CHEM18CYB101J 1 Sem
CHEM18CYB101J 1 Sem
CHEM18CYB101J 1 Sem
b. With a neat sketch explain Pourbaix diagram for kon. B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NO\EMBER 2018
First Semester
32. a Explain in detail the conformational analysis of n-butane with potential erer5/ diagam.
(oR) (For the candidates admitted during the academic year 20lB-2019)
b. How is isomerism exhibited in transition metal compounds? Explain the types with an Note:
example each? ..(l) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be hmded
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45fr minute.
rirl.*** (ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.
4. Organic compounds which contain more than one benzene rings are terrned
(A) Arenes (B) Aryls
(C) Acyls @) Benzenes
5. The crystal field splitting enersr for ockrhedral (4) and tetrahedral (A,) complexes is
related as
(A) L,=4l9Lo (B) A, =l l2yo
(C) Ao =24, (D) Ao = 419L,
6. The number of unpaired electons in d6, low spin octahedral complex is
(A) 0 (B) I
(c) 2 (D) 3
7. The vibrational rotational spectnrm is obseried in _ region
(A) NearIR @) Microwave region
(C) Visible regron (D) Radio frequency region
8. In a rotational spectrum transitions are only observed between rotational levels of A.I =
(A) *t - (s) t2
(c) 0 @) tr
Pagc d of4 l7Nr118CrBl0lJ Page 1 of4 .IMIFUSCYB1O1J
19. The Er mechanism proceeds via formation of
is dependent upo-n the energr of the (B) Carbocation
9. The kinetic eners/ of the ejected photoelectron (A) Carbanion
tal I"* **i" @) Photons around
(D) ImPingingPhoton
(Ci PorUte Uona @) Free radical
tcj urroia following reagents'
20. Reduction of ketone to hydroxyl group takes place by one of the
10. Compute the miller indices for the intercepts * = yZ,y = /rona' - L (A) NaBII4 (B) Oz
(C) KIvInO4 @) CrOr
(A) 110 (B) 101
(c) 100 (D) 210 PART-B (5 x 4=20 Marks)
Answer ANY FM Questions
11. The smallest interplanar spacing in a ctystal which
will give ntr order Bragg's reflection is
i;;-i;r=" (B) dnr=% 2t. Discuss the radial wave functions of hydrogen atom'
potential @), standard . a Discuss in detail the schrodinger wave equation of a particle
in a box'
15. The name of the equation showing rylation between electrode 28.
potential urd concentration of ions in solution is
(A) Kohlrausch's law @) Nemst equation orbital
(C) Faraday's equation (D) Ohm's law b. what is Linear combination of atomic or6itasr Draw and explain the molecular
energi level diagram for hydrogen molecular ion and calculate the bond ordet'
[r{i ]
16. Corrosion of metals involves
(A) reactions
Electrochemical @) Chemical reactions
29. a.i. Give the salient features of crystal field theory'
(4 Marks)
b.i. Write a note on Vander Waal's interactions' Marks)
ii. Discuss in detail Bragg's law forthe diftaction of crystals with aneat sketch'
(s Marks)
(A) H&CH3 (B) CH: & CHr
(c) H& CzIIs (D) BothB & C
IMIF,T8CYB1O1J Pogc 3 of4
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