Business Plan Group 2

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Taste’s Maruya: “3M’s: Maruya nga mas Marasa, hamot pala

Mabubusog ka na.”

A Business Plan

Presented to


Tanauan National High School

Tanauan, Leyte

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Course Requirement in



Agdon, Princess Niňa Molina, Gliane

Cinco, Alyssa Anne Palaňa, Cedric Clyde

Creer, Clarize Pelias, Sheridann Nicole

Domael, Francis Santos, Vannah Maie

Lobres, Xyla Audrey Yarte, Alfredo

May 2022


This work is wholeheartedly dedicated to our loved ones, especially to our parents,

who have been on our side each step of the way, being the source of motivation and strength

in moments of despair and discouragement. Their care and support were shown in incredible


To Mr. Jonel Maroto for the concern, effort, and sharing his genuine words of advice.

And above all, to our Almighty God for giving us the strength, skills, safety, and

protection in the midst of doing our work.

- S.W.A.B. Taste Organization


Better work has been done with the guidance, support, and efforts of the people who helped

the entrepreneurs along the way.

With this, we would like to express our gratitude to the following:

 Our warmest gratitude to our Almighty Father, our Lord, the source of our strength,

guidance, wisdom, protection, and safety;

 To Mr. Jonel V. Maroto, the entrepreneurs’ educator, for the knowledge, time,

guidance, effort, and encouragement we received in making our business possible;

 To our parents and siblings, who serve as our inspiration to surpass all the hindrances

by understanding us and helping us in financial matters;

 And lastly, to all the people who helped us along the way, for making each other an

inspiration and for being together in bad times, will be truly kept and treasured in our


- S.W.A.B. Taste Organization

Table of Contents

Title Page i

Dedication ii

Acknowledgement iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables vii

List of Figures viii

List of Appendices ix

A. Introduction

1. Proposed Business Name 1

2. Address of the Business 1

3. Name of the Owner/s 2

4. Description of the Business 2

5. Location of the Business 3

6. Funding requirements and sources 3

B. Executive Summary

1. Vision 4

2. Mission 4

3. Goals 4

4. Objectives 4

5. Business Model 5

C. Environmental Analysis

1. Competitors 6

2. Customer 6

D. Business Description

1. Nature of the Organization 7

2. Production Servile that it Plans to Produce 7

3. Size of the Proposed Business 7

4. Future Parties with whom Contracts may be necessary 8

5. Personnel Requirements 8

6. Administration Operation 8

E. Organizational Plan

1. Forms of Business Operation 9

2. Liability of the Owner 9

2.1 An employer’s liability for employee acts 10

2.2 Protect Customer’s Data 10

2.3 Minimize Business Risk 10

3. Organizational Structure 11

F. Production Plan

1. Production Schedule 12

2. Production Process 12

3. Processing Plant and Equipment 13

4. Sources of Materials 16

5. Production Cost 16

G. Operational Plan

1. Evaluation of Supplier 17

2. Materials Requisition and Receiving Procedure 17

3. Storage and Inventory Control System 17

4. Cost of Goods 18

5. List of Materials 18

H. Marketing Plan

1. Product 19

2. Place 19

3. Price 19

4. Promotion 20

5. People 20

6. Packaging 20

7. Positioning 20

I. Financial Plan

1. Cost and Expense Statement 21

2. Projected Sales 22

3. Profitability Statement 23

4. Income Statement 24

5. Cash Flow Statement 25

List of Tables

Production Cost 16

Cost of Goods 18

List of Materials 18

Purchase of Raw Materials (Cost and Expense Statement) 21

Packaging (Cost and Expense Statement)22

Projected Sales on First Year of Operation 22

Projected Sales on Second Year of Operation 23

First Year Probability Statement 23

Second and Third Year Probability Statement 23

Income Statement 24

Cash Flow Statement 25

List of Figures

Organizational Structure 11

Production Layout26

List of Appendices

Ingredients 27

Production Process 27

Finished Product 28

Selling Process 29


1. Proposed Business Name

Sweet Wealthy and Affordable Banana Taste (SWAB Taste)

When it comes to business, it is crucial to think of the main purpose of your

business and how it can benefit the consumer.

The “S.W.A.B.” stands for “Sweet, Wealthy and Affordable Banana”. S.W.A.B.

