Lenkism Childrens Home HSR - Lenkism, Kajiado
Lenkism Childrens Home HSR - Lenkism, Kajiado
Lenkism Childrens Home HSR - Lenkism, Kajiado
JUNE, 2024
Lenkism Marketing Co-operative Society Ltd Eng. C.N. Kithome, B.Tech(Civil), Bsc( Geology),Msc
P.O. Box 1-00242
Registered Hydrogeologists/Engineers/EIA Experts
June 2024
This report documents on the hydrogeological assessment results and findings that was conducted
on the parcel of land that belongs to Lenkism Marketing Co-operative Society Limited on 24th
June 2024 with the major aim of determining the groundwater potential of the area that will lead
to the drilling of one productive borehole to provide sufficient and clean water for domestic use.
The plot is located off Kajiado-Namanga Road in Lenkism area, Kajiado County.
The client’s site is developed with a children’s home and close to 20 m3/day of water is required
mainly for domestic use. The area is not connected to any water supply system and the fact that
pastoralists are the most occupants, they travel long distances in search for water.
This area has a tropical climate. In the cold months, there is much less rainfall than in warm
months. The average temperature is 20.8 °C. In a year, the average rainfall is 619 mm. The geology
of the project area is dominated by Archaean gneisses of the Basement System. The Basement
rocks throughout the area are covered in the higher parts by sandy alluvium and red-sandy soils,
while in the lower parts clayey sandy soils predominate.
Groundwater occurs within the deeply weathered and fractured zones of the Basement System
rocks at depth. One suitable site (VES 2) has been located by means of geophysical field
measurements, where the rock is found to be deeply weathered and fractured to greater depths.
Below is a tabulation of the construction summary to be adopted to realize the project objectives:
Borehole Construction Specifications Summary
In addition to the hydrogeological assessment outlined above, a detailed coordinated planning with
the Government Authorities (Water Resources Authority) must be implemented to obtain relevant
permits and consent for the project implementation.
Table of Contents
Summary........................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 3
List of Figures................................................................................................................................ 4
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. 4
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ 5
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Background Information .................................................................................................. 6
1.2. Scope of Works ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3. Project Site Location ........................................................................................................ 7
1.4. Water Supply Situation .................................................................................................... 7
1.5. Climate, Drainage and Topography ................................................................................. 8
1.6. Drainage ........................................................................................................................... 8
2. Details of Geology .................................................................................................................. 9
3. Hydrogeology ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Surface Water Resources ............................................................................................... 10
3.2. Groundwater Resources ................................................................................................. 10
3.3. Existing Boreholes ......................................................................................................... 10
3.4. Aquifer Properties .......................................................................................................... 11
3.5. Recharge ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.6. Groundwater Quality ...................................................................................................... 12
4. Field Exploration Program ................................................................................................. 13
4.1. Prospecting Methods ...................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1. Resistivity (Basic Principles) .................................................................................. 13
4.2. Survey Design ................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.1. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) ........................................................................ 13
4.2.2. Horizontal Electrical profiling (HEP) ..................................................................... 14
4.3. Field Work...................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.1. Data Interpretation .................................................................................................. 14
5. Impacts of Proposed Drilling Activity ............................................................................... 16
6. Conclusions and Recommendations for Borehole Development ..................................... 17
Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix 1: Geo-Electric Curves and Models ......................................................................... 18
Appendix 2: Drilling Design ..................................................................................................... 21
Appendix 3: A Well System...................................................................................................... 23
Appendix 4: Map Extract from Sheet 173/3 of Emotoroki ....................................................... 24
List of Figures
Figure 1: Google Earth Image showing the location of the proposed borehole site ....................... 7
Figure 2: Climate graph of the area ................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3: Geology Map Extract of the project area from the Geological Map of Sultan Hamud Area
......................................................................................................................................................... 9
List of Tables
TD – Total Depth
1. Introduction
Figure 1: Google Earth Image showing the location of the proposed borehole site
The proposed borehole site is in Lenkism Village, Lenkism Sub-Location, Maparasha Location,
Loitoktok Division, Kajiado South Sub-County, Kajiado County and the surrounding plots are
mainly open fields occupied by nomadic pastoralists.
