ANDAMAN Notification Je

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1. The Electricity Department, Andaman & Nicobar Administration with the assistance of DBRAIT & SOVTECH
has decided to conduct open competitive Computer Based Examination for filling-up Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted)
and Group ‘C’ vacant posts in various department under the A&N Administration as per details given below,
for which ONLINE PPLICATIONS are invited from eligible candidates.


Sl. Code Name of the post Name of Educational Qualification No. of Vertical Reservation Horizontal
No. No. Department vacancies Reservation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. 01 Junior Engineer Electricity Degree in Electrical / Mechanical / 47 20 8 # 15 4 1* 0 0
Group ‘B’ (NG), Electrical & Electronics (D,
Level-6 (Rs.35400- Engineering from a recognized HH)
112400) University.
Diploma in Electrical / Mechanical
/ Electrical & Electronics
Engineering from a recognized
Institution with 02 years
experience in Govt. Department /
Registered Private Establishment /
Organization in the field related to
Power Utility Services / DG Sets /
Maintenance of Distribution
Transformers / Transmission &
Distribution system.
2. 02 Junior Engineer Port Blair Degree OR Diploma in 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
(E&M) Municipal Mechanical/ Electrical /
Group ‘B’ (Municipal Council Automobile Engineering from a
Services) recognized University / Institution.
Level-6 (Rs.35400-
3. 03 Foreman Port Degree in Electrical Engineering 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Electrical), Management from a recognized University
Group ‘B’ (NG) Board OR
Level-6 (35400- Diploma in Electrical Engineering
112400) from a recognized Institution with
three years experience in the field.
4. 04 Inspector of Labour Degree in Electrical /Mechanical 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Factories Department Engineering with two years
Group ‘C’ practical experience in any
Level-5 (Rs.29200 – workshop or factory or a
92300) manufacturing concern of good
Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical
Engineering with four years
practical experience in any
workshop or factory or a
manufacturing concern of good
# - 08 Post of ST includes 06 backlog vacancy
Abbreviations :
UR – Un-Reserved, ST – Scheduled Tribes, OBC – Other Backward Classes, EWS – Economically Weaker
Section, PwD – Person with Disability (D=Deaf, HH=Hard of Hearing), MSP – Meritorious Sports Person,
ESM – Ex-Servicemen.

Note –
 Qualification acquired through Distance Education mode in Diploma and Bachelor Degree/Master
Degree in the fields of Engineering are not eligible.
 Number of vacancies (subject to variation) notified vide this publication in respect of various categories
as detailed above.
 The candidate may apply for one or more post (s) in order of his/her preferences as detailed in above
table for the posts, if he/she stands eligible in terms of essential qualifications for the post/posts as
prescribed under Column 5.

i. Number of vacancies shown under column 6 to 13 are subject to variation.
ii. Reservation for ST candidates as applicable to those ST as specified in the constitutional order No.1959
of A&N Islands (Scheduled Tribes).
iii. Reservation for OBC applicable to those OBCs as specified in the Administration Circular No.8-
3/2003-TW dated 30th March,2006.
iv. Reservation for disabled persons (Persons with disability), EWS, Ex-Servicemen, Meritorious Sports
Persons etc. shall be applicable as per the guidelines/instructions issued by the Govt./A&N
Administration from time to time.

(i) All candidates shall apply ONLINE for the post whether they are registered with the Employment
Exchange or not.
(ii) The Departmental Candidates must also apply online. ‘No Objection Certificates’ issued by the Head
of the Department must be produced at the time of verification of original certificates/documents.
(iii) The candidates should apply for the posts in order of their preference (see column 3 of aforesaid details
of vacancies).
(iv) Applicant must be an Indian Citizen.

