Annexure A Nimli Hydrological Survey

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CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. ii

Sheet No.
1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Project Description ............................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope of Work.................................................................................... 1
1.3 Technical Background ........................................................................ 1
2.0 GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS .................................................................... 1
2.1 Location.............................................................................................. 1
2.2 Physiography & Climate ..................................................................... 2
2.3 Geology .............................................................................................. 2
2.4 Hydrogeology ..................................................................................... 3
2.5 Basic Data .......................................................................................... 3
2.6 Groundwater Conditions..................................................................... 3
3.0 RESISTIVITY SURVEY................................................................................. 4
3.1 General Principles .............................................................................. 4
3.2 Vertical Electric Soundings................................................................. 4
4.1 Site Assessment................................................................................. 5
4.2 Groundwater Potential and Quality..................................................... 5
4.3 Recommended Tube-wells................................................................. 7
5.0 RAINWATER HARVESTING........................................................................ 7
6.0 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................... 8
8.0 CLOSURE..................................................................................................... 8
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. iii


Table No.

Apparent Resistivity Versus Electrode Spacing 1

Expected Stratigraphy and Tube-well Specifications
VES-1 to VES-5 2 to 6

Fig. No.

Layout Plan Showing VES Locations 1

Graph of Apparent Resistivity vs Electrode Spacing
VES-1 to VES-5 2 to 4
Recommended Tube-well Design 5

Site Photographs 6

CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 1


1.1 Project Description

The Centre for Science & Environment (CSE) is planning to

construct an Environmental Training Institute. The site is located in
Nimli Village, Tijara Block, District Alwar, Rajasthan.

To decide regarding the suitability of the site, the client requires

a detailed study of the ground water conditions. For this purpose
M/s. Cengrs Geotechnica Pvt. Ltd. has conducted a geo-physical and
geo-hydrological survey at the site.

This report presents the results of the survey conducted together

with our observations at site.

1.2 Scope of Work

The main purpose of the study was to assess the groundwater

conditions to meet the water requirement of the project. The
geophysical survey was carried out on 4.06.2012 after a review of the
literature available on the area and earlier work done.

1.3 Technical Background

Hydro-geology is a scientific discipline that requires the

appreciation of physiography, meteorological parameters, hydrology,
geology and structure of the region in which the particular site is
situated along with local details, for a quantitative evaluation of the
ground water potential and for a continued development of the water

This report presents the relevant technical background together

with our recommendations on expected yield and water quality.


2.1 Location

The site surveyed is located at Nimli Village, Tijara Block, Alwar

District, Rajasthan. The site under study is situated about 120 km
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 2

southwest of Delhi. It lies between coordinates latitudes 27°50' 17.32"

and longitudes E 76°55' 47.21''.

2.2 Physiography & Climate

The site surveyed is a plain land and undulating land, sloping

downwards towards north. It comes under Aravali hill range. Locally
the ridges have a Northeast - Southwest trends. The area is at about
296 to 308 m above mean sea level the area is covered by thick
alluvium bed, the area having extremes of climate in summer and

The area falls in a semi-arid zone, with extremes of climate in

summer and winter. Dust storms are common during the summer
months in the area and it experiences severe heat during May and
June, with the highest temperatures hovering around 45±3°C and
minimum temperatures touch lows of the order of 3°C in winters.

The Southwest monsoon period between June and September

is the main rainy season of the area when about 85% of the annual
precipitation occurs. The mean annual rainfall is about 724 mm. The
coefficient of variation is fairly low at 15 mm and the corresponding
dispersion of mean rainfall is 20% with a 90 mm standard deviation.
The air over this area is generally dry for most part of the year. The
soils are sandy clays and fairly well drained.

2.3 Geology

Inliers of Delhi Super Group formations surrounded by Alluvium

occupy the region. The site is covered by thick alluvium bed, made up
of clay, fine to medium sand, silt, clay and kankar (calcareous
nodules). The surface beds are admixed with wind-blown sediments of
Recent Age.