Taste’s Maruya is made up of bananas as one of its ingredients, which contains many

important nutrients that are beneficial to our health. It includes nutrients that moderate

blood sugar levels. It also improves one’s digestive health and supports heart health. In

addition to that, with the creative minds of the organization, we came up with the idea

of putting malunggay leaves as its main ingredient, to add more color and make it

more beneficial. It is good for kids who don’t like to eat vegetables, as they can only

taste the sweetness of the banana. It is nutritional and affordable at the same time.

Cleanliness and safety were observed throughout the production process. We ensure

that the product is safe to eat.

2. Address of the Business

Opong is a barangay in the municipality of Tolosa, in the province of Leyte. Its

population, as determined by the 2020 Census, was 2,170. As a developing

community, there are small businesses present in the place. Most of them are selling

materials used for building houses and establishments, like concrete hollow blocks

and Colbert.

S.W.A.B. Taste is located at Barangay Opong, Sitio Sawa Tolosa, Leyte. There

are only a few existing businesses that offer a ready-to-eat snack in the area. It is a
great opportunity for us to provide high-quality, nutritional, environmentally friendly,

and ready-to-eat food products at an accessible price. Barangay Opong represents

10.48% of the total population of Tolosa. There is already a great target consumer for

starting a business.

3. Name of the owner/s

There are factors that make up the production and operation of a business.

Manpower refers to the human workforce involved in the manufacture of products. It

is considered as the most critical and important factor of production. Without

adequate and supportive manpower, a business cannot be successful.

The individuals behind the creative ideas that caused the emergence of S.W.A.B.

Taste are the following; Princess Niňa Agdon, Alyssa Anne Cinco, Clarize Creer,

Francis Domael, Xyla Audrey Lobres, Gliane Molina, Cedric Clyde Palaňa,

Sheridann Nicole Pelias, Vannah Maie Santos, and Alfredo Yarte III.

4. Description of the Business

The business was started since banana fritters are one of the most popular snacks

in our community. Bananas are, without a doubt, one of the most popular fruits.

However, we wanted it to be very different from what we are used to. To differentiate

itself, the business decided to combine saba banana with malunggay, and it was deep-

fried to ensure that it was crunchy. With this, the entrepreneurs must carefully select

the banana's freshness. To get the most sweetness out of the banana, it had to be ripe.

We started this business because saba banana and malunggay offer many health

benefits, are affordable, and delicious when mixed, as we have tried it ourselves and

have had excellent comments from others who have tried it. The business will

undoubtedly thrive since it is delicious, affordable, and healthy.

5. Location of the Business

One of the variables to consider in order to establish your business is location. It is

critical to the success of your business. As a result, entrepreneurs must carefully select

their location because it may result in the failure of their business.

S.W.A.B. Taste can be found in Barangay Opong, Sitio Sawa Tolosa, Leyte. The

population was 2,170 according to the 2020 Census. During the afternoon, the seller

will go door-to-door, making direct sales to prospective consumers at their houses,

with or without an appointment. House-to-house selling allows a marketer to obtain

widespread distribution with little risk and expense.

6. Funding requirements and sources

You must have the necessary finances in order to establish a business. Before

launching a business, one of the most critical factors that every entrepreneur must

consider is money. How? It is contingent.

The owner and members each contributed 20, which was used to purchase the

necessary ingredients and materials. Since there are 10 entrepreneurs, we have

accumulated 200 as a capital.


1. Vision

 To be the best provider of high-quality, nutritional, and environmentally

friendly food product to our customers in Barangay Opong, Sitio Sawa

Tolosa, Leyte at an accessible price.

2. Mission

 To create the best food product that is both safe and beneficial to the health

of our customers.

 To provide an affordable and environmentally friendly food product

without sacrificing the quality.

3. Goal

 Keep the best quality and benefits of the product.

 Increase the profitability and reputation of the business.

 Make the business well-known to capture more customers.

4. Objectives

 To achieve at least 85% sales for the first day of operation.

 Ensure customer satisfaction by keeping the product safe and nutritional.

 Improve marketing and promotion efforts to gather a wide range of customers.

5. Business Model

Ready to be sold Maruya

Packaged Maruya


1. Competitors

The product, S.W.A.B Taste's Maruya, is a combination of banana with vanilla,

egg, flour, and malunggay leaves, which is a healthy snack. But another entrepreneur

may try to compete with and oppose our business. The competitors of the business are

the vendors of other food snacks nearby the location of the business since they have

already started selling banana products before the business has been established.