The age limits for the posts as per Recruitment Rules of various Department are –
Sl.No. Name of the Department Name of Post Age limit Relaxation
1. Electricity Junior Engineer
Relaxed upper age
limit by 02 years over
2. Port Blair Municipal Junior Engineer (E&M) Not exceeding 30 and above upper age
Council years. limit prescribed vide
A&N Admn. Order
3. Port Management Board Foreman (Electrical) No.2758 dt.20.10.2022
for Group ‘B’ (NG) &
2285 dt.01.09.2022 for
4. Labour Department Inspector of Factories 18-33 Years for Male Group ‘C’.
18-38 Years for Female
Note - The crucial date for determining the age limit after relaxation shall be the closing date of receipt of
application i.e. 21.05.2023.

Besides the above, age relaxation in respect of reserved categories of aspirants permissible beyond the upper
age limit are detailed below:-
Sl.No. Category Age-relaxation permissible beyond the upper
age limit
01 ST 5 years
02 OBC 3 years
03 PwD (Unreserved) 10 years
04 PwD (OBC) 13 years
05 PwD (ST) 15 years
06 Ex-Servicemen (ESM) 03 years after deduction of the military service
rendered from the actual age as on closing date
of receipt of online application.
07 Departmental Candidates with three years Up to 40 years of age
continuous service in Central Government/UT
Administration who have rendered not less than
3 years regular and continuous service as on
closing date for receipt of online applications.
08 Age relaxation to DRM and contract employees In accordance with the instructions/orders
including SSCT. issued by the Andaman & Nicobar
administration, vide Circular No.45/1998-PW
dated 19.11.2011. Up to 40 years of age.
09 Meritorious Sports Person Up to 05 years (10 years for ST candidates) –
Applicable only for Group ‘C’ posts.


As indicated in the above table against each post in Col.5.


(a) Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved or seek age-relaxation must produce
their original certificates issued by the competent authority and to submit a copy of the original
certificate duly self-attested whenever sought by the A&N Administration/Department, otherwise,
their claims for SC/OBC/EWS/PwD/ESM status will not be entertained and their candidature/applications
shall be considered under General (UR) category. Certificate for the status of Creamy Layer issued
between 22.05.2022 to 21.05.2023 only will be accepted.
Note – Candidates are cautioned that they shall be permanently debarred from the examination conducted
by the A&N Administration in case, they fraudulently claim ST/OBC/EWS/ESM/PwD status.


The Computer Based Examination will be held at PORT BLAIR only.

Computer Based Examination: “Objective Type Multiple Choice” questions on the subject as shown below:
Sl. Subject No. of Marks per Total
No. Questions question Marks
(i) Electrical, Mechanical and Electrical & 80 01 80
(ii) General Intelligence & Reasoning 10 01 10
(iii) General Awareness 10 01 10
Each correct option 01
Each wrong option (-) 0.25
Not attempted 0

10. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS – For Computer based examination.


Basic Electrical Engineering & Electrical Measurements: Concept of currents, voltage, resistance power
& energy, their units, ohm's law, electrical symbols, circuit laws and theorems.

Electro-Magnetic induction: Self and mutual inductance

A.C fundamentals: Instantaneous peak, R.M.S and average value of alternating wave, simple Series and
Parallel A.C circuits consisting of Resistance, inductance & Capacitance, Analog & Digital ammeters and
voltmeters, Wattmeter, Multi-meters, Megger, Low Voltage transformers CT & PT.

Measurement & Measuring Instruments: Moving coil and moving iron ammeters and
voltmeters. Extension of range, Watt-meters, Multimeters, Megger, Basic Electronics.

Electrical Machines: Basic principles of D.C. Motors and generators, their characteristics, speed control
& Starting of DC Motors, losses & efficiency of D.C Machines.

1-Phase & 3 Phase Transformers: Principles of operation, equivalent circuit, voltage regulation O.C. and
S.C tests, efficiency, auto transformers.

Synchronous Machines: Generation of three phase emf, Armature reaction, Voltage regulation, Parallel
operation of two alternators, synchronizing, starting and applications of synchronous motors.

3 Phase Induction Motor: Rotating magnetic field, principle of operation, equivalent circuit, torque speed
characteristic, starting & speed control of 3 phase induction motors, Fractional KW motors, 1-phase
induction motors ac, series motor, reluctance motors.