These deposits have high porosity and permeability and readily

absorb water. These alluvial sediments are underlain by harder
formations of the Delhi System of rocks. The quartzites of Delhi
System encountered in the area are massive, compact and hard.
These quartzites are intruded by Pegmatites. These pegmatites, on
weathering, yield mica zones encountered in the area. The thickness
of the alluvial cover varies across the area.
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 3

The stratigraphic sequence of the area is as under:

Alluvium comprising of clay, medium to fine sand,

Recent to Sub-Recent
silt, kankar and Aeolian deposits.


Post Delhi Intrusives Pegmatitic and basic intrusives

Algonkian (Delhi System) Alwar quartzites

2.4 Hydrogeology

The area is near the northeast extension of Aravali range of hills

comprising of quartzites, schists and phyllites. It is covered by thick
layer of alluvium bed.

The aquifer system in the unit has been formed by a different

types of sand zones and kankar zones (calcareous nodules).

The hydro-geological setting of the site is relatively favourable.

The water level in the area is presently reported to be at about 4 to 10
m. As per Central Groundwater Board, the area comes under good
ground water belt. The quality of water is good.

There are number of shallow and deep tubewells in the vicinity.

There is no surface water body in the area.

2.5 Basic Data

As per CGWB broad survey the project site comes under good
potential zone. The groundwater is potable and fit for domestic,
agriculture and Industrial use.

2.6 Groundwater Conditions

The area, in general, is composed of alluvium formations with

good yield of water. The study indicated that the site has good ground
water potential and the water quality is potable. The details of the
study and the results there of are presented in this report.
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 4


3.1 General Principles

When electricity passes through the earth, it encounters

resistance to the flow from the soil / rock-materials. The impedance is
dependent on the elemental constitution, granular arrangement and
fluid content of the underlying earth layers. A four electrode
Schlumberger array, as illustrated below, with a maximum current
electrode separation of 150 m was used to obtain the vertical
sequence of materials at several specific locations.

The apparent resistivity offered by these layers is calculated

using the relationship between the distances of potential and current
electrodes and the amperage used to generate the measured voltage
difference after nullifying, if any, the natural potential of such materials.
Based on parametric soundings at locations where the subsurface
lithology is known and by curve matching techniques the thickness and
nature of formations in a given area are obtained by interpretation.

Typical Schematic of Schlumberger electrode array.

3.2 Vertical Electric Soundings

To obtain a total coverage of the area and to probe the

conditions at greater depths, electrical soundings have been carried
out. Electrical soundings were made to probe the subsurface
conditions prevailing, to the depths of 150 m using extrapolation
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 5

techniques. The data obtained were analyzed by curve matching

methods as well as empirical methods.

A total of four Vertical Electric Soundings (VES) were conducted

at site. The VES locations are illustrated on Fig. 1 and marked on the
master plan.

The data was plotted as measured resistivity values versus the

current electrode spacing (AB/2). The measured apparent resistivity
values are tabulated on Table 1. Graphical plots of the results are
presented on Figs. 2 to 9.


4.1 Site Assessment

The data obtained has been evaluated to assess the general

trend of groundwater conditions across the site. Keeping in view various
hydro-geological and geophysical aspects of the study area, our
assessment of site conditions is as follows:

a) The area surveyed is part of north sloping Aravali hill range with
sand, gravel kankar and weathered rock forming the potential

b) Groundwater occurs under phreatic conditions at shallow depths

and under semi-confined conditions at greater depths.

c) Resistivity data indicates that the surveyed area has uniform

underground conditions with minor changes at specific locations.
In general, the trend of groundwater conditions is uniform and no
substantial variations are expected.

d) The survey indicated hard rock formations comes at depth of

40 m below ground level.

