Uterine Fibroid and Homoeopathy

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Uterine Fibroids


Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS

Uterine Fibroids and

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma M.D.
Dr. Swati Vishnoi B.H.M.S.
Homoeo Cure & Research Institute
NH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur (Uttaranchal)
INDIA Pin- 244713 Ph. 05947- 260327, 9897618594

E. mail-

[email protected]

Synonyms................................................................................................................... 2
Definition.................................................................................................................... 2
Causes........................................................................................................................ 2
Hormones................................................................................................................ 2
Environment............................................................................................................ 2
Ethnicity.................................................................................................................. 2
BMI.......................................................................................................................... 2
Pregnancy............................................................................................................... 2
Early menstruation.................................................................................................. 2
Contraceptives........................................................................................................ 2
Family history.......................................................................................................... 2
Types.......................................................................................................................... 3
Myometrial (intramural).......................................................................................... 3
Submucosal............................................................................................................. 3
Subserosal fibroids.................................................................................................. 3
Pedunculated........................................................................................................... 3
Cervical................................................................................................................... 3
Symptoms.................................................................................................................. 3
Prolonged menstrual periods...................................................................................3
Pelvic pressure and pain.......................................................................................... 3
Pain with intercourse............................................................................................... 4
Infertility.................................................................................................................. 4
Miscarriage.............................................................................................................. 4
Pregnancy complications......................................................................................... 4
Diagnosis.................................................................................................................... 4
Homoeopathic Treatment........................................................................................... 4
Bibliography............................................................................................................... 5

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Leiomyoma, fibromyoma, myoma, Fibroid tumor, fibroma

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors of muscular and fibrous tissues in the uterine
muscle appearing during childbearing age, often presenting with heavy menstrual
bleeding and pressure on the pelvis. (Psora/ Sycosis)
A quarter woman in their reproductive years may have perceptible fibroids. Fibroids
develop between the ages of 30-50 years of age. It is never seen in women less
than 20 years old. After menopause, if a woman does not take estrogen, fibroids
shrink. (Causa occasionalis)

The cause of fibroids is unknown, however an amalgam of hormonal, genetic, and
environmental factors is responsible to develop symptomatic fibroids.

Fibroids are associated with increased estrogen production. They are rare in women
less than 20 years of age as well as in postmenopausal women. Estrogen levels vary
with menstruation, with menopause, and with some medications. (Psora+++/

Alcohol consumption and a sedentary lifestyle have been associated with fibroids.
(Causa occasionalis)

their fibroids occur at a younger age, and are often larger and more numerous than
in other ethnic groups. (Psora)

The higher the BMI (body-mass index) the higher is the risk of developing fibroids.
(Psora/ Sycosis)

Women who have given birth seem to have a lower risk of developing uterine
fibroids. Recent information indicates that pregnancy may protect against fibroids.
(Causa occasionalis)

Early menstruation
Women whose first period was before age 10 are more likely to have uterine
fibroids. (psora)

Women taking birth control pills are less likely to develop significant uterine fibroids.
(Causa occasionalis)
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Family history
Heredity may play its role. (Psora)


Uterine fibroids are classified by their position in uterus-

Myometrial (intramural)
Fibroids are in the muscular wall of the uterus.

Fibroids grow just under the interior surface of the uterus, in the muscle beneath the
uterine lining.

Subserosal fibroids
Fibroids grow on the outside wall of the uterus.

Fibroids usually grow outside of the uterus, attached to the uterus by a base or

Fibroids growing in the cervix.

Uterine fibroids cause no symptoms at all. When symptoms from uterine fibroids
appear, they can include-

Prolonged menstrual periods

Women who have submucous or intramural fibroids are most likely to have heavy
uterine bleeding. (Psora/ Sycosis)

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Pelvic pressure and pain

Large fibroids that press on nearby structures such as the bladder and bowel can
cause pressure and pain. Larger fibroids tend to cause worse symptoms and cause(Causa occasionalis)

Abdominal discomfort
Feelings of pressure
Abdominal distension
Urinary problems
Frequency of micturition
Urinary retention
Bowel problems

Pain with intercourse

Fibroids may cause dyspareunia due to pressure symptoms. (Psora/ Causa

This is a rare symptom of fibroids. It probably accounts for less than 3% of infertility
cases. Fibroids can cause infertility by compressing the uterine cavity. Submucous
fibroids can fill the uterine cavity and interfere with implantation of the fertilized
egg. (Psora/ Causa occasionalis)

This is also an unusual symptom of fibroids, probably accounting for only a tiny
fraction of the miscarriages that occur. (Psora/ Sycosis /Causa occasionalis/ Syphlis)

