MBot Introductory Course-Use MBot To Learn Robotics

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Your First Robot

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 1
1 Your
Your First
First Robot

Introduce the lesson by asking Introduce the content

questions or telling interesting and learning objectives
stories. of this lesson. Overview
- 10 mins - 5 mins
15 mins

Open software
Connect device
tool mBlock 5 Graphical
and upgrade
and give programming
instructions. - 10 mins
- 5 mins
- 5 mins
device 35 mins
- 10 mins
- 5 mins

Announce the Students

challenge and complete the
the first Students try on
let the students challenge and
program to the their own.
discuss in discover more
students. - 5 mins
- 10 mins
groups. possibilities. 40 mins
- 10 mins - 15 mins

Arranging the
Explain the site and
Summary and
rules of the
the team
Start the game.
- 12 mins
clean up. Activity
- 5 mins
25 mins
- 3 mins members.
- 5 mins

5 mins


I can successfully complete the

assembly of my first robot and ensure
that the components are securely

In this lesson, students will learn I can identify the name of the
parts inside the kit and
about the features and basic understand how to use it.

operations of the mBlock

programming software. Students in I can use the basic tools and

understand the dimensions of all
teams need to complete the the fastening parts.

assembly of their first mBot and learn

I can successfully install
how to program it. When ready, mBlock 5 software and build a
programming environment for
students will participate in a fierce
competition with their mBots. During
I can locate and identify various
the competition, students not only functionalities in the mBlock5
software interface.
need to master the operation of

mBot, but also soft skills such as job

I can use a various ways to
assignment, teamwork, game
establish connection between the
strategy, and communication. mBot and computer.
I can complete my first program
to control the robot.

I can creatively complete the

construction of basic functional
structure as needed.

What is mBlock 5? Introduction

1.Download and install mBlock 5

mBlock 5 is a programming Please visit:
tool for STEAM education. It http://www.mblock.cc/software/mbl
is inspired by Scratch 3.0 and
supports graphical and text
2. Interface introduction

Menu Blocks Area

Stage Area Scripts Area

With mBlock 5, children are able to
create engaging stories, games and
animations, and program hardware Stage Area: You can present your
like Makeblock robots, Arduino and designs, connect devices, set your
micro:bit. It supports Python sprites and backgrounds here.
programming as well. You can just
Blocks Area: You can find the blocks
switch to Python mode with one-
you need by category and color in
click. Moreover, its AI and IoT
Blocks area.
features give children a chance to
have fun with some cutting-edge Scripts Area: You can program in the
technologies. Besides, mBlock 5 Scripts area by dragging blocks to
allows you to sync programs across this area.
platforms between Web, mobile Menu: In this area, you can change
devices and PC. the language, open and save files, go
to Example Programs and Help.
3. Graphical programming 4. Add hardware device

Select the blocks you need from the Open mBlock 5 and click the plus
Blocks area. Left click the block and button under the Device category
hold it. Drag the block to the Script
area and drop it.

The blocks of different colors and

shapes can be connected with each

Click the block and you can observe the

effects directly in the Stage area or on
the hardware.

In the Hardware Library, select the

Device you need and click Confirm.
5. Connect Devices and upgrade

Power on your hardware device and connect
it to the computer via a USB cable or a
Bluetooth dongle.

A. Use a USB cable to connect your device

Connect your hardware to the

computer via a USB cable.
Go back to the homepage. Look, the
Under the Devices category, select the
new hardware mBot is here. You can
hardware device you want to connect
continue to add other devices.
and click Connect.
Click Connection. If your computer supports
Bluetooth and your hardware
device has a Bluetooth module,
Note: COM 4 is the serial port number and
you can control or program your
it might be different on another system or
robot wirelessly.
PC. On Mac it would be like 1410 or
14230. You can just click Connection.
First, plug the Bluetooth dongle
into the USB interface and you will
find the dongle flashes blue light.
Make sure the device is powered
on and placed near the dongle. At
this time, the dongle will stop
flashing and turn solid blue.

Next, follow steps 2, 3, and 4 in

Use a USB cable to connect your

Note: Before you start to control the device

with mBlock 5, a window might pop up to
tell you to Update Firmware. You can just
click Update Now. It will take you 2-3
minutes. Then click OK, and the firmware is
upgraded now.
Return to the homepage. If it shows
Device Connected, then it means that
the device has been connected to the

B. Connect via a Bluetooth dongle

C. Connect via computer Bluetooth

If your computer supports Bluetooth

and your hardware device has a
Bluetooth module. You can control your
robot wirelessly.

Attention: Program upload is not

supported via Bluetooth connection.

The first program Can the student control the

movement of the mBot using the
four arrow keys?

Bluetooth connection between the

mBot and computer is
recommended for larger classes.
With wired connection, any program
related to the movement of the mBot
may cause the wire to tangle as the
program runs immediately after

When the “up arrow” on the keyboard

is pressed, the mBot will move forward
at 100% speed, and it will stop when
the up arrow released.

Activity A - Soccer Game Establish a border ring by drawing

or using tape. Player aims to push

the other mBots out of the circle

using his or her own. The last mBot

inside the circle wins the game.

Time: 3 mins per round

Activity C - Maze
Prepare a “soccer field” using any

material you could find in the


Activity B - Sumo
Time: 3 mins per round

Players control the mBot to go

from the entrance to the exist as

quickly as possible. The player who

finishes the maze in least amount

of time wins the game.

Time: 3 mins per round

What kinds of
How did you feel when improvements could
you finished you apply to the mBot
assembling your first for better performance
mBot and writing its during the activities?
first program?

What do you need to

do in order to upload
your program to the
mBot? Why is
upgrading the
firmware necessary?
Makeblock Sensors

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson2 1Makeblock
Lesson Your First Sensors

Introduce the lesson by Introduce some

Introduce the function
asking the question:What common sensors and
are sensors? electronics
of sensors on mCore.
- 5 mins
- 5 mins - 10 mins
20 mins

Introduce I/O System to students by How to use a Makeblock sensor

example. with the mBot? Sensor Usage
- 15 mins - 10 mins
25 mins

Introduce the Programming Examples of Buzzer\ Students review knowledge and ask
LEDs\ Light Sensor\ Ultra-sonic Sensor. questions. Programming
- 40 mins - 10 mins
50 mins

Open mBlock5
and Introduce Wait Blocks Forever Blocks If-then Blocks
and Wait Until
and Repeat
Until Blocks
and If-else
used blocks.
- 10 mins
- 5 mins - 5 mins - 5 mins
25 mins

5 mins


What are sensors?

Sensors are specialized

electronics that detect
and/or respond to various
environmental properties
In this lesson, we will cover several such as light, sound,
temperature, humidity,
electronics and sensors that are
color, and so forth.
either integrated with the mCore or The most commonly seen sensors
and electronics used in level one
come with the competition competitions are line followers,
color sensors, buzzers, mp3
package. This includes – onboard
modules, Bluetooth modules, LED
buzzer, onboard LEDs, onboard boards, LED lights, ultra-sonic
sensors, and servos.
light sensor, and ultra-sonic sensor. Common sensors
and electronics

Just like humans use their five major senses

to gather information about the
surroundings and the world in order to
explore, navigate and make logical and
productive decisions,
sensors provide Why sensors?
machineries with useful
data for processing and
in turn become smarter
and more capable devices.
Sensor Usage

I/O System
Inputs and Outputs

Before using a sensor, it is

essential to first understand its I/O
system, namely its inputs and
outputs. The input refers to what
the sensor is designed to sense or
detect. And the output refers to
how the gathered information or
data is represented in
programming environments or
presented to the real world. How to ues a Makeblock
Finally, it is up to the sensor with the mBot?
programmers to decide how to
utilize this information in
programs to better accomplish Using a Makeblock sensor with the mBot
various tasks. Some sensors,
however, require a few extra steps is a straight forwards process which
for setup. This will be covered in a
sensor specific context. follows a simple color-coded rule – any

sensor could be used with any RJ25 port

on the mCore as long as the port and the

sensor has a pair of matching color


Buzzer 2. Play a song of lullaby

Buzzers are not sensors,

therefore do not detect
or respond to any
Input environmental
properties. However,
they do respond to
electronic signals sent by

Buzz at a specified
frequency for a specified
amount of time.