4.2 Groundwater Potential and Quality

There are no exact methods of calculating yields from tube-wells

using VES data. However, a good and reliable estimate can be made
on the basis of resistivity values, interpreted stratigraphy, hydrological
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 6

information and local site conditions. Broadly the assessment of yield is

made after careful review of the following:

a) Thickness of sand zones,

b) Presence of fractured / jointed rock,
c) Groundwater conditions in the area,
d) Geology of the area,
e) Actual yield from the existing wells in vicinity,
f) Presence of water bodies in the surrounding areas.
g) Rainfall in the project area and expected recharge of the
groundwater sources,
h) Assessment of hydraulic gradient and ground water flow.

Based on review of various parameters as explained above, the

interpreted stratigraphy and expected water quality at each of the 5
VES locations is presented on Tables 2 to 6. Our assessment of
groundwater potential is as follows:

a) Resistivity data indicates that the surveyed area has uniform

underground conditions with minor changes at specific locations.

b) The quality of groundwater is potable and fit for any use. There
may be minor variations in the actual quantity that can be drawn
depending upon various seasonal and hydrological factors.

c) Overall study indicated that the site has good ground water

d) Whereas yields will be higher in coarse sand, the yield will be

lesser in fine sand and strata containing silts and clays.

Tube-wells for the project should be installed to about 130 -

140 m depth. As per our assessment, each well in the area can yield
about 15,000 litres per hour (1,50,000 litres per day for maximum 10
hours of pumping). The recharge of groundwater is good; however it
is likely that the yield could decrease over a period of time.

We anticipate that the estimated yield is likely to be available for

a period of at least 10-15 years.

The yield and quality of groundwater will be influenced by the

urbanization and industrialization in the area and the number of tube-
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 7

wells that may be installed within the site area and in the surrounding
area in the future and quantum of water extracted from the aquifer.

4.3 Recommended Tube-wells

Tube-well drilled to a depth of 120 m to 140 m using DTH

technique with an efficient pumping system may be installed under an
expert guidance. The study confirms that the underground formations
are fairly uniform.

Hence tube-well may be drilled at any five locations (Refer Fig.

1). Our suggested order of preference is as follows:

1. VES- 1 2. VES-3 3. VES-2

4. VES-5 and 5. VES-4

Our recommended tubewell design is given in Fig.13. It shows

the depths of the blank and slotted casings. The actual location of the
well screen should be decided during drilling. The gap between the
hole and casing should be filled with pea gravel.

To avoid interference, we suggest that a minimum distance of

not less than 100 m be kept between adjacent tube-wells.

The quality of underground water is potable. Testing of water to

ascertain quality is essential.


To conserve water as a runoff from the surface of open areas

and building roof, rainwater harvesting is recommended to recharge
the shallow aquifer through a recharge structure.

Rainwater harvesting is likely to be beneficial in the long run for

sustained yield from the wells and also to limit further increase in
salinity. At least two structures may be provided at the project site. For
successful rainwater harvesting, all water from storm-water drains
should flow into the recharge structure. Also, the ground slopes
should be such that all water from open areas flow into the water-
harvesting structure.
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Sheet No. 8

There is a nallah passing through the site. We understand that it

runs full during the monsoons. The water in this nallah may be
intercepted in the higher reaches and fed into a recharge well installed
specifically for this purpose. It should be ensured that the recharge
well can absorb the peak-monsoon discharge of the nallah. This will
enhance the groundwater scenario in the area and ensure long life of
the wells.


All projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent

limitations of the technique employed. There could be variations as
the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical
interpretations. In case any major variations are observed, we request
to be informed so that our hydro-geologists may review the site
conditions in light of these variations.


Cengrs Geotechnica Pvt. Ltd assessed the ground water

potential at the proposed Environmental Training Institute at Nimli
Village Tijara, Rajasthan. He purpose is to establish the reliability and
adequacy of source to meet its water requirement. The results from the
hydro-geological and geophysical investigations reveal good
groundwater potential and good quality.

