Health Unit Plan:: Year Level/class: 5/6 Number of Lessons 4-6

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Health Unit Plan:

Year level/Class: 5/6

Number of lessons 4-6

Topic Food and Nutrition
& (Focus area What’s in your lunch box
from AC:
-Students learn how to read a nutrition label and understand the daily recommendations for their age range.
Student -Students develop an understanding of what The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is and compare it to their eating patterns.
Outcomes (in -Students begin to understand that the food they eat impacts their mood and physic, they can identify ‘sometimes’ food with the word moderation for
own words) them to make healthier diet choices.
-Students build knowledge and understanding of different food eaten by different cultures with a strong indigenous perspective.

Cognitive- students will build on their understanding and awareness around healthy choice habits when it comes to their diet. Students will be able to
determine healthier options by understanding nutrition labels and recommended daily consumptions of the five food groups.
Affective: Students will build on their relationship with food and develop self-confidence and self-awareness.
Social: students will participate in group discussion and classroom conversation to communicate and share ideas as well as build relationships with peers
Physical: students will participate and engage with the information and materials provided throughout the unit.

ACARA Strand(s)

Personal, Social and Community Health


Being healthy, safe, and active

Contributing to healthy and active communities

Curriculum content descriptors

Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety, and wellbeing (ACPPS054 - Scootle)

Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities (ACPPS058 -


Focused elaborations

-investigating practices that help promote and maintain health and wellbeing, such as eating a diet reflecting The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating,
meeting recommendations for daily physical activity and creating connections with others to enhance social health

-comparing product labels on food items or nutritional information in recipes and suggesting ways to improve the nutritional value of meals

General capabilities

Students build on their personal and social capability by working collaboratively and communicating effectively in classroom discussions. They develop
an understanding between their relationship of them and food.

Students build on their literacy skills when writing they develop a deeper understanding of sentence structures and how to express their opinion and point
of view. As well as interpret and analyse learning area text etc nutrition labels/

Cross-curricular perspectives

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures- students can explore and imagine hypothetically think about what a lunch box may have
looked like for an indigenous child prior to European settlement. They can develop an understanding of how different individuals require different
nutritional intake/

Student Diversity
Students from other cultures can explore their traditional meals and the nutritional value of these meals. They can build on the understanding of how these
choices might have originated in the past etc, food which was available, the only thing that grows or was affordable.

Topic Analysis
Students will be exploring information on ways to improve their health and wellbeing which makes it personal and engaging. By making the unit relevant
Engage and using their own chips packets makes it personal and interesting. Students will have a current article on several nutritional topics which they can
explore and highlight things that stand out to them. The teacher will collect a range of rubbish which the students need to sort out what is healthy or
unhealthy based on their nutritional value. Videos and interactive resources will be used to stimulate engagement as well as hands-on activities. To
develop an understanding of the student’s prior knowledge the teacher will present students with a piece of paper with two lunch boxes, students then
need to draw in which lunch box they would place that food in etc apple > healthy lunch box, KitKat >Sometimes food lunch box. This will enable the
teacher to be able to identify students prior understanding of the topic and which direction the teacher needs to take them. Another hands-on task student
will be engaging with that relates to maths is filling Ziplock bags with how much sugar is in different drinks. This will give students a visual
understanding of how much sugar is in different liquids.

Specific skills, What MUST you teach in relation to student outcomes

 Student must be able to identify the five food groups of The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
Knowledge,  Students must be able to explain list 3 food types in each group
Understandin  Students must be able to understand what serving size means and how a packet includes multiple serving sizes.
gs to be  Students must be able to understand that there should be less than 3g per 100g of total fat for the food to be considered healthy.
developed  Students must understand that there should be less than 5g per 100g of sugar for the food to be healthy
through the  Students must know their daily recommendations of the five food groups and the reasoning behind that recommendation.
What SHOULD you teach in relation to student outcomes

 Students should be able to understand the reasons that foods have nutritional labels

 Students should understand the difference between healthy foods and sometimes foods
 Students should be able to understand that the foods they eat impact their performance physically, emotionally, and academically
 Students should be able to understand that having a diverse diet that incorporates a range of different foods from all five food groups is
essential for healthy living.
 Students should understand that sometimes labels will include nutritional content claims like ‘low fat’, ‘reduced salt’ or ‘high fibre’.
 Develop an understanding to what fibre is and why they need it

What COULD you teach in relation to student outcomes

 Students could develop an understanding around other words which are used to identify added sugar: golden syrup, malt, maltose, lactose,
caster sugar, brown sugar etc
 Students could understand other names for ingredients high in fat, animal fat/ oils, butter, ghee, lard
 Students could identify other names for high salt ingredients, baking powder, celery salt, garlic salt, rock salt etc.
 Students could develop awareness about Health Star Ratings (HSR) and their use.

