Physics Project

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Physics Project

To study the Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) of a spring

Ojas Taori
Roll number-20


Introduction 3

Theory 3,4

spring 3,4
Hooke’s Law 4,5
SHM 5,6,7,8

Formulae 8,9

Materials Required 9

Procedure 9

Diagram 10

Observation 11

Result 11

Bibliography 12


Simple harmonic motion can serve as a mathematical model for a variety of motions, but is typified
by the oscillation of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by
Hooke's law. A mass on a spring operates in simple harmonic motion, meaning a repetitive moving
back and forth through a central point so that the maximum displacement is equal on both sides.
Because of this, moving springs can be outlined as a function of either sine or cosine. This allows us
to measure things like the displacement as a function of time, period, and the number of oscillations.
When you add weight to a spring, and stretch and release it, the spring begins to oscillate before it
returns to its equilibrium position at rest.

Hooke’s law states that when a spring is displaced from equilibrium, it experiences a restoring force
that is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. Engineers of machinery must know the
force of a spring in order for their products to work. If a spring is too stretched or too tight, the
system can be thrown out of equilibrium, causing the machine to break.

Robert Hooke, (born July 18 [July 28, New Style], 1635,

Freshwater, Isle of Wight, England—died March 3, 1703, London),
was an English physicist who discovered the law of elasticity,
known as Hooke's law, and who did research in a remarkable
variety of fields.

Many physical systems exhibit simple harmonic motion (assuming no energy loss): an oscillating
pendulum, the electrons in a wire carrying alternating current, the vibrating particles of the medium
in a sound wave, and other assemblages or in our case a spring and mass system involving relatively
small oscillations about a position of stable equilibrium.



A spring is a simple elastic machine able to deflect under load in a prescribed manner and to recover
its initial shape when unloaded. The combination of force and displacement in a deflected spring
is energy, which may be stored when moving loads are being arrested or when the spring is wound
up for use as a power source. Although most springs
are mechanical, hydraulic and air springs are also obtainable.

fig 1; Mechanical springs

Hooke’s Law

Hooke's Law is a principle of physics that states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring
by some distance is proportional to that distance. The law is named after 17th century British
physicist Robert Hooke, who sought to demonstrate the relationship between the forces applied to a
spring and its elasticity. He first stated the law in 1660 as a Latin anagram, and then published the
solution in 1678 as ut tensio, sic vis – which translated, means "as the extension, so the force" or "the
extension is proportional to the force".
This can be expressed mathematically as F= -kX, where F is the force applied to the spring (either in
the form of strain or stress); X is the displacement of the spring, with a negative value demonstrating
that the displacement of the spring once it is stretched; and k is the spring constant and details just
how stiff it is.
Hooke's law is the first classical example of an explanation of elasticity – which is the property of an
object or material which causes it to be restored to its original shape after distortion. This ability to
return to a normal shape after experiencing distortion can be referred to as a "restoring force".
Understood in terms of Hooke's Law, this restoring force is generally proportional to the amount of
"stretch" experienced.

Figure 2; Hooke’s Law

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

In physics, the repetitive movement (back and forth) through an equilibrium, or central, position, so
that the maximum displacement on one side is equal to the maximum displacement on the other side
is defined as Simple Harmonic Motion. The time interval of each complete vibration is the same. The
force responsible for the motion is always directed toward the equilibrium position and is directly
proportional to the distance from it. This relation is called Hooke’s law.

A specific example of a simple harmonic oscillator is the vibration of a mass attached to a vertical
spring, the other end of which is fixed in a ceiling. At the maximum displacement −x, the spring is
under its greatest tension, which forces the mass upward. At the maximum displacement +x, the
spring reaches its greatest compression, which forces the mass back downward again. At either
position of maximum displacement, the force is greatest and is directed toward the equilibrium
position, the velocity (v) of the mass is zero, its acceleration is at a maximum, and the mass changes
direction. At the equilibrium position, the velocity is at its maximum and the acceleration (a) has
fallen to zero. Simple harmonic motion is characterized by this changing acceleration that always is
directed toward the equilibrium position and is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium
position. Furthermore, the interval of time for each complete vibration is constant and does not
depend on the size of the maximum displacement. In some form, therefore, simple harmonic motion
is at the heart of timekeeping.

Important Terms in Simple Harmonic Motion

1) Amplitude:
The maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position or mean position is its
amplitude, and its direction is always away from the mean or equilibrium position. It's S.I. unit is the

2) Time Period:
The time taken by a particle to complete one oscillation is its period. Therefore, the period of SHM.
is the least time after which the motion will repeat itself.

3) Frequency:
Frequency of SHM. is the number of oscillations that a particle performs per unit time. The S.I. unit
of frequency is hertz.