1.4. Water Supply Situation
The plot is not yet connected with any public water supply. Nearby towns have their water supply
system but this system is unreliable and water is always rationed to the connected population due
to rapid development of the towns in the last couple of years. Our client is not connected to any
water supply system.
Due to shortages of water in the area and its environs there are several boreholes that have been
drilled mainly for domestic use by private individuals. Perennial drought in the area is responsible
for seasonal rivers that remain dry most part of the year. Approximate water demand is 20,000
litres per day to be abstracted from the proposed borehole.
Table 1: Water requirement needs for the client
2. Details of Geology
The gneisses, schists and granulites belonging to the Basement System are of sedimentary origin
form the greater part. The stratiform sequence of successive layers of differing lithology, persistent
over long distances along the strike regardless of present disposition and structure, and the
occurrence of numerous conformable limestone horizons can only be attributed to a sedimentary
succession. Bedding of the original sediments persists in the metamorphosed rocks as foliation
planes and relic banded structures. Subsequent regional metamorphism of a high degree and the
introduction of material of a granitic composition has, however, masked the original appearance
of the rocks to such an extent that it is sometimes difficult, and in cases impossible, to decide the
Figure 3: Geology Map Extract of the project area from the Geological Map of Sultan
Hamud Area
These rocks have undergone a series of deformations and metamorphism that resulted to a
reduction in porosity and the ability of these rocks to transmit fluids (water). Later activities such
as development of volcanic centers and the rift valley resulted to formation of secondary porosities
in the form of faults and fissures. These secondary porosities have played a major role in the
formation, development and recharge of aquifers in the Basement System rock areas.
The geology of the project area is expected to have the features discussed above and identifying
such fractures with zones of deep weathering is very significant for the development of the client’s
borehole water supply system.
3. Hydrogeology
This section briefly discusses some of the hydro geological characteristics of the aquifers and
boreholes within project site and its surroundings. The hydrogeology of the area is determined by
the nature of the parent rock, structural features, weathering processes and precipitation patterns.
Within volcanic rocks, groundwater occurs within fissure zones, sediment beds, lithological
contacts and old land surfaces (OLS).
3.1. Surface Water Resources
The area is drained by Ol Kejuado River to the north. The streams here are seasonal and have water
only during and immediately after the rainy seasons otherwise they are dry most part of the year.
These river systems are marked by dry river valleys as part of their seasonal flows. The floor of
the river valleys is characterized by black cotton soils that have been transported from the volcanic
3.2. Groundwater Resources
As a result of unreliable nearby surface water sources and the unreliable rainfall patterns,
groundwater thus suffices as the practical and feasible option for the sustainable & construction of
a groundwater supply at the client’s land.
The area is considered being within zones of medium to low groundwater potential whereupon
supplies are obtained through a concentration of groundwater recharge from the North-western
side of the flow.
The Basement System rocks are marked by a significant secondary permeability. The occurrence
of the weathered formation renders the sequence highly susceptible to considerable recharge.
Groundwater will thus occur in the weathered/fractured basement.
3.3. Existing Boreholes
Exploitation of groundwater within the area is on the rise lately. This is because of unreliable water
supply systems within the vast Kajiado County. Data regarding a few boreholes drilled is tabulated
Table 2: Neighboring Borehole sites from the project site
New - NW 150 50 - 35
New Emotoroki NW - - - 9
3.5. Recharge
Given that suitable storage media exist below ground, the mechanisms by which water must reach
it also affect aquifer potential. Obviously, if no rainfall or river flow is able to percolate to a sandy
weathered and fractured Basement aquifer due to the presence of an aquitard (impermeable layer)
probably clay, the actual potential is very low.
Both Basement Rocks and Volcanic systems suffer the same limitations so far as recharge is
concerned: if rainfall is low the volume of water which may eventually percolate to a suitable
aquifer is likely to be relatively small, and possibly mineralised due to high evaporation rate.
Percolation is dependent on soil structure, vegetation cover and the erosion state of the parent rock.