for Teaching
This unit is modelled around the I do, we do, you do approach. The teacher will start the unit by identifying students’ prior knowledge and current
Explore understanding of certain food types. The teacher will then explicitly explore a range of concepts through interactive resources online and hands-on
activities where students can learn through doing. There will be a strong student-centred approach where the teacher will need to identify the level at
which each student is at and help them further extend their understanding. Once students have had the opportunity to explore a range of resources and
information then they will work collaboratively in activities learning from each other. Students will engage in discussion by communicating the
information on their packets in their lunch box, they will compare this with each other and record the findings. They will then present these findings in
table groups so that they can further develop their knowledge.

Students will be communicating their findings through classroom discussion and the summative assignments which can be presented as a poster, ad
campaign or PowerPoint. This is when students take control of their learning and express their current or newly formed understanding authentically. The
teacher provides open-ended questions to spark curiously and inquiry.

Assessment During the duration of the unit, students will be observed and data will be recorded to if they are developing a deeper understanding of healthier options
they can substitute into their everyday lifestyle. This will be done by the teacher setting clear success criteria for each lesson and marking whether each
student achieved that understanding. Students will also be provided with the opportunity to leave exit notes on topics they want further clarification about.
Along with exit notes in a formal and informal classroom, the discussion will help the teacher identify students which need further explicit clarification on
certain concepts. The teacher will record data and observations based on s students’ ability to analyse Nutrition labels of packets of food in their lunchbox,
compare the nutrition labels and recognise strategies for healthy and safe choices.

Students’ summative assessment will be based on their ability to create an authentic poster that promotes healthy choices to do with food nutrition.
Students will need to research evidence of why these options they are displaying is beneficial Students will need to create an engaging slogan as well as
make the poster eye-catching so that it stands out and is effective.

Students have the option to display their understanding through other ways for example students can create an ad that advocates and promotes healthier
eating choices, or they can communicate their understanding through a multimedia PowerPoint if they don’t want to create a poster.

This assessment is then students and peers assessed. Students present their findings and teach/educate other students on these findings.

Design and technologies
Links to other Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments and prepared to enable people to grow and be healthy (ACTDEK021 -
Learning Scootle)

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative, and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound
appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1704 - Scootle)

Standard 1.4 -Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Evidence of
students Graduate: Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the Impact of culture, cultural identity, and linguistic background on the education of
learning students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.

(PE unit) Culturally responsive strategies.

Within a classroom, there are usually a variety of students who come from many different cultures and background. Therefore, a teacher must cater for a
range of diverse abilities and knowledge through actively implanting effective and appropriate culturally responsive pedagogies (CRP) which will help
the students develop a sense of belonging and place. Providing students, the opportunity to learn in an inclusive and supportive environment helps them
thrive educationally and emotionally. Therefore, a range of CRP strategies should be undertaken depending on the situation and students within the

For example, a piece of evidence collected was the unit plan work created to implement the Yulunga games in a critical way for students to reflect on
culture and build respectful relationship building and boosted students voice, participation, and leadership. By implementing this resource students were
able to make connections to how indigenous Australians use games as a teaching mechanism to learn how to do daily duties. Principle 2 on the AIATSIS
(2012) document regards self-determination and discusses that all educators must promote the fact that Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’
have the right to self-determination through classroom strategies. Through classroom discussion, explicit teaching and questioning students were able to
understand the impact of culture and cultural identity.

Evidence of (exit notes of students answers to their own cultural identity, data collection of observations and verbal responses, images of students working
collaboratively participating in culturally unique games as well as the lesson plan with the Yulunga games incorporated.

Lesson Plans

Lesson plan

Courtney Burden & 50

NAME: Megan Peters TIME: minutes DATE:
Warm up ‘Nanjuma’
ACTIVIT Main activity is called CLASS Year5 & 6
Y: ‘Kangaroo’ / YEAR
Cool down ‘Walbiri’

EQUIPM 10x cones, cards, markers, 2 x hula-hoop, 1x tennis ball, 1x small soft ball, 1x footy, 2x soft ball, 1x volleyball
ACARA: Health and PE The students will: The teacher will:
Movement and Physical activity Improve their physical fitness
Provide students with constructive feedback
along with elements of
to ensure they are performing the movement
coordination through participating
correctly to reduce the risk of injury.
Sub-strand in body movements such as
Understanding movement jumping, catching, and throwing.
Participate in physical activities
Observe and provide positive encouragement
designed to enhance fitness, Focus on making decisions about
to students.
and discuss the impact regular rules and safety when performing
participation can have at each station by keeping a safe
on health and wellbeing (ACPMP064 - distance from each other and not
Scootle) bumping into each other. As well Increase active learning time (ALT) by
as work together as a team and ensuring the equipment is ready and set up
participate in fair learning by before the lesson commences.
Student Diversity sharing.
Exploring different mods within
Australia Follow instructions by
participating in a range of
General Capabilities exercises in their groups and
Intercultural understanding overall have fun by laughing
together and enjoying the variety
Cross Curricular perspectives of LMO games.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Histories and Cultures

