Answer: 6872.23 LBFT: Problem 304 Problem 327
Answer: 6872.23 LBFT: Problem 304 Problem 327
Answer: 6872.23 LBFT: Problem 304 Problem 327
A steel shaft 3 ft long that has a diameter of 4 in is subjected to A flanged bolt coupling consists of ten steel ½-in.-diameter
a torque of 15 kip·ft. Determine the maximum shearing stress bolts spaced evenly around a bolt circle 14 in. in diameter.
and the angle of twist. Use G = 12 × 106 psi. Determine the torque capacity of the coupling if the allowable
Answer: 1.23o shearing stress in the bolts is 6000 psi.
Answer: 6872.23 lbft
Problem 306
A steel marine propeller shaft 14 in. in diameter and 18 ft long Problem 329
is used to transmit 5000 hp at 189 rpm. If G = 12 × 106 psi, A torque of 700 lb-ft is to be carried by a flanged bolt coupling
determine the maximum shearing stress. that consists of eight ½-in.-diameter steel bolts on a circle of
Answer: tmax = 3094.6 psi diameter 12 in. and six ½-in.-diameter steel bolts on a circle of
diameter 9 in. Determine the shearing stress in the bolts.
Problem 307 Answer:
A solid steel shaft 5 m long is stressed at 80 MPa when twisted
through 4°. Using G = 83 GPa, compute the shaft diameter. Problem 334
What power can be transmitted by the shaft at 20 Hz? Six 7/8-in-diameter rivets fasten the plate in Fig. P-334 to the
Answer: P = 5.19MW fixed member. Using the results of Prob. 332, determine the
average shearing stress caused in each rivet by the 14 kip
Problem 308 loads. What additional loads P can be applied before the
A 2-in-diameter steel shaft rotates at 240 rpm. If the shearing shearing stress in any rivet exceeds 8000 psi?
stress is limited to 12 ksi, determine the maximum horsepower
that can be transmitted.
Answer: P = 71.78 hp
Problem 309
A steel propeller shaft is to transmit 4.5 MW at 3 Hz without
exceeding a shearing stress of 50 MPa or twisting through
more than 1° in a length of 26 diameters. Compute the proper
diameter if G = 83 GPa.
Answer: d = 352.08mm
Problem 310
Show that the hollow circular shaft whose inner diameter is half
the outer diameter has a torsional strength equal to 15/16 of
that of a solid shaft of the same outside diameter. Problem 335
Answer: The plate shown in Fig. P-335 is fastened to the fixed member
by five 10-mm-diameter rivets. Compute the value of the loads
Problem 312 P so that the average shearing stress in any rivet does not
A flexible shaft consists of a 0.20-in-diameter steel wire exceed 70 MPa. (Hint: Use the results of Prob. 332.)
encased in a stationary tube that fits closely enough to impose
a frictional torque of 0.50 lb·in/in. Determine the maximum
length of the shaft if the shearing stress is not to exceed 20 ksi.
What will be the angular deformation of one end relative to the
other end? G = 12 × 106 psi.
Answer: 0.5234 rad = 300
Problem 325
The two steel shaft shown in Fig. P-325, each with one end
built into a rigid support have flanges rigidly attached to their
free ends. The shafts are to be bolted together at their flanges.
However, initially there is a 6° mismatch in the location of the
bolt holes as shown in the figure. Determine the maximum
shearing stress in each shaft after the shafts are bolted
together. Use G = 12 × 106 psi and neglect deformations of the
bolts and flanges.
Answer: P = 8686.8N
Problem 337
A torque of 600 N·m is applied to the rectangular section
shown in Fig. P-337. Determine the wall thickness t so as not
to exceed a shear stress of 80 MPa. What is the shear stress
in the short sides? Neglect stress concentration at the corners.
Answer: 14800.27 psi
Problem 346
Compute the maximum shearing stress developed in a
phosphor bronze spring having mean diameter of 200 mm and
consisting of 24 turns of 20-mm diameter wire when the spring
is stretched 100 mm. Use Eq. (3-10) and G = 42 GPa.
Answer: tmax = 31.89 MPa
Problem 348
A rigid bar, pinned at O, is supported by two identical springs
as shown in Fig. P-348. Each spring consists of 20 turns of 3/4-
Answer: t = 1.5625mm in-diameter wire having a mean diameter of 6 in. Determine the
maximum load W that may be supported if the shearing stress
Problem 338 in the springs is limited to 20 ksi. Use Eq. (3-9).
A tube 0.10 in. thick has an elliptical shape shown in Fig. P-
338. What torque will cause a shearing stress of 8000 psi?
Answer W = 371.25 lb
Problem 349
A rigid bar, hinged at one end, is supported by two identical
Answer: T = 22.62
springs as shown in Fig. P-349. Each spring consists of 20
turns of 10-mm wire having a mean diameter of 150 mm.
Problem 340
Compute the maximum shearing stress in the springs, using
A tube 2 mm thick has the shape shown in Fig. P-340. Find the
Eq. (3-9). Neglect the mass of the rigid bar.
shearing stress caused by a torque of 600 N·m.
Problem 350
As shown in Fig. P-350, a homogeneous 50-kg rigid block is
suspended by the three springs whose lower ends were
originally at the same level. Each steel spring has 24 turns of
Answer: t = 78.36 MPa 10-mm-diameter on a mean diameter of 100 mm, and G = 83
GPa. The bronze spring has 48 turns of 20-mm-diameter wire
Problem 343 on a mean diameter of 150 mm, and G = 42 GPa. Compute the
Determine the maximum shearing stress and elongation in a maximum shearing stress in each spring using Eq. (3-9).
helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20-mm-diameter
wire on a mean radius of 90 mm when the spring is supporting
a load of 1.5 kN. Use Eq. (3-10) and G = 83 GPa.
Answer: 105.4mm
Problem 344
Determine the maximum shearing stress and elongation in a
bronze helical spring composed of 20 turns of 1.0-in.-diameter
wire on a mean radius of 4 in. when the spring is supporting a
load of 500 lb. Use Eq. (3-10) and G = 6 × 106 psi.
Answer: 6.83in
Problem 345
A helical spring is fabricated by wrapping wire 3/4 in. in
diameter around a forming cylinder 8 in. in diameter. Compute
the number of turns required to permit an elongation of 4 in.
without exceeding a shearing stress of 18 ksi. Use Eq. (3-9)
and G = 12 × 106 psi.
Answer: 10.41 ` 10