Lesson Plan 1 Science

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Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

Name Shakiyla Sykes

School/Grade: 2nd Grade

Content What content area(s) does this lesson cover?
domain(s) addressed Theme: Culture

Science: Students will make foods from different cultures. Students will taste and observe the
foods and record what they observed and tasted. They will write down what the food tasted like,
what is smelled like, how it felt, and what it looked like.

How does this lesson support all five domains of child development?

Social Emotional: Students will be able to talk to their parents and their peers about the different
foods they made in class from various cultures.

Physical: Students will be able to apply hands-on experience by making and tasting foods from
different cultures.

Cognitive: Students will be able to describe the different foods they tasted from various different

Language: Students will learn the names of foods from different cultures, as well as the names of
ingredients. Students will also learn how to measure ingredients.

Approaches to learning: Students will be able to observe the different foods from various
cultures. Students will also learn how to measure ingredients.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
Brief description and Why is there a need for this lesson (include citation)?
rationale for the lesson
Teaching culture is a good way for students to learn how to be inclusive and accepting of others.
Teaching students different cultures shows students that some people may eat different foods
than they do, wear different clothes than they do, or speak different languages than they do
because of their culture. Students will also be more aware of the cultures in which their peers
come from.

“Creating a learning environment that respects diversity sets the scene for fostering children’s
positive self-concept and attitudes. Such an environment assists children in developing positive
ideas about themselves and others, creates the conditions under which children initiate
conversations about differences, and provides the setting for introducing activities about
differences and creating fair and inclusive communities.”(Santora, ADL Staff, 2004)
This lesson is: * A new concept/activity

Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is 15-20 minutes, no
more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
40 minutes
Objective(s) of the activity What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
Lesson objectives must align with the assessment of student learning.

Students will be able to create their own sushi rolls by following this recipe How to Make
Homemade Sushi Rolls - Fifteen Spatulas using ingredients and materials provided for them. We
will use a rice cooker for the rice, there will be seaweed provided, avocado, instead of raw fish
we will use imitation crab meat, and instead of cream cheese we will use cucumbers.
Connections to standards Which NYS Early Learning Guidelines or Next Generation ELA Standards are addressed? Are there
other standards used?
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
2.SEL.4: Social awareness and relationships with others. Recognizes the feelings and
perspectives of others.

2.SCI.1. [2-PSI-1.] Plans and conducts investigations to describe and classify different kinds of
materials by their observable properties.

2.SCI.4. [2-PSI-4.] Constructs an argument with evidence that some changes caused by heating or
cooling can be reversed and some cannot.
Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my students to develop in
this lesson? For edTPA consider this: Which academic language demands am I targeting? Choose
one, including language functions, vocabulary, syntax, or discourse that is central to this learning
segment. How is this activity using the specific language demand?
Language objectives must align with the assessment of children’s language learning

Students will be able to use vocabulary regarding different foods from various cultures and the
names of the holidays in which the foods are eaten.

Vocabulary List:
● Paella
● Scones
● Sushi
● Pad Thai
● Tiramisu
● Pho
● Schnitzel
● Pierogies
● Margherita Pizza
● Sisig
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
Resources/materials needed: Students will learn how to follow recipes to create foods from different cultures. Students will be
(Include any worksheets or placed into groups and each group will work together to follow a recipe to create a food from a
sources of evidence for specific culture. Students will write down what they observe; how the food smells, how it tastes,
children’s learning you will use and what it looks like.
during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if N/A
Procedures (step by step) Objective(s)
Students will be able to create their own dish from a specific culture by following a recipe and
using ingredients and materials provided for them.

Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) What will you do to get children’s attention, or to

introduce children to this learning activity? Describe the process in getting them interested and
engaged. HOOK

I will read the book Let’s Eat: Meal Time Around the World by Lynne Marie. I will ask questions
such as what foods did you learn about during the reading? What foods would you like to try
after reading the book? What foods have you already tried?
Instruction/Mini Lesson (Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will make up this
learning experience; for instance, you might follow a routine wherein you model (I try); and ask for
active involvement (we try) during a whole group session.

I will demonstrate how to make a certain dish for all of the students and allow them to try the
dish and we will talk about their observations of the food as a group and I will record their
responses on the board.

We will decide on a recipe from around the world for children to make. We will create a chart to
help document students planning.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
Independent Practice (during small group activity, working with partners, or independently)

Students will form groups and work together to follow a recipe and make a dish from a specific
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)

Students will discuss what food they made and what they noticed about the ingredients/ taste
when they were making the foods. Students will write their responses in their journals and share
with the class.

Method of assessing children’s Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of Children’s

understanding of Outline the steps you will take Learning Outline the steps you Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) to evaluate student’s prior will take to evaluate students’ Outline the steps you will
(Be sure to include any tools, knowledge(i.e., What are the learning. What evidence will I take to evaluate students’
rubrics/checklists and/or skills and/or content have to assess whether students language learning. What
worksheets you will use for knowledge the students need to have successfully achieved the evidence will I have to assess
assessment(s) effectively engage in the content objectives (i.e., rubrics, whether students have
activity?). checklists)? successfully achieved the
content objectives?
I will have students raise their I will have a checklist. The Students will have to form
hands and tell me what they checklist will have the following: sentences using the
know about foods from vocabulary words learned
different cultures. I will record Students are able to name foods in the lesson.
their answers on the board. and the cultures they come from.

Students will be able to discuss

the process of how certain foods
are made and what they look
like, smell like, and taste like.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners, a culturally
instruction/instructional identified delays or responsive pedagogy, and anti-bias/anti-racist curriculum
modifications disabilities (i.e., IEPs and 504 What modifications should I make to the activity to ensure all
Describe how you will support plans) students are included and engaged in all steps required to meet
struggling learners. What considerations should I the lesson’s objectives?
keep in mind regarding cultural
Describe how you will support relevance, age appropriateness, Translated materials will be provided to English language
learners who have mastered the and ability levels for all learners.
concepts and need additional learners?
challenges. Students will be told to respect other cultures. If they do not
Students with identified delays like the food of a specific culture that is ok, but it is not ok to
Struggling learners will be or disabilities will be make fun of or speak poorly of other cultures.
supported with one on one supported by having one on
assistance. one assistance during the
Learners who have mastered the
concepts and need additional Students will also be asked
challenges will be asked to closed ended questions to
compare and contrast two guide their thinking. IEP/ 504
cultures instead of one. plan will be applied.

Follow up/Extension activities How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students’ learning today in

Family Engagement Activities

Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
Students will write in their journals what they learned about foods from different cultures and
what they did not learn, but would like to learn. Students will also be asked to compare and
contrast between the foods from a specific culture and their own culture.

How can I support families in extending the learning in their home environment?

Students will be able to take home recipes they used in class to share with their family at home.
Families will be asked to share a recipe from their culture with the class. I will then make a class
cookbook with all of the recipes and give it out to all of the students to take home and share with
their families.

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