Programming Example

1. Buzz at 700Hz for 1 second

with x&y coordinate

There are two LED bulbs on the

mCore. Since they are not
sensors, they do not detect or
respond to any
Input environmental
properties. However,
they do respond to electronic Programming Example
signals sent by programming
1. Set both LEDs to red forever

Each LED lights up in the

specified color
represented in either
Output RGB values
2. Set left LED to red and right
or built-in color profiles
LED to green
for either a specified
amount of time or

3. Ambulance effect
Light Sensor Programming Example

Light sensors detect the 1. 50% power when light

intensity of the ambient intensity larger than 300
Input light. It is important to
note that onboard LEDs
may affect the values
detected by the
onboard light sensor.
2. 50% power when light
intensity larger than 300
otherwise 100% power
The onboard light
sensor returns a non-
negative integer
representing the
intensity of the ambient
light. A higher value
Output corresponds to a
brighter environment 3. 100% power when light
while a lower value intensity larger than 500, 50%
corresponds to a darker power when light intensity
environment. between 300 and 500, and 25%
power when light intensity less
than 100
Ultra-sonic Sensor Programming Example

Ultra-sonic sensors 1. Move forward at 50% power or

broadcast directional stop whenever an obstacle is within
Input high frequency sound 15cm perimeter
waves and detect their
reflection timing.

The sensors return a

non-negative number
Output representing the
distance to the closet
object in centimeters. 2. Automatic obstacle avoidance
Key Programming Topic

Procedural programming and mBlock programs are executed in

execution flow a top-down manner where each

block is precisely executed for the

mBlock5 uses block stacking to
specified amount of time or until
help students develop
a specified condition is met
essential skills for procedural
before the next block is executed.
programming. One of the

most important concepts

students should undertstand is

the execution flow. Waits

Open mBlock5
—— Let’s start!

Wait blocks are the simplest and

easiest to understand form of control
blocks. Wait blocks, as their name
suggest, halts the execution of the
program for the specified number of
seconds. It is important to note that
wait blocks do not halt the program,
but the execution flow of the
Any block that comes before the It is important for students to realize
wait block, if there is one, still loops introduce a new shape to the
maintains its effect. execution flow. Before loops, the
execution flows straight from top to
Instead of specifying the number bottom while loops can force the
of seconds, wait until blocks let execution flow to go in a circular
users specify the condition that motion.
must be met before the execution
halt is lifted.

If statements


Just like loops, if statements are

essential to complex programs. If
statements allow programs to behave
Loops are major building blocks for differently under various
more complex programs. Loops help circumstances. The simplest and
programmers avoid repeating code and easiest to understand form of if
achieve task automation. Forever loop statements is the if-then block. If-then
is one of the most common loops used blocks usually present no challenge for
by programmers. As its name suggests, the students to understand since it
forever loops have no end condition appears in natural language all the
and therefore all the blocks residing time.
inside forever loop are executed one
round after another. Due to the nature Although if-else statements do not
of forever loops, only one forever loop present any more logical challenge for
can appear in a program. students, the syntax and bracketing
sometimes confuse students.
Repeat until blocks could be
understood as a forever loop with an The real challenge lies with nested if
escape condition. Repeat until blocks statements. Combined with operators,
behave just like forever blocks before they require meticulous planning and
the specified condition is met. ordering to avoid bugs and errors.

The operators’ category consists mostly

common mathematical symbols and logics
such as comparing numbers, calculations,
random number generation, and logic gates.

What are sensors?

What is input?What is

How to use block

stacking for procedural
Me LED Matrix

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson13Your FirstMatrix
Me LED Robot

Introduce the lesson by asking Introduce the content

questions or telling interesting
and learning objectives Overview
of this lesson.
- 10 mins - 5 mins 15 mins

Students draw their own plans

Connection Method:
Module instruction
for using the Me LED Matrix
and discuss with other
how to use a Me LED Inquiry
- 15 mins Matrix with the mBot?
- 10 mins
- 5 mins 30 mins

Show the mBlock Programming function list to Explain the event executive
students. examples to students.
- 10 mins - 45 mins
55 mins

Introduce “Set
variable and
( ) to ( )” and
explain how to Introduce axis.
make it in
“Change ( ) by
( )” Blocks.
- 5 mins Key
mBlock 5.
- 5 mins
- 5 mins
15 mins

5 mins

In this lesson, students can not only

understand the basic parameters

and usage characteristics of the Me

LED Matrix, but also learn how to Objectives

program the LED matrix to display
I can understand the basic
the output values of other sensors. parameters of the Me LED
Matrix and its functional
In the end, under the guidance of characteristics.

the instructor, combined with the

I can understand the different
knowledge of 2D coordinate
functionalities of the blocks
system, students will attempt the related to the Me LED Matrix.

ultimate task of this lesson.

I can program the LED

Matrix to display numbers,
texts, or symbols.

I can gradually master the

programming control skills of
Me LED Matrix through step-
by-step learning and
continuous experimentation.

Module Instruction Connection Method

The Me LED Matrix (8 x 16)

contains a total of 128 blue

Connecting with RJ25

Since the port of LED Matrix (8 x 16)
has a blue sticker, you need to
connect it to a port with blue sticker
on the mCore using a RJ25 cable.


The LED Matrix is a great tool for

The LED Matrix could be outputting information. It could
programmed to display numbers,
either be used to inspire students
texts, and symbols. The blue sticker
with creative projects by displaying
on the connection port indicates
the LED Matrix could only be text, patterns, and symbols or
connected to a port with blue showing sensor outputs that are
sticker on the main board. otherwise difficult to obtain or

2.Display customized images

3.Display customized images with x&y


It's usually very useful to have a

display to show various information 4. Display string/characters

of the robot. However, actual

displays are often more difficult to
program and consumes a lot more
5. Display string/characters with x&y
energy than the LED Matrix. Despite
its very limited resolution and
feature, young students can easily
get used to its controls and put their 6. Display numbers
creativity at work.

7. Display the time

mBlock Programming
function list

1.Display customized images for 1

8. Screen clearing function
sec and off
What is the difference between How could the on-board button
the effects of executing the two be used to switch patterns being
blocks below? displayed on the LED Matrix?

Students can drag out the following Use the "if...then...else" conditional
two blocks, double click on them and statement to switch between two
observe their different effects. custom patterns.

Do the following two pieces of

code have the same effect on the
LED Matrix?

Decomposing a single complex

How do you write a program to
block into multiple simpler blocks
is a good practice for more display incrementing numbers on
complex exercises in the future. the LED Matrix?

The Change () by () block is a

Variables block and a Stack block.
The block will change the specified
variable by a given amount. Along
with a 'wait' block, the numbers can
be displayed on the LED Matrix in a
controlled manner.
How to use the Me LED Matrix to
monitor the sensor outputs?

Being able to display sensor

readings on the LED Matrix is
essential to understanding certain
program behaviors during execution
so that fixing the program becomes
an easier task.

Is there a way to achieve the

same effect of displaying
incremental numbers
manually using the on-board
How can I make the pattern
Students can try to use other displayed on the LED Matrix
methods to achieve the same
functionality as the sample program.
In the process, they can constantly
expand the understanding of the What is the xy coordinate system?
basic programming logic.
What is the orientation of the xy How to display moving text on
coordinate system on the LED Matrix?
the Me LED Matrix?

Determine the movement effect of

the text on the Me LED Matrix, and
use the image movement method
you learned before to try to
complete the moving text.

How to calculate the number of

steps the image has moved on the
LED Matrix?
Key Programming Topic


A variable is a changeable value Variables can only hold one

recorded in mBlock 5 memory. value at a time, unlike lists.

These values can be either

numbers or strings — any text.

A small bubble showing the

current value of the variable

will appear when the variable is

clicked on. Unlike many other

programming languages,

variables must be created prior

to when the project actually

Variables are created with
the button in the Variables runs. This only results in a
small amount of RAM being

used to store the value for use

when the project actually runs.

Set ( ) to ( ) Axis
Coordinate graphing sounds very
dramatic but it is actually just a
visual method for showing
The Set ( ) to ( ) block is a Variables relationships between numbers.
block and a Stack block. The block The relationships are shown on a
will set the specified variable to the coordinate grid. A coordinate grid
given value: a number. has two perpendicular lines, or
axes, labeled like number lines.
The horizontal axis is called the x-
Change ( ) by ( ) axis. The vertical axis is called the
y-axis. The point where the x-axis
and y-axis intersect is called the

The Change ( ) by ( ) block is a

Variables block and a Stack block.
The block will change the specified
variable by a given amount.

What information can How to display sensor

be displayed on the output on the LED
Me LED Matrix? Matrix?

