The Basic 18 Remedy Kit Contains The Following 18 Remedies: Aconite: A Plant - Aconitum Napellus (Monks Hood)
The Basic 18 Remedy Kit Contains The Following 18 Remedies: Aconite: A Plant - Aconitum Napellus (Monks Hood)
The Basic 18 Remedy Kit Contains The Following 18 Remedies: Aconite: A Plant - Aconitum Napellus (Monks Hood)
Helios Homoeopathic Remedy Kits are ideal for home use. Each kit contains a range of
remedies to treat common ailments and first aid situations. The remedies are contained in 2
gram glass bottles, each holding approximately 35 doses in sucrose pillule form. Each kit
comes in a sturdy polypropylene storage case, handy for traveling, with its own
comprehensive, self-prescribing guide to help you in your selection of the most appropriate
If you are not completely satisfied with your remedy kit, please return it to us unused and we
will be happy to replace or refund it.
The Basic 18 Remedy Kit contains the following 18 remedies:
Aconite: a plant Aconitum Napellus (monks hood)
This remedy should be given if the patients symptoms have arisen after exposure to a cold,
dry wind. It can be very helpful when asthma attacks are aggravated by this type of weather.
It is also a great remedy for shock the patient may have witnessed a shocking event such
as a car crash, heard some bad news or been involved in a frightening event.
It is the Number One remedy for the fear created by anticipating something like an
examination or driving test, and people who suffer anxiety attacks or claustrophobia should
carry Aconite about their person so they can take some to prevent panic.
It is useful for people who sleepwalk and have anxious dreams, and for pregnant women
who are anxious about giving birth.
Its keynote is intensity and it may be helpful for attacks of croup which fit the following
Violent onset with anxious appearance and fear in the patient. Attacks often begin at
midnight and the patient sits up to obtain relief. There may be a watery discharge. discharge
Apis: honey bee Apis Mellifera
Apis is of service when tissue is swollen with fluid for example when the patient is taking
steroids. It can also help with the symptoms of shingles.
It is most commonly used for insect bites and stings such as from a wasp or horsefly (bee
stings are more responsive to Aconite and Arnica)
Arnica: a plant Arnica Montana
Arnica was introduced into European folk-medicine by shepherds who pastured their sheep
in the mountains. They noticed that when sheep fell and bruised themselves, they nibbled on
the leaves of this plant, hence it is called "Fallkraut" (fall herb) in German. Arnica grows in
just the places - rocky slopes and mountains - where people (and animals) are most likely to
fall and bruise themselves.
Arnica is an excellent first aid remedy, for physical and emotional shock and injuries. It is
also wonderful for joint and muscle problems from either injuries or excessive exercise
highly recommended for backache or stiffness caused by a hard days gardening or Yoga
For Athletes: Arnica is helpful for bruising, tissue-damage, shock, and soreness. If taken
shortly after an injury occurs, both pain and swelling may be reduced, and healing can take
place more quickly and efficiently. For sprains or deeper injuries that require days or weeks
to heal, another remedy may follow Arnica. Some athletes take Arnica preventively before
a workout, to reduce the tendency toward soreness. Gels and ointments containing the
herbal form or very low dilutions may be soothing to sore muscles.
Broken Bones: Alongside the correct conventional treatment, this remedy is useful for
reducing the pain and swelling that accompany any new injury, and should be taken as soon
as possible after a break occurs. It may also be helpful in calming the person, since
breaking a bone is traumatic as well as painful. Doses may be taken frequently, according
to how the person feels. Arnica may be used for several days while pain and soreness are
prominent. Another remedy may be indicated later, to encourage proper healing of the
bones and surrounding tissues.
Bruising: This is the primary remedy for new, traumatic injuries - including bruises caused
by impact with blunt objects, early stages of sprains and strains, and bruise-like soreness
after muscular exertion (such as physically-taxing work, athletics, or childbirth). The
symptoms typically feel worse from touch and motion. Arnica is also helpful for controlling
soreness, bleeding, and tissue-bruising related to surgery and dental work.
