Homeopathic Medicines For Body Detox
Homeopathic Medicines For Body Detox
Homeopathic Medicines For Body Detox
Each homeopathic drainage medicine has an affinity for a certain organ. Some of them drain the liver and the
kidneys, others help the skin or the lymphatic system.
The most common homeopathic medicines for body detox include:
Nux vomica is the 21st-Century Man`s medicine, indicated for symptoms due to sedentary
lifestyle and over-indulgence in stimulants, rich foods, coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. It improves
detoxification of the liver and intestines.
Chelidonium - a reliable liver and gall bladder drainer; especially useful in thick gall bladder
secretions and gallstones.
Hydrastis drains the liver, gall bladder and the intestines; helps the body get rid of excess
Berberis is a powerful kidney and liver detoxification; lowers uric acid levels and dissolves uric
acid stones.
Saponaria and Fumaria - skin draining.
Hamamelis and Carduus marianus - draining of the venous system.
Phytolacca - drainer of the lymphatic system.
Aloe - detoxification of the rectum.
A Detox Plan
Here is a safe and simple detox plan:
Start with a 3-5 day juice fast (drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and water). Twice
daily take Psyllium Husk. It acts as a natural laxative.
Eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, refined sugars and saturated fats.
Drink plenty of water (8- 14 glasses a day)
Eat high fiber organic fruits and vegetables.
Take Vitamin C - it helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away
Take twice daily a probiotic.
Practice deep breathing exercises for 10 minutes a day.
Take a daily contrast shower. After taking a hot shower and feeling warm, turn down the
temperature so that it gets cooler and then wash your body in this cold water for about a minute.
Then switch back to the hot shower for the next two to three minutes. Repeat this cycle at least
three times with each cycle ends with the cool shower.
Use a homeopathic detox for at least 3 weeks to promote elimination of toxins through the liver,
intestines, kidneys and skin.