Focus Shape Reflection

Instruction 5mins
o Students will be Introduce yourself Students
N asked to stand Do an engaged
up to perform a acknowledgement of positively
T country with pr-
few warmups
stretches service
List 2 expectations teachers
O o Equipment dots Rule one: respect each although
for students to other always they tested
D position Rule two: only one the
themselves in a person talking at a time boundaries
U large enough and tried to
space to Go through the be silly.
C perform learning intentions of Therefore,
movements the day. expectation
T (positioned s and rules
around the court Explain to students that were
I three games are going essential to
prior to the
lesson). to be played and that revisit.
O they were played by
o Activity will be different indigenous
3 warms up mods around Australia.
performed up
the teacher and
imitated by the
Activity 1-Nanyima Explain its like throwing 10min
Demonstrate with a student your bouquet on your Students
how to play Nanyima. wedding day but you can’t highly
turn around until you guess enjoyed this
D A player throws the ball over who it is game although
E his or her head and the group there wasn’t a
V of players attempt to catch Ask students if they know lot of
E the Students
ball. Whoever catches the where Victoria is? Explain to movement and
L ball then needs to call out them that this game has been MIP could
O and the person who throws it played for generations and have been
P need to guess who caught it. originated in Victoria by increased.
MBall aboriginal people
N Ask students what things
T aboriginals might have used
before balls were invented
(stones, clay, grass, seeds)

Activity 2- Kangaroo
Students then sit down in a Teacher asks where students kids lining up for relays, Students 15min
small circle and the teacher think the word kangaroo only one person at the other actively
explains the next game called originated from. The teacher end participated
kangaroo. explains that it originated and engaged
from the word (gangarru) in well in
Students are told it’s like a the language of the activities
relay game and a demo is Gouguyimithirr people. which
provided. The teacher jumps Teacher asks students what involved high
from one cone to the other location in Australia they intense
explaining to students that think the Gouguyimithirr are movements.
they need to jump like a from. Teacher informs they Many students
kangaroo. are from north Queensland. struggled to
share with
During this activity the Teacher provides feedback each other
teacher changes the to students and alterations therefore it is
locomotive skills involved to depending on the students on clear that
skipping and walking. the day skills within
this area need
to be
Ask students if they want to
get a drink of water. Get all
students to stand on one side
Activity 3- Walbiri of all the objects.
The last game is a memory 10min
testing Student
game. This is done as Explain to students that this
the cools down. game was played by the
Walbiri children in central
Students have 30 seconds to Australia and instead of
view all the objects then they using objects students recall
face their backs to the sand- drawing maps. Ask
objects. One student removes students why this might have
one of the objects and places been helpful for the children
them out of sight. All to learn and remember
students turn around and directions.
need to guess what object has
been removed.
C Get all students to sit Discussion Overall students 10
L around the smartboard Ask students higher were able to mins
O and bring up a map of order thinking questions participate in
S Australia with all the such as would other many
U different mobs. mobs have played movements and
R Highlight all the regions similar games. build on their
E where this game team working
originated What life skills did ability and
these games promote? indigenous
Did these games have a awareness
purpose? knowledge.

Lesson plan
Courtney Burden & 50
NAME: Megan Peters TIME: minute DATE:
s Focus Shape Reflection
Games and (&
Cones, tags, uno cards, football,
Instruction 5mins
I EQUIP Explain that these . students
MENT:The teacher uses uno cards to get will be the groups were a lot
NACARA: Health and PE The students will:
students into two groups: red and and be mindful that The teacher will: more willing
blue you can change to participate
TMovement and Physical activity Students develop
teams and you a better Explicitly act so that and engage
the students
Students find out these are their awareness
must work of together
roles and understand how to move. each
with The teacher will
R responsibilities in physical
team groups now for the rest of no matter who is on perform demonstrations otherofand
the lesson and they have a group activities
your by participating in a movements and get students
team. classroom
OLearning through movement to perform
discussion about the team names range of indigenous gams this movement. discussion
Participate positively in groups and which
Remindinvolve teamwork.
teams by encouraging others and about fairness and
Unegotiating roles and Student improve their
equal participation. Provide positive feedback and advice on
responsibilities (ACPMP067 - ability to negotiate when how to extend their movement or action.
CScootle) dealing with conflicts in
game situations
T Make alterations to the games and
Student Diversity Students explore and perform modifications based on student’s
I Exploring different mods within a range of roles in a variety of enjoyment.
Australia physical activities
General Capabilities
NIntercultural understanding