Dental Support: This is a useful first-aid remedy for any situation involving bruising and
tissue damage. Some dentists recommend that patients take it both before and after
stressful dental work, including dental surgery. Arnica may be used as long as soreness
lasts, or followed by another remedy aimed at more specific symptoms.
Eye Strain: This remedy can bring relief to a person with a bruised, sore feeling in the eyes
after closely-focused work or from looking into the distance (sightseeing, watching movies,
etc). The person may feel a need to keep the eyes open, getting dizzy when closing them.
Pregnancy and Delivery Support: This remedy is often indicated for relief of soreness that
comes from physical exertion and muscle strain, so it is also useful for soreness after labor
and delivery, and for haemorrhoids that follow childbirth.
Surgery and Recovery Support: Because this remedy is useful for all new injuries, it can
help reduce soreness, bruising, tissue damage, and bleeding related to surgical procedures.
Arnica can be taken the night before an operation, and is also helpful for bruising, swelling,
and soreness during recovery.
Varicose Veins: When this remedy is indicated, the legs look bruised, or black and blue,
and the swollen veins are very sore to touch. The legs feel deeply sore all over and are also
worse from motion. Lying down may bring relief.
Animal lovers, make note of Arsenicum as a wonderful remedy for calming nervous, restless
animals and for horses suffering from over-exhaustion.
Belladonna: a plant Atropa Belladonna
Belladonna is a very useful remedy for fever where the patient is bright red in the face, overheated, but not sweating. They may have a throbbing headache, with a strawberry tongue
(where the tongue is red and spotted). Belladonna patients may seem to be in a very bad,
angry mood. The remedy is also very effective for bright red haemorrhage, such as a
Bryonia: a climbing plant Bryonia Alba or white bryony (wild hop)
Bryonia patients have a very dry mouth and feel much worse if they move they need to
stay very still or all their symptoms get worse. They may be so sensitive to movement that
they wince even if someone sits down on the bed they are lying in. This remedy is helpful
for headaches, pneumonia, flu and in convalescence. It is a good sciatica remedy and
surprisingly good pain killer.
Cantharis: dried beetle remains - Spanish Fly
This remedy treats inflammation and burning sensations in the genito-urinary tract and is
therefore an excellent cystitis remedy, which is also good for burns and scalds.
Chamomilla: a plant Chamomile
This is the Number One remedy for teething infants, and can also be very helpful with the
pain of earache. The child is demanding, needy, clingy, irritable and whines a lot. You can
lose sympathy for the child because it doesnt seem to know what it wants, asking for things
and then rejecting them in a bad temper, and wanting to be carried the whole time. The type
of ugly mood in a child that exhausts your patience.
Gelsemium: a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens (jasmine)
This is primarily a fantastic remedy for flu. The patient is so weak that they seem as still as
death. The skin is cold and clammy, the pulse rapid and feeble. The eyes will seem droopy.
Hypericum: a plant Hypericum Perfolatum (St Johns Wort)
This remedy has a particular affinity for the nerves so it can be very helpful after dentistry
that affected the nerve. It is also unbeatable for falls on the coccyx (tailbone).
It is especially indicated for pain that radiates or shoots from the injury. It should be used for
crushed fingers from slammed doors, puncture wounds (including bites and from medical
procedures), 1st and 2nd degree burns and tailbone injuries.
Hypericum is indicated in spinal irritation, sticking pains, tearing pain, hypersensitivity to
This remedy is also a top mental nerve remedy for depression and irritability following injury,
stress, shock.
Ignatia: the bean from a tree - St Ignatius Bean
The remedy is our most important for grief. Hysteria, feeling choked with a lump in the throat
or with a very tight jaw trying to hold back tears. It is important to give Ignatia when
someone is very sad or upset following a loss of any kind. Ignatia patients can verge on the
hysterical, alternately laughing and crying.
Ledum: a plant - Ledum Palustre (Marsh Rosemary)
This remedy has a huge sphere of use for injuries, bites from animals and puncture wounds.
It is also helpful for swollen, painful joints that feel cold to the touch but are relieved by cold
applications such as ice packs.
Mercurius Viv: a metal Mercury (quicksilver)
Used in thermometers because of its acute sensitivity to temperature, people who need this
remedy are the same constantly adjusting the heating and cooling systems because they
only feel comfortable in a very narrow temperature range. Its principal first-aid use is for
mouth ulcers and throat infections. Mercury is very good for the type of throat infection that
causes the breath to stink.