What is the xy
coordinate system?
How are the axes on
the Me LED Matrix
RGB Line Follower

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson YourLine

Introduce the lesson by asking Show the content and

questions or telling interesting
learning objectives of Overview
this lesson.
- 10 mins - 5 mins 15 mins

Explain the concept

of the fill lights Connection
separately by method: How
method: how
Hardware asking questions: to use an RGB
dose the
introduction Can we switch the line follower
- 10 mins fill lights on the with the
RGB line follower to mBot?
method work? 30 mins
- 5 mins
green, red, or blue? - 5 mins
- 10 mins

Before programming,let the students download

Explain the programming examples
the RGB line follower extension from the extension
to students. Programming
- 45 mins
- 5 mins
55 mins

Give an example of what is

Discover nested if statements from
binary number and find out
the difference between
practical applications and Key
summarize its complicated use.
binary and decimal.
- 5 mins
- 10 mins Programming
15 mins

5 mins


Students can properly use

the RGB line follower to
learn the track and
background color.

Students can properly read the

RGB line follower status
Line following is the heart of level

one automatic stage. Being able to

reliably follow tracks on the map is a Students can use motor

differential speed to follow
prerequisite for getting to desired a track

locations and completing the

required missions. RGB line follower Students can use sensor

status to program a basic
is a powerful sensor that can provide line following logic.

contestants with reliable and

customizable information regarding

the map, which can in turned be

used for completing various tasks.



RGB line followers carry four

independent sensors that are capable
of learning and memorizing the color ◼ Along with the four sensors are four fill
of the track and the color of the lights that could be set to red, green, or
background. blue. It is up to the contestants to
decide which color of fill light is most
fitting for the map and helps gather the
most reliable stream of data. To change
the color of the fill lights, simply press
and hold the button for approximately
two seconds.

To learn the background color,

place your mBot so that all four
sensors are seeing the background
color and press the small white
onboard button once. The indicator
lights will start flashing indicating
the learning has begun. Once the
learning is complete, the lights will ◼ Once the background and track colors
stop flashing. To learn the track have been learnt and have been set,
color, simply have all four sensors each of the four indicator lights
on the track and double click the indicates the status of each of the four
button. sensors. An indicator that is on
suggests the corresponding sensor
sees the background.
And an indicator that is off suggests Unlike mBlock3, mBlock5
the sensor sees the track. When requires students to first initialize
reading the status of the line the RGB line followers connected
follower, an on indicator reads as a to the mBot. Since the mCore
‘1’ and an off indicator reads as a ‘0’. supports a maximum number of
Since the first sensor resides on the four-line followers being
rightmost side of the line follower, connected at the same time,
the proper way of reading the line each line follower is, after
follower status goes from right to initialization, referred to as line
left. For instance, the following status follower 1, 2, 3, and 4 without
reads as ‘1011’ having to specify the ports.

A new feature is that students can

now set the fill light color through
software. The biggest advantage this
brings is the ability to change the fill
light color during program execution
so that the mBot could better adapt
to various map features.

Before using RGB line followers in

mBlock 5, students must first download
the RGB line follower extension from The other related blocks include
the extension center. retrieving or asking questions about
the status of each sensor, setting
sensitivity, and retrieving the motor
differential speed. These blocks will
be covered in programming

It is important to note that RGB line

follower blocks are only available in
upload mode.
Programming Control

The second method is to custom

There are mainly two ways build your own line following
of following a track using
logic using sensor outputs.
the RGB line follower.

Compared to the first method, this

method requires students to be
comfortable working with sensor
status, if statements, and sometimes
loops. Since this method does not
rely on any hidden logic, students
have a much higher degree of
First is by using the built-in control and easier time of
motor differential speed and
turning sensitivity.
This method is relatively easy to set
up and use without the need to The first step to building your own
understand its working principles. line following logic is establishing a
However, since its working principle clear goal and figuring out what
is not apparent, the degree of information from the line follower can
control and customization is limited. help you achieve that goal. Assuming
Students mostly rely on trial and the goal is to make the mBot go
error to figure out the optimal forward whenever it is straight on the
parameter values. track or stop otherwise, the real
challenge is deciding what counts as
being straight on the track.

For the purpose of this example, the

line follower status, when the mBot is
straight on the line reads as ‘1001’
hence the program below.
Now comes the question - how
should one logically combine the
three conditions above and have
their mBot automatically follow a
simple track? Ask students to test
and compare the following two
programs. Do they both work?
Which one is more elegant? And
what is redundant about the other
After some testing, it comes naturally
that the next step is to make the
mBot turn with the track. For this
objective, the key is to decide the
conditions under which the mBot
goes left or right. Assuming the mBot
starts straight on the track, the very
first status indicating it’s going off
track is either ‘1101’ or ‘1011’. ‘1101’
Indicates the mBot is off to the right.
And to go back on track it should
turn left and vice versa.
Key Programming Topic

Binary Number Decimal counting uses the ten symbols

0 through 9. Counting begins with the
"0" & "1" incremental substitution of the least
significant digit (rightmost digit) which
In mathematics and digital is often called the first digit. When the
electronics, a binary number is a available symbols for this position are
number expressed in the base-2 exhausted, the least significant digit is
numeral system or binary numeral reset to 0, and the next digit of higher
system, which uses only two symbols: significance (one position to the left) is
typically "0" and "1". incremented (overflow), and
incremental substitution of the low-
order digit resumes.

Decimal increment

Rightmost digit is reset to zero, and the

digit to its left is incremented.

Binary increment
Binary counting follows the
Binary numbers are important because same procedure, except that
of its straightforward implementation only the two symbols 0 and 1
in digital electronic circuitry using logic are available. Thus, after a
digit reaches 1 in binary, an
gates. The binary system is used by
increment resets it to 0 but
almost all modern computers and
also causes an increment of
computer-based devices including the next digit to the left:
RGB line followers to represent their
0000 → 0001
sensor status. rightmost digit starts over, and next digit
is incremented.
0010 → 0011 If (Tony gets full score on math exam)
rightmost two digits start over, and next digit is incremented. Then
(Tony plays games)
0100, 0101, 0110, 0111
rightmost three digits start over, and the next digit is

An observant student would soon

realize that the maximum number of
status a binary number can represent is
equal to two to the power of the
number of digits. But being a strict mother, she later
adds that if he doesn’t get a perfect
score on math exam, he must get a
perfect score on his English exam
otherwise he gets grounded for a
For instance, RGB line follower uses a week. What would the if statement
four-digit binary number which can look like now?
represent a total of 24 = 16 states.

Nested If Statements If (Tony gets full score on math exam)

It is not unusual for students to get
(Tony plays games)
intimated or confused by the syntax
or the concept of nesting a few if
If (Tony gets full score on English
statements together. Imagine the
exam) Then
following scenario – Tony’s mother
tells him the only way he can play (Tony is not grounded)
games is to get full score on his Else
math exam. Translated to a simple if (Tony is grounded for a week)
statement, this becomes——
To summarize, nested if statements, in general,
follow the following template:

If (CONDITION #1) Then

Else / CONDITION #1 is not met
If (CONDITION #2) Then
Else / Neither CONDITION #1 nor #2 is met
If (CONDITION #3) Then
Else / None of the conditions above is met

It is important to note that

more than often nested if statements
contain implicit ordering logic. Going back
to Tony’s example, does the program still do
what his mother intends to do if condition
#1 and #2 switch places?

What’s most confusing

about nested if
statements to you?

In what cases do the

RGB indicator lights
turn on and off?

How many track states

can the RGB line
follower recognize?
Color Sensor

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 1 Your
Lesson First
5 Color Robot

Introduce the lesson by asking questions:Is Show the content and

the world in the eyes of mBots colorful? Do
you think they can recognize colors?
learning objectives of Overview
this lesson.
- 10 mins - 5 mins 15 mins

Two different pictures to

comparing and guide the
Method: How
students to think about
to use a color
introduction which field of view looks
sensor with
- 10 mins like a mBot with the color
sensor ?
the mBot?
25 mins
- 5 mins
- 10 mins

Before to program, Set LED fill lights

let the students to and explain the
Challenge for
download the color event executive
sensor extension from examples to
- 10 mins
the extension center. students. 60 mins
- 5 mins - 45 mins

Combine the knowledge of RGB to Students go back to the

demonstrate the difference between high-
level and low-level colors in mBlock 5.
programming example to identify
and solve problems.
- 5 mins - 10 mins
15 mins

5 mins


Students can retrieve the

output of a color sensor
using LED board.

The color sensor is involved in many

Students can use a color
different missions in level one
sensor in conjunction with
competitions. From simply onboard LED lights.

successfully detecting certain colored

Students can detect a
cards on the map to using the standard color using a
color sensor.
information of colored cards on the

map to perform various maneuvers,

Students can detect a non-
knowing how to properly use the
standard color using a color
color sensor is essential to level one sensor.