General, Transmission & Distribution: Different types of power stations, load factor, diversity factor,
demand factor, simple problems thereon, cost of generation, inter connection of power stations, power
factor improvement, various types of tariffs, types of faults, short circuit current for symmetrical faults.
Battery: Automotive battery- construction and operation, battery capacity & ratings. Battery tests Charging
System- Uses, Construction & operation of charging system. Schematic &working of alternator, starting
system, lighting system.

Switchgears: Rating of Circuit breakers Principles of extinction by oil and air, HRC fuses, protection
earthier leakage, over current Buchholz relay, Merzprice system of protection of generators & transformers,
protection of feeders and bus bars.
Lightning Arrestors in various transmission & distribution systems: Comparison of conductor material
efficiency of different systems.

Utilization of Electrical Energy: Illumination, electric heating. Electric Welding, Electroplating, Electric
Drives & Motors.

Estimation and costing: Estimation of lighting scheme, electric installation of machine and relevant IE
rules. Details of illumination system, details of load distribution, Design of electrical installation & its
symbols (internal & external), Energy efficient equipment, energy audit, protection systems of Electrical
circuit, Earthling Systems, Testing of Electrical Installations, types of cables –Overhead & underground.

Basic Electronics: Atomic structure of elements, the electron Energy of an electron valence electrons- Free
electrons- Voltage source- Constant voltage source- Constant current source.

Electron Emission: Electron emission, types of electron emission-Thermion emission- Thermionic


Transistors: Transistor action-Transistor symbols-Transistor as an amplifier.

Regulated D.C. Power Supply: Ordinary DC Power supply, Regulated power supply. Types of voltage
regulators- Zener diode voltage regulator.

Electronic Instruments: Electronic instruments, Multi-meters, Applications of multi-meter sensitivity of

multi-meter, merits & demerits of multi-meter. Meter protection Vacuum tube voltmeter-applications of
VTVM-merits and demerits of VTVM.

Semi Conductor Physics: Semi- conductor Bonds in semiconductor-commonly used semiconductors,

energy band description of semiconductors-effect of temperature on semiconductor-intrinsic
semiconductor-extrinsic semiconductor- properties of pn junction.

Semi Conductor Diode: Semiconductor diode, Half wave rectifier-full wave rectifier, zener diode.
Estimation and costing: Estimation of lighting scheme, electric installation of machine and relevant IE
rules. Details of illumination system, details of load distribution, Design of electrical installation & its
symbols (internal & external), Energy efficient equipment, energy audit, protection systems of Electrical
circuit, Earthing Systems, Testing of Electrical Installations, types of cables –Overhead & underground.

Solid State Switching Circuits: Switching Circuit-Mechanical Switch Electronic Switch, Advantages of
Electronic Switches-Switching action of a transistor.

Working Principle, Advantage & Application of field effect transistors.

Working Principle, Advantage & Application of Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR).

Working Principle, Advantages & Applications of Triac.

Working Principle. Advantages & Application of Unijunction Transistor(UJT).

Renewable Energy: Solar Energy – Direct Uses, concept, working principle and application of solar
thermal systems, Power Generation (On grid & Off Grid System) with simple numericals, Solar
Photovoltaic System (SPV) Applications- Solar Lantern, Solar Home System, SPV Street Light, SPV
Pumping systems.


Flow of Fluids: Laminar & turbulent flow, equation of continuity. Bernoulli's theorem, measurement of
discharge, flow through pipes friction losses. Forces of jet impinging on vanes, blades, work done and
efficiency, classification of turbines & pumps.

Thermal Engineering: Laws of thermodynamics, change in entropy in various processes, properties of

steam, uses of steam table & charts, construction & working of Cochran, Lancashire Locomotive &
Babcock & Wilcox Boilers, Working of steam turbine, Otto & Diesel Cycles, working of IC Engines,
Carburetion, Solex Carburetor, Diesel Fuel Pump & Injector Cooling & Lubrication.