4) Phase:
Phase of SHM is its state of oscillation, and the magnitude and direction of displacement of particles
represent the phase. Epoch(α) is the phase at the beginning of the motion.

5) Mean Position (also known as point of equilibrium):

The point at which net force acting on the particle is zero. From the mean position, the force acting
on the particle is negative of the displacement. So, this point of equilibrium will be a stable

Figure 3; Standing Wave

Types of Simple Harmonic Motion

1) Linear Simple Harmonic Motion:

When a particle moves to and from about a fixed point (equilibrium position) along with a straight
line then its motion is called linear Simple Harmonic Motion. For example, spring-mass system.
Conditions for Linear SHM-The restoring force or acceleration acting on the particle should always
be proportional to the displacement of the particle and directed towards the equilibrium position.
F ∝ -x

a ∝ -x
Where F is Restoring Force, a is acceleration and x is the displacement.

Figure 4; Linear SHM

2)Angular Simple Harmonic Motion:

When a system oscillates angularly with respect to a fixed axis, then its motion is called angular
simple harmonic motion.

Conditions for Angular SHM-The restoring torque (or) Angular acceleration acting on the particle
should always be proportional to the angular displacement of the particle and directed towards the
equilibrium position, i.e.-
Where 𝛕 is torque, Θ is angular displacement and ɑ is
angular acceleration.

Figure 5; Angular SHM


1) Force applied by a spring:

F = -kX
where; F is the restoring force of the spring, k is the spring constant and X is the displacement about
mean position.

2) Time Period of oscillation of a spring:

T =2 π
k √
where; T is the time period, m is the mass of the object and k is the spring constant.

3) Position of a spring as a function of time:

x (t)= Acos (ωt +ϕ ).

where; x(t) is position as a function of time, A is amplitude, seconds, ω is the angular frequency with
units of inverse seconds, A is the amplitude measured in meters or centimeters, and ϕ is the phase
shift measured in radians.

xmax is given by
x max =A
4) Velocity of a spring as a function of time:

v(t)=−v maxs¿(ωt+ ϕ).

where; v(t) is velocity as a function of time, ω is the angular frequency with units of inverse seconds
and ϕ is the phase shift measured in radians.

v max is given by
v max= Aω
where; v max is maximum velocity, v(t) is velocity as a function of time

5) Acceleration of a spring as a function of time:

a (t)=−amax cos (ωt +ϕ ).

where; a(t) is acceleration as a function of time, ω is the angular frequency with units of inverse
seconds and ϕ is the phase shift measured in radians.

a max is given by:

−a max= A ω
where; a max is maximum acceleration, a(t) is the acceleration as a function of time

Materials Required
Stand, spring, meter scale, uniform object of known mass,

1. Take a clamp stand and place it on a table. Attach a uniform spring to the clamp stand
2. Take a meter scale and place it vertically with the help of the stand.
3. Take a uniform object of known mass (if unknown, measure it using a weighing balance).
4. Attach the object to the spring, also note the position of the object after attaching the object
by checking the position on the meter scale.
5. After attaching the object to the spring, start oscillating the spring by pulling the spring down
carefully and releasing it so that it does not move sideways.
6. Record the displacement made by the spring during its oscillation. This can be done by
subtracting the initial and final values recorded on the meter scale.
7. Let the spring make a few oscillations. After this when the spring reaches its initial position,
take a timer and start it.
8. Count till the spring makes ten oscillations. When it makes 10, stop the timer and record the
time taken by the spring to do ten oscillations.
9. Do 3 trials by repeating the steps 5 to 8. Record the average value for each of the required
10. Now using Newton’s second law of motion, calculate the force applied on the mass.
11. Use the value of force from step 10 to find out the spring constant.
12. After calculating the values mentioned in the above steps, use them to find out the time
period of the spring.
13. Now using a timer, find out the average period of the spring by oscillating it. Find out the
period for 10 oscillations.
14. The values in steps 12 and 13 will be the same in an ideal situation, due to human error they
will be relatively close and considered as equal.
15. Perform the above steps for 5 different masses and record their values carefully.

Figure 6; oscillating spring


The spring oscillates in a uniform manner gradually coming to rest.

Figure 7; Observation Table


Average Average Force(N) Average time(s) Spring Period(s) Average

mass(kg) Displacement(m) F=mg for 10 force(N) Period(s)
oscillations F=-kx
0.25 0.246 2.45 5.38 9.95 0.995 0.538
0.27 0.255 2.64 6.24 10.38 1.01 0.624
0.29 0.262 2.84 6.73 10.85 1.02 0.673
Figure 8; Result table

The values of the calculated period and the period recorded with the help of a timer would be the
same in an ideal situation, due to some errors their values are different but are close enough to be
considered as the same.
From the above table, we can see that as the mass increases, the time period increases, so does the
displacement and force.




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