Nux Vomica: the seeds of a tree - Strychnos nux-vomica
This is the King of the Hangover Remedies! It is the major digestive remedy used by many
homoeopaths because it helps with nausea, sour burping, bloating a few hours after eating,
indigestion, heartburn, the after effects of overeating, especially rich or spicy foods. It is
enormously helpful for the nausea of pregnancy.
The Nux person is sometimes called the Type A personality. This makes Nux an important
remedy to consider with symptoms resulting from our hectic pace of life. The Nux person
lives life in the fast lane, eating junk foods, drinking endless cups of coffee to keep him going
and eating/drinking too much at business lunches.
He demands perfection from those around him, and is certainly not the easiest boss to get
along with!
Pulsatilla: a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans (Wind Flower)
So called because it trembles in the wind: the patient requiring Pulsatilla is nervous, weepy
and clingy patient who feels worse for damp and wind.
This remedy is often called for at times of hormonal imbalance such as the onset of puberty
and during the menopause. Indeed it covers many female complaints such as varicose
veins, cystitis, menstrual difficulties and the blues (the Pulsatilla patient feels better when
she receives sympathy and attention).
Pulsatilla is extremely helpful for chronic ear infections and bland yellow discharges.
A Pulsatilla child is timid at first and seems happiest hanging onto mother's skirts. Pulsatilla
types are basically gentle and can be persuaded to cooperate and change viewpoints easily.
Pulsatilla covers many childhood complaints and should be in every family home. Indications
include earache (stopped feeling), cough (gagging, bringing up yellow mucous), colds with
heavy yellow discharge.
Rhus Tox is used homeopathically for rashes, chickenpox, measles and the like. Skin
ailments like hives, chickenpox, fever blisters and poison ivy rash. There will tend to be red
spots which are very itchy with heat and swelling.
It is also invaluable for arthritis/rheumatism/joint pains, especially of the type which gets
worse in damp cold weather. Rhus Tox is called for when the patient stiffens up during a
period of immobility such as sitting in a chair or after a nights sleep. Progress is slow and
painful after rising, but the body warms up and seems to improve with moderate movement.
Rhus Tox is often the remedy in backache, body aches during flu, lumbago, rheumatism
and sprains. It can also treat bruised and sprained pains after lifting heavy loads, or overlifting with the sudden "crick" in the back, with pain worse with raising arms above the head.
Rhus Tox patients feel better with movement, warm, dry weather, rubbing the painful areas,
and changes of position. Rhus tox people are restless since change of position improves
their pain. The nickname is "Rusty Hinge" and Rhus tox is often referred to as the "Rusty
Gate Remedy". The back stiffens up after sitting still for awhile. This is also why mornings
and initial motion are so painful.
Remember Rhus Tox for the flu season! The keynotes are flu symptoms with general
aches in the muscles, joints, and bones.
Ruta: a plant - Ruta Graveolens (garden rue)
This remedy is a wonderful First Aid treatment for sprains, injuries, strains, bruised bones
and pulled ligaments and tendons. In a very high potency it can also disperse ganglia.
The keynotes are soreness in the bones, joints, tendons, and cartilage.
Sprains or fractures that aren't healing well indicate a need for Ruta Grav. Ankle sprains,
soreness in the feet, ankles, achilles tendon and lower back respond well to Ruta Grav.
This keynote of soreness around bones includes eyestrain from reading for too long or
computer work. The eyes feel hot with difficulty focusing, and may have a bruised
Silica: a mineral Silicea Terra
Silica will tend to expel splinters if there is pus underneath them. It is also useful where a
wound seems to take far too long to heal up. The Silica patient suffers from lack of grit,
physical and mental, and seems to have poor assimilation leading to defective nutrition. It
can be helpful for people who seem to have constant pus-sy, swollen fingertips whenever
there is damage to a cuticle or fingernail. Because of its ability to expel pus, it is obviously
a key remedy in the treatment of abscesses and boils. It can also be helpful for constipation
in the type of person described.