Students can properly

utilize RGB information to
achieve multi-color

Hardware ◼ It is worth mentioning that the

color sensor reading is greatly
affected by shadows or the
general lighting condition. It is
The Me color sensor contains two generally accepted that the
digital color sensors and two LED fill
lights and takes reflection light as optimal distance the color sensor
input. The color sensor analyzes the should be from the object of
light input and outs the RGB values of interest is a little bit less than 1
the light.
centimeter. It is also important to
note that the sensor has a delay
around 0.2 seconds.

Since objects of different colors

reflect light of different colors,
students could use the output
information to differentiate various
Programming Control

Before using the color sensor

in mBlock 5, students must
first download the color
sensor extension from the
extension center.

In mBlock 5, a new block to set LED fill Programming Examples

lights either on or off is provided. Since
the color is extremely sensitive to lighting When developing a program that
condition, setting the fill lights on and off utilizes the color sensor, it would be
causes the color sensor to produce vastly helpful to be able to see what the
different outputs. color sensor is reading. To do this,
students could have the LED board
It is up to the students to decide which display the output of the color
option helps provide the most useful and sensor in real time. Look at the
reliable stream of output. It should be following program and think about
noted that the availability of this new block why is the forever block necessary?
opens the possibility of dynamically
turning the fill light on and off during
program execution. If not explicitly
specified, the default is having the fill lights
on. All color sensor blocks must be used in
upload mode.
Another useful skill which is sometimes necessary in level one competitions is to set the
onboard LED lights to whatever color the color sensor is sensing. This program could also be
used to visually evaluate how accurately the color sensor is detecting the colors. Students
can achieve this in two ways, with or without using variables.

Using the ‘color sensor detects’

block, students can easily make their
mBots perform certain maneuvers
when the color sensor has detected
certain colors. In the following
example, the mBot simply stops
when the color red is detected.

The ‘color sensor detects’ block allows

students to ask whether the color sensor
is seeing a certain color that matches
one of the six built-in color profiles
which include white, red, yellow, green,
blue, and black. These color profiles are
nothing magical but sets of pre-defined
RGB values or ranges of RGB values that
are built-in by the developers of the
color sensor extension. Using the ‘color
sensor detects’ block, students can easily
make their mBots perform certain
maneuvers when the color sensor has
detected certain colors.
Since the built-in color profiles are limited to only six
colors and the pre-defined RGB values might not suit the
lighting condition of a given usage scenario, students
may want to define their own color profiles. To do so,
students could use the R/G/B value blocks in conjunction
with if statements. Suppose the color of interest has the
RGB values of (83, 124, 226), what would the program
look like in order to achieve the same mission as the
example above?

Depending on how similar the color of interest is to the

color of other map features and whether it is the only
color of interest, the program above may or may not
work well. The reason is that the range we have defined
contains approximately 90 x 130 x 55 = 643,500
different colors. It is up to the students to decide how
narrowly they want to define the range in order to
reliably complete their missions. Another question for
students to think about is whether there is a way to
simply the program above?
Key Programming Topic

RGB The main purpose of the RGB color

model is for the sensing,
representation and display of
images in electronic systems, such as
televisions and computers.

It is an additive color model in which

red, green and blue light are added
together in various ways to RGB sub-pixels in an LCD RGB phosphor dots in a CRT
TV (on the right: an orange monitor
reproduce a broad array of colors. and a blue color; on the
The name of the model comes from left: a close-up)

the initials of the three additive

primary colors, red, green, and blue.
RGB is a device-dependent color
model: different devices detect or
reproduce a given RGB value
differently, since the color elements
and their response to the individual R,
G, and B levels vary from manufacturer
to manufacturer, or even in the same
device over time. Thus an RGB value
does not define the same color across
devices without some kind of color
In mBlock 5, the level of each
primary colors ranges from 0 to
255, where a lower value represents
a lower level of the color and a
higher value representing a higher
level of the color.

It is interesting to note that the

maximum number of colors the color
sensor can recognize in mBlock 5 is
255 x 255 x 255 = 16,581,375.

Execution Flow

Going back to the first programming example, why is the forever block necessary for the
LED screen to display the sensor output in real time? The reason is that without the forever
block, the execution simply flows through the ‘show number’ block once and terminates
since there is no further blocks to be executed. Thus the LED board would only display
the initial sensor output and never update the value again. Despite the simplicity of this
concept, having a solid understanding of the execution flow is crucial to building or
debugging larger, more complex programs.

Does the color sensor

produce the same
output in different
lighting conditions?

What is RGB and what

is it used for?

Can you come up with

two different methods
to stop your mBot at a
certain color?
Mp3 Audio Player

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson YourAudio
First Robot

Introduce the lesson by asking questions:as Show the content and

the sound of the buzzer is really monotonous,
why can't we find a way to change it?
learning objectives of Overview
this lesson.
- 5 mins - 5 mins 10 mins

Students decide Method: how
Hardware what music to play to use a Me
introduction and try to download Audio Player Inquiry
- 10 mins it. with the
- 10 mins mBot? 25 mins
- 5 mins

Use the mBlock Let students think

Programming and discussion:
Show and
function list to What are the Challenge
explain the
necessary functions
for the buttons of
event executive
75 mins
control of Me common audio - 20 mins
- 40 mins
Audio Player. devices?
- 10 mins - 5 mins

Emphasize the usage of wait

until blocks to students.
- 5 mins
5 mins

5 mins


I can understand the

installation and setup
process of the audio

In this lesson, students will first I can properly process audio

files into the correct format
focus on mastering the basic
and store them into the TF
operations of the Me Audio Player. memory as required by the
audio player.
Then students will have a chance to
I can come up with creative
explore some creative usage of the
ideas utilizing the audio
audio player and thereby player hence increasing its
deepening their understanding of

this piece of electronic. Can I extend my

knowledge of common

I can enable and realize

basic audio playback
through programming.

Introduction of Usage, Audio storage and

the Me Audio Player Connection

◼ A non-flashing, blue
Me Audio Player module, compatible
on-board LED
with the entire series of makeBlock
indicator suggests
control boards, is able to play back
the audio player is in
and record sounds with a built-in
decoder. This module’s connection play back mode,
port is marked with a white sticker, while a flashing
meaning that it is controlled by I2C indicator means it’s
signals, and must be connected to a in recording mode.
port with white sticker on the main
board. ◼ The module’s metal hole area is the
reference area in contact with the
metal beam;

◼ With reverse polarity protection,

reverse current will not damage the

◼ Since the Me Audio Player module’s

connection port is marked with a white
sticker, when using the RJ25 port, it
needs to be connected to a port with
An external TF memory card white sticker on the main board;
is required to store audio
files. ◼ The on-board micro USB connector
could be used to edit files in the TF
memory card. Therefore, a card reader
is not necessary;

◼ The module supports the following audio

file formats: MP3, WMA, and WAV.
mBlock Programming 7. Toggle between a pause and
continue playback

1. Choose a port

8. Stop playback

2. Playback by specifying file index

9. Volume adjustment by explicit

percentage specification

3. Playback by specifying file name

10. Increase volume by default amount

4. Specify playback mode

11. Decrease volume by default amount

5. Play previous audio file

12. Record and save the file in name


6. Play next audio file

13. Stop recording

Programming Control

What are some essential How to control the audio player

functionalities the button to stop playback after a
on the audio player specified period of time?
should be able to realize?
Students can adjust the 'wait' time
to play back the audio file for the
specified duration.

How to play back an audio

file by specifying its
Although the following
program is simple in
construction, it could be a
powerful debugging tool for
more complex programs. How to play back an indexed
Especially for checking out audio file indefinitely and
issues with the audio files stop at any moment?
The on-board button could be
programmed to interrupt
audio playback at any moment.
The effect is the same as
playing back for a non-
specified time frame.
Can you write a program to play
the next audio file without using
'wait' or 'wait until' blocks?
This sample program is for inspiration Is it possible to use only one physical
purpose only. button to go to either the next or
previous file?

Can students still achieve the

same functionality through
another programming logic?

What is the work flow of

recording and then playing the
recorded file? Why is a clear flow
chart crucial to programming?

Have the students come up with

flow charts and briefly describe
How could sensors such as light
sensor, ultra-sonic sensor, or RGB
Pressing the button line follower be utilized to help
control the audio player?

Which sensor is most suitable for

this task and why?

Can you make it happen? What

other creative ideas do you have?
Releasing the button

Stop recording

Key Programming Topic

Wait until

The Wait Until ( ) block is a Control

block. The block halts program

execution until the specified Boolean

condition is true.