Production Engineering: Foundry different casting processes, concept of patterns, types of mould making,
pouring defect in castings, causes & remedies, welding classification and types of welding. Testing &
defects in welds, Lathes-working of lathes, various tools, operation on lathes, types of lathes, drilling
operations performed on drilling machines

Description of Principles of working and various operations on machines tools milling machine. Shaper,
grinder, boring & slotting machines
Strength of Materials: Stresses in composite bars, relation between elastic constants, Resilience under
different types of loads, SF & BM Diagrams Stresses in beams combined direct & bending stresses, struts
& columns Euler's Rankin's theories, Torsion of circular shafts.

Theory of Machines: Simple Mechanisms -Four bar Chain, Slider crank chain, double slider crank chain,
flywheel-Turning movement diagrams. Fluctuation of energy. Friction in collar and pivots, plane clutch,
conical clutch, journal bearing. Transmission of power through flat and V-belts, Gears, profile of gears,
Governors - types and working, cams and followers - types and cam profile.

Applied Mechanics: Concept of Mechanics, explanations, concept of rigid bodies, Law of forces, Bow's
notation, types of forces, action and reaction, resultant and components of forces. Lamie's Theorem-concept
of moments, varignon’s theorem, application of moments to simple mechanism, equilibrium of bodies
under coplanar forces, friction, Concept, laws and limitations, center of gravity, centroid for regular lamina
and center of gravity for regular solids, moments of inertia, Law of motion concept of machine, mechanical
advantage conservation of momentum.

Automobiles: Classification and types of automobile vehicles, two and four wheeler chassis layout and
body types. Layout of vehicle such as front engine rear wheel drive, front engine front wheel drive, rear
engine rear wheel drive, four wheels drive etc. their advantages, comparisons on Aerodynamic basis.

I.C. Engine: Ignition method of I. C. Engine (C.I & S.I). Two & Four stroke Engines: construction and
working. Various terms related to I.C Engine: scavenging, pre-ignition, detonation, supercharging, turbo
charging, air fuel ratio requirements, M.P.F.I., fuel injection pump.

Fuels: Properties, calorific value & ignition temperature of fuels. Characteristics of a good/ ideal fuel.
Liquid fuels: fractional distillation, composition, properties, uses. Applications of-Biodiesel. Gaseous fuels-
properties, applications of Biogas, LPG, CNG, hydrogen fuel cell, Li-ion battery.

Lubricant: Definition, functions, classification& application of lubricant. Selection of Lubricants.

Industrial Safety: Safety Management, Causes, types, Preventive measures& Safety procedures of
Industrial Accidents. Inventory Concept, ABC Analysis - Necessity & Steps, Economic Order Quantity
Concept, graphical representation, determination of EOQ, Standard steps in Purchasing, Modern
Techniques of Material Management.

Materials Management: Inventory Concept, its classification, functions of inventory, Standard steps in
Purchasing, Modern Techniques of Material Management- Material Resource Planning (MRP) - Functions
of MRP, Input to MRP, Benefits of MRP, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - Concept, list of modules,
advantages & disadvantages of ERP

Welding Soldering Brazing: General characteristics of welded joints, principle of welding, types of
welding process and their brief, gas welding and arc welding, high pressure gas welding and low pressure
gas welding, DC welding & AC welding, selection of electrodes, fluxes, current torches and equipment,
specification of tools, materials according to IS standard, principles of soldering and brazing, types of
solders & soldering fluxes, soldering tools and equipments, defects and remedies, brazing joints, brazing
process, description of brazing tools, brazing filler alloys and fluxes, limitations and applications of
soldering and brazing

Advance Welding and Technology: TIG, MIG laser beams and thermal welding

Materials Science and Technology: Importance of materials Classification, atomic structure, crystal
structure and imperfection, properties of materials, strength. ductility, malleability, toughness, resilience,
stiffness, hardness stages of deformation, mechanical testing of material, tensile test, hardness test (Brinell
HT & Rockwell H.T), impact test, ferrous and non-ferrous materials, insulating materials, fundamental of
heart treatment, iron-carbon diagram, TTI curie.