Nevertheless, the product puts its advantage and edge over these competitors as it is

different and not ordinary like the other products. The idea of incorporating

malunggay leaves into the product makes it unique and hard to imitate. In business,

the harder the product is to copy, the better. 

2. Customers

Customers are the people who buy the business's products. These are the people

who will criticize the quality of the product. Certainly, it is necessary to know who

the target customers are to know their interest about the product. There are some

factors that will affect the customers. In evaluating the product, customers always

look for the benefits that they will get by purchasing the product. When it comes to

the price of the product, it is necessary that customers can afford to buy the product.

Also, the customers were identified geographically (location of the business),

behaviorally (attitudes and knowledge), and psychologically (lifestyle).


1. Nature of the Organization

People should keep a healthy body by consuming some healthy foods, not just in

meals but also in snacks. Therefore, our organization came up with a flavored banana

fritter. This healthy banana fritter is named “Maruya”, which is the Filipino name for

banana fritter. SWAB Taste’s Maruya concentrated on a nutritious side of banana

fritter. To make our product healthier, we used malunggay leaves as its main ingredient.

This vegetable was chosen as one of the primary ingredients by our organization since it

aids in the improvement of eyesight, immune system strength, calcium absorption, and

motor skills. The trademark of the business and the product will be banana fritters with


2. Production Servile that it plans to produce

SWAB Taste’s Maruya aims to produce a nutritious banana fritter snack. The

organization came up with the idea of including malunggay leaves as a variety in the

fritter to make it unique and healthy. This product goes very well with lemon or

pineapple juice.

3. Size of the proposed business

Because our corporation is still in the process of starting and learning, the

suggested business is small. We still have a lot of research and development to

accomplish in order to make the business a success. This is our first time marketing

the product, therefore, the entrepreneurs planned to only have sixty samples.

4. Future parties with whom contracts may be necessary

Our product, S.W.A.B. Taste's Maruya, is to be sold in Tolosa, Leyte, specifically

in the area of Brgy. Opong, Sitio Sawa. People living in the neighborhood are highly

expected to buy our product because the majority of the population in the area is

estimated to greatly depend on the possibility of the townsfolk to buy it to be able to

taste our uniquely healthy food product.

5. Personal Requirements

In a food production business, having a staff member that has the quality of being

able to learn fast enough, have proper etiquette in terms of proper hygiene, be

knowledgeable about the business's structure, plans, and goals, and also have a

practical characteristic is a must. Next up is the Management section. In managing a

team, the manager must be a person who understands the full view of the business and

has experience in this field. On the section that manages finance however, workers in

this field must have a significant amount of knowledge in money budgeting for foods

or materials. Aside from that, the workers in the production section must have sales

strategies and production skills.

6. Administration Operation

In our business, there is a division of labor. People are assigned to each team or

plan: marketing, financial, and production. The marketing plan is stated to have three

people who are positioned for the ingredients, purchasing, and cooking. In the

financial plan, there are two people who are assigned to be cashiers and another for

their inventory. The production plan is then composed of three people. Two are

assigned for selling and one for dealing in sales talk.


1. Form of Business Organization


A partnership is a formal agreement between two or more parties to run and operate a

business and share its profits. Such associations are possible and can even lead to

business growth. All partners share equally in the partnership's profits and liabilities. In

contrast to a corporation, a partnership is not a unit that is separate from its individual

owners. A partnership is comparable to a sole proprietorship or an independent contractor

business, as the business is not separate from the owners for liability reasons for both

types of business. Income tax is not paid by the partnership itself. After profits or

liabilities have been shared among the partners, each partner pays income tax on their

individual tax return.

2. Liability of the owner/s

Running a business brings a lot of profit and good opportunities, but it also comes

with various important roles for the benefit of the business and unavoidable events which

could lead to the possibility of a lawsuit, claims for imperfection in a product or the

carelessness of the employee. Small businesses take only a single bad review to shut it

down, so business owners and their managers need to be more specific and understanding

towards their own responsibilities and prepare for them.

2.1 An employer’s liability for employee acts

Employers can be liable for the negligent acts and damage caused by their


2.2 Protecting Costumer’s Data

We will conceal the costumer’s personal information that the organization has

collected to prevent that data from being misused by third parties for fraud, such

as phishing scams and identity theft.