Cross Curricular perspectives

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Histories and Cultures

Activity 1- Buroinjin Teacher explains 15

the rules and runs mins
This indoor version of a game through the activity. Student were
Get students to respectful to
D called buroinjin involves running participate and do a each other are
E and passing a ball to score a practise run- continued to
V touchdown. This is done by through. play in their
Ball allocated teams.
running across a line at the other
L Teacher
end of the playing area without Ask students what They had
O being touched by an opponent. game this is like, increased in
P listen to their
M There is no offside in the game suggestions they participation
E except that players may not stand make. from the first
N in the in-goal area to receive the lesson and were
T ball. To score a touchdown a more intrigued
player must run across the about the origin
baseline at the other end of the The teacher of the game as
court without being touched. provides feedback well as the
and adds reasoning for its
Start: One team starts the game progressions and existence.
from behind the baseline. adaptions
Opposition players are not throughout the
allowed to interfere with or game
intercept this first pass. A player
in possession of the ball may run
with it as far as possible unless
he or she is touched by a player
from the opposing team.

Play: A player with the ball who

is touched must pass the ball as
soon as possible — he or she has
two steps if running or a quick ‘1
and 2’ count if stationary or
walking. The opposition may not
interfere with this pass but can
intercept it. The idea is to pass to
another player on the same team
who can run across the baseline
without being touched.

Activity 2- Gitia One person from

the red team is it Students used 15
This game a player takes the part
Teacher while the person their voice a lot mins
of Gitja. Players form a circle from the blue team more and had
is the chaser. This developed
around a player with Gitja on the
way the game is stronger
outside and another player on the controlled by a connections
point system. with pre-service
inside of the circle. The player in
teachers. There
the circle represents someone The teacher demonstrated
more inclusive
who has eaten Gitja’s food by supports and assists behaviours, and
mistake and Gitja wants him or with fair play and everyone
Students participated
her to know it was the wrong encourages
thing to do. The game starts and participation
Gitja attempts to catch (touch)
the player who is in the middle
of the circle. The players in the
circle hold hands to attempt to
‘stop’ the Gitja and to help the
player being chased.
C Say thank you Get students to sit 10
L Do a quiz down and have a It was clear that mins
O Hand out chocolates classroom positive
S discussion. Express connection to
U gratitude and thank pre-services
R the students for teacher were
E their participation. being
Quiz students on established
facts about different through the
items indigenous students
people played with, comments and
different games reflection.
they play and the
purpose of them.

Wet weather plan

Courtney Burden & 50

NAME: Megan Peters TIME: minutes DATE:
Pens, paper, laptops, smart board, white board, whiteboard markers
ACARA: Health and PE The students will: The teacher will:
Personal, Social and Community Health Understand the concepts of
Provide students with explicit
vitamins and why they are
instruction on vitamins and their
important to include in your diet.
Being healthy, safe, and active Students will develop the
awareness to what foods have
Observe and provide positive
Plan and practise strategies to vitamins and what type of
encouragement to students.
promote health, safety, and wellbeing (ACPPS054 - vitamins they have. students will
Scootle) build on their knowledge about all
13 different types of vitamins
Student Diversity Facilitate group rotations
Differentiated tasks, rotating groups focusing on Students will be able to apply
different tasks their knew knowledge and
incorporate it into their diet in the
General Capabilities future.

Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capability Personal and social


Cross Curricular perspectives


Focus Shape
Instruction 5mins
o Students discuss their prior knowledge Ask prompting open ended
N about vitamins and the teacher records these questions
responses on the board.
T o Students watch an informative video
o Students discuss indigenous Australian’s Plays the video and asks
R connection to culture and explore foods in questions.
which they eat which provided their body https://www.vitamaniathemovie.c
with vitamins om/song-meet-the-vitamins/

U Students sit on the floor for

classroom discussion

Students are put into 3 groups and rotate through each Students are put into 4 groups 30min
activity for 10 minutes intervals and rotate through each activity
for 10 minutes intervals
Activity 1-
V Students watch the video below and
E collaboratively write down important information
L they deem fit to include on a large piece of paper. Teacher promotes discussion and
O Students brainstorm ideas and discuss together facts observes peers Interaction and
P about vitamins and the daily requirements current understanding by
M listening to discussion.
E much-is-enough/
Activity 2-
Students list all 13 vitamins and write their benefits to
the body. Students investigate what food include
different vitamins and list most important to least in
their opinion.