Mechanism: Simple Mechanism, Kinematics links, pairs, chain for bar chain, cams types and followers
with classification, loss of friction between dry surface, coefficient of friction power absorbed in fraction
for pivot bearings (flat, collar, conical) power transmission, types of belts, material and specification.

Refrigeration: Meaning, methods units, reverse carnot cycle heat pump, refrigerating systems, refrigerants,
system, components and control psychometry dry and wet bulb temperature, saturation, dew point.

Metrology: Types of measurements, linear angular, gear tooth vernier, surface measurements, precision
and accuracy, inspection and quality control surface finish.

Quality Management: Meaning of Quality, Quality Control –Concept, Objectives, Functions, Advantages.
Meaning of Total Quality and TQM, Components of TQM – Concept, Elements of TQM, & Systems of
Quality Management like Kaizen,5’S’,6 Sigma, ISO 9001:2000 – Benefits.

The syllabus for General Intelligence would include questions of both verbal and Non-verbal type. The test
will include questions on analogies, similarities and difference, space visualization, problem solving
analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination observation, relationship concepts,
arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non- verbal series etc.
The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate's abilities to deal with abstract ideas and
symbols and their relationship, and other analytical functions.


Questions will be aimed at testing the ability of the candidate's general awareness of the environment around
him/her and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test the knowledge of current
events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be
expected of any educated person and elementary knowledge of computers. The test will also include
questions relative to India and its neighbouring Countries especially pertaining to History, Culture,
Geography, Economic, Science, General Politic and Scientific research etc. These questions will be such
that they do not require a special study of any discipline.


All the successful candidates shortlisted after computer based examination should get their original
certificates/testimonials duly verified as mandatory and submit another self-attested copy of all those mandatory
certificates/testimonials in person alongwith the printed copy of Online Application and Admit Card to the
authorized officers/officials at the prescribed venue on the schedule date & time, failing which his/her
candidature shall be struck off from the relevant panel for all purposes and no further request/correspondence
shall be entertained.


Note : The admission of the candidates for the recruitment examination is provisional. If it is found later on or
any stage that he/she does not fulfill any of the conditions of the eligibility, the candidature will be cancelled
and no appeal against such cancellation will be entertained. Therefore, candidates are advised to check carefully
and satisfy themselves that he/she fulfill all the conditions of eligibility to the posts applied.
(i) Candidates must bring atleast one photo bearing Identity proof (in original) such as Driving License,
Aadhaar Card, Voter Card, Income Tax PAN Card in original and Admit Card downloaded from the
website, while attending the examination failing which they shall not be allowed to appear to the
(ii) Candidates are not permitted to use calculators and other electronic gadgets except as specified in the
Notice. They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Premises/ Venue.
(iii) If any candidate is found to possess mobile phones or any other means of wireless communication in the
working or switched off mode, his/her candidature shall be cancelled forthwith.


The ST, OBC, MSP, EWS and PwD candidates who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards,
will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such MSP, ESM and PwD candidates will be
accommodated against the general/unreserved vacancies as per their position in the overall Merit List.

The reserved vacancies will be filled-up separately from amongst the eligible STs, OBCs, who are domicile of
A&N Islands and who are lower in merit than the last General candidate (UR) in merit list of un-reserved
category but other found suitable for appointment even by relaxed standard.

Physically Handicapped category candidate who qualifies on the basis of relaxed standards viz. age limit,
experience or qualifications, permitted number of chances in computer based examination, extended zone of
consideration, etc. is to be counted against reserved vacancies and not against general vacancies subject to
fitness of such candidate for selection. Such candidates may also be recommended at relaxed standards to the
extent of the number of vacancies reserved for them, to make up for the deficiency in the reserved quota,
irrespective of their rank in the order of merit. Refer
regarding the posts identified suitable for PwD person.

Success at the examination confers no right of appointment whatsoever unless the A&N Administration
is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects
of appointment to the service/post and the decision in this regard shall be final & binding.