Pregnancy complications
Fibroids can greatly increase in size during pregnancy, because of increased levels
of estrogen. They can cause pain, and even lead to premature labor. They may also
cause intrapartum bleeding. (Psora/ Sycosis /Causa occasionalis/ Syphlis)


Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis
Uterine biopsy

Homoeopathic Treatment
ABDOMEN DISTENSION abies-c. Abrot. absin. acal. acet-ac. acon-c. ACON. aesc. Aeth.
AGAR. All-c. allox. ALOE alum-sil. Alum. alumn. am-c. am-m. ambr. Anac. anan. anis. Ant-c.
Ant-t. anthraci. Apis Apoc. aran-ix. Arg-met. ARG-N. arist-cl. Arn. ars-i. ars-s-f. ARS. Asaf.
asar. aur-ar. aur-m. aur-s. aur. Bapt. Bar-c. Bar-i. Bar-m. bar-s. bell. Berb. beryl. bism. borx.
Bov. Brom. Bry. bufo but-ac. cact. cadm-met. cain. calad. calc-ar. calc-f. calc-i. calc-p. calc-s.
CALC. cann-i. cann-s. Canth. Caps. Carb-ac. Carb-an. CARB-V. carbn-dox. CARBN-S. card-m.
carl. castm. Caust. cedr. Cham. Chel. CHIN. Chinin-ar. Chinin-s. CIC. cimic. Cina cinnb. Cist.

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clem. coc-c. COCC. coff-t. coff. COLCH. coll. COLOC. Con. cop. Corn. Croc. Crot-h. Crot-t.
Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Dios. dol. dulc. Eup-per. euph. euphr. fago. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. ferr. fil. Gamb.
gins. Glycyr-g. gran. GRAPH. grat. guat. Hell. HEP. hydr. Hyos. hyper. ictod. ign. Iod. ip. jal.
Jatr-c. jug-r. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. KALI-C. kali-chl. Kali-i. Kali-n. Kali-p. Kali-s. Kreos. Lac-c. Lac-d.
LACH. lact. laur. led. lept. Lil-t. lob. LYC. m-ambo. M-arct. m-aust. MAG-C. Mag-m. mag-p.
mag-s. manc. mand. mang. med. Meny. Merc-c. Merc-d. MERC. Mez. mill. mim-p. mosch. Murac. Murx. naja nat-ar. NAT-C. NAT-M. NAT-P. Nat-s. nicc. Nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. oci-sa. ol-an.
Olnd. Op. opun-s. ox-ac. pall. par. paraf. Petr. PH-AC. PHOS. pitu-p. plan. Plat. plb. podo. prun.
psil. Psor. ptel. Puls. pulx. pyrog. RAPH. rauw. rein. rheum Rhod. Rhus-t. rhus-v. rob. Ruta
sabin. samb. sang. sanic. saroth. sars. Sec. Sep. Sil. sphing. spig. spong. squil. Stann. Staph.
Stram. Stront-c. stroph-s. sul-ac. SULPH. sumb. tab. tarent. TER. Thuj. Til. Trios. uran-met.
uran-n. vac. Valer. vario. Verat. verb. vip. visc. yuc. zinc-val. Zinc. zing.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Pelvis - Organs; pelvic cramping vib.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Pubic region - menses; during rad-br.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Umbilicus - Region of umbilicus - tumor; as from a spig.
ABDOMEN - TUMORS - Sides - right - sensation as if med.
ABDOMEN TUMORS Abrot. Cadm-s. calc-ar. calc-i. calc-p. Calc. Con. Merc. nat-m. staph.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - COITION painful alumn. apis ARG-N. bell. Berb. borx. Calc-p. calc.
coff. Ferr-m. Ferr-p. Ferr. ham. Hep. Hydr. ign. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kreos. Lyc. LYSS. merc-c. NAT-M.
PLAT. Rhus-t. Sabin. SEP. sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - painful - myoma in uterus; from hard and large aur-m-n.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - METRORRHAGIA - fibroids, from aur-m-n. calc-f. calc-p. calc-st-s.
Calc. foll. Ham. Hydr. Hydrin-m. Kali-c. kali-fcy. Kali-i. lap-a. led. lyc. merc. nit-ac. PHOS. Plat.
Sabin. sec. sil. sul-ac. Sulph. Thlas. Tril-p. ust. Vinc.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - METRORRHAGIA - fluid - alternating with clots Plb.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - METRORRHAGIA fluid APIS apoc. ars. Bell. Both. Carb-v. chin.
CROT-H. Crot-t. Elaps Erig. ferr. Ip. LACH. Mill. nat-m. NIT-AC. PHOS. SABIN. Sec. Sul-ac. Ust.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Vagina - coition during alumn. apis ARG-N. bell. Berb. borx.
Calc-p. coff. Ferr-m. Ferr-p. Ferr. ham. Hep. hydr. ign. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kreos. lyc. LYSS. NAT-M.
Plat. Rhus-t. sabin. SEP. sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS encysted apis bar-c. calc. carbn-s. Graph. Kali-br. kali-c.
lyc. nit-ac. rhod. Sabin. sep. Sil. sulph. Thuj.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - erectile bleeding arn. coc-c. kreos. lach. Phos. puls.
thuj. vac.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - erectile blue Carb-v.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - erectile burning calc. Carb-an. Thuj.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - erectile itching graph. naja Nit-ac.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - erectile pricking Carb-v.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - erectile sticking Nit-ac.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS erectile ars. Carb-an. Carb-v. kali-bi. kreos. Lach. lyc. Nitac. Phos. plat. sep. sil. sulph. Thuj.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - Labia pointed ozone
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - Labia - sensitive to touch; not ozone
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - Uterus cysts mag-c. sabin.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - Uterus - myoma - accompanied by - pain; burning Lap-a.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - Uterus - myoma hard Calc-f. merc-i-r. sil.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - Uterus - myoma painful viol-o.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - TUMORS - Uterus myoma abel. Apis arb. Arn. ars-i. ars. Aur-i. Aurm-n. aur-m. aur. bell. brom. bry. bufo CALC-F. Calc-i. Calc-p. Calc-s. CALC. Calen. carc. cham.
chin. chol. chr-s. cimic. coenz-q. Con. erod. ferr. fl-ac. foll. frax. graph. ham. helon. hydr.
Hydrc. Hydrin-m. Hydrinin-m. Iod. ip. irid-met. Kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-c. Kali-i. Lach. lap-a. Led.
lil-t. lyc. mag-m. med. Merc-c. merc-i-r. merc. morg-p. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. parathyr. PHOS.