Activity 3-
Each student in a group chooses a different vitamin to
create a poster which promotes consuming that
vitamin. The poster must be engaging, vibrant and
effective. Students use persuasive language to make The teacher displays these
their vitamin sound like the most important vitamin posters around the classroom
for human consumption
C At the end of this lesson students should Discussion 10
L have a good understanding of vitamins, Ask students higher mins
O the teacher will get the students back on order thinking questions
S the floor to revisit what was previously like what other beneficial
U wrote on the board and new known nutrients can also be
R Information will be added to the found in food?
E whiteboard.
What problems might
occur If you don’t
consume a range of

Annual Plan

Context statement The classroom is a composite Year 3 / 4 class. The class has 29 students, 17-year 4s and 12 Year 3s.
There is a diverse range of abilities within the class, with 2 students on Negotiated Education Plans
(NEP) with verified disabilities and assessed at different year levels (Year 3 – Receptions) There are
2 Individuals Learning Plans (ILP) for other students who require modified programs. Many
students benefit from regular extension and stretch. Several students struggle with emotional
regulation and making safe choices therefore it is paramount for the teacher to use posters and
provided multiple opportunities for the students to develop this skill.

Term 1

Terms and Weeks T1 T1 T1

1-2 3-6 7-10
Rationale (could be per Students will build on their prior knowledge and fundamental skills to participate in minor games. This
term or overall) allows students to build connections and relationships with each other. Students will build on these
skills until they can use them to express themselves in a sequence that relates to their heritage. The first
term also has a strong focus on self and wellbeing to assist students to build positive habits which lead
to a successful healthy future where they feel safe, supported and belonging.
PE ACARA Active play and minor Fundamental movement Rhythmic and Expressive movement
Focus Area

PE TOPIC Take your marks, get set, Moving my body Express yourself and your culture through
play dance
Health ACARA Focus Mental health and wellbeing Safety

HEALTH TOPIC How to look after you and help the environment How to keep safe at home, school and in
the community
AC: HPE Learning through Moving our body Understanding movement
movement Practise Participate in physical activities from their
Strands, sub-strands, Adopt inclusive practices and refine fundamental own and other cultures (ACPMP108 -
content descriptors when participating in movement skills in a Scootle)
physical variety of movement
activities (ACPMP048 - sequences and Understanding movement
Scootle) situations(ACPMP043 - Combine elements of effort, space, time,
Scootle) objects, and people when performing
Communicating and movement sequences(ACPMP047 -
interacting for health and Being Health, safe and Scootle)
wellbeing active
Investigate how emotional Identify and practise Being Health, safe and active
responses vary in depth and strategies to Describe and apply strategies that can be
strength (ACPPS038 - promote health, safety, a used in situations that make them feel
Scootle) nd wellbeing (ACPPS03 uncomfortable or unsafe(ACPPS035 -
6 - Scootle) Scootle)

Contributing to healthy and active

Research own heritage and
cultural identities, and explore strategies to
respect and value diversity(ACPPS042 -
AC: HPE Sustainability- Students will be focusing on the concept Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
of sustainable practices and healthy habits which support Histories and Cultures- Students will
Cross curriculum their wellbeing and the environment. perform cultural dances which relate to
priorities their cultural heritage and investigate
cultural traditions from Indigenous
AC: HPE Through classroom discussion and reflection students Exploring and identifying different cultural
will use their critical and creative thinking abilities. movements students develop a deeper
General Capabilities intercultural understanding.
By creating a poster including text and imagines students
build on their literacy skills. Creating an educational informational
brochure student are being critical to
information and displaying it in creative
ways through open thinking.
Scope of topic The movement and the physical unit is split into two. In the movement and physical unit during
During the first two weeks, there will be a strong focus week 7-10 students will perform cultural
on minor games which will link to the next unit by dances which relate to their cultural
exploring a range of fundamental movements such as heritage. Students will develop
running, throwing, and jumping. Students will play a fundamental movement skills and combine
range of short fun get to know your games to build on elements of space, time, and objects to
teamwork and participation. During week 3-6 there will perform these skills to music combining
be a strong focus on a range of movements. Students will these movements to create and perform a
practise and refine the fundamental movements by dance.
applying these movements to simple games. Students
will also explore the benefits of being active while Ways to maintain a balanced position
participating physical actively. when connecting movements. Movement
Combination of locomotor and object control skills in skills that combine the elements of effort,
minor games Locomotor skills: run, jump, hop space, time, objects, and people