A general assessment of the site indicates that the current

groundwater potential can be about 12,000 to 15,000 litres per hour
from one tube-well. In case two or more tube-wells are installed they
should be spaced 100 m apart. For long term performance of the
wells, rainwater harvesting is suggested.


We appreciate the opportunity to perform this investigation for

you and have pleasure in submitting this report. Please contact us
when we can be of further service to you.



CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Table No. 1

ESP Apparent Resistivity in ohm metres

in m (AB/2) VES-1 VES-2 VES-3 VES-4 VES-5

1 35 32 30 36 38
3 36 34 42 35 36
5 32 36 33 50 33
7 36 35 32 34 33
10 35 32 36 35 35
15 34 31 34 36 36
20 30 22 33 32 34
25 21 25 22 22 25
30 25 24 21 105 23
35 26 23 23 22 21
40 28 32 25 105 28
45 24 35 120 112 125
50 23 34 45 22 35
55 145 105 124 125 110
60 52 42 52 143 34
70 140 125 105 146 135
80 124 145 106 120 210
90 135 122 110 244 225
100 124 156 205 245 314
110 245 254 210 316 355
120 312 312 312 445 125
130 210 445 120 456 143
140 110 115 104 124 120
150 412 434 385 325 184
VES: Vertical Electrical Sounding (Schlumberger Array)
ESP: Electrode Separation in m
Values in table are measured apparent resistivity values (ohm-m) for corresponding electrode separation


Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at
Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Table No. 2

Expected Formation and Water Quality at VES - 1:

App. Resistivity, Expected
Depth, m Expected litho-log
ohm-m Quality
0–3 35 – 36 Surface Soil --
3 – 20* 30 –40 Sandy clay Potable
20 – 50 20 –30 Clay with kankar ---
50 – 80* 40 – 145 Rock boulders with sand Potable
80 – 100* 100 – 200 Weathered rock Potable
100 – 120 200< Hard rock ----
120– 140* 110- 312 Fractured rock Potable
140 - 150 > 200 Hard rock
* Aquifer zone

Specifications of the tube well construction at VES -1 (See Fig. 5):

a) Depth 130 m
b) Hole Diameter 10” /8”(250 mm/200 mm)
c) Pipe Diameter 8” (200 mm)
d) Expected Yield 15,000 Liters per hour
e) Drilling Technique DTH

The yield is estimated based on thickness of Sand, fractures & weathered

zones (Aquifer) and well inventory.



Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at

Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Table No. 3

Expected Formation and Water Quality at VES - 2:

App. Resistivity, Expected
Depth, m Expected litho-log
ohm-m Quality
0–4 32 – 34 Surface Soil --
4 – 15* 30-40 Sandy clay Potable
15 - 35 20-30 Clay with kankar ---
35– 50* 30-40 Sandy clay Potable
50 – 65* 53 – 56 Rock boulders with sand Potable
65 – 95* 100 – 200 Weathered rock Potable
95 – 130 200< Hard rock ----
130– 140* 110– 210 Fractured rock Potable
140 - 150 > 200 Hard rock
* Aquifer zone

Specifications of the tube well construction at VES -2 (See Fig. 5):

a) Depth 140 m
b) Hole Diameter 10” /8”(250 mm/200 mm)
c) Pipe Diameter 8” (200 mm)
d) Expected Yield 14,000 Liters per hour
e) Drilling Technique DTH

The yield is estimated based on thickness of Sand, fractures &

weathered zones (Aquifer) and well inventory.


Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at
Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Table No. 4

Expected Formation and Water Quality at VES - 3:

App. Resistivity, Expected
Depth, m Expected litho-log
ohm-m Quality
0–3 30 – 42 Surface Soil --
3 – 20* 30-40 Sandy clay Potable
20 - 40 20-30 Clay with kankar ---
40 – 60* 45-124 Rock boulders with sand Potable
60 – 90* 110-200 Weathered rock Potable
90 – 120 200< Hard rock ----
120– 140* 104-312 Fractured rock Potable
140 - 150 > 200 Hard rock
* Aquifer zone

Specifications of the tube well construction at VES -3 (See Fig. 5):

a) Depth 130 m
b) Hole Diameter 10” /8”(250 mm/200 mm)
c) Pipe Diameter 8” (200 mm)
d) Expected Yield 15,000 Liters per hour
e) Drilling Technique DTH

The yield is estimated based on thickness of Sand, fractures &

weathered zones (Aquifer) and well inventory.


Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at
Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Table No. 5

Expected Formation and Water Quality at VES - 4:

App. Resistivity, Expected
Depth, m Expected litho-log
ohm-m Quality
0–4 36-50 Surface Soil --
4 – 25 30-40 Sandy clay with kankar ---
25 –45* 22-112 Boulderts with clay Potable
Clay with weathered
45 – 60* 22-143 Potable
60 – 80* 100-200 Weathered rock Potable
80 – 130 200< Hard rock ---
130 – 140* 100-200 Weathered rock Potable
140 - 150* 124 – 325 Hard rock
* Aquifer zone

Specifications of the tube well construction at VES -4 (See Fig. 5):

a) Depth 130 m
b) Hole Diameter 10” /8”(250 mm/200 mm)
c) Pipe Diameter 8” (200 mm)
d) Expected Yield 12,000 Liters per hour
e) Drilling Technique DTH

The yield is estimated based on thickness of Sand,fractures & weathered

zones (Aquifer) and well inventory.


Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at
Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Table No. 6

Expected Formation and Water Quality at VES - 5:

App. Resistivity, Expected
Depth, m Expected litho-log
ohm-m Quality
0–4 36 – 38 Surface Soil --
4 – 20 30-40 Sandy clay with kankar ----
20 –40 20-30 Clay with kankar ---
Boulders with Sandy
40 – 60* 34-125 Potable
60 – 70* 100-200 Weathered rock Potable
70 – 110 200< Hard rock ---
110 – 140* 100-200 Weathered rock Potable
140 - 150* 120-212 Hard rock with fractures Potable
* Aquifer zone

Specifications of the tube well construction at VES -5 (See Fig. 5):

a) Depth 130 m
b) Hole Diameter 10” /8”(250 mm/200 mm)
c) Pipe Diameter 8” (200 mm)
d) Expected Yield 13,000 Liters per hour
e) Drilling Technique DTH

The yield is estimated based on thickness of Sand, fractures &

weathered zones (Aquifer) and well inventory.


Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at
Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Fig. No. 1

Layout Plan Showing VES(Point) Locations

Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at
Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Fig. No. 2

Apparent Resistivity Curve at VES -1

Apparent Resistivity in ohm m



1 10 100 1000
Electrode Separation in m (AB/2)

Apparent Resistivity Curve at VES -2

Apparent Resistivity in ohm m




1 10 100 1000
Electrode Separation in m (AB/2)


Schlumberger Array

Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at

Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Fig. No. 3

Apparent Resistivity Curve at VES -3

Apparent Resistivity in ohm m




1 10 100 1000
Electrode Separation in m (AB/2)

Apparent Resistivity Curve at VES -4

Apparent Resistivity in ohm m




1 10 100 1000
Electrode Separation in m (AB/2)


Schlumberger Array

Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at

Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Fig. No. 4

Apparent Resistivity Curve at VES -5

Apparent Resistivity in ohm m




1 10 100 1000
Electrode Separation in m (AB/2)


Schlumberger Array

Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at

Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Fig. No. 5

Recommended Tubewell Design

Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at
Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan
CENGRS GEOTECHNICA PVT. LTD. Job No. 212073-B Fig. No. 6

Site Photographs

Groundwater Survey at Environmental Regulatory Training Institute at

Nimli Village, Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan

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