This document contains a group assignment for a course on research methods in data analytics. It includes feedback on various sections of a research paper, including the title, problem statement, methodology, results and findings, data analysis, and conclusion. For each section, the assignment identifies weaknesses in how the topic or elements were presented and opportunities for strengthening the analysis and discussion. Key critiques included that the title and problem statement needed more clarity and focus, the methodology required more detail on research design and data collection, and the results, data analysis, and conclusion sections needed to include more data visualization and comparison to related work.
This document contains a group assignment for a course on research methods in data analytics. It includes feedback on various sections of a research paper, including the title, problem statement, methodology, results and findings, data analysis, and conclusion. For each section, the assignment identifies weaknesses in how the topic or elements were presented and opportunities for strengthening the analysis and discussion. Key critiques included that the title and problem statement needed more clarity and focus, the methodology required more detail on research design and data collection, and the results, data analysis, and conclusion sections needed to include more data visualization and comparison to related work.
This document contains a group assignment for a course on research methods in data analytics. It includes feedback on various sections of a research paper, including the title, problem statement, methodology, results and findings, data analysis, and conclusion. For each section, the assignment identifies weaknesses in how the topic or elements were presented and opportunities for strengthening the analysis and discussion. Key critiques included that the title and problem statement needed more clarity and focus, the methodology required more detail on research design and data collection, and the results, data analysis, and conclusion sections needed to include more data visualization and comparison to related work.
This document contains a group assignment for a course on research methods in data analytics. It includes feedback on various sections of a research paper, including the title, problem statement, methodology, results and findings, data analysis, and conclusion. For each section, the assignment identifies weaknesses in how the topic or elements were presented and opportunities for strengthening the analysis and discussion. Key critiques included that the title and problem statement needed more clarity and focus, the methodology required more detail on research design and data collection, and the results, data analysis, and conclusion sections needed to include more data visualization and comparison to related work.
EVELYN S MAPFUMO C21143696D COURAGE KUNDODYIWA C21143689Y EDWIN TATENDA MUSWERE C19136209G TRUST MANDINYENYA C21143534S SOUL MNAKANDAFA C21143693E YEUKAI CHIVANDI C21143961R CONSTANTINE MAKONYONGA C21143728N KUDAKWASHE MOYO C21143709H WESLEY KASAMBIRA C21143899S CONSTANTINE MAKONYONGA C21143728NCONS Title The term impact used in the title makes it difficult for the author to answer the research questions based on the title. The dilemma posed is how do you measure impact in this context. If indeed the study goes on to prove that having female executives decreases over-investment in listed organization, where and how do we start to measure the impact. The author also includes the term “investment efficiency” in her title. The question will be how does one measure investment efficiency. Is it quantifiable in this context? At what point can one say the investment has been efficient. What looks like an overinvestment in a period of two years can turn out to be a good investment in ten years. Problem statement The journal’s problem statement section contains two paragraphs instead of one. The problem statement should be a one paragraph simple expression. The author’s problem statement is not a simple expression. The problem addressed is vague. In the problem statement it seems the author is trying to solve two or more problems. The first one is the issue of over-investment in listed companies in Shanghai. Here the author suggests that to solve the problem, entities should employ female executives. The second problem the author seems to be trying to find solutions to is the specific aspects of the impact of gender diversity of company boards on company’s performance. This creates a problem in the research. Is the author looking at company performance in general or over-investments to be specific? Methodology The Researcher did not adequately address topics such as Research Philosophy, Research Paradigm, and Research Design in a way that lays a Research Methodology guideline that can be appreciated by the reader. For example, concise explanation and sample size justification as can be adjudged from recommendations that exist for numerical data in research design (Cohen et al., 2000).In data collection the researcher also does not provide clear comparisons of data collected from the 2 sources mentioned i.e., Wind database and CSMAR database. The reliability of the data sources should have been tested with such a comparison. The data collection procedure should have been specifically highlighted for reproducibility. The Researcher also generalizes findings as applicable to other sectors but was not covered in the research taking into consideration that the sample population is that of listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange which in essence could be blue chip companies representing a smaller proportion of the company’s overall numbers in the Chinese whole. Data presentation and analysis falls short in giving a clear perspective as to findings and model used. Pictorial presentation and statistical analysis could have been made more elaborate for the appreciation of the reader. Only one bar graph and a few tables do not justify the level of research and analysis of the topic. The researcher also shies away from mentioning any ethical consideration in such a topic that could have impacted the Research especially in a male dominated environment as the China context in proving the hypotheses. Results and Findings The Researcher could have used more visualisations for the reader to better understand the data used in this study. It can be noted that the Author did not explain some of the abbreviations used, for example VIF was not explained for the reader to fully follow the results. In terms of the results relating to the original problem, the Author managed to show this using the Pearson correlation coefficient though interpretation of the coefficients was not fully done. The Author did not mention the number of companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Market so that an assessment on sufficiency of the sample size can be made, no indication of the method used to determine the sample size was made. The Researcher did not indicate any limitations faced during the study or areas that might need improvement to enhance the models used in the study. Data Analysis Proper Data analysis is critical for any Journal to be authentic. From the data analysis the researchers were able to determine the impact of female executive on investment efficiency of listed companies in the Shanghai stock market. Kothari (2017) highlights that it is critical that any data analysis should be able to answer the problem understudy. This view is further supported by Creswell (2013) who also insisted that every data analysis should be able to answer the research questions. In addition the available data was interpreted very well. Kothari (2017) highlights the importance of properly interpreting findings in data analysis, for the data analysis process to be proper. However, the discussion was very poor since there was no comparison of the findings which had been found with the available literature. There was no comparison between the theoretical and empirical literature. For instance after finding that the asset –liability ratio has a significant positive relationship with over investment , the findings were not compared with what is already available in related literature or even with what theories such as the behavioural finance theory state. This is an important characteristic of a proper data analysis process. Basically the analysis was proper but there was need for the researcher to provide a clear discussion of the findings. Conclusion and recommendation Whilst the research showed that males still occupy dominant position in senior management, the research doesn’t show to what extent gender proportion have changed over time. Is women proportion increasing or decreasing over the past 5 to 10 years? The research doesn’t show the descriptive analyses of wholesale and retail industries, and social service industries being more suitable for female personality traits and more suitable for female careers as it claims. There is no inference of gender distribution across industrial sectors, thereby the research can’t conclude that these industries have greater opportunities for women to enter the top levels and are more conducive to the development of female careers. Although the authors empirical research model showed that the presence of female top managers can inhibit the occurrence of over-investment behaviours, the results biasness might come from companies having different gender demographic structure, with wholesale and retail industries and social service industries having more females. Women are no longer compelled for the housewife roles/domestic duties in the modern world because of women empowerment and gender equality. Moreover technological machines and maids have reduces their domestic duties. Therefore women should not be restricted to choose a job from an industry assumed conducive to female career development, but follow their passion. In order for both men and women to engage equally in the labour markets, caring responsibilities have to be shared equally. References Creswell, J., W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and mixed methods Approaches, (4th Ed.), London: Sage Publications Kothari, C., R. (2017). Research methodology: Methods and Techniques. (New edition), New Delhi: Willey Eastern Ltd. Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2000). Research methods in education (5th ed.). London: Routledge/Falmer.
Docsity The Research Paper Entitled A Forecasting Case For Teletech Customer Care Management Phils Inc Written by MR Stephan Earl Chow and Published in de La Salle University Manila