In the personal, social and community health unit

which goes for 6 weeks, students will be focusing on the In the personal, social and community
concept of sustainable practices and healthy habits which health unit students explore risk taking
support their wellbeing and the environment. They will behaviours and decision-making strategies.
explore a range of sustainable practices which they can They explore bullying as well as ways to
incorporate into their home as well as in the classroom. make safe decisions at school and in the
They will identify practise which promote wellbeing, for community.
example, a kitchen garden, recycling, composting bin.
The students will work together participating in activities Assertive behaviours and communication
which promote participation and connection between skills to respond to unsafe situations, such
individuals and their community/environment. as: Keeping calm, using appropriate non-
verbal communication skills, and seeking
Students should be able to explore understanding ways to
be active in natural environments as well as ways in help.
which regular physical activity in natural and built
environments promotes health.

Active play and minor games Rhythmic and Expressive movement

Key pedagogical -Differentiated instructions -Scaffolding
approaches -
Fundamental movement
-Explicit instruction Safety
-Integrated learning
Mental health and wellbeing
-Classroom discussion
English- Understand that paragraphs are a key Dance- Perform dances using expressive
Integration/ Other key organisational feature of written texts (ACELA1479 - skills to communicate ideas, including
learning areas Scootle) telling cultural or community
stories(ACADAM007 - Scootle)
Visual art- Use materials, techniques, and processes to
explore visual conventions when making HASS- Locate and collect information
artworks (ACAVAM111 - Scootle) and data from different sources, including
observations (ACHASSI053 - Scootle)

Take your marks, get set, play & Fundamental Express yourself and your culture through
movement dance
Formative / Summative
-formative assessment is based on the ongoing -formative-performances are observed and
application of skills. Students are observed on several observations are recorded. The assessment
occasions during the unit and records are taken. Students is undertaken based on the quality of
express an understanding of the benefits of being fit and movement, participation, demonstration of
active through group discussion and question-asking. perseverance and how challenges were
dealt with. Students are assessed on
How to look after you and help the environment creating and performing a sequence of
-students create a poster that provides evidence which fundamental movement skills and a range
they have investigated and researched sustainable element of movement. Students also
practices which are suitable for them to use. Students complete a self-and peer reflection
gather evidence that explores their understanding of assessment.
making healthy and safe choices. Students should be able
to understand where to go in the community if they need How to keep safe at home, school and in
support with their health and safety. the community
-Summative assessment- Students create a
brochure presenting safe school practices
and how to solve bullying. Students
investigate how emotional responses vary
and identify how to positively interact with

Term 2
Terms and T2 T2
Weeks 1-5 6-10
Rationale (could During term 2 students will be exploring and applying a range of movements with and without
be per term or equipment, there will be a strong focus on students’ strengths and abilities as well as improving
overall) their weaknesses. Students will explore factors of healthy living in health and be able to develop
an understanding of a range of different lifestyle factors which create a healthy individual, school,
and community.
PE ACARA Lifelong Physical Education
Focus Area

PE TOPIC Kicking and passing Me vs we

Health ACARA Health benefits of physical education

Focus Area

HEALTH Being active Health factors


Understating movement Moving our body
Strands, sub- Practise and apply movement concepts Practise and apply movement concepts and
strands, content and strategies with and without strategies with and without equipment (ACPMP045 -
descriptors equipment (ACPMP045 - Scootle) Scootle)

Contributing to healthy and active Understating movement

communities Examine the benefits of physical
Participate in outdoor games and activity to health and wellbeing (ACPMP046 -
activities to examine how participation Scootle)
promotes a connection between
the community, natural and built Communicating and interacting for health and
environments, wellbeing
and health and wellbeing (ACPPS041 - Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth
Scootle ) and strength (ACPPS038 - Scootle)

Being Health, safe and active Being Health, safe and active
Explore how success, challenge and Describe and apply strategies that can be used in
failure strengthen identities (ACPPS033 - situations that make them feel uncomfortable or
Scootle) unsafe(ACPPS035 - Scootle)

AC: HPE Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Sustainability- students explore how they connect and
Asia- Students examine the meaning of interact with natural, managed and built
Cross curriculum health and the mind-body-spirit environments, and with people in different social
priorities connection across the cultures of the Asia groups within their social networks and wider
region through wellness practices. communities. They consider how these connections
and interactions within systems play an important role
in promoting, supporting, and sustaining the
wellbeing of individuals, the community, and the
environment, now and into the future.