What are the

precautions when using
the Me Audio Player?

Is it possible to
implement all the
common features of an
audio player using the
Me Audio Player?

What was the most

challenging parts of
today's lesson for you?
How did you overcome
the difficulty?
Bluetooth Controller

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 1 Your First
7 Bluetooth Robot

Introduce the lesson by asking questions:After Show the content and

writing the program, the mBot starts running by
itself……Is that all? Do you want to control it?
learning objectives of
this lesson.
- 5 mins - 5 mins 10 mins

Module Introduction
- 10 mins
Connection Method
- 5 mins
Bluetooth Pairing
- 5 mins
20 mins

Use the mBlock Programming

Explain the event Challenge for
function list to explain
executive examples. students.
programming control of
- 40 mins - 20 mins
Bluetooth Controller. - 10 mins
75 mins

In order to make students better use the

Emphasize the usage of
Bluetooth Controller, the concept and
()/()blocks to students.
usage of the joystick should be proposed.
- 5 mins
- 5 mins

5 mins

5 mins

I can program to use the

Bluetooth controller to
control mBot movement.

In this lesson, students will learn the I can use other display
basics of using the Bluetooth devices to read the return
parameters of the joystick.
controller. And they will try to
customize each button or joystick to
realize the control of mBot hardware. I can associate the
displacement of the
joystick with the wheel
motor speed.

I can use
mathematical operations
to complete accurate


I can understand the I can understand the

layout and features of the advantages and
Bluetooth controller. disadvantages of precise
numerical and range
definitions in the program.
I can pair and set up the
Bluetooth control to work.

Module Instruction Connection Method

Bluetooth controller can only be

connected to the Makeblock
Bluetooth Controller robots with a Bluetooth module.
features 15 buttons and 2
thumb sticks for a more Step 1 - Turn on your robot and
flexible Makeblock robot connect it to the computer via
control. USB cable.
Step 2 - Open mBlock 5 and
select the device as mBot.

Step 3 - Select the currently used

serial port.

If multiple serial port options

appear, please select the port
that is newly added after the
robot is connected to the

Step 4 - Select the device as mBot

and add the extension file.
It can allow you to customize Step 5 - Start to program the
control operation by defining controller.
each button with a function in an
anti-interferent operation during
robotics competition, within the
Bluetooth Pairing
transmission distance of 20m.
Step 1 - Turn on the controller.
The indicator flashes blue.
Step 2 - Get the controller close to
your robot. Press the “Bluetooth
button” until the indicator flashes
more frequently, then release the
button, and the controller will
connect to your robot automatically.

mBlock Programming
function list

Joystick RX, RY, LX and LY control

Buttons of controller control

When working on the LED color

control program, we usually
add the following script block
before the loop. Students can
consider why they need to join
this block?
How to switch the color of the
onboard LEDs by using the
buttons on the Bluetooth
controller? How do we program to control
the mBot movement via a
Usually we use this program to
Bluetooth controller?
test whether the Bluetooth
remote control is connected to According to the above LED
the motherboard. Therefore, programming control learning, we
students are advised to add this can use the "if...then..." condition
program to the list of basic to switch the states through the
programs for troubleshooting buttons on the Bluetooth
hardware and software. controller.
So, after the students complete this
sample program, can they control This is a plausible ending solution,
the mBot to move normally? students can try to add a "stop
mobile module" in different
If not, can students try to describe locations to solve the problem of
how to stop mBot. But does this
the problem found and try to find a
solution bring new problems?
Bluetooth control sample Is it possible to use the left and
program right motor differential control
modules to change different
turning radii in the left and right
turn control?

How to read the XY axis value of

the joystick on the Bluetooth
Before using the joystick, the most
important thing is to understand the
returning value on the mBlock 5
Can students use the onboard LED to software. We can edit the control
indicate the different states of travel? program according to the definition
of different values or ranges.
move forward = green
move backward = blue
turn left = left LED
turn right = right LED
stop = red
Students can upload this
program and draw a
schematic diagram of the XY
axis, marking the highest
value of the two ends of LX,
LY, RX, RY and the value or
value range after the joystick
is homed

How to program to use the

joystick on the Bluetooth
controller to control the
movement of mBot?

When the joystick leaves the home

position, how does the remote control
determine the direction in which it is
How do we program to How do we combine the
change the movement speed Bluetooth controller controlled
of the mBot with the motor movement program
displacement of the joystick? with other sensors or actuator
control programs?

When the joystick leaves the home

position, how does the remote control
determine the direction in which it is
Students can perform creative
extension programming based
Why do we need to add the
on this sample program. You can
mathematics of "divide by 2.55" to the
also try to adjust the parameters
in the program to feel the
changes in the control program.
Why do we use greater or less than
positive or negative 10 instead of 0 in
our program?
Key Programming Topic


A joystick is an input device

consisting of a stick that pivots on

a base and reports its angle or

direction to the device it is

The () / () block is an Operators
controlling. A popular variation of
block and a Reporter block. The
the joystick used is the analog
block divides the second value
stick. We can push the joystick to
from the first and returns the
all directions or push it down as a
result. If the first value is not
evenly divisible by the second, the

reported value will have decimals.

The numbers can be typed directly

into the block, or Reporter blocks

can be used instead.

This block can be stacked inside

itself — this can be used to fit

more numbers in.


How to read the

How can we use the analog value of the
Bluetooth controller to joystick?Why do we
control the mBot's have to read the
motors and actuators? joystick returning

How does the

differential control of
the wheel motor and
the speed control
through the joystick
displacement help in
the process of
completing the task?
9g Servo

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 1 Your
Lesson First
8 9g Robot

Lesson introduction and objectives

announcement Overview
- 15 mins
15 mins

Introduction of the Servo hardware

Servo wiring and
working principle of a preparation-holder
- 10 mins
and arms Inquiry
- 10 mins - 10 mins
30 mins

preparation Programming-Basic
to add the program to control Challenge
extension of the 9g servo in inquiry
and analysis
servo in the mBlock 5 - 12 mins
- 40 mins
software - 3 mins
- 5 mins 60 mins

Key Programming topics- button debounce and repeat

- 10 mins
10 mins

5 mins


I can understand the

design parameters and
basic usage of MakeX 9g

I can learn how to

In this lesson, students start with the complete the connection of
most basic how to properly install the the servo through the RJ25
adapter to the mCore
servo and its accessories, and through motherboard.
the step-by-step procedure, finally edit
the more complicated program that I can learn how to use the
servo correctly and limit it
uses the Bluetooth controller to control in the program according
it. And in this lesson, there is more to its environment.

hardware knowledge, and students can

I can use the
understand that in robot control, the Bluetooth controller to
understanding of hardware switch the steering angle
and speed change
characteristics is also very important.

I can understand the

concept of "debounce" in
hardware control

Module Instruction MakeX 9g Micro Servo

A servo motor allows a precise control

of the angular position, velocity, and
acceleration. It’s like you’re at the
steering wheel of your car. You control
precisely the speed of the car and the

◼ MakeX 9g Micro Servo Pack is a servo

pack for participants who need to
make a rotating device , it contains a
9g servo, a servo hub, a servo bracket
and hardwares.

◼ The MakeX 9g Micro Servo can rotate

approximately 180 degrees, it works
like standard servos but of course not
as strong as a standard servo.
This very strict control of the angular
position, velocity, and acceleration
can’t be done without a sensor for
Connection Method
position feedback. This sensor
sounds the alarm when the motor is
spinning. But even so, there is With the servo hub and servo bracket,
something more sophisticated that it may be convenient to connect the
controls all the stages of the servo
motor. It’s a dedicated controller servo with other Makeblock parts. A
that makes the tiny things inside the
Me RJ25 Adapter also help you to
servo to move with military
precision. connect the servo with mCore easily.
An exclusive design of this motor is
suggested in controlling
applications like the robotics.
Basically, they are used to change
the speed control at high torques
and correct positioning.


These motors are classified into

different types based on their
application like Brushless DC , AC ,
continuous rotation, linear and
positional rotation, etc. Typical
servo motors contain of three wires
such as, power control and ground.
The outline and dimension of these
motors depend on their

Before to program the servo, Then, you will find the following
we have some questions. block which can be used to
control the 9g servo.
Why do we need to use
the servo? And how do
we program to control the
servo in mBlock 5?

Connect the servo on the RJ25

slot and mCore, set the servo to
90 degree to put on the servo
arms, and we can have a go to
start to program it.

mBlock Programming function

These servos are essential parts if we
need to control the position of Set the servo to 90 degree
objects, rotate sensors, move arms
and legs, drive wheels and tracks,
and more.

