HMSR-DA-datasheet Specimen-V0.2 2021.10.22
HMSR-DA-datasheet Specimen-V0.2 2021.10.22
HMSR-DA-datasheet Specimen-V0.2 2021.10.22
The HMSR DA is a new generation of Integrated Current Sensor from LEM. HMSR DA embedders a micro
magnetic core for enhanced accuracy to reach best in class performances. With new hall cells over previous
generation it improves resolution and accuracy.
The output of this sensor is a sigma delta bitstream which can be exploited by the end user by putting the desired
filter behind.
This product family provides a robust, compact, and very accurate solution for measuring DC and AC currents in
all highly demanding, switching power applications for commercial, industrial. HMSR is a micro core based open
loop sensor with a reinforced insulation and overcurrent detections (user configurable and factory set). These
features make the device suitable for high voltage applications requiring high precision and strong immunity
against external field.
The primary conductor (pins 1 and 8) has very low electrical resistance and dedicated pads designed to withstand
against high surge currents such as lightning strikes.
HMSR DA is measuring the magnetic field generated by the current flowing in the copper primary path of the
device. By using a micro magnetic core, HMSR is immune to the external fields, making the device well suited for
power electronic applications with high levels of disturbance.
The reinforced isolation between primary (pins 1 and 8) and secondary (pins 9 to 15) offers the HSMR, a small,
cost effective solution to measure high side current compared to resistive isolated solutions.
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Output Mode P6 P7 P1 P2
________ ______ _____
NC NC Dout
CLK Dout
CLK Dout
________ ______ _____
NC NC Dout
CLK Dout
CLK Dout
________ ______ _____ ________ ______ _____
CLK Dout
CLK Dout
CLK Dout
CLK Dout
D 4W RS 422 In (Mode D)
________ ______ _____ ________ ______ _____
CLK Dout
CLK Dout
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Selection guide
HMSR DA 75-30 – 51000
Delay of the sensor. Default value 0 for 2us delay. Higher delays, please
contact LEM.
OCD masking time. Default value 0 for 0.5 us. Higher values possible,
contact LEM for more options
OCD level. Default value 0 for 3 x IPN. Other ratios available, contact LEM
for more options.
Standard products:
measurement Supply Temperature
Product name current Output Mode
range Voltage [Uc] range [°C]
HMSR DA 15/6 – 50000 ± 15 ±6 5V 2W CMOS CLK Out
HMSR DA 15/6 – 54000 ± 15 ±6 5V 4W RS 422 CLK Out
HMSR DA 25/10 – 50000 ± 25 ±10 5V 2W CMOS CLK Out
HMSR DA 25/10 – 54000 ± 25 ±10 5V 4W RS 422 CLK Out
-40 to 125°C
HMSR DA 37/15 – 50000 ± 37.5 ±15 5V 2W CMOS CLK Out
HMSR DA 37/15 – 54000 ± 37.5 ±15 5V 4W RS 422 CLK Out
HMSR DA 75/30 – 50000 ± 75 ±30 5V 2W CMOS CLK Out
HMSR DA 75/30 – 54000 ± 75 ±30 5V 4W RS 422 CLK Out
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HMSR-DA series
Absolute maximum ratings
2 Done with LEM evaluation board PCB 0325 described on later paragraph.
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HMSR-DA series
Insulation characteristics
Parameter Symbol Unit Value Comment
RMS voltage for AC insulation test, 50Hz, 1min
Ud kV 4.953 According to IEC 62368-1
According to IEC 62109-1, IEC
Impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 µs UNI kV 8
RMS recurring peak voltage (Partial discharge According to IEC 62109-1, IEC
UPD V 1556
test) 61800-5-1
According to IEC 62109-1, IEC
RMS inception voltage (Partial discharge test) Ut inception V 2063
Ut According to IEC 62109-1, IEC
RMS extinction voltage (Partial discharge test) V 1650
extinction 61800-5-1
Clearance (pri. -sec.) dCl mm 8 Shortest distance through air
Creepage distance (pri. -sec.) dCp mm 8 Shortest path along device body
Case material V0 According to UL94, flammability
Grade requirements mass
Comparative tracking index CTI 600
3 Tested at 4.95kV in production, Characterization ongoing 5.66kV in the lab according IEC 62368-1.
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Common electrical data (independent of sensitivity)
At TA = 25 °C, UC = +5 V, unless otherwise noted
(see Min, Max, typ, definition paragraph in page 23).
Relative to 25 °C
Temperature coefficient of S TCS ppm/K -200 200
−40 °C ... 125 °C
Linearity error 0 ... IP N % of IP N −0.5 0.5
Linearity error 0 ... IP M % of IP M −0.5 0.5
8 Ic mA 24 - 2W CMOS CLK In
A Ic mA - 30 4W LVDS CLK In
C Ic mA 24 53 4W RS 422 CLK In (Mode C)
D Ic mA 24 53 4W RS 422 In (Mode D)
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HMSR-DA series
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Electrical data HMSR DA 37/15
At TA = 25 °C, UC = +5 V, unless otherwise noted
(see Min, Max, typ, definition paragraph in page 23).
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Electrical data HMSR DA 10/4
At TA = 25 °C, UC = +5 V, unless otherwise noted
(see Min, Max, typ, definition paragraph in page 23).
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Output mode characteristics
In mode 8, you can use external clock from 5 to 10.1 MHz or from 11.4 to 12.5 MHz.