AC: HPE Students use the iPad to create a video By developing a deeper understanding of the structure
which builds on their information and and layout of a procedure students increase their
General communication technology capability literacy capability
By gathering data and creating a survey
student develop their numeracy
Scope of topic Personal, social and community health Personal, social and community health

Actions in daily routines that promote Actions in daily routines that promote health, safety,
health, safety, and wellbeing:   healthy and wellbeing:   healthy eating   appropriate levels
eating   appropriate levels of physical of physical activity.
activity. Strategies to ensure safety and
wellbeing/meditation at home and at Personal behaviours and strategies to remain safe in
school, such as:  following school rules uncomfortable or unsafe situations, such as:   being
 identifying and choosing healthier alert and aware of unsafe situations   using assertive
foods for themselves behaviour and language

Movement and physical activity Behaviours that show empathy and respect for others

Fundamental movement skills: Movement and physical activity

 kick catch  underarm throw 
overarm throw  bounce Cooperation skills to ensure everyone is included in
all physical activities

Lifelong Physical Education

Key pedagogical -Differentiated instructions
Health benefits of physical education
--Experiential learning
-Co-operative Learning

Mathematics- Identify questions or issues Science- Represent and communicate observations,

Integration/ for categorical variables. ideas and findings using formal and informal
Other key Identify data sources and plan methods representations (ACSIS060 - Scootle)
learning areas of data collection and
recording (ACMSP068 - Scootle)

Kicking and passing Me vs we

Assessment is undertaken throughout Assessment will gather evidence of student’s abilities
Formative /
lessons and observations. Students write to understand the benefits of being fit and physically
exit notes. Performance is observed and active as well as refine movements in different
recorded throughout the unit. Students physical activities while participating in a range of
create a video demonstrating how to games individually and in teams.
effectively kick and pass the ball with
relevant terminology, refine fundamental Health factors
movements and different physical Students will research and investigate a range of
activities these movements take place in. factors to live a healthy happy lifestyle. Students will
create and design a healthy figure and write a
Being active procedure of what occurs in their days including their
Conduct a survey and collect data on healthy daily habits.
different games which are played at
school. Students use problem-solving and
demonstrate strategies that help them stay
safe, healthy, and active by presenting
their data collection.

Term 3

Terms and Weeks T3 T3

1-5 6-10
Rationale (could be Students will be building on their ability to practice fair play and apply basic rules to games, they will
per term or overall) also be exploring challenging fun movements which test their abilities. Along with this, students will be
identifying a way to make the classroom and school healthier and safer by exploring a range of different
nutritional factors of food within their classroom and canteen.
PE ACARA Game and sports
Focus Area

PE TOPIC Fairness is key Entertainer in the making

Health ACARA Food and Nutrition

Focus Area

HEALTH TOPIC What’s in your lunch box Upgrading your canteen

AC: HPE Learning through movement Learning through movement

Apply basic rules and scoring systems, Apply innovative and creative thinking in
Strands, sub-strands, and demonstrate fair play when participating in physical solving movement challenges (ACPMP049
content descriptors activities(ACPMP050 - Scootle) - Scootle)

Being Health, safe and active

Identify and practise strategies to Contributing to healthy and active
promote health, safety, and wellbeing (ACPPS036 - communities
Scootle) Describe strategies to make the classroom
and playground healthy, safe, and active
spaces (ACPPS040 - Scootle)

AC: HPE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Sustainability- Through movement
Cultures- students can explore and imagine hypothetically experiences, students are provided with
Cross curriculum think about what a lunch box may have looked like for an opportunities to develop a connection in
priorities indigenous child prior to European settlement. and with environments and to gain an
appreciation of the interdependence of the
health of people and that of environments.
AC: HPE Students build on their personal and social capability by Students build on their literacy skills when
working collaboratively and communicating effectively in writing a persuasive text letter by
General Capabilities classroom discussions. developing a deeper understanding of
sentence structures and how to express their
opinion and point of view.
Scope of topic Personal, social and community health Personal, social and community health

Strategies to ensure safety and wellbeing at home and at Strategies to cope with adverse situations
school, such as:  following school rules  identifying and and the demands of others
choosing healthier foods for themselves
Ways in which health information and
Movement and physical activity messages can influence health decisions
and behaviours
Basic rules in a variety of physical activities and ways in
which they keep activities safe and fair Movement and physical activity

Movement skills and tactics to achieve an

outcome:   creating scoring opportunities 
problem solving to achieve an outcome
Game and sports
Key pedagogical -Explicit teaching
approaches -Gradual release of responsibility
Peer teaching

Food and Nutrition

-Inquiry learning

English- Listen to and contribute to conversations and English- Identify the audience and purpose
Integration/ Other discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate of imaginative, informative, and persuasive
key learning areas in collaborative situations (ACELY1676 - Scootle) texts(ACELY1678 - Scootle)