And if you need

to program to How to set the servo to the
control the servo degree we want?
in mBLock, the
Check the port on mCore and the slot on
first thing you
the RJ 25 adapter. Make sure you have
need to do is to done the upgrade firmware of the mCore,
add the and then double click on the block to set
extension. the angel of servo.
What is the difference
between these two

If we need something like a

small robotic device to switch
between two angles, how
should we finish writing this
control program?

Why do you want to add a 0.5

second wait after each angle change
in the second sample program?

Can we program to control the
servo rotate from 0 to 180 degree
by degree?

The 9g servo changes between two

angles according to its own set
speed. We can add variables to
control its rotation speed and the
rotation angle of a single motion.

Can we control the 9g servo to

How can we change the
speed of servo rotation? rotate between 0 and 180 under
What is the fastest speed of the controllable speed
the rotation of 9 g servo? conditions?
At the beginning of the program we Challenge:
set the variable to 0. After the
program starts, because the initial Can the student complete the
value of the variable is 0, we enter the switch of the steering angle by
first "repeat until" loop until the pressing the button on the remote
variable equals 180 and jumps out control on the basis of the sample
into the second loop. In the first cycle, program?
the incremental variable assignment
gives the servo a set angle that has
completed a 0 to 180 degree change.
The second, on the other hand, is that
the angle of the steering gear is
gradually reduced to 180.

How do we use the buttons on

the Bluetooth Controller to
wirelessly control the steering
of the servo between two fixed Can we program to control the
angles? servo to move between two
defined angles using the buttons
of the Bluetooth controller, and
the servo stops moving when the
button is released?

Because of the structural design,

sometimes the space that allows the
servo to rotate can not reach 180
degrees. If the servo is stuck with the
physical structure, it will cause great
damage to the internal gear set and
even the entire servo will burn out.
So the program uses the "and" block to
set the range of the rotation between
45 degrees and 135 degrees.
Challenge Program

Can we program to correlate the

rotational speed of the servo
with the displacement of the
Key Programming Topic

Button Debounce

Pushbuttons often generate

spurious open/close transitions

when pressed, due to mechanical

and physical issues: these

Repeat Until ( )
transitions may be read as multiple

presses in a very short time fooling

the program. This example

demonstrates how to debounce

The Repeat Until ( ) block is a
an input, which means checking
Control block and a C block.
twice in a short period of time to
Blocks held inside this block will
make sure the pushbutton is
loop until the specified boolean
definitely pressed. Without
statement is true, in which case
debouncing, pressing the button
the code beneath the block (if any)
once may cause unpredictable
will execute. This loop is in similar
nature to a while loop in some

other programming languages.


How to take into

account the working
What is the working
environment of the
characteristic of the
servo to limit the
servo? How to protect
operating range of the
the servo?
steering gear through
the program?

What is the hardest

part of the process you
are studying today?
How did you solve this
part of the problem?
Programming Techniques

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 1 Your
Lesson 9 Advanced First Robot
Programming Techniques

Kick off the class by a mission Mission work reflection and Software and hardware
which provides a step by step
guidance to students.
lesson objectives
- 5 mins
- 10 mins - 10 mins 25 mins

Five steps to
Mission process Program test Problems
breaking down and sorting and
Case Study
the final
and analysis. debugging. reflection.
- 10 mins - 20 mins - 30 mins
- 30 mins
90 mins

5 mins


Students can use the color

sensor to count and
memorize the number of
appearances of a certain

In this lesson students will learn

Students can use a reliable
about several advanced technique to prevent
overcounting in the use case
programming techniques and tools above.

utilizing the color sensor. These

Students can understand
techniques and tools could be the concept of logic gates.
applied to other aspects of level

one competition, given the

Students can translate
reasonings and logics behind are back and forth between if
statements with logic
well understood. Once mastered, gates and if statements
without logic gates.
students could produce much

more efficient, reliable, and elegant

programs that are easier to

understand and reuse.

Case Study

Imagine there is a sequence of Before delving straight into the program,

blue and red cards alongside a try decomposing the problem by thinking
the following questions ——
track on the map:
◼ How do you detect a blue card?
◼ How do you keep a count?
◼ When and where do you update the
◼ How do you display a rolling count?

Being able to dissect a

problem into these smaller,
less complex questions is a
crucial skill for programmers.

To detect a card of a certain color,

it is obvious that a color sensor
must be utilized. And according to
the previous lesson on color
sensor, using a simple if statement
with the appropriate color sensor
block can achieve this goal. The
following program stops the mBot
when a blue card is detected by
the color sensor.
1. Please display a rolling
count of the number of
blue cards on the LED
Since the count is a potentially And regarding the question of
changing number that must also be when to update the count, it
memorized, a variable is perfect for this should be logically clear that the
job. To brush up, in mBlock5 a variable count should be updated inside
is a custom created block that stores the if statement after the target
numbers that could be dynamically color has been detected. It should
referred to and/or changed during the be noted that there are two
execution of a program. First, a variable methods to update the count,
must a created and given a descriptive either by using the ‘change by’
name. In the following example the block or by explicitly setting the
variable is named ‘blueCardCount’. count to the current count plus
Then, it is good practice to initialize the one. Understanding this equivalent
variable or in other words, set the relationship is a good exercise to
variable to its initial value before the further develop a programmer way
body of the program is executed. of thinking.
Although displaying a rolling
count sounds relatively trivial,
it is often unlikely for
inexperienced programmers
to get it right the first time.

Finally, to bring all the above together,

the mBot must be in motion following

Most would suggest putting a the track.

LED panel ‘show number’ block
inside the if statement after the
target color has been detected.

Assuming there is no termination, the

However, it is only correct if such
a block comes after updating the
following program uses a forever loop.
count. Otherwise, the displayed
number will always be off by one. If the concept of execution flow is well

understood, it should be clear that the

Moreover, the solution above is still

line following logic should be placed
not complete. If tested, the LED panel
would never display count’s initial inside the forever loop but outside the
value of zero. Therefore, an
if statement, either before or after.
additional LED panel ‘show
number’ block needs to be placed
outside of the if statement.
Depending on how fast the mBot is
moving, any number in the range of
lower tens to higher hundreds is
possible. This type of issue is
categorized as overcounting.
Overcounting happens when the
count variable is being unexpectedly
and unreasonably updated more
than it was supposed to.

In the case of the above program, the

only possibility for overcounting to
happen is the if statement’s condition
being satisfied more than expected.
Taking a closer look at the program and
the problem itself, the if condition is met
the moment the color sensor detects
the blue card. And this condition is
continuously being met the entire
Now comes the testing phase!
duration while the color sensor is on top
the blue card. Since it takes time for the
mBot to move past a single blue card
and the execution flow being relatively
speedy, the count variable is updated
many more times than expected.

In the following section, four

solutions to this issue will be
Try to let the mBot run by only one introduced, each being more
blue card, see if the LED panel is reliable and elegant than the
displaying the expected count. previous one.
The first method
is to simply divide the
count by the number
of times each blue
card is being counted.

For instance, if a single blue card

produces a count of 50, then
dividing the count variable by 50
should yield the correct number
of blue cards. This method, in
theory, should work provided a
very reliable color sensor in a very
controlled environment.
Unfortunately, that is not the
case. The color sensor is far from
being consistent in its reading
and the competition environment
is far from being controlled,
influenced by vibrations, lighting,
etc. Therefore, the first method
would not be an ideal solution in
any measure.
The second solution
has the advantage
of being extremely
simple to
implement, which is
to simply wait out
the duration of the
car passing a blue

Once the blue card has been

detected, a wait block is added
for the appropriate number of
seconds depending on the speed
of the mBot, which is usually
under 1 second. Despite its
simplicity, the trade-off is costly.
For this entire duration, the
execution of the program halts,
including the line following logic.
The course of action right before
the wait block will be carried out
for this duration. This suggests
that there is a high probability of
going off track whenever the
mBot passes through a blue card.
The third solution
why not replace the
wait block with a
repeat until block
that resumes line
following until the
blue card has been

The insightful ones might have a

quick fix for the method above.
Instead of practically doing
nothing for the wait duration,
why not replace the wait block
with a repeat until block that
resumes line following until the
blue card has been past? This
indeed is a very reliable and
rather easy solution to
implement. The following
program utilizes an operator
block called ‘not’. This is a logical
gate block that, as its name
suggests, negates the condition
The initial state of ‘onBlueCard’ is 0, and the count should
be updated when the state first changes to 1. While the
state is in 1, the goal is to have the count not updated at
all. And once the mBot passes the blue card, the state is
the final solution changed back to 0 as well.
A new variable
‘onBlueCard’ is

Many would be understandably

satisfied with the solution above.
However, it is generally
considered inelegant to have two
segments of code with the exact
same logic. Although the
following final solution is not as
straightforward at first glance, but
it is elegant and introduces an
important concept in
programming – states. In this
case study, the mBot could either
be in the state of passing by a
blue card, or in the state of not
passing by a blue card. A new
variable named ‘onBlueCard’ is
created to represent these two
states, where a value of 0 is
equivalent to ‘no’ and a value of
1 is equivalent to ‘yes’.