In cases where more than one candidate secure the equal aggregate mark, tie will be resolved by applying the
following methods one after another -
(1) Date of birth i.e. the candidate older in age gets preference.
(2) By referring to the alphabetical order of the names taking first name into consideration.


All candidates who apply in response to this advertisement on or before the CLOSING DATE & TIME FOR
ONLINE APPLICATION will be assigned Roll numbers. The Admit Cards will be made available on the
website of A&N Administration i.e. around 2 weeks before the
Computer Based Examination. In case, a candidate does not find his/her name in the above uploaded list, he/she
must immediately contact to the Assistant Director (Admn.), Electricity Department, Port Blair, at email ID
[email protected], [email protected] with proof of having submitted his/her application, for
consideration. Failure to do so will deprive him/her of any claim for consideration later.

The candidates must carry at least one photo bearing identity proof such as Driving License, Aadhaar Card,
Voter Card, Income Tax PAN Card in original and Admit Card downloaded from the website, while
attending the examination, failing which, they shall not be allowed to appear for the examination.

The photographs used by the candidates must be a recent, relaxed face, and the picture should be in coloured,
against a light-coloured preferably white background. If flash is used then please ensure that there is no red-
eye and in case of glasses, your eyes should be visible. The front of the face should be covered less than 80%
of the entire photo. Photograph should be in JPEG format and its size should be between 10 kb to 50 kb with
ideal resolution of 100x200 (pixels).


While filling the application for, the candidates are cautioned they should not furnish any particular that is false
or suppress any material information. Candidates are also cautioned that they should in no case, attempt to alter
or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or a attested certified copy submitted by them, nor should
they submit a tampered/fabricated document.

Without prejudice to criminal action/debarment from examination wherever necessary, candidature will be
summarily cancelled at any stage for a period of maximum 3 years of the recruitment in respect of candidates
found having indulged in any of the malpractices:-
(2) Involved in various malpractices.
(3) Using unfair means in the examination hall like copying, cheating etc.
(4) Obtaining support for his / her candidature by any means.
(5) Impersonate/ procuring impersonation by any person.
(6) Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with.
(7) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information.
(8) Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for the
Computer based examination.
(9) Misbehaving in any other manner in the examination hall with the Supervisor, Invigilator or
Administration ‘s representatives.
(10) Intimidating or causing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Administration/Commission for the
conduct of examination.
(11) To be ineligible for the Examination by not fulfilling the eligibility conditions mentioned in the Notice.
(12) Candidature can also be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment on any other ground which the
Electricity Department, A&N Administration, considers to be sufficient cause for cancellation of


The decision of the Andaman & Nicobar Administration in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or
rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s)
allotment of examination centers, selection and allotment of posts/organizations to selected candidates shall be
final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
The A&N Administration shall have the right to cancel or postpone the recruitment at anytime on any
administrative grounds and shall not be responsible for any type of losses or damages which may be suffered
by the candidates due to such cancellation.


Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to courts/tribunals having jurisdiction in Port Blair,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

The results of the Computer Based Examination/Final Result of the Recruitment Examination will be made on
the Administration’s Recruitment Portal


(a) The Electricity Department, A&N Administration has advertised recruitment to various Group ‘B’ (NG)
and Group ‘C’ posts with different pay levels in various Departments/Board/Council under this
Administration for which minimum educational qualification prescribed under details of vacancies
(b) The Electricity Department, A&N Administration will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for
the eligibility and other aspects before the examination and thus the candidature is accepted only
provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification
themselves that they are eligible before applying. When scrutiny is undertaken, at any stage, if any claim,
made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature shall be cancelled and the
Administration’s decision shall be final and binding.
(c) Candidates are advised to go through the detailed instructions contained in this notice which are available
on the websites of A&N Administration i.e. and may read carefully before applying.
(d) Candidates seeking reservations benefits available for ST/OBC/EWS/PwD/ESM/MSP etc. must ensure
that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed by the Govt./A&N Administration
from time to time. They should also be in possession of the required certificates in the prescribed format
in support of their claim at the time of application.
(e) Central Government servant/Civilian employees, Departmental Candidates of A&N ADMINISTRATION
claiming age relaxation should be in possession of a certificate from their office in respect of length of
continuous service which should be for not less than three years in the immediate period preceding the
closing date for receipt of online application. They should continue to have the status of Central
Government civilian employees/servants till the time of appointment, in the event of their selection.
(f) The Candidates must write their Name, Date of Birth, Father’s Name and Mother’s Name strictly as given
in Matriculation Certificate otherwise their candidature will summarily be cancelled at the time of
document verification or as and when comes into the notice of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration.
(g) The candidates seeking relaxation of Age in-terms of Administration’s circular bearing No.45/96-PW
dated 06.06.2001 and 45/1198-PW dated 19.09.2011, must possess the required certificate issued by the
competent authority.