Rocks which weather to clayey soils will naturally inhibit percolation (such as black cotton soils);
conversely, the sandy soils resulting from the erosion of some Basement rocks are eminently suited
to deep, swift percolation.
Recharge is the term applied to the whole mechanism, and includes all the aspects of parent
geology, effective rainfall and percolation. Some aquifer systems are recharged by water falling a
substantial distance away.
Percolation takes place at the high grounds to the northwest area of the project plot and this reaches
the faults from where it is distributed into permeable aquifers.
The electrical properties of rocks in the upper part of the earth’s crust are dependent upon the
lithology, porosity, and the degree of pore space saturation and the salinity of the pore water.
Saturated rocks have lower resistivity than unsaturated and dry rocks.
The higher the porosity of the saturated rock, the lower is its resistivity, and the higher the salinity
of the saturating fluids, the lower the resistivity. The presence of clays and conductive minerals
also reduces the resistivity of the rock. The resistivity of the earth materials can be studied by
measuring the electrical potential distribution produced at the earth’s surface by an electric current
that is passed through the earth.
The resistance R of a certain material is directly proportional to its length L and cross-sectional
area A, expressed as:
R = ρ*L.A (1)
Where ρ is known as the specific resistivity, characteristic of the material and independent of its
shape or size, With Ohm’s Law;
R=ΔV/I (2)
Where V is the potential difference across the resistor and I is the electric current through the
resistor, the specific resistivity may be determined by:
ρ = (A/L) Δ V/I) (3)
4.2. Survey Design
Two categories of field techniques exist for conventional resistivity analysis of the subsurface.
These techniques are vertical electric sounding (VES) and Horizontal Electrical Profiling (HEP).
4.2.1. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)
The object of VES is to deduce the variation of resistivity with depth below a given point on the
ground surface and to correlate it with the available geological information in order to infer the
depths and resistivities of the layers present.
In VES, with wenner configuration, the array spacing “a” is increased by steps, keeping the
midpoint fixed (a = 2, 6, 18, 54…….)
In VES, with schlumberger, the potential electrodes are moved only occasionally, and current
electrode are systematically moved outwards in steps
AB > 5 MN
The object of HEP is to detect lateral variations in the resistivity of the ground, such as lithological
changes, near- surface fault.
In the wenner procedure of HEP, the four electrodes with a definite array spacing “a” is moved
as a whole in suitable steps, say 10-20 m. four electrodes are moving after each measurement.
In the schlumberger method of HEP, the current electrodes remain fixed at a relatively large
distance, for instance, a few hundred meters, and the potential electrode with a small constant
separation (MN) are moved between A and B.
4.3. Field Work
A detailed exploration program was carried out on the 24th June 2024, and it entailed both
reconnaissance and hydrogeological and geophysical surveys. Four soundings were carried out at
the most anomalous zones on site to a maximum electrode spacing of AB/2 = 250 meters.
4.3.1. Data Interpretation
The interpretation of geophysics data is summarized in the tables below while the models and
curves have been annexed in the appendices.
Table 4: Interpretation of Geophysical Data, VES 2
The results from the interpretation show variation in the different layers in terms of the rate of
weathering and fracturing.
Water is expected to be struck within the fractured and weathered gneisses at depth. Groundwater
prospect at this site VES 2 is good and has been considered as the best drill point for the proposed
The area is characterized by a low density of boreholes as can be referenced from the table of
neighboring boreholes in section 3. The boreholes are generally moderately yielding and the
proposed borehole will not have any significant effect to the aquifer if drilled. Water abstraction
from the borehole will have to be controlled.
The proposed borehole water will be used mainly for domestic applications. For this kind of
abstraction, the effects to aquifer will be quite minimal as the aquifer is ample with an excellent
recharge owing to its large recharge area and huge storage capacity.
Pumping this facility will unlikely cause any adverse effects to cone of depression hence there
shall be no hydraulic interference to other boreholes in the neighborhood of the proposed site.