What is the What is overcounting

initialization of a and what is your
variable? favorite solution?

What is the most

What are states? confusing part of this
case study to you?
Advanced Line Following

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 1 Your First
10 Advanced LineRobot

Introduce the lesson by Let the students think about Show the content and
adding new challenges
about line following.
how to solve the new
problems. - 10 mins
learning objectives of
this lesson.
- 10 mins - 5 mins
25 mins

Provide three
programs for
For the purpose students to
Explain the
of this lesson, think about
Case Study
first explain the which one
of turning
turning radius to produces the
students. largest and
- 5 mins 25 mins
- 5 mins smallest
turning radius.
- 15 mins

Four common Program
example for
but difficult example for
turning at
situations about turning at Y-
line following.
- 5 mins - 15 mins
Program - 15 mins Program
example for example for 65 mins
going stopping at
through cross Y-
intersections. intersections
- 15 mins - 15 mins

5 mins

On these tracks, the mBot could run

into various types of crosses,

intersections, or markings that exist

to either purposely challenge or

This lesson delves deeper into assist contestants. Knowing how to

some more advanced usage of the utilize these challenges as a helping

RGB line follower and various hand is key to achieving more

turning methods that go hand in during competitions.

hand with line following. As

previously covered in the line Objectives

Students can produce a complex
follower lesson, the basic line line following program that are
following logic using either motor tailored to map features.

differential speed or sensor status Students can understand the

differences among three types of
works quite well on simple, turning methods.
uninterrupted tracks. On more
Students can appropriately
complex tracks such as ones on the utilize different turning methods
depending on map features.
level one competition maps, certain

tasks might simply be out of the Students can identify, utilize,

and resolve three common
basic method’s depth. types of intersections.
Case Study

What is turning radius?

Why is turning radius an

important topic?

Turning radius itself in an imaginary

world is hardly important in any
Turning radius or turning circle is a aspect.
rather technical term that carries many
different definitions in the automotive However, in real world or especially
industry. For the purpose of this lesson, in level one competitions, there are
imagine the mBot is to make a circle, many constraints that limit the
the turning radius is loosely defined as maneuvers of the mBot. Sometimes
the radius of such circle. these are simply size constraints,
other times it could be strategic,
sensor, or efficiency limitations. In
Compare and contrast the this aspect, using different methods
following three types of to achieve different turning radii
turning methods, which one becomes a tool to better
accommodate these constraints.
produces the largest and
smallest turning radius?

Advanced line following Going Through Cross

techniques Intersections

Going through a cross intersection

is a rather simple problem. When
passing a cross intersection, the
sensor will run into a ‘0000’ status.
And all that needs to be done is to
add an additional condition to the
basic line following logic to also go
forward when sensor status is
‘0000’. There are two ways to do
Now that students have been
this either with or without using
introduced to turning radius and three
logic gates.
types of turning methods, it’s time to
take it to the track. In conjunction with
the line follower, these turning methods
affect the design of line following logic.
Therefore, it is important for students
to perform large number of tastings to
develop a deep understanding their
effects. In the following section, two
common types of intersections will be
introduced. Furthermore, additional
constraints will be added to these
intersections to challenge students to
come up with the most reliable line
following logic.
However, what would happen if the crossing is rather wide? Under this scenario, it
would take the mBot much longer to go cross the intersection. And during this time
period, it is likely the mBot wouldn’t be able to maintain an absolute straight line
due to friction, weight distribution, battery condition, and so on. Therefore, the
longer it takes the mBot to cross over, the more off track the mBot would be as it
reaches a non ‘0000’ sensor status. Students would have to perform course
correction depending on the sensor status as the mBot goes past the crossing.

Turning at Cross Intersections Since the turn at a cross

intersection is 90 digress which is
Turning at a cross intersection rather sharp, using the third type of
presents an interesting issue which turning method that produces the
involves the choice of turning largest turning radius is ruled out.
method and termination condition. Despite the default turning method
It should be clear that unlike going produces the smallest turning
through the intersection, an radius, it is so small that the sensor
additional if condition wouldn’t might never reach the ’1001’
work since the turning wouldn’t be completion status. What’s left is the
considered complete until the second turning method that fixes
follower is straight on the track one wheel while turning the other
again. where the fixed wheel becomes the
center of the turning circle.
Stopping at Y-Intersections For this exercise, assume the
junction area is not large enough for
Y-intersections are more tricky the sensor to read ‘1111’ and that
compared to cross intersections the split is just wide enough for the
just because they come in all sensor to read ‘0110’ as the mBot
shapes and forms. The split could pass through the junction area.
be narrow or wide and the junction
area could be small or large. Some might claim that the mBot
could simply turn at status
‘0110’ but they ignore the
fact that before the line
follower could reach the
‘0110’ status it first passes
through some other
potentially undefined
status. And that is due to
the form and shape of a Y-

Depending on the way the

line following logic is
designed, in most cases
when an undefined status
appears, the mBot resumes
its previous course of
action. Imagine the split
second before the mBot
gets to the junction area
the sensor reads ‘1101’.
The mBot would turn left
as programmed. If the next
sensor output, as the mBot
is now on the junction area
is undefined, then the
mBot would keep turning
left until the line follower
reaches a defined status.
Therefore, the correct logic
is to let the mBot go
forward in all undefined
cases until ‘0110’ is
Turning at Y-Intersections

Now all that’s left is to

figure out the turning
method and the
completion condition for
the turn. Although all three
ways of turning could
work, the simplest method
is to let the mBot slowly
merge onto the track until
the sensor status reads
‘1001’ again. Other turning
methods could call for
completion conditions
such as ‘1111’ or others,
which are harder to deal
with and requires more
maneuvers to get straight
back on track.

What are the most How does various

confusing topic for you turning radii affect the
in this lesson? position of the mBot?

What would happen if

the line follower runs
into an undefined
sensor status?
Programming Techniques II

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 1 Your
Lesson 11 Advanced First Robot
Programming Techniques II

Learning objectives
Mission introduction and
Mission analysis and
rules explanation. solution brainstorming.
- 5 mins
- 10 mins - 5 mins
20 mins

Let the students Forming a

read the rules formula
again and concept for the
Case Study
discuss how to relationship
and workflow
complete the among speed,
mission with
- 15 mins
time and 55 mins
teammates. distance.
- 10 mins - 30 mins

Program Case Analysis

- 20 mins - 20 mins
40 mins

5 mins


I can understand the

operational relationship
between speed, time and

I can calculate the time it

takes for mBot to move
In this lesson, students can try to 1CM.

interpret the task rules and split the I can edit the program to
record the sensor multiple
workflow. The problems encountered
times and return the value
in the objective physical environment automatically, and the
average calculation is done
are resolved and solved by program automatically.

adjustment. I can consider the

impact of the objective
physical environment on the
execution results of the
program during the
programming process.

I can make a reasonable

workflow split for complex
Case Study

Mission Introduction After the students repeatedly interpret the

rules, they try to complete the workflow
decomposition of the task——

Step 1 - mBot move forward and stop

at the red line.

Step 2 - Measuring the distance

between the red line to the Block A and
memorize it.

Step 3 - Turning right to find the Block

B and stop to face it.
D1 D2 D3
Step 4 - Measuring the distance
between the mBot and the Block B.
In this mission, mBot starts from the
starting point and needs to measure Step 5 - Pushing the Block B to the
same distance as the distance between
the distance from the red line to
the red line to the Block A.
Block A. After that, turn to Block B
and push it the same distance from
the red line to Block A. Preparation

Mission Breakdown
How long does the mBot
need to move 1 cm?
Before we face any mission,
we have to complete a
detailed interpretation of the
task rules and a breakdown
of the task workflow.
Background knowledge

Distance Speed Time Formula

Speed is a measure of how quickly an

object moves from one place to
another. It is equal to the distance
traveled divided by the time. It is
possible to find any of these three
values using the other two.
s = speed (meters/second)
This picture is helpful: d = distance traveled (meters)
t = time (seconds)

If we understand the above

formulas for speed, time, and
distance, then we can have a
variety of methods to test and
calculate the time it takes for mBot
to walk 1cm. We can use the ruler
and stopwatch, use mBot to test
the parameters at the same time,
and finally use the calculator to
The positions of the words in the calculate the unit time used. This
triangle show where they need to go method is feasible, but since it is
in the equations. To find the speed, considered to be an operation at
distance is over time in the triangle, so the time of timing, there may be a
speed is distance divided by time. To large error.
find distance, speed is beside time, so
distance is speed multiplied by time. In the example below, we are only
providing a possibility. We
placed a 15 cm position in
front of the mBot with an
obstacle of appropriate
height and a line at a
distance of 5 cm from the
obstacle. Set the movement
speed of the mBot to 30%,
judge the stop by the
returning value of the
ultrasonic wave, and use the
onboard timer to complete
the 10cm travel time. Record
the results of each time
record, then add and divide
by the test to get an average
of 10 cm, and divide this
value by 10 to get an
average time of 1 cm.