2.3 Minimize Business Risk

This will entail putting in place processes, methods, and instruments to cope

with the consequences of the occurrences we’ve recognized as dangers to our

business. We’ll create a risk management strategy to help us anticipate threats,

assess their consequences, and determine how we’ll respond.

3. Organizational Structure


Sheridann Nicole
Pelias (Manager)

Xyla Audrey Lobres

(Assistant Manager)

Marketing Team Financial Team Production Team

Alyssa Cinco Clarize Creer Gliane Mo

(Ingredients) (Casher) (Seller)

Princess N
Alfredo Yarte Francis Domael Agdon
(Purchasing Officer) (Inventory)
(Sales Tal

Vannah M
Cedric Clyde Palana
(Cooking Materials) (Seller)


1. Production Schedule

a. Date: Monday to Saturday

b. Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

2. Production Process of Maruya (Banana Fritter)

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients; banana (saba), water, flour, oil, sugar, vanilla as well

as the egg.

Step 2: Peel off the banana and set aside.

Step 3: Sift the flour to avoid any lumps and get a more accurate measurement.

Step 4: Slice the banana into tiny pieces to easily mash it using fork. Continue on

mashing, up until it reaches a thick batter consistency.

Step 5: Combine all the dry ingredients; sugar and sifted flour. Mix well.

Step 6: Add the liquid ingredients; water, egg, and vanilla. Mix well until all the

ingredients are merged and once it looks gooey (malapot).

Step 7: Pre-heat the frying pan, then put an adequate amount of cooking oil to

submerge them. Use medium heat only.

Step 8: When the oil starts to boil, scoop the fritter mixture into the pan.

Step 9: Do not flip them soon – wait until the side is golden brown in color. Once it

turn into golden brown, lift the fritter using tongs and place it into the plate, drizzle

with white sugar. Serve hot.

3. Production Plan and Equipment

Tools and equipment used in the production of Maruya

Knife – used in slicing the banana.

Tongs – used to grip and lift the banana fritter.

Sifter – used in sifting the flour.

Measuring cup – used in measuring the dry ingredients.

Measuring spoon – used in measuring liquid ingredients.

Chopping board/Cutting board – serve as the surface in slicing the banana.

Frying pan – used in frying the Maruya.

Plastic gloves – provides safety and avoid direct contact with the food.

Fork – used in mashing the banana and cracking the eggs.

Wire whisk – used to mix the all the ingredients together.

Clean basin container – where the bananas are being mashed.

4. Source of Materials

The members of the organization are the only sources of materials used in the

production of the Maruya (banana fritter). Each member was assigned to bring the

materials needed in the production – that is available in their respective homes.

5. Production Cost

List of ingredients Quantity Unit of measure Unit Amount

Banana 2 kilo ₱35 ₱70
Vanilla 1 pack ₱5 ₱5
Egg 2 pieces ₱9 ₱18
Flour ½ kilo ₱23 ₱23
Cooking oil ¼ liter ₱38 ₱38
Sugar ¼ kilo ₱13 ₱13
Total Amount ₱167

Table 1: Production Cost

With the total amount of ingredients for the production, it can produce 60 pcs.

of Maruya (banana fritter).


1. Evaluation of supplier

Prior to the start of our business, our team explored various areas/stores in search of

the ingredients and materials required, all of which were of good quality and at an

affordable price.

2. Materials requisition and receiving procedure

For the business operations, the team obtained the necessary ingredients and

materials. The other materials were provided by team members who had them on hand at

their respective houses.

3. Storage and inventory control system

Ingredients: ₱167.00

Materials/Utilities: Provided by the group members.

4. Cost of Goods

List of Materials Quantity Unit of measure Unit Amount

Banana 2 kilo ₱35 ₱70
Vanilla 1 pack ₱5 ₱5
Egg 2 pieces ₱9 ₱18
Flour ½ kilo ₱23 ₱23
Cooking oil ¼ liter ₱38 ₱38
Sugar ¼ kilo ₱13 ₱13
Total Amount ₱167

Table 2: Cost of Goods

5. List of Materials

Materials Quantity Materials Quantity

Knife 1 pc. Measuring spoon 1 set

Tong 1 pc. Chopping board 1 pc.

Sifter 1 pc. Frying Pan 1 pc.

Measuring cup 1 set Plastic Gloves 1 pack

Fork 1 pc. Clean Basin 1 pc.

Wire whisk 1 pc.


