Resource Booklet 2022-2023 PDF

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Resource Booklet

Online Cluster Workshop
2022 - 2023
Responsive Teaching in the Junior Cycle Music Classroom

‘Responsive teaching emphasises the integrated nature of classroom teaching,

the demands on the teacher and what success looks like’.
‘Responsive teaching uses assessments for formative purposes to identify what
the students have learned and how best to move that learning forward’.
‘Responsive teaching recognises that skill and success rely on what students
already know. As teachers we need to plan and sequence learning based on the
knowledge we hope students will gain’.
‘Responsive teaching does not involve working harder;
it invites working differently’.
…H. Fletcher-Wood: Cognitive Science and Formative Assessment in Practice, 2018, p.4 – 11

The Integrated Nature of Learning Music

Key Documents

Learning together, we will…

• deepen our understanding of the most significant change brought about by junior
cycle reform
• explore further why formative assessment strategies are integral to routine classroom
• investigate how digital learning technologies (DLT) can amplify learning

Supports for this workshop

• can be found on our Padlet
• To access click on link provided during workshop
• All supports referenced throughout this booklet will
be accessed through this padlet

Our Learning to Date

Junior Cycle Reform

Task 1: What do you believe to be the most significant change brought about by Junior Cycle reform?


Task 2: How do you place your students at the centre of their learning?

Task 3: Consider these scores for your school context and your students

Where are your students on

their learning journey?
Prior Learning
Prior Learning

Task 4: Share how you gather information about your students’ prior learning


Task 5: What prior learning can you find here?


The Value of Prior Learning

Junior Cycle Music Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Specification

Prior Learning informs the next steps for planning for teaching and learning

Prior Learning

Learning Outcomes are incrementally developed across the three years

‘Learning Outcomes are statements that

describe what knowledge, understanding,
skills and values students should be able to
demonstrate having studied music in cycle’
…Music Specification, p.15

‘Student engagement and learning are

optimised by a fully integrated experience
across the three strands and through the
three elements’
…Music Specification, p.11

What will the learning be ‘ABOUT’?

Tasks 6 & 7: Identify the learning explicitly stated in the learning outcomes

The ‘DOING’ of the learning

‘An Action Verb is described in terms of what

the learner should be able to do once they have
achieved the learning outcome’
…Music Specification, p.3

Task 8: What is the learning at the heart of this learning?

2.9 distinguish between the sonorities, ranges and timbres of selections of instruments and
voices; identify how these sounds are produced and propose their strengths and
limitations in performance


Meet the Instruments

Task 9: Consider the learning in the companion support as you meet the instrument
Responsive Teaching Task 10: Go to the Genially here to access this
‘Formative assessment is the process
of seeking and interpreting evidence
for use by learners and their teachers
to decide where the learners are in
their learning, where they need to go
and how best to get there’
…Assessment Reform Group, 2002

Task 11: How do the learning intentions and success criteria align to the learning

Task 12: How does this resource support gathering evidence of students’ learning?

Task 13: How might this learning activate students as life-long learners?

Task 14: What feedback strategies might you use for this level 2 learning experience?

Task 15: How might this support activate your students as resources for each other?

Digital Learning Technologies (DLT) - Amplifying the Learning

• Enabler or Master?
• Technology should always be informed by the learning
• How will technology help the students learn better?
NOT how will they use it!
• Are students engaged in the learning? or is the
technology tips, tricks, gimmicks?
• Not tech for tech sake!

‘…pedagogy first technology second’

…Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027, p.22

Adapting the score for my students

• Change the instruments

• Change the tempo
• Transpose to a suitable key
• Rearrange the music
• Enhance the learning with a variety of symbolic
representations of sounds

Preparing my students for rehearsal and performance

• Solo the instruments to hear the parts clearly

• Use the metronome to support rhythm skills
• Loop bars or phrases to learn aurally and practise along
• Review tempo or key for final performance
• Export individual instrumental parts as scores and audio files
• Create backing tracks for rehearsal and performance

Where to find…? A Whistlestop Tour


Next Steps

Reflecting on all the learning today, what one action might you
take on your return to school? Share why this is a priority for you

We welcome your feedback

Email: [email protected]
Keep the conversation going
Twitter: @JctMusicEdu


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