ALVAREZ, John Edriane A - Experiment No. 1

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Experiment No.

Load Characteristics of DC Shunt Generator

In a shunt generator, the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature
winding so that terminal voltage of the generator is applied across it. The shunt field
winding has many turns of fine wire having high resistance. Therefore, only a part of
armature current flows through shunt field winding and the rest flows through the load.
Figure shows the connections of a shunt wound generator. The armature current Ia
splits up into two parts; a small fraction Ish flowing through shunt field winding while
the major part IL goes to the external load.

Internal characteristic
The internal characteristic curve represents the relation between the generated voltage
Eg and the load current IL. When the generator is loaded then the generated voltage is
decreased due to armature reaction. So, generated voltage will be lower than the emf
generated at no load. Here in the figure below AD curve is showing the no load voltage
curve and AB is the internal characteristic curve.

External or Load characteristic

AC curve is showing the external characteristic of the shunt wound DC generators. It is
showing the variation of terminal voltage with the load current. Ohmic drop due to
armature resistance gives lesser terminal voltage the generated voltage. That is why the
curve lies below the internal characteristic curve.

V = (Eg - IaRa) = Eg - (IL + Ish)Ra

The terminal voltage can always be maintained constant by adjusting the load terminal.
External characteristics of shunt dc generator When the load resistance of a shunt-
wound DC generator is decreased, then load current of the generator increased as
shown in above figure. But the load current can be increased to a certain limit with (up
to point C) the decrease of load resistance. Beyond this point, it shows a reversal in the
characteristic. Any decrease of load resistance results in current reduction and
consequently, the external characteristic curve turns back as shown in the dotted line,
and ultimately the terminal voltage becomes zero. Though there is some voltage due to
residual magnetism. We know, Terminal voltage Now when IL increased, then terminal
voltage decreased. After a certain limit, due to heavy load current and increased ohmic
drop, the terminal voltage is reduced drastically. This drastic reduction of terminal
voltage across the load results the drop in the load current although at that time load is
high or load resistance is low. That is why the load resistance of the machine must be
maintained properly. The point in which the machine gives maximum current output is
called breakdown point (point C in the picture).
Note. It may be seen from the external characteristic that change in terminal voltage from no-
load to full load is small. The terminal voltage can always be maintained constant by adjusting
the field rheostat R automatically.

• To study the load characterstics of DC Shunt Generator.
• Draw the internal characteristics and external characteristics under different loading


Step 1: Make all the Correct Connections.

1. Positive Terminal of MCB - Positive Terminal of A Meter-1.

2. Positive Terminal of MCB - Positive Termainal of V Meter-2.
3. Negative Terminal of MCB - Negative Terminal of V Meter-1.
4. Negative Terminal of MCB - A2 of Motor.
5. A2 - Z2.
6. L - Negative Terminal of A Meter-1.
7. F - Z1.
8. A - A1.
9. L2 - A2 of Generator.
10. A2 of Generator - Z2 of Generator.
11. Z2 of Generator - Negative Terminal of V Meter-2.
12. Negative Terminal of A Meter-2 - Positive Terminal of V Meter-2.
13. L1 - Positive Terminal of V Meter-2.
14. Positive Terminal of A Meter-2 - A1 of Generator.
15. Positive Terminal of A Meter-2 - Z1 of Generator.
Step 2: Click on "Check" Button.
Step 3: After Correct Connections the Circuit will be turned ON.
Step 4: Select the No. of "Bulbs" from the Lamp load.
Step 5: Note Down the readings of the Ammeters & Voltmeters.
Step 6: Click "Add" Button to Add the values to the Observation Table.
Step 7: Add different values to the Table.
Step 8: Click on "Graph" Button to Create Graph.

No. of Bulb Voltmeter 1 Ammeter 1 Voltmeter 2 Ammeter 2

1 225 V 3.0 A 220 V 1.2 A

2 225 V 3.6 A 212 V 2.8 A

3 225 V 5.4 A 208 V 3.2 A

4 225 V 6.8 A 205 V 3.6 A

5 225 V 8.0 A 200 V 5.5 A

6 225 V 10.0 A 195 V 7.0 A

7 225 V 11.5 A 189 V 8.1 A

8 225 V 13.0 A 184 V 10.2 A

9 225 A 14.2 A 179 V 11.0 A

10 225 V 15.2 A 176 V 12.7 A

The maximum number of Bulbs that can be put into the simulation table is 8. Therefore,
the student takes parameters in graph of; Graph of Bulb 1 to Bulb 8 and Graph of Bulb 5 to Bulb

Graph of Bulb 1 to Bulb 8

Graph of Bulb 5 to Bulb 10


The shunt motor consists of a shunt field and the armature. The word shunt means
parallel since this motor is connect parallel with the winding and the armature. The shunt motor
works with the winding as a shunt resistance through number turns of wires, which can provide
large resistance to the current. The performance of a Direct Current Shunt motor can be
increased by increasing the resistance, since as the resistance increases the current that flows
decrease, with this experiment, the result of decreasing current is increasing voltage output, but
the result of an increasing current is decreasing voltage output of the motor. Furthermore, the
armature torque is increased under heavy load at starting, but as the load increases, the speed
decreases in the same way as the series motor. When the load is releases suddenly the shunt field
prevents the motor from speeding up beyond safe value.

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