Groundwater contamination will be controlled by construction input where use of bentonite clay
seal is proposed together with an 8” surface casing of at least 5m long. A 1x1x1 m slab must be
constructed around the protruding 6” casing to limit surface water intrusion. Any water struck
above 20 metres must be sealed off during construction for fear of pathogens from pit latrines.
Water discharged during drilling process will however be discharged into a soak pit. Waste water
has also one advantage as it can be reused during drilling in case need for water arises during
drilling process.
The proposed borehole should be installed with the following devices to allow routine
measurements of groundwater abstraction and water levels:-
i. Water master meter for monitoring groundwater abstraction.
ii. Airline for monitoring water table fluctuation.
However, all conditions given by Water Resources Management Authority should be adhered to
and they include pumping 60% of the tested yield for a period of 10 hours a day.
Based on the discussions in the previous chapters on hydrogeology, geophysics and existing
boreholes, it has been concluded that a water supply borehole is to be developed on the proposed
project site to a recommended depth of 250 metres below ground level. This depth is considered
ideal considering the thickness of the aquifer that will be penetrated.
Based on the available information on geology and existing boreholes, combined with the hydro
geological assessments, the following conclusions can be drawn:-
a) The yield that can be anticipated from the borehole which fully penetrates the aquifer
formation is likely to exceed 2 m3/hr.
b) The required depth of a fully penetrated hole would be at least 250 metres.
The location is shown in the site sketch – (Back pocket map extract of Emotoroki; Topographical
Map Sheet No.173/3). Below is a tabulation of the construction summary to be adopted to realize
the project objectives:-
Table 7: Borehole Construction Recommendations
i. The drilling should ideally be carried out with a Rotary drilling plant rotary in order to
attain the maximum recommended drill depth of 250 metres below ground level unless
enough water has been struck or the formation is complicated to continue drilling.
ii. A monitoring tube is to be installed in the drilled intake to allow regular measurements of
the water levels in the intake wells. This is a requirement for the final pumping equipment
iii. In case shallow aquifers are encountered it is recommended to seal these off within the
upper 50 metres, in order to avoid any risk of cone of depression coalescence and
contamination by surface water.
iv. The recommendations on well construction cannot be considered complete without the
mention of the requirement to test pump the water supply bore to British standards BS 6316
(1992), which is an industry standard. At least 10hours of the step test at –2-hour interval
followed by a CRT test for 30 hours is recommended. Recovery must be carried out to full
Static Water Levels.
v. In order to maximize yields in this part of the aquifer systems, the proposed borehole will
have to be drilled to the recommended depth, very carefully constructed and developed.
Appendix 1: Geo-Electric Curves and Models
We do not advocate the use of over pumping as means of development since it only increases
permeability in zones, which are already permeable. Instead, we would recommend the use of air
or water jetting, or the use of the mechanical plunger, which physically agitates the gravel pack
and adjacent aquifer material. This is an extremely efficient method of developing and cleaning
Well development is an expensive element in the completion of a well, but is usually justified in
longer well-life, greater efficiencies, lower operational and maintenance costs and a more constant
yield. Within this frame the pump should be installed at least 2m above the screen, certainly not at
the same depth as the screen.
Well Testing
After development and preliminary tests, a long-duration well test should be carried out on all
newly-completed wells, because from giving an indication of the quality of drilling, design and
development, it also yields information on aquifer parameters which are vital to the
hydrogeologist. A well test consists of pumping a well from a measured start level Water Rest
Level- (WRL) at a known or measured yield, and simultaneously recording the discharge rate and
the resulting drawdowns as a function of time. Once a dynamic water level (DWL) is reached, the
rate of inflow to the well equals the rate of pumping. Usually, the rate of pumping is increased
stepwise during the test each time equilibrium has been reached (Step Draw-Down Test). Towards
the end of the test a water sample of 2 litres should be collected for chemical analysis. The duration
of the test should be 48 hours, followed by a recovery test for a further 24 hours, or alternatively
until the initial WRL has been reached (during which the rate of recovery to WRL is recorded).
The results of the test will enable the project design consultant to calculate the optimum pumping
rate, the installation depth, and the draw-down for a given discharge rate.