Since many objective

reasons, we only use "X" to
represent the time when the
mBot moves 1cm away at
the speed 30%.

How can we make our sensors return values more accurately?

Here we use the multiple values

collected to calculate the average value.
Is it possible to use more programming
methods to accomplish the functions
similar to the sample program?

V1= the result of the first test of the


V2= the result of the second test of the


V3= the average of the distance

Can this sample program complete the mBot move forward and
stop on the red line? Can students find some bugs in this sample

Because we need to
install the functional
structure in the front
of the mBot, here we
extend the distance
between the red line
and the Block A to
Did we use the Have you
same motor considered the
power value as effect of the width
the mBot move Whether to consider of the front obstacle
1cm time the larger forward on the steering
program? displacement conditions?
caused by the inertia
of the car due to the
increased speed?

How can we turn mBot to find Block B?

When the first look at this question, most people will feel not very complicated. We can
simply use time to control the moving forward distance or the angle of steering.
However, in the extremely complex environment of such objective factors on the field,
any program must ensure its stable enforceability.

After waiting for the trigger button Steering to the right with 30%
to start, the mBot advances at a power until the distance is greater
speed of 30% until the distance to than 15, continuing to turn until
the obstacle is just less than 15 cm. the distance is less than 18 stops.

Can we still complete this task without "wait until"?

In this program, we did not use "wait until" to get basically the same control
results? Can students try to analyze whether the procedures in this paragraph and
the above procedures have their pros and cons

Case Analysis

V1 - The result of the

first test of the distance.

V2 - The result of the

second test of the

V3 - The average of
the distance.

V4 - The result of the

distance between mBot
and Block B.

V5 - The distance mBot

need to move to push
the Block B.

State - mBot
procedure state.

X - the time of mBot to

move 1 cm.

In the machine-
controlled program,
Which part of the
besides considering
program do you think
the logic of the
is the most difficult
program, what other
part to understand?
factors should be

Can the way of the What do we need to

sample program be do between getting
applied to other the mission and
situations? programming?
Program Picker

Teaching Suggestion

Lesson 12
Lesson 1 Your First Robot
Program Picker

Let the students think

Introduce the lesson by
announcing a new working
about how to write the
Learning objectives
agreement. Overview
program together in the - 5 mins
- 10 mins
new working model. 25 mins
- 10 mins

Show the usage of the

Custom blocks analysis. Have students try
- 15 mins
custom blocks with
on their own. Mechanisms
- 25 mins
70 mins
- 30 mins

On- board button

and its common
- 10 mins
mistake. - 10 mins
20 mins

5 mins


Students can reasonably

structure their program in

In the lesson, a special utility Students can describe what

parameter is.
program called the program picker is

introduced. Due to the nature of

level one competitions, being able to Students can utilize the

on-board button.
pick and choose which automatic

mission to carry out during a restart

is almost a necessity for all

Students can produce a
contestants. The program picker program picker with a
reliable method of selection.
alone is neither a particularly

interesting nor a challenging

program. Taking a closer look

however, the mechanisms that must

be in place in order for the program

picker to function well are thought-


Introduction Program readability is important

because it is rare that a single
programmer composes an entire
What are custom blocks? program by him or herself. MakeX
encourages teamwork where every
contestant contributes to all aspects
A program picker, as its name of the game. Therefore, a program is
implies, that there must be more usually shared amongst several
than one program to choose from. programmers to be worked on at
These programs are called custom different times. Low readability
blocks in mBlock 5. The usage of results in longer time for other
programmers to understand the
custom blocks introduces a new
program. And since a program must
way of thinking. Before this lesson,
be understood before it’s improved
students wrote a single program to upon, this leads to extreme
complete a certain task or mission. inefficiency.
If the task or mission is rather
complex and involves many
different maneuvers, sensor logics, A single long program is hardly
reusable. Such programs are usually
keeping track of variables, states,
extremely specialized, designed to
and more, this single program can perform one complex task or a
easily become enormously lengthy. series of smaller tasks in series. Since
This way of programming has two the execution flows from top to
major issues – first is low bottom until there is no more
readability, second is low re- instructions to be executed, if only
parts of a program need to be used
elsewhere, the programmer must
pick out those parts and rewrite
another program. This brings up the
topic of program separation that
Why we use custom blocks?
leads to the reason why custom
blocks are needed.
How to use custom blocks?

Think of the basic line following logic that

has been covered many times in previous
lessons. Since line following is at the heart of
level one competitions, it is almost utilized in
all missions during the automatic stage. For
this reason, it could be thought of as a
standalone component with a specific
functionality. And if a custom block is
created for this functionality, a reasonable
program separation has been achieved.

To do this, simply go under the ‘My

Blocks’ section and click on ‘Make a
Block’. Now there’s the option to name
the custom block and add inputs to
the block. Inputs are sometimes more officially called
arguments or parameters, provide more
flexibility and room for customization to

Suppose the objective is to create

a custom block that uses motor
differential speed to perform line
following. As mentioned in the
lesson on RGB line follower, motor
differential speed goes hand in
hand with turning sensitivity. It is a
reasonable assumption that for
different missions or different
sections of the track, different
turning sensitivities are desired.
And parameters make this
possible. The following example
program dynamically changes the
turning sensitivity.
To summarize, it is good practice to look For the purpose of demonstration,
for either repeated instructions or assume six custom blocks are made each
instructions that carry out certain designed to carry out its own mission and
reusable functionalities and group them that the on-board button is used to
into custom blocks. These blocks can perform the selection process. It is worth
have parameters that could be used to mentioning that using the on-board
do further customizations. button is not the only option. In fact,
almost any sensor could be used to
perform this task.
Now it’s time to
think about how to Since there are six programs in total, a
perform program variable could be used to keep track of
which program is currently selected.
In the example program below, a There are two caveats to note –
variable called ‘selection’ is created for
this purpose. And each time the on-
board button is pressed changes the First is that what happens if the
selection. Once the desired program is selection variable goes past the
selected, the method used to confirm total number of programs?
the selection is where students can get
very creative. Perhaps the simplest and
To address this issue, an if
most intuitive solution which is
statement could be added to reset
implemented in many modern
the selection variable back to ‘1’,
electronics is to set a ‘confirmation time’
this creates what’s called a rotating
where if the button hasn’t been pressed
count. This method has the
for a certain number of seconds, the
selection is confirmed. advantage that if the button has
been accidentally pressed and the
selection goes past the desired
program number, user could
simply keep pressing the button to
rotate back.

Secondly, setting a confirmation

time means using a timer block.
Each time the button is pressed, the
timer must be reset so that each
selection receives the full duration
of confirmation time.

And finally, once the selection has been

confirmed, another custom block called
the ‘executor’ is used to carry out the
selected program. This program is
essentially a series of if statements
stacked together.
Key Programming Topic

On-board button Timer

The timer is started the moment

when the mBot is turned on. It
counts up in seconds and could be
reset any time during program
execution. Each time the timer is
reset, it counts up from 0 second
When using the on-board button,
there’s a common mistake of not
using the ‘button released’ block.
Despite not a particularly severe
mistake, it is logically incorrect
to not do so. In natural language,
pressing the button implies first
pressing down the button and then
releasing it. If only the ‘pressed’
block is used and put into an if
statement, for the very short period
of time that the button is pressed
down before it’s released causes
the if statement being satisfied
many more times than expected
resulting in unreliable programs.
That’s why in most cases students
are encouraged to use the
‘pressed’ block and ‘released’ block
in pairs.

What are some

Why is program picker
methods of selection
important for level one
confirmation that you
can think of?

What is misleading
What are some caveats about saying ‘press the
related to the program button once’ in natural
picker? language?

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