● Levels
Parameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Comment
Low voltage UL V 0.4 with Iout L = 4 mA,
High voltage UH V UC − with Iout H = −4 mA,
0.4 unloaded
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HMSR-DA series
Mode 1: 2 Wire RS 422 Manchester (ANSI/TIA/EIA-422-B and IEEE 802.3)
● Levels
Parameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Comment
Low voltage UL V 0.4 with Iout L = 4 mA,
High voltage UH V UC − with Iout H = −4 mA,
0.4 unloaded
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Mode 3: 2 Wire LVDS Manchester (ANSI/TIA/EIA-644-A and IEEE 802.3)
For all allowed capacitive range, recommended load resistor RL = 100 Ohm.
● Levels
Parameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Comment
Low voltage UL mV (−3.5 Relative to Uclk CM
× RL)
High voltage UH mV (3.5 × Relative to Uclk CM
RL) /
Clock common mode voltage UCLK CM V 1.25
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Mode 2 and A: 4 Wire LVDS (ANSI/TIA/EIA-644-A)
For all allowed capacitive range, recommended load resistor RL = 100 Ohm.
In mode A, you can use external clock from 5 to 10.1 MHz or from 11.4 to 12.5 MHz.
● Levels
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Mode 4, C and D: 4 Wire RS 422 (ANSI/TIA/EIA-422-B)
In mode C and D, you can use external clock from 5 to 10.1 MHz or from 11.4 to 12.5 MHz.
● Levels
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HMSR-DA series
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Thermal characteristics
When designing a system containing a current sensor, self-heating due to the flow of the current should be
considered. When a current pass through, the sensor’s temperature will increase, and this may affect its
performances. This change on temperature will depend on the current profile, PCB layout, cooling techniques and
copper thickness. The following plots show an example of different thermal responses of the HMSR DA sensor
when used on an evaluation LEM board.
Figure 5 shows the continuous RMS current that HMSR DA is capable of measuring depending on the maximum
expected temperature of the system.
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
The maximum temperature should be evaluated on the final system where the current sensor is integrated on the
real application. This temperature should never exceed the maximum junction temperature as shown on the
previous paragraphs.
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Sum of sensitivity and linearity error
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HMSR-DA series
Delay time versus OSR
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HMSR-DA series
This evaluation board HMSR-DA Demokit is available at our distributors or direct sales (please contact us).
To be added
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
Terms and definitions
Definition of typical, minimum and 𝐼OE = 𝐼P(3) + 𝐼P(5)
maximum values
Minimum and maximum values for specified limiting 𝐼 P(3) − 𝐼P(5)
and safety conditions have to be understood as 𝐼OM =
such as well as values shown in “typical” graphs. 2
On the other hand, measured values are part of a The magnetic offset current IOM is the consequence
statistical distribution that can be specified by an of a current on the primary side (“memory effect” of
interval with upper and lower limits and a probability the transducer’s ferro-magnetic core). It is measured
for measured values to lie within this interval. using the following primary current cycle. IOM
Unless otherwise stated (e.g. “100 % tested”), the depends on the current value IP ≥ IPN.
LEM definition for such intervals designated with
“min” and “max” is that the probability for values of KOL: Overload factor
samples to lie in this interval is 99.73 %.
For a normal (Gaussian) distribution, this
corresponds to an interval between −3 sigma and
+3 sigma. If “typical” values are not obviously mean
or average values, those values are defined to
delimit intervals with a probability of 68.27 %,
corresponding to an interval between −sigma and
+sigma for a normal distribution.
Typical, maximal and minimal values are
determined during the initial characterization of the
Total error referred to primary Figure 9 Current cycle used to measure magnetic and
The total error εtot is the error at ±IP N, relative to the electrical offset (transducer supplied)
FS (Full Scale). It includes all errors mentioned
below: Sensitivity and linearity
To measure sensitivity and linearity, the primary
• the electrical offset IO E current (DC) is cycled from 0 to IP, then to −IP and
• the magnetic offset IO M back to 0 (equally spaced IPN/10 steps). The
• the sensitivity error εS sensitivity S is defined as the slope of the linear
• the linearity error εL (to IPN) regression line for a cycle between ±IPN.
Delay times
The delay time tD 10 @ 10 % and the delay time tD 90
@ 90 % with respect to the primary are shown in the
next figure.
Both slightly depend on the primary current di/dt.
They are measured at nominal current.
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
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HMSR-DA series
PCB footprint (in mm)
Soldering on PCB
Soldering remarks:
• HMSR is qualified MSL1 for storage and mounting purposes.
• Per JEDEC J-STD-020E for packages more than 2.5 mm thick per table 4.2 (Pb-Free Process) of the
• Best practice is to use 7 zones or greater conventional reflow system, limiting the time at reflow temperature
as indicated in profile above.
• Rework not recommended.
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HMSR-DA series
Dimensions (in mm)
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HMSR-DA series
Tape and Reel (in mm)
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to improve them without prior notice
HMSR-DA series
This transducer must be used in electric/electronic equipment with respect to applicable standards and safety
requirements in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.
This transducer must be used in limited-energy secondary circuits according to IEC 62368-1.
When operating the transducer, certain parts of the module can carry hazardous voltages and high currents (e.g.
power supply, primary conductor). Ignoring this warning can lead to injury and or/or cause serious damage.
This transducer is a build-in device, whose hazardous live parts must be inaccessible after installation. A protective
enclosure or additional shield could be used. Main supply must be able to be disconnected.
Although LEM applies utmost care to facilitate compliance of end products with applicable regulations during LEM
product design, use of this part may need additional measures on the application side for compliance with
regulations regarding EMC and protection against electric shock. Therefore, LEM cannot be held liable for any
potential hazards, damages, injuries or loss of life resulting from the use of this product.
ESD susceptibility
This product is susceptible to be damaged from an ESD event and the personnel and workspace should be
grounded when handling it.
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22nd Oct 2021 / version 0.2 LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers,
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