(A) Final Selection for appointment to the post(s) notified herein, will be made on the basis of total marks
secured in the Examination.
(B) The Electricity Department, A&N Administration will forward the list of shortlisted candidates to the A&N
Administration for approval before appointment in respective posts.
(C) Candidates will be shortlisted on the principle that name of the candidate appears for appointment against
one post only, which will be determined strictly with reference to the order of individual merit/marks and
preference exercised by him/her (candidate) in the application form.


A. Instructions
(i) The candidates should register their full particulars of the Application through online at The online application will be accepted from 30.04.2023
(from 11:00 AM) to 21.05.2023 (upto 12 midnight). The candidates should provide all the mandatory
details in the online portal failing which the application will not be accepted by the online website.
Photograph to be uploaded should be of 8 bit JPEG format and its size should be between 10 kb to 50
kb with resolution of 100x200 (pixels). It is also advised to enable JavaScript in the browser such as
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google chrome etc. to successfully upload your online application. The
website will also allow the applicant to take print out forthwith of the submitted application to facilitate
candidate. Those, who may fail to take print out immediately after submitting their application can
download the filled in forms later also.
(ii) All the candidates who have duly registered his/her name in the local Employment Exchange as an
un-employed must enter his/her registration number at the appropriate box of the application while
filing online.

B. Copies of documents with the downloaded application and Admit card to be submitted at the time of
documents verification after the Examination.
a. One copy of recent Passport size photograph.
b. Self Attested copies of certificates in respect of.
i. Essential Qualification Certificate of the respective field and higher qualification, if any, issued
by the competent authority in respect of the post (category of posts) applied for (Provisional
Certificate etc. shall not be entertained).
ii. Xth Pass certificate issued by the CBSE or any other recognized Board of School Education
indicating the Date of Birth (Provisional Certificate etc. will not be entertained).
iii. OBC/ST Certificate issued by any Revenue Authority competent within the jurisdiction of A&N
Administration in respect of such reserved category.
iv. For Meritorious Sports Persons for such category of candidate, certificate issued by the
competent authority (Sports Authority of India or A&N Sports Council).
v. Employment Registration Certificate/Card issued by the competent authority under A&N
Administration indicating registration number.

23. Closing Date for Online Application : 21-05-2023 till 12 Midnight.

24. Admission to the Examination-

(a) Helpdesk :- Candidate may contact the Electricity Department, A&N Administration through email
[email protected], [email protected] to clarify/resolve any problem related to registration
of online application. The candidate can also seek clarification on telephone (Telephone No.03192-241591)
between 10:00AM to 05:00 PM on all working days i.e. Monday to Friday.
(b) Before filling his/her online application, the candidate must carefully read the eligibility conditions for the
examination and satisfy himself/herself that he/she fulfills all eligibility conditions and should upload all
requisite documents and pay necessary fees to avoid rejection of his/her candidature.

Admit Card for the Computer Based Examination indicating the Schedule Date, Time, Venue of
Examination will be made available on the website which is to be DOWNLOADED / PRINTED OUT by all the
candidates through website which the candidates themselves should
generate (download) in hard form and the A&N Administration shall not be responsible for non-receipt/delay in
obtaining the same by the candidate.

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