1. Product

Maruya, or banana fritter, is a healthy, sweet banana product that is mashed with

vanilla, egg, and flour in the mixture with malunggay leaves as our major ingredient. This

Maruya, or banana fritter, is not like any other Maruya or banana fritter you buy in any

vending store. This Maruya, or banana fritter, is not new to the eye, but it is new to the

taste of customers. You can tell the right amount of sweetness of the Maruya or banana

fritter tastes, that you can't nearly taste the malunggay leaves mixed in the Maruya or

banana fritter, making it double nutritious, perfectly good for customers who aren't

vegetarian, and a good quality product.

2. Place

The location of the S.W.A.B. Taste's Maruya, which means banana fritter, is at Brgy.

Opong, Sitio Sawa Tolosa, Leyte. Hence, with the COVID-19 pandemic, we surely know

that people nearby or walking by will buy our product, whereas Tolosa is also a place

where there are many markets and vending stores, and this will surely be in demand by

people to eat a healthy snack to strengthen their immune system and gain energy.

3. Price

The Maruya, or banana fritter, is only P5.00 each as the minimum price of the

product. It is the regular size of a Maruya or banana fritter product. The price is

affordable for the customers, but not the typical Maruya or banana fritter you find in stalls

or vending stores. It is worth the price and can lead to a very healthy diet. Coming up

with the price of the product was also influenced by the profitability factor the product

could have.

4. Promotion

Through convincing the customers during our selling period and through the use of

social media, we can get the target customers to be aware or notice of the product and will

know when and where to buy Maruya or banana fritters by posting, sharing, announcing,

and advertising our product through any social media app, whereas the use of social

media nowadays employs us in our daily lives. We also conducted a face-to-face

promotion as we did the house-to-house selling. It is also a great form of promotion of the

product to the potential costumer around the location of the business.

5. People

The citizens of Brgy. Opong, Sitio Sawa Tolosa, Leyte are our target customers for

our business. The market size is around 2,170, which accommodated the starting number

of products, which is 60 pcs., and is hoping to increase the business every month or a year

of operation.

6. Packaging

It was decided by the members of the organization to have the packaging of our

Maruya, or banana fritter, banana leaves as an alternative, and it is much less expensive,

and most of it is very eco-friendly.

7. Positioning

The S.W.A.B. Taste's Maruya business and the product are positioned together to be

an affordable and deliciously healthy product. It is not simply a less expensive, tasty, and

healthy (or vice versa) product, but it can have a significant impact on the business,

whether the outcome is positive or negative. Being in the right position, we will likely do

our best for the customers to more likely purchase and support our business.







Banana 52 kilos 624 kilos ₱35 ₱1,820 ₱21,840

Flour 13 kilos 156 kilos ₱23 ₱598 ₱7,176

Vanilla 26 packs 312 packs ₱5 ₱130 ₱1,560

Sugar 6 ½ kilos 78 kilos ₱13 ₱338 ₱4,056

Oil 6 ½ liters 78 liters ₱38 ₱988 ₱11,856

Water 0 0 0 0 0

Egg 52 pcs. 624 pcs. ₱9 ₱468 ₱5,616

TOTAL ₱4,342 ₱52,104

Number of Operating Days in a Month 26 Days

Number of Operating Days in a Year 312 Days

Table 4: Purchase of Raw Materials (Cost and Expense Statement)





Banana 1,560 18,720 0 0 0



Number of Operating Days in a Month 26 Days

Number of Operating Days in a Year 312 Days

Table 5: Packaging (Cost and Expenses Statement)