Fairness is key Entertainer in the making

Observations of inclusion and participation. Students Assessment is based on ongoing formative
Formative /
provide peer feedback and constructive feedback on social assessment of skill development. students
interactions and teamwork. are assessed on working cooperatively and
applying rules fairly as well as solving
What’s in your lunch box movements through a range of fundamental
Students analyse Nutrition labels of packets of food in skills.
their lunchbox. They create a healthy lunch box and
compare the nutrition labels. Students recognise strategies Upgrading your canteen
for healthy and safe choices. They discuss what foods and Students explore the various foods in the
drinks people need to consume to stay healthy. canteen and their nutritional values.
Students research a range of other healthier
options which can be substituted into their
canteen instead. Students write a letter to
persuade the canteen to swap poor food
choices with a healthier option.

Term 4

Terms and Weeks T4 T4

1-5 6-10
Rationale (could be per The last term has a strong focus on relationships as well as building in prior fundamental
term or overall) movements and sequencing them into a more developed action. Students will be building on their
emotional responses and understanding of the positive and negative effects of factors on the body.
Students will be exploring a range of skills that are necessary to build friends and participate in team
PE ACARA Challenge and adventure
Focus Area

PE TOPIC Kicking and passing Catch it and throw it

Health ACARA Focus Relationships and sexuality Alcohol and drugs


HEALTH TOPIC Friends Harmful habits

AC: HPE Moving our body Learning through movement

Practise and refine fundamental movement Apply basic rules and scoring systems,
Strands, sub-strands, skills in a variety of movement sequences and and demonstrate fair play when participating in
content descriptors situations(ACPMP043 - Scootle) physical activities(ACPMP050 - Scootle)

Communicating and interacting for health Communicating and interacting for health and
and wellbeing wellbeing
Describe how respect, empathy and Investigate how emotional responses vary in
valuing diversity can positively influence depth and strength (ACPPS038 - Scootle)
relationships (ACPPS037 - Scootle)
Discuss and interpret health information and
Being health, safe and active messages in the media and internet (ACPPS039 -
Explore how success, challenge and failure Scootle)
strengthen identities (ACPPS033 - Scootle)
AC: HPE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories Sustainability- Actions for a more sustainable
and Cultures- students can explore Aboriginal future reflect values of care, respect, and
Cross curriculum and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' family and responsibility, and require us to explore and
priorities kinship structures are strong and sophisticated. understand environments.

AC: HPE Students build on their ethical understanding Students Personal and Social Capability is
capability by examining their values, rights developed through students doing reflective
General Capabilities and responsibilities as well as considering practices to recognise their emotions and
others point of views. understand themselves as learners.
Scope of topic
Personal, social and community health Personal, social and community health
Factors that strengthen personal identities, Strategies that help individuals to manage the
such as the influence of: impact of physical, social, and emotional changes,
 family  friends  school such as:
  positive self-talk
Physical, social, and emotional changes that   assertiveness
occur as individuals grow older, such as   seeking help
changes to the body, friendships, and feelings   sharing responsibilities

The positive influence of respect, empathy,

and the valuing of differences in relationships Ways in which health information and messages
can influence health decisions and behaviours
Movement and physical activity
Movement and physical activity
Benefits of regular physical activity and
physical fitness to health and wellbeing: Fundamental movement skills:
improved sleep and social contact kick, catch, underarm throw, overarm throw,
bounce, and forehand strike

Students should be able to transfer skills and

knowledge to solve movement challenges
Challenge and adventure
Key pedagogical -Explicit teaching
approaches -Scaffolding

Relationships and sexuality

-Case Studies

Alcohol and drugs

--Experiential learning

Drama- Explore ideas and narrative structures Digital Technologies- Recognise different types
Integration/ Other key through roles and situations and use empathy of data and explore how the same data can be
learning areas in their own improvisations and devised represented in different ways (ACTDIK008 -
drama (ACADRM031 - Scootle) Scootle)
Kicking and passing Catch it and throw it
The formative assessment is based on the Students explore and build on prior fundamental
Formative / Summative
students ongoing application of the skills and skills until they are about to incorporate these
their overall conceptual understanding. skills not only in minor games but mini games
Students refine fundamental movements and versing each other such as basketball and netball.
use these skills to participate in inclusive
games by putting these skills into sequence and Harmful habits
action. Students use digital devices to explore a range of
negative online habits which negatively affect
Friends health and wellbeing. Students interpret health
Students identify and become aware of messages and discuss the influences on healthy
emotional responses by being exposed to and safe choices and display this information
conflicting situations and evaluating how they through an informative magazine with harmful
would respond through play. Students resolve topics along with positive health behaviour.
a conflict scenario and perform it to the class
exploring strategies on how to positively
interact with each other.

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