricakra, which resembles the ocean of nectar. Your

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

face is like the autumnal moon, and your glories are sung by kings and people of good conduct, and by Narada and the divine Gandharvas. You take delight in the music that captures the essence of the nine AvaraNas, and in yoga (meditation), tapas (penance) and japa (recitation).

1. shatamakha - who has performed a hundred sacrifices. Indra, the king of the Gods, attains his position due to the performance of a hundred ashvamedha sacrifices.

navAvaraNa phalastuti rAgam : maNiraN^gu tALam : Adi pallavi haladharAnujaM prAptuM vayam AgatA dehi devi shrI akhilANDeshvari guruguhajanani AnandasukhavarapradAyini shrI samaShTi caraNam jaladapaTaladyutigAtraM nijasharaNAgata uttAra gotraM dalakamalavipula netraM sanakAdimunistutipAtram (akhilANDeshvari) k.rtahaiyaN^gavacoraM abhikeshavaM pUrvaM rAmAvatAram m.rdumadhurAdhArashobhamudAram mohanamadhuripuyamunAvihAram (akhilANDeshvari) kAliyaphaNapadanyAsaM api kamalAkucakuN^kumadharabhAsam khelitagokulavAsaM api kIrtigAyakadAsAnudAsam (akhilANDeshvari)

Word-for-word meaning:
Pallavi haladharAnujaM prAptuM vayam AgatA The brother of Haladhara (Balarama) to attain we have come

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

dehi devi shrI akhilANDeshvari guruguhajanani AnandasukhavarapradAyini

give us O Goddess of the entire universe mother of Subrahmanya who grants the boons of happiness and bliss samaShTi Charanam

jaladapaTaladyutigAtraM nijasharaNAgata uttAra gotraM dalakamalavipula netraM sanakAdimunistutipAtram k.rtahaiyaN^gavacoraM abhi keshavaM pUrvaM rAmAvatAram m.rdumadhurAdhArashobham udAram mohanamadhuripuyamunAvihAram kAliyaphaNapadanyAsaM api kamalAkucakuN^kumadharabhAsam khelitagokulavAsaM api kIrtigAyakadAsAnudAsam

whose body is like the rain-giving cloud who teaches one who has surrendered to him whose eyes are like the tender petal of the lotus who is worshipped by sages led by Sanaka who has stolen butter the new-born Kesava who had previously incarnated as Rama who confers the flow of divine nectar who is generous the enemy of Madhu, who resides by the river Yamuna who, even as he dances on the hood of the serpent Kaliya holds the red breasts of Lakshmi who, even as he plays in Gokula is the servant of the servants of those who sing his glories

Free translation:
O Goddess of the whole universe, mother of Subrahmanya, we have come to attain the younger brother of Balarama. Give him to us. You grant us the boons of happiness and bliss. His body is the colour of the rain-giving cloud, and his eyes are like the lotus petal. He is worshipped by the sages led by Sanaka, and he grants liberation to those who surrender to him. As the child Keshava, he stole butter from the houses of the cowherds. The enemy of the demon Madhu, he resides on the banks of the Yamuna. He had previously incarnated as Rama. He is generous, and grants the flow of the divine nectar of immortality. Even as he dances on the hood of Kaliya, the serpent, he plays with the red breasts of Kamala (Lakshmi). Even as he plays at home in Gokula, he is the servant of the servants (dAsAnudAsa) of those who sing his glories.

Oothukkadu Venkatasubbayyar's Kamakshi Navaavaranams

This composition is a prayer to the Goddess, requesting access to Krishna. The grace of the Goddess is considered the easiest way to approach Vishnu.

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