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phyt. plat. plb. puls. rhus-t. sabal sabin. sang. Sec. sep. SIL. solid. staph. sul-ac. sulph.
tarent. ter. teucr. thiosin. thlas. thuj. thyr. tril-p. tub. ust. vinc. viol-o. x-ray xan. xanth.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX TUMORS arg-met. Calc. coc-c. LYC. Nit-ac.

Gynecologic Malignancies > UTERINE CANCER Harrison's Principles of Internal
MedicineMenstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain > ACUTE PELVIC PAIN

Hypothalamic & Pituitary Hormones > 3. Uterine leiomyomata (uterine fibroids) Basic
& Clinical Pharmacology, 13e ... Uterine leiomyomata are benign, estrogen-sensitive, smooth
muscle tumors in the uterus that can...

Chapter 17. Pathology of the Male and Female Reproductive Tract and Breast >
Leiomyoma (Uterine Fibroids) Pathology: The Big Picture ... Mutations: t(12;14) and del 7.
Clinical presentation of leiomyoma: Abnormal uterine bleeding...

Vaginal Bleeding > 1. Fibroids CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Family Medicine,
4e ... Fibroids or leiomyomas are benign uterine tumors that are often asymptomatic. The
most common...

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Gynecology > Uterine Leiomyomas Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, 10e ... Figure 419. Types of uterine myomas. Bleeding is usually heavy and irregular...

Introduction to Women's Imaging > MRI Findings of Uncomplicated Uterine

LeiomyomaIntroduction to Diagnostic Radiology ...) but not myometrium. Appearance is
compatible with endometrial polyps. Uterine leiomyomas can undergo...

Chapter 9. Pelvic Mass > Classification of Uterine LeiomyomaWilliams Gynecology,

2e ... of growth (Fig. 9-3 ). Subserosal leiomyomas originate from myocytes adjacent to the
uterine serosa...

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Obstetrical Hemorrhage > Uterine Leiomyomas Williams Obstetrics, 24e ... Especially
if located near the mucosal surface behind the placental implantation site, uterine...

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Diagnostic Radiology Introduction to Women's Imaging > Sonographic Findings of
Uncomplicated Uterine Leiomyoma

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LeiomyomaIntroduction to Diagnostic Radiology ... smooth uterine contour. Enhancement
pattern is variable. ..Interventional Radiology > DIAGNOSIS

Chapter 38. Complications of Menstruation & Abnormal Uterine Bleeding > Pelvic
Ultrasound ScanCURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11e ... of a
uterine fibroid ( A ) and normal endometrial lining ( B ). Figure 381. Typical ultrasound

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PainCURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases ... such as
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or combined oral contraceptives.
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Treatment: Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11e ... Uterine leiomyomas are found in 0.13.9% of
pregnancies. Most women with fibroids during pregnancy...

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Uterine leiomyomata, or fibroids, are present in 20%-30% of women of reproductive age. The

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anticipated. Also known as myomas and somewhat erroneously called fibroids , uterine...

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