Maruya ₱5 1,560 18,720 ₱7,800 ₱93,600

TOTAL SALES ₱7,800 ₱93,600

Table 6: Projected Sales on First Year of Operation


Maruya ₱5 3,120 37,440 ₱15,600 ₱187,200

TOTAL SALES ₱15,600 ₱187,200

Table 7: Projected Sales on Second Year of Operation




Maruya ₱5 4,680 56,160 ₱23,400 ₱280,800

TOTAL SALES ₱23,400 ₱280,800

Table 8: Projected Sales on Third Year of Operation



SALES ₱7,800 ₱93,600

LESS: PRODUCTION AND ₱4,342 ₱52,104


PROFIT ₱3,458 ₱41,496

Table 9: First year profitability statement


SALES ₱187,200 ₱280,800

LESS: PRODUCTION AND ₱104,208 ₱156,312


PROFIT ₱82,992 ₱124,488

Table 10: Second and Third year profitability statement



Revenues ₱300

Less: Expenses ₱167

Income ₱133

Table 11: Income Statement



Total Capital Cash ₱200

Cash Spent for Ingredients ₱167

Cash Spent for Packaging Material ₱0

Cash Spent for Fare ₱0

Total Expenditures ₱167

Total Money Left as Fund ₱33

Table 12: Cash Flow Statement

Fig. 2: Production Layout


Production Process

Finished Product

Selling Process


Name: Sheridann Nicole Pelias

Address: Brgy. Highway

Dulag, Leyte

Birthday: March 1, 2005

Parent/s or Guardian: Maria Faith A. Pelias

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Dulag SPED Center

Brgy. Highway Dulag, Leyte

Junior High School:

Dulag National High School

Brgy. Serrano Dulag, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Course: BS Nursing


Name: Alfredo P. Yarte III

Address: Brgy. Opong

Tolosa, Leyte

Birthday: January 19, 2005

Parent/s or Guardian: Melisa P. Yarte

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Sagkahan Central School

Brgy. 62-A Sagkahan District, Tacloban City

Junior High School:

Daniel Z. Romualdez State Comprehensive School of Fisheries

Brgy. Tanghas Tolosa, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte



Name: Cedric Clyde A. Palaňa

Address: Brgy. Canmogsay

Tolosa, Leyte

Birthday: March 7, 2005

Parent/s or Guardian: Editha L. Palaňa

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Canmogsay Elementary School

Brgy. Canmogsay Tolosa, Leyte

Junior High School:

Tolosa National High School

Brgy. Malbog Tolosa, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Course: BS Architecture


Name: Clarize S. Creer

Address: Brgy. San Isidro

Dulag, Leyte

Birthday: February 28, 2005

Parent/s or Guardian: Marissa S. Creer

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

San Isidro Elementary School

Brgy. San Isidro Dulag, Leyte

Junior High School:

Dulag National High School

Brgy. Serrano Dulag, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Course: Civil Engineering


Name: Xyla Audrey F. Lobres

Address: Brgy. Cabuynan

Tanauan, Leyte

Birthday: November 23, 2004

Parent/s or Guardian: Elizabeth F. Lobres

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Cabuynan Elementary School

Brgy, Cabuynan Tanauan, Leyte

Junior High School:

Tanauan School of Arts and Trade

Brgy. Cabuynan Tanauan, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Course: Civil Engineering


Name: Alyssa Anne N. Cinco

Address: Brgy. Cabuynan

Tanauan, Leyte

Birthday: September 6, 2004

Parent/s or Guardian: Leslie N. Cinco

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Cabuynan Elementary School

Brgy. Cabuynan Tanauan, Leyte

Junior High School:

Tanauan School of Arts and Trade

Brgy. Cabuynan Tanauan, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Course: Civil Engineering


Name: Francis A. Domael

Address: Brgy. Cabuynan

Tanauan, Leyte

Birthday: October 27, 2003

Parent/s or Guardian: Merriam Austero

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Cabuynan Elementary School

Brgy. Cabuynan Tanauan, Leyte

Junior High School:

Tanauan School of Arts and Trade

Brgy. Cabuynan Tanauan, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Course: Civil Engineering


Name: Gliane M. Molina

Address: Brgy. Burak

Tolosa, Leyte

Birthday: January 6, 2004

Parent/s or Guardian: Rogelio L. Molina

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Burak Elementary School

Brgy. Burak Tolosa, Leyte

Junior High School:

Tolosa National High School

Brgy. Malbog Tolosa, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte



Name: Princess Niňa N. Agdon

Address: Brgy. Sto. Niňo

Tanauan, Leyte

Birthday: June 26, 2005

Parent/s or Guardian: Clarinda N. Agdon

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Sto. Niňo Elementary School

Brgy. Sto. Niňo Tanauan, Leyte

Junior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy. Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte



Name: Vannah Maie R. Santos

Address: Brgy. Cabuynan

Tanauan, Leyte

Birthday: June 27, 2004

Parent/s or Guardian: Mario C. Santos

Educational Attainment

Primary or Elementary School:

Cabuynan Elementary School

Brgy. Cabuynan Tanauan, Leyte

Junior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy. Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Senior High School:

Tanauan National High School

Brgy, Canramos Tanauan, Leyte

Course: BS Architecture


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